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The following tables list the International phonetic Alphabet used for Xiang Chinese (湘語). For simplicity, only one of the romanization of Xiang Chinese is given.

Initial consonants
IPA [i] Pinyin [i] Examples [ii]
ɕ sj [ɕjẽ˩ fa˩ tə꜊] 話得
f f [fa˨˦ moŋ˩ tʰjẽ˧] 夢天
k g [kəw˥ lin˩]
k [tan˩˧ kʰə˨˦ mən꜊]
l l [lin˩˧ fan˥]
m m [ma˩˧ fən˥ tsɹ̩꜊] 噴子
ɲ [iii] nj [ɲjəw˨˦ u˨˦ li꜊] 屋裏
ŋ n [paj˦˩ ŋaj˦˩]
p b [pa˧ ɲjẽ]
p [pʰje˦˩ tan˩ ti꜊] 淡的
s s [law˧ soŋ˧ ti꜊]
ʂ sh [ʂa˥ mej˩ tsɹ̩꜊] 沕子
t d [tõ˩ xə˨˦]
zj [tjaw˩ tɕin˧ tɕʰjan˧]
tɕʰ cj [pʰu˨˦ tɕʰi˦˩ kʰwən˥]
t [tʰəw˧ jəw˩˧ po˩˧] 油婆
ts z [ʂa˥ pi˩˧ tsɹ̩꜊] 射鼻
tsʰ c [tsʰaw˦˩ fan˩˧ ta꜊] 煩噠
zh [ta˦˩ tʂan˥ tsɹ̩꜊]
tʂʰ ch [tʂʰə˦˩ lõ˦˩ tan˩˧] 卵談
x h [mo˧ xoŋ˧] (不到)
ʐ r [ʐən˩˧ sən˧ mi˦˩] 參米
Final consonants
IPA [i] Pinyin
Examples [ii]
FC Rhyme
- n a n an [man˦˩ ko˧] 滿
ə n en [fan˩ mən˧ tsɹ̩꜊]
i n in [kʰoŋ˧ tin˦˩]
j a n [iv] ian [jan˩˧ mi˧ mi꜊] 咪咪
w a n [iv] uan [loŋ˥ wan˩˧ ti꜊]
w ə n [iv] uen [ta˦˩ ljẽ˥ kwən˦˩] 打練
ɥ a n [iv] yan [ɕɥan˧ tɕi˩ ʐən˩˧] 徛人
ɥ n [iv] yn [ɥn˩˧ tsɹ̩n˩] (懶得)
- ŋ j o ŋ [iv] ioq [mi˧ joŋ˩˧ ti꜊]
o ŋ oq [ta˦˩ tsoŋ˦˩ tsjẽ˥]
IPA [i] Pinyin [i] Examples [ii]
a a [fa˨˦ paw˦˩ tɕʰi˥] 發寶氣
a j [iv] ai [law˦˩ ŋaj˧ tsje꜊]
a w [iv] au [tsʰaw˦˩ poŋ˩˧]
e j [iv] ei [sei˩˧ mo˦˩ tsɹ̩꜊] 麼子
ə [v] e [tɕjaw˦˩ ə˦˩]
ə w [iv] eu [ta˦˩ jəw˧ tsʰan˧]
ә̃ el [tʂə˦˩ ʂә̃˦˩]
o o [to˩˧ təw˩ po˩˧] 肚婆
õ ol [tɕjəw˥ sõ˧ ti꜊]
i i [tjəw˧ i˨˦ moŋ˦˩ kəw˩˧] 猛格
j a [iv] ia [ta˨˦ ja˦˩ pə˨˦]
j a w [iv] iau [tʰjaw˧ təin˧]
j e [iv] ie [lje˥ ta꜊ tɕin˦˩] (噠)頸
j [iv] iel [si˦˩ maw˧ ljẽ˦˩] 洗貓
j ə w [iv] ieu [fa˨˦ ljəw˩˧ jan˩˧ moŋ˩] 陽夢
j o [iv] io [san˥ ɕjo˨˦]
ɹ̩ [iii] x [to˦˩ mo˧ tsɹ̩꜊] 躲摸
ɻ̩ [iii] x [taj˩ tʂʅ˨˦ law˦˩]
u u [u˩ tsa ˩ tsa꜊] 霧霧扎扎
w a [iv] ua [ta˦˩ tʰjaw˦˩ kʰwa˥] 打屌
w a j [iv] uai [kwaj˦˩ tʂan˩˧]
w e j [iv] uei [maw˧ tan˩˧ kwej˦˩ tʰjaw˥] 貓彈
w ə [v] ue [tsʰəw˦˩ kwə˨˦]
y y [y˦˩ kʰoŋ˥ tsɹ̩꜊] (鑽)空子
ɥ a [iv] ya [ɕɥa˥ pə˨˦ ti꜊] 白的
ɥ a j [iv] yai [ɕɥaj˦˩ paj˩˧ tsɹ̩꜊] 牌子
ɥ e [iv] ye [maw˩˧ ɥe˨˦ tsɹ̩꜊]
ɥ e j [iv] yei [ɕɥej˦˩ kwa˩ kwa˩ ti꜊] 垮垮的
ɥ [iv] yel [ɥẽ˩˧ fan˥]
IPA [i] Numeric

Examples [ii]
˧ 33 陰平 (◌1) [pan˧ tsʰjaw˥]
˩˧ 13 陽平 (◌2) [tsan˩˧ si˨˦]
˦˩ 41 上 (◌3) [to˦˩ ɕjo˨˦]
˥ 55 陰去 (◌5) [ma˨˦ sjan˥]
˩ 11 陽去 (◌6) [ta˦˩ təw˦˩]
˨˦ 24 入 (◌7) [lo˨˦ u˨˦] 落屋
0 輕 (◌0) [fej˧ lən˩ ti꜊] 飛嫩


  1. ^ a b c d e f g The vowels, consonants and tones are based on 长沙方言词典 (1998), [1] itself the basis of 长沙方言研究 (1999). [2] The romanization is based on 长沙话拼音方案Beta 5.0 (2021). [3]
  2. ^ a b c d Glosses are displayed over the dotted line (for desktop computers, hover your mouse cursor over it; for iOS mobile browsers, request desktop website on your toolbar and then click on the dotted line; for Android mobile browsers, it is unavailable). Vocabulary examples are drawn from 长沙方言词典 (1998) [1] and 长沙方言常用熟语通释 (2008). [4]
  3. ^ a b c In sinological phonetic notation, the IPA [ ɹ̩ is represented as ɿ, [ ɻ̩ is represented as ʅ, [ ɲ is represented as ȵ.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y The gliding non-syllables may be less explicitly transcribed with syllables, such that the non-syllabic [ j represented as syallbic [ i, [ w as [ u, and [ ɥ as [ y.
  5. ^ a b [ə] and [wə] are pronounced as [ ɤ and [wɤ] by some speakers. Also refer to [iv].


  1. ^ a b 鲍厚星; 崔振华; 沈若云; 伍云姬 (1998). 长沙方言词典. 江苏教育出版社.
  2. ^ 鲍厚星; 崔振华; 沈若云; 伍云姬 (1999). 长沙方言研究. 江苏教育出版社. pp. 14–21.
  3. ^ 跳跳老鼠 (2021-03-02). "长沙话拼音方案Beta 5.0". Archived from the original on 2023-10-21.
  4. ^ 袁庆 (2008). 长沙方言常用熟语通释. 湖南师范大学出版社.

See also

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from H:IPA-HSN)

The following tables list the International phonetic Alphabet used for Xiang Chinese (湘語). For simplicity, only one of the romanization of Xiang Chinese is given.

Initial consonants
IPA [i] Pinyin [i] Examples [ii]
ɕ sj [ɕjẽ˩ fa˩ tə꜊] 話得
f f [fa˨˦ moŋ˩ tʰjẽ˧] 夢天
k g [kəw˥ lin˩]
k [tan˩˧ kʰə˨˦ mən꜊]
l l [lin˩˧ fan˥]
m m [ma˩˧ fən˥ tsɹ̩꜊] 噴子
ɲ [iii] nj [ɲjəw˨˦ u˨˦ li꜊] 屋裏
ŋ n [paj˦˩ ŋaj˦˩]
p b [pa˧ ɲjẽ]
p [pʰje˦˩ tan˩ ti꜊] 淡的
s s [law˧ soŋ˧ ti꜊]
ʂ sh [ʂa˥ mej˩ tsɹ̩꜊] 沕子
t d [tõ˩ xə˨˦]
zj [tjaw˩ tɕin˧ tɕʰjan˧]
tɕʰ cj [pʰu˨˦ tɕʰi˦˩ kʰwən˥]
t [tʰəw˧ jəw˩˧ po˩˧] 油婆
ts z [ʂa˥ pi˩˧ tsɹ̩꜊] 射鼻
tsʰ c [tsʰaw˦˩ fan˩˧ ta꜊] 煩噠
zh [ta˦˩ tʂan˥ tsɹ̩꜊]
tʂʰ ch [tʂʰə˦˩ lõ˦˩ tan˩˧] 卵談
x h [mo˧ xoŋ˧] (不到)
ʐ r [ʐən˩˧ sən˧ mi˦˩] 參米
Final consonants
IPA [i] Pinyin
Examples [ii]
FC Rhyme
- n a n an [man˦˩ ko˧] 滿
ə n en [fan˩ mən˧ tsɹ̩꜊]
i n in [kʰoŋ˧ tin˦˩]
j a n [iv] ian [jan˩˧ mi˧ mi꜊] 咪咪
w a n [iv] uan [loŋ˥ wan˩˧ ti꜊]
w ə n [iv] uen [ta˦˩ ljẽ˥ kwən˦˩] 打練
ɥ a n [iv] yan [ɕɥan˧ tɕi˩ ʐən˩˧] 徛人
ɥ n [iv] yn [ɥn˩˧ tsɹ̩n˩] (懶得)
- ŋ j o ŋ [iv] ioq [mi˧ joŋ˩˧ ti꜊]
o ŋ oq [ta˦˩ tsoŋ˦˩ tsjẽ˥]
IPA [i] Pinyin [i] Examples [ii]
a a [fa˨˦ paw˦˩ tɕʰi˥] 發寶氣
a j [iv] ai [law˦˩ ŋaj˧ tsje꜊]
a w [iv] au [tsʰaw˦˩ poŋ˩˧]
e j [iv] ei [sei˩˧ mo˦˩ tsɹ̩꜊] 麼子
ə [v] e [tɕjaw˦˩ ə˦˩]
ə w [iv] eu [ta˦˩ jəw˧ tsʰan˧]
ә̃ el [tʂə˦˩ ʂә̃˦˩]
o o [to˩˧ təw˩ po˩˧] 肚婆
õ ol [tɕjəw˥ sõ˧ ti꜊]
i i [tjəw˧ i˨˦ moŋ˦˩ kəw˩˧] 猛格
j a [iv] ia [ta˨˦ ja˦˩ pə˨˦]
j a w [iv] iau [tʰjaw˧ təin˧]
j e [iv] ie [lje˥ ta꜊ tɕin˦˩] (噠)頸
j [iv] iel [si˦˩ maw˧ ljẽ˦˩] 洗貓
j ə w [iv] ieu [fa˨˦ ljəw˩˧ jan˩˧ moŋ˩] 陽夢
j o [iv] io [san˥ ɕjo˨˦]
ɹ̩ [iii] x [to˦˩ mo˧ tsɹ̩꜊] 躲摸
ɻ̩ [iii] x [taj˩ tʂʅ˨˦ law˦˩]
u u [u˩ tsa ˩ tsa꜊] 霧霧扎扎
w a [iv] ua [ta˦˩ tʰjaw˦˩ kʰwa˥] 打屌
w a j [iv] uai [kwaj˦˩ tʂan˩˧]
w e j [iv] uei [maw˧ tan˩˧ kwej˦˩ tʰjaw˥] 貓彈
w ə [v] ue [tsʰəw˦˩ kwə˨˦]
y y [y˦˩ kʰoŋ˥ tsɹ̩꜊] (鑽)空子
ɥ a [iv] ya [ɕɥa˥ pə˨˦ ti꜊] 白的
ɥ a j [iv] yai [ɕɥaj˦˩ paj˩˧ tsɹ̩꜊] 牌子
ɥ e [iv] ye [maw˩˧ ɥe˨˦ tsɹ̩꜊]
ɥ e j [iv] yei [ɕɥej˦˩ kwa˩ kwa˩ ti꜊] 垮垮的
ɥ [iv] yel [ɥẽ˩˧ fan˥]
IPA [i] Numeric

Examples [ii]
˧ 33 陰平 (◌1) [pan˧ tsʰjaw˥]
˩˧ 13 陽平 (◌2) [tsan˩˧ si˨˦]
˦˩ 41 上 (◌3) [to˦˩ ɕjo˨˦]
˥ 55 陰去 (◌5) [ma˨˦ sjan˥]
˩ 11 陽去 (◌6) [ta˦˩ təw˦˩]
˨˦ 24 入 (◌7) [lo˨˦ u˨˦] 落屋
0 輕 (◌0) [fej˧ lən˩ ti꜊] 飛嫩


  1. ^ a b c d e f g The vowels, consonants and tones are based on 长沙方言词典 (1998), [1] itself the basis of 长沙方言研究 (1999). [2] The romanization is based on 长沙话拼音方案Beta 5.0 (2021). [3]
  2. ^ a b c d Glosses are displayed over the dotted line (for desktop computers, hover your mouse cursor over it; for iOS mobile browsers, request desktop website on your toolbar and then click on the dotted line; for Android mobile browsers, it is unavailable). Vocabulary examples are drawn from 长沙方言词典 (1998) [1] and 长沙方言常用熟语通释 (2008). [4]
  3. ^ a b c In sinological phonetic notation, the IPA [ ɹ̩ is represented as ɿ, [ ɻ̩ is represented as ʅ, [ ɲ is represented as ȵ.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y The gliding non-syllables may be less explicitly transcribed with syllables, such that the non-syllabic [ j represented as syallbic [ i, [ w as [ u, and [ ɥ as [ y.
  5. ^ a b [ə] and [wə] are pronounced as [ ɤ and [wɤ] by some speakers. Also refer to [iv].


  1. ^ a b 鲍厚星; 崔振华; 沈若云; 伍云姬 (1998). 长沙方言词典. 江苏教育出版社.
  2. ^ 鲍厚星; 崔振华; 沈若云; 伍云姬 (1999). 长沙方言研究. 江苏教育出版社. pp. 14–21.
  3. ^ 跳跳老鼠 (2021-03-02). "长沙话拼音方案Beta 5.0". Archived from the original on 2023-10-21.
  4. ^ 袁庆 (2008). 长沙方言常用熟语通释. 湖南师范大学出版社.

See also


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