From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.


Generates a citation template from a url using the citoid server

Author User:Salix alba

Date: 15 July 2021

Version: 0.05

Heavily borrowed from 


Interface element taken from


Slightly customized.


function Citoid2($) {

	////// Customization for local wikis

	var lang = mw.config.get('wgUserLanguage');

	var messages = {

			"en": {

				"toolbox-label": 'Citoid2',

				"toolbox-tooltip": 'Generate reference from a URL',

				"title": 'Citoid reference ',

				"close": 'Close',

				"monthnames": 'January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December'



    if(messageslang==null) lang='en';

    var url;

    function formatCS1Date(isodate) {


    	var style = $( "input:radio[name=datestyle]:checked" ).val();

    	var day="",month="",year="",daynum="",monthnum="";

    	// Input format 2014-08-31T09:28EDT

        var re1 = /(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d).*/;

        var test1 = isodate.match(re1);


        // Or sometimes  September 29, 2014

        var re2 = /([A-Z][a-z]+) (\d+), (\d\d\d\d).*/;

        var test2 = isodate.match(re2);

        var re3 = /(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)/;

        var test3 = isodate.match(re3);

        if(test1 !== null) {

    	// Input format 2014-08-31T09:28EDT

    	    day =  parseInt(test13],10);

    	    daynum= test13];

    	    month = parseInt(test12],10)-1;

    	    monthnum = test12];

    	    year = test11];


        else if(test2 !== null) {

        	// September 29, 2014

        	day =  parseInt(test22],10);

    	    var monthtxt = test21];

    	    year = test23];

    	    if(day<10) daynum = "0" + day; else daynum = day;

    	    var index = messages'en'].monthnames.indexOf(monthtxt)+1;

    	    if(index<10) monthnum = "0" + index; else monthnum = index;

    	    month = index-1;


        else if(test3 !== null) {

     	    month = parseInt(test32],10)-1;

    	    monthnum = test32];

    	    year = test31];


    	    if(style == "MDY")

    			return ""+messageslang].monthnamesmonth+", "+year;

    		else if(style == "YMD")

    			return ""+year+"-"+monthnum;


    			return ""+messageslang].monthnamesmonth+" "+year;





    	if(style == "MDY")

    		return ""+messageslang].monthnamesmonth+" "+day+", "+year;

    	else if(style == "YMD")

    		return ""+year+"-"+monthnum+"-"+daynum;


    		return ""+day+" "+messageslang].monthnamesmonth+" "+year;



/* Returns a javascript object given search results */

	function getPlainObject( url, searchResults ) {


		var content, plainObject, d, templateHref, templateName,

			citation = JSON.parse( JSON.stringify( searchResults ) )[0], //uses the first citation result for the time being


		templateTypeMap = {

			book: 'Cite book',

			bookSection: 'Cite book',

			journalArticle: 'Cite journal',

			magazineArticle: 'Cite news',

			newspaperArticle: 'Cite news',

			thesis: 'Cite journal',

			letter: 'Citation',

			manuscript: 'Cite book',

			interview: 'Citation',

			film: 'Citation',

			artwork: 'Citation',

			webpage: 'Cite web',

			report: 'Cite journal',

			bill: 'Citation',

			hearing: 'Citation',

			patent: 'Citation',

			statute: 'Citation',

			email: 'Cite web',

			map: 'Citation',

			blogPost: 'Cite web',

			instantMessage: 'Citation',

			forumPost: 'Cite web',

			audioRecording: 'Citation',

			presentation: 'Cite journal',

			videoRecording: 'Citation',

			tvBroadcast: 'Citation',

			radioBroadcast: 'Citation',

			podcast: 'Citation',

			computerProgram: 'Citation',

			conferencePaper: 'Cite journal',

			'document': 'Citation',

			encyclopediaArticle: 'Cite journal',

			dictionaryEntry: 'Cite journal'



		//Parameter map for Template:Citation on en-wiki

		//In the format citation-template-field:citoid-field

		citationParams = {

			'first1': 'author1-first',

			'last1': 'author1-last',

			'first2': 'author2-first',

			'last2': 'author2-last',

			'first3': 'author3-first',

			'last3': 'author3-last',

			'first4': 'author4-first',

			'last4': 'author4-last',

			//	'accessdate': 'accessDate',

			'title': 'title',

			'url': 'url',

			'publisher': 'publisher',

				//a large number of Zotero types have the field publicationTitle

				//however, in setting journal to publicationTitle, the citation

				//will be formatted as a journal article, which may not always be


				'journal': 'publicationTitle',

			//	'newspaper': 'publicationTitle',

				'date': 'date',

				'location': 'place',

				'issn': 'ISSN',

				'isbn': 'ISBN',

				'pages': 'pages',

				'volume': 'volume',

				'series': 'series',

				'issue': 'issue',

				'via': 'libraryCatalog',

				'pmid': 'PMID',

				'pmc': 'PMCID',

				'doi': 'DOI'




		webParams = {

				'first1': 'author1-first',

				'last1': 'author1-last',

				'first2': 'author2-first',

				'last2': 'author2-last',

				'first3': 'author3-first',

				'last3': 'author3-last',

				'first4': 'author4-first',

				'last4': 'author4-last',

				'access-date': 'accessDate',

				'title': 'title',

				'url': 'url',

				'date': 'date',

				'publisher': 'publisher',

				'via': 'libraryCatalog',

				'website': 'publicationTitle'



		newsParams = {

				'first1': 'author1-first',

				'last1': 'author1-last',

				'first2': 'author2-first',

				'last2': 'author2-last',

				'first3': 'author3-first',

				'last3': 'author3-last',

				'first4': 'author4-first',

				'last4': 'author4-last',

				'access-date': 'accessDate',

				'title': 'title',

				'url': 'url',

				'publisher': 'publisher',

				'newspaper': 'publicationTitle',

				'date': 'date',

				'location': 'place',

				'issn': 'ISSN',

				'isbn': 'ISBN',

				'pages': 'pages',

				'volume': 'volume',

				'series': 'series',

				'issue': 'issue',

				'via': 'libraryCatalog',

				'doi': 'DOI'



		bookParams = {

				'first1': 'author1-first',

				'last1': 'author1-last',

				'first2': 'author2-first',

				'last2': 'author2-last',

				'first3': 'author3-first',

				'last3': 'author3-last',

				'first4': 'author4-first',

				'last4': 'author4-last',

			//	'accessdate': 'accessDate',

				'title': 'title',

				'url': 'url',

				'publisher': 'publisher',

				'journal': 'publicationTitle',

				'date': 'date',

				'location': 'place',

				'issn': 'ISSN',

				'isbn': 'ISBN',

				'pages': 'pages',

				'volume': 'volume',

				'series': 'series',

				'issue': 'issue',

				'via': 'libraryCatalog',

				'doi': 'DOI'



		journalParams = {

				'first1': 'author1-first',

				'last1': 'author1-last',

				'first2': 'author2-first',

				'last2': 'author2-last',

				'first3': 'author3-first',

				'last3': 'author3-last',

				'first4': 'author4-first',

				'last4': 'author4-last',

			//	'accessdate': 'accessDate',

				'title': 'title',

				'url': 'url',

				'publisher': 'publisher',

				'journal': 'publicationTitle',

				'date': 'date',

				'location': 'place',

				'issn': 'ISSN',

				'isbn': 'ISBN',

				'pages': 'pages',

				'volume': 'volume',

				'series': 'series',

				'issue': 'issue',

				'pmid': 'PMID',

				'pmc': 'PMCID',

				'doi': 'DOI'



			//format 'template name':parameter obj name

		templateParamMap = {

			'Citation': citationParams,

			'Cite web': webParams,

			'Cite news': newsParams,

			'Cite journal': journalParams,

			'Cite book': bookParams



		//This will contain the correct template with the fields filled out

		paramObj = {};


		templateName = templateTypeMapcitation.itemType];


		templateHref = 'Template:' + templateName;

		//hack for now- set citation url to supplied url if not given

		if (!citation.url) {citation.url =  url;}

		//hack for PMC

		if (citation.PMCID) {citation.url = null;}

		//hack for websiteTitle

		if (citation.websiteTitle) {citation.publicationTitle =  citation.websiteTitle;}


		$.each( templateParamMaptemplateName], function ( key, value ) {


			var objString = citationvalue !== undefined ? citationvalue : '';


			if(typeof objString == 'string') {

				var replaced = objString.replaceAll('|', '-');		

				paramObjkey = { 'wt': replaced };

			} else {

				paramObjkey = { 'wt': objString };


		} );


 		// Fix for author array


 		var authors = citation'author'];

 		if(authors) {

 			for(i=0;i<authors.length;++i) {

 				var j = i+1;

 				paramObj'first' + j = { 'wt': authorsi][0].replaceAll('|', '-') };

	 			paramObj'last' + j = { 'wt': authorsi][1].replaceAll('|', '-') };



		d = new Date();

		//var months = ['January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December'];

		//ds = d.getDate() + " " + months[d.getMonth()] + " " + d.getGetFullYear();

		var d2 =;

		if(d2) { = formatCS1Date(d2);



 		// Greatly simplified return result

		plainObject = { //before paren put get plain object

			'templateName': templateName.toLowerCase(),

			'href': templateHref,

			'params': paramObj



		return plainObject;


    //// build the code for the template 


    function buildTemplateCode(obj) {

    	var res = "<ref>{{" + obj.templateName;


    	$.each( obj.params, function ( key, value ) {

			var wt = value.wt;

			if(wt) {


				res = res + "|" + key + "=" + wt;


		} );

		res = res + "}}</ref>";

    	return res;



	////// Called when toolbox button clicked

	function callCitoid() {

		url = $('#citoid-url').val();

        //alert("Call citoid url [" + url +"]");

//curl '' -H 'Pragma: no-cache' -H 'Origin:' -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch' -H 'accept-language: en' -H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.81 Safari/537.36' -H 'Accept: application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01' -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' -H 'Referer:' -H 'Connection: keep-alive' --compressed


GET /api?action=query&format=mediawiki&search=https%3A%2F%2Fdeveloper%2Emozilla%2Eorg%2Fen-US%2Fdocs%2FWeb%2FAPI%2FXMLHttpRequest HTTP/1.1


Connection: keep-alive

Pragma: no-cache

Cache-Control: no-cache


//Accept: application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01


accept-language: en

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.81 Safari/537.36


Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch

curl '' 

-H 'pragma: no-cache' -H 'origin:' -H 'accept-encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch' 

-H 'accept-language: en' 

-H 'user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/49.0.2623.112 Safari/537.36' 

-H 'accept: application/json, text/javascript, /*; q=0.01' 

-H 'cache-control: no-cache' -H 'referer:' --compressed

[{"itemType":"newspaperArticle","notes":[],"tags":[{"tag":"Grammar schools","type":1},{"tag":"Secondary schools","type":1},{"tag":"Schools","type":1},{"tag":"Education","type":1},{"tag":"Nicky Morgan","type":1},{"tag":"Education policy","type":1},{"tag":"Politics","type":1}],"url":"","abstractNote":"With selective schools now able to apply to open ‘annexes’, a Kent parent has written an open letter to the education secretary","date":"2016-04-12","ISSN":["0261-3077"],"language":"en-GB","publicationTitle":"The Guardian","section":"Education","title":"Grammar schools and the opportunity gap: 10 questions for Nicky Morgan","libraryCatalog":"The Guardian","accessDate":"2016-04-12","shortTitle":"Grammar schools and the opportunity gap","author":[["Joanne","Bartley"]]}]

Post June 2017



 		var citoidService = "";

 		var prefix = '';

		var mid  = encodeURIComponent(url);

		//var suffix = '&basefields=true';

		var suffix = '?action=query&format=json';

		var send = prefix+mid+suffix;




		    //gen  '  theguardian.  com%2Feducation%2F2016%2Fapr%2F12%2Fgrammar-schools-nicky-morgan-kent-parent-11-plusbasefields=true

			//url: '',

		$.ajax( {

			beforeSend: function (request) {

				request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');


			url: send,

			//url: '',

			type: 'GET',

			//data:  { action:"query", format:"mediawiki", search: url, basefields: "true" } ,

			success: doneAjax,

			error: function ( XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {

				console.log( 'Status: '  + textStatus +  ' Error: ' + errorThrown );





				mw.notify( 'Status:'  + textStatus +  'Error: ' + errorThrown );


		} );



	function doneAjax(result) {

		//console.log(JSON.stringify(result, null, 4));

        var plain = getPlainObject( url, result );	



        var res = buildTemplateCode(plain);



        $('#citoid-full').text(JSON.stringify(result, null, 4));



	function openCitoidWindow() {



	///// Close the dialog

	function close() {

		$cont.fadeOut('slow', function(){



	////////// Building called after page loads 

	function buildHTML() {


		$button = $('<button>')

		.attr({ id: 'citoid-button', type:'button' })

		.text("Generate Citation")



		$body = $('<div>')

		.attr('id', 'citoid-body')

		.append("<p>URL: "+

		    "<input type='text' id='citoid-url' size='200' /></p>")

		.append("<p>Date format: "+

		    "<input type='radio' name='datestyle' value='DMY' checked >1 September 2014</input>&nbsp;&nbsp;"+

		    "<input type='radio' name='datestyle' value='MDY'>September 1, 2014</input>&nbsp;&nbsp;"+

		    "<input type='radio' name='datestyle' value='YMD'>2014-09-01</input></p>")


		.append("<p>Template code</p>")

		.append("<textarea id='citoid-code'>")

		.append("<p>Full citoid data</p>")

		.append("<textarea id='citoid-full'>");


		$title = $('<h2>').text( messageslang]['title' );


		$cont = $('<div>')

		.attr('id', 'citoid-cont')


				.attr('id', 'citoid-dialog')

				.append( $title )



							id: 'citoid-close',

							href: '#',

							title: messageslang]['close'




							return false;




									alt: messageslang]['close'],

									src: '//'









	////// Adds a link in the toolbox

	function addPortletLink() {


			mw.util.addPortletLink('p-tb', '#', messages'en']['toolbox-label'], 'citoid2', messages'en']['toolbox-tooltip' )



			return false;



	/////// Actions to do once page loads, 

	function start() {

		//alert("Citoid 0.02");






		//console.log(formatCS1Date("September 29, 2014"));

		//console.log(formatCS1Date("October 1, 2014"));


	////////// START //////////



/////// Wrapper code

//if( true

//  $.inArray( mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber'), [ 2, 10 ] ) !== -1 

// && $.inArray( mw.config.get('wgAction'), [ 'edit', 'submit' ] ) !== -1  */ ) {


  	  '// alba/Citoid.css&action=raw&ctype=text/css&smaxage=21600&maxage=86400',

	'text/css' );

mw.loader.using('mediawiki.util', function(){


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.


Generates a citation template from a url using the citoid server

Author User:Salix alba

Date: 15 July 2021

Version: 0.05

Heavily borrowed from 


Interface element taken from


Slightly customized.


function Citoid2($) {

	////// Customization for local wikis

	var lang = mw.config.get('wgUserLanguage');

	var messages = {

			"en": {

				"toolbox-label": 'Citoid2',

				"toolbox-tooltip": 'Generate reference from a URL',

				"title": 'Citoid reference ',

				"close": 'Close',

				"monthnames": 'January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December'



    if(messageslang==null) lang='en';

    var url;

    function formatCS1Date(isodate) {


    	var style = $( "input:radio[name=datestyle]:checked" ).val();

    	var day="",month="",year="",daynum="",monthnum="";

    	// Input format 2014-08-31T09:28EDT

        var re1 = /(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d).*/;

        var test1 = isodate.match(re1);


        // Or sometimes  September 29, 2014

        var re2 = /([A-Z][a-z]+) (\d+), (\d\d\d\d).*/;

        var test2 = isodate.match(re2);

        var re3 = /(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)/;

        var test3 = isodate.match(re3);

        if(test1 !== null) {

    	// Input format 2014-08-31T09:28EDT

    	    day =  parseInt(test13],10);

    	    daynum= test13];

    	    month = parseInt(test12],10)-1;

    	    monthnum = test12];

    	    year = test11];


        else if(test2 !== null) {

        	// September 29, 2014

        	day =  parseInt(test22],10);

    	    var monthtxt = test21];

    	    year = test23];

    	    if(day<10) daynum = "0" + day; else daynum = day;

    	    var index = messages'en'].monthnames.indexOf(monthtxt)+1;

    	    if(index<10) monthnum = "0" + index; else monthnum = index;

    	    month = index-1;


        else if(test3 !== null) {

     	    month = parseInt(test32],10)-1;

    	    monthnum = test32];

    	    year = test31];


    	    if(style == "MDY")

    			return ""+messageslang].monthnamesmonth+", "+year;

    		else if(style == "YMD")

    			return ""+year+"-"+monthnum;


    			return ""+messageslang].monthnamesmonth+" "+year;





    	if(style == "MDY")

    		return ""+messageslang].monthnamesmonth+" "+day+", "+year;

    	else if(style == "YMD")

    		return ""+year+"-"+monthnum+"-"+daynum;


    		return ""+day+" "+messageslang].monthnamesmonth+" "+year;



/* Returns a javascript object given search results */

	function getPlainObject( url, searchResults ) {


		var content, plainObject, d, templateHref, templateName,

			citation = JSON.parse( JSON.stringify( searchResults ) )[0], //uses the first citation result for the time being


		templateTypeMap = {

			book: 'Cite book',

			bookSection: 'Cite book',

			journalArticle: 'Cite journal',

			magazineArticle: 'Cite news',

			newspaperArticle: 'Cite news',

			thesis: 'Cite journal',

			letter: 'Citation',

			manuscript: 'Cite book',

			interview: 'Citation',

			film: 'Citation',

			artwork: 'Citation',

			webpage: 'Cite web',

			report: 'Cite journal',

			bill: 'Citation',

			hearing: 'Citation',

			patent: 'Citation',

			statute: 'Citation',

			email: 'Cite web',

			map: 'Citation',

			blogPost: 'Cite web',

			instantMessage: 'Citation',

			forumPost: 'Cite web',

			audioRecording: 'Citation',

			presentation: 'Cite journal',

			videoRecording: 'Citation',

			tvBroadcast: 'Citation',

			radioBroadcast: 'Citation',

			podcast: 'Citation',

			computerProgram: 'Citation',

			conferencePaper: 'Cite journal',

			'document': 'Citation',

			encyclopediaArticle: 'Cite journal',

			dictionaryEntry: 'Cite journal'



		//Parameter map for Template:Citation on en-wiki

		//In the format citation-template-field:citoid-field

		citationParams = {

			'first1': 'author1-first',

			'last1': 'author1-last',

			'first2': 'author2-first',

			'last2': 'author2-last',

			'first3': 'author3-first',

			'last3': 'author3-last',

			'first4': 'author4-first',

			'last4': 'author4-last',

			//	'accessdate': 'accessDate',

			'title': 'title',

			'url': 'url',

			'publisher': 'publisher',

				//a large number of Zotero types have the field publicationTitle

				//however, in setting journal to publicationTitle, the citation

				//will be formatted as a journal article, which may not always be


				'journal': 'publicationTitle',

			//	'newspaper': 'publicationTitle',

				'date': 'date',

				'location': 'place',

				'issn': 'ISSN',

				'isbn': 'ISBN',

				'pages': 'pages',

				'volume': 'volume',

				'series': 'series',

				'issue': 'issue',

				'via': 'libraryCatalog',

				'pmid': 'PMID',

				'pmc': 'PMCID',

				'doi': 'DOI'




		webParams = {

				'first1': 'author1-first',

				'last1': 'author1-last',

				'first2': 'author2-first',

				'last2': 'author2-last',

				'first3': 'author3-first',

				'last3': 'author3-last',

				'first4': 'author4-first',

				'last4': 'author4-last',

				'access-date': 'accessDate',

				'title': 'title',

				'url': 'url',

				'date': 'date',

				'publisher': 'publisher',

				'via': 'libraryCatalog',

				'website': 'publicationTitle'



		newsParams = {

				'first1': 'author1-first',

				'last1': 'author1-last',

				'first2': 'author2-first',

				'last2': 'author2-last',

				'first3': 'author3-first',

				'last3': 'author3-last',

				'first4': 'author4-first',

				'last4': 'author4-last',

				'access-date': 'accessDate',

				'title': 'title',

				'url': 'url',

				'publisher': 'publisher',

				'newspaper': 'publicationTitle',

				'date': 'date',

				'location': 'place',

				'issn': 'ISSN',

				'isbn': 'ISBN',

				'pages': 'pages',

				'volume': 'volume',

				'series': 'series',

				'issue': 'issue',

				'via': 'libraryCatalog',

				'doi': 'DOI'



		bookParams = {

				'first1': 'author1-first',

				'last1': 'author1-last',

				'first2': 'author2-first',

				'last2': 'author2-last',

				'first3': 'author3-first',

				'last3': 'author3-last',

				'first4': 'author4-first',

				'last4': 'author4-last',

			//	'accessdate': 'accessDate',

				'title': 'title',

				'url': 'url',

				'publisher': 'publisher',

				'journal': 'publicationTitle',

				'date': 'date',

				'location': 'place',

				'issn': 'ISSN',

				'isbn': 'ISBN',

				'pages': 'pages',

				'volume': 'volume',

				'series': 'series',

				'issue': 'issue',

				'via': 'libraryCatalog',

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[{"itemType":"newspaperArticle","notes":[],"tags":[{"tag":"Grammar schools","type":1},{"tag":"Secondary schools","type":1},{"tag":"Schools","type":1},{"tag":"Education","type":1},{"tag":"Nicky Morgan","type":1},{"tag":"Education policy","type":1},{"tag":"Politics","type":1}],"url":"","abstractNote":"With selective schools now able to apply to open ‘annexes’, a Kent parent has written an open letter to the education secretary","date":"2016-04-12","ISSN":["0261-3077"],"language":"en-GB","publicationTitle":"The Guardian","section":"Education","title":"Grammar schools and the opportunity gap: 10 questions for Nicky Morgan","libraryCatalog":"The Guardian","accessDate":"2016-04-12","shortTitle":"Grammar schools and the opportunity gap","author":[["Joanne","Bartley"]]}]

Post June 2017



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