From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.


(function() {

    if (mw.config.get("wgPageName").indexOf('Wikipedia:Articles_for_creation/Redirects') === -1 && mw.config.get("wgPageName").indexOf('Wikipedia:Articles_for_creation/Categories') === -1) {



    var afcHelper_RedirectPageName = mw.config.get("wgPageName").replace(/_/g, ' ');

    var afcHelper_RedirectSubmissions = new Array();

    var afcHelper_RedirectSections = new Array();

    var afcHelper_advert = ' ([[User:Enterprisey/AFCRHS|AFCRHS.js]])';

    var afcHelper_numTotal = 0;

    var afcHelper_AJAXnumber = 0;

    var afcHelper_Submissions = new Array();

    var needsupdate = new Array();

    var afcHelper_redirectDecline_reasonhash = {

        'exists': 'The title you suggested already exists on Wikipedia',

        'blank': 'We cannot accept empty submissions',

        'notarget': ' A redirect cannot be created unless the target is an existing article. Either you have not specified the target, or the target does not exist',

        'unlikely': 'The title you suggested seems unlikely. Could you provide a source showing that it is a commonly used alternate name?',

        'notredirect': 'This request is not a redirect request',

        'custom': ''


    var afcHelper_categoryDecline_reasonhash = {

        'exists': 'The category you suggested already exists on Wikipedia',

        'blank': 'We cannot accept empty submissions',

        'unlikely': 'It seems unlikely that there are enough pages to support this category',

        'notcategory': 'This request is not a category request',

        'custom': ''


    function afcHelper_redirect_init() {

        pagetext = afcHelper_getPageText(afcHelper_RedirectPageName);

        // cleanup the wikipedia links for preventing stuff like

        pagetext = afcHelper_cleanuplinks(pagetext);

        // first, strip out the parts before the first section.

        var section_re = /==.*?==/;

        pagetext = pagetext.substring(;

        // then split it into the rest of the sections

        afcHelper_RedirectSections = pagetext.match(/^==.*?==$((\r?\n?)(?!==[^=]).*)*/img);

        // parse the sections.

        for (var i = 0; i < afcHelper_RedirectSections.length; i++) {

            var closed = /(\{\{\s*afc(?!\s+comment)|This is an archived discussion)/i.test(afcHelper_RedirectSectionsi]);

            if (!closed) {

                // parse.

                var header = afcHelper_RedirectSectionsi].match(section_re)[0];

                if ( request/i) !== -1) {

                    var wikilink_re = /\[\[(\s*[^=]*?)*?\]\]/g;

                    var links = header.match(wikilink_re);

                    if (!links) continue;

                    for (var l = 0; l < links.length; l++) {

                        linksl = linksl].replace(/[\[\]]/g, '');

                        if (linksl].charAt(0) === ':') linksl = linksl].substring(1);


                    var re = /Target of redirect:\s*\[\[([^\[\]]*)\]\]/i;


                    var to = $.trim(RegExp.$1);

                    var reasonRe = /Reason:[ \t]*?(.+)/i;

                    var reasonMatch = reasonRe.exec(afcHelper_RedirectSectionsi]);

                    var reason = reasonMatch && reasonMatch1].trim() ? reasonMatch1 : null;

                    var sourceRe = /Source.*?:[ \t]*?(.+)/i;

                    var sourceMatch = sourceRe.exec(afcHelper_RedirectSectionsi]);

                    var source = sourceMatch && sourceMatch1].trim() ? sourceMatch1 : null;

                    var submission = {

                        type: 'redirect',

                        from: new Array(),

                        section: i,

                        to: to,

                        title: to,

                        reason: reason,

                        source: source


                    for (var j = 0; j < links.length; j++) {

                        var sub = {

                            type: 'redirect',

                            to: to,

                            id: afcHelper_numTotal,

                            title: linksj],

                            action: ''







                } else if ( request/i) !== -1) {

                    // Find a wikilink in the header, and assume it's the category to create

                    var category_name = /\[\[[^\[\]]+\]\]/.exec(header);

                    if (!category_name) continue;

                    category_name = category_name0];

                    category_name = category_name.replace(/[\[\]]/g, '');

                    category_name = category_name.replace(/Category\s*:\s*/gi, 'Category:');

                    if (category_name.charAt(0) === ':') category_name = category_name.substring(1);

                    // Figure out the parent categories

                    var request_text = afcHelper_RedirectSectionsi].substring(header.length);

                    // We only want categories listed under the "Parent category/categories" heading,

                    // *NOT* any categories listed under "Example pages which belong to this category".

                    var idx_of_parent_heading = request_text.indexOf('Parent category/categories');

                    if (idx_of_parent_heading >= 0 ) {

                        request_text = request_text.substring(idx_of_parent_heading);


                    var parent_cats = [];

                    var parent_cat_match = null;

                    var parent_cat_regex = /\[\[\s*:\s*(Category:[^\]\[]*)\]\]/ig;

                    do {

                        parent_cat_match = parent_cat_regex.exec(request_text);

                        if (parent_cat_match) {



                    } while (parent_cat_match);

                    var submission = {

                        type: 'category',

                        title: category_name,

                        section: i,

                        id: afcHelper_numTotal,

                        action: '',

                        parents: parent_cats.join(',')






            } // end if (!closed)

        } // end loop over sections

        // Build the form

        var $form = $('<h3>Reviewing AfC redirect requests</h3>');


        var $messageDiv = $form.parent();

        // now layout the text.

        var afcHelper_Redirect_empty = 1;

        var ACTIONS = 

            {label: 'Accept', value: 'accept'},

            {label: 'Decline', value: 'decline'},

            {label: 'Comment',value: 'comment'},

            {label: 'None', selected: true, value: 'none'}


        for (var k = 0; k < afcHelper_RedirectSubmissions.length; k++) {

            if (afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].to !== undefined)

                var submissionname = afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].to.replace(/\s/g,'');


                var submissionname = "";

            var $thisSubList = $('<ul>');

            var $thisSubListElement = $('<li>');

            if (afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].type === 'redirect') {

                $thisSubListElement.append('Redirect(s) to ');

                if (!submissionname) {

                    for (var i = afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].from.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {


                            id: afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].fromi].id,

                            reason: 'notarget'



                } else if (!afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].to) {

                    for (var i = afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].from.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {


                            id: afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].fromi].id,

                            reason: 'notredirect'




                if (afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk === '' || afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk === ' ') {

                    $thisSubListElement.append('Empty submission \#' + afcHelper_Redirect_empty);


                } else {

                    if (submissionname.length > 0) {


                            .attr('href', mw.config.get("wgArticlePath").replace("$1", encodeURIComponent(afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].to)))

                            .attr('target', '_blank')


                    } else {

                        $thisSubListElement.append('<b>no target given</b>: ');



                var $fromList = $('<ul>').appendTo($thisSubListElement);

                for (var l = 0; l < afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].from.length; l++) {

                    var from = afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].froml];

                    var toarticle = from.title;

                    if (toarticle.replace(/\s*/gi, "").length == 0) toarticle = "<b>no title specified</b>, check the request details";


                    var reasonAndSource = $('<ul>');


                        reasonAndSource.append('<li>Reason: ' + afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].reason + '</li>');


                        reasonAndSource.append('<li>Source: ' + afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].source + '</li>');

                    var googleSearchUrl = '"' +

                            encodeURIComponent(toarticle) + '"';


                        .append('From: ' + toarticle + ' (<small><a href=\'' + googleSearchUrl + '\'" target="_blank">' +

                            'Google</a> <b>&middot;</b> <a href="/info/en/?search=Special:WhatLinksHere/' +

                            encodeURIComponent(toarticle) + '" target="_blank">what links here</a>)</small><br/>')


                        .append($('<label>').attr('for', 'afcHelper_redirect_action_' +'Action: '))

                        .append(afcHelper_generateSelectObject('afcHelper_redirect_action_' +, ACTIONS,


                        .append($('<div>').attr('id', 'afcHelper_redirect_extra_' +;


            } else {

                var subId = afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].id;

                $thisSubListElement.append('Category submission: ')


                        .attr('href', '/wiki/' + afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].title)

                        .attr('title', afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].title)


                    .append('<br />')

                    .append($('<label>').attr('for', 'afcHelper_redirect_action_' + subId).text('Action: '))

                    .append(afcHelper_generateSelectObject('afcHelper_redirect_action_' + subId, ACTIONS,


                    .append($('<div>').attr('id', 'afcHelper_redirect_extra_' + subId));




        } // end loop over sections


            .attr('id', 'afcHelper_redirect_done_button')

            .attr('name', 'afcHelper_redirect_done_button')



        for (var y = 0; y < needsupdate.length; y++){

            $('#afcHelper_redirect_action_'+needsupdatey].id).attr('value', 'decline');


            $('#afcHelper_redirect_decline_'+needsupdatey].id).attr('value', needsupdatey].reason);



    function afcHelper_redirect_makeActionChange(id) {

        return function() { afcHelper_redirect_onActionChange(id); };


    function afcHelper_redirect_onActionChange(id) {

        console.log("Entering afcHelper_redirect_onActionChange, id = " + id);

        var $extra = $("#afcHelper_redirect_extra_" + id);

        var selectValue = $("#afcHelper_redirect_action_" + id).val();

        $extra.html(''); // Blank it first

        if (selectValue === 'accept') {

            if (afcHelper_Submissionsid].type === 'redirect') {

            	$extra.append('<label for="afcHelper_redirect_from_' + id + '">From: </label>');


            		.attr('type', 'text')

            		.attr('name', 'afcHelper_redirect_from_' + id)

            		.attr('id', 'afcHelper_redirect_from_' + id)

            		.attr('value', afcHelper_escapeHtmlChars(afcHelper_Submissionsid].title)));

                $extra.html($extra.html() + '&nbsp;<br /><label for="afcHelper_redirect_to_' + id + '">To: </label><input type="text" ' + 'name="afcHelper_redirect_to_' + id + '" id="afcHelper_redirect_to_' + id + '" value="' + afcHelper_escapeHtmlChars(afcHelper_Submissionsid].to) + '" />');

                $extra.html($extra.html() + '<br /><label for="afcHelper_redirect_append_' + id + '">Template to append: (<a href="/info/en/?search=Wikipedia:TMR" target="_blank">Help</a>)</label>');

                $extra.html($extra.html() + afcHelper_generateSelect('afcHelper_redirect_append_' + id, 


                        label: 'None',

                        selected: true,

                        value: 'none'

                    }, {

                        labelAndValue: 'Frequently used',

                        disabled: true


                    { labelAndValue: 'R from alternative language' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from alternative name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from modification' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R to section' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from diacritic' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R to diacritic' },


                        labelAndValue: 'From – abbreviation, capitalisation, and grammar',

                        disabled: true


                    { labelAndValue: 'R from acronym' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from initialism' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from CamelCase' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from miscapitalisation' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from other capitalisation' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from modification' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from plural' },


                        label: 'From parts of speach',

                        value: 'From parts of speach',

                        disabled: true


                    { labelAndValue: 'R from adjective' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from adverb' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from common noun' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from gerund' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from proper noun' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from verb' },


                        labelAndValue: 'From – spelling',

                        disabled: true


                    { labelAndValue: 'R from alternative spelling' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from misspelling' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from American English' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from British English' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from ASCII-only' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from diacritic' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from ligature' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from stylization' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from alternative transliteration' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from Wade–Giles romanization' },


                        labelAndValue: 'From alternative names, general',

                        disabled: true


                    { labelAndValue: 'R from alternative language' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from alternative name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from former name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from historic name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from incomplete name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from incorrect name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from letter–word combination' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from long name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from portmanteau' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from predecessor company name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from short name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from sort name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from less specific name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from more specific name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from antonym' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from eponym' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from synonym' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from Roman numerals' },


                        labelAndValue: 'From alternative names, geography',

                        disabled: true


                    { labelAndValue: 'R from Canadian settlement name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from name and country' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from city and state' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from city and province' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from more specific geographic name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from postal abbreviation' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from postal code' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from US postal abbreviation' },


                        labelAndValue: 'From alternative names, organisms',

                        disabled: true


                    { labelAndValue: 'R from scientific abbreviation' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from scientific name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from alternative scientific name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from monotypic taxon' },


                        labelAndValue: 'From alternative names, people',

                        disabled: true


                    { labelAndValue: 'R from birth name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from given name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from married name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from name with title' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from non-neutral name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from personal name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from pseudonym' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from relative' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from spouse' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from surname' },


                        labelAndValue: 'From alternative names, technical',

                        disabled: true


                    { labelAndValue: 'R from Bluebook abbreviation' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from brand name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from drug trade name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from file name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from Java package name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from MathSciNet abbreviation' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from molecular formula' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from NLM abbreviation' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from product name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from slogan' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from symbol' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from systematic abbreviations' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from technical name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from trademark' },


                        labelAndValue: 'From – navigation',

                        disabled: true


                    { labelAndValue: 'R from file metadata link' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R mentioned in hatnote' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from shortcut' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from template shortcut' },


                        labelAndValue: 'From disambiguations',

                        disabled: true


                    { labelAndValue: 'R from ambiguous term' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from incomplete disambiguation' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from incorrect disambiguation' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from other disambiguation' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from predictable disambiguation' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from unnecessary disambiguation' },


                        labelAndValue: 'From mergers, duplicates, and moves',

                        disabled: true


                    { labelAndValue: 'R from duplicated article' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R with history' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from merge' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from move' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R with old history' },


                        labelAndValue: 'From fiction',

                        disabled: true


                    { labelAndValue: 'R from fictional character' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from fictional element' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from fictional location' },


                        labelAndValue: 'From related info',

                        disabled: true


                    { labelAndValue: 'R from album' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from animal' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from book' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from catchphrase' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from domain name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from top-level domain' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from film' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from gender' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from legislation' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from list topic' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from member' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from person' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from phrase' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from quotation' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from related word' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from school' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from song' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from subtopic' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from team' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from work' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from writer' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from Unicode' },


                        labelAndValue: 'To – grammar, punctuation, and spelling',

                        disabled: true


                    { labelAndValue: 'R to acronym' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R to initialism' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R to ASCII-only title' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R to diacritic' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R to ligature' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R to plural' },


                        labelAndValue: 'To alternative names',

                        disabled: true


                    { labelAndValue: 'R to former name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R to historic name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R to joint biography' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R to name with title' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R to monotypic taxon' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R to scientific name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R to systematic name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R to technical name' },


                        labelAndValue: 'To – navigation and disambiguation',

                        disabled: true


                    { labelAndValue: 'R to anchor' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R to anthroponymy page' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R to disambiguation page' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R to list entry' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R to section' },


                        labelAndValue: 'To miscellaneous',

                        disabled: true


                    { labelAndValue: 'R to decade' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R to related topic' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R to subpage' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R to subtopic' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R to TV episode list entry' },


                        label: 'Custom - prompt me',

                        value: 'custom'



            } else {

                // now Categories

                $extra.html('<label for="afcHelper_redirect_name_' + id + '">Category name: </label><input type="text" size="100" ' + 'name="afcHelper_redirect_name_' + id + '" id="afcHelper_redirect_name_' + id + '" value="' + afcHelper_escapeHtmlChars(afcHelper_Submissionsid].title) + '" />');

                $extra.html($extra.html() + '<br /><label for="afcHelper_redirect_parents_' + id + '">Parent categories (comma-separated):</label>' + '<input type="text" size="100" id="afcHelper_redirect_parents_' + id + '" name="afcHelper_redirect_parents_' + id + '" value="' + afcHelper_escapeHtmlChars(afcHelper_Submissionsid].parents) + '" />');

                $extra.append('<br />');

                $extra.append($('<input>', {type: 'checkbox', name: 'afcHelper_redirect_container_' + id, id: 'afcHelper_redirect_container_' + id}));

                $extra.append('<label for="afcHelper_redirect_container_' + id + '">This is a <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Container_category" title="Wikipedia:Container category">container category</a></label>');

                $extra.html($extra.html() + '<br /><input type="checkbox" name="afcHelper_redirect_container_' + id + '"');


            $extra.html($extra.html() + '<br /><label for="afcHelper_redirect_comment_' + id + '">Comment:</label>' + '<input type="text" size="100" id="afcHelper_redirect_comment_' + id + '" name="afcHelper_redirect_comment_' + id + '"/>');

        } else if (selectValue === 'decline') {

            if (afcHelper_Submissionsid].type === 'redirect') {

                $extra.html('<label for="afcHelper_redirect_decline_' + id + '">Reason for decline: </label>' + afcHelper_generateSelect('afcHelper_redirect_decline_' + id, 


                        label: 'Already exists',

                        value: 'exists'

                    }, {

                        label: 'Blank request',

                        value: 'blank'

                    }, {

                        label: 'No valid target specified',

                        value: 'notarget'

                    }, {

                        label: 'Unlikely search term',

                        value: 'unlikely'

                    }, {

                        label: 'Not a redirect request',

                        value: 'notredirect'

                    }, {

                        label: 'Custom - reason below',

                        selected: true,

                        value: 'custom'


            } else {

                // now Categories

                $extra.html('<label for="afcHelper_redirect_decline_' + id + '">Reason for decline: </label>' + afcHelper_generateSelect('afcHelper_redirect_decline_' + id, [{

                    label: 'Already exists',

                    value: 'exists'

                }, {

                    label: 'Blank request',

                    value: 'blank'

                }, {

                    label: 'Unlikely category',

                    value: 'unlikely'

                }, {

                    label: 'Not a category request',

                    value: 'notcategory'

                }, {

                    label: 'Custom - reason below',

                    selected: true,

                    value: 'custom'



            $extra.html($extra.html() + '<br/><label for="afcHelper_redirect_comment_' + id + '">Comment: </label>' + '<input type="text" size="100" id="afcHelper_redirect_comment_' + id + '" name="afcHelper_redirect_comment_' + id + '"/>');

        } else if (selectValue === 'none'){

            // for categories and redirects!


        } else {

            $extra.html($extra.html() + '<label for="afcHelper_redirect_comment_' + id + '">Comment: </label>' + '<input type="text" size="100" id="afcHelper_redirect_comment_' + id + '" name="afcHelper_redirect_comment_' + id + '"/>');



    function afcHelper_redirect_performActions() {

        // Load all of the data.

        for (var i = 0; i < afcHelper_Submissions.length; i++) {

            var action = $("#afcHelper_redirect_action_" + i).val();

            afcHelper_Submissionsi].action = action;

            if (action === 'none') continue;

            if (action === 'accept') {

                if (afcHelper_Submissionsi].type === 'redirect') {

                    afcHelper_Submissionsi].title = $("#afcHelper_redirect_from_" + i).val();

                    afcHelper_Submissionsi].to = $("#afcHelper_redirect_to_" + i).val();

                    afcHelper_Submissionsi].append = $("#afcHelper_redirect_append_" + i).val();

                    if (afcHelper_Submissionsi].append === 'custom') {

                        afcHelper_Submissionsi].append = prompt("Please enter the template to append to " + afcHelper_Submissionsi].title + ". Do not include the curly brackets.");


                    if (afcHelper_Submissionsi].append === 'none' || afcHelper_Submissionsi].append === null) afcHelper_Submissionsi].append = '';

                    else afcHelper_Submissionsi].append = '\{\{' + afcHelper_Submissionsi].append + '\}\}';

                } else {

                    afcHelper_Submissionsi].title = $("#afcHelper_redirect_name_" + i).val();

                    afcHelper_Submissionsi].parents = $("#afcHelper_redirect_parents_" + i).val();

                    afcHelper_Submissionsi].container = $("#afcHelper_redirect_container_" + i).is(':checked');


            } else if (action === 'decline') {

                afcHelper_Submissionsi].reason = $('#afcHelper_redirect_decline_' + i).val();


            afcHelper_Submissionsi].comment = $("#afcHelper_redirect_comment_" + i).val();


        // Data loaded. Show progress screen and get WP:AFC/R page text.

        displayMessage('<ul id="afcHelper_status"></ul><ul id="afcHelper_finish"></ul>');

        var addStatus = function ( status ) { $('#afcHelper_status').append( status ); };

        $('#afcHelper_finish').html($('#afcHelper_finish').html() + '<span id="afcHelper_finished_wrapper"><span id="afcHelper_finished_main" style="display:none"><li id="afcHelper_done"><b>Done (<a href="' + mw.config.get("wgArticlePath").replace("$1", encodeURI(afcHelper_RedirectPageName)) + '?action=purge" title="' + afcHelper_RedirectPageName + '">Reload page</a>)</b></li></span></span>');

        pagetext = afcHelper_getPageText(afcHelper_RedirectPageName, addStatus);

        var totalaccept = 0;

        var totaldecline = 0;

        var totalcomment = 0;

        // traverse the submissions and locate the relevant sections.

        addStatus('<li>Processing ' + afcHelper_RedirectSubmissions.length + ' submission' +

            (afcHelper_RedirectSubmissions.length === 1 ? '' : 's') + '...</li>');

        for (var i = 0; i < afcHelper_RedirectSubmissions.length; i++) {

            var sub = afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsi];

            if (pagetext.indexOf(afcHelper_RedirectSectionssub.section]) === -1) {

                // Someone has modified the section in the mean time. Skip.

                addStatus('<li>Skipping ' + sub.title + ': Cannot find section. Perhaps it was modified in the mean time?</li>'); 



            var text = afcHelper_RedirectSectionssub.section];

            var startindex = pagetext.indexOf(afcHelper_RedirectSectionssub.section]);

            var endindex = startindex + text.length;

            // First deal with cats. These are easy.

            if (sub.type === 'category') {

                if (sub.action === 'accept') {

                    var cattext = '<!--Created by WP:AFC -->';

                    if (sub.container) {

                        cattext += '\n{{Container category}}';


                    if (sub.parents !== '') {

                        cattext = sub.parents


                            .map(function(cat){ return '\[\[' + cat + '\]\]'; })



                    afcHelper_editPage(sub.title, cattext, 'Created via \[\[WP:AFC|Articles for Creation\]\] (\[\[WP:WPAFC|you can help!\]\])', true);

                    var talktext = '\{\{subst:WPAFC/article|class=Cat\}\}';

                    var talktitle = sub.title.replace(/Category:/gi, 'Category talk:');

                    afcHelper_editPage(talktitle, talktext, 'Placing WPAFC project banner', true);

                    var header = text.match(/==[^=]*==/)[0];

                    text = header + "\n\{\{AfC-c|a\}\}\n" + text.substring(header.length);

                    if (sub.comment !== '') text += '\n*\{\{subst:afc category|accept|2=' + sub.comment + '\}\} \~\~\~\~\n';

                    else text += '\n*\{\{subst:afc category\}\} \~\~\~\~\n';

                    text += '\{\{AfC-c|b\}\}\n';


                } else if (sub.action === 'decline') {

                    var header = text.match(/==[^=]*==/)[0];

                    var reason = afcHelper_categoryDecline_reasonhashsub.reason];

                    if (reason === '') reason = sub.comment;

                    else if (sub.comment !== '') reason = reason + ': ' + sub.comment;

                    if (reason === '') {

                    $('afcHelper_status').html($('#afcHelper_status').html() + '<li>Skipping ' + sub.title + ': No decline reason specified.</li>');       



                    text = header + "\n\{\{AfC-c|d\}\}\n" + text.substring(header.length);

                    if (sub.comment === '') text += '\n*\{\{subst:afc category|' + sub.reason + '\}\} \~\~\~\~\n';

                    else text += '\n*\{\{subst:afc category|decline|2=' + reason + '\}\} \~\~\~\~\n';

                    text += '\{\{AfC-c|b\}\}\n';


                } else if (sub.action === 'comment') {

                    if (sub.comment !== '') text += '\n\n\{\{afc comment|1=' + sub.comment + ' \~\~\~\~\}\}\n';



            } else {

                // redirects......

                var acceptcomment = '';

                var declinecomment = '';

                var othercomment = '';

                var acceptcount = 0,

                    declinecount = 0,

                    commentcount = 0,

                    hascomment = false;

                for (var j = 0; j < sub.from.length; j++) {

                    var redirect = sub.fromj];

                    if (redirect.action === 'accept') {

                        var redirecttext = '#REDIRECT \[\[' + + '\]\]\n' + redirect.append;

                        afcHelper_editPage(redirect.title, redirecttext, 'Redirected page to \[\[' + + '\]\] via \[\[WP:AFC|Articles for Creation\]\] (\[\[WP:WPAFC|you can help!\]\])', true);

                        if ((redirect.title.toLowerCase().indexOf('talk:') < 0) && (redirect.title.indexOf('WT:') < 0)) {

                            var talktext = '\{\{subst:WPAFC/redirect\}\}';

                            var talktitle;

                            if (redirect.title.indexOf(':') >= 0) {

                                if (redirect.title.indexOf('WP:') == 0) {

                                    talktitle = redirect.title.replace('WP:', 'WT:');

                                } else {

                                    talktitle = redirect.title.replace(':', ' talk:');


                            } else {

                                talktitle = 'Talk:' + redirect.title;


                            afcHelper_editPage(talktitle, talktext, 'Placing WPAFC project banner', true);


                        acceptcomment += redirect.title + " &rarr; " +;

                        if (redirect.comment !== '') {

                            acceptcomment += ': ' + redirect.comment;

                            hascomment = true;

                        } else {

                            acceptcomment += '. ';



                    } else if (redirect.action === 'decline') {

                        var reason = afcHelper_redirectDecline_reasonhashredirect.reason];

                        if (reason === '') reason = redirect.comment;

                    else if (redirect.comment !== '') reason = reason + ': ' + redirect.comment;

                        if (reason === '') {

                            $('#afcHelper_status').html($('#afcHelper_status').html() + '<li>Skipping ' + redirect.title + ': No decline reason specified.</li>');              



                        declinecomment += ((redirect.reason === 'blank' || redirect.reason === 'notredirect') ? reason + ". " : redirect.title + " &rarr; " + + ": " + reason + ". ");


                    } else if (redirect.action === 'comment') {

                        othercomment += redirect.title + ": " + redirect.comment + ". ";




                var reason = '';

                if (acceptcount > 0) reason += '\n*\{\{subst:afc redirect|accept|2=' + acceptcomment + ' Thank you for your contributions to Wikipedia!\}\} \~\~\~\~';

                if (declinecount > 0) reason += '\n*\{\{subst:afc redirect|decline|2=' + declinecomment + '\}\} \~\~\~\~';

                if (commentcount > 0) reason += '\n*\{\{afc comment|1=' + othercomment + '\~\~\~\~\}\}';

                reason += '\n';

                if (!hascomment && acceptcount === sub.from.length) {

                    if (acceptcount > 1) reason = '\n*\{\{subst:afc redirect|all\}\} \~\~\~\~\n';

                    else reason = '\n*\{\{subst:afc redirect\}\} \~\~\~\~\n';


                if (acceptcount + declinecount + commentcount > 0) {

                    if (acceptcount + declinecount === sub.from.length) {

                    // Every request disposed of. Close.

                    var header = text.match(/==[^=]*==/)[0];

                    if (acceptcount > declinecount) text = header + "\n\{\{AfC-c|a\}\}\n" + text.substring(header.length);

                    else text = header + "\n\{\{AfC-c|d\}\}\n" + text.substring(header.length);

                    text += reason;

                    text += '\{\{AfC-c|b\}\}\n';

                    } else text += reason + '\n';


                totalaccept += acceptcount;

                totaldecline += declinecount;

                totalcomment += commentcount;


            pagetext = pagetext.substring(0, startindex) + text + pagetext.substring(endindex);


        var summary = "Updating submission status:";

        if (totalaccept > 0) summary += " accepting " + totalaccept + " request" + (totalaccept > 1 ? 's' : '');

        if (totaldecline > 0) {

            if (totalaccept > 0) summary += ',';

            summary += " declining " + totaldecline + " request" + (totaldecline > 1 ? 's' : '');


        if (totalcomment > 0) {

            if (totalaccept > 0 || totaldecline > 0) summary += ',';

            summary += " commenting on " + totalcomment + " request" + (totalcomment > 1 ? 's' : '');


        afcHelper_editPage(afcHelper_RedirectPageName, pagetext, summary, false);

        // Display the "Done" text only after all ajax requests are completed

        $(document).ajaxStop(function () {

            $("#afcHelper_finished_main").css("display", "");




     * Gets the text of a page.

     * @param {string} The title of the page to get.

     * @param {function} A function that takes a HTML string to report status.


    function afcHelper_getPageText(title, addStatus) {

        var addStatus = typeof addStatus !== 'undefined' ? addStatus : function ( status ) {};

        addStatus('<li id="afcHelper_get' + jqEsc(title) + '">Getting <a href="' +

                mw.config.get("wgArticlePath").replace("$1", encodeURI(title)) + '" title="' + title + '">' +

                title + '</a></li>');

        var request = {

                    'action': 'query',

                    'prop': 'revisions',

                    'rvprop': 'content',

                    'format': 'json',

                    'indexpageids': true,

                    'titles' : title


        var response = JSON.parse(


                url: mw.util.wikiScript('api'),

                data: request,

                async: false




        pageid = response'query']['pageids'][0];

        if (pageid === "-1") {

            addStatus('The page <a class="new" href="' + mw.config.get("wgArticlePath").replace("$1", encodeURI(title)) +

                '" title="' + title + '">' + title + '</a> does not exist');

            return '';


        var newtext = response'query']['pages'][pageid]['revisions'][0]['*'];   

        addStatus('<li id="afcHelper_get' + jqEsc(title) + '">Got <a href="' +

                mw.config.get("wgArticlePath").replace("$1", encodeURI(title)) + '" title="' + title + '">' + title + '</a></li>');

        return newtext;


    function afcHelper_cleanuplinks(text) {

        // Convert external links to Wikipedia articles to proper wikilinks

        var wikilink_re = /(\[){1,2}(?:https?:)?\/\/(\/wiki|\/([^\s\|\]\[]+)(\s|\|)?((?:\[\[[^\[\]]*\]\]|[^\]\[])*)(\]){1,2}/gi;

        var temptext = text;

        var match;

        while (match = wikilink_re.exec(temptext)) {

            var pagename = decodeURI(match3].replace(/_/g,' '));

            var displayname = decodeURI(match5].replace(/_/g,' '));

            if (pagename === displayname) displayname = '';

            var replacetext = '[[' + pagename + ((displayname) ? '|' + displayname : '') + ']]';

            pagetext = pagetext.replace(match0],replacetext);


        return text;


    function afcHelper_generateSelect(title, options) {

        return afcHelper_generateSelectObject(title, options).prop('outerHTML');


    function afcHelper_generateSelectObject(title, options, onchange) {

        var $select = $('<select>')

            .attr('name', title)

            .attr('id', title);

        if ( onchange !== null ) {



        options.forEach( function ( option ) {

            if ( option.labelAndValue ) {

                option.value = option.labelAndValue;

                option.label = option.labelAndValue;


            var $option = $( '<option>' )

                .appendTo( $select )

                .val( afcHelper_escapeHtmlChars( option.value) )

                .text( option.label );

            if ( option.selected ) $option.attr( 'selected', 'selected' );

            if ( option.disabled ) $option.attr( 'disabled', 'disabled' );

        } );

        return $select;


    function afcHelper_escapeHtmlChars(original) {

        return original.replace(/&/g, "&amp;").replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;").replace(/"/g, "&quot;").replace(/'/g, "&#039;");



     * The old mw.util.jsMessage function before, which

     * introduced the silly auto-hide function. Also with the original styles.

     * Add a little box at the top of the screen to inform the user of

     * something, replacing any previous message.

     * Calling with no arguments, with an empty string or null will hide the message

     * Taken from [[User:Timotheus Canens/displaymessage.js]]


     * @param message {mixed} The DOM-element, jQuery object or HTML-string to be put inside the message box.

     * @param className {String} Used in adding a class; should be different for each call

     * to allow CSS/JS to hide different boxes. null = no class used.

     * @return {Boolean} True on success, false on failure.


    function displayMessage( message, className ){

        if ( !arguments.length || message === '' || message === null ) {

            $( '#display-message' ).empty().hide();

            return true; // Emptying and hiding message is intended behaviour, return true

        } else {

            // We special-case skin structures provided by the software. Skins that

            // choose to abandon or significantly modify our formatting can just define

            // an mw-js-message div to start with.

            var $messageDiv = $( '#display-message' );

            if ( !$messageDiv.length ) {

                $messageDiv = $( '<div id="display-message" style="margin:1em;padding:0.5em 2.5%;border:solid 1px #ddd;background-color:#fcfcfc;font-size: 0.8em"></div>' );

                if ( mw.util.$content.length ) {

                    mw.util.$content.prepend( $messageDiv );

                } else {

                    return false;



            if ( className ) {

                $messageDiv.prop( 'class', 'display-message-' + className );


            if ( typeof message === 'object' ) {


                $messageDiv.append( message );

            } else {

                $messageDiv.html( message );



            return true;



    function jqEsc(expression) {

        return expression.replace(/[!"#$%&'()*+,.\/:;<=>?@\[\\\]^`{|}~ ]/g, ''); 


    function afcHelper_editPage(title, newtext, summary, createonly, nopatrol) {

        var wgArticlePath = mw.config.get('wgArticlePath');

        summary += afcHelper_advert;

        $("#afcHelper_finished_wrapper").html('<span id="afcHelper_AJAX_finished_' + afcHelper_AJAXnumber + '" style="display:none">' + $("#afcHelper_finished_wrapper").html() + '</span>');

        var func_id = afcHelper_AJAXnumber;


        $('#afcHelper_status').html($('#afcHelper_status').html() + '<li id="afcHelper_edit' + jqEsc(title) + '">Editing <a href="' + wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title)) + '" title="' + title + '">' + title + '</a></li>');

        var request = {

                    'action': 'edit',

                    'title': title,

                    'text': newtext,

                    'summary': summary,


        if (createonly) request.createonly = true;

        var api = new mw.Api();


                .done(function ( data ) {

                    if ( data && data. && data..result && data..result == 'Success' ) {

                        $('#afcHelper_edit' + jqEsc(title)).html('Saved <a href="' + wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title)) + '" title="' + title + '">' + title + '</a>');

                    } else {

                        $('#afcHelper_edit' + jqEsc(title)).html('<span class="afcHelper_notice"><b>Edit failed on <a href="' + wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title)) + '" title="' + title + '">' + title + '</a></b></span>. Error info: ' + JSON.stringify(data));

                        window.console && console.error('Edit failed on %s (%s). Error info: %s', wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title)), title, JSON.stringify(data));


                } )

                .fail( function ( error ) {

                    if (createonly && error == "articleexists")

                        $('#afcHelper_edit' + jqEsc(title)).html('<span class="afcHelper_notice"><b>Edit failed on <a href="' + wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title)) + '" title="' + title + '">' + title + '</a></b></span>. Error info: The article already exists!');


                        $('#afcHelper_edit' + jqEsc(title)).html('<span class="afcHelper_notice"><b>Edit failed on <a href="' + wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title)) + '" title="' + title + '">' + title + '</a></b></span>. Error info: ' + error); 


                .always( function () {

                    $("#afcHelper_AJAX_finished_" + func_id).css("display", '');


        if (!nopatrol) {

            /* We patrol by default */

            if ($('.patrollink').length) {

                // Extract the rcid token from the "Mark page as patrolled" link on page

                var patrolhref = $('.patrollink a').attr('href');

                var rcid = mw.util.getParamValue('rcid', patrolhref);

                if (rcid) {

                    $('#afcHelper_status').html($('#afcHelper_status').html() + '<li id="afcHelper_patrol' + jqEsc(title) + '">Marking <a href="' + wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title)) + '" title="' + title + '">' + title + ' as patrolled</a></li>');

                    var patrolrequest = {

                                'action': 'patrol',

                                'format': 'json',

                                'rcid': rcid


                    api.postWithToken('patrol', patrolrequest)

                            .done(function ( data ) {

                                if ( data ) {

                                    $('#afcHelper_patrol' + jqEsc(title)).html('Marked <a href="' + wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title)) + '" title="' + title + '">' + title + '</a> as patrolled');

                                } else {

                                    $('#afcHelper_patrol' + jqEsc(title)).html('<span class="afcHelper_notice"><b>Patrolling failed on <a href="' + wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title)) + '" title="' + title + '">' + title + '</a></b></span> with an unknown error');

                                    window.console && console.error('Patrolling failed on %s (%s) with an unknown error.', wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title)), title);


                            } )

                            .fail( function ( error ) {

                                $('#afcHelper_patrol' + jqEsc(title)).html('<span class="afcHelper_notice"><b>Patrolling failed on <a href="' + wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title)) + '" title="' + title + '">' + title + '</a></b></span>. Error info: ' + error); 






    // From

    function allMatches ( regex, string ) {

        var matches = [],


        do {

            match = regex.exec( string );

            if ( match ) {

                matches.push( match );


        } while ( match );

        return matches;


    mw.loader.using(['mediawiki.api', 'mediawiki.util'], function() {

        // Create portlet link

        var redirectportletLink = mw.util.addPortletLink('p-cactions', '#', 'Review AFC/R', 'ca-afcrhs', 'Review', 'a');

        // Bind click handler

        $(redirectportletLink).click(function(e) {


            // clear variables for the case somebody is clicking on "review" multiple times

            afcHelper_RedirectSubmissions.length = 0;

            afcHelper_RedirectSections.length = 0;

            afcHelper_numTotal = 0;

            afcHelper_Submissions.length = 0;

            needsupdate.length = 0;





From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.


(function() {

    if (mw.config.get("wgPageName").indexOf('Wikipedia:Articles_for_creation/Redirects') === -1 && mw.config.get("wgPageName").indexOf('Wikipedia:Articles_for_creation/Categories') === -1) {



    var afcHelper_RedirectPageName = mw.config.get("wgPageName").replace(/_/g, ' ');

    var afcHelper_RedirectSubmissions = new Array();

    var afcHelper_RedirectSections = new Array();

    var afcHelper_advert = ' ([[User:Enterprisey/AFCRHS|AFCRHS.js]])';

    var afcHelper_numTotal = 0;

    var afcHelper_AJAXnumber = 0;

    var afcHelper_Submissions = new Array();

    var needsupdate = new Array();

    var afcHelper_redirectDecline_reasonhash = {

        'exists': 'The title you suggested already exists on Wikipedia',

        'blank': 'We cannot accept empty submissions',

        'notarget': ' A redirect cannot be created unless the target is an existing article. Either you have not specified the target, or the target does not exist',

        'unlikely': 'The title you suggested seems unlikely. Could you provide a source showing that it is a commonly used alternate name?',

        'notredirect': 'This request is not a redirect request',

        'custom': ''


    var afcHelper_categoryDecline_reasonhash = {

        'exists': 'The category you suggested already exists on Wikipedia',

        'blank': 'We cannot accept empty submissions',

        'unlikely': 'It seems unlikely that there are enough pages to support this category',

        'notcategory': 'This request is not a category request',

        'custom': ''


    function afcHelper_redirect_init() {

        pagetext = afcHelper_getPageText(afcHelper_RedirectPageName);

        // cleanup the wikipedia links for preventing stuff like

        pagetext = afcHelper_cleanuplinks(pagetext);

        // first, strip out the parts before the first section.

        var section_re = /==.*?==/;

        pagetext = pagetext.substring(;

        // then split it into the rest of the sections

        afcHelper_RedirectSections = pagetext.match(/^==.*?==$((\r?\n?)(?!==[^=]).*)*/img);

        // parse the sections.

        for (var i = 0; i < afcHelper_RedirectSections.length; i++) {

            var closed = /(\{\{\s*afc(?!\s+comment)|This is an archived discussion)/i.test(afcHelper_RedirectSectionsi]);

            if (!closed) {

                // parse.

                var header = afcHelper_RedirectSectionsi].match(section_re)[0];

                if ( request/i) !== -1) {

                    var wikilink_re = /\[\[(\s*[^=]*?)*?\]\]/g;

                    var links = header.match(wikilink_re);

                    if (!links) continue;

                    for (var l = 0; l < links.length; l++) {

                        linksl = linksl].replace(/[\[\]]/g, '');

                        if (linksl].charAt(0) === ':') linksl = linksl].substring(1);


                    var re = /Target of redirect:\s*\[\[([^\[\]]*)\]\]/i;


                    var to = $.trim(RegExp.$1);

                    var reasonRe = /Reason:[ \t]*?(.+)/i;

                    var reasonMatch = reasonRe.exec(afcHelper_RedirectSectionsi]);

                    var reason = reasonMatch && reasonMatch1].trim() ? reasonMatch1 : null;

                    var sourceRe = /Source.*?:[ \t]*?(.+)/i;

                    var sourceMatch = sourceRe.exec(afcHelper_RedirectSectionsi]);

                    var source = sourceMatch && sourceMatch1].trim() ? sourceMatch1 : null;

                    var submission = {

                        type: 'redirect',

                        from: new Array(),

                        section: i,

                        to: to,

                        title: to,

                        reason: reason,

                        source: source


                    for (var j = 0; j < links.length; j++) {

                        var sub = {

                            type: 'redirect',

                            to: to,

                            id: afcHelper_numTotal,

                            title: linksj],

                            action: ''







                } else if ( request/i) !== -1) {

                    // Find a wikilink in the header, and assume it's the category to create

                    var category_name = /\[\[[^\[\]]+\]\]/.exec(header);

                    if (!category_name) continue;

                    category_name = category_name0];

                    category_name = category_name.replace(/[\[\]]/g, '');

                    category_name = category_name.replace(/Category\s*:\s*/gi, 'Category:');

                    if (category_name.charAt(0) === ':') category_name = category_name.substring(1);

                    // Figure out the parent categories

                    var request_text = afcHelper_RedirectSectionsi].substring(header.length);

                    // We only want categories listed under the "Parent category/categories" heading,

                    // *NOT* any categories listed under "Example pages which belong to this category".

                    var idx_of_parent_heading = request_text.indexOf('Parent category/categories');

                    if (idx_of_parent_heading >= 0 ) {

                        request_text = request_text.substring(idx_of_parent_heading);


                    var parent_cats = [];

                    var parent_cat_match = null;

                    var parent_cat_regex = /\[\[\s*:\s*(Category:[^\]\[]*)\]\]/ig;

                    do {

                        parent_cat_match = parent_cat_regex.exec(request_text);

                        if (parent_cat_match) {



                    } while (parent_cat_match);

                    var submission = {

                        type: 'category',

                        title: category_name,

                        section: i,

                        id: afcHelper_numTotal,

                        action: '',

                        parents: parent_cats.join(',')






            } // end if (!closed)

        } // end loop over sections

        // Build the form

        var $form = $('<h3>Reviewing AfC redirect requests</h3>');


        var $messageDiv = $form.parent();

        // now layout the text.

        var afcHelper_Redirect_empty = 1;

        var ACTIONS = 

            {label: 'Accept', value: 'accept'},

            {label: 'Decline', value: 'decline'},

            {label: 'Comment',value: 'comment'},

            {label: 'None', selected: true, value: 'none'}


        for (var k = 0; k < afcHelper_RedirectSubmissions.length; k++) {

            if (afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].to !== undefined)

                var submissionname = afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].to.replace(/\s/g,'');


                var submissionname = "";

            var $thisSubList = $('<ul>');

            var $thisSubListElement = $('<li>');

            if (afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].type === 'redirect') {

                $thisSubListElement.append('Redirect(s) to ');

                if (!submissionname) {

                    for (var i = afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].from.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {


                            id: afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].fromi].id,

                            reason: 'notarget'



                } else if (!afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].to) {

                    for (var i = afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].from.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {


                            id: afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].fromi].id,

                            reason: 'notredirect'




                if (afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk === '' || afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk === ' ') {

                    $thisSubListElement.append('Empty submission \#' + afcHelper_Redirect_empty);


                } else {

                    if (submissionname.length > 0) {


                            .attr('href', mw.config.get("wgArticlePath").replace("$1", encodeURIComponent(afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].to)))

                            .attr('target', '_blank')


                    } else {

                        $thisSubListElement.append('<b>no target given</b>: ');



                var $fromList = $('<ul>').appendTo($thisSubListElement);

                for (var l = 0; l < afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].from.length; l++) {

                    var from = afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].froml];

                    var toarticle = from.title;

                    if (toarticle.replace(/\s*/gi, "").length == 0) toarticle = "<b>no title specified</b>, check the request details";


                    var reasonAndSource = $('<ul>');


                        reasonAndSource.append('<li>Reason: ' + afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].reason + '</li>');


                        reasonAndSource.append('<li>Source: ' + afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].source + '</li>');

                    var googleSearchUrl = '"' +

                            encodeURIComponent(toarticle) + '"';


                        .append('From: ' + toarticle + ' (<small><a href=\'' + googleSearchUrl + '\'" target="_blank">' +

                            'Google</a> <b>&middot;</b> <a href="/info/en/?search=Special:WhatLinksHere/' +

                            encodeURIComponent(toarticle) + '" target="_blank">what links here</a>)</small><br/>')


                        .append($('<label>').attr('for', 'afcHelper_redirect_action_' +'Action: '))

                        .append(afcHelper_generateSelectObject('afcHelper_redirect_action_' +, ACTIONS,


                        .append($('<div>').attr('id', 'afcHelper_redirect_extra_' +;


            } else {

                var subId = afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].id;

                $thisSubListElement.append('Category submission: ')


                        .attr('href', '/wiki/' + afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].title)

                        .attr('title', afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].title)


                    .append('<br />')

                    .append($('<label>').attr('for', 'afcHelper_redirect_action_' + subId).text('Action: '))

                    .append(afcHelper_generateSelectObject('afcHelper_redirect_action_' + subId, ACTIONS,


                    .append($('<div>').attr('id', 'afcHelper_redirect_extra_' + subId));




        } // end loop over sections


            .attr('id', 'afcHelper_redirect_done_button')

            .attr('name', 'afcHelper_redirect_done_button')



        for (var y = 0; y < needsupdate.length; y++){

            $('#afcHelper_redirect_action_'+needsupdatey].id).attr('value', 'decline');


            $('#afcHelper_redirect_decline_'+needsupdatey].id).attr('value', needsupdatey].reason);



    function afcHelper_redirect_makeActionChange(id) {

        return function() { afcHelper_redirect_onActionChange(id); };


    function afcHelper_redirect_onActionChange(id) {

        console.log("Entering afcHelper_redirect_onActionChange, id = " + id);

        var $extra = $("#afcHelper_redirect_extra_" + id);

        var selectValue = $("#afcHelper_redirect_action_" + id).val();

        $extra.html(''); // Blank it first

        if (selectValue === 'accept') {

            if (afcHelper_Submissionsid].type === 'redirect') {

            	$extra.append('<label for="afcHelper_redirect_from_' + id + '">From: </label>');


            		.attr('type', 'text')

            		.attr('name', 'afcHelper_redirect_from_' + id)

            		.attr('id', 'afcHelper_redirect_from_' + id)

            		.attr('value', afcHelper_escapeHtmlChars(afcHelper_Submissionsid].title)));

                $extra.html($extra.html() + '&nbsp;<br /><label for="afcHelper_redirect_to_' + id + '">To: </label><input type="text" ' + 'name="afcHelper_redirect_to_' + id + '" id="afcHelper_redirect_to_' + id + '" value="' + afcHelper_escapeHtmlChars(afcHelper_Submissionsid].to) + '" />');

                $extra.html($extra.html() + '<br /><label for="afcHelper_redirect_append_' + id + '">Template to append: (<a href="/info/en/?search=Wikipedia:TMR" target="_blank">Help</a>)</label>');

                $extra.html($extra.html() + afcHelper_generateSelect('afcHelper_redirect_append_' + id, 


                        label: 'None',

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                    { labelAndValue: 'R from alternative name' },

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                    { labelAndValue: 'R to section' },

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                    { labelAndValue: 'R to diacritic' },


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                        disabled: true


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                    { labelAndValue: 'R from CamelCase' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from miscapitalisation' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from other capitalisation' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from modification' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from plural' },


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                        value: 'From parts of speach',

                        disabled: true


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                    { labelAndValue: 'R from common noun' },

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                    { labelAndValue: 'R from verb' },


                        labelAndValue: 'From – spelling',

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                    { labelAndValue: 'R from ligature' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from stylization' },

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                    { labelAndValue: 'R from long name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from portmanteau' },

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                    { labelAndValue: 'R from short name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from sort name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from less specific name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from more specific name' },

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                    { labelAndValue: 'R from Roman numerals' },


                        labelAndValue: 'From alternative names, geography',

                        disabled: true


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                    { labelAndValue: 'R from US postal abbreviation' },


                        labelAndValue: 'From alternative names, organisms',

                        disabled: true


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                    { labelAndValue: 'R from monotypic taxon' },


                        labelAndValue: 'From alternative names, people',

                        disabled: true


                    { labelAndValue: 'R from birth name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from given name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from married name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from name with title' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from non-neutral name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from personal name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from pseudonym' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from relative' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from spouse' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from surname' },


                        labelAndValue: 'From alternative names, technical',

                        disabled: true


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                    { labelAndValue: 'R from drug trade name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from file name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from Java package name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from MathSciNet abbreviation' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from molecular formula' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from NLM abbreviation' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from product name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from slogan' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from symbol' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from systematic abbreviations' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from technical name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from trademark' },


                        labelAndValue: 'From – navigation',

                        disabled: true


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                    { labelAndValue: 'R mentioned in hatnote' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from shortcut' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from template shortcut' },


                        labelAndValue: 'From disambiguations',

                        disabled: true


                    { labelAndValue: 'R from ambiguous term' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from incomplete disambiguation' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from incorrect disambiguation' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from other disambiguation' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from predictable disambiguation' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from unnecessary disambiguation' },


                        labelAndValue: 'From mergers, duplicates, and moves',

                        disabled: true


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                    { labelAndValue: 'R from move' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R with old history' },


                        labelAndValue: 'From fiction',

                        disabled: true


                    { labelAndValue: 'R from fictional character' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from fictional element' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from fictional location' },


                        labelAndValue: 'From related info',

                        disabled: true


                    { labelAndValue: 'R from album' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from animal' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from book' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from catchphrase' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from domain name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from top-level domain' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from film' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from gender' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from legislation' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from list topic' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from member' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from person' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from phrase' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from quotation' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from related word' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from school' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from song' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from subtopic' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from team' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from work' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from writer' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R from Unicode' },


                        labelAndValue: 'To – grammar, punctuation, and spelling',

                        disabled: true


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                    { labelAndValue: 'R to initialism' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R to ASCII-only title' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R to diacritic' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R to ligature' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R to plural' },


                        labelAndValue: 'To alternative names',

                        disabled: true


                    { labelAndValue: 'R to former name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R to historic name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R to joint biography' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R to name with title' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R to monotypic taxon' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R to scientific name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R to systematic name' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R to technical name' },


                        labelAndValue: 'To – navigation and disambiguation',

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                        labelAndValue: 'To miscellaneous',

                        disabled: true


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                    { labelAndValue: 'R to subtopic' },

                    { labelAndValue: 'R to TV episode list entry' },


                        label: 'Custom - prompt me',

                        value: 'custom'



            } else {

                // now Categories

                $extra.html('<label for="afcHelper_redirect_name_' + id + '">Category name: </label><input type="text" size="100" ' + 'name="afcHelper_redirect_name_' + id + '" id="afcHelper_redirect_name_' + id + '" value="' + afcHelper_escapeHtmlChars(afcHelper_Submissionsid].title) + '" />');

                $extra.html($extra.html() + '<br /><label for="afcHelper_redirect_parents_' + id + '">Parent categories (comma-separated):</label>' + '<input type="text" size="100" id="afcHelper_redirect_parents_' + id + '" name="afcHelper_redirect_parents_' + id + '" value="' + afcHelper_escapeHtmlChars(afcHelper_Submissionsid].parents) + '" />');

                $extra.append('<br />');

                $extra.append($('<input>', {type: 'checkbox', name: 'afcHelper_redirect_container_' + id, id: 'afcHelper_redirect_container_' + id}));

                $extra.append('<label for="afcHelper_redirect_container_' + id + '">This is a <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Container_category" title="Wikipedia:Container category">container category</a></label>');

                $extra.html($extra.html() + '<br /><input type="checkbox" name="afcHelper_redirect_container_' + id + '"');


            $extra.html($extra.html() + '<br /><label for="afcHelper_redirect_comment_' + id + '">Comment:</label>' + '<input type="text" size="100" id="afcHelper_redirect_comment_' + id + '" name="afcHelper_redirect_comment_' + id + '"/>');

        } else if (selectValue === 'decline') {

            if (afcHelper_Submissionsid].type === 'redirect') {

                $extra.html('<label for="afcHelper_redirect_decline_' + id + '">Reason for decline: </label>' + afcHelper_generateSelect('afcHelper_redirect_decline_' + id, 


                        label: 'Already exists',

                        value: 'exists'

                    }, {

                        label: 'Blank request',

                        value: 'blank'

                    }, {

                        label: 'No valid target specified',

                        value: 'notarget'

                    }, {

                        label: 'Unlikely search term',

                        value: 'unlikely'

                    }, {

                        label: 'Not a redirect request',

                        value: 'notredirect'

                    }, {

                        label: 'Custom - reason below',

                        selected: true,

                        value: 'custom'


            } else {

                // now Categories

                $extra.html('<label for="afcHelper_redirect_decline_' + id + '">Reason for decline: </label>' + afcHelper_generateSelect('afcHelper_redirect_decline_' + id, [{

                    label: 'Already exists',

                    value: 'exists'

                }, {

                    label: 'Blank request',

                    value: 'blank'

                }, {

                    label: 'Unlikely category',

                    value: 'unlikely'

                }, {

                    label: 'Not a category request',

                    value: 'notcategory'

                }, {

                    label: 'Custom - reason below',

                    selected: true,

                    value: 'custom'



            $extra.html($extra.html() + '<br/><label for="afcHelper_redirect_comment_' + id + '">Comment: </label>' + '<input type="text" size="100" id="afcHelper_redirect_comment_' + id + '" name="afcHelper_redirect_comment_' + id + '"/>');

        } else if (selectValue === 'none'){

            // for categories and redirects!


        } else {

            $extra.html($extra.html() + '<label for="afcHelper_redirect_comment_' + id + '">Comment: </label>' + '<input type="text" size="100" id="afcHelper_redirect_comment_' + id + '" name="afcHelper_redirect_comment_' + id + '"/>');



    function afcHelper_redirect_performActions() {

        // Load all of the data.

        for (var i = 0; i < afcHelper_Submissions.length; i++) {

            var action = $("#afcHelper_redirect_action_" + i).val();

            afcHelper_Submissionsi].action = action;

            if (action === 'none') continue;

            if (action === 'accept') {

                if (afcHelper_Submissionsi].type === 'redirect') {

                    afcHelper_Submissionsi].title = $("#afcHelper_redirect_from_" + i).val();

                    afcHelper_Submissionsi].to = $("#afcHelper_redirect_to_" + i).val();

                    afcHelper_Submissionsi].append = $("#afcHelper_redirect_append_" + i).val();

                    if (afcHelper_Submissionsi].append === 'custom') {

                        afcHelper_Submissionsi].append = prompt("Please enter the template to append to " + afcHelper_Submissionsi].title + ". Do not include the curly brackets.");


                    if (afcHelper_Submissionsi].append === 'none' || afcHelper_Submissionsi].append === null) afcHelper_Submissionsi].append = '';

                    else afcHelper_Submissionsi].append = '\{\{' + afcHelper_Submissionsi].append + '\}\}';

                } else {

                    afcHelper_Submissionsi].title = $("#afcHelper_redirect_name_" + i).val();

                    afcHelper_Submissionsi].parents = $("#afcHelper_redirect_parents_" + i).val();

                    afcHelper_Submissionsi].container = $("#afcHelper_redirect_container_" + i).is(':checked');


            } else if (action === 'decline') {

                afcHelper_Submissionsi].reason = $('#afcHelper_redirect_decline_' + i).val();


            afcHelper_Submissionsi].comment = $("#afcHelper_redirect_comment_" + i).val();


        // Data loaded. Show progress screen and get WP:AFC/R page text.

        displayMessage('<ul id="afcHelper_status"></ul><ul id="afcHelper_finish"></ul>');

        var addStatus = function ( status ) { $('#afcHelper_status').append( status ); };

        $('#afcHelper_finish').html($('#afcHelper_finish').html() + '<span id="afcHelper_finished_wrapper"><span id="afcHelper_finished_main" style="display:none"><li id="afcHelper_done"><b>Done (<a href="' + mw.config.get("wgArticlePath").replace("$1", encodeURI(afcHelper_RedirectPageName)) + '?action=purge" title="' + afcHelper_RedirectPageName + '">Reload page</a>)</b></li></span></span>');

        pagetext = afcHelper_getPageText(afcHelper_RedirectPageName, addStatus);

        var totalaccept = 0;

        var totaldecline = 0;

        var totalcomment = 0;

        // traverse the submissions and locate the relevant sections.

        addStatus('<li>Processing ' + afcHelper_RedirectSubmissions.length + ' submission' +

            (afcHelper_RedirectSubmissions.length === 1 ? '' : 's') + '...</li>');

        for (var i = 0; i < afcHelper_RedirectSubmissions.length; i++) {

            var sub = afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsi];

            if (pagetext.indexOf(afcHelper_RedirectSectionssub.section]) === -1) {

                // Someone has modified the section in the mean time. Skip.

                addStatus('<li>Skipping ' + sub.title + ': Cannot find section. Perhaps it was modified in the mean time?</li>'); 



            var text = afcHelper_RedirectSectionssub.section];

            var startindex = pagetext.indexOf(afcHelper_RedirectSectionssub.section]);

            var endindex = startindex + text.length;

            // First deal with cats. These are easy.

            if (sub.type === 'category') {

                if (sub.action === 'accept') {

                    var cattext = '<!--Created by WP:AFC -->';

                    if (sub.container) {

                        cattext += '\n{{Container category}}';


                    if (sub.parents !== '') {

                        cattext = sub.parents


                            .map(function(cat){ return '\[\[' + cat + '\]\]'; })



                    afcHelper_editPage(sub.title, cattext, 'Created via \[\[WP:AFC|Articles for Creation\]\] (\[\[WP:WPAFC|you can help!\]\])', true);

                    var talktext = '\{\{subst:WPAFC/article|class=Cat\}\}';

                    var talktitle = sub.title.replace(/Category:/gi, 'Category talk:');

                    afcHelper_editPage(talktitle, talktext, 'Placing WPAFC project banner', true);

                    var header = text.match(/==[^=]*==/)[0];

                    text = header + "\n\{\{AfC-c|a\}\}\n" + text.substring(header.length);

                    if (sub.comment !== '') text += '\n*\{\{subst:afc category|accept|2=' + sub.comment + '\}\} \~\~\~\~\n';

                    else text += '\n*\{\{subst:afc category\}\} \~\~\~\~\n';

                    text += '\{\{AfC-c|b\}\}\n';


                } else if (sub.action === 'decline') {

                    var header = text.match(/==[^=]*==/)[0];

                    var reason = afcHelper_categoryDecline_reasonhashsub.reason];

                    if (reason === '') reason = sub.comment;

                    else if (sub.comment !== '') reason = reason + ': ' + sub.comment;

                    if (reason === '') {

                    $('afcHelper_status').html($('#afcHelper_status').html() + '<li>Skipping ' + sub.title + ': No decline reason specified.</li>');       



                    text = header + "\n\{\{AfC-c|d\}\}\n" + text.substring(header.length);

                    if (sub.comment === '') text += '\n*\{\{subst:afc category|' + sub.reason + '\}\} \~\~\~\~\n';

                    else text += '\n*\{\{subst:afc category|decline|2=' + reason + '\}\} \~\~\~\~\n';

                    text += '\{\{AfC-c|b\}\}\n';


                } else if (sub.action === 'comment') {

                    if (sub.comment !== '') text += '\n\n\{\{afc comment|1=' + sub.comment + ' \~\~\~\~\}\}\n';



            } else {

                // redirects......

                var acceptcomment = '';

                var declinecomment = '';

                var othercomment = '';

                var acceptcount = 0,

                    declinecount = 0,

                    commentcount = 0,

                    hascomment = false;

                for (var j = 0; j < sub.from.length; j++) {

                    var redirect = sub.fromj];

                    if (redirect.action === 'accept') {

                        var redirecttext = '#REDIRECT \[\[' + + '\]\]\n' + redirect.append;

                        afcHelper_editPage(redirect.title, redirecttext, 'Redirected page to \[\[' + + '\]\] via \[\[WP:AFC|Articles for Creation\]\] (\[\[WP:WPAFC|you can help!\]\])', true);

                        if ((redirect.title.toLowerCase().indexOf('talk:') < 0) && (redirect.title.indexOf('WT:') < 0)) {

                            var talktext = '\{\{subst:WPAFC/redirect\}\}';

                            var talktitle;

                            if (redirect.title.indexOf(':') >= 0) {

                                if (redirect.title.indexOf('WP:') == 0) {

                                    talktitle = redirect.title.replace('WP:', 'WT:');

                                } else {

                                    talktitle = redirect.title.replace(':', ' talk:');


                            } else {

                                talktitle = 'Talk:' + redirect.title;


                            afcHelper_editPage(talktitle, talktext, 'Placing WPAFC project banner', true);


                        acceptcomment += redirect.title + " &rarr; " +;

                        if (redirect.comment !== '') {

                            acceptcomment += ': ' + redirect.comment;

                            hascomment = true;

                        } else {

                            acceptcomment += '. ';



                    } else if (redirect.action === 'decline') {

                        var reason = afcHelper_redirectDecline_reasonhashredirect.reason];

                        if (reason === '') reason = redirect.comment;

                    else if (redirect.comment !== '') reason = reason + ': ' + redirect.comment;

                        if (reason === '') {

                            $('#afcHelper_status').html($('#afcHelper_status').html() + '<li>Skipping ' + redirect.title + ': No decline reason specified.</li>');              



                        declinecomment += ((redirect.reason === 'blank' || redirect.reason === 'notredirect') ? reason + ". " : redirect.title + " &rarr; " + + ": " + reason + ". ");


                    } else if (redirect.action === 'comment') {

                        othercomment += redirect.title + ": " + redirect.comment + ". ";




                var reason = '';

                if (acceptcount > 0) reason += '\n*\{\{subst:afc redirect|accept|2=' + acceptcomment + ' Thank you for your contributions to Wikipedia!\}\} \~\~\~\~';

                if (declinecount > 0) reason += '\n*\{\{subst:afc redirect|decline|2=' + declinecomment + '\}\} \~\~\~\~';

                if (commentcount > 0) reason += '\n*\{\{afc comment|1=' + othercomment + '\~\~\~\~\}\}';

                reason += '\n';

                if (!hascomment && acceptcount === sub.from.length) {

                    if (acceptcount > 1) reason = '\n*\{\{subst:afc redirect|all\}\} \~\~\~\~\n';

                    else reason = '\n*\{\{subst:afc redirect\}\} \~\~\~\~\n';


                if (acceptcount + declinecount + commentcount > 0) {

                    if (acceptcount + declinecount === sub.from.length) {

                    // Every request disposed of. Close.

                    var header = text.match(/==[^=]*==/)[0];

                    if (acceptcount > declinecount) text = header + "\n\{\{AfC-c|a\}\}\n" + text.substring(header.length);

                    else text = header + "\n\{\{AfC-c|d\}\}\n" + text.substring(header.length);

                    text += reason;

                    text += '\{\{AfC-c|b\}\}\n';

                    } else text += reason + '\n';


                totalaccept += acceptcount;

                totaldecline += declinecount;

                totalcomment += commentcount;


            pagetext = pagetext.substring(0, startindex) + text + pagetext.substring(endindex);


        var summary = "Updating submission status:";

        if (totalaccept > 0) summary += " accepting " + totalaccept + " request" + (totalaccept > 1 ? 's' : '');

        if (totaldecline > 0) {

            if (totalaccept > 0) summary += ',';

            summary += " declining " + totaldecline + " request" + (totaldecline > 1 ? 's' : '');


        if (totalcomment > 0) {

            if (totalaccept > 0 || totaldecline > 0) summary += ',';

            summary += " commenting on " + totalcomment + " request" + (totalcomment > 1 ? 's' : '');


        afcHelper_editPage(afcHelper_RedirectPageName, pagetext, summary, false);

        // Display the "Done" text only after all ajax requests are completed

        $(document).ajaxStop(function () {

            $("#afcHelper_finished_main").css("display", "");




     * Gets the text of a page.

     * @param {string} The title of the page to get.

     * @param {function} A function that takes a HTML string to report status.


    function afcHelper_getPageText(title, addStatus) {

        var addStatus = typeof addStatus !== 'undefined' ? addStatus : function ( status ) {};

        addStatus('<li id="afcHelper_get' + jqEsc(title) + '">Getting <a href="' +

                mw.config.get("wgArticlePath").replace("$1", encodeURI(title)) + '" title="' + title + '">' +

                title + '</a></li>');

        var request = {

                    'action': 'query',

                    'prop': 'revisions',

                    'rvprop': 'content',

                    'format': 'json',

                    'indexpageids': true,

                    'titles' : title


        var response = JSON.parse(


                url: mw.util.wikiScript('api'),

                data: request,

                async: false




        pageid = response'query']['pageids'][0];

        if (pageid === "-1") {

            addStatus('The page <a class="new" href="' + mw.config.get("wgArticlePath").replace("$1", encodeURI(title)) +

                '" title="' + title + '">' + title + '</a> does not exist');

            return '';


        var newtext = response'query']['pages'][pageid]['revisions'][0]['*'];   

        addStatus('<li id="afcHelper_get' + jqEsc(title) + '">Got <a href="' +

                mw.config.get("wgArticlePath").replace("$1", encodeURI(title)) + '" title="' + title + '">' + title + '</a></li>');

        return newtext;


    function afcHelper_cleanuplinks(text) {

        // Convert external links to Wikipedia articles to proper wikilinks

        var wikilink_re = /(\[){1,2}(?:https?:)?\/\/(\/wiki|\/([^\s\|\]\[]+)(\s|\|)?((?:\[\[[^\[\]]*\]\]|[^\]\[])*)(\]){1,2}/gi;

        var temptext = text;

        var match;

        while (match = wikilink_re.exec(temptext)) {

            var pagename = decodeURI(match3].replace(/_/g,' '));

            var displayname = decodeURI(match5].replace(/_/g,' '));

            if (pagename === displayname) displayname = '';

            var replacetext = '[[' + pagename + ((displayname) ? '|' + displayname : '') + ']]';

            pagetext = pagetext.replace(match0],replacetext);


        return text;


    function afcHelper_generateSelect(title, options) {

        return afcHelper_generateSelectObject(title, options).prop('outerHTML');


    function afcHelper_generateSelectObject(title, options, onchange) {

        var $select = $('<select>')

            .attr('name', title)

            .attr('id', title);

        if ( onchange !== null ) {



        options.forEach( function ( option ) {

            if ( option.labelAndValue ) {

                option.value = option.labelAndValue;

                option.label = option.labelAndValue;


            var $option = $( '<option>' )

                .appendTo( $select )

                .val( afcHelper_escapeHtmlChars( option.value) )

                .text( option.label );

            if ( option.selected ) $option.attr( 'selected', 'selected' );

            if ( option.disabled ) $option.attr( 'disabled', 'disabled' );

        } );

        return $select;


    function afcHelper_escapeHtmlChars(original) {

        return original.replace(/&/g, "&amp;").replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;").replace(/"/g, "&quot;").replace(/'/g, "&#039;");



     * The old mw.util.jsMessage function before, which

     * introduced the silly auto-hide function. Also with the original styles.

     * Add a little box at the top of the screen to inform the user of

     * something, replacing any previous message.

     * Calling with no arguments, with an empty string or null will hide the message

     * Taken from [[User:Timotheus Canens/displaymessage.js]]


     * @param message {mixed} The DOM-element, jQuery object or HTML-string to be put inside the message box.

     * @param className {String} Used in adding a class; should be different for each call

     * to allow CSS/JS to hide different boxes. null = no class used.

     * @return {Boolean} True on success, false on failure.


    function displayMessage( message, className ){

        if ( !arguments.length || message === '' || message === null ) {

            $( '#display-message' ).empty().hide();

            return true; // Emptying and hiding message is intended behaviour, return true

        } else {

            // We special-case skin structures provided by the software. Skins that

            // choose to abandon or significantly modify our formatting can just define

            // an mw-js-message div to start with.

            var $messageDiv = $( '#display-message' );

            if ( !$messageDiv.length ) {

                $messageDiv = $( '<div id="display-message" style="margin:1em;padding:0.5em 2.5%;border:solid 1px #ddd;background-color:#fcfcfc;font-size: 0.8em"></div>' );

                if ( mw.util.$content.length ) {

                    mw.util.$content.prepend( $messageDiv );

                } else {

                    return false;



            if ( className ) {

                $messageDiv.prop( 'class', 'display-message-' + className );


            if ( typeof message === 'object' ) {


                $messageDiv.append( message );

            } else {

                $messageDiv.html( message );



            return true;



    function jqEsc(expression) {

        return expression.replace(/[!"#$%&'()*+,.\/:;<=>?@\[\\\]^`{|}~ ]/g, ''); 


    function afcHelper_editPage(title, newtext, summary, createonly, nopatrol) {

        var wgArticlePath = mw.config.get('wgArticlePath');

        summary += afcHelper_advert;

        $("#afcHelper_finished_wrapper").html('<span id="afcHelper_AJAX_finished_' + afcHelper_AJAXnumber + '" style="display:none">' + $("#afcHelper_finished_wrapper").html() + '</span>');

        var func_id = afcHelper_AJAXnumber;


        $('#afcHelper_status').html($('#afcHelper_status').html() + '<li id="afcHelper_edit' + jqEsc(title) + '">Editing <a href="' + wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title)) + '" title="' + title + '">' + title + '</a></li>');

        var request = {

                    'action': 'edit',

                    'title': title,

                    'text': newtext,

                    'summary': summary,


        if (createonly) request.createonly = true;

        var api = new mw.Api();


                .done(function ( data ) {

                    if ( data && data. && data..result && data..result == 'Success' ) {

                        $('#afcHelper_edit' + jqEsc(title)).html('Saved <a href="' + wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title)) + '" title="' + title + '">' + title + '</a>');

                    } else {

                        $('#afcHelper_edit' + jqEsc(title)).html('<span class="afcHelper_notice"><b>Edit failed on <a href="' + wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title)) + '" title="' + title + '">' + title + '</a></b></span>. Error info: ' + JSON.stringify(data));

                        window.console && console.error('Edit failed on %s (%s). Error info: %s', wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title)), title, JSON.stringify(data));


                } )

                .fail( function ( error ) {

                    if (createonly && error == "articleexists")

                        $('#afcHelper_edit' + jqEsc(title)).html('<span class="afcHelper_notice"><b>Edit failed on <a href="' + wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title)) + '" title="' + title + '">' + title + '</a></b></span>. Error info: The article already exists!');


                        $('#afcHelper_edit' + jqEsc(title)).html('<span class="afcHelper_notice"><b>Edit failed on <a href="' + wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title)) + '" title="' + title + '">' + title + '</a></b></span>. Error info: ' + error); 


                .always( function () {

                    $("#afcHelper_AJAX_finished_" + func_id).css("display", '');


        if (!nopatrol) {

            /* We patrol by default */

            if ($('.patrollink').length) {

                // Extract the rcid token from the "Mark page as patrolled" link on page

                var patrolhref = $('.patrollink a').attr('href');

                var rcid = mw.util.getParamValue('rcid', patrolhref);

                if (rcid) {

                    $('#afcHelper_status').html($('#afcHelper_status').html() + '<li id="afcHelper_patrol' + jqEsc(title) + '">Marking <a href="' + wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title)) + '" title="' + title + '">' + title + ' as patrolled</a></li>');

                    var patrolrequest = {

                                'action': 'patrol',

                                'format': 'json',

                                'rcid': rcid


                    api.postWithToken('patrol', patrolrequest)

                            .done(function ( data ) {

                                if ( data ) {

                                    $('#afcHelper_patrol' + jqEsc(title)).html('Marked <a href="' + wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title)) + '" title="' + title + '">' + title + '</a> as patrolled');

                                } else {

                                    $('#afcHelper_patrol' + jqEsc(title)).html('<span class="afcHelper_notice"><b>Patrolling failed on <a href="' + wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title)) + '" title="' + title + '">' + title + '</a></b></span> with an unknown error');

                                    window.console && console.error('Patrolling failed on %s (%s) with an unknown error.', wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title)), title);


                            } )

                            .fail( function ( error ) {

                                $('#afcHelper_patrol' + jqEsc(title)).html('<span class="afcHelper_notice"><b>Patrolling failed on <a href="' + wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title)) + '" title="' + title + '">' + title + '</a></b></span>. Error info: ' + error); 






    // From

    function allMatches ( regex, string ) {

        var matches = [],


        do {

            match = regex.exec( string );

            if ( match ) {

                matches.push( match );


        } while ( match );

        return matches;


    mw.loader.using(['mediawiki.api', 'mediawiki.util'], function() {

        // Create portlet link

        var redirectportletLink = mw.util.addPortletLink('p-cactions', '#', 'Review AFC/R', 'ca-afcrhs', 'Review', 'a');

        // Bind click handler

        $(redirectportletLink).click(function(e) {


            // clear variables for the case somebody is clicking on "review" multiple times

            afcHelper_RedirectSubmissions.length = 0;

            afcHelper_RedirectSections.length = 0;

            afcHelper_numTotal = 0;

            afcHelper_Submissions.length = 0;

            needsupdate.length = 0;







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