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Hey, I picked up the Child's Play sequels last week, all of them but Seed. I really enjoyed 2, so far I think that's the best of the series. I liked how Andy was a little smarter and I liked the Kyle character as well. 3 was okay, it wasn't bad but not as good as the first two. I'm going to watch Bride sometime tonight or tomorrow.  Paul  730 19:35, 29 November 2008 (UTC)

How was he not brave in 3? He was fighting to save Tyler. Andy didn't bother me, but the military setting felt extremely random for a movie about a killer doll and the supporting characters were pretty boring. I liked how Andy wasn't the damsel in distress anymore, he kind of took on the protector role that his mother and Kyle took in the first two. Isn't Bride the best of the series? My DVD has a four star rating from Empire (which is a good magazine) on the cover.  Paul  730 22:50, 29 November 2008 (UTC)
I just watched Bride and enjoyed it. Not sure whether it's better than 2, because as you say, they're so different. I didn't have a problem believing it was the same universe though, which was an issue I had with Evil Dead's shift in tone. Tiffany is a great character, she's so much better than Chucky himself and the standout aspect of the franchise IMO. She carried the film. I liked the silly humour because it is, at the end of the day, an extremely silly concept. The Chucky movies were never remotely scary. Also, not to get too political, but it was nice to see a gay character in a horror movie. That's something of a rarity. Although, having recently rewatched the Scream trilogy, I'm convinced by some of his body language that Stu was in love with Billy and that's why he followed him.  Paul  730 01:55, 30 November 2008 (UTC)
Lol, was Chucky ever in touch with horror? Of all the horror icons, he's got to be the least respected. Yeah, I caught all the references to the other icons with the evidence locker and the nails. I liked the running theme of Tiffany liking Martha Stewart. Tiffany manged to be a very endearing, sympathetic character. She was quite sweet, in a twisted kind of way. What's wrong with hitting a gay character with a truck? Straight characters die in slasher movies all the time. No reason to give him preferential treatment cos he's a minority. ;)
The reason I thought Stu was gay was his adoring, over-the-shoulder looks to Billy. He's kind of a weird character to be honest, I don't know what to think of him. Lol, I did think of Scary Movie but I doubt that was an intentional parallel on the Wayan Bros' parts. I'd forgotten how much I love the Scream trilogy... and how good Scream 2 actually is. I think I prefer it now to the original. Mickey is probably my favourite killer, Timothy Olyphant just kicks ass in that scene with his camp, OTT performance. Plus he has one of the more interesting motives. The only thing which annoys me about the series is how the main three character are somehow invulnerable to harm. Come on, Wes just kill Dewey already!  Paul  730 03:17, 30 November 2008 (UTC)
Black guys kick ass in zombie movies. If ever there's a zombie apocalypse, just becomes friends with the nearest black guy and you'll go far. Lol, I remember in I Still Know What You Did... when Brandy survived I was like "Wtf? The black friend of the main character survives?" I liked her in that movie, so it was all good. :) Wasn't so keen on Busta surviving Halloween: Resurrection... *shudders at the memory*
Dewey annoys me. He's useless at fighting the killer and seems to die in every film, only to be retconned back to life in the final scene because the fans like him. His death in Scream 2 was amazing, it should have stuck. You know they were gonna retcon Randy's death in Scream 3? Thank fuck they didn't. Gale is the best character in the series, but then I like a good bitch character. I didn't mind the Mrs. Loomis/Mickey team-up since it was handled in a quite a flip, humorous manner "we met on a psycho website... classifieds." I have mixed feelings about Scream 4... on paper it sounds awful but I trust Wes. This is the guy who made New Nightmare, if he thinks outside the box it could turn out excellent. Plus I kind of want redemption for Scream 3; while I had no problem with the story itself, it wasn't executed well. Too many cliches and faceless characters.  Paul  730 04:19, 30 November 2008 (UTC)
Getting his ass kicked by Busta Rhymes is undoubtly Michael's most shameful moment. I'd kinda like a comic one-shot or something where Michael goes back and kills him, just for closure, but Hutchinson's said he's not going to go near the Resurrection characters with a ten foot pole. Probably for the best. I didn't mind the Roman retcon... it was a nice way to bring Maureen back as the driving force of the killing. And it wasn't just a case of sibling rivalry, we have no idea what his life was like before he tried to meet up with his mother. He could have been abused his whole life, and then Maureen's rejection just sent him over the edge. It was a little convenient, but hey, it's a Scream movie. God knows who the killer will be in Scream 4, they'll have to do something really surprising. Speaking of Shaun of the Dead, I bought Hot Fuzz the other day and am going to watch it today... any good?  Paul  730 14:39, 30 November 2008 (UTC)
We don't know what happened to Roman as a child. Also, the fact that he got Billy to do in the killing at first, maybe suggests he wasn't quite a killer in Scream 1. Not saying he wasn't a psycho, but maybe the whole Stab franchise - with Sidney as the star - drove him further over the edge into a full-blown killer himself. It seemed to be a gradual thing, and no more ridiculous than any of the other killers IMO. I've heard mixed reviews of Hot Fuzz but I've been meaning to give it a shot for a while now. Common criticisms seem to be that it's too long and indulgent? Have you seen Spaced, btw? If you like Shaun-style humour, that's basically just a whole TV show of it.  Paul  730 15:33, 30 November 2008 (UTC)
Well, I don't think Roman is the worst part of Scream 3. His motives aren't any more convenient or silly than Billy (his mum leaving turns him into a psycho?) or Stu (what was his motive again... "peer pressure"?). Mrs. Loomis is just channelling Mrs. Voorhees, and as I've said, I think Mickey has the most interesting motive. I just watched Fuzz, it wasn't quite what I was expecting... it got a little dark there in the middle with the weird cult. It was funny though, and picked up a lot in the final act with the hilarious exaggerated action scenes. Nick Frost's fake death at the end seemed extremely pointless though. No, Spaced didn't last long but that doesn't work against it... a lot of UK comedy series only last a couple of seasons, Extras" and The Office", for example.  Paul  730 18:12, 30 November 2008 (UTC)
I think Mickey is a better epitome of the movie violence theory. Early on, we see him as a film student who takes the stance that life imitates art, and thoughout the film he makes frequent pop culture references. He's like Evil Randy, which Randy even acknowledges himself "if he's a suspect, I'm a suspect". The fact that his obsession with movies is seeded across the story makes him a better representation of the movie violence debate IMO, unlike Stu and Billy, who don't display that much interest in movies except when they're in the ghost mask. That said, Mickey still agrees with Billy that movies didn't make him a psycho and he was always like that. Lol, I'm surprised you got that P.I. Staker line... didn't I once use that phrase and you didn't know what I meant?
I watched Urban Legend for the first time tonight, saw it when I was buying the Child's Play movies and picked it up since Scream put me in the mood for those hip 90s teen slasher flicks. The killer was a little lame but it was pretty entertaining, I'd rate it somewhere below I Know.... I kinda want to see the sequel now but that might be pushing it a little.  Paul  730 23:48, 30 November 2008 (UTC)
Mickey seemed to really embrace the movies as a motive and get-out clause though, whereas with Billy they were more irrelevant to his real agenda. I guess you're right that Billy seemed to relate to movies a lot, with the Exorcist and Silence of the Lambs references, I just didn't feel like he was really inspired by them. It was all about his mother and Maureen. I think calling Mickey a "replication" is a bit of an injustice, the two were distinct characters. Billy was more of a traditonal killer, wheras Mickey, as Mrs. Loomis said, was more "90s" and original. IMO, Scream 2 does a better job of blurring the line between reality and fiction, what with the Stab movie and the final act actually taking place on stage. It takes the whole movie theme to a new level.
What was wrong with the Urban Legend sequels? The second one seemed to get similar reviews to the first... namely lukewarm. I wouldn't have bought the first if I had seen it already, I just wanted to check it out and it was pretty cheap so...  Paul  730 00:06, 1 December 2008 (UTC)
All the killers in the Scream series fall into that category (besides Mrs. Loomis, she wasn't into movies)... if they didn't love movies and wear Ghostface masks then it wouldn't be Scream, would it? They're not the same character; to quote the movie itself, "Billy was sick fuck who tried to get away with it, Mickey is a sick fuck who wants to be caught." Pretty different. You think the UL sequels just reiterate the same shit, or the Scream sequels? The first Scream was certainly the best and most original, but that doesn't mean the sequels didn't have anything of value. I can't comment on the UL sequels, I think the first had a interesting premise which was executed in an alright but unspectacluar manner. Lol, Michael Rosenbaum and his microwaved dog. I thought he was the killer for a while, because he seemed into the legends and didn't have much else to do. He looked weird with hair.  Paul  730 00:25, 1 December 2008 (UTC)
Roman's motive seemed to be to make a real life movie where Sid was the villain and he was the hero. Before dying, he claims that he still got to make his movie, just not the way he wanted. I liked the double entendre of him being the "director", of both Stab 3 on a literal level and the Scream series. Plus he was concieved due to Maureen's attempts to forge a career in Hollywood. He was literally born out of movies.
Btw, kinda off-topic, but I meant to tell you latest happenings in Buffy. You know how Buffy's in the future, and met Future Willow, who's turned "dark" again? Well, in the latest issue, Buffy kills Future Willow in order to get back to her own time. It seems to be Willow's official death, and not some alternate future which may never happen. I was pretty shocked, but it's brilliantly done and I can't wait to see how it affects her actions in the present and her relationship with Willow. Just for the recond, Future Willow wasn't "evil" in the season six sense, but rather an ambiguous character working for the greater good.  Paul  730 00:46, 1 December 2008 (UTC)

If it weren't for the movie theme, Scream wouldn't be Scream, it would just be any other slasher series. It's one of the central concepts of the series and I don't think it was overdone. I think Willow looks amazing in the that panel because she's so monstrous and demonic looking. It's quite frightening to think that that's the same cute little Willow from season one. I'd say Karl Moline draws a pretty accurate Buffy, I'm not keen on her outfit in that story but whatever. I still haven't watched the finale to season 5! I was going to but my Friends boxset took over and it got left in the dust. Not sure how soon I'll go back to it either, because I've got Doctor Who, Torchwood, and Sarah Jane Adventures boxsets to watch. How's season 8 coming along, btw? I keep hearing how good it is, and maybe they're extending the show by a few seasons? I also heard Chloe got mind raped by Clark and forgot his secret, please tell me that didn't stick.  Paul  730 05:57, 1 December 2008 (UTC)

I think the killers in each Scream were sufficiantly different to avoid it becoming the "same tired theme". You're being pretty harsh on a very well-made slasher trilogy. Glad to hear season eight wasn't the flop it could have been. Are you really wanting a ninth season though? Quit while you're ahead and all that. Doomsday looks cool, it's about time Clark got up off his arse and actually fought someone. The fights in Smallville are so static. He seems like a villain better suited to a Superman movie but oh well. Smallville will probably do a better job with him than a movie would. Eh, I can't say I approve of Clark raping his friend's memories "for her own good". What right does he have to make such a decision for her, especially since she's been nothing but supportive of him and his secret (that I've seen). I'm sure there's more to it, but on paper, it sounds like a really shitty thing to do. That's what broke Willow and Tara up on Buffy, Willow deciding what her girlfriend should and shouldn't remember.  Paul  730 13:43, 1 December 2008 (UTC)
Well I think the Scream movies are excellent and I'm not going to apologise for that. I agree the fights in Smallville are better than the Superman movies but that's not saying much. Maybe the later fights are better, I did see clips from the Clark/Bizarro face off I thought looked cool. Yeah, even if the secret was hurting her, it still wasn't Clark's right to violate her mind. In the most recent Doctor Who episode, there was a situation where the Doctor had to erase all of Donna's (his best friend and companion) memories of travelling with him to save her life (for some technobabble reason too complicated to explain). Anyway, she begged him not to but he did it anyway; it was a fucking tragic episode because the heroic character we'd grown to love reverted back to her intial, shallow persona just before being written of out the show. Some fans argued that the Doctor should have given her the choice to die as the person she'd become, rather than take that personal growth and journey away from her. It was her decision, not his. Personally, I understand why he did it, but it's a grey area.  Paul  730 18:08, 1 December 2008 (UTC)
The lack of fights in the Superman films are a common criticism. IGN did an article "What We Want in a Superman Movie" and replacing Lex Luthor with a villian whose ass Clark can physically kick was request number one. Superman Returns was extremely limp action-wise. That why I said Doomsday seems more like a movie villain; you can totally picture a city-wide CGI smash fest between him and Superman. Maybe Clark was somewhat justified, and so long as the show addresses the moral dilemma then it's fine drama. Doesn't the Superman character have a habit of doing that? Or he did it in one of the old movies? I remember Captain Hero spoofing it by date raping people as a way of removing their memories.
Cool interview, this certainly looks like it's going to be the "perfect" Friday the 13th movie. Still wary though. Not sure I agree with this "he's not sympathetic" stance they're taking. Personally, I prefer Jason to be sympathetic because it makes him different from Michael and Freddy. Jason's really the only horror icon where I don't mind if he gets "demystified" or not. He should still be a merciless bastard, but a bit of humanity won't do him any harm. You're quite fussy when it comes to F13, what're your thoughts on the movie?  Paul  730 11:53, 2 December 2008 (UTC)
I don't honestly know much about Doomsday beyond the fact that he's a big monster. He seems kinda like Abomination or something, just a big smashy villain, but maybe I'm completely wrong. I know in Smallville they've humanized him (literally), not sure whether that's a good thing or a bad thing. Lol, the "super-kiss". That's kinda what the Doctor does to Donna, he just touches her head and erases her memory. Since when can he do that? Never! But he's a Time Lord so logic has nothing to do with it...
I like Jason as a misunderstood child! :( Well, not exactly, but there was a cute photo from the set of FvJ with him holding a teddy which I liked. I remember the talk during the production of FvJ where they almost made him an anti-hero but realised how wrong that would be. Keep him tragic but at the same time make him an irredeemable monster, that's what I say. Obviously don't show him torturing animals, Jason is "one with nature", he wouldn't kill animals out of malice. Lol, the MPAA are crazy, you've gotta love their bizarre rules about how vulgar something can be. The word shit is only offensive when used in the literal sense, etc.  Paul  730 13:33, 2 December 2008 (UTC)
Interesting. The "alien sleeper agent" concept has been done before, both in Torchwood and Marvel's current Secret Invasion storyline (Tony Stark may in fact be a skrull, without his own knowledge). Smallville seems to have come up with a good version of the Doomsday mythology.
I guess it's all about context, a shark attack is pretty different to an old lady cutting people up with a hunting knife. Not necessarily agreeing with the MPAA, but seeing sense in their twisted logic. Like how medical shows can get away with showing blood and guts because it's in the context of saving someone's life.  Paul  730 14:08, 2 December 2008 (UTC)
Lol, check out the Moral Crusader here. There's a difference between an animal attacking someone and a human being killing another human with something they can find in their kitchen. I remember some filmmaker, probably Wes Craven, saying somewhere that the MPAA are more lenient with deaths-by-gun than deaths-by-knife because everyone owns a knife and its easy to repeat. They're worried they'll copy what they see in the film. With Jaws, I doubt there were people dressing up as sharks and biting each other so maybe that's why they were so lenient. That said, according to the MPAA's rating system, PG signals "mild violence" so you're probably right. I think these rating systems are pretty out of touch with the real world anyway. I mean, my Doctor Who boxsets are rated 12 ( the UK equivalent of PG-13) and yet the programme is for fucking kids!  Paul  730 15:45, 2 December 2008 (UTC)
Hello, Bignole. You have new messages at Rambo's Revenge's talk page.
You can remove this notice at any time by removing the {{Talkback}} or {{Tb}} template.

Re: Quantum

I really liked Jonathan Pryce's character in TND, I didn't like Le Chiffre so there you go. I thought General Medrano made a terrific 'boo, hiss' character. But I just love Mr. White; I'd love it if he turned out to be Quantum's founder and leader, because no one suspects the hands on guy pretending to be a middleman.

I'd welcome Olga Kurylenko's character back if Barbara Broccoli has her way, she was a strong Bond girl who didn't have 'feminist icon' stamped on her head like some of the tough love interests. I'd suspect they'd back away from Quantum for Craig's third film; lie low, have him face someone else just as Bond faced Goldfinger in-between two films with SPECTRE, or how Fleming had Bond face the Spangled Mob while battling SMERSH.

I can place my finger on what QOS has CR hasn't: a gold colour scheme! CR was blue, QOS was gold, just as Batman Begins was brown and TDK was blue :) IMO, CR was too long and QOS was too short. If I could mix them up a little... I'm not surprised, CR was a great but flawed book, likewise the film adaptation and a follow-up would also be great but flawed. I take it you'll watch them back-to-back? Alientraveller ( talk) 00:03, 1 December 2008 (UTC)

Craig has two more films. Mind, he could stay on for longer, I mean he's younger than the previous three Bonds. Then again his stuntwork is more intense than Brosnan's. Alientraveller ( talk) 18:20, 1 December 2008 (UTC)

Spiderman films topic

I thought you might consider nominating this topic at Wikipedia:FTC since you are a major contributor. Rreagan007 ( talk) 03:01, 3 December 2008 (UTC)

Maybe you shouldn't have to be a major contributor to nominate, but if you look at the previous FTC for the Spider-Man films topic you can see that some people think you have to be. I think this is a topic that meets all the criteria and should have passed the first time. The reason I started thinking about this topic again is because both Batman films and X-Men films are currently up for good topic status. I would appreciate it if you would nominate this topic, but if you don't want to I understand. Rreagan007 ( talk) 03:28, 3 December 2008 (UTC)

Ok, I'm going to go ahead and nominate it and we'll see how things go. Rreagan007 ( talk) 04:22, 3 December 2008 (UTC)

The O.C. transclusion

The transclusion is gone for good, per a discussion with Scorpion0422. He suggest also removing production codes and ratings. I know you think the prod codes should go, do you also think the viewer ratings should go? Thanks, Rambo's Revenge (talk) 22:36, 2 December 2008 (UTC)

I have removed the prodcodes and kept the ratings, per your comments. Also is there any chance you can strike the issues you now feel are resolved please. Many thanks, Rambo's Revenge (talk) 17:09, 3 December 2008 (UTC)

Gavin.collins RFC/U

Hello. A request for comment on user conduct has recently been filed regarding Gavin.collins. Since you have been discussion Wikipedia guidelines with him at WT:FICT, I thought that you would want to know. You can see the RFC/U here. Thank you. - Drilnoth ( talk) 22:02, 5 December 2008 (UTC)


Again, context. Leatherface and his family are human beings who kill out of malice, Jaws was just an animal. I'm just trying to offer possible reasons as to why the MPAA are biased against slasher movies as you said.  Paul  730 16:31, 2 December 2008 (UTC)

Bignole, have you ever considered merging all the Friday sequels into one article? :) Alientraveller ( talk) 23:07, 6 December 2008 (UTC)

What have your feelings been so far on the remake? Alientraveller ( talk) 23:33, 6 December 2008 (UTC)
That's good to hear. The trailer was rather clever and it's nice it tributed the old teasers with the fans. I myself have a remake I'll need to see, which I'm not too excited about. The Day the Earth Stood Still is a film I've always pondered about for a modern context, but why turn Klaatu into a scary superhero and so on? I think the new Wolfman, Creature from the Black Lagoon and Forbidden Planet sound like more promising interpretations of old monster movies. So what's your take on all these, as well as the concept of Caesar? Alientraveller ( talk) 00:53, 7 December 2008 (UTC)

Happy Holidays

I was wrong I should have checked the edit page properly, Feliz Navidad, prospero año y felicidad.-- intraining Jack In 04:43, 8 December 2008 (UTC)

Re: Kreuk awards

Thanks. It's a shame we can't use the BuddyTV ref; I'll be on the lookout for more. / 01:10, 9 December 2008 (UTC)

...And now that there is a reception section, are you going to move the awards over there? Beef it up a bit? / 01:19, 9 December 2008 (UTC)
I found a French site, SeriesLive, though I'm not sure if its reliable. It has the info for the remaining two awards:

...Forgot to sign. / 01:25, 9 December 2008 (UTC)

Actually, the second is needed. She and Welling were nominated for a "chemistry" award, or are you not deeming that as an award for Kreuk? I'll put it in anyways. / 02:14, 9 December 2008 (UTC)

Done. I think the awards best fit under reception. Film and episode articles list them there, so I guess you could say the same for characters. As for the French refs, I linked the translated version. Which is preferred, the original or translated? / 02:27, 9 December 2008 (UTC)

I tried to find some more reviews, though I'm having a hard time finding info that is worth mentioning. I guess this one is good for Kreuk's departure: / 04:21, 9 December 2008 (UTC)

The Dark Knight

I just found it strange because on The Queen's film page, it's awards & nominations section does not site any references and all the actors & crew are linked. I just found that film page a good example to create the awards/nomination section on The Dark Knight's page, but I understand completely and it won't happen again. Thanks Movieguru2006 ( talk) 11:05, 9 December 2008 (UTC)

The Life of the Mind

Thanks for your recent careful attention to Barton Fink. I moved the Lerner/Mayer pic back down, since WP:MOS#Images orders us not to put images just below a third-level section heading. (I suppose the pushed-out section heading after it is the lesser of two evils.)

I also wanted to discuss the image from the German golem movie. I originally placed it lower on the page so that it would blend into the "Religion" theme section, since the Jewish legend is based in religious tradition. How would you feel about moving it back down? Cheers! Scartol •  Tok 18:46, 10 December 2008 (UTC)

The golem reference is a bit of both religion and "the common man" -- I didn't think it necessary to go into detail in the article, but the source in question discusses how Barton's conception of "the common man" gets out of hand, like the legendary golem. I like the idea of combining the inspirations for characters into one section; I'll look into that today or tomorrow. Cheers. Scartol •  Tok 19:11, 10 December 2008 (UTC)

Presto, change-o, rearrange-o

It appears that you and I are dealing with the same user who likes to rearrange and add extraneous info to horror film infoboxes. I've been treating it as vandalism and reported it as such, to no avail. Do you think adding hidden notes with guidelines might deter this behavior? Thanks, momoricks (make my day) 01:45, 13 December 2008 (UTC)

Thanks for looking into this. I've educated myself on how to handle disruptive behavior. Cheers! momoricks (make my day) 00:34, 14 December 2008 (UTC)
Thanks for the great advice. I guess we'll see what happens in a week. :) momoricks (make my day) 01:23, 14 December 2008 (UTC)

Episode lists

Oanabay04 has created a large number of stub episode articles for Pink Panther, The Three Stooges, Woody Woodpecker. As someone who has dealt with a number of episode lists, could you try to explain to him how it would be beneficial to merge all of these into three featured lists and split them out if any do establish notability? The current discussion is at User talk:Oanabay04#Pink Panther if you do feel like commenting. TTN ( talk) 19:17, 13 December 2008 (UTC)

Thanks. TTN ( talk) 19:31, 13 December 2008 (UTC)

Chloe Sullivan GA Review

Hi, sorry you had to wait for two months, but Chloe Sullivan has finally been reviewed for Good Article status! I have placed the article on hold, and left comments here. Dabomb87 ( talk) 00:16, 12 December 2008 (UTC)

Good job! Two more comments and it passes. Dabomb87 ( talk) 01:12, 16 December 2008 (UTC)

GA nomination for Characters of Smallville

Hello. I've reviewed the article Characters of Smallville for its nomination for Good Article status. I have some concerns about referencing along with other concerns, so I am placing the article on hold for seven days. My complete review may be found here. If you have any questions about the review or individual issues I have raised, please note them on the review page (which is on my watchlist) and I will answer them there. When you have addressed the issues I have mentioned, I will be happy to reevaluate the nomination. Thanks, and good editing. — Bellhalla ( talk) 19:28, 15 December 2008 (UTC)


Feliz Navidad Bignole! E L Butler 19:45, 14 December 2008 (UTC)

Oh no...

I just saw your edit to the Halloween franchise page... another Zombie film? So much for my hopes of moving past the trailer trash of the remake. Also, it revolves around Laurie Strode? What Laurie Strode story is left to tell that wasn't written and acted a helluva lot better in the original series? *Sigh* This really isn't where I wanted the film to go. That, plus the fact that the comic books have been delayed indefinitely because DDP is being crippled by the economic crisis. The Halloween series is crumbling once again. :(  Paul  730 12:42, 16 December 2008 (UTC)

I just hate how every male in the film will probably be a greasy long-haired redneck and all the girls will be total hookers. And vulgarity will have more prominance than atmosphere. Call me a prude but what's wrong with a nice classy horror film? Why wouldn't you like those concepts you mentioned? I'm quite intriqued by the idea of Laurie becoming the Shape, a nice way of demonstrating the "evil never dies" theme. Plus Laurie and Michael were originally dramatic foils, both being repressed. As Daniel Farrands said, it would have a more dignified way to go than falling off a roof with a knife in her back. It probably wouldn't work in the new series though. I just hope we don't get a piss-poor H20 remake.
Btw, I bought Seed of Chucky and actually loved it. It's a complete mess story-wise but it's so fucking funny that it might be my favourite of the series. I remember you saying it was shit? I liked the scene where Chucky realises he likes being a doll because it makes him unique, it was a nice self-referencial conclusion to his long-running "I gotta get out of this body" storyline.  Paul  730 18:44, 16 December 2008 (UTC)
If we're talking the old series, Laurie could pass for the Shape. Nick Castle wasn't that big and JLC was always a bit mannish. Also, classic Michael isn't menacing because of his build. He's menacing because of his chilling mask and graceful body language, which someone of either sex could pull off (although it might ruin the sexual predator vibe). Scout and Tyler though... I can see your point. They did the Laurie/Shape story in the old comics, as I'm sure you know, and I thought it looked interesting if not-very-well executed. I liked the irony of her trying to kill the very same children she protected in the original movie.
Homages to prior deaths is fine, repeating storylines and character arcs aren't. The most interesting part of the remake was Zombie's original stuff, when it got to Haddonfield I lost interest. Showing the aftermath of the deaths is much scarier to me. My favourite death in the remake was probably Paul's, not because of the murder itself but because Michael hung him up with a pumpkin on his head. That was very Michael Myers. :)
Seed was just hilarious, it felt like a extension of Bride to me. I loved all the stuff with Jennifer Tilly (she's the star of the series). Chucky's characterised pretty well in that movie as well, I think. I liked how it was a perverted family drama, although the character of Glen did get on my tits a bit.  Paul  730 22:48, 16 December 2008 (UTC)
I just redirected the premature H2 article and have the franchise and remake articles as well as the template on my watchlist so I'll keep an eye out. :)  Paul  730 14:52, 17 December 2008 (UTC)


Hi, the film is not just speculation. It was officially announced and is in pre-production. H2 is the official title. —Preceding unsigned comment added by CDaly ( talkcontribs) 01:39, 17 December 2008 (UTC)

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre plot

Hi there, I noticed that an anonymous IP user with a history of disruptive edits made significant changes to the plot here. I haven't seen the film; however, it appears this user added numerous insignificant details. Would you mind taking a look at it? Thanks! momoricks (make my day) 00:21, 18 December 2008 (UTC)

I thought that was the case. Thanks for taking a look and reverting. momoricks (make my day) 03:01, 18 December 2008 (UTC)


I'd keep a close eye on User:Nicholsy. He's a disruptive user from Smallville wiki, and now he's editing here. He's known to make personal attacks (calling other users clueless, a loser, arselicker, bitch, fucker), add and re-add unsourced speculation and rumors without proof, starting revert wars, using numerous sock-puppets (Saffron1992, IP adress), having horrible grammar, making attack pages, linking to his sub-pages, forgetting tags, and uploading images without licenses. He's been blocked for the month, and now i suspect the reason he's editing here is so he can add his spec here. I'll be on semi-wikibreak and won't have time to watch him so i'd keep a close eye on Smallville season 8 page. Elbutler ( talk) 15:35, 18 December 2008 (UTC)


Zythe's new Cordelia Chase article is on the mainspace now, if you fancied giving it a look over. Even if you don't have time to fully-review it, any general suggestions/opinions about the layout or anything? Thanks.  Paul  730 16:23, 19 December 2008 (UTC)


Template_talk:Infobox_Film#Restored... Girolamo Savonarola ( talk) 21:17, 19 December 2008 (UTC)

The article Quantum of Solace you have contributed to has been passed as a good article . Well done! SilkTork * YES! 12:41, 28 December 2008 (UTC)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Hey, I picked up the Child's Play sequels last week, all of them but Seed. I really enjoyed 2, so far I think that's the best of the series. I liked how Andy was a little smarter and I liked the Kyle character as well. 3 was okay, it wasn't bad but not as good as the first two. I'm going to watch Bride sometime tonight or tomorrow.  Paul  730 19:35, 29 November 2008 (UTC)

How was he not brave in 3? He was fighting to save Tyler. Andy didn't bother me, but the military setting felt extremely random for a movie about a killer doll and the supporting characters were pretty boring. I liked how Andy wasn't the damsel in distress anymore, he kind of took on the protector role that his mother and Kyle took in the first two. Isn't Bride the best of the series? My DVD has a four star rating from Empire (which is a good magazine) on the cover.  Paul  730 22:50, 29 November 2008 (UTC)
I just watched Bride and enjoyed it. Not sure whether it's better than 2, because as you say, they're so different. I didn't have a problem believing it was the same universe though, which was an issue I had with Evil Dead's shift in tone. Tiffany is a great character, she's so much better than Chucky himself and the standout aspect of the franchise IMO. She carried the film. I liked the silly humour because it is, at the end of the day, an extremely silly concept. The Chucky movies were never remotely scary. Also, not to get too political, but it was nice to see a gay character in a horror movie. That's something of a rarity. Although, having recently rewatched the Scream trilogy, I'm convinced by some of his body language that Stu was in love with Billy and that's why he followed him.  Paul  730 01:55, 30 November 2008 (UTC)
Lol, was Chucky ever in touch with horror? Of all the horror icons, he's got to be the least respected. Yeah, I caught all the references to the other icons with the evidence locker and the nails. I liked the running theme of Tiffany liking Martha Stewart. Tiffany manged to be a very endearing, sympathetic character. She was quite sweet, in a twisted kind of way. What's wrong with hitting a gay character with a truck? Straight characters die in slasher movies all the time. No reason to give him preferential treatment cos he's a minority. ;)
The reason I thought Stu was gay was his adoring, over-the-shoulder looks to Billy. He's kind of a weird character to be honest, I don't know what to think of him. Lol, I did think of Scary Movie but I doubt that was an intentional parallel on the Wayan Bros' parts. I'd forgotten how much I love the Scream trilogy... and how good Scream 2 actually is. I think I prefer it now to the original. Mickey is probably my favourite killer, Timothy Olyphant just kicks ass in that scene with his camp, OTT performance. Plus he has one of the more interesting motives. The only thing which annoys me about the series is how the main three character are somehow invulnerable to harm. Come on, Wes just kill Dewey already!  Paul  730 03:17, 30 November 2008 (UTC)
Black guys kick ass in zombie movies. If ever there's a zombie apocalypse, just becomes friends with the nearest black guy and you'll go far. Lol, I remember in I Still Know What You Did... when Brandy survived I was like "Wtf? The black friend of the main character survives?" I liked her in that movie, so it was all good. :) Wasn't so keen on Busta surviving Halloween: Resurrection... *shudders at the memory*
Dewey annoys me. He's useless at fighting the killer and seems to die in every film, only to be retconned back to life in the final scene because the fans like him. His death in Scream 2 was amazing, it should have stuck. You know they were gonna retcon Randy's death in Scream 3? Thank fuck they didn't. Gale is the best character in the series, but then I like a good bitch character. I didn't mind the Mrs. Loomis/Mickey team-up since it was handled in a quite a flip, humorous manner "we met on a psycho website... classifieds." I have mixed feelings about Scream 4... on paper it sounds awful but I trust Wes. This is the guy who made New Nightmare, if he thinks outside the box it could turn out excellent. Plus I kind of want redemption for Scream 3; while I had no problem with the story itself, it wasn't executed well. Too many cliches and faceless characters.  Paul  730 04:19, 30 November 2008 (UTC)
Getting his ass kicked by Busta Rhymes is undoubtly Michael's most shameful moment. I'd kinda like a comic one-shot or something where Michael goes back and kills him, just for closure, but Hutchinson's said he's not going to go near the Resurrection characters with a ten foot pole. Probably for the best. I didn't mind the Roman retcon... it was a nice way to bring Maureen back as the driving force of the killing. And it wasn't just a case of sibling rivalry, we have no idea what his life was like before he tried to meet up with his mother. He could have been abused his whole life, and then Maureen's rejection just sent him over the edge. It was a little convenient, but hey, it's a Scream movie. God knows who the killer will be in Scream 4, they'll have to do something really surprising. Speaking of Shaun of the Dead, I bought Hot Fuzz the other day and am going to watch it today... any good?  Paul  730 14:39, 30 November 2008 (UTC)
We don't know what happened to Roman as a child. Also, the fact that he got Billy to do in the killing at first, maybe suggests he wasn't quite a killer in Scream 1. Not saying he wasn't a psycho, but maybe the whole Stab franchise - with Sidney as the star - drove him further over the edge into a full-blown killer himself. It seemed to be a gradual thing, and no more ridiculous than any of the other killers IMO. I've heard mixed reviews of Hot Fuzz but I've been meaning to give it a shot for a while now. Common criticisms seem to be that it's too long and indulgent? Have you seen Spaced, btw? If you like Shaun-style humour, that's basically just a whole TV show of it.  Paul  730 15:33, 30 November 2008 (UTC)
Well, I don't think Roman is the worst part of Scream 3. His motives aren't any more convenient or silly than Billy (his mum leaving turns him into a psycho?) or Stu (what was his motive again... "peer pressure"?). Mrs. Loomis is just channelling Mrs. Voorhees, and as I've said, I think Mickey has the most interesting motive. I just watched Fuzz, it wasn't quite what I was expecting... it got a little dark there in the middle with the weird cult. It was funny though, and picked up a lot in the final act with the hilarious exaggerated action scenes. Nick Frost's fake death at the end seemed extremely pointless though. No, Spaced didn't last long but that doesn't work against it... a lot of UK comedy series only last a couple of seasons, Extras" and The Office", for example.  Paul  730 18:12, 30 November 2008 (UTC)
I think Mickey is a better epitome of the movie violence theory. Early on, we see him as a film student who takes the stance that life imitates art, and thoughout the film he makes frequent pop culture references. He's like Evil Randy, which Randy even acknowledges himself "if he's a suspect, I'm a suspect". The fact that his obsession with movies is seeded across the story makes him a better representation of the movie violence debate IMO, unlike Stu and Billy, who don't display that much interest in movies except when they're in the ghost mask. That said, Mickey still agrees with Billy that movies didn't make him a psycho and he was always like that. Lol, I'm surprised you got that P.I. Staker line... didn't I once use that phrase and you didn't know what I meant?
I watched Urban Legend for the first time tonight, saw it when I was buying the Child's Play movies and picked it up since Scream put me in the mood for those hip 90s teen slasher flicks. The killer was a little lame but it was pretty entertaining, I'd rate it somewhere below I Know.... I kinda want to see the sequel now but that might be pushing it a little.  Paul  730 23:48, 30 November 2008 (UTC)
Mickey seemed to really embrace the movies as a motive and get-out clause though, whereas with Billy they were more irrelevant to his real agenda. I guess you're right that Billy seemed to relate to movies a lot, with the Exorcist and Silence of the Lambs references, I just didn't feel like he was really inspired by them. It was all about his mother and Maureen. I think calling Mickey a "replication" is a bit of an injustice, the two were distinct characters. Billy was more of a traditonal killer, wheras Mickey, as Mrs. Loomis said, was more "90s" and original. IMO, Scream 2 does a better job of blurring the line between reality and fiction, what with the Stab movie and the final act actually taking place on stage. It takes the whole movie theme to a new level.
What was wrong with the Urban Legend sequels? The second one seemed to get similar reviews to the first... namely lukewarm. I wouldn't have bought the first if I had seen it already, I just wanted to check it out and it was pretty cheap so...  Paul  730 00:06, 1 December 2008 (UTC)
All the killers in the Scream series fall into that category (besides Mrs. Loomis, she wasn't into movies)... if they didn't love movies and wear Ghostface masks then it wouldn't be Scream, would it? They're not the same character; to quote the movie itself, "Billy was sick fuck who tried to get away with it, Mickey is a sick fuck who wants to be caught." Pretty different. You think the UL sequels just reiterate the same shit, or the Scream sequels? The first Scream was certainly the best and most original, but that doesn't mean the sequels didn't have anything of value. I can't comment on the UL sequels, I think the first had a interesting premise which was executed in an alright but unspectacluar manner. Lol, Michael Rosenbaum and his microwaved dog. I thought he was the killer for a while, because he seemed into the legends and didn't have much else to do. He looked weird with hair.  Paul  730 00:25, 1 December 2008 (UTC)
Roman's motive seemed to be to make a real life movie where Sid was the villain and he was the hero. Before dying, he claims that he still got to make his movie, just not the way he wanted. I liked the double entendre of him being the "director", of both Stab 3 on a literal level and the Scream series. Plus he was concieved due to Maureen's attempts to forge a career in Hollywood. He was literally born out of movies.
Btw, kinda off-topic, but I meant to tell you latest happenings in Buffy. You know how Buffy's in the future, and met Future Willow, who's turned "dark" again? Well, in the latest issue, Buffy kills Future Willow in order to get back to her own time. It seems to be Willow's official death, and not some alternate future which may never happen. I was pretty shocked, but it's brilliantly done and I can't wait to see how it affects her actions in the present and her relationship with Willow. Just for the recond, Future Willow wasn't "evil" in the season six sense, but rather an ambiguous character working for the greater good.  Paul  730 00:46, 1 December 2008 (UTC)

If it weren't for the movie theme, Scream wouldn't be Scream, it would just be any other slasher series. It's one of the central concepts of the series and I don't think it was overdone. I think Willow looks amazing in the that panel because she's so monstrous and demonic looking. It's quite frightening to think that that's the same cute little Willow from season one. I'd say Karl Moline draws a pretty accurate Buffy, I'm not keen on her outfit in that story but whatever. I still haven't watched the finale to season 5! I was going to but my Friends boxset took over and it got left in the dust. Not sure how soon I'll go back to it either, because I've got Doctor Who, Torchwood, and Sarah Jane Adventures boxsets to watch. How's season 8 coming along, btw? I keep hearing how good it is, and maybe they're extending the show by a few seasons? I also heard Chloe got mind raped by Clark and forgot his secret, please tell me that didn't stick.  Paul  730 05:57, 1 December 2008 (UTC)

I think the killers in each Scream were sufficiantly different to avoid it becoming the "same tired theme". You're being pretty harsh on a very well-made slasher trilogy. Glad to hear season eight wasn't the flop it could have been. Are you really wanting a ninth season though? Quit while you're ahead and all that. Doomsday looks cool, it's about time Clark got up off his arse and actually fought someone. The fights in Smallville are so static. He seems like a villain better suited to a Superman movie but oh well. Smallville will probably do a better job with him than a movie would. Eh, I can't say I approve of Clark raping his friend's memories "for her own good". What right does he have to make such a decision for her, especially since she's been nothing but supportive of him and his secret (that I've seen). I'm sure there's more to it, but on paper, it sounds like a really shitty thing to do. That's what broke Willow and Tara up on Buffy, Willow deciding what her girlfriend should and shouldn't remember.  Paul  730 13:43, 1 December 2008 (UTC)
Well I think the Scream movies are excellent and I'm not going to apologise for that. I agree the fights in Smallville are better than the Superman movies but that's not saying much. Maybe the later fights are better, I did see clips from the Clark/Bizarro face off I thought looked cool. Yeah, even if the secret was hurting her, it still wasn't Clark's right to violate her mind. In the most recent Doctor Who episode, there was a situation where the Doctor had to erase all of Donna's (his best friend and companion) memories of travelling with him to save her life (for some technobabble reason too complicated to explain). Anyway, she begged him not to but he did it anyway; it was a fucking tragic episode because the heroic character we'd grown to love reverted back to her intial, shallow persona just before being written of out the show. Some fans argued that the Doctor should have given her the choice to die as the person she'd become, rather than take that personal growth and journey away from her. It was her decision, not his. Personally, I understand why he did it, but it's a grey area.  Paul  730 18:08, 1 December 2008 (UTC)
The lack of fights in the Superman films are a common criticism. IGN did an article "What We Want in a Superman Movie" and replacing Lex Luthor with a villian whose ass Clark can physically kick was request number one. Superman Returns was extremely limp action-wise. That why I said Doomsday seems more like a movie villain; you can totally picture a city-wide CGI smash fest between him and Superman. Maybe Clark was somewhat justified, and so long as the show addresses the moral dilemma then it's fine drama. Doesn't the Superman character have a habit of doing that? Or he did it in one of the old movies? I remember Captain Hero spoofing it by date raping people as a way of removing their memories.
Cool interview, this certainly looks like it's going to be the "perfect" Friday the 13th movie. Still wary though. Not sure I agree with this "he's not sympathetic" stance they're taking. Personally, I prefer Jason to be sympathetic because it makes him different from Michael and Freddy. Jason's really the only horror icon where I don't mind if he gets "demystified" or not. He should still be a merciless bastard, but a bit of humanity won't do him any harm. You're quite fussy when it comes to F13, what're your thoughts on the movie?  Paul  730 11:53, 2 December 2008 (UTC)
I don't honestly know much about Doomsday beyond the fact that he's a big monster. He seems kinda like Abomination or something, just a big smashy villain, but maybe I'm completely wrong. I know in Smallville they've humanized him (literally), not sure whether that's a good thing or a bad thing. Lol, the "super-kiss". That's kinda what the Doctor does to Donna, he just touches her head and erases her memory. Since when can he do that? Never! But he's a Time Lord so logic has nothing to do with it...
I like Jason as a misunderstood child! :( Well, not exactly, but there was a cute photo from the set of FvJ with him holding a teddy which I liked. I remember the talk during the production of FvJ where they almost made him an anti-hero but realised how wrong that would be. Keep him tragic but at the same time make him an irredeemable monster, that's what I say. Obviously don't show him torturing animals, Jason is "one with nature", he wouldn't kill animals out of malice. Lol, the MPAA are crazy, you've gotta love their bizarre rules about how vulgar something can be. The word shit is only offensive when used in the literal sense, etc.  Paul  730 13:33, 2 December 2008 (UTC)
Interesting. The "alien sleeper agent" concept has been done before, both in Torchwood and Marvel's current Secret Invasion storyline (Tony Stark may in fact be a skrull, without his own knowledge). Smallville seems to have come up with a good version of the Doomsday mythology.
I guess it's all about context, a shark attack is pretty different to an old lady cutting people up with a hunting knife. Not necessarily agreeing with the MPAA, but seeing sense in their twisted logic. Like how medical shows can get away with showing blood and guts because it's in the context of saving someone's life.  Paul  730 14:08, 2 December 2008 (UTC)
Lol, check out the Moral Crusader here. There's a difference between an animal attacking someone and a human being killing another human with something they can find in their kitchen. I remember some filmmaker, probably Wes Craven, saying somewhere that the MPAA are more lenient with deaths-by-gun than deaths-by-knife because everyone owns a knife and its easy to repeat. They're worried they'll copy what they see in the film. With Jaws, I doubt there were people dressing up as sharks and biting each other so maybe that's why they were so lenient. That said, according to the MPAA's rating system, PG signals "mild violence" so you're probably right. I think these rating systems are pretty out of touch with the real world anyway. I mean, my Doctor Who boxsets are rated 12 ( the UK equivalent of PG-13) and yet the programme is for fucking kids!  Paul  730 15:45, 2 December 2008 (UTC)
Hello, Bignole. You have new messages at Rambo's Revenge's talk page.
You can remove this notice at any time by removing the {{Talkback}} or {{Tb}} template.

Re: Quantum

I really liked Jonathan Pryce's character in TND, I didn't like Le Chiffre so there you go. I thought General Medrano made a terrific 'boo, hiss' character. But I just love Mr. White; I'd love it if he turned out to be Quantum's founder and leader, because no one suspects the hands on guy pretending to be a middleman.

I'd welcome Olga Kurylenko's character back if Barbara Broccoli has her way, she was a strong Bond girl who didn't have 'feminist icon' stamped on her head like some of the tough love interests. I'd suspect they'd back away from Quantum for Craig's third film; lie low, have him face someone else just as Bond faced Goldfinger in-between two films with SPECTRE, or how Fleming had Bond face the Spangled Mob while battling SMERSH.

I can place my finger on what QOS has CR hasn't: a gold colour scheme! CR was blue, QOS was gold, just as Batman Begins was brown and TDK was blue :) IMO, CR was too long and QOS was too short. If I could mix them up a little... I'm not surprised, CR was a great but flawed book, likewise the film adaptation and a follow-up would also be great but flawed. I take it you'll watch them back-to-back? Alientraveller ( talk) 00:03, 1 December 2008 (UTC)

Craig has two more films. Mind, he could stay on for longer, I mean he's younger than the previous three Bonds. Then again his stuntwork is more intense than Brosnan's. Alientraveller ( talk) 18:20, 1 December 2008 (UTC)

Spiderman films topic

I thought you might consider nominating this topic at Wikipedia:FTC since you are a major contributor. Rreagan007 ( talk) 03:01, 3 December 2008 (UTC)

Maybe you shouldn't have to be a major contributor to nominate, but if you look at the previous FTC for the Spider-Man films topic you can see that some people think you have to be. I think this is a topic that meets all the criteria and should have passed the first time. The reason I started thinking about this topic again is because both Batman films and X-Men films are currently up for good topic status. I would appreciate it if you would nominate this topic, but if you don't want to I understand. Rreagan007 ( talk) 03:28, 3 December 2008 (UTC)

Ok, I'm going to go ahead and nominate it and we'll see how things go. Rreagan007 ( talk) 04:22, 3 December 2008 (UTC)

The O.C. transclusion

The transclusion is gone for good, per a discussion with Scorpion0422. He suggest also removing production codes and ratings. I know you think the prod codes should go, do you also think the viewer ratings should go? Thanks, Rambo's Revenge (talk) 22:36, 2 December 2008 (UTC)

I have removed the prodcodes and kept the ratings, per your comments. Also is there any chance you can strike the issues you now feel are resolved please. Many thanks, Rambo's Revenge (talk) 17:09, 3 December 2008 (UTC)

Gavin.collins RFC/U

Hello. A request for comment on user conduct has recently been filed regarding Gavin.collins. Since you have been discussion Wikipedia guidelines with him at WT:FICT, I thought that you would want to know. You can see the RFC/U here. Thank you. - Drilnoth ( talk) 22:02, 5 December 2008 (UTC)


Again, context. Leatherface and his family are human beings who kill out of malice, Jaws was just an animal. I'm just trying to offer possible reasons as to why the MPAA are biased against slasher movies as you said.  Paul  730 16:31, 2 December 2008 (UTC)

Bignole, have you ever considered merging all the Friday sequels into one article? :) Alientraveller ( talk) 23:07, 6 December 2008 (UTC)

What have your feelings been so far on the remake? Alientraveller ( talk) 23:33, 6 December 2008 (UTC)
That's good to hear. The trailer was rather clever and it's nice it tributed the old teasers with the fans. I myself have a remake I'll need to see, which I'm not too excited about. The Day the Earth Stood Still is a film I've always pondered about for a modern context, but why turn Klaatu into a scary superhero and so on? I think the new Wolfman, Creature from the Black Lagoon and Forbidden Planet sound like more promising interpretations of old monster movies. So what's your take on all these, as well as the concept of Caesar? Alientraveller ( talk) 00:53, 7 December 2008 (UTC)

Happy Holidays

I was wrong I should have checked the edit page properly, Feliz Navidad, prospero año y felicidad.-- intraining Jack In 04:43, 8 December 2008 (UTC)

Re: Kreuk awards

Thanks. It's a shame we can't use the BuddyTV ref; I'll be on the lookout for more. / 01:10, 9 December 2008 (UTC)

...And now that there is a reception section, are you going to move the awards over there? Beef it up a bit? / 01:19, 9 December 2008 (UTC)
I found a French site, SeriesLive, though I'm not sure if its reliable. It has the info for the remaining two awards:

...Forgot to sign. / 01:25, 9 December 2008 (UTC)

Actually, the second is needed. She and Welling were nominated for a "chemistry" award, or are you not deeming that as an award for Kreuk? I'll put it in anyways. / 02:14, 9 December 2008 (UTC)

Done. I think the awards best fit under reception. Film and episode articles list them there, so I guess you could say the same for characters. As for the French refs, I linked the translated version. Which is preferred, the original or translated? / 02:27, 9 December 2008 (UTC)

I tried to find some more reviews, though I'm having a hard time finding info that is worth mentioning. I guess this one is good for Kreuk's departure: / 04:21, 9 December 2008 (UTC)

The Dark Knight

I just found it strange because on The Queen's film page, it's awards & nominations section does not site any references and all the actors & crew are linked. I just found that film page a good example to create the awards/nomination section on The Dark Knight's page, but I understand completely and it won't happen again. Thanks Movieguru2006 ( talk) 11:05, 9 December 2008 (UTC)

The Life of the Mind

Thanks for your recent careful attention to Barton Fink. I moved the Lerner/Mayer pic back down, since WP:MOS#Images orders us not to put images just below a third-level section heading. (I suppose the pushed-out section heading after it is the lesser of two evils.)

I also wanted to discuss the image from the German golem movie. I originally placed it lower on the page so that it would blend into the "Religion" theme section, since the Jewish legend is based in religious tradition. How would you feel about moving it back down? Cheers! Scartol •  Tok 18:46, 10 December 2008 (UTC)

The golem reference is a bit of both religion and "the common man" -- I didn't think it necessary to go into detail in the article, but the source in question discusses how Barton's conception of "the common man" gets out of hand, like the legendary golem. I like the idea of combining the inspirations for characters into one section; I'll look into that today or tomorrow. Cheers. Scartol •  Tok 19:11, 10 December 2008 (UTC)

Presto, change-o, rearrange-o

It appears that you and I are dealing with the same user who likes to rearrange and add extraneous info to horror film infoboxes. I've been treating it as vandalism and reported it as such, to no avail. Do you think adding hidden notes with guidelines might deter this behavior? Thanks, momoricks (make my day) 01:45, 13 December 2008 (UTC)

Thanks for looking into this. I've educated myself on how to handle disruptive behavior. Cheers! momoricks (make my day) 00:34, 14 December 2008 (UTC)
Thanks for the great advice. I guess we'll see what happens in a week. :) momoricks (make my day) 01:23, 14 December 2008 (UTC)

Episode lists

Oanabay04 has created a large number of stub episode articles for Pink Panther, The Three Stooges, Woody Woodpecker. As someone who has dealt with a number of episode lists, could you try to explain to him how it would be beneficial to merge all of these into three featured lists and split them out if any do establish notability? The current discussion is at User talk:Oanabay04#Pink Panther if you do feel like commenting. TTN ( talk) 19:17, 13 December 2008 (UTC)

Thanks. TTN ( talk) 19:31, 13 December 2008 (UTC)

Chloe Sullivan GA Review

Hi, sorry you had to wait for two months, but Chloe Sullivan has finally been reviewed for Good Article status! I have placed the article on hold, and left comments here. Dabomb87 ( talk) 00:16, 12 December 2008 (UTC)

Good job! Two more comments and it passes. Dabomb87 ( talk) 01:12, 16 December 2008 (UTC)

GA nomination for Characters of Smallville

Hello. I've reviewed the article Characters of Smallville for its nomination for Good Article status. I have some concerns about referencing along with other concerns, so I am placing the article on hold for seven days. My complete review may be found here. If you have any questions about the review or individual issues I have raised, please note them on the review page (which is on my watchlist) and I will answer them there. When you have addressed the issues I have mentioned, I will be happy to reevaluate the nomination. Thanks, and good editing. — Bellhalla ( talk) 19:28, 15 December 2008 (UTC)


Feliz Navidad Bignole! E L Butler 19:45, 14 December 2008 (UTC)

Oh no...

I just saw your edit to the Halloween franchise page... another Zombie film? So much for my hopes of moving past the trailer trash of the remake. Also, it revolves around Laurie Strode? What Laurie Strode story is left to tell that wasn't written and acted a helluva lot better in the original series? *Sigh* This really isn't where I wanted the film to go. That, plus the fact that the comic books have been delayed indefinitely because DDP is being crippled by the economic crisis. The Halloween series is crumbling once again. :(  Paul  730 12:42, 16 December 2008 (UTC)

I just hate how every male in the film will probably be a greasy long-haired redneck and all the girls will be total hookers. And vulgarity will have more prominance than atmosphere. Call me a prude but what's wrong with a nice classy horror film? Why wouldn't you like those concepts you mentioned? I'm quite intriqued by the idea of Laurie becoming the Shape, a nice way of demonstrating the "evil never dies" theme. Plus Laurie and Michael were originally dramatic foils, both being repressed. As Daniel Farrands said, it would have a more dignified way to go than falling off a roof with a knife in her back. It probably wouldn't work in the new series though. I just hope we don't get a piss-poor H20 remake.
Btw, I bought Seed of Chucky and actually loved it. It's a complete mess story-wise but it's so fucking funny that it might be my favourite of the series. I remember you saying it was shit? I liked the scene where Chucky realises he likes being a doll because it makes him unique, it was a nice self-referencial conclusion to his long-running "I gotta get out of this body" storyline.  Paul  730 18:44, 16 December 2008 (UTC)
If we're talking the old series, Laurie could pass for the Shape. Nick Castle wasn't that big and JLC was always a bit mannish. Also, classic Michael isn't menacing because of his build. He's menacing because of his chilling mask and graceful body language, which someone of either sex could pull off (although it might ruin the sexual predator vibe). Scout and Tyler though... I can see your point. They did the Laurie/Shape story in the old comics, as I'm sure you know, and I thought it looked interesting if not-very-well executed. I liked the irony of her trying to kill the very same children she protected in the original movie.
Homages to prior deaths is fine, repeating storylines and character arcs aren't. The most interesting part of the remake was Zombie's original stuff, when it got to Haddonfield I lost interest. Showing the aftermath of the deaths is much scarier to me. My favourite death in the remake was probably Paul's, not because of the murder itself but because Michael hung him up with a pumpkin on his head. That was very Michael Myers. :)
Seed was just hilarious, it felt like a extension of Bride to me. I loved all the stuff with Jennifer Tilly (she's the star of the series). Chucky's characterised pretty well in that movie as well, I think. I liked how it was a perverted family drama, although the character of Glen did get on my tits a bit.  Paul  730 22:48, 16 December 2008 (UTC)
I just redirected the premature H2 article and have the franchise and remake articles as well as the template on my watchlist so I'll keep an eye out. :)  Paul  730 14:52, 17 December 2008 (UTC)


Hi, the film is not just speculation. It was officially announced and is in pre-production. H2 is the official title. —Preceding unsigned comment added by CDaly ( talkcontribs) 01:39, 17 December 2008 (UTC)

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre plot

Hi there, I noticed that an anonymous IP user with a history of disruptive edits made significant changes to the plot here. I haven't seen the film; however, it appears this user added numerous insignificant details. Would you mind taking a look at it? Thanks! momoricks (make my day) 00:21, 18 December 2008 (UTC)

I thought that was the case. Thanks for taking a look and reverting. momoricks (make my day) 03:01, 18 December 2008 (UTC)


I'd keep a close eye on User:Nicholsy. He's a disruptive user from Smallville wiki, and now he's editing here. He's known to make personal attacks (calling other users clueless, a loser, arselicker, bitch, fucker), add and re-add unsourced speculation and rumors without proof, starting revert wars, using numerous sock-puppets (Saffron1992, IP adress), having horrible grammar, making attack pages, linking to his sub-pages, forgetting tags, and uploading images without licenses. He's been blocked for the month, and now i suspect the reason he's editing here is so he can add his spec here. I'll be on semi-wikibreak and won't have time to watch him so i'd keep a close eye on Smallville season 8 page. Elbutler ( talk) 15:35, 18 December 2008 (UTC)


Zythe's new Cordelia Chase article is on the mainspace now, if you fancied giving it a look over. Even if you don't have time to fully-review it, any general suggestions/opinions about the layout or anything? Thanks.  Paul  730 16:23, 19 December 2008 (UTC)


Template_talk:Infobox_Film#Restored... Girolamo Savonarola ( talk) 21:17, 19 December 2008 (UTC)

The article Quantum of Solace you have contributed to has been passed as a good article . Well done! SilkTork * YES! 12:41, 28 December 2008 (UTC)


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