From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • Comment: Wikipedia is not a WP:SOAPBOX. This is not encyclopedic content, but a collection of opinions. gobonobo + c 00:06, 13 May 2024 (UTC)



Protest- Protest are the American way. Every citizen has a right to protest.  Every citizen does not have the right to protest where they want, and when they want. There is no right to burn, loot, or damage property.  As everyone knows there, are agitators stealing a peaceful protest.  When your backpack is full of weapons, firecrackers, and other incendiaries, and you are wearing protective gear, you are wanting something to happen. So, who is at fault when things go south?   That will always be the question. It just takes one situation to get the agitators going. If the police close an area, like in front of a police station, a freeway, a park etc. and ask the protestors to comply, the protestors need to comply. Remember you do not have the right to protest as you want. So, then the protestors keep moving forward, then someone throws a bottle, then a firecracker and the police react. The agitators complain of unlawful use of force.  This is the time where peaceful protestors need to go the opposite direction, but to many get caught up and press on and get maced, gassed, hit with blast balls etc. as do innocent bystanders and the press.

By the way why aren’t protestors walking the streets, of Chicago, Baltimore, St Louis, and other hot beds of Black on Black killings with tons of collateral damage. Where are the nightly protest for that?  Where is the daily news coverage?   Not to sound like “that guy” but the media is a business and their job is to make money. In order to make money you need viewers. In order to get viewers, you must have something over your competition and thus the sensation and media driven news story selection

Protest are great. Do not allow anarchist to steal the moment and cause confrontations.  I have seen the police run over a guy with a bike and push an old man down. That is not acceptable, and those folks should be FIRED immediately.

In my fine city of Seattle, people doing illegal acts during a protest need to be arrested prosecuted.

Defund the Police: that is not the answer.  Police tactics need to change for sure.  Some departments had contest to she who got the most arrest or wrote the most tickets. What is that all about. People have been shot walking away. What?  Brenna Taylor. Why is there a raid in the middle of the night?  If someone is in that house you want, they will be coming out eventually!  Yes, the police fired in self-defense, but why were they fired upon. (Thought they were burglar) Maybe?   Would this happen in an upper-class white neighborhood with the frequency of the minority community. I think not. So yes, money is necessary to bring up the deprived communities.   Free college, Affordable Health care which could mean free for a qualifying person.  Job training. There are a million jobs posted.  Which job do you want, and you will be trained? Small business loans at little or no interest.  Housing cost at a standard percentage of your salary.  Government needs to build units, with housing as the priority and not profits. More mental health workers. Increase their salaries and let us get people involved, rather than paying a former Pimp 150 k to be a liaison between government and the streets like they are doing in Seattle.  Ask yourself this question.  If I offered a gang member or homeless person a 100k job of their choice would either take it.

Climate Change- Natural or manmade.  It does not matter.  We are heating up. Why argue. Remember the LA basin< Detroit river on fire. Regardless of cause, we need clean air and water. We need clean fuels. We can go clean and reduce fossil fuels at the same time. It is all about what is best for humans and not the profits!  We can do both if we want.

Education- School should be free for up to 14 years. College needs to be rethought. How many graduates are working in the field they studied? To many professors want to teach what they wrote about. Rather than the classic in High school, “Every child ready for college” It should be, “Every child ready for their life”. Programs for the academics, programs for the hands on and programs directly linked to the future job.

Litigation / Tort reform -  We need to buck up. We need accountability.  If you are robbing my house and I sit on you to wait for the cops to come and you die for some reason, too bad. If you are guilty of a crime you cannot sue.  If I go on a hike to the caves and an icicle falls on my head and kills me, my survivors cannot sue the Parks department because there were no warning signs. STAY OUT OF THE WOODS & CAVES et al! If I buy extra hot coffee and spill it on me in my car, well to bad. If you trip on ice in front of my house. Hey stay in.

Immigration – 1. Modify the 14th amendment. You are not a citizen if born in the USA unless one of your parents is a citizen. 

2. Tighten the border.

3. Amnesty plus a payback plan.  A small amount taken out of each check until a prescribed amount is reached. We did amnesty once many years ago, but never cleaned up the illegal migration and ended up to where we are at now. 2nd chance. There is no 3rd chance.

4. Make it easier to get a guest pass.  

5. Crack down on Americans hiring illegals

Health Care:  Washington DC should make the congressional bills smaller and pass what everyone can agree about first, then hammer out the controversial line items. This advice is for all BILLS!  Ridiculous.  No one should be forced to buy insurance, but it needs to be made affordable for all! Let us be able to buy insurance across the state and national borders.  It can still be regulated.  Health care can be such a scam. In my district Premier will come in and offer a real discount, if the district only allows Group health to offer one program. Group Health had the low bid last round and said Premier could only offer one program. How wrong is this and this drives the cost up.

War- First Declare war and treat the war on terror as a declared war.  Take care of our injured Vets.  Change our paradigm around the world so others can be tolerant and not despise US dogma.

Unions- Got to have them.   They need to get out of politics and quit protecting the incompetence.  

Running for office.  There should be a government website for all candidates.  TV, signs, and ads should be banned. Pac’s and donations eliminated.

Flat Tax- Throw out the Tax Code.  17% for all income, dividends, inheritance, capital gains. Winning an item is not income until it is turned into cash

Deficit -  Let us make everybody pay their share. Less is best. Balance budget is a goal, however just like your account at home. At times we need to use the credit card. (e.g. War)

Regulations: Increase tariff. Lower business tax. The US is one of the biggest consumers. IF we build it here and buy it here, we will need people here to make our products.  The only reason why companies go abroad is to enhance profits. How much money does a company need? Flat would help a lot here.

Welfare- You want welfare. Then you will have to contribute to society in your local community. Start painting the graffiti and sweeping up. Oh, by the way, if you are going to have multiple kids because you cannot keep your legs close and have no partner, then, live you are your parents.  Do not bit off what you cannot afford.

The NY Mosque- They have a right to build, but based on the feeling tone it always should be stated in the same sentence, “I am not in favor and it is not a good idea"

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • Comment: Wikipedia is not a WP:SOAPBOX. This is not encyclopedic content, but a collection of opinions. gobonobo + c 00:06, 13 May 2024 (UTC)



Protest- Protest are the American way. Every citizen has a right to protest.  Every citizen does not have the right to protest where they want, and when they want. There is no right to burn, loot, or damage property.  As everyone knows there, are agitators stealing a peaceful protest.  When your backpack is full of weapons, firecrackers, and other incendiaries, and you are wearing protective gear, you are wanting something to happen. So, who is at fault when things go south?   That will always be the question. It just takes one situation to get the agitators going. If the police close an area, like in front of a police station, a freeway, a park etc. and ask the protestors to comply, the protestors need to comply. Remember you do not have the right to protest as you want. So, then the protestors keep moving forward, then someone throws a bottle, then a firecracker and the police react. The agitators complain of unlawful use of force.  This is the time where peaceful protestors need to go the opposite direction, but to many get caught up and press on and get maced, gassed, hit with blast balls etc. as do innocent bystanders and the press.

By the way why aren’t protestors walking the streets, of Chicago, Baltimore, St Louis, and other hot beds of Black on Black killings with tons of collateral damage. Where are the nightly protest for that?  Where is the daily news coverage?   Not to sound like “that guy” but the media is a business and their job is to make money. In order to make money you need viewers. In order to get viewers, you must have something over your competition and thus the sensation and media driven news story selection

Protest are great. Do not allow anarchist to steal the moment and cause confrontations.  I have seen the police run over a guy with a bike and push an old man down. That is not acceptable, and those folks should be FIRED immediately.

In my fine city of Seattle, people doing illegal acts during a protest need to be arrested prosecuted.

Defund the Police: that is not the answer.  Police tactics need to change for sure.  Some departments had contest to she who got the most arrest or wrote the most tickets. What is that all about. People have been shot walking away. What?  Brenna Taylor. Why is there a raid in the middle of the night?  If someone is in that house you want, they will be coming out eventually!  Yes, the police fired in self-defense, but why were they fired upon. (Thought they were burglar) Maybe?   Would this happen in an upper-class white neighborhood with the frequency of the minority community. I think not. So yes, money is necessary to bring up the deprived communities.   Free college, Affordable Health care which could mean free for a qualifying person.  Job training. There are a million jobs posted.  Which job do you want, and you will be trained? Small business loans at little or no interest.  Housing cost at a standard percentage of your salary.  Government needs to build units, with housing as the priority and not profits. More mental health workers. Increase their salaries and let us get people involved, rather than paying a former Pimp 150 k to be a liaison between government and the streets like they are doing in Seattle.  Ask yourself this question.  If I offered a gang member or homeless person a 100k job of their choice would either take it.

Climate Change- Natural or manmade.  It does not matter.  We are heating up. Why argue. Remember the LA basin< Detroit river on fire. Regardless of cause, we need clean air and water. We need clean fuels. We can go clean and reduce fossil fuels at the same time. It is all about what is best for humans and not the profits!  We can do both if we want.

Education- School should be free for up to 14 years. College needs to be rethought. How many graduates are working in the field they studied? To many professors want to teach what they wrote about. Rather than the classic in High school, “Every child ready for college” It should be, “Every child ready for their life”. Programs for the academics, programs for the hands on and programs directly linked to the future job.

Litigation / Tort reform -  We need to buck up. We need accountability.  If you are robbing my house and I sit on you to wait for the cops to come and you die for some reason, too bad. If you are guilty of a crime you cannot sue.  If I go on a hike to the caves and an icicle falls on my head and kills me, my survivors cannot sue the Parks department because there were no warning signs. STAY OUT OF THE WOODS & CAVES et al! If I buy extra hot coffee and spill it on me in my car, well to bad. If you trip on ice in front of my house. Hey stay in.

Immigration – 1. Modify the 14th amendment. You are not a citizen if born in the USA unless one of your parents is a citizen. 

2. Tighten the border.

3. Amnesty plus a payback plan.  A small amount taken out of each check until a prescribed amount is reached. We did amnesty once many years ago, but never cleaned up the illegal migration and ended up to where we are at now. 2nd chance. There is no 3rd chance.

4. Make it easier to get a guest pass.  

5. Crack down on Americans hiring illegals

Health Care:  Washington DC should make the congressional bills smaller and pass what everyone can agree about first, then hammer out the controversial line items. This advice is for all BILLS!  Ridiculous.  No one should be forced to buy insurance, but it needs to be made affordable for all! Let us be able to buy insurance across the state and national borders.  It can still be regulated.  Health care can be such a scam. In my district Premier will come in and offer a real discount, if the district only allows Group health to offer one program. Group Health had the low bid last round and said Premier could only offer one program. How wrong is this and this drives the cost up.

War- First Declare war and treat the war on terror as a declared war.  Take care of our injured Vets.  Change our paradigm around the world so others can be tolerant and not despise US dogma.

Unions- Got to have them.   They need to get out of politics and quit protecting the incompetence.  

Running for office.  There should be a government website for all candidates.  TV, signs, and ads should be banned. Pac’s and donations eliminated.

Flat Tax- Throw out the Tax Code.  17% for all income, dividends, inheritance, capital gains. Winning an item is not income until it is turned into cash

Deficit -  Let us make everybody pay their share. Less is best. Balance budget is a goal, however just like your account at home. At times we need to use the credit card. (e.g. War)

Regulations: Increase tariff. Lower business tax. The US is one of the biggest consumers. IF we build it here and buy it here, we will need people here to make our products.  The only reason why companies go abroad is to enhance profits. How much money does a company need? Flat would help a lot here.

Welfare- You want welfare. Then you will have to contribute to society in your local community. Start painting the graffiti and sweeping up. Oh, by the way, if you are going to have multiple kids because you cannot keep your legs close and have no partner, then, live you are your parents.  Do not bit off what you cannot afford.

The NY Mosque- They have a right to build, but based on the feeling tone it always should be stated in the same sentence, “I am not in favor and it is not a good idea"


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