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This is en experiment to see whether a table list would fit better. Mottenen ( talk) 23:23, 15 February 2011 (UTC) reply


Name Role Appearance(s) in Metamorphoses (Book: verses) Ref.(s)
Achelous Father of nymphs and patron deity of the Achelous River. V: 552, VIII: 549-727, IX: 3-413
Achilles Son of Peleus and and the nymph Thetis. Achilles was foreseen an early death if he joined the Greeks in the Trojan War so his mother disguised him as a girl to protect him. Ulysses however discovered him and convinced him to join the battle. VIII: 309, XI: 265, XII: 73-615, XIII: 30-597, XV: 856
Acis Son of Faunus and a river nymph. The lover of Galatea (deity). XIII: 750-896
Acmon One of Diomedes' men from Pleuron, Aetolia. Metamorphosed into a bird. XIV: 484-505
Acoetes Bacchus' alias towards Pentheus. Acoetes was a Tyrrhenian man from Lydia. III: 582-696
Actaeon Grandson of Cadmus. He accidentally saw Diana naked and was metamorphosed into a stag as a punishment. III: 146-721
Adonis Son of King Cinyras of Cyprus and his daughter Myrrha. Beloved by the goddesses Venus and Proserpina and he was to spend one third of the year with each of them - the last part was at his own disposal, which he used together with Venus. Adonis died during a boar hunt and Venus' grief showed itself as the delicate flower anemone. X: 529-730
Aeacus Son of Jupiter and the nymph Aegina, father of Telamon, Peleus, and Phocus, and king of Aegina. Aeacus became one of the judges in the Underworld after his death. VII: 472-668, VIII: 4, IX: 435-440, XI: 227-250, XIII: 25-33
Aeëtes Son of the Helius, father of Medea, and king of Colchis. VII: 9-170
Aegeus Son of Pandion, father of Theseus, and king of Athens. Aegeus almost killed his Theseus at Medea's urging. VII: 402-502, IX: 448, XI: 663, XII: 342, XV: 856
Aeneas Son of Venus and Anchises (of the Dardanian dynasty). Aeneas was one of the few Trojan survivors after the Trojan War who was not enslaved. He fled with his father, Anchises, on his back. Escaping to Italy with the help of his mother his group, the Aeneids, became the progenitors of the Romans. Upon his death he was deified as Jupiter Indiges by request of his mother. XIII: 624-681, XIV: 78-603, XV: 437-861
Aesacus Son of King Priam. Mourned the death of his lover he was metamorphosed into a bird. XI: 763, XII: 1
Aesculapius God of medicine and healing. Son of Apollo and Coronis. II: 629-654
Aeson Father of Jason and king of Iolcus, Thessaly. He was usurped the throne from his brother Pelias. VII: 60-303
Agamemnon Son of Atreus and king of Mycene. He led the Greeks in the Trojan War. XII: 626, XIII: 216-655, XV: 855
Aglaulus One of the three daughters of Cecrops. II: 559-819
Ajax the Great Grandson of Aeacus and son of Telamon. Greek hero in the Trojan War. XII: 624, XIII: 2-390
Ajax the Lesser Son of Oïleus and Greek hero at the Trojan War. Among other things famous for his raping the Trojan prophetess and princess Cassandra at the temple of Apollo. XII: 622, XIII: 356, XIV: 468
Alcmene Queen of Tiryns and wife of Amphitryon. She was the mother of Hercules by Jupiter. VI: 112, IX: 23-394
Alcyone Daughter of Aelous and wife of Ceyx. XI: 384-746
Althaea Daughter of Thestius, wife of Oeneus, and mother of Meleager. VIII: 446-531
Anaxarete Cyprian maid who refused her suitor Iphis. Unmoved even as he committed suicide Venus turned her to stone. XIV: 698-748
Andromeda Daughter of Cepheus and Cassiopeia. She was chained to a rock as a sacrifice for her mother's bragging, but was saved by Perseus whom she later married. IV: 670-739, V: 152
Anius Priest of Apollo and king of Delos. XIII: 632-679
Apollo God of poetry, music, healing, and divination. Son of Jupiter and a great archer. I: 455, II: 543-677, III: 8-421, V: 328, VI: 250-383, VII: 324-389, VIII: 15-31, IX: 332-663, X: 132-209, XI: 58-412, XIII: 174-715, XIV: 133, XV: 630-865
Arachne Daughter of Idmon. Boasted she could weave better than Minerva and won over her in a weaving contest. Jealous the goddess metamorphosed Arachne into a spider. VI: 5-148
Arcas Son of Jupiter and the nymph Callisto. Jealous of Callisto, Jupiter's wife, Juno, metamorphosed her into a bear, which Arcas killed not knowing it was his mother. Jupiter took pity on the two and metamorphosed them into the constellations known as Ursa Major and Ursa Minor (the big bear and the little bear). II: 469-496
Arethusa Nymph and spring. She fled from the river god Alpheus to Syracusa, Sicily. V: 409-642
Argus Monster with a hundred eyes and the protector of Io. I: 625-720, II: 533
Atalanta (huntress) Arcadian huntress. VIII: 317-426
Atalanta (princess) Daughter of the Boeotian King Schoeneus. X: 560-669
Athamas Son of Aeolus and husband of Ino (daughter of Cadmus). III: 564, IV: 420-517, XIII: 919
Athis One of Phineus' men at Perseus' wedding. V: 47-62
Atlas Titan, son of Iapetus. He was metamorphosed into the North-West-African Atlas Mountains after he supported the Titans against the Olympian gods during the Titanomachy. He holds Uranus (the sky) on his shoulders. I: 682, II: 296-742, IV: 628-772, VI: 174, IX: 273, XV: 149
Aurora Goddess of dawn and wife of Tithonus. Aurora is the Roman name for the Greek Eos. II: 112-144, III: 149-600, IV: 629, V: 440, VI: 47, VII: 100-835, IX: 421, XIII: 576-621, XIV: 228, XV: 665
Autolycus Son of Mercurius and Chione and grandfather of Ulisses through his daughter, Anticlea. VIII: 738, XI: 313
Bacchus God of wine. Roman name for Dionysus. III: 316-733, IV: 3-613, V: 329, VI: 125-598, VII: 294-359, XI: 85-134, XII: 578, XIII: 639-651, XV: 114-413
Battus Old man from Pylos. II: 688
Baucis Wife of Philemon. VIII: 631-714
Boreas The Northern wind. Greek name of the Roman Aquilo. I: 64, VI: 682-702, VII: 695, XII: 24, XIII: 418, XV: 471
Byblis Daughter of Miletus. Developed incestuous love for her brother Caunus and was transformed into a nymph. IX: 447-654
Cadmus Son of Agenor (who was king of Tyre, Phoenicia), brother of Europa, husband of Venus' daughter Harmonia, and the founder of Thebes. Cadmus was sent out to find and return his sister, Europa, to Phoenicia after she had been abducted by Jupiter. III: 3-564, IV: 472-595, VI: 177
Caeneus/Caenis Born the daughter - Caenis - of the Lapith Elatus. He was metamorphosed into an invulnerable hero by Neptunus. VIII: 305, XII: 172-514
Calchas Son of Thestor. Calchas was the Argive augur of the Greeks in the Trojan War. XII: 19-27
Calliope Muse and mother of Orpheus. V: 338, X: 148
Callisto Nymph and daughter of Lycaon. One of the followers of Diana. II: 443-508
Canens Nymph, daughter of Janus and Venilia, and wife of King Picus. Her husband was metamorphosed into a woodpecker by Circe, because he scorned her love, and when Canens could not find her metamorphosed husband she killed herself. XIV: 338-434
Cassandra Daughter of King Priam of Troy. She was a priestess of Apollo, gifted with the ability to predict the future but cursed so nobody would ever believe her prophecies. Cassandra was raped by Ajax the Lesser and taken as a concubine for Agamemnon at the fall of Troy, but they were later both killed by Agamemnons wife, Clytemnestra. XIII: 410, XIV: 468
Caunus Son of Miletus and brother of Byblis. Byblis fell incestuously in love with Caunus, but as she could not get him she tried to kill herself, but was metamorphosed into a nymph. IX: 453-633
Cecrops The mythical founder Athens. He is often depicted with his lower body as a snake. II: 555-784, VI: 70, VII: 485, VIII: 550, XV: 427
Cephalus Grandson of Aeolus and husband of Procris. Cephalus was an Athenian noble who accidentally killed his wife. VI: 681, VII: 493-865, VIII: 4
Ceres Goddess of agriculture, grain crops, fertility and motherly relationships. Roman name for the Greek Demeter. I: 123, V: 110-660, VI: 118, VII: 439, VIII: 274-814, IX: 422, X: 74-431, XI: 112-122, XIII: 639, XV: 122
Ceyx Son of Lucifer, husband of Alcyone, and king of Thrace. He died in a shipwreck. XI: 271-740
Chariclo The mother of Ocyrhoë by Chiron. II: 636
Charybdis Daughter of Neptunus and Gaia. Charybdis was once a naiad, but was metamorphosed into a monster at the Sicilian coast by the Strait of Messina, opposite of Scylla (sea monster). Charybdis was a maelstrom which made any ship passing too close by be sucked into the deeps. VII: 63, VIII: 121, XIII: 730, XIV: 75
Chione Daughter of Daedalion. XI: 301
Chiron Centaur, son of Philyra and Saturnus and father of Ocyrhoë. Chiron was known for his wisdom and raised many heroes and sons of gods. Chiron was immortal since he was son of the Titan Saturnus, but after being hit by one of Hercules' arrows by accident he was poisoned by the Lernaean Hydra's blood he asked for death and was given it. When he died he was metamorphosed into the constellation known as Centaurus. II: 630-676, VI: 126
Cinyras Son of Pygmalion's daughter Paphos, husband of Cenchreis, father of Myrrha and Adonis, and king of Cyprus. He was deceived and seduced by Myrrha to have intercourse from which the result was Adonis. X: 337-472
Cipus Roman legendary commander. XV: 565-621
Circe Daughter of Helius and Perse. Circe was a goddess skilled in magic. IV: 205, XIII: 968, XIV: 9-446, XV: 717
Clymene Daughter of Tethys, the wife the Ethiopian King Merops, and the mother of Phaëton and the Heliades by Helius. I: 756-766, II: 19-334, IV: 204
Cornix Daughter of Coroneus og Phocis. She was attacked by Neptunus, but delivered from him by Minerva, who metamorphosed her into a crow. II: 547-595
Cupid God of desire and erotic love, son of Mars and Venus. Roman equivalent to the Greek Eros. I: 455-463, IV: 321, V: 374-379, VII: 73, IX: 482-543
Cyane Nymph and spring in Syracus, Sicily. V: 409-470
Cyáneë (or Cyanee) Nymph, daughter of Maeander and mother of Caunus and Byblis by Miletus. IX: 452
Cybele Phrygian goddess, the Mother of the gods. She is depicted with a turreted crown. X: 696-704, XIV: 535-546
Cygnus (1) Son of Sthenelous and friend and relative of Phaëton. II: 367, XII: 581
Cygnus (2) Son of Apollo and the nymph Hyrie. A spoiled youth he had been tamed animals by Phylius, but when he denied a bull he tried to kill himself, but was metamorphosed into a swan. VII: 371
Cygnus (3) Son of Neptunus. He was a Trojan hero, invulnerable because he was the son of Neptunus, but still mortal. XII: 71-169
Cyllarus Centaur, husband of Hylonome. He dearly loved his centaur wife, but participating in the battle against the Lapiths he was fatally wounded by a spear. He died in the arms of his beloved wife, who then took her own life shortly afterwards to join him. XII: 393-420
Cyparissus Loved by Apollo, he was given a tamed deer by the god, which he accidentally killed with a javelin. X: 120-130
Daedalion Brother of Ceyx. XI: 295-340
Daedalus Architect and inventor and the father of Icarus. He constructed wings made of feathers and wax for him and his son to escape from Crete. VIII: 159-260, IX: 742
Daphne Nymph. Daughter of Peneus. She was metamorphosed into a laurel to escape the amorous god Apollo. As a sign for his love for her, Apollo wears the laurel around his head. I: 452-547
Deïanira Daughter of Oeneus, sister of Meleager, wife of Hercules. Famous for unwittingly killing Hercules with the Shirt of Nessus. VIII: 542, IX: 8-137
Deucalion Son of Prometheus. I: 318-391, VI: 120, VII: 356
Diana Goddess of the hunt, associated with the Moon, daughter of Jupiter and Latona, and sister of Apollo. Diana is the Roman name for the Greek Artemis. I: 476-694, II: 414-425, III: 156-251, IV: 304, V: 329-641, VII: 746-754, VIII: 272-579, IX: 90, X: 536, XI: 322, XII: 35-267, XIII: 185, XIV: 331, XV: 196-549
Diomedes(Thracian king) Son of Mars and Cyrene and king of Thrace. He had man-eating horses in his stables. Diomedes was killed by Hercules. IX: 195
Diomedes (Greek hero) Son of Tydeus and friend of Ulysses. Greek hero in the Trojan War where he wounded Venus when the goddess interfered in the battle. XII: 622, XIII: 68-351, XIV: 457-512, XV: 769-806
Dryope Daughter of King Eurytus of Oechalia and half-sister of Iolë.
Egeria Nymph, wife of Numa, the second king of Rome. XV: 547-550
Ekho Nymph who could only repeat others, not talk for herself. She fell in love with Narcissus, but was rejected as everyone else. In her heart deep-felt-grief she faded away until nothing was left, but her voice. III: 358-507
Erysichthon Son of Triopas and king of Thessaly. He was punished with insatiable hunger for killing a nymph and sold everything he owned, including his daughter, Mnestra. Nothing could satisfy his hunger and eventually he ate himself to death. VIII: 739-823
Europa Daughter of the Phoenician King Agenor, sister of Cadmus, and by Jupiter the mother of Minos. II: 844-868, III: 3-258, VI: 103, VIII: 23-120
Eurydice Nymph, wife of Orpheus. She was killed by a snakebite, prompting Orpheus to seek a way to bring her back to life. He attempted, but eventually failed. Example
Eurytus (1) Father of Hippasus. VIII: 371
Eurytus (2) Father of Iolë and Dryope and king of Oechalia, Euboea. IX: 356-363
Eurytus (3) Centaur who tries to kidnap Hippodame at her and Theseus' wedding, but is killed by the latter in the attempt. XII: 220-238
Galanthis One of Alcmene's maids. IX:306-323
Galatea (deity) The nereid (sea-nymph) who fell in love with the spirit of the Acis River in Sicily, Acis. XIII: 738-880
Galatea (statue) A statue carved out of ivory by Pygmalion. Pygmalion fell in love with Galatea and after Pygmalion had sacrificed to Venus (mythology) during her festival Galatea was made into a real woman. X: 247-297
Ganymede Son of the Dardanian King Tros and brother of Ilus (the founder of Ilion) and Assaracus (the grandfather of Aeneas). X: 155-160, XI: 756
Glaucus Boeotic fisherman who was metamorphosed into a sea god. VII: 233, XIII: 906-916, XIV: 11-68
Hecuba The wife and queen of King Priam of Troy. XI: 761, XIII: 404-620
Hercules Demigod, son of Jupiter and the mortal Alcmene. Famous for his strength, solving the twelve labors set by King Eurystheus. He was killed unwittingly by his wife Deïanira using the Shirt of Nessus. Hercules is the Roman equivalent of the Greek Heracles. VII: 364-410, VIII: 542, IX: 13-400, XI: 213-626, XII: 309-575, XIII: 51-401, XV: 8-284
Hermaphroditus Son of Venus and Mercurius. He was born as a handsome boy, but was metamorphosed into an androgynous being when he was fused with the nymph Salmacis. IV: 291-383
Herse One of the three daughters of Cecrops, her sisters being Aglaulus and Pandrosus. II: 559-809
Hersilia Wife and queen of Romulus. Deified as Hora. XIV: 831-847
Hesperia Aesacus' lover. XI: 768
Hippodame Daughter of Adrastos. XII: 210-670
Hippolytus Son of Theseus and the Amazon Queen Antiope and stepson of Phaedra. Phaedra tried to seduce Hippolytus, but as he rejected her she convinced Theseus that Hippolytus had raped her. This made Theseus use one of his three wishes to curse Hippolytus which eventually killed him. Hippolytus was deified as Virbius. XV: 497-543
Hippomenes Son of Megareus and through his grandfather, Onchestus, descendant of Neptunus. Raced and won over Atalante (the princess) with the help of Venus, thereby winning Atalante's hand. They were both metamorphosed into lions after having had intercourse in a temple. X: 575-668
Hyacinthus A beautiful boy loved by Apollo. One day as Apollo was throwing a discus and Hyacinthus ran to catch it, he was struck by the discus and died. Apollo made the hyacinth in his memory. X: 162-217, XIII: 396
Hylonome Female centaur. She was present at the battle against the Lapiths, where she lost her husband, the centaur Cyllarus. Heartbroken, she committed suicide in order to join him XII: 405-423
Ianthe Cretan girl who was engaged to Iphis (Cretan girl). IX: 715-797
Icarus Son of Daedalus. Daedalus constructed wings made of feathers and wax for him and his son to escape from Crete. Icarus flew too close to the Sun which made the wax melt and Icarus fell to his death in the sea. VIII: 196-235
Idmon Father of Arachne. VI: 8-133
Ilia Daughter of Numitor and descendant of Aeneas. She was by Mars the mother of the twins Romulus and Remus, the two founders of Rome. Her alternative name is Rhea Silvia. XIV: 780-823
Inachus River deity in Argolis and father of Io. I: 583-645, IX: 686
Ino Daughter of Cadmus and queen of Thebes. Deified as Leucothea. III: 313-722, IV: 417-543
Io Nymph, daughter of Inachus. Io was the lover of Jupiter and in jealousy Juno, Jupiter's wife, metamorphosed Io into a cow. Io wandered until she reached Egypt where she prayed that the punishment would end. Jupiter heard her and calmed Juno. Juno metamorphosed Io into a human form again, but in the process also deified her as the Egyptian goddess Isis. I: 628-747, II: 524, IX: 686
Iphigenia Daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra. XII: 30-34, XIII: 185
Iphis (Cretan) Daughter of Telethusa and Ligdus. She was raised as a boy and fell in love with the girl Ianthe. Iphis prayed that the women could be married and the Egyptian goddess Isis metamorphosed Iphis into a man. IX: 668-797
Iphis (Cyprian) Young man in Cyprus. When he was rejected by Anaxarete whom he loved, he committed suicide. XIV: 698-753
Iris Goddess of the rainbow and daughter of Thaumas. She was the messenger of Juno. I: 271, IV: 479, VI: 63, XI: 585-622, XIV: 85-838
Itys Son of Procne and Tereus. Itys was fed to Tereus by his mother in revenge for Tereus' raping her sister, Philomela, and cutting out her tongue. VI: 437-658
Ixion Father of Pirithous, and king of the the Lapiths in Thessaly. He was invited to the banquet of the Olympian gods, but instead of being grateful he tried to rape his hostess, Juno. Juno transformed herself into a cloud from which the centaurs were born. Ixion was punished in Tartarus by being bound to an ever-spinning wheel of fire. IV: 461-464, VIII: 403, IX: 123, X: 42, XII: 210-504
Jason Son of King Aeson of Iolcus, Thessaly. Jason was sent to Colchis to get the golden fleece by his uncle Pelias, who had usurped the throne from Aeson. For this expedition Jason collected a large number of heroes, the Argonauts, and let the ship Argo build. VII: 5-397, VIII: 302-349
Juno Sister and wife of Jupiter. Juno is the Roman name for the Greek Hera. I: 270-738, II: 435-531, III: 256-362, IV: 173-549, VI: 89-428, VIII: 220, IX: 15-796, X: 506, XI: 578-648, XII: 504, XIII: 574, XIV: 85-829, XV: 164-774
Jupiter King of the gods, and the god of sky and thunder. Jupiter is the Roman name for the Greek Zeus. I: 106-749, II: 60-836, III: 6-363, IV: 3-799, V: 11-564, VI: 51-801, VII: 367-801, VIII: 50-703, IX: 24-499, X: 148-161, XI: 41-756, XII: 11-561, XIII: 5-857, XIV: 594-807, XV: 12-871
Laomedon Father of Priam and king of Troy. VI: 96, XI: 196-757, XIII: 417
Latona Daughter of the the Titan Coeus and by Jupiter mother of Apollo and Diana, whom she gave birth to in Delos. Latona is the Roman name of the Greek Leto. VI: 159-346, VII: 384
Latreus Centaur who killed Halesus, but was shortly after killed by Caeneus. 462-493
Lethaea Wife of Olenus. She boasted that she was more beautiful than any god and was turned to stone. Her husband chose to share her fate though he could have avoided it. X: 69
Leucothea Name of the deified form of Ino (she was metamorphosed into a sea goddess). IV: 542
Lichas Deïanira's servant who brought Hercules the poisoned Shirt of Nessus. V::: 272
Lycaon King of Arcadia. I: 165-221, II: 495-526
Macareus (1) One of the Lapiths. XII: 452
Macareus (2) Son of Neritus and one of Ulisses' men. XIV: 158-441
Mars God of war. Roman equivalent to the Greek Ares. III: 32-132, IV: 171, VI: 70, VII: 101, XII: 90, XIV: 806-818, XV: 863
Medea Daughter of King Aeetes of Colchis. She protected Jason from the tasks her father set him, and eventually married him. After he divorced her she went insane, killed her old family, and married Aegeus. VII: 10-424
Medusa The most famous of the three Gorgons, daughters of the sea god Phorcys. Medusa was killed by Perseus and from her blood sprang Pegasus. IV: 616-801, V: 69-248, VI: 119
Meleager Foster son of King Oeneus of Calydon, son of Althaea by Mars, and husband of Cleopatra. VIII: 270-515, IX: 149
Memnon Son of Aurora and Tithonus and king of Ethiopia, allied with Troy. XIII: 278-600
Mercurius Messenger of the gods, especially of Jupiter. Son of the Pleiade Maia and Jupiter. Roman equivalent to the Greek Hermes. I: 669-713, II: 685-834, IV: 187-754, VIII: 627, XI: 303-307, XIII: 146
Midas King of Phrygia. Midas was granted the ability to turn everything he touched into gold by Bacchus, but when he saw that he could not even drink and eat and after he had turned his daughter into gold he hated his new-gained power. Bacchus advised him to wash the magic off in the river Pactolus. Later Midas was called upon to decide whether Pan or Apollo played the most beautiful music, but doubting that Apollo was the best he was given donkey ears. XI: 92-194
Minerva Virgin goddess of the war, art and science, daughter of Jupiter, and protector of Athens. Roman equivalent to the Greek Athena. II: 709-835, IV: 33-799, V: 250-334, VI: 23-43, VIII: 252, XIII: 344, XIV: 475, XV: 709
Minos Son of Jupiter and Europa, king of Crete, husband of Pasiphaë, and father of Ariadne. After his death he became judge of the dead in the underworld. VII: 456-504, VIII: 6-262, IX: 437-445
Minotaurus A cannibalistic monster, half bull and half man, he was the issue of Queen Pasiphaë's affair with a bull, which had been sent to Crete by Neptunus to be sacrificed, but was spared by Minos. Daedalus created a plinth the shape of a heifer which Pasiphaë could hide inside, in that way making the bull cover her. VIII: 133-169
Morpheus God of dreams. XI: 635-671
Myrrha Granddaughter of Pygmalion, daughter of King Cinyras of Cyprus, and mother of Adonis by her father Cinyras. She tricked her father into intercourse, but was discovered and fled. After having been on the run for 9 months she asked the gods not to be seen among those alive or dead, and was thus metamorphosed into the myrrh tree. A month later the tree gave birth to Adonis. X: 317-476
Myscelus Son of Alemon. XV: 19-47
Narcissus Son of Liriope. He fell in love with his own reflection and wasted away until death. When he died he was metamorphosed into the plant of the same name. III: 346-413
Neptunus Brother of Jupiter. God of the sea and waters. I: 275-330, II: 270-573, IV: 532-798, V: 370, VI: 71-115, VIII: 851-867, X: 606, XI: 202, XII: 25-585, XIII: 854
Nessus Centaur famously known for being killed by Hercules and deceiving his wife, Deïanira, into using his tainted blood to kill Hercules in turn. IX: 101-153, XII: 308-454
Nestor Son of Neleus and king of Pylos. VIII: 313-365, XII: 169-578, XIII: 63, XV: 65
Niobe Daughter of Tantalus and wife of King Amphion of Thebes. Boasted that she had more children than Latona. For revenge the goddess' two children, Diana and Apollo, killed all of Niobe's. In grief she wept until she was metamorphosed into stone. VI: 148-298
Numa King of Rome after Romulus. XV: 3-479
Nyctimene A woman from Lesbos. Metamorphosed by Minerva into an owl after she had had intercourse with her father. II: 590
Ocyrhoë Daughter of Chiron and Chariclo; possessed by Apollo in his quality as god of prophecy. She was metamorphosed into a mare. II: 637-675
Olenus (1) Father of Tectaphus the Lapith. XII: 433
Olenus (2) Husband to Lethaea with whom he was turned to stone. X: 68
Orithyia Daughter of King Erechtheus of Athens. VI: 683, VII: 694-695
Orpheus Son of Apollo and the Muse Calliope. Legendary musician, poet, and prophet. X: 3-79, XI: 1-93
Pan God of shepherds and the forest with a goat's beard, -horns, and -legs. I: 699-707, VI: 329, XI: 147-171, XIV: 515
Paphos The daughter of Pygmalion and Galathea, mother of Cinyras, and grandmother of Myrrha and Adonis. X: 297
Paris Son of Hecuba and King Priam of Troy. He was famous for seducing and abducting Helen of Sparta (later Helen of Troy) with the help of Venus. Helen's husband, Menelaus, along with Agamemnon invoked The Oath of Tyndareus, thereby starting the Trojan War. VII: 631, XII: 4-605, XIII: 200-501, XV: 805
Pegasus Winged horse, born from the blood of Medusa. Its clops made the spring Hippocrene by Helicon well up. IV: 786, V: 257-312, VI: 120
Peleus Son of Aeacus, brother of Telamon, half-brother of Phocus, and father of Achilles. VII: 476-669, VIII: 3-380, XI: 217-397, XII: 82-387, XIII: 151-155, XV: 856
Pelias Brother of Aeson, from whom he usurped the throne of Iolcus. He later sent Aeson's son Jason out to get the golden fleece. VII: 298-343
Pentheus Son of Echion and king of Thebes. III: 524-730, IV: 22-429
Perdix Nephew of Daedalus. VIII: 251
Perseus Son of Danaë and Jupiter. Jupiter fell into Danaë's womb as a golden rain while she was imprisoned in a tower by her father, Acrisius, because it had been foreseen that his daughter's son would cause his death. When Perseus was born, Acrisius put him and his mother in a coffin which he set afloat. The coffin drifted to Seriphus where King Polydectes later wanted Danaë. In order to get rid of Perseus he sent him on the seemingly impossible quest to slay the gorgon Medusa, but Perseus borrowed an invisibility hat, winged sandals, and a scimitar from Mercurius and was helped by Minerva. IV: 611-792, V: 1-250
Phaedra Daughter of Pasiphaë and Minos. XV: 500
Phaëton Son of Phoebus (the Sun) and Clymene. I: 750-776, II: 19-400, IV: 246, X: 262, XII: 581
Philemon Husband of Baucis. VIII: 631-714
Philomela Daughter of Pandion and sister of Procne. She was raped by her brother-in-law, Tereus. To make sure she did not tell Procne he muted her by cutting out her tongue and imprisoned her in a forest. A year later she was rescued by her sister and in revenge the sisters fed Tereus his and Procne's son, Itys. Philomela was metamorphosed into a bird along with her sister and brother-in-law. VI: 451-657
Phineus (1) Brother of Cepheus and betrothed to Andromeda before Perseus. Killed by the latter. V: 8-231
Phineus (2) Blind king of Salmydessos, Thrace. His sons were seduced by his queen, their stepmother, so he blinded them. As a punishment the harpies would plague him by stealing or tainting his food. He was relieved from the harpies by Zetes and Calais. VII: 2
Phocus Son of Aeacus and the nymph Psamanthe and half-brother of Peleus and Telamon. VII: 477-796, XI: 267-381
Picus Son of Saturnus and king of Laurentum near Rome. XIV: 320-397
Pirithous Son of Ixion, friend of Theseus, and king of the Lapiths. VIII: 303-567, XII: 210-332
Pluto God of the underworld. Roman equivalent to the Greek Hades. II: 261, IV: 438-510, V: 356-569, VII: 249, XV: 534
Polydectes King of Seriphus. He ordered that Perseus kill the gorgon Medusa to him away from his mother, whom Polydectes wanted. V: 243-249
Polydorus Son of Hecuba and King Priam of Troy. XIII: 431-629
Polymestor King of Thrace. XIII: 430-554
Polyphemus Cyclops, son of Neptunus. XIII: 744-779, XIV: 167-249
Polyxena Daughter of Hecuba and King Priam of Troy. XIII: 448-483
Pomona Italic nymph. XIV: 623-767
Priam Son of Laomedon, husband of Hecuba, and last king of Troy. XI: 758, XII; 607, XIII: 99-519, XIV: 474, XV: 437
Procne Daughter of Pandion, wife of Tereus, sister of Philomela, and mother of Itys. She feeds Itys to Tereus after he has raped Philomela and cut out her tongue. She was metamorphosed into a bird along with her sister and husband. VI: 428-653
Procris Daughter of Erechteus of Athens and wife of Cephalus, who accidentally kills her with his hunting spear (which never misses) because he mistook her for a boar. VI: 681, VII: 694-845
Proserpina Daughter of Ceres and Jupiter, wife of Pluto, and queen of the Underworld. She is kidnapped by Pluto and eats of the pomegranate seeds while in the Underworld. She is sentenced by Jove to spend half the year with Ceres, half with Pluto. Roman equivalent to the Greek Persefone. II: 261, V: 377-555, VII: 249-728
Pygmalion Sculptor from Cyptrus, father of Paphos, grandfather of Cinyras, and great-grandfather of Myrrha and Adonis. A bachelor, Pygmalion sculpts a beautiful woman out of ivory. He falls in love with this statue and prays to Venus to bring it to life. She grants his prayer, and the statue, Galatea, has a daughter with him, Paphos. X: 243-296
Pyramus Young man from Babylon who is the boyfriend of Thisbe whom he is not allowed to marry. IV: 55-163
Pyreneus A tyrant who chases the muses. V: 274
Pyrrha Daughter of Epimetheus (the brother of Prometheus) and wife of her cousin Deucalion. I: 319-395
Quirinus The name of the deified form of Romulus. XIV: 828-863
Romulus The founder of Rome. Son of Ilia and Mars. He took the name Quirinus upon his deification. XIV: 799-846, XV: 560
Saturnus Roman god of agriculture and harvest. Equivalent to the Greek Cronus. Led the rebellion against Uranus; the brother and husband of Ops, the Greek Rhea; the father of Jupiter and his siblings, who overthrew him and precipitated him into Tartarus. I: 113, VI: 125, IX: 497, XIV: 320, XV: 858
Scylla (sea bird) Daughter of King Nisus of Megara. She fell in love with Minos, king of a besieging army and betrayed her city to him, but he spurned her. Was transformed into a sea bird, pursued by her father who was transformed into a sea eagle. VIII: 17-104
Scylla (sea monster) Daughter of Crataeis. Metamorphosed, by Circe, into a terrifying sea monster on the Italian coast by the Strait of Messina with fierce dogs around her waist, snapping sailors passing by. VII: 64, XIII: 730-966, XIV: 18-70
Semele Daughter of Cadmus. By Jupiter mother of Bacchus. III: 260-520, IV: 422, V: 329
Sibyl Prophetess in Cumae. XIV: 104-154, XV: 712
Syrinx Arcadian nymph. To hide from the amorous Pan she was metamorphosed into hollow water reeds. I: 691-712
Telamon Son of Aecus, brother of Peleus, half-brother of Phocus, and father of Ajax. VII: 476-669, VIII: 3-378, XI: 216, XII: 624, XIII: 22-345
Tereus Son of Mars, father of Itys, husband of Procne, and king of Thrace. He raped Philomela (Procne's sister), then cut out her tongue, but was later tricked by Philomela and Procne into eating his son. Eventually both sisters and Tereus were metamorphosed into birds. VI: 424-681
Themis Goddess of law, justice, and prophecy and daughter of Uranus (the sky) and Gaia (the earth). She was the predecessor of Apollo as Oracle of Delphi I: 321-381, IV: 643, IX: 403-418
Theseus Son of Aethra and Aegeus. During a visit at King Pittheus of Troizen Aegeus slept with the king's daughter, Aethra. He hid his sword under a rock and told Aethra that if she bore him a son she should tell this son when he was strong enough to remove the rock. He should the travel to Athens with the sign of his origin, the sword. VII: 404-434, VIII: 262-726, IX: 1, XII: 227-355, XV: 492
Thetis Nymph, daughter of Nereus and mother of Achilles. XI: 221-400, XII: 93-193, XIII: 162-301
Thisbe Pyramus' girlfriend whom she is forbidden to wed. When they decide to meet a lioness scares off Thisbe and mutilates the veil she left behind. Pyramus finds the veil and believing Thisbe is dead he kills himself with his sword. When Thisbe finds his dead body she kills herself as well. The mulberry fruits were metamorphosed into their stained colour to symbolize the forbidden love after the gods heard Thisbe's lament. IV: 55-163
Tiresias Blind prophet in Thebes famous for clairvoyance. III: 322-516, VI: 157
Tisiphone One of the Erinyes. IV: 474-495
Triton Sea god, son of Neptunus. I: 331, II: 8, XIII: 919
Ulysses King of Ithaca. Son of Laërtes and Anticlea. VIII: 315, XII: 625, XIII: 6-773, XIV: 71-671
Urania The muse of astronomy. V: 260-294
Venus Goddess of love. Roman name for the Greek Aphrodite. I: 463, III: 132, IV: 171-531, V: 331, VII: 802, IX: 424-796, X: 224-717, XIII: 759, XIV: 27-788, XV: 762-843
Vertumnus The god of seasons, change and plant growth, as well as gardens and fruit trees. He tricked Pomona into talking to him by disguising himself as an old woman and gaining entry to her orchard, then using a narrative warning of the dangers of rejecting a suitor to seduce her. XIV: 641-765
Vesta Goddess of hearth, home and family. XV: 730-865
Virbius Name of the deified form of Hippolytus. XV: 544
Vulcanus God of forging and fire. Son of Jupiter and Juno and husband of Venus. Forged among other things the weapons of Achilles. Roman name for the Greek Hephaistos. II: 106-437, IX: 251, XII: 614


  • Bulfinch, Thomas (1942). The Age of Fable. New York: The Heritage Press. {{ cite book}}: |access-date= requires |url= ( help); Unknown parameter |editors= ignored (|editor= suggested) ( help)
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This is en experiment to see whether a table list would fit better. Mottenen ( talk) 23:23, 15 February 2011 (UTC) reply


Name Role Appearance(s) in Metamorphoses (Book: verses) Ref.(s)
Achelous Father of nymphs and patron deity of the Achelous River. V: 552, VIII: 549-727, IX: 3-413
Achilles Son of Peleus and and the nymph Thetis. Achilles was foreseen an early death if he joined the Greeks in the Trojan War so his mother disguised him as a girl to protect him. Ulysses however discovered him and convinced him to join the battle. VIII: 309, XI: 265, XII: 73-615, XIII: 30-597, XV: 856
Acis Son of Faunus and a river nymph. The lover of Galatea (deity). XIII: 750-896
Acmon One of Diomedes' men from Pleuron, Aetolia. Metamorphosed into a bird. XIV: 484-505
Acoetes Bacchus' alias towards Pentheus. Acoetes was a Tyrrhenian man from Lydia. III: 582-696
Actaeon Grandson of Cadmus. He accidentally saw Diana naked and was metamorphosed into a stag as a punishment. III: 146-721
Adonis Son of King Cinyras of Cyprus and his daughter Myrrha. Beloved by the goddesses Venus and Proserpina and he was to spend one third of the year with each of them - the last part was at his own disposal, which he used together with Venus. Adonis died during a boar hunt and Venus' grief showed itself as the delicate flower anemone. X: 529-730
Aeacus Son of Jupiter and the nymph Aegina, father of Telamon, Peleus, and Phocus, and king of Aegina. Aeacus became one of the judges in the Underworld after his death. VII: 472-668, VIII: 4, IX: 435-440, XI: 227-250, XIII: 25-33
Aeëtes Son of the Helius, father of Medea, and king of Colchis. VII: 9-170
Aegeus Son of Pandion, father of Theseus, and king of Athens. Aegeus almost killed his Theseus at Medea's urging. VII: 402-502, IX: 448, XI: 663, XII: 342, XV: 856
Aeneas Son of Venus and Anchises (of the Dardanian dynasty). Aeneas was one of the few Trojan survivors after the Trojan War who was not enslaved. He fled with his father, Anchises, on his back. Escaping to Italy with the help of his mother his group, the Aeneids, became the progenitors of the Romans. Upon his death he was deified as Jupiter Indiges by request of his mother. XIII: 624-681, XIV: 78-603, XV: 437-861
Aesacus Son of King Priam. Mourned the death of his lover he was metamorphosed into a bird. XI: 763, XII: 1
Aesculapius God of medicine and healing. Son of Apollo and Coronis. II: 629-654
Aeson Father of Jason and king of Iolcus, Thessaly. He was usurped the throne from his brother Pelias. VII: 60-303
Agamemnon Son of Atreus and king of Mycene. He led the Greeks in the Trojan War. XII: 626, XIII: 216-655, XV: 855
Aglaulus One of the three daughters of Cecrops. II: 559-819
Ajax the Great Grandson of Aeacus and son of Telamon. Greek hero in the Trojan War. XII: 624, XIII: 2-390
Ajax the Lesser Son of Oïleus and Greek hero at the Trojan War. Among other things famous for his raping the Trojan prophetess and princess Cassandra at the temple of Apollo. XII: 622, XIII: 356, XIV: 468
Alcmene Queen of Tiryns and wife of Amphitryon. She was the mother of Hercules by Jupiter. VI: 112, IX: 23-394
Alcyone Daughter of Aelous and wife of Ceyx. XI: 384-746
Althaea Daughter of Thestius, wife of Oeneus, and mother of Meleager. VIII: 446-531
Anaxarete Cyprian maid who refused her suitor Iphis. Unmoved even as he committed suicide Venus turned her to stone. XIV: 698-748
Andromeda Daughter of Cepheus and Cassiopeia. She was chained to a rock as a sacrifice for her mother's bragging, but was saved by Perseus whom she later married. IV: 670-739, V: 152
Anius Priest of Apollo and king of Delos. XIII: 632-679
Apollo God of poetry, music, healing, and divination. Son of Jupiter and a great archer. I: 455, II: 543-677, III: 8-421, V: 328, VI: 250-383, VII: 324-389, VIII: 15-31, IX: 332-663, X: 132-209, XI: 58-412, XIII: 174-715, XIV: 133, XV: 630-865
Arachne Daughter of Idmon. Boasted she could weave better than Minerva and won over her in a weaving contest. Jealous the goddess metamorphosed Arachne into a spider. VI: 5-148
Arcas Son of Jupiter and the nymph Callisto. Jealous of Callisto, Jupiter's wife, Juno, metamorphosed her into a bear, which Arcas killed not knowing it was his mother. Jupiter took pity on the two and metamorphosed them into the constellations known as Ursa Major and Ursa Minor (the big bear and the little bear). II: 469-496
Arethusa Nymph and spring. She fled from the river god Alpheus to Syracusa, Sicily. V: 409-642
Argus Monster with a hundred eyes and the protector of Io. I: 625-720, II: 533
Atalanta (huntress) Arcadian huntress. VIII: 317-426
Atalanta (princess) Daughter of the Boeotian King Schoeneus. X: 560-669
Athamas Son of Aeolus and husband of Ino (daughter of Cadmus). III: 564, IV: 420-517, XIII: 919
Athis One of Phineus' men at Perseus' wedding. V: 47-62
Atlas Titan, son of Iapetus. He was metamorphosed into the North-West-African Atlas Mountains after he supported the Titans against the Olympian gods during the Titanomachy. He holds Uranus (the sky) on his shoulders. I: 682, II: 296-742, IV: 628-772, VI: 174, IX: 273, XV: 149
Aurora Goddess of dawn and wife of Tithonus. Aurora is the Roman name for the Greek Eos. II: 112-144, III: 149-600, IV: 629, V: 440, VI: 47, VII: 100-835, IX: 421, XIII: 576-621, XIV: 228, XV: 665
Autolycus Son of Mercurius and Chione and grandfather of Ulisses through his daughter, Anticlea. VIII: 738, XI: 313
Bacchus God of wine. Roman name for Dionysus. III: 316-733, IV: 3-613, V: 329, VI: 125-598, VII: 294-359, XI: 85-134, XII: 578, XIII: 639-651, XV: 114-413
Battus Old man from Pylos. II: 688
Baucis Wife of Philemon. VIII: 631-714
Boreas The Northern wind. Greek name of the Roman Aquilo. I: 64, VI: 682-702, VII: 695, XII: 24, XIII: 418, XV: 471
Byblis Daughter of Miletus. Developed incestuous love for her brother Caunus and was transformed into a nymph. IX: 447-654
Cadmus Son of Agenor (who was king of Tyre, Phoenicia), brother of Europa, husband of Venus' daughter Harmonia, and the founder of Thebes. Cadmus was sent out to find and return his sister, Europa, to Phoenicia after she had been abducted by Jupiter. III: 3-564, IV: 472-595, VI: 177
Caeneus/Caenis Born the daughter - Caenis - of the Lapith Elatus. He was metamorphosed into an invulnerable hero by Neptunus. VIII: 305, XII: 172-514
Calchas Son of Thestor. Calchas was the Argive augur of the Greeks in the Trojan War. XII: 19-27
Calliope Muse and mother of Orpheus. V: 338, X: 148
Callisto Nymph and daughter of Lycaon. One of the followers of Diana. II: 443-508
Canens Nymph, daughter of Janus and Venilia, and wife of King Picus. Her husband was metamorphosed into a woodpecker by Circe, because he scorned her love, and when Canens could not find her metamorphosed husband she killed herself. XIV: 338-434
Cassandra Daughter of King Priam of Troy. She was a priestess of Apollo, gifted with the ability to predict the future but cursed so nobody would ever believe her prophecies. Cassandra was raped by Ajax the Lesser and taken as a concubine for Agamemnon at the fall of Troy, but they were later both killed by Agamemnons wife, Clytemnestra. XIII: 410, XIV: 468
Caunus Son of Miletus and brother of Byblis. Byblis fell incestuously in love with Caunus, but as she could not get him she tried to kill herself, but was metamorphosed into a nymph. IX: 453-633
Cecrops The mythical founder Athens. He is often depicted with his lower body as a snake. II: 555-784, VI: 70, VII: 485, VIII: 550, XV: 427
Cephalus Grandson of Aeolus and husband of Procris. Cephalus was an Athenian noble who accidentally killed his wife. VI: 681, VII: 493-865, VIII: 4
Ceres Goddess of agriculture, grain crops, fertility and motherly relationships. Roman name for the Greek Demeter. I: 123, V: 110-660, VI: 118, VII: 439, VIII: 274-814, IX: 422, X: 74-431, XI: 112-122, XIII: 639, XV: 122
Ceyx Son of Lucifer, husband of Alcyone, and king of Thrace. He died in a shipwreck. XI: 271-740
Chariclo The mother of Ocyrhoë by Chiron. II: 636
Charybdis Daughter of Neptunus and Gaia. Charybdis was once a naiad, but was metamorphosed into a monster at the Sicilian coast by the Strait of Messina, opposite of Scylla (sea monster). Charybdis was a maelstrom which made any ship passing too close by be sucked into the deeps. VII: 63, VIII: 121, XIII: 730, XIV: 75
Chione Daughter of Daedalion. XI: 301
Chiron Centaur, son of Philyra and Saturnus and father of Ocyrhoë. Chiron was known for his wisdom and raised many heroes and sons of gods. Chiron was immortal since he was son of the Titan Saturnus, but after being hit by one of Hercules' arrows by accident he was poisoned by the Lernaean Hydra's blood he asked for death and was given it. When he died he was metamorphosed into the constellation known as Centaurus. II: 630-676, VI: 126
Cinyras Son of Pygmalion's daughter Paphos, husband of Cenchreis, father of Myrrha and Adonis, and king of Cyprus. He was deceived and seduced by Myrrha to have intercourse from which the result was Adonis. X: 337-472
Cipus Roman legendary commander. XV: 565-621
Circe Daughter of Helius and Perse. Circe was a goddess skilled in magic. IV: 205, XIII: 968, XIV: 9-446, XV: 717
Clymene Daughter of Tethys, the wife the Ethiopian King Merops, and the mother of Phaëton and the Heliades by Helius. I: 756-766, II: 19-334, IV: 204
Cornix Daughter of Coroneus og Phocis. She was attacked by Neptunus, but delivered from him by Minerva, who metamorphosed her into a crow. II: 547-595
Cupid God of desire and erotic love, son of Mars and Venus. Roman equivalent to the Greek Eros. I: 455-463, IV: 321, V: 374-379, VII: 73, IX: 482-543
Cyane Nymph and spring in Syracus, Sicily. V: 409-470
Cyáneë (or Cyanee) Nymph, daughter of Maeander and mother of Caunus and Byblis by Miletus. IX: 452
Cybele Phrygian goddess, the Mother of the gods. She is depicted with a turreted crown. X: 696-704, XIV: 535-546
Cygnus (1) Son of Sthenelous and friend and relative of Phaëton. II: 367, XII: 581
Cygnus (2) Son of Apollo and the nymph Hyrie. A spoiled youth he had been tamed animals by Phylius, but when he denied a bull he tried to kill himself, but was metamorphosed into a swan. VII: 371
Cygnus (3) Son of Neptunus. He was a Trojan hero, invulnerable because he was the son of Neptunus, but still mortal. XII: 71-169
Cyllarus Centaur, husband of Hylonome. He dearly loved his centaur wife, but participating in the battle against the Lapiths he was fatally wounded by a spear. He died in the arms of his beloved wife, who then took her own life shortly afterwards to join him. XII: 393-420
Cyparissus Loved by Apollo, he was given a tamed deer by the god, which he accidentally killed with a javelin. X: 120-130
Daedalion Brother of Ceyx. XI: 295-340
Daedalus Architect and inventor and the father of Icarus. He constructed wings made of feathers and wax for him and his son to escape from Crete. VIII: 159-260, IX: 742
Daphne Nymph. Daughter of Peneus. She was metamorphosed into a laurel to escape the amorous god Apollo. As a sign for his love for her, Apollo wears the laurel around his head. I: 452-547
Deïanira Daughter of Oeneus, sister of Meleager, wife of Hercules. Famous for unwittingly killing Hercules with the Shirt of Nessus. VIII: 542, IX: 8-137
Deucalion Son of Prometheus. I: 318-391, VI: 120, VII: 356
Diana Goddess of the hunt, associated with the Moon, daughter of Jupiter and Latona, and sister of Apollo. Diana is the Roman name for the Greek Artemis. I: 476-694, II: 414-425, III: 156-251, IV: 304, V: 329-641, VII: 746-754, VIII: 272-579, IX: 90, X: 536, XI: 322, XII: 35-267, XIII: 185, XIV: 331, XV: 196-549
Diomedes(Thracian king) Son of Mars and Cyrene and king of Thrace. He had man-eating horses in his stables. Diomedes was killed by Hercules. IX: 195
Diomedes (Greek hero) Son of Tydeus and friend of Ulysses. Greek hero in the Trojan War where he wounded Venus when the goddess interfered in the battle. XII: 622, XIII: 68-351, XIV: 457-512, XV: 769-806
Dryope Daughter of King Eurytus of Oechalia and half-sister of Iolë.
Egeria Nymph, wife of Numa, the second king of Rome. XV: 547-550
Ekho Nymph who could only repeat others, not talk for herself. She fell in love with Narcissus, but was rejected as everyone else. In her heart deep-felt-grief she faded away until nothing was left, but her voice. III: 358-507
Erysichthon Son of Triopas and king of Thessaly. He was punished with insatiable hunger for killing a nymph and sold everything he owned, including his daughter, Mnestra. Nothing could satisfy his hunger and eventually he ate himself to death. VIII: 739-823
Europa Daughter of the Phoenician King Agenor, sister of Cadmus, and by Jupiter the mother of Minos. II: 844-868, III: 3-258, VI: 103, VIII: 23-120
Eurydice Nymph, wife of Orpheus. She was killed by a snakebite, prompting Orpheus to seek a way to bring her back to life. He attempted, but eventually failed. Example
Eurytus (1) Father of Hippasus. VIII: 371
Eurytus (2) Father of Iolë and Dryope and king of Oechalia, Euboea. IX: 356-363
Eurytus (3) Centaur who tries to kidnap Hippodame at her and Theseus' wedding, but is killed by the latter in the attempt. XII: 220-238
Galanthis One of Alcmene's maids. IX:306-323
Galatea (deity) The nereid (sea-nymph) who fell in love with the spirit of the Acis River in Sicily, Acis. XIII: 738-880
Galatea (statue) A statue carved out of ivory by Pygmalion. Pygmalion fell in love with Galatea and after Pygmalion had sacrificed to Venus (mythology) during her festival Galatea was made into a real woman. X: 247-297
Ganymede Son of the Dardanian King Tros and brother of Ilus (the founder of Ilion) and Assaracus (the grandfather of Aeneas). X: 155-160, XI: 756
Glaucus Boeotic fisherman who was metamorphosed into a sea god. VII: 233, XIII: 906-916, XIV: 11-68
Hecuba The wife and queen of King Priam of Troy. XI: 761, XIII: 404-620
Hercules Demigod, son of Jupiter and the mortal Alcmene. Famous for his strength, solving the twelve labors set by King Eurystheus. He was killed unwittingly by his wife Deïanira using the Shirt of Nessus. Hercules is the Roman equivalent of the Greek Heracles. VII: 364-410, VIII: 542, IX: 13-400, XI: 213-626, XII: 309-575, XIII: 51-401, XV: 8-284
Hermaphroditus Son of Venus and Mercurius. He was born as a handsome boy, but was metamorphosed into an androgynous being when he was fused with the nymph Salmacis. IV: 291-383
Herse One of the three daughters of Cecrops, her sisters being Aglaulus and Pandrosus. II: 559-809
Hersilia Wife and queen of Romulus. Deified as Hora. XIV: 831-847
Hesperia Aesacus' lover. XI: 768
Hippodame Daughter of Adrastos. XII: 210-670
Hippolytus Son of Theseus and the Amazon Queen Antiope and stepson of Phaedra. Phaedra tried to seduce Hippolytus, but as he rejected her she convinced Theseus that Hippolytus had raped her. This made Theseus use one of his three wishes to curse Hippolytus which eventually killed him. Hippolytus was deified as Virbius. XV: 497-543
Hippomenes Son of Megareus and through his grandfather, Onchestus, descendant of Neptunus. Raced and won over Atalante (the princess) with the help of Venus, thereby winning Atalante's hand. They were both metamorphosed into lions after having had intercourse in a temple. X: 575-668
Hyacinthus A beautiful boy loved by Apollo. One day as Apollo was throwing a discus and Hyacinthus ran to catch it, he was struck by the discus and died. Apollo made the hyacinth in his memory. X: 162-217, XIII: 396
Hylonome Female centaur. She was present at the battle against the Lapiths, where she lost her husband, the centaur Cyllarus. Heartbroken, she committed suicide in order to join him XII: 405-423
Ianthe Cretan girl who was engaged to Iphis (Cretan girl). IX: 715-797
Icarus Son of Daedalus. Daedalus constructed wings made of feathers and wax for him and his son to escape from Crete. Icarus flew too close to the Sun which made the wax melt and Icarus fell to his death in the sea. VIII: 196-235
Idmon Father of Arachne. VI: 8-133
Ilia Daughter of Numitor and descendant of Aeneas. She was by Mars the mother of the twins Romulus and Remus, the two founders of Rome. Her alternative name is Rhea Silvia. XIV: 780-823
Inachus River deity in Argolis and father of Io. I: 583-645, IX: 686
Ino Daughter of Cadmus and queen of Thebes. Deified as Leucothea. III: 313-722, IV: 417-543
Io Nymph, daughter of Inachus. Io was the lover of Jupiter and in jealousy Juno, Jupiter's wife, metamorphosed Io into a cow. Io wandered until she reached Egypt where she prayed that the punishment would end. Jupiter heard her and calmed Juno. Juno metamorphosed Io into a human form again, but in the process also deified her as the Egyptian goddess Isis. I: 628-747, II: 524, IX: 686
Iphigenia Daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra. XII: 30-34, XIII: 185
Iphis (Cretan) Daughter of Telethusa and Ligdus. She was raised as a boy and fell in love with the girl Ianthe. Iphis prayed that the women could be married and the Egyptian goddess Isis metamorphosed Iphis into a man. IX: 668-797
Iphis (Cyprian) Young man in Cyprus. When he was rejected by Anaxarete whom he loved, he committed suicide. XIV: 698-753
Iris Goddess of the rainbow and daughter of Thaumas. She was the messenger of Juno. I: 271, IV: 479, VI: 63, XI: 585-622, XIV: 85-838
Itys Son of Procne and Tereus. Itys was fed to Tereus by his mother in revenge for Tereus' raping her sister, Philomela, and cutting out her tongue. VI: 437-658
Ixion Father of Pirithous, and king of the the Lapiths in Thessaly. He was invited to the banquet of the Olympian gods, but instead of being grateful he tried to rape his hostess, Juno. Juno transformed herself into a cloud from which the centaurs were born. Ixion was punished in Tartarus by being bound to an ever-spinning wheel of fire. IV: 461-464, VIII: 403, IX: 123, X: 42, XII: 210-504
Jason Son of King Aeson of Iolcus, Thessaly. Jason was sent to Colchis to get the golden fleece by his uncle Pelias, who had usurped the throne from Aeson. For this expedition Jason collected a large number of heroes, the Argonauts, and let the ship Argo build. VII: 5-397, VIII: 302-349
Juno Sister and wife of Jupiter. Juno is the Roman name for the Greek Hera. I: 270-738, II: 435-531, III: 256-362, IV: 173-549, VI: 89-428, VIII: 220, IX: 15-796, X: 506, XI: 578-648, XII: 504, XIII: 574, XIV: 85-829, XV: 164-774
Jupiter King of the gods, and the god of sky and thunder. Jupiter is the Roman name for the Greek Zeus. I: 106-749, II: 60-836, III: 6-363, IV: 3-799, V: 11-564, VI: 51-801, VII: 367-801, VIII: 50-703, IX: 24-499, X: 148-161, XI: 41-756, XII: 11-561, XIII: 5-857, XIV: 594-807, XV: 12-871
Laomedon Father of Priam and king of Troy. VI: 96, XI: 196-757, XIII: 417
Latona Daughter of the the Titan Coeus and by Jupiter mother of Apollo and Diana, whom she gave birth to in Delos. Latona is the Roman name of the Greek Leto. VI: 159-346, VII: 384
Latreus Centaur who killed Halesus, but was shortly after killed by Caeneus. 462-493
Lethaea Wife of Olenus. She boasted that she was more beautiful than any god and was turned to stone. Her husband chose to share her fate though he could have avoided it. X: 69
Leucothea Name of the deified form of Ino (she was metamorphosed into a sea goddess). IV: 542
Lichas Deïanira's servant who brought Hercules the poisoned Shirt of Nessus. V::: 272
Lycaon King of Arcadia. I: 165-221, II: 495-526
Macareus (1) One of the Lapiths. XII: 452
Macareus (2) Son of Neritus and one of Ulisses' men. XIV: 158-441
Mars God of war. Roman equivalent to the Greek Ares. III: 32-132, IV: 171, VI: 70, VII: 101, XII: 90, XIV: 806-818, XV: 863
Medea Daughter of King Aeetes of Colchis. She protected Jason from the tasks her father set him, and eventually married him. After he divorced her she went insane, killed her old family, and married Aegeus. VII: 10-424
Medusa The most famous of the three Gorgons, daughters of the sea god Phorcys. Medusa was killed by Perseus and from her blood sprang Pegasus. IV: 616-801, V: 69-248, VI: 119
Meleager Foster son of King Oeneus of Calydon, son of Althaea by Mars, and husband of Cleopatra. VIII: 270-515, IX: 149
Memnon Son of Aurora and Tithonus and king of Ethiopia, allied with Troy. XIII: 278-600
Mercurius Messenger of the gods, especially of Jupiter. Son of the Pleiade Maia and Jupiter. Roman equivalent to the Greek Hermes. I: 669-713, II: 685-834, IV: 187-754, VIII: 627, XI: 303-307, XIII: 146
Midas King of Phrygia. Midas was granted the ability to turn everything he touched into gold by Bacchus, but when he saw that he could not even drink and eat and after he had turned his daughter into gold he hated his new-gained power. Bacchus advised him to wash the magic off in the river Pactolus. Later Midas was called upon to decide whether Pan or Apollo played the most beautiful music, but doubting that Apollo was the best he was given donkey ears. XI: 92-194
Minerva Virgin goddess of the war, art and science, daughter of Jupiter, and protector of Athens. Roman equivalent to the Greek Athena. II: 709-835, IV: 33-799, V: 250-334, VI: 23-43, VIII: 252, XIII: 344, XIV: 475, XV: 709
Minos Son of Jupiter and Europa, king of Crete, husband of Pasiphaë, and father of Ariadne. After his death he became judge of the dead in the underworld. VII: 456-504, VIII: 6-262, IX: 437-445
Minotaurus A cannibalistic monster, half bull and half man, he was the issue of Queen Pasiphaë's affair with a bull, which had been sent to Crete by Neptunus to be sacrificed, but was spared by Minos. Daedalus created a plinth the shape of a heifer which Pasiphaë could hide inside, in that way making the bull cover her. VIII: 133-169
Morpheus God of dreams. XI: 635-671
Myrrha Granddaughter of Pygmalion, daughter of King Cinyras of Cyprus, and mother of Adonis by her father Cinyras. She tricked her father into intercourse, but was discovered and fled. After having been on the run for 9 months she asked the gods not to be seen among those alive or dead, and was thus metamorphosed into the myrrh tree. A month later the tree gave birth to Adonis. X: 317-476
Myscelus Son of Alemon. XV: 19-47
Narcissus Son of Liriope. He fell in love with his own reflection and wasted away until death. When he died he was metamorphosed into the plant of the same name. III: 346-413
Neptunus Brother of Jupiter. God of the sea and waters. I: 275-330, II: 270-573, IV: 532-798, V: 370, VI: 71-115, VIII: 851-867, X: 606, XI: 202, XII: 25-585, XIII: 854
Nessus Centaur famously known for being killed by Hercules and deceiving his wife, Deïanira, into using his tainted blood to kill Hercules in turn. IX: 101-153, XII: 308-454
Nestor Son of Neleus and king of Pylos. VIII: 313-365, XII: 169-578, XIII: 63, XV: 65
Niobe Daughter of Tantalus and wife of King Amphion of Thebes. Boasted that she had more children than Latona. For revenge the goddess' two children, Diana and Apollo, killed all of Niobe's. In grief she wept until she was metamorphosed into stone. VI: 148-298
Numa King of Rome after Romulus. XV: 3-479
Nyctimene A woman from Lesbos. Metamorphosed by Minerva into an owl after she had had intercourse with her father. II: 590
Ocyrhoë Daughter of Chiron and Chariclo; possessed by Apollo in his quality as god of prophecy. She was metamorphosed into a mare. II: 637-675
Olenus (1) Father of Tectaphus the Lapith. XII: 433
Olenus (2) Husband to Lethaea with whom he was turned to stone. X: 68
Orithyia Daughter of King Erechtheus of Athens. VI: 683, VII: 694-695
Orpheus Son of Apollo and the Muse Calliope. Legendary musician, poet, and prophet. X: 3-79, XI: 1-93
Pan God of shepherds and the forest with a goat's beard, -horns, and -legs. I: 699-707, VI: 329, XI: 147-171, XIV: 515
Paphos The daughter of Pygmalion and Galathea, mother of Cinyras, and grandmother of Myrrha and Adonis. X: 297
Paris Son of Hecuba and King Priam of Troy. He was famous for seducing and abducting Helen of Sparta (later Helen of Troy) with the help of Venus. Helen's husband, Menelaus, along with Agamemnon invoked The Oath of Tyndareus, thereby starting the Trojan War. VII: 631, XII: 4-605, XIII: 200-501, XV: 805
Pegasus Winged horse, born from the blood of Medusa. Its clops made the spring Hippocrene by Helicon well up. IV: 786, V: 257-312, VI: 120
Peleus Son of Aeacus, brother of Telamon, half-brother of Phocus, and father of Achilles. VII: 476-669, VIII: 3-380, XI: 217-397, XII: 82-387, XIII: 151-155, XV: 856
Pelias Brother of Aeson, from whom he usurped the throne of Iolcus. He later sent Aeson's son Jason out to get the golden fleece. VII: 298-343
Pentheus Son of Echion and king of Thebes. III: 524-730, IV: 22-429
Perdix Nephew of Daedalus. VIII: 251
Perseus Son of Danaë and Jupiter. Jupiter fell into Danaë's womb as a golden rain while she was imprisoned in a tower by her father, Acrisius, because it had been foreseen that his daughter's son would cause his death. When Perseus was born, Acrisius put him and his mother in a coffin which he set afloat. The coffin drifted to Seriphus where King Polydectes later wanted Danaë. In order to get rid of Perseus he sent him on the seemingly impossible quest to slay the gorgon Medusa, but Perseus borrowed an invisibility hat, winged sandals, and a scimitar from Mercurius and was helped by Minerva. IV: 611-792, V: 1-250
Phaedra Daughter of Pasiphaë and Minos. XV: 500
Phaëton Son of Phoebus (the Sun) and Clymene. I: 750-776, II: 19-400, IV: 246, X: 262, XII: 581
Philemon Husband of Baucis. VIII: 631-714
Philomela Daughter of Pandion and sister of Procne. She was raped by her brother-in-law, Tereus. To make sure she did not tell Procne he muted her by cutting out her tongue and imprisoned her in a forest. A year later she was rescued by her sister and in revenge the sisters fed Tereus his and Procne's son, Itys. Philomela was metamorphosed into a bird along with her sister and brother-in-law. VI: 451-657
Phineus (1) Brother of Cepheus and betrothed to Andromeda before Perseus. Killed by the latter. V: 8-231
Phineus (2) Blind king of Salmydessos, Thrace. His sons were seduced by his queen, their stepmother, so he blinded them. As a punishment the harpies would plague him by stealing or tainting his food. He was relieved from the harpies by Zetes and Calais. VII: 2
Phocus Son of Aeacus and the nymph Psamanthe and half-brother of Peleus and Telamon. VII: 477-796, XI: 267-381
Picus Son of Saturnus and king of Laurentum near Rome. XIV: 320-397
Pirithous Son of Ixion, friend of Theseus, and king of the Lapiths. VIII: 303-567, XII: 210-332
Pluto God of the underworld. Roman equivalent to the Greek Hades. II: 261, IV: 438-510, V: 356-569, VII: 249, XV: 534
Polydectes King of Seriphus. He ordered that Perseus kill the gorgon Medusa to him away from his mother, whom Polydectes wanted. V: 243-249
Polydorus Son of Hecuba and King Priam of Troy. XIII: 431-629
Polymestor King of Thrace. XIII: 430-554
Polyphemus Cyclops, son of Neptunus. XIII: 744-779, XIV: 167-249
Polyxena Daughter of Hecuba and King Priam of Troy. XIII: 448-483
Pomona Italic nymph. XIV: 623-767
Priam Son of Laomedon, husband of Hecuba, and last king of Troy. XI: 758, XII; 607, XIII: 99-519, XIV: 474, XV: 437
Procne Daughter of Pandion, wife of Tereus, sister of Philomela, and mother of Itys. She feeds Itys to Tereus after he has raped Philomela and cut out her tongue. She was metamorphosed into a bird along with her sister and husband. VI: 428-653
Procris Daughter of Erechteus of Athens and wife of Cephalus, who accidentally kills her with his hunting spear (which never misses) because he mistook her for a boar. VI: 681, VII: 694-845
Proserpina Daughter of Ceres and Jupiter, wife of Pluto, and queen of the Underworld. She is kidnapped by Pluto and eats of the pomegranate seeds while in the Underworld. She is sentenced by Jove to spend half the year with Ceres, half with Pluto. Roman equivalent to the Greek Persefone. II: 261, V: 377-555, VII: 249-728
Pygmalion Sculptor from Cyptrus, father of Paphos, grandfather of Cinyras, and great-grandfather of Myrrha and Adonis. A bachelor, Pygmalion sculpts a beautiful woman out of ivory. He falls in love with this statue and prays to Venus to bring it to life. She grants his prayer, and the statue, Galatea, has a daughter with him, Paphos. X: 243-296
Pyramus Young man from Babylon who is the boyfriend of Thisbe whom he is not allowed to marry. IV: 55-163
Pyreneus A tyrant who chases the muses. V: 274
Pyrrha Daughter of Epimetheus (the brother of Prometheus) and wife of her cousin Deucalion. I: 319-395
Quirinus The name of the deified form of Romulus. XIV: 828-863
Romulus The founder of Rome. Son of Ilia and Mars. He took the name Quirinus upon his deification. XIV: 799-846, XV: 560
Saturnus Roman god of agriculture and harvest. Equivalent to the Greek Cronus. Led the rebellion against Uranus; the brother and husband of Ops, the Greek Rhea; the father of Jupiter and his siblings, who overthrew him and precipitated him into Tartarus. I: 113, VI: 125, IX: 497, XIV: 320, XV: 858
Scylla (sea bird) Daughter of King Nisus of Megara. She fell in love with Minos, king of a besieging army and betrayed her city to him, but he spurned her. Was transformed into a sea bird, pursued by her father who was transformed into a sea eagle. VIII: 17-104
Scylla (sea monster) Daughter of Crataeis. Metamorphosed, by Circe, into a terrifying sea monster on the Italian coast by the Strait of Messina with fierce dogs around her waist, snapping sailors passing by. VII: 64, XIII: 730-966, XIV: 18-70
Semele Daughter of Cadmus. By Jupiter mother of Bacchus. III: 260-520, IV: 422, V: 329
Sibyl Prophetess in Cumae. XIV: 104-154, XV: 712
Syrinx Arcadian nymph. To hide from the amorous Pan she was metamorphosed into hollow water reeds. I: 691-712
Telamon Son of Aecus, brother of Peleus, half-brother of Phocus, and father of Ajax. VII: 476-669, VIII: 3-378, XI: 216, XII: 624, XIII: 22-345
Tereus Son of Mars, father of Itys, husband of Procne, and king of Thrace. He raped Philomela (Procne's sister), then cut out her tongue, but was later tricked by Philomela and Procne into eating his son. Eventually both sisters and Tereus were metamorphosed into birds. VI: 424-681
Themis Goddess of law, justice, and prophecy and daughter of Uranus (the sky) and Gaia (the earth). She was the predecessor of Apollo as Oracle of Delphi I: 321-381, IV: 643, IX: 403-418
Theseus Son of Aethra and Aegeus. During a visit at King Pittheus of Troizen Aegeus slept with the king's daughter, Aethra. He hid his sword under a rock and told Aethra that if she bore him a son she should tell this son when he was strong enough to remove the rock. He should the travel to Athens with the sign of his origin, the sword. VII: 404-434, VIII: 262-726, IX: 1, XII: 227-355, XV: 492
Thetis Nymph, daughter of Nereus and mother of Achilles. XI: 221-400, XII: 93-193, XIII: 162-301
Thisbe Pyramus' girlfriend whom she is forbidden to wed. When they decide to meet a lioness scares off Thisbe and mutilates the veil she left behind. Pyramus finds the veil and believing Thisbe is dead he kills himself with his sword. When Thisbe finds his dead body she kills herself as well. The mulberry fruits were metamorphosed into their stained colour to symbolize the forbidden love after the gods heard Thisbe's lament. IV: 55-163
Tiresias Blind prophet in Thebes famous for clairvoyance. III: 322-516, VI: 157
Tisiphone One of the Erinyes. IV: 474-495
Triton Sea god, son of Neptunus. I: 331, II: 8, XIII: 919
Ulysses King of Ithaca. Son of Laërtes and Anticlea. VIII: 315, XII: 625, XIII: 6-773, XIV: 71-671
Urania The muse of astronomy. V: 260-294
Venus Goddess of love. Roman name for the Greek Aphrodite. I: 463, III: 132, IV: 171-531, V: 331, VII: 802, IX: 424-796, X: 224-717, XIII: 759, XIV: 27-788, XV: 762-843
Vertumnus The god of seasons, change and plant growth, as well as gardens and fruit trees. He tricked Pomona into talking to him by disguising himself as an old woman and gaining entry to her orchard, then using a narrative warning of the dangers of rejecting a suitor to seduce her. XIV: 641-765
Vesta Goddess of hearth, home and family. XV: 730-865
Virbius Name of the deified form of Hippolytus. XV: 544
Vulcanus God of forging and fire. Son of Jupiter and Juno and husband of Venus. Forged among other things the weapons of Achilles. Roman name for the Greek Hephaistos. II: 106-437, IX: 251, XII: 614


  • Bulfinch, Thomas (1942). The Age of Fable. New York: The Heritage Press. {{ cite book}}: |access-date= requires |url= ( help); Unknown parameter |editors= ignored (|editor= suggested) ( help)


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