From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is a timeline of fictional events that took place in the Metal Gear series, as well as fictional and non-fictional events that are referred to in the series. This timeline only covers canonical games and does not include side-stories or unofficial sequels.


20th century



  • 1914: Jin-emon Natakama walks out of a stalactite cave, a full ten years after he had gone missing while exploring the same cave. His family are doubly astonished to discover that he has apparently not aged a day since they last saw him (possibly the result of genetic experiments). [2]


  • 1922:December 30: The Soviet Union (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics / USSR) is formed. [4]
  • 1923: The "12 Wisemen" of the United States, the Republic of China, and the Soviet Union, gather together in a secret meeting that would later be known as the Wisemen's Committee. The secret pact they form there marks the beginning of the Philosophers. They begin controlling all the key decisions for the political, financial, economical and military affairs that take place in the US, USSR and China. [3]
  • 1924: The Joy (The Boss) born as a daughter of one of the United States' "Wisemen". [3]



  • The Philosophers form a secret pact, a blueprint for defeating the Axis Powers and creating a new world order. To secure victory in the war, USA, USSR and China pool their resources to conduct the most covert types of operations and research, including the atomic bomb, rocket technology, and the Cobra unit. [3]
  • The Philosophers amass an enormous sum of money to fund these projects, enough to fight the war five times over. That wealth is known as the Philosopher's Legacy. [3]
  • Yevgeny Borisovitch Volgin's father is one of the men in charge of managing the Philosopher's Legacy and hence, in charge of the Philosophers' money laundering activities. [3]
  • 1941:
  • 1942:
    • August: US army's research division begins development of the atomic bomb (the Manhattan Project). Hal Emmerich's grandfather participates. [4]
    • September: Siege of Stalingrad (now Volgograd) begins.
    • In the midst of World War II, The Joy forms the Cobra Unit. [4]
    • Mitsubishi J2M Raiden interceptors are used against the US in World War II. The codename the US Armed Forces use to refer to the Raiden fighter plane is "Jack".
    • December: Physicist Enrico Fermi succeeds in splitting an atom inside a nuclear reactor.
  • Jack loses the entire American side of his family in an Imperial Japanese Navy's attack during World War II. The Japanese side of his family are placed in internment camps.
  • 1943:
  • 1944:
    • June 6: The D-Day incident: Allies land at Normandy, France. The Cobra unit take part in the landing at Normandy and are given a top secret mission to locate and destroy enemy V-2 rocket installations. Revolver Ocelot (Adamska) is born during the battle, when The Joy gives birth to him via a caesarian operation, after being shot in the gut. The Joy is left with a scar resembling the shape of a snake. [3]
    • June: Adamska is taken away from The Joy by the Philosophers. He begins being raised as an agent of the Philosophers. [3]
  • 1945:
    • Jack joins the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, a Japanese-American infantry unit, in his teens. He gains his first combat experience fighting against Nazis in France, his unit contributing to freeing towns from invading Nazi units.
    • July 16: The first atomic test in history takes place at Los Alamos, New Mexico in the United States.
    • August: Hal Emmerich's father born in the US. [4]
    • August 6 - August 9: Atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan.
    • August 15: World War II ends when Japan surrenders.
  • The Joy is given the title of " The Boss", and also becomes known as "Voyevoda" in the USSR. [3]
  • After the end of World War II, the world is split into two - East and West. This marks the beginning of the era called the Cold War.
  • After the war, Jack returns back to the US, but suffers from prejudice against him due to his mixed ethnicity. This stunts his patriotism, and he turns his attention to fighting for himself and his own ideals. [3]
  • In the confusion that ensues after World War II ends, Volgin's father devises a series of ingenious plots to ensure that the Soviet Union would have total control over the Philosopher's Legacy. The money amassed by the Philosophers, $100 billion, is divided up and laundered through banks all over the world, including Switzerland, Australia and Hong Kong. A microfilm contains a record of all those transactions, and hence the microfilm itself comes to be known as the Philosopher's Legacy. [3]
  • 1946:
    • February: ENIAC (Electrical Numerical Integrator And Calculator), claimed to be the world's first computer, completed.
  • 1947:
    • September: CIA (US Central Intelligence Agency) established.
    • October: Pilot Chuck Yeager breaks the sound barrier in the Bell X-1.
    • The Boss disbands the Cobra unit.
  • 1949:


  • 1950:
    • June: Outbreak of Korean War (lasts until July 1953).
    • June: Jack becomes The Boss's disciple. She begins giving him combat training as a mentor and also starts teaching him Russian. [4]
  • 1951:
    • November 1: "Buster Dog" atomic test conducted at Area 7 in Nevada, with Army troops particitpating. The Boss is in the Nevada desert participating in this atomic test.
  • 1952:
    • When a Roland Grace's grave is relocated, there are deep gouge marks discovered on the inside of the Hungarian farmer's casket lid. It appears the dying man had tried to claw his way out of the coffin.
    • November: US establishes the NSA (National Security Agency).
  • 1953:
  • 1954:
    • January: US Secretary of State John Foster Dulles announces the New Look policy (the so-called "massive retaliation strategy").
    • January: US Navy launches the world's first nuclear submarine, the USS Nautilus.
    • February: The Castle Bravo hydrogen bomb tested on Bikini Atoll, Marshall Islands. Jack is used as an atomic test subject there. He is involved in the testing of the first airborne detonation of a hydrogen bomb. After noticing Jack as an atomic test subject on Bikini Atoll, The Boss becomes more drawn to him due to their similar situations.
    • March: KGB (Soviet Commission for State Security) formed.
    • May: French garrison of Dien Bien Phu falls, signaling the victory of the Viet Minh. France pulls out of Indochina.
  • November: Japanese movie Godzilla released in Japan.
  • 1955:
    • April: Albert Einstein dies, pleading for an end to nuclear weapons.
  • Jack and The Boss devise the CQC (Close Quarters Combat) style of combat. [3]
  • Johan Jacobsen (Yozev Norden) becomes aquainted with Drago Pettrovich Madnar after they become college graduates.
  • Roy Campbell (Colonel Campbell / Chicken Fox) born in the US.
  • 1957:
  • 1958:
    • January: US launches its first artificial satellite, Explorer I.
    • October: NASA (US National Aeronautics and Space Administration) begins operation.
  • 1959:
    • January: Cuban Revolution.
    • June 12: The Boss leaves Jack behind for a top-secret mission and never sees him again for 5 years, 72 days, and 18 hours. [3]



  • 1980:
    • Frank Jaegar, now a young soldier under the name "Frank Hunter", is assigned a mission in Rhodesia during the Civil War.
    • Frank kills Naomi's parents, near the Zambezi River in Rhodesia, but can't bring himself to kill her too. He feels so bad that he decides to take her with him. Frank takes care of her, shares his rations with her and helps her survive during the war. He begins raising her like she is his own blood to soothe his guilty conscience. Naomi begins looking up to Frank as an older brother. [6]
    • Rhodesian Civil War ends. Rhodesia is renamed " Zimbabwe".
  • Big Boss takes Frank and Naomi to the "land of freedom", America.
  • Frank joins FOXHOUND.
  • Frank and Big Boss return to Africa to continue fighting a war, leaving Naomi behind.
  • Big Boss participates in several regional conflicts and race liberation wars. He is heralded as a true hero and makes the front covers of popular magazines in many countries.
  • Zanzibar Province formed as a minor self-rule domain included in the USSR. It is a region surrounded by Pakistan, USSR, China and Afghanistan.
  • Kio Marv becomes famous as a computer games maniac. He subscribes many games he makes himself to various magazines, and is regarded as a splendid game designer.
  • McDonnel Miller serves as a survival master in SAS, the Green Beret Squad, and US Marine boot camp. He also serves as a drill sergeant in FOXHOUND, and is referred to as a 'Hell Master'. Draftees call him "Master Miller" with respect.
  • The scientific community estimate there to be about 100,000 types of proteins in an individual. Based on Crick's original theory on genes, this estimate reveals that there are about 100,000 genes in an individual.
  • Jack (Raiden / Jack the Ripper / White Devil / Snake) born.
  • 1986:
    • Meryl Silverburgh born as the officially recognized daughter of Matt Campbell. She is actually the biological daughter of Roy Campbell (Matt's older brother), conceived from an affair with Matt's wife. [6] [7]
    • January: Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev proposes abandoning of nuclear weapons.
    • January: Voyager 2 approaches Uranus again.
    • February: US President Ronald Reagan proposes whole abandoning of INF (Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces).
    • February: USSR launches Mir.
    • April 26: Nastasha Romaneko and her family are showered by the radiation from the Chernobyl disaster in Prypiat (a city 3 kilometres north of Chernobyl).
    • October: USSR begins limited retreat from Afghanistan.
  • Mei Ling born in America.
  • 1987:
    • February: Soyuz TM 2 and MIR succeed to dock.
    • May: USSR residential force in Afghanistan begins retreat.
    • October: USA and USSR come to a consensus on INF total ban in their diplomatic minister conference.
    • December 8: In Washington, USA and USSR sign INF total ban treaty over national leader negotiation in Washington.
  • 1988:
    • June: In Moscow, USA and USSR prepare collaborated draft paper on "Scheme about the verification of INF Abandoning".
    • INF total ban becomes valid.
    • START (STrategic Arms Reduction Talks) is approved by both USA and USSR.
    • August: Space shuttle launching re-started.
  • Big Boss frees many Kurds during the Iran-Iraq War, one of which is the 5 year old Sniper Wolf who thinks of him as Saladin. [6]
  • Big Boss retires from the front line to concentrate on military education and training.
  • Big Boss uses the large amount of money he has collected over the years to secretly create the fortress nation Outer Heaven, deep in South Africa, 200 km north of Galzburg.
  • Solidus Snake kills Jack's parents. Solidus begins raising him as a mercenary and names him "Jack", after Big Boss' real name. [8]
  • Jack first uses an AK-47 when he is around 6 years old. [8]
  • 1989:
    • February 15: Soviet invasion of Afghanistan ends.
    • USSR military forces including 500,000 personnel, 6 tank legions and other troops are cut.
    • SINF total abandoning is completed.
    • USA-USSR diplomatic ministers conference is held in Wyoming.
    • The separation between negotiations over START and SDI is prevailed to the public.
    • Peace between Iraq and Iran.
    • Democracy movement widespread in various Eastern European areas.
    • Malta conference is held.
    • Berlin Wall is torn down.
    • Democracy fever all over Eastern European nations.
    • The amount of asylum-seekers and refugees flowing into capitalism societies increase.
    • Voyager 2 re-approaches Neptune, and leaves solar system.
    • December 24: Liberian Civil War begins in Liberia.
    • December: Solidus Snake starts training Jack as a mercenary in the Liberian Civil War. Jack begins fighting for Solidus as a child soldier in his "Army of the Devil" as part of the "small boys unit". [8]


  • Emma Emmerich-Danziger (Emma Emmerich / E.E) born in the US. She later becomes Hal Emmerich's step-sister.
  • Frank Jaeger earns the title of "Fox", the highest honor for a member of FOXHOUND. Frank is given the codename " Gray Fox". [9]
  • Zanzibar Province's opposition toward the former regime of the USSR rises in the early 1990s, with the Baltic provinces and similar crises serving as a detonating cause.
  • 1990:
    • Normal-arms military balance over East and West, and negotiation over mutual reduction is approved by both.
    • CFE, the European normal-arms military force cutting negotiation, advances.
    • USA-USSR chemical weapon prohibition treaty is signed.
    • August 2: The Gulf War begins when Iraq invades Kuwait.
    • Liquid Snake works for the British Special Force SAS to destroy the mobile SCUD missile launchers during the Gulf War. During the mission he becomes a POW (Prisoner Of War) of Iraq and is declared a MIA (Missing In Action). [6]
    • Solid Snake infiltrates western Iraq during the Gulf War with a platoon of Green Berets. [6]
  • 1991:
    • Regulation talk over SDI comes to dissatisfaction.
    • LINF total abandoning has finished.
    • North and south talks are held.
    • Output of high-power laser is improved.
    • February 28: The Gulf War ends.
    • Liquid is brainwashed and begins being used for terrorist activities in the Middle East. [6]
    • August: Gulf War Veterans begin to suffer from Gulf War syndrome (which, according to Liquid, is the result of genetic experiments). [6]
  • 1992:
    • 50% reduction treaty over strategic nuclear weapons is signed.
    • Normal arms and war machines are cut in Europe.
    • Average ratio of GNP per population in Asian NICS countries to world average exceeds 10%.
    • Development of brain bombs.
    • Experiment of coil gun succeeds.
  • 1993:
    • SLCM, Submarine-Launched Cruising Missile regulation treaty, is signed.
    • Development of main battle tank Goliath.
    • Experiments of rail-velocity guns begin.
  • 1994:
    • 30% of remaining strategic nuclear weapons are cut.
    • Krypton-85 density in the air of USA and USSR stabilizes. Postponement of plutonium production for military purpose is confirmed.
    • US army seriously re-starts development of mortar gears.
    • Laser beam gun experiments begin in out of atmospheric zone.
  • David earns the title of "Snake", the second highest honor for a member of FOXHOUND (after "Fox"). Big Boss gives David the codename " Solid Snake".
  • 1995:
    • Outer Heaven incident:
      • Operation Intrude N312: Big Boss sends Gray Fox to Outer Heaven to gather data about the new ultimate weapon in development. Several days later, after his final report "Metal Gear...", contact with him is lost. [9]
      • Big Boss sends Solid Snake, a new rookie in FOXHOUND, on a mission to Outer Heaven.
      • Operation Intrude N313 (see Metal Gear).
    • Outer Heaven is decimated.
    • Average ratio of Japanese GNP per population to world average exceeds 60%.
    • NASA develops experimental walking tank for exploring planets.
  • 1996:
    • Solid Snake retires from FOXHOUND and moves to Alaska. [6]
    • The Mobile ICBM (Inter-continental Ballistic Missile) is totally abandoned.
    • LSI production using reso-graphy and SOR begins.
    • First completed Metal Gear developed in Zanzibar Province.
  • 1997:
    • Zanzibar Land Independence War (War of the Mercenaries) takes place against the USSR. Zanzibar Land proclaims its independence after claiming victory, which is achieved through the efforts of mercenaries from all around the world. Zanzibar Land becomes an armed fortified nation.
    • Tactical nuclear weapons are totally abandoned (Third Zero).
    • Development of high-speed reproductive nuclear plants advance rapidly.
  • 1998:
    • Chemical weapons are totally abandoned.
    • Third Oil Shock.
    • Super-LSI with 100 M-bit class of memory in one chip becomes available.
    • Metal Gear D is developed in Zanzibar Land.
  • 1999:
    • The Patriots begin spreading false information about the Y2K bug, later misleading the world into thinking it's a threat. Backdoor programs hidden in worldwide distributed software plants the seeds for the coming S3 Program. [8]
    • Metal Gear G (Gustav) units are mass-produced in Zanzibar Land.
    • Zanzibar Land incident:
      • USA and USSR storage quarters for weapons disposal are raided by Zanzibar Land. [1]
      • Dr. Kio Marv, the inventor of "Oilix", is kidnapped and taken to Zanzibar Land. [1]
      • December: Roy Campbell, the new leader of FOXHOUND, calls Solid Snake out of retirement to send him on a mission to Zanzibar Land. [1]
      • December 24 - December 25: Operation Intrude F014 (see Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake). [1]
    • December: Solid Snake returns to his retirement in Alaska and settles down at Twin Lakes. [6]
    • December: Big Boss' corpse is recovered by the US Government. [6]
    • December: Zanzibar Land is decimated. [1]

21st century


  • 2000:
  • 2003: Gray Fox escapes confinement and kills Dr. Clark, FOXHOUND's chief of medical staff and leader of the Genome project. Naomi Hunter covers up the incident as a lab accident and replaces Clark as medical chief. [6]
    • Development of Metal Gear Rex instigated by a joint conspiracy between Secretary of Defense Jim Houseman, DARPA Chief Donald Anderson, and Armstech President Kenneth Baker, all behind the Patriots back. Black Budget funding from the Pentagon diverted from Navy to the Rex Project. [6]
  • 2004:
    • President Sears elected for a second term. [8]
  • 2005:


  • Restrictions on military intervention in foreign countries ease up, creating high demand for mercenaries. Many PMCs (private military contractors) are established.
  • Liquid takes advantage of this military boom and re-establishes Outer Heaven to be an overseer of the five biggest PMCs.
  • Liquid creates a giant army equal in power to the US's armed forces.
  • 2014: The UN locates Liquid in the Middle East and Snake is recruited to infiltrate the new Outer Heaven and take out Liquid. (The events of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots). [1]


  1. ^ a b c d e f Taken from the Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake manual.
  2. ^ a b Taken from In the Darkness of Shadow Moses, a fictional book that appeared as part of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r Cite error: The named reference MGS3 was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  4. ^ a b c d e f Taken from the Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater manual.
  5. ^ a b c d e Cite error: The named reference MGS3 ending was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q Taken from Metal Gear Solid.
  7. ^ Revealed in Confidential Legacy a non-canon Snake Tale from Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance.
  8. ^ a b c d e f g h i Taken from the script in the The Document of Metal Gear Solid 2.
  9. ^ a b Taken from Metal Gear. Cite error: The named reference "MG" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is a timeline of fictional events that took place in the Metal Gear series, as well as fictional and non-fictional events that are referred to in the series. This timeline only covers canonical games and does not include side-stories or unofficial sequels.


20th century



  • 1914: Jin-emon Natakama walks out of a stalactite cave, a full ten years after he had gone missing while exploring the same cave. His family are doubly astonished to discover that he has apparently not aged a day since they last saw him (possibly the result of genetic experiments). [2]


  • 1922:December 30: The Soviet Union (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics / USSR) is formed. [4]
  • 1923: The "12 Wisemen" of the United States, the Republic of China, and the Soviet Union, gather together in a secret meeting that would later be known as the Wisemen's Committee. The secret pact they form there marks the beginning of the Philosophers. They begin controlling all the key decisions for the political, financial, economical and military affairs that take place in the US, USSR and China. [3]
  • 1924: The Joy (The Boss) born as a daughter of one of the United States' "Wisemen". [3]



  • The Philosophers form a secret pact, a blueprint for defeating the Axis Powers and creating a new world order. To secure victory in the war, USA, USSR and China pool their resources to conduct the most covert types of operations and research, including the atomic bomb, rocket technology, and the Cobra unit. [3]
  • The Philosophers amass an enormous sum of money to fund these projects, enough to fight the war five times over. That wealth is known as the Philosopher's Legacy. [3]
  • Yevgeny Borisovitch Volgin's father is one of the men in charge of managing the Philosopher's Legacy and hence, in charge of the Philosophers' money laundering activities. [3]
  • 1941:
  • 1942:
    • August: US army's research division begins development of the atomic bomb (the Manhattan Project). Hal Emmerich's grandfather participates. [4]
    • September: Siege of Stalingrad (now Volgograd) begins.
    • In the midst of World War II, The Joy forms the Cobra Unit. [4]
    • Mitsubishi J2M Raiden interceptors are used against the US in World War II. The codename the US Armed Forces use to refer to the Raiden fighter plane is "Jack".
    • December: Physicist Enrico Fermi succeeds in splitting an atom inside a nuclear reactor.
  • Jack loses the entire American side of his family in an Imperial Japanese Navy's attack during World War II. The Japanese side of his family are placed in internment camps.
  • 1943:
  • 1944:
    • June 6: The D-Day incident: Allies land at Normandy, France. The Cobra unit take part in the landing at Normandy and are given a top secret mission to locate and destroy enemy V-2 rocket installations. Revolver Ocelot (Adamska) is born during the battle, when The Joy gives birth to him via a caesarian operation, after being shot in the gut. The Joy is left with a scar resembling the shape of a snake. [3]
    • June: Adamska is taken away from The Joy by the Philosophers. He begins being raised as an agent of the Philosophers. [3]
  • 1945:
    • Jack joins the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, a Japanese-American infantry unit, in his teens. He gains his first combat experience fighting against Nazis in France, his unit contributing to freeing towns from invading Nazi units.
    • July 16: The first atomic test in history takes place at Los Alamos, New Mexico in the United States.
    • August: Hal Emmerich's father born in the US. [4]
    • August 6 - August 9: Atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan.
    • August 15: World War II ends when Japan surrenders.
  • The Joy is given the title of " The Boss", and also becomes known as "Voyevoda" in the USSR. [3]
  • After the end of World War II, the world is split into two - East and West. This marks the beginning of the era called the Cold War.
  • After the war, Jack returns back to the US, but suffers from prejudice against him due to his mixed ethnicity. This stunts his patriotism, and he turns his attention to fighting for himself and his own ideals. [3]
  • In the confusion that ensues after World War II ends, Volgin's father devises a series of ingenious plots to ensure that the Soviet Union would have total control over the Philosopher's Legacy. The money amassed by the Philosophers, $100 billion, is divided up and laundered through banks all over the world, including Switzerland, Australia and Hong Kong. A microfilm contains a record of all those transactions, and hence the microfilm itself comes to be known as the Philosopher's Legacy. [3]
  • 1946:
    • February: ENIAC (Electrical Numerical Integrator And Calculator), claimed to be the world's first computer, completed.
  • 1947:
    • September: CIA (US Central Intelligence Agency) established.
    • October: Pilot Chuck Yeager breaks the sound barrier in the Bell X-1.
    • The Boss disbands the Cobra unit.
  • 1949:


  • 1950:
    • June: Outbreak of Korean War (lasts until July 1953).
    • June: Jack becomes The Boss's disciple. She begins giving him combat training as a mentor and also starts teaching him Russian. [4]
  • 1951:
    • November 1: "Buster Dog" atomic test conducted at Area 7 in Nevada, with Army troops particitpating. The Boss is in the Nevada desert participating in this atomic test.
  • 1952:
    • When a Roland Grace's grave is relocated, there are deep gouge marks discovered on the inside of the Hungarian farmer's casket lid. It appears the dying man had tried to claw his way out of the coffin.
    • November: US establishes the NSA (National Security Agency).
  • 1953:
  • 1954:
    • January: US Secretary of State John Foster Dulles announces the New Look policy (the so-called "massive retaliation strategy").
    • January: US Navy launches the world's first nuclear submarine, the USS Nautilus.
    • February: The Castle Bravo hydrogen bomb tested on Bikini Atoll, Marshall Islands. Jack is used as an atomic test subject there. He is involved in the testing of the first airborne detonation of a hydrogen bomb. After noticing Jack as an atomic test subject on Bikini Atoll, The Boss becomes more drawn to him due to their similar situations.
    • March: KGB (Soviet Commission for State Security) formed.
    • May: French garrison of Dien Bien Phu falls, signaling the victory of the Viet Minh. France pulls out of Indochina.
  • November: Japanese movie Godzilla released in Japan.
  • 1955:
    • April: Albert Einstein dies, pleading for an end to nuclear weapons.
  • Jack and The Boss devise the CQC (Close Quarters Combat) style of combat. [3]
  • Johan Jacobsen (Yozev Norden) becomes aquainted with Drago Pettrovich Madnar after they become college graduates.
  • Roy Campbell (Colonel Campbell / Chicken Fox) born in the US.
  • 1957:
  • 1958:
    • January: US launches its first artificial satellite, Explorer I.
    • October: NASA (US National Aeronautics and Space Administration) begins operation.
  • 1959:
    • January: Cuban Revolution.
    • June 12: The Boss leaves Jack behind for a top-secret mission and never sees him again for 5 years, 72 days, and 18 hours. [3]



  • 1980:
    • Frank Jaegar, now a young soldier under the name "Frank Hunter", is assigned a mission in Rhodesia during the Civil War.
    • Frank kills Naomi's parents, near the Zambezi River in Rhodesia, but can't bring himself to kill her too. He feels so bad that he decides to take her with him. Frank takes care of her, shares his rations with her and helps her survive during the war. He begins raising her like she is his own blood to soothe his guilty conscience. Naomi begins looking up to Frank as an older brother. [6]
    • Rhodesian Civil War ends. Rhodesia is renamed " Zimbabwe".
  • Big Boss takes Frank and Naomi to the "land of freedom", America.
  • Frank joins FOXHOUND.
  • Frank and Big Boss return to Africa to continue fighting a war, leaving Naomi behind.
  • Big Boss participates in several regional conflicts and race liberation wars. He is heralded as a true hero and makes the front covers of popular magazines in many countries.
  • Zanzibar Province formed as a minor self-rule domain included in the USSR. It is a region surrounded by Pakistan, USSR, China and Afghanistan.
  • Kio Marv becomes famous as a computer games maniac. He subscribes many games he makes himself to various magazines, and is regarded as a splendid game designer.
  • McDonnel Miller serves as a survival master in SAS, the Green Beret Squad, and US Marine boot camp. He also serves as a drill sergeant in FOXHOUND, and is referred to as a 'Hell Master'. Draftees call him "Master Miller" with respect.
  • The scientific community estimate there to be about 100,000 types of proteins in an individual. Based on Crick's original theory on genes, this estimate reveals that there are about 100,000 genes in an individual.
  • Jack (Raiden / Jack the Ripper / White Devil / Snake) born.
  • 1986:
    • Meryl Silverburgh born as the officially recognized daughter of Matt Campbell. She is actually the biological daughter of Roy Campbell (Matt's older brother), conceived from an affair with Matt's wife. [6] [7]
    • January: Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev proposes abandoning of nuclear weapons.
    • January: Voyager 2 approaches Uranus again.
    • February: US President Ronald Reagan proposes whole abandoning of INF (Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces).
    • February: USSR launches Mir.
    • April 26: Nastasha Romaneko and her family are showered by the radiation from the Chernobyl disaster in Prypiat (a city 3 kilometres north of Chernobyl).
    • October: USSR begins limited retreat from Afghanistan.
  • Mei Ling born in America.
  • 1987:
    • February: Soyuz TM 2 and MIR succeed to dock.
    • May: USSR residential force in Afghanistan begins retreat.
    • October: USA and USSR come to a consensus on INF total ban in their diplomatic minister conference.
    • December 8: In Washington, USA and USSR sign INF total ban treaty over national leader negotiation in Washington.
  • 1988:
    • June: In Moscow, USA and USSR prepare collaborated draft paper on "Scheme about the verification of INF Abandoning".
    • INF total ban becomes valid.
    • START (STrategic Arms Reduction Talks) is approved by both USA and USSR.
    • August: Space shuttle launching re-started.
  • Big Boss frees many Kurds during the Iran-Iraq War, one of which is the 5 year old Sniper Wolf who thinks of him as Saladin. [6]
  • Big Boss retires from the front line to concentrate on military education and training.
  • Big Boss uses the large amount of money he has collected over the years to secretly create the fortress nation Outer Heaven, deep in South Africa, 200 km north of Galzburg.
  • Solidus Snake kills Jack's parents. Solidus begins raising him as a mercenary and names him "Jack", after Big Boss' real name. [8]
  • Jack first uses an AK-47 when he is around 6 years old. [8]
  • 1989:
    • February 15: Soviet invasion of Afghanistan ends.
    • USSR military forces including 500,000 personnel, 6 tank legions and other troops are cut.
    • SINF total abandoning is completed.
    • USA-USSR diplomatic ministers conference is held in Wyoming.
    • The separation between negotiations over START and SDI is prevailed to the public.
    • Peace between Iraq and Iran.
    • Democracy movement widespread in various Eastern European areas.
    • Malta conference is held.
    • Berlin Wall is torn down.
    • Democracy fever all over Eastern European nations.
    • The amount of asylum-seekers and refugees flowing into capitalism societies increase.
    • Voyager 2 re-approaches Neptune, and leaves solar system.
    • December 24: Liberian Civil War begins in Liberia.
    • December: Solidus Snake starts training Jack as a mercenary in the Liberian Civil War. Jack begins fighting for Solidus as a child soldier in his "Army of the Devil" as part of the "small boys unit". [8]


  • Emma Emmerich-Danziger (Emma Emmerich / E.E) born in the US. She later becomes Hal Emmerich's step-sister.
  • Frank Jaeger earns the title of "Fox", the highest honor for a member of FOXHOUND. Frank is given the codename " Gray Fox". [9]
  • Zanzibar Province's opposition toward the former regime of the USSR rises in the early 1990s, with the Baltic provinces and similar crises serving as a detonating cause.
  • 1990:
    • Normal-arms military balance over East and West, and negotiation over mutual reduction is approved by both.
    • CFE, the European normal-arms military force cutting negotiation, advances.
    • USA-USSR chemical weapon prohibition treaty is signed.
    • August 2: The Gulf War begins when Iraq invades Kuwait.
    • Liquid Snake works for the British Special Force SAS to destroy the mobile SCUD missile launchers during the Gulf War. During the mission he becomes a POW (Prisoner Of War) of Iraq and is declared a MIA (Missing In Action). [6]
    • Solid Snake infiltrates western Iraq during the Gulf War with a platoon of Green Berets. [6]
  • 1991:
    • Regulation talk over SDI comes to dissatisfaction.
    • LINF total abandoning has finished.
    • North and south talks are held.
    • Output of high-power laser is improved.
    • February 28: The Gulf War ends.
    • Liquid is brainwashed and begins being used for terrorist activities in the Middle East. [6]
    • August: Gulf War Veterans begin to suffer from Gulf War syndrome (which, according to Liquid, is the result of genetic experiments). [6]
  • 1992:
    • 50% reduction treaty over strategic nuclear weapons is signed.
    • Normal arms and war machines are cut in Europe.
    • Average ratio of GNP per population in Asian NICS countries to world average exceeds 10%.
    • Development of brain bombs.
    • Experiment of coil gun succeeds.
  • 1993:
    • SLCM, Submarine-Launched Cruising Missile regulation treaty, is signed.
    • Development of main battle tank Goliath.
    • Experiments of rail-velocity guns begin.
  • 1994:
    • 30% of remaining strategic nuclear weapons are cut.
    • Krypton-85 density in the air of USA and USSR stabilizes. Postponement of plutonium production for military purpose is confirmed.
    • US army seriously re-starts development of mortar gears.
    • Laser beam gun experiments begin in out of atmospheric zone.
  • David earns the title of "Snake", the second highest honor for a member of FOXHOUND (after "Fox"). Big Boss gives David the codename " Solid Snake".
  • 1995:
    • Outer Heaven incident:
      • Operation Intrude N312: Big Boss sends Gray Fox to Outer Heaven to gather data about the new ultimate weapon in development. Several days later, after his final report "Metal Gear...", contact with him is lost. [9]
      • Big Boss sends Solid Snake, a new rookie in FOXHOUND, on a mission to Outer Heaven.
      • Operation Intrude N313 (see Metal Gear).
    • Outer Heaven is decimated.
    • Average ratio of Japanese GNP per population to world average exceeds 60%.
    • NASA develops experimental walking tank for exploring planets.
  • 1996:
    • Solid Snake retires from FOXHOUND and moves to Alaska. [6]
    • The Mobile ICBM (Inter-continental Ballistic Missile) is totally abandoned.
    • LSI production using reso-graphy and SOR begins.
    • First completed Metal Gear developed in Zanzibar Province.
  • 1997:
    • Zanzibar Land Independence War (War of the Mercenaries) takes place against the USSR. Zanzibar Land proclaims its independence after claiming victory, which is achieved through the efforts of mercenaries from all around the world. Zanzibar Land becomes an armed fortified nation.
    • Tactical nuclear weapons are totally abandoned (Third Zero).
    • Development of high-speed reproductive nuclear plants advance rapidly.
  • 1998:
    • Chemical weapons are totally abandoned.
    • Third Oil Shock.
    • Super-LSI with 100 M-bit class of memory in one chip becomes available.
    • Metal Gear D is developed in Zanzibar Land.
  • 1999:
    • The Patriots begin spreading false information about the Y2K bug, later misleading the world into thinking it's a threat. Backdoor programs hidden in worldwide distributed software plants the seeds for the coming S3 Program. [8]
    • Metal Gear G (Gustav) units are mass-produced in Zanzibar Land.
    • Zanzibar Land incident:
      • USA and USSR storage quarters for weapons disposal are raided by Zanzibar Land. [1]
      • Dr. Kio Marv, the inventor of "Oilix", is kidnapped and taken to Zanzibar Land. [1]
      • December: Roy Campbell, the new leader of FOXHOUND, calls Solid Snake out of retirement to send him on a mission to Zanzibar Land. [1]
      • December 24 - December 25: Operation Intrude F014 (see Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake). [1]
    • December: Solid Snake returns to his retirement in Alaska and settles down at Twin Lakes. [6]
    • December: Big Boss' corpse is recovered by the US Government. [6]
    • December: Zanzibar Land is decimated. [1]

21st century


  • 2000:
  • 2003: Gray Fox escapes confinement and kills Dr. Clark, FOXHOUND's chief of medical staff and leader of the Genome project. Naomi Hunter covers up the incident as a lab accident and replaces Clark as medical chief. [6]
    • Development of Metal Gear Rex instigated by a joint conspiracy between Secretary of Defense Jim Houseman, DARPA Chief Donald Anderson, and Armstech President Kenneth Baker, all behind the Patriots back. Black Budget funding from the Pentagon diverted from Navy to the Rex Project. [6]
  • 2004:
    • President Sears elected for a second term. [8]
  • 2005:


  • Restrictions on military intervention in foreign countries ease up, creating high demand for mercenaries. Many PMCs (private military contractors) are established.
  • Liquid takes advantage of this military boom and re-establishes Outer Heaven to be an overseer of the five biggest PMCs.
  • Liquid creates a giant army equal in power to the US's armed forces.
  • 2014: The UN locates Liquid in the Middle East and Snake is recruited to infiltrate the new Outer Heaven and take out Liquid. (The events of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots). [1]


  1. ^ a b c d e f Taken from the Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake manual.
  2. ^ a b Taken from In the Darkness of Shadow Moses, a fictional book that appeared as part of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r Cite error: The named reference MGS3 was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  4. ^ a b c d e f Taken from the Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater manual.
  5. ^ a b c d e Cite error: The named reference MGS3 ending was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q Taken from Metal Gear Solid.
  7. ^ Revealed in Confidential Legacy a non-canon Snake Tale from Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance.
  8. ^ a b c d e f g h i Taken from the script in the The Document of Metal Gear Solid 2.
  9. ^ a b Taken from Metal Gear. Cite error: The named reference "MG" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).


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