From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  1. sabre leg()
  2. Giovanni Battista Sacchetti()
  3. sacro monte() - redirects to the Sacri Monti of Piedmont and Lombardy
  4. saddle-bar()
  5. saddle-board()
  6. saddle-coping()
  7. saddle-stone()
  8. sail-dome()
  9. sail-over()
  10. sail-vault()
  11. de Saint-Aubin()
  12. James of Saint-George()
  13. Yoshishige Saito()
  14. Kiyoshi Sakashita()
  15. sala terrena()
  16. Salimbeni brothers() - redirects to Ventura Salimbeni
  17. 'Salon Cubism'()
  18. Salon des Indépendants() - redirects to Societe des Artistes Independantes; same thing?
  19. Jehan Salvart()
  20. Roberto Sambonet()
  21. Samson porcelain()
  22. Sancte-cote()
  23. Sanctus bell-cote()
  24. Francis Sandys()
  25. sang-de-boeuf()
  26. Giuseppe Santomaso()
  27. Gino Sarfatti()
  28. Sarrazin()
  29. Alberto Sartoris()
  30. Cecily Sash()
  31. saucer-dome()
  32. Patrick Saytour()
  33. scabellum()
  34. scale moulding()
  35. Ottavio Bertotti Scamozzi()
  36. Scandinavian art()
  37. Afra Scarpa()
  38. Lo Scarsellino()
  39. scauper()
  40. Gottfried Schädel()
  41. Karl-Josef Schattner()
  42. Herman Scheerre()
  43. Heinrich Schickhardt()
  44. Johann Conrad von Schlaun()
  45. Hans Schleger()
  46. Schlock art()
  47. Frederick Schmidt-Degener()
  48. Hans Schmithals()
  49. Joseph Schmu(t)zer()
  50. Dolf Schnebli()
  51. Schnitzaltar()
  52. Johannes Schoch()
  53. school of()
  54. School of Altamira()
  55. Jan Schoonhoven()
  56. Werner Schreib()
  57. Taft Schreiber()
  58. Axel Schultes()
  59. schwarzlot()
  60. sciagraph()
  61. sciagraphy()
  62. Toti Scialoja()
  63. scissor-truss()
  64. scoinson()
  65. scoop pattern()
  66. Scorper()
  67. scotia()
  68. Douglas Scott() - dab
  69. Michael John Scott()
  70. scraped()
  71. scraper() - disambig. under Scrape
  72. Scraping/scratching out()
  73. scratchwork()
  74. screen() - disambig.
  75. screen-façade()
  76. screens()
  77. screen-wall()
  78. screw stair()
  79. scrim() - Scrim (lighting) ?
  80. script() - what kind of script?
  81. scrolled heart()
  82. scrolled pediment()
  83. scrolling foliage()
  84. scroll-step()
  85. scroll-work()
  86. scumble() - does this refer to a glaze painting technique?
  87. Christopher Scune()
  88. Sebasteion()
  89. Sebastián de Almonacid()
  90. secco()
  91. Secession() - Does this refer to the Vienna Secession? Sezession? Secessionism?
  92. Second Pointed()
  93. secos()
  94. secretaire()
  95. section() - disambig.; far too vague
  96. Peter Sedgley()
  97. segment()
  98. Sélection()
  99. Henry Semark()
  100. semi-arch()
  101. semicircular arch()
  102. semicircular dome()
  103. semi-column()
  104. semi-elliptical arch()
  105. Semiological or Semiotic School()
  106. semi-precious stone() - redirects to Gemstone
  107. Senmut()
  108. 'Sensation'()
  109. Septem() - redirects to Ceuta, a city in Spain
  110. Séraphine()
  111. serial(); disambig.
  112. Serliana() - redirects to a section of Palladian architecture
  113. serpent() - disambig.
  114. Serra() - disambig.
  115. Serra brothers()
  116. Giovanni Niccolò Geronimo Servandoni()
  117. set-back()
  118. settee() - redirects to Couch
  119. settle() - redirects to a town in England
  120. set-up photography()
  121. Severus() - only mention of a first name
  122. severy() - redirects to a municipality in Switzerland
  123. Seymour Powell()
  124. Sforza() - redirects to a Milanese ruling family
  125. shade() - disambig.
  126. shaft()
  127. shaft-ring()
  128. Shaker()
  129. Shaker design()
  130. sham()
  131. shaped gable()
  132. shard()
  133. John Shaw() - two different architects named John Shaw
  134. shed-roof()
  135. Fedor Osipovich Shekhtel'()
  136. shell()
  137. shell work()
  138. shellac()
  139. John Shereff()
  140. shibayama()
  141. shingle()
  142. shingles()
  143. 'Shock art'()
  144. Arnold Shore()
  145. Sir Frank Short()
  146. shoulder()
  147. Raymond Shreve()
  148. shrinkage()
  149. shutter()
  150. shuttering()
  151. August Siccard von Siccardsburg()
  152. side()
  153. side-chapel()
  154. side-light()
  155. John Siferwas()
  156. sight edge()
  157. silk()
  158. sill()
  159. Wiliam Sillince()
  160. de Siloe()
  161. Domingos Parente da Silva()
  162. silver()
  163. simatium()
  164. Charles Evelyn Simmons()
  165. Simon the Mason()
  166. Don Simone Camaldolese()
  167. Michelangelo Simonetti()
  168. John Anthony Simpson()
  169. simultaneity()
  170. singing-gallery()
  171. single frame()
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  1. sabre leg()
  2. Giovanni Battista Sacchetti()
  3. sacro monte() - redirects to the Sacri Monti of Piedmont and Lombardy
  4. saddle-bar()
  5. saddle-board()
  6. saddle-coping()
  7. saddle-stone()
  8. sail-dome()
  9. sail-over()
  10. sail-vault()
  11. de Saint-Aubin()
  12. James of Saint-George()
  13. Yoshishige Saito()
  14. Kiyoshi Sakashita()
  15. sala terrena()
  16. Salimbeni brothers() - redirects to Ventura Salimbeni
  17. 'Salon Cubism'()
  18. Salon des Indépendants() - redirects to Societe des Artistes Independantes; same thing?
  19. Jehan Salvart()
  20. Roberto Sambonet()
  21. Samson porcelain()
  22. Sancte-cote()
  23. Sanctus bell-cote()
  24. Francis Sandys()
  25. sang-de-boeuf()
  26. Giuseppe Santomaso()
  27. Gino Sarfatti()
  28. Sarrazin()
  29. Alberto Sartoris()
  30. Cecily Sash()
  31. saucer-dome()
  32. Patrick Saytour()
  33. scabellum()
  34. scale moulding()
  35. Ottavio Bertotti Scamozzi()
  36. Scandinavian art()
  37. Afra Scarpa()
  38. Lo Scarsellino()
  39. scauper()
  40. Gottfried Schädel()
  41. Karl-Josef Schattner()
  42. Herman Scheerre()
  43. Heinrich Schickhardt()
  44. Johann Conrad von Schlaun()
  45. Hans Schleger()
  46. Schlock art()
  47. Frederick Schmidt-Degener()
  48. Hans Schmithals()
  49. Joseph Schmu(t)zer()
  50. Dolf Schnebli()
  51. Schnitzaltar()
  52. Johannes Schoch()
  53. school of()
  54. School of Altamira()
  55. Jan Schoonhoven()
  56. Werner Schreib()
  57. Taft Schreiber()
  58. Axel Schultes()
  59. schwarzlot()
  60. sciagraph()
  61. sciagraphy()
  62. Toti Scialoja()
  63. scissor-truss()
  64. scoinson()
  65. scoop pattern()
  66. Scorper()
  67. scotia()
  68. Douglas Scott() - dab
  69. Michael John Scott()
  70. scraped()
  71. scraper() - disambig. under Scrape
  72. Scraping/scratching out()
  73. scratchwork()
  74. screen() - disambig.
  75. screen-façade()
  76. screens()
  77. screen-wall()
  78. screw stair()
  79. scrim() - Scrim (lighting) ?
  80. script() - what kind of script?
  81. scrolled heart()
  82. scrolled pediment()
  83. scrolling foliage()
  84. scroll-step()
  85. scroll-work()
  86. scumble() - does this refer to a glaze painting technique?
  87. Christopher Scune()
  88. Sebasteion()
  89. Sebastián de Almonacid()
  90. secco()
  91. Secession() - Does this refer to the Vienna Secession? Sezession? Secessionism?
  92. Second Pointed()
  93. secos()
  94. secretaire()
  95. section() - disambig.; far too vague
  96. Peter Sedgley()
  97. segment()
  98. Sélection()
  99. Henry Semark()
  100. semi-arch()
  101. semicircular arch()
  102. semicircular dome()
  103. semi-column()
  104. semi-elliptical arch()
  105. Semiological or Semiotic School()
  106. semi-precious stone() - redirects to Gemstone
  107. Senmut()
  108. 'Sensation'()
  109. Septem() - redirects to Ceuta, a city in Spain
  110. Séraphine()
  111. serial(); disambig.
  112. Serliana() - redirects to a section of Palladian architecture
  113. serpent() - disambig.
  114. Serra() - disambig.
  115. Serra brothers()
  116. Giovanni Niccolò Geronimo Servandoni()
  117. set-back()
  118. settee() - redirects to Couch
  119. settle() - redirects to a town in England
  120. set-up photography()
  121. Severus() - only mention of a first name
  122. severy() - redirects to a municipality in Switzerland
  123. Seymour Powell()
  124. Sforza() - redirects to a Milanese ruling family
  125. shade() - disambig.
  126. shaft()
  127. shaft-ring()
  128. Shaker()
  129. Shaker design()
  130. sham()
  131. shaped gable()
  132. shard()
  133. John Shaw() - two different architects named John Shaw
  134. shed-roof()
  135. Fedor Osipovich Shekhtel'()
  136. shell()
  137. shell work()
  138. shellac()
  139. John Shereff()
  140. shibayama()
  141. shingle()
  142. shingles()
  143. 'Shock art'()
  144. Arnold Shore()
  145. Sir Frank Short()
  146. shoulder()
  147. Raymond Shreve()
  148. shrinkage()
  149. shutter()
  150. shuttering()
  151. August Siccard von Siccardsburg()
  152. side()
  153. side-chapel()
  154. side-light()
  155. John Siferwas()
  156. sight edge()
  157. silk()
  158. sill()
  159. Wiliam Sillince()
  160. de Siloe()
  161. Domingos Parente da Silva()
  162. silver()
  163. simatium()
  164. Charles Evelyn Simmons()
  165. Simon the Mason()
  166. Don Simone Camaldolese()
  167. Michelangelo Simonetti()
  168. John Anthony Simpson()
  169. simultaneity()
  170. singing-gallery()
  171. single frame()


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