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During the Parade of Nations section of the 1998 Winter Olympics opening ceremony, athletes from each country participating in the Olympics paraded in the arena. The flag from each team was borne by a sportsperson from that country chosen either by the National Olympic Committee or by the athletes themselves to represent their country. Due the rules stipulated by the Olympic Charter (and political issues between China and Chinese Taipei along the two Koreas) at the time the Organizing Committee opted for the option of the protocol order in English, instead of host nation's language, Japanese. Greece led the parade, followed by Andorra. Had the parade followed the Japanese characters, Greece would have been followed by Iceland, and Russian Federation would have been the penultimate country before Japan. One sumo wrestler and one yukiko (lit. snow children) which bears a country name sign marched before each delegation. Some of famous sumo wrestlers such as Takanonami and Wakanohana accompanied the teams. [1] The yukikos also took part in several other segments in the ceremony.

Order Nation Japanese Roman transliteration Flag bearer Sport
1   Greece (GRE) ギリシャ Girisha Vasilios Dimitriadis Alpine skiing
2   Andorra (AND) アンドラ Andora Victor Gómez Alpine skiing
3   Argentina (ARG) アルゼンチン Aruzenchin Carola Calello Alpine skiing
4   Armenia (ARM) アルメニア Arumenia Alla Mikayelyan Cross-country skiing
5   Australia (AUS) オーストラリア Ōsutoraria Richard Nizielski Short track speed skating
6   Austria (AUT) オーストリア Ōsutoria Emese Hunyady Speed skating
7   Azerbaijan (AZE) アゼルバイジャン Azerubaijan Yuliya Vorobyova Figure skating
8   Belarus (BLR) ベラルーシ Berarūshi Aleksandr Popov Biathlon
9   Belgium (BEL) ベルギー Berugī Conrad Alleblas Chef de Mission
10   Bermuda (BER) バミューダ Bamyūda John Hoskins Chef de Mission
11   Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH) ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ Bosunia Herutsuegobina Mario Franjić Bobsleigh
12   Brazil (BRA) ブラジル Burajiru Marcelo Apovian Alpine skiing
13   Bulgaria (BUL) ブルガリア Burugaria Lyubomir Popov Alpine skiing
14   Canada (CAN) カナダ Kanada Jean-Luc Brassard Freestyle skiing
15   Chile (CHI) チリ Chiri Duncan Grob Alpine skiing
16   China (CHN) 中華人民共和国 Chūka Jinmin Kyōwakoku Zhao Hongbo Figure skating
17   Croatia (CRO) クロアチア Kuroachia Janica Kostelić Alpine skiing
18   Cyprus (CYP) キプロス Kipurosu Andreas Vasili Alpine skiing
19   Czech Republic (CZE) チェコ Cheko Lubomír Buchta Cross-country skiing
20   Denmark (DEN) デンマーク Denmāku Helena Blach Lavrsen Curling
21   Estonia (EST) エストニア Esutonia Kalju Ojaste Biathlon
22   Finland (FIN) フィンランド Finrando Janne Ahonen Ski jumping
23   Macedonia (MKD) マケドニア旧ユーゴスラビア共和国 Makedonia Kyū-Yūgosurabia Kyōwakoku Gjoko Dineski Cross-country skiing
24   France (FRA) フランス Furansu Philippe Candeloro Figure skating
25   Georgia (GEO) グルジア Gurujia Sofia Akhmeteli Alpine skiing
26   Germany (GER) ドイツ Doitsu Jochen Behle Cross-country skiing
27   Great Britain (GBR) イギリス Igirisu Mike Dixon Biathlon
28   Hungary (HUN) ハンガリー Hangarī Krisztina Egyed Speed skating
29   Iceland (ISL) アイスランド Aisurando Theódóra Mathiesen Alpine skiing
30   India (IND) インド Indo Shiva Keshavan Luge
31   Iran (IRI) イラン Iran Hassan Shemshaki Alpine skiing
32   Ireland (IRL) アイルランド Airurando Terry McHugh Bobsleigh
33   Israel (ISR) イスラエル Isuraeru Michael Shmerkin Figure skating
34   Italy (ITA) イタリア Itaria Gerda Weissensteiner Luge
35   Jamaica (JAM) ジャマイカ Jamaika Ricky McIntosh Bobsleigh
36   Kazakhstan (KAZ) カザフスタン Kazafusutan Vladimir Smirnov Cross-country skiing
37   Kenya (KEN) ケニア Kenia Philip Boit Cross-country skiing
38   South Korea (KOR) 大韓民国 Daikan Minkoku Hur Seung-Wook Alpine skiing
39   Kyrgyzstan (KGZ) キルギスタン Kirugisutan Aleksandr Tropnikov Biathlon
40   Latvia (LAT) ラトビア Ratobia Sandis Prūsis Bobsleigh
41   Liechtenstein (LIE) リヒテンシュタイン Rihitenshutain Tamara Schädler Alpine skiing
42   Lithuania (LTU) リトアニア Ritoania Povilas Vanagas Figure skating
43   Luxembourg (LUX) ルクセンブルク Rukusenburuku Patrick Schmit Figure skating
44   Moldova (MDA) モルドバ Morudoba Ion Bucsa Biathlon
45   Monaco (MON) モナコ Monako Gilbert Bessi Bobsleigh
46   Mongolia (MGL) モンゴル Mongoru Boldyn Sansarbileg Short track speed skating
47   Netherlands (NED) オランダ Oranda Carla Zijlstra Speed skating
48   New Zealand (NZL) ニュージーランド Nyūjīrando Peter Henry Bobsleigh
49   Norway (NOR) ノルウェー Noruwē Espen Bredesen Ski jumping
50   North Korea (PRK) 朝鮮民主主義人民共和国 Chōsen Minshushugi Jinmin Kyōwakoku Yun Chol Short track speed skating
51   Poland (POL) ポーランド Pōrando Jan Ziemianin Biathlon
52   Portugal (POR) ポルトガル Porutogaru Mafalda Pereira Freestyle skiing
53   Puerto Rico (PUR) プエルトリコ Puertoriko José Ferrer Bobsleigh
54   Romania (ROU) ルーマニア Rūmania Mihaela Dascălu Speed skating
55   Russia (RUS) ロシア Roshia Aleksey Prokurorov Cross-country skiing
56   Slovakia (SVK) スロバキア Surobakia Ivan Bátory Cross-country skiing
57   Slovenia (SLO) スロベニア Surobenia Primož Peterka Ski jumping
58   South Africa (RSA) 南アフリカ Minami-Afurika Shirene Human Figure skating
59   Spain (ESP) スペイン Supein Juan Jesús Gutiérrez Cross-country skiing
60   Sweden (SWE) スウェーデン Suwēden Torgny Mogren Cross-country skiing
61   Switzerland (SUI) スイス Suisu Guido Acklin Bobsleigh
62   Chinese Taipei (TPE) チャイニーズ・タイペイ Chainīzu Taipei Sun Kuang-Ming Bobsleigh
63   Trinidad and Tobago (TRI) トリニダード・トバゴ Torinidādo Tobago Curtis Harry Bobsleigh
64   Turkey (TUR) トルコ Toruko Arif Alaftargil Alpine skiing
65   Ukraine (UKR) ウクライナ Ukuraina Andriy Deryzemlya Biathlon
66   United States (USA) アメリカ合衆国 Amerika Gasshūkoku Eric Flaim Short track speed skating
67   Uruguay (URU) ウルグアイ Uruguai Gabriel Hottegindre Alpine skiing
68   Uzbekistan (UZB) ウズベキスタン Uzubekisutan Komil Urunbayev Alpine skiing
69   Venezuela (VEN) ベネズエラ Benezuera Iginia Boccalandro Luge
70   Virgin Islands (ISV) バージン諸島 Bājin-Shotō Paul Zar Bobsleigh
71   FR Yugoslavia (YUG) ユーゴスラビア Yūgosurabia Marko Đorđević Alpine skiing
72   Japan (JPN) 日本 Nippon Hiroyasu Shimizu Speed skating


  1. ^ "Akebono to perform 'dohyo-iri' at Olympic opening". January 28, 1998. Archived from the original on 9 February 2005. Retrieved 27 July 2015.

External links

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

During the Parade of Nations section of the 1998 Winter Olympics opening ceremony, athletes from each country participating in the Olympics paraded in the arena. The flag from each team was borne by a sportsperson from that country chosen either by the National Olympic Committee or by the athletes themselves to represent their country. Due the rules stipulated by the Olympic Charter (and political issues between China and Chinese Taipei along the two Koreas) at the time the Organizing Committee opted for the option of the protocol order in English, instead of host nation's language, Japanese. Greece led the parade, followed by Andorra. Had the parade followed the Japanese characters, Greece would have been followed by Iceland, and Russian Federation would have been the penultimate country before Japan. One sumo wrestler and one yukiko (lit. snow children) which bears a country name sign marched before each delegation. Some of famous sumo wrestlers such as Takanonami and Wakanohana accompanied the teams. [1] The yukikos also took part in several other segments in the ceremony.

Order Nation Japanese Roman transliteration Flag bearer Sport
1   Greece (GRE) ギリシャ Girisha Vasilios Dimitriadis Alpine skiing
2   Andorra (AND) アンドラ Andora Victor Gómez Alpine skiing
3   Argentina (ARG) アルゼンチン Aruzenchin Carola Calello Alpine skiing
4   Armenia (ARM) アルメニア Arumenia Alla Mikayelyan Cross-country skiing
5   Australia (AUS) オーストラリア Ōsutoraria Richard Nizielski Short track speed skating
6   Austria (AUT) オーストリア Ōsutoria Emese Hunyady Speed skating
7   Azerbaijan (AZE) アゼルバイジャン Azerubaijan Yuliya Vorobyova Figure skating
8   Belarus (BLR) ベラルーシ Berarūshi Aleksandr Popov Biathlon
9   Belgium (BEL) ベルギー Berugī Conrad Alleblas Chef de Mission
10   Bermuda (BER) バミューダ Bamyūda John Hoskins Chef de Mission
11   Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH) ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ Bosunia Herutsuegobina Mario Franjić Bobsleigh
12   Brazil (BRA) ブラジル Burajiru Marcelo Apovian Alpine skiing
13   Bulgaria (BUL) ブルガリア Burugaria Lyubomir Popov Alpine skiing
14   Canada (CAN) カナダ Kanada Jean-Luc Brassard Freestyle skiing
15   Chile (CHI) チリ Chiri Duncan Grob Alpine skiing
16   China (CHN) 中華人民共和国 Chūka Jinmin Kyōwakoku Zhao Hongbo Figure skating
17   Croatia (CRO) クロアチア Kuroachia Janica Kostelić Alpine skiing
18   Cyprus (CYP) キプロス Kipurosu Andreas Vasili Alpine skiing
19   Czech Republic (CZE) チェコ Cheko Lubomír Buchta Cross-country skiing
20   Denmark (DEN) デンマーク Denmāku Helena Blach Lavrsen Curling
21   Estonia (EST) エストニア Esutonia Kalju Ojaste Biathlon
22   Finland (FIN) フィンランド Finrando Janne Ahonen Ski jumping
23   Macedonia (MKD) マケドニア旧ユーゴスラビア共和国 Makedonia Kyū-Yūgosurabia Kyōwakoku Gjoko Dineski Cross-country skiing
24   France (FRA) フランス Furansu Philippe Candeloro Figure skating
25   Georgia (GEO) グルジア Gurujia Sofia Akhmeteli Alpine skiing
26   Germany (GER) ドイツ Doitsu Jochen Behle Cross-country skiing
27   Great Britain (GBR) イギリス Igirisu Mike Dixon Biathlon
28   Hungary (HUN) ハンガリー Hangarī Krisztina Egyed Speed skating
29   Iceland (ISL) アイスランド Aisurando Theódóra Mathiesen Alpine skiing
30   India (IND) インド Indo Shiva Keshavan Luge
31   Iran (IRI) イラン Iran Hassan Shemshaki Alpine skiing
32   Ireland (IRL) アイルランド Airurando Terry McHugh Bobsleigh
33   Israel (ISR) イスラエル Isuraeru Michael Shmerkin Figure skating
34   Italy (ITA) イタリア Itaria Gerda Weissensteiner Luge
35   Jamaica (JAM) ジャマイカ Jamaika Ricky McIntosh Bobsleigh
36   Kazakhstan (KAZ) カザフスタン Kazafusutan Vladimir Smirnov Cross-country skiing
37   Kenya (KEN) ケニア Kenia Philip Boit Cross-country skiing
38   South Korea (KOR) 大韓民国 Daikan Minkoku Hur Seung-Wook Alpine skiing
39   Kyrgyzstan (KGZ) キルギスタン Kirugisutan Aleksandr Tropnikov Biathlon
40   Latvia (LAT) ラトビア Ratobia Sandis Prūsis Bobsleigh
41   Liechtenstein (LIE) リヒテンシュタイン Rihitenshutain Tamara Schädler Alpine skiing
42   Lithuania (LTU) リトアニア Ritoania Povilas Vanagas Figure skating
43   Luxembourg (LUX) ルクセンブルク Rukusenburuku Patrick Schmit Figure skating
44   Moldova (MDA) モルドバ Morudoba Ion Bucsa Biathlon
45   Monaco (MON) モナコ Monako Gilbert Bessi Bobsleigh
46   Mongolia (MGL) モンゴル Mongoru Boldyn Sansarbileg Short track speed skating
47   Netherlands (NED) オランダ Oranda Carla Zijlstra Speed skating
48   New Zealand (NZL) ニュージーランド Nyūjīrando Peter Henry Bobsleigh
49   Norway (NOR) ノルウェー Noruwē Espen Bredesen Ski jumping
50   North Korea (PRK) 朝鮮民主主義人民共和国 Chōsen Minshushugi Jinmin Kyōwakoku Yun Chol Short track speed skating
51   Poland (POL) ポーランド Pōrando Jan Ziemianin Biathlon
52   Portugal (POR) ポルトガル Porutogaru Mafalda Pereira Freestyle skiing
53   Puerto Rico (PUR) プエルトリコ Puertoriko José Ferrer Bobsleigh
54   Romania (ROU) ルーマニア Rūmania Mihaela Dascălu Speed skating
55   Russia (RUS) ロシア Roshia Aleksey Prokurorov Cross-country skiing
56   Slovakia (SVK) スロバキア Surobakia Ivan Bátory Cross-country skiing
57   Slovenia (SLO) スロベニア Surobenia Primož Peterka Ski jumping
58   South Africa (RSA) 南アフリカ Minami-Afurika Shirene Human Figure skating
59   Spain (ESP) スペイン Supein Juan Jesús Gutiérrez Cross-country skiing
60   Sweden (SWE) スウェーデン Suwēden Torgny Mogren Cross-country skiing
61   Switzerland (SUI) スイス Suisu Guido Acklin Bobsleigh
62   Chinese Taipei (TPE) チャイニーズ・タイペイ Chainīzu Taipei Sun Kuang-Ming Bobsleigh
63   Trinidad and Tobago (TRI) トリニダード・トバゴ Torinidādo Tobago Curtis Harry Bobsleigh
64   Turkey (TUR) トルコ Toruko Arif Alaftargil Alpine skiing
65   Ukraine (UKR) ウクライナ Ukuraina Andriy Deryzemlya Biathlon
66   United States (USA) アメリカ合衆国 Amerika Gasshūkoku Eric Flaim Short track speed skating
67   Uruguay (URU) ウルグアイ Uruguai Gabriel Hottegindre Alpine skiing
68   Uzbekistan (UZB) ウズベキスタン Uzubekisutan Komil Urunbayev Alpine skiing
69   Venezuela (VEN) ベネズエラ Benezuera Iginia Boccalandro Luge
70   Virgin Islands (ISV) バージン諸島 Bājin-Shotō Paul Zar Bobsleigh
71   FR Yugoslavia (YUG) ユーゴスラビア Yūgosurabia Marko Đorđević Alpine skiing
72   Japan (JPN) 日本 Nippon Hiroyasu Shimizu Speed skating


  1. ^ "Akebono to perform 'dohyo-iri' at Olympic opening". January 28, 1998. Archived from the original on 9 February 2005. Retrieved 27 July 2015.

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