From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.



// Yet another AfC helper script

// v.4.1.0

// Adapted from [[User:Mr.Z-man/closeAFD]]



if (wgPageName.indexOf('Wikipedia:Articles_for_creation/Redirects') != -1) {

	var afcHelper_RedirectPageName = wgPageName.replace(/_/g, ' ');

	var afcHelper_RedirectSubmissions = new Array();

	var afcHelper_RedirectSections = new Array();

	var afcHelper_numTotal = 0;

	var afcHelper_Redirect_AJAXnumber = 0;

	var afcHelper_Submissions = new Array();

	var afcHelper_redirectDecline_reasonhash = {

			'exists' : 'The title you suggested already exists on Wikipedia',

			'blank' : 'We cannot accept empty submissions',

			'notarget': ' A redirect cannot be created unless the target is an existing article. Either you have not specified the target, or the target does not exist',

			'unlikely': 'The title you suggested seems unlikely. Could you provide a source showing that it is a commonly used alternate name?',

			'notredirect': 'This request is not a redirect request',

			'custom': ''


	var afcHelper_categoryDecline_reasonhash = {

			'exists' : 'The category you suggested already exists on Wikipedia',

			'blank' : 'We cannot accept empty submissions',

			'unlikely': 'It seems unlikely that there are enough pages to support this category',

			'notcategory':'This request is not a category request',

			'custom': ''


	function afcHelper_redirect_init(){

		afcHelper_RedirectSubmissions = new Array();

		afcHelper_RedirectSections = new Array();

		afcHelper_numTotal = 0;

		var pagetext = afcHelper_redirect_getPageText(afcHelper_RedirectPageName, false);

		// let the parsing begin.

		// first, strip out the parts before the first section.

		var section_re = /==[^=]*==/;

		pagetext = pagetext.substring(;

		// second, strip out the parts that has been mass-moderated.

		// first find the place of mass moderation

		var mass_re = /\{\{(?:(?:afc-c|afc top)\|\s*m|afc mm)/i;


			var mass_mods = mass_re.exec(pagetext);

			for(var i = 0; i < mass_mods.length; i++){

				var mass_mod_start = pagetext.indexOf(mass_modsi]);

				var mass_mod_end = pagetext.substring(mass_mod_start).search(/\{\{(?:afc-c\|\s*b|afc b)/i);

				mass_mod_end += mass_mod_start;

				mass_mod_end = pagetext.indexOf('\}\}', mass_mod_end);

				pagetext = pagetext.substring(0, mass_mod_start) + pagetext.substring(mass_mod_end + 2);



		// now parse it into sections.

		section_re = /==[^=]*==/g;

		var section_headers = pagetext.match(section_re);

		for(var i = 0; i < section_headers.length; i++){

			var section_start = pagetext.indexOf(section_headersi]);

			var section_text = pagetext.substring(section_start);

			if(i < section_headers.length-1){

				var section_end = section_text.substring(section_headersi].length).indexOf(section_headersi+1]) + section_headersi].length;

				section_text = section_text.substring(0, section_end);




		// parse the sections.

		for(var i = 0; i < afcHelper_RedirectSections.length; i++){

			var closed = /\{\{\s*afc(?!\s+comment)/i.test(afcHelper_RedirectSectionsi]);


				// parse.

				var header = afcHelper_RedirectSectionsi].match(section_re)[0];

				if( request/i) != -1){

					var wikilink_re = /\[\[[^\[\]]+\]\]/g;

					var links = header.match(wikilink_re);

					if(!links) continue;

					for(var j = 0; j < links.length; j++){

						linksj=linksj].replace(/[\[\]]/g, '');

						if(linksj].charAt(0) == ':')

							linksj = linksj].substring(1);


					var re = /Target of redirect:\s*\[\[([^\[\]]*)\]\]/i;


					var to = RegExp.$1;

					var submission = {

							type: 'redirect',

							from: new Array(),

							section: i,

							to: to,

							title: to


					for(var j = 0; j < links.length; j++){

						var sub = {

								type: 'redirect',

								to: to,

								id: afcHelper_numTotal,

								title: linksj],

								action: ''








				else if( request/i) != -1){

					var wikilink_re = /\[\[[^\[\]]+\]\]/g;

					var links = header.match(wikilink_re);

					if(!links) continue;

					// figure out the parent category.

					var idx = afcHelper_RedirectSectionsi].substring(header.length).search(/\[\[\s*:\s*(Category:[^\]\[]*)\]\]/i);

					var parent = '';

					if(idx != -1)

						parent = RegExp.$1;

					parent = parent.replace(/:\s*/g, ':');

					for(var j = 0; j < links.length; j++){

						linksj=linksj].replace(/[\[\]]/g, '');

						linksj=linksj].replace(/Category\s*:\s*/gi, 'Category:');

						if(linksj].charAt(0) == ':')

							linksj = linksj].substring(1);

						var submission = {

								type: 'category',

								title: linksj],

								section: i,

								id: afcHelper_numTotal,

								action: '',

								parent: parent









		var text = '<h3>Reviewing AFC redirect requests</h3>';

		// now layout the text.

		for(var k = 0; k < afcHelper_RedirectSubmissions.length; k++){

			text += '<ul>';

			if(afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].type == 'redirect'){

				text += '<li>Redirect(s) to <a href="' + wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURIComponent(afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].to))

				+ '">' + afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].to + '</a>: <ul>';

				for(var l = 0; l < afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].from.length; l++){

					var from = afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].froml];

					text += "<li>From: " + from.title

					+'<br/><label for="afcHelper_redirect_action_'+'">Action: </label>'

					+ afcHelper_redirect_generateSelect('afcHelper_redirect_action_'+,

							[{ label: 'Accept', value: 'accept' },

							 { label: 'Decline', value: 'decline' },

							 { label: 'Comment', value: 'comment' },

							 { label: 'None', selected : true, value: 'none' }

							 ], 'afcHelper_redirect_onActionChange(' + + ')')

							 + '<div id="afcHelper_redirect_extra_' + + '"></div></li>';


				text += '</ul></li>';



				text += '<li>Category submission: '+ afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].title;

				text += '<br/> <label for="afcHelper_redirect_action_'+ afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].id+'">Action: </label>'

				+ afcHelper_redirect_generateSelect('afcHelper_redirect_action_'+ afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].id, 

						[{ label: 'Accept', value: 'accept' },

						 { label: 'Decline', value: 'decline' },

						 { label: 'Comment', value: 'comment' },

						 { label: 'None', selected : true, value: 'none' }

						 ], 'afcHelper_redirect_onActionChange(' + afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].id + ')')

						 + '<div id="afcHelper_redirect_extra_' + afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].id + '"></div></li>';


			text += '</ul>';			


		text += '<input type="button" id="afcHelper_redirect_done_button" name="afcHelper_redirect_done_button" value="Done" onclick="afcHelper_redirect_performActions()" />';



	function afcHelper_redirect_onActionChange(id){

		var extra = document.getElementById("afcHelper_redirect_extra_" + id);

		var selectValue = document.getElementById("afcHelper_redirect_action_"+id).value;

		if(selectValue == 'none')

			extra.innerHTML = '';

		else if(selectValue == 'accept'){

			if(afcHelper_Submissionsid].type == 'redirect'){

				extra.innerHTML = '<label for="afcHelper_redirect_from_' + id + '">From: </label><input type="text" '+

				'name="afcHelper_redirect_from_' + id + '" id="afcHelper_redirect_from_' + id + '" value="'

				+ afcHelper_Submissionsid].title + '" />';

				extra.innerHTML += '&nbsp;<label for="afcHelper_redirect_to_' + id + '">To: </label><input type="text" '+

				'name="afcHelper_redirect_to_' + id + '" id="afcHelper_redirect_to_' + id + '" value="'

				+ afcHelper_Submissionsid].to + '" />';

				extra.innerHTML += '<label for="afcHelper_redirect_append_'+ id +'">Template to append: </label>'

				+ afcHelper_redirect_generateSelect('afcHelper_redirect_append_'+ 


						     { label: 'R from alternative name', value: 'R from alternative name' },

						     { label: 'R from alternative language', value: 'R from alternative language' },

						     { label: 'R from alternative spelling', value: 'R from alternative spelling' },

						     { label: 'R to section', value: 'R to section' },

						     { label: 'R to disambiguation page', value: 'R to disambiguation page' },

						     { label: 'R from title with diacritics', value: 'R from title with diacritics'},

						     { label: 'Custom - prompt me', value: 'custom' },

						     { label: 'None', selected : true, value: 'none' }




				extra.innerHTML = '<label for="afcHelper_redirect_name_' + id + '">name: </label><input type="text" '+

				'name="afcHelper_redirect_name_' + id + '" id="afcHelper_redirect_name_' + id + '" value="'

				+ afcHelper_Submissionsid].title + '" />';

				extra.innerHTML += '<label for="afcHelper_redirect_parent_' + id +'">Parent category:</label>'

				+ '<input type="text" id="afcHelper_redirect_parent_' + id +'" name="afcHelper_redirect_parent_' + id +

				'" value="' + afcHelper_Submissionsid].parent + '" />';


			extra.innerHTML += '<label for="afcHelper_redirect_comment_' + id +'">Comment:</label>'

			+ '<input type="text" id="afcHelper_redirect_comment_' + id +'" name="afcHelper_redirect_comment_' + id +'"/>';

		} else if(selectValue == 'decline'){

			if(afcHelper_Submissionsid].type == 'redirect'){

			extra.innerHTML = '<label for="afcHelper_redirect_decline_'+ id +'">Reason for decline: </label>'

			+ afcHelper_redirect_generateSelect('afcHelper_redirect_decline_'+ 


					     { label: 'Already exists', value: 'exists' },

					     { label: 'Blank request', value: 'blank' },

					     { label: 'No valid target specified', value: 'notarget' },

					     { label: 'Unlikely search term', value: 'unlikely' },

					     { label: 'Not a redirect request', value: 'notredirect' },

					     { label: 'Custom - reason below', selected : true, value: 'custom' }



			else {

				extra.innerHTML = '<label for="afcHelper_redirect_decline_'+ id +'">Reason for decline: </label>'

				+ afcHelper_redirect_generateSelect('afcHelper_redirect_decline_'+ 


						     { label: 'Already exists', value: 'exists' },

						     { label: 'Blank request', value: 'blank' },

						     { label: 'Unlikely category', value: 'unlikely' },

						     { label: 'Not a category request', value: 'notcategory' },

						     { label: 'Custom - reason below', selected : true, value: 'custom' }



			extra.innerHTML += '<label for="afcHelper_redirect_comment_' + id +'">Comment:</label>'

			+ '<input type="text" id="afcHelper_redirect_comment_' + id +'" name="afcHelper_redirect_comment_' + id +'"/>';

		} else{

			extra.innerHTML = '<label for="afcHelper_redirect_comment_' + id +'">Comment:</label>'

			+ '<input type="text" id="afcHelper_redirect_comment_' + id +'" name="afcHelper_redirect_comment_' + id +'"/>';



	function afcHelper_redirect_performActions(){

		// Load all of the data.

		for(var i = 0; i < afcHelper_Submissions.length; i++){

			var action = document.getElementById("afcHelper_redirect_action_" + i).value;

			afcHelper_Submissionsi].action = action;

			if(action == 'none')


			if(action == 'accept'){

				if(afcHelper_Submissionsi].type == 'redirect'){

					afcHelper_Submissionsi].title = document.getElementById("afcHelper_redirect_from_" + i).value;

					afcHelper_Submissionsi].to = document.getElementById("afcHelper_redirect_to_" + i).value;

					afcHelper_Submissionsi].append = document.getElementById("afcHelper_redirect_append_" + i).value;

					if(afcHelper_Submissionsi].append == 'custom'){

						afcHelper_Submissionsi].append = prompt("Please enter the template to append for " + afcHelper_Submissionsi].title

								+ ". Do not include the curly brackets.");


					if(afcHelper_Submissionsi].append == 'none' || afcHelper_Submissionsi].append == null)

						afcHelper_Submissionsi].append = '';


						afcHelper_Submissionsi].append = '\{\{' + afcHelper_Submissionsi].append + '\}\}';



					afcHelper_Submissionsi].title = document.getElementById("afcHelper_redirect_name_" + i).value;

					afcHelper_Submissionsi].parent = document.getElementById("afcHelper_redirect_parent_" + i).value;



			else if (action == 'decline'){

				afcHelper_Submissionsi].reason = document.getElementById('afcHelper_redirect_decline_' + i).value;


			afcHelper_Submissionsi].comment = document.getElementById("afcHelper_redirect_comment_" + i).value;


		// Data loaded. Show progress screen and get edit token and WP:AFC/R page text.

		jsMsg('<ul id="afcHelper_status"></ul><ul id="afcHelper_finish"></ul>');

		document.getElementById('afcHelper_finish').innerHTML += '<span id="afcHelper_finished_wrapper"><span id="afcHelper_finished_main" style="display:none"><li id="afcHelper_done"><b>Done (<a href="'+ wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(afcHelper_RedirectPageName))+'?action=purge" title="'+afcHelper_RedirectPageName+'">Reload page</a>)</b></li></span></span>';

		var token = afcHelper_redirect_getToken(true);

		var pagetext = afcHelper_redirect_getPageText(afcHelper_RedirectPageName, true);

		var totalaccept = 0;

		var totaldecline = 0;

		var totalcomment = 0;

		// traverse the submissions and locate the relevant sections.

		for(var i = 0; i < afcHelper_RedirectSubmissions.length; i++){

			var sub = afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsi];

			if(pagetext.indexOf(afcHelper_RedirectSectionssub.section]) == -1){

				// Someone has modified the section in the mean time. Skip.

				document.getElementById('afcHelper_status').innerHTML += '<li>Skipping ' + sub.title + ': Cannot find section. Perhaps it was modified in the mean time?</li>';



			var text = afcHelper_RedirectSectionssub.section];

			var startindex = pagetext.indexOf(afcHelper_RedirectSectionssub.section]);

			var endindex = startindex + text.length;

			// First deal with cats. These are easy.

			if(sub.type == 'category'){

				if(sub.action == 'accept'){

					var cattext = '<!--Created by WP:AFC -->';

					if(sub.parent != '' )

						cattext = '\[\['+ sub.parent + '\]\]';

					afcHelper_redirect_editPage(sub.title, cattext, token, 'Created via \[\[WP:AFC|Articles for Creation\]\] (\[\[WP:WPAFC|you can help!\]\])', true);

					var talktext = '\{\{subst:WPAFC/article|class=Cat\}\}';

					var talktitle = sub.title.replace(/Category:/gi, 'Category talk:');

					afcHelper_redirect_editPage(talktitle, talktext, token, 'Placing WPAFC project banner', true);

					var header = text.match(/==[^=]*==/)[0];

					text = header + "\n\{\{AfC-c|a\}\}\n" + text.substring(header.length);

					if(sub.comment != '')

						text += '\n*\{\{subst:afc category|accept|2=' + sub.comment +'\}\} \~\~\~\~\n';


						text += '\n*\{\{subst:afc category\}\} \~\~\~\~\n';

					text += '\{\{AfC-c|b\}\}\n';

					totalaccept ++;


				else if (sub.action == 'decline'){

					var header = text.match(/==[^=]*==/)[0];

					var reason = afcHelper_categoryDecline_reasonhashsub.reason];

					if(reason == '')

						reason = sub.comment;

					else if (sub.comment != '')

						reason = reason + ': ' + sub.comment;

					if(reason == ''){

						document.getElementById('afcHelper_status').innerHTML += '<li>Skipping ' + sub.title + ': No decline reason specified.</li>';



					text = header + "\n\{\{AfC-c|d\}\}\n" + text.substring(header.length);

					if(sub.comment == '')

						text += '\n*\{\{subst:afc category|' + sub.reason +'\}\} \~\~\~\~\n';


						text += '\n*\{\{subst:afc category|decline|2=' + reason +'\}\} \~\~\~\~\n';

					text += '\{\{AfC-c|b\}\}\n';



				else if (sub.action == 'comment'){

					if(sub.comment != '')

						text += '\n*\{\{afc comment|1=' + sub.comment +'\~\~\~\~\}\}\n';




			else {

				// redirects......

				var acceptcomment = '';

				var declinecomment = '';

				var othercomment = '';

				var acceptcount = 0, declinecount = 0, commentcount = 0, hascomment = false;

				for(var j = 0; j < sub.from.length; j++){

					var redirect = sub.fromj];

					if(redirect.action == 'accept'){

						var redirecttext = '#REDIRECT \[\[' + + '\]\]\n' + redirect.append;;

						afcHelper_redirect_editPage(redirect.title, redirecttext, token, 'Created via \[\[WP:AFC|Articles for Creation\]\] (\[\[WP:WPAFC|you can help!\]\])', true);

					var talktext = '\{\{subst:WPAFC/redirect\}\}';

					var talktitle = 'Talk:' + redirect.title;

					afcHelper_redirect_editPage(talktitle, talktext, token, 'Placing WPAFC project banner', true);

						acceptcomment += redirect.title + " &rarr; " +;

						if(redirect.comment != ''){

							acceptcomment += ': ' + redirect.comment + '; ';

							hascomment = true;

						} else

							acceptcomment += '; ';

						acceptcount ++;


					else if (redirect.action == 'decline'){

						var reason = afcHelper_redirectDecline_reasonhashredirect.reason];

						if(reason == '')

							reason = redirect.comment;

						else if (redirect.comment != '')

							reason = reason + ': ' + redirect.comment;

						if(reason == ''){

							document.getElementById('afcHelper_status').innerHTML += '<li>Skipping ' + redirect.title + ': No decline reason specified.</li>';



						declinecomment += redirect.title + " &rarr; " + + ": " + reason + "; "; 

						declinecount ++;


					else if (redirect.action == 'comment'){

						othercomment += redirect.title + ": " + redirect.comment + ", ";

						commentcount ++;



				var reason = '';


				if(acceptcount > 0)

					reason += '\n*\{\{subst:afc redirect|accept|2=' + acceptcomment + ' Thank you for your contributions to Wikipedia!\}\} \~\~\~\~';

				if (declinecount > 0)

					reason += '\n*\{\{subst:afc redirect|decline|2=' + declinecomment + '\}\} \~\~\~\~';

				if(commentcount > 0)

					reason += '\n*\{\{afc comment|1=' + othercomment + '\~\~\~\~\}\}';

				reason += '\n';

				if(!hascomment && acceptcount == sub.from.length){

					if(acceptcount > 1)

						reason = '\n*\{\{subst:afc redirect|all\}\} \~\~\~\~\n';


						reason = '\n*\{\{subst:afc redirect\}\} \~\~\~\~\n';


				if(acceptcount + declinecount + commentcount > 0){

					if(acceptcount + declinecount == sub.from.length){

						// Every request disposed of. Close.

						var header = text.match(/==[^=]*==/)[0];

						if(acceptcount > declinecount)

							text = header + "\n\{\{AfC-c|a\}\}\n" + text.substring(header.length);


							text = header + "\n\{\{AfC-c|d\}\}\n" + text.substring(header.length);

						text += reason;

						text += '\{\{AfC-c|b\}\}\n';



						text += reason +'\n';


				totalaccept += acceptcount;

				totaldecline += declinecount;

				totalcomment += commentcount;


			pagetext = pagetext.substring(0, startindex) + text + pagetext.substring(endindex);



		var summary = "Updating submission status:";

		if(totalaccept > 0)

			summary += " accepting " + totalaccept + " request"  + (totalaccept > 1 ? 's' : '');

		if(totaldecline > 0){

			if(totalaccept > 0)

				summary += ',';

			summary += " declining " + totaldecline + " request" + (totaldecline > 1 ? 's' : '');


		if(totalcomment > 0){

			if(totalaccept > 0 || totaldecline > 0)

				summary += ',';

			summary += " commenting on " + totalcomment + " request" + (totalcomment > 1 ? 's' : '');



		afcHelper_redirect_editPage(afcHelper_RedirectPageName, pagetext, token, summary, false);

		document.getElementById('afcHelper_finished_main').style.display = '';


	function afcHelper_redirect_getToken(show) {

		if (show) {

			document.getElementById('afcHelper_status').innerHTML += '<li id="afcHelper_gettoken">Getting token</li>';


		var req = sajax_init_object();"GET", wgScriptPath + "/api.php?action=query&prop=info&indexpageids=1&intoken=edit&format=json&titles="+encodeURIComponent(afcHelper_RedirectPageName), false);


		var response = eval('(' + req.responseText + ')');

		pageid = response'query']['pageids'][0];

		token = response'query']['pages'][pageid]['edittoken'];

		delete req;

		if (show) {

			document.getElementById('afcHelper_gettoken').innerHTML = 'Got token';


		return token;


	function afcHelper_redirect_editPage(title, newtext, token, summary, createonly) {

		document.getElementById('afcHelper_finished_wrapper').innerHTML = '<span id="afcHelper_AJAX_finished_'+afcHelper_Redirect_AJAXnumber+'" style="display:none">' + document.getElementById('afcHelper_finished_wrapper').innerHTML + '</span>';

		var func_id = afcHelper_Redirect_AJAXnumber;


		document.getElementById('afcHelper_status').innerHTML += '<li id="afcHelper_edit'+escape(title)+'">Editing <a href="'+wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title))+'" title="'+title+'">'+title+'</a></li>';

		var req = sajax_init_object();

		var params = "action=edit&format=json&token="+encodeURIComponent(token)+"&title="+encodeURIComponent(title)+"&text="+encodeURIComponent(newtext)+"&notminor=1&summary="+encodeURIComponent(summary);


			params += "&createonly=1";

		url = wgScriptPath + "/api.php";"POST", url, true);

		req.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");

		req.setRequestHeader("Content-length", params.length);

		req.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close");

		req.onreadystatechange = function() {

			if(req.readyState == 4 && req.status == 200) {

				response = eval('(' + req.responseText + ')');

				try {

					if (response'edit']['result' == "Success") {

						document.getElementById('afcHelper_edit'+escape(title)).innerHTML = 'Saved <a href="'+wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title))+'" title="'+title+'">'+title+'</a>';

					} else {

						document.getElementById('afcHelper_edit'+escape(title)).innerHTML = '<div style="color:red"><b>Edit failed on <a href="'+wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title))+'" title="'+title+'">'+title+'</a></b></div>. Error info:' +response'error']['code' + ' : ' + response'error']['info'];



				catch(err) {

					document.getElementById('afcHelper_edit'+escape(title)).innerHTML = '<div style="color:red"><b>Edit failed on <a href="'+wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title))+'" title="'+title+'">'+title+'</a></b></div>';


				document.getElementById('afcHelper_AJAX_finished_'+func_id).style.display = '';

				delete req;





	function afcHelper_redirect_getPageText(title, show) {


			document.getElementById('afcHelper_status').innerHTML += '<li id="afcHelper_get'+escape(title)+'">Getting <a href="'+wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title))+'" title="'+title+'">'+title+'</a></li>';


		var req = sajax_init_object();"GET", wgScriptPath + "/api.php?action=query&prop=revisions&rvprop=content&format=json&indexpageids=1&titles="+encodeURIComponent(title), false);


		var response = eval('(' + req.responseText + ')');

		pageid = response'query']['pageids'][0];

		if (pageid == "-1") {


				document.getElementById('afcHelper_get'+escape(title)).innerHTML = '<a class="new" href="'+wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title))+'" title="'+title+'">'+title+'</a> does not exist';


			delete req;

			return '';


		pagetext = response'query']['pages'][pageid]['revisions'][0]['*'];

		delete req;


			document.getElementById('afcHelper_get'+escape(title)).innerHTML = 'Got <a href="'+wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title))+'" title="'+title+'">'+title+'</a>';


		return pagetext;


	function afcHelper_redirect_generateSelect(title, options, onchange){

		var text = '<select name="' + title + '" id="' + title +'" ';

		if(onchange != null)

			text += 'onchange = "' + onchange + '" ';

		text+= '>';

		for(var i = 0; i < options.length; i ++){

			var o = optionsi];

			text += '<option value="' + o.value + '" ';


				text += 'selected="selected" ';

			text += '>' + o.label + '</option>';


		text += "</select>";

		return text;


	function afcHelper_redirect_addLink() {

		addPortletLink("p-cactions", "javascript:afcHelper_redirect_init()", "Review", "ca-afcHelper", "Review");




else if (wgPageName.indexOf('Wikipedia:Articles_for_creation/') != -1 || wgPageName.indexOf('Wikipedia_talk:Articles_for_creation/') != -1) {

	var afcHelper_PageName = wgPageName.replace(/_/g, ' ');

	var afcHelper_AJAXnumber = 0;

	var afcHelper_submissionTitle = wgTitle.replace(/Articles for creation\//g, '');

	var afcHelper_reasonhash = {

			'v': 'submission is unsourced or contains only unreliable sources',

			'blank': 'submission is blank',

			'lang': 'submission is not in English',

			'cv': 'submission is a copyright violation',

			'exists': 'submission already exists in main space',

			'dup': 'submission is a duplicate of another submission',

			'coi': 'author appears to have a conflict of interest',

			'redirect': 'submission is a redirect request',

			'test': 'submission is a test edit',

			'news': 'submission appears to be a news report of a single event',

			'dict': 'submission is a dictionary definition',

			'joke': 'submission appears to be a joke',

			'blp': 'submission does not conform to BLP',

			'neo': 'submission is a neologism',

			'npov': 'submission is not written from a neutral point of view',

			'adv': 'submission is written like an advertisement',

			'context': 'submission provides insufficient context',

			'mergeto': 'submission is too short but can be merged',

			'plot': 'submission is a plot summary',

			'essay': 'submission reads like an essay',

			'not': 'submission is covered by WP:NOT',

			'nn': 'subject appears to be non-notable',

			'web': 'subject appears to be non-notable web content',

			'prof': 'subject appears to be a non-notable academic',

			'athlete': 'subject appears to be a non-notable athlete',

			'music': 'subject appears to be a non-notable musical performer or work',

			'film': 'subject appears to be a non-notable film',

			'corp': 'subject appears to be a non-notable company or organization',

			'bio': 'subject appears to be a non-notable person',

			'reason': ''


	function afcHelper_init() {

		if (!wfSupportsAjax()) {

			jsMsg('<span style="color:red; font-size:120%">Your browser does not seem to support AJAX, which is required for the afcHelper script v3.</span>');



		form = '<div id="afcHelper_initialform">'+

		'<h3>Reviewing '+afcHelper_PageName+'</h3>'+

		'<input type="button" id="afcHelper_accept_button" name="afcHelper_accept_button" value="Accept" onclick="afcHelper_prompt(\'accept\')" />'+

		'<input type="button" id="afcHelper_decline_button" name="afcHelper_decline_button" value="Decline" onclick="afcHelper_prompt(\'decline\')" />'+

		'<input type="button" id="afcHelper_hold_button" name="afcHelper_hold_button" value="Hold" onclick="afcHelper_prompt(\'hold\')" />'+

		'<input type="button" id="afcHelper_comment_button" name="afcHelper_comment_button" value="Comment" onclick="afcHelper_prompt(\'comment\')" />'+

		'<input type="button" id="afcHelper_mark_button" name="afcHelper_mark_button" value="Mark as reviewing" onclick="afcHelper_act(\'mark\')" />'+

		'<div id="afcHelper_extra"></div>';



	function afcHelper_prompt(type) {

		if(type == 'accept'){

			var text = '<br /><br /> <h3>Accepting '+afcHelper_PageName+'</h3>'+

			'<label for="afcHelper_movetarget">Move submission to: </label><input type="text" id="afcHelper_movetarget" name="afcHelper_movetarget" value="' +afcHelper_submissionTitle+'" />'+

			'<br /><label for="afcHelper_assessment">Assessment (optional): </label>';

			var assessmentSelect = afcHelper_generateSelect("afcHelper_assessment", 

					[{ label: 'B-class', value: 'B' },

					 { label: 'C-class', value: 'C' },

					 { label: 'Start-class', value: 'start' },

					 { label: 'Stub-class', value: 'stub' },

					 { label: 'List-class', value: 'list' },

					 { label: 'Disambig-class', value: 'disambig' },

					 { label: 'Redirect-class', value: 'redirect' },

					 { label: 'None', selected : true, value: '' }

					 ], null);

			text += assessmentSelect;

			text += '<br /><label for="afcHelper_pageAppend">Append to page (optional): </label><textarea rows="3" cols="60" name="afcHelper_pageAppend" id="afcHelper_pageAppend"></textarea>'+

			'<br /><label for="afcHelper_talkAppend">Append to talk page (optional): </label><textarea rows="3" cols="60" name="afcHelper_talkAppend" id="afcHelper_talkAppend"></textarea>';

			document.getElementById('afcHelper_extra').innerHTML += text;


		else if(type == 'decline' || type == 'hold'){

			var text = '<br /><br /> <h3>' + (type == 'decline' ? 'Declining ' : 'Placing on hold ') +afcHelper_PageName+'</h3>'+

			'<label for="afcHelper_reason">Reason for ' + type + ': </label>';

			var reasonSelect = afcHelper_generateSelect("afcHelper_reason",

					[{ label: 'v - submission is unsourced or contain only unreliable sources', value: 'v' },

					 { label: 'blank - submission is blank', value: 'blank' },

					 { label: 'lang - submission is not in English', value: 'lang' },

					 { label: 'cv - submission is a copyright violation', value: 'cv' },

					 { label: 'exists - submission already exists in main space', value: 'exists' },

					 { label: 'dup - submission is a duplicate of another submission', value: 'dup' },

					 { label: 'coi - author appears to have a conflict of interest', value: 'coi' },

					 { label: 'redirect - submission is a redirect request', value: 'redirect' },

					 { label: 'test - submission is a test edit', value: 'test' },

					 { label: 'news - submission appears to be a news report of a single event', value: 'news' },

					 { label: 'dict - submission is a dictionary definition', value: 'dict' },

					 { label: 'joke - submission appears to be a joke', value: 'joke' },

					 { label: 'blp - submission does not conform to BLP', value: 'blp' },

					 { label: 'neo - submission is a neologism', value: 'neo' },

					 { label: 'npov - submission is not written from a neutral point of view', value: 'npov' },

					 { label: 'adv - submission is written like an advertisement', value: 'adv' },

					 { label: 'context - submission provides insufficient context', value: 'context' },

					 { label: 'mergeto - submission is too short but can be merged', value: 'mergeto' },

					 { label: 'plot - submission is a plot summary', value: 'plot' },

					 { label: 'essay - submission reads like an essay', value: 'essay' },

					 { label: 'not - submission is covered by WP:NOT', value: 'not' },

					 { label: 'nn - subject appears to be non-notable - consider using a more specialized decline reason', value: 'nn' },

					 { label: 'web - subject appears to be non-notable web content', value: 'web' },

					 { label: 'prof - subject appears to be a non-notable academic', value: 'prof' },

					 { label: 'athlete - subject appears to be a non-notable athlete', value: 'athlete' },

					 { label: 'music - subject appears to be a non-notable musical performer or work', value: 'music' },

					 { label: 'film - subject appears to be a non-notable film', value: 'film' },

					 { label: 'corp - subject appears to be a non-notable company or organization', value: 'corp' },

					 { label: 'bio - subject appears to be a non-notable person', value: 'bio' },

					 { label: 'Custom - reason below', selected : true, value: 'reason' }

					 ], "afcHelper_onChange(this)");

			text += reasonSelect;

			text += '<br /><label for="afcHelper_comments">Additional comments (optional): </label><textarea rows="3" cols="60" name="afcHelper_comments" id="afcHelper_comments"></textarea>'+

			'<label for="afcHelper_blank">Blank submission:</label><input type="checkbox" name="afcHelper_blank" id="afcHelper_blank" /><br/>' +

			'<label for="afcHelper_notify">Notify author:</label><input type="checkbox" name="afcHelper_notify" id="afcHelper_notify" checked="checked" /><br/>';

			document.getElementById('afcHelper_extra').innerHTML += text;


		else if(type == 'comment'){

			var text = '<br /><br /> <h3> Commenting on ' +afcHelper_PageName+'</h3>'+

			'<br /><label for="afcHelper_comments">Comment: </label><textarea rows="3" cols="60" name="afcHelper_comments" id="afcHelper_comments"></textarea>';

			document.getElementById('afcHelper_extra').innerHTML += text;


		document.getElementById('afcHelper_extra').innerHTML += '<input type="button" id="afcHelper_prompt_button" name="afcHelper_prompt_button" value="Submit" onclick="afcHelper_act(\''+type+'\')" />';


	function afcHelper_act(action) {

		if(action == 'accept'){

			var newtitle = document.getElementById("afcHelper_movetarget").value;

			var assessment = document.getElementById("afcHelper_assessment").value;

			var pageAppend = document.getElementById("afcHelper_pageAppend").value;

			var talkAppend =  document.getElementById("afcHelper_talkAppend").value;

			jsMsg('<ul id="afcHelper_status"></ul><ul id="afcHelper_finish"></ul>');

			document.getElementById('afcHelper_finish').innerHTML += '<span id="afcHelper_finished_wrapper"><span id="afcHelper_finished_main" style="display:none"><li id="afcHelper_done"><b>Done (<a href="'+wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(afcHelper_PageName))+'?action=purge" title="'+afcHelper_PageName+'">Reload page</a>)</b></li></span></span>';

			var token = afcHelper_getToken(true);

			var callback = function(){

				var text = afcHelper_getPageText(newtitle);

				var username ='';

				// clean up page

				var afc_re = /\{\{\s*afc submission\s*\|(?:\{\{[^\{\}]*\}\}|[^\}\{])*\}\}/i;

				if( afc_re.test( text ) ) {

					var afctemplate = afc_re.exec(text)[0];

					var author_re = /\|\s*u=\s*[^\|]*\|/i;


						var user = author_re.exec(afctemplate)[0];

						username = user.split(/=/)[1];

						username = username.replace(/\|/g,'');

						var usertext = afcHelper_getPageText("User talk:"+username);

						usertext += "\n== Your submission at \[\[WP:AFC|Articles for creation\]\] ==";

						usertext += "\n\{\{subst:afc talk|1=" + newtitle + "|class=" + assessment + "\}\} \~\~\~\~";

						afcHelper_editPage("User talk:"+username, usertext, token, 'Your submission at \[\[WP:AFC|Articles for creation\]\]');



				var recenttext = afcHelper_getPageText("Wikipedia:Articles for creation/recent");

				var newentry = "\{\{afc contrib|" + assessment + "|" + newtitle + "|" + username +"\}\}\n";

				var lastentry = recenttext.toLowerCase().lastIndexOf("\{\{afc contrib");

				var firstentry = recenttext.toLowerCase().indexOf("\{\{afc contrib");

				recenttext = recenttext.substring(0, lastentry);

				recenttext = recenttext.substring(0, firstentry) + newentry + recenttext.substring(firstentry);

				afcHelper_editPage("Wikipedia:Articles for creation/recent", recenttext, token, 'Updating recent AFC creations');

				var talktext = "\{\{talkheader\}\}\n\{\{subst:WPAFC/article|class=" + assessment + "\}\}";

				talktext += "\n";

				talktext += talkAppend;

				afcHelper_editPage("Talk:"+newtitle, talktext, token, 'Placing WPAFC project banner');


					var startindex =;

					var template = afc_re.exec(text)[0];

					var endindex = startindex + template.length;

					text = text.substring(0, startindex) + text.substring(endindex);


				var cmt_re = /\{\{\s*afc comment\s*\|(?:\{\{[^\{\}]*\}\}|[^\}\{])*\}\}/i;


					var startindex =;

					var template = cmt_re.exec(text)[0];

					var endindex = startindex + template.length;

					text = text.substring(0, startindex) + text.substring(endindex);


				var afcindex =\{\{afc/i);

				while (afcindex != -1){

					var endindex = text.indexOf("\}\}", afcindex + 2);

					text = text.substring(0,afcindex) + text.substring(endindex+2);

					afcindex =\{\{afc/i);


				if(text.indexOf("\<\!--- Important, do not remove this line before article has been created. ---\>") != -1){

					var startindex = text.indexOf("\<\!--- Important, do not remove this line before article has been created. ---\>");

					var endindex = text.indexOf(">", startindex);

					text = text.substring(0, startindex) + text.substring(endindex+1);


				// Remove line breaks.

				text = text.replace(/----/g, '');

				// Remove leading whitespace, if any.

				var spaceindex =\s/);

				while(spaceindex == 0){

					text = text.substring(1);

					spaceindex =\s/);


				// Uncomment cats

				text = text.replace(/\[\[:Category:/gi, "\[\[Category:");

				text += '\n';

				text += pageAppend;

				afcHelper_editPage(newtitle, text, token, "Cleanup following AFC creation");


			afcHelper_movePage(afcHelper_PageName, newtitle, token, 'Created via \[\[WP:AFC|Articles for Creation\]\] (\[\[WP:WPAFC|you can help!\]\])' , callback);


		else if(action == 'decline' || action == 'hold'){

			var code = document.getElementById("afcHelper_reason").value;

			var reasontext = afcHelper_reasonhashcode];

			var customreason = document.getElementById("afcHelper_comments").value;

			var append = false;

			var keep = false;

			var blank = document.getElementById("afcHelper_blank").checked;

			var notify = document.getElementById("afcHelper_notify").checked;

			jsMsg('<ul id="afcHelper_status"></ul><ul id="afcHelper_finish"></ul>');

			document.getElementById('afcHelper_finish').innerHTML += '<span id="afcHelper_finished_wrapper"><span id="afcHelper_finished_main" style="display:none"><li id="afcHelper_done"><b>Done (<a href="'+wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(afcHelper_PageName))+'?action=purge" title="'+afcHelper_PageName+'">Reload page</a>)</b></li></span></span>';

			var token = afcHelper_getToken(true);

			var text = afcHelper_getPageText(afcHelper_PageName);

			// Find the first submission or onhold template on the page.

			var afc_re = /\{\{\s*afc submission\s*\|\s*[\||h|r](?:\{\{[^\{\}]*\}\}|[^\}\{])*\}\}/i;

			if( !afc_re.test( text ) ) {

				alert( "Unable to locate AFC submission template, aborting..." );



			var afctemplate = afc_re.exec(text)[0];

			if(\|\s*h\s*\|/i) != -1){

				if(action != 'decline'){

					append = confirm( "Submission is already on hold. Do you want to add your reason as a comment?" );






					if(code == 'reason' && customreason == ''){

						keep = true;



			if (!keep) {

				if(code == 'reason' && customreason == ''){

					alert("You must enter a reason!");




			var startindex = text.indexOf(afctemplate);

			var endindex = startindex + afctemplate.length;

			//data is always between the first pipe and the one before the timestamp.

			var firstpipe = afctemplate.indexOf('|');

			var endpipe = afctemplate.indexOf('|ts');

			var newtemplate = afctemplate.substring(0, firstpipe);

			var summary = '';

			var extra = '';

			var newcomment = '';

			if(code == 'cv'){

				extra = prompt("Please enter the url if available, starting with http://");


			else if(code == 'dup'){

				extra = prompt("Please enter the title of the duplicate submission, if possible. Do not enter the prefix (e.g., John Doe).");


			else if(code == 'mergeto'){

				extra = prompt("Please enter the title of the article to merge to, if possible.");


			else if(code == 'exists'){

				extra = prompt("Please enter the title of the existing article, if possible.");


			else if(code == 'plot'){

				extra = prompt("Please enter the title of the existing article on the fiction, if there is one.");


			if(extra == null){



			if(!keep && !append){

				// overwrite any reason that was there.

				newtemplate += '|';

				newtemplate += action.substring(0, 1);

				newtemplate += '|';

				newtemplate += code;

				if(code == 'reason'){

					newtemplate += '|3=';

					newtemplate += customreason;


				else if(extra != ''){

					newtemplate += '|3=';

					newtemplate += extra;


				newtemplate += afctemplate.substring(endpipe);

				if(code != 'reason' && customreason != ''){

					newcomment = "*\{\{afc comment|1=" + customreason + " \~\~\~\~\}\}";


				summary = (action == 'decline' ? "Declining submission" : "Placing submission on hold");

				if(code == 'reason')

					summary += ': see comment therein';


					summary += ': ' + reasontext;


			else if (append){

				//append the reason as a comment.

				newtemplate = afctemplate;

				newcomment = "*\{\{afc comment|1=\{\{AFC submission/comments|";

				newcomment += code;

				if(code == 'reason'){

					newcomment += '|2=';

					newcomment += customreason;


				else if(extra != ''){

					newcomment += '|2=';

					newcomment += extra;


				newcomment += "\}\} \~\~\~\~ \}\}";

				summary = 'Comment on submission';

				if(code == 'reason')

					summary += '.';


					summary += ': ' + reasontext;



				// keep the original reason, just change hold to decline.

				var secondpipe = afctemplate.indexOf('|', firstpipe + 1);

				newtemplate += '|d';

				newtemplate += afctemplate.substring(secondpipe);

				summary = 'Decline submission for reasons stated in hold.';


			if(!append && notify){

				var author_re = /\|\s*u=\s*[^\|]*\|/i;


					var user = author_re.exec(afctemplate)[0];

					var username = user.split(/=/)[1];

					username = username.replace(/[\|]/g,'');

					var usertext = afcHelper_getPageText("User talk:"+username);

					usertext += "\n== Your submission at \[\[WP:AFC|Articles for creation\]\] ==";

					if(action == 'decline'){

						usertext += "\n\{\{subst:afc decline|1=" + afcHelper_submissionTitle;

						if(code == 'cv')

							usertext += "| cv = yes";

						usertext += "\}\} \~\~\~\~";



						usertext += "\n\{\{subst:afc onhold|1=" + afcHelper_submissionTitle + "\}\} \~\~\~\~";

					afcHelper_editPage("User talk:"+username, usertext, token, 'Your submission at \[\[WP:AFC|Articles for creation\]\]');




				var containComment = (text.indexOf('----') != -1);

				if(newcomment != ''){


						text = text.substring(0, startindex) + newtemplate + '\n' + newcomment + '\n----\n'+ text.substring(endindex);


						text = text.substring(0, startindex) + newtemplate + text.substring(endindex);

						var idx = text.indexOf('----');

						text = text.substring(0, idx) + newcomment +'\n' + text.substring(idx);




					text = text.substring(0, startindex) + newtemplate + text.substring(endindex);



				text = newtemplate + '\n' + newcomment + "\n\{\{afc cleared\}\}";

			if(action == 'decline'){

				// Comment out cats on decline.

				text = text.replace(/\[\[Category:/gi, "\[\[:Category:");


			afcHelper_editPage(afcHelper_PageName, text, token, summary);


		else if(action == 'comment'){

			var comment = document.getElementById("afcHelper_comments").value;

			jsMsg('<ul id="afcHelper_status"></ul><ul id="afcHelper_finish"></ul>');

			document.getElementById('afcHelper_finish').innerHTML += '<span id="afcHelper_finished_wrapper"><span id="afcHelper_finished_main" style="display:none"><li id="afcHelper_done"><b>Done (<a href="'+wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(afcHelper_PageName))+'?action=purge" title="'+afcHelper_PageName+'">Reload page</a>)</b></li></span></span>';

			var token = afcHelper_getToken(true);

			var text = afcHelper_getPageText(afcHelper_PageName);

			var containComment = (text.indexOf('----') != -1);

			var newComment = "*\{\{afc comment|1=" + comment + "\~\~\~\~\}\}";

			if(comment != ''){


					var afc_re = /\{\{\s*afc submission\s*\|\s*[\||h|r](?:\{\{[^\{\}]*\}\}|[^\}\{])*\}\}/i;

					if( !afc_re.test( text ) ) {

						alert( "Unable to locate AFC submission template, aborting..." );



					var afctemplate = afc_re.exec(text)[0];

					var endindex = text.indexOf(afctemplate) + afctemplate.length;

					text = text.substring(0, endindex) + '\n' + newComment + '\n----\n'+ text.substring(endindex);



					var idx = text.indexOf('----');

					text = text.substring(0, idx) + newComment +'\n' + text.substring(idx);


				afcHelper_editPage(afcHelper_PageName, text, token, "Commenting on submission");



		else if(action == 'mark'){

			jsMsg('<ul id="afcHelper_status"></ul><ul id="afcHelper_finish"></ul>');

			document.getElementById('afcHelper_finish').innerHTML += '<span id="afcHelper_finished_wrapper"><span id="afcHelper_finished_main" style="display:none"><li id="afcHelper_done"><b>Done (<a href="'+wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(afcHelper_PageName))+'?action=purge" title="'+afcHelper_PageName+'">Reload page</a>)</b></li></span></span>';

			var token = afcHelper_getToken(true);

			var text = afcHelper_getPageText(afcHelper_PageName);

			var afc_re = /\{\{\s*afc submission\s*\|\s*[\||h](?:\{\{[^\{\}]*\}\}|[^\}\{])*\}\}/i;

			if( !afc_re.test( text ) ) {

				alert( "Unable to locate AFC submission template, aborting..." );



			var afctemplate = afc_re.exec(text)[0];

			var firstpipe = afctemplate.indexOf('|');

			var endpipe = afctemplate.indexOf('|ts');

			var newTemplate = afctemplate.substring(0, firstpipe);

			newTemplate += '|r||';

			newTemplate += afctemplate.substring(endpipe);

			var startindex = text.indexOf(afctemplate);

			var endindex = text.indexOf(afctemplate) + afctemplate.length;

			text = text.substring(0, startindex) + newTemplate + text.substring(endindex);

			afcHelper_editPage(afcHelper_PageName, text, token, "Marking submission as being reviewed");


		document.getElementById('afcHelper_finished_main').style.display = '';


	function afcHelper_getPageText(title) {

		document.getElementById('afcHelper_status').innerHTML += '<li id="afcHelper_get'+escape(title)+'">Getting <a href="'+wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title))+'" title="'+title+'">'+title+'</a></li>';

		var req = sajax_init_object();"GET", wgScriptPath + "/api.php?action=query&prop=revisions&rvprop=content&format=json&indexpageids=1&titles="+encodeURIComponent(title), false);


		var response = eval('(' + req.responseText + ')');

		pageid = response'query']['pageids'][0];

		if (pageid == "-1") {

			document.getElementById('afcHelper_get'+escape(title)).innerHTML = '<a class="new" href="'+wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title))+'" title="'+title+'">'+title+'</a> does not exist';

			delete req;

			return '';


		pagetext = response'query']['pages'][pageid]['revisions'][0]['*'];

		delete req;

		document.getElementById('afcHelper_get'+escape(title)).innerHTML = 'Got <a href="'+wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title))+'" title="'+title+'">'+title+'</a>';

		return pagetext;


	function afcHelper_getToken(show) {

		if (show) {

			document.getElementById('afcHelper_status').innerHTML += '<li id="afcHelper_gettoken">Getting token</li>';


		var req = sajax_init_object();"GET", wgScriptPath + "/api.php?action=query&prop=info&indexpageids=1&intoken=edit&format=json&titles="+encodeURIComponent(afcHelper_PageName), false);


		var response = eval('(' + req.responseText + ')');

		pageid = response'query']['pageids'][0];

		token = response'query']['pages'][pageid]['edittoken'];

		delete req;

		if (show) {

			document.getElementById('afcHelper_gettoken').innerHTML = 'Got token';


		return token;


	function afcHelper_movePage(oldtitle, newtitle, token, summary, callback){

		document.getElementById('afcHelper_finished_wrapper').innerHTML = '<span id="afcHelper_AJAX_finished_'+afcHelper_AJAXnumber+'" style="display:none">' + document.getElementById('afcHelper_finished_wrapper').innerHTML + '</span>';

		var func_id = afcHelper_AJAXnumber;


		document.getElementById('afcHelper_status').innerHTML += '<li id="afcHelper_move'+escape(oldtitle)+'">Moving <a href="'+wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(oldtitle))+'" title="'+oldtitle+'">'+oldtitle+'</a> to <a href="'+wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(newtitle))+'" title="'+newtitle+'">'+newtitle+'</a></li>';

		var req = sajax_init_object();

		var params = "action=move&format=json&token="+encodeURIComponent(token)+"&from="+encodeURIComponent(oldtitle) +"&to="+encodeURIComponent(newtitle)+"&reason="+encodeURIComponent(summary);

		url = wgScriptPath + "/api.php";"POST", url, true);

		req.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");

		req.setRequestHeader("Content-length", params.length);

		req.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close");

		req.onreadystatechange = function() {

			if(req.readyState == 4 && req.status == 200) {

				var error = true;

				response = eval('(' + req.responseText + ')');

				try {

					if (typeof(response'move']) != "undefined") {

						document.getElementById('afcHelper_move'+escape(oldtitle)).innerHTML = 'Moved <a href="'+wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(oldtitle))+'" title="'+oldtitle+'">'+oldtitle+'</a>';

						error = false;

					} else {

						document.getElementById('afcHelper_move'+escape(oldtitle)).innerHTML = '<div style="color:red"><b>Move failed on <a href="'+wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(oldtitle))+'" title="'+oldtitle+'">'+oldtitle+'</a></b></div>. Error info:' +response'error']['code' + ' : ' + response'error']['info'];



				catch(err) {

					document.getElementById('afcHelper_move'+escape(oldtitle)).innerHTML = '<div style="color:red"><b>Move failed on <a href="'+wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(oldtitle))+'" title="'+oldtitle+'">'+oldtitle+'</a></b></div>';



					if(callback != null)



				document.getElementById('afcHelper_AJAX_finished_'+func_id).style.display = '';

				delete req;





	function afcHelper_editPage(title, newtext, token, summary) {

		document.getElementById('afcHelper_finished_wrapper').innerHTML = '<span id="afcHelper_AJAX_finished_'+afcHelper_AJAXnumber+'" style="display:none">' + document.getElementById('afcHelper_finished_wrapper').innerHTML + '</span>';

		var func_id = afcHelper_AJAXnumber;


		document.getElementById('afcHelper_status').innerHTML += '<li id="afcHelper_edit'+escape(title)+'">Editing <a href="'+wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title))+'" title="'+title+'">'+title+'</a></li>';

		var req = sajax_init_object();

		var params = "action=edit&format=json&token="+encodeURIComponent(token)+"&title="+encodeURIComponent(title)+"&text="+encodeURIComponent(newtext)+"&notminor=1&summary="+encodeURIComponent(summary);

		url = wgScriptPath + "/api.php";"POST", url, true);

		req.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");

		req.setRequestHeader("Content-length", params.length);

		req.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close");

		req.onreadystatechange = function() {

			if(req.readyState == 4 && req.status == 200) {

				response = eval('(' + req.responseText + ')');

				try {

					if (response'edit']['result' == "Success") {

						document.getElementById('afcHelper_edit'+escape(title)).innerHTML = 'Saved <a href="'+wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title))+'" title="'+title+'">'+title+'</a>';

					} else {

						document.getElementById('afcHelper_edit'+escape(title)).innerHTML = '<div style="color:red"><b>Edit failed on <a href="'+wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title))+'" title="'+title+'">'+title+'</a></b></div>. Error info:' +response'error']['code' + ' : ' + response'error']['info'];



				catch(err) {

					document.getElementById('afcHelper_edit'+escape(title)).innerHTML = '<div style="color:red"><b>Edit failed on <a href="'+wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title))+'" title="'+title+'">'+title+'</a></b></div>';


				document.getElementById('afcHelper_AJAX_finished_'+func_id).style.display = '';

				delete req;





	function afcHelper_addLink() {

		addPortletLink("p-cactions", "javascript:afcHelper_init()", "Review", "ca-afcHelper", "Review");


	function afcHelper_onChange(select){

		var value = select.optionsselect.selectedIndex].value;

		if(value == 'blp' || value == 'cv'){

			document.getElementById("afcHelper_blank").setAttribute("checked", "checked");





	function afcHelper_generateSelect(title, options, onchange){

		var text = '<select name="' + title + '" id="' + title +'" ';

		if(onchange != null)

			text += 'onchange = "' + onchange + '" ';

		text+= '>';

		for(var i = 0; i < options.length; i ++){

			var o = optionsi];

			text += '<option value="' + o.value + '" ';


				text += 'selected="selected" ';

			text += '>' + o.label + '</option>';


		text += "</select>";

		return text;



From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.



// Yet another AfC helper script

// v.4.1.0

// Adapted from [[User:Mr.Z-man/closeAFD]]



if (wgPageName.indexOf('Wikipedia:Articles_for_creation/Redirects') != -1) {

	var afcHelper_RedirectPageName = wgPageName.replace(/_/g, ' ');

	var afcHelper_RedirectSubmissions = new Array();

	var afcHelper_RedirectSections = new Array();

	var afcHelper_numTotal = 0;

	var afcHelper_Redirect_AJAXnumber = 0;

	var afcHelper_Submissions = new Array();

	var afcHelper_redirectDecline_reasonhash = {

			'exists' : 'The title you suggested already exists on Wikipedia',

			'blank' : 'We cannot accept empty submissions',

			'notarget': ' A redirect cannot be created unless the target is an existing article. Either you have not specified the target, or the target does not exist',

			'unlikely': 'The title you suggested seems unlikely. Could you provide a source showing that it is a commonly used alternate name?',

			'notredirect': 'This request is not a redirect request',

			'custom': ''


	var afcHelper_categoryDecline_reasonhash = {

			'exists' : 'The category you suggested already exists on Wikipedia',

			'blank' : 'We cannot accept empty submissions',

			'unlikely': 'It seems unlikely that there are enough pages to support this category',

			'notcategory':'This request is not a category request',

			'custom': ''


	function afcHelper_redirect_init(){

		afcHelper_RedirectSubmissions = new Array();

		afcHelper_RedirectSections = new Array();

		afcHelper_numTotal = 0;

		var pagetext = afcHelper_redirect_getPageText(afcHelper_RedirectPageName, false);

		// let the parsing begin.

		// first, strip out the parts before the first section.

		var section_re = /==[^=]*==/;

		pagetext = pagetext.substring(;

		// second, strip out the parts that has been mass-moderated.

		// first find the place of mass moderation

		var mass_re = /\{\{(?:(?:afc-c|afc top)\|\s*m|afc mm)/i;


			var mass_mods = mass_re.exec(pagetext);

			for(var i = 0; i < mass_mods.length; i++){

				var mass_mod_start = pagetext.indexOf(mass_modsi]);

				var mass_mod_end = pagetext.substring(mass_mod_start).search(/\{\{(?:afc-c\|\s*b|afc b)/i);

				mass_mod_end += mass_mod_start;

				mass_mod_end = pagetext.indexOf('\}\}', mass_mod_end);

				pagetext = pagetext.substring(0, mass_mod_start) + pagetext.substring(mass_mod_end + 2);



		// now parse it into sections.

		section_re = /==[^=]*==/g;

		var section_headers = pagetext.match(section_re);

		for(var i = 0; i < section_headers.length; i++){

			var section_start = pagetext.indexOf(section_headersi]);

			var section_text = pagetext.substring(section_start);

			if(i < section_headers.length-1){

				var section_end = section_text.substring(section_headersi].length).indexOf(section_headersi+1]) + section_headersi].length;

				section_text = section_text.substring(0, section_end);




		// parse the sections.

		for(var i = 0; i < afcHelper_RedirectSections.length; i++){

			var closed = /\{\{\s*afc(?!\s+comment)/i.test(afcHelper_RedirectSectionsi]);


				// parse.

				var header = afcHelper_RedirectSectionsi].match(section_re)[0];

				if( request/i) != -1){

					var wikilink_re = /\[\[[^\[\]]+\]\]/g;

					var links = header.match(wikilink_re);

					if(!links) continue;

					for(var j = 0; j < links.length; j++){

						linksj=linksj].replace(/[\[\]]/g, '');

						if(linksj].charAt(0) == ':')

							linksj = linksj].substring(1);


					var re = /Target of redirect:\s*\[\[([^\[\]]*)\]\]/i;


					var to = RegExp.$1;

					var submission = {

							type: 'redirect',

							from: new Array(),

							section: i,

							to: to,

							title: to


					for(var j = 0; j < links.length; j++){

						var sub = {

								type: 'redirect',

								to: to,

								id: afcHelper_numTotal,

								title: linksj],

								action: ''








				else if( request/i) != -1){

					var wikilink_re = /\[\[[^\[\]]+\]\]/g;

					var links = header.match(wikilink_re);

					if(!links) continue;

					// figure out the parent category.

					var idx = afcHelper_RedirectSectionsi].substring(header.length).search(/\[\[\s*:\s*(Category:[^\]\[]*)\]\]/i);

					var parent = '';

					if(idx != -1)

						parent = RegExp.$1;

					parent = parent.replace(/:\s*/g, ':');

					for(var j = 0; j < links.length; j++){

						linksj=linksj].replace(/[\[\]]/g, '');

						linksj=linksj].replace(/Category\s*:\s*/gi, 'Category:');

						if(linksj].charAt(0) == ':')

							linksj = linksj].substring(1);

						var submission = {

								type: 'category',

								title: linksj],

								section: i,

								id: afcHelper_numTotal,

								action: '',

								parent: parent









		var text = '<h3>Reviewing AFC redirect requests</h3>';

		// now layout the text.

		for(var k = 0; k < afcHelper_RedirectSubmissions.length; k++){

			text += '<ul>';

			if(afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].type == 'redirect'){

				text += '<li>Redirect(s) to <a href="' + wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURIComponent(afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].to))

				+ '">' + afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].to + '</a>: <ul>';

				for(var l = 0; l < afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].from.length; l++){

					var from = afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].froml];

					text += "<li>From: " + from.title

					+'<br/><label for="afcHelper_redirect_action_'+'">Action: </label>'

					+ afcHelper_redirect_generateSelect('afcHelper_redirect_action_'+,

							[{ label: 'Accept', value: 'accept' },

							 { label: 'Decline', value: 'decline' },

							 { label: 'Comment', value: 'comment' },

							 { label: 'None', selected : true, value: 'none' }

							 ], 'afcHelper_redirect_onActionChange(' + + ')')

							 + '<div id="afcHelper_redirect_extra_' + + '"></div></li>';


				text += '</ul></li>';



				text += '<li>Category submission: '+ afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].title;

				text += '<br/> <label for="afcHelper_redirect_action_'+ afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].id+'">Action: </label>'

				+ afcHelper_redirect_generateSelect('afcHelper_redirect_action_'+ afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].id, 

						[{ label: 'Accept', value: 'accept' },

						 { label: 'Decline', value: 'decline' },

						 { label: 'Comment', value: 'comment' },

						 { label: 'None', selected : true, value: 'none' }

						 ], 'afcHelper_redirect_onActionChange(' + afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].id + ')')

						 + '<div id="afcHelper_redirect_extra_' + afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsk].id + '"></div></li>';


			text += '</ul>';			


		text += '<input type="button" id="afcHelper_redirect_done_button" name="afcHelper_redirect_done_button" value="Done" onclick="afcHelper_redirect_performActions()" />';



	function afcHelper_redirect_onActionChange(id){

		var extra = document.getElementById("afcHelper_redirect_extra_" + id);

		var selectValue = document.getElementById("afcHelper_redirect_action_"+id).value;

		if(selectValue == 'none')

			extra.innerHTML = '';

		else if(selectValue == 'accept'){

			if(afcHelper_Submissionsid].type == 'redirect'){

				extra.innerHTML = '<label for="afcHelper_redirect_from_' + id + '">From: </label><input type="text" '+

				'name="afcHelper_redirect_from_' + id + '" id="afcHelper_redirect_from_' + id + '" value="'

				+ afcHelper_Submissionsid].title + '" />';

				extra.innerHTML += '&nbsp;<label for="afcHelper_redirect_to_' + id + '">To: </label><input type="text" '+

				'name="afcHelper_redirect_to_' + id + '" id="afcHelper_redirect_to_' + id + '" value="'

				+ afcHelper_Submissionsid].to + '" />';

				extra.innerHTML += '<label for="afcHelper_redirect_append_'+ id +'">Template to append: </label>'

				+ afcHelper_redirect_generateSelect('afcHelper_redirect_append_'+ 


						     { label: 'R from alternative name', value: 'R from alternative name' },

						     { label: 'R from alternative language', value: 'R from alternative language' },

						     { label: 'R from alternative spelling', value: 'R from alternative spelling' },

						     { label: 'R to section', value: 'R to section' },

						     { label: 'R to disambiguation page', value: 'R to disambiguation page' },

						     { label: 'R from title with diacritics', value: 'R from title with diacritics'},

						     { label: 'Custom - prompt me', value: 'custom' },

						     { label: 'None', selected : true, value: 'none' }




				extra.innerHTML = '<label for="afcHelper_redirect_name_' + id + '">name: </label><input type="text" '+

				'name="afcHelper_redirect_name_' + id + '" id="afcHelper_redirect_name_' + id + '" value="'

				+ afcHelper_Submissionsid].title + '" />';

				extra.innerHTML += '<label for="afcHelper_redirect_parent_' + id +'">Parent category:</label>'

				+ '<input type="text" id="afcHelper_redirect_parent_' + id +'" name="afcHelper_redirect_parent_' + id +

				'" value="' + afcHelper_Submissionsid].parent + '" />';


			extra.innerHTML += '<label for="afcHelper_redirect_comment_' + id +'">Comment:</label>'

			+ '<input type="text" id="afcHelper_redirect_comment_' + id +'" name="afcHelper_redirect_comment_' + id +'"/>';

		} else if(selectValue == 'decline'){

			if(afcHelper_Submissionsid].type == 'redirect'){

			extra.innerHTML = '<label for="afcHelper_redirect_decline_'+ id +'">Reason for decline: </label>'

			+ afcHelper_redirect_generateSelect('afcHelper_redirect_decline_'+ 


					     { label: 'Already exists', value: 'exists' },

					     { label: 'Blank request', value: 'blank' },

					     { label: 'No valid target specified', value: 'notarget' },

					     { label: 'Unlikely search term', value: 'unlikely' },

					     { label: 'Not a redirect request', value: 'notredirect' },

					     { label: 'Custom - reason below', selected : true, value: 'custom' }



			else {

				extra.innerHTML = '<label for="afcHelper_redirect_decline_'+ id +'">Reason for decline: </label>'

				+ afcHelper_redirect_generateSelect('afcHelper_redirect_decline_'+ 


						     { label: 'Already exists', value: 'exists' },

						     { label: 'Blank request', value: 'blank' },

						     { label: 'Unlikely category', value: 'unlikely' },

						     { label: 'Not a category request', value: 'notcategory' },

						     { label: 'Custom - reason below', selected : true, value: 'custom' }



			extra.innerHTML += '<label for="afcHelper_redirect_comment_' + id +'">Comment:</label>'

			+ '<input type="text" id="afcHelper_redirect_comment_' + id +'" name="afcHelper_redirect_comment_' + id +'"/>';

		} else{

			extra.innerHTML = '<label for="afcHelper_redirect_comment_' + id +'">Comment:</label>'

			+ '<input type="text" id="afcHelper_redirect_comment_' + id +'" name="afcHelper_redirect_comment_' + id +'"/>';



	function afcHelper_redirect_performActions(){

		// Load all of the data.

		for(var i = 0; i < afcHelper_Submissions.length; i++){

			var action = document.getElementById("afcHelper_redirect_action_" + i).value;

			afcHelper_Submissionsi].action = action;

			if(action == 'none')


			if(action == 'accept'){

				if(afcHelper_Submissionsi].type == 'redirect'){

					afcHelper_Submissionsi].title = document.getElementById("afcHelper_redirect_from_" + i).value;

					afcHelper_Submissionsi].to = document.getElementById("afcHelper_redirect_to_" + i).value;

					afcHelper_Submissionsi].append = document.getElementById("afcHelper_redirect_append_" + i).value;

					if(afcHelper_Submissionsi].append == 'custom'){

						afcHelper_Submissionsi].append = prompt("Please enter the template to append for " + afcHelper_Submissionsi].title

								+ ". Do not include the curly brackets.");


					if(afcHelper_Submissionsi].append == 'none' || afcHelper_Submissionsi].append == null)

						afcHelper_Submissionsi].append = '';


						afcHelper_Submissionsi].append = '\{\{' + afcHelper_Submissionsi].append + '\}\}';



					afcHelper_Submissionsi].title = document.getElementById("afcHelper_redirect_name_" + i).value;

					afcHelper_Submissionsi].parent = document.getElementById("afcHelper_redirect_parent_" + i).value;



			else if (action == 'decline'){

				afcHelper_Submissionsi].reason = document.getElementById('afcHelper_redirect_decline_' + i).value;


			afcHelper_Submissionsi].comment = document.getElementById("afcHelper_redirect_comment_" + i).value;


		// Data loaded. Show progress screen and get edit token and WP:AFC/R page text.

		jsMsg('<ul id="afcHelper_status"></ul><ul id="afcHelper_finish"></ul>');

		document.getElementById('afcHelper_finish').innerHTML += '<span id="afcHelper_finished_wrapper"><span id="afcHelper_finished_main" style="display:none"><li id="afcHelper_done"><b>Done (<a href="'+ wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(afcHelper_RedirectPageName))+'?action=purge" title="'+afcHelper_RedirectPageName+'">Reload page</a>)</b></li></span></span>';

		var token = afcHelper_redirect_getToken(true);

		var pagetext = afcHelper_redirect_getPageText(afcHelper_RedirectPageName, true);

		var totalaccept = 0;

		var totaldecline = 0;

		var totalcomment = 0;

		// traverse the submissions and locate the relevant sections.

		for(var i = 0; i < afcHelper_RedirectSubmissions.length; i++){

			var sub = afcHelper_RedirectSubmissionsi];

			if(pagetext.indexOf(afcHelper_RedirectSectionssub.section]) == -1){

				// Someone has modified the section in the mean time. Skip.

				document.getElementById('afcHelper_status').innerHTML += '<li>Skipping ' + sub.title + ': Cannot find section. Perhaps it was modified in the mean time?</li>';



			var text = afcHelper_RedirectSectionssub.section];

			var startindex = pagetext.indexOf(afcHelper_RedirectSectionssub.section]);

			var endindex = startindex + text.length;

			// First deal with cats. These are easy.

			if(sub.type == 'category'){

				if(sub.action == 'accept'){

					var cattext = '<!--Created by WP:AFC -->';

					if(sub.parent != '' )

						cattext = '\[\['+ sub.parent + '\]\]';

					afcHelper_redirect_editPage(sub.title, cattext, token, 'Created via \[\[WP:AFC|Articles for Creation\]\] (\[\[WP:WPAFC|you can help!\]\])', true);

					var talktext = '\{\{subst:WPAFC/article|class=Cat\}\}';

					var talktitle = sub.title.replace(/Category:/gi, 'Category talk:');

					afcHelper_redirect_editPage(talktitle, talktext, token, 'Placing WPAFC project banner', true);

					var header = text.match(/==[^=]*==/)[0];

					text = header + "\n\{\{AfC-c|a\}\}\n" + text.substring(header.length);

					if(sub.comment != '')

						text += '\n*\{\{subst:afc category|accept|2=' + sub.comment +'\}\} \~\~\~\~\n';


						text += '\n*\{\{subst:afc category\}\} \~\~\~\~\n';

					text += '\{\{AfC-c|b\}\}\n';

					totalaccept ++;


				else if (sub.action == 'decline'){

					var header = text.match(/==[^=]*==/)[0];

					var reason = afcHelper_categoryDecline_reasonhashsub.reason];

					if(reason == '')

						reason = sub.comment;

					else if (sub.comment != '')

						reason = reason + ': ' + sub.comment;

					if(reason == ''){

						document.getElementById('afcHelper_status').innerHTML += '<li>Skipping ' + sub.title + ': No decline reason specified.</li>';



					text = header + "\n\{\{AfC-c|d\}\}\n" + text.substring(header.length);

					if(sub.comment == '')

						text += '\n*\{\{subst:afc category|' + sub.reason +'\}\} \~\~\~\~\n';


						text += '\n*\{\{subst:afc category|decline|2=' + reason +'\}\} \~\~\~\~\n';

					text += '\{\{AfC-c|b\}\}\n';



				else if (sub.action == 'comment'){

					if(sub.comment != '')

						text += '\n*\{\{afc comment|1=' + sub.comment +'\~\~\~\~\}\}\n';




			else {

				// redirects......

				var acceptcomment = '';

				var declinecomment = '';

				var othercomment = '';

				var acceptcount = 0, declinecount = 0, commentcount = 0, hascomment = false;

				for(var j = 0; j < sub.from.length; j++){

					var redirect = sub.fromj];

					if(redirect.action == 'accept'){

						var redirecttext = '#REDIRECT \[\[' + + '\]\]\n' + redirect.append;;

						afcHelper_redirect_editPage(redirect.title, redirecttext, token, 'Created via \[\[WP:AFC|Articles for Creation\]\] (\[\[WP:WPAFC|you can help!\]\])', true);

					var talktext = '\{\{subst:WPAFC/redirect\}\}';

					var talktitle = 'Talk:' + redirect.title;

					afcHelper_redirect_editPage(talktitle, talktext, token, 'Placing WPAFC project banner', true);

						acceptcomment += redirect.title + " &rarr; " +;

						if(redirect.comment != ''){

							acceptcomment += ': ' + redirect.comment + '; ';

							hascomment = true;

						} else

							acceptcomment += '; ';

						acceptcount ++;


					else if (redirect.action == 'decline'){

						var reason = afcHelper_redirectDecline_reasonhashredirect.reason];

						if(reason == '')

							reason = redirect.comment;

						else if (redirect.comment != '')

							reason = reason + ': ' + redirect.comment;

						if(reason == ''){

							document.getElementById('afcHelper_status').innerHTML += '<li>Skipping ' + redirect.title + ': No decline reason specified.</li>';



						declinecomment += redirect.title + " &rarr; " + + ": " + reason + "; "; 

						declinecount ++;


					else if (redirect.action == 'comment'){

						othercomment += redirect.title + ": " + redirect.comment + ", ";

						commentcount ++;



				var reason = '';


				if(acceptcount > 0)

					reason += '\n*\{\{subst:afc redirect|accept|2=' + acceptcomment + ' Thank you for your contributions to Wikipedia!\}\} \~\~\~\~';

				if (declinecount > 0)

					reason += '\n*\{\{subst:afc redirect|decline|2=' + declinecomment + '\}\} \~\~\~\~';

				if(commentcount > 0)

					reason += '\n*\{\{afc comment|1=' + othercomment + '\~\~\~\~\}\}';

				reason += '\n';

				if(!hascomment && acceptcount == sub.from.length){

					if(acceptcount > 1)

						reason = '\n*\{\{subst:afc redirect|all\}\} \~\~\~\~\n';


						reason = '\n*\{\{subst:afc redirect\}\} \~\~\~\~\n';


				if(acceptcount + declinecount + commentcount > 0){

					if(acceptcount + declinecount == sub.from.length){

						// Every request disposed of. Close.

						var header = text.match(/==[^=]*==/)[0];

						if(acceptcount > declinecount)

							text = header + "\n\{\{AfC-c|a\}\}\n" + text.substring(header.length);


							text = header + "\n\{\{AfC-c|d\}\}\n" + text.substring(header.length);

						text += reason;

						text += '\{\{AfC-c|b\}\}\n';



						text += reason +'\n';


				totalaccept += acceptcount;

				totaldecline += declinecount;

				totalcomment += commentcount;


			pagetext = pagetext.substring(0, startindex) + text + pagetext.substring(endindex);



		var summary = "Updating submission status:";

		if(totalaccept > 0)

			summary += " accepting " + totalaccept + " request"  + (totalaccept > 1 ? 's' : '');

		if(totaldecline > 0){

			if(totalaccept > 0)

				summary += ',';

			summary += " declining " + totaldecline + " request" + (totaldecline > 1 ? 's' : '');


		if(totalcomment > 0){

			if(totalaccept > 0 || totaldecline > 0)

				summary += ',';

			summary += " commenting on " + totalcomment + " request" + (totalcomment > 1 ? 's' : '');



		afcHelper_redirect_editPage(afcHelper_RedirectPageName, pagetext, token, summary, false);

		document.getElementById('afcHelper_finished_main').style.display = '';


	function afcHelper_redirect_getToken(show) {

		if (show) {

			document.getElementById('afcHelper_status').innerHTML += '<li id="afcHelper_gettoken">Getting token</li>';


		var req = sajax_init_object();"GET", wgScriptPath + "/api.php?action=query&prop=info&indexpageids=1&intoken=edit&format=json&titles="+encodeURIComponent(afcHelper_RedirectPageName), false);


		var response = eval('(' + req.responseText + ')');

		pageid = response'query']['pageids'][0];

		token = response'query']['pages'][pageid]['edittoken'];

		delete req;

		if (show) {

			document.getElementById('afcHelper_gettoken').innerHTML = 'Got token';


		return token;


	function afcHelper_redirect_editPage(title, newtext, token, summary, createonly) {

		document.getElementById('afcHelper_finished_wrapper').innerHTML = '<span id="afcHelper_AJAX_finished_'+afcHelper_Redirect_AJAXnumber+'" style="display:none">' + document.getElementById('afcHelper_finished_wrapper').innerHTML + '</span>';

		var func_id = afcHelper_Redirect_AJAXnumber;


		document.getElementById('afcHelper_status').innerHTML += '<li id="afcHelper_edit'+escape(title)+'">Editing <a href="'+wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title))+'" title="'+title+'">'+title+'</a></li>';

		var req = sajax_init_object();

		var params = "action=edit&format=json&token="+encodeURIComponent(token)+"&title="+encodeURIComponent(title)+"&text="+encodeURIComponent(newtext)+"&notminor=1&summary="+encodeURIComponent(summary);


			params += "&createonly=1";

		url = wgScriptPath + "/api.php";"POST", url, true);

		req.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");

		req.setRequestHeader("Content-length", params.length);

		req.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close");

		req.onreadystatechange = function() {

			if(req.readyState == 4 && req.status == 200) {

				response = eval('(' + req.responseText + ')');

				try {

					if (response'edit']['result' == "Success") {

						document.getElementById('afcHelper_edit'+escape(title)).innerHTML = 'Saved <a href="'+wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title))+'" title="'+title+'">'+title+'</a>';

					} else {

						document.getElementById('afcHelper_edit'+escape(title)).innerHTML = '<div style="color:red"><b>Edit failed on <a href="'+wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title))+'" title="'+title+'">'+title+'</a></b></div>. Error info:' +response'error']['code' + ' : ' + response'error']['info'];



				catch(err) {

					document.getElementById('afcHelper_edit'+escape(title)).innerHTML = '<div style="color:red"><b>Edit failed on <a href="'+wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title))+'" title="'+title+'">'+title+'</a></b></div>';


				document.getElementById('afcHelper_AJAX_finished_'+func_id).style.display = '';

				delete req;





	function afcHelper_redirect_getPageText(title, show) {


			document.getElementById('afcHelper_status').innerHTML += '<li id="afcHelper_get'+escape(title)+'">Getting <a href="'+wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title))+'" title="'+title+'">'+title+'</a></li>';


		var req = sajax_init_object();"GET", wgScriptPath + "/api.php?action=query&prop=revisions&rvprop=content&format=json&indexpageids=1&titles="+encodeURIComponent(title), false);


		var response = eval('(' + req.responseText + ')');

		pageid = response'query']['pageids'][0];

		if (pageid == "-1") {


				document.getElementById('afcHelper_get'+escape(title)).innerHTML = '<a class="new" href="'+wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title))+'" title="'+title+'">'+title+'</a> does not exist';


			delete req;

			return '';


		pagetext = response'query']['pages'][pageid]['revisions'][0]['*'];

		delete req;


			document.getElementById('afcHelper_get'+escape(title)).innerHTML = 'Got <a href="'+wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title))+'" title="'+title+'">'+title+'</a>';


		return pagetext;


	function afcHelper_redirect_generateSelect(title, options, onchange){

		var text = '<select name="' + title + '" id="' + title +'" ';

		if(onchange != null)

			text += 'onchange = "' + onchange + '" ';

		text+= '>';

		for(var i = 0; i < options.length; i ++){

			var o = optionsi];

			text += '<option value="' + o.value + '" ';


				text += 'selected="selected" ';

			text += '>' + o.label + '</option>';


		text += "</select>";

		return text;


	function afcHelper_redirect_addLink() {

		addPortletLink("p-cactions", "javascript:afcHelper_redirect_init()", "Review", "ca-afcHelper", "Review");




else if (wgPageName.indexOf('Wikipedia:Articles_for_creation/') != -1 || wgPageName.indexOf('Wikipedia_talk:Articles_for_creation/') != -1) {

	var afcHelper_PageName = wgPageName.replace(/_/g, ' ');

	var afcHelper_AJAXnumber = 0;

	var afcHelper_submissionTitle = wgTitle.replace(/Articles for creation\//g, '');

	var afcHelper_reasonhash = {

			'v': 'submission is unsourced or contains only unreliable sources',

			'blank': 'submission is blank',

			'lang': 'submission is not in English',

			'cv': 'submission is a copyright violation',

			'exists': 'submission already exists in main space',

			'dup': 'submission is a duplicate of another submission',

			'coi': 'author appears to have a conflict of interest',

			'redirect': 'submission is a redirect request',

			'test': 'submission is a test edit',

			'news': 'submission appears to be a news report of a single event',

			'dict': 'submission is a dictionary definition',

			'joke': 'submission appears to be a joke',

			'blp': 'submission does not conform to BLP',

			'neo': 'submission is a neologism',

			'npov': 'submission is not written from a neutral point of view',

			'adv': 'submission is written like an advertisement',

			'context': 'submission provides insufficient context',

			'mergeto': 'submission is too short but can be merged',

			'plot': 'submission is a plot summary',

			'essay': 'submission reads like an essay',

			'not': 'submission is covered by WP:NOT',

			'nn': 'subject appears to be non-notable',

			'web': 'subject appears to be non-notable web content',

			'prof': 'subject appears to be a non-notable academic',

			'athlete': 'subject appears to be a non-notable athlete',

			'music': 'subject appears to be a non-notable musical performer or work',

			'film': 'subject appears to be a non-notable film',

			'corp': 'subject appears to be a non-notable company or organization',

			'bio': 'subject appears to be a non-notable person',

			'reason': ''


	function afcHelper_init() {

		if (!wfSupportsAjax()) {

			jsMsg('<span style="color:red; font-size:120%">Your browser does not seem to support AJAX, which is required for the afcHelper script v3.</span>');



		form = '<div id="afcHelper_initialform">'+

		'<h3>Reviewing '+afcHelper_PageName+'</h3>'+

		'<input type="button" id="afcHelper_accept_button" name="afcHelper_accept_button" value="Accept" onclick="afcHelper_prompt(\'accept\')" />'+

		'<input type="button" id="afcHelper_decline_button" name="afcHelper_decline_button" value="Decline" onclick="afcHelper_prompt(\'decline\')" />'+

		'<input type="button" id="afcHelper_hold_button" name="afcHelper_hold_button" value="Hold" onclick="afcHelper_prompt(\'hold\')" />'+

		'<input type="button" id="afcHelper_comment_button" name="afcHelper_comment_button" value="Comment" onclick="afcHelper_prompt(\'comment\')" />'+

		'<input type="button" id="afcHelper_mark_button" name="afcHelper_mark_button" value="Mark as reviewing" onclick="afcHelper_act(\'mark\')" />'+

		'<div id="afcHelper_extra"></div>';



	function afcHelper_prompt(type) {

		if(type == 'accept'){

			var text = '<br /><br /> <h3>Accepting '+afcHelper_PageName+'</h3>'+

			'<label for="afcHelper_movetarget">Move submission to: </label><input type="text" id="afcHelper_movetarget" name="afcHelper_movetarget" value="' +afcHelper_submissionTitle+'" />'+

			'<br /><label for="afcHelper_assessment">Assessment (optional): </label>';

			var assessmentSelect = afcHelper_generateSelect("afcHelper_assessment", 

					[{ label: 'B-class', value: 'B' },

					 { label: 'C-class', value: 'C' },

					 { label: 'Start-class', value: 'start' },

					 { label: 'Stub-class', value: 'stub' },

					 { label: 'List-class', value: 'list' },

					 { label: 'Disambig-class', value: 'disambig' },

					 { label: 'Redirect-class', value: 'redirect' },

					 { label: 'None', selected : true, value: '' }

					 ], null);

			text += assessmentSelect;

			text += '<br /><label for="afcHelper_pageAppend">Append to page (optional): </label><textarea rows="3" cols="60" name="afcHelper_pageAppend" id="afcHelper_pageAppend"></textarea>'+

			'<br /><label for="afcHelper_talkAppend">Append to talk page (optional): </label><textarea rows="3" cols="60" name="afcHelper_talkAppend" id="afcHelper_talkAppend"></textarea>';

			document.getElementById('afcHelper_extra').innerHTML += text;


		else if(type == 'decline' || type == 'hold'){

			var text = '<br /><br /> <h3>' + (type == 'decline' ? 'Declining ' : 'Placing on hold ') +afcHelper_PageName+'</h3>'+

			'<label for="afcHelper_reason">Reason for ' + type + ': </label>';

			var reasonSelect = afcHelper_generateSelect("afcHelper_reason",

					[{ label: 'v - submission is unsourced or contain only unreliable sources', value: 'v' },

					 { label: 'blank - submission is blank', value: 'blank' },

					 { label: 'lang - submission is not in English', value: 'lang' },

					 { label: 'cv - submission is a copyright violation', value: 'cv' },

					 { label: 'exists - submission already exists in main space', value: 'exists' },

					 { label: 'dup - submission is a duplicate of another submission', value: 'dup' },

					 { label: 'coi - author appears to have a conflict of interest', value: 'coi' },

					 { label: 'redirect - submission is a redirect request', value: 'redirect' },

					 { label: 'test - submission is a test edit', value: 'test' },

					 { label: 'news - submission appears to be a news report of a single event', value: 'news' },

					 { label: 'dict - submission is a dictionary definition', value: 'dict' },

					 { label: 'joke - submission appears to be a joke', value: 'joke' },

					 { label: 'blp - submission does not conform to BLP', value: 'blp' },

					 { label: 'neo - submission is a neologism', value: 'neo' },

					 { label: 'npov - submission is not written from a neutral point of view', value: 'npov' },

					 { label: 'adv - submission is written like an advertisement', value: 'adv' },

					 { label: 'context - submission provides insufficient context', value: 'context' },

					 { label: 'mergeto - submission is too short but can be merged', value: 'mergeto' },

					 { label: 'plot - submission is a plot summary', value: 'plot' },

					 { label: 'essay - submission reads like an essay', value: 'essay' },

					 { label: 'not - submission is covered by WP:NOT', value: 'not' },

					 { label: 'nn - subject appears to be non-notable - consider using a more specialized decline reason', value: 'nn' },

					 { label: 'web - subject appears to be non-notable web content', value: 'web' },

					 { label: 'prof - subject appears to be a non-notable academic', value: 'prof' },

					 { label: 'athlete - subject appears to be a non-notable athlete', value: 'athlete' },

					 { label: 'music - subject appears to be a non-notable musical performer or work', value: 'music' },

					 { label: 'film - subject appears to be a non-notable film', value: 'film' },

					 { label: 'corp - subject appears to be a non-notable company or organization', value: 'corp' },

					 { label: 'bio - subject appears to be a non-notable person', value: 'bio' },

					 { label: 'Custom - reason below', selected : true, value: 'reason' }

					 ], "afcHelper_onChange(this)");

			text += reasonSelect;

			text += '<br /><label for="afcHelper_comments">Additional comments (optional): </label><textarea rows="3" cols="60" name="afcHelper_comments" id="afcHelper_comments"></textarea>'+

			'<label for="afcHelper_blank">Blank submission:</label><input type="checkbox" name="afcHelper_blank" id="afcHelper_blank" /><br/>' +

			'<label for="afcHelper_notify">Notify author:</label><input type="checkbox" name="afcHelper_notify" id="afcHelper_notify" checked="checked" /><br/>';

			document.getElementById('afcHelper_extra').innerHTML += text;


		else if(type == 'comment'){

			var text = '<br /><br /> <h3> Commenting on ' +afcHelper_PageName+'</h3>'+

			'<br /><label for="afcHelper_comments">Comment: </label><textarea rows="3" cols="60" name="afcHelper_comments" id="afcHelper_comments"></textarea>';

			document.getElementById('afcHelper_extra').innerHTML += text;


		document.getElementById('afcHelper_extra').innerHTML += '<input type="button" id="afcHelper_prompt_button" name="afcHelper_prompt_button" value="Submit" onclick="afcHelper_act(\''+type+'\')" />';


	function afcHelper_act(action) {

		if(action == 'accept'){

			var newtitle = document.getElementById("afcHelper_movetarget").value;

			var assessment = document.getElementById("afcHelper_assessment").value;

			var pageAppend = document.getElementById("afcHelper_pageAppend").value;

			var talkAppend =  document.getElementById("afcHelper_talkAppend").value;

			jsMsg('<ul id="afcHelper_status"></ul><ul id="afcHelper_finish"></ul>');

			document.getElementById('afcHelper_finish').innerHTML += '<span id="afcHelper_finished_wrapper"><span id="afcHelper_finished_main" style="display:none"><li id="afcHelper_done"><b>Done (<a href="'+wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(afcHelper_PageName))+'?action=purge" title="'+afcHelper_PageName+'">Reload page</a>)</b></li></span></span>';

			var token = afcHelper_getToken(true);

			var callback = function(){

				var text = afcHelper_getPageText(newtitle);

				var username ='';

				// clean up page

				var afc_re = /\{\{\s*afc submission\s*\|(?:\{\{[^\{\}]*\}\}|[^\}\{])*\}\}/i;

				if( afc_re.test( text ) ) {

					var afctemplate = afc_re.exec(text)[0];

					var author_re = /\|\s*u=\s*[^\|]*\|/i;


						var user = author_re.exec(afctemplate)[0];

						username = user.split(/=/)[1];

						username = username.replace(/\|/g,'');

						var usertext = afcHelper_getPageText("User talk:"+username);

						usertext += "\n== Your submission at \[\[WP:AFC|Articles for creation\]\] ==";

						usertext += "\n\{\{subst:afc talk|1=" + newtitle + "|class=" + assessment + "\}\} \~\~\~\~";

						afcHelper_editPage("User talk:"+username, usertext, token, 'Your submission at \[\[WP:AFC|Articles for creation\]\]');



				var recenttext = afcHelper_getPageText("Wikipedia:Articles for creation/recent");

				var newentry = "\{\{afc contrib|" + assessment + "|" + newtitle + "|" + username +"\}\}\n";

				var lastentry = recenttext.toLowerCase().lastIndexOf("\{\{afc contrib");

				var firstentry = recenttext.toLowerCase().indexOf("\{\{afc contrib");

				recenttext = recenttext.substring(0, lastentry);

				recenttext = recenttext.substring(0, firstentry) + newentry + recenttext.substring(firstentry);

				afcHelper_editPage("Wikipedia:Articles for creation/recent", recenttext, token, 'Updating recent AFC creations');

				var talktext = "\{\{talkheader\}\}\n\{\{subst:WPAFC/article|class=" + assessment + "\}\}";

				talktext += "\n";

				talktext += talkAppend;

				afcHelper_editPage("Talk:"+newtitle, talktext, token, 'Placing WPAFC project banner');


					var startindex =;

					var template = afc_re.exec(text)[0];

					var endindex = startindex + template.length;

					text = text.substring(0, startindex) + text.substring(endindex);


				var cmt_re = /\{\{\s*afc comment\s*\|(?:\{\{[^\{\}]*\}\}|[^\}\{])*\}\}/i;


					var startindex =;

					var template = cmt_re.exec(text)[0];

					var endindex = startindex + template.length;

					text = text.substring(0, startindex) + text.substring(endindex);


				var afcindex =\{\{afc/i);

				while (afcindex != -1){

					var endindex = text.indexOf("\}\}", afcindex + 2);

					text = text.substring(0,afcindex) + text.substring(endindex+2);

					afcindex =\{\{afc/i);


				if(text.indexOf("\<\!--- Important, do not remove this line before article has been created. ---\>") != -1){

					var startindex = text.indexOf("\<\!--- Important, do not remove this line before article has been created. ---\>");

					var endindex = text.indexOf(">", startindex);

					text = text.substring(0, startindex) + text.substring(endindex+1);


				// Remove line breaks.

				text = text.replace(/----/g, '');

				// Remove leading whitespace, if any.

				var spaceindex =\s/);

				while(spaceindex == 0){

					text = text.substring(1);

					spaceindex =\s/);


				// Uncomment cats

				text = text.replace(/\[\[:Category:/gi, "\[\[Category:");

				text += '\n';

				text += pageAppend;

				afcHelper_editPage(newtitle, text, token, "Cleanup following AFC creation");


			afcHelper_movePage(afcHelper_PageName, newtitle, token, 'Created via \[\[WP:AFC|Articles for Creation\]\] (\[\[WP:WPAFC|you can help!\]\])' , callback);


		else if(action == 'decline' || action == 'hold'){

			var code = document.getElementById("afcHelper_reason").value;

			var reasontext = afcHelper_reasonhashcode];

			var customreason = document.getElementById("afcHelper_comments").value;

			var append = false;

			var keep = false;

			var blank = document.getElementById("afcHelper_blank").checked;

			var notify = document.getElementById("afcHelper_notify").checked;

			jsMsg('<ul id="afcHelper_status"></ul><ul id="afcHelper_finish"></ul>');

			document.getElementById('afcHelper_finish').innerHTML += '<span id="afcHelper_finished_wrapper"><span id="afcHelper_finished_main" style="display:none"><li id="afcHelper_done"><b>Done (<a href="'+wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(afcHelper_PageName))+'?action=purge" title="'+afcHelper_PageName+'">Reload page</a>)</b></li></span></span>';

			var token = afcHelper_getToken(true);

			var text = afcHelper_getPageText(afcHelper_PageName);

			// Find the first submission or onhold template on the page.

			var afc_re = /\{\{\s*afc submission\s*\|\s*[\||h|r](?:\{\{[^\{\}]*\}\}|[^\}\{])*\}\}/i;

			if( !afc_re.test( text ) ) {

				alert( "Unable to locate AFC submission template, aborting..." );



			var afctemplate = afc_re.exec(text)[0];

			if(\|\s*h\s*\|/i) != -1){

				if(action != 'decline'){

					append = confirm( "Submission is already on hold. Do you want to add your reason as a comment?" );






					if(code == 'reason' && customreason == ''){

						keep = true;



			if (!keep) {

				if(code == 'reason' && customreason == ''){

					alert("You must enter a reason!");




			var startindex = text.indexOf(afctemplate);

			var endindex = startindex + afctemplate.length;

			//data is always between the first pipe and the one before the timestamp.

			var firstpipe = afctemplate.indexOf('|');

			var endpipe = afctemplate.indexOf('|ts');

			var newtemplate = afctemplate.substring(0, firstpipe);

			var summary = '';

			var extra = '';

			var newcomment = '';

			if(code == 'cv'){

				extra = prompt("Please enter the url if available, starting with http://");


			else if(code == 'dup'){

				extra = prompt("Please enter the title of the duplicate submission, if possible. Do not enter the prefix (e.g., John Doe).");


			else if(code == 'mergeto'){

				extra = prompt("Please enter the title of the article to merge to, if possible.");


			else if(code == 'exists'){

				extra = prompt("Please enter the title of the existing article, if possible.");


			else if(code == 'plot'){

				extra = prompt("Please enter the title of the existing article on the fiction, if there is one.");


			if(extra == null){



			if(!keep && !append){

				// overwrite any reason that was there.

				newtemplate += '|';

				newtemplate += action.substring(0, 1);

				newtemplate += '|';

				newtemplate += code;

				if(code == 'reason'){

					newtemplate += '|3=';

					newtemplate += customreason;


				else if(extra != ''){

					newtemplate += '|3=';

					newtemplate += extra;


				newtemplate += afctemplate.substring(endpipe);

				if(code != 'reason' && customreason != ''){

					newcomment = "*\{\{afc comment|1=" + customreason + " \~\~\~\~\}\}";


				summary = (action == 'decline' ? "Declining submission" : "Placing submission on hold");

				if(code == 'reason')

					summary += ': see comment therein';


					summary += ': ' + reasontext;


			else if (append){

				//append the reason as a comment.

				newtemplate = afctemplate;

				newcomment = "*\{\{afc comment|1=\{\{AFC submission/comments|";

				newcomment += code;

				if(code == 'reason'){

					newcomment += '|2=';

					newcomment += customreason;


				else if(extra != ''){

					newcomment += '|2=';

					newcomment += extra;


				newcomment += "\}\} \~\~\~\~ \}\}";

				summary = 'Comment on submission';

				if(code == 'reason')

					summary += '.';


					summary += ': ' + reasontext;



				// keep the original reason, just change hold to decline.

				var secondpipe = afctemplate.indexOf('|', firstpipe + 1);

				newtemplate += '|d';

				newtemplate += afctemplate.substring(secondpipe);

				summary = 'Decline submission for reasons stated in hold.';


			if(!append && notify){

				var author_re = /\|\s*u=\s*[^\|]*\|/i;


					var user = author_re.exec(afctemplate)[0];

					var username = user.split(/=/)[1];

					username = username.replace(/[\|]/g,'');

					var usertext = afcHelper_getPageText("User talk:"+username);

					usertext += "\n== Your submission at \[\[WP:AFC|Articles for creation\]\] ==";

					if(action == 'decline'){

						usertext += "\n\{\{subst:afc decline|1=" + afcHelper_submissionTitle;

						if(code == 'cv')

							usertext += "| cv = yes";

						usertext += "\}\} \~\~\~\~";



						usertext += "\n\{\{subst:afc onhold|1=" + afcHelper_submissionTitle + "\}\} \~\~\~\~";

					afcHelper_editPage("User talk:"+username, usertext, token, 'Your submission at \[\[WP:AFC|Articles for creation\]\]');




				var containComment = (text.indexOf('----') != -1);

				if(newcomment != ''){


						text = text.substring(0, startindex) + newtemplate + '\n' + newcomment + '\n----\n'+ text.substring(endindex);


						text = text.substring(0, startindex) + newtemplate + text.substring(endindex);

						var idx = text.indexOf('----');

						text = text.substring(0, idx) + newcomment +'\n' + text.substring(idx);




					text = text.substring(0, startindex) + newtemplate + text.substring(endindex);



				text = newtemplate + '\n' + newcomment + "\n\{\{afc cleared\}\}";

			if(action == 'decline'){

				// Comment out cats on decline.

				text = text.replace(/\[\[Category:/gi, "\[\[:Category:");


			afcHelper_editPage(afcHelper_PageName, text, token, summary);


		else if(action == 'comment'){

			var comment = document.getElementById("afcHelper_comments").value;

			jsMsg('<ul id="afcHelper_status"></ul><ul id="afcHelper_finish"></ul>');

			document.getElementById('afcHelper_finish').innerHTML += '<span id="afcHelper_finished_wrapper"><span id="afcHelper_finished_main" style="display:none"><li id="afcHelper_done"><b>Done (<a href="'+wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(afcHelper_PageName))+'?action=purge" title="'+afcHelper_PageName+'">Reload page</a>)</b></li></span></span>';

			var token = afcHelper_getToken(true);

			var text = afcHelper_getPageText(afcHelper_PageName);

			var containComment = (text.indexOf('----') != -1);

			var newComment = "*\{\{afc comment|1=" + comment + "\~\~\~\~\}\}";

			if(comment != ''){


					var afc_re = /\{\{\s*afc submission\s*\|\s*[\||h|r](?:\{\{[^\{\}]*\}\}|[^\}\{])*\}\}/i;

					if( !afc_re.test( text ) ) {

						alert( "Unable to locate AFC submission template, aborting..." );



					var afctemplate = afc_re.exec(text)[0];

					var endindex = text.indexOf(afctemplate) + afctemplate.length;

					text = text.substring(0, endindex) + '\n' + newComment + '\n----\n'+ text.substring(endindex);



					var idx = text.indexOf('----');

					text = text.substring(0, idx) + newComment +'\n' + text.substring(idx);


				afcHelper_editPage(afcHelper_PageName, text, token, "Commenting on submission");



		else if(action == 'mark'){

			jsMsg('<ul id="afcHelper_status"></ul><ul id="afcHelper_finish"></ul>');

			document.getElementById('afcHelper_finish').innerHTML += '<span id="afcHelper_finished_wrapper"><span id="afcHelper_finished_main" style="display:none"><li id="afcHelper_done"><b>Done (<a href="'+wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(afcHelper_PageName))+'?action=purge" title="'+afcHelper_PageName+'">Reload page</a>)</b></li></span></span>';

			var token = afcHelper_getToken(true);

			var text = afcHelper_getPageText(afcHelper_PageName);

			var afc_re = /\{\{\s*afc submission\s*\|\s*[\||h](?:\{\{[^\{\}]*\}\}|[^\}\{])*\}\}/i;

			if( !afc_re.test( text ) ) {

				alert( "Unable to locate AFC submission template, aborting..." );



			var afctemplate = afc_re.exec(text)[0];

			var firstpipe = afctemplate.indexOf('|');

			var endpipe = afctemplate.indexOf('|ts');

			var newTemplate = afctemplate.substring(0, firstpipe);

			newTemplate += '|r||';

			newTemplate += afctemplate.substring(endpipe);

			var startindex = text.indexOf(afctemplate);

			var endindex = text.indexOf(afctemplate) + afctemplate.length;

			text = text.substring(0, startindex) + newTemplate + text.substring(endindex);

			afcHelper_editPage(afcHelper_PageName, text, token, "Marking submission as being reviewed");


		document.getElementById('afcHelper_finished_main').style.display = '';


	function afcHelper_getPageText(title) {

		document.getElementById('afcHelper_status').innerHTML += '<li id="afcHelper_get'+escape(title)+'">Getting <a href="'+wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title))+'" title="'+title+'">'+title+'</a></li>';

		var req = sajax_init_object();"GET", wgScriptPath + "/api.php?action=query&prop=revisions&rvprop=content&format=json&indexpageids=1&titles="+encodeURIComponent(title), false);


		var response = eval('(' + req.responseText + ')');

		pageid = response'query']['pageids'][0];

		if (pageid == "-1") {

			document.getElementById('afcHelper_get'+escape(title)).innerHTML = '<a class="new" href="'+wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title))+'" title="'+title+'">'+title+'</a> does not exist';

			delete req;

			return '';


		pagetext = response'query']['pages'][pageid]['revisions'][0]['*'];

		delete req;

		document.getElementById('afcHelper_get'+escape(title)).innerHTML = 'Got <a href="'+wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title))+'" title="'+title+'">'+title+'</a>';

		return pagetext;


	function afcHelper_getToken(show) {

		if (show) {

			document.getElementById('afcHelper_status').innerHTML += '<li id="afcHelper_gettoken">Getting token</li>';


		var req = sajax_init_object();"GET", wgScriptPath + "/api.php?action=query&prop=info&indexpageids=1&intoken=edit&format=json&titles="+encodeURIComponent(afcHelper_PageName), false);


		var response = eval('(' + req.responseText + ')');

		pageid = response'query']['pageids'][0];

		token = response'query']['pages'][pageid]['edittoken'];

		delete req;

		if (show) {

			document.getElementById('afcHelper_gettoken').innerHTML = 'Got token';


		return token;


	function afcHelper_movePage(oldtitle, newtitle, token, summary, callback){

		document.getElementById('afcHelper_finished_wrapper').innerHTML = '<span id="afcHelper_AJAX_finished_'+afcHelper_AJAXnumber+'" style="display:none">' + document.getElementById('afcHelper_finished_wrapper').innerHTML + '</span>';

		var func_id = afcHelper_AJAXnumber;


		document.getElementById('afcHelper_status').innerHTML += '<li id="afcHelper_move'+escape(oldtitle)+'">Moving <a href="'+wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(oldtitle))+'" title="'+oldtitle+'">'+oldtitle+'</a> to <a href="'+wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(newtitle))+'" title="'+newtitle+'">'+newtitle+'</a></li>';

		var req = sajax_init_object();

		var params = "action=move&format=json&token="+encodeURIComponent(token)+"&from="+encodeURIComponent(oldtitle) +"&to="+encodeURIComponent(newtitle)+"&reason="+encodeURIComponent(summary);

		url = wgScriptPath + "/api.php";"POST", url, true);

		req.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");

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		req.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close");

		req.onreadystatechange = function() {

			if(req.readyState == 4 && req.status == 200) {

				var error = true;

				response = eval('(' + req.responseText + ')');

				try {

					if (typeof(response'move']) != "undefined") {

						document.getElementById('afcHelper_move'+escape(oldtitle)).innerHTML = 'Moved <a href="'+wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(oldtitle))+'" title="'+oldtitle+'">'+oldtitle+'</a>';

						error = false;

					} else {

						document.getElementById('afcHelper_move'+escape(oldtitle)).innerHTML = '<div style="color:red"><b>Move failed on <a href="'+wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(oldtitle))+'" title="'+oldtitle+'">'+oldtitle+'</a></b></div>. Error info:' +response'error']['code' + ' : ' + response'error']['info'];



				catch(err) {

					document.getElementById('afcHelper_move'+escape(oldtitle)).innerHTML = '<div style="color:red"><b>Move failed on <a href="'+wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(oldtitle))+'" title="'+oldtitle+'">'+oldtitle+'</a></b></div>';



					if(callback != null)



				document.getElementById('afcHelper_AJAX_finished_'+func_id).style.display = '';

				delete req;





	function afcHelper_editPage(title, newtext, token, summary) {

		document.getElementById('afcHelper_finished_wrapper').innerHTML = '<span id="afcHelper_AJAX_finished_'+afcHelper_AJAXnumber+'" style="display:none">' + document.getElementById('afcHelper_finished_wrapper').innerHTML + '</span>';

		var func_id = afcHelper_AJAXnumber;


		document.getElementById('afcHelper_status').innerHTML += '<li id="afcHelper_edit'+escape(title)+'">Editing <a href="'+wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title))+'" title="'+title+'">'+title+'</a></li>';

		var req = sajax_init_object();

		var params = "action=edit&format=json&token="+encodeURIComponent(token)+"&title="+encodeURIComponent(title)+"&text="+encodeURIComponent(newtext)+"&notminor=1&summary="+encodeURIComponent(summary);

		url = wgScriptPath + "/api.php";"POST", url, true);

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		req.onreadystatechange = function() {

			if(req.readyState == 4 && req.status == 200) {

				response = eval('(' + req.responseText + ')');

				try {

					if (response'edit']['result' == "Success") {

						document.getElementById('afcHelper_edit'+escape(title)).innerHTML = 'Saved <a href="'+wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title))+'" title="'+title+'">'+title+'</a>';

					} else {

						document.getElementById('afcHelper_edit'+escape(title)).innerHTML = '<div style="color:red"><b>Edit failed on <a href="'+wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title))+'" title="'+title+'">'+title+'</a></b></div>. Error info:' +response'error']['code' + ' : ' + response'error']['info'];



				catch(err) {

					document.getElementById('afcHelper_edit'+escape(title)).innerHTML = '<div style="color:red"><b>Edit failed on <a href="'+wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURI(title))+'" title="'+title+'">'+title+'</a></b></div>';


				document.getElementById('afcHelper_AJAX_finished_'+func_id).style.display = '';

				delete req;





	function afcHelper_addLink() {

		addPortletLink("p-cactions", "javascript:afcHelper_init()", "Review", "ca-afcHelper", "Review");


	function afcHelper_onChange(select){

		var value = select.optionsselect.selectedIndex].value;

		if(value == 'blp' || value == 'cv'){

			document.getElementById("afcHelper_blank").setAttribute("checked", "checked");





	function afcHelper_generateSelect(title, options, onchange){

		var text = '<select name="' + title + '" id="' + title +'" ';

		if(onchange != null)

			text += 'onchange = "' + onchange + '" ';

		text+= '>';

		for(var i = 0; i < options.length; i ++){

			var o = optionsi];

			text += '<option value="' + o.value + '" ';


				text += 'selected="selected" ';

			text += '>' + o.label + '</option>';


		text += "</select>";

		return text;





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