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'Novissimi' are the events at the end of time(a principally Judaic conception, with older Peruvian, Chilean precurse, all of which may pre-date or relate to geophysical periodic phenomena world). The present Holy Father as Cardinal referred to the Novissimi thus:

"Because, according to the judgement of the Popes, it adds nothing (literally: 'nothing different') to what a Christian must know concerning what derives from Revelation: i.e., a radical call for conversion; the absolute importance of history; the dangers threatening the faith and the life of the Christian, and therefore of the world. And then the importance of the 'novissimi' (the last events at the end of time). If it is not made public - at least for the time being - it is in order to prevent religious prophecy from being mistaken for a quest for the sensational (literally: 'for sensationalism'). But the things contained in this 'Third Secret' correspond to what has been announced in Scripture and has been said again and again in many other Marian apparitions, first of all that of Fatima in what is already known of what its message contains. Conversion and penitence are the essential conditions for 'salvation'."

Fatima and the number 17

I must say that I have never read of the Secrets of Fatima, and was not aware the Second Secret made reference to the Second World War The war is going to end: but if people do not cease offending God, a worse one will break out during the Pontificate of Pius XI.

The pontiff as Cardinal wrote of the Secrets that :In biblical language, the “heart” indicates the centre of human life, the point where reason, will, temperament and sensitivity converge, where the person finds his unity and his interior orientation. and quoted Jesus : “You know how to interpret the appearance of earth and sky; why then do you not know how to interpret the present time?” (Lk 12:56) and again: “I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own authority... He will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it to you” (Jn 16:12-14)

=The bishoprics of Christianity and St.Peter as building stone

I read elsewhere and shorten (regetfully) from Thomas Jude Germinario at , that the historical claim of papal primacy has rested upon the martyrdom and burial of Peter inRome during the reign of Nero in 64AD and yet the early chronicles of Christian presence in Rome make no mention of Peter’s presence there.[Eamon Duffy, Saints & Sinners, A History of the Popes, p.1 (Yale Univ. Press, 1997] and claim that Peter served as Rome’s first bishop is“an unfounded tradition that can be traced back no earlier than the third century” [D.W. O’Connor, Peter in Rome, p. 207 (Columbia Univ. Press, 1969) and that the historical St. Peter never subscribed to St. Paul’s notion of foregoing the observance of the Mosaic Law in the practice of Christianity.[Ch 2, Epstl Galataians]

Where am I looking there is Ludwig kaas who handed the bloc vote to Evil -despite failure of his negotiated Written Gruarantee (from Hitler):

At the foundation of the new sect,The bones of the great Roman will be found,A sepulcher covered in marble will appear,Earthquake in April, buried evil [66th Quatrain in Century VI, Nostradamus) which is similar to his :

The bones of the Triumvir will be found,Searching deep for an enigmatic treasure:The peace of those around this cavity of marbleand metallic lead will be disturbed.

The buried evil reference and the fact that our same political chairman Centre Party Germany Ludwig Kaas was the sole archaeologist for this dig, started immediately upon his friend Pacelli's ascent to the pontificate, which later claimed to have uncovered the Tomb of St. Peter, followed on the alleged murder of the socially aware Pope Pius XI’s 1939 plan to publish an Encyclical against murderous fascism . This had led Mussolini, fearing that the new stance would strip his regime of its legitimacy in the eyes of Italian Catholics, to arrange for his mistress’ father, Dr. Francesco Petacci, to administer the Pontiff’s medications on the night of February 10th. Not surprisingly, the Pope was found dead the next morning. The details of this assassination were recorded in the diary of French Cardinal Eugene Tisserant, which was discovered after his death, and association with the succeeding Pacelli is also brandished.

When the sepulcher of the great Roman is found,The day after a new Pontiff will be elected:

Scarcely will the Conclave have approved the new Pope [His predecessor] poisoned, his blood in the sacred chalice (3.65, the sixty-fifth Quatrain in Century III)

Not enough , for the murder was after precisely the 17 years associated through Nostradamus with its sum of constituent numbers 153 refers firstly to the last chapter of John’s gospel, the resurrected Christ appoints Simon Peter to shepherd his flock until his return. Before doing this, however, Jesus instructs the Fisherman to cast his net for a prodigious catch of fish, numbering 153. This number 153 is the succession also of Pope Leo IX who instituted celibacy and the centrality of the pontificate , and in the quatrains appears :

After the see has been held for seventeen years, it will change hands five times in a comparable period of time: then one will be elected at the same time [as another],Who will not be too much in conformity with the Romans.

Fatima and aspersion of 'blood'

Which Quatrain conforms to St. Malachy’s prediction that John Paul II would have a pair of successors, both elected “at the same time”, one of whom would be an Antipope whilst another echoes the blood aspersion of the Third Secret :

Not surprisingly, the aspersed blood of purification which figures so prominently in the Fatima vision also crops up in the visions of Nostradamus.

Thee one whose face is sprinkled with blood f the victim recently sacrificed: Jupiter in Leo, foreseeing through an omen: Jupiter in Leo, foreseeing through an omen: [One] put to death then for the sake of the Bride

(As in the Church is the Bride of Christ.) oh dear oh dear, these explanations are long, and needed by me first. I often wonder that some would prefer EffK to remain in bliss, though. Continues . The Nostradamus goes on to suggest that the anti-pope will hail from Paris, but EffK could take that to even connect to the ancient Judgement of Paris, or divine feminity, and thereby suggest the troubles so prefigured by Nostradamus and Fatima, Secret 3 be of celibacy and gender nature, together with the present Buried April evil. EffK takes the 10 April as the day of absolute transgression of the Scriptures, confirming Robert McClenon's demand for motive and the Mowrer Primary Source testimony , and forsees in century 5, quatrain 29:

Liberty will not be recovered,A proud, villainous, wicked black one will occupy it,When the matter of the bridge will be opened,The [Hister} republic of Venice vexed by the Danube.

Nostradamus for the denialism of the past=

Which republic can relate to the Hitler Italy puppeteering . Elswhere the ruination is described thus

By the Attic land, center of wisdom,Which is at present the rose of the world:Pontificate ruined, and its great preeminence Submerged, a shipwreck amidst the waves.

Does anyone suggest that the waves are but the digital waves, the straight and the wavy line foollowing the over-lapping circles echoed in the Mitre and the fish ? The Attic refers to Christianity early schism between sacred revelation of the Jewish Prophets and profane logic of the Greek's known as Gnosticism later judged heretical and Nostradamus refers here to the same Gnostic Rosy Cross, which continues :

The rose upon the middle of the great world, For new deeds public bloodshed: Those who speak the truth will be silenced, Then, if need be, the awaited one will come late.(C5, Q96)

The travails of the Clergy are foreseen in blood-which should be seen no more literally than any other reference here

The blood of the Church people will be poured out, In as great abundance as water: And for a long time it will not be stanched, Woe, woe to the clergy, ruin and complaints

The which could as well be financial reparation from many Judicial complaints. However Nostradamus forsees three forces tearing at the 'Bride' as the hierarchy split into three factions, each one backed by one of the three competing temporal rulers. One of these factions ― the one which will ultimately become dominant in Rome ― will be “led by madmen into lecherous lust, of which the Wikipedia itself treats under Sex Scandal, another is the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, as in Vatican Bank scandals of the 1980s .

Triumvir past? Fatima secrets past?

As to the Trumvirate of anti-christs from perhaps Bonaparte and Hitler to our Nostradamus future, the triumvir of temporal power( Kings) :

The third one ranks first, doing worse than Nero,The valiant finished off, so much human blood to flow: He will cause the ovens to be rebuilt, Golden age dead, new King, great scandal (C9,Q17).

The Wikipedia history take on this, or that which is currently silenced, would in fact class the 17 quatrain number here back with the 1917 (Fatima) secrets but in respect of the fact we have seen the triumvir, and he was Hitler who was Pacelli's pawn , not vice versa, who brought the golden age of culture to an end (Nuremberg's' back a hundred years} with his ovens. The words The Great Scandal are known to us here and it is easiest to show Hitler as the promissor of Peace, than of War, peace he wished, after war.

The writers who exege from [1] use Nostradamus to further conclude that the bones dug up for pacelli, by Ludwig Kaas the ex- Zentrumspartei chairman, are in fact those of Simon Magus the Great and not the Apostle, and founder of Gnosticism. Wikipedia says of Simon(ianism) According to this myth, which was the center of Simonian religion, in the beginning God had his first thought, his Ennoia (see Sophia), which was female, and that thought was to create the angels. The First Thought then descended into the lower regions and created the angels. and that The ancient Gnostic sect of Simonianism believed that he was God in human form. both of which leave question open in their worded form. Wikipedia continuse: But the angels rebelled against her out of jealousy and created the world as her prison, imprisoning her in a female body. Thereafter, she was reincarnated many times, each time being shamed. Her many reincarnations included Helen of Troy; among others, and she finally was reincarnated as Helene, a slave and prostitute in the Phoenician city of Tyre. God then descended in the form of Simon Magus, to rescue his Ennoia. Having redeemed her from slavery, he travelled about with her, proclaiming himself to be God and her to be the Ennoia, promising that he would dissolve this world the angels had made, but that those who trusted in him and Helene could return with them to the higher regions.

The remaining war as EffK said to User:John Kenny (gender war)

EffK asks: Paris? is the truth of Ludwig Kaas' bones in Ennoia ?

"Apparently Simon had exceeded the limits of his magical powers in an effort to please the crowds who assembled for the diversions offered by Nero at his Vatican circus maximus. When he fell from the sky during a levitation performance, the scorn of the rabble grated on the pride of his patron Nero, who petulantly demanded his crucifixion. The image of “falling from the sky” is one that Nostradamus applies prophetically, to the Antipope who will be the modern counterpart of Simon Magus:

Under the oak tree of southern France, struck from the sky, Not far there, the treasure is hidden: He who for long centuries had been gathered in, Found dead, the eye gouged out by ambition.(C1,Q27)

The inferences continue that since the Triumvir , of 'peace' , to EffK inference are Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill, and since the Triumvir of anti-christs, in which the anti-christ Pacelli transgresses between the Triumvirs of peace and triumvir of anti-christs because whilst at peace with Hitler he was at equal peace with the Triumvir of peace Allies. Pacelli was, as Bengalski is shocked to have to wise-up-wiki, let down by his Hitler arrangement at that anti-christs fall. The anti-christ was not Hitler or Pacelli. They are one as the famed quid pro quo shewed. Simon Magus was the object of Pacelli's second over-whelming desire-the first having been the submission of Hitler as to being his pawn in anti-semitic fury,and ,

EffK is shocked at his part in no more than relating the inevitable , that Simon and the gnostics relate through that sects credences to 10 April-the day of formal transgression, when their were effectively two Popes, as Nostradamus said, and Pope Pius XI, who knew better, fell sway through anti-communist(Russian) fear , the second , the anti-pope's fear, of the semites, and in conjunction transgressed the Divine Magisterium with Hermann Göring on 10 April 1933. (This is instant report here from EffK, the next lines writ as seen):

The 10 April 1933 transgression of romans 3, 8

The tenth day of April by Gothic reckoning Revived again by devilish people: The fire extinguished, diabolic assembly Searching for the bones of the Demon of Psellus.(C1, 42)

But the Nostradamus quatrian C1,Q53, which is that same number therefore considered as related per se in exegesis, states

Alas! the people will see a great one tormented And the holy law in utter ruin, [Replaced by] other laws throughout Christendom, When a new source of gold and silver is found.

EffK does not buy the relation of gold to the Law, nor the relationship searched for by exegesists of Nostramus, to the buried treasure as Holy Grail or Demon Of Psellus alchemical empowerment, as the meassage. The exegists do not either, though explain the presence of the 'german archaelogists perhaps in Spielberg fashion following the Holy Grail power in the unspoken side of their involvement. EffK hears the tenth of April clearly, EffK hears and reads of a great torment of people, of valiant fallen, of ovens, of evil and triumvirate power, of dognma, all as exegesis from the quatrains determining the character of the vatican faction dominant and empowering its pawn Hitler, but EffK looks at what we know, and thereby will help the Wikipedia, as well as the people of faith-or, no faith, or Gnostical leaning, or nobody. Let us all continue( EffK saves in fear of protection , of his silencing , if he cannot continue, he is invited to roll the paper elsewhere( Wikinfo ,see links /search Wikinfo EffK). Events are continuous, there are gaps , Wikipedia is the visible Law, tho Wikinfo at least now Googles !BJ!

Only newcomers would wonder at Law in utter ruin [2] and -forbidden- [3]] and generally [4] and onwards from [5].

The 7th Ludwig Kaas Solo Act

But back to Ludwig Kaas, who EffK has followed for so long in digital speed, and immortalised within the Wikipedia archives, but who after very great effort resides in-contestably upon the Adolf Hitler page and who until now has been the focus for his, Kaas' political involvement, with interlude made upon his intelligence activities during the WWII, all sourced published Oxford University branded texts, down through the decades. Kaas as focus for his odd political centrality to the 20th Century, not Kaas the tool of beastly magic or pius theology , but of simple political importance. Anti-communism, not Simon Magus, not Nostradamus but John Wheeler-Bennett, Foreign Office, League of Nations, Reichstag politician Kaas.

Kaas also as pawn or tool of Pacelli, himself servant to Pope Pius XI,he mentioned by the Fatima secret. Kaas as empowerment of Hitlerian dictatorship, all sourced similarly, incontestable, un-contradicted by more than Pacelli's other intelligence man(and own Confessor) Father Robert Lieber's weak statement. "Pacelli was disappointed" at the turn of events (the dissolution of the Centre Party Germany) in more, as W-Bennett would have and others do say, most sardonic hypocrisy, when Pacelli achieved this very same event through long, decades, interference by directly himself in Germany, and then through his convenient placeman Kaas. Kaas as carefully presented sleeper but vatican stooge , in thrall the description of his relation to Pacelli since 1920, all documented and all denied here in this leading modern Website Wikipedia. All the subject of curious wikipedian edit-warring , Ad hominem Straw-man , RfC and finally , equally curiously NOT the subject at Arbcom. Arbcom paid not the slightest rational jot to even the slightest consideration of the actual Wikiwar over Ludwig Kaas. No single comment was made by any person as to the Verifiability Pillar principles concerning Kaas or his political necessity. How modern! Political correctness as blind inducement, is the best one can think, amongst a worse set of qualifications. The Star of Bengalski passes bright to say Injustice, which echoes the legality principles noted by EffK throughout Kaas study (and the neverending denial returned ).

So, Kaas, who escapes conclusively from the clutches of Hitler, who voices loudly published continuing approbation after his escape(to the Vatican) is retrieved, and noticed by all historians as inexorably garnering a central position. Kaas as the trusted Keeper of the Keys (Fabric) for the edifice of St Peter's Basilica, facilitating his position as continuing Pacelli runner and vehicle in a still accelerating German Vatican Putsch. The Putsches of Germany were several and in combination, and some never took-off, being conspiratorially forestalled ,as in General Chancellor Kurt von Schleicher who failed in the last chance to foretall the rightist german Putsch(-es) of November 1932 to March 33.

Kaas represented two horses whilst in Germany- or so it is idly assumed (by those who have no account of a Prelate's Obedience). On the one hand he was constitutional political animal, asserting normal lines of political resolution, in the Chair of the catholic voter from 1928, following in a 50 or so year tradition of catholic political representation in the (fairly) modern Germany (an Empire, built out of small states descending from aeons of greater Empire and descendence). Bengalski has offered to supply us here in Wikipedia with the academic report upon that little we -EffK-have not yet sourced, but which is contested to the last.

Bringing us to Kaas the tool, the sleeper, the means to the end. Here we enter the realms of the vatican, of the Reichskonkordat and its odd and always noted relationship to the empowerment of Hitler. As EffK shews, Kaas as solo fixer running back door scam with a back door scam crowd, the scam being the rolling Conspiracy studied by our fathers at Nuremberg. Actual scurrying in the dark and trickery, Nuremberg revealed it all, except for the last sovereign collaborating power-the Vatican State. EffK has at least left the source in the various un-named and thus boring looking "Archives" , and the job is done. The active denialism that prevents the true Verifiability of the story of our History, is a secondary subject, un-finished until Bengalski, and another after him, and another, claim the baton to charge again at the denialist Wikipedia internal wall. The tool is known, in short, as Pacelli's.

Personal exegesis of vatican figures is in thriftier wikipedia position than Theology, and returns us to the conceptions of Nostradamus more than to the factional but generally material interests of the Political Parties in Germany's Weimar. The vatican , which with small v is the hub as hive , is apparently never a singularity, but a balancing or suppression of its different parts. Nostradamus concerns himself with the description of this hub as reflection of the World itself, naturally. The only surprise to us is that in order to understand even German politics of the 20 th Century, that we should need to concern ourselves at all with personal cum theological exegesis of vatican factions. However -if we are honest- we do.

To understand motives and to understand beliefs that sustain such motives, we do. To understand hard physical reality-and there is no harder than the reality of Hitler, we do. The Nuremberg of our minds exhorts us to repeat the judgement- never again !. So, we do need to see everything. EffK did not start this, nor will EffK finish it, and these writers such as I have foreshortened, and varied as I could to the political view, at [6]] deserve our poitical thanks, and EffK claim to them of fair Use/Educational excerpt, with thanks , to study.

EffK does perhaps still wish to vary their exegesis, to bring it into line with the Wikipedia sourced political world, and away from discussion of Magi and Secrets. However the position of Ludwig Kaas as crossover into the hub , the eternal hub, prevents wikipedia type simplism . Wikipedia desires that clarity which can only come from collation of source, or must ignore those subjects either suppressed by forces , or mis-understood by chance. Here in Wikipedia there is little chance, meaning that even the ICJHC istelf had no chance. The documentation is as yet not unveiled from the thousands of boxes being only now returned into German hands, or is destroyed, or is as the hub claims, un-sorted, therefore un-presentable. Closed , in effect. EffK has provided all the ISBN's necessary through the decades in the English writing department, and the most turgid German ecclesiatico-political tomes, filter through as confirmation or , it is claimed, as rebuttal. EffK says that Lieber so far is the sole rebuttal, but openly has asked of his curiously persistant denialist hub-favouring opponents, for exonerating source. User Bengalski now begins to tip what has been an imbalance caused by the combining of favouring opponents against the grouping of verifiable source. The Wikipedia organ itself has no ability to judge, yet allows judgement on the issue, which is , always, Ludwig Kaas. Wikipedia itself is a tertiary subject.

To return to these exegist writers, studying the Fatima Secret and the hub, studying Nostradamus and the hub, these overlap with Kaas solely because Kaas is of the hub. They repeat what is widely known because released, that Kaas, the keeper of the Keys for the Basilica dedicated to the Keeper of the Heavenly Keys himself, as soon as Pacelli (and Mussolini) finally disposed of Pope Pius XI-yes, Cardinal Tisserant left the record of murder as primary source in his own hand, at this disposal of the last remaining bulwark for morality against Hitler, straightway Pacelli set Kaas upon the bones, which Nostradamus called those of the Triumvir. The exegists call forth that other Saint Malachy O’Morgair as prophet :

In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock among many tribulations; after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people.”

EffK is no more familiar with him than to wonder if he is the prophet who saw the last Novissimi, and that the war was not between people at all, but was between The Fish of the Sea Which Rise Up against The Birds of The Air. EffK has never liked the sound of that, not the pictures which after the event are engraved on his mind, the ideogrammatic simplicities of metallic barbarity . Think stealth bomber shapes, scribed in a future without ink of survival. The prophet, is he, who foresaw such human casualty from this War, that he foresaw the woman clutch her pubescent daughter to her side in shock when they chanced on a Man-as her daughter had never set eyes before on a single living Man.

EffK would prefer to see the words of Malachy above as referring to the change of the astolrogical eras from fish to air, as a battle purely of symbolic and philosophical variation. But the exegists and Nostradamus and Fatima seem to wish to frighten us, as if we have not already suffered enough. EffK will read them as source in the hope of a return to provide us with Hope- that the worst is past, that the Triumvir can be recognised in the past not the future.

Kaas involvement is relatively simple. As the closest to Pacelli, Pacelli as pope set Kaas with Kaas' normal capacity for conspiratorial discretion, to oversee and oversee and toto visit in solo privacy, the German(think Spielberg) uncovering of the Tomb of Peter?Simon magus . pacelli and kaas would together repair to the nights closed excavation there to contemplate the powers and the past unto Constantine's dedicated petrine Tomb. The german archaeologists find nothing, the tomb empty, and but Roman scratching or graffiti on an inner wall. Alone, the now 7 th great solo Kaas action(see above if you wish the other six with Hitler), now, kaas himself excavates this inner wal, and discovers in purple and gold braid(Un-historical itself) the bones of an old man(maybb) mixed with those of several animals. alone. Kaas alone retrieves and alone(but for Pacceli-Kaas is never alone from Pacelli as Kaas is Pacelli- by proxy). Kaas alone stores these bones secretly for 20 years. the exegists have much to comment, but to EffK this is the sevnth solo Act of prelate Monsignor Ludwig Kaas.

Dogma, Culture, History and Wikipedia

EffK is un-changed from the normality of his assumptions related at FK's alternaste names-pages. Assumptions of good faith, no deviating from the rational consensus of history. Man's capacity for understanding disappears with rapidity inot a past that is undocumnted. The earliest document is the Flight of Gilgamesh and the earliest recorded Civilisation that of the Cuneiform Sumerians. The apparent correlation at strategic position around the entire Planet of ancient mysterious structures, not in themselvs necessarily more ancient than Sumer, seem to bear witness to some mathematically advanced human consciousness as if fractured into regional variation upon a human memory of a previous age. The study, sadly constrained by contemporary religio-politics , of the Egypttian remains appears to forestall the most advanced theses concerning the architectural rendering of that apparent universal consciousness. The rendering, as with Nostradamian prophecy, is all technical and utlimately concerned with physical phenomena which because they are so large and far away in the heavens of interstellar space, were preserved only in galactic-orientated religio-mythic symbolism.

The further exegesis which estimates the human reflection of the actual heavenly movements, in so far as it concerns the pre-destination or other-wise, of the Church as descendent built over the historical and classic mythic codes, is admixture of the classic heavenly mythology and the post-Christ era change into intellectual dogma. Where the classic civilisations inhabited a stretch of mind in which man was not the centre, the singularity of the christian era, with its judaic formula, places man into a communion with a single God and single concept of linear time in manner which eversince has historically and progressively obfuscated all previous mythologically based memory code.

The church as desire to embody this unification, in comparison with the ancients, seeks to make no sense or record of reality save for the purely moral and social, and has and does actively work to prevent either a re-kindling of celestial understanding, or all advances to understanding re-built from anew. Galileo epitomises the effort in the past , and science, as politics, today continues to labour beneath purely moral influence but we stand at a threshold of new influence from the galactic reality.

Those who choose to study and make exegesis of prophecies based on actual stellar phenomena, build only a picture of a clock, the same clock which is the sole information resting in the ancient architectural remains, and of which the Pyramids were neither the sole, nor the earliest, nor the last. All are only a clock of the phenomena, which are local galactic forces affecting life on earth. They possess no moral message other than that of understanding and awareness and witness, and may in fact demonstrate such a high quality of mathematical calculation alone, that they bespeak civilization in advance of ours, which has grown from the greco-modern mind, entailing a mystery of greater interest than the presently studied.

The judaic or christian developement super-imposed upon the mysterious pre-classical mathematics leaves us the Nostradamian medieval attempts to re-connect that judaic concept of linear time , one shared by pre-columbian civilisation, to the eternal but circular pre-classical , Vedic-Asian and seasonal concept of time. We have the Egyptian record, which tantalisingly concretises the phenomenology of galactic forces. We see exegesis of the Egyptian which is so firmly rooted in mathematical exactitude of galactic observation, but which is still like Galileo entrapped by a near universal dogma. Vedic concepts still remain closest to the realiy that modern physicist minds calculate, whilst the accuracy of the Mayan calendar equally witnesses a culturally incongrous level of advance.

We are not only at loss to see how real people with real reactions can make huge effect, as was the case with Ludwig Kaas/Pacelli and WWII, but we all exist in a cultural limbo of dissociation from galactic truth . The situation is, as we all know, becoming untenable, as our assumption of physical means oustripped our cultural mores. Everyone who does not yet, will soon re-adjust to the greater galactic reality, as we see the limits of our power only bringing us toward dangerous imbalance from the planetary-galactic reality.

Economically, we enter an age when we begin to realise the true associated costs of our methods at survival and life. The driving force will assuredly affect us all, and it is the purely planetary reality of our situation which will demand of us a re-awakening of suitable marriage between the mythic truth and the moral. A teaching which enables us to survive will be demanded by us all, and it is the lesson of Ludwig Kaas that is closer to us than is Nostradamus. The cost of Kaas I calculate at 60,000,000 war dead, and presumably a greater than 60,000,000 injured. The cost in materiel, in environemental effect, in this one figure as tool driving the real world to destruction,was incompletly analysd by Nuremberg as the loss of a century, and is in fact more.

The participants in the Nuremberg Conspiracy all continue to operate. Only the actual Nazi Party would appear to have gone underground, become totally clandestine and virtually un-observable. It would appear that this happened with the continuance of collusion made by this worldy Party, which reflected entirely in its structure the example of its benefactor, the papacy of the Catholic Church. Entirely divorced from both their structures lies the moral information of Jesus, which is entirely blameless and only deficient in one respect. Jesus refusd to surrender the galactic and mathematical side of his truth to Caesar. The Romans as materialist out-come of the long pre- and classical tradition, he saw as imposters upon the body of galactic truth. We know from documents that the Jesus to whom we refer, shared with a body of learning, and the descendence from earlier, and by no means purely Judaic but galactic truth. The Essenic echoes the Vedic by way of Babylon and Egypt, and the sole criticism of Jesus that can be made is that he left us to suffer until we could pilitically work it out ourselves from the ground up, by goodness, rather than risk the imposition of a half-truth empowered by these earlier galactic truths. The Empire would have used this against the human on the ground. Jesus thereby is the messenger of our need, the which message we would appear only now to be forced to confront.

It is clear that Kaas/Pacelli is the single most devastating lesson, un-folding immediately into an even wider lesson through their inescapable linkage to the forces of modern corporate multi-national Industrialism. The moral devastation of the scriptures upon which the dogmatic edifice of the papacy has been superimposed, is by no means the only out-come for humanity today. EffK has entirely within Wikipedia shown the devastation of the papacy, and the issue is of partial interest alone. The Nostradamian messages combining clock with morality that forecast via classic mythology, tell us only where we are. Butif humanity cannot look up and see, or will not hear, then the reality of balance and harmony which Jesus recognised, will still not appear.

The papacy as champion of dogma, with its interference in history in the age of Industrial War, did not act un-like itself during pre-Industrial War. The morality did not change-there was no morality but only dogma before . Morality was only ever the one control that Jesus gave to be used, and it was used by that very Empire against man, as Jesus foiresaw it would be. It was used to control after being thrown over the dying millenia of Imperialist culture. Although certain fears may persist concerning Imperialist mentality today, we are all more frightened by the planetary-galactic historical future. Jesus leaving that moral basis for dogma, left enough for that slow creeping we have made back towards the galactic consciousness. Kaas as crucial example of counter-productivity, as instigator of War (and it is irrelevant exactly how much or little he foresaw that as consequence,though it is clear it was foreseen), since that Imperialist consequence was achieved.

This affects Wikipedia in that this consequence is still too explosive for the representatives of that dogma which is superficial to morality. The pure contradiction of the moralist camp or defenders of dogma as beyond historical reason, is present here in Wikipedia in proportion to the availability of the Wiki soft-ware-massively. The Pontifical Council for Social Communication can be visited by you with three clicks of a mouse if it does not yet exist openly in Wikipedia. There the full instructions are displayed enjoining the continuance of dogma over historical, plantary and galactic truth. The morality of course does not change with the tools of man , whether Industrial War or Digital War. What we see in Wikipedia is more akin to the musing prophecy of Nostradamus than to the rulebook of this self-same rational Wikipedia. Even as I write , the Council, under special Bishop, and with link throughout the Empire of the Church, enjoins now openly unto the minds of the church, who are the faithful as opposed to its administrators the Church, enjoins to dogma and to obedience. An open, if Digital-internet, and thereby immaterial battle ,is called , by the dogma , for the dogma.

This battle is easy to follow, it centres exactly on the history, and particularises it specifiacally to the relationship of Kaas/Pacelli to the modern figure, justifiably, of the devil, Adolf Hitler. It is not an effort made to truthfully or justifiably furhter add , as you would expect, condemnation upon that devil. The reverse- the effort is to sweeten the pill of the history, to isolate this devil from all contact but the barest , with the empire of Dogma. This is done purely to protect the essential under-lying basis of Jesus' moral truth, in a way that is openly contrary to all his teaching and following. In Wikipedia the instruction visible at the Counils website pages, is acted upon. A veritable digital army of anonymous digital warriors of the mind delete, re-balance and distort whatever can be dangerous to the dogma or teaching. What, you might ask, is wrong with that?

Nazi seizure of power(Machtergreifung):notes from Wikipedia Information


  • Ultimately, Papen came to believe that he could control Hitler from behind the scenes and decided to support him for Chancellor. Papen then persuaded Meissner and the Younger Hindenburg of the merits of his plan, and the three then spent the second half of January pressuring Hindenburg into naming Hitler as Chancellor.
[refers to the 4 January start of the Nuremburg defined Conspiracy to Institute Totalitarian Government (towards Agressive War). The subterfuge of the meeting was blownb by a press photographer, and report states that Oskar V H, hwho had a private interview in the banker Kurt von Schroeder's house with Hitler, and stated that same day that Hitler had to become the Chancellor. This was the agreement putting Hitler into the Chancellory. Oskar was leant on by Hitler, re Hindenburg family tax avoidance and with the carrot of 5000 more acres to the family.' Blackmail and trickery.]

Ernst Thälmann (KPD)

  • After the Nazis (NSDAP) gained power on 30 January 1933, Thälmann proposed that SPD and KPD should organise a general strike to topple Hitler, but this was not achieved. On 7 February a Central Committee meeting of the already banned KPD took place in Königs Wusterhausen, near Berlin, where Thälmann emphasised the necessity of a violent overthrow of Hitler's government. On 3 March 1933 he was arrested in Berlin by the Gestapo.
[ KPD Not already banned by 7 march, Gestapo didn't exist on 3 March, arrest was uconstitutional , and therefore achieved, as Nuremberg trial stated, through trickery

Reichstag Fire Decree

  • The decree was not accompanied by any written guidelines from the Reich government; this omission gave wide latitude in interpreting the decree to Nazis like Göring, who as Prussian interior minister was in authority over the police forces in Germany's largest province. The Länder not yet in the Nazis' grasp largely restricted themselves to banning the Communist press, Communist meetings and demonstrations, and detaining of leading KPD officials. In Prussia, however, summary arrests of KPD leaders were common, thousands were imprisoned in the days following the fire, and the total number of arrests in Prussia on the basis of the Reichstag Fire Decree in the two weeks following February 28 is believed to be in the vicinity of 10,000.
[Latitude is not a legal concept: deputy Arrest was illegal. Papen at the Ntrials consequently denied the knowledge of it. Goering however denied on 3 <arch 1933 that any legalities were necessary.

Among the German communists arrested on the basis of the Reichstag Fire Decree was KPD chairman Ernst Thälmann;

  • Göring issued a directive to the Prussian police authorities on March 3, stating that in addition to the constitutional rights stripped by the decree, "all other restraints on police action imposed by Reich and Land law" were abolished "so far as this is necessary ... to achieve the purpose of the decree." Göring went on to say that
  • " In keeping with the purpose and aim of the decree the additional measures ... will be directed against the Communists in the first instance, but then also against those who co-operate with the Communists and who support or encourage their criminal aims.... I would point out that any necessary measures against members or establishments of other than Communist, anarchist or Social Democratic parties can only be justified by the decree ... if they serve to help the defense against such Communist activities in the widest sense."


  • One day after the Reichstag fire on February 27, 1933, the increasingly senile President of Germany Paul von Hindenburg, acting at Hitler's request, issued the Reichstag Fire Decree. This decree suspended most human rights provided for by the 1919 constitution of the Weimar Republic and thus allowed for the arrest of political adversaries, mostly Communists, and for general terrorizing by the SA to intimidate the voters before the upcoming election.
[ allowed for is a generalised attempt to describe incorrect Police misuse of a decree in their hand, by flourishing it in attempt to claim a legality for arrests of Deputies. it seems many werre detaained before the Fire, and was legally irrelevant because over-ruled by Deputy Sovereignty. No sourceing has ever been provided to illuminate the exact terms and manner and timing of the so-called "protective custody", and help is sought by EffK from anyone who can .}
  • When the newly-elected Reichstag first convened on March 23, 1933, (not including the Communist delegates, since their party had already been banned by that time) it passed the Enabling Act (Ermächtigungsgesetz), transferring all legislative powers to the Nazi government and, in effect, abolishing the remainder of the Weimar constitution as a whole. Soon afterwards the government banned the Social Democratic party, which had voted against the Act, while the other parties chose to dissolve themselves to avoid arrests and concentration camp imprisonment.
[ As a whole except for the sovereigny of the deputies as embodiment of the people: a Deputy represented no those who voted for him, but all the people of his district, hence the sovereignty is concept of the ultimate sovereignty of the " people", and this coup d'etat, was to deprive the German people of their own sovereignty. See Enabling Act following.The statements here are whitewash, with only their conception being of interest: Why write this error? Why deny the Tribunals, Shirer, everyone? Why do no editors manage to clean this error? Why is the Centre Party avoided, if not to deflect us from the papal quid pro quo?]

Enabling Act

  • Article 2: Laws enacted by the government of the Reich may deviate from the constitution as long as they do not affect the institutions of the Reichstag and the Reichsrat. The rights of the President remain undisturbed.
[This Clause demonstrates the illegality of intereference with the Deputies' sovereignty as essence of the "institution". As we know he EAct continued until the fall of Nazism, un-amended.]
  • ...the Nazis devised the Enabling Act.
Resuscitated, after a decade , from prior conception, so why adhere to this inference: Nazism made use of the constitutionality to conquer the constitution, and it appears that some would both like us to believe there was a coup, independant of out-side assistance, and at the same time that there wasn't, because it was all legal .The drift seems to be to suggest Hitler was not helped to power, but that nazism achieved it alone.]
  • The Social Democratic Party (SPD) and the Communist Party (KPD) were expected to vote against such an Act, but the Nazis knew that the parties representing the middle class, the Junkers landowners and business interests had grown weary of the instability of the Weimar Republic. Hitler reckoned that these parties would be eager to adopt such an extraordinary measure to end the ongoing parliamentary logjam, or at a minimum, would muster only tepid opposition.
[In so far as their votes represented them, but this suggests the conspiracy of "sinister forces" referred to at the Tribunal were some portion of the paliament solely, whereas the truth is that the industrial forces were paying the Nazis in expectation of re-armaament and war, Papen had corralled the landed Classes into belief in a Hitler dicatorship, and the Reichswehr Officer class were seduced by prospect of war: to speak of tepid opposition is in comparison an invention of such.]
  • With the threat of Communism looming, Hitler's government persuaded President Paul von Hindenburg to authorize several emergency powers in the Reichstag Fire Decree, which (among other things) suspended civil liberties and habeas corpus rights. Decree in hand, Hitler had the Communist Party's offices raided and its representatives arrested, neutralizing their power in the Reichstag.
[Very clear cut erroneous claim, for as Shirer put it- "everything was legal except the Deputy arrest". Neutralising was not legal but illegal neutering.]
  • The Reichstag Fire Decree had already given the government the power to arrest opposition delegates, and Hitler felt certain that he could convince the Catholic Center to give their support to the act and provide the needed two-thirds majority.
[same disinformation whitening hitler's opportunistic 7 week rolling conspiracy of 30 January -23 March. The other conspirrators were the Rhenish-Westphalian Industrial Magnates, and the of course, Pacelli, von papen, even Oskar von Hindenburg. The Tribunal decided it was not an indictable offence to have assisied the conspiracy to power, only to have maintained it, but that was nevertheless to have recognised the parts played.]
  • Hitler negotiated with the Centre Party's chairman, Catholic priest Ludwig Kaas, finalizing an agreement by March 22. Kaas agreed to support the Act in exchange for the Nazi's promise to help them achieve civil recognition of Catholics and Catholicism, as well as instituting quotas and protections for Catholic civil servants and schools. The Centre Party also asked Hitler to maintain constitutional protections of civil liberties. Debate within the Centre itself continued until March 23, when ex-chancellor Heinrich Brüning denounced the Enabling Act as treachery of the worst order, calling for the Reichstag's assembly to be postponed until cooler heads could prevail. Kaas nevertheless claimed a written guarantee would come from Hitler. Brüning's experiences with Hitler led him to warn Kaas to ensure he received the written promise before the vote, but agreed to maintain party discipline by voting for the Act.
[[Kaas was chairman of the centre and co-chaired the working-committee discussions with the other co-chair Adolf Hitler. Kaas later strongly approved Hitler as noble, and the best man to captain the ship etc, in April 1933, and wrote the Reichskonkordat at the same time as remaining Centre Chairman. In fact here the Centre party , beyond the committeee agreements was persuaded not to fratcure their vote on the strength of the promised constitutional guarantee, negotiated privately by Kaas, from Hitler.]
  • Kaas had still not received the written constitutional guarantees he had negotiated, but with the assurance it was being "typed up", voting began. Kaas never received the letter.
[ Such EffK produced fro Wheeler-Bennett, indeed.]
  • Hitler had taken care of that: under the provisions of the Reichstag Fire Decree, the Communist Party deputies — and a few Social Democratic deputies as well — were already jailed, and the Communist mandates were declared "dormant" by the government shortly after the elections.
[Dormancy and its precise definition under the constitutional protections of the Institution are a bone of un-sourced contention. Tey may have so been declared, but the Yale presentation of the Tribunal does not determine this, but that Ppen denied knowledge of the arrests, which is contradictory with this cleanly presentation.]
  • During the negotiations between the government and the Centre Party, it was agreed that the government should inform the Reichstag parties of legislative measures passed under the Enabling Act. For this purpose, a second working committee was set up, chaired by Hitler and the Centre's chairman Kaas. However, this committee met only three times without any major impact.
[This is an un-sourced translation of German texts, which need sourceing into English by their presenter. They refer to meetings whose purpose remains un-clear and contradictory of the Goering , and general claim that un-disputed power of dictatorship in effect began at the
  • Joseph Goebbels wrote shortly after the passage of the Enabling Act:
"The authority of the Führer has now been wholly established. Votes are no longer taken. The Führer decides. All this is going much faster than we had dared to hope."
  • The opposition parties were suppressed or banned, and eventually even the parties making up Hitler's coalition yielded to government pressure and dissolved themselves.

23 March

  • 1933 - The Reichstag passes the Enabling Act, making Adolf Hitler dictator of Germany.
[placed here to demonstrate the internal contradiction in this Wikipedia. This is correct here.]

Weimar Republic

  • The Communists' 81 seats had been empty since the Reichstag Fire Decree and other lesser known procedural measures, thus excluding their anticipated "No" votes from the balloting.
[Lesser known and thus far un-sourced as over-turning the sovereignty and therefore illegality of the arrests, dormancy and protective , being suggested un-sourced as being that supra constitutional. The Tribunal discussed this only in so far as it determined that the Special Courts Decree , a resuscitation of a Bruning October 1931 Decree, appeared only on 23 March implemented then on 24 March, providing for changes to Judicial hearing of defence . EffK suspects that beneath the conundrum analysed too briefly by the Tribunal lies the report that the Reichstag Fire, being a solely Goering plan, pre-empted the Hitler plan,as Hilter was aware he needed the decree to neutralise the Communists, by lengthening their judicial inquiry planned by him without the Fire Dcree.; that the Fire re-configured, and greatly facilitated the planned neutralising. Hitler in other words took the constitutional chance that Section 2 of the EAct, and the sovereignty of Deputies, would only contradict after he had seized power. Now , 73 years afterwards, it is still not recognised, nor understood.]
  • Meanwhile Hitler's promised written guarantee to Monsignor Kaas was being typed up, it was asserted to Kaas, and thereby Kaas was persuaded to silently deliver the Centre bloc's votes for the Enabling Act anyway.
[Placed to show that EffK's sourced silently is accepted only in some articles. His opposition indeed shewed the exact 23 march Centre Party Chairman's address at 11:30 a.m.. Generally those who adhere to the non-quid pro , non conspiracy, and who assert the legality, who link an address to the parliamentary opening session folowing that Party conclave, with the actual silence of Kaas vote, to the echoes of SA belligerence without during the second session.]

Centre Party Germany

  • Chairman Kaas advocated supporting the bill in parliament in return for the government giving guarantees.
[This ignores the final conclusive promised letter of Guarantee, and that Kaas negotiated this solo.]
  • The opponents also argued in regard to Catholic social teaching that ruled out participating in an act of revolution.
[This report bears a great deal of interest, using internal canonical law, since , it refers to that. The inclusion of this statement in Wikipedia is invitation for a thorough examination of such legal concepts as the canonical code represents.
  • On 8 April, Hitler sent Vice-Chancellor Papen to Rome to offer to the Pope negotiations for a nationwide concordat. Throughout the years of the Weimar Republic, the National Socialists had always been a staunch opponent of such an agreement, but now Hitler intended to deal a decisive blow against Political Catholicism and also of gaining international prestige.
  • Though the Vatican tried to hold back the exclusion of Catholic clergy and organisations from politics, in the end it had to accept the restriction to the religious and charitable field, which effectively meant acquiescing into the end of the Centre Party.

Heinrich Brüning

  • Later that month, he was the main advocate for rejecting the Hitler administrations's Enabling Act, calling it the "most monstrous resolution ever demanded of a parliament." He nonetheless yielded to party discipline and voted in favour of the bill.

Franz von Papen

  • By this time, the elderly von Hindenburg had become irritated by the Schleicher cabinet's policies affecting wealthy landowners and industrialiasts. Simultaneously, Papen had been working behind the scenes and used his personal friendship with von Hindenburg to assure the president that he, Papen, could control Hitler and could thus finally form a government based on the support of the majority of the Reichstag.

History of germany

This decree, which would remain in force until 1945, repealed important political and human rights of the Weimar constitution. Communist agitation was banned, but at this time not the Communist Party itself.

Eleven thousand Communists and Socialists were arrested and brought into concentration camps, where they were at the mercy of the Gestapo, the newly established secret police force (9,000 were found guilty and very many executed). Communist Reichstag deputies were supposedly given protective custody (against their constitutional privileges).

[Supposition, not an EffK method.]

Centre Party Germany

  • The Centre advocated a return to Brüning's "authoritarian democracy", which they considered up to the times and tested by experience, against Papen's "omnipotent state and independent leadership", while the Nazis would only accept a coalition that would serve their purpose of achieving total dominance. Not expecting a successful conclusion, Hitler used the Centre negotiations in order to put pressure on the Papen administration.
[Very subtle compressed information concerning the wide and longstanding anti-republican rightist strands of plitics in Weimar, and leaning to this exculpatory message here following, showing the centre catholics in a helpful (today) light:]
  • Chairman Kaas advised President Hindenburg not to continue Papen's "administration of conflict"; he advocated "national concentration including the National Socialists", but did not comment on an alternative Chancellor, since he considered that the "personal prerogative of President"
  • Meanwhile Papen had formed an intrigue to oust his successor. He conferred with Hugenberg and industrial magnates and bankers and after a feverish night, in which the outcome was unclear to all participants, In the morning of 30 January, Hitler was appointed Chancellor with Papen as Vice-Chancellor and Hugenberg as minister for economics.
[Here indeed remains allusison to the conspiracy which the tribunal studied. It is a masteful reduction of a million words to one helpful sentence, but at least entered this Wikipedia howsoever little. The Magnates own sourced page was removed, by a certain catholic editor, with glee. No one cared at all, and one has to wonder at what pooint the apparent stupefaction becomes generalised 'User' fear. All prefer not to rock this boat here.]
  • Though seeing their adversaries Papen and Hugenberg join forces with Hitler, the Centre Party still did not give up building a broad coalition government. Since the new administration was still lacking a majority in parliament, the Centre was ready to support it, either by toleration or by coalition. Hitler intended to minimize non-Nazi participation, but feigned a willingness to cooperate with the Centre and blamed Papen and Hugenberg for denying cabinet posts to the Centre. When Kaas requested a broad outline of his government's objectives, Hitler used his questionnaire to declare the talks a failure and obtain the President's approval for calling for new elections for the third time in about half a year.
[73 years afterwards, we cannot deal with this subject clearly. What this says is that the Centre advocated Hitler. Indeed he did toy with them, and un-mentioned is the part of papen, not for his links to the Centre, but his links to the vatican, analysed and cross examined as they wer, and therefore un-mentioned here is any quadruple linkage Pacelli-Papen Pacelli-Kaas, Kaas-Hitler, Hitler-Pacelli Papen-Hitler. papen was inded not only a decendant of the knights of the Holy roman Empire, ie ultra-high catholic nobleman, even more so than Pacelli was., but had been Chancellor and as such in consistent contact with pacelli directly. When the Tribunal suggested the Reichskonkordat was amaneuver intended to deceive papen answere that the prosecution would hardly seek to impugn Pacelli, then become pontiff. ]
  • [March Elections] This result shattered the Centre Party's hopes of being indispensable for obtaining a majority in parliament. The party was now faced with two alternatives – either to persist in protesting and suffer reprisals like Communists and Social Democrats', or to declare their loyal cooperation, in order to protect their members. As shown by subsequent events, the party, though deeply uncomfortable with the new government, opted for the latter alternative.
[The emotive language betrays a desperation to whiten this awful choice, and justify and diminuish the result. it is well known to EffK as front-line stuff.]
  • The Centre Party, whose vote turned out to be decisive, was split on the issue of the Enabling Act. Chairman Kaas advocated supporting the bill in parliament in return for the government giving guarantees. These mainly included respecting the Church's liberty, her involvement in the fields of culture, schools and education and the concordats signed by German states and also the continued existence of the Centre Party itself. Via Papen, Hitler responded positively and himself addressed the issues in his Reichstag speech, but he repeatedly put off signing a written letter of agreement.
[Turned out indeed, but turned out contradicts the Wikipedia recognition elswhere that it did not turn out, but was prime discussion at Hitler's 15 march cabinet meeting, which as it's sourced to the Tribunal , from whence Shirer et all source, explodes this turned-out as exculpatory etc.]
Kaas was aware of the doubtful nature of such guarantees, but when the Centre fraction assembled on 23 March to decide on their vote, he still advised his fellow party members to support the bill, given the "precarious state of the fraction", he described as follows: "On the one hand we must preserve our soul, but on the other hand a rejection of the Enabling Act would result in unpleasant consequences for fraction and party. What is left is only to guard us against the worst. Were a two-thirds majority not obtained, the government's plans would be carried through by other means. The President has acquiesced in the Enabling Act. From the DNVP no attempt of relieving the situation is to be expected."
[The legal implications of this speech by a Prelate of the Holy see, or whatever particular soldier of christ he actually was, are canonically massive:enough to excommuicate him and his superiors/]bosses. Politically it is surrender, and succinctly stated.]
A considerable part of parliamentarians however opposed the chairman's course, among these former Chancellors Brüning, Wirth and former minister Stegerwald. Brüning called the Act the "most monstrous resolution ever demanded of a parliament", and was also sceptical about Kaas' efforts: "The party has difficult years ahead, no matter how it would decide. Sureties for the government fulfilling its promises have not been given. Without a doubt, the future of the Centre Party is in danger and once it is destroyed it cannot be revived again."
[This is interesting. Even EffK has been prepared to accept that the working committeee meetings of at least 20, 21 and 22 march, led to the civil srrvant catholic and school cartholic guarantees. But this shows that the party really was split and not won by those same negotiators(at least stegerwald the Catholic Trade Unions leader. These Unions were closer to the middle class in our terms that unions as we term them elsewhere.]

The opponents also argued in regard to Catholic social teaching that ruled out participating in an act of revolution. The proponents however argued that a "national revolution" had already occurred with Hitler's appointment and the presidential decree suspending basic rights and that the Enabling Act would contain revolutionary force and move the government back to a legal order.

  • In the end the majority of Centre parliamentarians supported Kaas' proposal. Brüning and his followers agreed to respect party discipline by also voting in favour of the bill.
Proposal was sourced as not having been made by Kaas, simply presentation of two courses of choice by a Chairman. It would appear, since there is only reference to fraction, and to inevitability of defeat, that Kaas spoke apart, as proponent of his own negotiated Hitler Letter of Guarantee. EffK requires any academically accreditated person to vist the 26 volumes of Tribunal report and determine some reference to this, as Yale's provide none. There is however Yale reference to an echange at the Tribunal, or affidavits somehow being an angry exchange(itself surely doubtful) between Kaas and Papen. EffK says this is extraordinary, as Kaas is biilled as closeted forever more in the vatican, whilst Papen was prosecuted. Let's search these 26 volumes. German readers of good will should help us from this historical miasma with translations from Centre records. if wikiupedia wished to be non-contradicory, it has as yet not enough results of source to yet be so.]
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

'Novissimi' are the events at the end of time(a principally Judaic conception, with older Peruvian, Chilean precurse, all of which may pre-date or relate to geophysical periodic phenomena world). The present Holy Father as Cardinal referred to the Novissimi thus:

"Because, according to the judgement of the Popes, it adds nothing (literally: 'nothing different') to what a Christian must know concerning what derives from Revelation: i.e., a radical call for conversion; the absolute importance of history; the dangers threatening the faith and the life of the Christian, and therefore of the world. And then the importance of the 'novissimi' (the last events at the end of time). If it is not made public - at least for the time being - it is in order to prevent religious prophecy from being mistaken for a quest for the sensational (literally: 'for sensationalism'). But the things contained in this 'Third Secret' correspond to what has been announced in Scripture and has been said again and again in many other Marian apparitions, first of all that of Fatima in what is already known of what its message contains. Conversion and penitence are the essential conditions for 'salvation'."

Fatima and the number 17

I must say that I have never read of the Secrets of Fatima, and was not aware the Second Secret made reference to the Second World War The war is going to end: but if people do not cease offending God, a worse one will break out during the Pontificate of Pius XI.

The pontiff as Cardinal wrote of the Secrets that :In biblical language, the “heart” indicates the centre of human life, the point where reason, will, temperament and sensitivity converge, where the person finds his unity and his interior orientation. and quoted Jesus : “You know how to interpret the appearance of earth and sky; why then do you not know how to interpret the present time?” (Lk 12:56) and again: “I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own authority... He will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it to you” (Jn 16:12-14)

=The bishoprics of Christianity and St.Peter as building stone

I read elsewhere and shorten (regetfully) from Thomas Jude Germinario at , that the historical claim of papal primacy has rested upon the martyrdom and burial of Peter inRome during the reign of Nero in 64AD and yet the early chronicles of Christian presence in Rome make no mention of Peter’s presence there.[Eamon Duffy, Saints & Sinners, A History of the Popes, p.1 (Yale Univ. Press, 1997] and claim that Peter served as Rome’s first bishop is“an unfounded tradition that can be traced back no earlier than the third century” [D.W. O’Connor, Peter in Rome, p. 207 (Columbia Univ. Press, 1969) and that the historical St. Peter never subscribed to St. Paul’s notion of foregoing the observance of the Mosaic Law in the practice of Christianity.[Ch 2, Epstl Galataians]

Where am I looking there is Ludwig kaas who handed the bloc vote to Evil -despite failure of his negotiated Written Gruarantee (from Hitler):

At the foundation of the new sect,The bones of the great Roman will be found,A sepulcher covered in marble will appear,Earthquake in April, buried evil [66th Quatrain in Century VI, Nostradamus) which is similar to his :

The bones of the Triumvir will be found,Searching deep for an enigmatic treasure:The peace of those around this cavity of marbleand metallic lead will be disturbed.

The buried evil reference and the fact that our same political chairman Centre Party Germany Ludwig Kaas was the sole archaeologist for this dig, started immediately upon his friend Pacelli's ascent to the pontificate, which later claimed to have uncovered the Tomb of St. Peter, followed on the alleged murder of the socially aware Pope Pius XI’s 1939 plan to publish an Encyclical against murderous fascism . This had led Mussolini, fearing that the new stance would strip his regime of its legitimacy in the eyes of Italian Catholics, to arrange for his mistress’ father, Dr. Francesco Petacci, to administer the Pontiff’s medications on the night of February 10th. Not surprisingly, the Pope was found dead the next morning. The details of this assassination were recorded in the diary of French Cardinal Eugene Tisserant, which was discovered after his death, and association with the succeeding Pacelli is also brandished.

When the sepulcher of the great Roman is found,The day after a new Pontiff will be elected:

Scarcely will the Conclave have approved the new Pope [His predecessor] poisoned, his blood in the sacred chalice (3.65, the sixty-fifth Quatrain in Century III)

Not enough , for the murder was after precisely the 17 years associated through Nostradamus with its sum of constituent numbers 153 refers firstly to the last chapter of John’s gospel, the resurrected Christ appoints Simon Peter to shepherd his flock until his return. Before doing this, however, Jesus instructs the Fisherman to cast his net for a prodigious catch of fish, numbering 153. This number 153 is the succession also of Pope Leo IX who instituted celibacy and the centrality of the pontificate , and in the quatrains appears :

After the see has been held for seventeen years, it will change hands five times in a comparable period of time: then one will be elected at the same time [as another],Who will not be too much in conformity with the Romans.

Fatima and aspersion of 'blood'

Which Quatrain conforms to St. Malachy’s prediction that John Paul II would have a pair of successors, both elected “at the same time”, one of whom would be an Antipope whilst another echoes the blood aspersion of the Third Secret :

Not surprisingly, the aspersed blood of purification which figures so prominently in the Fatima vision also crops up in the visions of Nostradamus.

Thee one whose face is sprinkled with blood f the victim recently sacrificed: Jupiter in Leo, foreseeing through an omen: Jupiter in Leo, foreseeing through an omen: [One] put to death then for the sake of the Bride

(As in the Church is the Bride of Christ.) oh dear oh dear, these explanations are long, and needed by me first. I often wonder that some would prefer EffK to remain in bliss, though. Continues . The Nostradamus goes on to suggest that the anti-pope will hail from Paris, but EffK could take that to even connect to the ancient Judgement of Paris, or divine feminity, and thereby suggest the troubles so prefigured by Nostradamus and Fatima, Secret 3 be of celibacy and gender nature, together with the present Buried April evil. EffK takes the 10 April as the day of absolute transgression of the Scriptures, confirming Robert McClenon's demand for motive and the Mowrer Primary Source testimony , and forsees in century 5, quatrain 29:

Liberty will not be recovered,A proud, villainous, wicked black one will occupy it,When the matter of the bridge will be opened,The [Hister} republic of Venice vexed by the Danube.

Nostradamus for the denialism of the past=

Which republic can relate to the Hitler Italy puppeteering . Elswhere the ruination is described thus

By the Attic land, center of wisdom,Which is at present the rose of the world:Pontificate ruined, and its great preeminence Submerged, a shipwreck amidst the waves.

Does anyone suggest that the waves are but the digital waves, the straight and the wavy line foollowing the over-lapping circles echoed in the Mitre and the fish ? The Attic refers to Christianity early schism between sacred revelation of the Jewish Prophets and profane logic of the Greek's known as Gnosticism later judged heretical and Nostradamus refers here to the same Gnostic Rosy Cross, which continues :

The rose upon the middle of the great world, For new deeds public bloodshed: Those who speak the truth will be silenced, Then, if need be, the awaited one will come late.(C5, Q96)

The travails of the Clergy are foreseen in blood-which should be seen no more literally than any other reference here

The blood of the Church people will be poured out, In as great abundance as water: And for a long time it will not be stanched, Woe, woe to the clergy, ruin and complaints

The which could as well be financial reparation from many Judicial complaints. However Nostradamus forsees three forces tearing at the 'Bride' as the hierarchy split into three factions, each one backed by one of the three competing temporal rulers. One of these factions ― the one which will ultimately become dominant in Rome ― will be “led by madmen into lecherous lust, of which the Wikipedia itself treats under Sex Scandal, another is the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, as in Vatican Bank scandals of the 1980s .

Triumvir past? Fatima secrets past?

As to the Trumvirate of anti-christs from perhaps Bonaparte and Hitler to our Nostradamus future, the triumvir of temporal power( Kings) :

The third one ranks first, doing worse than Nero,The valiant finished off, so much human blood to flow: He will cause the ovens to be rebuilt, Golden age dead, new King, great scandal (C9,Q17).

The Wikipedia history take on this, or that which is currently silenced, would in fact class the 17 quatrain number here back with the 1917 (Fatima) secrets but in respect of the fact we have seen the triumvir, and he was Hitler who was Pacelli's pawn , not vice versa, who brought the golden age of culture to an end (Nuremberg's' back a hundred years} with his ovens. The words The Great Scandal are known to us here and it is easiest to show Hitler as the promissor of Peace, than of War, peace he wished, after war.

The writers who exege from [1] use Nostradamus to further conclude that the bones dug up for pacelli, by Ludwig Kaas the ex- Zentrumspartei chairman, are in fact those of Simon Magus the Great and not the Apostle, and founder of Gnosticism. Wikipedia says of Simon(ianism) According to this myth, which was the center of Simonian religion, in the beginning God had his first thought, his Ennoia (see Sophia), which was female, and that thought was to create the angels. The First Thought then descended into the lower regions and created the angels. and that The ancient Gnostic sect of Simonianism believed that he was God in human form. both of which leave question open in their worded form. Wikipedia continuse: But the angels rebelled against her out of jealousy and created the world as her prison, imprisoning her in a female body. Thereafter, she was reincarnated many times, each time being shamed. Her many reincarnations included Helen of Troy; among others, and she finally was reincarnated as Helene, a slave and prostitute in the Phoenician city of Tyre. God then descended in the form of Simon Magus, to rescue his Ennoia. Having redeemed her from slavery, he travelled about with her, proclaiming himself to be God and her to be the Ennoia, promising that he would dissolve this world the angels had made, but that those who trusted in him and Helene could return with them to the higher regions.

The remaining war as EffK said to User:John Kenny (gender war)

EffK asks: Paris? is the truth of Ludwig Kaas' bones in Ennoia ?

"Apparently Simon had exceeded the limits of his magical powers in an effort to please the crowds who assembled for the diversions offered by Nero at his Vatican circus maximus. When he fell from the sky during a levitation performance, the scorn of the rabble grated on the pride of his patron Nero, who petulantly demanded his crucifixion. The image of “falling from the sky” is one that Nostradamus applies prophetically, to the Antipope who will be the modern counterpart of Simon Magus:

Under the oak tree of southern France, struck from the sky, Not far there, the treasure is hidden: He who for long centuries had been gathered in, Found dead, the eye gouged out by ambition.(C1,Q27)

The inferences continue that since the Triumvir , of 'peace' , to EffK inference are Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill, and since the Triumvir of anti-christs, in which the anti-christ Pacelli transgresses between the Triumvirs of peace and triumvir of anti-christs because whilst at peace with Hitler he was at equal peace with the Triumvir of peace Allies. Pacelli was, as Bengalski is shocked to have to wise-up-wiki, let down by his Hitler arrangement at that anti-christs fall. The anti-christ was not Hitler or Pacelli. They are one as the famed quid pro quo shewed. Simon Magus was the object of Pacelli's second over-whelming desire-the first having been the submission of Hitler as to being his pawn in anti-semitic fury,and ,

EffK is shocked at his part in no more than relating the inevitable , that Simon and the gnostics relate through that sects credences to 10 April-the day of formal transgression, when their were effectively two Popes, as Nostradamus said, and Pope Pius XI, who knew better, fell sway through anti-communist(Russian) fear , the second , the anti-pope's fear, of the semites, and in conjunction transgressed the Divine Magisterium with Hermann Göring on 10 April 1933. (This is instant report here from EffK, the next lines writ as seen):

The 10 April 1933 transgression of romans 3, 8

The tenth day of April by Gothic reckoning Revived again by devilish people: The fire extinguished, diabolic assembly Searching for the bones of the Demon of Psellus.(C1, 42)

But the Nostradamus quatrian C1,Q53, which is that same number therefore considered as related per se in exegesis, states

Alas! the people will see a great one tormented And the holy law in utter ruin, [Replaced by] other laws throughout Christendom, When a new source of gold and silver is found.

EffK does not buy the relation of gold to the Law, nor the relationship searched for by exegesists of Nostramus, to the buried treasure as Holy Grail or Demon Of Psellus alchemical empowerment, as the meassage. The exegists do not either, though explain the presence of the 'german archaelogists perhaps in Spielberg fashion following the Holy Grail power in the unspoken side of their involvement. EffK hears the tenth of April clearly, EffK hears and reads of a great torment of people, of valiant fallen, of ovens, of evil and triumvirate power, of dognma, all as exegesis from the quatrains determining the character of the vatican faction dominant and empowering its pawn Hitler, but EffK looks at what we know, and thereby will help the Wikipedia, as well as the people of faith-or, no faith, or Gnostical leaning, or nobody. Let us all continue( EffK saves in fear of protection , of his silencing , if he cannot continue, he is invited to roll the paper elsewhere( Wikinfo ,see links /search Wikinfo EffK). Events are continuous, there are gaps , Wikipedia is the visible Law, tho Wikinfo at least now Googles !BJ!

Only newcomers would wonder at Law in utter ruin [2] and -forbidden- [3]] and generally [4] and onwards from [5].

The 7th Ludwig Kaas Solo Act

But back to Ludwig Kaas, who EffK has followed for so long in digital speed, and immortalised within the Wikipedia archives, but who after very great effort resides in-contestably upon the Adolf Hitler page and who until now has been the focus for his, Kaas' political involvement, with interlude made upon his intelligence activities during the WWII, all sourced published Oxford University branded texts, down through the decades. Kaas as focus for his odd political centrality to the 20th Century, not Kaas the tool of beastly magic or pius theology , but of simple political importance. Anti-communism, not Simon Magus, not Nostradamus but John Wheeler-Bennett, Foreign Office, League of Nations, Reichstag politician Kaas.

Kaas also as pawn or tool of Pacelli, himself servant to Pope Pius XI,he mentioned by the Fatima secret. Kaas as empowerment of Hitlerian dictatorship, all sourced similarly, incontestable, un-contradicted by more than Pacelli's other intelligence man(and own Confessor) Father Robert Lieber's weak statement. "Pacelli was disappointed" at the turn of events (the dissolution of the Centre Party Germany) in more, as W-Bennett would have and others do say, most sardonic hypocrisy, when Pacelli achieved this very same event through long, decades, interference by directly himself in Germany, and then through his convenient placeman Kaas. Kaas as carefully presented sleeper but vatican stooge , in thrall the description of his relation to Pacelli since 1920, all documented and all denied here in this leading modern Website Wikipedia. All the subject of curious wikipedian edit-warring , Ad hominem Straw-man , RfC and finally , equally curiously NOT the subject at Arbcom. Arbcom paid not the slightest rational jot to even the slightest consideration of the actual Wikiwar over Ludwig Kaas. No single comment was made by any person as to the Verifiability Pillar principles concerning Kaas or his political necessity. How modern! Political correctness as blind inducement, is the best one can think, amongst a worse set of qualifications. The Star of Bengalski passes bright to say Injustice, which echoes the legality principles noted by EffK throughout Kaas study (and the neverending denial returned ).

So, Kaas, who escapes conclusively from the clutches of Hitler, who voices loudly published continuing approbation after his escape(to the Vatican) is retrieved, and noticed by all historians as inexorably garnering a central position. Kaas as the trusted Keeper of the Keys (Fabric) for the edifice of St Peter's Basilica, facilitating his position as continuing Pacelli runner and vehicle in a still accelerating German Vatican Putsch. The Putsches of Germany were several and in combination, and some never took-off, being conspiratorially forestalled ,as in General Chancellor Kurt von Schleicher who failed in the last chance to foretall the rightist german Putsch(-es) of November 1932 to March 33.

Kaas represented two horses whilst in Germany- or so it is idly assumed (by those who have no account of a Prelate's Obedience). On the one hand he was constitutional political animal, asserting normal lines of political resolution, in the Chair of the catholic voter from 1928, following in a 50 or so year tradition of catholic political representation in the (fairly) modern Germany (an Empire, built out of small states descending from aeons of greater Empire and descendence). Bengalski has offered to supply us here in Wikipedia with the academic report upon that little we -EffK-have not yet sourced, but which is contested to the last.

Bringing us to Kaas the tool, the sleeper, the means to the end. Here we enter the realms of the vatican, of the Reichskonkordat and its odd and always noted relationship to the empowerment of Hitler. As EffK shews, Kaas as solo fixer running back door scam with a back door scam crowd, the scam being the rolling Conspiracy studied by our fathers at Nuremberg. Actual scurrying in the dark and trickery, Nuremberg revealed it all, except for the last sovereign collaborating power-the Vatican State. EffK has at least left the source in the various un-named and thus boring looking "Archives" , and the job is done. The active denialism that prevents the true Verifiability of the story of our History, is a secondary subject, un-finished until Bengalski, and another after him, and another, claim the baton to charge again at the denialist Wikipedia internal wall. The tool is known, in short, as Pacelli's.

Personal exegesis of vatican figures is in thriftier wikipedia position than Theology, and returns us to the conceptions of Nostradamus more than to the factional but generally material interests of the Political Parties in Germany's Weimar. The vatican , which with small v is the hub as hive , is apparently never a singularity, but a balancing or suppression of its different parts. Nostradamus concerns himself with the description of this hub as reflection of the World itself, naturally. The only surprise to us is that in order to understand even German politics of the 20 th Century, that we should need to concern ourselves at all with personal cum theological exegesis of vatican factions. However -if we are honest- we do.

To understand motives and to understand beliefs that sustain such motives, we do. To understand hard physical reality-and there is no harder than the reality of Hitler, we do. The Nuremberg of our minds exhorts us to repeat the judgement- never again !. So, we do need to see everything. EffK did not start this, nor will EffK finish it, and these writers such as I have foreshortened, and varied as I could to the political view, at [6]] deserve our poitical thanks, and EffK claim to them of fair Use/Educational excerpt, with thanks , to study.

EffK does perhaps still wish to vary their exegesis, to bring it into line with the Wikipedia sourced political world, and away from discussion of Magi and Secrets. However the position of Ludwig Kaas as crossover into the hub , the eternal hub, prevents wikipedia type simplism . Wikipedia desires that clarity which can only come from collation of source, or must ignore those subjects either suppressed by forces , or mis-understood by chance. Here in Wikipedia there is little chance, meaning that even the ICJHC istelf had no chance. The documentation is as yet not unveiled from the thousands of boxes being only now returned into German hands, or is destroyed, or is as the hub claims, un-sorted, therefore un-presentable. Closed , in effect. EffK has provided all the ISBN's necessary through the decades in the English writing department, and the most turgid German ecclesiatico-political tomes, filter through as confirmation or , it is claimed, as rebuttal. EffK says that Lieber so far is the sole rebuttal, but openly has asked of his curiously persistant denialist hub-favouring opponents, for exonerating source. User Bengalski now begins to tip what has been an imbalance caused by the combining of favouring opponents against the grouping of verifiable source. The Wikipedia organ itself has no ability to judge, yet allows judgement on the issue, which is , always, Ludwig Kaas. Wikipedia itself is a tertiary subject.

To return to these exegist writers, studying the Fatima Secret and the hub, studying Nostradamus and the hub, these overlap with Kaas solely because Kaas is of the hub. They repeat what is widely known because released, that Kaas, the keeper of the Keys for the Basilica dedicated to the Keeper of the Heavenly Keys himself, as soon as Pacelli (and Mussolini) finally disposed of Pope Pius XI-yes, Cardinal Tisserant left the record of murder as primary source in his own hand, at this disposal of the last remaining bulwark for morality against Hitler, straightway Pacelli set Kaas upon the bones, which Nostradamus called those of the Triumvir. The exegists call forth that other Saint Malachy O’Morgair as prophet :

In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock among many tribulations; after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people.”

EffK is no more familiar with him than to wonder if he is the prophet who saw the last Novissimi, and that the war was not between people at all, but was between The Fish of the Sea Which Rise Up against The Birds of The Air. EffK has never liked the sound of that, not the pictures which after the event are engraved on his mind, the ideogrammatic simplicities of metallic barbarity . Think stealth bomber shapes, scribed in a future without ink of survival. The prophet, is he, who foresaw such human casualty from this War, that he foresaw the woman clutch her pubescent daughter to her side in shock when they chanced on a Man-as her daughter had never set eyes before on a single living Man.

EffK would prefer to see the words of Malachy above as referring to the change of the astolrogical eras from fish to air, as a battle purely of symbolic and philosophical variation. But the exegists and Nostradamus and Fatima seem to wish to frighten us, as if we have not already suffered enough. EffK will read them as source in the hope of a return to provide us with Hope- that the worst is past, that the Triumvir can be recognised in the past not the future.

Kaas involvement is relatively simple. As the closest to Pacelli, Pacelli as pope set Kaas with Kaas' normal capacity for conspiratorial discretion, to oversee and oversee and toto visit in solo privacy, the German(think Spielberg) uncovering of the Tomb of Peter?Simon magus . pacelli and kaas would together repair to the nights closed excavation there to contemplate the powers and the past unto Constantine's dedicated petrine Tomb. The german archaeologists find nothing, the tomb empty, and but Roman scratching or graffiti on an inner wall. Alone, the now 7 th great solo Kaas action(see above if you wish the other six with Hitler), now, kaas himself excavates this inner wal, and discovers in purple and gold braid(Un-historical itself) the bones of an old man(maybb) mixed with those of several animals. alone. Kaas alone retrieves and alone(but for Pacceli-Kaas is never alone from Pacelli as Kaas is Pacelli- by proxy). Kaas alone stores these bones secretly for 20 years. the exegists have much to comment, but to EffK this is the sevnth solo Act of prelate Monsignor Ludwig Kaas.

Dogma, Culture, History and Wikipedia

EffK is un-changed from the normality of his assumptions related at FK's alternaste names-pages. Assumptions of good faith, no deviating from the rational consensus of history. Man's capacity for understanding disappears with rapidity inot a past that is undocumnted. The earliest document is the Flight of Gilgamesh and the earliest recorded Civilisation that of the Cuneiform Sumerians. The apparent correlation at strategic position around the entire Planet of ancient mysterious structures, not in themselvs necessarily more ancient than Sumer, seem to bear witness to some mathematically advanced human consciousness as if fractured into regional variation upon a human memory of a previous age. The study, sadly constrained by contemporary religio-politics , of the Egypttian remains appears to forestall the most advanced theses concerning the architectural rendering of that apparent universal consciousness. The rendering, as with Nostradamian prophecy, is all technical and utlimately concerned with physical phenomena which because they are so large and far away in the heavens of interstellar space, were preserved only in galactic-orientated religio-mythic symbolism.

The further exegesis which estimates the human reflection of the actual heavenly movements, in so far as it concerns the pre-destination or other-wise, of the Church as descendent built over the historical and classic mythic codes, is admixture of the classic heavenly mythology and the post-Christ era change into intellectual dogma. Where the classic civilisations inhabited a stretch of mind in which man was not the centre, the singularity of the christian era, with its judaic formula, places man into a communion with a single God and single concept of linear time in manner which eversince has historically and progressively obfuscated all previous mythologically based memory code.

The church as desire to embody this unification, in comparison with the ancients, seeks to make no sense or record of reality save for the purely moral and social, and has and does actively work to prevent either a re-kindling of celestial understanding, or all advances to understanding re-built from anew. Galileo epitomises the effort in the past , and science, as politics, today continues to labour beneath purely moral influence but we stand at a threshold of new influence from the galactic reality.

Those who choose to study and make exegesis of prophecies based on actual stellar phenomena, build only a picture of a clock, the same clock which is the sole information resting in the ancient architectural remains, and of which the Pyramids were neither the sole, nor the earliest, nor the last. All are only a clock of the phenomena, which are local galactic forces affecting life on earth. They possess no moral message other than that of understanding and awareness and witness, and may in fact demonstrate such a high quality of mathematical calculation alone, that they bespeak civilization in advance of ours, which has grown from the greco-modern mind, entailing a mystery of greater interest than the presently studied.

The judaic or christian developement super-imposed upon the mysterious pre-classical mathematics leaves us the Nostradamian medieval attempts to re-connect that judaic concept of linear time , one shared by pre-columbian civilisation, to the eternal but circular pre-classical , Vedic-Asian and seasonal concept of time. We have the Egyptian record, which tantalisingly concretises the phenomenology of galactic forces. We see exegesis of the Egyptian which is so firmly rooted in mathematical exactitude of galactic observation, but which is still like Galileo entrapped by a near universal dogma. Vedic concepts still remain closest to the realiy that modern physicist minds calculate, whilst the accuracy of the Mayan calendar equally witnesses a culturally incongrous level of advance.

We are not only at loss to see how real people with real reactions can make huge effect, as was the case with Ludwig Kaas/Pacelli and WWII, but we all exist in a cultural limbo of dissociation from galactic truth . The situation is, as we all know, becoming untenable, as our assumption of physical means oustripped our cultural mores. Everyone who does not yet, will soon re-adjust to the greater galactic reality, as we see the limits of our power only bringing us toward dangerous imbalance from the planetary-galactic reality.

Economically, we enter an age when we begin to realise the true associated costs of our methods at survival and life. The driving force will assuredly affect us all, and it is the purely planetary reality of our situation which will demand of us a re-awakening of suitable marriage between the mythic truth and the moral. A teaching which enables us to survive will be demanded by us all, and it is the lesson of Ludwig Kaas that is closer to us than is Nostradamus. The cost of Kaas I calculate at 60,000,000 war dead, and presumably a greater than 60,000,000 injured. The cost in materiel, in environemental effect, in this one figure as tool driving the real world to destruction,was incompletly analysd by Nuremberg as the loss of a century, and is in fact more.

The participants in the Nuremberg Conspiracy all continue to operate. Only the actual Nazi Party would appear to have gone underground, become totally clandestine and virtually un-observable. It would appear that this happened with the continuance of collusion made by this worldy Party, which reflected entirely in its structure the example of its benefactor, the papacy of the Catholic Church. Entirely divorced from both their structures lies the moral information of Jesus, which is entirely blameless and only deficient in one respect. Jesus refusd to surrender the galactic and mathematical side of his truth to Caesar. The Romans as materialist out-come of the long pre- and classical tradition, he saw as imposters upon the body of galactic truth. We know from documents that the Jesus to whom we refer, shared with a body of learning, and the descendence from earlier, and by no means purely Judaic but galactic truth. The Essenic echoes the Vedic by way of Babylon and Egypt, and the sole criticism of Jesus that can be made is that he left us to suffer until we could pilitically work it out ourselves from the ground up, by goodness, rather than risk the imposition of a half-truth empowered by these earlier galactic truths. The Empire would have used this against the human on the ground. Jesus thereby is the messenger of our need, the which message we would appear only now to be forced to confront.

It is clear that Kaas/Pacelli is the single most devastating lesson, un-folding immediately into an even wider lesson through their inescapable linkage to the forces of modern corporate multi-national Industrialism. The moral devastation of the scriptures upon which the dogmatic edifice of the papacy has been superimposed, is by no means the only out-come for humanity today. EffK has entirely within Wikipedia shown the devastation of the papacy, and the issue is of partial interest alone. The Nostradamian messages combining clock with morality that forecast via classic mythology, tell us only where we are. Butif humanity cannot look up and see, or will not hear, then the reality of balance and harmony which Jesus recognised, will still not appear.

The papacy as champion of dogma, with its interference in history in the age of Industrial War, did not act un-like itself during pre-Industrial War. The morality did not change-there was no morality but only dogma before . Morality was only ever the one control that Jesus gave to be used, and it was used by that very Empire against man, as Jesus foiresaw it would be. It was used to control after being thrown over the dying millenia of Imperialist culture. Although certain fears may persist concerning Imperialist mentality today, we are all more frightened by the planetary-galactic historical future. Jesus leaving that moral basis for dogma, left enough for that slow creeping we have made back towards the galactic consciousness. Kaas as crucial example of counter-productivity, as instigator of War (and it is irrelevant exactly how much or little he foresaw that as consequence,though it is clear it was foreseen), since that Imperialist consequence was achieved.

This affects Wikipedia in that this consequence is still too explosive for the representatives of that dogma which is superficial to morality. The pure contradiction of the moralist camp or defenders of dogma as beyond historical reason, is present here in Wikipedia in proportion to the availability of the Wiki soft-ware-massively. The Pontifical Council for Social Communication can be visited by you with three clicks of a mouse if it does not yet exist openly in Wikipedia. There the full instructions are displayed enjoining the continuance of dogma over historical, plantary and galactic truth. The morality of course does not change with the tools of man , whether Industrial War or Digital War. What we see in Wikipedia is more akin to the musing prophecy of Nostradamus than to the rulebook of this self-same rational Wikipedia. Even as I write , the Council, under special Bishop, and with link throughout the Empire of the Church, enjoins now openly unto the minds of the church, who are the faithful as opposed to its administrators the Church, enjoins to dogma and to obedience. An open, if Digital-internet, and thereby immaterial battle ,is called , by the dogma , for the dogma.

This battle is easy to follow, it centres exactly on the history, and particularises it specifiacally to the relationship of Kaas/Pacelli to the modern figure, justifiably, of the devil, Adolf Hitler. It is not an effort made to truthfully or justifiably furhter add , as you would expect, condemnation upon that devil. The reverse- the effort is to sweeten the pill of the history, to isolate this devil from all contact but the barest , with the empire of Dogma. This is done purely to protect the essential under-lying basis of Jesus' moral truth, in a way that is openly contrary to all his teaching and following. In Wikipedia the instruction visible at the Counils website pages, is acted upon. A veritable digital army of anonymous digital warriors of the mind delete, re-balance and distort whatever can be dangerous to the dogma or teaching. What, you might ask, is wrong with that?

Nazi seizure of power(Machtergreifung):notes from Wikipedia Information


  • Ultimately, Papen came to believe that he could control Hitler from behind the scenes and decided to support him for Chancellor. Papen then persuaded Meissner and the Younger Hindenburg of the merits of his plan, and the three then spent the second half of January pressuring Hindenburg into naming Hitler as Chancellor.
[refers to the 4 January start of the Nuremburg defined Conspiracy to Institute Totalitarian Government (towards Agressive War). The subterfuge of the meeting was blownb by a press photographer, and report states that Oskar V H, hwho had a private interview in the banker Kurt von Schroeder's house with Hitler, and stated that same day that Hitler had to become the Chancellor. This was the agreement putting Hitler into the Chancellory. Oskar was leant on by Hitler, re Hindenburg family tax avoidance and with the carrot of 5000 more acres to the family.' Blackmail and trickery.]

Ernst Thälmann (KPD)

  • After the Nazis (NSDAP) gained power on 30 January 1933, Thälmann proposed that SPD and KPD should organise a general strike to topple Hitler, but this was not achieved. On 7 February a Central Committee meeting of the already banned KPD took place in Königs Wusterhausen, near Berlin, where Thälmann emphasised the necessity of a violent overthrow of Hitler's government. On 3 March 1933 he was arrested in Berlin by the Gestapo.
[ KPD Not already banned by 7 march, Gestapo didn't exist on 3 March, arrest was uconstitutional , and therefore achieved, as Nuremberg trial stated, through trickery

Reichstag Fire Decree

  • The decree was not accompanied by any written guidelines from the Reich government; this omission gave wide latitude in interpreting the decree to Nazis like Göring, who as Prussian interior minister was in authority over the police forces in Germany's largest province. The Länder not yet in the Nazis' grasp largely restricted themselves to banning the Communist press, Communist meetings and demonstrations, and detaining of leading KPD officials. In Prussia, however, summary arrests of KPD leaders were common, thousands were imprisoned in the days following the fire, and the total number of arrests in Prussia on the basis of the Reichstag Fire Decree in the two weeks following February 28 is believed to be in the vicinity of 10,000.
[Latitude is not a legal concept: deputy Arrest was illegal. Papen at the Ntrials consequently denied the knowledge of it. Goering however denied on 3 <arch 1933 that any legalities were necessary.

Among the German communists arrested on the basis of the Reichstag Fire Decree was KPD chairman Ernst Thälmann;

  • Göring issued a directive to the Prussian police authorities on March 3, stating that in addition to the constitutional rights stripped by the decree, "all other restraints on police action imposed by Reich and Land law" were abolished "so far as this is necessary ... to achieve the purpose of the decree." Göring went on to say that
  • " In keeping with the purpose and aim of the decree the additional measures ... will be directed against the Communists in the first instance, but then also against those who co-operate with the Communists and who support or encourage their criminal aims.... I would point out that any necessary measures against members or establishments of other than Communist, anarchist or Social Democratic parties can only be justified by the decree ... if they serve to help the defense against such Communist activities in the widest sense."


  • One day after the Reichstag fire on February 27, 1933, the increasingly senile President of Germany Paul von Hindenburg, acting at Hitler's request, issued the Reichstag Fire Decree. This decree suspended most human rights provided for by the 1919 constitution of the Weimar Republic and thus allowed for the arrest of political adversaries, mostly Communists, and for general terrorizing by the SA to intimidate the voters before the upcoming election.
[ allowed for is a generalised attempt to describe incorrect Police misuse of a decree in their hand, by flourishing it in attempt to claim a legality for arrests of Deputies. it seems many werre detaained before the Fire, and was legally irrelevant because over-ruled by Deputy Sovereignty. No sourceing has ever been provided to illuminate the exact terms and manner and timing of the so-called "protective custody", and help is sought by EffK from anyone who can .}
  • When the newly-elected Reichstag first convened on March 23, 1933, (not including the Communist delegates, since their party had already been banned by that time) it passed the Enabling Act (Ermächtigungsgesetz), transferring all legislative powers to the Nazi government and, in effect, abolishing the remainder of the Weimar constitution as a whole. Soon afterwards the government banned the Social Democratic party, which had voted against the Act, while the other parties chose to dissolve themselves to avoid arrests and concentration camp imprisonment.
[ As a whole except for the sovereigny of the deputies as embodiment of the people: a Deputy represented no those who voted for him, but all the people of his district, hence the sovereignty is concept of the ultimate sovereignty of the " people", and this coup d'etat, was to deprive the German people of their own sovereignty. See Enabling Act following.The statements here are whitewash, with only their conception being of interest: Why write this error? Why deny the Tribunals, Shirer, everyone? Why do no editors manage to clean this error? Why is the Centre Party avoided, if not to deflect us from the papal quid pro quo?]

Enabling Act

  • Article 2: Laws enacted by the government of the Reich may deviate from the constitution as long as they do not affect the institutions of the Reichstag and the Reichsrat. The rights of the President remain undisturbed.
[This Clause demonstrates the illegality of intereference with the Deputies' sovereignty as essence of the "institution". As we know he EAct continued until the fall of Nazism, un-amended.]
  • ...the Nazis devised the Enabling Act.
Resuscitated, after a decade , from prior conception, so why adhere to this inference: Nazism made use of the constitutionality to conquer the constitution, and it appears that some would both like us to believe there was a coup, independant of out-side assistance, and at the same time that there wasn't, because it was all legal .The drift seems to be to suggest Hitler was not helped to power, but that nazism achieved it alone.]
  • The Social Democratic Party (SPD) and the Communist Party (KPD) were expected to vote against such an Act, but the Nazis knew that the parties representing the middle class, the Junkers landowners and business interests had grown weary of the instability of the Weimar Republic. Hitler reckoned that these parties would be eager to adopt such an extraordinary measure to end the ongoing parliamentary logjam, or at a minimum, would muster only tepid opposition.
[In so far as their votes represented them, but this suggests the conspiracy of "sinister forces" referred to at the Tribunal were some portion of the paliament solely, whereas the truth is that the industrial forces were paying the Nazis in expectation of re-armaament and war, Papen had corralled the landed Classes into belief in a Hitler dicatorship, and the Reichswehr Officer class were seduced by prospect of war: to speak of tepid opposition is in comparison an invention of such.]
  • With the threat of Communism looming, Hitler's government persuaded President Paul von Hindenburg to authorize several emergency powers in the Reichstag Fire Decree, which (among other things) suspended civil liberties and habeas corpus rights. Decree in hand, Hitler had the Communist Party's offices raided and its representatives arrested, neutralizing their power in the Reichstag.
[Very clear cut erroneous claim, for as Shirer put it- "everything was legal except the Deputy arrest". Neutralising was not legal but illegal neutering.]
  • The Reichstag Fire Decree had already given the government the power to arrest opposition delegates, and Hitler felt certain that he could convince the Catholic Center to give their support to the act and provide the needed two-thirds majority.
[same disinformation whitening hitler's opportunistic 7 week rolling conspiracy of 30 January -23 March. The other conspirrators were the Rhenish-Westphalian Industrial Magnates, and the of course, Pacelli, von papen, even Oskar von Hindenburg. The Tribunal decided it was not an indictable offence to have assisied the conspiracy to power, only to have maintained it, but that was nevertheless to have recognised the parts played.]
  • Hitler negotiated with the Centre Party's chairman, Catholic priest Ludwig Kaas, finalizing an agreement by March 22. Kaas agreed to support the Act in exchange for the Nazi's promise to help them achieve civil recognition of Catholics and Catholicism, as well as instituting quotas and protections for Catholic civil servants and schools. The Centre Party also asked Hitler to maintain constitutional protections of civil liberties. Debate within the Centre itself continued until March 23, when ex-chancellor Heinrich Brüning denounced the Enabling Act as treachery of the worst order, calling for the Reichstag's assembly to be postponed until cooler heads could prevail. Kaas nevertheless claimed a written guarantee would come from Hitler. Brüning's experiences with Hitler led him to warn Kaas to ensure he received the written promise before the vote, but agreed to maintain party discipline by voting for the Act.
[[Kaas was chairman of the centre and co-chaired the working-committee discussions with the other co-chair Adolf Hitler. Kaas later strongly approved Hitler as noble, and the best man to captain the ship etc, in April 1933, and wrote the Reichskonkordat at the same time as remaining Centre Chairman. In fact here the Centre party , beyond the committeee agreements was persuaded not to fratcure their vote on the strength of the promised constitutional guarantee, negotiated privately by Kaas, from Hitler.]
  • Kaas had still not received the written constitutional guarantees he had negotiated, but with the assurance it was being "typed up", voting began. Kaas never received the letter.
[ Such EffK produced fro Wheeler-Bennett, indeed.]
  • Hitler had taken care of that: under the provisions of the Reichstag Fire Decree, the Communist Party deputies — and a few Social Democratic deputies as well — were already jailed, and the Communist mandates were declared "dormant" by the government shortly after the elections.
[Dormancy and its precise definition under the constitutional protections of the Institution are a bone of un-sourced contention. Tey may have so been declared, but the Yale presentation of the Tribunal does not determine this, but that Ppen denied knowledge of the arrests, which is contradictory with this cleanly presentation.]
  • During the negotiations between the government and the Centre Party, it was agreed that the government should inform the Reichstag parties of legislative measures passed under the Enabling Act. For this purpose, a second working committee was set up, chaired by Hitler and the Centre's chairman Kaas. However, this committee met only three times without any major impact.
[This is an un-sourced translation of German texts, which need sourceing into English by their presenter. They refer to meetings whose purpose remains un-clear and contradictory of the Goering , and general claim that un-disputed power of dictatorship in effect began at the
  • Joseph Goebbels wrote shortly after the passage of the Enabling Act:
"The authority of the Führer has now been wholly established. Votes are no longer taken. The Führer decides. All this is going much faster than we had dared to hope."
  • The opposition parties were suppressed or banned, and eventually even the parties making up Hitler's coalition yielded to government pressure and dissolved themselves.

23 March

  • 1933 - The Reichstag passes the Enabling Act, making Adolf Hitler dictator of Germany.
[placed here to demonstrate the internal contradiction in this Wikipedia. This is correct here.]

Weimar Republic

  • The Communists' 81 seats had been empty since the Reichstag Fire Decree and other lesser known procedural measures, thus excluding their anticipated "No" votes from the balloting.
[Lesser known and thus far un-sourced as over-turning the sovereignty and therefore illegality of the arrests, dormancy and protective , being suggested un-sourced as being that supra constitutional. The Tribunal discussed this only in so far as it determined that the Special Courts Decree , a resuscitation of a Bruning October 1931 Decree, appeared only on 23 March implemented then on 24 March, providing for changes to Judicial hearing of defence . EffK suspects that beneath the conundrum analysed too briefly by the Tribunal lies the report that the Reichstag Fire, being a solely Goering plan, pre-empted the Hitler plan,as Hilter was aware he needed the decree to neutralise the Communists, by lengthening their judicial inquiry planned by him without the Fire Dcree.; that the Fire re-configured, and greatly facilitated the planned neutralising. Hitler in other words took the constitutional chance that Section 2 of the EAct, and the sovereignty of Deputies, would only contradict after he had seized power. Now , 73 years afterwards, it is still not recognised, nor understood.]
  • Meanwhile Hitler's promised written guarantee to Monsignor Kaas was being typed up, it was asserted to Kaas, and thereby Kaas was persuaded to silently deliver the Centre bloc's votes for the Enabling Act anyway.
[Placed to show that EffK's sourced silently is accepted only in some articles. His opposition indeed shewed the exact 23 march Centre Party Chairman's address at 11:30 a.m.. Generally those who adhere to the non-quid pro , non conspiracy, and who assert the legality, who link an address to the parliamentary opening session folowing that Party conclave, with the actual silence of Kaas vote, to the echoes of SA belligerence without during the second session.]

Centre Party Germany

  • Chairman Kaas advocated supporting the bill in parliament in return for the government giving guarantees.
[This ignores the final conclusive promised letter of Guarantee, and that Kaas negotiated this solo.]
  • The opponents also argued in regard to Catholic social teaching that ruled out participating in an act of revolution.
[This report bears a great deal of interest, using internal canonical law, since , it refers to that. The inclusion of this statement in Wikipedia is invitation for a thorough examination of such legal concepts as the canonical code represents.
  • On 8 April, Hitler sent Vice-Chancellor Papen to Rome to offer to the Pope negotiations for a nationwide concordat. Throughout the years of the Weimar Republic, the National Socialists had always been a staunch opponent of such an agreement, but now Hitler intended to deal a decisive blow against Political Catholicism and also of gaining international prestige.
  • Though the Vatican tried to hold back the exclusion of Catholic clergy and organisations from politics, in the end it had to accept the restriction to the religious and charitable field, which effectively meant acquiescing into the end of the Centre Party.

Heinrich Brüning

  • Later that month, he was the main advocate for rejecting the Hitler administrations's Enabling Act, calling it the "most monstrous resolution ever demanded of a parliament." He nonetheless yielded to party discipline and voted in favour of the bill.

Franz von Papen

  • By this time, the elderly von Hindenburg had become irritated by the Schleicher cabinet's policies affecting wealthy landowners and industrialiasts. Simultaneously, Papen had been working behind the scenes and used his personal friendship with von Hindenburg to assure the president that he, Papen, could control Hitler and could thus finally form a government based on the support of the majority of the Reichstag.

History of germany

This decree, which would remain in force until 1945, repealed important political and human rights of the Weimar constitution. Communist agitation was banned, but at this time not the Communist Party itself.

Eleven thousand Communists and Socialists were arrested and brought into concentration camps, where they were at the mercy of the Gestapo, the newly established secret police force (9,000 were found guilty and very many executed). Communist Reichstag deputies were supposedly given protective custody (against their constitutional privileges).

[Supposition, not an EffK method.]

Centre Party Germany

  • The Centre advocated a return to Brüning's "authoritarian democracy", which they considered up to the times and tested by experience, against Papen's "omnipotent state and independent leadership", while the Nazis would only accept a coalition that would serve their purpose of achieving total dominance. Not expecting a successful conclusion, Hitler used the Centre negotiations in order to put pressure on the Papen administration.
[Very subtle compressed information concerning the wide and longstanding anti-republican rightist strands of plitics in Weimar, and leaning to this exculpatory message here following, showing the centre catholics in a helpful (today) light:]
  • Chairman Kaas advised President Hindenburg not to continue Papen's "administration of conflict"; he advocated "national concentration including the National Socialists", but did not comment on an alternative Chancellor, since he considered that the "personal prerogative of President"
  • Meanwhile Papen had formed an intrigue to oust his successor. He conferred with Hugenberg and industrial magnates and bankers and after a feverish night, in which the outcome was unclear to all participants, In the morning of 30 January, Hitler was appointed Chancellor with Papen as Vice-Chancellor and Hugenberg as minister for economics.
[Here indeed remains allusison to the conspiracy which the tribunal studied. It is a masteful reduction of a million words to one helpful sentence, but at least entered this Wikipedia howsoever little. The Magnates own sourced page was removed, by a certain catholic editor, with glee. No one cared at all, and one has to wonder at what pooint the apparent stupefaction becomes generalised 'User' fear. All prefer not to rock this boat here.]
  • Though seeing their adversaries Papen and Hugenberg join forces with Hitler, the Centre Party still did not give up building a broad coalition government. Since the new administration was still lacking a majority in parliament, the Centre was ready to support it, either by toleration or by coalition. Hitler intended to minimize non-Nazi participation, but feigned a willingness to cooperate with the Centre and blamed Papen and Hugenberg for denying cabinet posts to the Centre. When Kaas requested a broad outline of his government's objectives, Hitler used his questionnaire to declare the talks a failure and obtain the President's approval for calling for new elections for the third time in about half a year.
[73 years afterwards, we cannot deal with this subject clearly. What this says is that the Centre advocated Hitler. Indeed he did toy with them, and un-mentioned is the part of papen, not for his links to the Centre, but his links to the vatican, analysed and cross examined as they wer, and therefore un-mentioned here is any quadruple linkage Pacelli-Papen Pacelli-Kaas, Kaas-Hitler, Hitler-Pacelli Papen-Hitler. papen was inded not only a decendant of the knights of the Holy roman Empire, ie ultra-high catholic nobleman, even more so than Pacelli was., but had been Chancellor and as such in consistent contact with pacelli directly. When the Tribunal suggested the Reichskonkordat was amaneuver intended to deceive papen answere that the prosecution would hardly seek to impugn Pacelli, then become pontiff. ]
  • [March Elections] This result shattered the Centre Party's hopes of being indispensable for obtaining a majority in parliament. The party was now faced with two alternatives – either to persist in protesting and suffer reprisals like Communists and Social Democrats', or to declare their loyal cooperation, in order to protect their members. As shown by subsequent events, the party, though deeply uncomfortable with the new government, opted for the latter alternative.
[The emotive language betrays a desperation to whiten this awful choice, and justify and diminuish the result. it is well known to EffK as front-line stuff.]
  • The Centre Party, whose vote turned out to be decisive, was split on the issue of the Enabling Act. Chairman Kaas advocated supporting the bill in parliament in return for the government giving guarantees. These mainly included respecting the Church's liberty, her involvement in the fields of culture, schools and education and the concordats signed by German states and also the continued existence of the Centre Party itself. Via Papen, Hitler responded positively and himself addressed the issues in his Reichstag speech, but he repeatedly put off signing a written letter of agreement.
[Turned out indeed, but turned out contradicts the Wikipedia recognition elswhere that it did not turn out, but was prime discussion at Hitler's 15 march cabinet meeting, which as it's sourced to the Tribunal , from whence Shirer et all source, explodes this turned-out as exculpatory etc.]
Kaas was aware of the doubtful nature of such guarantees, but when the Centre fraction assembled on 23 March to decide on their vote, he still advised his fellow party members to support the bill, given the "precarious state of the fraction", he described as follows: "On the one hand we must preserve our soul, but on the other hand a rejection of the Enabling Act would result in unpleasant consequences for fraction and party. What is left is only to guard us against the worst. Were a two-thirds majority not obtained, the government's plans would be carried through by other means. The President has acquiesced in the Enabling Act. From the DNVP no attempt of relieving the situation is to be expected."
[The legal implications of this speech by a Prelate of the Holy see, or whatever particular soldier of christ he actually was, are canonically massive:enough to excommuicate him and his superiors/]bosses. Politically it is surrender, and succinctly stated.]
A considerable part of parliamentarians however opposed the chairman's course, among these former Chancellors Brüning, Wirth and former minister Stegerwald. Brüning called the Act the "most monstrous resolution ever demanded of a parliament", and was also sceptical about Kaas' efforts: "The party has difficult years ahead, no matter how it would decide. Sureties for the government fulfilling its promises have not been given. Without a doubt, the future of the Centre Party is in danger and once it is destroyed it cannot be revived again."
[This is interesting. Even EffK has been prepared to accept that the working committeee meetings of at least 20, 21 and 22 march, led to the civil srrvant catholic and school cartholic guarantees. But this shows that the party really was split and not won by those same negotiators(at least stegerwald the Catholic Trade Unions leader. These Unions were closer to the middle class in our terms that unions as we term them elsewhere.]

The opponents also argued in regard to Catholic social teaching that ruled out participating in an act of revolution. The proponents however argued that a "national revolution" had already occurred with Hitler's appointment and the presidential decree suspending basic rights and that the Enabling Act would contain revolutionary force and move the government back to a legal order.

  • In the end the majority of Centre parliamentarians supported Kaas' proposal. Brüning and his followers agreed to respect party discipline by also voting in favour of the bill.
Proposal was sourced as not having been made by Kaas, simply presentation of two courses of choice by a Chairman. It would appear, since there is only reference to fraction, and to inevitability of defeat, that Kaas spoke apart, as proponent of his own negotiated Hitler Letter of Guarantee. EffK requires any academically accreditated person to vist the 26 volumes of Tribunal report and determine some reference to this, as Yale's provide none. There is however Yale reference to an echange at the Tribunal, or affidavits somehow being an angry exchange(itself surely doubtful) between Kaas and Papen. EffK says this is extraordinary, as Kaas is biilled as closeted forever more in the vatican, whilst Papen was prosecuted. Let's search these 26 volumes. German readers of good will should help us from this historical miasma with translations from Centre records. if wikiupedia wished to be non-contradicory, it has as yet not enough results of source to yet be so.]


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