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Tenzin Gyatso the 14th Dalai Lama made his first foreign visit in exile to Japan and Thailand in 1967. In 1973, he made his first visit to Europe. He made his first visit to the North America in 1979. Following is a list of all of his overseas trips.


Date(s) [1] Information [1] Cities visited [1] Country [1]
October 1967 Speeches Tokyo   Japan
14 –17.11.1967 Met with Field Marshal Prime Minister of Thailand Thanom Kittikachorn and King of Thailand Bhumibol Adulyadej Bangkok   Thailand
30.9.1973 Met with Pope Paul VI [2] Rome   Vatican
10.10.1973 Met with Irish Foreign Minister Frank Aiken, Taoiseach Liam Cosgrave and President of Ireland Erskine Hamilton Childers Dublin   Ireland
9.10.1973 Met with Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld Amsterdam   Netherlands
2.10.1973 Met with United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan Geneva    Switzerland
19.10.1973 Met with Prince Peter of Greece and Denmark Oslo   Norway
25.10.1973 Met with Archbishop of Canterbury Michael Ramsey London   United Kingdom
3.9.1979 Welcoming at St. Patrick's Cathedral, viewed Statue of Liberty [3] New York City   United States
15.9.1979 Met with Governor of Wisconsin Lee Dreyfus Madison   United States
9.10.1980 Met with Pope John Paul II Rome   Vatican
1.11.1980 Met with Prime Minister of Japan Suzuki Zenko Tokyo   Japan
27.7.1982 Met with former Prime Minister of Malaysia Tunku Abdul Rahman Kuala Lumpur   Malaysia
2.8.1982 Met with Vice President of Indonesia Adam Malik Jakarta   Indonesia
October 8, 1982 Met with Pope John Paul II Rome   Vatican
3.7.1984 Met with Archbishop of Canterbury Robert Runcie London   United Kingdom
13.5.1986 Met with President of Austria Rudolf Kirchschläger Vienna   Austria
20.5 –17.5.1986 Met with Princess Irene of the Netherlands, Princess Juliana of the Netherlands and Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld Amsterdam   Netherlands
11.9.1986 Met with Patriarch of Russian Orthodox Church Pimen I of Moscow Moscow   Soviet Union
27.10.1986 Met with Pope John Paul II Rome   Vatican
20.9.1987 Met with former President of the United States Jimmy Carter Atlanta   United States
13.4.1988 Met with Archbishop of Canterbury Robert Runcie London   United Kingdom
14.6.1988 Met with Pope John Paul II Rome   Vatican
18.6.1988 Met with Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan Geneva    Switzerland
27.6.1989 Met with President of Costa Rica Oscar Arias Sanchez San José   Costa Rica
3.7.1989 Met with President of Mexico Carlos Salinas de Gortari México   Mexico
8 –7.12.1989 Met with former Chancellor of Germany Willy Brandt and President of the Bundestag Rita Süssmuth Berlin   West Germany
11 –9.12.1989 Met with Prime Minister of Norway Jan P. Syse, King of Norway Olav V and Foreign Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik Oslo   Norway
3.3.1990 Met with President of Czechoslovakia Václav Havel Prague   Czechoslovakia
24.4.1990 Met with Foreign Minister of Belgium Mark Eyskens Brussels   Belgium
1.6.1990 Met with Pope John Paul II Rome   Vatican
4.6.1990 Met with President of the Autonomous Government of Navarra Gabriel Urralburu Pamplona   Spain
5.9.1990 Met with President of the Autonomous Government of Baleares Gabriel Canellas Mallorca   Spain
10.9.1990 Met with Foreign Minister of the Netherlands Hans van den Broek Amsterdam   Netherlands
4.10.1990 Met with President of Germany Richard von Weizsäcker Bonn   Germany
18.3 –21.3.1991 Met with Prince Richard, Duke of Gloucester; Charles, Prince of Wales; James Mackay ( Lord Chancellor); Bernard Weatherill ( Commons Speaker). Also met Neil Kinnock, Leader of the Opposition. London   United Kingdom
22.3.1991 Met with President of Ireland Mary Robinson Dublin   Ireland
16.4.1991 Met with the President of the United States George H. W. Bush. Met with President of Nicaragua Violeta Chamorro. Met with Vice President of the United States Dan Quayle. Foreign Minister of Czechoslovakia Jiří Dienstbier. Met with former Permanent Representative to the United Nations Jeane Kirkpatrick. Met with Majority Leader of the United States Senate George Mitchell. Met with Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Tom Foley Washington, D.C.   United States
16.7.1991 Met with Prince of Liechtenstein Prince Hans-Adam II Vaduz   Liechtenstein
19.7.1991 Met with Foreign Minister of Switzerland René Felber Bern    Switzerland
29.9 –2.10.1991 Met with President of Lithuania Vytautas Landsbergis. Met with Prime Minister of Lithuania Gediminas Vagnorius. Met with Acting President of Latvia Anatolijs Gorbunovs Vilna   Lithuania
4.10.1991 Met with Chairman of the Supreme Council of Estonia Ülo Nugis. Met with Foreign Affairs Commissioner of Estonia Indrek Toome Tallinn   Estonia
5.10.1991 Met with President of Bulgaria Zhelyu Zhelev Sofia   Bulgaria
10.10.1991 Met with Empress of Iran Farah Pahlavi Hartford   United States
2.12.1991 Prime Minister of the United Kingdom John Major London   United Kingdom
3.12 –5.12.1991 Met with Foreign Minister of Sweden Margaretha af Ugglas, King of Sweden Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen of Sweden Silvia Stockholm   Sweden
8 –7.12.1991 Met with Prime Minister of Norway Gro Harlem Brundtland. Met with Nobel Peace Prize winners President of Poland Lech Wałęsa and Bishop Desmond Tutu Oslo   Norway
8 –4.5.1992 Met with Prime Minister of Australia Paul Keating. Met with Foreign Minister of Australia Gareth Evans. Met with Prime Minister of Kampuchea Son Sann Canberra, Melbourne   Australia
13.5.1992 Met with Foreign Minister of New Zealand Don McKinnon and Prime Minister of New Zealand Jim Bolger Wellington   New Zealand
11.6.1992 Met with President of Argentina Carlos Menem Buenos Aires   Argentina
20.6.1992 Met with President of Chile Patricio Aylwin Santiago de Chile   Chile
27.4.1993 Met with Vice President of the United States Al Gore and President of the United States Bill Clinton Washington, D.C.   United States
10 –12.5.1993 Met with Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom Douglas Hurd and Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey London   United Kingdom
17.5.1993 Met with President of Poland Lech Wałęsa Warsaw   Poland
14.6.1993 Met with President of Austria Thomas Klestil Vienna   Austria
14.4.1994 Met with Governors of Hawaii John D. Waihee III Honolulu   United States
28.4.1994 Met with President of the United States Bill Clinton and Vice President of the United States Al Gore Washington, D.C.   United States
29.4.1994 Met with President of the Bundestag Rita Süssmuth Frankfurt am Main   Germany
4.6.1994 Met with Princess Juliana of the Netherlands. Met with Foreign Minister of the Netherlands Pieter Kooijmans Amsterdam   Netherlands
7.6.1994 Met with Foreign minister of Belgium Willy Claes Brussels   Belgium
14.6.1994 Met with Secretary of State for Foreign and Political Affairs of San Marino Gabriele Gatti San Marino   San Marino
16.6 –17.6.1994 Met with President of the Italian Lower House Irene Pivetti. Met with President of Italy Oscar Luigi Scalfaro and President of the Italian Senate Carlo Scognamiglio Rome   Italy
17.6.1994 Met with Pope John Paul II Rome   Vatican
4.7 –5.7.1994 Met with President of Nicaragua Violeta Chamorro. Met with Foreign Minister of Nicaragua Ernesto Leal. Met with President of the Nicaraguan National Assembly Luis Humberto Guzman Managua   Nicaragua
3.5.1995 Met with Vice President of the German Parliament Antje Vollmer Bonn   Germany
1.8.1995 Met with Minister of Culture of Mongolia Nambaryn Enkhbayar Ulaanbaatar   Mongolia
15.5.1996 Met with Foreign Minister of Denmark Niels Helveg Petersen Copenhagen   Denmark
2.5.1996 Met with paavi Pope John Paul II Rome   Vatican
23.5.1996 Met with Foreign Minister of Sweden Lena Hjelm-Wallén Stockholm   Sweden
28.5.1996 Met with Foreign minister of Norway Bjorn Tore Godal Oslo   Norway
17.7.1996 Met with Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom Douglas Hurd London   United Kingdom
20 –23.8.1996 Met with President of South Africa Nelson Mandela, former State President of South Africa F. W. de Klerk and Bishop Desmond Tutu Cape Town, Pretoria   South Africa
11.9.1996 Met with Foreign Minister of New Zealand Don McKinnon and Prime Minister of New Zealand Jim Bolger Wellington   New Zealand
14.9.1996 Met with Foreign Minister of Australia Alexander Downer and Prime Minister of Australia John Howard Melbourne   Australia
23.10.1996 Tapaainen Foreign Minister of the Netherlands Hans van Mierlo Amsterdam   Netherlands
23.10.1996 Met with President of the European Commission Jacques Santer and President of the European Parliament Klaus Hansch Strasbourg   France
27.3.1997 Met with President of Taiwan Lee Teng-hui Taipei   Taiwan
16.4.1997 Met with President of the President of the Autonomous Government of Basque Country Jose Antonio Ardanza Garro and President of the Autonomous Government of Basque Parliament Joseba Andoni Leizaola Azpiazu Guernica, Vitoria-Gasteiz   Spain
23.4.1997 Met with Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Vice President of the United States Al Gore and President of the United States Bill Clinton Washington, D.C.   United States
5.9.1997 Met with President of the Czech Republic Václav Havel Prague   Czech Republic
6.4.1998 Met with former President of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev Kyoto   Japan
4.5 –11.5.1998 Met with former President of the United States Jimmy Carter. Met with Governor of New Jersey Christine Todd Whitman. Met with United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson. Met with United States Ambassador to the United Nations Bill Richardson New York City   United States
9.6.1998 Met with Foreign Minister of Austria Wolfgang Schüssel Vienna   Austria
17.6.1998 Met with President of the French National Assembly Laurent Fabius Paris   France
10.11.1998 Met with United States Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Vice President of the United States Al Gore and President of the United States Bill Clinton Washington, D.C.   United States
8.12.1998 Met with UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson. Met with Secretary-General of the United Nations Kofi Annan. Prime Minister of France Lionel Jospin and President of France Jacques Chirac Paris   France
7.4.1999 Met with President of Brazil Fernando Henrique Cardoso Brasília   Brazil
13.4.1999 Met with President of Chile Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle Santiago de Chile   Chile
4.5.1999 Met with Prime Minister of Belgium Jean-Luc Dehaene Brussels   Belgium
10 –12.5.1999 Met with Prince Charles of Wales. Met with Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom Robin Cook. Met with Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey. Met with Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Tony Blair Highgrove, London   United Kingdom
16 –17.7.1999 Met with Interior Minister of Germany Otto Schily. Met with Foreign Minister of Germany Joschka Fischer Bonn   Germany
18.10.1999 Met with Prime Minister of The Netherlands Wim Kok. Met with Foreign Minister of the Netherlands Jozias van Aartseni The Hague   Netherlands
26.10.1999 Met with Prime Minister of Italy Massimo D'Alema Rome   Italy
28.10.1999 Met with Pope John Paul II [4] Rome   Vatican
24.11.1999 Met with Speaker of the Knesset Avraham Burg. Met with Minister of Education of Israel Yossi Sarid Jerusalem   Israel
11.5.2000 Met with Prime Minister of Poland Jerzy Buzek and Speaker of the Polish Parliament Maciej Płażyński Warsaw   Poland
16.5 –17.5.2000 Met with Prime Minister of Sweden Göran Persson. Met with Foreign Minister of Sweden Anna Lindh. Met with Speaker of the Swedish Parliament Birgitta Dahl Stockholm   Sweden
21.5.2000 Met with Prime Minister of Denmark Poul Nyrup Rasmussen Copenhagen   Denmark
22.5.2000–23.5.2000 Met with Prime Minister of Norway Jens Stoltenberg. Met with Foreign minister of Norway Thorbjørn Jagland. Met with King of Norway Harald V Oslo   Norway
20.6 –3.7.2000 Met with United States Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. Met with United States Ambassador to the United Nations Richard Holbrooke. Met with President of the United States Bill Clinton Washington, D.C.   United States
11.10.2000–13.10.2000 Met with Foreign Minister of Hungary János Martonyi. Met with Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orbán Budapest   Hungary
16.10.2000 Met with President of the Czech Republic Václav Havel Prague   Czech Republic
21.10.2000 Met with President of Ireland Mary McAleese Belfast   United Kingdom
2.4 –7.4.2001 Met with Prime Minister of Taiwan Chang Chun-hsiung. Met with President of Taiwan Chen Shuibian. Met with Vice President of Taiwan Annette Lu Taipei   Taiwan
6.5.2001 Met with Interior Minister of Switzerland Ruth Dreifuss Basel    Switzerland
9.5 –23.5.2001 Met with President of the United States George W. Bush. Met with United States Secretary of State Colin Powell. Met with United States Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage. Met with Governor of Oregon John Kitzhaber. Met with Governor of Utah Michael Leavitt. Met with Governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura Saint Paul, Salt Lake City, Portland, Washington, D.C.   United States
19.6.2001 Met with Prime Minister of Estonia Mart Laar Tallinn   Estonia
21.6 –23.6.2001 Met with Prime Minister of Latvia Andris Bērziņš. Met with President of Latvia Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga Riga   Latvia
24.6.2001 Met with President of Lithuania Valdas Adamkus Vilnius   Lithuania
24.10.2001 Met with President of the European Parliament Nicole Fontaine. Met with Prime Minister of Bulgaria Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha Strasbourg   France
27.11 – 28.11.2001 Met with President of Portugal Jorge Sampaio. Fátima,   Portugal
28.11.2001 Met with Italian Minister of Agriculture Gianni Alemanno Pomaia   Italy
28.5.2002 Met with Prime Minister of New Zealand Jim Anderton. Met with Foreign Minister of New Zealand Phil Goff Wellington   New Zealand
2.7.2002 Met with President of the Czech Republic Václav Havel Prague   Czech Republic
4.7 –6.7.2002 Met with Foreign Minister of Slovenia Dimitrij Rupel. Met with President of Slovenia Milan Kučan. Met with Prime Minister of Slovenia Janez Drnovšek. Met with President of the Slovenian National Assembly Borut Pahor Ljubljana   Slovenia
8.7.2002 Met with Prime Minister of Croatia Ivica Račan Zagreb   Croatia
13.10.2002 Met with Foreign Minister of Austria Benita Ferrero-Waldner Graz   Austria
7.11.2002 Met with Prime Minister of Mongolia Nambaryn Enkhbayar Ulaanbaatar   Mongolia
30.5.2003 Met with Foreign Minister of Germany Joschka Fischer. Met with President of the German Parliament Wolfgang Thierse. Met withCommissioner of Human Rights of Germany Claudia Roth Berlin   Germany
3.6.2003 Met with Speaker of the Swedish Parliament Björn von Sydow Stockholm   Sweden
4 –6.6.2003 Met with Prime Minister of Denmark Anders Fogh Rasmussen and Foreign Minister of Denmark Per Stig Møller Copenhagen   Denmark
9 –11.9.2003 Met with President of the United States George W. Bush. Met with United States Secretary of State Colin Powell. Met with Minority Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi, Minority Leader of the United States Senate Tom Daschle and Majority Leader of the U.S. Senate Bill Frist Washington, D.C.   United States
12.10.2003 Met with President of Peru Alejandro Toledo Madrid   Spain
14 –15.10.2003 Met with President of the French National Assembly Jean-Louis Debré. Met with President of the French Senate Christian Poncelet Paris   France
26.11.2003 Met with former Prime Minister of Italy Massimo D'Alema. Met with President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies Pier Ferdinando Casini. Met with Deputy Foreign Minister of Italy Margherita Boniver Rome   Italy
27.11.2003 Met with Pope John Paul II Rome   Vatican
27 –28.11.2003 Met with former President of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev. Met with President of the Italian Senate Marcello Pera Rome   Italy
18.4 –6.5.2004 Met with Premier of Ontario Dalton McGuinty. Met with Lieutenant Governor of Ontario James Bartleman. Met with Prime Minister of Canada Paul Martin. Met with Leader of the Opposition Stephen Harper. Met with Premier of British Columbia Gordon Campbell Vancouver   Canada
27 –28.5.2004 Met with Leader of the Opposition Michael Howard. Met with Prince Charles of Wales. Met with Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom Jack Straw. Met with Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams London   United Kingdom
17.9.2004 Met with Governor of Florida Jeb Bush Miami   United States
23.9.2004 Met with Governor of Puerto Rico Sila Calderon San Juan   Puerto Rico
26.9 –27.9.2004 Met with President of Costa Rica Abel Pacheco. Met withForeign Minister of Costa Rica Roberto Tovar Faja. Met withPresident of the Costa Rican Congress Mario Redondo Poveda. Met withSpeaker of the Costa Rican Parliament Gerardo Gonzalez Esquivel. Met with Minister of Culture of Costa Rica Guido Saenz San José   Costa Rica
29.9.2004 Met with Foreign Minister of El Salvador Francisco Lainez kansa. Met with President of El Salvador Tony Saca. Met with Vice President of El Salvador Ana Vilma de Escobar San Salvador   El Salvador
1.10.2004 Met with Minister of Education of Guatemala Maria del Carmen Acena. Met withForeign Minister of Guatemala Jorge Briz Abularach. Met with President of Guatemala Óscar Berger. Met with Vice President of Guatemala Eduardo Stein Guatemala   Guatemala
5.10.2004 Met with Secretary of Interior of Mexico Santiago Creel México   Mexico
5 –7.11.2004 Met with President of the South African Inkatha Freedom Party Mangosuthu Buthelezi. Met with former President of South Africa Nelson Mandela [5] Johannesburg   South Africa
18 –19.5.2005 Met with former President of the United States Bill Clinton. Met with King of Jordan Abdullah II and Queen of Jordan Rania of Jordan Amman, Petra   Jordan
14 –15.6.2005 Met with Prime Minister of Norway Kjell Magne Bondevik and President of the Norwegian Parliament Jorgen Kosmo Oslo   Norway
17 –18.6.2005 Met with President of the German Parliament Wolfgang Thierse. Met with Leader of the CDU/CSU Angela Merkel Berlin   Germany
1.10.2005 Met former Prime Minister of Italy Giuliano Amato Bolzano   Italy
4.9.2005 Met with Interior Minister of Switzerland Pascal Couchepin Zürich    Switzerland
6 –16.11.2005 Met with Governor of Idaho Dirk Kempthorne. Met with Governor of Alaska Frank H. Murkowski. Met with Minority Leader of the United States Senate Harry Reid. Met with Minority Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi. Met with Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Dennis Hastert. Met with United States Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Met with President of the United States George W. Bush. Met with former President of the United States Jimmy Carter Sun Valley, Anchorage, Washington, D.C., San Francisco   United States
18.11.2005 Met with President of the South African Inkatha Freedom Party Mangosuthu Buthelezi Edinburgh   United Kingdom
19.2.2006 Met with Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Israel Shlomo Amar. Met with Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel Yona Metzger Jerusalem   Israel
26.4.2006 Met with Minister of Culture of Brazil Gilberto Gil São Paulo   Brazil
1.5.2006 Met with Nobel Peace Laureate Adolfo Pérez Esquivel Buenos Aires   Argentina
3 –6.5.2006 Met with Minister of Transport of Chile Sergio Espejo. Met with Deputy Minister of Interior of Chile Felipe Harboe Bascunan. Met with Archbishop of Chile Cardinal Francisco and vier Errázuriz Ossa. Met Minister of Culture of Chile Paulina Urrutia. Met Minister of Education of Chile Martin Zilic. Met withPresident of the Chilean House of Chambers Antonio Leal Labrin. Met with Vice President of the Chilean Senate Jaime Naranjo Ortiz Santiago de Chile   Chile
7.5.2006 Met with First Lady of Peru Eliane Karp Lima   Peru
11.5.2006 Met with Attorney General of Colombia Mario Iguaran Bogotá   Colombia
14.5.2006 Met with Minister of Justice of Austria Karin Gastinger. Met Minister of Health of Austria Maria Rauch-Kallat. Met with Vice-Chancellor of Austria Hubert Gorbach. Met with Governor of Carinthia Jörg Haider Sankt Veit an der Glan   Austria
30.5 –1.6.2006 Met with Minister of Development Cooperation of Belgium Armand De Decker. Met with President of the Belgian House of Representatives Herman De Croo. Met with President of the Belgian Senate Anne-Marie Lizin. Met with Prime Minister of Belgium Guy Verhofstadt. Met with President of the European Parliament Josep Borrell. Met with Vice-President of the European Commission Gunter Verheugen. Met with Chancellor of Austria & President of the European Council Wolfgang Schüssel. Met President of the European Commission with José Manuel Barroso Brussels   Belgium
20.6 –22.6.2006 Met with Personal Envoy & Senior Advisor to H. M. the King of Jordan Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad. Met with King of Jordan Abdullah II of Jordan and Queen Rania. Met with Imam to the Royal Hashemite Court & Supreme Judge Ahmad Helail Amman, Petra   Jordan
8.9 –9.9.2006 Met with Minister of Citizenship & Immigration of Canada Monte Solberg. Met with Brittiläisen Kolumbian pääministerin Gordon Campbell and Parliamentary Secretary of Canada Jason Kenny Vancouver   Canada
16.9 –26.9.2006 Met with Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger. Met with former President of the United States Bill Clinton. Met with former Queen of Jordan Noor al-Hussein. Met with President of Costa Rica Óscar Arias New York City, Long Beach, Denver   United States
9 –10.10.2006 Met with former President of the Czech Republic Václav Havel. Met with Foreign Minister of the Czech Republic Alexandr Vondra Prague   Czech Republic
12.10.2006 Met with President of the Italian Senate Franco Marini. Met with Speaker of the Italian Parliament Fausto Bertinotti Rome   Italy
13.10.2006 Met with Pope Benedict XVI Rome   Vatican
13.10.2006 Met with Foreign Minister of Italy Massimo D'Alema Rome   Italy
4.5.2007 Met with former Vice President of the United States Walter Mondale. Met with Governor of Wisconsin Jim Doyle. Met with Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi San Francisco   United States
12 –15.6.2007 Met with Leader of Australian Opposition Kevin Rudd.Met with Prime Minister of New Zealand Helen Clark. Met with Prime Minister of Australia John Howard Canberra

Brisbane, Canberra, Sydney

19.6.2007 Met with Foreign Minister of New Zealand Winston Peters Wellington   New Zealand
10.9.2007 Met with Vice President of the Autonomous Catalonia Government Ernest Benach.President of the Autonomous Catalonia Parliament Josep-Lluis Carod-Rovira Barcelona   Spain
14 –13.9.2007 Met with former President of Portugal Mário Soares. Met with President of Portugal Jorge Sampaio. Met withPresident of Portuguese Parliament Jaime Gama Lisbon   Portugal
17 –20.9.2007 Met with Chancellor of Austria Alfred Gusenbauer. Met Governor of Carinthia Jörg Haider. Met with Governor of Lower Austria Erwin Proll Hinterbruhl   Austria
20 –23.9.2007 Met with Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel. Met Minister President of Hessen Roland Koch. Met Minister President of North Rhine-Westphalia Jürgen Rüttgers Münster, Wiesbaden, Berlin   Germany
16 –19.10.2007 Met with Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte. Met with Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi. Met with Majority Leader of the U.S. Senate Harry Reid and Minority Leader of the United States Senate Mitch McConnell. Met with Majority Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives Steny Hoyer. Met with Minority Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives John Boehner. Met with President of the United States George W. Bush Washington, D.C.   United States
29.10 –30.10.2007 Met withLeader of the Liberal Party Stéphane Dion. Met withLeader of the Block Quebecois Party Gilles Duceppe. Met withLeader of the New Democratic Party Jack Layton. Met with Governor General of Canada Michaëlle Jean. Met with Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper. Met with Foreign Minister of Canada Maxime Bernier. Met Minister for Public Safety of Canada Stockwell Day. Met with Canadian Secretary of State for Multiculturalism and Identity Jason Kenney. Met withSpeaker of Canadian Parliament Peter Milliken Ottawa   Canada
7 –14.12.2007 Met with Minister of Youth & Sports Activity of Italy Giovanna Melandri. Met with President of the Italian Senate Franco Marini. Met with President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies Fausto Bertinotti. Met with Deputy Foreign Minister of Italy Gianni Vernetti. Met withPresident of the Friuli Venezia-Giulia Riccardo Illy. Met withPresident of the Lombardi Region Roberto Formigoni Milan, Udine, Rome   Italy
12.4.2008 Met with Governor of Washington Christine Gregoire Seattle   United States
15 –19.5.2008 Met with Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation & Development of Germany Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul kansa. Met with Minister President of North Rhine-Westphalia Jürgen Rüttgers. Met withSpeaker of the German Parliament Norbert Lammert. Met Minister President of Hessen Roland Koch Frankfurt am Main, Bochum, Berlin   Germany
21 –23.5.2008 Met with Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Gordon Brown. Met with Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams. Met with Charles, Prince of Wales. Met withLeader of the Liberal Democrats Nick Clegg. Met withLeader of the Conservative Party & Leader of Opposition David Cameron London   United Kingdom
11 –15.6.2008 Met with Foreign Minister of Australia Stephen Smith. Met Minister for Immigration & Citizenship of Australia Chris Evans. Met with Leader of Australian Opposition Brendan Nelson Sydney, Perth   Australia
17 –18.6.2008 Met with King Abdullah II & Queen of Jordan Rania. Met with Personal Envoy & Senior Advisor to H. M. the King of Jordan Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad Amman, Petra   Jordan
21 –25.7.2008 Met with Republican U.S. Presidential Candidate John McCain. Met with Governor of Wisconsin Jim Doyle Madison, Aspen   United States
16.8 –22.9.2008 Met with First Lady of France Carla Bruni-Sarkozy. Met with Foreign Minister of France Bernard Kouchner. Met with Deputy Foreign Minister of France Rama Yade. Met with French Socialist Leader of France Ségolène Royal Nantes, Roqueredonde   France
30.11 –2.12.2008 Met with Foreign minister of the Czech Republic Karel Schwarzenberg. Met with former President of the Czech Republic Václav Havel. Met with Prime Minister of Czech Republic Mirek Topolánek Prague   Czech Republic
2.12 –4.12.2008 Met with President of the Belgian House of Representatives Herman Van Rompuy. Met withPresident of the Belgian Senate Armand De Decker. Met withPresident of the European Parliament Hans-Gert Pöttering. Met with Prime Minister of Belgium Yves Leterme Brussels   Belgium
5.12 –11.12.2008 Met with Speaker of the Polish Senate Bogdan Borusewicz. Met withSpeaker of the Polish House Representatives Bronisław Komorowski. Met with President of Poland Lech Kaczyński. Met with President of France Nicolas Sarkozy. Met with Prime Minister of Poland Donald Tusk Gdańsk, Warsaw   Poland
10.2.2009 Met with Minister President of Hessen Roland Koch Baden-Baden   Germany
29 –30.7.2009 Met with Minister for Economic Cooperation & Development of Germany Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul. Met Minister President of Hessen Roland Koch Frankfurt am Main   Germany
6.8.2009 Met with President of the Swiss Parliament Chiara Simoneschi-Cortesi Lausanne    Switzerland
1.9.2009 Met with Chairwoman of Democratic Progressive Party Tsai Ing-Wen Kaohsiung   Taiwan
11 –12.9.2009 Met with Deputy Prime Minister & Foreign minister of the Czech Republic Jan Kohout. Met with Prime Minister of Czech Republic Jan Fischer. Met with former President of the Czech Republic Václav Havel. Met with former State President of South Africa F. W. de Klerk Prague   Czech Republic
6.10.2009 Met with Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi Washington, D.C.   United States
18.11.2009 Met with President of the Italian Lower House Gianfranco Fini Rome   Italy
3 –4.12.2009 Met with Leader of Australian Opposition Tony Abbott. Met Minister for the Environment, Heritage & the Arts of Australia Peter Garrett Sydney   Australia
18.2.2010 Met with U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Met with President of the United States Barack Obama [6] Washington, D.C.   United States
6 –7.4.2010 Met with Minister for Slovenians Abroad Boštjan Žekš. Met with former Prime Minister of Slovenia Janez Janša Maribor   Slovenia
8.4.2010 Met with Speaker of Swiss Parliament Pascale Bruderer Wyss Zürich    Switzerland
22.10.2010 Met with Canadian Secretary of State for Multiculturalism and Identity Jason Kenney Toronto   Canada
12.11.2010 Met with the Director of the IAEA Nobel Peace Laureate Mohamed ElBaradei. Met with former State President of South Africa Nobel Peace Laureate F. W. de Klerk Hiroshima   Japan
13.4.2011 Met with former President of Ireland Mary Robinson Dublin    Switzerland
14.6.2011 Met with Australian Leader of Opposition Tony Abbott Canberra   Australia
7.7.2011 Met with U.S. Speaker of the House John Boehner. Met with Minority Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi Washington, D.C.   United States
16.7.2011 Met with President of the United States Barack Obama Washington, D.C.   United States
17.8.2011 Met with President of Estonia Toomas Hendrik Ilves. Met with Minister of Defence Mart Laar Tallinn   Estonia
22.8 –23.8.2011 Met with President of the Hessian Parliament Norbert Kartmann. Met Minister President of Hesse State Volker Bouffier Wiesbaden   Germany
9 –11.9.2011 Met with Governor of Zacatecas Miguel Alonso Reyes. Met with President of Mexico Felipe Calderón. Met with former President of Mexico Vicente Fox México   Mexico
13.9.2011 Met with Nobel Peace Laureate Adolfo Pérez Esquivel Buenos Aires   Argentina
7.11.2011 Met with and former Prime Minister of Japan Shinzō Abe Tokyo   Japan
10.12.2011 Met with former President of the Czech Republic Václav Havel. Met with Foreign minister of the Czech Republic Karel Schwarzenberg Prague   Czech Republic
15.4.2012 Met with Governor of Hawaii Neil Abercrombie Honolulu   United States
25.4.2012 Met with former President of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev. Met with former President of Poland Lech Wałęsa Warsaw   Poland
27.4.2012 Met with Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper. Met Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Jason Kenney Ottawa   Canada
14.5.2012 Met with Prime Minister of the United Kingdom David Cameron. Met with Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Nick Clegg. Met with Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams London Manchester   United Kingdom
18 –27.5.2012 Met with Interior Secretary of State of Austria Sebastian Kurz. Met with Chancellor of Austria Werner Faymann. Met with Vice-Chancellor & Foreign Minister of Austria Michael Spindelegger. Met with Governor of Salzburg Gabi Burgstaller. Met with Kärnten Governor of Carinthia Gerhard Dörfler Klagenfurt, Salzburg, Vienna   Austria
19 –20.6.2012 Met with Charles, Prince of Wales. Met with Speaker of the House of Commons John Bercow. Met with Nobel Peace Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi. Met with Leader of the Opposition Ed Miliband London   United Kingdom
8.10.2012 Met with IAEA director Nobel Peace Laureate Mohamed ElBaradei. Met with Nobel Peace Laureate Shirin Ebadi Syracuse   United States
16.4.2013 Met with President of the Swiss National Council Maya Graf Bern    Switzerland
7 –14.5.2013 Met with Governor of Wisconsin Scott Walker. Met with Governor of Oregon John Kitzhaber. Met with Governor of Maryland Martin O'Malley Madison, Portland, College Park   United States
10 –11.9.2013 Met with Latvian Minister of Justice Janis Bordans. Met with former President of Latvia Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga Riga   Latvia
11 –13.9.2013 Met with former President of Lithuania Vytautas Landsbergis. Met with President of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaitė Vilna   Lithuania
15.9.2013 Met with Nobel Peace Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi Prague   Czech Republic
15.10.2013 Met with former President of Mexico Vicente Fox San Cristóbal   Mexico
23.10.2013 Met with Prime Minister of Poland Donald Tusk Warsaw   Poland
21.2 –6.3.2014 Met with U.S. Speaker of the House John Boehner. Met with Minority Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi. Met with U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. Met with Governor of California Jerry Brown. Met with President of the United States Barack Obama Washington, D.C., Los Angeles   United States
10.5.2014 Met with Foreign Minister of the Netherlands Frans Timmermans Rotterdam   Netherlands
13.5.2014 Met with Minister President of Hesse Volker Bouffier Frankfurt   Germany
7.2. 2015 Met with President of Basel City Canton Guy Morin Basel    Switzerland
1.7 –10.7.2015 Met with former President of the United States George W. Bush. Met with Minority Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi Dallas, New York City   United States
12.7–14.7.2015 Met with Vice President of the German Parliament Claudia Roth. Met with President of the Hessen Parliament Norbert Kartmann. Met with Prime Minister of Hessen Volker Bouffier Wiesbaden   Germany
March 11, 2016 Met with UN Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights Kate Gilmore.

Met with Yemeni Nobel Peace Laureate Tawakkol Karman

Geneva    Switzerland
March 4, 2016 Met with Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Paul Ryan Sea Island   United States
July 15, 2016 Met with President of the United States Barack Obama Washington, D.C.   United States
October 16, 2016 Met with President of Slovakia Andrej Kiska Bratislava   Slovakia
October 18, 2016 Met with Pavel Bělobrádek and Daniel Herman Prague   Czech Republic
October 20, 2016 Met with Giuseppe Sala and Angelo Scola Milan   Italy
November 19–23, 2016 Speeches Ulaanbaatar   Mongolia
June 13–25, 2017 Speeches, Met with some mayors and Richie Davidson [7] [8] Rochester, San Diego, Orange County, Minneapolis, Boston   United States
September 8–22, 2017 Speeches [9] Derry, Frankfurt, Taormina, Messina, Palermo, Florence, Pisa, Riga Northern Ireland
12 - 19 June 2018 Met with Vytautas Landsbergis and Remigijus Šimašius Vilnius, Riga   Lithuania
  Latvia [10]
10 - 26 September 2018 Hold many speeches, Met with Lech Wałęsa, Rebecca Johnson, Claudia Roth, Jochen Partsch and others Malmö, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Darmstadt, Heidelberg, Rikon im Tösstal   Sweden
   Switzerland [11]
12 - 25 November 2018 speech TokyoYokohama   Japan [12] [13]


  1. ^ a b c d "Dignitaries Met: 2011–Present". The Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. 12 February 2017. Archived from the original on 27 January 2018.
  2. ^ "Dignitaries Met 1954–1989 | The 14th Dalai Lama". His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet. 2018-01-27. Archived from the original on 27 January 2018. Retrieved 2018-02-13.
  3. ^ New York Times
  4. ^ "Dignitaries Met 1990–1999 | The 14th Dalai Lama". His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet. 2018-01-27. Archived from the original on 27 January 2018. Retrieved 2018-02-13.
  5. ^ "Dignitaries Met 2000–2004 | The 14th Dalai Lama". His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet. 2018-02-12. Archived from the original on 27 January 2018. Retrieved 2018-02-12.
  6. ^ "Dignitaries Met 2005–2010 | The 14th Dalai Lama". His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet. 2018-02-12. Archived from the original on 27 January 2018. Retrieved 2018-02-12.
  7. ^ "UC San Diego Commencement". Archived from the original on 2017-04-20.
  8. ^ "第十四世達賴喇嘛官方國際華文網站".
  9. ^ "达赖喇嘛圆满结束欧洲行程返抵达兰萨拉 - 西藏之声". Archived from the original on 2017-09-29.
  10. ^ "达赖喇嘛结束波罗的海两国演讲弘法行程返抵印度 – 西藏之声". Archived from the original on 2018-06-24.
  11. ^ "达赖喇嘛圆满结束欧洲四国演讲弘法行程返抵达兰萨拉 – 西藏之声". Archived from the original on 2018-09-27.
  12. ^ "达赖喇嘛鼓励日本青年善用智慧避免重蹈二十世纪覆辙 - 西藏之声". Archived from the original on 2018-11-21.
  13. ^ "达赖喇嘛在新德里参加锡克教活动后赴日本访问 - 西藏之声". Archived from the original on 2018-11-21.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tenzin Gyatso the 14th Dalai Lama made his first foreign visit in exile to Japan and Thailand in 1967. In 1973, he made his first visit to Europe. He made his first visit to the North America in 1979. Following is a list of all of his overseas trips.


Date(s) [1] Information [1] Cities visited [1] Country [1]
October 1967 Speeches Tokyo   Japan
14 –17.11.1967 Met with Field Marshal Prime Minister of Thailand Thanom Kittikachorn and King of Thailand Bhumibol Adulyadej Bangkok   Thailand
30.9.1973 Met with Pope Paul VI [2] Rome   Vatican
10.10.1973 Met with Irish Foreign Minister Frank Aiken, Taoiseach Liam Cosgrave and President of Ireland Erskine Hamilton Childers Dublin   Ireland
9.10.1973 Met with Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld Amsterdam   Netherlands
2.10.1973 Met with United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan Geneva    Switzerland
19.10.1973 Met with Prince Peter of Greece and Denmark Oslo   Norway
25.10.1973 Met with Archbishop of Canterbury Michael Ramsey London   United Kingdom
3.9.1979 Welcoming at St. Patrick's Cathedral, viewed Statue of Liberty [3] New York City   United States
15.9.1979 Met with Governor of Wisconsin Lee Dreyfus Madison   United States
9.10.1980 Met with Pope John Paul II Rome   Vatican
1.11.1980 Met with Prime Minister of Japan Suzuki Zenko Tokyo   Japan
27.7.1982 Met with former Prime Minister of Malaysia Tunku Abdul Rahman Kuala Lumpur   Malaysia
2.8.1982 Met with Vice President of Indonesia Adam Malik Jakarta   Indonesia
October 8, 1982 Met with Pope John Paul II Rome   Vatican
3.7.1984 Met with Archbishop of Canterbury Robert Runcie London   United Kingdom
13.5.1986 Met with President of Austria Rudolf Kirchschläger Vienna   Austria
20.5 –17.5.1986 Met with Princess Irene of the Netherlands, Princess Juliana of the Netherlands and Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld Amsterdam   Netherlands
11.9.1986 Met with Patriarch of Russian Orthodox Church Pimen I of Moscow Moscow   Soviet Union
27.10.1986 Met with Pope John Paul II Rome   Vatican
20.9.1987 Met with former President of the United States Jimmy Carter Atlanta   United States
13.4.1988 Met with Archbishop of Canterbury Robert Runcie London   United Kingdom
14.6.1988 Met with Pope John Paul II Rome   Vatican
18.6.1988 Met with Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan Geneva    Switzerland
27.6.1989 Met with President of Costa Rica Oscar Arias Sanchez San José   Costa Rica
3.7.1989 Met with President of Mexico Carlos Salinas de Gortari México   Mexico
8 –7.12.1989 Met with former Chancellor of Germany Willy Brandt and President of the Bundestag Rita Süssmuth Berlin   West Germany
11 –9.12.1989 Met with Prime Minister of Norway Jan P. Syse, King of Norway Olav V and Foreign Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik Oslo   Norway
3.3.1990 Met with President of Czechoslovakia Václav Havel Prague   Czechoslovakia
24.4.1990 Met with Foreign Minister of Belgium Mark Eyskens Brussels   Belgium
1.6.1990 Met with Pope John Paul II Rome   Vatican
4.6.1990 Met with President of the Autonomous Government of Navarra Gabriel Urralburu Pamplona   Spain
5.9.1990 Met with President of the Autonomous Government of Baleares Gabriel Canellas Mallorca   Spain
10.9.1990 Met with Foreign Minister of the Netherlands Hans van den Broek Amsterdam   Netherlands
4.10.1990 Met with President of Germany Richard von Weizsäcker Bonn   Germany
18.3 –21.3.1991 Met with Prince Richard, Duke of Gloucester; Charles, Prince of Wales; James Mackay ( Lord Chancellor); Bernard Weatherill ( Commons Speaker). Also met Neil Kinnock, Leader of the Opposition. London   United Kingdom
22.3.1991 Met with President of Ireland Mary Robinson Dublin   Ireland
16.4.1991 Met with the President of the United States George H. W. Bush. Met with President of Nicaragua Violeta Chamorro. Met with Vice President of the United States Dan Quayle. Foreign Minister of Czechoslovakia Jiří Dienstbier. Met with former Permanent Representative to the United Nations Jeane Kirkpatrick. Met with Majority Leader of the United States Senate George Mitchell. Met with Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Tom Foley Washington, D.C.   United States
16.7.1991 Met with Prince of Liechtenstein Prince Hans-Adam II Vaduz   Liechtenstein
19.7.1991 Met with Foreign Minister of Switzerland René Felber Bern    Switzerland
29.9 –2.10.1991 Met with President of Lithuania Vytautas Landsbergis. Met with Prime Minister of Lithuania Gediminas Vagnorius. Met with Acting President of Latvia Anatolijs Gorbunovs Vilna   Lithuania
4.10.1991 Met with Chairman of the Supreme Council of Estonia Ülo Nugis. Met with Foreign Affairs Commissioner of Estonia Indrek Toome Tallinn   Estonia
5.10.1991 Met with President of Bulgaria Zhelyu Zhelev Sofia   Bulgaria
10.10.1991 Met with Empress of Iran Farah Pahlavi Hartford   United States
2.12.1991 Prime Minister of the United Kingdom John Major London   United Kingdom
3.12 –5.12.1991 Met with Foreign Minister of Sweden Margaretha af Ugglas, King of Sweden Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen of Sweden Silvia Stockholm   Sweden
8 –7.12.1991 Met with Prime Minister of Norway Gro Harlem Brundtland. Met with Nobel Peace Prize winners President of Poland Lech Wałęsa and Bishop Desmond Tutu Oslo   Norway
8 –4.5.1992 Met with Prime Minister of Australia Paul Keating. Met with Foreign Minister of Australia Gareth Evans. Met with Prime Minister of Kampuchea Son Sann Canberra, Melbourne   Australia
13.5.1992 Met with Foreign Minister of New Zealand Don McKinnon and Prime Minister of New Zealand Jim Bolger Wellington   New Zealand
11.6.1992 Met with President of Argentina Carlos Menem Buenos Aires   Argentina
20.6.1992 Met with President of Chile Patricio Aylwin Santiago de Chile   Chile
27.4.1993 Met with Vice President of the United States Al Gore and President of the United States Bill Clinton Washington, D.C.   United States
10 –12.5.1993 Met with Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom Douglas Hurd and Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey London   United Kingdom
17.5.1993 Met with President of Poland Lech Wałęsa Warsaw   Poland
14.6.1993 Met with President of Austria Thomas Klestil Vienna   Austria
14.4.1994 Met with Governors of Hawaii John D. Waihee III Honolulu   United States
28.4.1994 Met with President of the United States Bill Clinton and Vice President of the United States Al Gore Washington, D.C.   United States
29.4.1994 Met with President of the Bundestag Rita Süssmuth Frankfurt am Main   Germany
4.6.1994 Met with Princess Juliana of the Netherlands. Met with Foreign Minister of the Netherlands Pieter Kooijmans Amsterdam   Netherlands
7.6.1994 Met with Foreign minister of Belgium Willy Claes Brussels   Belgium
14.6.1994 Met with Secretary of State for Foreign and Political Affairs of San Marino Gabriele Gatti San Marino   San Marino
16.6 –17.6.1994 Met with President of the Italian Lower House Irene Pivetti. Met with President of Italy Oscar Luigi Scalfaro and President of the Italian Senate Carlo Scognamiglio Rome   Italy
17.6.1994 Met with Pope John Paul II Rome   Vatican
4.7 –5.7.1994 Met with President of Nicaragua Violeta Chamorro. Met with Foreign Minister of Nicaragua Ernesto Leal. Met with President of the Nicaraguan National Assembly Luis Humberto Guzman Managua   Nicaragua
3.5.1995 Met with Vice President of the German Parliament Antje Vollmer Bonn   Germany
1.8.1995 Met with Minister of Culture of Mongolia Nambaryn Enkhbayar Ulaanbaatar   Mongolia
15.5.1996 Met with Foreign Minister of Denmark Niels Helveg Petersen Copenhagen   Denmark
2.5.1996 Met with paavi Pope John Paul II Rome   Vatican
23.5.1996 Met with Foreign Minister of Sweden Lena Hjelm-Wallén Stockholm   Sweden
28.5.1996 Met with Foreign minister of Norway Bjorn Tore Godal Oslo   Norway
17.7.1996 Met with Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom Douglas Hurd London   United Kingdom
20 –23.8.1996 Met with President of South Africa Nelson Mandela, former State President of South Africa F. W. de Klerk and Bishop Desmond Tutu Cape Town, Pretoria   South Africa
11.9.1996 Met with Foreign Minister of New Zealand Don McKinnon and Prime Minister of New Zealand Jim Bolger Wellington   New Zealand
14.9.1996 Met with Foreign Minister of Australia Alexander Downer and Prime Minister of Australia John Howard Melbourne   Australia
23.10.1996 Tapaainen Foreign Minister of the Netherlands Hans van Mierlo Amsterdam   Netherlands
23.10.1996 Met with President of the European Commission Jacques Santer and President of the European Parliament Klaus Hansch Strasbourg   France
27.3.1997 Met with President of Taiwan Lee Teng-hui Taipei   Taiwan
16.4.1997 Met with President of the President of the Autonomous Government of Basque Country Jose Antonio Ardanza Garro and President of the Autonomous Government of Basque Parliament Joseba Andoni Leizaola Azpiazu Guernica, Vitoria-Gasteiz   Spain
23.4.1997 Met with Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Vice President of the United States Al Gore and President of the United States Bill Clinton Washington, D.C.   United States
5.9.1997 Met with President of the Czech Republic Václav Havel Prague   Czech Republic
6.4.1998 Met with former President of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev Kyoto   Japan
4.5 –11.5.1998 Met with former President of the United States Jimmy Carter. Met with Governor of New Jersey Christine Todd Whitman. Met with United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson. Met with United States Ambassador to the United Nations Bill Richardson New York City   United States
9.6.1998 Met with Foreign Minister of Austria Wolfgang Schüssel Vienna   Austria
17.6.1998 Met with President of the French National Assembly Laurent Fabius Paris   France
10.11.1998 Met with United States Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Vice President of the United States Al Gore and President of the United States Bill Clinton Washington, D.C.   United States
8.12.1998 Met with UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson. Met with Secretary-General of the United Nations Kofi Annan. Prime Minister of France Lionel Jospin and President of France Jacques Chirac Paris   France
7.4.1999 Met with President of Brazil Fernando Henrique Cardoso Brasília   Brazil
13.4.1999 Met with President of Chile Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle Santiago de Chile   Chile
4.5.1999 Met with Prime Minister of Belgium Jean-Luc Dehaene Brussels   Belgium
10 –12.5.1999 Met with Prince Charles of Wales. Met with Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom Robin Cook. Met with Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey. Met with Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Tony Blair Highgrove, London   United Kingdom
16 –17.7.1999 Met with Interior Minister of Germany Otto Schily. Met with Foreign Minister of Germany Joschka Fischer Bonn   Germany
18.10.1999 Met with Prime Minister of The Netherlands Wim Kok. Met with Foreign Minister of the Netherlands Jozias van Aartseni The Hague   Netherlands
26.10.1999 Met with Prime Minister of Italy Massimo D'Alema Rome   Italy
28.10.1999 Met with Pope John Paul II [4] Rome   Vatican
24.11.1999 Met with Speaker of the Knesset Avraham Burg. Met with Minister of Education of Israel Yossi Sarid Jerusalem   Israel
11.5.2000 Met with Prime Minister of Poland Jerzy Buzek and Speaker of the Polish Parliament Maciej Płażyński Warsaw   Poland
16.5 –17.5.2000 Met with Prime Minister of Sweden Göran Persson. Met with Foreign Minister of Sweden Anna Lindh. Met with Speaker of the Swedish Parliament Birgitta Dahl Stockholm   Sweden
21.5.2000 Met with Prime Minister of Denmark Poul Nyrup Rasmussen Copenhagen   Denmark
22.5.2000–23.5.2000 Met with Prime Minister of Norway Jens Stoltenberg. Met with Foreign minister of Norway Thorbjørn Jagland. Met with King of Norway Harald V Oslo   Norway
20.6 –3.7.2000 Met with United States Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. Met with United States Ambassador to the United Nations Richard Holbrooke. Met with President of the United States Bill Clinton Washington, D.C.   United States
11.10.2000–13.10.2000 Met with Foreign Minister of Hungary János Martonyi. Met with Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orbán Budapest   Hungary
16.10.2000 Met with President of the Czech Republic Václav Havel Prague   Czech Republic
21.10.2000 Met with President of Ireland Mary McAleese Belfast   United Kingdom
2.4 –7.4.2001 Met with Prime Minister of Taiwan Chang Chun-hsiung. Met with President of Taiwan Chen Shuibian. Met with Vice President of Taiwan Annette Lu Taipei   Taiwan
6.5.2001 Met with Interior Minister of Switzerland Ruth Dreifuss Basel    Switzerland
9.5 –23.5.2001 Met with President of the United States George W. Bush. Met with United States Secretary of State Colin Powell. Met with United States Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage. Met with Governor of Oregon John Kitzhaber. Met with Governor of Utah Michael Leavitt. Met with Governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura Saint Paul, Salt Lake City, Portland, Washington, D.C.   United States
19.6.2001 Met with Prime Minister of Estonia Mart Laar Tallinn   Estonia
21.6 –23.6.2001 Met with Prime Minister of Latvia Andris Bērziņš. Met with President of Latvia Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga Riga   Latvia
24.6.2001 Met with President of Lithuania Valdas Adamkus Vilnius   Lithuania
24.10.2001 Met with President of the European Parliament Nicole Fontaine. Met with Prime Minister of Bulgaria Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha Strasbourg   France
27.11 – 28.11.2001 Met with President of Portugal Jorge Sampaio. Fátima,   Portugal
28.11.2001 Met with Italian Minister of Agriculture Gianni Alemanno Pomaia   Italy
28.5.2002 Met with Prime Minister of New Zealand Jim Anderton. Met with Foreign Minister of New Zealand Phil Goff Wellington   New Zealand
2.7.2002 Met with President of the Czech Republic Václav Havel Prague   Czech Republic
4.7 –6.7.2002 Met with Foreign Minister of Slovenia Dimitrij Rupel. Met with President of Slovenia Milan Kučan. Met with Prime Minister of Slovenia Janez Drnovšek. Met with President of the Slovenian National Assembly Borut Pahor Ljubljana   Slovenia
8.7.2002 Met with Prime Minister of Croatia Ivica Račan Zagreb   Croatia
13.10.2002 Met with Foreign Minister of Austria Benita Ferrero-Waldner Graz   Austria
7.11.2002 Met with Prime Minister of Mongolia Nambaryn Enkhbayar Ulaanbaatar   Mongolia
30.5.2003 Met with Foreign Minister of Germany Joschka Fischer. Met with President of the German Parliament Wolfgang Thierse. Met withCommissioner of Human Rights of Germany Claudia Roth Berlin   Germany
3.6.2003 Met with Speaker of the Swedish Parliament Björn von Sydow Stockholm   Sweden
4 –6.6.2003 Met with Prime Minister of Denmark Anders Fogh Rasmussen and Foreign Minister of Denmark Per Stig Møller Copenhagen   Denmark
9 –11.9.2003 Met with President of the United States George W. Bush. Met with United States Secretary of State Colin Powell. Met with Minority Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi, Minority Leader of the United States Senate Tom Daschle and Majority Leader of the U.S. Senate Bill Frist Washington, D.C.   United States
12.10.2003 Met with President of Peru Alejandro Toledo Madrid   Spain
14 –15.10.2003 Met with President of the French National Assembly Jean-Louis Debré. Met with President of the French Senate Christian Poncelet Paris   France
26.11.2003 Met with former Prime Minister of Italy Massimo D'Alema. Met with President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies Pier Ferdinando Casini. Met with Deputy Foreign Minister of Italy Margherita Boniver Rome   Italy
27.11.2003 Met with Pope John Paul II Rome   Vatican
27 –28.11.2003 Met with former President of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev. Met with President of the Italian Senate Marcello Pera Rome   Italy
18.4 –6.5.2004 Met with Premier of Ontario Dalton McGuinty. Met with Lieutenant Governor of Ontario James Bartleman. Met with Prime Minister of Canada Paul Martin. Met with Leader of the Opposition Stephen Harper. Met with Premier of British Columbia Gordon Campbell Vancouver   Canada
27 –28.5.2004 Met with Leader of the Opposition Michael Howard. Met with Prince Charles of Wales. Met with Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom Jack Straw. Met with Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams London   United Kingdom
17.9.2004 Met with Governor of Florida Jeb Bush Miami   United States
23.9.2004 Met with Governor of Puerto Rico Sila Calderon San Juan   Puerto Rico
26.9 –27.9.2004 Met with President of Costa Rica Abel Pacheco. Met withForeign Minister of Costa Rica Roberto Tovar Faja. Met withPresident of the Costa Rican Congress Mario Redondo Poveda. Met withSpeaker of the Costa Rican Parliament Gerardo Gonzalez Esquivel. Met with Minister of Culture of Costa Rica Guido Saenz San José   Costa Rica
29.9.2004 Met with Foreign Minister of El Salvador Francisco Lainez kansa. Met with President of El Salvador Tony Saca. Met with Vice President of El Salvador Ana Vilma de Escobar San Salvador   El Salvador
1.10.2004 Met with Minister of Education of Guatemala Maria del Carmen Acena. Met withForeign Minister of Guatemala Jorge Briz Abularach. Met with President of Guatemala Óscar Berger. Met with Vice President of Guatemala Eduardo Stein Guatemala   Guatemala
5.10.2004 Met with Secretary of Interior of Mexico Santiago Creel México   Mexico
5 –7.11.2004 Met with President of the South African Inkatha Freedom Party Mangosuthu Buthelezi. Met with former President of South Africa Nelson Mandela [5] Johannesburg   South Africa
18 –19.5.2005 Met with former President of the United States Bill Clinton. Met with King of Jordan Abdullah II and Queen of Jordan Rania of Jordan Amman, Petra   Jordan
14 –15.6.2005 Met with Prime Minister of Norway Kjell Magne Bondevik and President of the Norwegian Parliament Jorgen Kosmo Oslo   Norway
17 –18.6.2005 Met with President of the German Parliament Wolfgang Thierse. Met with Leader of the CDU/CSU Angela Merkel Berlin   Germany
1.10.2005 Met former Prime Minister of Italy Giuliano Amato Bolzano   Italy
4.9.2005 Met with Interior Minister of Switzerland Pascal Couchepin Zürich    Switzerland
6 –16.11.2005 Met with Governor of Idaho Dirk Kempthorne. Met with Governor of Alaska Frank H. Murkowski. Met with Minority Leader of the United States Senate Harry Reid. Met with Minority Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi. Met with Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Dennis Hastert. Met with United States Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Met with President of the United States George W. Bush. Met with former President of the United States Jimmy Carter Sun Valley, Anchorage, Washington, D.C., San Francisco   United States
18.11.2005 Met with President of the South African Inkatha Freedom Party Mangosuthu Buthelezi Edinburgh   United Kingdom
19.2.2006 Met with Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Israel Shlomo Amar. Met with Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel Yona Metzger Jerusalem   Israel
26.4.2006 Met with Minister of Culture of Brazil Gilberto Gil São Paulo   Brazil
1.5.2006 Met with Nobel Peace Laureate Adolfo Pérez Esquivel Buenos Aires   Argentina
3 –6.5.2006 Met with Minister of Transport of Chile Sergio Espejo. Met with Deputy Minister of Interior of Chile Felipe Harboe Bascunan. Met with Archbishop of Chile Cardinal Francisco and vier Errázuriz Ossa. Met Minister of Culture of Chile Paulina Urrutia. Met Minister of Education of Chile Martin Zilic. Met withPresident of the Chilean House of Chambers Antonio Leal Labrin. Met with Vice President of the Chilean Senate Jaime Naranjo Ortiz Santiago de Chile   Chile
7.5.2006 Met with First Lady of Peru Eliane Karp Lima   Peru
11.5.2006 Met with Attorney General of Colombia Mario Iguaran Bogotá   Colombia
14.5.2006 Met with Minister of Justice of Austria Karin Gastinger. Met Minister of Health of Austria Maria Rauch-Kallat. Met with Vice-Chancellor of Austria Hubert Gorbach. Met with Governor of Carinthia Jörg Haider Sankt Veit an der Glan   Austria
30.5 –1.6.2006 Met with Minister of Development Cooperation of Belgium Armand De Decker. Met with President of the Belgian House of Representatives Herman De Croo. Met with President of the Belgian Senate Anne-Marie Lizin. Met with Prime Minister of Belgium Guy Verhofstadt. Met with President of the European Parliament Josep Borrell. Met with Vice-President of the European Commission Gunter Verheugen. Met with Chancellor of Austria & President of the European Council Wolfgang Schüssel. Met President of the European Commission with José Manuel Barroso Brussels   Belgium
20.6 –22.6.2006 Met with Personal Envoy & Senior Advisor to H. M. the King of Jordan Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad. Met with King of Jordan Abdullah II of Jordan and Queen Rania. Met with Imam to the Royal Hashemite Court & Supreme Judge Ahmad Helail Amman, Petra   Jordan
8.9 –9.9.2006 Met with Minister of Citizenship & Immigration of Canada Monte Solberg. Met with Brittiläisen Kolumbian pääministerin Gordon Campbell and Parliamentary Secretary of Canada Jason Kenny Vancouver   Canada
16.9 –26.9.2006 Met with Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger. Met with former President of the United States Bill Clinton. Met with former Queen of Jordan Noor al-Hussein. Met with President of Costa Rica Óscar Arias New York City, Long Beach, Denver   United States
9 –10.10.2006 Met with former President of the Czech Republic Václav Havel. Met with Foreign Minister of the Czech Republic Alexandr Vondra Prague   Czech Republic
12.10.2006 Met with President of the Italian Senate Franco Marini. Met with Speaker of the Italian Parliament Fausto Bertinotti Rome   Italy
13.10.2006 Met with Pope Benedict XVI Rome   Vatican
13.10.2006 Met with Foreign Minister of Italy Massimo D'Alema Rome   Italy
4.5.2007 Met with former Vice President of the United States Walter Mondale. Met with Governor of Wisconsin Jim Doyle. Met with Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi San Francisco   United States
12 –15.6.2007 Met with Leader of Australian Opposition Kevin Rudd.Met with Prime Minister of New Zealand Helen Clark. Met with Prime Minister of Australia John Howard Canberra

Brisbane, Canberra, Sydney

19.6.2007 Met with Foreign Minister of New Zealand Winston Peters Wellington   New Zealand
10.9.2007 Met with Vice President of the Autonomous Catalonia Government Ernest Benach.President of the Autonomous Catalonia Parliament Josep-Lluis Carod-Rovira Barcelona   Spain
14 –13.9.2007 Met with former President of Portugal Mário Soares. Met with President of Portugal Jorge Sampaio. Met withPresident of Portuguese Parliament Jaime Gama Lisbon   Portugal
17 –20.9.2007 Met with Chancellor of Austria Alfred Gusenbauer. Met Governor of Carinthia Jörg Haider. Met with Governor of Lower Austria Erwin Proll Hinterbruhl   Austria
20 –23.9.2007 Met with Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel. Met Minister President of Hessen Roland Koch. Met Minister President of North Rhine-Westphalia Jürgen Rüttgers Münster, Wiesbaden, Berlin   Germany
16 –19.10.2007 Met with Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte. Met with Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi. Met with Majority Leader of the U.S. Senate Harry Reid and Minority Leader of the United States Senate Mitch McConnell. Met with Majority Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives Steny Hoyer. Met with Minority Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives John Boehner. Met with President of the United States George W. Bush Washington, D.C.   United States
29.10 –30.10.2007 Met withLeader of the Liberal Party Stéphane Dion. Met withLeader of the Block Quebecois Party Gilles Duceppe. Met withLeader of the New Democratic Party Jack Layton. Met with Governor General of Canada Michaëlle Jean. Met with Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper. Met with Foreign Minister of Canada Maxime Bernier. Met Minister for Public Safety of Canada Stockwell Day. Met with Canadian Secretary of State for Multiculturalism and Identity Jason Kenney. Met withSpeaker of Canadian Parliament Peter Milliken Ottawa   Canada
7 –14.12.2007 Met with Minister of Youth & Sports Activity of Italy Giovanna Melandri. Met with President of the Italian Senate Franco Marini. Met with President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies Fausto Bertinotti. Met with Deputy Foreign Minister of Italy Gianni Vernetti. Met withPresident of the Friuli Venezia-Giulia Riccardo Illy. Met withPresident of the Lombardi Region Roberto Formigoni Milan, Udine, Rome   Italy
12.4.2008 Met with Governor of Washington Christine Gregoire Seattle   United States
15 –19.5.2008 Met with Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation & Development of Germany Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul kansa. Met with Minister President of North Rhine-Westphalia Jürgen Rüttgers. Met withSpeaker of the German Parliament Norbert Lammert. Met Minister President of Hessen Roland Koch Frankfurt am Main, Bochum, Berlin   Germany
21 –23.5.2008 Met with Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Gordon Brown. Met with Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams. Met with Charles, Prince of Wales. Met withLeader of the Liberal Democrats Nick Clegg. Met withLeader of the Conservative Party & Leader of Opposition David Cameron London   United Kingdom
11 –15.6.2008 Met with Foreign Minister of Australia Stephen Smith. Met Minister for Immigration & Citizenship of Australia Chris Evans. Met with Leader of Australian Opposition Brendan Nelson Sydney, Perth   Australia
17 –18.6.2008 Met with King Abdullah II & Queen of Jordan Rania. Met with Personal Envoy & Senior Advisor to H. M. the King of Jordan Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad Amman, Petra   Jordan
21 –25.7.2008 Met with Republican U.S. Presidential Candidate John McCain. Met with Governor of Wisconsin Jim Doyle Madison, Aspen   United States
16.8 –22.9.2008 Met with First Lady of France Carla Bruni-Sarkozy. Met with Foreign Minister of France Bernard Kouchner. Met with Deputy Foreign Minister of France Rama Yade. Met with French Socialist Leader of France Ségolène Royal Nantes, Roqueredonde   France
30.11 –2.12.2008 Met with Foreign minister of the Czech Republic Karel Schwarzenberg. Met with former President of the Czech Republic Václav Havel. Met with Prime Minister of Czech Republic Mirek Topolánek Prague   Czech Republic
2.12 –4.12.2008 Met with President of the Belgian House of Representatives Herman Van Rompuy. Met withPresident of the Belgian Senate Armand De Decker. Met withPresident of the European Parliament Hans-Gert Pöttering. Met with Prime Minister of Belgium Yves Leterme Brussels   Belgium
5.12 –11.12.2008 Met with Speaker of the Polish Senate Bogdan Borusewicz. Met withSpeaker of the Polish House Representatives Bronisław Komorowski. Met with President of Poland Lech Kaczyński. Met with President of France Nicolas Sarkozy. Met with Prime Minister of Poland Donald Tusk Gdańsk, Warsaw   Poland
10.2.2009 Met with Minister President of Hessen Roland Koch Baden-Baden   Germany
29 –30.7.2009 Met with Minister for Economic Cooperation & Development of Germany Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul. Met Minister President of Hessen Roland Koch Frankfurt am Main   Germany
6.8.2009 Met with President of the Swiss Parliament Chiara Simoneschi-Cortesi Lausanne    Switzerland
1.9.2009 Met with Chairwoman of Democratic Progressive Party Tsai Ing-Wen Kaohsiung   Taiwan
11 –12.9.2009 Met with Deputy Prime Minister & Foreign minister of the Czech Republic Jan Kohout. Met with Prime Minister of Czech Republic Jan Fischer. Met with former President of the Czech Republic Václav Havel. Met with former State President of South Africa F. W. de Klerk Prague   Czech Republic
6.10.2009 Met with Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi Washington, D.C.   United States
18.11.2009 Met with President of the Italian Lower House Gianfranco Fini Rome   Italy
3 –4.12.2009 Met with Leader of Australian Opposition Tony Abbott. Met Minister for the Environment, Heritage & the Arts of Australia Peter Garrett Sydney   Australia
18.2.2010 Met with U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Met with President of the United States Barack Obama [6] Washington, D.C.   United States
6 –7.4.2010 Met with Minister for Slovenians Abroad Boštjan Žekš. Met with former Prime Minister of Slovenia Janez Janša Maribor   Slovenia
8.4.2010 Met with Speaker of Swiss Parliament Pascale Bruderer Wyss Zürich    Switzerland
22.10.2010 Met with Canadian Secretary of State for Multiculturalism and Identity Jason Kenney Toronto   Canada
12.11.2010 Met with the Director of the IAEA Nobel Peace Laureate Mohamed ElBaradei. Met with former State President of South Africa Nobel Peace Laureate F. W. de Klerk Hiroshima   Japan
13.4.2011 Met with former President of Ireland Mary Robinson Dublin    Switzerland
14.6.2011 Met with Australian Leader of Opposition Tony Abbott Canberra   Australia
7.7.2011 Met with U.S. Speaker of the House John Boehner. Met with Minority Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi Washington, D.C.   United States
16.7.2011 Met with President of the United States Barack Obama Washington, D.C.   United States
17.8.2011 Met with President of Estonia Toomas Hendrik Ilves. Met with Minister of Defence Mart Laar Tallinn   Estonia
22.8 –23.8.2011 Met with President of the Hessian Parliament Norbert Kartmann. Met Minister President of Hesse State Volker Bouffier Wiesbaden   Germany
9 –11.9.2011 Met with Governor of Zacatecas Miguel Alonso Reyes. Met with President of Mexico Felipe Calderón. Met with former President of Mexico Vicente Fox México   Mexico
13.9.2011 Met with Nobel Peace Laureate Adolfo Pérez Esquivel Buenos Aires   Argentina
7.11.2011 Met with and former Prime Minister of Japan Shinzō Abe Tokyo   Japan
10.12.2011 Met with former President of the Czech Republic Václav Havel. Met with Foreign minister of the Czech Republic Karel Schwarzenberg Prague   Czech Republic
15.4.2012 Met with Governor of Hawaii Neil Abercrombie Honolulu   United States
25.4.2012 Met with former President of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev. Met with former President of Poland Lech Wałęsa Warsaw   Poland
27.4.2012 Met with Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper. Met Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Jason Kenney Ottawa   Canada
14.5.2012 Met with Prime Minister of the United Kingdom David Cameron. Met with Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Nick Clegg. Met with Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams London Manchester   United Kingdom
18 –27.5.2012 Met with Interior Secretary of State of Austria Sebastian Kurz. Met with Chancellor of Austria Werner Faymann. Met with Vice-Chancellor & Foreign Minister of Austria Michael Spindelegger. Met with Governor of Salzburg Gabi Burgstaller. Met with Kärnten Governor of Carinthia Gerhard Dörfler Klagenfurt, Salzburg, Vienna   Austria
19 –20.6.2012 Met with Charles, Prince of Wales. Met with Speaker of the House of Commons John Bercow. Met with Nobel Peace Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi. Met with Leader of the Opposition Ed Miliband London   United Kingdom
8.10.2012 Met with IAEA director Nobel Peace Laureate Mohamed ElBaradei. Met with Nobel Peace Laureate Shirin Ebadi Syracuse   United States
16.4.2013 Met with President of the Swiss National Council Maya Graf Bern    Switzerland
7 –14.5.2013 Met with Governor of Wisconsin Scott Walker. Met with Governor of Oregon John Kitzhaber. Met with Governor of Maryland Martin O'Malley Madison, Portland, College Park   United States
10 –11.9.2013 Met with Latvian Minister of Justice Janis Bordans. Met with former President of Latvia Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga Riga   Latvia
11 –13.9.2013 Met with former President of Lithuania Vytautas Landsbergis. Met with President of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaitė Vilna   Lithuania
15.9.2013 Met with Nobel Peace Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi Prague   Czech Republic
15.10.2013 Met with former President of Mexico Vicente Fox San Cristóbal   Mexico
23.10.2013 Met with Prime Minister of Poland Donald Tusk Warsaw   Poland
21.2 –6.3.2014 Met with U.S. Speaker of the House John Boehner. Met with Minority Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi. Met with U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. Met with Governor of California Jerry Brown. Met with President of the United States Barack Obama Washington, D.C., Los Angeles   United States
10.5.2014 Met with Foreign Minister of the Netherlands Frans Timmermans Rotterdam   Netherlands
13.5.2014 Met with Minister President of Hesse Volker Bouffier Frankfurt   Germany
7.2. 2015 Met with President of Basel City Canton Guy Morin Basel    Switzerland
1.7 –10.7.2015 Met with former President of the United States George W. Bush. Met with Minority Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi Dallas, New York City   United States
12.7–14.7.2015 Met with Vice President of the German Parliament Claudia Roth. Met with President of the Hessen Parliament Norbert Kartmann. Met with Prime Minister of Hessen Volker Bouffier Wiesbaden   Germany
March 11, 2016 Met with UN Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights Kate Gilmore.

Met with Yemeni Nobel Peace Laureate Tawakkol Karman

Geneva    Switzerland
March 4, 2016 Met with Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Paul Ryan Sea Island   United States
July 15, 2016 Met with President of the United States Barack Obama Washington, D.C.   United States
October 16, 2016 Met with President of Slovakia Andrej Kiska Bratislava   Slovakia
October 18, 2016 Met with Pavel Bělobrádek and Daniel Herman Prague   Czech Republic
October 20, 2016 Met with Giuseppe Sala and Angelo Scola Milan   Italy
November 19–23, 2016 Speeches Ulaanbaatar   Mongolia
June 13–25, 2017 Speeches, Met with some mayors and Richie Davidson [7] [8] Rochester, San Diego, Orange County, Minneapolis, Boston   United States
September 8–22, 2017 Speeches [9] Derry, Frankfurt, Taormina, Messina, Palermo, Florence, Pisa, Riga Northern Ireland
12 - 19 June 2018 Met with Vytautas Landsbergis and Remigijus Šimašius Vilnius, Riga   Lithuania
  Latvia [10]
10 - 26 September 2018 Hold many speeches, Met with Lech Wałęsa, Rebecca Johnson, Claudia Roth, Jochen Partsch and others Malmö, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Darmstadt, Heidelberg, Rikon im Tösstal   Sweden
   Switzerland [11]
12 - 25 November 2018 speech TokyoYokohama   Japan [12] [13]


  1. ^ a b c d "Dignitaries Met: 2011–Present". The Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. 12 February 2017. Archived from the original on 27 January 2018.
  2. ^ "Dignitaries Met 1954–1989 | The 14th Dalai Lama". His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet. 2018-01-27. Archived from the original on 27 January 2018. Retrieved 2018-02-13.
  3. ^ New York Times
  4. ^ "Dignitaries Met 1990–1999 | The 14th Dalai Lama". His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet. 2018-01-27. Archived from the original on 27 January 2018. Retrieved 2018-02-13.
  5. ^ "Dignitaries Met 2000–2004 | The 14th Dalai Lama". His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet. 2018-02-12. Archived from the original on 27 January 2018. Retrieved 2018-02-12.
  6. ^ "Dignitaries Met 2005–2010 | The 14th Dalai Lama". His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet. 2018-02-12. Archived from the original on 27 January 2018. Retrieved 2018-02-12.
  7. ^ "UC San Diego Commencement". Archived from the original on 2017-04-20.
  8. ^ "第十四世達賴喇嘛官方國際華文網站".
  9. ^ "达赖喇嘛圆满结束欧洲行程返抵达兰萨拉 - 西藏之声". Archived from the original on 2017-09-29.
  10. ^ "达赖喇嘛结束波罗的海两国演讲弘法行程返抵印度 – 西藏之声". Archived from the original on 2018-06-24.
  11. ^ "达赖喇嘛圆满结束欧洲四国演讲弘法行程返抵达兰萨拉 – 西藏之声". Archived from the original on 2018-09-27.
  12. ^ "达赖喇嘛鼓励日本青年善用智慧避免重蹈二十世纪覆辙 - 西藏之声". Archived from the original on 2018-11-21.
  13. ^ "达赖喇嘛在新德里参加锡克教活动后赴日本访问 - 西藏之声". Archived from the original on 2018-11-21.


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