From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.

mw.hook("wikipage.content").add( function()


	mw.loader.using(["mediawiki.api"]).then(function ()


		var apiLimit = 500;

		var api = new mw.Api();

		if(mw.config.get("wgCanonicalSpecialPageName") == "Contributions")


			wkContribsCheckboxInit = true;

			$("").before("<div style='display:inline-block;' id='revdelCP'><span id='revdelLabel' style='cursor:pointer;'>Revision deletion\

	<img id='revdelLabelImg' src='/w/load.php?modules=oojs-ui.styles.icons-movement&image=expand&format=rasterized&lang=en' style='width:12px; transform:rotate(270deg);'/></span>\

	<span id='revdelCPBody' style='display:none;'><input type='button' id='revdelSelectAll' value='Select all'><input type='button' id='revdelSelectNone' value='Select none'>\

	<input type='button' id='revdelSelectInv' value='Invert selection'>\

	<span style='white-space:nowrap;'><input type='checkbox' id='revdelContent' name='revdelOptions' value='content'> delete content</span> \

	<span style='white-space:nowrap;'><input type='checkbox' id='revdelName' name='revdelOptions' value='userName'> delete user name</span> \

	<span style='white-space:nowrap;'><input type='checkbox' id='revdelComment' name='revdelOptions' value='editSummary'> delete edit summary</span> \

	<span style='white-space:nowrap;'><input type='checkbox' id='undelContent' name='revdelOptions' value='content'> undelete content</span> \

	<span style='white-space:nowrap;'><input type='checkbox' id='undelName' name='revdelOptions' value='userName'> undelete user name</span> \

	<span style='white-space:nowrap;'><input type='checkbox' id='undelComment' name='revdelOptions' value='editSummary'> undelete edit summary</span> \

	<br/><select id='wpRevDeleteReasonList'><option value='other'>Other reason</option></select><input name='wpReason' size='60' id='wpReason' maxlength='100'>\

	<input type='button' class='revdelSubmit' id='revdelSubmit' value='Revdel selected entries'> \

	<input type='button' class='revdelSubmit' id='oversightSubmit' value='Oversight selected entries'></span></div>");

			$(" .mw-revdelundel-link").each(function(ind,el){

				if($(this).children("a").length > 0)


					var revId = /ids=(\d+)/.exec($(this).children("a").attr("href"))[1];

					var pageTitle = /target=([^&]+)/.exec($(this).children("a").attr("href"))[1];

					el.innerHTML = "<input type='checkbox' name='"+decodeURIComponent(pageTitle)+"' class='revdelIds' value='"+revId+"'>";

					$(el).children(".revdelIds").data("index", ind);





			$("#revdelCP").data("revdelToolbarShowing", false);

			$("#revdelCP").data("lastSelectedIndex", -1);

			//load canned summaries



				reasons = data.replace(/\*\* ([^\*]+)/g, '<option value="$1">$1</option>');

				reasons = reasons.replace(/\* ([^<]+)([^\*]+)/g, '<optgroup label="$1">$2</optgroup>');




				$.get("/?title=MediaWiki:Revdelete-reason-dropdown-suppress&action=raw", function(data)


					reasons = data.replace(/\*\* ([^\*]+)/g, '<option value="$1">$1</option>');

					reasons = reasons.replace(/\* ([^<]+)([^\*]+)/g, '<optgroup label="$1">$2</optgroup>');





			//attach handlers






						$("#revdelCP").data("revdelToolbarShowing", false);






						$("#revdelCP").data("revdelToolbarShowing", true);











						$(this).prop("checked", true);


					$("#revdelCP").data("lastSelectedIndex", -1);








						$(this).prop("checked", false);


					$("#revdelCP").data("lastSelectedIndex", -1);








						$(this).prop("checked", !($(this).prop("checked")));


					$("#revdelCP").data("lastSelectedIndex", -1);






					var lastSelectedRevdel = $("#revdelCP").data("lastSelectedIndex");

					var newIndex = $(this).data("index")

					if(ev.shiftKey && lastSelectedRevdel >= 0)


						var checkboxArray = $("input.revdelIds");

						var start = lastSelectedRevdel;

						var stop = newIndex;

						if(start < stop)


							for(var i = start; i < stop; i++)


								if(i != lastSelectedRevdel)


									$(checkboxArrayi]).prop("checked", !($(checkboxArrayi]).prop("checked")));






							for(var i = start; i > stop; i--)


								if(i != lastSelectedRevdel)


									$(checkboxArrayi]).prop("checked", !($(checkboxArrayi]).prop("checked")));





					 $("#revdelCP").data("lastSelectedIndex", newIndex);






					//figure out which revisions and pages we're working on.

					var revCount = 0;

					var numTitles = 0;

					var pageTitles = {};



						revCount = ind + 1;

						if(ind > apiLimit - 1)


							mw.notify("You can't do more than " + apiLimit + " revdels at once! Canceling...");

							return false;


						if(typeof pageTitles$(this).attr("name")] == "undefined")


							pageTitles$(this).attr("name")] = $(this).val();





							pageTitles$(this).attr("name")] = pageTitles$(this).attr("name")] + "|" + $(this).val();



					if(numTitles == 0)


						mw.notify("You didn't select any revisions to delete!");

						return false;


					var confirmString = "You are attempting to modify " + revCount + " revisions.\n\nThe following revision attributes will be changed:\n";


					//figure out what we're doing to each revision. This is pretty clunky, but whatever.

					var deleteString = "";

					var revealString = "";

					var typeString = "revdel";


					if($("#revdelContent").prop("checked") == $("#undelContent").prop("checked"))


						confirmString = confirmString + "-Content visibility won't change.\n";


					else if($("#revdelContent").prop("checked"))


						deleteString = "content";

						confirmString = confirmString + "-Content will be deleted.\n";




						revealString = "content";

						confirmString = confirmString + "-Content will be revealed.\n";


					if($("#revdelComment").prop("checked") == $("#undelComment").prop("checked"))


						confirmString = confirmString + "-Edit summary visibility won't change.\n";


					else if($("#revdelComment").prop("checked"))


						if(deleteString != "")


							deleteString = deleteString + "|";


						deleteString = deleteString + "comment";

						confirmString = confirmString + "-Edit summary will be deleted.\n";




						if(revealString != "")


							revealString = revealString + "|";


						revealString = revealString + "comment";

						confirmString = confirmString + "-Edit summary will be revealed.\n";


					if($("#revdelName").prop("checked") == $("#undelName").prop("checked"))


						confirmString = confirmString + "-User name visibility won't change.\n";


					else if($("#revdelName").prop("checked"))


						if(deleteString != "")


							deleteString = deleteString + "|";


						deleteString = deleteString + "user";

						confirmString = confirmString + "-User name will be deleted.\n";




						if(revealString != "")


							revealString = revealString + "|";


						revealString = revealString + "user";

						confirmString = confirmString + "-User name will be revealed.\n";


					if(deleteString == "" && revealString == "")


						mw.notify("You didn't select any properties of the revisions to change!");

						return false;



					var summary = "";


					//construct the revdel summary

					if($("#wpRevDeleteReasonList").val() == "other")


						if($("#wpReason").val() == "")


							mw.notify("You didn't select or write in an edit summary for the logs!");

							return false;


						summary = $("#wpReason").val();




						summary = $("#wpRevDeleteReasonList").val();

						if($("#wpReason").val() != "")


							summary = summary + ": " +  $("#wpReason").val();



					confirmString = confirmString + "\nYour revdel summary is: "+ summary +"\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?";




						var numCompleted = 0;

						for (title in pageTitles)


							var ajaxData;

							ajaxData = {action:"revisiondelete",type:"revision",ids:pageTitlestitle],reason:summary};

							if(deleteString != "")




							if(revealString != "")



							api.postWithToken('csrf', ajaxData).done(function()



								if(numCompleted == numTitles)


									mw.notify("modified " + revCount + " revision(s) successfully!");

									return false;





					return false;






					//figure out which revisions and pages we're working on.

					var revCount = 0;

					var numTitles = 0;

					var pageTitles = {};



						revCount = ind + 1;

						if(ind > apiLimit - 1)


							mw.notify("You can't do more than " + apiLimit + " revdels at once! Canceling...");

							return false;


						if(typeof pageTitles$(this).attr("name")] == "undefined")


							pageTitles$(this).attr("name")] = $(this).val();





							pageTitles$(this).attr("name")] = pageTitles$(this).attr("name")] + "|" + $(this).val();



					if(numTitles == 0)


						mw.notify("You didn't select any revisions to delete!");

						return false;


					var confirmString = "You are attempting to modify " + revCount + " revisions.\n\nThe following revision attributes will be changed:\n";


					//figure out what we're doing to each revision. This is pretty clunky, but whatever.

					var deleteString = "";

					var oversighting = -1;


					if($("#revdelContent").prop("checked") == $("#undelContent").prop("checked"))


						confirmString = confirmString + "-Content visibility won't change.\n";


					else if($("#revdelContent").prop("checked"))


						deleteString = "content";

						confirmString = confirmString + "-Content will be oversighted.\n";

						oversighting = 1;




						if(oversighting == 1)


							mw.notify("we can't oversight and un-oversight edits at the same time!");

							return false;


						deleteString = "content";

						confirmString = confirmString + "-Content will be returned to normal (admin-only) revision deletion.\n";

						oversighting = 0;


					if($("#revdelComment").prop("checked") == $("#undelComment").prop("checked"))


						confirmString = confirmString + "-Edit summary visibility won't change.\n";


					else if($("#revdelComment").prop("checked"))


						if(oversighting == 0)


							mw.notify("we can't oversight and un-oversight edits at the same time!");

							return false;


						if(deleteString != "")


							deleteString = deleteString + "|";


						deleteString = deleteString + "comment";

						confirmString = confirmString + "-Edit summary will be oversighted.\n";

						oversighting = 1;




						if(oversighting == 1)


							mw.notify("we can't oversight and un-oversight edits at the same time!");

							return false;


						if(deleteString != "")


							deleteString = deleteString + "|";


						deleteString = deleteString + "comment";

						confirmString = confirmString + "-Edit summary will be returned to normal (admin-only) revision deletion.\n";

						oversighting = 0;


					if($("#revdelName").prop("checked") == $("#undelName").prop("checked"))


						confirmString = confirmString + "-User name visibility won't change.\n";


					else if($("#revdelName").prop("checked"))


						if(oversighting == 0)


							mw.notify("we can't oversight and un-oversight edits at the same time!");

							return false;


						if(deleteString != "")


							deleteString = deleteString + "|";


						deleteString = deleteString + "user";

						confirmString = confirmString + "-User name will be oversighted.\n";

						oversighting = 1;




						if(oversighting == 1)


							mw.notify("we can't oversight and un-oversight edits at the same time!");

							return false;


						if(deleteString != "")


							deleteString = deleteString + "|";


						deleteString = deleteString + "user";

						confirmString = confirmString + "-User name will be returned to normal (admin-only) revision deletion.\n";

						oversighting = 0;


					if(deleteString == "")


						mw.notify("You didn't select any properties of the revisions to change!");

						return false;



					var summary = "";


					//construct the revdel summary

					if($("#wpRevDeleteReasonList").val() == "other")


						if($("#wpReason").val() == "")


							mw.notify("You didn't select or write in an edit summary for the logs!");

							return false;


						summary = $("#wpReason").val();




						summary = $("#wpRevDeleteReasonList").val();

						if($("#wpReason").val() != "")


							summary = summary + ": " +  $("#wpReason").val();



					confirmString = confirmString + "\nYour oversight summary is: "+ summary +"\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?";




						var numCompleted = 0;

						for (title in pageTitles)


							var ajaxData;

							ajaxData = {action:"revisiondelete",type:"revision",ids:pageTitlestitle],reason:summary,hide:deleteString};

							if(oversighting == 1)


								ajaxData.suppress = "yes";


							else if(oversighting == 0)


								ajaxData.suppress = "no";




								mw.notify("Something went wrong, so we're going to abort without doing anything.");


							api.postWithToken('csrf', ajaxData).done(function()



								if(numCompleted == numTitles)


									mw.notify("modified " + revCount + " revision(s) successfully!");

									return false;





					return false;





From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.

mw.hook("wikipage.content").add( function()


	mw.loader.using(["mediawiki.api"]).then(function ()


		var apiLimit = 500;

		var api = new mw.Api();

		if(mw.config.get("wgCanonicalSpecialPageName") == "Contributions")


			wkContribsCheckboxInit = true;

			$("").before("<div style='display:inline-block;' id='revdelCP'><span id='revdelLabel' style='cursor:pointer;'>Revision deletion\

	<img id='revdelLabelImg' src='/w/load.php?modules=oojs-ui.styles.icons-movement&image=expand&format=rasterized&lang=en' style='width:12px; transform:rotate(270deg);'/></span>\

	<span id='revdelCPBody' style='display:none;'><input type='button' id='revdelSelectAll' value='Select all'><input type='button' id='revdelSelectNone' value='Select none'>\

	<input type='button' id='revdelSelectInv' value='Invert selection'>\

	<span style='white-space:nowrap;'><input type='checkbox' id='revdelContent' name='revdelOptions' value='content'> delete content</span> \

	<span style='white-space:nowrap;'><input type='checkbox' id='revdelName' name='revdelOptions' value='userName'> delete user name</span> \

	<span style='white-space:nowrap;'><input type='checkbox' id='revdelComment' name='revdelOptions' value='editSummary'> delete edit summary</span> \

	<span style='white-space:nowrap;'><input type='checkbox' id='undelContent' name='revdelOptions' value='content'> undelete content</span> \

	<span style='white-space:nowrap;'><input type='checkbox' id='undelName' name='revdelOptions' value='userName'> undelete user name</span> \

	<span style='white-space:nowrap;'><input type='checkbox' id='undelComment' name='revdelOptions' value='editSummary'> undelete edit summary</span> \

	<br/><select id='wpRevDeleteReasonList'><option value='other'>Other reason</option></select><input name='wpReason' size='60' id='wpReason' maxlength='100'>\

	<input type='button' class='revdelSubmit' id='revdelSubmit' value='Revdel selected entries'> \

	<input type='button' class='revdelSubmit' id='oversightSubmit' value='Oversight selected entries'></span></div>");

			$(" .mw-revdelundel-link").each(function(ind,el){

				if($(this).children("a").length > 0)


					var revId = /ids=(\d+)/.exec($(this).children("a").attr("href"))[1];

					var pageTitle = /target=([^&]+)/.exec($(this).children("a").attr("href"))[1];

					el.innerHTML = "<input type='checkbox' name='"+decodeURIComponent(pageTitle)+"' class='revdelIds' value='"+revId+"'>";

					$(el).children(".revdelIds").data("index", ind);





			$("#revdelCP").data("revdelToolbarShowing", false);

			$("#revdelCP").data("lastSelectedIndex", -1);

			//load canned summaries



				reasons = data.replace(/\*\* ([^\*]+)/g, '<option value="$1">$1</option>');

				reasons = reasons.replace(/\* ([^<]+)([^\*]+)/g, '<optgroup label="$1">$2</optgroup>');




				$.get("/?title=MediaWiki:Revdelete-reason-dropdown-suppress&action=raw", function(data)


					reasons = data.replace(/\*\* ([^\*]+)/g, '<option value="$1">$1</option>');

					reasons = reasons.replace(/\* ([^<]+)([^\*]+)/g, '<optgroup label="$1">$2</optgroup>');





			//attach handlers






						$("#revdelCP").data("revdelToolbarShowing", false);






						$("#revdelCP").data("revdelToolbarShowing", true);











						$(this).prop("checked", true);


					$("#revdelCP").data("lastSelectedIndex", -1);








						$(this).prop("checked", false);


					$("#revdelCP").data("lastSelectedIndex", -1);








						$(this).prop("checked", !($(this).prop("checked")));


					$("#revdelCP").data("lastSelectedIndex", -1);






					var lastSelectedRevdel = $("#revdelCP").data("lastSelectedIndex");

					var newIndex = $(this).data("index")

					if(ev.shiftKey && lastSelectedRevdel >= 0)


						var checkboxArray = $("input.revdelIds");

						var start = lastSelectedRevdel;

						var stop = newIndex;

						if(start < stop)


							for(var i = start; i < stop; i++)


								if(i != lastSelectedRevdel)


									$(checkboxArrayi]).prop("checked", !($(checkboxArrayi]).prop("checked")));






							for(var i = start; i > stop; i--)


								if(i != lastSelectedRevdel)


									$(checkboxArrayi]).prop("checked", !($(checkboxArrayi]).prop("checked")));





					 $("#revdelCP").data("lastSelectedIndex", newIndex);






					//figure out which revisions and pages we're working on.

					var revCount = 0;

					var numTitles = 0;

					var pageTitles = {};



						revCount = ind + 1;

						if(ind > apiLimit - 1)


							mw.notify("You can't do more than " + apiLimit + " revdels at once! Canceling...");

							return false;


						if(typeof pageTitles$(this).attr("name")] == "undefined")


							pageTitles$(this).attr("name")] = $(this).val();





							pageTitles$(this).attr("name")] = pageTitles$(this).attr("name")] + "|" + $(this).val();



					if(numTitles == 0)


						mw.notify("You didn't select any revisions to delete!");

						return false;


					var confirmString = "You are attempting to modify " + revCount + " revisions.\n\nThe following revision attributes will be changed:\n";


					//figure out what we're doing to each revision. This is pretty clunky, but whatever.

					var deleteString = "";

					var revealString = "";

					var typeString = "revdel";


					if($("#revdelContent").prop("checked") == $("#undelContent").prop("checked"))


						confirmString = confirmString + "-Content visibility won't change.\n";


					else if($("#revdelContent").prop("checked"))


						deleteString = "content";

						confirmString = confirmString + "-Content will be deleted.\n";




						revealString = "content";

						confirmString = confirmString + "-Content will be revealed.\n";


					if($("#revdelComment").prop("checked") == $("#undelComment").prop("checked"))


						confirmString = confirmString + "-Edit summary visibility won't change.\n";


					else if($("#revdelComment").prop("checked"))


						if(deleteString != "")


							deleteString = deleteString + "|";


						deleteString = deleteString + "comment";

						confirmString = confirmString + "-Edit summary will be deleted.\n";




						if(revealString != "")


							revealString = revealString + "|";


						revealString = revealString + "comment";

						confirmString = confirmString + "-Edit summary will be revealed.\n";


					if($("#revdelName").prop("checked") == $("#undelName").prop("checked"))


						confirmString = confirmString + "-User name visibility won't change.\n";


					else if($("#revdelName").prop("checked"))


						if(deleteString != "")


							deleteString = deleteString + "|";


						deleteString = deleteString + "user";

						confirmString = confirmString + "-User name will be deleted.\n";




						if(revealString != "")


							revealString = revealString + "|";


						revealString = revealString + "user";

						confirmString = confirmString + "-User name will be revealed.\n";


					if(deleteString == "" && revealString == "")


						mw.notify("You didn't select any properties of the revisions to change!");

						return false;



					var summary = "";


					//construct the revdel summary

					if($("#wpRevDeleteReasonList").val() == "other")


						if($("#wpReason").val() == "")


							mw.notify("You didn't select or write in an edit summary for the logs!");

							return false;


						summary = $("#wpReason").val();




						summary = $("#wpRevDeleteReasonList").val();

						if($("#wpReason").val() != "")


							summary = summary + ": " +  $("#wpReason").val();



					confirmString = confirmString + "\nYour revdel summary is: "+ summary +"\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?";




						var numCompleted = 0;

						for (title in pageTitles)


							var ajaxData;

							ajaxData = {action:"revisiondelete",type:"revision",ids:pageTitlestitle],reason:summary};

							if(deleteString != "")




							if(revealString != "")



							api.postWithToken('csrf', ajaxData).done(function()



								if(numCompleted == numTitles)


									mw.notify("modified " + revCount + " revision(s) successfully!");

									return false;





					return false;






					//figure out which revisions and pages we're working on.

					var revCount = 0;

					var numTitles = 0;

					var pageTitles = {};



						revCount = ind + 1;

						if(ind > apiLimit - 1)


							mw.notify("You can't do more than " + apiLimit + " revdels at once! Canceling...");

							return false;


						if(typeof pageTitles$(this).attr("name")] == "undefined")


							pageTitles$(this).attr("name")] = $(this).val();





							pageTitles$(this).attr("name")] = pageTitles$(this).attr("name")] + "|" + $(this).val();



					if(numTitles == 0)


						mw.notify("You didn't select any revisions to delete!");

						return false;


					var confirmString = "You are attempting to modify " + revCount + " revisions.\n\nThe following revision attributes will be changed:\n";


					//figure out what we're doing to each revision. This is pretty clunky, but whatever.

					var deleteString = "";

					var oversighting = -1;


					if($("#revdelContent").prop("checked") == $("#undelContent").prop("checked"))


						confirmString = confirmString + "-Content visibility won't change.\n";


					else if($("#revdelContent").prop("checked"))


						deleteString = "content";

						confirmString = confirmString + "-Content will be oversighted.\n";

						oversighting = 1;




						if(oversighting == 1)


							mw.notify("we can't oversight and un-oversight edits at the same time!");

							return false;


						deleteString = "content";

						confirmString = confirmString + "-Content will be returned to normal (admin-only) revision deletion.\n";

						oversighting = 0;


					if($("#revdelComment").prop("checked") == $("#undelComment").prop("checked"))


						confirmString = confirmString + "-Edit summary visibility won't change.\n";


					else if($("#revdelComment").prop("checked"))


						if(oversighting == 0)


							mw.notify("we can't oversight and un-oversight edits at the same time!");

							return false;


						if(deleteString != "")


							deleteString = deleteString + "|";


						deleteString = deleteString + "comment";

						confirmString = confirmString + "-Edit summary will be oversighted.\n";

						oversighting = 1;




						if(oversighting == 1)


							mw.notify("we can't oversight and un-oversight edits at the same time!");

							return false;


						if(deleteString != "")


							deleteString = deleteString + "|";


						deleteString = deleteString + "comment";

						confirmString = confirmString + "-Edit summary will be returned to normal (admin-only) revision deletion.\n";

						oversighting = 0;


					if($("#revdelName").prop("checked") == $("#undelName").prop("checked"))


						confirmString = confirmString + "-User name visibility won't change.\n";


					else if($("#revdelName").prop("checked"))


						if(oversighting == 0)


							mw.notify("we can't oversight and un-oversight edits at the same time!");

							return false;


						if(deleteString != "")


							deleteString = deleteString + "|";


						deleteString = deleteString + "user";

						confirmString = confirmString + "-User name will be oversighted.\n";

						oversighting = 1;




						if(oversighting == 1)


							mw.notify("we can't oversight and un-oversight edits at the same time!");

							return false;


						if(deleteString != "")


							deleteString = deleteString + "|";


						deleteString = deleteString + "user";

						confirmString = confirmString + "-User name will be returned to normal (admin-only) revision deletion.\n";

						oversighting = 0;


					if(deleteString == "")


						mw.notify("You didn't select any properties of the revisions to change!");

						return false;



					var summary = "";


					//construct the revdel summary

					if($("#wpRevDeleteReasonList").val() == "other")


						if($("#wpReason").val() == "")


							mw.notify("You didn't select or write in an edit summary for the logs!");

							return false;


						summary = $("#wpReason").val();




						summary = $("#wpRevDeleteReasonList").val();

						if($("#wpReason").val() != "")


							summary = summary + ": " +  $("#wpReason").val();



					confirmString = confirmString + "\nYour oversight summary is: "+ summary +"\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?";




						var numCompleted = 0;

						for (title in pageTitles)


							var ajaxData;

							ajaxData = {action:"revisiondelete",type:"revision",ids:pageTitlestitle],reason:summary,hide:deleteString};

							if(oversighting == 1)


								ajaxData.suppress = "yes";


							else if(oversighting == 0)


								ajaxData.suppress = "no";




								mw.notify("Something went wrong, so we're going to abort without doing anything.");


							api.postWithToken('csrf', ajaxData).done(function()



								if(numCompleted == numTitles)


									mw.notify("modified " + revCount + " revision(s) successfully!");

									return false;





					return false;







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