From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.

// <nowiki>

class NPPLinks {

	/** add NPP, Earwig, WP:BEFORE, CSE, Wikipedia duplicate page links to left menu */

	execute() {



		this._setURIVariables( this.pageName, this.namespace );

		// this._debugURIVariables();




		// this._debugForeignCharacterDetection();




	// TODO: convert to mw.util.addPortlet()

	_insertHTML() {

		const menuTitle = 'New page patrol';

		let html = '';

		const skin = mw.config.get( 'skin' );

		switch ( skin ) {

			case 'minerva':

				// TODO: insert into the "More" menu, rather than the hamburger

				html = `

					<ul id="p-npp-links">

						${ this.links }


				html = html.replace( /<li>/g, '<li class="menu__item--preferences">' );

				html = html.replace( /(<a[^>]*>)/g, '$1<span class="mw-ui-icon"></span><span>' );

				html = html.replace( /<\/a>/g, '<span></a>' );

				$( '#p-navigation' ).after( html );


			case 'monobook':

				html = `

					<div role="navigation" class="portlet mw-portlet mw-portlet-npp-links" id="p-npp-links" aria-labelledby="p-npp-links-label">

						<h3 id="p-npp-links-label">

							${ menuTitle }


						<div class="pBody">


								${ this.links }





				$( '#p-navigation' ).after( html );


			case 'modern':

				html = `

					<div class="portlet mw-portlet mw-portlet-npp-links" d="p-npp-links" role="navigation">

						<h3 id="p-npp-links-label" lang="en" dir="ltr">

							${ menuTitle }


						<div class="mw-portlet-body">

							<ul lang="en" dir="ltr">

								${ this.links }





				$( '#p-navigation' ).after( html );


			case 'timeless':

				html = `

					<div role="navigation" class="mw-portlet" id="p-npp-links" aria-labelledby="p-npp-links-label">

						<h3 id="p-npp-links-label" lang="en" dir="ltr">

							${ menuTitle }


						<div class="mw-portlet-body">

							<ul lang="en" dir="ltr">

								${ this.links }





				$( '#p-navigation' ).after( html );


			case 'vector-2022':

				html = `

					<nav id="p-npp-links" class="vector-main-menu-group vector-menu mw-portlet mw-portlet-interaction">

						<div class="vector-menu-heading">

							<span class="vector-menu-heading-label">

								${ menuTitle }



						<div class="vector-menu-content">

							<ul class="vector-menu-content-list">

								${ this.links }





				$( '#p-navigation' ).after( html );


			case 'vector':


				html = `

					<nav id="p-npp-links" class="mw-portlet mw-portlet-npp-links vector-menu vector-menu-portal portal" aria-labelledby="p-npp-links-label" role="npp-links">

						<h3 id="p-npp-links-label" class="vector-menu-heading">

							${ menuTitle }


						<div class="vector-menu-content">

							<ul class="vector-menu-content-list">

								${ this.links }





				$( '#p-navigation' ).after( html );




	_generateLinks() {

		// always display a link to Special:NewPagesFeed

		this.links += '<li><a href="/wiki/Special:NewPagesFeed">New pages feed</a></li>';

		// if on a page where NPPLinks should run (mainspace), display all the links, so the person can do WP:BEFORE

		if ( !this.lessLinks ) {

			this.links += `

				<li><a href="${ this.copyvioURL }" ${ this.sameTab }>Copyvio check</a></li>

				<li><a href="${ this.wikipediaDuplicateCheckURL }" ${ this.sameTab }>Duplicate article check</a></li>

				<li><a href="" ${ this.sameTab }>AI/LLM check</a></li>

				<li><a href="${ this.webSearchURL }" ${ this.sameTab }>WP:BEFORE web</a></li>

				<li><a href="${ this.newsSearchURL }" ${ this.sameTab }>WP:BEFORE news</a></li>

				<li><a href="${ this.oldNewsSearchURL }" ${ this.sameTab }>WP:BEFORE news archive</a></li>

				<li><a href="${ this.bookSearchURL }" ${ this.sameTab }>WP:BEFORE books</a></li>

				<li><a href="${ this.journalSearchURL }" ${ this.sameTab }>WP:BEFORE scholar</a></li>

				${ this.messages }

				<li><a href="${ this.profileSearchURL }" ${ this.sameTab }>Professor (Google)</a></li>

				<li><a href="${ this.profileSearchURL2 }" ${ this.sameTab }>Professor (Scopus)</a></li>

				<li><a href="${ this.cseSearchURL }" ${ this.sameTab }>Reliable sources search</a></li>

				<li><a href="${ this.newsInTitleSearchURL }" ${ this.sameTab }>News (name in title)</a></li>

				<li><a href="${ this.wikidataSearchURL }" ${ this.sameTab }>Wikidata</a></li>

				<li><a href="${ this.catalogueOfLifeSearchURL }" ${ this.sameTab }>Species search</a></li>


			// TODO: purge page, so orphan count is correct

			// TODO: display message if orphan

			// TODO: display message if no categories



	_checkForForeignCharacters() {

		// WP:BEFORE foreign script search

		this.articleBody = $( '#mw-content-text' ).html();

		this.articleBody = this.articleBody.replace( /(<([^>]+)>)/gi, '' ); // remove HTML tags

		this.articleBody = this.articleBody.trim().split( 'Contents' )[ 0 ]; // lead only. trim everything after the word "Contents" (table of contents)

		const regEx = new RegExp( `^[${ this.listOfNonForeignCharacters }]*$`, '' );

		const ansiOnly = regEx.test( this.articleBody ); // the ones at the end are vietnamese

		if ( !ansiOnly ) {

			// Use an <a> tag with CSS to turn off the hyperlink. This is so that Minerva skin works correctly. Minerva always expects an <a> tag.

			this.messages += '<li><a style="pointer-events: none; cursor: default; color:black;">WP:BEFORE search for foreign name</a></li>\n';



	_checkForArticlesInOtherLanguages() {

		// WP:BEFORE wikis in other languages

		if ( $( '#p-lang li' ).length ) {

			// Use an <a> tag with CSS to turn off the hyperlink. This is so that Minerva skin works correctly. Minerva always expects an <a> tag.

			this.messages += '<li><a style="pointer-events: none; cursor: default; color:black;">WP:BEFORE check foreign wikis</a></li>\n';



	_setURLVariables() {

		this.copyvioURL = `${ this.underscores }`;

		this.webSearchURL = `${ this.quotedNoUnderscores }`;

		this.bookSearchURL = `${ this.quotedNoUnderscores }&tbm=bks`;

		this.newsSearchURL = `${ this.quotedNoUnderscores }&tbm=nws`;

		this.newsInTitleSearchURL = `${ this.quotedNoUnderscores }&tbm=nws`;

		this.oldNewsSearchURL = `${ this.quotedNoUnderscores }`;

		this.journalSearchURL = `${ this.quotedNoUnderscores }`;

		this.profileSearchURL = `${ this.noUnderscoresNoParentheses }%20%22h-index%22`;

		this.profileSearchURL2 = `${ this.lastName }&st2=${ this.firstName }`;

		this.cseSearchURL = `${ this.quotedNoUnderscores }`;

		this.wikipediaDuplicateCheckURL = `${ this.noUnderscores }&title=Special:Search&profile=advanced&fulltext=1&advancedSearch-current=%7B%7D&ns0=1`;

		this.wikidataSearchURL = `${ this.quotedNoParentheses }&title=Special%3ASearch&go=Go&ns0=1&ns120=1`;

		this.catalogueOfLifeSearchURL = `${ this.noUnderscores }&sortBy=taxonomic`;


	_setVariables() {

		// This is a preference the user can set in their common.js

		// @ts-ignore

		this.sameTab = window.NPPLinksSameTab ? '' : 'target="_blank"';

		// Here's some commonly used variables

		this.namespace = mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' );

		this.pageName = mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ); // has underscores instead of spaces. has namespace prefix

		this.listOfNonForeignCharacters = '\u0000-\u036f\ua792\u200b\u2009\u2061\u200e–—−▶◀•←†↓√≠≈→⋯’\u0020-\u002F\u0030-\u0039\u003A-\u0040\u0041-\u005A\u005B-\u0060\u0061-\u007A\u007B-\u007E\u00C0-\u00C3\u00C8-\u00CA\u00CC-\u00CD\u00D0\u00D2-\u00D5\u00D9-\u00DA\u00DD\u00E0-\u00E3\u00E8-\u00EA\u00EC-\u00ED\u00F2-\u00F5\u00F9-\u00FA\u00FD\u0102-\u0103\u0110-\u0111\u0128-\u0129\u0168-\u0169\u01A0-\u01B0\u1EA0-\u1EF9\u02C6-\u0323';

		this.messages = '';

		this.links = '';


	/** Prints to console a list of foreign characters detected. Any characters in this list that aren't foreign characters, such as unicode whitespace characters or unicode symbols that aren't language-related, are bugs. The fix is to add them to the RegEx as an exception. */

	_debugForeignCharacterDetection() {

		console.log( this.articleBody );

		const regEx = new RegExp( `[^${ this.listOfNonForeignCharacters }]`, 'g' );

		const matches = this.articleBody.match( regEx );

		if ( matches ) {

			for ( const match of matches ) {

				console.log( match );

				console.log( match.charCodeAt( 0 ) );




	_decideIfWeShouldUseLessLinks() {

		// only include most links for action = view and namespace = main, draft

		const action = mw.config.get( 'wgAction' );

		const desiredNamespace =  0, 118 ].includes( this.namespace );

		this.lessLinks = false;

		if ( action !== 'view' || !desiredNamespace ) {

			this.lessLinks = true;


		const isAFD = this.pageName.startsWith( 'Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/' );

		if ( isAFD ) {

			this.lessLinks = false;

			this.pageName = this.pageName.replace( 'Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/', '' );



	_debugURIVariables() {

		console.log( this.underscores );

		console.log( this.pageNameNoNamespace );

		console.log( this.quotedName );

		console.log( this.quotedNoParentheses );

		console.log( this.quotedNoUnderscores );

		console.log( this.noUnderscores );

		console.log( this.quotedNoUnderscoresNoParentheses );

		console.log( this.noUnderscoresNoParentheses );


	/** pageName has namespace, undescores, no quotes, parentheses */








	) {

		let output = wgPageName;

		// The order of all of these is important, because of RegEx patterns.

		if ( !keepNamespace && wgNamespaceNumber !== 0 ) {

			output = output.replace( /^.+?:/, '' );


		if ( !keepDisambiguator ) {

			const matches = output.match( /^(.*)_\((.+?)\)$/ );

			if ( typeof matches !== 'undefined' && matches && matches 1  ) {

				output = matches 1 ];



		if ( wrapInDoubleQuotes ) {

			// If there's parentheses on the right, put the parentheses on the outside of the quotes, and remove the ( ) characters, but not their inner text

			const matches = output.match( /^(.*)_\((.+?)\)$/ );

			// if parentheses on the right

			if ( typeof matches !== 'undefined' && matches && matches 2  ) {

				output = '"' + matches 1  + '"_' + matches 2 ];

			} else {

				output = '"' + output + '"';



		if ( !keepUnderscores ) {

			output = output.replace( /_/g, ' ' );


		output = encodeURIComponent( output );

		return output;


	_setURIVariables( pageName, namespace ) {

		// Draft:Andrew_Hill_(pharmacologist)

		this.underscores = this._buildURIComponent( pageName, namespace, true, true, false, true );

		// Andrew_Hill_(pharmacologist)

		this.pageNameNoNamespace = this._buildURIComponent( pageName, namespace, false, true, false, true );

		// "Andrew_Hill"_pharmacologist

		this.quotedName = this._buildURIComponent( pageName, namespace, false, true, true, true );

		// "Andrew_Hill"

		this.quotedNoParentheses = this._buildURIComponent( pageName, namespace, false, true, true, false );

		// "Andrew Hill" pharmacologist

		this.quotedNoUnderscores = this._buildURIComponent( pageName, namespace, false, false, true, true );

		// Andrew Hill (pharmacologist)

		this.noUnderscores = this._buildURIComponent( pageName, namespace, false, false, false, true );

		// "Andrew Hill"

		this.quotedNoUnderscoresNoParentheses = this._buildURIComponent( pageName, namespace, false, false, true, false );

		// Andrew Hill

		this.noUnderscoresNoParentheses = this._buildURIComponent( pageName, namespace, false, false, false, false );

		// Andrew

		this.firstName = this._getFirstName( pageName );

		// Hill

		this.lastName = this._getLastName( pageName );


	_getLastName( pageName ) {

		// TODO: this can probably be refactored to use this._buildURIComponent() to delete the underscores and disambiguators, then do the regex

		// underscores to spaces

		pageName = pageName.replace( '_', ' ' );

		// delete disambiguators, e.g. Andrew Hill (pharmacologist) -> Andrew Hill

		pageName = pageName.replace( / \([^)]+\)$/, '' );

		// RegEx test cases:

		const match = pageName.match( /\s?(\S+)$/ );

		if ( match && match 1  ) {

			// spaces, not underscores

			return encodeURIComponent( match 1  );


		return '';


	_getFirstName( pageName ) {

		// TODO: this can probably be refactored to use this._buildURIComponent() to delete the underscores and disambiguators, then do the regex

		// underscores to spaces

		pageName = pageName.replace( '_', ' ' );

		// delete disambiguators, e.g. Andrew Hill (pharmacologist) -> Andrew Hill

		pageName = pageName.replace( / \([^)]+\)$/, '' );

		// RegEx test cases:

		const match = pageName.match( /^(.*)\s\S+$/ );

		if ( match && match 1  ) {

			// spaces, not underscores

			return encodeURIComponent( match 1  );


		return '';



$( function () {

	( new NPPLinks() ).execute();

} );

// </nowiki>
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.

// <nowiki>

class NPPLinks {

	/** add NPP, Earwig, WP:BEFORE, CSE, Wikipedia duplicate page links to left menu */

	execute() {



		this._setURIVariables( this.pageName, this.namespace );

		// this._debugURIVariables();




		// this._debugForeignCharacterDetection();




	// TODO: convert to mw.util.addPortlet()

	_insertHTML() {

		const menuTitle = 'New page patrol';

		let html = '';

		const skin = mw.config.get( 'skin' );

		switch ( skin ) {

			case 'minerva':

				// TODO: insert into the "More" menu, rather than the hamburger

				html = `

					<ul id="p-npp-links">

						${ this.links }


				html = html.replace( /<li>/g, '<li class="menu__item--preferences">' );

				html = html.replace( /(<a[^>]*>)/g, '$1<span class="mw-ui-icon"></span><span>' );

				html = html.replace( /<\/a>/g, '<span></a>' );

				$( '#p-navigation' ).after( html );


			case 'monobook':

				html = `

					<div role="navigation" class="portlet mw-portlet mw-portlet-npp-links" id="p-npp-links" aria-labelledby="p-npp-links-label">

						<h3 id="p-npp-links-label">

							${ menuTitle }


						<div class="pBody">


								${ this.links }





				$( '#p-navigation' ).after( html );


			case 'modern':

				html = `

					<div class="portlet mw-portlet mw-portlet-npp-links" d="p-npp-links" role="navigation">

						<h3 id="p-npp-links-label" lang="en" dir="ltr">

							${ menuTitle }


						<div class="mw-portlet-body">

							<ul lang="en" dir="ltr">

								${ this.links }





				$( '#p-navigation' ).after( html );


			case 'timeless':

				html = `

					<div role="navigation" class="mw-portlet" id="p-npp-links" aria-labelledby="p-npp-links-label">

						<h3 id="p-npp-links-label" lang="en" dir="ltr">

							${ menuTitle }


						<div class="mw-portlet-body">

							<ul lang="en" dir="ltr">

								${ this.links }





				$( '#p-navigation' ).after( html );


			case 'vector-2022':

				html = `

					<nav id="p-npp-links" class="vector-main-menu-group vector-menu mw-portlet mw-portlet-interaction">

						<div class="vector-menu-heading">

							<span class="vector-menu-heading-label">

								${ menuTitle }



						<div class="vector-menu-content">

							<ul class="vector-menu-content-list">

								${ this.links }





				$( '#p-navigation' ).after( html );


			case 'vector':


				html = `

					<nav id="p-npp-links" class="mw-portlet mw-portlet-npp-links vector-menu vector-menu-portal portal" aria-labelledby="p-npp-links-label" role="npp-links">

						<h3 id="p-npp-links-label" class="vector-menu-heading">

							${ menuTitle }


						<div class="vector-menu-content">

							<ul class="vector-menu-content-list">

								${ this.links }





				$( '#p-navigation' ).after( html );




	_generateLinks() {

		// always display a link to Special:NewPagesFeed

		this.links += '<li><a href="/wiki/Special:NewPagesFeed">New pages feed</a></li>';

		// if on a page where NPPLinks should run (mainspace), display all the links, so the person can do WP:BEFORE

		if ( !this.lessLinks ) {

			this.links += `

				<li><a href="${ this.copyvioURL }" ${ this.sameTab }>Copyvio check</a></li>

				<li><a href="${ this.wikipediaDuplicateCheckURL }" ${ this.sameTab }>Duplicate article check</a></li>

				<li><a href="" ${ this.sameTab }>AI/LLM check</a></li>

				<li><a href="${ this.webSearchURL }" ${ this.sameTab }>WP:BEFORE web</a></li>

				<li><a href="${ this.newsSearchURL }" ${ this.sameTab }>WP:BEFORE news</a></li>

				<li><a href="${ this.oldNewsSearchURL }" ${ this.sameTab }>WP:BEFORE news archive</a></li>

				<li><a href="${ this.bookSearchURL }" ${ this.sameTab }>WP:BEFORE books</a></li>

				<li><a href="${ this.journalSearchURL }" ${ this.sameTab }>WP:BEFORE scholar</a></li>

				${ this.messages }

				<li><a href="${ this.profileSearchURL }" ${ this.sameTab }>Professor (Google)</a></li>

				<li><a href="${ this.profileSearchURL2 }" ${ this.sameTab }>Professor (Scopus)</a></li>

				<li><a href="${ this.cseSearchURL }" ${ this.sameTab }>Reliable sources search</a></li>

				<li><a href="${ this.newsInTitleSearchURL }" ${ this.sameTab }>News (name in title)</a></li>

				<li><a href="${ this.wikidataSearchURL }" ${ this.sameTab }>Wikidata</a></li>

				<li><a href="${ this.catalogueOfLifeSearchURL }" ${ this.sameTab }>Species search</a></li>


			// TODO: purge page, so orphan count is correct

			// TODO: display message if orphan

			// TODO: display message if no categories



	_checkForForeignCharacters() {

		// WP:BEFORE foreign script search

		this.articleBody = $( '#mw-content-text' ).html();

		this.articleBody = this.articleBody.replace( /(<([^>]+)>)/gi, '' ); // remove HTML tags

		this.articleBody = this.articleBody.trim().split( 'Contents' )[ 0 ]; // lead only. trim everything after the word "Contents" (table of contents)

		const regEx = new RegExp( `^[${ this.listOfNonForeignCharacters }]*$`, '' );

		const ansiOnly = regEx.test( this.articleBody ); // the ones at the end are vietnamese

		if ( !ansiOnly ) {

			// Use an <a> tag with CSS to turn off the hyperlink. This is so that Minerva skin works correctly. Minerva always expects an <a> tag.

			this.messages += '<li><a style="pointer-events: none; cursor: default; color:black;">WP:BEFORE search for foreign name</a></li>\n';



	_checkForArticlesInOtherLanguages() {

		// WP:BEFORE wikis in other languages

		if ( $( '#p-lang li' ).length ) {

			// Use an <a> tag with CSS to turn off the hyperlink. This is so that Minerva skin works correctly. Minerva always expects an <a> tag.

			this.messages += '<li><a style="pointer-events: none; cursor: default; color:black;">WP:BEFORE check foreign wikis</a></li>\n';



	_setURLVariables() {

		this.copyvioURL = `${ this.underscores }`;

		this.webSearchURL = `${ this.quotedNoUnderscores }`;

		this.bookSearchURL = `${ this.quotedNoUnderscores }&tbm=bks`;

		this.newsSearchURL = `${ this.quotedNoUnderscores }&tbm=nws`;

		this.newsInTitleSearchURL = `${ this.quotedNoUnderscores }&tbm=nws`;

		this.oldNewsSearchURL = `${ this.quotedNoUnderscores }`;

		this.journalSearchURL = `${ this.quotedNoUnderscores }`;

		this.profileSearchURL = `${ this.noUnderscoresNoParentheses }%20%22h-index%22`;

		this.profileSearchURL2 = `${ this.lastName }&st2=${ this.firstName }`;

		this.cseSearchURL = `${ this.quotedNoUnderscores }`;

		this.wikipediaDuplicateCheckURL = `${ this.noUnderscores }&title=Special:Search&profile=advanced&fulltext=1&advancedSearch-current=%7B%7D&ns0=1`;

		this.wikidataSearchURL = `${ this.quotedNoParentheses }&title=Special%3ASearch&go=Go&ns0=1&ns120=1`;

		this.catalogueOfLifeSearchURL = `${ this.noUnderscores }&sortBy=taxonomic`;


	_setVariables() {

		// This is a preference the user can set in their common.js

		// @ts-ignore

		this.sameTab = window.NPPLinksSameTab ? '' : 'target="_blank"';

		// Here's some commonly used variables

		this.namespace = mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' );

		this.pageName = mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ); // has underscores instead of spaces. has namespace prefix

		this.listOfNonForeignCharacters = '\u0000-\u036f\ua792\u200b\u2009\u2061\u200e–—−▶◀•←†↓√≠≈→⋯’\u0020-\u002F\u0030-\u0039\u003A-\u0040\u0041-\u005A\u005B-\u0060\u0061-\u007A\u007B-\u007E\u00C0-\u00C3\u00C8-\u00CA\u00CC-\u00CD\u00D0\u00D2-\u00D5\u00D9-\u00DA\u00DD\u00E0-\u00E3\u00E8-\u00EA\u00EC-\u00ED\u00F2-\u00F5\u00F9-\u00FA\u00FD\u0102-\u0103\u0110-\u0111\u0128-\u0129\u0168-\u0169\u01A0-\u01B0\u1EA0-\u1EF9\u02C6-\u0323';

		this.messages = '';

		this.links = '';


	/** Prints to console a list of foreign characters detected. Any characters in this list that aren't foreign characters, such as unicode whitespace characters or unicode symbols that aren't language-related, are bugs. The fix is to add them to the RegEx as an exception. */

	_debugForeignCharacterDetection() {

		console.log( this.articleBody );

		const regEx = new RegExp( `[^${ this.listOfNonForeignCharacters }]`, 'g' );

		const matches = this.articleBody.match( regEx );

		if ( matches ) {

			for ( const match of matches ) {

				console.log( match );

				console.log( match.charCodeAt( 0 ) );




	_decideIfWeShouldUseLessLinks() {

		// only include most links for action = view and namespace = main, draft

		const action = mw.config.get( 'wgAction' );

		const desiredNamespace =  0, 118 ].includes( this.namespace );

		this.lessLinks = false;

		if ( action !== 'view' || !desiredNamespace ) {

			this.lessLinks = true;


		const isAFD = this.pageName.startsWith( 'Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/' );

		if ( isAFD ) {

			this.lessLinks = false;

			this.pageName = this.pageName.replace( 'Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/', '' );



	_debugURIVariables() {

		console.log( this.underscores );

		console.log( this.pageNameNoNamespace );

		console.log( this.quotedName );

		console.log( this.quotedNoParentheses );

		console.log( this.quotedNoUnderscores );

		console.log( this.noUnderscores );

		console.log( this.quotedNoUnderscoresNoParentheses );

		console.log( this.noUnderscoresNoParentheses );


	/** pageName has namespace, undescores, no quotes, parentheses */








	) {

		let output = wgPageName;

		// The order of all of these is important, because of RegEx patterns.

		if ( !keepNamespace && wgNamespaceNumber !== 0 ) {

			output = output.replace( /^.+?:/, '' );


		if ( !keepDisambiguator ) {

			const matches = output.match( /^(.*)_\((.+?)\)$/ );

			if ( typeof matches !== 'undefined' && matches && matches 1  ) {

				output = matches 1 ];



		if ( wrapInDoubleQuotes ) {

			// If there's parentheses on the right, put the parentheses on the outside of the quotes, and remove the ( ) characters, but not their inner text

			const matches = output.match( /^(.*)_\((.+?)\)$/ );

			// if parentheses on the right

			if ( typeof matches !== 'undefined' && matches && matches 2  ) {

				output = '"' + matches 1  + '"_' + matches 2 ];

			} else {

				output = '"' + output + '"';



		if ( !keepUnderscores ) {

			output = output.replace( /_/g, ' ' );


		output = encodeURIComponent( output );

		return output;


	_setURIVariables( pageName, namespace ) {

		// Draft:Andrew_Hill_(pharmacologist)

		this.underscores = this._buildURIComponent( pageName, namespace, true, true, false, true );

		// Andrew_Hill_(pharmacologist)

		this.pageNameNoNamespace = this._buildURIComponent( pageName, namespace, false, true, false, true );

		// "Andrew_Hill"_pharmacologist

		this.quotedName = this._buildURIComponent( pageName, namespace, false, true, true, true );

		// "Andrew_Hill"

		this.quotedNoParentheses = this._buildURIComponent( pageName, namespace, false, true, true, false );

		// "Andrew Hill" pharmacologist

		this.quotedNoUnderscores = this._buildURIComponent( pageName, namespace, false, false, true, true );

		// Andrew Hill (pharmacologist)

		this.noUnderscores = this._buildURIComponent( pageName, namespace, false, false, false, true );

		// "Andrew Hill"

		this.quotedNoUnderscoresNoParentheses = this._buildURIComponent( pageName, namespace, false, false, true, false );

		// Andrew Hill

		this.noUnderscoresNoParentheses = this._buildURIComponent( pageName, namespace, false, false, false, false );

		// Andrew

		this.firstName = this._getFirstName( pageName );

		// Hill

		this.lastName = this._getLastName( pageName );


	_getLastName( pageName ) {

		// TODO: this can probably be refactored to use this._buildURIComponent() to delete the underscores and disambiguators, then do the regex

		// underscores to spaces

		pageName = pageName.replace( '_', ' ' );

		// delete disambiguators, e.g. Andrew Hill (pharmacologist) -> Andrew Hill

		pageName = pageName.replace( / \([^)]+\)$/, '' );

		// RegEx test cases:

		const match = pageName.match( /\s?(\S+)$/ );

		if ( match && match 1  ) {

			// spaces, not underscores

			return encodeURIComponent( match 1  );


		return '';


	_getFirstName( pageName ) {

		// TODO: this can probably be refactored to use this._buildURIComponent() to delete the underscores and disambiguators, then do the regex

		// underscores to spaces

		pageName = pageName.replace( '_', ' ' );

		// delete disambiguators, e.g. Andrew Hill (pharmacologist) -> Andrew Hill

		pageName = pageName.replace( / \([^)]+\)$/, '' );

		// RegEx test cases:

		const match = pageName.match( /^(.*)\s\S+$/ );

		if ( match && match 1  ) {

			// spaces, not underscores

			return encodeURIComponent( match 1  );


		return '';



$( function () {

	( new NPPLinks() ).execute();

} );

// </nowiki>


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