From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The table below lists the featured articles for a given "foreign-" (i.e., non-English-)language Wikipedia initially sorted by the number of corresponding articles in other Wikipedias. The "Languages" column indicates the number of articles on all Wikipedias corresponding to the other-language featured article; the "#" column provides a ranking based on this sorting.

The "Articles in English" column shows to what extent the other-language articles are represented on the English Wikipedia (en-wiki):

  • The ✓ green background means the other-language article exists about that specific topic in en-wiki, using an appropriate English title.
  • The ✗ red background means the other-language article does NOT have a one-to-one correspondence on en-wiki. Where there is a red-linked title, no article exists with an identical or corresponding title. A blue-linked title indicates a redirect to an en-wiki page, which can also be a dab page or a section in another subject's article. A link of the form {{d:Q12345678}} points to a Wikidata item with either the same name as the other-language article title or what is believed to be an appropriate corresponding name.
  • Icons indicate high-quality articles in en-wiki: is a featured article, is a good article. (No other quality levels are shown; the lack of an icon means merely that the English article is neither FA nor GA.)

Article list

Article list of "Wikipedia:featured articles" in Vietnamese
# Articles in Vietnamese instance of Articles in English Count of languages
1 Canada country, sovereign state Canada 376
2 Paris department of France, megacity, metropolis Paris 346
3 Indonesia country, presidential system, island country Indonesia 345
4 Trái Đất terrestrial planet, inner planet of the Solar System Earth 344
5 Mặt Trời G-type main-sequence star Sun 334
6 Mặt Trăng regular moon, planetary-mass moon, planetary moon Moon 332
7 Roma metropolis, commune of Italy, border city Rome 327
8 Adolf Hitler human Adolf Hitler 312
9 Ronald Reagan human Ronald Reagan 306
10 Michael Jackson human Michael Jackson 305
11 Madagascar country, island country, sovereign state Madagascar 301
12 Vật lý học exact science, branch of science, academic discipline Physics 296
13 Washington, D.C. human settlement, planned community, city in the United States Washington, D.C. 292
14 Sao Hỏa superior planet, inner planet of the Solar System Mars 289
15 Hồng Kông city, city-state, dependent territory Hong Kong 286
16 Bóng đá type of sport, Olympic sport, team sport Association football 283
17 Julius Caesar human Julius Caesar 277
18 Istanbul megacity, big city, port settlement Istanbul 275
19 Napoléon Bonaparte human Napoleon 269
20 Sao Kim inner planet of the Solar System, inferior planet Venus 266
21 Hệ Mặt Trời planetary system Solar System 261
22 Sao astronomical object type Star 260
23 Galileo Galilei human Galileo Galilei 259
24 Sao Mộc outer planet, gas giant, superior planet Jupiter 258
25 Sao Thủy inner planet of the Solar System, inferior planet Mercury (planet) 258
26 Hành tinh astronomical object type Planet 256
27 Sao Thổ outer planet, gas giant Saturn 252
28 Vincent van Gogh human Vincent van Gogh 251
29 Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh city, megacity, planned community Ho Chi Minh City 250
30 Sao Thiên Vương outer planet, superior planet, ice giant Uranus 248
31 Charlie Chaplin human Charlie Chaplin 246
32 Sao Hải Vương outer planet, superior planet, ice giant Neptune 239
33 Nguyên tử Atom 238
34 The Beatles musical group, defunct organization The Beatles 237
35 Franz Kafka human Franz Kafka 223
36 Bảng tuần hoàn chemical classification Periodic table 220
37 San Francisco city, city in the United States, big city San Francisco 219
38 Chủ nghĩa vô thần world view, philosophical movement, doxastic attitude Atheism 215
39 Tự nhiên phenomenon Nature 212
40 Sao Diêm Vương dwarf planet Pluto 210
41 Firenze commune of Italy, big city, Italian city-state Florence 204
42 Napoli city, commune of Italy, big city Naples 200
43 Stephen Hawking human Stephen Hawking 200
44 Walt Disney human Walt Disney 198
45 Hà Nội human settlement, municipality of Vietnam, big city Hanoi 193
46 James Joyce human James Joyce 192
47 Trung Cổ historical period, age Middle Ages 192
48 Quần đảo Falkland British overseas territories Falkland Islands 191
49 Queen musical group Queen (band) 190
50 Tiến hóa specialty, field of study, type of process Evolution 188
51 Thiên hà astronomical object type Galaxy 187
52 Lady Gaga human Lady Gaga 187
53 Lỗ đen astronomical object, astronomical object type Black hole 186
54 Ấm lên toàn cầu human impact on the environment, environmental issue, atmospheric phenomenon Climate change 185
55 Virus taxon Virus 185
56 Madonna human Madonna 184
57 Ung thư class of disease Cancer 183
58 Leonhard Euler human Leonhard Euler 183
59 Bob Dylan human Bob Dylan 178
60 DNA structural class of chemical entities DNA 177
61 Johannes Kepler human Johannes Kepler 177
62 John Lennon human John Lennon 177
63 Ai Cập cổ đại historical region, historical country, cultural region Ancient Egypt 176
64 Alfred Hitchcock human Alfred Hitchcock 175
65 Phục Hưng art movement, cultural movement Renaissance 175
66 Đế quốc Đông La Mã historical country, historical period Byzantine Empire 174
67 Vụ Nổ Lớn occurrence, unmoved mover, cosmological model Big Bang 171
68 Pi real number, transcendental number, mathematical constant Pi 171
69 Urani chemical element, lithophile, radioactive element Uranium 171
70 Elizabeth I của Anh human Elizabeth I 170
71 Kẽm chemical element, chalcophile element, simple substance Zinc 170
72 Fluor chemical element, lithophile Fluorine 169
73 Electron type of quantum particle Electron 168
74 Angelina Jolie human Angelina Jolie 163
75 Max Weber human Max Weber 162
76 Anne Frank human Anne Frank 161
77 Giải vô địch bóng đá thế giới recurring sporting event, international association football national teams competition FIFA World Cup 161
78 Viện bảo tàng Louvre art museum, archaeological museum Louvre 159
79 Cleopatra VII human Cleopatra 158
80 Di truyền học science, academic discipline, branch of biology Genetics 154
81 Franci chemical element Francium 152
82 Taylor Swift human Taylor Swift 152
83 Đế quốc Anh historical country British Empire 150
84 Céline Dion human Celine Dion 148
85 Nhật thực Solar eclipse 147
86 Paul McCartney human Paul McCartney 144
87 Tượng Nữ thần Tự do statue, tourist attraction, observation tower Statue of Liberty 143
88 Suleiman I human Suleiman the Magnificent 140
89 Audrey Hepburn human Audrey Hepburn 138
90 Gustav Mahler human Gustav Mahler 136
91 Manchester United F.C. association football club Manchester United F.C. 134
92 Titanic film Titanic (1997 film) 133
93 Tốc độ ánh sáng physical constant, scalar quantity, constant Speed of light 132
94 Danh sách Tổng thống Hoa Kỳ Wikimedia list article, Wikimedia list of persons by position held List of presidents of the United States 131
95 Thần thoại Hy Lạp mythology Greek mythology 130
96 Trao đổi chất biological process Metabolism 129
97 Tripura state of India Tripura 126
98 Nhà Minh historical period, historical Chinese state Ming dynasty 125
99 Nhà Hán historical country, historical period, Chinese dynasty Han dynasty 124
100 Cổ khuẩn taxon Archaea 123
101 Christina Aguilera human Christina Aguilera 122
102 Emma Goldman human Emma Goldman 122
103 Vườn quốc gia Phong Nha – Kẻ Bàng nature park in Vietnam Phong Nha – Kẻ Bàng National Park 122
104 Robert Oppenheimer human J. Robert Oppenheimer 121
105 Katy Perry human Katy Perry 121
106 Arsenal F.C. association football club Arsenal F.C. 120
107 Thuyết tương đối rộng physical law, scientific theory General relativity 120
108 George Harrison human George Harrison 120
109 Mariah Carey human Mariah Carey 120
110 Hệ miễn dịch neural system type Immune system 118
111 Photon type of quantum particle Photon 116
112 Nhà Đường state, culture, style Tang dynasty 116
113 Logarit type of mathematical function Logarithm 115
114 Kiến tạo mảng theory Plate tectonics 115
115 Titan moon of Saturn, regular moon Titan (moon) 115
116 Cher human Cher 113
117 Georg Cantor human Georg Cantor 113
118 Thú mỏ vịt taxon Platypus 110
119 Ringo Starr human Ringo Starr 110
120 Demosthenes human Demosthenes 107
121 Europa regular moon, moon of Jupiter Europa (moon) 107
122 Những người bạn television series Friends 107
123 Nữ hoàng băng giá animated film, 3D film Frozen (2013 film) 107
124 Io regular moon, moon of Jupiter Io (moon) 107
125 Edward VIII của Anh human Edward VIII 106
126 Ganymede regular moon, moon of Jupiter, planetary-mass moon Ganymede (moon) 105
127 Truyện kể Genji literary work The Tale of Genji 105
128 Giải vô địch bóng đá châu Âu 2012 edition of the UEFA European Championship UEFA Euro 2012 105
129 Blackpink girl group Blackpink 104
130 George V của Anh human George V 104
131 Siêu tân tinh astronomical object type Supernova 104
132 Kỵ sĩ bóng đêm film The Dark Knight 104
133 Ó cá taxon Osprey 103
134 Quark type of quantum particle Quark 102
135 Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov human Georgy Zhukov 101
136 Harry Potter và Hòn đá Phù thủy literary work Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 101
137 James Dean human James Dean 101
138 Hiệp ước Xô-Đức non-aggression pact, secret treaty Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact 101
139 Thierry Henry human Thierry Henry 101
140 Casablanca film Casablanca (film) 99
141 Đà Lạt big city, provincial city Da Lat 99
142 Eric Clapton human Eric Clapton 99
143 Thế vận hội Mùa hè 1896 Summer Olympic Games 1896 Summer Olympics 98
144 Vương quốc Macedonia historical country Macedonia (ancient kingdom) 98
145 Tra tấn Torture 97
146 Người đẹp và quái vật animated feature film Beauty and the Beast (1991 film) 96
147 Schutzstaffel paramilitary organization, military organization, squadron Schutzstaffel 96
148 Wayne Rooney human Wayne Rooney 96
149 Callisto regular moon, moon of Jupiter Callisto (moon) 95
150 Ủy ban châu Âu institution of the European Union European Commission 95
151 Chiến tranh Pháp–Phổ war Franco-Prussian War 94
152 Bản danh sách của Schindler film Schindler's List 94
153 William IV của Anh human William IV 94
154 Aikido sports discipline Aikido 93
155 Acid hydrochloric aqueous solution Hydrochloric acid 92
156 Trận Waterloo battle Battle of Waterloo 91
157 Thánh Giuse human biblical figure Saint Joseph 91
158 Hướng đạo social movement Scouting 91
159 Emmy Noether human Emmy Noether 90
160 Lịch sử Nhật Bản history of a country or state History of Japan 90
161 Đế quốc Parthia historical country Parthian Empire 90
162 Nhà Tống Chinese dynasty, historical Chinese state Song dynasty 90
163 Enceladus moon of Saturn, regular moon Enceladus 89
164 Kẻ hủy diệt 2: Ngày phán xét film Terminator 2: Judgment Day 89
165 William III của Anh human William III of England 89
166 Thư viện Quốc gia Pháp national library, publisher Bibliothèque nationale de France 87
167 Kế hoạch Marshall Act of Congress in the United States, public policy, plan Marshall Plan 87
168 Cận Tinh double star, flare star, eruptive variable star Proxima Centauri 87
169 Sông Columbia river, main stream Columbia River 86
170 Diane Keaton human Diane Keaton 86
171 Nhóm Group (mathematics) 85
172 James II của Anh human James II of England 85
173 Trận Trân Châu Cảng battle, air offensive, naval offensive Attack on Pearl Harbor 84
174 Avengers: Cuộc chiến vô cực film Avengers: Infinity War 84
175 Boeing 747 aircraft family Boeing 747 84
176 Dự án Manhattan experiment, task, megaproject Manhattan Project 84
177 Caterina de' Medici human Catherine de' Medici 83
178 Người Sắt film Iron Man (2008 film) 83
179 Xbox 360 model series, video game console model Xbox 360 82
180 Oberon moon of Uranus, regular moon Oberon (moon) 81
181 Wii home video game console model Wii 80
182 Tinh vân Con Cua supernova remnant Crab Nebula 79
183 Jake Gyllenhaal human Jake Gyllenhaal 79
184 Thiên Tiễn constellation Sagitta 79
185 Điệp vụ Boston film The Departed 79
186 Vẻ đẹp Mỹ film American Beauty (1999 film) 77
187 John Terry human John Terry 77
188 Guy Fawkes human Guy Fawkes 76
189 Sơn Án constellation Mensa (constellation) 76
190 Star Wars: Thần lực thức tỉnh feature film, 3D film Star Wars: The Force Awakens 76
191 Gilbert du Motier de La Fayette human Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette 75
192 Thảm sát Katyn war crime, mass murder, mass killings under communist regimes Katyn massacre 75
193 Trận chiến nước Pháp battle Battle of France 74
194 Bộ Cá da trơn taxon Catfish 73
195 Lịch sử Trái Đất aspect of history History of Earth 73
196 Ted Bundy human Ted Bundy 73
197 Chu kỳ kinh nguyệt biological process Menstrual cycle 72
198 Friedrich III, Hoàng đế Đức human Frederick III, German Emperor 70
199 Sòng bạc hoàng gia film reboot Casino Royale (2006 film) 69
200 Tê giác Java taxon Javan rhinoceros 69
201 Quần đảo Trường Sa island group, disputed territory Spratly Islands 68
202 Captain America: Nội chiến siêu anh hùng film, 3D film Captain America: Civil War 67
203 Nghịch lý Fermi paradox, Fermi problem, scientific theory Fermi paradox 67
204 243 Ida asteroid 243 Ida 66
205 Amphetamin group of stereoisomers Amphetamine 65
206 Dãy núi Cascade mountain range Cascade Range 65
207 Trois Glorieuses revolution July Revolution 65
208 Bảng mã IOC country code, Wikimedia list article List of IOC country codes 65
209 Maximianus human Maximian 65
210 Ukiyo-e art movement, art genre Ukiyo-e 65
211 Your Name – Tên cậu là gì? anime film, original anime Your Name 65
212 Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress aircraft family Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress 64
213 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind film Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 64
214 Trận Iwo Jima battle Battle of Iwo Jima 63
215 Boeing 767 aircraft family Boeing 767 63
216 Sự kiện tuyệt chủng Phấn Trắng – Cổ Cận extinction event Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event 63
217 Messier 87 elliptical galaxy, brightest cluster galaxy, astronomical radio source Messier 87 63
218 Thriller album Thriller (album) 62
219 Vụ ám sát John F. Kennedy murder, political murder, assassination Assassination of John F. Kennedy 61
220 Trận Agincourt battle, military victories against the odds Battle of Agincourt 61
221 Trận Cannae battle Battle of Cannae 61
222 Triết học tinh thần branch of philosophy Philosophy of mind 61
223 Người Nhện: Vũ trụ mới film, animated film Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse 61
224 Chăm Pa historical region Champa 60
225 Tội phạm nhân bản 2049 film, 3D film Blade Runner 2049 59
226 Hồi hải mã brain region type Hippocampus 59
227 Danh sách người đoạt giải Nobel Wikimedia list article List of Nobel laureates 59
228 Mật mã Caesar Caesar cipher 58
229 Destiny's Child musical group Destiny's Child 58
230 Bismarck battleship, shipwreck German battleship Bismarck 58
231 Call Me by Your Name film Call Me by Your Name (film) 57
232 John Churchill, Công tước thứ 1 xứ Marlborough human John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough 57
233 North American P-51 Mustang aircraft family North American P-51 Mustang 57
234 Final Fantasy media franchise Final Fantasy 56
235 Trận Yarmouk battle Battle of the Yarmuk 55
236 Con đường ảo mộng film Mulholland Drive (film) 55
237 Basiliscus human Basiliscus 54
238 Help! album Help! 54
239 Wish You Were Here album Wish You Were Here (Pink Floyd album) 54
240 Ozu Yasujirō human Yasujirō Ozu 54
241 Vùng H II astronomical object type H II region 53
242 Kim loại nặng Heavy metals 53
243 Little Miss Sunshine film Little Miss Sunshine 53
244 Sự hình thành và tiến hóa của Hệ Mặt Trời formation and evolution of the planetary systems Formation and evolution of the Solar System 52
245 Lịch sử thiên văn học academic discipline, aspect of history History of astronomy 52
246 Lisa del Giocondo human Lisa del Giocondo 52
247 Nikon human Patriarch Nikon of Moscow 52
248 Danh sách người đoạt giải Nobel Hòa bình Wikimedia list article List of Nobel Peace Prize laureates 51
249 Nevermind album Nevermind 51
250 Thuận Trị human Shunzhi Emperor 51
251 William Wilberforce human William Wilberforce 51
252 Chiến tranh Boshin civil war Boshin War 50
253 Kinh Thi literary work Classic of Poetry 50
254 Josquin des Prez human Josquin des Prez 50
255 Watchmen graphic novel, limited series Watchmen 50
256 When Harry Met Sally... film When Harry Met Sally... 50
257 Brian Epstein human Brian Epstein 49
258 Imagine musical work/composition Imagine (song) 49
259 Thích Quảng Đức human Thích Quảng Đức 48
260 Hiện tượng 2012 eschatology, apocalypticism, Internet meme 2012 phenomenon 47
261 Thiên kiến xác nhận cognitive bias Confirmation bias 47
262 USS Missouri fast battleship USS Missouri (BB-63) 47
263 Chiến dịch Guadalcanal military campaign Guadalcanal campaign 46
264 Halo: Combat Evolved video game, esports discipline Halo: Combat Evolved 46
265 Lưu Bị human Liu Bei 46
266 Chiếc bè của chiến thuyền Méduse painting The Raft of the Medusa 46
267 Nghiêm Phục human Yan Fu 46
268 Acrocanthosaurus fossil taxon Acrocanthosaurus 45
269 Apollo 4 unmanned spaceflight Apollo 4 45
270 HMS Hood battlecruiser, shipwreck HMS Hood 45
271 Khánh Hòa province of Vietnam Khánh Hòa province 45
272 OK Computer album OK Computer 45
273 Red Dead Redemption video game Red Dead Redemption 45
274 Dreadnought ship type Dreadnought 44
275 1989 album 1989 (album) 43
276 Nhàn mào taxon Greater crested tern 43
277 Nguyễn Văn Thiệu human Nguyễn Văn Thiệu 43
278 Age of Mythology video game, esports discipline Age of Mythology 42
279 Cardcaptor Sakura manga series Cardcaptor Sakura 42
280 Trận Hà Lan battle German invasion of the Netherlands 42
281 We Are the World song We Are the World 42
282 Giấc mơ danh vọng film Dreamgirls (film) 41
283 Hold It Against Me single Hold It Against Me 41
284 Max Steiner human Max Steiner 41
285 Lịch sử sinh học branch of science, aspect of history History of biology 40
286 Loud album Loud (Rihanna album) 40
287 Họ Trèo cây taxon Nuthatch 40
288 Chiến dịch Sao Thiên Vương military operation Operation Uranus 40
289 Chiến dịch Barvenkovo–Lozovaya battle, conflict Second Battle of Kharkov 40
290 Trận Smolensk battle Battle of Smolensk (1941) 39
291 Người tiễn đưa film Departures (2008 film) 39
292 Menkauhor Kaiu human Menkauhor Kaiu 39
293 Red album Red (Taylor Swift album) 39
294 Tế bào sắc tố cell type, cell class Chromatophore 38
295 Thiên thần sa ngã biblical concept Fallen angel 38
296 Gia Long human Gia Long 38
297 Palais Bourbon palace, parliament building Palais Bourbon 38
298 Resident Evil 2 video game Resident Evil 2 38
299 Chiến dịch Mãn Châu invasion, military operation Soviet invasion of Manchuria 38
300 Convair B-36 Peacemaker aircraft model Convair B-36 Peacemaker 37
301 Vụ phóng hỏa Kyōto Animation arson, mass murder, structure fire Kyoto Animation arson attack 37
302 Squatina squatina taxon Squatina squatina 37
303 Tương lai của Trái Đất future Future of Earth 36
304 Chiến dịch Ten-Go military operation, naval battle Operation Ten-Go 36
305 USS Arizona dreadnought USS Arizona 36
306 Chiến dịch Blau military offensive Case Blue 35
307 Chiến tranh Crete war Cretan War (1645–1669) 35
308 Danh sách chi khủng long Wikimedia list article List of dinosaur genera 35
309 Maurice Richard human Maurice Richard 35
310 Tokyo Mew Mew manga series Tokyo Mew Mew 35
311 Trận Xích Bích battle Battle of Red Cliffs 34
312 Rhinocerus woodcut print Dürer's Rhinoceros 34
313 Akagi aircraft carrier, battlecruiser, shipwreck Japanese aircraft carrier Akagi 34
314 Charles Villiers Stanford human Charles Villiers Stanford 33
315 Clannad video game Clannad (video game) 33
316 HMS Royal Oak battleship, shipwreck HMS Royal Oak (08) 33
317 Katsudō Shashin short film Katsudō Shashin 33
318 Pisco sour IBA official cocktail Pisco sour 33
319 Bánh mì Việt Nam Bánh mì 32
320 Stripped album Stripped (Christina Aguilera album) 32
321 Yamato ship class Yamato-class battleship 31
322 Trận Dyrrhachium battle Battle of Dyrrhachium (1081) 30
323 Kaga aircraft carrier, dreadnought, shipwreck Japanese aircraft carrier Kaga 30
324 Love the Way You Lie single Love the Way You Lie 30
325 Ketsuban software bug, Glitch Pokémon MissingNo. 30
326 Shake It Off single Shake It Off 30
327 Chiến dịch Smolensk battle Smolensk operation 30
328 Blank Space single Blank Space 29
329 HMS Ark Royal aircraft carrier HMS Ark Royal (91) 29
330 Hydnellum peckii taxon Hydnellum peckii 29
331 Rumours album Rumours (album) 29
332 Siêu tân tinh loại Ia Type Ia supernova 29
333 1000 Forms of Fear album 1000 Forms of Fear 28
334 Khí quyển Sao Mộc atmosphere of a planet Atmosphere of Jupiter 28
335 Trận chiến biển Bismarck battle Battle of the Bismarck Sea 28
336 Hải chiến Guadalcanal naval battle Naval Battle of Guadalcanal 28
337 Only Girl musical work/composition Only Girl (In the World) 28
338 Cynops pyrrhogaster taxon, model organism Japanese fire-bellied newt 27
339 SMS Goeben battlecruiser SMS Goeben 27
340 USS Nevada battleship USS Nevada (BB-36) 27
341 Dáng hình thanh âm anime film A Silent Voice (film) 26
342 Trận chiến Đông Solomon battle Battle of the Eastern Solomons 26
343 Lông bay Flight feather 26
344 Hôn nhân cùng giới ở Tây Ban Nha aspect in a geographic region Same-sex marriage in Spain 26
345 Vjekoslav Luburić human Vjekoslav Luburić 26
346 Cố Viêm Vũ human Gu Yanwu 25
347 Haruna battlecruiser Japanese battleship Haruna 25
348 Nancy Drew literary character, fictional human, television character Nancy Drew 25
349 Dàn nhạc giao hưởng Philharmonia orchestra Philharmonia Orchestra 25
350 Thảm sát Ponary mass murder Ponary massacre 25
351 Thiết giáp hạm tiền-dreadnought ship type Pre-dreadnought battleship 25
352 Vườn quốc gia và bang Redwood protected area, tourist attraction, group of protected areas Redwood National and State Parks 25
353 S&M song, single S&M (song) 25
354 Công nghệ nano DNA DNA nanotechnology 24
355 Chủ nghĩa phục quốc Do Thái xét lại political ideology Revisionist Zionism 24
356 SMS König battleship, shipwreck SMS König 24
357 SMS Seydlitz battlecruiser, shipwreck SMS Seydlitz 24
358 Trận chiến đảo Rennell naval battle Battle of Rennell Island 23
359 Chiến tranh Cleomenes war Cleomenean War 23
360 Dennō Senshi Porigon television series episode Dennō Senshi Porygon 23
361 Kaiser ship class Kaiser-class battleship 23
362 Kanon video game Kanon (video game) 23
363 The Long and Winding Road musical work/composition The Long and Winding Road 23
364 Wildest Dreams single, audio track, musical work/composition Wildest Dreams (Taylor Swift song) 23
365 Trận Tenaru battle Battle of the Tenaru 22
366 Viện Viễn Đông Bác cổ research institute French School of the Far East 22
367 HMS Indefatigable heritage site, battlecruiser, shipwreck HMS Indefatigable (1909) 22
368 HMS Lion battlecruiser HMS Lion (1910) 22
369 IK Pegasi spectroscopic binary IK Pegasi 22
370 SMS Bayern shipwreck, super-dreadnought SMS Bayern 22
371 SMS Moltke battlecruiser, shipwreck SMS Moltke 22
372 SMS Von der Tann battlecruiser, shipwreck SMS Von der Tann 22
373 Thảm sát Batavia năm 1740 mass murder 1740 Batavia massacre 21
374 Hotel Chevalier short film Hotel Chevalier 21
375 Ly tao narrative poetry Li Sao 21
376 Nassau ship class Nassau-class battleship 21
377 Thám hiểm Shackleton-Rowett research expedition Shackleton–Rowett Expedition 21
378 The Red Tour concert tour The Red Tour 21
379 What's My Name? single What's My Name? (Rihanna song) 21
380 Air video game, conflation, manga series Air (video game) 20
381 Channel Orange album Channel Orange 20
382 George Washington human George Washington (inventor) 20
383 Key video game developer, brand Key (company) 20
384 König ship class König-class battleship 20
385 Bayern ship class Bayern-class battleship 19
386 Conatus philosophical concept, metaphysical concept Conatus 19
387 Tác chiến chiều sâu military strategy Deep operation 19
388 Giải Grammy cho Bài hát rock hay nhất Grammy Awards, class of award Grammy Award for Best Rock Song 19
389 HMAS Australia battlecruiser, shipwreck HMAS Australia (1911) 19
390 Helgoland ship class Helgoland-class battleship 19
391 How Brown Saw the Baseball Game short film How Brown Saw the Baseball Game 19
392 Moltke ship class Moltke-class battlecruiser 19
393 North Carolina ship class North Carolina-class battleship 19
394 SMS Grosser Kurfürst battleship, shipwreck SMS Grosser Kurfürst (1913) 19
395 SMS Posen dreadnought SMS Posen 19
396 SMS Thüringen dreadnought SMS Thüringen 19
397 Alaska ship class Alaska-class cruiser 18
398 Trận chiến đồi Edson battle Battle of Edson's Ridge 18
399 Derfflinger ship class Derfflinger-class battlecruiser 18
400 Chiến tranh Ý giai đoạn 1542–1546 war Italian War of 1542–1546 18
401 Đối xứng gương Mirror symmetry (string theory) 18
402 SMS Friedrich der Große battleship, shipwreck SMS Friedrich der Grosse (1911) 18
403 SMS Helgoland dreadnought SMS Helgoland (1909) 18
404 SMS Kaiser battleship, shipwreck SMS Kaiser (1911) 18
405 SMS Westfalen dreadnought SMS Westfalen 18
406 Trần Nhân Tông human Trần Nhân Tông 18
407 Trận chiến sân bay Henderson battle Battle for Henderson Field 17
408 Trận Caen battle, siege Battle of Caen (1346) 17
409 City of Angels single City of Angels (Thirty Seconds to Mars song) 17
410 HMS Princess Royal battlecruiser HMS Princess Royal (1911) 17
411 Giới thiệu thuyết tương đối rộng Wikimedia introduction to topic Introduction to general relativity 17
412 Little Busters! video game Little Busters! 17
413 SMS Kronprinz battleship, shipwreck SMS Kronprinz 17
414 SMS Markgraf battleship, shipwreck SMS Markgraf 17
415 SMS Rheinland dreadnought SMS Rheinland 17
416 Trần Thái Tông human Trần Thái Tông 17
417 HMS New Zealand battlecruiser HMS New Zealand (1911) 16
418 Nhà hát Lớn Hà Nội theatre building, opera house Hanoi Opera House 16
419 Giuse Maria Trịnh Văn Căn human Joseph-Marie Trịnh Văn Căn 16
420 Mỹ Tâm human Mỹ Tâm 16
421 Rewrite video game Rewrite (video game) 16
422 SMS Baden shipwreck, super-dreadnought SMS Baden 16
423 SMS Ostfriesland dreadnought SMS Ostfriesland 16
424 SMS Prinzregent Luitpold battleship, shipwreck SMS Prinzregent Luitpold 16
425 Tắc kè lùn quần đảo Virgin taxon Virgin Islands dwarf sphaero 16
426 Trận Osan battle Battle of Osan 15
427 Giới thiệu về virus Wikimedia introduction to topic Introduction to viruses 15
428 Chiến tranh Kim – Tống war Jin–Song wars 15
429 SMS Kaiserin battleship, shipwreck SMS Kaiserin 15
430 SMS König Albert battleship, shipwreck SMS König Albert 15
431 SMS Oldenburg dreadnought SMS Oldenburg 15
432 Trần Thánh Tông human Trần Thánh Tông 15
433 Siêu cúp Anh 1998 sports season 1998 FA Charity Shield 14
434 Good Girl Gone Bad: Reloaded album Good Girl Gone Bad: Reloaded 14
435 Giuse Maria Trịnh Như Khuê human Joseph-Marie Trịnh Như Khuê 14
436 Du lịch Paris tourism in a region Tourism in Paris 14
437 Trận Gebora battle Battle of the Gebora 13
438 Suillus spraguei taxon Suillus spraguei 13
439 The Beautician and the Beast film The Beautician and the Beast 13
440 The Sirens and Ulysses painting The Sirens and Ulysses 13
441 Áp thấp nhiệt đới Ten tropical depression Tropical Depression Ten (2005) 13
442 Bão Marco tropical storm Tropical Storm Marco (2008) 13
443 Pyrocephalus obscurus taxon Vermilion flycatcher 13
444 DJ Got Us Fallin' in Love single DJ Got Us Fallin' in Love 12
445 Banksia ilicifolia taxon Banksia ilicifolia 11
446 Government Hooker musical work/composition Government Hooker 11
447 Hobey Baker human Hobey Baker 11
448 Anphong Nguyễn Hữu Long human Alphonse Nguyên Huu Long ( d:Q15791820) 10
449 Calvatia sculpta taxon Calvatia sculpta 10
450 Cuộc tấn công Matanikau military offensive Matanikau Offensive 10
451 Emmanuel Nguyễn Hồng Sơn human Emmanuel Nguyễn Hồng Sơn ( d:Q23061229) 9
452 Danh sách trận chung kết UEFA Conference League Wikimedia list article List of UEFA Conference League finals 9
453 Chung kết Cúp FA 1927 FA Cup Final 1927 FA Cup final 8
454 Biểu tình bài Nhật tại Trung Quốc năm 2012 riot, protest 2012 anti-Japanese demonstrations in China 8
455 Allen Walker fictional human Allen Walker 8
456 Giuse Nguyễn Chí Linh human Joseph Nguyễn Chí Linh 8
457 Giuse Trần Văn Toản human Joseph Trần Văn Toản 8
458 Bão Pongsona typhoon Typhoon Pongsona 8
459 Đặng Nhật Minh human Đặng Nhật Minh 8
460 Tòa nhà Quốc hội Việt Nam parliament National Assembly Building of Vietnam 7
461 Phaolô Tịnh Nguyễn Bình Tĩnh human Paul Tịnh Nguyễn Bình Tĩnh 7
462 Dòng máu anh hùng film The Rebel (2007 film) 7
463 Chorioactis geaster taxon Chorioactis geaster ( d:Q5105064) 6
464 Đa Minh Đặng Văn Cầu human Dominic Đặng Văn Cầu ( d:Q114908344) 6
465 Ngô Đình Cẩn human Ngô Đình Cẩn 6
466 Throffer Throffer 6
467 Đập cánh giữa không trung film Flapping in the Middle of Nowhere 5
468 Chiến tranh Pháp – Đại Nam conquest French conquest of Vietnam 5
469 Lê Thị Lựu human Lê Thị Lựu 5
470 Phaolô Nguyễn Văn Bình human Paul Nguyễn Văn Bình 5
471 Phêrô Kiều Công Tùng human Peter Kiều Công Tùng ( d:Q117302400) 5
472 Philípphê Nguyễn Kim Điền human Philippe Nguyễn Kim Điền 5
473 Vu Thành Long human Yu Chenglong 5
474 Lũ lụt miền Trung Việt Nam tháng 11 năm 1999 flood 1999 Vietnamese floods 4
475 Vụ Trần Trường demonstration, controversy Hi-Tek incident 4
476 Mạng lưới điệp báo Portland spy ring Portland spy ring 4
477 Seorsumuscardinus fossil taxon Seorsumuscardinus 4
478 Mùi cỏ cháy film The Scent of Burning Grass 4
479 Thế Lữ human Thế Lữ 4
480 Vụ phát tán video Senkaku năm 2010 information leak 2010 Senkaku boat collision incident video leak ( d:Q11251544) 3
481 Nữ tướng cướp film Gangsta Girls 3
482 Phố cổ Hội An old town Hoi An Old Town ( d:Q5965459) 3
483 Song lang film Song Lang 3
484 Trần Văn Thủy human Trần Văn Thủy 3
485 Bão Cecil typhoon Typhoon Cecil (1985) 3
486 Vụ du khách Việt Nam bỏ trốn tại Đài Loan 2018 ✗ ( d:Q60994684) 2
487 Hệ thống bảo tàng Paris Museums in Paris 2
488 Kiến trúc Đà Lạt ✗ ( d:Q10780349) 1
489 Lịch sử Đà Lạt ✗ ( d:Q10788725) 1
490 Vụ án cầu Chương Dương 1993 Chương Dương Bridge case ( d:Q121072373) 1
491 Biểu tình Thái Bình 1997 1997 Thai Binh protest ( d:Q97729648) 1
492 Biểu tình Tây Nguyên 2004 riot 2004 Central Highlands Protest in Vietnam ( d:Q30919873) 1
493 Cảng Sài Gòn 0–2 Tổng cục Đường sắt association football club match Cảng Sài Gòn vs Tổng cục Đường sắt ( d:Q97095171) 1
494 Giáo dục Việt Nam Cộng hòa education in country or region Education in the Republic of Vietnam ( d:Q16481298) 1
495 Opera Việt Nam Opera in Vietnam ( d:Q124537121) 1
Average With English: en/vi (Vietnamese) = 479/495 (96.8%) 78.8
Sum No article or article with the same title: 13
No label: 3

See also

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The table below lists the featured articles for a given "foreign-" (i.e., non-English-)language Wikipedia initially sorted by the number of corresponding articles in other Wikipedias. The "Languages" column indicates the number of articles on all Wikipedias corresponding to the other-language featured article; the "#" column provides a ranking based on this sorting.

The "Articles in English" column shows to what extent the other-language articles are represented on the English Wikipedia (en-wiki):

  • The ✓ green background means the other-language article exists about that specific topic in en-wiki, using an appropriate English title.
  • The ✗ red background means the other-language article does NOT have a one-to-one correspondence on en-wiki. Where there is a red-linked title, no article exists with an identical or corresponding title. A blue-linked title indicates a redirect to an en-wiki page, which can also be a dab page or a section in another subject's article. A link of the form {{d:Q12345678}} points to a Wikidata item with either the same name as the other-language article title or what is believed to be an appropriate corresponding name.
  • Icons indicate high-quality articles in en-wiki: is a featured article, is a good article. (No other quality levels are shown; the lack of an icon means merely that the English article is neither FA nor GA.)

Article list

Article list of "Wikipedia:featured articles" in Vietnamese
# Articles in Vietnamese instance of Articles in English Count of languages
1 Canada country, sovereign state Canada 376
2 Paris department of France, megacity, metropolis Paris 346
3 Indonesia country, presidential system, island country Indonesia 345
4 Trái Đất terrestrial planet, inner planet of the Solar System Earth 344
5 Mặt Trời G-type main-sequence star Sun 334
6 Mặt Trăng regular moon, planetary-mass moon, planetary moon Moon 332
7 Roma metropolis, commune of Italy, border city Rome 327
8 Adolf Hitler human Adolf Hitler 312
9 Ronald Reagan human Ronald Reagan 306
10 Michael Jackson human Michael Jackson 305
11 Madagascar country, island country, sovereign state Madagascar 301
12 Vật lý học exact science, branch of science, academic discipline Physics 296
13 Washington, D.C. human settlement, planned community, city in the United States Washington, D.C. 292
14 Sao Hỏa superior planet, inner planet of the Solar System Mars 289
15 Hồng Kông city, city-state, dependent territory Hong Kong 286
16 Bóng đá type of sport, Olympic sport, team sport Association football 283
17 Julius Caesar human Julius Caesar 277
18 Istanbul megacity, big city, port settlement Istanbul 275
19 Napoléon Bonaparte human Napoleon 269
20 Sao Kim inner planet of the Solar System, inferior planet Venus 266
21 Hệ Mặt Trời planetary system Solar System 261
22 Sao astronomical object type Star 260
23 Galileo Galilei human Galileo Galilei 259
24 Sao Mộc outer planet, gas giant, superior planet Jupiter 258
25 Sao Thủy inner planet of the Solar System, inferior planet Mercury (planet) 258
26 Hành tinh astronomical object type Planet 256
27 Sao Thổ outer planet, gas giant Saturn 252
28 Vincent van Gogh human Vincent van Gogh 251
29 Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh city, megacity, planned community Ho Chi Minh City 250
30 Sao Thiên Vương outer planet, superior planet, ice giant Uranus 248
31 Charlie Chaplin human Charlie Chaplin 246
32 Sao Hải Vương outer planet, superior planet, ice giant Neptune 239
33 Nguyên tử Atom 238
34 The Beatles musical group, defunct organization The Beatles 237
35 Franz Kafka human Franz Kafka 223
36 Bảng tuần hoàn chemical classification Periodic table 220
37 San Francisco city, city in the United States, big city San Francisco 219
38 Chủ nghĩa vô thần world view, philosophical movement, doxastic attitude Atheism 215
39 Tự nhiên phenomenon Nature 212
40 Sao Diêm Vương dwarf planet Pluto 210
41 Firenze commune of Italy, big city, Italian city-state Florence 204
42 Napoli city, commune of Italy, big city Naples 200
43 Stephen Hawking human Stephen Hawking 200
44 Walt Disney human Walt Disney 198
45 Hà Nội human settlement, municipality of Vietnam, big city Hanoi 193
46 James Joyce human James Joyce 192
47 Trung Cổ historical period, age Middle Ages 192
48 Quần đảo Falkland British overseas territories Falkland Islands 191
49 Queen musical group Queen (band) 190
50 Tiến hóa specialty, field of study, type of process Evolution 188
51 Thiên hà astronomical object type Galaxy 187
52 Lady Gaga human Lady Gaga 187
53 Lỗ đen astronomical object, astronomical object type Black hole 186
54 Ấm lên toàn cầu human impact on the environment, environmental issue, atmospheric phenomenon Climate change 185
55 Virus taxon Virus 185
56 Madonna human Madonna 184
57 Ung thư class of disease Cancer 183
58 Leonhard Euler human Leonhard Euler 183
59 Bob Dylan human Bob Dylan 178
60 DNA structural class of chemical entities DNA 177
61 Johannes Kepler human Johannes Kepler 177
62 John Lennon human John Lennon 177
63 Ai Cập cổ đại historical region, historical country, cultural region Ancient Egypt 176
64 Alfred Hitchcock human Alfred Hitchcock 175
65 Phục Hưng art movement, cultural movement Renaissance 175
66 Đế quốc Đông La Mã historical country, historical period Byzantine Empire 174
67 Vụ Nổ Lớn occurrence, unmoved mover, cosmological model Big Bang 171
68 Pi real number, transcendental number, mathematical constant Pi 171
69 Urani chemical element, lithophile, radioactive element Uranium 171
70 Elizabeth I của Anh human Elizabeth I 170
71 Kẽm chemical element, chalcophile element, simple substance Zinc 170
72 Fluor chemical element, lithophile Fluorine 169
73 Electron type of quantum particle Electron 168
74 Angelina Jolie human Angelina Jolie 163
75 Max Weber human Max Weber 162
76 Anne Frank human Anne Frank 161
77 Giải vô địch bóng đá thế giới recurring sporting event, international association football national teams competition FIFA World Cup 161
78 Viện bảo tàng Louvre art museum, archaeological museum Louvre 159
79 Cleopatra VII human Cleopatra 158
80 Di truyền học science, academic discipline, branch of biology Genetics 154
81 Franci chemical element Francium 152
82 Taylor Swift human Taylor Swift 152
83 Đế quốc Anh historical country British Empire 150
84 Céline Dion human Celine Dion 148
85 Nhật thực Solar eclipse 147
86 Paul McCartney human Paul McCartney 144
87 Tượng Nữ thần Tự do statue, tourist attraction, observation tower Statue of Liberty 143
88 Suleiman I human Suleiman the Magnificent 140
89 Audrey Hepburn human Audrey Hepburn 138
90 Gustav Mahler human Gustav Mahler 136
91 Manchester United F.C. association football club Manchester United F.C. 134
92 Titanic film Titanic (1997 film) 133
93 Tốc độ ánh sáng physical constant, scalar quantity, constant Speed of light 132
94 Danh sách Tổng thống Hoa Kỳ Wikimedia list article, Wikimedia list of persons by position held List of presidents of the United States 131
95 Thần thoại Hy Lạp mythology Greek mythology 130
96 Trao đổi chất biological process Metabolism 129
97 Tripura state of India Tripura 126
98 Nhà Minh historical period, historical Chinese state Ming dynasty 125
99 Nhà Hán historical country, historical period, Chinese dynasty Han dynasty 124
100 Cổ khuẩn taxon Archaea 123
101 Christina Aguilera human Christina Aguilera 122
102 Emma Goldman human Emma Goldman 122
103 Vườn quốc gia Phong Nha – Kẻ Bàng nature park in Vietnam Phong Nha – Kẻ Bàng National Park 122
104 Robert Oppenheimer human J. Robert Oppenheimer 121
105 Katy Perry human Katy Perry 121
106 Arsenal F.C. association football club Arsenal F.C. 120
107 Thuyết tương đối rộng physical law, scientific theory General relativity 120
108 George Harrison human George Harrison 120
109 Mariah Carey human Mariah Carey 120
110 Hệ miễn dịch neural system type Immune system 118
111 Photon type of quantum particle Photon 116
112 Nhà Đường state, culture, style Tang dynasty 116
113 Logarit type of mathematical function Logarithm 115
114 Kiến tạo mảng theory Plate tectonics 115
115 Titan moon of Saturn, regular moon Titan (moon) 115
116 Cher human Cher 113
117 Georg Cantor human Georg Cantor 113
118 Thú mỏ vịt taxon Platypus 110
119 Ringo Starr human Ringo Starr 110
120 Demosthenes human Demosthenes 107
121 Europa regular moon, moon of Jupiter Europa (moon) 107
122 Những người bạn television series Friends 107
123 Nữ hoàng băng giá animated film, 3D film Frozen (2013 film) 107
124 Io regular moon, moon of Jupiter Io (moon) 107
125 Edward VIII của Anh human Edward VIII 106
126 Ganymede regular moon, moon of Jupiter, planetary-mass moon Ganymede (moon) 105
127 Truyện kể Genji literary work The Tale of Genji 105
128 Giải vô địch bóng đá châu Âu 2012 edition of the UEFA European Championship UEFA Euro 2012 105
129 Blackpink girl group Blackpink 104
130 George V của Anh human George V 104
131 Siêu tân tinh astronomical object type Supernova 104
132 Kỵ sĩ bóng đêm film The Dark Knight 104
133 Ó cá taxon Osprey 103
134 Quark type of quantum particle Quark 102
135 Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov human Georgy Zhukov 101
136 Harry Potter và Hòn đá Phù thủy literary work Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 101
137 James Dean human James Dean 101
138 Hiệp ước Xô-Đức non-aggression pact, secret treaty Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact 101
139 Thierry Henry human Thierry Henry 101
140 Casablanca film Casablanca (film) 99
141 Đà Lạt big city, provincial city Da Lat 99
142 Eric Clapton human Eric Clapton 99
143 Thế vận hội Mùa hè 1896 Summer Olympic Games 1896 Summer Olympics 98
144 Vương quốc Macedonia historical country Macedonia (ancient kingdom) 98
145 Tra tấn Torture 97
146 Người đẹp và quái vật animated feature film Beauty and the Beast (1991 film) 96
147 Schutzstaffel paramilitary organization, military organization, squadron Schutzstaffel 96
148 Wayne Rooney human Wayne Rooney 96
149 Callisto regular moon, moon of Jupiter Callisto (moon) 95
150 Ủy ban châu Âu institution of the European Union European Commission 95
151 Chiến tranh Pháp–Phổ war Franco-Prussian War 94
152 Bản danh sách của Schindler film Schindler's List 94
153 William IV của Anh human William IV 94
154 Aikido sports discipline Aikido 93
155 Acid hydrochloric aqueous solution Hydrochloric acid 92
156 Trận Waterloo battle Battle of Waterloo 91
157 Thánh Giuse human biblical figure Saint Joseph 91
158 Hướng đạo social movement Scouting 91
159 Emmy Noether human Emmy Noether 90
160 Lịch sử Nhật Bản history of a country or state History of Japan 90
161 Đế quốc Parthia historical country Parthian Empire 90
162 Nhà Tống Chinese dynasty, historical Chinese state Song dynasty 90
163 Enceladus moon of Saturn, regular moon Enceladus 89
164 Kẻ hủy diệt 2: Ngày phán xét film Terminator 2: Judgment Day 89
165 William III của Anh human William III of England 89
166 Thư viện Quốc gia Pháp national library, publisher Bibliothèque nationale de France 87
167 Kế hoạch Marshall Act of Congress in the United States, public policy, plan Marshall Plan 87
168 Cận Tinh double star, flare star, eruptive variable star Proxima Centauri 87
169 Sông Columbia river, main stream Columbia River 86
170 Diane Keaton human Diane Keaton 86
171 Nhóm Group (mathematics) 85
172 James II của Anh human James II of England 85
173 Trận Trân Châu Cảng battle, air offensive, naval offensive Attack on Pearl Harbor 84
174 Avengers: Cuộc chiến vô cực film Avengers: Infinity War 84
175 Boeing 747 aircraft family Boeing 747 84
176 Dự án Manhattan experiment, task, megaproject Manhattan Project 84
177 Caterina de' Medici human Catherine de' Medici 83
178 Người Sắt film Iron Man (2008 film) 83
179 Xbox 360 model series, video game console model Xbox 360 82
180 Oberon moon of Uranus, regular moon Oberon (moon) 81
181 Wii home video game console model Wii 80
182 Tinh vân Con Cua supernova remnant Crab Nebula 79
183 Jake Gyllenhaal human Jake Gyllenhaal 79
184 Thiên Tiễn constellation Sagitta 79
185 Điệp vụ Boston film The Departed 79
186 Vẻ đẹp Mỹ film American Beauty (1999 film) 77
187 John Terry human John Terry 77
188 Guy Fawkes human Guy Fawkes 76
189 Sơn Án constellation Mensa (constellation) 76
190 Star Wars: Thần lực thức tỉnh feature film, 3D film Star Wars: The Force Awakens 76
191 Gilbert du Motier de La Fayette human Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette 75
192 Thảm sát Katyn war crime, mass murder, mass killings under communist regimes Katyn massacre 75
193 Trận chiến nước Pháp battle Battle of France 74
194 Bộ Cá da trơn taxon Catfish 73
195 Lịch sử Trái Đất aspect of history History of Earth 73
196 Ted Bundy human Ted Bundy 73
197 Chu kỳ kinh nguyệt biological process Menstrual cycle 72
198 Friedrich III, Hoàng đế Đức human Frederick III, German Emperor 70
199 Sòng bạc hoàng gia film reboot Casino Royale (2006 film) 69
200 Tê giác Java taxon Javan rhinoceros 69
201 Quần đảo Trường Sa island group, disputed territory Spratly Islands 68
202 Captain America: Nội chiến siêu anh hùng film, 3D film Captain America: Civil War 67
203 Nghịch lý Fermi paradox, Fermi problem, scientific theory Fermi paradox 67
204 243 Ida asteroid 243 Ida 66
205 Amphetamin group of stereoisomers Amphetamine 65
206 Dãy núi Cascade mountain range Cascade Range 65
207 Trois Glorieuses revolution July Revolution 65
208 Bảng mã IOC country code, Wikimedia list article List of IOC country codes 65
209 Maximianus human Maximian 65
210 Ukiyo-e art movement, art genre Ukiyo-e 65
211 Your Name – Tên cậu là gì? anime film, original anime Your Name 65
212 Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress aircraft family Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress 64
213 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind film Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 64
214 Trận Iwo Jima battle Battle of Iwo Jima 63
215 Boeing 767 aircraft family Boeing 767 63
216 Sự kiện tuyệt chủng Phấn Trắng – Cổ Cận extinction event Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event 63
217 Messier 87 elliptical galaxy, brightest cluster galaxy, astronomical radio source Messier 87 63
218 Thriller album Thriller (album) 62
219 Vụ ám sát John F. Kennedy murder, political murder, assassination Assassination of John F. Kennedy 61
220 Trận Agincourt battle, military victories against the odds Battle of Agincourt 61
221 Trận Cannae battle Battle of Cannae 61
222 Triết học tinh thần branch of philosophy Philosophy of mind 61
223 Người Nhện: Vũ trụ mới film, animated film Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse 61
224 Chăm Pa historical region Champa 60
225 Tội phạm nhân bản 2049 film, 3D film Blade Runner 2049 59
226 Hồi hải mã brain region type Hippocampus 59
227 Danh sách người đoạt giải Nobel Wikimedia list article List of Nobel laureates 59
228 Mật mã Caesar Caesar cipher 58
229 Destiny's Child musical group Destiny's Child 58
230 Bismarck battleship, shipwreck German battleship Bismarck 58
231 Call Me by Your Name film Call Me by Your Name (film) 57
232 John Churchill, Công tước thứ 1 xứ Marlborough human John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough 57
233 North American P-51 Mustang aircraft family North American P-51 Mustang 57
234 Final Fantasy media franchise Final Fantasy 56
235 Trận Yarmouk battle Battle of the Yarmuk 55
236 Con đường ảo mộng film Mulholland Drive (film) 55
237 Basiliscus human Basiliscus 54
238 Help! album Help! 54
239 Wish You Were Here album Wish You Were Here (Pink Floyd album) 54
240 Ozu Yasujirō human Yasujirō Ozu 54
241 Vùng H II astronomical object type H II region 53
242 Kim loại nặng Heavy metals 53
243 Little Miss Sunshine film Little Miss Sunshine 53
244 Sự hình thành và tiến hóa của Hệ Mặt Trời formation and evolution of the planetary systems Formation and evolution of the Solar System 52
245 Lịch sử thiên văn học academic discipline, aspect of history History of astronomy 52
246 Lisa del Giocondo human Lisa del Giocondo 52
247 Nikon human Patriarch Nikon of Moscow 52
248 Danh sách người đoạt giải Nobel Hòa bình Wikimedia list article List of Nobel Peace Prize laureates 51
249 Nevermind album Nevermind 51
250 Thuận Trị human Shunzhi Emperor 51
251 William Wilberforce human William Wilberforce 51
252 Chiến tranh Boshin civil war Boshin War 50
253 Kinh Thi literary work Classic of Poetry 50
254 Josquin des Prez human Josquin des Prez 50
255 Watchmen graphic novel, limited series Watchmen 50
256 When Harry Met Sally... film When Harry Met Sally... 50
257 Brian Epstein human Brian Epstein 49
258 Imagine musical work/composition Imagine (song) 49
259 Thích Quảng Đức human Thích Quảng Đức 48
260 Hiện tượng 2012 eschatology, apocalypticism, Internet meme 2012 phenomenon 47
261 Thiên kiến xác nhận cognitive bias Confirmation bias 47
262 USS Missouri fast battleship USS Missouri (BB-63) 47
263 Chiến dịch Guadalcanal military campaign Guadalcanal campaign 46
264 Halo: Combat Evolved video game, esports discipline Halo: Combat Evolved 46
265 Lưu Bị human Liu Bei 46
266 Chiếc bè của chiến thuyền Méduse painting The Raft of the Medusa 46
267 Nghiêm Phục human Yan Fu 46
268 Acrocanthosaurus fossil taxon Acrocanthosaurus 45
269 Apollo 4 unmanned spaceflight Apollo 4 45
270 HMS Hood battlecruiser, shipwreck HMS Hood 45
271 Khánh Hòa province of Vietnam Khánh Hòa province 45
272 OK Computer album OK Computer 45
273 Red Dead Redemption video game Red Dead Redemption 45
274 Dreadnought ship type Dreadnought 44
275 1989 album 1989 (album) 43
276 Nhàn mào taxon Greater crested tern 43
277 Nguyễn Văn Thiệu human Nguyễn Văn Thiệu 43
278 Age of Mythology video game, esports discipline Age of Mythology 42
279 Cardcaptor Sakura manga series Cardcaptor Sakura 42
280 Trận Hà Lan battle German invasion of the Netherlands 42
281 We Are the World song We Are the World 42
282 Giấc mơ danh vọng film Dreamgirls (film) 41
283 Hold It Against Me single Hold It Against Me 41
284 Max Steiner human Max Steiner 41
285 Lịch sử sinh học branch of science, aspect of history History of biology 40
286 Loud album Loud (Rihanna album) 40
287 Họ Trèo cây taxon Nuthatch 40
288 Chiến dịch Sao Thiên Vương military operation Operation Uranus 40
289 Chiến dịch Barvenkovo–Lozovaya battle, conflict Second Battle of Kharkov 40
290 Trận Smolensk battle Battle of Smolensk (1941) 39
291 Người tiễn đưa film Departures (2008 film) 39
292 Menkauhor Kaiu human Menkauhor Kaiu 39
293 Red album Red (Taylor Swift album) 39
294 Tế bào sắc tố cell type, cell class Chromatophore 38
295 Thiên thần sa ngã biblical concept Fallen angel 38
296 Gia Long human Gia Long 38
297 Palais Bourbon palace, parliament building Palais Bourbon 38
298 Resident Evil 2 video game Resident Evil 2 38
299 Chiến dịch Mãn Châu invasion, military operation Soviet invasion of Manchuria 38
300 Convair B-36 Peacemaker aircraft model Convair B-36 Peacemaker 37
301 Vụ phóng hỏa Kyōto Animation arson, mass murder, structure fire Kyoto Animation arson attack 37
302 Squatina squatina taxon Squatina squatina 37
303 Tương lai của Trái Đất future Future of Earth 36
304 Chiến dịch Ten-Go military operation, naval battle Operation Ten-Go 36
305 USS Arizona dreadnought USS Arizona 36
306 Chiến dịch Blau military offensive Case Blue 35
307 Chiến tranh Crete war Cretan War (1645–1669) 35
308 Danh sách chi khủng long Wikimedia list article List of dinosaur genera 35
309 Maurice Richard human Maurice Richard 35
310 Tokyo Mew Mew manga series Tokyo Mew Mew 35
311 Trận Xích Bích battle Battle of Red Cliffs 34
312 Rhinocerus woodcut print Dürer's Rhinoceros 34
313 Akagi aircraft carrier, battlecruiser, shipwreck Japanese aircraft carrier Akagi 34
314 Charles Villiers Stanford human Charles Villiers Stanford 33
315 Clannad video game Clannad (video game) 33
316 HMS Royal Oak battleship, shipwreck HMS Royal Oak (08) 33
317 Katsudō Shashin short film Katsudō Shashin 33
318 Pisco sour IBA official cocktail Pisco sour 33
319 Bánh mì Việt Nam Bánh mì 32
320 Stripped album Stripped (Christina Aguilera album) 32
321 Yamato ship class Yamato-class battleship 31
322 Trận Dyrrhachium battle Battle of Dyrrhachium (1081) 30
323 Kaga aircraft carrier, dreadnought, shipwreck Japanese aircraft carrier Kaga 30
324 Love the Way You Lie single Love the Way You Lie 30
325 Ketsuban software bug, Glitch Pokémon MissingNo. 30
326 Shake It Off single Shake It Off 30
327 Chiến dịch Smolensk battle Smolensk operation 30
328 Blank Space single Blank Space 29
329 HMS Ark Royal aircraft carrier HMS Ark Royal (91) 29
330 Hydnellum peckii taxon Hydnellum peckii 29
331 Rumours album Rumours (album) 29
332 Siêu tân tinh loại Ia Type Ia supernova 29
333 1000 Forms of Fear album 1000 Forms of Fear 28
334 Khí quyển Sao Mộc atmosphere of a planet Atmosphere of Jupiter 28
335 Trận chiến biển Bismarck battle Battle of the Bismarck Sea 28
336 Hải chiến Guadalcanal naval battle Naval Battle of Guadalcanal 28
337 Only Girl musical work/composition Only Girl (In the World) 28
338 Cynops pyrrhogaster taxon, model organism Japanese fire-bellied newt 27
339 SMS Goeben battlecruiser SMS Goeben 27
340 USS Nevada battleship USS Nevada (BB-36) 27
341 Dáng hình thanh âm anime film A Silent Voice (film) 26
342 Trận chiến Đông Solomon battle Battle of the Eastern Solomons 26
343 Lông bay Flight feather 26
344 Hôn nhân cùng giới ở Tây Ban Nha aspect in a geographic region Same-sex marriage in Spain 26
345 Vjekoslav Luburić human Vjekoslav Luburić 26
346 Cố Viêm Vũ human Gu Yanwu 25
347 Haruna battlecruiser Japanese battleship Haruna 25
348 Nancy Drew literary character, fictional human, television character Nancy Drew 25
349 Dàn nhạc giao hưởng Philharmonia orchestra Philharmonia Orchestra 25
350 Thảm sát Ponary mass murder Ponary massacre 25
351 Thiết giáp hạm tiền-dreadnought ship type Pre-dreadnought battleship 25
352 Vườn quốc gia và bang Redwood protected area, tourist attraction, group of protected areas Redwood National and State Parks 25
353 S&M song, single S&M (song) 25
354 Công nghệ nano DNA DNA nanotechnology 24
355 Chủ nghĩa phục quốc Do Thái xét lại political ideology Revisionist Zionism 24
356 SMS König battleship, shipwreck SMS König 24
357 SMS Seydlitz battlecruiser, shipwreck SMS Seydlitz 24
358 Trận chiến đảo Rennell naval battle Battle of Rennell Island 23
359 Chiến tranh Cleomenes war Cleomenean War 23
360 Dennō Senshi Porigon television series episode Dennō Senshi Porygon 23
361 Kaiser ship class Kaiser-class battleship 23
362 Kanon video game Kanon (video game) 23
363 The Long and Winding Road musical work/composition The Long and Winding Road 23
364 Wildest Dreams single, audio track, musical work/composition Wildest Dreams (Taylor Swift song) 23
365 Trận Tenaru battle Battle of the Tenaru 22
366 Viện Viễn Đông Bác cổ research institute French School of the Far East 22
367 HMS Indefatigable heritage site, battlecruiser, shipwreck HMS Indefatigable (1909) 22
368 HMS Lion battlecruiser HMS Lion (1910) 22
369 IK Pegasi spectroscopic binary IK Pegasi 22
370 SMS Bayern shipwreck, super-dreadnought SMS Bayern 22
371 SMS Moltke battlecruiser, shipwreck SMS Moltke 22
372 SMS Von der Tann battlecruiser, shipwreck SMS Von der Tann 22
373 Thảm sát Batavia năm 1740 mass murder 1740 Batavia massacre 21
374 Hotel Chevalier short film Hotel Chevalier 21
375 Ly tao narrative poetry Li Sao 21
376 Nassau ship class Nassau-class battleship 21
377 Thám hiểm Shackleton-Rowett research expedition Shackleton–Rowett Expedition 21
378 The Red Tour concert tour The Red Tour 21
379 What's My Name? single What's My Name? (Rihanna song) 21
380 Air video game, conflation, manga series Air (video game) 20
381 Channel Orange album Channel Orange 20
382 George Washington human George Washington (inventor) 20
383 Key video game developer, brand Key (company) 20
384 König ship class König-class battleship 20
385 Bayern ship class Bayern-class battleship 19
386 Conatus philosophical concept, metaphysical concept Conatus 19
387 Tác chiến chiều sâu military strategy Deep operation 19
388 Giải Grammy cho Bài hát rock hay nhất Grammy Awards, class of award Grammy Award for Best Rock Song 19
389 HMAS Australia battlecruiser, shipwreck HMAS Australia (1911) 19
390 Helgoland ship class Helgoland-class battleship 19
391 How Brown Saw the Baseball Game short film How Brown Saw the Baseball Game 19
392 Moltke ship class Moltke-class battlecruiser 19
393 North Carolina ship class North Carolina-class battleship 19
394 SMS Grosser Kurfürst battleship, shipwreck SMS Grosser Kurfürst (1913) 19
395 SMS Posen dreadnought SMS Posen 19
396 SMS Thüringen dreadnought SMS Thüringen 19
397 Alaska ship class Alaska-class cruiser 18
398 Trận chiến đồi Edson battle Battle of Edson's Ridge 18
399 Derfflinger ship class Derfflinger-class battlecruiser 18
400 Chiến tranh Ý giai đoạn 1542–1546 war Italian War of 1542–1546 18
401 Đối xứng gương Mirror symmetry (string theory) 18
402 SMS Friedrich der Große battleship, shipwreck SMS Friedrich der Grosse (1911) 18
403 SMS Helgoland dreadnought SMS Helgoland (1909) 18
404 SMS Kaiser battleship, shipwreck SMS Kaiser (1911) 18
405 SMS Westfalen dreadnought SMS Westfalen 18
406 Trần Nhân Tông human Trần Nhân Tông 18
407 Trận chiến sân bay Henderson battle Battle for Henderson Field 17
408 Trận Caen battle, siege Battle of Caen (1346) 17
409 City of Angels single City of Angels (Thirty Seconds to Mars song) 17
410 HMS Princess Royal battlecruiser HMS Princess Royal (1911) 17
411 Giới thiệu thuyết tương đối rộng Wikimedia introduction to topic Introduction to general relativity 17
412 Little Busters! video game Little Busters! 17
413 SMS Kronprinz battleship, shipwreck SMS Kronprinz 17
414 SMS Markgraf battleship, shipwreck SMS Markgraf 17
415 SMS Rheinland dreadnought SMS Rheinland 17
416 Trần Thái Tông human Trần Thái Tông 17
417 HMS New Zealand battlecruiser HMS New Zealand (1911) 16
418 Nhà hát Lớn Hà Nội theatre building, opera house Hanoi Opera House 16
419 Giuse Maria Trịnh Văn Căn human Joseph-Marie Trịnh Văn Căn 16
420 Mỹ Tâm human Mỹ Tâm 16
421 Rewrite video game Rewrite (video game) 16
422 SMS Baden shipwreck, super-dreadnought SMS Baden 16
423 SMS Ostfriesland dreadnought SMS Ostfriesland 16
424 SMS Prinzregent Luitpold battleship, shipwreck SMS Prinzregent Luitpold 16
425 Tắc kè lùn quần đảo Virgin taxon Virgin Islands dwarf sphaero 16
426 Trận Osan battle Battle of Osan 15
427 Giới thiệu về virus Wikimedia introduction to topic Introduction to viruses 15
428 Chiến tranh Kim – Tống war Jin–Song wars 15
429 SMS Kaiserin battleship, shipwreck SMS Kaiserin 15
430 SMS König Albert battleship, shipwreck SMS König Albert 15
431 SMS Oldenburg dreadnought SMS Oldenburg 15
432 Trần Thánh Tông human Trần Thánh Tông 15
433 Siêu cúp Anh 1998 sports season 1998 FA Charity Shield 14
434 Good Girl Gone Bad: Reloaded album Good Girl Gone Bad: Reloaded 14
435 Giuse Maria Trịnh Như Khuê human Joseph-Marie Trịnh Như Khuê 14
436 Du lịch Paris tourism in a region Tourism in Paris 14
437 Trận Gebora battle Battle of the Gebora 13
438 Suillus spraguei taxon Suillus spraguei 13
439 The Beautician and the Beast film The Beautician and the Beast 13
440 The Sirens and Ulysses painting The Sirens and Ulysses 13
441 Áp thấp nhiệt đới Ten tropical depression Tropical Depression Ten (2005) 13
442 Bão Marco tropical storm Tropical Storm Marco (2008) 13
443 Pyrocephalus obscurus taxon Vermilion flycatcher 13
444 DJ Got Us Fallin' in Love single DJ Got Us Fallin' in Love 12
445 Banksia ilicifolia taxon Banksia ilicifolia 11
446 Government Hooker musical work/composition Government Hooker 11
447 Hobey Baker human Hobey Baker 11
448 Anphong Nguyễn Hữu Long human Alphonse Nguyên Huu Long ( d:Q15791820) 10
449 Calvatia sculpta taxon Calvatia sculpta 10
450 Cuộc tấn công Matanikau military offensive Matanikau Offensive 10
451 Emmanuel Nguyễn Hồng Sơn human Emmanuel Nguyễn Hồng Sơn ( d:Q23061229) 9
452 Danh sách trận chung kết UEFA Conference League Wikimedia list article List of UEFA Conference League finals 9
453 Chung kết Cúp FA 1927 FA Cup Final 1927 FA Cup final 8
454 Biểu tình bài Nhật tại Trung Quốc năm 2012 riot, protest 2012 anti-Japanese demonstrations in China 8
455 Allen Walker fictional human Allen Walker 8
456 Giuse Nguyễn Chí Linh human Joseph Nguyễn Chí Linh 8
457 Giuse Trần Văn Toản human Joseph Trần Văn Toản 8
458 Bão Pongsona typhoon Typhoon Pongsona 8
459 Đặng Nhật Minh human Đặng Nhật Minh 8
460 Tòa nhà Quốc hội Việt Nam parliament National Assembly Building of Vietnam 7
461 Phaolô Tịnh Nguyễn Bình Tĩnh human Paul Tịnh Nguyễn Bình Tĩnh 7
462 Dòng máu anh hùng film The Rebel (2007 film) 7
463 Chorioactis geaster taxon Chorioactis geaster ( d:Q5105064) 6
464 Đa Minh Đặng Văn Cầu human Dominic Đặng Văn Cầu ( d:Q114908344) 6
465 Ngô Đình Cẩn human Ngô Đình Cẩn 6
466 Throffer Throffer 6
467 Đập cánh giữa không trung film Flapping in the Middle of Nowhere 5
468 Chiến tranh Pháp – Đại Nam conquest French conquest of Vietnam 5
469 Lê Thị Lựu human Lê Thị Lựu 5
470 Phaolô Nguyễn Văn Bình human Paul Nguyễn Văn Bình 5
471 Phêrô Kiều Công Tùng human Peter Kiều Công Tùng ( d:Q117302400) 5
472 Philípphê Nguyễn Kim Điền human Philippe Nguyễn Kim Điền 5
473 Vu Thành Long human Yu Chenglong 5
474 Lũ lụt miền Trung Việt Nam tháng 11 năm 1999 flood 1999 Vietnamese floods 4
475 Vụ Trần Trường demonstration, controversy Hi-Tek incident 4
476 Mạng lưới điệp báo Portland spy ring Portland spy ring 4
477 Seorsumuscardinus fossil taxon Seorsumuscardinus 4
478 Mùi cỏ cháy film The Scent of Burning Grass 4
479 Thế Lữ human Thế Lữ 4
480 Vụ phát tán video Senkaku năm 2010 information leak 2010 Senkaku boat collision incident video leak ( d:Q11251544) 3
481 Nữ tướng cướp film Gangsta Girls 3
482 Phố cổ Hội An old town Hoi An Old Town ( d:Q5965459) 3
483 Song lang film Song Lang 3
484 Trần Văn Thủy human Trần Văn Thủy 3
485 Bão Cecil typhoon Typhoon Cecil (1985) 3
486 Vụ du khách Việt Nam bỏ trốn tại Đài Loan 2018 ✗ ( d:Q60994684) 2
487 Hệ thống bảo tàng Paris Museums in Paris 2
488 Kiến trúc Đà Lạt ✗ ( d:Q10780349) 1
489 Lịch sử Đà Lạt ✗ ( d:Q10788725) 1
490 Vụ án cầu Chương Dương 1993 Chương Dương Bridge case ( d:Q121072373) 1
491 Biểu tình Thái Bình 1997 1997 Thai Binh protest ( d:Q97729648) 1
492 Biểu tình Tây Nguyên 2004 riot 2004 Central Highlands Protest in Vietnam ( d:Q30919873) 1
493 Cảng Sài Gòn 0–2 Tổng cục Đường sắt association football club match Cảng Sài Gòn vs Tổng cục Đường sắt ( d:Q97095171) 1
494 Giáo dục Việt Nam Cộng hòa education in country or region Education in the Republic of Vietnam ( d:Q16481298) 1
495 Opera Việt Nam Opera in Vietnam ( d:Q124537121) 1
Average With English: en/vi (Vietnamese) = 479/495 (96.8%) 78.8
Sum No article or article with the same title: 13
No label: 3

See also


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