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m Reverted edits by ( talk) editing tests or vandalism ( HG)
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*The [[2009 Fiji floods]] are responsible for at least 16 deaths in the islands
*The [[2009 Fiji floods]] are responsible for at least 16 deaths in the islands
Hola amigoes

====New Zealand====
====New Zealand====

Revision as of 14:25, 2 December 2011

This page lists all the major floods since 1900.

By chronology

Prior to 1950

  • The Ohio River flood of 1937 occurred in late January and February 1937, causing damage along the Ohio River and several smaller tributaries from Pittsburgh, Illinois to Cairo, Illinois. This flood left close to 1 million people homeless, 385 dead, and $50,000,000 worth of damage.
  • The 1931 Huang He flood caused between 800,000 and 4,000,000 deaths in China, one of a series of disastrous floods on the Huang He river. It was one of the worst floods in history.
  • The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 was one of the most destructive floods in United States history and the impetus for many later Flood Control Acts.
  • The Hatfield Flood of San Diego, United States, of 1916 destroyed the Sweetwater and Lower Otay Dams, and caused 22 deaths and $4.5 million in damages.
  • The 1916 Clermont, Queensland flood was the worst flood in Clermont history.
  • The Great Dayton Flood of 1913 killed 360 people and destroyed 20,000 homes in the United States. It also damaged historic photographic plates belonging to Wilbur and Orville Wright. It ended canal transportation in Ohio.
  • In 1910, large areas of Paris were flooded when the River Seine burst its banks.
In 1910, the Seine River flooded large extents of the City of Paris, France, despite raised river banks; see the crue (flood) mark on this wall.




  • In 1974, the dying Cyclone Wanda triggered major flooding in Brisbane, Australia killing 6 people and leaving hundreds homeless.
  • In 2 July 1975, many areas of Romanian Cuverture Charpatinas (e.g. Buzau, Prahova County), were struck by major flooding.
  • In August 1975, the Banqiao Dam in China breaks apart under excess rainfall and damage from Typhoon Nina, drowning about 26,000 and caused the lives of another 140,000 in resulting epidemics.


  • In the winter of 1983, the Pacific Northwest of the United States saw one of the worst floods on record for that region, and some states recorded their wettest winter ever. Damage estimates are as high as $1.1 billion.
  • In 1982, the river Jucar in Spain breaks the Tous Reservoir, flooding the surrounding land in a deluge of 16,000 m3/s of water, and killing 30 people.
  • During the 1980s, the Great Salt Lake reached record high water levels due to a large amount of rain and its lack of an outlet. Places such as Saltair were inundated.
  • The South African town of Laingsburg was basically destroyed on January 25, 1981, when 104 of its 900 inhabitants died during a flood that swept threw the town and left only about 25 houses standing


  • The 1998 Yangtze River Floods left 14 million people homeless, killed hundreds, and left billions of pounds worth of damage.
  • Bangladesh was flooded in 1998, with millions of people affected and hundreds killed.
  • The Red River Flood of 1997 (also called the Red River of the North Flood of 1997 in the United States) occurred in April and May 1997 along the Red River of the North in North Dakota, Minnesota, (USA) and Manitoba (Canada). It was the most severe flooding of the river since 1826.
  • The worst flood in Polish history hits the country in July 1997, killing 65 and causing extensive damage to Wroclaw and Opole.
  • July 1996 saw severe floods in Central Honshū, Japan.
  • A dying typhoon hits Kyushu, Japan, in September 1996, causing severe floods in that region.
  • On May 8, 1995, severe floods cause extensive damage in Louisiana, USA.
  • The summer of 1993 was unusually wet for the USA, causing flooding in the southwest.
  • March 1993 the "No Name" storm, silently brought major flooding to Citrus County, FL
  • The Great Flood of 1993 was one of the most destructive floods in United States history.
  • In Alaska, USA, from May to September 1992 it was unusually wet, causing the 100 year flood. Snow melt only made the floods worse.
  • January 1992 saw severe floods in South America, most notably Brazil.



  • in June 2011 flooding in China affected more than 4.8 million people, with 100,000 evacuated and 54 reported dead.
  • 2011 Brazil floods of January are consider the worst in the country's history. As of Jan. 18, the floods have taken about 700 lives and 14,000 people are homeless mainly due to landslides.
  • The 2010-2011 Queensland floods are some of the worst the country of Australia has ever seen.
  • The November 2010 Colombia floods and associated landslides killed 138 persons. 1.3 million were left homeless.
  • In November 2010, many areas of Cornwall, UK, were struck by floods. The worst hit area was the town of Par.
  • On August 4, 2010 at 9:25 am EST a major thunderstorm producing large hail and winds in excess of 60 mph (97 km/h) advanced at the leading edge of a cold front moving across the American Midwest, causing a flash flood that struck Louisville, Kentucky and portions of the surrounding Kentuckiana region.
  • On July 26, 2010, heavy monsoon rains flooded most of Pakistan in the 2010 Pakistan floods.
  • In May 2010 until August 2010 flooding in China affected more than 230 million people - with 15.2 million people evacuated and thousands dead.
  • In May 2010, Poland's Prime Minister Donald Tusk informs the Sejm that ongoing flooding is "the worst natural disaster in the nation's history". (

By region



East Asia

Fighting the 1954 Yangtze Flood, as depicted on a monument in Wuhan
Hong Kong
  • In July 1996 a flood hit Central Honshū and 48  people died.
  • On 21 September 1996, a typhoon hit Kyushu causing flooding along the coasts as huge waves crashed onshore and flooding onshore when the typhoon dumped lots of rain on the area.
  • In 1953, the 1953 North Kyushu Flood killed 759 people and the killed and missing amounted to 1,001 in the northern area of Kyushu of Japan.
North Korea
  • North Korea saw one of its worst floods ever in May 2006.
South Korea
  • South Korea was also flooded at the same time but its floods continued through to the end of June 2006.

South Asia

  • Bangladesh has been victim of numerous floods throughout the years, the major ones being in 1954, 1955, 1970, 1985, 1988, 1998, 2007
  • In October 2009, flooding occurred across South India, it was one of the worst flood in the area in the last 100 years, killing 250 people and making 500,000 homeless.
  • The 2008 Indian floods affected most of India throughout 2008.
  • Flooding in Mumbai in July 2005 left over 700 dead. Some areas went under 5 m of water.
  • Assam has been suffering floods regularly since 1998.
  • In 2003, Sindh province was bading affected due to monsoon rains causing damages in billions.
  • In 2007, Cyclone Yemyin submerged lower part of Balochistan Province in sea water killing 380 people. Before that it killed 213 people in Karachi on its way to Balochistan.
  • In 2009, Karachi was flooded. (see 2009 Karachi floods)
  • In 2010, from Mid-July till Mid-August - Pakistan's four provinces (Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Southern Punjab and Sindh) were badly affected during the monsoon rains when dams, rivers and lakes overflowed, killing at least 1,750 people, injuring 2,500 and affecting 23 million people. The flood is considered the worst in Pakistan's history, affecting people of all four provinces and Azad Jamu and Kashmir Region of Pakistan. [3] (see 2010 Pakistan floods)

South-east Asia

  • Jakarta suffered floods that killed 80 people in January 2007. [4]
  • Floods in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sumatra in December 2006 and January 2007 were considered to be the worst in the area for 100 years, resulting in evacuation of over 100,000 people in the worst-hit state of Johor at its peak. Jakarta in Indonesia and some other isolated parts of Indonesia were also flooded at the same time.


Western Europe

  • One of France's worst floods of the 20th century occurred in 1910. The end of 1909 and early 1910 saw a period of heavy rain and snow fall over a period of 3 months. The level of the Seine began to rise rapidly from January 18 to 20, rising to a maximum of 8.62 meters above normal on the 28th. Some 4 billion cubic meters of river water, contaminated with river sediment and municipal sewage, flooded over 5 square kilometers of Paris. There were over 150,000 casualties and over 20,000 buildings flooded. [5]
  • 3 November 1844, the Arno flooded Florence and the Mugello.
  • 22 October 1951, numerous casualties due to floods in the neighbourhoods of Benevento.
  • 14 November 1951, the Po delta was hit by floods; 84 casualties, 180,000 people lost their homes.
  • 9 October 1963, Vajont disaster (a landslide falling into an artificial lake, triggering a seiche wave and a megatsunami); 1.917 people killed and many towns in the Piave valley obliterated.
  • 4 November 1966, the flood of the Arno River killed 34 people and damaged or destroyed millions of masterpieces of art and rare books in Florence.
  • 18 July 1985, Val di Stava disaster; an artificial reservoir breached the dam, killing 286 people.
  • Summer 1987, heavy precipitation caused the Valtellina disaster, killing 53 people and inflicting serious damage to infrastructures, landscape, towns and economy.
  • 6 November 1994, southern part of Piedmont hit by floods from Po and Tanaro; 70 casualties, 2.226 people lost their homes.
  • 19 June 1996, Versilia and Garfagnana in Tuscany hit by flash floods; 14 casualties.
  • 5 May 1998, Sarno in Campania hit by a flash flood that triggered a mudslide; 160 casualties.
  • 9 September 2000, a camping place near Soverato, Calabria wiped by a flash flood; 12 casualties, 1 missing person.
  • 13 to 16 September 2001, floods in most of the Po basin; 23 casualties, 11 missing people, 40.000 evacuees.
  • In 1982 the river Jucar ( Valencia, Spain) broke the Tous Reservoir causing a flood that killed 30 people.
  • In February 2010, severe floods and mudslides hit the Portuguese island of Madeira, killing at least 50.

Eastern Europe

  • Turkey had its worst ever flood in April 2008.

North America


  • In May 1950 the Red River, also known as Red River of the North, reached its highest level since 1861 and flooded most of the Red River Valley. Winnipeg, Manitoba was inundated on May 5, also known as Black Friday to some residents, and had to be partially evacuated.
  • On October 15, 1954, Hurricane Hazel struck Toronto in Canada killing 81 people, destroying 20 bridges, and leaving over 2000 people homeless.
  • One of Canada's most devastating floods occurred in southern Alberta in June 2005. The flooding affected many major metropolitan areas including Calgary. 4 deaths resulted from the three-week flood.

United States



  • 2010/2011 Considerable flooding in much of the state of Queensland results in significant damage, evacuations and loss of at least 10 lives during the December and January periods.
  • The 2007 Hunter Floods inundated large areas of the cities of Maitland and Newcastle, in June 2007 claimed 11 lives and forced the evacuation of 4,000 people in Central Maitland alone.
  • Floods hit Victoria in 1998 causing considerable damage and flooding in the capital of Australia, Canberra.
On the left is a photo taken during the 1998 floods in Swifts Creek in Australia. On the right is the same location 8 years later


Hola amigoes

New Zealand

  • The 1858 Hutt River flood kills 14
  • The 1878 of the Clutha River
  • 1897 flooding at Clive in Hawke's Bay kills 12
  • Severe flooding badly affected the city of Dunedin in 1929
  • In 1938 a flash-flood at a railway workers' camp at Kopuawhara kills 21
  • The 1978 of the Clutha River, known as the "Hundred years flood" hits one day before the 100th anniversary of the great flood of 1878
  • The 1984 Southland flood
  • In 1988, extensive flooding is caused in several parts of the North Island by Cyclone Bola
  • The 2004 Manawatu flood inundated the town of Feilding

South America

  • 2011 Brazil floods of January are consider the worst in the country's history. As of Jan. 18, the floods have taken about 700 lives and 14,000 people are homeless mainly due to landslides.
  • In January 1992 Brazil saw severe floods. Rio de Janeiro had its worst ever flood that killed over 250 people in April 2010.
  • The Great Chilean Earthquake was followed by a tsunami that flooded the settlements of Riñihue, Los Lagos, Antilhue, Pishuinco and Valdivia

See also


  1. ^ Canada
  2. ^ a b "Cumbria: Year in review 2005". BBC News. 2005-12-31.
  3. ^
  4. ^ Media Indonesia Online
  5. ^ Olivier's Site - L'inondation de Paris - Flood in Paris 1910
  6. ^ "Flood A 1000-Year Event". Knoxville News Sentinel. Retrieved 2010-05-06.
  7. ^ "Weekend Rainfall Totals". National Weather Service. Retrieved 2010-05-03.
  8. ^ Floods in the Guadalupe and San Antonio River Basins in Texas
  9. ^
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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m Reverted edits by ( talk) editing tests or vandalism ( HG)
Line 234: Line 234:
*The [[2009 Fiji floods]] are responsible for at least 16 deaths in the islands
*The [[2009 Fiji floods]] are responsible for at least 16 deaths in the islands
Hola amigoes

====New Zealand====
====New Zealand====

Revision as of 14:25, 2 December 2011

This page lists all the major floods since 1900.

By chronology

Prior to 1950

  • The Ohio River flood of 1937 occurred in late January and February 1937, causing damage along the Ohio River and several smaller tributaries from Pittsburgh, Illinois to Cairo, Illinois. This flood left close to 1 million people homeless, 385 dead, and $50,000,000 worth of damage.
  • The 1931 Huang He flood caused between 800,000 and 4,000,000 deaths in China, one of a series of disastrous floods on the Huang He river. It was one of the worst floods in history.
  • The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 was one of the most destructive floods in United States history and the impetus for many later Flood Control Acts.
  • The Hatfield Flood of San Diego, United States, of 1916 destroyed the Sweetwater and Lower Otay Dams, and caused 22 deaths and $4.5 million in damages.
  • The 1916 Clermont, Queensland flood was the worst flood in Clermont history.
  • The Great Dayton Flood of 1913 killed 360 people and destroyed 20,000 homes in the United States. It also damaged historic photographic plates belonging to Wilbur and Orville Wright. It ended canal transportation in Ohio.
  • In 1910, large areas of Paris were flooded when the River Seine burst its banks.
In 1910, the Seine River flooded large extents of the City of Paris, France, despite raised river banks; see the crue (flood) mark on this wall.




  • In 1974, the dying Cyclone Wanda triggered major flooding in Brisbane, Australia killing 6 people and leaving hundreds homeless.
  • In 2 July 1975, many areas of Romanian Cuverture Charpatinas (e.g. Buzau, Prahova County), were struck by major flooding.
  • In August 1975, the Banqiao Dam in China breaks apart under excess rainfall and damage from Typhoon Nina, drowning about 26,000 and caused the lives of another 140,000 in resulting epidemics.


  • In the winter of 1983, the Pacific Northwest of the United States saw one of the worst floods on record for that region, and some states recorded their wettest winter ever. Damage estimates are as high as $1.1 billion.
  • In 1982, the river Jucar in Spain breaks the Tous Reservoir, flooding the surrounding land in a deluge of 16,000 m3/s of water, and killing 30 people.
  • During the 1980s, the Great Salt Lake reached record high water levels due to a large amount of rain and its lack of an outlet. Places such as Saltair were inundated.
  • The South African town of Laingsburg was basically destroyed on January 25, 1981, when 104 of its 900 inhabitants died during a flood that swept threw the town and left only about 25 houses standing


  • The 1998 Yangtze River Floods left 14 million people homeless, killed hundreds, and left billions of pounds worth of damage.
  • Bangladesh was flooded in 1998, with millions of people affected and hundreds killed.
  • The Red River Flood of 1997 (also called the Red River of the North Flood of 1997 in the United States) occurred in April and May 1997 along the Red River of the North in North Dakota, Minnesota, (USA) and Manitoba (Canada). It was the most severe flooding of the river since 1826.
  • The worst flood in Polish history hits the country in July 1997, killing 65 and causing extensive damage to Wroclaw and Opole.
  • July 1996 saw severe floods in Central Honshū, Japan.
  • A dying typhoon hits Kyushu, Japan, in September 1996, causing severe floods in that region.
  • On May 8, 1995, severe floods cause extensive damage in Louisiana, USA.
  • The summer of 1993 was unusually wet for the USA, causing flooding in the southwest.
  • March 1993 the "No Name" storm, silently brought major flooding to Citrus County, FL
  • The Great Flood of 1993 was one of the most destructive floods in United States history.
  • In Alaska, USA, from May to September 1992 it was unusually wet, causing the 100 year flood. Snow melt only made the floods worse.
  • January 1992 saw severe floods in South America, most notably Brazil.



  • in June 2011 flooding in China affected more than 4.8 million people, with 100,000 evacuated and 54 reported dead.
  • 2011 Brazil floods of January are consider the worst in the country's history. As of Jan. 18, the floods have taken about 700 lives and 14,000 people are homeless mainly due to landslides.
  • The 2010-2011 Queensland floods are some of the worst the country of Australia has ever seen.
  • The November 2010 Colombia floods and associated landslides killed 138 persons. 1.3 million were left homeless.
  • In November 2010, many areas of Cornwall, UK, were struck by floods. The worst hit area was the town of Par.
  • On August 4, 2010 at 9:25 am EST a major thunderstorm producing large hail and winds in excess of 60 mph (97 km/h) advanced at the leading edge of a cold front moving across the American Midwest, causing a flash flood that struck Louisville, Kentucky and portions of the surrounding Kentuckiana region.
  • On July 26, 2010, heavy monsoon rains flooded most of Pakistan in the 2010 Pakistan floods.
  • In May 2010 until August 2010 flooding in China affected more than 230 million people - with 15.2 million people evacuated and thousands dead.
  • In May 2010, Poland's Prime Minister Donald Tusk informs the Sejm that ongoing flooding is "the worst natural disaster in the nation's history". (

By region



East Asia

Fighting the 1954 Yangtze Flood, as depicted on a monument in Wuhan
Hong Kong
  • In July 1996 a flood hit Central Honshū and 48  people died.
  • On 21 September 1996, a typhoon hit Kyushu causing flooding along the coasts as huge waves crashed onshore and flooding onshore when the typhoon dumped lots of rain on the area.
  • In 1953, the 1953 North Kyushu Flood killed 759 people and the killed and missing amounted to 1,001 in the northern area of Kyushu of Japan.
North Korea
  • North Korea saw one of its worst floods ever in May 2006.
South Korea
  • South Korea was also flooded at the same time but its floods continued through to the end of June 2006.

South Asia

  • Bangladesh has been victim of numerous floods throughout the years, the major ones being in 1954, 1955, 1970, 1985, 1988, 1998, 2007
  • In October 2009, flooding occurred across South India, it was one of the worst flood in the area in the last 100 years, killing 250 people and making 500,000 homeless.
  • The 2008 Indian floods affected most of India throughout 2008.
  • Flooding in Mumbai in July 2005 left over 700 dead. Some areas went under 5 m of water.
  • Assam has been suffering floods regularly since 1998.
  • In 2003, Sindh province was bading affected due to monsoon rains causing damages in billions.
  • In 2007, Cyclone Yemyin submerged lower part of Balochistan Province in sea water killing 380 people. Before that it killed 213 people in Karachi on its way to Balochistan.
  • In 2009, Karachi was flooded. (see 2009 Karachi floods)
  • In 2010, from Mid-July till Mid-August - Pakistan's four provinces (Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Southern Punjab and Sindh) were badly affected during the monsoon rains when dams, rivers and lakes overflowed, killing at least 1,750 people, injuring 2,500 and affecting 23 million people. The flood is considered the worst in Pakistan's history, affecting people of all four provinces and Azad Jamu and Kashmir Region of Pakistan. [3] (see 2010 Pakistan floods)

South-east Asia

  • Jakarta suffered floods that killed 80 people in January 2007. [4]
  • Floods in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sumatra in December 2006 and January 2007 were considered to be the worst in the area for 100 years, resulting in evacuation of over 100,000 people in the worst-hit state of Johor at its peak. Jakarta in Indonesia and some other isolated parts of Indonesia were also flooded at the same time.


Western Europe

  • One of France's worst floods of the 20th century occurred in 1910. The end of 1909 and early 1910 saw a period of heavy rain and snow fall over a period of 3 months. The level of the Seine began to rise rapidly from January 18 to 20, rising to a maximum of 8.62 meters above normal on the 28th. Some 4 billion cubic meters of river water, contaminated with river sediment and municipal sewage, flooded over 5 square kilometers of Paris. There were over 150,000 casualties and over 20,000 buildings flooded. [5]
  • 3 November 1844, the Arno flooded Florence and the Mugello.
  • 22 October 1951, numerous casualties due to floods in the neighbourhoods of Benevento.
  • 14 November 1951, the Po delta was hit by floods; 84 casualties, 180,000 people lost their homes.
  • 9 October 1963, Vajont disaster (a landslide falling into an artificial lake, triggering a seiche wave and a megatsunami); 1.917 people killed and many towns in the Piave valley obliterated.
  • 4 November 1966, the flood of the Arno River killed 34 people and damaged or destroyed millions of masterpieces of art and rare books in Florence.
  • 18 July 1985, Val di Stava disaster; an artificial reservoir breached the dam, killing 286 people.
  • Summer 1987, heavy precipitation caused the Valtellina disaster, killing 53 people and inflicting serious damage to infrastructures, landscape, towns and economy.
  • 6 November 1994, southern part of Piedmont hit by floods from Po and Tanaro; 70 casualties, 2.226 people lost their homes.
  • 19 June 1996, Versilia and Garfagnana in Tuscany hit by flash floods; 14 casualties.
  • 5 May 1998, Sarno in Campania hit by a flash flood that triggered a mudslide; 160 casualties.
  • 9 September 2000, a camping place near Soverato, Calabria wiped by a flash flood; 12 casualties, 1 missing person.
  • 13 to 16 September 2001, floods in most of the Po basin; 23 casualties, 11 missing people, 40.000 evacuees.
  • In 1982 the river Jucar ( Valencia, Spain) broke the Tous Reservoir causing a flood that killed 30 people.
  • In February 2010, severe floods and mudslides hit the Portuguese island of Madeira, killing at least 50.

Eastern Europe

  • Turkey had its worst ever flood in April 2008.

North America


  • In May 1950 the Red River, also known as Red River of the North, reached its highest level since 1861 and flooded most of the Red River Valley. Winnipeg, Manitoba was inundated on May 5, also known as Black Friday to some residents, and had to be partially evacuated.
  • On October 15, 1954, Hurricane Hazel struck Toronto in Canada killing 81 people, destroying 20 bridges, and leaving over 2000 people homeless.
  • One of Canada's most devastating floods occurred in southern Alberta in June 2005. The flooding affected many major metropolitan areas including Calgary. 4 deaths resulted from the three-week flood.

United States



  • 2010/2011 Considerable flooding in much of the state of Queensland results in significant damage, evacuations and loss of at least 10 lives during the December and January periods.
  • The 2007 Hunter Floods inundated large areas of the cities of Maitland and Newcastle, in June 2007 claimed 11 lives and forced the evacuation of 4,000 people in Central Maitland alone.
  • Floods hit Victoria in 1998 causing considerable damage and flooding in the capital of Australia, Canberra.
On the left is a photo taken during the 1998 floods in Swifts Creek in Australia. On the right is the same location 8 years later


Hola amigoes

New Zealand

  • The 1858 Hutt River flood kills 14
  • The 1878 of the Clutha River
  • 1897 flooding at Clive in Hawke's Bay kills 12
  • Severe flooding badly affected the city of Dunedin in 1929
  • In 1938 a flash-flood at a railway workers' camp at Kopuawhara kills 21
  • The 1978 of the Clutha River, known as the "Hundred years flood" hits one day before the 100th anniversary of the great flood of 1878
  • The 1984 Southland flood
  • In 1988, extensive flooding is caused in several parts of the North Island by Cyclone Bola
  • The 2004 Manawatu flood inundated the town of Feilding

South America

  • 2011 Brazil floods of January are consider the worst in the country's history. As of Jan. 18, the floods have taken about 700 lives and 14,000 people are homeless mainly due to landslides.
  • In January 1992 Brazil saw severe floods. Rio de Janeiro had its worst ever flood that killed over 250 people in April 2010.
  • The Great Chilean Earthquake was followed by a tsunami that flooded the settlements of Riñihue, Los Lagos, Antilhue, Pishuinco and Valdivia

See also


  1. ^ Canada
  2. ^ a b "Cumbria: Year in review 2005". BBC News. 2005-12-31.
  3. ^
  4. ^ Media Indonesia Online
  5. ^ Olivier's Site - L'inondation de Paris - Flood in Paris 1910
  6. ^ "Flood A 1000-Year Event". Knoxville News Sentinel. Retrieved 2010-05-06.
  7. ^ "Weekend Rainfall Totals". National Weather Service. Retrieved 2010-05-03.
  8. ^ Floods in the Guadalupe and San Antonio River Basins in Texas
  9. ^


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