From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Location of BRT Sunway line
Railway lines around Klang Valley
AirAsia Group/Capital A business highlights [1]
Financial performance ( RM million)
Fiscal year 2000–01 2001–02 2002–03 2003–04 2004–05 2005–06 2006–07 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Revenue 167.7 217.4 330.0 392.7 666.0 1,071 2,697 2,855 3,133 3,948 4,495 4,946 5,112 5,416 6,298 6,846 9,710 10,638 11,860 3,274 1,836 6,437
Expenses 182.3 218.7 318.5 332.1 532.6 997.0 2,180 3,207 2,220 2,881 3,332 3,917 4,249 4,590 4,702 4,735 7,549 9,419 11,136 8,697 4,682 7,831
Operating income −14.6 −1.3 11.5 60.6 133.4 74.0 518.0 −352 913 1,067 1,163 1,029 863 826 1,596 2,111 2,161 1,219 725 −5,422 −2,846 −1,394
Net income −19.1 −1.7 18.8 49.1 111.6 201.7 923.7 −496 506 1,061 555 790 362 83 541 1,619 1,571 1,695 −283 −5,888 −3,721 −3,304
Assets 49.3 51.4 124.3 350.0 1,123 2,574 11,209 9,406 11,398 13,240 13,906 15,729 17,856 20,664 21,316 21,986 21,674 18,550 25,595 19,866 20,030 19,928
Liabilities 154.3 48.8 75.3 199.7 170.1 1,426 7,448 7,800 8,777 9,599 9,870 10,869 12,855 16,109 16,865 15,358 14,964 12,365 22,684 23,436 26,453 29,445
Equity −105.0 2.6 49.0 150.3 952.9 1,148 3,761 1,606 2,621 3,641 4,036 4,860 5,001 4,555 4,451 6,628 6,710 6,185 2,911 −3,570 −6,423 −9,517
Operating highlights (group)
Fiscal year 2000–01 2001–02 2002–03 2003–04 2004–05 2005–06 2006–07 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Passengers 290,687 610,738 1,481,097 2,838,822 4,414,069 5,719,411 13,935,506 11,808,058 14,253,244 25,680,609 29,975,005 34,137,594 42,431,075 45,578,458 50,258,794 54,778,693 63,385,096 72,907,649 83,107,856 22,800,877 7,740,504 34,197,289
Available seats 468,850 925,361 2,001,482 3,686,782 5,885,425 7,332,578 17,419,383 15,744,077 19,004,325 33,058,197 37,505,692 42,974,280 53,777,570 58,185,900 62,809,426 63,826,307 72,283,184 86,089,380 97,585,626 30,584,954 10,808,358 40,833,504
Load factor (%) 62.00 66.00 74.00 77.00 75.00 78.00 80.00 75.00 75.00 77.45 79.81 73.83 75.59 77.41 79.46 85.61 83.75 81.98 80.18 74.76 71.78 83.72
RPK (million) 363 672 1,539 2,771 4,881 6,702 15,793 14,439 16,890 29,612 35,090 38,699 47,880 52,183 58,479 65,971 74,986 84,490 96,245 21,642 6,231 33,005
ASK (million) 586 1,018 2,086 3,592 6,525 8,646 20,310 16,890 22,159 38,704 43,940 48,581 60,261 66,625 73,209 77,266 85,961 101,446 112,995 29,296 8,724 39,773
Fleet size 2 3 7 17 27 42 65 78 84 90 97 118 154 172 171 174 205 226 246 247 213 209
AirAsia Group/Capital A business highlights [1]
Financial performance ( RM million) Operating highlights (group)
Fiscal year Revenue Expenses Operating income Net income Assets Liabilities Equity Passengers Available seats Load factor (%) RPK (million) ASK (million) Fleet size
2008 2,855 3,207 −352 −496 9,406 7,800 1,606 11,808,058 15,744,077 75.00 14,439 16,890 65
2009 3,133 2,220 913 506 11,398 8,777 2,621 14,253,244 19,004,325 75.00 16,890 22,159 84
2010 3,948 2,881 1,067 1,061 13,240 9,599 3,641 25,680,609 33,058,197 77.45 29,612 38,704 90
2011 4,495 3,332 1,163 555 13,906 9,870 4,036 29,975,005 37,505,692 79.81 35,090 43,940 97
2012 4,946 3,917 1,029 790 15,729 10,869 4,860 34,137,594 42,974,280 73.83 38,699 48,581 118
2013 5,112 4,249 863 362 17,856 12,855 5,001 42,431,075 53,777,570 75.59 47,880 60,261 154
2014 5,416 4,590 826 83 20,664 16,109 4,555 45,578,458 58,185,900 77.41 52,183 66,625 172
2015 6,298 4,702 1,596 541 21,316 16,865 4,451 50,258,794 62,809,426 79.46 58,479 73,209 171
2016 6,846 4,735 2,111 1,619 21,986 15,358 6,628 54,778,693 63,826,307 85.61 65,971 77,266 174
2017 9,710 7,549 2,161 1,571 21,674 14,964 6,710 63,385,096 72,283,184 83.75 74,986 85,961 205
2018 10,638 9,419 1,219 1,695 18,550 12,365 6,185 72,907,649 86,089,380 81.98 84,490 101,446 226
2019 11,860 11,136 725 −283 25,595 22,684 2,911 83,107,856 97,585,626 80.18 96,245 112,995 246
2020 3,274 8,697 −5,422 −5,888 19,866 23,436 −3,570 22,800,877 30,584,954 74.76 21,642 29,296 247
2021 1,836 4,682 −2,846 −3,721 20,030 26,453 −6,423 7,740,504 10,808,358 71.78 6,231 8,724 213
2022 6,437 7,831 −1,394 −3,304 19,928 29,445 −9,517 34,197,289 40,833,504 83.72 33,005 39,773 209
  1. ^ a b "Annual Report". Capital A Berhad. Retrieved 13 December 2022.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Location of BRT Sunway line
Railway lines around Klang Valley
AirAsia Group/Capital A business highlights [1]
Financial performance ( RM million)
Fiscal year 2000–01 2001–02 2002–03 2003–04 2004–05 2005–06 2006–07 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Revenue 167.7 217.4 330.0 392.7 666.0 1,071 2,697 2,855 3,133 3,948 4,495 4,946 5,112 5,416 6,298 6,846 9,710 10,638 11,860 3,274 1,836 6,437
Expenses 182.3 218.7 318.5 332.1 532.6 997.0 2,180 3,207 2,220 2,881 3,332 3,917 4,249 4,590 4,702 4,735 7,549 9,419 11,136 8,697 4,682 7,831
Operating income −14.6 −1.3 11.5 60.6 133.4 74.0 518.0 −352 913 1,067 1,163 1,029 863 826 1,596 2,111 2,161 1,219 725 −5,422 −2,846 −1,394
Net income −19.1 −1.7 18.8 49.1 111.6 201.7 923.7 −496 506 1,061 555 790 362 83 541 1,619 1,571 1,695 −283 −5,888 −3,721 −3,304
Assets 49.3 51.4 124.3 350.0 1,123 2,574 11,209 9,406 11,398 13,240 13,906 15,729 17,856 20,664 21,316 21,986 21,674 18,550 25,595 19,866 20,030 19,928
Liabilities 154.3 48.8 75.3 199.7 170.1 1,426 7,448 7,800 8,777 9,599 9,870 10,869 12,855 16,109 16,865 15,358 14,964 12,365 22,684 23,436 26,453 29,445
Equity −105.0 2.6 49.0 150.3 952.9 1,148 3,761 1,606 2,621 3,641 4,036 4,860 5,001 4,555 4,451 6,628 6,710 6,185 2,911 −3,570 −6,423 −9,517
Operating highlights (group)
Fiscal year 2000–01 2001–02 2002–03 2003–04 2004–05 2005–06 2006–07 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Passengers 290,687 610,738 1,481,097 2,838,822 4,414,069 5,719,411 13,935,506 11,808,058 14,253,244 25,680,609 29,975,005 34,137,594 42,431,075 45,578,458 50,258,794 54,778,693 63,385,096 72,907,649 83,107,856 22,800,877 7,740,504 34,197,289
Available seats 468,850 925,361 2,001,482 3,686,782 5,885,425 7,332,578 17,419,383 15,744,077 19,004,325 33,058,197 37,505,692 42,974,280 53,777,570 58,185,900 62,809,426 63,826,307 72,283,184 86,089,380 97,585,626 30,584,954 10,808,358 40,833,504
Load factor (%) 62.00 66.00 74.00 77.00 75.00 78.00 80.00 75.00 75.00 77.45 79.81 73.83 75.59 77.41 79.46 85.61 83.75 81.98 80.18 74.76 71.78 83.72
RPK (million) 363 672 1,539 2,771 4,881 6,702 15,793 14,439 16,890 29,612 35,090 38,699 47,880 52,183 58,479 65,971 74,986 84,490 96,245 21,642 6,231 33,005
ASK (million) 586 1,018 2,086 3,592 6,525 8,646 20,310 16,890 22,159 38,704 43,940 48,581 60,261 66,625 73,209 77,266 85,961 101,446 112,995 29,296 8,724 39,773
Fleet size 2 3 7 17 27 42 65 78 84 90 97 118 154 172 171 174 205 226 246 247 213 209
AirAsia Group/Capital A business highlights [1]
Financial performance ( RM million) Operating highlights (group)
Fiscal year Revenue Expenses Operating income Net income Assets Liabilities Equity Passengers Available seats Load factor (%) RPK (million) ASK (million) Fleet size
2008 2,855 3,207 −352 −496 9,406 7,800 1,606 11,808,058 15,744,077 75.00 14,439 16,890 65
2009 3,133 2,220 913 506 11,398 8,777 2,621 14,253,244 19,004,325 75.00 16,890 22,159 84
2010 3,948 2,881 1,067 1,061 13,240 9,599 3,641 25,680,609 33,058,197 77.45 29,612 38,704 90
2011 4,495 3,332 1,163 555 13,906 9,870 4,036 29,975,005 37,505,692 79.81 35,090 43,940 97
2012 4,946 3,917 1,029 790 15,729 10,869 4,860 34,137,594 42,974,280 73.83 38,699 48,581 118
2013 5,112 4,249 863 362 17,856 12,855 5,001 42,431,075 53,777,570 75.59 47,880 60,261 154
2014 5,416 4,590 826 83 20,664 16,109 4,555 45,578,458 58,185,900 77.41 52,183 66,625 172
2015 6,298 4,702 1,596 541 21,316 16,865 4,451 50,258,794 62,809,426 79.46 58,479 73,209 171
2016 6,846 4,735 2,111 1,619 21,986 15,358 6,628 54,778,693 63,826,307 85.61 65,971 77,266 174
2017 9,710 7,549 2,161 1,571 21,674 14,964 6,710 63,385,096 72,283,184 83.75 74,986 85,961 205
2018 10,638 9,419 1,219 1,695 18,550 12,365 6,185 72,907,649 86,089,380 81.98 84,490 101,446 226
2019 11,860 11,136 725 −283 25,595 22,684 2,911 83,107,856 97,585,626 80.18 96,245 112,995 246
2020 3,274 8,697 −5,422 −5,888 19,866 23,436 −3,570 22,800,877 30,584,954 74.76 21,642 29,296 247
2021 1,836 4,682 −2,846 −3,721 20,030 26,453 −6,423 7,740,504 10,808,358 71.78 6,231 8,724 213
2022 6,437 7,831 −1,394 −3,304 19,928 29,445 −9,517 34,197,289 40,833,504 83.72 33,005 39,773 209
  1. ^ a b "Annual Report". Capital A Berhad. Retrieved 13 December 2022.


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