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1001 to 1100

1001 – 1020

  1. Spell ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See I123: Incantation
  2. Jacob Hirsch Sperling ( JE | WP GWP G) Austrian teacher of religion at the Jewish school and the German gymnasium in Lemberg, where he was born in 1837; died Dec...
  3. Speyer ( JE | WP GWP G) Bishopric of Rhenish Bavaria. The first mention of a Jewish community in Speyer occurs during the episcopate of Bishop R&#252...
  4. Speyer ( JE | WP GWP G) German family doubtless deriving its name from the German city of Speyer. Members of it had settled in Frankfort-on-the-Main...
  5. Jacob Samuel Speyer ( JE | WP GWP G) Dutch philologist; born at Amsterdam Dec. 20, 1849. He studied at Amsterdam and at Leyden (Ph.D. 1872); and thereafter officiated...
  6. Spices ( JE | WP GWP G) Aromatic vegetable substances used in preparing food or in compounding salves or perfumes.With the exception of salt, no condiments...
  7. Max Spicker ( JE | WP GWP G) German musician; born at Königsberg, Prussia, Aug. 16, 1858. Educated at the Conservatorium, Leipsic, he in 1878 traveled...
  8. Spider ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See I151: Insects
  9. Frederick S Spiegel ( JE | WP GWP G) American jurist; born at Hovestadt, Westphalia, Prussia, Nov. 20, 1858. He attended the gymnasium at Paderborn, Westphalia...
  10. Sir Isidore Spielmann ( JE | WP GWP G) English engineer and communal worker; born in London July 21, 1854. He was trained as an engineer, but developed great interest...
  11. Marion H. Spielmann ( JE | WP GWP G) English author and art critic; born in London May 22, 1858; educated at University College School and University College,...
  12. Alfonso de Spina ( Espina) ( JE | WP GWP G) One of the most inveterate enemies of the Jews and of Judaism—to which he never belonged, despite the assertions of...
  13. Joel Elias Spingarn ( JE | WP GWP G) American educator; born in New York city May 17, 1875. He was graduated from Columbia University in 1895, and took postgraduate...
  14. Spinnholz [ de ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See M215: Marriage Ceremonies
  15. Spinning ( JE | WP GWP G) Spinning and weaving are arts of extreme antiquity, dating back even to prehistoric times. The Egyptians were especially expert...
  16. Baruch (Benedict de Spinoza) Spinoza ( JE | WP GWP G) Dutch philospher and Biblical critic; born at Amsterdam Nov. 24, 1632; died at the Hague Feb. 21, 1677. The family name is...
  17. Spira ( Spiro) >> Elijah Spira JE, Nathan Nata Spira REF:JE ( JE | WP GWP G) Family of scholars and rabbis of Speyer, Rhenish Bavaria, with numerous branches in other parts of Germany, and in Bohemia...
  18. Spirit ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See H865: Holy Spirit
  19. Conception of Spirits ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See D245: Demonology
  20. Joseph Moses Spiro ( JE | WP GWP G) Austrian rabbi and Talmudic author; born in Trietsch, Moravia, about 1770; died at Kanitz, Moravia, Aug. 3, 1830. He was educated...

1021 – 1040

  1. Abraham (Naphtali Hirsch) ben Moses ha-Levi Spitz ( JE | WP GWP G) Moravian rabbi; born about 1628; died at Worms in 1712. In 1663 he was appointed rabbi of a Moravian congregation, and in...
  2. Isaac (Eizig) Spitz ( JE | WP GWP G) Ab det din in Bunzlau, Bohemia; born 1764; died in Bunzlau May 6, 1842. He wrote "Mat'amme YizChak,"...
  3. Meïr b. Johanan Spitz ( JE | WP GWP G) Rabbi of Oronie, Hungary, in the eighteenth century. He wrote "Katit la-Ma'or," halakic novellæ to some Talmudic...
  4. Moritz Spitz ( JE | WP GWP G) American rabbi; born at Csaba, Hungary, Oct. 14, 1848. He was educated at the University of Prague, and received his rabbinical...
  5. Yom-Tob ben Isaac Spitz ( JE | WP GWP G) Teacher of Hebrew and German in the Jewish school of Prague during the first half of the nineteenth century. He was the author...
  6. Zebi Hirsch Spitz ( JE | WP GWP G) German author and Talmudist of the eighteenth century. He wrote "Dibre Ḥakamim we-Ḥidotam" (Offenbach, 1802),...
  7. Benjamin Solomon Spitzer ( JE | WP GWP G) Austrian rabbi and champion of Orthodoxy; died in Vienna, at an advanced age, Dec. 5, 1893. He was the son-in-law of R. Moses...
  8. Friedrich (Samuel) Spitzer ( JE | WP GWP G) French art collector and dealer; born in Presburg 1814; died in Paris 1890. He was the son of the official grave-digger of...
  9. Samuel Spitzer [ Wikidata ( JE | WP GWP G) Hungarian rabbi; born in 1839 at Keszthely, where his father was rabbi; died in 1896; a descendant of Yom-Tob Lipmann...
  10. Sigmund Spitzer [ Wikidata ( JE | WP GWP G) Austrian physician; born at Nikolsburg, Moravia, 1813; died at Vienna 1894. Two years after receiving his degree of doctor...
  11. Simon Spitzer ( JE | WP GWP G) Austrian mathematician; born at Vienna Feb. 3, 1826; died there April 2, 1887. He studied mathematics at the University of...
  12. Stacte ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See I125: Incense
  13. Stade ( JE | WP GWP G) City in the province of Hanover, Prussia. Its Jews are first mentioned in a charter granted them in 1349. In 1613 they received...
  14. Bernhard Stade ( JE | WP GWP G) German Protestant Hebraist and historian of Israel; born in Arnstadt May 11, 1848. He became privat-docent in the University...
  15. Joseph Stadthagen [ fr ( JE | WP GWP G) German rabbi, apologist, and author; died at Stadthagen Sept. 5, 1715; son of Samson of Metz, where his grandfather Joseph...
  16. Staff ( JE | WP GWP G) Herodotus (i. 195) and Strabo (xvi. 746) assert that among the Babylonians every man carried a ring and a staff, which latter...
  17. Friedrich Julius Stahl ( JE | WP GWP G) German jurist and publicist; born at Munich Jan. 16, 1802; died at Brückenau Aug. 10, 1861. In his eighteenth year he...
  18. Wilhelm Stahl [ de ( JE | WP GWP G) German economist; born at Munich June 2, 1812; died at Giessen March 19, 1873. While still very young he lost both parents...
  19. Standard ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See F192: Flag
  20. Simon Judah Stanislavski [ he ( JE | WP GWP G) Russian author and journalist; born at Nikopol, Yekaterinoslav, Russia, Dec. 18, 1850; son of Moses Stanislavski, a wealthy...

1041 – 1060

  1. Joseph Stans ibn Abitur ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See A334: Abitur, Joseph ben Isaac ben Stans ibn
  2. Star-worship ( JE | WP GWP G) This is perhaps the oldest form of idolatry practised by the ancients. According to Wisdom xiii. 2, the observation of the...
  3. Starokonstantinov ( JE | WP GWP G) City in the government of Volhynia, Russia. Jews seem to have settled in this city soon after it was founded, for during the...
  4. Statistics >> Historical Jewish population comparisons JE ( JE | WP GWP G) As referring to Jews, statistics deal mainly with populations, their ages and distribution, Migration, Morbidity, Mortality...
  5. Stature ( JE | WP GWP G) Natural height of man. The stature of the Jews is a racial characteristic which has been thoroughly investigated in various...
  6. Statutes ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See L106: Law, Civil
  7. Hermann Staub [ de ( JE | WP GWP G) German jurist; born at Nikolai, Upper Silesia, March 21, 1856. After having studied for some time at the gymnasium at Beuthen...
  8. Daniel Stauber ( JE | WP GWP G) See Widal, A.
  9. Joseph Abraham Steblicki ( Seblitzky) JE ( JE | WP GWP G) German convert to Judaism; son of a Catholic butcher; born at Nikolai, Upper Silesia, about 1726; died there May 16, 1807...
  10. Alfred Steckler ( JE | WP GWP G) American jurist; born in New York city Dec. 18, 1856. He was educated in the public schools of New York city and at Columbia...
  11. Steiger ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See M1022: Music, Synagogal
  12. Abraham Stein [ de ( JE | WP GWP G) German rabbi; born at Wanfried, Prussia, Jan. 13, 1818; died at Prague Sept. 18, 1884; studied at the Teachers' Seminary...
  13. Leopold Stein ( JE | WP GWP G) German rabbi; born in Burgpreppach Nov. 3, 1810; died at Frankfort-on-the-Main Dec. 2, 1882. After finishing his earlier education...
  14. Ludwig Stein [ de ( JE | WP GWP G) Hungarian philosopher; born at Erdö-Benye, Hungary, Nov. 12, 1859; educated at the gymnasia of Papa, Saros-Potak, and...
  15. Marc Aurel Stein ( JE | WP GWP G) Hungarian Orientalist and archeologist; born at Budapest in 1862; educated at Vienna, Tübingen, Oxford, and London. In...
  16. Philip Stein ( JE | WP GWP G) American jurist; born at Steele, Rhenish Prussia, March 12, 1844. He emigrated to the United States in 1854, and was educated...
  17. Philipp Stein [ Wikidata ( JE | WP GWP G) German author; born Dec. 3, 1853, at Königsberg. In 1864 his parents removed with him to Berlin. The death of his father...
  18. Stein-am-Anger JE ( JE | WP GWP G) Town in Hungary. Although now one of the largest and most important in the country, the Jewish community of Stein-am-Anger...
  19. Emil Steinbach ( JE | WP GWP G) Austrian statesman; born at Vienna June 11, 1846. After graduating from the Vienna University (LL.D.) he established himself...
  20. Josef Steinbach ( JE | WP GWP G) Austrian physician; born at Fünfkirchen, Hungary, Jan. 3, 1850. Educated at the gymnasium of his native town and at the...

1061 – 1080

  1. Joshua Steinberg JE ( JE | WP GWP G) Russian writer and educator; born in Wilna 1839. He was graduated from the rabbinical school of his native city, and then...
  2. Samuel Steinberg [ de; cs ( JE | WP GWP G) Hungarian historian; born at Güssing, Hungary, Dec. 16, 1857. He received his education at Gratz (Ph.D. 1882; LL.D. 1894)...
  3. Georg Steindorff ( JE | WP GWP G) German Egyptologist; born at Dessau Nov. 12, 1861. He studied Oriental languages at Leipsic and Berlin, was appointed privat-docent...
  4. Kilian von Steiner ( JE | WP GWP G) German financier; born at Laupheim in 1835; died at Stuttgart Sept. 24, 1903. At first attorney at law, he rose to the leadership...
  5. Emanuel Steinfeld [ Wikidata ( JE | WP GWP G) Australian statesman; born at Neisse, Silesia, in 1827; died at Melbourne May 6, 1893. He attended the College of Brieg, and...
  6. Joseph b. Menahem Mendel Steinhardt JE ( JE | WP GWP G) German rabbi; born about 1720; died at Fürth in 1776; lived in early manhood at Schwabach in Bavaria. His first incumbency...
  7. Mendel Steinhardt [ he ( JE | WP GWP G) German rabbi and scholar of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries; held the rabbinate of Minden. When the consistory of...
  8. Solomon Ludwig (Levy) Steinheim JE ( JE | WP GWP G) German physician, poet, and philosopher; born Aug. 6, 1789, in Altona (according to some authorities, in Bruchhausen, Westphalia)...
  9. Clara Steinitz ( JE | WP GWP G) German authoress; born at Kobylin April 16, 1852. She was educated at Halle-on-the-Saale, and in 1873 married Siegfried Heinrich...
  10. Wilhelm Steinitz ( JE | WP GWP G) Chess champion of the world from 1866 to 1894; born at Prague, Bohemia, May 17, 1836; died, insane, on Wards Island, New York...
  11. Moritz Steinschneider JE ( JE | WP GWP G) Austrian bibliographer and Orientalist; born at Prossnitz, Moravia, March 30, 1816. He received his early instruction in Hebrew...
  12. Hermann (Heyman) Steinthal JE ( JE | WP GWP G) German philologist and philosopher; born at Gröbzig, Anhalt, May 16, 1823; died at Berlin March 14, 1899. He studied...
  13. Moritz Steinthal ( JE | WP GWP G) German physician; born at Stendal Oct. 22, 1798; died at Berlin May 8, 1892. He studied at the University of Berlin (M. D...
  14. Stephen ( JE | WP GWP G) Hellenist Jewish convert to Christianity who, according to tradition, was martyred at Jerusalem Dec. 26, in the year 29 C...
  15. Abraham Stern UNR ( JE | WP GWP G) Polish inventor and educator; born at Hrubieszow, government of Lublin, 1769; died at Warsaw Feb. 3, 1842. He was the son...
  16. Adolf Stern ( JE | WP GWP G) German poet and historian of literature; born at Leipsic June 14, 1835. He studied philosophy and history at Leipsic and Jena...
  17. Albert Stern ( Szterényi) ( JE | WP GWP G) Hungarian rabbi; born at Nagy-Kanizsa in 1826; died in the insane asylum at Ofen June 16, 1888; educated at Presburg and Ofen...
  18. Alfred Stern ( JE | WP GWP G) German historian; born Nov. 22, 1846, at Göttingen, where his father, Moriz Abraham Stern (1807-94), was professor of...
  19. Basilius Stern [ de; he ( JE | WP GWP G) Russian educator; born at Tarnopol, Galicia, in 1798; died at Odessa March 15, 1853. He received a thorough Talmudic education...
  20. David de Stern, ( Viscount Stern) ( JE | WP GWP G) English banker; born in Frankfort-on-the-Main; died in London Jan. 19, 1877. He was a member of a prominent family descendants...

1081 – 1100

  1. Henry Abraham Stern ( JE | WP GWP G) Christian missionary; born at Unterreichenbach, Hesse-Cassel, April 11, 1820; died in London May 13, 1885. He obtained his...
  2. Baron Hermann de Stern ( JE | WP GWP G) English financier; born in Frankfort-on-the-Main in 1815; died in London Oct. 20, 1887. Together with his brother David de...
  3. Julius Stern JE ( JE | WP GWP G) German musician; born at Breslau Aug. 8, 1820; died at Berlin Feb. 27, 1883. He received his elementary education in music...
  4. Karoline Stern ( JE | WP GWP G) German prima donna; born at Mayence April 10, 1800; date of death unknown. She studied first under her father, a violinist...
  5. Louis Stern ( JE | WP GWP G) American merchant and politician; born at Ziegenhain, Hesse-Cassel, Germany, Feb. 22, 1847. Together with his parents he emigrated...
  6. Louis William Stern ( JE | WP GWP G) German psychologist; born in Berlin April 29, 1871; educated at the Kölnische Gymnasium and at the university of his...
  7. Max Emanuel (Mendel Bri Stern) Stern ( JE | WP GWP G) Hungarian Hebraist; born at Presburg Nov. 9. 1811; died at Vienna Feb. 9, 1873. He studied under his father, who was a teacher...
  8. Moriz Abraham Stern ( JE | WP GWP G) German mathematician; born at Frankfort-on-the-Main June 29, 1807; died at Bern, Switzerland, Jan. 30, 1894. He studied philology...
  9. Samuel Stern ( JE | WP GWP G) Hungarian physician; born at Halas, Hungary, Sept. 16, 1839; educated at the universities of Prague and Vienna (M. D. 1858)...
  10. Simon Adler Stern [ Wikidata ( JE | WP GWP G) American author, editor, and critic; born in Philadelphia 1838; died May 2, 1904. As a boy he displayed marked talent as a...
  11. Victor Stern ( JE | WP GWP G) Austrian dramatist; born at Vienna May 5, 1837. After a brief experience in commercial life he turned to literature, receiving...
  12. Wilhelm Stern ( JE | WP GWP G) German physician and philosophical writer; born at Sandberg, Posen, Aug. 11, 1844; son of a rabbi. From 1860 to 1865 he attended...
  13. Sternberg ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See M319: Mecklenburg
  14. Simon Sterne ( JE | WP GWP G) American lawyer; born in Philadelphia July 23, 1839; died in New York Sept. 22, 1901. He was educated in the public schools...
  15. Albert Edward Sterner ( JE | WP GWP G) English artist; born in London March 8, 1863. He studied at Julien's Académie and the Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris...
  16. Julius Stettenheim ( JE | WP GWP G) German humorist; born at Hamburg Nov. 2, 1831. He at first pursued a commercial career, but went in 1857 to Berlin, where...
  17. Stettin ( JE | WP GWP G) District of Pomerania, with its capital of the same name. On Dec. 2, 1261, Duke Barnim I. of Pomerania ordered that the Jews...
  18. Wilhelm Stiassny ( JE | WP GWP G) Austrian architect; born in Vienna Oct. 15, 1842. He was graduated from the Vienna Polytechnic in 1861, and thereupon studied...
  19. Heinrich Stieglitz [ de ( JE | WP GWP G) German writer; born at Arolsen, Waldeck, Feb. 22, 1801; died at Venice Aug. 23, 1849. He was educated at the universities...
  20. Julius Oscar Stieglitz ( JE | WP GWP G) American chemist; born at Hoboken, N. J., May 26, 1867; educated in the public schools of New York, the real-gymnasium of...

1101 to 1200

1101 – 1120

  1. Ludwig von Stieglitz ( JE | WP GWP G) Russian banker; born in Arolsen, Waldeck, Germany, in 1778; died at St. Petersburg March 18, 1843. He emigrated to Russia...
  2. Josef Stier [ de ( JE | WP GWP G) Hungarian rabbi; born at Neustadt-on-the-Waag, Hungary, April 12, 1844. He was educated at the gymnasium and Talmud Torah...
  3. Bertalan Stiller [ hu ( JE | WP GWP G) Hungarian physician; born at Miskolez June 23, 1837; studied at Budapest and Vienna (M.D. 1863). In 1864 he was appointed...
  4. Benedikt Stilling ( JE | WP GWP G) German anatomist and surgeon; born at Kirchhayn, Hesse, Feb. 22, 1810; died at Cassel Jan. 28, 1879. He studied at the University...
  5. Jakob Stilling ( JE | WP GWP G) German ophthalmologist; born at Cassel Sept. 22, 1842; son of Benedikt Stilling. He studied at the universities of Marburg...
  6. Johann Ernst Otto Stobbe ( JE | WP GWP G) Christian historian of the Jews; born at Königsberg, East Prussia, June 28, 1831; died at Leipsic May 19, 1887. He studied...
  7. Stock Exchange ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See F142: Finance
  8. Adolf Stöcker ( JE | WP GWP G) German Protestant theologian, politician, and anti-Semitic agitator; born at Halberstadt Dec. 11, 1835. He studied at the...
  9. Madame Stöckl ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See H541: Heinefetter, Klara
  10. Barend Joseph Stokvis ( JE | WP GWP G) Dutch physician; born at Amsterdam Aug. 16, 1834; died Sept. 28, 1902; son of the physician J. B. Stokvis (1808-87). He studied...
  11. Stone and Stone-worship ( JE | WP GWP G) Sacred stones are mentioned with great frequency in the Old Testament; they were erected by Jacob at Beth-el (Gen. xxviii...
  12. Precious Stones ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See G131: Gems
  13. Stoning ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See C128: Capital Punishment
  14. Stork ( JE | WP GWP G) Unclean bird (Lev. xi. 19; Deut. xiv. 18). The name (comp. Latin, "pia avis") alludes to the filial piety and devotion attributed...
  15. Karl Störk ( JE | WP GWP G) Austrian laryngologist; born at Ofen, Hungary, Sept. 17, 1832; died at Vienna Sept. 13, 1899. He studied at the universities...
  16. Hermann Leberecht Strack JE ( JE | WP GWP G) German Protestant theologian and Orientalist; born at Berlin May 6, 1848. Since 1877 he has been assistant professor of Old...
  17. Alexander Strakosch [ de ( JE | WP GWP G) Hungarian actor and dramatic teacher; born at Sebes, near Eperies, Hungary, Dec. 3, 1845. After a brief trial of commercial...
  18. Moritz Strakosch ( JE | WP GWP G) Austrian pianist, singer, and impresario; born at Brünn, Austria, 1825; died at Paris Oct. 9, 1887. He made his first...
  19. Stranger ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See G142: Gentile
  20. Strangulation ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See C128: Capital Punishment

1121 – 1140

  1. Strasburg ( JE | WP GWP G) German commercial and fortified city in the province of Alsace-Lorraine. Legend relates that after the destruction of the...
  2. Mathias Strashun ( JE | WP GWP G) Russian Talmudist and writer; born in Wilna Oct. 1, 1817; died Dec. 13, 1885. He studied under Manasseh of Ilye and Isaac...
  3. Samuel b. Joseph Strashun JE ( JE | WP GWP G) Russian Talmudist; born in Zaskevich, government of Wilna, 1794; died in Wilna March 21, 1872. He was educated by his father...
  4. Straus ( JE | WP GWP G) American family, originally from Otterberg, in the Rhenish Palatinate. The earliest member known was one Lazarus, born in...
  5. Ludwig Straus ( JE | WP GWP G) Hungarian violinist; born at Presburg March 28, 1835; studied under Hellmesberger and Joseph Böhm (violin), and under...
  6. Adolf Strauss ( JE | WP GWP G) Hungarian geographer and ethnologist; born at Cece, Hungary, May 15, 1853; educated at Fehervar and Budapest; in the latter...
  7. Charles Strauss ( JE | WP GWP G) French jurist and politician; born at Gundershoffen, Lower Alsace, Oct. 14, 1834. He was graduated from the law school of...
  8. Gustave Louis Maurice Strauss [ Wikidata ( JE | WP GWP G) British author; born at Trois-Rivières, Canada, 1807; died at Teddington, England, Sept. 2, 1887; educated at Linden...
  9. Joseph Strauss ( JE | WP GWP G) English rabbi; born in Germany 1848; educated at the Royal Gymnasium at Stuttgart, and at the universities of Würzburg...
  10. Paul Strauss ( JE | WP GWP G) French senator; born at Rongchamp, Haute-Saône, Sept. 23, 1852. He studied at Paris, and was graduated from the Faculty...
  11. Street ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See W60: Way
  12. Mordecai ben David Strelisker ( JE | WP GWP G) Cantor in the synagogue of Mihăilenĭ in Rumania; born in Brody, Galicia, 1809; died Sept., 1875. He spent his youth...
  13. Strelitz ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See M319: Mecklenburg
  14. Salomon Stricker ( JE | WP GWP G) Austrian pathologist; born at Waag-Neustadt, Hungary, 1834; died at Vienna April 2, 1898. He received his education at the...
  15. Stripes ( JE | WP GWP G) the only corporal punishment named in the Pentateuch is that of stripes; and the limitations put upon the judges are that...
  16. Eliezer Strischow ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See F170: Fischel, Eliezer b. Isaac
  17. Strophic Forms in the Old Testament ( JE | WP GWP G) the strophe may be defined as a union of several lines into one rhythmic whole. Certain evidence points to the occurrence...
  18. Bethel Henry (Baruch Hirsch) Strousberg ( JE | WP GWP G) German railway contractor; born at Neidenburg, East Prussia, Nov. 20, 1823; died at Berlin June 1, 1884. After an unsuccessful...
  19. Myer (Meyer Strauss) Strouse ( JE | WP GWP G) American lawyer and politician; born in Germany Dec. 16, 1825. In 1832 his parents emigrated to the United States and settled...
  20. Hermann Struck ( JE | WP GWP G) German painter; born at Berlin March 6, 1876. He was originally destined for a rabbinical career, but soon showed marked talent...

1141 – 1160

  1. Moses Studenzki ( JE | WP GWP G) Polish physician; born in the early part of the nineteenth century at Zbarasz, Galicia, where his father, Aaron Polak, was...
  2. Stuhlweissenburg ( JE | WP GWP G) Coronation city of the Hungarian kings from the time of St. Stephen to 1527. As early as the fourteenth century it contained...
  3. Stuttgart ( JE | WP GWP G) German city, and capital of the kingdom of Württemberg. The first historical mention of Stuttgart dates from the administration...
  4. Styria ( JE | WP GWP G) Austrian province. The first documentary mention of Jews in Styria occurs in connection with the village of Judenburg under...
  5. Suasso ( JE | WP GWP G) Spanish family, with branches in Holland and England. The following are the more important members (in chronological order):...
  6. Subbotniki JE ( JE | WP GWP G) One of the Russian rationalistic bodies known under the general name of "Judaizing sects" (see Judaizing Heresy). On the whole...
  7. Subpoena ( JE | WP GWP G) in English law, a writ which commands witnesses to come into court and to give testimony. Scripture (Lev. v. 1) makes it the...
  8. Subscription ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See S704: Signature
  9. Succoth ( JE | WP GWP G) the first stopping-place of the Israelites on their way out of Egypt (Ex. xii. 37, xiii. 20; Num. xxxiii. 5 et seq.); probably...
  10. Mordecai Suchostaver ( JE | WP GWP G) Galician adherent of the Haskalah, and teacher of philosophy at the rabbinical seminary of Jitomir, Russia; born near Brody...
  11. Sufism ( JE | WP GWP G) the mystic and ascetic doctrines of the Mohammedan sect of the Sufis, whose name is derived from the Arabic noun "ṣuf"...
  12. Suicide ( JE | WP GWP G) the influence of race on the frequency of suicide is evident from statistics giving the rates of mortality from this cause...
  13. Sukkah ( JE | WP GWP G) Treatise in the Mishnah, the Tosefta, and both Talmudim, dealing chiefly with the regulations regarding the Feast of Tabernacles...
  14. Feast of Sukkot ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See T4: Tabernacles, Feast of
  15. Sulamith ( JE | WP GWP G) First Jewish monthly magazine in the German language, its subtitle being "Eine Zeitschrift für Beförderung der Kultur...
  16. Sara Copia (Coppio) Sullam ( JE | WP GWP G) Italian poetess; born in Venice 1592; died there Adar 5 (Feb. 14); 1641; eldest daughter of Simon and Rebecca Coppio. Her...
  17. Mordecai Sultansky JE ( JE | WP GWP G) Karaite Chakam; born at Lutzk in 1785; died at Eupatoria, in the Crimea, before 1878. He was one of the most prominent...
  18. Louis Sulzbacher ( JE | WP GWP G) American jurist; born in the Rhenish Palatinate, Germany, May 10, 1842. He was educated in Germany, but later emigrated to...
  19. Sulzberger >> Mayer Sulzberger JE ( JE | WP GWP G) American family which derived its name from the town of its origin, Sulzbürg, near Ratisbon, in the Bavarian Palatinate...

1161 – 1180

  1. Salomon Sulzer JE ( JE | WP GWP G) Austrian cantor and composer; born at Hohenems, Tyrol, March 30, 1804; died at Vienna Jan. 17, 1890. His family, which prior...
  2. Summons ( JE | WP GWP G) Writ, process, or order sent by the court messenger ("shelucha di-rabbanan," or "sheluach bet din"), and commanding...
  3. Sumptuary Laws ( JE | WP GWP G) Laws that restrict individual expenditures as to food, clothing, etc. In the Mishnah several expensive customs are abolished...
  4. Sun ( JE | WP GWP G) the conceptions of the Hebrews with regard to physical phenomena were those that obtained among their neighbors, the sun being...
  5. Blessing of the sun ( JE | WP GWP G) Formula of benediction recited on the day when the sun enters upon a new cycle, which occurs on the first Wednesday of Nisan...
  6. Rising and setting of the sun ( JE | WP GWP G) in order to fix the beginning and ending of the Sabbath-day and festivals and to determine the precise hour for certain religious...
  7. Sunday and Sabbath ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See S17: Sabbath and Sunday
  8. Zebi Hirsch ben Enoch Sundeles ( JE | WP GWP G) Polish scholar of the sixteenth century. He published the following works: "Tefillot mi-Kol ha-Shanah" (Lublin, 1571; Cracow...
  9. Sunnah ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See H43: Ḥadith
  10. Supercommentaries ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See B1029: Bible Exegesis
  11. Superstition ( JE | WP GWP G) That views and practises borrowed from paganism and not in accord with the monotheistic belief of Israel—as, for instance...
  12. Support ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See H986: Husband and Wife
  13. Sura ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See B51: Babylon
  14. Suretyship ( JE | WP GWP G) the liability, contract, or undertaking of one who becomes a surety. Reference to a surety occurs only once in the Pentateuch...
  15. Surinam ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See W137: West Indies
  16. Surnames ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See N51: Names
  17. Susa ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See S672: Shushan
  18. The History of Susanna ( JE | WP GWP G) One of the books of the Protestant Apocrypha; entitled in some manuscripts "The Judgment of Daniel." the Greek text is extant...
  19. Alexander Suslin ha-Kohen ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See A1155: Alexander Suslin
  20. Suspended letters ( JE | WP GWP G) There are four suspended or elevated ("teluyah") letters in the Hebrew Bible: (1) the "nun" in , in Judges xviii. 30; (2)...

1181 – 1200

  1. Alexander b. Moses Süsskind ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See A1156: Alexander Süsskind b. Moses
  2. Alexander b. Samuel Süsskind ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See A1158: Alexander Süsskind b. Samuel
  3. Alexander b. Solomon Wimpfen Süsskind ( JE | WP GWP G) Wealthy citizen of Frankfort-on-the-Main, and a resident of Worms in the second half of the thirteenth century; died on the...
  4. Süsskind (Suezkint) of Trimberg JE ( JE | WP GWP G) German minnesinger; flourished in the second half of the thirteenth century, or, according to Graetz, about 1200. He is called...
  5. Abraham ben Joseph Sussmann ( JE | WP GWP G) Shocheṭ in London in the first half of the nineteenth century. He wrote a commentary on Yoreh De'ah in four...
  6. Eliezer Sussmann ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See R339: Roedelsheim, Eleazar Sussmann b. Isaac
  7. Ezra ben Jekuthiel Sussmann ( JE | WP GWP G) Polish scholar of the eighteenth century. He was the author of "Ḥoshen Yeshu'ot" (Minsk, 1802), a commentary on...
  8. Löb ben Moses Sussmann ( JE | WP GWP G) Printer of the eighteenth century. In 1750 he established a Hebrew press in the printing-office of Johann Jansen in Amsterdam...
  9. Shabbethai ben Eliezer Sussmann ( JE | WP GWP G) Scholar of the eighteenth century. He compiled under the title "Me'ir Natib" (Altona, 1793-1802) a general index, in three...
  10. Abraham Sutro [ de ( JE | WP GWP G) German rabbi; born at Brück, near Erlangen, July 5, 1784; died at Münster Oct. 10, 1869. He studied in the yeshibot...
  11. Adolph Heinrich Joseph Sutro ( JE | WP GWP G) in 1879 Sutro sold his interest in the company and returned to San Francisco, where, during the Kearny riots and sand-lot...
  12. Alfred Sutro JE ( JE | WP GWP G) English author and dramatist; born in London about 1870; educated at the City of London School and in Brussels. He began his...
  13. Theodore Sutro [ Wikidata ( JE | WP GWP G) American lawyer; born at Aix-la-Chapelle, Prussia, March 14, 1845. When only five years of age he emigrated with his parents...
  14. Karl Sváb ( JE | WP GWP G) Hungarian landed proprietor, and member of the Hungarian Upper House; born at Csongrad in 1829; educated at the real-school...
  15. Sviit ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See P199: Periodicals
  16. Swallow ( JE | WP GWP G) Rendering in the English versions for "deror" (Ps. lxxxiv. 4 [A. V. 3]; Prov. xxvi. 2) and for "sus" or "sis" (Isa. xxxviii...
  17. Swan ( JE | WP GWP G) the rendering of the Authorized Version for "tinshemet" (Lev. xi. 18; Deut. xiv. 16). The Revised Version, more correctly...
  18. Swaying the body ( JE | WP GWP G) the habit of swaying the body during study and prayer has been peculiar to the Jews from very early times, and it is one still...
  19. Sweden >> History of the Jews in Sweden JE ( JE | WP GWP G) Kingdom of northern Europe. The existence of Jews in Sweden in the seventeenth century is vouched for by church records at...
  20. Swine ( JE | WP GWP G) Rendering in the English versions of the Hebrew "Chazir." the swine is enumerated among the unclean animals (Lev. xi...

1201 to 1300

1201 – 1220

  1. Switzerland ( JE | WP GWP G) Republic of central Europe. Jews were living at Basel as early as 1213, and ten years later the church chattels were pawned...
  2. Sword ( JE | WP GWP G) the sword hung at the hip from a sword-belt (I Sam. xvii. 39; xxv. 13; II Sam. xx. 8), probably on the left side, Judges iii...
  3. Sycamore ( JE | WP GWP G) A medium-sized bushy tree of Syria and Egypt, allied to the common fig. It is often mentioned in the Bible (Amos vii. 14;...
  4. Sydney ( JE | WP GWP G) Capital of New South Wales, Australia. Its congregation dates from 1817, when about a score of Jews formed a Chebra &#7731...
  5. Syene ( JE | WP GWP G) Ancient city of Egypt on the Ethiopian frontier in the Thebaid; situated on the eastern bank of the Nile, equidistant from...
  6. James Joseph Sylvester ( JE | WP GWP G) English mathematician and Savilian professor of geometry in the University of Oxford; born in London Sept. 3, 1814; died there...
  7. Symbol ( JE | WP GWP G) A visible representation of an object or an idea. In Hebrew the word denoting symbol is "ot," which in early Judaism denoted...
  8. Symmachus ( JE | WP GWP G) Translator of the Bible into Greek; flourished at the end of the second or the beginning of the third century of the common...
  9. Synagogal Music JE ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See M1022: Music, Synagogal
  10. Die Synagoge ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See P199: Periodicals
  11. Das Synagogenblatt ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See P199: Periodicals
  12. Synagogue ( JE | WP GWP G) the origin of the synagogue, in which the congregation gathered to worship and to receive the religious instruction connected...
  13. Synagogue Architecture JE ( JE | WP GWP G) Ancient Jewish art is mainly represented by the Temple and its fittings, of which all that is left to contemplate is the lower...
  14. The Great Synagogue ( JE | WP GWP G) the members of the Great Synagogue, or the Great Assembly, are designated in the Mishnah (Ab. i. 1) as those representatives...
  15. Synod ( JE | WP GWP G) Representative council, composed of rabbis and laymen, and convened to deliberate upon and determine points of Jewish doctrine...
  16. Synod of Four Countries ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See C828: Council of Four Lands
  17. The Great Synod ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See S1214: Synagogue, The Great
  18. Synod of Usha EL:JE ( JE | WP GWP G) in the middle of the second century C.E. an important synod of rabbinical authorities was convened in the Galilean city of...
  19. Syracuse, New York ( JE | WP GWP G) City in the state of New York; situated on Lake Onondaga. The first settlement of Jews in Syracuse dates back to 1839, when...
  20. Syria >> History of the Jews in Syria JE ( JE | WP GWP G) Country in Asiatic Turkey. The terms "Syria" and "Syrians" do not occur in Hebrew; they are found first in the Greek period...

1221 – 1240

  1. Maximilian (Meyer-Jehudah) Syrkin [ Wikidata ( JE | WP GWP G) Russian jurist and editor; born at Ponjewezh, government of Kovno, Oct. 27, 1858; a descendant of the family of Joel Sirkes...
  2. Syzygies ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See C1: Cabala
  3. Max Szabolcsi [ hu; he ( JE | WP GWP G) Hungarian author; born at Tura Aug. 27, 1857. In his youth he studied Talmud, and for a short time attended the rabbinical...
  4. Szanto ( Abauj-Szanto) ( JE | WP GWP G) Town of Hungary, on the slope of the hills of Tokay. Its Jewish community is one of the oldest in the country. Its age is...
  5. Emil Szanto ( JE | WP GWP G) Austrian philologist; born at Vienna Nov. 22, 1857; died there Dec. 14, 1904; son of Simon Szanto. He studied at the University...
  6. Simon Szanto [ Wikidata ( JE | WP GWP G) Hungarian journalist; born at Nagy-Kanizsa, Hungary, Aug. 23, 1819; died in Vienna Jan. 17, 1882. He was a son of Rabbi Me&#239...
  7. Szegedin ( JE | WP GWP G) Town of central Hungary. Jews are mentioned there as tax-farmers during the Turkish rule in Hungary (1552). When the Turks...
  8. Philip Szenes [ hu; he ( JE | WP GWP G) Hungarian painter; born at Török Szent Miklos in 1864. After studying at the technical school at Budapest, he devoted...
  9. Emerich Szerencsés ( Fortunatus) ( JE | WP GWP G) Hungarian deputy treasurer; died Aug., 1526. As a married man he had had illicit intercourse with a Christian woman, and when...
  10. Moriz Szilasi [ hu; he ( JE | WP GWP G) Hungarian philologist; born 1854; died at Klausenburg, Hungary, May 15, 1905. He studied philology at Budapest and Leipsic...
  11. Adolf Szili [ hu ( JE | WP GWP G) Hungarian ophthalmologist; born at Budapest in 1848; educated at Vienna (M.D. 1872). In 1874 he went to Budapest, where he...
  12. Benjamin Szold ( JE | WP GWP G) American rabbi and scholar; a leader of the conservative wing of the Reform movement in America; born at Nemiskert, county...
  13. Henrietta Szold ( JE | WP GWP G) Eldest daughter of Benjamin Szold; born at Baltimore, Md. Since 1893 she has been secretary of the literary committee of the...
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1001 to 1100

1001 – 1020

  1. Spell ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See I123: Incantation
  2. Jacob Hirsch Sperling ( JE | WP GWP G) Austrian teacher of religion at the Jewish school and the German gymnasium in Lemberg, where he was born in 1837; died Dec...
  3. Speyer ( JE | WP GWP G) Bishopric of Rhenish Bavaria. The first mention of a Jewish community in Speyer occurs during the episcopate of Bishop R&#252...
  4. Speyer ( JE | WP GWP G) German family doubtless deriving its name from the German city of Speyer. Members of it had settled in Frankfort-on-the-Main...
  5. Jacob Samuel Speyer ( JE | WP GWP G) Dutch philologist; born at Amsterdam Dec. 20, 1849. He studied at Amsterdam and at Leyden (Ph.D. 1872); and thereafter officiated...
  6. Spices ( JE | WP GWP G) Aromatic vegetable substances used in preparing food or in compounding salves or perfumes.With the exception of salt, no condiments...
  7. Max Spicker ( JE | WP GWP G) German musician; born at Königsberg, Prussia, Aug. 16, 1858. Educated at the Conservatorium, Leipsic, he in 1878 traveled...
  8. Spider ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See I151: Insects
  9. Frederick S Spiegel ( JE | WP GWP G) American jurist; born at Hovestadt, Westphalia, Prussia, Nov. 20, 1858. He attended the gymnasium at Paderborn, Westphalia...
  10. Sir Isidore Spielmann ( JE | WP GWP G) English engineer and communal worker; born in London July 21, 1854. He was trained as an engineer, but developed great interest...
  11. Marion H. Spielmann ( JE | WP GWP G) English author and art critic; born in London May 22, 1858; educated at University College School and University College,...
  12. Alfonso de Spina ( Espina) ( JE | WP GWP G) One of the most inveterate enemies of the Jews and of Judaism—to which he never belonged, despite the assertions of...
  13. Joel Elias Spingarn ( JE | WP GWP G) American educator; born in New York city May 17, 1875. He was graduated from Columbia University in 1895, and took postgraduate...
  14. Spinnholz [ de ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See M215: Marriage Ceremonies
  15. Spinning ( JE | WP GWP G) Spinning and weaving are arts of extreme antiquity, dating back even to prehistoric times. The Egyptians were especially expert...
  16. Baruch (Benedict de Spinoza) Spinoza ( JE | WP GWP G) Dutch philospher and Biblical critic; born at Amsterdam Nov. 24, 1632; died at the Hague Feb. 21, 1677. The family name is...
  17. Spira ( Spiro) >> Elijah Spira JE, Nathan Nata Spira REF:JE ( JE | WP GWP G) Family of scholars and rabbis of Speyer, Rhenish Bavaria, with numerous branches in other parts of Germany, and in Bohemia...
  18. Spirit ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See H865: Holy Spirit
  19. Conception of Spirits ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See D245: Demonology
  20. Joseph Moses Spiro ( JE | WP GWP G) Austrian rabbi and Talmudic author; born in Trietsch, Moravia, about 1770; died at Kanitz, Moravia, Aug. 3, 1830. He was educated...

1021 – 1040

  1. Abraham (Naphtali Hirsch) ben Moses ha-Levi Spitz ( JE | WP GWP G) Moravian rabbi; born about 1628; died at Worms in 1712. In 1663 he was appointed rabbi of a Moravian congregation, and in...
  2. Isaac (Eizig) Spitz ( JE | WP GWP G) Ab det din in Bunzlau, Bohemia; born 1764; died in Bunzlau May 6, 1842. He wrote "Mat'amme YizChak,"...
  3. Meïr b. Johanan Spitz ( JE | WP GWP G) Rabbi of Oronie, Hungary, in the eighteenth century. He wrote "Katit la-Ma'or," halakic novellæ to some Talmudic...
  4. Moritz Spitz ( JE | WP GWP G) American rabbi; born at Csaba, Hungary, Oct. 14, 1848. He was educated at the University of Prague, and received his rabbinical...
  5. Yom-Tob ben Isaac Spitz ( JE | WP GWP G) Teacher of Hebrew and German in the Jewish school of Prague during the first half of the nineteenth century. He was the author...
  6. Zebi Hirsch Spitz ( JE | WP GWP G) German author and Talmudist of the eighteenth century. He wrote "Dibre Ḥakamim we-Ḥidotam" (Offenbach, 1802),...
  7. Benjamin Solomon Spitzer ( JE | WP GWP G) Austrian rabbi and champion of Orthodoxy; died in Vienna, at an advanced age, Dec. 5, 1893. He was the son-in-law of R. Moses...
  8. Friedrich (Samuel) Spitzer ( JE | WP GWP G) French art collector and dealer; born in Presburg 1814; died in Paris 1890. He was the son of the official grave-digger of...
  9. Samuel Spitzer [ Wikidata ( JE | WP GWP G) Hungarian rabbi; born in 1839 at Keszthely, where his father was rabbi; died in 1896; a descendant of Yom-Tob Lipmann...
  10. Sigmund Spitzer [ Wikidata ( JE | WP GWP G) Austrian physician; born at Nikolsburg, Moravia, 1813; died at Vienna 1894. Two years after receiving his degree of doctor...
  11. Simon Spitzer ( JE | WP GWP G) Austrian mathematician; born at Vienna Feb. 3, 1826; died there April 2, 1887. He studied mathematics at the University of...
  12. Stacte ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See I125: Incense
  13. Stade ( JE | WP GWP G) City in the province of Hanover, Prussia. Its Jews are first mentioned in a charter granted them in 1349. In 1613 they received...
  14. Bernhard Stade ( JE | WP GWP G) German Protestant Hebraist and historian of Israel; born in Arnstadt May 11, 1848. He became privat-docent in the University...
  15. Joseph Stadthagen [ fr ( JE | WP GWP G) German rabbi, apologist, and author; died at Stadthagen Sept. 5, 1715; son of Samson of Metz, where his grandfather Joseph...
  16. Staff ( JE | WP GWP G) Herodotus (i. 195) and Strabo (xvi. 746) assert that among the Babylonians every man carried a ring and a staff, which latter...
  17. Friedrich Julius Stahl ( JE | WP GWP G) German jurist and publicist; born at Munich Jan. 16, 1802; died at Brückenau Aug. 10, 1861. In his eighteenth year he...
  18. Wilhelm Stahl [ de ( JE | WP GWP G) German economist; born at Munich June 2, 1812; died at Giessen March 19, 1873. While still very young he lost both parents...
  19. Standard ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See F192: Flag
  20. Simon Judah Stanislavski [ he ( JE | WP GWP G) Russian author and journalist; born at Nikopol, Yekaterinoslav, Russia, Dec. 18, 1850; son of Moses Stanislavski, a wealthy...

1041 – 1060

  1. Joseph Stans ibn Abitur ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See A334: Abitur, Joseph ben Isaac ben Stans ibn
  2. Star-worship ( JE | WP GWP G) This is perhaps the oldest form of idolatry practised by the ancients. According to Wisdom xiii. 2, the observation of the...
  3. Starokonstantinov ( JE | WP GWP G) City in the government of Volhynia, Russia. Jews seem to have settled in this city soon after it was founded, for during the...
  4. Statistics >> Historical Jewish population comparisons JE ( JE | WP GWP G) As referring to Jews, statistics deal mainly with populations, their ages and distribution, Migration, Morbidity, Mortality...
  5. Stature ( JE | WP GWP G) Natural height of man. The stature of the Jews is a racial characteristic which has been thoroughly investigated in various...
  6. Statutes ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See L106: Law, Civil
  7. Hermann Staub [ de ( JE | WP GWP G) German jurist; born at Nikolai, Upper Silesia, March 21, 1856. After having studied for some time at the gymnasium at Beuthen...
  8. Daniel Stauber ( JE | WP GWP G) See Widal, A.
  9. Joseph Abraham Steblicki ( Seblitzky) JE ( JE | WP GWP G) German convert to Judaism; son of a Catholic butcher; born at Nikolai, Upper Silesia, about 1726; died there May 16, 1807...
  10. Alfred Steckler ( JE | WP GWP G) American jurist; born in New York city Dec. 18, 1856. He was educated in the public schools of New York city and at Columbia...
  11. Steiger ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See M1022: Music, Synagogal
  12. Abraham Stein [ de ( JE | WP GWP G) German rabbi; born at Wanfried, Prussia, Jan. 13, 1818; died at Prague Sept. 18, 1884; studied at the Teachers' Seminary...
  13. Leopold Stein ( JE | WP GWP G) German rabbi; born in Burgpreppach Nov. 3, 1810; died at Frankfort-on-the-Main Dec. 2, 1882. After finishing his earlier education...
  14. Ludwig Stein [ de ( JE | WP GWP G) Hungarian philosopher; born at Erdö-Benye, Hungary, Nov. 12, 1859; educated at the gymnasia of Papa, Saros-Potak, and...
  15. Marc Aurel Stein ( JE | WP GWP G) Hungarian Orientalist and archeologist; born at Budapest in 1862; educated at Vienna, Tübingen, Oxford, and London. In...
  16. Philip Stein ( JE | WP GWP G) American jurist; born at Steele, Rhenish Prussia, March 12, 1844. He emigrated to the United States in 1854, and was educated...
  17. Philipp Stein [ Wikidata ( JE | WP GWP G) German author; born Dec. 3, 1853, at Königsberg. In 1864 his parents removed with him to Berlin. The death of his father...
  18. Stein-am-Anger JE ( JE | WP GWP G) Town in Hungary. Although now one of the largest and most important in the country, the Jewish community of Stein-am-Anger...
  19. Emil Steinbach ( JE | WP GWP G) Austrian statesman; born at Vienna June 11, 1846. After graduating from the Vienna University (LL.D.) he established himself...
  20. Josef Steinbach ( JE | WP GWP G) Austrian physician; born at Fünfkirchen, Hungary, Jan. 3, 1850. Educated at the gymnasium of his native town and at the...

1061 – 1080

  1. Joshua Steinberg JE ( JE | WP GWP G) Russian writer and educator; born in Wilna 1839. He was graduated from the rabbinical school of his native city, and then...
  2. Samuel Steinberg [ de; cs ( JE | WP GWP G) Hungarian historian; born at Güssing, Hungary, Dec. 16, 1857. He received his education at Gratz (Ph.D. 1882; LL.D. 1894)...
  3. Georg Steindorff ( JE | WP GWP G) German Egyptologist; born at Dessau Nov. 12, 1861. He studied Oriental languages at Leipsic and Berlin, was appointed privat-docent...
  4. Kilian von Steiner ( JE | WP GWP G) German financier; born at Laupheim in 1835; died at Stuttgart Sept. 24, 1903. At first attorney at law, he rose to the leadership...
  5. Emanuel Steinfeld [ Wikidata ( JE | WP GWP G) Australian statesman; born at Neisse, Silesia, in 1827; died at Melbourne May 6, 1893. He attended the College of Brieg, and...
  6. Joseph b. Menahem Mendel Steinhardt JE ( JE | WP GWP G) German rabbi; born about 1720; died at Fürth in 1776; lived in early manhood at Schwabach in Bavaria. His first incumbency...
  7. Mendel Steinhardt [ he ( JE | WP GWP G) German rabbi and scholar of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries; held the rabbinate of Minden. When the consistory of...
  8. Solomon Ludwig (Levy) Steinheim JE ( JE | WP GWP G) German physician, poet, and philosopher; born Aug. 6, 1789, in Altona (according to some authorities, in Bruchhausen, Westphalia)...
  9. Clara Steinitz ( JE | WP GWP G) German authoress; born at Kobylin April 16, 1852. She was educated at Halle-on-the-Saale, and in 1873 married Siegfried Heinrich...
  10. Wilhelm Steinitz ( JE | WP GWP G) Chess champion of the world from 1866 to 1894; born at Prague, Bohemia, May 17, 1836; died, insane, on Wards Island, New York...
  11. Moritz Steinschneider JE ( JE | WP GWP G) Austrian bibliographer and Orientalist; born at Prossnitz, Moravia, March 30, 1816. He received his early instruction in Hebrew...
  12. Hermann (Heyman) Steinthal JE ( JE | WP GWP G) German philologist and philosopher; born at Gröbzig, Anhalt, May 16, 1823; died at Berlin March 14, 1899. He studied...
  13. Moritz Steinthal ( JE | WP GWP G) German physician; born at Stendal Oct. 22, 1798; died at Berlin May 8, 1892. He studied at the University of Berlin (M. D...
  14. Stephen ( JE | WP GWP G) Hellenist Jewish convert to Christianity who, according to tradition, was martyred at Jerusalem Dec. 26, in the year 29 C...
  15. Abraham Stern UNR ( JE | WP GWP G) Polish inventor and educator; born at Hrubieszow, government of Lublin, 1769; died at Warsaw Feb. 3, 1842. He was the son...
  16. Adolf Stern ( JE | WP GWP G) German poet and historian of literature; born at Leipsic June 14, 1835. He studied philosophy and history at Leipsic and Jena...
  17. Albert Stern ( Szterényi) ( JE | WP GWP G) Hungarian rabbi; born at Nagy-Kanizsa in 1826; died in the insane asylum at Ofen June 16, 1888; educated at Presburg and Ofen...
  18. Alfred Stern ( JE | WP GWP G) German historian; born Nov. 22, 1846, at Göttingen, where his father, Moriz Abraham Stern (1807-94), was professor of...
  19. Basilius Stern [ de; he ( JE | WP GWP G) Russian educator; born at Tarnopol, Galicia, in 1798; died at Odessa March 15, 1853. He received a thorough Talmudic education...
  20. David de Stern, ( Viscount Stern) ( JE | WP GWP G) English banker; born in Frankfort-on-the-Main; died in London Jan. 19, 1877. He was a member of a prominent family descendants...

1081 – 1100

  1. Henry Abraham Stern ( JE | WP GWP G) Christian missionary; born at Unterreichenbach, Hesse-Cassel, April 11, 1820; died in London May 13, 1885. He obtained his...
  2. Baron Hermann de Stern ( JE | WP GWP G) English financier; born in Frankfort-on-the-Main in 1815; died in London Oct. 20, 1887. Together with his brother David de...
  3. Julius Stern JE ( JE | WP GWP G) German musician; born at Breslau Aug. 8, 1820; died at Berlin Feb. 27, 1883. He received his elementary education in music...
  4. Karoline Stern ( JE | WP GWP G) German prima donna; born at Mayence April 10, 1800; date of death unknown. She studied first under her father, a violinist...
  5. Louis Stern ( JE | WP GWP G) American merchant and politician; born at Ziegenhain, Hesse-Cassel, Germany, Feb. 22, 1847. Together with his parents he emigrated...
  6. Louis William Stern ( JE | WP GWP G) German psychologist; born in Berlin April 29, 1871; educated at the Kölnische Gymnasium and at the university of his...
  7. Max Emanuel (Mendel Bri Stern) Stern ( JE | WP GWP G) Hungarian Hebraist; born at Presburg Nov. 9. 1811; died at Vienna Feb. 9, 1873. He studied under his father, who was a teacher...
  8. Moriz Abraham Stern ( JE | WP GWP G) German mathematician; born at Frankfort-on-the-Main June 29, 1807; died at Bern, Switzerland, Jan. 30, 1894. He studied philology...
  9. Samuel Stern ( JE | WP GWP G) Hungarian physician; born at Halas, Hungary, Sept. 16, 1839; educated at the universities of Prague and Vienna (M. D. 1858)...
  10. Simon Adler Stern [ Wikidata ( JE | WP GWP G) American author, editor, and critic; born in Philadelphia 1838; died May 2, 1904. As a boy he displayed marked talent as a...
  11. Victor Stern ( JE | WP GWP G) Austrian dramatist; born at Vienna May 5, 1837. After a brief experience in commercial life he turned to literature, receiving...
  12. Wilhelm Stern ( JE | WP GWP G) German physician and philosophical writer; born at Sandberg, Posen, Aug. 11, 1844; son of a rabbi. From 1860 to 1865 he attended...
  13. Sternberg ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See M319: Mecklenburg
  14. Simon Sterne ( JE | WP GWP G) American lawyer; born in Philadelphia July 23, 1839; died in New York Sept. 22, 1901. He was educated in the public schools...
  15. Albert Edward Sterner ( JE | WP GWP G) English artist; born in London March 8, 1863. He studied at Julien's Académie and the Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris...
  16. Julius Stettenheim ( JE | WP GWP G) German humorist; born at Hamburg Nov. 2, 1831. He at first pursued a commercial career, but went in 1857 to Berlin, where...
  17. Stettin ( JE | WP GWP G) District of Pomerania, with its capital of the same name. On Dec. 2, 1261, Duke Barnim I. of Pomerania ordered that the Jews...
  18. Wilhelm Stiassny ( JE | WP GWP G) Austrian architect; born in Vienna Oct. 15, 1842. He was graduated from the Vienna Polytechnic in 1861, and thereupon studied...
  19. Heinrich Stieglitz [ de ( JE | WP GWP G) German writer; born at Arolsen, Waldeck, Feb. 22, 1801; died at Venice Aug. 23, 1849. He was educated at the universities...
  20. Julius Oscar Stieglitz ( JE | WP GWP G) American chemist; born at Hoboken, N. J., May 26, 1867; educated in the public schools of New York, the real-gymnasium of...

1101 to 1200

1101 – 1120

  1. Ludwig von Stieglitz ( JE | WP GWP G) Russian banker; born in Arolsen, Waldeck, Germany, in 1778; died at St. Petersburg March 18, 1843. He emigrated to Russia...
  2. Josef Stier [ de ( JE | WP GWP G) Hungarian rabbi; born at Neustadt-on-the-Waag, Hungary, April 12, 1844. He was educated at the gymnasium and Talmud Torah...
  3. Bertalan Stiller [ hu ( JE | WP GWP G) Hungarian physician; born at Miskolez June 23, 1837; studied at Budapest and Vienna (M.D. 1863). In 1864 he was appointed...
  4. Benedikt Stilling ( JE | WP GWP G) German anatomist and surgeon; born at Kirchhayn, Hesse, Feb. 22, 1810; died at Cassel Jan. 28, 1879. He studied at the University...
  5. Jakob Stilling ( JE | WP GWP G) German ophthalmologist; born at Cassel Sept. 22, 1842; son of Benedikt Stilling. He studied at the universities of Marburg...
  6. Johann Ernst Otto Stobbe ( JE | WP GWP G) Christian historian of the Jews; born at Königsberg, East Prussia, June 28, 1831; died at Leipsic May 19, 1887. He studied...
  7. Stock Exchange ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See F142: Finance
  8. Adolf Stöcker ( JE | WP GWP G) German Protestant theologian, politician, and anti-Semitic agitator; born at Halberstadt Dec. 11, 1835. He studied at the...
  9. Madame Stöckl ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See H541: Heinefetter, Klara
  10. Barend Joseph Stokvis ( JE | WP GWP G) Dutch physician; born at Amsterdam Aug. 16, 1834; died Sept. 28, 1902; son of the physician J. B. Stokvis (1808-87). He studied...
  11. Stone and Stone-worship ( JE | WP GWP G) Sacred stones are mentioned with great frequency in the Old Testament; they were erected by Jacob at Beth-el (Gen. xxviii...
  12. Precious Stones ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See G131: Gems
  13. Stoning ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See C128: Capital Punishment
  14. Stork ( JE | WP GWP G) Unclean bird (Lev. xi. 19; Deut. xiv. 18). The name (comp. Latin, "pia avis") alludes to the filial piety and devotion attributed...
  15. Karl Störk ( JE | WP GWP G) Austrian laryngologist; born at Ofen, Hungary, Sept. 17, 1832; died at Vienna Sept. 13, 1899. He studied at the universities...
  16. Hermann Leberecht Strack JE ( JE | WP GWP G) German Protestant theologian and Orientalist; born at Berlin May 6, 1848. Since 1877 he has been assistant professor of Old...
  17. Alexander Strakosch [ de ( JE | WP GWP G) Hungarian actor and dramatic teacher; born at Sebes, near Eperies, Hungary, Dec. 3, 1845. After a brief trial of commercial...
  18. Moritz Strakosch ( JE | WP GWP G) Austrian pianist, singer, and impresario; born at Brünn, Austria, 1825; died at Paris Oct. 9, 1887. He made his first...
  19. Stranger ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See G142: Gentile
  20. Strangulation ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See C128: Capital Punishment

1121 – 1140

  1. Strasburg ( JE | WP GWP G) German commercial and fortified city in the province of Alsace-Lorraine. Legend relates that after the destruction of the...
  2. Mathias Strashun ( JE | WP GWP G) Russian Talmudist and writer; born in Wilna Oct. 1, 1817; died Dec. 13, 1885. He studied under Manasseh of Ilye and Isaac...
  3. Samuel b. Joseph Strashun JE ( JE | WP GWP G) Russian Talmudist; born in Zaskevich, government of Wilna, 1794; died in Wilna March 21, 1872. He was educated by his father...
  4. Straus ( JE | WP GWP G) American family, originally from Otterberg, in the Rhenish Palatinate. The earliest member known was one Lazarus, born in...
  5. Ludwig Straus ( JE | WP GWP G) Hungarian violinist; born at Presburg March 28, 1835; studied under Hellmesberger and Joseph Böhm (violin), and under...
  6. Adolf Strauss ( JE | WP GWP G) Hungarian geographer and ethnologist; born at Cece, Hungary, May 15, 1853; educated at Fehervar and Budapest; in the latter...
  7. Charles Strauss ( JE | WP GWP G) French jurist and politician; born at Gundershoffen, Lower Alsace, Oct. 14, 1834. He was graduated from the law school of...
  8. Gustave Louis Maurice Strauss [ Wikidata ( JE | WP GWP G) British author; born at Trois-Rivières, Canada, 1807; died at Teddington, England, Sept. 2, 1887; educated at Linden...
  9. Joseph Strauss ( JE | WP GWP G) English rabbi; born in Germany 1848; educated at the Royal Gymnasium at Stuttgart, and at the universities of Würzburg...
  10. Paul Strauss ( JE | WP GWP G) French senator; born at Rongchamp, Haute-Saône, Sept. 23, 1852. He studied at Paris, and was graduated from the Faculty...
  11. Street ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See W60: Way
  12. Mordecai ben David Strelisker ( JE | WP GWP G) Cantor in the synagogue of Mihăilenĭ in Rumania; born in Brody, Galicia, 1809; died Sept., 1875. He spent his youth...
  13. Strelitz ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See M319: Mecklenburg
  14. Salomon Stricker ( JE | WP GWP G) Austrian pathologist; born at Waag-Neustadt, Hungary, 1834; died at Vienna April 2, 1898. He received his education at the...
  15. Stripes ( JE | WP GWP G) the only corporal punishment named in the Pentateuch is that of stripes; and the limitations put upon the judges are that...
  16. Eliezer Strischow ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See F170: Fischel, Eliezer b. Isaac
  17. Strophic Forms in the Old Testament ( JE | WP GWP G) the strophe may be defined as a union of several lines into one rhythmic whole. Certain evidence points to the occurrence...
  18. Bethel Henry (Baruch Hirsch) Strousberg ( JE | WP GWP G) German railway contractor; born at Neidenburg, East Prussia, Nov. 20, 1823; died at Berlin June 1, 1884. After an unsuccessful...
  19. Myer (Meyer Strauss) Strouse ( JE | WP GWP G) American lawyer and politician; born in Germany Dec. 16, 1825. In 1832 his parents emigrated to the United States and settled...
  20. Hermann Struck ( JE | WP GWP G) German painter; born at Berlin March 6, 1876. He was originally destined for a rabbinical career, but soon showed marked talent...

1141 – 1160

  1. Moses Studenzki ( JE | WP GWP G) Polish physician; born in the early part of the nineteenth century at Zbarasz, Galicia, where his father, Aaron Polak, was...
  2. Stuhlweissenburg ( JE | WP GWP G) Coronation city of the Hungarian kings from the time of St. Stephen to 1527. As early as the fourteenth century it contained...
  3. Stuttgart ( JE | WP GWP G) German city, and capital of the kingdom of Württemberg. The first historical mention of Stuttgart dates from the administration...
  4. Styria ( JE | WP GWP G) Austrian province. The first documentary mention of Jews in Styria occurs in connection with the village of Judenburg under...
  5. Suasso ( JE | WP GWP G) Spanish family, with branches in Holland and England. The following are the more important members (in chronological order):...
  6. Subbotniki JE ( JE | WP GWP G) One of the Russian rationalistic bodies known under the general name of "Judaizing sects" (see Judaizing Heresy). On the whole...
  7. Subpoena ( JE | WP GWP G) in English law, a writ which commands witnesses to come into court and to give testimony. Scripture (Lev. v. 1) makes it the...
  8. Subscription ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See S704: Signature
  9. Succoth ( JE | WP GWP G) the first stopping-place of the Israelites on their way out of Egypt (Ex. xii. 37, xiii. 20; Num. xxxiii. 5 et seq.); probably...
  10. Mordecai Suchostaver ( JE | WP GWP G) Galician adherent of the Haskalah, and teacher of philosophy at the rabbinical seminary of Jitomir, Russia; born near Brody...
  11. Sufism ( JE | WP GWP G) the mystic and ascetic doctrines of the Mohammedan sect of the Sufis, whose name is derived from the Arabic noun "ṣuf"...
  12. Suicide ( JE | WP GWP G) the influence of race on the frequency of suicide is evident from statistics giving the rates of mortality from this cause...
  13. Sukkah ( JE | WP GWP G) Treatise in the Mishnah, the Tosefta, and both Talmudim, dealing chiefly with the regulations regarding the Feast of Tabernacles...
  14. Feast of Sukkot ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See T4: Tabernacles, Feast of
  15. Sulamith ( JE | WP GWP G) First Jewish monthly magazine in the German language, its subtitle being "Eine Zeitschrift für Beförderung der Kultur...
  16. Sara Copia (Coppio) Sullam ( JE | WP GWP G) Italian poetess; born in Venice 1592; died there Adar 5 (Feb. 14); 1641; eldest daughter of Simon and Rebecca Coppio. Her...
  17. Mordecai Sultansky JE ( JE | WP GWP G) Karaite Chakam; born at Lutzk in 1785; died at Eupatoria, in the Crimea, before 1878. He was one of the most prominent...
  18. Louis Sulzbacher ( JE | WP GWP G) American jurist; born in the Rhenish Palatinate, Germany, May 10, 1842. He was educated in Germany, but later emigrated to...
  19. Sulzberger >> Mayer Sulzberger JE ( JE | WP GWP G) American family which derived its name from the town of its origin, Sulzbürg, near Ratisbon, in the Bavarian Palatinate...

1161 – 1180

  1. Salomon Sulzer JE ( JE | WP GWP G) Austrian cantor and composer; born at Hohenems, Tyrol, March 30, 1804; died at Vienna Jan. 17, 1890. His family, which prior...
  2. Summons ( JE | WP GWP G) Writ, process, or order sent by the court messenger ("shelucha di-rabbanan," or "sheluach bet din"), and commanding...
  3. Sumptuary Laws ( JE | WP GWP G) Laws that restrict individual expenditures as to food, clothing, etc. In the Mishnah several expensive customs are abolished...
  4. Sun ( JE | WP GWP G) the conceptions of the Hebrews with regard to physical phenomena were those that obtained among their neighbors, the sun being...
  5. Blessing of the sun ( JE | WP GWP G) Formula of benediction recited on the day when the sun enters upon a new cycle, which occurs on the first Wednesday of Nisan...
  6. Rising and setting of the sun ( JE | WP GWP G) in order to fix the beginning and ending of the Sabbath-day and festivals and to determine the precise hour for certain religious...
  7. Sunday and Sabbath ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See S17: Sabbath and Sunday
  8. Zebi Hirsch ben Enoch Sundeles ( JE | WP GWP G) Polish scholar of the sixteenth century. He published the following works: "Tefillot mi-Kol ha-Shanah" (Lublin, 1571; Cracow...
  9. Sunnah ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See H43: Ḥadith
  10. Supercommentaries ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See B1029: Bible Exegesis
  11. Superstition ( JE | WP GWP G) That views and practises borrowed from paganism and not in accord with the monotheistic belief of Israel—as, for instance...
  12. Support ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See H986: Husband and Wife
  13. Sura ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See B51: Babylon
  14. Suretyship ( JE | WP GWP G) the liability, contract, or undertaking of one who becomes a surety. Reference to a surety occurs only once in the Pentateuch...
  15. Surinam ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See W137: West Indies
  16. Surnames ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See N51: Names
  17. Susa ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See S672: Shushan
  18. The History of Susanna ( JE | WP GWP G) One of the books of the Protestant Apocrypha; entitled in some manuscripts "The Judgment of Daniel." the Greek text is extant...
  19. Alexander Suslin ha-Kohen ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See A1155: Alexander Suslin
  20. Suspended letters ( JE | WP GWP G) There are four suspended or elevated ("teluyah") letters in the Hebrew Bible: (1) the "nun" in , in Judges xviii. 30; (2)...

1181 – 1200

  1. Alexander b. Moses Süsskind ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See A1156: Alexander Süsskind b. Moses
  2. Alexander b. Samuel Süsskind ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See A1158: Alexander Süsskind b. Samuel
  3. Alexander b. Solomon Wimpfen Süsskind ( JE | WP GWP G) Wealthy citizen of Frankfort-on-the-Main, and a resident of Worms in the second half of the thirteenth century; died on the...
  4. Süsskind (Suezkint) of Trimberg JE ( JE | WP GWP G) German minnesinger; flourished in the second half of the thirteenth century, or, according to Graetz, about 1200. He is called...
  5. Abraham ben Joseph Sussmann ( JE | WP GWP G) Shocheṭ in London in the first half of the nineteenth century. He wrote a commentary on Yoreh De'ah in four...
  6. Eliezer Sussmann ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See R339: Roedelsheim, Eleazar Sussmann b. Isaac
  7. Ezra ben Jekuthiel Sussmann ( JE | WP GWP G) Polish scholar of the eighteenth century. He was the author of "Ḥoshen Yeshu'ot" (Minsk, 1802), a commentary on...
  8. Löb ben Moses Sussmann ( JE | WP GWP G) Printer of the eighteenth century. In 1750 he established a Hebrew press in the printing-office of Johann Jansen in Amsterdam...
  9. Shabbethai ben Eliezer Sussmann ( JE | WP GWP G) Scholar of the eighteenth century. He compiled under the title "Me'ir Natib" (Altona, 1793-1802) a general index, in three...
  10. Abraham Sutro [ de ( JE | WP GWP G) German rabbi; born at Brück, near Erlangen, July 5, 1784; died at Münster Oct. 10, 1869. He studied in the yeshibot...
  11. Adolph Heinrich Joseph Sutro ( JE | WP GWP G) in 1879 Sutro sold his interest in the company and returned to San Francisco, where, during the Kearny riots and sand-lot...
  12. Alfred Sutro JE ( JE | WP GWP G) English author and dramatist; born in London about 1870; educated at the City of London School and in Brussels. He began his...
  13. Theodore Sutro [ Wikidata ( JE | WP GWP G) American lawyer; born at Aix-la-Chapelle, Prussia, March 14, 1845. When only five years of age he emigrated with his parents...
  14. Karl Sváb ( JE | WP GWP G) Hungarian landed proprietor, and member of the Hungarian Upper House; born at Csongrad in 1829; educated at the real-school...
  15. Sviit ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See P199: Periodicals
  16. Swallow ( JE | WP GWP G) Rendering in the English versions for "deror" (Ps. lxxxiv. 4 [A. V. 3]; Prov. xxvi. 2) and for "sus" or "sis" (Isa. xxxviii...
  17. Swan ( JE | WP GWP G) the rendering of the Authorized Version for "tinshemet" (Lev. xi. 18; Deut. xiv. 16). The Revised Version, more correctly...
  18. Swaying the body ( JE | WP GWP G) the habit of swaying the body during study and prayer has been peculiar to the Jews from very early times, and it is one still...
  19. Sweden >> History of the Jews in Sweden JE ( JE | WP GWP G) Kingdom of northern Europe. The existence of Jews in Sweden in the seventeenth century is vouched for by church records at...
  20. Swine ( JE | WP GWP G) Rendering in the English versions of the Hebrew "Chazir." the swine is enumerated among the unclean animals (Lev. xi...

1201 to 1300

1201 – 1220

  1. Switzerland ( JE | WP GWP G) Republic of central Europe. Jews were living at Basel as early as 1213, and ten years later the church chattels were pawned...
  2. Sword ( JE | WP GWP G) the sword hung at the hip from a sword-belt (I Sam. xvii. 39; xxv. 13; II Sam. xx. 8), probably on the left side, Judges iii...
  3. Sycamore ( JE | WP GWP G) A medium-sized bushy tree of Syria and Egypt, allied to the common fig. It is often mentioned in the Bible (Amos vii. 14;...
  4. Sydney ( JE | WP GWP G) Capital of New South Wales, Australia. Its congregation dates from 1817, when about a score of Jews formed a Chebra &#7731...
  5. Syene ( JE | WP GWP G) Ancient city of Egypt on the Ethiopian frontier in the Thebaid; situated on the eastern bank of the Nile, equidistant from...
  6. James Joseph Sylvester ( JE | WP GWP G) English mathematician and Savilian professor of geometry in the University of Oxford; born in London Sept. 3, 1814; died there...
  7. Symbol ( JE | WP GWP G) A visible representation of an object or an idea. In Hebrew the word denoting symbol is "ot," which in early Judaism denoted...
  8. Symmachus ( JE | WP GWP G) Translator of the Bible into Greek; flourished at the end of the second or the beginning of the third century of the common...
  9. Synagogal Music JE ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See M1022: Music, Synagogal
  10. Die Synagoge ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See P199: Periodicals
  11. Das Synagogenblatt ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See P199: Periodicals
  12. Synagogue ( JE | WP GWP G) the origin of the synagogue, in which the congregation gathered to worship and to receive the religious instruction connected...
  13. Synagogue Architecture JE ( JE | WP GWP G) Ancient Jewish art is mainly represented by the Temple and its fittings, of which all that is left to contemplate is the lower...
  14. The Great Synagogue ( JE | WP GWP G) the members of the Great Synagogue, or the Great Assembly, are designated in the Mishnah (Ab. i. 1) as those representatives...
  15. Synod ( JE | WP GWP G) Representative council, composed of rabbis and laymen, and convened to deliberate upon and determine points of Jewish doctrine...
  16. Synod of Four Countries ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See C828: Council of Four Lands
  17. The Great Synod ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See S1214: Synagogue, The Great
  18. Synod of Usha EL:JE ( JE | WP GWP G) in the middle of the second century C.E. an important synod of rabbinical authorities was convened in the Galilean city of...
  19. Syracuse, New York ( JE | WP GWP G) City in the state of New York; situated on Lake Onondaga. The first settlement of Jews in Syracuse dates back to 1839, when...
  20. Syria >> History of the Jews in Syria JE ( JE | WP GWP G) Country in Asiatic Turkey. The terms "Syria" and "Syrians" do not occur in Hebrew; they are found first in the Greek period...

1221 – 1240

  1. Maximilian (Meyer-Jehudah) Syrkin [ Wikidata ( JE | WP GWP G) Russian jurist and editor; born at Ponjewezh, government of Kovno, Oct. 27, 1858; a descendant of the family of Joel Sirkes...
  2. Syzygies ( JE | WP GWP G) -- See C1: Cabala
  3. Max Szabolcsi [ hu; he ( JE | WP GWP G) Hungarian author; born at Tura Aug. 27, 1857. In his youth he studied Talmud, and for a short time attended the rabbinical...
  4. Szanto ( Abauj-Szanto) ( JE | WP GWP G) Town of Hungary, on the slope of the hills of Tokay. Its Jewish community is one of the oldest in the country. Its age is...
  5. Emil Szanto ( JE | WP GWP G) Austrian philologist; born at Vienna Nov. 22, 1857; died there Dec. 14, 1904; son of Simon Szanto. He studied at the University...
  6. Simon Szanto [ Wikidata ( JE | WP GWP G) Hungarian journalist; born at Nagy-Kanizsa, Hungary, Aug. 23, 1819; died in Vienna Jan. 17, 1882. He was a son of Rabbi Me&#239...
  7. Szegedin ( JE | WP GWP G) Town of central Hungary. Jews are mentioned there as tax-farmers during the Turkish rule in Hungary (1552). When the Turks...
  8. Philip Szenes [ hu; he ( JE | WP GWP G) Hungarian painter; born at Török Szent Miklos in 1864. After studying at the technical school at Budapest, he devoted...
  9. Emerich Szerencsés ( Fortunatus) ( JE | WP GWP G) Hungarian deputy treasurer; died Aug., 1526. As a married man he had had illicit intercourse with a Christian woman, and when...
  10. Moriz Szilasi [ hu; he ( JE | WP GWP G) Hungarian philologist; born 1854; died at Klausenburg, Hungary, May 15, 1905. He studied philology at Budapest and Leipsic...
  11. Adolf Szili [ hu ( JE | WP GWP G) Hungarian ophthalmologist; born at Budapest in 1848; educated at Vienna (M.D. 1872). In 1874 he went to Budapest, where he...
  12. Benjamin Szold ( JE | WP GWP G) American rabbi and scholar; a leader of the conservative wing of the Reform movement in America; born at Nemiskert, county...
  13. Henrietta Szold ( JE | WP GWP G) Eldest daughter of Benjamin Szold; born at Baltimore, Md. Since 1893 she has been secretary of the literary committee of the...
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