From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Please remove only when the content contains musical information. Please redirect places to [[Music of ...]]

  1. Gonzalo Brenes - g eb wp
  2. Gonzalo Castellanos - g eb wp
  3. Gonzalo de Baena - g eb wp
  4. Gonzalo Martínez de Bizcargui - g eb wp
  5. Gonzalo Vidal - g eb wp
  6. Goodman Gabrielle - g eb wp
  7. Goossens - g eb wp
  8. Göran Järvefelt - g eb wp
  9. Gordigiani - g eb wp
  10. Gordon A. Anderson - g eb wp
  11. Gordon Fergus-Thompson - g eb wp stub 03/20
  12. Gordon Monahan - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  13. Gor'kiy - g eb wp
  14. Gor’kiy - g eb wp
  15. Goscalch - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  16. Gospel hymnody - g eb wp
  17. Gosse Junckers - g eb wp
  18. Gösta Björling - g eb wp
  19. Gösta Rundqvist - g eb wp
  20. Gösta Theselius - g eb wp stub 03/20
  21. Gösta Törner - g eb wp stub 03/20
  22. Göte Carlid - g eb wp
  23. Gotfrid von Strassburg - g eb wp
  24. Gotha - g eb wp
  25. Gottfred Matthison-Hansen - g eb wp
  26. Gottfrid Gräsbeck - g eb wp
  27. Gottfried Ephraim Scheibel - g eb wp stub 03/20
  28. Gottfried Fokkerod - g eb wp
  29. Gottfried Fritzsche
  30. Gottfried Grünewald - g eb wp
  31. Gottfried Herrmann - g eb wp
  32. Gottfried Kirchhoff - g eb wp
  33. Gottfried Neumann-Spallart - g eb wp
  34. Gottfried Rieger - g eb wp
  35. Gottfried Ritter von Freiberg - g eb wp
  36. Gottfried Rüdinger - g eb wp
  37. Gottfried Vockerodt - g eb wp
  38. Gotthard Wagner - g eb wp
  39. Gotthelf Pistor - g eb wp
  40. Gotthold Frotscher
  41. Göttingen - g eb wp
  42. Gottlieb Nietow - g eb wp
  43. Gottlieb Nittauff - g eb wp
  44. Gottlieb Streitwolf - g eb wp
  45. Gottlob Benedict Bierey
  46. Gottlob Ephraim Heermann - g eb wp
  47. Gottlob Harrer - g eb wp
  48. Gottlob Wiedebein - g eb wp
  49. Gottorf - g eb wp
  50. Gottschalk of Aachen - g eb wp
  51. Gottuvādyam - g eb wp
  52. Götz Tangerding - g eb wp
  53. Goulding & Co - g eb wp
  54. Gourd - g eb wp Not much on music.
  55. Gourd bow - g eb wp
  56. Goût du chant - g eb wp
  57. Grace Hoffman - g eb wp
  58. Gracian Černušák - g eb wp
  59. Graciela Castillo - g eb wp stub 03/20
  60. Gradale - g eb wp
  61. Grady Watts - g eb wp stub 03/20
  62. Graeme Lyall - g eb wp stub 03/20
  63. Graf Moriz von Dietrichstein - g eb wp
  64. Graham Hair - g eb wp stub 03/20
  65. Graham Newcater - g eb wp stub 03/20
  66. Graham Pushee - g eb wp stub 03/20
  67. Gramex - g eb wp
  68. Grammatio Metallo - g eb wp
  69. Granada - g eb wp
  70. Gran cassa - g eb wp
  71. Grand bugle - g eb wp
  72. Grand choeur - g eb wp
  73. Grand jeu - g eb wp
  74. Grand pianoforte - g eb wp Currently a redirect to piano.
  75. Grand Terrace - g eb wp Currently redirects to the city in California. Grove defines it as a nightclub.
  76. Gran lira - g eb wp
  77. Gran tamburo - g eb wp
  78. Granville Sharp - g eb wp Scant discussion of his musical abilities/music collection.
  79. Grätz - g eb wp Currently a redirect to dab for Graetz. Grove says it's a castle in the Czech Republic where concerts/music competitions are held.
  80. Grave - g eb wp No tempo def at dab.
  81. Gravecembalo - g eb wp
  82. Gravissima - g eb wp
  83. Gray & Davison - g eb wp stub 03/20
  84. Gray Sargent - g eb wp stub 03/20
  85. Graystone Ballroom - g eb wp stub 03/20
  86. Graz - g eb wp
  87. Grazia Mellini Scalabrini - g eb wp
  88. Grazio Braccioli - g eb wp stub 03/20
  89. Grazioso - g eb wp As of 4/08, a redirect to the music glossary.
  90. Grażyna Auguścik - g eb wp stub 03/20
  91. Grażyna Pstrokońska-Nawratil - g eb wp stub 03/20
  92. Great Guitars (quintet) - g eb wp stub 03/20
  93. Great octave - g eb wp As of 4/08, redirect to Helmholtz pitch notation
  94. Great organ - g eb wp
  95. Great Responsory - g eb wp
  96. Grécy - g eb wp
  97. Greeko cymbal - g eb wp
  98. Greetje Bijma - g eb wp
  99. Gregg Stafford - g eb wp stub 03/20
  100. Greghesca - g eb wp
  101. Gregoire - g eb wp Dab. As of Dec 08, no article on the French Gregoire (fl c1500) that Grove details.
  102. Grégoire Brayssing - g eb wp
  103. Gregor - g eb wp As of 4/08, redirect to Gregory.
  104. Gregor Aichinger - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  105. Gregorio Babbi - g eb wp stub 03/20
  106. Gregorio Ballabene - g eb wp
  107. Gregorio Baudot-Puente - g eb wp
  108. Gregorio Bellabene - g eb wp
  109. Gregorio Dorini - g eb wp
  110. Gregorio Fiasconaro - g eb wp
  111. Gregorio Howet - g eb wp
  112. Gregorio Huet - g eb wp
  113. Gregorio Huwet - g eb wp
  114. Gregorio Lambranzi - g eb wp
  115. Gregorio Maria Suñol - g eb wp
  116. Gregorio Santiso Bermúdez - g eb wp
  117. Gregorio Schiroli - g eb wp
  118. Gregorio Sciroli - g eb wp
  119. Gregorios Glykys - g eb wp
  120. Gregorio Siroli - g eb wp
  121. Gregorios the Protopsaltes - g eb wp
  122. Gregorio Strozzi - g eb wp
  123. Gregorio Torrini - g eb wp
  124. Gregorio Turini - g eb wp
  125. Gregorio Turrini - g eb wp
  126. Gregorio Veneri - g eb wp
  127. Gregorio Zucchini - g eb wp
  128. Gregorius Trechoffuet - g eb wp
  129. Gregorius Trehou - g eb wp
  130. Gregorius Treschault - g eb wp
  131. Gregor Krengel - g eb wp
  132. Gregor Lange - g eb wp
  133. Gregor Pechin - g eb wp
  134. Gregor Pesch - g eb wp
  135. Gregor Peschin - g eb wp
  136. Gregor Pesthin - g eb wp
  137. Gregor Pitschner - g eb wp
  138. Gregor Posthinus - g eb wp
  139. Gregor Schnitzkius - g eb wp
  140. Gregor Schreyer - g eb wp
  141. Gregor Stemmelius - g eb wp
  142. Gregor Vorberg - g eb wp
  143. Gregory Dempsey - g eb wp
  144. Gregory Murray - g eb wp
  145. Gregory of Hndzt'a - g eb wp
  146. Gregory of Tours - g eb wp As of 4/08, our article features nothing on the Gallican chant, which Grove emphasizes.
  147. Gregory the Great - g eb wp As of 4/08, our article lacks the comprehensive discussion that Grove features of the scholarship surrounding his involvement in the creation of the Gregorian chant.
  148. Gregory Yurisich - g eb wp
  149. Greg Tardy - g eb wp stub 03/20
  150. Grenser - g eb wp
  151. Gresham Chair of Music - g eb wp
  152. Grete Holm - g eb wp
  153. Grete Merrem-Nikisch - g eb wp stub 03/20
  154. Grete Stückgold - g eb wp stub 03/20
  155. Grethe Krogh - g eb wp
  156. Griffbrett - g eb wp
  157. Grigol Chkhikvadze - g eb wp
  158. Grigol of Khandzta - g eb wp nothing on music 03/20
  159. Grigor Syuni - g eb wp
  160. Grigor Yeghiai Yeghiazarian - g eb wp
  161. Grigory Fine - g eb wp
  162. Grigory Mikhaylovich Shneerson - g eb wp
  163. Griller String Quartet - g eb wp
  164. GRIM - g eb wp stub 03/20
  165. Grimace (composer) - g eb wp stub 03/20
  166. Grimm - g eb wp As of 4/08, no discussion of their influence on opera/libretto.
  167. Grimm & Wirsung - g eb wp
  168. Griselda - g eb wp As of 4/08, no articles about the two operas by Bononcini and Scarlatti.
  169. Grisostomo Rubiconi - g eb wp
  170. G.R. King - g eb wp
  171. Grobstimme - g eb wp
  172. Groppetto - g eb wp
  173. Groppo - g eb wp Redirects to trill, but no discussion of a groppo there.
  174. Gross Cither - g eb wp
  175. Grosse Trommel - g eb wp
  176. Gross Zittern - g eb wp
  177. Grottaferrata - g eb wp As of 4/08, no discussion of music
  178. Ground - g eb wp As of 4/08, stubby section in Ostinato.
  179. Ground harp - g eb wp
  180. Group - g eb wp
  181. Groupe de Recherches Musicales - g eb wp Stub as of 4/08
  182. Group style - g eb wp
  183. Grundgestalt - g eb wp
  184. Gruppetto - g eb wp As of 4/08, should be a dab; an old Italian term for a trill.
  185. Gruppo - g eb wp As of 4/08, should be a dab; an old Italian term for a trill.
  186. Gruppo Romano Free Jazz - g eb wp
  187. Gruppo Universitario per la Nuova Musica - g eb wp
  188. Grzegorz Nagórski - g eb wp
  189. Guáchara - g eb wp
  190. Guadalajara - g eb wp
  191. Guadalcanal - g eb wp
  192. Gualterius Libert - g eb wp
  193. Gualtero Liberti - g eb wp
  194. Gualterus ab Insula - g eb wp
  195. Gualtiero Sanelli - g eb wp
  196. Guardsman (record label) - g eb wp
  197. Guarnier - g eb wp
  198. Guatemala City - g eb wp
  199. Guayrinet - g eb wp
  200. Gubbio - g eb wp
  201. Gudrun Lund - g eb wp stub 03/20
  202. Guédon de Presles - g eb wp
  203. Guelph - g eb wp
  204. Guerrina Fabbri - g eb wp
  205. Guest Stars - g eb wp
  206. Gugge Hedrenius - g eb wp stub 03/20
  207. Guglielmo Arnone - g eb wp
  208. Guglielmo Barblan - g eb wp
  209. Guglielmo Brenna - g eb wp
  210. Guglielmo D'Ettore - g eb wp
  211. Guglielmo Ermanni - g eb wp
  212. Guglielmo Ettore - g eb wp
  213. Guglielmo Lipparino - g eb wp
  214. Guglielmo Miniscalchi - g eb wp
  215. Guglielmo Quarenghi - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  216. Guglielmo Roffredi - g eb wp
  217. Guglielmo Testori - g eb wp
  218. Guglielmo Textoris - g eb wp
  219. Guibert Kaukesel - g eb wp stub 03/20
  220. Guida - g eb wp
  221. Guide - g eb wp Grove says "see Jackslide". As of 4/08, dab does not include this.
  222. Guido (composer) - g eb wp
  223. Guido Alberto Fano - g eb wp stub 03/20
  224. Guido Augensis - g eb wp
  225. Guido Baggiani - g eb wp
  226. Guido Cariloci - g eb wp
  227. Guido de Caroli-loco - g eb wp
  228. Guido et Ginevra - g eb wp stub 03/20
  229. Guido frater - g eb wp
  230. Guido Gasperini - g eb wp
  231. Guido Guerrini - g eb wp - race car driver, no music 03/20
  232. Guido López - g eb wp
  233. Guido Manusardi - g eb wp
  234. Guido Maria Dreves - g eb wp
  235. Guido M. Gatti - g eb wp stub 03/20
  236. Guidon - g eb wp As of 4/08, dab lacks a link to Direct (music)
  237. Guido of Cherlieu - g eb wp
  238. Guido of Eu - g eb wp
  239. Guido Pannain - g eb wp
  240. Guido Salvetti - g eb wp
  241. Guido Turchi - g eb wp stub 03/20
  242. Guiglielmo di Santo Spirito - g eb wp
  243. Guilbault-Thérien Inc - g eb wp
  244. Guild - g eb wp
  245. Guild of Jesus - g eb wp
  246. Guilds - g eb wp As of 4/08, Guilds is a redirect to Guild, which should be kept. However, Musicians' guild should probably be created.
  247. Guilielmo Colin - g eb wp
  248. Guilielmo Golin - g eb wp
  249. Guilielmus Breyttengraserus - g eb wp
  250. Guilielmus de Francia - g eb wp
  251. Guilielmus Messaus - g eb wp stub 03/20
  252. Guilielmus Monachus - g eb wp
  253. Guillaume Albert Teniers - g eb wp
  254. Guillaume-Alexis Paris - g eb wp
  255. Guillaume Barbay - g eb wp
  256. Guillaume Barbey - g eb wp
  257. Guillaume Belin - g eb wp stub 03/20
  258. Guillaume Bellin - g eb wp
  259. Guillaume Boni - g eb wp stub 03/20
  260. Guillaume Bouzignac - g eb wp stub 03/20
  261. Guillaume Cautelay - g eb wp
  262. Guillaume de Chastillon - g eb wp stub 03/20
  263. Guillaume de Dijon - g eb wp
  264. Guillaume de La Moeulle - g eb wp
  265. Guillaume de La Moulaz - g eb wp
  266. Guillaume de La Mule - g eb wp
  267. Guillaume de Van - g eb wp stub 03/20
  268. Guillaume Dumanoir - g eb wp
  269. Guillaume Gabriel Nivers - g eb wp
  270. Guillaume Guéroult - g eb wp
  271. Guillaume Isoré - g eb wp
  272. Guillaume Jacques Joseph Kennis - g eb wp
  273. Guillaume Landré - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  274. Guillaume Le Bé - g eb wp stub 03/20
  275. Guillaume le Grain - g eb wp
  276. Guillaume Le Heurteur - g eb wp stub 03/20
  277. Guillaume Lemacherier - g eb wp
  278. Guillaume Louis Bocquillon Wilhem - g eb wp
  279. Guillaume Louis Bocquillon-Wilhem - g eb wp
  280. Guillaume Malbecque - g eb wp stub 03/20
  281. Guillaume Michel - g eb wp
  282. Guillaume Morlaye - g eb wp stub 03/20
  283. Guillaume Navoigille - g eb wp
  284. Guillaume-Pierre Dupont - g eb wp
  285. Guillaume Poitevin - g eb wp stub 03/20
  286. Guillaume Rouge - g eb wp
  287. Guillaume Ruby - g eb wp
  288. Guillaume Tessier - g eb wp
  289. Guillaume Thessier - g eb wp
  290. Guillaume Tixier - g eb wp
  291. Guillaume Veau - g eb wp stub 03/20
  292. Guillaume Ysoré - g eb wp
  293. Guillelmo Bruno - g eb wp
  294. Guillelmus-Carolus Di Martinelli - g eb wp
  295. Guillelmus Monachus - g eb wp
  296. Guillermo Brouno - g eb wp
  297. Guillermo de Podio - g eb wp
  298. Guillermo de Puig - g eb wp
  299. Guillermo Despuig - g eb wp
  300. Guillermo Ferrer - g eb wp
  301. Guillermo Graetzer - g eb wp
  302. Guillermo M. Tomás - g eb wp
  303. Guillermo Sarabia - g eb wp
  304. Guillermus Rosa - g eb wp
  305. Guillon - g eb wp As of 4/08, a redirect to a monster film. Grove lists a French officer and composer
  306. Guimbard - g eb wp
  307. Guiomar Novaës - g eb wp
  308. Guiomar Pinto - g eb wp
  309. Guiraut d'Espanha de Toloza - g eb wp
  310. Guiraut Riquier - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  311. Guisterne - g eb wp
  312. Guitare allemande - g eb wp
  313. Guitare angloise - g eb wp
  314. Guitare-harpe - g eb wp
  315. Guiterne - g eb wp
  316. Guittar - g eb wp
  317. Gulbenkian Foundation - g eb wp As of 4/08, not much on its contribution to music.
  318. Gunārs Rozenbergs - g eb wp
  319. Gunlöd - g eb wp
  320. Gunnar Berg (composer) - g eb wp stub 03/20
  321. Gunnar Bucht - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  322. Gunnar Ek - g eb wp
  323. Gunnar Graarud - g eb wp stub 03/20
  324. Gunnar Heerup - g eb wp
  325. Gunnar Nilson - g eb wp
  326. Gunnar Reynir Sveinsson - g eb wp
  327. Günter Boas - g eb wp
  328. Günter Brosche - g eb wp
  329. Günter Christmann - g eb wp
  330. Günter Fleischhauer
  331. Günter Hausswald - g eb wp
  332. Günter Kahowez - g eb wp
  333. Günter Kronberg - g eb wp
  334. Günter Lenz - g eb wp stub 03/20
  335. Günter Sommer - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  336. Günter von Kannen - g eb wp
  337. Günther Becker - g eb wp
  338. Günther Hauk - g eb wp
  339. Gunther Jacob - g eb wp
  340. Günther Kraft - g eb wp
  341. Günther Massenkeil - g eb wp
  342. Günther Rennert - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  343. Günther von Schwarzburg - g eb wp
  344. Günther Wich - g eb wp
  345. Guo Zhiyuan - g eb wp
  346. Gus Aiken - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  347. Gus Clark - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  348. Gus Deloof - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  349. Gustaf Heintze - g eb wp
  350. Gustaf Nordqvist - g eb wp stub 03/20
  351. Gustaf Wasa - g eb wp
  352. Gustav Adolf Merkel - g eb wp
  353. Gustav Adolph Heinze - g eb wp
  354. Gustav Arnold - g eb wp
  355. Gustav Damm - g eb wp
  356. Gustave-Alexandre Flaxland - g eb wp
  357. Gustave Lyon - g eb wp
  358. Gustav Ernesaks - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  359. Gustave Samazeuilh - g eb wp stub 03/20
  360. Gustave Vaëz - g eb wp stub 03/20
  361. Gustav Friedrich Wilhelm Grossmann - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  362. Gustav Graben-Hoffmann - g eb wp
  363. Gustav Hoffman - g eb wp
  364. Gustav Holländer - g eb wp
  365. Gustav Jacobsthal - g eb wp
  366. Gustav Kuhn - g eb wp
  367. Gustav Luders - g eb wp
  368. Gustavo Becerra - g eb wp
  369. Gustavo E. Campa - g eb wp stub 03/20
  370. Gustavo Matamoros - g eb wp Needs work 03/20
  371. Gustav Schilling - g eb wp No music 03/20
  372. Gustav Schmidt (composer) - g eb wp
  373. Gustav Schützendorf - g eb wp
  374. Gustav Siehr - g eb wp
  375. Gustavus Waltz - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  376. Gustav Weber - g eb wp
  377. Gustav Wilhelm Teschner - g eb wp
  378. Gustaw Adolf Paweł Häussler - g eb wp
  379. Gustaw Frieman - g eb wp
  380. Gust William Tsilis - g eb wp
  381. Gutbucket - g eb wp As of 4/08, a redirect to Washtub bass? Grove defines it as a style of jazz playing.
  382. Gutheil - g eb wp
  383. Gutierre Fernández - g eb wp
  384. Gutierre Fernández Hidalgo - g eb wp
  385. Gutturalis - g eb wp
  386. Guus Hoekman - g eb wp
  387. Guy A. Marco - g eb wp = Guy Anthony De Marco?
  388. Guy Cabay - g eb wp
  389. Guy Chauvet - g eb wp stub 03/20
  390. Guy de Cherlieu - g eb wp
  391. Guy de Mey - g eb wp stub 03/20
  392. Guy de Saint-Denis - g eb wp
  393. Guy du Faur de Pibrac - g eb wp As of 4/08, our article has no discussion of his Quatrains.
  394. Guy Kelly - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  395. Guy Klucevsek - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  396. Guy Lafitte - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  397. Guy Longnon - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  398. Guymont - g eb wp
  399. Guy Paquinet - g eb wp stub 03/20
  400. Guy Pedersen - g eb wp
  401. Guy Reibel - g eb wp stub 03/20
  402. Guy Touvron - g eb wp stub 03/20
  403. G. Wallace Woodworth - g eb wp
  404. Gwan Pok - g eb wp
  405. Gwendoline - g eb wp As of 4/08, a redirect to a film. Should be an opera.
  406. Gwyneddigion Society - g eb wp little on music 03/20
  407. Gyllene Cirkeln - g eb wp
  408. György Adler - g eb wp
  409. György Arnold - g eb wp
  410. György Gábry - g eb wp
  411. György Kerényi - g eb wp
  412. György Kósa - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  413. György Kroó - g eb wp
  414. György Lehel - g eb wp
  415. György Martin - g eb wp
  416. György Melis - g eb wp
  417. György Orbán - g eb wp stub 03/20
  418. György Ránki - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  419. György Ruzitska - g eb wp
  420. György Sebestyen - g eb wp
  421. György Sebök - g eb wp
  422. György Szabados - g eb wp - needs work 03/20
  423. György Szomjas-Schiffert - g eb wp
  424. Gyterne - g eb wp
  425. Gyula Beliczay - g eb wp
  426. Gyula Dávid - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  427. Gyula Kovács - g eb wp - politician, no music 03/20
  428. Gyula Major - g eb wp
  429. Gyula Mayer - g eb wp
  430. Haakon Austbö - g eb wp
  431. Haakon Stotijn - g eb wp
  432. Haas - g eb wp Should be a German family brass instrument makers.
  433. Habib Hassan Touma - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  434. Habsburg - g eb wp Perhaps Music under the House of Habsburg or something along those lines.
  435. Hacke Björksten - g eb wp stub 03/20
  436. Hadrian I. - g eb wp
  437. Haegŭm - g eb wp
  438. Haerpfer - g eb wp
  439. Hafīzullah Khyāl - g eb wp
  440. Haflið i Hallgrímsson - g eb wp
  441. Haiden - g eb wp As of 4/08, redirect to Gewürztraminer. Should be a dab for the German Haiden family.
  442. Haifa - g eb wp
  443. Hail - g eb wp As of 4/08, dab should link to Hayl family.
  444. Haim Alexander - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  445. Haim Permont - g eb wp
  446. Hainhofer’s Lutebooks - g eb wp
  447. Hainlein - g eb wp
  448. Hainrich Lichtenfels - g eb wp
  449. Hainricus Collis - g eb wp
  450. Hajja Hamdaouia - g eb wp
  451. Hajj Driss Benjelloun - g eb wp
  452. Håkan Von Eichwald - g eb wp stub 03/20
  453. Håkon Hagegård - g eb wp
  454. Halary - g eb wp
  455. Halbe-Note - g eb wp
  456. Halbmond - g eb wp
  457. Halbschluss - g eb wp
  458. Halbton - g eb wp
  459. Halbtriller - g eb wp
  460. Half-cadence - g eb wp
  461. Halfdan Frederik Jebe - g eb wp
  462. Half-fall - g eb wp
  463. Halffter - g eb wp
  464. Half-valve - g eb wp
  465. Halifax - g eb wp (Canada)
  466. Halifax - g eb wp (West Yorkshire)
  467. Halil - g eb wp As of 4/08, redirect to river. Should be an "ancient Jewish reed instrument".
  468. Halina Kanstantsinawna Harelava - g eb wp stub 03/20
  469. Halle - g eb wp
  470. Hallgrimur Helgason - g eb wp As of 4/08, redirect to an Icelandic painter/writer.
  471. Hals (company) - g eb wp
  472. Halvor Haug - g eb wp stub 03/20
  473. H. A. Lytton - g eb wp
  474. Hamal - g eb wp A rd to a star as of 4/08. Perhaps a dab page should be made for the Flemish family of musicians.
  475. Hambourg - g eb wp A rd to Hamburg as of 4/08. Perhaps a dab page should be made for the Russian family of musicians.
  476. Hamburg - g eb wp
  477. Hamburger Cithrinchen - g eb wp
  478. Hamelle - g eb wp
  479. Hamerik - g eb wp
  480. Hamfat - g eb wp
  481. Hamilton Forrest - g eb wp
  482. Hamish Milne - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  483. Hammer-Orgelbau - g eb wp
  484. Hampus Huldt-Nystrøm - g eb wp
  485. Hamzah bin Awang Amat - g eb wp
  486. Hana Janků - g eb wp stub 03/20
  487. Hana Vejvodová - g eb wp stub 03/20
  488. Handbill - g eb wp As of 4/08, a rd to Flyer (pamphlet) with no music/history.
  489. Handel Opera Society - g eb wp
  490. Handel societies - g eb wp
  491. Handglocke - g eb wp
  492. Handharmonika - g eb wp
  493. Hand horn - g eb wp
  494. Handlung für Musik - g eb wp
  495. Hand piano - g eb wp
  496. Handstück - g eb wp
  497. Hängende Traktur - g eb wp
  498. Hank D’Amico - g eb wp stub 03/20
  499. Hank Duncan - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  500. Hank Levy - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  501. Hanna Havrylets' - g eb wp stub 03/20
  502. Hanne-Lore Kuhse - g eb wp stub 03/20
  503. Hannes Zerbe
  504. Hannikainen - g eb wp
  505. Hanning Schröder - g eb wp
  506. Hannu Pohjannoro - g eb wp
  507. Hanny Steffek - g eb wp
  508. Hanoch Avenary - g eb wp
  509. Hanoch Jacoby - g eb wp stub 03/20
  510. Hanover - g eb wp
  511. Hans Adolph Friedrich von Eschstruth - g eb wp
  512. Hans Albrecht - g eb wp - Olympian, no music 03/20
  513. Hans Åstrand - g eb wp
  514. Hans Beirer - g eb wp stub 03/20
  515. Hans Bischoff (pianist) - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  516. Hans Brachrogge - g eb wp stub 03/20
  517. Hans Brehme - g eb wp
  518. Hans Breuer - g eb wp As of 4/08, no music.
  519. Hans Chemin-Petit - g eb wp
  520. Hans Dügy - g eb wp
  521. Hans Eckardt - g eb wp
  522. Hans Eklund - g eb wp Footballer, no music 03/20
  523. Hansen - g eb wp As of 4/08, dab but no link to article about Danish firm of music publishers.
  524. Hans Engel - g eb wp
  525. Hans Eppstein - g eb wp
  526. Hans Erich Apostel - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  527. Hans Fagius - g eb wp stub 03/20
  528. Hans F. Redlich - g eb wp
  529. Hans Friedrich August Zincke - g eb wp
  530. Hans Fries - g eb wp Dab as of 4/08.
  531. Hans Gefors - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  532. Hans Georg Brunner-Schwer - g eb wp
  533. Hans-Georg Görner - g eb wp
  534. Hans Goltfuss - g eb wp
  535. Hans Gram (composer) - g eb wp stub 03/20
  536. Hans Hampel - g eb wp
  537. Hans Haselböck - g eb wp
  538. Hans Haug - g eb wp - needs work 03/20
  539. Hans Heinrich XIV, Bolko Graf von Hochberg - g eb wp
  540. Hans Heinrich XIV Hochberg - g eb wp
  541. Hans Heinrich Zielche - g eb wp
  542. Hans-Heinz Dräger - g eb wp
  543. Hansheinz Schneeberger - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  544. Hans Helm - g eb wp
  545. Hans Henkemans - g eb wp stub 03/20
  546. Hans Hergot - g eb wp
  547. Hans Hermann Nissen - g eb wp stub 03/20
  548. Hans Herrgott - g eb wp
  549. Hans Holẹwa - g eb wp
  550. Hans Jacob von Mailandt - g eb wp
  551. Hans Jacob Wecker - g eb wp
  552. Hans Jelmoli - g eb wp stub 03/20
  553. Hans Johann - g eb wp
  554. Hansjörg Pauli - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  555. Hans Judenkünig - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  556. Hans J. Zingel - g eb wp
  557. Hans Kaart - g eb wp
  558. Hans-Karsten Raecke - g eb wp
  559. Hans Kayser - g eb wp - landscaper, no music 03/20
  560. Hans Kennel - g eb wp
  561. Hans Klotz - g eb wp As of 4/08, rd to List of secondary characters in Code Lyoko (!)
  562. Hans Koch - g eb wp As of Dec 08, lawyer.
  563. Hans Kotter - g eb wp stub 03/20
  564. Hans Kox - g eb wp
  565. Hans Lüdemann - g eb wp - sailor, no music 03/20
  566. Hans Ludwig Schilling - g eb wp
  567. Hans-Martin Linde - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  568. Hans Matthias Hansen - g eb wp
  569. Hans Matthison-Hansen - g eb wp
  570. Hans Melchior Brugk - g eb wp
  571. Hans Mersmann
  572. Hans Mikkelsen Ravn - g eb wp
  573. Hans Moldenhauer - g eb wp - tennis, no music 03/20
  574. Hans Moritz Brühl - g eb wp
  575. Hans Murbach - g eb wp
  576. Hans Nathan - g eb wp
  577. Hans Nielsen (composer) - g eb wp stub 03/20
  578. Hans Oesch - g eb wp
  579. Hans Ott - g eb wp - olympian, no music 03/20
  580. Hans Ottel - g eb wp
  581. Hans Ottler - g eb wp
  582. Hans Otto - g eb wp - film director, no music 03/20
  583. Hans Peter Haller
  584. Hanspeter Krellmann - g eb wp
  585. Hans Peter Schanzlin - g eb wp
  586. Hans Pischner - g eb wp stub 03/20
  587. Hans Pole - g eb wp
  588. Hans Poser - g eb wp
  589. Hans Puchner - g eb wp
  590. Hans Rauch von Schratt - g eb wp
  591. Hans Reinmar - g eb wp
  592. Hans Roosenschoon - g eb wp
  593. Hans Rudolf Stalder - g eb wp
  594. Hans Schneider - g eb wp - dab, no music 03/20
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Please remove only when the content contains musical information. Please redirect places to [[Music of ...]]

  1. Gonzalo Brenes - g eb wp
  2. Gonzalo Castellanos - g eb wp
  3. Gonzalo de Baena - g eb wp
  4. Gonzalo Martínez de Bizcargui - g eb wp
  5. Gonzalo Vidal - g eb wp
  6. Goodman Gabrielle - g eb wp
  7. Goossens - g eb wp
  8. Göran Järvefelt - g eb wp
  9. Gordigiani - g eb wp
  10. Gordon A. Anderson - g eb wp
  11. Gordon Fergus-Thompson - g eb wp stub 03/20
  12. Gordon Monahan - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  13. Gor'kiy - g eb wp
  14. Gor’kiy - g eb wp
  15. Goscalch - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  16. Gospel hymnody - g eb wp
  17. Gosse Junckers - g eb wp
  18. Gösta Björling - g eb wp
  19. Gösta Rundqvist - g eb wp
  20. Gösta Theselius - g eb wp stub 03/20
  21. Gösta Törner - g eb wp stub 03/20
  22. Göte Carlid - g eb wp
  23. Gotfrid von Strassburg - g eb wp
  24. Gotha - g eb wp
  25. Gottfred Matthison-Hansen - g eb wp
  26. Gottfrid Gräsbeck - g eb wp
  27. Gottfried Ephraim Scheibel - g eb wp stub 03/20
  28. Gottfried Fokkerod - g eb wp
  29. Gottfried Fritzsche
  30. Gottfried Grünewald - g eb wp
  31. Gottfried Herrmann - g eb wp
  32. Gottfried Kirchhoff - g eb wp
  33. Gottfried Neumann-Spallart - g eb wp
  34. Gottfried Rieger - g eb wp
  35. Gottfried Ritter von Freiberg - g eb wp
  36. Gottfried Rüdinger - g eb wp
  37. Gottfried Vockerodt - g eb wp
  38. Gotthard Wagner - g eb wp
  39. Gotthelf Pistor - g eb wp
  40. Gotthold Frotscher
  41. Göttingen - g eb wp
  42. Gottlieb Nietow - g eb wp
  43. Gottlieb Nittauff - g eb wp
  44. Gottlieb Streitwolf - g eb wp
  45. Gottlob Benedict Bierey
  46. Gottlob Ephraim Heermann - g eb wp
  47. Gottlob Harrer - g eb wp
  48. Gottlob Wiedebein - g eb wp
  49. Gottorf - g eb wp
  50. Gottschalk of Aachen - g eb wp
  51. Gottuvādyam - g eb wp
  52. Götz Tangerding - g eb wp
  53. Goulding & Co - g eb wp
  54. Gourd - g eb wp Not much on music.
  55. Gourd bow - g eb wp
  56. Goût du chant - g eb wp
  57. Grace Hoffman - g eb wp
  58. Gracian Černušák - g eb wp
  59. Graciela Castillo - g eb wp stub 03/20
  60. Gradale - g eb wp
  61. Grady Watts - g eb wp stub 03/20
  62. Graeme Lyall - g eb wp stub 03/20
  63. Graf Moriz von Dietrichstein - g eb wp
  64. Graham Hair - g eb wp stub 03/20
  65. Graham Newcater - g eb wp stub 03/20
  66. Graham Pushee - g eb wp stub 03/20
  67. Gramex - g eb wp
  68. Grammatio Metallo - g eb wp
  69. Granada - g eb wp
  70. Gran cassa - g eb wp
  71. Grand bugle - g eb wp
  72. Grand choeur - g eb wp
  73. Grand jeu - g eb wp
  74. Grand pianoforte - g eb wp Currently a redirect to piano.
  75. Grand Terrace - g eb wp Currently redirects to the city in California. Grove defines it as a nightclub.
  76. Gran lira - g eb wp
  77. Gran tamburo - g eb wp
  78. Granville Sharp - g eb wp Scant discussion of his musical abilities/music collection.
  79. Grätz - g eb wp Currently a redirect to dab for Graetz. Grove says it's a castle in the Czech Republic where concerts/music competitions are held.
  80. Grave - g eb wp No tempo def at dab.
  81. Gravecembalo - g eb wp
  82. Gravissima - g eb wp
  83. Gray & Davison - g eb wp stub 03/20
  84. Gray Sargent - g eb wp stub 03/20
  85. Graystone Ballroom - g eb wp stub 03/20
  86. Graz - g eb wp
  87. Grazia Mellini Scalabrini - g eb wp
  88. Grazio Braccioli - g eb wp stub 03/20
  89. Grazioso - g eb wp As of 4/08, a redirect to the music glossary.
  90. Grażyna Auguścik - g eb wp stub 03/20
  91. Grażyna Pstrokońska-Nawratil - g eb wp stub 03/20
  92. Great Guitars (quintet) - g eb wp stub 03/20
  93. Great octave - g eb wp As of 4/08, redirect to Helmholtz pitch notation
  94. Great organ - g eb wp
  95. Great Responsory - g eb wp
  96. Grécy - g eb wp
  97. Greeko cymbal - g eb wp
  98. Greetje Bijma - g eb wp
  99. Gregg Stafford - g eb wp stub 03/20
  100. Greghesca - g eb wp
  101. Gregoire - g eb wp Dab. As of Dec 08, no article on the French Gregoire (fl c1500) that Grove details.
  102. Grégoire Brayssing - g eb wp
  103. Gregor - g eb wp As of 4/08, redirect to Gregory.
  104. Gregor Aichinger - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  105. Gregorio Babbi - g eb wp stub 03/20
  106. Gregorio Ballabene - g eb wp
  107. Gregorio Baudot-Puente - g eb wp
  108. Gregorio Bellabene - g eb wp
  109. Gregorio Dorini - g eb wp
  110. Gregorio Fiasconaro - g eb wp
  111. Gregorio Howet - g eb wp
  112. Gregorio Huet - g eb wp
  113. Gregorio Huwet - g eb wp
  114. Gregorio Lambranzi - g eb wp
  115. Gregorio Maria Suñol - g eb wp
  116. Gregorio Santiso Bermúdez - g eb wp
  117. Gregorio Schiroli - g eb wp
  118. Gregorio Sciroli - g eb wp
  119. Gregorios Glykys - g eb wp
  120. Gregorio Siroli - g eb wp
  121. Gregorios the Protopsaltes - g eb wp
  122. Gregorio Strozzi - g eb wp
  123. Gregorio Torrini - g eb wp
  124. Gregorio Turini - g eb wp
  125. Gregorio Turrini - g eb wp
  126. Gregorio Veneri - g eb wp
  127. Gregorio Zucchini - g eb wp
  128. Gregorius Trechoffuet - g eb wp
  129. Gregorius Trehou - g eb wp
  130. Gregorius Treschault - g eb wp
  131. Gregor Krengel - g eb wp
  132. Gregor Lange - g eb wp
  133. Gregor Pechin - g eb wp
  134. Gregor Pesch - g eb wp
  135. Gregor Peschin - g eb wp
  136. Gregor Pesthin - g eb wp
  137. Gregor Pitschner - g eb wp
  138. Gregor Posthinus - g eb wp
  139. Gregor Schnitzkius - g eb wp
  140. Gregor Schreyer - g eb wp
  141. Gregor Stemmelius - g eb wp
  142. Gregor Vorberg - g eb wp
  143. Gregory Dempsey - g eb wp
  144. Gregory Murray - g eb wp
  145. Gregory of Hndzt'a - g eb wp
  146. Gregory of Tours - g eb wp As of 4/08, our article features nothing on the Gallican chant, which Grove emphasizes.
  147. Gregory the Great - g eb wp As of 4/08, our article lacks the comprehensive discussion that Grove features of the scholarship surrounding his involvement in the creation of the Gregorian chant.
  148. Gregory Yurisich - g eb wp
  149. Greg Tardy - g eb wp stub 03/20
  150. Grenser - g eb wp
  151. Gresham Chair of Music - g eb wp
  152. Grete Holm - g eb wp
  153. Grete Merrem-Nikisch - g eb wp stub 03/20
  154. Grete Stückgold - g eb wp stub 03/20
  155. Grethe Krogh - g eb wp
  156. Griffbrett - g eb wp
  157. Grigol Chkhikvadze - g eb wp
  158. Grigol of Khandzta - g eb wp nothing on music 03/20
  159. Grigor Syuni - g eb wp
  160. Grigor Yeghiai Yeghiazarian - g eb wp
  161. Grigory Fine - g eb wp
  162. Grigory Mikhaylovich Shneerson - g eb wp
  163. Griller String Quartet - g eb wp
  164. GRIM - g eb wp stub 03/20
  165. Grimace (composer) - g eb wp stub 03/20
  166. Grimm - g eb wp As of 4/08, no discussion of their influence on opera/libretto.
  167. Grimm & Wirsung - g eb wp
  168. Griselda - g eb wp As of 4/08, no articles about the two operas by Bononcini and Scarlatti.
  169. Grisostomo Rubiconi - g eb wp
  170. G.R. King - g eb wp
  171. Grobstimme - g eb wp
  172. Groppetto - g eb wp
  173. Groppo - g eb wp Redirects to trill, but no discussion of a groppo there.
  174. Gross Cither - g eb wp
  175. Grosse Trommel - g eb wp
  176. Gross Zittern - g eb wp
  177. Grottaferrata - g eb wp As of 4/08, no discussion of music
  178. Ground - g eb wp As of 4/08, stubby section in Ostinato.
  179. Ground harp - g eb wp
  180. Group - g eb wp
  181. Groupe de Recherches Musicales - g eb wp Stub as of 4/08
  182. Group style - g eb wp
  183. Grundgestalt - g eb wp
  184. Gruppetto - g eb wp As of 4/08, should be a dab; an old Italian term for a trill.
  185. Gruppo - g eb wp As of 4/08, should be a dab; an old Italian term for a trill.
  186. Gruppo Romano Free Jazz - g eb wp
  187. Gruppo Universitario per la Nuova Musica - g eb wp
  188. Grzegorz Nagórski - g eb wp
  189. Guáchara - g eb wp
  190. Guadalajara - g eb wp
  191. Guadalcanal - g eb wp
  192. Gualterius Libert - g eb wp
  193. Gualtero Liberti - g eb wp
  194. Gualterus ab Insula - g eb wp
  195. Gualtiero Sanelli - g eb wp
  196. Guardsman (record label) - g eb wp
  197. Guarnier - g eb wp
  198. Guatemala City - g eb wp
  199. Guayrinet - g eb wp
  200. Gubbio - g eb wp
  201. Gudrun Lund - g eb wp stub 03/20
  202. Guédon de Presles - g eb wp
  203. Guelph - g eb wp
  204. Guerrina Fabbri - g eb wp
  205. Guest Stars - g eb wp
  206. Gugge Hedrenius - g eb wp stub 03/20
  207. Guglielmo Arnone - g eb wp
  208. Guglielmo Barblan - g eb wp
  209. Guglielmo Brenna - g eb wp
  210. Guglielmo D'Ettore - g eb wp
  211. Guglielmo Ermanni - g eb wp
  212. Guglielmo Ettore - g eb wp
  213. Guglielmo Lipparino - g eb wp
  214. Guglielmo Miniscalchi - g eb wp
  215. Guglielmo Quarenghi - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  216. Guglielmo Roffredi - g eb wp
  217. Guglielmo Testori - g eb wp
  218. Guglielmo Textoris - g eb wp
  219. Guibert Kaukesel - g eb wp stub 03/20
  220. Guida - g eb wp
  221. Guide - g eb wp Grove says "see Jackslide". As of 4/08, dab does not include this.
  222. Guido (composer) - g eb wp
  223. Guido Alberto Fano - g eb wp stub 03/20
  224. Guido Augensis - g eb wp
  225. Guido Baggiani - g eb wp
  226. Guido Cariloci - g eb wp
  227. Guido de Caroli-loco - g eb wp
  228. Guido et Ginevra - g eb wp stub 03/20
  229. Guido frater - g eb wp
  230. Guido Gasperini - g eb wp
  231. Guido Guerrini - g eb wp - race car driver, no music 03/20
  232. Guido López - g eb wp
  233. Guido Manusardi - g eb wp
  234. Guido Maria Dreves - g eb wp
  235. Guido M. Gatti - g eb wp stub 03/20
  236. Guidon - g eb wp As of 4/08, dab lacks a link to Direct (music)
  237. Guido of Cherlieu - g eb wp
  238. Guido of Eu - g eb wp
  239. Guido Pannain - g eb wp
  240. Guido Salvetti - g eb wp
  241. Guido Turchi - g eb wp stub 03/20
  242. Guiglielmo di Santo Spirito - g eb wp
  243. Guilbault-Thérien Inc - g eb wp
  244. Guild - g eb wp
  245. Guild of Jesus - g eb wp
  246. Guilds - g eb wp As of 4/08, Guilds is a redirect to Guild, which should be kept. However, Musicians' guild should probably be created.
  247. Guilielmo Colin - g eb wp
  248. Guilielmo Golin - g eb wp
  249. Guilielmus Breyttengraserus - g eb wp
  250. Guilielmus de Francia - g eb wp
  251. Guilielmus Messaus - g eb wp stub 03/20
  252. Guilielmus Monachus - g eb wp
  253. Guillaume Albert Teniers - g eb wp
  254. Guillaume-Alexis Paris - g eb wp
  255. Guillaume Barbay - g eb wp
  256. Guillaume Barbey - g eb wp
  257. Guillaume Belin - g eb wp stub 03/20
  258. Guillaume Bellin - g eb wp
  259. Guillaume Boni - g eb wp stub 03/20
  260. Guillaume Bouzignac - g eb wp stub 03/20
  261. Guillaume Cautelay - g eb wp
  262. Guillaume de Chastillon - g eb wp stub 03/20
  263. Guillaume de Dijon - g eb wp
  264. Guillaume de La Moeulle - g eb wp
  265. Guillaume de La Moulaz - g eb wp
  266. Guillaume de La Mule - g eb wp
  267. Guillaume de Van - g eb wp stub 03/20
  268. Guillaume Dumanoir - g eb wp
  269. Guillaume Gabriel Nivers - g eb wp
  270. Guillaume Guéroult - g eb wp
  271. Guillaume Isoré - g eb wp
  272. Guillaume Jacques Joseph Kennis - g eb wp
  273. Guillaume Landré - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  274. Guillaume Le Bé - g eb wp stub 03/20
  275. Guillaume le Grain - g eb wp
  276. Guillaume Le Heurteur - g eb wp stub 03/20
  277. Guillaume Lemacherier - g eb wp
  278. Guillaume Louis Bocquillon Wilhem - g eb wp
  279. Guillaume Louis Bocquillon-Wilhem - g eb wp
  280. Guillaume Malbecque - g eb wp stub 03/20
  281. Guillaume Michel - g eb wp
  282. Guillaume Morlaye - g eb wp stub 03/20
  283. Guillaume Navoigille - g eb wp
  284. Guillaume-Pierre Dupont - g eb wp
  285. Guillaume Poitevin - g eb wp stub 03/20
  286. Guillaume Rouge - g eb wp
  287. Guillaume Ruby - g eb wp
  288. Guillaume Tessier - g eb wp
  289. Guillaume Thessier - g eb wp
  290. Guillaume Tixier - g eb wp
  291. Guillaume Veau - g eb wp stub 03/20
  292. Guillaume Ysoré - g eb wp
  293. Guillelmo Bruno - g eb wp
  294. Guillelmus-Carolus Di Martinelli - g eb wp
  295. Guillelmus Monachus - g eb wp
  296. Guillermo Brouno - g eb wp
  297. Guillermo de Podio - g eb wp
  298. Guillermo de Puig - g eb wp
  299. Guillermo Despuig - g eb wp
  300. Guillermo Ferrer - g eb wp
  301. Guillermo Graetzer - g eb wp
  302. Guillermo M. Tomás - g eb wp
  303. Guillermo Sarabia - g eb wp
  304. Guillermus Rosa - g eb wp
  305. Guillon - g eb wp As of 4/08, a redirect to a monster film. Grove lists a French officer and composer
  306. Guimbard - g eb wp
  307. Guiomar Novaës - g eb wp
  308. Guiomar Pinto - g eb wp
  309. Guiraut d'Espanha de Toloza - g eb wp
  310. Guiraut Riquier - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  311. Guisterne - g eb wp
  312. Guitare allemande - g eb wp
  313. Guitare angloise - g eb wp
  314. Guitare-harpe - g eb wp
  315. Guiterne - g eb wp
  316. Guittar - g eb wp
  317. Gulbenkian Foundation - g eb wp As of 4/08, not much on its contribution to music.
  318. Gunārs Rozenbergs - g eb wp
  319. Gunlöd - g eb wp
  320. Gunnar Berg (composer) - g eb wp stub 03/20
  321. Gunnar Bucht - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  322. Gunnar Ek - g eb wp
  323. Gunnar Graarud - g eb wp stub 03/20
  324. Gunnar Heerup - g eb wp
  325. Gunnar Nilson - g eb wp
  326. Gunnar Reynir Sveinsson - g eb wp
  327. Günter Boas - g eb wp
  328. Günter Brosche - g eb wp
  329. Günter Christmann - g eb wp
  330. Günter Fleischhauer
  331. Günter Hausswald - g eb wp
  332. Günter Kahowez - g eb wp
  333. Günter Kronberg - g eb wp
  334. Günter Lenz - g eb wp stub 03/20
  335. Günter Sommer - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  336. Günter von Kannen - g eb wp
  337. Günther Becker - g eb wp
  338. Günther Hauk - g eb wp
  339. Gunther Jacob - g eb wp
  340. Günther Kraft - g eb wp
  341. Günther Massenkeil - g eb wp
  342. Günther Rennert - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  343. Günther von Schwarzburg - g eb wp
  344. Günther Wich - g eb wp
  345. Guo Zhiyuan - g eb wp
  346. Gus Aiken - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  347. Gus Clark - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  348. Gus Deloof - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  349. Gustaf Heintze - g eb wp
  350. Gustaf Nordqvist - g eb wp stub 03/20
  351. Gustaf Wasa - g eb wp
  352. Gustav Adolf Merkel - g eb wp
  353. Gustav Adolph Heinze - g eb wp
  354. Gustav Arnold - g eb wp
  355. Gustav Damm - g eb wp
  356. Gustave-Alexandre Flaxland - g eb wp
  357. Gustave Lyon - g eb wp
  358. Gustav Ernesaks - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  359. Gustave Samazeuilh - g eb wp stub 03/20
  360. Gustave Vaëz - g eb wp stub 03/20
  361. Gustav Friedrich Wilhelm Grossmann - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  362. Gustav Graben-Hoffmann - g eb wp
  363. Gustav Hoffman - g eb wp
  364. Gustav Holländer - g eb wp
  365. Gustav Jacobsthal - g eb wp
  366. Gustav Kuhn - g eb wp
  367. Gustav Luders - g eb wp
  368. Gustavo Becerra - g eb wp
  369. Gustavo E. Campa - g eb wp stub 03/20
  370. Gustavo Matamoros - g eb wp Needs work 03/20
  371. Gustav Schilling - g eb wp No music 03/20
  372. Gustav Schmidt (composer) - g eb wp
  373. Gustav Schützendorf - g eb wp
  374. Gustav Siehr - g eb wp
  375. Gustavus Waltz - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  376. Gustav Weber - g eb wp
  377. Gustav Wilhelm Teschner - g eb wp
  378. Gustaw Adolf Paweł Häussler - g eb wp
  379. Gustaw Frieman - g eb wp
  380. Gust William Tsilis - g eb wp
  381. Gutbucket - g eb wp As of 4/08, a redirect to Washtub bass? Grove defines it as a style of jazz playing.
  382. Gutheil - g eb wp
  383. Gutierre Fernández - g eb wp
  384. Gutierre Fernández Hidalgo - g eb wp
  385. Gutturalis - g eb wp
  386. Guus Hoekman - g eb wp
  387. Guy A. Marco - g eb wp = Guy Anthony De Marco?
  388. Guy Cabay - g eb wp
  389. Guy Chauvet - g eb wp stub 03/20
  390. Guy de Cherlieu - g eb wp
  391. Guy de Mey - g eb wp stub 03/20
  392. Guy de Saint-Denis - g eb wp
  393. Guy du Faur de Pibrac - g eb wp As of 4/08, our article has no discussion of his Quatrains.
  394. Guy Kelly - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  395. Guy Klucevsek - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  396. Guy Lafitte - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  397. Guy Longnon - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  398. Guymont - g eb wp
  399. Guy Paquinet - g eb wp stub 03/20
  400. Guy Pedersen - g eb wp
  401. Guy Reibel - g eb wp stub 03/20
  402. Guy Touvron - g eb wp stub 03/20
  403. G. Wallace Woodworth - g eb wp
  404. Gwan Pok - g eb wp
  405. Gwendoline - g eb wp As of 4/08, a redirect to a film. Should be an opera.
  406. Gwyneddigion Society - g eb wp little on music 03/20
  407. Gyllene Cirkeln - g eb wp
  408. György Adler - g eb wp
  409. György Arnold - g eb wp
  410. György Gábry - g eb wp
  411. György Kerényi - g eb wp
  412. György Kósa - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  413. György Kroó - g eb wp
  414. György Lehel - g eb wp
  415. György Martin - g eb wp
  416. György Melis - g eb wp
  417. György Orbán - g eb wp stub 03/20
  418. György Ránki - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  419. György Ruzitska - g eb wp
  420. György Sebestyen - g eb wp
  421. György Sebök - g eb wp
  422. György Szabados - g eb wp - needs work 03/20
  423. György Szomjas-Schiffert - g eb wp
  424. Gyterne - g eb wp
  425. Gyula Beliczay - g eb wp
  426. Gyula Dávid - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  427. Gyula Kovács - g eb wp - politician, no music 03/20
  428. Gyula Major - g eb wp
  429. Gyula Mayer - g eb wp
  430. Haakon Austbö - g eb wp
  431. Haakon Stotijn - g eb wp
  432. Haas - g eb wp Should be a German family brass instrument makers.
  433. Habib Hassan Touma - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  434. Habsburg - g eb wp Perhaps Music under the House of Habsburg or something along those lines.
  435. Hacke Björksten - g eb wp stub 03/20
  436. Hadrian I. - g eb wp
  437. Haegŭm - g eb wp
  438. Haerpfer - g eb wp
  439. Hafīzullah Khyāl - g eb wp
  440. Haflið i Hallgrímsson - g eb wp
  441. Haiden - g eb wp As of 4/08, redirect to Gewürztraminer. Should be a dab for the German Haiden family.
  442. Haifa - g eb wp
  443. Hail - g eb wp As of 4/08, dab should link to Hayl family.
  444. Haim Alexander - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  445. Haim Permont - g eb wp
  446. Hainhofer’s Lutebooks - g eb wp
  447. Hainlein - g eb wp
  448. Hainrich Lichtenfels - g eb wp
  449. Hainricus Collis - g eb wp
  450. Hajja Hamdaouia - g eb wp
  451. Hajj Driss Benjelloun - g eb wp
  452. Håkan Von Eichwald - g eb wp stub 03/20
  453. Håkon Hagegård - g eb wp
  454. Halary - g eb wp
  455. Halbe-Note - g eb wp
  456. Halbmond - g eb wp
  457. Halbschluss - g eb wp
  458. Halbton - g eb wp
  459. Halbtriller - g eb wp
  460. Half-cadence - g eb wp
  461. Halfdan Frederik Jebe - g eb wp
  462. Half-fall - g eb wp
  463. Halffter - g eb wp
  464. Half-valve - g eb wp
  465. Halifax - g eb wp (Canada)
  466. Halifax - g eb wp (West Yorkshire)
  467. Halil - g eb wp As of 4/08, redirect to river. Should be an "ancient Jewish reed instrument".
  468. Halina Kanstantsinawna Harelava - g eb wp stub 03/20
  469. Halle - g eb wp
  470. Hallgrimur Helgason - g eb wp As of 4/08, redirect to an Icelandic painter/writer.
  471. Hals (company) - g eb wp
  472. Halvor Haug - g eb wp stub 03/20
  473. H. A. Lytton - g eb wp
  474. Hamal - g eb wp A rd to a star as of 4/08. Perhaps a dab page should be made for the Flemish family of musicians.
  475. Hambourg - g eb wp A rd to Hamburg as of 4/08. Perhaps a dab page should be made for the Russian family of musicians.
  476. Hamburg - g eb wp
  477. Hamburger Cithrinchen - g eb wp
  478. Hamelle - g eb wp
  479. Hamerik - g eb wp
  480. Hamfat - g eb wp
  481. Hamilton Forrest - g eb wp
  482. Hamish Milne - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  483. Hammer-Orgelbau - g eb wp
  484. Hampus Huldt-Nystrøm - g eb wp
  485. Hamzah bin Awang Amat - g eb wp
  486. Hana Janků - g eb wp stub 03/20
  487. Hana Vejvodová - g eb wp stub 03/20
  488. Handbill - g eb wp As of 4/08, a rd to Flyer (pamphlet) with no music/history.
  489. Handel Opera Society - g eb wp
  490. Handel societies - g eb wp
  491. Handglocke - g eb wp
  492. Handharmonika - g eb wp
  493. Hand horn - g eb wp
  494. Handlung für Musik - g eb wp
  495. Hand piano - g eb wp
  496. Handstück - g eb wp
  497. Hängende Traktur - g eb wp
  498. Hank D’Amico - g eb wp stub 03/20
  499. Hank Duncan - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  500. Hank Levy - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  501. Hanna Havrylets' - g eb wp stub 03/20
  502. Hanne-Lore Kuhse - g eb wp stub 03/20
  503. Hannes Zerbe
  504. Hannikainen - g eb wp
  505. Hanning Schröder - g eb wp
  506. Hannu Pohjannoro - g eb wp
  507. Hanny Steffek - g eb wp
  508. Hanoch Avenary - g eb wp
  509. Hanoch Jacoby - g eb wp stub 03/20
  510. Hanover - g eb wp
  511. Hans Adolph Friedrich von Eschstruth - g eb wp
  512. Hans Albrecht - g eb wp - Olympian, no music 03/20
  513. Hans Åstrand - g eb wp
  514. Hans Beirer - g eb wp stub 03/20
  515. Hans Bischoff (pianist) - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  516. Hans Brachrogge - g eb wp stub 03/20
  517. Hans Brehme - g eb wp
  518. Hans Breuer - g eb wp As of 4/08, no music.
  519. Hans Chemin-Petit - g eb wp
  520. Hans Dügy - g eb wp
  521. Hans Eckardt - g eb wp
  522. Hans Eklund - g eb wp Footballer, no music 03/20
  523. Hansen - g eb wp As of 4/08, dab but no link to article about Danish firm of music publishers.
  524. Hans Engel - g eb wp
  525. Hans Eppstein - g eb wp
  526. Hans Erich Apostel - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  527. Hans Fagius - g eb wp stub 03/20
  528. Hans F. Redlich - g eb wp
  529. Hans Friedrich August Zincke - g eb wp
  530. Hans Fries - g eb wp Dab as of 4/08.
  531. Hans Gefors - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  532. Hans Georg Brunner-Schwer - g eb wp
  533. Hans-Georg Görner - g eb wp
  534. Hans Goltfuss - g eb wp
  535. Hans Gram (composer) - g eb wp stub 03/20
  536. Hans Hampel - g eb wp
  537. Hans Haselböck - g eb wp
  538. Hans Haug - g eb wp - needs work 03/20
  539. Hans Heinrich XIV, Bolko Graf von Hochberg - g eb wp
  540. Hans Heinrich XIV Hochberg - g eb wp
  541. Hans Heinrich Zielche - g eb wp
  542. Hans-Heinz Dräger - g eb wp
  543. Hansheinz Schneeberger - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  544. Hans Helm - g eb wp
  545. Hans Henkemans - g eb wp stub 03/20
  546. Hans Hergot - g eb wp
  547. Hans Hermann Nissen - g eb wp stub 03/20
  548. Hans Herrgott - g eb wp
  549. Hans Holẹwa - g eb wp
  550. Hans Jacob von Mailandt - g eb wp
  551. Hans Jacob Wecker - g eb wp
  552. Hans Jelmoli - g eb wp stub 03/20
  553. Hans Johann - g eb wp
  554. Hansjörg Pauli - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  555. Hans Judenkünig - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  556. Hans J. Zingel - g eb wp
  557. Hans Kaart - g eb wp
  558. Hans-Karsten Raecke - g eb wp
  559. Hans Kayser - g eb wp - landscaper, no music 03/20
  560. Hans Kennel - g eb wp
  561. Hans Klotz - g eb wp As of 4/08, rd to List of secondary characters in Code Lyoko (!)
  562. Hans Koch - g eb wp As of Dec 08, lawyer.
  563. Hans Kotter - g eb wp stub 03/20
  564. Hans Kox - g eb wp
  565. Hans Lüdemann - g eb wp - sailor, no music 03/20
  566. Hans Ludwig Schilling - g eb wp
  567. Hans-Martin Linde - g eb wp Stub 03/20
  568. Hans Matthias Hansen - g eb wp
  569. Hans Matthison-Hansen - g eb wp
  570. Hans Melchior Brugk - g eb wp
  571. Hans Mersmann
  572. Hans Mikkelsen Ravn - g eb wp
  573. Hans Moldenhauer - g eb wp - tennis, no music 03/20
  574. Hans Moritz Brühl - g eb wp
  575. Hans Murbach - g eb wp
  576. Hans Nathan - g eb wp
  577. Hans Nielsen (composer) - g eb wp stub 03/20
  578. Hans Oesch - g eb wp
  579. Hans Ott - g eb wp - olympian, no music 03/20
  580. Hans Ottel - g eb wp
  581. Hans Ottler - g eb wp
  582. Hans Otto - g eb wp - film director, no music 03/20
  583. Hans Peter Haller
  584. Hanspeter Krellmann - g eb wp
  585. Hans Peter Schanzlin - g eb wp
  586. Hans Pischner - g eb wp stub 03/20
  587. Hans Pole - g eb wp
  588. Hans Poser - g eb wp
  589. Hans Puchner - g eb wp
  590. Hans Rauch von Schratt - g eb wp
  591. Hans Reinmar - g eb wp
  592. Hans Roosenschoon - g eb wp
  593. Hans Rudolf Stalder - g eb wp
  594. Hans Schneider - g eb wp - dab, no music 03/20


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