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This is a list of pages in the scope of Wikipedia:WikiProject Alternative Views along with pageviews.

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Period: 2024-03-01 to 2024-03-31

Total views: 20,286,166

Updated: 03:59, 4 April 2024 (UTC)

Rank Page title Views Daily average Assessment Importance
1 Bohemian Grove 1,007,728 32,507 C Low
2 George Galloway 947,768 30,573 C Mid
3 Mahatma Gandhi 449,620 14,503 GA High
4 Coral Castle 370,883 11,963 Start Low
5 Dead Internet theory 318,019 10,258 C Low
6 Armenia 262,224 8,458 B Low
7 Jordan Peterson 261,327 8,429 B Low
8 Jenny McCarthy 249,327 8,042 B Mid
9 Karl Marx 247,573 7,986 GA Top
10 Roald Dahl 241,512 7,790 B Mid
11 Dunning–Kruger effect 209,214 6,748 GA High
12 MKUltra 202,191 6,522 B Mid
13 Sovereign citizen movement 189,102 6,100 B Mid
14 Friedrich Nietzsche 185,760 5,992 B Top
15 Oscar Wilde 179,307 5,784 GA Mid
16 Alex Jones 170,288 5,493 C Top
17 Bhagat Singh 164,855 5,317 B High
18 Astrological sign 162,477 5,241 C High
19 QAnon 161,203 5,200 GA Mid
20 Galileo Galilei 143,949 4,643 B Top
21 Pizzagate conspiracy theory 143,147 4,617 GA Mid
22 Stonehenge 139,658 4,505 B High
23 Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappearance theories 136,487 4,402 C Low
24 Aleister Crowley 133,024 4,291 GA Mid
25 Where is Kate? 130,559 4,211 C Low
26 New World Order (conspiracy theory) 128,766 4,153 GA Top
27 Leo Tolstoy 127,518 4,113 B Top
28 List of conspiracy theories 124,796 4,025 List High
29 Rabindranath Tagore 120,918 3,900 B High
30 Subhas Chandra Bose 118,537 3,823 B High
31 Atlantis 116,628 3,762 B High
32 Swami Vivekananda 111,399 3,593 GA Top
33 Astrology 110,664 3,569 GA High
34 Great Replacement 110,185 3,554 C Mid
35 Chemtrail conspiracy theory 105,283 3,396 B Mid
36 Tartarian Empire 104,459 3,369 Start Low
37 Varg Vikernes 101,621 3,278 B Low
38 Conspiracy theory 100,992 3,257 B Top
39 List of legendary creatures by type 97,027 3,129 List Mid
40 Ray Kurzweil 95,099 3,067 C Mid
41 L. Ron Hubbard 88,922 2,868 B Mid
42 Bombing of Dresden 87,933 2,836 B Low
43 Anarchism 87,112 2,810 GA Top
44 List of cryptids 86,174 2,779 List Mid
45 David Icke 84,522 2,726 GA High
46 Antikythera mechanism 82,116 2,648 B Low
47 Allegory of the cave 79,885 2,576 C Unknown
48 Technological singularity 76,231 2,459 B Mid
49 Osteopathy 74,342 2,398 C Low
50 Chiropractic 70,857 2,285 B Mid
51 Nibiru cataclysm 68,039 2,194 GA Mid
52 Ayurveda 67,097 2,164 B Top
53 Reptilian conspiracy theory 67,000 2,161 C Unknown
54 Ron Paul 66,946 2,159 C Low
55 John F. Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories 66,901 2,158 C Mid
56 Nigel Farage 66,640 2,149 B Mid
57 Pseudoscience 66,571 2,147 B Top
58 8chan 66,119 2,132 C Low
59 Hampstead Hoax 65,060 2,098 C Low
60 Michael Moore 64,723 2,087 C Mid
61 Elijah Muhammad 63,224 2,039 C Low
62 Transcendental Meditation 63,128 2,036 B Mid
63 Karma 63,117 2,036 B High
64 Factitious disorder imposed on another 61,262 1,976 C Unknown
65 Periyar 61,035 1,968 GA High
66 Jiddu Krishnamurti 59,174 1,908 B Low
67 RT (TV network) 57,871 1,866 B Unknown
68 Homeopathy 57,836 1,865 GA High
69 Timothy Leary 57,740 1,862 B Low
70 Kirk Cameron 57,661 1,860 GA Mid
71 The Good Shepherd (film) 57,567 1,857 B Low
72 Veganism 57,072 1,841 B Mid
73 Eye of Providence 56,587 1,825 C Low
74 Meditation 56,320 1,816 B High
75 Tantra 56,247 1,814 B High
76 9/11 conspiracy theories 56,244 1,814 C Low
77 Confirmation bias 56,144 1,811 FA Top
78 Sathya Sai Baba 55,635 1,794 C Low
79 The Protocols of the Elders of Zion 54,858 1,769 B Mid
80 McMartin preschool trial 54,565 1,760 C Low
81 Unidentified flying object 54,311 1,751 B Low
82 Feng shui 54,245 1,749 B Mid
83 Clinton body count conspiracy theory 53,873 1,737 Start High
84 Black people 53,403 1,722 B Low
85 Neuro-linguistic programming 53,215 1,716 B Mid
86 Alfredo Bowman 52,503 1,693 C Low
87 Anti-Defamation League 52,096 1,680 C Low
88 Rush Limbaugh 51,943 1,675 B Mid
89 Cloudflare 51,577 1,663 C Low
90 Magic (supernatural) 51,520 1,661 B High
91 Deep state in the United States 50,652 1,633 Start Low
92 Holocaust denial 50,446 1,627 B Mid
93 The Satanic Verses 50,273 1,621 C Low
94 Ramakrishna 49,443 1,594 B Top
95 Thomas Hobbes 49,000 1,580 C Top
96 Raëlism 48,901 1,577 GA Mid
97 Ted Williams 48,219 1,555 B Low
98 JFK (film) 48,216 1,555 GA Low
99 Chakra 47,573 1,534 C High
100 New Age 46,714 1,506 GA Mid
101 Church of Satan 46,204 1,490 B Mid
102 Pareidolia 45,666 1,473 B Mid
103 David Irving 44,764 1,444 GA Mid
104 Modern flat Earth beliefs 44,529 1,436 C Mid
105 Burning Man 44,495 1,435 B Low
106 Conspiracy theories about the death of Diana, Princess of Wales 44,260 1,427 C Low
107 Dowsing 44,007 1,419 C Mid
108 Satanic panic 43,409 1,400 C Low
109 Kundalini 43,135 1,391 C High
110 Two-spirit 43,084 1,389 C Low
111 Transhumanism 42,586 1,373 B Low
112 Scopes trial 42,036 1,356 B Mid
113 Deepak Chopra 42,021 1,355 C Low
114 2012 phenomenon 41,480 1,338 FA Low
115 Ezra Pound 41,099 1,325 FA Mid
116 Moon landing conspiracy theories 40,803 1,316 C Mid
117 Rudolf Steiner 40,417 1,303 B Mid
118 Planets in astrology 40,281 1,299 B High
119 LGBT people and Islam 40,175 1,295 B Mid
120 Graham Hancock 39,386 1,270 C Mid
121 Gray asexuality 39,122 1,262 C Low
122 High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program 38,797 1,251 C Mid
123 Groypers 38,426 1,239 B Low
124 Parapsychology 38,303 1,235 B High
125 Eckhart Tolle 38,251 1,233 GA Mid
126 Massage 38,237 1,233 C Low
127 Three Percenters 38,135 1,230 B Low
128 Conversion therapy 38,003 1,225 B Low
129 37,855 1,221 Start Low
130 Paul is dead 37,850 1,220 B Low
131 William Jennings Bryan 37,624 1,213 B Mid
132 Precognition 37,378 1,205 Start Mid
133 1980 October Surprise theory 37,247 1,201 B Low
134 White genocide conspiracy theory 37,173 1,199 B High
135 List of legendary creatures from Japan 36,853 1,188 List Top
136 Sri Aurobindo 36,824 1,187 GA Top
137 Bilderberg Meeting 35,924 1,158 B Low
138 Shooter Jennings 35,475 1,144 Start Unknown
139 Alcubierre drive 34,658 1,118 B Mid
140 Neuroplasticity 34,586 1,115 B Unknown
141 Dinesh D'Souza 34,514 1,113 B Low
142 InfoWars 34,229 1,104 C Low
143 North American Man/Boy Love Association 34,075 1,099 C Low
144 Giordano Bruno 33,822 1,091 B High
145 Tantric sex 33,748 1,088 C High
146 Cultural Marxism conspiracy theory 33,300 1,074 B Low
147 Kalergi Plan 32,934 1,062 Start Low
148 Ley line 32,799 1,058 C Unknown
149 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting conspiracy theories 32,591 1,051 C Mid
150 Conspiracy theories about Adolf Hitler's death 31,961 1,031 C Low
151 Law of attraction (New Thought) 31,516 1,016 C Low
152 Hunter Biden laptop controversy 31,125 1,004 B Mid
153 Third gender 30,629 988 C Low
154 Cryonics 30,287 977 B Mid
155 Frankfurt School 30,226 975 B Mid
156 Serge Monast 30,095 970 Start Low
157 Heliocentrism 29,891 964 B Low
158 Hal Finney (computer scientist) 29,821 961 Start Low
159 Andrew Wakefield 29,665 956 B Low
160 List of reported UFO sightings 29,640 956 List Low
161 Men Going Their Own Way 29,511 951 B Low
162 Kundalini yoga 29,434 949 C High
163 Linus Pauling 29,319 945 B High
164 Indigo children 29,211 942 C Mid
165 New religious movement 28,817 929 C Low
166 Paleolithic diet 28,430 917 B Low
167 Gender-critical feminism 28,309 913 B Mid
168 Eternal return 28,129 907 B Low
169 Tengu 28,019 903 GA Low
170 Moksha 27,821 897 B High
171 Ancient astronauts 27,779 896 C Mid
172 Alternative medicine 27,718 894 C High
173 Art Bell 27,643 891 C Mid
174 Steven Gundry 27,634 891 Start Low
175 Antisemitic trope 27,383 883 List Low
176 Thabo Mbeki 26,638 859 C High
177 Jacob Chansley 26,508 855 B Low
178 Phoenix Lights 26,439 852 C Low
179 Legendary creature 25,751 830 C Low
180 Ben Stein 25,677 828 C Mid
181 Younger Dryas impact hypothesis 25,670 828 C Mid
182 The Satanic Bible 25,644 827 GA Mid
183 Antinatalism 25,638 827 C Unknown
184 Ancient Aliens 25,529 823 C Mid
185 Geocentric model 25,527 823 B Low
186 Stab-in-the-back myth 25,199 812 C High
187 NESARA 25,105 809 B Low
188 Durand Line 25,103 809 B Mid
189 Brainwashing 24,569 792 C High
190 John Titor 24,561 792 B Mid
191 Hindu astrology 24,365 785 C High
192 Auroville 24,289 783 Start Low
193 Zero-point energy 24,193 780 B Mid
194 James Jesus Angleton 24,055 775 C Mid
195 Young Earth creationism 23,995 774 B Mid
196 List of topics characterized as pseudoscience 23,844 769 List High
197 Carnivore diet 23,799 767 Start Mid
198 Cryptozoology 23,772 766 C Mid
199 CIA Kennedy assassination conspiracy theory 23,663 763 B Low
200 Antediluvian 23,624 762 B Mid
201 Apple cider vinegar 23,471 757 C Low
202 Paranoia 23,198 748 C Low
203 Essential oil 23,176 747 C Mid
204 Battle of Saragarhi 23,166 747 Start Low
205 Gab (social network) 22,831 736 C Low
206 Wilhelm Reich 22,608 729 GA High
207 Existential risk from artificial general intelligence 22,504 725 B Low
208 Blind men and an elephant 22,146 714 B High
209 Business Plot 21,671 699 C Unknown
210 Vastu shastra 21,535 694 C High
211 Owen Benjamin 21,274 686 Start Low
212 Murder of Seth Rich 21,242 685 C Low
213 World-systems theory 21,228 684 B Unknown
214 Milton William Cooper 20,894 674 Start Mid
215 List of new religious movements 20,614 664 List Low
216 Blood moon prophecy 20,564 663 Start Low
217 Priory of Sion 20,251 653 GA Low
218 Damnatio memoriae 20,079 647 C Mid
219 Love jihad conspiracy theory 20,012 645 B Mid
220 Robert F. Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories 19,818 639 C Low
221 Muslim supporters of Israel 19,769 637 B Mid
222 Puja (Hinduism) 19,331 623 Start High
223 Climate change denial 19,187 618 C Mid
224 Litter boxes in schools hoax 19,118 616 B Low
225 Zionist Occupation Government conspiracy theory 18,697 603 C Low
226 Creationism 18,617 600 B High
227 Rupert Sheldrake 18,492 596 B Low
228 Jon Ronson 18,340 591 C Unknown
229 Jesus in the Talmud 18,329 591 B High
230 Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories 18,302 590 B Low
231 The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch 18,238 588 Start Low
232 Zero Hedge 18,212 587 C Low
233 Steven M. Greer 18,142 585 C Low
234 The Power of Now 18,069 582 Start Mid
235 Jack Posobiec 17,848 575 C Unknown
236 Masaru Emoto 17,642 569 C Mid
237 Thaumaturgy 17,631 568 Start Mid
238 Baghdad Battery 17,569 566 Start Low
239 Intelligent design 17,241 556 FA High
240 Historical negationism 17,130 552 C Top
241 Ahnenerbe 17,074 550 B Low
242 Single-bullet theory 17,051 550 C High
243 Out-of-place artifact 17,035 549 C Low
244 Christ myth theory 16,857 543 B Low
245 Pierre Teilhard de Chardin 16,727 539 B Mid
246 Ghost Hunters (TV series) 16,678 538 C Unknown
247 Anti-gravity 16,621 536 C Mid
248 William Lane Craig 16,580 534 B Low
249 Social media use by Donald Trump 16,574 534 B Mid
250 Majestic 12 16,453 530 C Low
251 Thor Heyerdahl 16,365 527 C Mid
252 Galileo affair 16,291 525 B Top
253 Project Veritas 16,090 519 B Low
254 Michael Mosley (broadcaster) 15,949 514 Start Low
255 Mother goddess 15,843 511 C Low
256 Shakespeare authorship question 15,743 507 FA Top
257 Ceremonial magic 15,704 506 C Mid
258 Bunyip 15,602 503 C Low
259 Lists of legendary creatures 15,515 500 List Mid
260 Coast to Coast AM 15,347 495 B High
261 Suspended animation 15,033 484 Start Low
262 BitChute 14,696 474 Start Low
263 Erhard Seminars Training 14,664 473 Start Low
264 Past life regression 14,511 468 C Low
265 M. N. Roy 14,497 467 C High
266 Mind uploading 14,427 465 B Unknown
267 Horoscope 14,370 463 C High
268 Masonic conspiracy theories 14,302 461 C Low
269 Bicameral mentality 14,202 458 Start Low
270 Gaudiya Vaishnavism 14,171 457 C Low
271 Cydonia (Mars) 14,162 456 B Low
272 Superintelligence 14,026 452 Start Mid
273 George Soros conspiracy theories 13,968 450 B Low
274 Club of Rome 13,882 447 Start Mid
275 Peter Schiff 13,845 446 C Low
276 Paul Joseph Watson 13,809 445 C Low
277 History of astrology 13,744 443 B High
278 Franklin child prostitution ring allegations 13,743 443 Start Low
279 The International Jew 13,623 439 C Mid
280 Phantom time conspiracy theory 13,500 435 Start Low
281 Allopathic medicine 13,399 432 B Low
282 Kary Mullis 13,393 432 B Mid
283 White magic 13,354 430 Start Mid
284 LGBT chemicals conspiracy theory 13,338 430 Start Low
285 Alexander Shulgin 13,303 429 GA Low
286 Eliezer Yudkowsky 13,297 428 Start Low
287 Nick Bostrom 13,282 428 B Mid
288 Armenian genocide denial 13,274 428 FA Mid
289 Ufology 13,202 425 C Top
290 Androphilia and gynephilia 13,197 425 Start Mid
291 Crystal skull 13,184 425 B Low
292 Eurabia conspiracy theory 13,110 422 C Low
293 Nate Mendel 13,102 422 C Low
294 Posthumanism 13,065 421 C Mid
295 Fan death 12,902 416 C Unknown
296 Astrology and science 12,833 413 GA Low
297 Sidney Powell 12,804 413 B Low
298 Dave Asprey 12,666 408 C Low
299 Medical cannabis 12,623 407 B Mid
300 Ted Gunderson 12,611 406 Start Low
301 Esther Hicks 12,512 403 C Low
302 Irish slaves myth 12,490 402 C Low
303 9/11 truth movement 12,457 401 B High
304 Durupınar site 12,424 400 C Low
305 Macrobiotic diet 12,389 399 C Low
306 Geomancy 12,329 397 C Mid
307 Nanorobotics 12,306 396 C Low
308 Soylent (meal replacement) 12,291 396 C Low
309 Historical revisionism 12,250 395 B High
310 Noosphere 12,179 392 C Low
311 The Singularity Is Near 12,148 391 B Low
312 Electronic harassment 12,042 388 Start Low
313 Day-care sex-abuse hysteria 11,925 384 C Low
314 Allegations of CIA assistance to Osama bin Laden 11,878 383 Start Low
315 Sylph 11,618 374 C Low
316 Mark Hyman (doctor) 11,543 372 C Low
317 Star people (New Age) 11,495 370 Start Unknown
318 UFO conspiracy theories 11,465 369 C Mid
319 Alcor Life Extension Foundation 11,296 364 C Low
320 Panchen Lama 11,276 363 B Low
321 Swaminarayan Sampradaya 11,246 362 B Low
322 Aristarchus of Samos 11,195 361 C Low
323 Stoned ape theory 11,193 361 C Low
324 Billy Meier 11,126 358 B Mid
325 Energy medicine 11,091 357 C Mid
326 Time Cube 11,074 357 B Low
327 Siddhi 11,069 357 C High
328 Raw foodism 11,000 354 C Low
329 The Celestine Prophecy 10,907 351 C Mid
330 Kriya Yoga school 10,861 350 C High
331 Constructivism (international relations) 10,847 349 C Unknown
332 HIAG 10,831 349 GA Low
333 LGBT grooming conspiracy theory 10,820 349 Start Low
334 Biden–Ukraine conspiracy theory 10,696 345 C Low
335 Kevin Trudeau 10,687 344 B Low
336 Legality of Holocaust denial 10,681 344 C High
337 Chinese astrology 10,653 343 Start Top
338 Ozone therapy 10,631 342 Start Low
339 Life extension 10,548 340 B Mid
340 Water fluoridation 10,524 339 FA Mid
341 Nicholas Roerich 10,445 336 B Mid
342 Vaccine hesitancy 10,412 335 B High
343 E-meter 10,370 334 B Low
344 Ministry of Ayush 10,369 334 Start Mid
345 Christian anarchism 10,300 332 C Low
346 Location hypotheses of Atlantis 10,290 331 Start Low
347 Martin Luther King Jr. assassination conspiracy theories 10,270 331 C Low
348 Pseudohistory 10,188 328 Start Low
349 Ken Wilber 10,158 327 B Low
350 SouthFront 10,142 327 Start Low
351 Conspiracy 10,134 326 C Mid
352 Empirical evidence for the spherical shape of Earth 10,119 326 C Mid
353 Evidence and documentation for the Holocaust 9,968 321 C Mid
354 There was no such thing as Palestinians 9,896 319 Start Low
355 Expurgation 9,873 318 Start Low
356 Committee of 300 9,793 315 Start Low
357 Mike Hughes (daredevil) 9,743 314 Start Unknown
358 Rebel News 9,713 313 C Low
359 Fruitarianism 9,671 311 B Low
360 Three tramps 9,666 311 Start Low
361 Karma in Hinduism 9,592 309 B High
362 Fringe theory 9,587 309 Start Top
363 Bruce Lipton 9,574 308 Start Low
364 Sputnik (news agency) 9,526 307 C Unknown
365 CHAOS: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties 9,525 307 Start Low
366 'Pataphysics 9,503 306 C Low
367 Medbed 9,414 303 Start Low
368 Robert Anton Wilson 9,380 302 B Mid
369 Jim Inhofe 9,365 302 B Low
370 Jaron Lanier 9,362 302 Start Low
371 Bridgewater Triangle 9,320 300 C Mid
372 Ganzfeld experiment 9,318 300 B Low
373 What the Bleep Do We Know!? 9,317 300 B Low
374 Killing of Muhammad al-Durrah 9,310 300 FA Unknown
375 Omega Point 9,291 299 C Low
376 Rāja yoga 9,286 299 C High
377 Barack Obama religion conspiracy theories 9,281 299 Start Low
378 Inedia 9,263 298 B Low
379 Knut Hamsun 9,196 296 C Mid
380 Bimini Road 9,150 295 B Low
381 Romantic orientation 9,131 294 C Low
382 Wavy Gravy 9,112 293 Start Low
383 Sima Qian 9,097 293 C Low
384 Strawman theory 9,082 292 C Low
385 Freeman on the land movement 9,063 292 Start Low
386 HIV/AIDS denialism 9,042 291 B Mid
387 New chronology (Fomenko) 8,936 288 B Mid
388 Natural News 8,912 287 C Low
389 List of legendary creatures in Hindu mythology 8,875 286 List Low
390 George Noory 8,852 285 Start Mid
391 Guy Debord 8,827 284 C Top
392 Posthuman 8,815 284 Start Unknown
393 Empath 8,789 283 Start Low
394 Joseph Farah 8,768 282 C Low
395 Western astrology 8,738 281 B Top
396 PiHKAL 8,610 277 Start Low
397 Integral theory (Ken Wilber) 8,606 277 B Low
398 List of pedophile advocacy organizations 8,596 277 List Low
399 Criticism of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 8,577 276 C Mid
400 Ethics of artificial intelligence 8,567 276 B Low
401 Esalen Institute 8,566 276 C Mid
402 Catilinarian conspiracy 8,559 276 GA Low
403 Maurice Doreal 8,559 276 Stub Low
404 Catherine Blaiklock 8,524 274 Start Low
405 G. Edward Griffin 8,456 272 B Low
406 Shadow government (conspiracy theory) 8,449 272 Start Mid
407 Atkins diet 8,428 271 C Low
408 The Other Side: The Secret Relationship Between Nazism and Zionism 8,425 271 C Low
409 Lamanites 8,406 271 B Low
410 Mike Cernovich 8,360 269 C Low
411 Hulda Regehr Clark 8,324 268 Start Low
412 Ning Li (physicist) 8,251 266 Start Low
413 Diggers 8,008 258 C Unknown
414 Pearl Harbor advance-knowledge conspiracy theory 7,990 257 B Mid
415 Arsenicum album 7,977 257 C Low
416 Martine Rothblatt 7,967 257 B Low
417 Black helicopter 7,920 255 Start Unknown
418 Big Pharma conspiracy theories 7,898 254 B High
419 Joseph Mercola 7,862 253 B Low
420 Turn on, tune in, drop out 7,807 251 Start Mid
421 Pamela Geller 7,733 249 B Low
422 Retrocausality 7,731 249 B Low
423 David Thorstad 7,714 248 Start Low
424 FEMA camps conspiracy theory 7,694 248 Start Low
425 Water fluoridation controversy 7,600 245 B Mid
426 Chiropractic controversy and criticism 7,531 242 C Mid
427 Conspiracy theory about Vladimir Putin's body doubles 7,518 242 B Low
428 The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail 7,476 241 Start Low
429 Plandemic 7,442 240 GA Low
430 Alex Grey 7,418 239 Start Low
431 Energy (esotericism) 7,399 238 C Mid
432 Jason Fung 7,354 237 Start Low
433 JP Sears 7,348 237 C Low
434 Vaccines and autism 7,325 236 C Mid
435 Malcolm Caldwell 7,315 235 Start Low
436 Adaptogen 7,258 234 Start Low
437 Ian Stevenson 7,242 233 B Mid
438 Bernard Lewis 7,191 231 B Low
439 Voluntary Human Extinction Movement 7,175 231 Start Low
440 Ben Goertzel 7,109 229 Start Low
441 Judeo-Masonic conspiracy theory 7,091 228 C Low
442 Pseudoarchaeology 6,988 225 C Mid
443 Anarchist 6,897 222 Redirect NA
444 Homa (ritual) 6,896 222 Start High
445 Melania Trump replacement conspiracy theory 6,832 220 Start Low
446 Attar 6,808 219 C Mid
447 Aquatic ape hypothesis 6,802 219 C Unknown
448 Clyde Tombaugh 6,801 219 B Low
449 Jesuit conspiracy theories 6,736 217 C Mid
450 Functional illiteracy 6,639 214 Start Mid
451 Mark Dice 6,632 213 C Low
452 Abiogenic petroleum origin 6,597 212 B Mid
453 Denialism 6,580 212 C Mid
454 Harmonic Convergence 6,560 211 Start Low
455 UFO sightings in the United Kingdom 6,550 211 List Low
456 Sailing stones 6,503 209 C Low
457 Cryptid 6,484 209 Redirect NA
458 Ramtha's School of Enlightenment 6,461 208 Start Unknown
459 Sungazing 6,355 205 B Low
460 Nephites 6,344 204 C Unknown
461 Hundredth monkey effect 6,316 203 C Low
462 Soviet offensive plans controversy 6,311 203 Start Mid
463 Robert Lustig 6,304 203 Start Low
464 Black women 6,143 198 C High
465 Real Raw News 6,124 197 C Low
466 Satanic panic (South Africa) 6,124 197 C Low
467 2010 Austin suicide attack 6,012 193 B Low
468 Helicopter hieroglyphs 5,957 192 Start Low
469 Great Replacement conspiracy theory in the United States 5,942 191 C Mid
470 Immanuel Velikovsky 5,940 191 B Mid
471 Black genocide in the United States 5,922 191 C Low
472 Jason Hawes 5,908 190 Start Low
473 Fingerprints of the Gods 5,906 190 C Low
474 Nazism in the Americas 5,903 190 B High
475 Runic magic 5,846 188 C Low
476 Theory of Colours 5,834 188 B Low
477 Hal Turner 5,832 188 B Low
478 Edward Leedskalnin 5,829 188 C Low
479 FM-2030 5,818 187 C Low
480 Behind the Curve 5,794 186 Start Low
481 Pseudolaw 5,789 186 B Low
482 Free energy suppression conspiracy theory 5,741 185 Start Mid
483 James Bedford 5,728 184 Start Unknown
484 Samael Aun Weor 5,723 184 B Low
485 Calorie restriction 5,704 184 C Mid
486 Jacob Wohl 5,573 179 GA Mid
487 Aubrey de Grey 5,545 178 C Low
488 McMinnville UFO photographs 5,512 177 C Unknown
489 Kindred Spirits (TV series) 5,505 177 Start Low
490 WorldNetDaily 5,499 177 C Mid
491 Human enhancement 5,489 177 C High
492 Marx's theory of human nature 5,487 177 Start Low
493 The Light (newspaper) 5,465 176 B Low
494 List of Ghost Hunters episodes 5,460 176 List Low
495 Criticism of Wikipedia 5,443 175 C Low
496 Melanin theory 5,427 175 Start Mid
497 Ching Hai 5,414 174 Start Low
498 Richard C. Hoagland 5,331 171 C Low
499 Colin Wilson 5,264 169 C Low
500 Alternative media 5,257 169 C High
501 LessWrong 5,240 169 B Low
502 Facilitated communication 5,190 167 C Mid
503 Prahlad Jani 5,174 166 Start Low
504 Imagined Communities 5,157 166 C High
505 Pete Evans 5,132 165 Start Low
506 Quackwatch 5,105 164 B Low
507 Sharyl Attkisson 5,075 163 C Low
508 Channel 5 (web channel) 5,041 162 Start Low
509 Israel-related animal conspiracy theories 5,034 162 B Low
510 Did Six Million Really Die? 5,022 162 Start Mid
511 Died Suddenly 5,010 161 C Low
512 Peter Duesberg 4,997 161 C Mid
513 Rejection of evolution by religious groups 4,989 160 B High
514 Destination Truth 4,984 160 Start Low
515 Neo-Vedanta 4,964 160 C High
516 Omphalos hypothesis 4,958 159 C Low
517 Gary Allen 4,955 159 Start Low
518 Jade Helm 15 conspiracy theories 4,955 159 Start Low
519 Wireless device radiation and health 4,942 159 B Low
520 Anarky 4,938 159 FA Low
521 Alfred Korzybski 4,877 157 C Mid
522 Xenoglossy 4,868 157 C Low
523 Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America 4,854 156 C Low
524 The Secret Doctrine 4,848 156 B Low
525 Regeneration in humans 4,817 155 C Unknown
526 Heathen Front 4,791 154 C Low
527 Nini Stoltenberg 4,778 154 B Low
528 Blue Star Kachina 4,752 153 Start Low
529 Delores Kane 4,750 153 B Low
530 Superstition in India 4,715 152 B High
531 Earthquake light 4,690 151 Start Low
532 Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance 4,686 151 Start Low
533 Conspiracy theories in the Arab world 4,686 151 Start Low
534 Grant Wilson 4,667 150 Start Low
535 United States anti-abortion movement 4,666 150 C Mid
536 Ideological bias on Wikipedia 4,660 150 C High
537 Japanese history textbook controversies 4,620 149 C Mid
538 Extropianism 4,602 148 Start Mid
539 All Gas No Brakes 4,599 148 Start Low
540 Narconon 4,587 147 B Low
541 UFO sightings in the United States 4,584 147 List Mid
542 Jacque Fresco 4,578 147 C Low
543 The Archko Volume 4,561 147 Stub Low
544 Pepe Escobar 4,530 146 Start Low
545 Osama bin Laden death conspiracy theories 4,510 145 C Low
546 David Barton (author) 4,489 144 C Mid
547 Robert Willner 4,476 144 Start Low
548 Leuchter report 4,453 143 C Low
549 Gaia, Inc. 4,451 143 B Low
550 Bat Ye'or 4,430 142 B Mid
551 BLC1 4,429 142 Start Low
552 Nesta Helen Webster 4,415 142 Start Mid
553 Paul Bragg 4,402 142 C Low
554 EmDrive 4,400 141 C Low
555 L. Fletcher Prouty 4,379 141 Start Low
556 Reformed Egyptian 4,366 140 B Unknown
557 Armenia–Azerbaijan border 4,346 140 Start Low
558 Rennes-le-Château 4,320 139 C Low
559 Legends and myths regarding the Titanic 4,318 139 C Low
560 Russian cosmism 4,308 138 Start Low
561 Postgenderism 4,291 138 C Low
562 Aseem Malhotra 4,272 137 C Low
563 Aramaic original New Testament theory 4,258 137 C Low
564 Anti-aging movement 4,258 137 C Unknown
565 4,241 136 B Low
566 Camel milk 4,226 136 Start Low
567 Multiregional origin of modern humans 4,224 136 C Mid
568 Chromotherapy 4,181 134 C Unknown
569 Redemption movement 4,169 134 C Low
570 Lectin-free diet 4,167 134 C Low
571 Gemma O'Doherty 4,103 132 C Low
572 Climatic Research Unit email controversy 4,060 130 B Low
573 Nanomedicine 4,058 130 C Low
574 Hermann Rauschning 4,015 129 C Unknown
575 The Thirteenth Tribe 4,011 129 C Low
576 Vitamin C megadosage 3,997 128 C Low
577 Wild animal suffering 3,973 128 B Mid
578 Anarchism in Spain 3,966 127 C Mid
579 James Fetzer 3,962 127 B Unknown
580 Max Keiser 3,954 127 Start Low
581 Oxfordian theory of Shakespeare authorship 3,946 127 B High
582 Germ theory denialism 3,946 127 C Low
583 Transhumanist politics 3,939 127 B Low
584 Weston A. Price 3,921 126 Start Low
585 Breathwork (New Age) 3,917 126 Start Low
586 Death of Max Spiers 3,897 125 Start Low
587 MintPress News 3,872 124 Start Low
588 The Atlantic Paranormal Society 3,870 124 C Low
589 Resignation syndrome 3,852 124 Stub Low
590 Gavin Menzies 3,852 124 B High
591 World Council for Health 3,830 123 Start Low
592 Flood geology 3,811 122 B Mid
593 Chip Coffey 3,811 122 Start Low
594 The Dearborn Independent 3,804 122 C Low
595 Scott Pruitt 3,801 122 B Unknown
596 Neal D. Barnard 3,790 122 Start Low
597 Fitna (film) 3,779 121 B Low
598 Michael Ruppert 3,759 121 Start Low
599 Joachim of Fiore 3,730 120 Start Low
600 Lobsang Rampa 3,716 119 Start Low
601 Orthomolecular medicine 3,711 119 B Mid
602 Non-physical entity 3,698 119 Start Mid
603 David Hatcher Childress 3,693 119 Start Unknown
604 Harold E. Puthoff 3,687 118 C Low
605 Paul Craig Roberts 3,682 118 C Low
606 TiHKAL 3,679 118 Start Low
607 Ben Klassen 3,663 118 Start Low
608 Neotantra 3,651 117 C High
609 Svetoslav Roerich 3,650 117 Start Low
610 Vatican conspiracy theories 3,646 117 Start Low
611 Grover Furr 3,642 117 Start Low
612 Groups claiming affiliation with Israelites 3,631 117 B Mid
613 Extraterrestrial UFO hypothesis 3,623 116 C Mid
614 Mantell UFO incident 3,611 116 C Low
615 Free Zone (Scientology) 3,609 116 Start Low
616 Antisexualism 3,604 116 Start Low
617 David Wynn Miller 3,590 115 C Low
618 OpIndia 3,586 115 C Low
619 Alternatives to general relativity 3,553 114 C Unknown
620 God helmet 3,550 114 C Low
621 List of lost inventions 3,530 113 List High
622 Anatoly Fomenko 3,529 113 Start Low
623 Eight-circuit model of consciousness 3,523 113 Start Low
624 Warsaw concentration camp 3,521 113 GA Mid
625 Christine Maggiore 3,520 113 B Low
626 Names of the British Isles 3,518 113 B Mid
627 Black people and temple and priesthood policies in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 3,505 113 C Mid
628 New Kadampa Tradition 3,491 112 C Mid
629 Holodomor denial 3,468 111 B Mid
630 Integral yoga 3,463 111 B Low
631 List of essential oils 3,422 110 List Mid
632 Vladimir Vernadsky 3,404 109 C Low
633 Marx 3,384 109 Redirect NA
634 Feminism in international relations 3,380 109 Start Unknown
635 Epik 3,373 108 C Low
636 Eisheth 3,366 108 Stub Low
637 Black suffrage 3,362 108 Start Low
638 List of unproven methods against COVID-19 3,349 108 List Mid
639 Johanna Budwig 3,325 107 C Low
640 Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed 3,292 106 B Low
641 Rick Wiles 3,288 106 Start Low
642 Historicity of the Book of Mormon 3,279 105 B Mid
643 The Brotherhood of Eternal Love 3,277 105 Start Low
644 Reactionless drive 3,264 105 Start Mid
645 Irshad Manji 3,264 105 B Unknown
646 Genocide denial 3,249 104 Start Mid
647 UFO sightings in India 3,217 103 List Low
648 Nimr al-Nimr 3,214 103 B Low
649 The Syro-Aramaic Reading of the Koran 3,210 103 C Mid
650 Worlds in Collision 3,146 101 B Mid
651 John Henry Williams (baseball) 3,140 101 Start Low
652 Marxist international relations theory 3,137 101 Start Unknown
653 Daniel Ivandjiiski 3,123 100 Start Low
654 Archaeology and the Book of Mormon 3,122 100 B Mid
655 Theories about Stonehenge 3,116 100 C Top
656 2011 end times prediction 3,114 100 C Mid
657 Shambhala Training 3,099 99 C Unknown
658 2045 Initiative 3,099 99 Start Mid
659 Anti-Normanism 3,097 99 Start Low
660 Max Lugavere 3,084 99 Start Low
661 Lionel (radio personality) 3,080 99 Start Low
662 Wallace Wattles 3,072 99 Start Low
663 Maury Island hoax 3,069 99 C Low
664 Benjamin H. Freedman 3,043 98 B Low
665 Isis Unveiled 3,032 97 Start Low
666 Gandhi 3,021 97 Redirect NA
667 Selective exposure theory 3,017 97 C High
668 Killing of Duncan Lemp 3,010 97 Start Low
669 Urim and Thummim (Latter Day Saints) 3,007 97 B Unknown
670 Singularity Group 3,002 96 C Unknown
671 Rejuvenation 2,995 96 Start Unknown
672 List of books about anarchism 2,992 96 List Low
673 Vaccine shedding 2,985 96 Start Mid
674 Transhuman 2,981 96 Start Mid
675 Friendly artificial intelligence 2,978 96 Start Mid
676 The Hidden Messages in Water 2,972 95 Start Unknown
677 The Unz Review 2,966 95 Start Unknown
678 Paul Hellyer 2,964 95 Start Low
679 Jim Marrs 2,957 95 Start Unknown
680 Suggestopedia 2,950 95 Start Low
681 Jeff Rense 2,943 94 Start Unknown
682 Criticism of the Book of Mormon 2,942 94 B Unknown
683 John Tanton 2,921 94 Start Low
684 Non-standard cosmology 2,910 93 C Mid
685 Welteislehre 2,906 93 C Unknown
686 Settlers: The Mythology of the White Proletariat 2,901 93 Start Low
687 W. Cleon Skousen 2,892 93 C Low
688 Sherri Tenpenny 2,891 93 B Low
689 List of homeopathic preparations 2,890 93 List Low
690 Temple denial 2,889 93 Start Low
691 Aajonus Vonderplanitz 2,879 92 C Low
692 Discredited HIV/AIDS origins theories 2,873 92 C Mid
693 Mae Brussell 2,872 92 Start Unknown
694 Serge Lang 2,872 92 C Low
695 Alternatives to Darwinian evolution 2,868 92 B Mid
696 Timeline of incidents involving QAnon 2,867 92 B Mid
697 Oklahoma City bombing conspiracy theories 2,867 92 C Mid
698 Brain training 2,859 92 C Mid
699 Baconian theory of Shakespeare authorship 2,834 91 B Low
700 Matthew Fox (priest) 2,819 90 C Low
701 New eugenics 2,817 90 Start Mid
702 Heritage Party (UK) 2,814 90 C Low
703 The Morning of the Magicians 2,811 90 Start Low
704 Lisa the Iconoclast 2,810 90 GA Low
705 Views of Lyndon LaRouche and the LaRouche movement 2,789 89 C Unknown
706 Orgastic potency 2,783 89 C Low
707 An Experiment with Time 2,762 89 Start Low
708 Linda Thompson (attorney) 2,743 88 Start Low
709 List of black superheroes 2,740 88 List Low
710 P. N. Oak 2,707 87 C Low
711 Prarabdha karma 2,698 87 Start High
712 Chiropractic treatment techniques 2,684 86 Start Unknown
713 Ynglism 2,681 86 B Low
714 Vernon Coleman 2,673 86 C Low
715 Boy Erased: A Memoir 2,670 86 C Unknown
716 Hans Moravec 2,670 86 C Low
717 Blotter art 2,648 85 B Mid
718 David Wolfe (raw food advocate) 2,614 84 C Mid
719 Biefeld–Brown effect 2,609 84 C Low
720 Jilly Juice 2,599 83 C Low
721 Kevin Warwick 2,589 83 B Low
722 Anachronisms in the Book of Mormon 2,575 83 B Unknown
723 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference 2,574 83 B Low
724 Jihad Watch 2,569 82 Start Low
725 Aztec, New Mexico crashed saucer hoax 2,568 82 Start Low
726 Dick Clair 2,555 82 Start Low
727 Robert Lanza 2,552 82 Start Unknown
728 Deaths of anti-vaccine advocates from COVID-19 2,533 81 C Low
729 Arnold Ehret 2,531 81 C Low
730 John A. McDougall 2,511 81 C Low
731 List of anarchist communities 2,510 80 Redirect Low
732 Book of Imaginary Beings 2,505 80 Start Low
733 The Venus Project 2,503 80 Start Low
734 Plasma cosmology 2,502 80 B Mid
735 Digital immortality 2,482 80 Start Low
736 Alberto Rivera (activist) 2,476 79 B Mid
737 Nikolai Fyodorov (philosopher) 2,464 79 Start Low
738 Creation and evolution in public education 2,461 79 B Mid
739 Michel Chossudovsky 2,460 79 Start Low
740 Danny Hillis 2,458 79 Start Low
741 The Exposé 2,454 79 B Low
742 Terry Jones (pastor) 2,453 79 C Mid
743 Marlovian theory of Shakespeare authorship 2,453 79 B Low
744 Wilhelm Gustloff 2,444 78 Start Low
745 Molecular assembler 2,406 77 C Unknown
746 The Zeitgeist Movement 2,399 77 C Low
747 Coso artifact 2,397 77 Start Low
748 Dulles' Plan 2,392 77 C Low
749 Universal mind 2,376 76 Start Low
750 Chateau des Amerois 2,368 76 Stub Unknown
751 Intelligence amplification 2,368 76 Start Mid
752 Machine Intelligence Research Institute 2,366 76 Start Mid
753 MonsterQuest 2,357 76 B Low
754 California Institute of Integral Studies 2,355 75 B Low
755 Samuel Rowbotham 2,350 75 Start Low
756 Bible conspiracy theory 2,344 75 Start Mid
757 David Cole (journalist) 2,329 75 Start Low
758 Agni Yoga 2,322 74 Start Low
759 Duane Gish 2,294 74 C Low
760 Criticism of Islamism 2,292 73 C Low
761 Misconceptions about HIV/AIDS 2,285 73 C Mid
762 Neuroscience of religion 2,270 73 Start Low
763 Dental amalgam controversy 2,270 73 B Unknown
764 Sophrology 2,269 73 Start Low
765 Paul M. Fleiss 2,263 73 Start Low
766 David Pearce (philosopher) 2,260 72 Start Low
767 Bridey Murphy 2,249 72 Start Low
768 Anarcho-pacifism 2,242 72 B Low
769 Sophiology 2,231 71 Start Low
770 Panther (legendary creature) 2,229 71 Start Low
771 Transcendental Meditation movement 2,221 71 B Low
772 Antoine Béchamp 2,221 71 Start Low
773 The Age of Spiritual Machines 2,214 71 B Mid
774 Patri Friedman 2,201 71 Start Low
775 Norman Stone 2,194 70 Start Low
776 Hans Holzer 2,191 70 Start Low
777 Francisco Varela 2,180 70 Start Low
778 Gala (priests) 2,138 68 Start Low
779 Vani Hari 2,129 68 B Low
780 Tax protester 2,122 68 B Low
781 Media coverage of North Korea 2,109 68 C Unknown
782 Steve Pieczenik 2,102 67 C Unknown
783 Girl in Room 13 (2022 film) 2,078 67 Start Low
784 1947 flying disc craze 2,076 66 B Mid
785 Menocchio 2,059 66 C Low
786 FrontPage Magazine 2,048 66 Start Low
787 Jaredites 2,047 66 C Unknown
788 Horoscopic astrology 2,037 65 Start Mid
789 Fringe theories about the Shroud of Turin 2,023 65 C Unknown
790 Disappearing blonde gene 2,008 64 Start Low
791 Impact of nanotechnology 1,993 64 C Low
792 Korean Air Lines Flight 007 alternative theories 1,986 64 C Unknown
793 USS Nimitz UFO incident 1,977 63 Redirect Low
794 War on Islam controversy 1,977 63 B Low
795 Prometheus Rising 1,965 63 Start Low
796 Future of Humanity Institute 1,941 62 C Unknown
797 Frank Gaffney 1,939 62 C Low
798 Vaccination and religion 1,933 62 Start Mid
799 Silent Sam 1,930 62 C Unknown
800 Barack Obama presidential eligibility litigation 1,926 62 C Low
801 Q Into the Storm 1,923 62 B Low
802 Bill Kaysing 1,905 61 Start Mid
803 Jack Sarfatti 1,901 61 C Mid
804 Fereydoon Batmanghelidj 1,897 61 Start Low
805 Association of American Physicians and Surgeons 1,892 61 C Low
806 Electrogravitics 1,890 60 Start Low
807 Steve Mann (inventor) 1,889 60 Start Low
808 Penrose interpretation 1,887 60 Start Low
809 Jasmuheen 1,883 60 C Low
810 Crank (person) 1,851 59 Redirect NA
811 K. Eric Drexler 1,844 59 C Low
812 Value-form 1,839 59 C Low
813 Criticism of libertarianism 1,834 59 Start Unknown
814 Timeline of Karl Marx 1,828 58 List Low
815 Raw veganism 1,799 58 Redirect Low
816 Gay Jesus film hoax 1,798 58 C Low
817 Doğu Perinçek 1,795 57 Start Low
818 Peter Wohlleben 1,785 57 C Low
819 List of megafauna discovered in modern times 1,783 57 List Low
820 Pat Condell 1,783 57 C Low
821 Opinion polls about 9/11 conspiracy theories 1,775 57 Start Mid
822 Austrian business cycle theory 1,773 57 C Unknown
823 Alex Sanders (Wiccan) 1,772 57 B Low
824 Eastern esotericism 1,767 57 B High
825 Nathan Pritikin 1,763 56 Start Low
826 Benjamin Creme 1,759 56 Start Low
827 Daayiee Abdullah 1,758 56 Start Unknown
828 TruNews 1,744 56 C Low
829 Zoltan Istvan 1,741 56 C Unknown
830 Craig Hamilton-Parker 1,732 55 C Low
831 Jay Kordich 1,726 55 Start Low
832 Singularitarianism 1,722 55 Start Low
833 Helena Roerich 1,707 55 C Unknown
834 Pastel QAnon 1,707 55 GA Unknown
835 Polysexuality 1,698 54 Redirect Low
836 Ghost Hunters International 1,691 54 Start Low
837 Daryl Bem 1,690 54 C Unknown
838 The Pink Swastika 1,689 54 GA Low
839 Body memory 1,681 54 Start Low
840 Roerich Pact 1,673 53 Start Low
841 The Right to Be Lazy 1,672 53 Stub Unknown
842 Denial of genocides of Indigenous peoples 1,651 53 B Mid
843 Robert Bauval 1,651 53 Start Low
844 United States raw milk debate 1,642 52 C Low
845 Fusion Festival 1,635 52 Start Low
846 Max More 1,632 52 Start Low
847 Michael Callen 1,631 52 C Low
848 Jim B. Tucker 1,626 52 Start Low
849 The Delphian School 1,624 52 Start Low
850 Free Hugs Campaign 1,608 51 Start Low
851 AfrikaBurn 1,607 51 C Low
852 Stelarc 1,598 51 Start Low
853 Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files 1,595 51 Start Low
854 Daniel Estulin 1,591 51 Start Mid
855 Michael Heinrich 1,590 51 Start Unknown
856 Deseret (Book of Mormon) 1,587 51 Start Low
857 Burrows Cave 1,582 51 Start Low
858 David Meade (author) 1,576 50 GA Low
859 Lynne McTaggart 1,563 50 Start Low
860 Neo-Gramscianism 1,560 50 Start Unknown
861 David Ray Griffin 1,556 50 C Low
862 No Man Knows My History 1,547 49 GA Low
863 Political bias 1,534 49 C High
864 Criticism of the Food and Drug Administration 1,525 49 B Low
865 Criticism of modern paganism 1,523 49 Start Low
866 Invisible ships 1,511 48 C Low
867 Mulek 1,509 48 Start Unknown
868 Human Biodiversity Institute 1,504 48 C Low
869 Andrew Cohen (spiritual teacher) 1,502 48 C Low
870 Bede Griffiths 1,501 48 Start Low
871 Philip Coppens (author) 1,499 48 Start Unknown
872 Erin Elizabeth 1,490 48 Start Low
873 Earthquake weather 1,482 47 Start Unknown
874 Evidence and efficacy of homeopathy 1,479 47 C Mid
875 Occult theories about Francis Bacon 1,469 47 Start Unknown
876 Hockney–Falco thesis 1,463 47 C Low
877 HeartMath Institute 1,445 46 B Low
878 James P. Hogan (writer) 1,440 46 C Low
879 Ludwig Klages 1,440 46 C Low
880 Leading Report 1,435 46 Start Low
881 Megavitamin therapy 1,429 46 Start Low
882 Władysław Sikorski's death controversy 1,428 46 GA Low
883 Herbert M. Shelton 1,427 46 Start Low
884 Methuselah Foundation 1,422 45 C Unknown
885 How to Create a Mind 1,418 45 B Low
886 Christian Nationalist Crusade 1,417 45 C Low
887 Holism in science 1,408 45 Start Low
888 Blueseed 1,407 45 C Low
889 UFO sightings in South Africa 1,405 45 List Low
890 Michael A. Hoffman II 1,405 45 Start Low
891 The Daily Sceptic 1,402 45 C Low
892 The Hoax of the Twentieth Century 1,401 45 Stub Low
893 Terry Wahls 1,401 45 C Low
894 Justin Berry 1,397 45 Start Low
895 Sergei Nilus 1,394 44 Start Low
896 Pavel Krushevan 1,383 44 Start Low
897 Ann Wigmore 1,360 43 Start Low
898 Reparenting 1,353 43 Stub Unknown
899 Islamberg, New York 1,352 43 Start Low
900 Anders Sandberg 1,352 43 Start Low
901 Hangar 18 1,351 43 Disambig NA
902 Alternative newspaper 1,347 43 Start Unknown
903 Abram Hoffer 1,343 43 C Low
904 Suffering risks 1,340 43 Start Low
905 Energy Catalyzer 1,337 43 C Low
906 Gravitational shielding 1,335 43 Start Mid
907 Augustinian hypothesis 1,331 42 C Low
908 Monotrophic diet 1,330 42 C Low
909 Duesberg hypothesis 1,329 42 B Mid
910 Body thetan 1,326 42 Start Low
911 Icarus Project 1,322 42 Start Low
912 Peter Levenda 1,310 42 Start Mid
913 Justin McCarthy (American historian) 1,310 42 Start Low
914 Problem of evil in Hinduism 1,299 41 Start High
915 Web Bot 1,291 41 Start Unknown
916 Italygate 1,282 41 Start Low
917 Conspiracy theories in Turkey 1,282 41 Start Low
918 Eugene Podkletnov 1,268 40 Start Mid
919 Folk medicine 1,261 40 Redirect NA
920 Reversal test 1,255 40 Start Unknown
921 Russell Blaylock 1,254 40 Start Low
922 Tensor–vector–scalar gravity 1,249 40 Start Low
923 Spygate (conspiracy theory) 1,248 40 Start Low
924 Ghost Nation (TV series) 1,245 40 Start Low
925 Rhodes UFO photographs 1,241 40 B Low
926 Robert Ettinger 1,235 39 Start Mid
927 Tax protester Sixteenth Amendment arguments 1,235 39 B Low
928 Reichian therapy 1,234 39 List NA
929 Transcendent Man 1,227 39 C Low
930 The Sign and the Seal 1,225 39 Start Low
931 White gods 1,225 39 Start Low
932 Mind–body interventions 1,224 39 Start Mid
933 Biomedical Research & Longevity Society 1,213 39 Start Low
934 Guy Lyon Playfair 1,210 39 Start Low
935 Conspiracy theories related to the Trump–Ukraine scandal 1,197 38 C Low
936 1996 California Proposition 215 1,192 38 C Low
937 Steal This Film 1,183 38 Start Low
938 Worldwide LaRouche Youth Movement 1,178 38 C Low
939 Transhumanism in fiction 1,173 37 C Mid
940 A Scientific Dissent from Darwinism 1,170 37 C Mid
941 Rudolf Breuss 1,170 37 Start Low
942 Foresight (futures studies) 1,169 37 Start Low
943 Anarchism and issues related to love and sex 1,166 37 C Low
944 Conspiracy theories about the Iranian Revolution 1,161 37 C Mid
945 Pervasive refusal syndrome 1,156 37 Start Low
946 Michael Cremo 1,149 37 Start Mid
947 HIV/AIDS denialism in South Africa 1,143 36 C Low
948 Webster Tarpley 1,142 36 C Mid
949 Limited geography model 1,132 36 C Unknown
950 NewsFront (website) 1,128 36 Start Low
951 Mark Weber 1,119 36 Stub Low
952 Moddey Dhoo 1,115 35 C Low
953 Julian Savulescu 1,113 35 Start Low
954 Millie Weaver 1,112 35 Start Unknown
955 Papal election of Giuseppe Siri theory 1,111 35 Start Low
956 Of Pandas and People 1,111 35 C Mid
957 Jean Gebser 1,108 35 C Low
958 Josiah C. Nott 1,107 35 C Unknown
959 Yitzhak Rabin assassination conspiracy theories 1,106 35 C Unknown
960 Nampa figurine 1,102 35 C Low
961 H+: The Digital Series 1,101 35 Start Low
962 Field propulsion 1,098 35 Start Low
963 American Free Press 1,095 35 Start Mid
964 Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Lab 1,094 35 Start Unknown
965 Strategies for engineered negligible senescence 1,088 35 B Low
966 Candy Jones 1,084 34 B Low
967 Veronica Lueken 1,083 34 Start Mid
968 Critical geopolitics 1,082 34 Start Unknown
969 Milkshaking 1,071 34 C Low
970 Levashovism 1,070 34 B Low
971 William Bates (physician) 1,069 34 Start Low
972 Pataphysics 1,066 34 Redirect NA
973 History of creationism 1,059 34 B Mid
974 Michael Baigent 1,057 34 Start Unknown
975 Critical security studies 1,055 34 Stub Unknown
976 Steve Fuller (sociologist) 1,044 33 B Low
977 Ancient astronauts in popular culture 1,044 33 Start Unknown
978 SENS Research Foundation 1,043 33 C Low
979 Locational astrology 1,043 33 Start Mid
980 Augustin Barruel 1,043 33 C Unknown
981 Information-theoretic death 1,042 33 Stub Low
982 Epsilon Team 1,040 33 C Low
983 Minoan Genius 1,038 33 Start Low
984 John Robison (physicist) 1,035 33 Start Low
985 Critical international relations theory 1,031 33 Stub Unknown
986 Samanta Roy Institute of Science and Technology 1,029 33 Start Unknown
987 Cognitive liberty 1,029 33 B High
988 Jonathan Wells (intelligent design advocate) 1,028 33 B Mid
989 Roerichism 1,022 32 B Unknown
990 Teach the Controversy 1,022 32 B Low
991 Tax protester constitutional arguments 1,020 32 C Low
992 Engines of Creation 1,019 32 Start Low
993 1,017 32 C Low
994 Michael Collins Piper 1,013 32 C Low
995 Natasha Vita-More 1,007 32 C Unknown
996 Autologous blood therapy 1,003 32 Start Unknown
997 Sexual orientation change efforts 999 32 Redirect Low
998 Investigation of UFO reports by the United States government 992 32 Start Low
999 Orlando Ferguson 988 31 Start Low
1000 Spalding–Rigdon theory of Book of Mormon authorship 978 31 Start Low
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is a list of pages in the scope of Wikipedia:WikiProject Alternative Views along with pageviews.

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Period: 2024-03-01 to 2024-03-31

Total views: 20,286,166

Updated: 03:59, 4 April 2024 (UTC)

Rank Page title Views Daily average Assessment Importance
1 Bohemian Grove 1,007,728 32,507 C Low
2 George Galloway 947,768 30,573 C Mid
3 Mahatma Gandhi 449,620 14,503 GA High
4 Coral Castle 370,883 11,963 Start Low
5 Dead Internet theory 318,019 10,258 C Low
6 Armenia 262,224 8,458 B Low
7 Jordan Peterson 261,327 8,429 B Low
8 Jenny McCarthy 249,327 8,042 B Mid
9 Karl Marx 247,573 7,986 GA Top
10 Roald Dahl 241,512 7,790 B Mid
11 Dunning–Kruger effect 209,214 6,748 GA High
12 MKUltra 202,191 6,522 B Mid
13 Sovereign citizen movement 189,102 6,100 B Mid
14 Friedrich Nietzsche 185,760 5,992 B Top
15 Oscar Wilde 179,307 5,784 GA Mid
16 Alex Jones 170,288 5,493 C Top
17 Bhagat Singh 164,855 5,317 B High
18 Astrological sign 162,477 5,241 C High
19 QAnon 161,203 5,200 GA Mid
20 Galileo Galilei 143,949 4,643 B Top
21 Pizzagate conspiracy theory 143,147 4,617 GA Mid
22 Stonehenge 139,658 4,505 B High
23 Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappearance theories 136,487 4,402 C Low
24 Aleister Crowley 133,024 4,291 GA Mid
25 Where is Kate? 130,559 4,211 C Low
26 New World Order (conspiracy theory) 128,766 4,153 GA Top
27 Leo Tolstoy 127,518 4,113 B Top
28 List of conspiracy theories 124,796 4,025 List High
29 Rabindranath Tagore 120,918 3,900 B High
30 Subhas Chandra Bose 118,537 3,823 B High
31 Atlantis 116,628 3,762 B High
32 Swami Vivekananda 111,399 3,593 GA Top
33 Astrology 110,664 3,569 GA High
34 Great Replacement 110,185 3,554 C Mid
35 Chemtrail conspiracy theory 105,283 3,396 B Mid
36 Tartarian Empire 104,459 3,369 Start Low
37 Varg Vikernes 101,621 3,278 B Low
38 Conspiracy theory 100,992 3,257 B Top
39 List of legendary creatures by type 97,027 3,129 List Mid
40 Ray Kurzweil 95,099 3,067 C Mid
41 L. Ron Hubbard 88,922 2,868 B Mid
42 Bombing of Dresden 87,933 2,836 B Low
43 Anarchism 87,112 2,810 GA Top
44 List of cryptids 86,174 2,779 List Mid
45 David Icke 84,522 2,726 GA High
46 Antikythera mechanism 82,116 2,648 B Low
47 Allegory of the cave 79,885 2,576 C Unknown
48 Technological singularity 76,231 2,459 B Mid
49 Osteopathy 74,342 2,398 C Low
50 Chiropractic 70,857 2,285 B Mid
51 Nibiru cataclysm 68,039 2,194 GA Mid
52 Ayurveda 67,097 2,164 B Top
53 Reptilian conspiracy theory 67,000 2,161 C Unknown
54 Ron Paul 66,946 2,159 C Low
55 John F. Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories 66,901 2,158 C Mid
56 Nigel Farage 66,640 2,149 B Mid
57 Pseudoscience 66,571 2,147 B Top
58 8chan 66,119 2,132 C Low
59 Hampstead Hoax 65,060 2,098 C Low
60 Michael Moore 64,723 2,087 C Mid
61 Elijah Muhammad 63,224 2,039 C Low
62 Transcendental Meditation 63,128 2,036 B Mid
63 Karma 63,117 2,036 B High
64 Factitious disorder imposed on another 61,262 1,976 C Unknown
65 Periyar 61,035 1,968 GA High
66 Jiddu Krishnamurti 59,174 1,908 B Low
67 RT (TV network) 57,871 1,866 B Unknown
68 Homeopathy 57,836 1,865 GA High
69 Timothy Leary 57,740 1,862 B Low
70 Kirk Cameron 57,661 1,860 GA Mid
71 The Good Shepherd (film) 57,567 1,857 B Low
72 Veganism 57,072 1,841 B Mid
73 Eye of Providence 56,587 1,825 C Low
74 Meditation 56,320 1,816 B High
75 Tantra 56,247 1,814 B High
76 9/11 conspiracy theories 56,244 1,814 C Low
77 Confirmation bias 56,144 1,811 FA Top
78 Sathya Sai Baba 55,635 1,794 C Low
79 The Protocols of the Elders of Zion 54,858 1,769 B Mid
80 McMartin preschool trial 54,565 1,760 C Low
81 Unidentified flying object 54,311 1,751 B Low
82 Feng shui 54,245 1,749 B Mid
83 Clinton body count conspiracy theory 53,873 1,737 Start High
84 Black people 53,403 1,722 B Low
85 Neuro-linguistic programming 53,215 1,716 B Mid
86 Alfredo Bowman 52,503 1,693 C Low
87 Anti-Defamation League 52,096 1,680 C Low
88 Rush Limbaugh 51,943 1,675 B Mid
89 Cloudflare 51,577 1,663 C Low
90 Magic (supernatural) 51,520 1,661 B High
91 Deep state in the United States 50,652 1,633 Start Low
92 Holocaust denial 50,446 1,627 B Mid
93 The Satanic Verses 50,273 1,621 C Low
94 Ramakrishna 49,443 1,594 B Top
95 Thomas Hobbes 49,000 1,580 C Top
96 Raëlism 48,901 1,577 GA Mid
97 Ted Williams 48,219 1,555 B Low
98 JFK (film) 48,216 1,555 GA Low
99 Chakra 47,573 1,534 C High
100 New Age 46,714 1,506 GA Mid
101 Church of Satan 46,204 1,490 B Mid
102 Pareidolia 45,666 1,473 B Mid
103 David Irving 44,764 1,444 GA Mid
104 Modern flat Earth beliefs 44,529 1,436 C Mid
105 Burning Man 44,495 1,435 B Low
106 Conspiracy theories about the death of Diana, Princess of Wales 44,260 1,427 C Low
107 Dowsing 44,007 1,419 C Mid
108 Satanic panic 43,409 1,400 C Low
109 Kundalini 43,135 1,391 C High
110 Two-spirit 43,084 1,389 C Low
111 Transhumanism 42,586 1,373 B Low
112 Scopes trial 42,036 1,356 B Mid
113 Deepak Chopra 42,021 1,355 C Low
114 2012 phenomenon 41,480 1,338 FA Low
115 Ezra Pound 41,099 1,325 FA Mid
116 Moon landing conspiracy theories 40,803 1,316 C Mid
117 Rudolf Steiner 40,417 1,303 B Mid
118 Planets in astrology 40,281 1,299 B High
119 LGBT people and Islam 40,175 1,295 B Mid
120 Graham Hancock 39,386 1,270 C Mid
121 Gray asexuality 39,122 1,262 C Low
122 High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program 38,797 1,251 C Mid
123 Groypers 38,426 1,239 B Low
124 Parapsychology 38,303 1,235 B High
125 Eckhart Tolle 38,251 1,233 GA Mid
126 Massage 38,237 1,233 C Low
127 Three Percenters 38,135 1,230 B Low
128 Conversion therapy 38,003 1,225 B Low
129 37,855 1,221 Start Low
130 Paul is dead 37,850 1,220 B Low
131 William Jennings Bryan 37,624 1,213 B Mid
132 Precognition 37,378 1,205 Start Mid
133 1980 October Surprise theory 37,247 1,201 B Low
134 White genocide conspiracy theory 37,173 1,199 B High
135 List of legendary creatures from Japan 36,853 1,188 List Top
136 Sri Aurobindo 36,824 1,187 GA Top
137 Bilderberg Meeting 35,924 1,158 B Low
138 Shooter Jennings 35,475 1,144 Start Unknown
139 Alcubierre drive 34,658 1,118 B Mid
140 Neuroplasticity 34,586 1,115 B Unknown
141 Dinesh D'Souza 34,514 1,113 B Low
142 InfoWars 34,229 1,104 C Low
143 North American Man/Boy Love Association 34,075 1,099 C Low
144 Giordano Bruno 33,822 1,091 B High
145 Tantric sex 33,748 1,088 C High
146 Cultural Marxism conspiracy theory 33,300 1,074 B Low
147 Kalergi Plan 32,934 1,062 Start Low
148 Ley line 32,799 1,058 C Unknown
149 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting conspiracy theories 32,591 1,051 C Mid
150 Conspiracy theories about Adolf Hitler's death 31,961 1,031 C Low
151 Law of attraction (New Thought) 31,516 1,016 C Low
152 Hunter Biden laptop controversy 31,125 1,004 B Mid
153 Third gender 30,629 988 C Low
154 Cryonics 30,287 977 B Mid
155 Frankfurt School 30,226 975 B Mid
156 Serge Monast 30,095 970 Start Low
157 Heliocentrism 29,891 964 B Low
158 Hal Finney (computer scientist) 29,821 961 Start Low
159 Andrew Wakefield 29,665 956 B Low
160 List of reported UFO sightings 29,640 956 List Low
161 Men Going Their Own Way 29,511 951 B Low
162 Kundalini yoga 29,434 949 C High
163 Linus Pauling 29,319 945 B High
164 Indigo children 29,211 942 C Mid
165 New religious movement 28,817 929 C Low
166 Paleolithic diet 28,430 917 B Low
167 Gender-critical feminism 28,309 913 B Mid
168 Eternal return 28,129 907 B Low
169 Tengu 28,019 903 GA Low
170 Moksha 27,821 897 B High
171 Ancient astronauts 27,779 896 C Mid
172 Alternative medicine 27,718 894 C High
173 Art Bell 27,643 891 C Mid
174 Steven Gundry 27,634 891 Start Low
175 Antisemitic trope 27,383 883 List Low
176 Thabo Mbeki 26,638 859 C High
177 Jacob Chansley 26,508 855 B Low
178 Phoenix Lights 26,439 852 C Low
179 Legendary creature 25,751 830 C Low
180 Ben Stein 25,677 828 C Mid
181 Younger Dryas impact hypothesis 25,670 828 C Mid
182 The Satanic Bible 25,644 827 GA Mid
183 Antinatalism 25,638 827 C Unknown
184 Ancient Aliens 25,529 823 C Mid
185 Geocentric model 25,527 823 B Low
186 Stab-in-the-back myth 25,199 812 C High
187 NESARA 25,105 809 B Low
188 Durand Line 25,103 809 B Mid
189 Brainwashing 24,569 792 C High
190 John Titor 24,561 792 B Mid
191 Hindu astrology 24,365 785 C High
192 Auroville 24,289 783 Start Low
193 Zero-point energy 24,193 780 B Mid
194 James Jesus Angleton 24,055 775 C Mid
195 Young Earth creationism 23,995 774 B Mid
196 List of topics characterized as pseudoscience 23,844 769 List High
197 Carnivore diet 23,799 767 Start Mid
198 Cryptozoology 23,772 766 C Mid
199 CIA Kennedy assassination conspiracy theory 23,663 763 B Low
200 Antediluvian 23,624 762 B Mid
201 Apple cider vinegar 23,471 757 C Low
202 Paranoia 23,198 748 C Low
203 Essential oil 23,176 747 C Mid
204 Battle of Saragarhi 23,166 747 Start Low
205 Gab (social network) 22,831 736 C Low
206 Wilhelm Reich 22,608 729 GA High
207 Existential risk from artificial general intelligence 22,504 725 B Low
208 Blind men and an elephant 22,146 714 B High
209 Business Plot 21,671 699 C Unknown
210 Vastu shastra 21,535 694 C High
211 Owen Benjamin 21,274 686 Start Low
212 Murder of Seth Rich 21,242 685 C Low
213 World-systems theory 21,228 684 B Unknown
214 Milton William Cooper 20,894 674 Start Mid
215 List of new religious movements 20,614 664 List Low
216 Blood moon prophecy 20,564 663 Start Low
217 Priory of Sion 20,251 653 GA Low
218 Damnatio memoriae 20,079 647 C Mid
219 Love jihad conspiracy theory 20,012 645 B Mid
220 Robert F. Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories 19,818 639 C Low
221 Muslim supporters of Israel 19,769 637 B Mid
222 Puja (Hinduism) 19,331 623 Start High
223 Climate change denial 19,187 618 C Mid
224 Litter boxes in schools hoax 19,118 616 B Low
225 Zionist Occupation Government conspiracy theory 18,697 603 C Low
226 Creationism 18,617 600 B High
227 Rupert Sheldrake 18,492 596 B Low
228 Jon Ronson 18,340 591 C Unknown
229 Jesus in the Talmud 18,329 591 B High
230 Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories 18,302 590 B Low
231 The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch 18,238 588 Start Low
232 Zero Hedge 18,212 587 C Low
233 Steven M. Greer 18,142 585 C Low
234 The Power of Now 18,069 582 Start Mid
235 Jack Posobiec 17,848 575 C Unknown
236 Masaru Emoto 17,642 569 C Mid
237 Thaumaturgy 17,631 568 Start Mid
238 Baghdad Battery 17,569 566 Start Low
239 Intelligent design 17,241 556 FA High
240 Historical negationism 17,130 552 C Top
241 Ahnenerbe 17,074 550 B Low
242 Single-bullet theory 17,051 550 C High
243 Out-of-place artifact 17,035 549 C Low
244 Christ myth theory 16,857 543 B Low
245 Pierre Teilhard de Chardin 16,727 539 B Mid
246 Ghost Hunters (TV series) 16,678 538 C Unknown
247 Anti-gravity 16,621 536 C Mid
248 William Lane Craig 16,580 534 B Low
249 Social media use by Donald Trump 16,574 534 B Mid
250 Majestic 12 16,453 530 C Low
251 Thor Heyerdahl 16,365 527 C Mid
252 Galileo affair 16,291 525 B Top
253 Project Veritas 16,090 519 B Low
254 Michael Mosley (broadcaster) 15,949 514 Start Low
255 Mother goddess 15,843 511 C Low
256 Shakespeare authorship question 15,743 507 FA Top
257 Ceremonial magic 15,704 506 C Mid
258 Bunyip 15,602 503 C Low
259 Lists of legendary creatures 15,515 500 List Mid
260 Coast to Coast AM 15,347 495 B High
261 Suspended animation 15,033 484 Start Low
262 BitChute 14,696 474 Start Low
263 Erhard Seminars Training 14,664 473 Start Low
264 Past life regression 14,511 468 C Low
265 M. N. Roy 14,497 467 C High
266 Mind uploading 14,427 465 B Unknown
267 Horoscope 14,370 463 C High
268 Masonic conspiracy theories 14,302 461 C Low
269 Bicameral mentality 14,202 458 Start Low
270 Gaudiya Vaishnavism 14,171 457 C Low
271 Cydonia (Mars) 14,162 456 B Low
272 Superintelligence 14,026 452 Start Mid
273 George Soros conspiracy theories 13,968 450 B Low
274 Club of Rome 13,882 447 Start Mid
275 Peter Schiff 13,845 446 C Low
276 Paul Joseph Watson 13,809 445 C Low
277 History of astrology 13,744 443 B High
278 Franklin child prostitution ring allegations 13,743 443 Start Low
279 The International Jew 13,623 439 C Mid
280 Phantom time conspiracy theory 13,500 435 Start Low
281 Allopathic medicine 13,399 432 B Low
282 Kary Mullis 13,393 432 B Mid
283 White magic 13,354 430 Start Mid
284 LGBT chemicals conspiracy theory 13,338 430 Start Low
285 Alexander Shulgin 13,303 429 GA Low
286 Eliezer Yudkowsky 13,297 428 Start Low
287 Nick Bostrom 13,282 428 B Mid
288 Armenian genocide denial 13,274 428 FA Mid
289 Ufology 13,202 425 C Top
290 Androphilia and gynephilia 13,197 425 Start Mid
291 Crystal skull 13,184 425 B Low
292 Eurabia conspiracy theory 13,110 422 C Low
293 Nate Mendel 13,102 422 C Low
294 Posthumanism 13,065 421 C Mid
295 Fan death 12,902 416 C Unknown
296 Astrology and science 12,833 413 GA Low
297 Sidney Powell 12,804 413 B Low
298 Dave Asprey 12,666 408 C Low
299 Medical cannabis 12,623 407 B Mid
300 Ted Gunderson 12,611 406 Start Low
301 Esther Hicks 12,512 403 C Low
302 Irish slaves myth 12,490 402 C Low
303 9/11 truth movement 12,457 401 B High
304 Durupınar site 12,424 400 C Low
305 Macrobiotic diet 12,389 399 C Low
306 Geomancy 12,329 397 C Mid
307 Nanorobotics 12,306 396 C Low
308 Soylent (meal replacement) 12,291 396 C Low
309 Historical revisionism 12,250 395 B High
310 Noosphere 12,179 392 C Low
311 The Singularity Is Near 12,148 391 B Low
312 Electronic harassment 12,042 388 Start Low
313 Day-care sex-abuse hysteria 11,925 384 C Low
314 Allegations of CIA assistance to Osama bin Laden 11,878 383 Start Low
315 Sylph 11,618 374 C Low
316 Mark Hyman (doctor) 11,543 372 C Low
317 Star people (New Age) 11,495 370 Start Unknown
318 UFO conspiracy theories 11,465 369 C Mid
319 Alcor Life Extension Foundation 11,296 364 C Low
320 Panchen Lama 11,276 363 B Low
321 Swaminarayan Sampradaya 11,246 362 B Low
322 Aristarchus of Samos 11,195 361 C Low
323 Stoned ape theory 11,193 361 C Low
324 Billy Meier 11,126 358 B Mid
325 Energy medicine 11,091 357 C Mid
326 Time Cube 11,074 357 B Low
327 Siddhi 11,069 357 C High
328 Raw foodism 11,000 354 C Low
329 The Celestine Prophecy 10,907 351 C Mid
330 Kriya Yoga school 10,861 350 C High
331 Constructivism (international relations) 10,847 349 C Unknown
332 HIAG 10,831 349 GA Low
333 LGBT grooming conspiracy theory 10,820 349 Start Low
334 Biden–Ukraine conspiracy theory 10,696 345 C Low
335 Kevin Trudeau 10,687 344 B Low
336 Legality of Holocaust denial 10,681 344 C High
337 Chinese astrology 10,653 343 Start Top
338 Ozone therapy 10,631 342 Start Low
339 Life extension 10,548 340 B Mid
340 Water fluoridation 10,524 339 FA Mid
341 Nicholas Roerich 10,445 336 B Mid
342 Vaccine hesitancy 10,412 335 B High
343 E-meter 10,370 334 B Low
344 Ministry of Ayush 10,369 334 Start Mid
345 Christian anarchism 10,300 332 C Low
346 Location hypotheses of Atlantis 10,290 331 Start Low
347 Martin Luther King Jr. assassination conspiracy theories 10,270 331 C Low
348 Pseudohistory 10,188 328 Start Low
349 Ken Wilber 10,158 327 B Low
350 SouthFront 10,142 327 Start Low
351 Conspiracy 10,134 326 C Mid
352 Empirical evidence for the spherical shape of Earth 10,119 326 C Mid
353 Evidence and documentation for the Holocaust 9,968 321 C Mid
354 There was no such thing as Palestinians 9,896 319 Start Low
355 Expurgation 9,873 318 Start Low
356 Committee of 300 9,793 315 Start Low
357 Mike Hughes (daredevil) 9,743 314 Start Unknown
358 Rebel News 9,713 313 C Low
359 Fruitarianism 9,671 311 B Low
360 Three tramps 9,666 311 Start Low
361 Karma in Hinduism 9,592 309 B High
362 Fringe theory 9,587 309 Start Top
363 Bruce Lipton 9,574 308 Start Low
364 Sputnik (news agency) 9,526 307 C Unknown
365 CHAOS: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties 9,525 307 Start Low
366 'Pataphysics 9,503 306 C Low
367 Medbed 9,414 303 Start Low
368 Robert Anton Wilson 9,380 302 B Mid
369 Jim Inhofe 9,365 302 B Low
370 Jaron Lanier 9,362 302 Start Low
371 Bridgewater Triangle 9,320 300 C Mid
372 Ganzfeld experiment 9,318 300 B Low
373 What the Bleep Do We Know!? 9,317 300 B Low
374 Killing of Muhammad al-Durrah 9,310 300 FA Unknown
375 Omega Point 9,291 299 C Low
376 Rāja yoga 9,286 299 C High
377 Barack Obama religion conspiracy theories 9,281 299 Start Low
378 Inedia 9,263 298 B Low
379 Knut Hamsun 9,196 296 C Mid
380 Bimini Road 9,150 295 B Low
381 Romantic orientation 9,131 294 C Low
382 Wavy Gravy 9,112 293 Start Low
383 Sima Qian 9,097 293 C Low
384 Strawman theory 9,082 292 C Low
385 Freeman on the land movement 9,063 292 Start Low
386 HIV/AIDS denialism 9,042 291 B Mid
387 New chronology (Fomenko) 8,936 288 B Mid
388 Natural News 8,912 287 C Low
389 List of legendary creatures in Hindu mythology 8,875 286 List Low
390 George Noory 8,852 285 Start Mid
391 Guy Debord 8,827 284 C Top
392 Posthuman 8,815 284 Start Unknown
393 Empath 8,789 283 Start Low
394 Joseph Farah 8,768 282 C Low
395 Western astrology 8,738 281 B Top
396 PiHKAL 8,610 277 Start Low
397 Integral theory (Ken Wilber) 8,606 277 B Low
398 List of pedophile advocacy organizations 8,596 277 List Low
399 Criticism of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 8,577 276 C Mid
400 Ethics of artificial intelligence 8,567 276 B Low
401 Esalen Institute 8,566 276 C Mid
402 Catilinarian conspiracy 8,559 276 GA Low
403 Maurice Doreal 8,559 276 Stub Low
404 Catherine Blaiklock 8,524 274 Start Low
405 G. Edward Griffin 8,456 272 B Low
406 Shadow government (conspiracy theory) 8,449 272 Start Mid
407 Atkins diet 8,428 271 C Low
408 The Other Side: The Secret Relationship Between Nazism and Zionism 8,425 271 C Low
409 Lamanites 8,406 271 B Low
410 Mike Cernovich 8,360 269 C Low
411 Hulda Regehr Clark 8,324 268 Start Low
412 Ning Li (physicist) 8,251 266 Start Low
413 Diggers 8,008 258 C Unknown
414 Pearl Harbor advance-knowledge conspiracy theory 7,990 257 B Mid
415 Arsenicum album 7,977 257 C Low
416 Martine Rothblatt 7,967 257 B Low
417 Black helicopter 7,920 255 Start Unknown
418 Big Pharma conspiracy theories 7,898 254 B High
419 Joseph Mercola 7,862 253 B Low
420 Turn on, tune in, drop out 7,807 251 Start Mid
421 Pamela Geller 7,733 249 B Low
422 Retrocausality 7,731 249 B Low
423 David Thorstad 7,714 248 Start Low
424 FEMA camps conspiracy theory 7,694 248 Start Low
425 Water fluoridation controversy 7,600 245 B Mid
426 Chiropractic controversy and criticism 7,531 242 C Mid
427 Conspiracy theory about Vladimir Putin's body doubles 7,518 242 B Low
428 The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail 7,476 241 Start Low
429 Plandemic 7,442 240 GA Low
430 Alex Grey 7,418 239 Start Low
431 Energy (esotericism) 7,399 238 C Mid
432 Jason Fung 7,354 237 Start Low
433 JP Sears 7,348 237 C Low
434 Vaccines and autism 7,325 236 C Mid
435 Malcolm Caldwell 7,315 235 Start Low
436 Adaptogen 7,258 234 Start Low
437 Ian Stevenson 7,242 233 B Mid
438 Bernard Lewis 7,191 231 B Low
439 Voluntary Human Extinction Movement 7,175 231 Start Low
440 Ben Goertzel 7,109 229 Start Low
441 Judeo-Masonic conspiracy theory 7,091 228 C Low
442 Pseudoarchaeology 6,988 225 C Mid
443 Anarchist 6,897 222 Redirect NA
444 Homa (ritual) 6,896 222 Start High
445 Melania Trump replacement conspiracy theory 6,832 220 Start Low
446 Attar 6,808 219 C Mid
447 Aquatic ape hypothesis 6,802 219 C Unknown
448 Clyde Tombaugh 6,801 219 B Low
449 Jesuit conspiracy theories 6,736 217 C Mid
450 Functional illiteracy 6,639 214 Start Mid
451 Mark Dice 6,632 213 C Low
452 Abiogenic petroleum origin 6,597 212 B Mid
453 Denialism 6,580 212 C Mid
454 Harmonic Convergence 6,560 211 Start Low
455 UFO sightings in the United Kingdom 6,550 211 List Low
456 Sailing stones 6,503 209 C Low
457 Cryptid 6,484 209 Redirect NA
458 Ramtha's School of Enlightenment 6,461 208 Start Unknown
459 Sungazing 6,355 205 B Low
460 Nephites 6,344 204 C Unknown
461 Hundredth monkey effect 6,316 203 C Low
462 Soviet offensive plans controversy 6,311 203 Start Mid
463 Robert Lustig 6,304 203 Start Low
464 Black women 6,143 198 C High
465 Real Raw News 6,124 197 C Low
466 Satanic panic (South Africa) 6,124 197 C Low
467 2010 Austin suicide attack 6,012 193 B Low
468 Helicopter hieroglyphs 5,957 192 Start Low
469 Great Replacement conspiracy theory in the United States 5,942 191 C Mid
470 Immanuel Velikovsky 5,940 191 B Mid
471 Black genocide in the United States 5,922 191 C Low
472 Jason Hawes 5,908 190 Start Low
473 Fingerprints of the Gods 5,906 190 C Low
474 Nazism in the Americas 5,903 190 B High
475 Runic magic 5,846 188 C Low
476 Theory of Colours 5,834 188 B Low
477 Hal Turner 5,832 188 B Low
478 Edward Leedskalnin 5,829 188 C Low
479 FM-2030 5,818 187 C Low
480 Behind the Curve 5,794 186 Start Low
481 Pseudolaw 5,789 186 B Low
482 Free energy suppression conspiracy theory 5,741 185 Start Mid
483 James Bedford 5,728 184 Start Unknown
484 Samael Aun Weor 5,723 184 B Low
485 Calorie restriction 5,704 184 C Mid
486 Jacob Wohl 5,573 179 GA Mid
487 Aubrey de Grey 5,545 178 C Low
488 McMinnville UFO photographs 5,512 177 C Unknown
489 Kindred Spirits (TV series) 5,505 177 Start Low
490 WorldNetDaily 5,499 177 C Mid
491 Human enhancement 5,489 177 C High
492 Marx's theory of human nature 5,487 177 Start Low
493 The Light (newspaper) 5,465 176 B Low
494 List of Ghost Hunters episodes 5,460 176 List Low
495 Criticism of Wikipedia 5,443 175 C Low
496 Melanin theory 5,427 175 Start Mid
497 Ching Hai 5,414 174 Start Low
498 Richard C. Hoagland 5,331 171 C Low
499 Colin Wilson 5,264 169 C Low
500 Alternative media 5,257 169 C High
501 LessWrong 5,240 169 B Low
502 Facilitated communication 5,190 167 C Mid
503 Prahlad Jani 5,174 166 Start Low
504 Imagined Communities 5,157 166 C High
505 Pete Evans 5,132 165 Start Low
506 Quackwatch 5,105 164 B Low
507 Sharyl Attkisson 5,075 163 C Low
508 Channel 5 (web channel) 5,041 162 Start Low
509 Israel-related animal conspiracy theories 5,034 162 B Low
510 Did Six Million Really Die? 5,022 162 Start Mid
511 Died Suddenly 5,010 161 C Low
512 Peter Duesberg 4,997 161 C Mid
513 Rejection of evolution by religious groups 4,989 160 B High
514 Destination Truth 4,984 160 Start Low
515 Neo-Vedanta 4,964 160 C High
516 Omphalos hypothesis 4,958 159 C Low
517 Gary Allen 4,955 159 Start Low
518 Jade Helm 15 conspiracy theories 4,955 159 Start Low
519 Wireless device radiation and health 4,942 159 B Low
520 Anarky 4,938 159 FA Low
521 Alfred Korzybski 4,877 157 C Mid
522 Xenoglossy 4,868 157 C Low
523 Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America 4,854 156 C Low
524 The Secret Doctrine 4,848 156 B Low
525 Regeneration in humans 4,817 155 C Unknown
526 Heathen Front 4,791 154 C Low
527 Nini Stoltenberg 4,778 154 B Low
528 Blue Star Kachina 4,752 153 Start Low
529 Delores Kane 4,750 153 B Low
530 Superstition in India 4,715 152 B High
531 Earthquake light 4,690 151 Start Low
532 Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance 4,686 151 Start Low
533 Conspiracy theories in the Arab world 4,686 151 Start Low
534 Grant Wilson 4,667 150 Start Low
535 United States anti-abortion movement 4,666 150 C Mid
536 Ideological bias on Wikipedia 4,660 150 C High
537 Japanese history textbook controversies 4,620 149 C Mid
538 Extropianism 4,602 148 Start Mid
539 All Gas No Brakes 4,599 148 Start Low
540 Narconon 4,587 147 B Low
541 UFO sightings in the United States 4,584 147 List Mid
542 Jacque Fresco 4,578 147 C Low
543 The Archko Volume 4,561 147 Stub Low
544 Pepe Escobar 4,530 146 Start Low
545 Osama bin Laden death conspiracy theories 4,510 145 C Low
546 David Barton (author) 4,489 144 C Mid
547 Robert Willner 4,476 144 Start Low
548 Leuchter report 4,453 143 C Low
549 Gaia, Inc. 4,451 143 B Low
550 Bat Ye'or 4,430 142 B Mid
551 BLC1 4,429 142 Start Low
552 Nesta Helen Webster 4,415 142 Start Mid
553 Paul Bragg 4,402 142 C Low
554 EmDrive 4,400 141 C Low
555 L. Fletcher Prouty 4,379 141 Start Low
556 Reformed Egyptian 4,366 140 B Unknown
557 Armenia–Azerbaijan border 4,346 140 Start Low
558 Rennes-le-Château 4,320 139 C Low
559 Legends and myths regarding the Titanic 4,318 139 C Low
560 Russian cosmism 4,308 138 Start Low
561 Postgenderism 4,291 138 C Low
562 Aseem Malhotra 4,272 137 C Low
563 Aramaic original New Testament theory 4,258 137 C Low
564 Anti-aging movement 4,258 137 C Unknown
565 4,241 136 B Low
566 Camel milk 4,226 136 Start Low
567 Multiregional origin of modern humans 4,224 136 C Mid
568 Chromotherapy 4,181 134 C Unknown
569 Redemption movement 4,169 134 C Low
570 Lectin-free diet 4,167 134 C Low
571 Gemma O'Doherty 4,103 132 C Low
572 Climatic Research Unit email controversy 4,060 130 B Low
573 Nanomedicine 4,058 130 C Low
574 Hermann Rauschning 4,015 129 C Unknown
575 The Thirteenth Tribe 4,011 129 C Low
576 Vitamin C megadosage 3,997 128 C Low
577 Wild animal suffering 3,973 128 B Mid
578 Anarchism in Spain 3,966 127 C Mid
579 James Fetzer 3,962 127 B Unknown
580 Max Keiser 3,954 127 Start Low
581 Oxfordian theory of Shakespeare authorship 3,946 127 B High
582 Germ theory denialism 3,946 127 C Low
583 Transhumanist politics 3,939 127 B Low
584 Weston A. Price 3,921 126 Start Low
585 Breathwork (New Age) 3,917 126 Start Low
586 Death of Max Spiers 3,897 125 Start Low
587 MintPress News 3,872 124 Start Low
588 The Atlantic Paranormal Society 3,870 124 C Low
589 Resignation syndrome 3,852 124 Stub Low
590 Gavin Menzies 3,852 124 B High
591 World Council for Health 3,830 123 Start Low
592 Flood geology 3,811 122 B Mid
593 Chip Coffey 3,811 122 Start Low
594 The Dearborn Independent 3,804 122 C Low
595 Scott Pruitt 3,801 122 B Unknown
596 Neal D. Barnard 3,790 122 Start Low
597 Fitna (film) 3,779 121 B Low
598 Michael Ruppert 3,759 121 Start Low
599 Joachim of Fiore 3,730 120 Start Low
600 Lobsang Rampa 3,716 119 Start Low
601 Orthomolecular medicine 3,711 119 B Mid
602 Non-physical entity 3,698 119 Start Mid
603 David Hatcher Childress 3,693 119 Start Unknown
604 Harold E. Puthoff 3,687 118 C Low
605 Paul Craig Roberts 3,682 118 C Low
606 TiHKAL 3,679 118 Start Low
607 Ben Klassen 3,663 118 Start Low
608 Neotantra 3,651 117 C High
609 Svetoslav Roerich 3,650 117 Start Low
610 Vatican conspiracy theories 3,646 117 Start Low
611 Grover Furr 3,642 117 Start Low
612 Groups claiming affiliation with Israelites 3,631 117 B Mid
613 Extraterrestrial UFO hypothesis 3,623 116 C Mid
614 Mantell UFO incident 3,611 116 C Low
615 Free Zone (Scientology) 3,609 116 Start Low
616 Antisexualism 3,604 116 Start Low
617 David Wynn Miller 3,590 115 C Low
618 OpIndia 3,586 115 C Low
619 Alternatives to general relativity 3,553 114 C Unknown
620 God helmet 3,550 114 C Low
621 List of lost inventions 3,530 113 List High
622 Anatoly Fomenko 3,529 113 Start Low
623 Eight-circuit model of consciousness 3,523 113 Start Low
624 Warsaw concentration camp 3,521 113 GA Mid
625 Christine Maggiore 3,520 113 B Low
626 Names of the British Isles 3,518 113 B Mid
627 Black people and temple and priesthood policies in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 3,505 113 C Mid
628 New Kadampa Tradition 3,491 112 C Mid
629 Holodomor denial 3,468 111 B Mid
630 Integral yoga 3,463 111 B Low
631 List of essential oils 3,422 110 List Mid
632 Vladimir Vernadsky 3,404 109 C Low
633 Marx 3,384 109 Redirect NA
634 Feminism in international relations 3,380 109 Start Unknown
635 Epik 3,373 108 C Low
636 Eisheth 3,366 108 Stub Low
637 Black suffrage 3,362 108 Start Low
638 List of unproven methods against COVID-19 3,349 108 List Mid
639 Johanna Budwig 3,325 107 C Low
640 Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed 3,292 106 B Low
641 Rick Wiles 3,288 106 Start Low
642 Historicity of the Book of Mormon 3,279 105 B Mid
643 The Brotherhood of Eternal Love 3,277 105 Start Low
644 Reactionless drive 3,264 105 Start Mid
645 Irshad Manji 3,264 105 B Unknown
646 Genocide denial 3,249 104 Start Mid
647 UFO sightings in India 3,217 103 List Low
648 Nimr al-Nimr 3,214 103 B Low
649 The Syro-Aramaic Reading of the Koran 3,210 103 C Mid
650 Worlds in Collision 3,146 101 B Mid
651 John Henry Williams (baseball) 3,140 101 Start Low
652 Marxist international relations theory 3,137 101 Start Unknown
653 Daniel Ivandjiiski 3,123 100 Start Low
654 Archaeology and the Book of Mormon 3,122 100 B Mid
655 Theories about Stonehenge 3,116 100 C Top
656 2011 end times prediction 3,114 100 C Mid
657 Shambhala Training 3,099 99 C Unknown
658 2045 Initiative 3,099 99 Start Mid
659 Anti-Normanism 3,097 99 Start Low
660 Max Lugavere 3,084 99 Start Low
661 Lionel (radio personality) 3,080 99 Start Low
662 Wallace Wattles 3,072 99 Start Low
663 Maury Island hoax 3,069 99 C Low
664 Benjamin H. Freedman 3,043 98 B Low
665 Isis Unveiled 3,032 97 Start Low
666 Gandhi 3,021 97 Redirect NA
667 Selective exposure theory 3,017 97 C High
668 Killing of Duncan Lemp 3,010 97 Start Low
669 Urim and Thummim (Latter Day Saints) 3,007 97 B Unknown
670 Singularity Group 3,002 96 C Unknown
671 Rejuvenation 2,995 96 Start Unknown
672 List of books about anarchism 2,992 96 List Low
673 Vaccine shedding 2,985 96 Start Mid
674 Transhuman 2,981 96 Start Mid
675 Friendly artificial intelligence 2,978 96 Start Mid
676 The Hidden Messages in Water 2,972 95 Start Unknown
677 The Unz Review 2,966 95 Start Unknown
678 Paul Hellyer 2,964 95 Start Low
679 Jim Marrs 2,957 95 Start Unknown
680 Suggestopedia 2,950 95 Start Low
681 Jeff Rense 2,943 94 Start Unknown
682 Criticism of the Book of Mormon 2,942 94 B Unknown
683 John Tanton 2,921 94 Start Low
684 Non-standard cosmology 2,910 93 C Mid
685 Welteislehre 2,906 93 C Unknown
686 Settlers: The Mythology of the White Proletariat 2,901 93 Start Low
687 W. Cleon Skousen 2,892 93 C Low
688 Sherri Tenpenny 2,891 93 B Low
689 List of homeopathic preparations 2,890 93 List Low
690 Temple denial 2,889 93 Start Low
691 Aajonus Vonderplanitz 2,879 92 C Low
692 Discredited HIV/AIDS origins theories 2,873 92 C Mid
693 Mae Brussell 2,872 92 Start Unknown
694 Serge Lang 2,872 92 C Low
695 Alternatives to Darwinian evolution 2,868 92 B Mid
696 Timeline of incidents involving QAnon 2,867 92 B Mid
697 Oklahoma City bombing conspiracy theories 2,867 92 C Mid
698 Brain training 2,859 92 C Mid
699 Baconian theory of Shakespeare authorship 2,834 91 B Low
700 Matthew Fox (priest) 2,819 90 C Low
701 New eugenics 2,817 90 Start Mid
702 Heritage Party (UK) 2,814 90 C Low
703 The Morning of the Magicians 2,811 90 Start Low
704 Lisa the Iconoclast 2,810 90 GA Low
705 Views of Lyndon LaRouche and the LaRouche movement 2,789 89 C Unknown
706 Orgastic potency 2,783 89 C Low
707 An Experiment with Time 2,762 89 Start Low
708 Linda Thompson (attorney) 2,743 88 Start Low
709 List of black superheroes 2,740 88 List Low
710 P. N. Oak 2,707 87 C Low
711 Prarabdha karma 2,698 87 Start High
712 Chiropractic treatment techniques 2,684 86 Start Unknown
713 Ynglism 2,681 86 B Low
714 Vernon Coleman 2,673 86 C Low
715 Boy Erased: A Memoir 2,670 86 C Unknown
716 Hans Moravec 2,670 86 C Low
717 Blotter art 2,648 85 B Mid
718 David Wolfe (raw food advocate) 2,614 84 C Mid
719 Biefeld–Brown effect 2,609 84 C Low
720 Jilly Juice 2,599 83 C Low
721 Kevin Warwick 2,589 83 B Low
722 Anachronisms in the Book of Mormon 2,575 83 B Unknown
723 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference 2,574 83 B Low
724 Jihad Watch 2,569 82 Start Low
725 Aztec, New Mexico crashed saucer hoax 2,568 82 Start Low
726 Dick Clair 2,555 82 Start Low
727 Robert Lanza 2,552 82 Start Unknown
728 Deaths of anti-vaccine advocates from COVID-19 2,533 81 C Low
729 Arnold Ehret 2,531 81 C Low
730 John A. McDougall 2,511 81 C Low
731 List of anarchist communities 2,510 80 Redirect Low
732 Book of Imaginary Beings 2,505 80 Start Low
733 The Venus Project 2,503 80 Start Low
734 Plasma cosmology 2,502 80 B Mid
735 Digital immortality 2,482 80 Start Low
736 Alberto Rivera (activist) 2,476 79 B Mid
737 Nikolai Fyodorov (philosopher) 2,464 79 Start Low
738 Creation and evolution in public education 2,461 79 B Mid
739 Michel Chossudovsky 2,460 79 Start Low
740 Danny Hillis 2,458 79 Start Low
741 The Exposé 2,454 79 B Low
742 Terry Jones (pastor) 2,453 79 C Mid
743 Marlovian theory of Shakespeare authorship 2,453 79 B Low
744 Wilhelm Gustloff 2,444 78 Start Low
745 Molecular assembler 2,406 77 C Unknown
746 The Zeitgeist Movement 2,399 77 C Low
747 Coso artifact 2,397 77 Start Low
748 Dulles' Plan 2,392 77 C Low
749 Universal mind 2,376 76 Start Low
750 Chateau des Amerois 2,368 76 Stub Unknown
751 Intelligence amplification 2,368 76 Start Mid
752 Machine Intelligence Research Institute 2,366 76 Start Mid
753 MonsterQuest 2,357 76 B Low
754 California Institute of Integral Studies 2,355 75 B Low
755 Samuel Rowbotham 2,350 75 Start Low
756 Bible conspiracy theory 2,344 75 Start Mid
757 David Cole (journalist) 2,329 75 Start Low
758 Agni Yoga 2,322 74 Start Low
759 Duane Gish 2,294 74 C Low
760 Criticism of Islamism 2,292 73 C Low
761 Misconceptions about HIV/AIDS 2,285 73 C Mid
762 Neuroscience of religion 2,270 73 Start Low
763 Dental amalgam controversy 2,270 73 B Unknown
764 Sophrology 2,269 73 Start Low
765 Paul M. Fleiss 2,263 73 Start Low
766 David Pearce (philosopher) 2,260 72 Start Low
767 Bridey Murphy 2,249 72 Start Low
768 Anarcho-pacifism 2,242 72 B Low
769 Sophiology 2,231 71 Start Low
770 Panther (legendary creature) 2,229 71 Start Low
771 Transcendental Meditation movement 2,221 71 B Low
772 Antoine Béchamp 2,221 71 Start Low
773 The Age of Spiritual Machines 2,214 71 B Mid
774 Patri Friedman 2,201 71 Start Low
775 Norman Stone 2,194 70 Start Low
776 Hans Holzer 2,191 70 Start Low
777 Francisco Varela 2,180 70 Start Low
778 Gala (priests) 2,138 68 Start Low
779 Vani Hari 2,129 68 B Low
780 Tax protester 2,122 68 B Low
781 Media coverage of North Korea 2,109 68 C Unknown
782 Steve Pieczenik 2,102 67 C Unknown
783 Girl in Room 13 (2022 film) 2,078 67 Start Low
784 1947 flying disc craze 2,076 66 B Mid
785 Menocchio 2,059 66 C Low
786 FrontPage Magazine 2,048 66 Start Low
787 Jaredites 2,047 66 C Unknown
788 Horoscopic astrology 2,037 65 Start Mid
789 Fringe theories about the Shroud of Turin 2,023 65 C Unknown
790 Disappearing blonde gene 2,008 64 Start Low
791 Impact of nanotechnology 1,993 64 C Low
792 Korean Air Lines Flight 007 alternative theories 1,986 64 C Unknown
793 USS Nimitz UFO incident 1,977 63 Redirect Low
794 War on Islam controversy 1,977 63 B Low
795 Prometheus Rising 1,965 63 Start Low
796 Future of Humanity Institute 1,941 62 C Unknown
797 Frank Gaffney 1,939 62 C Low
798 Vaccination and religion 1,933 62 Start Mid
799 Silent Sam 1,930 62 C Unknown
800 Barack Obama presidential eligibility litigation 1,926 62 C Low
801 Q Into the Storm 1,923 62 B Low
802 Bill Kaysing 1,905 61 Start Mid
803 Jack Sarfatti 1,901 61 C Mid
804 Fereydoon Batmanghelidj 1,897 61 Start Low
805 Association of American Physicians and Surgeons 1,892 61 C Low
806 Electrogravitics 1,890 60 Start Low
807 Steve Mann (inventor) 1,889 60 Start Low
808 Penrose interpretation 1,887 60 Start Low
809 Jasmuheen 1,883 60 C Low
810 Crank (person) 1,851 59 Redirect NA
811 K. Eric Drexler 1,844 59 C Low
812 Value-form 1,839 59 C Low
813 Criticism of libertarianism 1,834 59 Start Unknown
814 Timeline of Karl Marx 1,828 58 List Low
815 Raw veganism 1,799 58 Redirect Low
816 Gay Jesus film hoax 1,798 58 C Low
817 Doğu Perinçek 1,795 57 Start Low
818 Peter Wohlleben 1,785 57 C Low
819 List of megafauna discovered in modern times 1,783 57 List Low
820 Pat Condell 1,783 57 C Low
821 Opinion polls about 9/11 conspiracy theories 1,775 57 Start Mid
822 Austrian business cycle theory 1,773 57 C Unknown
823 Alex Sanders (Wiccan) 1,772 57 B Low
824 Eastern esotericism 1,767 57 B High
825 Nathan Pritikin 1,763 56 Start Low
826 Benjamin Creme 1,759 56 Start Low
827 Daayiee Abdullah 1,758 56 Start Unknown
828 TruNews 1,744 56 C Low
829 Zoltan Istvan 1,741 56 C Unknown
830 Craig Hamilton-Parker 1,732 55 C Low
831 Jay Kordich 1,726 55 Start Low
832 Singularitarianism 1,722 55 Start Low
833 Helena Roerich 1,707 55 C Unknown
834 Pastel QAnon 1,707 55 GA Unknown
835 Polysexuality 1,698 54 Redirect Low
836 Ghost Hunters International 1,691 54 Start Low
837 Daryl Bem 1,690 54 C Unknown
838 The Pink Swastika 1,689 54 GA Low
839 Body memory 1,681 54 Start Low
840 Roerich Pact 1,673 53 Start Low
841 The Right to Be Lazy 1,672 53 Stub Unknown
842 Denial of genocides of Indigenous peoples 1,651 53 B Mid
843 Robert Bauval 1,651 53 Start Low
844 United States raw milk debate 1,642 52 C Low
845 Fusion Festival 1,635 52 Start Low
846 Max More 1,632 52 Start Low
847 Michael Callen 1,631 52 C Low
848 Jim B. Tucker 1,626 52 Start Low
849 The Delphian School 1,624 52 Start Low
850 Free Hugs Campaign 1,608 51 Start Low
851 AfrikaBurn 1,607 51 C Low
852 Stelarc 1,598 51 Start Low
853 Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files 1,595 51 Start Low
854 Daniel Estulin 1,591 51 Start Mid
855 Michael Heinrich 1,590 51 Start Unknown
856 Deseret (Book of Mormon) 1,587 51 Start Low
857 Burrows Cave 1,582 51 Start Low
858 David Meade (author) 1,576 50 GA Low
859 Lynne McTaggart 1,563 50 Start Low
860 Neo-Gramscianism 1,560 50 Start Unknown
861 David Ray Griffin 1,556 50 C Low
862 No Man Knows My History 1,547 49 GA Low
863 Political bias 1,534 49 C High
864 Criticism of the Food and Drug Administration 1,525 49 B Low
865 Criticism of modern paganism 1,523 49 Start Low
866 Invisible ships 1,511 48 C Low
867 Mulek 1,509 48 Start Unknown
868 Human Biodiversity Institute 1,504 48 C Low
869 Andrew Cohen (spiritual teacher) 1,502 48 C Low
870 Bede Griffiths 1,501 48 Start Low
871 Philip Coppens (author) 1,499 48 Start Unknown
872 Erin Elizabeth 1,490 48 Start Low
873 Earthquake weather 1,482 47 Start Unknown
874 Evidence and efficacy of homeopathy 1,479 47 C Mid
875 Occult theories about Francis Bacon 1,469 47 Start Unknown
876 Hockney–Falco thesis 1,463 47 C Low
877 HeartMath Institute 1,445 46 B Low
878 James P. Hogan (writer) 1,440 46 C Low
879 Ludwig Klages 1,440 46 C Low
880 Leading Report 1,435 46 Start Low
881 Megavitamin therapy 1,429 46 Start Low
882 Władysław Sikorski's death controversy 1,428 46 GA Low
883 Herbert M. Shelton 1,427 46 Start Low
884 Methuselah Foundation 1,422 45 C Unknown
885 How to Create a Mind 1,418 45 B Low
886 Christian Nationalist Crusade 1,417 45 C Low
887 Holism in science 1,408 45 Start Low
888 Blueseed 1,407 45 C Low
889 UFO sightings in South Africa 1,405 45 List Low
890 Michael A. Hoffman II 1,405 45 Start Low
891 The Daily Sceptic 1,402 45 C Low
892 The Hoax of the Twentieth Century 1,401 45 Stub Low
893 Terry Wahls 1,401 45 C Low
894 Justin Berry 1,397 45 Start Low
895 Sergei Nilus 1,394 44 Start Low
896 Pavel Krushevan 1,383 44 Start Low
897 Ann Wigmore 1,360 43 Start Low
898 Reparenting 1,353 43 Stub Unknown
899 Islamberg, New York 1,352 43 Start Low
900 Anders Sandberg 1,352 43 Start Low
901 Hangar 18 1,351 43 Disambig NA
902 Alternative newspaper 1,347 43 Start Unknown
903 Abram Hoffer 1,343 43 C Low
904 Suffering risks 1,340 43 Start Low
905 Energy Catalyzer 1,337 43 C Low
906 Gravitational shielding 1,335 43 Start Mid
907 Augustinian hypothesis 1,331 42 C Low
908 Monotrophic diet 1,330 42 C Low
909 Duesberg hypothesis 1,329 42 B Mid
910 Body thetan 1,326 42 Start Low
911 Icarus Project 1,322 42 Start Low
912 Peter Levenda 1,310 42 Start Mid
913 Justin McCarthy (American historian) 1,310 42 Start Low
914 Problem of evil in Hinduism 1,299 41 Start High
915 Web Bot 1,291 41 Start Unknown
916 Italygate 1,282 41 Start Low
917 Conspiracy theories in Turkey 1,282 41 Start Low
918 Eugene Podkletnov 1,268 40 Start Mid
919 Folk medicine 1,261 40 Redirect NA
920 Reversal test 1,255 40 Start Unknown
921 Russell Blaylock 1,254 40 Start Low
922 Tensor–vector–scalar gravity 1,249 40 Start Low
923 Spygate (conspiracy theory) 1,248 40 Start Low
924 Ghost Nation (TV series) 1,245 40 Start Low
925 Rhodes UFO photographs 1,241 40 B Low
926 Robert Ettinger 1,235 39 Start Mid
927 Tax protester Sixteenth Amendment arguments 1,235 39 B Low
928 Reichian therapy 1,234 39 List NA
929 Transcendent Man 1,227 39 C Low
930 The Sign and the Seal 1,225 39 Start Low
931 White gods 1,225 39 Start Low
932 Mind–body interventions 1,224 39 Start Mid
933 Biomedical Research & Longevity Society 1,213 39 Start Low
934 Guy Lyon Playfair 1,210 39 Start Low
935 Conspiracy theories related to the Trump–Ukraine scandal 1,197 38 C Low
936 1996 California Proposition 215 1,192 38 C Low
937 Steal This Film 1,183 38 Start Low
938 Worldwide LaRouche Youth Movement 1,178 38 C Low
939 Transhumanism in fiction 1,173 37 C Mid
940 A Scientific Dissent from Darwinism 1,170 37 C Mid
941 Rudolf Breuss 1,170 37 Start Low
942 Foresight (futures studies) 1,169 37 Start Low
943 Anarchism and issues related to love and sex 1,166 37 C Low
944 Conspiracy theories about the Iranian Revolution 1,161 37 C Mid
945 Pervasive refusal syndrome 1,156 37 Start Low
946 Michael Cremo 1,149 37 Start Mid
947 HIV/AIDS denialism in South Africa 1,143 36 C Low
948 Webster Tarpley 1,142 36 C Mid
949 Limited geography model 1,132 36 C Unknown
950 NewsFront (website) 1,128 36 Start Low
951 Mark Weber 1,119 36 Stub Low
952 Moddey Dhoo 1,115 35 C Low
953 Julian Savulescu 1,113 35 Start Low
954 Millie Weaver 1,112 35 Start Unknown
955 Papal election of Giuseppe Siri theory 1,111 35 Start Low
956 Of Pandas and People 1,111 35 C Mid
957 Jean Gebser 1,108 35 C Low
958 Josiah C. Nott 1,107 35 C Unknown
959 Yitzhak Rabin assassination conspiracy theories 1,106 35 C Unknown
960 Nampa figurine 1,102 35 C Low
961 H+: The Digital Series 1,101 35 Start Low
962 Field propulsion 1,098 35 Start Low
963 American Free Press 1,095 35 Start Mid
964 Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Lab 1,094 35 Start Unknown
965 Strategies for engineered negligible senescence 1,088 35 B Low
966 Candy Jones 1,084 34 B Low
967 Veronica Lueken 1,083 34 Start Mid
968 Critical geopolitics 1,082 34 Start Unknown
969 Milkshaking 1,071 34 C Low
970 Levashovism 1,070 34 B Low
971 William Bates (physician) 1,069 34 Start Low
972 Pataphysics 1,066 34 Redirect NA
973 History of creationism 1,059 34 B Mid
974 Michael Baigent 1,057 34 Start Unknown
975 Critical security studies 1,055 34 Stub Unknown
976 Steve Fuller (sociologist) 1,044 33 B Low
977 Ancient astronauts in popular culture 1,044 33 Start Unknown
978 SENS Research Foundation 1,043 33 C Low
979 Locational astrology 1,043 33 Start Mid
980 Augustin Barruel 1,043 33 C Unknown
981 Information-theoretic death 1,042 33 Stub Low
982 Epsilon Team 1,040 33 C Low
983 Minoan Genius 1,038 33 Start Low
984 John Robison (physicist) 1,035 33 Start Low
985 Critical international relations theory 1,031 33 Stub Unknown
986 Samanta Roy Institute of Science and Technology 1,029 33 Start Unknown
987 Cognitive liberty 1,029 33 B High
988 Jonathan Wells (intelligent design advocate) 1,028 33 B Mid
989 Roerichism 1,022 32 B Unknown
990 Teach the Controversy 1,022 32 B Low
991 Tax protester constitutional arguments 1,020 32 C Low
992 Engines of Creation 1,019 32 Start Low
993 1,017 32 C Low
994 Michael Collins Piper 1,013 32 C Low
995 Natasha Vita-More 1,007 32 C Unknown
996 Autologous blood therapy 1,003 32 Start Unknown
997 Sexual orientation change efforts 999 32 Redirect Low
998 Investigation of UFO reports by the United States government 992 32 Start Low
999 Orlando Ferguson 988 31 Start Low
1000 Spalding–Rigdon theory of Book of Mormon authorship 978 31 Start Low


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