From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Elections in South Korea provides an overview of the history of South Korean elections and their results.

South Korea elects on national level a head of state – the president – and a legislature. The president is elected for a five year term by the people. The National Assembly (Gukhoe) has 299 members, elected for a four year term, 243 members in single-seat constituencies and 46 members by proportional representation. South Korea has a multi-party system, with numerous parties in which parties have a chance of gaining power alone.

2004 parliamentary election result

Summary of the 15 April 2004 election results
Party Votes % +/- Seats +/-
Uri Party (Yeollin Uridang) 8,145,824 38.3 - 152 +105
Grand National Party (Hannara Dang) 7,613,660 35.8 -3.2 121 -24
Democratic Labour Party (Minju Nodongdang) 2,773,769 13.0 - 10 +10
Millennium Democratic Party (Sae Cheonnyeon Minjudang) 1,510,178 7.1 -28.8 9 -53
United Liberal Democrats (Jayu Minju Yonhap) 600,462 2.8 -7.0 4 -6
Others 642,091 0.3 - 3 -6
Total (60 % out of 35,596,497 registered voters) 21,285,984 100.0   299  
More info: South Korean parliamentary election, 2004

2002 presidential election result

Summary of the 19 December 2002 election results
Candidate Votes %
Roh Moo-hyun - Millennium Democratic Party (Sae Cheonnyeon Minjudang) 12,014,277 49.0
Lee Hoi Chang - Grand National Party (Hannara Dang) 11,443,297 46.5
Kwon Young-ghil - Democratic Labour Party (Minju Nodongdang) 957,148 3.9
Total (turnout 70.8 %)  
Source: Digital Chosun Ilbo, More info: South Korean presidential election, 2002

Past elections

There might have been elections not mentioned here. This list should not be understood as complete.

1948 presidential election

The following paragraph is based on the Korean Wikipedia's 1948 presidential election article and other Korean Wikipedia articles.

Election held on 1948-07-20. Syngman Rhee (이승만) runs for the 대한독립촉성국민회 (大韓獨立促成國民會) and gets 182 of 199 votes (92%), thus winning over the two independent candidates Kim Koo (김구 aka 백범 [白凡, "white scilla"]; 13 votes; reportedly ignorant of his nomination) and An Jae-hong (안재홍; 2 votes). Two voters abstain. Rhee becomes the Republic of Korea's first president and will stay in office until 1960.
Less than a year after the election, on 1949-06-26, Kim is assassinated by 2nd lieutenant and Korean Independence Party member An Du-hui (안두희), who on 1996-10-23 is killed by a bus driver in Incheon.

The following paragraph is based on the English Wikipedia's Syngman Rhee article.

Election held on 1948-05-10. Rhee gets 180 votes, Kim 16. Left-wing parties boycott the election. In 1952-05, Rhee pushed through constitutional amendments which made the presidency a directly-elected position after having jailed members of parliament whom he expected to vote against it. In the same month, elections are held:

1952 presidential election

Election held during the Korean war on 1952-05-08. Turnout: 88.09%. Result: Syngman Rhee (이승만; 74.62%; Liberal Party [자유당]) wins over Cho Bong-am (조봉암; 11.36%), Lee Si-yeong (이시영; 10,89%; vice president of 1948) and Sin Heung-u (신흥우; 3,13%), thus being elected into his second term in office. He then pushes through another amendment to exempt himself from the presidential eight-year term limit. Other candidates: none. Votes deemed invalid: 3,51%

1954 parliamentary election

To be added.

1956 presidential election

President Rhee has become less popular, but the opposition's main candidate for presidency Shin Ik-hee (신익희) suddenly dies while campaigning.

Election held on 1956-05-15. Turnout: 94.38%. Result: Syngman Rhee (이승만; 69.99%; Liberal Party [자유당]) wins over Cho Bong-am (조봉암; 30.01%; Progressive Party), thus being elected into his third term in office.. Other candidates: none. Votes deemed invalid: 20,48%

May 1960 presidential election

The opposition's only candidate for presidency Cho Byeong-ok (조병옥) dies shortly before the elections due 1960-08-03. The only living candidate Rhee Syngman Rhee (이승만; Liberal Party [자유당]) gets a fourth term. Other candidates: none.

Vice president is elected separately, with Rhee's favourite Lee Gi-bung (이기붕) being declared victor. Opposition claims election was rigged.

Public pressure topples Rhee's regime: The president resigns on 1960-04-26 and is evacuated from Korea by the United States' CIA two days later. In response to his government's authoritarian excesses, the state changes to a parliamentary system, in which the president wields no power.

1960 parliamentary election

To be added.

August 1960 presidential election

On 1960-08-13, the newly elected parliament (국회) elects a new president. Yun Po Sun, whom Rhee had appointed mayor of Seoul in 1948 and minister in 1949, but who soon opposed him and in 1960 eventually founded the Democratic Party (민주당), is elected president and appoints Chang Myeon (장면) prime minister. Chang leaves the Democratic Party to form the New Democratic Party (신민당).

In 1961, Major-General Park Chung Hee successfully leads a military coup and takes over power, leaving Yun in office. Yun resigns on 1962-03-22.

Under pressure from the Kennedy administration in the United States, Park has to restore civilian government, but closely wins the following elections:

1963 presidential election

Election held on 1963-10-15. Turnout: 84.99%. Result: Park Chung Hee (박정희; 46.65%; Democratic Republican Party [민주공화당]; president 1963 to 1979) wins over Yun Po Sun (윤보선; 45.1%; Democratic Party [민주당]; president 1960 to 1962) and Oh Jae-yeong (오재영; 4.05%; Autumn Wind Club [추풍회]). Other candidates (2): 4,2%. Votes deemed invalid: 8.65%. The difference between Park and Yun is only 156,026 votes or 1.5477% of valid votes.

1967 presidential election

Election held on 1967-05-03. Turnout: 83.57%. Result: Park Chung Hee (박정희; 51.44%; Democratic Republican Party (민주공화당); president 1963 to 1979) wins over Yun Po Sun (윤보선; 40.93%; New People's party [신민당] president 1960 to 1962), Oh Jae-yeong (오재영; 2.39%; Unified Korea Party [통한당]), Kim Jun-yeon (2.25%; Democratic Party [민주당]) and Jun Jin-han (2.1%; Korean Independence Party [한국독립당]) and Lee Se-jin (0.89%; Justice Party [정의당]). Other candidates: none. Votes deemed invalid: 5.04%. The difference between Park and Yun is 1,162,125 votes or 10.5087% of valid votes.

1971 presidential election

Park wins against later president Kim Dae-jung by a margin of 8% of valid votes and establishes the Yusin Constitution.

Kim Jae-kyu, chief of the KCIA, assassinates Park on 1979-10-26. Prime minister Choi Kyu-hah (최규하) becomes acting president under the Yusin Constitution and shortly after is elected president by the National Conference for Unification, an electoral college set up as part of the Yusin system.

1972 presidential election

Indirect presidential election controlled by Park's incumbent regime.

1978 presidential election

Indirect presidential election controlled by Park's incumbent regime.

1987 presidential election

To be added.

1992 presidential election

To be added.

1997 presidential election

To be added.

2000 parliamentary election

To be added.

2002 presidential election

See above section.

2004 parliamentary election

See above section.

2005-10-26 by-election

By-election held on 2005-10-26 in Bucheon, Daegu, Gwangju and Ulsan districts.

See also

External links

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Elections in South Korea provides an overview of the history of South Korean elections and their results.

South Korea elects on national level a head of state – the president – and a legislature. The president is elected for a five year term by the people. The National Assembly (Gukhoe) has 299 members, elected for a four year term, 243 members in single-seat constituencies and 46 members by proportional representation. South Korea has a multi-party system, with numerous parties in which parties have a chance of gaining power alone.

2004 parliamentary election result

Summary of the 15 April 2004 election results
Party Votes % +/- Seats +/-
Uri Party (Yeollin Uridang) 8,145,824 38.3 - 152 +105
Grand National Party (Hannara Dang) 7,613,660 35.8 -3.2 121 -24
Democratic Labour Party (Minju Nodongdang) 2,773,769 13.0 - 10 +10
Millennium Democratic Party (Sae Cheonnyeon Minjudang) 1,510,178 7.1 -28.8 9 -53
United Liberal Democrats (Jayu Minju Yonhap) 600,462 2.8 -7.0 4 -6
Others 642,091 0.3 - 3 -6
Total (60 % out of 35,596,497 registered voters) 21,285,984 100.0   299  
More info: South Korean parliamentary election, 2004

2002 presidential election result

Summary of the 19 December 2002 election results
Candidate Votes %
Roh Moo-hyun - Millennium Democratic Party (Sae Cheonnyeon Minjudang) 12,014,277 49.0
Lee Hoi Chang - Grand National Party (Hannara Dang) 11,443,297 46.5
Kwon Young-ghil - Democratic Labour Party (Minju Nodongdang) 957,148 3.9
Total (turnout 70.8 %)  
Source: Digital Chosun Ilbo, More info: South Korean presidential election, 2002

Past elections

There might have been elections not mentioned here. This list should not be understood as complete.

1948 presidential election

The following paragraph is based on the Korean Wikipedia's 1948 presidential election article and other Korean Wikipedia articles.

Election held on 1948-07-20. Syngman Rhee (이승만) runs for the 대한독립촉성국민회 (大韓獨立促成國民會) and gets 182 of 199 votes (92%), thus winning over the two independent candidates Kim Koo (김구 aka 백범 [白凡, "white scilla"]; 13 votes; reportedly ignorant of his nomination) and An Jae-hong (안재홍; 2 votes). Two voters abstain. Rhee becomes the Republic of Korea's first president and will stay in office until 1960.
Less than a year after the election, on 1949-06-26, Kim is assassinated by 2nd lieutenant and Korean Independence Party member An Du-hui (안두희), who on 1996-10-23 is killed by a bus driver in Incheon.

The following paragraph is based on the English Wikipedia's Syngman Rhee article.

Election held on 1948-05-10. Rhee gets 180 votes, Kim 16. Left-wing parties boycott the election. In 1952-05, Rhee pushed through constitutional amendments which made the presidency a directly-elected position after having jailed members of parliament whom he expected to vote against it. In the same month, elections are held:

1952 presidential election

Election held during the Korean war on 1952-05-08. Turnout: 88.09%. Result: Syngman Rhee (이승만; 74.62%; Liberal Party [자유당]) wins over Cho Bong-am (조봉암; 11.36%), Lee Si-yeong (이시영; 10,89%; vice president of 1948) and Sin Heung-u (신흥우; 3,13%), thus being elected into his second term in office. He then pushes through another amendment to exempt himself from the presidential eight-year term limit. Other candidates: none. Votes deemed invalid: 3,51%

1954 parliamentary election

To be added.

1956 presidential election

President Rhee has become less popular, but the opposition's main candidate for presidency Shin Ik-hee (신익희) suddenly dies while campaigning.

Election held on 1956-05-15. Turnout: 94.38%. Result: Syngman Rhee (이승만; 69.99%; Liberal Party [자유당]) wins over Cho Bong-am (조봉암; 30.01%; Progressive Party), thus being elected into his third term in office.. Other candidates: none. Votes deemed invalid: 20,48%

May 1960 presidential election

The opposition's only candidate for presidency Cho Byeong-ok (조병옥) dies shortly before the elections due 1960-08-03. The only living candidate Rhee Syngman Rhee (이승만; Liberal Party [자유당]) gets a fourth term. Other candidates: none.

Vice president is elected separately, with Rhee's favourite Lee Gi-bung (이기붕) being declared victor. Opposition claims election was rigged.

Public pressure topples Rhee's regime: The president resigns on 1960-04-26 and is evacuated from Korea by the United States' CIA two days later. In response to his government's authoritarian excesses, the state changes to a parliamentary system, in which the president wields no power.

1960 parliamentary election

To be added.

August 1960 presidential election

On 1960-08-13, the newly elected parliament (국회) elects a new president. Yun Po Sun, whom Rhee had appointed mayor of Seoul in 1948 and minister in 1949, but who soon opposed him and in 1960 eventually founded the Democratic Party (민주당), is elected president and appoints Chang Myeon (장면) prime minister. Chang leaves the Democratic Party to form the New Democratic Party (신민당).

In 1961, Major-General Park Chung Hee successfully leads a military coup and takes over power, leaving Yun in office. Yun resigns on 1962-03-22.

Under pressure from the Kennedy administration in the United States, Park has to restore civilian government, but closely wins the following elections:

1963 presidential election

Election held on 1963-10-15. Turnout: 84.99%. Result: Park Chung Hee (박정희; 46.65%; Democratic Republican Party [민주공화당]; president 1963 to 1979) wins over Yun Po Sun (윤보선; 45.1%; Democratic Party [민주당]; president 1960 to 1962) and Oh Jae-yeong (오재영; 4.05%; Autumn Wind Club [추풍회]). Other candidates (2): 4,2%. Votes deemed invalid: 8.65%. The difference between Park and Yun is only 156,026 votes or 1.5477% of valid votes.

1967 presidential election

Election held on 1967-05-03. Turnout: 83.57%. Result: Park Chung Hee (박정희; 51.44%; Democratic Republican Party (민주공화당); president 1963 to 1979) wins over Yun Po Sun (윤보선; 40.93%; New People's party [신민당] president 1960 to 1962), Oh Jae-yeong (오재영; 2.39%; Unified Korea Party [통한당]), Kim Jun-yeon (2.25%; Democratic Party [민주당]) and Jun Jin-han (2.1%; Korean Independence Party [한국독립당]) and Lee Se-jin (0.89%; Justice Party [정의당]). Other candidates: none. Votes deemed invalid: 5.04%. The difference between Park and Yun is 1,162,125 votes or 10.5087% of valid votes.

1971 presidential election

Park wins against later president Kim Dae-jung by a margin of 8% of valid votes and establishes the Yusin Constitution.

Kim Jae-kyu, chief of the KCIA, assassinates Park on 1979-10-26. Prime minister Choi Kyu-hah (최규하) becomes acting president under the Yusin Constitution and shortly after is elected president by the National Conference for Unification, an electoral college set up as part of the Yusin system.

1972 presidential election

Indirect presidential election controlled by Park's incumbent regime.

1978 presidential election

Indirect presidential election controlled by Park's incumbent regime.

1987 presidential election

To be added.

1992 presidential election

To be added.

1997 presidential election

To be added.

2000 parliamentary election

To be added.

2002 presidential election

See above section.

2004 parliamentary election

See above section.

2005-10-26 by-election

By-election held on 2005-10-26 in Bucheon, Daegu, Gwangju and Ulsan districts.

See also

External links


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