From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

David Strossmayer,[ Ph.D.](Dist.),[ M.Arch.], [ B.Arch.] (in Hebrew: ( דויד שטרוסמאייר ) is an Israeli architect born in Osijek ( ex-Yugoslavia), today , Croatia on 02.03.1960.

His family:

His father Josip is of Jewish origin from Bohemiain Czech Republic whose father was Dr. Yoseph Strossmayer. Because of his great success for a treatment of the cancer patients Czech TV made a serial in the 1978 named "Nemocnice na kraji mesta"in Czech language or "Hospital at the edge of the town" with his grandfather Dr.Josef Štrosmajer as one of the main actors. Brother of Dr.Yoseph Strossmayer was Pharmacist by name Abraham Strossmayer and he run quite famous Pharmacy at that time in Prague,so after he was killed, when Germans occupied Czech Republic. Prague Municipality later gave his name to the square in place where his Pharmacy used to exist. The name is Strossmayer Square in Prague or in Czech language Strossmayerovo namesti, Praha.David's grandmother Viktorija Jakab was of Orthodox Jewish family born in Senta, today Serbia, with blood connection with late Countess Edith De Stiasny from Zurich in Switzerland,whose family got the Noble title from the Monarchof Austro-Hungarian Empire for a making quality glows in Vienna, and her family Orlik Ida and Otto, from the father's side. His mother Vera(Veronique at birth) née. Milić was born in Orleans, Francein 1941 and her sister Ružica (Rosemary at birth) nee. Milić was born in Peronville, France from Jewish mother by name Dragica (נחמה) of Jewish origin from Kopstein (later changed into Kapušin)and Kunaj families who lived in Kostanjevac in Žumberak, Croatia, and from non-Jewish, Catholic father Milić Pavle-nick named "PAJKO", born in small Bosnian village Prolog next to Livnoin Bosnia and Herzegovina. His family originally came from the famous Haydooks- old guerrilla fighters during the occupation of the Ottoman Empire, and were fought at the Kosovo Polje well known in the history as a Battle of Kosovoback to back with the Holly Serbian Tsar Lazar,as part of 2,000-3,000 Croatian Haydooks, who were not part of the Kotromanić dynasty who ruled Bosnia, at that time. This fact is rarely known to historians, especially after the civil war in ex-Yugoslavia (1990-1994), because Croatians are hiding that part, while Serbians are trying to give the only and whole credit for its battle to Serbians alone! His family Milić [1] are described in the book by title "Junačke narodne pjesme"or in English "Heroic people's songs". Adolf Kunaj, cousin of his grandmother Dragica had small shop in Kostanjevac, Croatiaand was married with non-Jewish named also Dragica, but were caught by Nazis and brought to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. Dragica didn't survive the war while Adolf Kunaj made his Aliyahto Israel, immediately after his release from the Nazi concentration campand died in Israelsoon after his Aliyahat the unknown location. More about David Strossmayer family on his Croatian Blog.

Religious and spiritual life:

Since his childhood David was interested with Occultism and Parapsychologyas well as Kabbalah,where he got the inspiration from the old texts of the last Sephardi Rabbiin Sarajevo Menahem Romano. In Croatia he was inspired by the Croatian writer Viktorija Lux [2] and in Serbiawith the well known Eugen Werber [3] and especially with the psychologist Živorad Mihajlović Slavinski [4] and all of his books on these issues but more of anything his system called Spiritual technology. He also contacted the biggest authority on the Kabbalistic matters in the world at that time, Gershom Scholem to whom he payed personal visit in Jerusalem back in the 1982. At the end of 1970's he got a serial of the Jerusalem Talmudfrom the mystical Rabbi Adin Steinsaltzand his Aleph Society [5]. After careful study of Tanakh and Talmud, as well as the classic Kabbalah in English, Serbian and Croatian languages, he started to learn Hebrew by himself and later on he graduated UlpanBETH in Kibbutz Beit Ha-Shita under the supervision of his teacher Batya Hameiri, in Israel back to 1983. Slowly he get introduced to the Bible code i.e. Torah Codeof Professor Eliyahu Rips from Jerusalem and get involved with the web site of the Zamir Cohen [6] TORAH'S CODEHe started also publish materials connected to Kabbalah and Jewish Mysticism in Croatian language and the best sample can be found in: [7] Hebrejski Misticizam i KabalaIn regards to his Kaballistic interest he is a Founder of new and not very known SCIENTIFIC KABBALAH whose main principles are described in his Croatian article about it and known to the very small group of his students.

Published books:

Since his approach to the life has been quite philosophical, he was during his puberty very much influenced with hard question of deep philosophy and started to write his philosophical diary, at the age of thirteen and finished it by the age of 18. His philosophical diary has been locked, until the 2008 when he decided to add bit more material of the newer period of his life, and as an outcome he published his first book in Croatian language "Philosophy of the pubertal" [8]. In Croatian language it has a name Filozofija jednog pubertetlijepublished by publisher Matica Hrvatska [9] [10] Catalog of the Public Library in Zagreb with David Strossmayer's book "FILOZOFIJA JEDNOG PUBERTETLIJE" [11] Data base of the University Library in Osijek, Croatia [12] Official web site of the Croatian Ministry of the Culture with approved budget for David Strossmayer book

Artistic work:

When he was 18 he started to make art in technique Intarsia which is collage-mosaic of small wooden pieces pressed on the hard wood. He made his first sale at the auction in Max Bollag Gallery in Zurich, Switzerland, in 1978. With his first visit to Israel, back to 1982, he participated at the exhibition in the Contemporary-Art-Gallery in Haifa. He also was part of the collective art exhibition in his home town Osijek back in 1980 at the Artistic Community Center "LIKAR".He is a collector of Surrealist Artfor the last 20 yrs. with originals of Yoseftal Varodi-Israeli painter, Neda Vassileva-academic painter from Bulgaria and Yakov Perera-academic painter from Serbia. At some point of his life he used to represent those and some other artists worldwide with his Strossmayer Virtual Gallery.


At the age of thirteen in 1973 he started rowing at the Rowing Club "IKTUS" in OSIJEK under the trainers Mrđenović and Steiner but quit it in 1979 with the completion of the high school. He also share his interests in chess and water sports.


Since the early age David has a talent for music and love to sing, so his mom wanted him to have a broad musical education as piano player and sent him to the Musical School "Franjo Kuhač" in his hometown Osijek. But there was no available place so she heard that there is a Catholic Monastery in Down Town where he can get almost equal education, for the same amount of money, as in the Musical school. He started to play piano with his female teacher, who was gorgeous looking nun from Spainwhich didn't speak correctly Croatian language, so in time been both of them fail in love. He was thirteen and she was twenty three at that time. Their romantic adventure was stopped three months later when superior's nun caught them in flagranti and he was kicked out from the school, while they transferred her to different Monastery in Zemun, Serbia. But nevertheless David has its own plans for the future with Hebrew music he wants to present in different languages to the world and Vice Versa, as well as the making of the old folk music with ancient musical instrument Guslefrom the time of the Ottoman Empire.

Army service:

In 1979 he was drafted into the JNA-Jugoslovenska Narodna Armija or in English Yugoslav People's Armyin 1979 but get released after only 24 days, as the religious fanatic of the Hare Krishna Sect, where he became a member in Zagreb, prior to his army draft and for that purpose only! Two years after his immigration to Israel he was drafted into Israeli Defense Forces and has been proudly served IDF in its Military Police Unit, where he did his yearly army reserve duties until 1997.

Formal Education in Architecture:

In 1978 he completed his High technical school-direction architecturein Osijek. He went to the Faculty of technical sciences at the University in Serbiaand get Scholarshipof one of the Jewish foundations so he started with the studies of general architecture, which he completed successfully in 1984 obtaining his Bachelor of Architecture. He continued to study for his master in Landscape architecture and in 1986 defended his Master's essay with the following topic "Connection of architectural assembly blocks with environmental factors" and obtained his Master of Architecture. At that year he immigrated to Israelwhere he was building his career in architecture successfully with more than 100 medium to big projects in 12 countries on the 4 continents. While in Israelhe decided to make graduated studies as under the Distance education and started with the Marlborough University in Hawaii,USA in 1995 from where he graduated in 1998 defending his Doctoral dissertation"Urbanity of the Bedouins in the Northern Negev, Israel" and obtained his Doctor of Philosophyin Urban Planning, but soon after he graduated he find out that this University has not been fully accredited with the US Department of Education. More about his professional work at his web site David Strossmayer's architectural professional work

Formal education in computers:

He was acquainted with computers in the 1982 with first PC Commodoreand the BASICas its language, so he continued study computers in Israel first at the High Engineering School in Ramat Aviv, as part of the Tel Aviv University where he studied computer's languages such as COBOL, PASCAL and FORTRAN in 1986 following the Course of Lotus 1-2-3 in Ramlaand Drawbasein Ramat Gan as well as AutoCADin Tel Aviv, until the final study of PC and personal networks in Ramat Gan Computer's College, today under the Ramat Gan College where he graduated as Technician for PCand PAN.He specialized in the courses for elderly people as well as the Internet Technologiesand in the year 2003, two years after his graduation from Ramat Gan Computer's College, he worked 6 months in the UK as a team leader for the prestige firm Easy Company.

Teaching experience:

While living in Israel he had as his guest the president of the Jewish Community Osijek Prof. Dr. Darko Fischer and ask him for a permission to make first Hebrew language Course in the Jewish Community Osijek Since Dr. Fischer granted it he made his first Hebrew Course in the year 2005 with 18 students of whom 10 made it through successfully. Few of his students became his protegees of the Scientific Kabbalah until this day. In 1997 he started to teach two subjects such as "Organization and planning of the building sites" and "Building economy" in three Israeli Colleges such as Technical College of Yehuda and Samaria in Ariel (today Ariel University), Academic College in Tel Aviv(at that time located in the Yigal Alon Str.) and Shamoon Engineering College in Ashdod, and completed it after one year since he was invited to manage building site in Wellington, New Zealandfor a company Prime Property.

International competitions and awards:

In the year 1990 he participated in the Rolex Awards for Enterprisewith his project "SALEMO" as the artificial Island of Peace between Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Israel and Egyptin the Red Seaand didn't have the same attention of the Rolex Award Committee, as three years later in the same International competition for new projects with his project called "David Ben Gurion" Channel. Such Channel should be built between the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, with artificial lakes for tourism, international airports, huge dam on Sodom areafor the Hydroelectricity, stations for Desalination of the salty water, exploitation of the huge areas for the agriculture, roads, hotels, oil and gas pipe-lines and much more.

Main hobby/ies:

David is a third generation of pigeon's breeders. His grandfather PAJKO used to breed and race racing pigeons for the Signal corpsof the Royal Yugoslav Armywhile his father Josip used to breed Fancy pigeons. David started with pigeons at the age of five with one black Szegediner-highflyer who was caught in his yard while eating with chickens, and later he continued with Budapest's Highflyersas well as with Serbian's Highflyers, until the 1976 when he bought complete loft of English Flying Tipplers from Matić Andrija from Zemun, Serbia. In 1986 when he came to Israel he brought all his birds with him and made a Research about Tipplering in Israel. Today he is more into his personal hobby as breeder of English Flying Tipplers, where he hold the Israeli Tippler's record in 2006 of 17 hrs. non stop flight with three senior birds. He is also Founder and Admin of the oldest and the biggest Facebook Tippler's forum named ENGLISH FLYING TIPPLERS - TIPPLERS INTERNATIONALHe has a natural eye for a universal beauty by all means and therefore at one point of his life in 2003 he used to manage Agency for modeling named Concordia Models International where at the peak of its existence he has 70 female and 11 male models. He is also into the amateur Fine-art photography and is favoring the Fujifilm FINEPIX Cameras with its simplicity and the good results, for what he needs.

Present work:

Today he is working as architectural free lancer and security officer in MISHAN MANAGEMENT OFFICEin Tel Aviv.

Internet activities:

He has been present on the Net since the year 2000 and has special interests in Yahoo groups but as soon as Facebookstarted to be the leading public network he moved all of his Yahoo activities to Facebook and now manage it from there with thousands of members in his both, FB groups and FB pages. He also manage some of his blogs and other public network as Twitter and YouTube. He is also managing his researches and various articles under Scribdnamed David Strossmayer Multilingual Blog David is managing his own personal page on the public network Facebook where he manage also many of his groups and pages with various interests such as Music, Art, History, Science etc. He is keeping very close and warm ties with his family members in the USA, France, Germany, Croatia and Serbia, as well as with his friends from all over the world.


  1. ^ Citation: web page (html) about book "Junačke narodne pjesme" written by Dr. Salko Nazečić, with publisher "Svjetlost", Sarajevo from 1971, page # 5.Retrieved on March 31,2015.
  2. ^ External link: web site (html) about her book in Croatian language "Kabala-Tajna nauka drevnih Jevreja".Retrieved on March 30,2015.
  3. ^ External link:web page (html) mentioning his two books: in Croatian language "Kršćanstvo prije Krista" and in Serbian language "Talmud".Retrieved on March 30,2015.
  4. ^ External link:web site (html) mentioning his book "Return to Oneness: Principles and Practice of Spiritual Technology".Retrieved on March 30, 2015.
  5. ^ Source: web site (html) about Aleph Society founded in Jerusalem.Retrieved on March 30, 2015.
  6. ^ External link: Web-site (html) about Torah's Code.Retrieved on March 27, 2015
  7. ^ External link: Croatian web site (html) about David Strossmayer article Hebrew Mysticism and Kaballah in Croatian language. Retrieved on March 27, 2015
  8. ^ External link: Croatian web site (html) about David Strossmayer first published book "Philosophy of the pubertal". Retrieved on March 27, 2015
  9. ^ Source: Publisher Matica Hrvatska-ogranak Osijek, in 2008, 270 pages A-5, ISBN  978-953-242-053-1 in Croatian language, Name of original: "FILOZOFIJA JEDNOG PUBERTETLIJE"
  10. ^ Source:The Public Library of Zagreb, Croatia where David Strossmayer's book exist on their shells and Catalog.Retrieved on March 28.2015
  11. ^ Source:University Library in Osijek, Croatia- Catalog. Retrieved on March 28, 2015
  12. ^ Source: Official web site of the Ministry of the Culture of the Republic of Croatia (html) in Croatian language, where is in the year 2008 approved budget for David Strossmayer's book. Retrieved on March 28, 2015

DEFAULTSORT:Strossmayer, David Category:Living people

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

David Strossmayer,[ Ph.D.](Dist.),[ M.Arch.], [ B.Arch.] (in Hebrew: ( דויד שטרוסמאייר ) is an Israeli architect born in Osijek ( ex-Yugoslavia), today , Croatia on 02.03.1960.

His family:

His father Josip is of Jewish origin from Bohemiain Czech Republic whose father was Dr. Yoseph Strossmayer. Because of his great success for a treatment of the cancer patients Czech TV made a serial in the 1978 named "Nemocnice na kraji mesta"in Czech language or "Hospital at the edge of the town" with his grandfather Dr.Josef Štrosmajer as one of the main actors. Brother of Dr.Yoseph Strossmayer was Pharmacist by name Abraham Strossmayer and he run quite famous Pharmacy at that time in Prague,so after he was killed, when Germans occupied Czech Republic. Prague Municipality later gave his name to the square in place where his Pharmacy used to exist. The name is Strossmayer Square in Prague or in Czech language Strossmayerovo namesti, Praha.David's grandmother Viktorija Jakab was of Orthodox Jewish family born in Senta, today Serbia, with blood connection with late Countess Edith De Stiasny from Zurich in Switzerland,whose family got the Noble title from the Monarchof Austro-Hungarian Empire for a making quality glows in Vienna, and her family Orlik Ida and Otto, from the father's side. His mother Vera(Veronique at birth) née. Milić was born in Orleans, Francein 1941 and her sister Ružica (Rosemary at birth) nee. Milić was born in Peronville, France from Jewish mother by name Dragica (נחמה) of Jewish origin from Kopstein (later changed into Kapušin)and Kunaj families who lived in Kostanjevac in Žumberak, Croatia, and from non-Jewish, Catholic father Milić Pavle-nick named "PAJKO", born in small Bosnian village Prolog next to Livnoin Bosnia and Herzegovina. His family originally came from the famous Haydooks- old guerrilla fighters during the occupation of the Ottoman Empire, and were fought at the Kosovo Polje well known in the history as a Battle of Kosovoback to back with the Holly Serbian Tsar Lazar,as part of 2,000-3,000 Croatian Haydooks, who were not part of the Kotromanić dynasty who ruled Bosnia, at that time. This fact is rarely known to historians, especially after the civil war in ex-Yugoslavia (1990-1994), because Croatians are hiding that part, while Serbians are trying to give the only and whole credit for its battle to Serbians alone! His family Milić [1] are described in the book by title "Junačke narodne pjesme"or in English "Heroic people's songs". Adolf Kunaj, cousin of his grandmother Dragica had small shop in Kostanjevac, Croatiaand was married with non-Jewish named also Dragica, but were caught by Nazis and brought to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. Dragica didn't survive the war while Adolf Kunaj made his Aliyahto Israel, immediately after his release from the Nazi concentration campand died in Israelsoon after his Aliyahat the unknown location. More about David Strossmayer family on his Croatian Blog.

Religious and spiritual life:

Since his childhood David was interested with Occultism and Parapsychologyas well as Kabbalah,where he got the inspiration from the old texts of the last Sephardi Rabbiin Sarajevo Menahem Romano. In Croatia he was inspired by the Croatian writer Viktorija Lux [2] and in Serbiawith the well known Eugen Werber [3] and especially with the psychologist Živorad Mihajlović Slavinski [4] and all of his books on these issues but more of anything his system called Spiritual technology. He also contacted the biggest authority on the Kabbalistic matters in the world at that time, Gershom Scholem to whom he payed personal visit in Jerusalem back in the 1982. At the end of 1970's he got a serial of the Jerusalem Talmudfrom the mystical Rabbi Adin Steinsaltzand his Aleph Society [5]. After careful study of Tanakh and Talmud, as well as the classic Kabbalah in English, Serbian and Croatian languages, he started to learn Hebrew by himself and later on he graduated UlpanBETH in Kibbutz Beit Ha-Shita under the supervision of his teacher Batya Hameiri, in Israel back to 1983. Slowly he get introduced to the Bible code i.e. Torah Codeof Professor Eliyahu Rips from Jerusalem and get involved with the web site of the Zamir Cohen [6] TORAH'S CODEHe started also publish materials connected to Kabbalah and Jewish Mysticism in Croatian language and the best sample can be found in: [7] Hebrejski Misticizam i KabalaIn regards to his Kaballistic interest he is a Founder of new and not very known SCIENTIFIC KABBALAH whose main principles are described in his Croatian article about it and known to the very small group of his students.

Published books:

Since his approach to the life has been quite philosophical, he was during his puberty very much influenced with hard question of deep philosophy and started to write his philosophical diary, at the age of thirteen and finished it by the age of 18. His philosophical diary has been locked, until the 2008 when he decided to add bit more material of the newer period of his life, and as an outcome he published his first book in Croatian language "Philosophy of the pubertal" [8]. In Croatian language it has a name Filozofija jednog pubertetlijepublished by publisher Matica Hrvatska [9] [10] Catalog of the Public Library in Zagreb with David Strossmayer's book "FILOZOFIJA JEDNOG PUBERTETLIJE" [11] Data base of the University Library in Osijek, Croatia [12] Official web site of the Croatian Ministry of the Culture with approved budget for David Strossmayer book

Artistic work:

When he was 18 he started to make art in technique Intarsia which is collage-mosaic of small wooden pieces pressed on the hard wood. He made his first sale at the auction in Max Bollag Gallery in Zurich, Switzerland, in 1978. With his first visit to Israel, back to 1982, he participated at the exhibition in the Contemporary-Art-Gallery in Haifa. He also was part of the collective art exhibition in his home town Osijek back in 1980 at the Artistic Community Center "LIKAR".He is a collector of Surrealist Artfor the last 20 yrs. with originals of Yoseftal Varodi-Israeli painter, Neda Vassileva-academic painter from Bulgaria and Yakov Perera-academic painter from Serbia. At some point of his life he used to represent those and some other artists worldwide with his Strossmayer Virtual Gallery.


At the age of thirteen in 1973 he started rowing at the Rowing Club "IKTUS" in OSIJEK under the trainers Mrđenović and Steiner but quit it in 1979 with the completion of the high school. He also share his interests in chess and water sports.


Since the early age David has a talent for music and love to sing, so his mom wanted him to have a broad musical education as piano player and sent him to the Musical School "Franjo Kuhač" in his hometown Osijek. But there was no available place so she heard that there is a Catholic Monastery in Down Town where he can get almost equal education, for the same amount of money, as in the Musical school. He started to play piano with his female teacher, who was gorgeous looking nun from Spainwhich didn't speak correctly Croatian language, so in time been both of them fail in love. He was thirteen and she was twenty three at that time. Their romantic adventure was stopped three months later when superior's nun caught them in flagranti and he was kicked out from the school, while they transferred her to different Monastery in Zemun, Serbia. But nevertheless David has its own plans for the future with Hebrew music he wants to present in different languages to the world and Vice Versa, as well as the making of the old folk music with ancient musical instrument Guslefrom the time of the Ottoman Empire.

Army service:

In 1979 he was drafted into the JNA-Jugoslovenska Narodna Armija or in English Yugoslav People's Armyin 1979 but get released after only 24 days, as the religious fanatic of the Hare Krishna Sect, where he became a member in Zagreb, prior to his army draft and for that purpose only! Two years after his immigration to Israel he was drafted into Israeli Defense Forces and has been proudly served IDF in its Military Police Unit, where he did his yearly army reserve duties until 1997.

Formal Education in Architecture:

In 1978 he completed his High technical school-direction architecturein Osijek. He went to the Faculty of technical sciences at the University in Serbiaand get Scholarshipof one of the Jewish foundations so he started with the studies of general architecture, which he completed successfully in 1984 obtaining his Bachelor of Architecture. He continued to study for his master in Landscape architecture and in 1986 defended his Master's essay with the following topic "Connection of architectural assembly blocks with environmental factors" and obtained his Master of Architecture. At that year he immigrated to Israelwhere he was building his career in architecture successfully with more than 100 medium to big projects in 12 countries on the 4 continents. While in Israelhe decided to make graduated studies as under the Distance education and started with the Marlborough University in Hawaii,USA in 1995 from where he graduated in 1998 defending his Doctoral dissertation"Urbanity of the Bedouins in the Northern Negev, Israel" and obtained his Doctor of Philosophyin Urban Planning, but soon after he graduated he find out that this University has not been fully accredited with the US Department of Education. More about his professional work at his web site David Strossmayer's architectural professional work

Formal education in computers:

He was acquainted with computers in the 1982 with first PC Commodoreand the BASICas its language, so he continued study computers in Israel first at the High Engineering School in Ramat Aviv, as part of the Tel Aviv University where he studied computer's languages such as COBOL, PASCAL and FORTRAN in 1986 following the Course of Lotus 1-2-3 in Ramlaand Drawbasein Ramat Gan as well as AutoCADin Tel Aviv, until the final study of PC and personal networks in Ramat Gan Computer's College, today under the Ramat Gan College where he graduated as Technician for PCand PAN.He specialized in the courses for elderly people as well as the Internet Technologiesand in the year 2003, two years after his graduation from Ramat Gan Computer's College, he worked 6 months in the UK as a team leader for the prestige firm Easy Company.

Teaching experience:

While living in Israel he had as his guest the president of the Jewish Community Osijek Prof. Dr. Darko Fischer and ask him for a permission to make first Hebrew language Course in the Jewish Community Osijek Since Dr. Fischer granted it he made his first Hebrew Course in the year 2005 with 18 students of whom 10 made it through successfully. Few of his students became his protegees of the Scientific Kabbalah until this day. In 1997 he started to teach two subjects such as "Organization and planning of the building sites" and "Building economy" in three Israeli Colleges such as Technical College of Yehuda and Samaria in Ariel (today Ariel University), Academic College in Tel Aviv(at that time located in the Yigal Alon Str.) and Shamoon Engineering College in Ashdod, and completed it after one year since he was invited to manage building site in Wellington, New Zealandfor a company Prime Property.

International competitions and awards:

In the year 1990 he participated in the Rolex Awards for Enterprisewith his project "SALEMO" as the artificial Island of Peace between Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Israel and Egyptin the Red Seaand didn't have the same attention of the Rolex Award Committee, as three years later in the same International competition for new projects with his project called "David Ben Gurion" Channel. Such Channel should be built between the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, with artificial lakes for tourism, international airports, huge dam on Sodom areafor the Hydroelectricity, stations for Desalination of the salty water, exploitation of the huge areas for the agriculture, roads, hotels, oil and gas pipe-lines and much more.

Main hobby/ies:

David is a third generation of pigeon's breeders. His grandfather PAJKO used to breed and race racing pigeons for the Signal corpsof the Royal Yugoslav Armywhile his father Josip used to breed Fancy pigeons. David started with pigeons at the age of five with one black Szegediner-highflyer who was caught in his yard while eating with chickens, and later he continued with Budapest's Highflyersas well as with Serbian's Highflyers, until the 1976 when he bought complete loft of English Flying Tipplers from Matić Andrija from Zemun, Serbia. In 1986 when he came to Israel he brought all his birds with him and made a Research about Tipplering in Israel. Today he is more into his personal hobby as breeder of English Flying Tipplers, where he hold the Israeli Tippler's record in 2006 of 17 hrs. non stop flight with three senior birds. He is also Founder and Admin of the oldest and the biggest Facebook Tippler's forum named ENGLISH FLYING TIPPLERS - TIPPLERS INTERNATIONALHe has a natural eye for a universal beauty by all means and therefore at one point of his life in 2003 he used to manage Agency for modeling named Concordia Models International where at the peak of its existence he has 70 female and 11 male models. He is also into the amateur Fine-art photography and is favoring the Fujifilm FINEPIX Cameras with its simplicity and the good results, for what he needs.

Present work:

Today he is working as architectural free lancer and security officer in MISHAN MANAGEMENT OFFICEin Tel Aviv.

Internet activities:

He has been present on the Net since the year 2000 and has special interests in Yahoo groups but as soon as Facebookstarted to be the leading public network he moved all of his Yahoo activities to Facebook and now manage it from there with thousands of members in his both, FB groups and FB pages. He also manage some of his blogs and other public network as Twitter and YouTube. He is also managing his researches and various articles under Scribdnamed David Strossmayer Multilingual Blog David is managing his own personal page on the public network Facebook where he manage also many of his groups and pages with various interests such as Music, Art, History, Science etc. He is keeping very close and warm ties with his family members in the USA, France, Germany, Croatia and Serbia, as well as with his friends from all over the world.


  1. ^ Citation: web page (html) about book "Junačke narodne pjesme" written by Dr. Salko Nazečić, with publisher "Svjetlost", Sarajevo from 1971, page # 5.Retrieved on March 31,2015.
  2. ^ External link: web site (html) about her book in Croatian language "Kabala-Tajna nauka drevnih Jevreja".Retrieved on March 30,2015.
  3. ^ External link:web page (html) mentioning his two books: in Croatian language "Kršćanstvo prije Krista" and in Serbian language "Talmud".Retrieved on March 30,2015.
  4. ^ External link:web site (html) mentioning his book "Return to Oneness: Principles and Practice of Spiritual Technology".Retrieved on March 30, 2015.
  5. ^ Source: web site (html) about Aleph Society founded in Jerusalem.Retrieved on March 30, 2015.
  6. ^ External link: Web-site (html) about Torah's Code.Retrieved on March 27, 2015
  7. ^ External link: Croatian web site (html) about David Strossmayer article Hebrew Mysticism and Kaballah in Croatian language. Retrieved on March 27, 2015
  8. ^ External link: Croatian web site (html) about David Strossmayer first published book "Philosophy of the pubertal". Retrieved on March 27, 2015
  9. ^ Source: Publisher Matica Hrvatska-ogranak Osijek, in 2008, 270 pages A-5, ISBN  978-953-242-053-1 in Croatian language, Name of original: "FILOZOFIJA JEDNOG PUBERTETLIJE"
  10. ^ Source:The Public Library of Zagreb, Croatia where David Strossmayer's book exist on their shells and Catalog.Retrieved on March 28.2015
  11. ^ Source:University Library in Osijek, Croatia- Catalog. Retrieved on March 28, 2015
  12. ^ Source: Official web site of the Ministry of the Culture of the Republic of Croatia (html) in Croatian language, where is in the year 2008 approved budget for David Strossmayer's book. Retrieved on March 28, 2015

DEFAULTSORT:Strossmayer, David Category:Living people


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