From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Officer (Senior) Ranks
Rank Cadet Colonel Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Cadet Major Cadet Captain1 Cadet First Lieutenant Cadet Second Lieutenant
Abbreviation C/COL C/LTC C/MAJ C/CPT C/1LT C/2LT
1The Regimental Drum Major's insignia is that of a C/CPT with the addition of crossed maces beneath it.
Underclassmen Ranks
Insignia NONE
Rank Cadet Command Sergeant Major Cadet Sergeant Major Cadet First Sergeant Cadet Sergeant First Class Cadet Staff Sergeant Cadet Sergeant Cadet Corporal Cadet Private First Class Cadet Private
Special Designation Ranks
Category Band1 Color Guard2 Artillery3 Signal Ordinance
Rank Cadet Supply Sergeant Cadet Command Color Sergeant Cadet Color Sergeant Cadet Color Corporal Cadet Artillery Sergeant Cadet Artillery Corporal Cadet Command Signal Sergeant Cadet Signal Sergeant Cadet Signal Corporal Cadet Ordinance Sergeant Cadet Ordinance Corporal
1Exclusive to the Regimental Band
2Exclusive to the Regimental Color Guard
3Exclusive to the crew of Skipper

Uniforms and awards


Cadets at Virginia Tech are required to wear the prescribed Uniform of the Day (UOD) from 0700-1700 Monday through Thursday and 0700-1400 on Friday. This is designated by the regimental staff and senior leadership of the Corps. Proper uniform wear and maintenance is a fundamental part of maintaining the military discipline essential to the Corps of Cadets. The ability to change out of uniforms at the end of the duty day and in particular portions of the Upper Quad is considered a privilege and likewise must be earned by a class. For first-year cadets, this typically comes late in the academic year.

While participating in a cadet's individual ROTC's activities and labs, they may change out of the Corps Uniform of the Day into the appropriate branch uniform after 1400 on Tuesdays during the fall semester. During the spring semester, ROTC uniforms may be assigned as the Uniform of the Day. Physical training uniforms for individual ROTC programs can be in the mornings during which a cadet has PT. [1]

Dress uniforms

Uniforms of this type are worn for more formal events. Ribbons, pins, and cords are authorized for wear.

  • Dress A
Consists of a blue blouse, white cross-belts, and black low-quarter shoes. Trousers and service covers are dependent on the season.
Summer - White trousers and service cover.
Winter - Gray trousers and blue service color.
Seniors in this uniform can wear additional dress items such as sashes and sabres.
  • Dress B
Consists of a blue blouse and black low-quarter shoes. Trousers and service covers are dependent on the season.
Summer - White trousers and service cover.
Winter - Gray trousers and blue service color.
Unlike that of Dress A, additional decorative garments and cross-belts aren't worn in Dress B.
  • Paletot Mess Dress
Consists of a white blouse, white trousers, and black low-quarter shoes. Females have the option of wearing a white skirt and black pumps as an alternative.
Designated as the formal mess uniform for all cadets, this is the most formal attire worn by the Corps and is usually reserved for banquets, balls, and ceremonies.

Service uniforms

These uniforms are the typical duty day uniforms of cadets and are worn at many different functions, usually without the expectation of strenuous physical activity which may tarnish them. Ribbons and pins are authorized for wear.

  • Summer Service ("White Shirt")
Consists of a white shirt, gray trousers, black low-quarter shoes, black belt (white for freshmen), and blue service cover. Alternatively, garrison covers may be prescribed, though this is a rare occurrence and is seldom issued.
  • Winter Service ("Gray Bag")
Consists of a gray shirt, gray trousers, black low-quarter shoes, black tie, black belt (white for freshmen), and blue service cover. Like in "White Shirt," garrison covers may be worn.

Other uniforms

  • Multi-Cam Uniform (MCUs)
Consists of a MCU blouse, cover, and trousers as well as tan boots and a sand undershirt. Some organizations within the Corps of Cadets are authorized berets in place of traditional MCU covers.
This uniform can be worn to all functions at which a service uniform can be assigned, in addition to duties which require physical activity. As a result, it is considered one of the most versatile uniforms.
  • "Hokie Bag"
Consists of a maroon polo shirt, khaki trousers, and brown belt, and brown shoes.
  • Physical Training Uniform
Consists of a black t-shirt, black shorts, and running shoes. In the winter, additional garments such as black gloves, sweatshirts, and sweatpants are issued.

Class distinguishing features


Most notably, first-year cadets in the Corps of Cadets wear a white cloth belt in their service uniforms. This belt is known as the "rat belt," after the nickname assigned to these cadets. On the last day of classes, the tradition of "My Last Damn Rat Belt" occurs when freshman cadets decorate each-others belts with signatures, slogans, and memories. This tradition is meant to signify the communal hardship shared by cadets in their first year. [2] First-year cadets have no insignia on their covers while in MCUs. Similarly, freshmen do not have rank insignias on their uniforms (as expected of Cadet Privates) and can be distinguished by said absence. The trim of their garrison covers is black.

Sophomores and Juniors

Typically ranking NCOs within the Corps of Cadets, sophomore and junior cadets have similar uniform appearances. In MCUs, the covers of these cadets display the Corps Crest. One can best distinguish these classes based on the sleeves of a cadet's dress uniform, as the cuffs will have gold stripes which reflect the number of years a cadet has completed. [3] Garrison covers have a red trim for sophomores and silver trim for juniors.


Senior cadets are the officers of the Corps. Likewise, they have numerous distinguishing features which come with their uniforms. In the Dress A uniform, seniors may adorn red sashes (known as OD and OG wraps), sabres, and capes depending on the occasion. On the collar of both dress uniforms, an underclassmen typically has two circular devices known as "headlights" which designate a particular cadet's ROTC track. For seniors, these are replaced with larger gold insignias. Said insignias are also worn with a senior's service uniforms. In the Winter Service uniform ("Gray Bag"), seniors have their ties fully extended while underclassmen tuck theirs between the second and third buttons. The service cover of seniors has a gold chinstrap, which contrasts with the black chinstraps of underclassmen. Fifth-year seniors ("Skippers") have silver chinstraps. While in MCUs, senior cadets wear a gold VPI device on their covers. The trim of their garrison covers is gold. [4]


Beverly S. Parrish Jr. Memorial Award ("Gold Cord")

The Beverly S. Parrish Jr. Memorial Award is the award presented to the company with the highest number of points at the end of any given academic year. This award is graded based on various criteria such as academic performance, recruiting efforts, cadet retention, discipline, room and uniform inspections, and drill performance. The cadets of the winning company are given a gold cord, which may be worn with dress uniforms and is the sake of its nickname. The company itself is granted a plaque and a gold steamer to be hung atop the company's guidon. The Gold Cord is the most anticipated and highly competitive award offered by the Corps, as it is the ultimate representation of all-around unit excellence within the Corps of Cadets. [5]

Ribbons and cords

Ribbons and cords are given to cadets for a variety of achievements. This typically includes academic excellence, leadership performance, and membership in Corps organizations. Many of these awards overlap and have both a ribbon and cord associated with them.

Ribbons and wreath devices are distributed to cadets based on one's individual grade point average (GPA). It is often the first ribbon that a first-year cadet may wear on their uniforms.

  • Gold Level: 3.75 - 4.0
  • Orange Level: 3.4 - 3.74
  • Maroon Level: 3.0 - 3.39
  1. ^ "Corps of Cadets Regulations - July 2021" (PDF). Retrieved August 10, 2021.
  2. ^ "Corps Review Fall 2014" (PDF). Retrieved August 11, 2021.
  3. ^ "Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets uniforms". Retrieved August 11, 2021.
  4. ^ "Corps of Cadets Regulations - July 2021" (PDF). Retrieved August 10, 2021.
  5. ^ "Congratulations, Graduates". Retrieved August 11, 2021.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Officer (Senior) Ranks
Rank Cadet Colonel Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Cadet Major Cadet Captain1 Cadet First Lieutenant Cadet Second Lieutenant
Abbreviation C/COL C/LTC C/MAJ C/CPT C/1LT C/2LT
1The Regimental Drum Major's insignia is that of a C/CPT with the addition of crossed maces beneath it.
Underclassmen Ranks
Insignia NONE
Rank Cadet Command Sergeant Major Cadet Sergeant Major Cadet First Sergeant Cadet Sergeant First Class Cadet Staff Sergeant Cadet Sergeant Cadet Corporal Cadet Private First Class Cadet Private
Special Designation Ranks
Category Band1 Color Guard2 Artillery3 Signal Ordinance
Rank Cadet Supply Sergeant Cadet Command Color Sergeant Cadet Color Sergeant Cadet Color Corporal Cadet Artillery Sergeant Cadet Artillery Corporal Cadet Command Signal Sergeant Cadet Signal Sergeant Cadet Signal Corporal Cadet Ordinance Sergeant Cadet Ordinance Corporal
1Exclusive to the Regimental Band
2Exclusive to the Regimental Color Guard
3Exclusive to the crew of Skipper

Uniforms and awards


Cadets at Virginia Tech are required to wear the prescribed Uniform of the Day (UOD) from 0700-1700 Monday through Thursday and 0700-1400 on Friday. This is designated by the regimental staff and senior leadership of the Corps. Proper uniform wear and maintenance is a fundamental part of maintaining the military discipline essential to the Corps of Cadets. The ability to change out of uniforms at the end of the duty day and in particular portions of the Upper Quad is considered a privilege and likewise must be earned by a class. For first-year cadets, this typically comes late in the academic year.

While participating in a cadet's individual ROTC's activities and labs, they may change out of the Corps Uniform of the Day into the appropriate branch uniform after 1400 on Tuesdays during the fall semester. During the spring semester, ROTC uniforms may be assigned as the Uniform of the Day. Physical training uniforms for individual ROTC programs can be in the mornings during which a cadet has PT. [1]

Dress uniforms

Uniforms of this type are worn for more formal events. Ribbons, pins, and cords are authorized for wear.

  • Dress A
Consists of a blue blouse, white cross-belts, and black low-quarter shoes. Trousers and service covers are dependent on the season.
Summer - White trousers and service cover.
Winter - Gray trousers and blue service color.
Seniors in this uniform can wear additional dress items such as sashes and sabres.
  • Dress B
Consists of a blue blouse and black low-quarter shoes. Trousers and service covers are dependent on the season.
Summer - White trousers and service cover.
Winter - Gray trousers and blue service color.
Unlike that of Dress A, additional decorative garments and cross-belts aren't worn in Dress B.
  • Paletot Mess Dress
Consists of a white blouse, white trousers, and black low-quarter shoes. Females have the option of wearing a white skirt and black pumps as an alternative.
Designated as the formal mess uniform for all cadets, this is the most formal attire worn by the Corps and is usually reserved for banquets, balls, and ceremonies.

Service uniforms

These uniforms are the typical duty day uniforms of cadets and are worn at many different functions, usually without the expectation of strenuous physical activity which may tarnish them. Ribbons and pins are authorized for wear.

  • Summer Service ("White Shirt")
Consists of a white shirt, gray trousers, black low-quarter shoes, black belt (white for freshmen), and blue service cover. Alternatively, garrison covers may be prescribed, though this is a rare occurrence and is seldom issued.
  • Winter Service ("Gray Bag")
Consists of a gray shirt, gray trousers, black low-quarter shoes, black tie, black belt (white for freshmen), and blue service cover. Like in "White Shirt," garrison covers may be worn.

Other uniforms

  • Multi-Cam Uniform (MCUs)
Consists of a MCU blouse, cover, and trousers as well as tan boots and a sand undershirt. Some organizations within the Corps of Cadets are authorized berets in place of traditional MCU covers.
This uniform can be worn to all functions at which a service uniform can be assigned, in addition to duties which require physical activity. As a result, it is considered one of the most versatile uniforms.
  • "Hokie Bag"
Consists of a maroon polo shirt, khaki trousers, and brown belt, and brown shoes.
  • Physical Training Uniform
Consists of a black t-shirt, black shorts, and running shoes. In the winter, additional garments such as black gloves, sweatshirts, and sweatpants are issued.

Class distinguishing features


Most notably, first-year cadets in the Corps of Cadets wear a white cloth belt in their service uniforms. This belt is known as the "rat belt," after the nickname assigned to these cadets. On the last day of classes, the tradition of "My Last Damn Rat Belt" occurs when freshman cadets decorate each-others belts with signatures, slogans, and memories. This tradition is meant to signify the communal hardship shared by cadets in their first year. [2] First-year cadets have no insignia on their covers while in MCUs. Similarly, freshmen do not have rank insignias on their uniforms (as expected of Cadet Privates) and can be distinguished by said absence. The trim of their garrison covers is black.

Sophomores and Juniors

Typically ranking NCOs within the Corps of Cadets, sophomore and junior cadets have similar uniform appearances. In MCUs, the covers of these cadets display the Corps Crest. One can best distinguish these classes based on the sleeves of a cadet's dress uniform, as the cuffs will have gold stripes which reflect the number of years a cadet has completed. [3] Garrison covers have a red trim for sophomores and silver trim for juniors.


Senior cadets are the officers of the Corps. Likewise, they have numerous distinguishing features which come with their uniforms. In the Dress A uniform, seniors may adorn red sashes (known as OD and OG wraps), sabres, and capes depending on the occasion. On the collar of both dress uniforms, an underclassmen typically has two circular devices known as "headlights" which designate a particular cadet's ROTC track. For seniors, these are replaced with larger gold insignias. Said insignias are also worn with a senior's service uniforms. In the Winter Service uniform ("Gray Bag"), seniors have their ties fully extended while underclassmen tuck theirs between the second and third buttons. The service cover of seniors has a gold chinstrap, which contrasts with the black chinstraps of underclassmen. Fifth-year seniors ("Skippers") have silver chinstraps. While in MCUs, senior cadets wear a gold VPI device on their covers. The trim of their garrison covers is gold. [4]


Beverly S. Parrish Jr. Memorial Award ("Gold Cord")

The Beverly S. Parrish Jr. Memorial Award is the award presented to the company with the highest number of points at the end of any given academic year. This award is graded based on various criteria such as academic performance, recruiting efforts, cadet retention, discipline, room and uniform inspections, and drill performance. The cadets of the winning company are given a gold cord, which may be worn with dress uniforms and is the sake of its nickname. The company itself is granted a plaque and a gold steamer to be hung atop the company's guidon. The Gold Cord is the most anticipated and highly competitive award offered by the Corps, as it is the ultimate representation of all-around unit excellence within the Corps of Cadets. [5]

Ribbons and cords

Ribbons and cords are given to cadets for a variety of achievements. This typically includes academic excellence, leadership performance, and membership in Corps organizations. Many of these awards overlap and have both a ribbon and cord associated with them.

Ribbons and wreath devices are distributed to cadets based on one's individual grade point average (GPA). It is often the first ribbon that a first-year cadet may wear on their uniforms.

  • Gold Level: 3.75 - 4.0
  • Orange Level: 3.4 - 3.74
  • Maroon Level: 3.0 - 3.39
  1. ^ "Corps of Cadets Regulations - July 2021" (PDF). Retrieved August 10, 2021.
  2. ^ "Corps Review Fall 2014" (PDF). Retrieved August 11, 2021.
  3. ^ "Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets uniforms". Retrieved August 11, 2021.
  4. ^ "Corps of Cadets Regulations - July 2021" (PDF). Retrieved August 10, 2021.
  5. ^ "Congratulations, Graduates". Retrieved August 11, 2021.


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