From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.

/**** welcome new user ****/

document.write('<script type="text/javascript"' +

  'src="' +




// Please leave the following line

// [[user:Where/usertabs]]


addOnloadHook(function() {

  if (mw.config.get('wgTitle').indexOf("/") != -1 || document.title.indexOf("- History -") != -1)  //no subpages or history


  if (mw.config.get('wgCanonicalNamespace') == "User" || mw.config.get('wgCanonicalNamespace') == "User_talk") {

     var username = encodeURIComponent( mw.config.get('wgTitle') );

     mw.util.addPortletLink("p-cactions", mw.config.get('wgServer') + "/wiki/Special:Contributions/" + username, "Contribs", "ca-contrib", "User contributions");

     mw.util.addPortletLink("p-cactions", "" + username + "&", "Ed count", "ca-editcount", "Edit count from Interiot's Tool1");

     mw.util.addPortletLink("p-cactions", "" + username + "&", "Sum", "ca-summary", "Edit Summary");

     mw.util.addPortletLink("p-cactions", mw.config.get('wgServer') + "/?title=Special:Prefixindex&from=" + username + "&namespace=2", "Userspc", "", "List of pages in this user's userspace");

     mw.util.addPortletLink("p-cactions", mw.config.get('wgServer') + "/?title=Special:Log&type=block&page=User:" + username, "Blocks rec", "ca-blog", "Blocks received by this user");

     mw.util.addPortletLink("p-cactions", mw.config.get('wgServer') + "/?title=Special:Listusers&username=" + username + "&group=&limit=50", "Userlist", "ca-username", "A list of all registered users");





// This will add an [edit] link at the top of all pages except preview pages and the main page

// Originally by [[User:Pile0nades]], modified by [[User:Gerbrant]].


// Add an [edit] link to pages

hookEvent("load", function ()


	if(window.location.href.indexOf("/wiki/Special:") != -1) return;

	if(document.getElementById("wikiPreview")) return;

	if(document.getElementById("histlegend‎")) return;

	if(document.getElementById("difference‎")) return;

	if(document.getElementById("watchdetails")) return;

	if(document.getElementById("mainpage")) return;


	if(window.location.href.indexOf("&action=edit") == -1)


		var pageTitle = document.title.split(" - ")[0].replace(" ", "_");

		var divContainer = document.createElement("div");

		divContainer.innerHTML = '<div class="editsection" style="float:right;">\

[<a href="/?title=' + pageTitle + '&action=edit&section=0" \

title="' + document.title.split(" - ")[0 + '">edit</a>]</div>';

		var coos = document.getElementById("coordinates");

		if(coos) = "4.5em";


			divContainer, document.getElementsByTagName("h1")[0]);


	else if(window.location.href.indexOf("&action=edit&section=0") != -1)


		e = document.getElementById("wpSummary");

		if(e) e.value = "/* Intro */ ";



/* <pre> [[User:DStoykov/defaultsort.js]] <nowiki> */


function defaultsort() {

//var apiurl = mw.config.get('wgServer')+mw.config.get('wgScriptPath')+'/api.php?action=query&meta=siteinfo&siprop=namespaces&format=xml';

//var xmlhttp = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest() : window.ActiveXObject ? new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") : null;

//'GET',apiurl, false);




    var txt = document.editform.wpTextbox1.value;

    var sortkey = '';

    // Create an array of all category links

    if (txt.match(/\{\{\s*defaultsort/i)) {

        alert('There\'s already a defaultsort statement!');



    var catlinks = txt.match(/\[\[\s*((C|K)at(e|e)gor(y|i|ie|ia|ia|ija|io)|Кат(е|э)гор(ия|ија|ія|ыя)|Luokka|Flokkur)\s*:.*\]\]/ig);

    if (!catlinks) {

        alert('There are no category links!');



    for (i=0; i< catlinks.length; i++) {

        // Extract the name of the category

        var catname = catlinksi].replace(/.+\s*:\s*([^|]*[^|\s])\s*(\|.*)?\]\]/,"$1");

        // Extract the sort key 

        var match = /\|[^\]]+/.exec(catlinksi]);

        if (match == null) {

	          alert('Category '+catname+' doesn\'t include a sort key!'); 



        // Strip the '|' and any trailing spaces

        var sk = match0].replace(/\|(.+)/, "$1").replace(/(\S) +$/,"$1");

        if (i == 0) {

            sortkey = sk;

        } else {

            if (sortkey != sk) {

                alert('Not all sort keys are identical!\nThe sort key for category '+catname+' is different.');





    // Now that we know that everything is OK, we can proceed with modifying the content of the editbox

    txt = txt.replace(catlinks0], "{{DEFAULTSORT:"+sortkey+"}}\n"+catlinks0]);

    for (i=0; i< catlinks.length; i++) {

        subst = catlinksi].replace(/\|[^\]]+/,"");

        txt = txt.replace(catlinksi], subst);





addOnloadHook(function () {

  if(document.forms.editform) {

    mw.util.addPortletLink('p-cactions', 'javascript:defaultsort()', 'defaultsort', 'ca-defaultsort', '', '', document.getElementById('ca-purge'));




/* </nowiki></pre> */


 // Edit tools for the vandal whack-a-mole game

 // [[User:Kbh3rd/whackamole.js]] - please include this line


 document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' 

             + '' 

             + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"></script>');


//On diff pages this script replaces ''(Difference between revisions)''with

//different tools for reverting the edit and warning the user that made the edit.

//For instructions see talk page.

// Revert tools by Lorian

function getElementsByClass(searchClass,node,tag) {

  // Function from

  var classElements = new Array();

  if ( node == null )

    node = document;

  if ( tag == null )

    tag = '*';

  var els = node.getElementsByTagName(tag);

  var elsLen = els.length;

  var pattern = new RegExp("(^|\\s)"+searchClass+"(\\s|$)");

  for (i = 0, j = 0; i < elsLen; i++) {

    if ( pattern.test(elsi].className) ) {

      classElementsj = elsi];




  return classElements;


// _GET code from NoGray JS Library

var _GET = new Array();

var _uri = location.href;

var _temp_get_arr = _uri.substring(_uri.indexOf('?')+1, _uri.length).split("&");

var _temp_get_arr_1 = new Array();

for(_get_arr_i=0; _get_arr_i<_temp_get_arr.length; _get_arr_i++){

  _temp_get_arr_1 = _temp_get_arr_get_arr_i].split("=");

  _GETdecodeURI(_temp_get_arr_10])] = decodeURI(_temp_get_arr_11]);


delete _uri; delete _temp_get_arr; delete _temp_get_arr_1;

function getMessage (where, user1, user2) {

  var message = prompt ('What message would you like to leave?', '');

  window.location = '' + _GET'title' + '&action=edit&oldid=' + _GET'oldid' + '&'+where+'=2&user1='+user1+'&user2='+user2+'&message='+message;


addOnloadHook(function (){

  if (location.href.match(/diff=/)) {

    // Get username of submitter

    var user1 = getElementsByClass('diff-otitle',null,'td'); user1 = user10].getElementsByTagName('a')[2].innerHTML;

    var user2 = getElementsByClass('diff-ntitle',null,'td'); user2 = user20].getElementsByTagName('a')[3].innerHTML;

    document.getElementById('contentSub').innerHTML = '(<a href="' + _GET'title' + '&action=edit&oldid=' + _GET'oldid' + '&revert=1&user1='+user1+'&user2='+user2+'">Revert</a> / <a href="javascript:var message = getMessage(\'revert\', \''+user1+'\', \''+user2+'\');">Message</a>) (<a href="' + _GET'title' + '&action=edit&oldid=' + _GET'oldid' + '&vandalism=1&user1='+user1+'&user2='+user2+'">Vandalism</a> / <a href="javascript:var message = getMessage(\'vandalism\', \''+user1+'\', \''+user2+'\');">Message</a>) (Warn: <a href="'+user2+'&action=edit&section=new&warn=1">Test</a> / <a href="'+user2+'&action=edit&section=new&warn=2">Blatant</a> / <a href="'+user2+'&action=edit&section=new&warn=3">Nonsense</a> / <a href="'+user2+'&action=edit&section=new&warn=4">Blanking</a>)';

  } else if (location.href.match(/revert=1/)) {

    document.getElementById('wpSummary').value = 'Reverted edits by [[Special:Contributions/'+_GET'user2'+'|'+_GET'user2'+']] to version ' + _GET'oldid'+' by [[Special:Contributions/'+_GET'user1'+'|'+_GET'user1'+']]';


  } else if (location.href.match(/revert=2/)) {

    document.getElementById('wpSummary').value = 'Reverted edits by [[Special:Contributions/'+_GET'user2'+'|'+_GET'user2'+']] to version ' + _GET'oldid'+' by [[Special:Contributions/'+_GET'user1'+'|'+_GET'user1'+']] ('+_GET'message'+')';


  } else if (location.href.match(/vandalism=1/)) {

    document.getElementById('wpSummary').value = 'Reverted vandalism by [[Special:Contributions/'+_GET'user2'+'|'+_GET'user2'+']] to version ' + _GET'oldid'+' by [[Special:Contributions/'+_GET'user1'+'|'+_GET'user1'+']]';


  } else if (location.href.match(/vandalism=2/)) {

    document.getElementById('wpSummary').value = 'Reverted vandalism by [[Special:Contributions/'+_GET'user2'+'|'+_GET'user2'+']] to version ' + _GET'oldid'+' by [[Special:Contributions/'+_GET'user1'+'|'+_GET'user1'+']] ('+_GET'message'+')';


  } else if (location.href.match(/warn=1/)) {

    document.getElementById('wpSummary').value = 'Vandalism warning';

    document.getElementById('wpTextbox1').value = '{{sub'+'st:test}} ~~'+'~~';


  } else if (location.href.match(/warn=2/)) {

    document.getElementById('wpSummary').value = 'Vandalism warning';

    document.getElementById('wpTextbox1').value = '{{sub'+'st:blatantvandal}} ~~'+'~~';


  } else if (location.href.match(/warn=3/)) {

    document.getElementById('wpSummary').value = 'Vandalism warning';

    document.getElementById('wpTextbox1').value = '{{sub'+'st:test2}} ~~'+'~~';


  } else if (location.href.match(/warn=4/)) {

    document.getElementById('wpSummary').value = 'Vandalism warning';

    document.getElementById('wpTextbox1').value = '{{sub'+'st:test2a}} ~~'+'~~';





// [[User:Ais523/topcontrib.js]]


// This script color-codes lines according to who has the top contribution for a page.


addOnloadHook(function () {




     // the ais523 in the line above is meant to be ais523, not your username; it's

     // to avoid a clash with a couple of other scripts I've written. Feel free to

     // expand it to avoid clashes with other contribs-manipulating scripts, though.


    var i,li,a;




    a=new Array();



      var s,t;

      var html = lii].innerHTML;

      var match = html.match(/"\/wiki\/([^"]*)"/);

      if (!match)

        match = html.match(/"\/w\/index.php\?title=([^"]*)&amp;redirect=no"/);

      t = match1];

      var spans = lii].getElementsByTagName("span");

      var topspanfound = false;

      for (var j = 0; j < spans.length; j++)


        if (spansj].className == "mw-uctop")


           topspanfound = true;




      s = topspanfound ? "#CCCCFF" : "#FFCCCC";

      if(at!=undefined) s=(at=="#CCCCFF"?"#CCFFFF":"#FFFFCC"); else at=s;

      lii].innerHTML="<SPAN STYLE='background-color:"+s+"'>"+lii].innerHTML+"</SPAN>";






//[[Category:Wikipedia scripts]]

// Adds a drop-down menu to the search box to choose the namespace to search in.  <pre></nowiki>

addOnloadHook(function () {

    var searchGoButton = document.getElementById('searchGoButton');

    if (!searchGoButton) return;

    var searchNsHidden = document.createElement('input'); = 'searchNsHidden';

    searchNsHidden.type = 'hidden'; = 'ns0';

    searchNsHidden.value = '1';

    var searchNsMenu = document.createElement('select'); = 'searchNsMenu'; = 'ns';

    searchNsMenu.optionssearchNsMenu.options.length = new Option('(Main)', 0);

    searchNsMenu.optionssearchNsMenu.options.length = new Option('Talk', 1);

    searchNsMenu.optionssearchNsMenu.options.length = new Option('User', 2);

    searchNsMenu.optionssearchNsMenu.options.length = new Option('User talk', 3);

    searchNsMenu.optionssearchNsMenu.options.length = new Option('Wikipedia', 4);

    searchNsMenu.optionssearchNsMenu.options.length = new Option('Wikipedia talk', 5);

    searchNsMenu.optionssearchNsMenu.options.length = new Option('Image', 6);

    searchNsMenu.optionssearchNsMenu.options.length = new Option('Image talk', 7);

    searchNsMenu.optionssearchNsMenu.options.length = new Option('MediaWiki', 8);

    searchNsMenu.optionssearchNsMenu.options.length = new Option('MediaWiki talk', 9);

    searchNsMenu.optionssearchNsMenu.options.length = new Option('Template', 10);

    searchNsMenu.optionssearchNsMenu.options.length = new Option('Template talk', 11);

    searchNsMenu.optionssearchNsMenu.options.length = new Option('Help', 12);

    searchNsMenu.optionssearchNsMenu.options.length = new Option('Help talk', 13);

    searchNsMenu.optionssearchNsMenu.options.length = new Option('Category', 14);

    searchNsMenu.optionssearchNsMenu.options.length = new Option('Category talk', 15);

    searchNsMenu.optionssearchNsMenu.options.length = new Option('Portal', 100);

    searchNsMenu.optionssearchNsMenu.options.length = new Option('Portal talk', 101);

    searchNsMenu.onchange = function () { = 'ns' + (this.selectedIndex < 0 ? '0' : this.optionsthis.selectedIndex].value);


    // From /skins-1.5/monobook/main.css?5: = '10.9em'; = '0'; = '95%';

    searchGoButton.parentNode.insertBefore(searchNsHidden, searchGoButton);

    searchGoButton.parentNode.insertBefore(searchNsMenu, searchGoButton);


// </nowiki></pre>

addOnloadHook(function () {

    var query_prefix = "title=Special:Watchlist&action=submit&remove=1&id[]=";

    //var query_prefix = "action=unwatch&title=";

    if (window.location.href.indexOf("Special:Watchlist") < 0) return;

    if (window.location.href.indexOf("Special:Watchlist/edit") >= 0) return;

    var links = document.getElementById('content').getElementsByTagName('a');

    for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {

        if (linksi].href.substring(linksi].href.length-15) != '&action=history')


        var unwatch = document.createElement('a');

        unwatch.href = "/?" + query_prefix + encodeURIComponent(linksi].title);

        unwatch.title = "Unwatch "+linksi].title;


        linksi].parentNode.insertBefore(unwatch, linksi].nextSibling);

        // kluge to handle case where "diff" is unlinked:

        var delim = linksi].previousSibling;

        delim = (delim.nodeType == 3 ? delim.nodeValue : "");

        linksi].parentNode.insertBefore(document.createTextNode(delim.replace(/^.*diff/, "")), unwatch);




// Script from [[User:Lupin/recent2.js]]



             + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s');

// This is based on the original code on Wikipedia:Tools/Editing tools


// The original code was on the project page and needed to be cut and paste to the user's

// monobook.js page. However, this caused problems with the quote marks. So I have moved 

// it to its own page. 


// I do not know a lot about Javascript so please do not ask for a complicated change


// See the [[User:MarkS/Extra edit buttons]] for changes log

function InsertButtonsToToolBar()


//Strike-Out Button

mwCustomEditButtonsmwCustomEditButtons.length = {

    "imageFile": "",

    "speedTip": "Strike",

    "tagOpen": "<s>",

    "tagClose": "</s>",

    "sampleText": "Strike-through text"}

//Left-Text Button

mwCustomEditButtonsmwCustomEditButtons.length = {

    "imageFile": "",

    "speedTip": "Left-Align",

    "tagOpen": "<div style='text-align: left; direction: ltr; margin-left: 1em;'>\n",

    "tagClose": "\n</div>",

    "sampleText": "Left-aligned text"}

//Center-Text Button

mwCustomEditButtonsmwCustomEditButtons.length = {

    "imageFile": "",

    "speedTip": "Center",

    "tagOpen": "<div style='text-align: center;'>\n",

    "tagClose": "\n</div>",

    "sampleText": "Centered text"}

//Table button

mwCustomEditButtonsmwCustomEditButtons.length = {

    "imageFile": "",

    "speedTip": "Table",

    "tagOpen": "\n{| border='1' \n|- \n| 1 || 2\n|- \n| 3 || 4",

    "tagClose": "\n|}\n",

    "sampleText": ""}

//Line break button

mwCustomEditButtonsmwCustomEditButtons.length = {

    "imageFile": "",

    "speedTip": "Line break",

    "tagOpen": "<br />",

    "tagClose": "",

    "sampleText": ""}


mwCustomEditButtonsmwCustomEditButtons.length = {

    "imageFile": "",

    "speedTip": "Superscript",

    "tagOpen": "<sup>",

    "tagClose": "</sup>",

    "sampleText": "Superscript text"}


mwCustomEditButtonsmwCustomEditButtons.length = {

    "imageFile": "",

    "speedTip": "Subscript",

    "tagOpen": "<sub>",

    "tagClose": "</sub>",

    "sampleText": "Subscript text"}

//Small Text

mwCustomEditButtonsmwCustomEditButtons.length = {

    "imageFile": "",

    "speedTip": "Small",

    "tagOpen": "<small>",

    "tagClose": "</small>",

    "sampleText": "Small Text"}


mwCustomEditButtonsmwCustomEditButtons.length = {

    "imageFile": "",

    "speedTip": "Insert hidden Comment",

    "tagOpen": "<!-- ",

    "tagClose": " -->",

    "sampleText": "Comment"}


mwCustomEditButtonsmwCustomEditButtons.length = {

    "imageFile": "",

    "speedTip": "Insert a picture gallery",

    "tagOpen": "\n<gallery>\n",

    "tagClose": "\n</gallery>",

    "sampleText": "Image:FileName.jpg|Caption1\\Image:FileName2.jpg|Caption2"}

//Secondary Headline

mwCustomEditButtonsmwCustomEditButtons.length = {

    "imageFile": "",

    "speedTip": "Secondary headline",

    "tagOpen": "\n===",

    "tagClose": "===",

    "sampleText": "Secondary headline"}


mwCustomEditButtonsmwCustomEditButtons.length = {

    "imageFile": "",

    "speedTip": "Insert tab(s)",

    "tagOpen": ":",

    "tagClose": "",

    "sampleText": ":"}

//Block Quote

mwCustomEditButtonsmwCustomEditButtons.length = {

    "imageFile": "",

    "speedTip": "Insert block of quoted text",

    "tagOpen": "<blockquote style='border: 1px solid blue; padding: 2em;'>\n",

    "tagClose": "\n</blockquote>",

    "sampleText": "Block quote"}


mwCustomEditButtonsmwCustomEditButtons.length = {

    "imageFile": "",

    "speedTip": "Insert colored text",

    "tagOpen": "<span style='color: ColorName'>",

    "tagClose": "</span>",

    "sampleText": "Span of text"}


mwCustomEditButtonsmwCustomEditButtons.length = {

    "imageFile": "",

    "speedTip": "Insert code",

    "tagOpen": "<code>",

    "tagClose": "</code>",

    "sampleText": "Code"}


mwCustomEditButtonsmwCustomEditButtons.length = {

    "imageFile": "",

    "speedTip": "Insert link to sub-page",

    "tagOpen": "[[Page#",

    "tagClose": "]]",

    "sampleText": "Sub_page"}

//Definition List

mwCustomEditButtonsmwCustomEditButtons.length = {

    "imageFile": "",

    "speedTip": "Insert definition list",

    "tagOpen": "\n; ",

    "tagClose": " : ",

    "sampleText": "Insert text"}

//Template button

mwCustomEditButtonsmwCustomEditButtons.length = {

    "imageFile": "",

    "speedTip": "Template",

    "tagOpen": "{{",

    "tagClose": "}}",

    "sampleText": "Template name"}

//Category button

mwCustomEditButtonsmwCustomEditButtons.length = {

    "imageFile": "",

    "speedTip": "Category",

    "tagOpen": "[[Category:",

    "tagClose": "]]",

    "sampleText": "Category title"}

//Reference link button

mwCustomEditButtonsmwCustomEditButtons.length = {

    "imageFile": "",

    "speedTip": "<ref>",

    "tagOpen": "<ref>",

    "tagClose": "</ref>",

    "sampleText": "Insert reference material"}

//Reference button

mwCustomEditButtonsmwCustomEditButtons.length = {

    "imageFile": "",

    "speedTip": "Reference footer",

    "tagOpen": "<references/>",

    "tagClose": "",

    "sampleText": ""}


addOnloadHook( InsertButtonsToToolBar );

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.

/**** welcome new user ****/

document.write('<script type="text/javascript"' +

  'src="' +




// Please leave the following line

// [[user:Where/usertabs]]


addOnloadHook(function() {

  if (mw.config.get('wgTitle').indexOf("/") != -1 || document.title.indexOf("- History -") != -1)  //no subpages or history


  if (mw.config.get('wgCanonicalNamespace') == "User" || mw.config.get('wgCanonicalNamespace') == "User_talk") {

     var username = encodeURIComponent( mw.config.get('wgTitle') );

     mw.util.addPortletLink("p-cactions", mw.config.get('wgServer') + "/wiki/Special:Contributions/" + username, "Contribs", "ca-contrib", "User contributions");

     mw.util.addPortletLink("p-cactions", "" + username + "&", "Ed count", "ca-editcount", "Edit count from Interiot's Tool1");

     mw.util.addPortletLink("p-cactions", "" + username + "&", "Sum", "ca-summary", "Edit Summary");

     mw.util.addPortletLink("p-cactions", mw.config.get('wgServer') + "/?title=Special:Prefixindex&from=" + username + "&namespace=2", "Userspc", "", "List of pages in this user's userspace");

     mw.util.addPortletLink("p-cactions", mw.config.get('wgServer') + "/?title=Special:Log&type=block&page=User:" + username, "Blocks rec", "ca-blog", "Blocks received by this user");

     mw.util.addPortletLink("p-cactions", mw.config.get('wgServer') + "/?title=Special:Listusers&username=" + username + "&group=&limit=50", "Userlist", "ca-username", "A list of all registered users");





// This will add an [edit] link at the top of all pages except preview pages and the main page

// Originally by [[User:Pile0nades]], modified by [[User:Gerbrant]].


// Add an [edit] link to pages

hookEvent("load", function ()


	if(window.location.href.indexOf("/wiki/Special:") != -1) return;

	if(document.getElementById("wikiPreview")) return;

	if(document.getElementById("histlegend‎")) return;

	if(document.getElementById("difference‎")) return;

	if(document.getElementById("watchdetails")) return;

	if(document.getElementById("mainpage")) return;


	if(window.location.href.indexOf("&action=edit") == -1)


		var pageTitle = document.title.split(" - ")[0].replace(" ", "_");

		var divContainer = document.createElement("div");

		divContainer.innerHTML = '<div class="editsection" style="float:right;">\

[<a href="/?title=' + pageTitle + '&action=edit&section=0" \

title="' + document.title.split(" - ")[0 + '">edit</a>]</div>';

		var coos = document.getElementById("coordinates");

		if(coos) = "4.5em";


			divContainer, document.getElementsByTagName("h1")[0]);


	else if(window.location.href.indexOf("&action=edit&section=0") != -1)


		e = document.getElementById("wpSummary");

		if(e) e.value = "/* Intro */ ";



/* <pre> [[User:DStoykov/defaultsort.js]] <nowiki> */


function defaultsort() {

//var apiurl = mw.config.get('wgServer')+mw.config.get('wgScriptPath')+'/api.php?action=query&meta=siteinfo&siprop=namespaces&format=xml';

//var xmlhttp = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest() : window.ActiveXObject ? new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") : null;

//'GET',apiurl, false);




    var txt = document.editform.wpTextbox1.value;

    var sortkey = '';

    // Create an array of all category links

    if (txt.match(/\{\{\s*defaultsort/i)) {

        alert('There\'s already a defaultsort statement!');



    var catlinks = txt.match(/\[\[\s*((C|K)at(e|e)gor(y|i|ie|ia|ia|ija|io)|Кат(е|э)гор(ия|ија|ія|ыя)|Luokka|Flokkur)\s*:.*\]\]/ig);

    if (!catlinks) {

        alert('There are no category links!');



    for (i=0; i< catlinks.length; i++) {

        // Extract the name of the category

        var catname = catlinksi].replace(/.+\s*:\s*([^|]*[^|\s])\s*(\|.*)?\]\]/,"$1");

        // Extract the sort key 

        var match = /\|[^\]]+/.exec(catlinksi]);

        if (match == null) {

	          alert('Category '+catname+' doesn\'t include a sort key!'); 



        // Strip the '|' and any trailing spaces

        var sk = match0].replace(/\|(.+)/, "$1").replace(/(\S) +$/,"$1");

        if (i == 0) {

            sortkey = sk;

        } else {

            if (sortkey != sk) {

                alert('Not all sort keys are identical!\nThe sort key for category '+catname+' is different.');





    // Now that we know that everything is OK, we can proceed with modifying the content of the editbox

    txt = txt.replace(catlinks0], "{{DEFAULTSORT:"+sortkey+"}}\n"+catlinks0]);

    for (i=0; i< catlinks.length; i++) {

        subst = catlinksi].replace(/\|[^\]]+/,"");

        txt = txt.replace(catlinksi], subst);





addOnloadHook(function () {

  if(document.forms.editform) {

    mw.util.addPortletLink('p-cactions', 'javascript:defaultsort()', 'defaultsort', 'ca-defaultsort', '', '', document.getElementById('ca-purge'));




/* </nowiki></pre> */


 // Edit tools for the vandal whack-a-mole game

 // [[User:Kbh3rd/whackamole.js]] - please include this line


 document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' 

             + '' 

             + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"></script>');


//On diff pages this script replaces ''(Difference between revisions)''with

//different tools for reverting the edit and warning the user that made the edit.

//For instructions see talk page.

// Revert tools by Lorian

function getElementsByClass(searchClass,node,tag) {

  // Function from

  var classElements = new Array();

  if ( node == null )

    node = document;

  if ( tag == null )

    tag = '*';

  var els = node.getElementsByTagName(tag);

  var elsLen = els.length;

  var pattern = new RegExp("(^|\\s)"+searchClass+"(\\s|$)");

  for (i = 0, j = 0; i < elsLen; i++) {

    if ( pattern.test(elsi].className) ) {

      classElementsj = elsi];




  return classElements;


// _GET code from NoGray JS Library

var _GET = new Array();

var _uri = location.href;

var _temp_get_arr = _uri.substring(_uri.indexOf('?')+1, _uri.length).split("&");

var _temp_get_arr_1 = new Array();

for(_get_arr_i=0; _get_arr_i<_temp_get_arr.length; _get_arr_i++){

  _temp_get_arr_1 = _temp_get_arr_get_arr_i].split("=");

  _GETdecodeURI(_temp_get_arr_10])] = decodeURI(_temp_get_arr_11]);


delete _uri; delete _temp_get_arr; delete _temp_get_arr_1;

function getMessage (where, user1, user2) {

  var message = prompt ('What message would you like to leave?', '');

  window.location = '' + _GET'title' + '&action=edit&oldid=' + _GET'oldid' + '&'+where+'=2&user1='+user1+'&user2='+user2+'&message='+message;


addOnloadHook(function (){

  if (location.href.match(/diff=/)) {

    // Get username of submitter

    var user1 = getElementsByClass('diff-otitle',null,'td'); user1 = user10].getElementsByTagName('a')[2].innerHTML;

    var user2 = getElementsByClass('diff-ntitle',null,'td'); user2 = user20].getElementsByTagName('a')[3].innerHTML;

    document.getElementById('contentSub').innerHTML = '(<a href="' + _GET'title' + '&action=edit&oldid=' + _GET'oldid' + '&revert=1&user1='+user1+'&user2='+user2+'">Revert</a> / <a href="javascript:var message = getMessage(\'revert\', \''+user1+'\', \''+user2+'\');">Message</a>) (<a href="' + _GET'title' + '&action=edit&oldid=' + _GET'oldid' + '&vandalism=1&user1='+user1+'&user2='+user2+'">Vandalism</a> / <a href="javascript:var message = getMessage(\'vandalism\', \''+user1+'\', \''+user2+'\');">Message</a>) (Warn: <a href="'+user2+'&action=edit&section=new&warn=1">Test</a> / <a href="'+user2+'&action=edit&section=new&warn=2">Blatant</a> / <a href="'+user2+'&action=edit&section=new&warn=3">Nonsense</a> / <a href="'+user2+'&action=edit&section=new&warn=4">Blanking</a>)';

  } else if (location.href.match(/revert=1/)) {

    document.getElementById('wpSummary').value = 'Reverted edits by [[Special:Contributions/'+_GET'user2'+'|'+_GET'user2'+']] to version ' + _GET'oldid'+' by [[Special:Contributions/'+_GET'user1'+'|'+_GET'user1'+']]';


  } else if (location.href.match(/revert=2/)) {

    document.getElementById('wpSummary').value = 'Reverted edits by [[Special:Contributions/'+_GET'user2'+'|'+_GET'user2'+']] to version ' + _GET'oldid'+' by [[Special:Contributions/'+_GET'user1'+'|'+_GET'user1'+']] ('+_GET'message'+')';


  } else if (location.href.match(/vandalism=1/)) {

    document.getElementById('wpSummary').value = 'Reverted vandalism by [[Special:Contributions/'+_GET'user2'+'|'+_GET'user2'+']] to version ' + _GET'oldid'+' by [[Special:Contributions/'+_GET'user1'+'|'+_GET'user1'+']]';


  } else if (location.href.match(/vandalism=2/)) {

    document.getElementById('wpSummary').value = 'Reverted vandalism by [[Special:Contributions/'+_GET'user2'+'|'+_GET'user2'+']] to version ' + _GET'oldid'+' by [[Special:Contributions/'+_GET'user1'+'|'+_GET'user1'+']] ('+_GET'message'+')';


  } else if (location.href.match(/warn=1/)) {

    document.getElementById('wpSummary').value = 'Vandalism warning';

    document.getElementById('wpTextbox1').value = '{{sub'+'st:test}} ~~'+'~~';


  } else if (location.href.match(/warn=2/)) {

    document.getElementById('wpSummary').value = 'Vandalism warning';

    document.getElementById('wpTextbox1').value = '{{sub'+'st:blatantvandal}} ~~'+'~~';


  } else if (location.href.match(/warn=3/)) {

    document.getElementById('wpSummary').value = 'Vandalism warning';

    document.getElementById('wpTextbox1').value = '{{sub'+'st:test2}} ~~'+'~~';


  } else if (location.href.match(/warn=4/)) {

    document.getElementById('wpSummary').value = 'Vandalism warning';

    document.getElementById('wpTextbox1').value = '{{sub'+'st:test2a}} ~~'+'~~';





// [[User:Ais523/topcontrib.js]]


// This script color-codes lines according to who has the top contribution for a page.


addOnloadHook(function () {




     // the ais523 in the line above is meant to be ais523, not your username; it's

     // to avoid a clash with a couple of other scripts I've written. Feel free to

     // expand it to avoid clashes with other contribs-manipulating scripts, though.


    var i,li,a;




    a=new Array();



      var s,t;

      var html = lii].innerHTML;

      var match = html.match(/"\/wiki\/([^"]*)"/);

      if (!match)

        match = html.match(/"\/w\/index.php\?title=([^"]*)&amp;redirect=no"/);

      t = match1];

      var spans = lii].getElementsByTagName("span");

      var topspanfound = false;

      for (var j = 0; j < spans.length; j++)


        if (spansj].className == "mw-uctop")


           topspanfound = true;




      s = topspanfound ? "#CCCCFF" : "#FFCCCC";

      if(at!=undefined) s=(at=="#CCCCFF"?"#CCFFFF":"#FFFFCC"); else at=s;

      lii].innerHTML="<SPAN STYLE='background-color:"+s+"'>"+lii].innerHTML+"</SPAN>";






//[[Category:Wikipedia scripts]]

// Adds a drop-down menu to the search box to choose the namespace to search in.  <pre></nowiki>

addOnloadHook(function () {

    var searchGoButton = document.getElementById('searchGoButton');

    if (!searchGoButton) return;

    var searchNsHidden = document.createElement('input'); = 'searchNsHidden';

    searchNsHidden.type = 'hidden'; = 'ns0';

    searchNsHidden.value = '1';

    var searchNsMenu = document.createElement('select'); = 'searchNsMenu'; = 'ns';

    searchNsMenu.optionssearchNsMenu.options.length = new Option('(Main)', 0);

    searchNsMenu.optionssearchNsMenu.options.length = new Option('Talk', 1);

    searchNsMenu.optionssearchNsMenu.options.length = new Option('User', 2);

    searchNsMenu.optionssearchNsMenu.options.length = new Option('User talk', 3);

    searchNsMenu.optionssearchNsMenu.options.length = new Option('Wikipedia', 4);

    searchNsMenu.optionssearchNsMenu.options.length = new Option('Wikipedia talk', 5);

    searchNsMenu.optionssearchNsMenu.options.length = new Option('Image', 6);

    searchNsMenu.optionssearchNsMenu.options.length = new Option('Image talk', 7);

    searchNsMenu.optionssearchNsMenu.options.length = new Option('MediaWiki', 8);

    searchNsMenu.optionssearchNsMenu.options.length = new Option('MediaWiki talk', 9);

    searchNsMenu.optionssearchNsMenu.options.length = new Option('Template', 10);

    searchNsMenu.optionssearchNsMenu.options.length = new Option('Template talk', 11);

    searchNsMenu.optionssearchNsMenu.options.length = new Option('Help', 12);

    searchNsMenu.optionssearchNsMenu.options.length = new Option('Help talk', 13);

    searchNsMenu.optionssearchNsMenu.options.length = new Option('Category', 14);

    searchNsMenu.optionssearchNsMenu.options.length = new Option('Category talk', 15);

    searchNsMenu.optionssearchNsMenu.options.length = new Option('Portal', 100);

    searchNsMenu.optionssearchNsMenu.options.length = new Option('Portal talk', 101);

    searchNsMenu.onchange = function () { = 'ns' + (this.selectedIndex < 0 ? '0' : this.optionsthis.selectedIndex].value);


    // From /skins-1.5/monobook/main.css?5: = '10.9em'; = '0'; = '95%';

    searchGoButton.parentNode.insertBefore(searchNsHidden, searchGoButton);

    searchGoButton.parentNode.insertBefore(searchNsMenu, searchGoButton);


// </nowiki></pre>

addOnloadHook(function () {

    var query_prefix = "title=Special:Watchlist&action=submit&remove=1&id[]=";

    //var query_prefix = "action=unwatch&title=";

    if (window.location.href.indexOf("Special:Watchlist") < 0) return;

    if (window.location.href.indexOf("Special:Watchlist/edit") >= 0) return;

    var links = document.getElementById('content').getElementsByTagName('a');

    for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {

        if (linksi].href.substring(linksi].href.length-15) != '&action=history')


        var unwatch = document.createElement('a');

        unwatch.href = "/?" + query_prefix + encodeURIComponent(linksi].title);

        unwatch.title = "Unwatch "+linksi].title;


        linksi].parentNode.insertBefore(unwatch, linksi].nextSibling);

        // kluge to handle case where "diff" is unlinked:

        var delim = linksi].previousSibling;

        delim = (delim.nodeType == 3 ? delim.nodeValue : "");

        linksi].parentNode.insertBefore(document.createTextNode(delim.replace(/^.*diff/, "")), unwatch);




// Script from [[User:Lupin/recent2.js]]



             + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s');

// This is based on the original code on Wikipedia:Tools/Editing tools


// The original code was on the project page and needed to be cut and paste to the user's

// monobook.js page. However, this caused problems with the quote marks. So I have moved 

// it to its own page. 


// I do not know a lot about Javascript so please do not ask for a complicated change


// See the [[User:MarkS/Extra edit buttons]] for changes log

function InsertButtonsToToolBar()


//Strike-Out Button

mwCustomEditButtonsmwCustomEditButtons.length = {

    "imageFile": "",

    "speedTip": "Strike",

    "tagOpen": "<s>",

    "tagClose": "</s>",

    "sampleText": "Strike-through text"}

//Left-Text Button

mwCustomEditButtonsmwCustomEditButtons.length = {

    "imageFile": "",

    "speedTip": "Left-Align",

    "tagOpen": "<div style='text-align: left; direction: ltr; margin-left: 1em;'>\n",

    "tagClose": "\n</div>",

    "sampleText": "Left-aligned text"}

//Center-Text Button

mwCustomEditButtonsmwCustomEditButtons.length = {

    "imageFile": "",

    "speedTip": "Center",

    "tagOpen": "<div style='text-align: center;'>\n",

    "tagClose": "\n</div>",

    "sampleText": "Centered text"}

//Table button

mwCustomEditButtonsmwCustomEditButtons.length = {

    "imageFile": "",

    "speedTip": "Table",

    "tagOpen": "\n{| border='1' \n|- \n| 1 || 2\n|- \n| 3 || 4",

    "tagClose": "\n|}\n",

    "sampleText": ""}

//Line break button

mwCustomEditButtonsmwCustomEditButtons.length = {

    "imageFile": "",

    "speedTip": "Line break",

    "tagOpen": "<br />",

    "tagClose": "",

    "sampleText": ""}


mwCustomEditButtonsmwCustomEditButtons.length = {

    "imageFile": "",

    "speedTip": "Superscript",

    "tagOpen": "<sup>",

    "tagClose": "</sup>",

    "sampleText": "Superscript text"}


mwCustomEditButtonsmwCustomEditButtons.length = {

    "imageFile": "",

    "speedTip": "Subscript",

    "tagOpen": "<sub>",

    "tagClose": "</sub>",

    "sampleText": "Subscript text"}

//Small Text

mwCustomEditButtonsmwCustomEditButtons.length = {

    "imageFile": "",

    "speedTip": "Small",

    "tagOpen": "<small>",

    "tagClose": "</small>",

    "sampleText": "Small Text"}


mwCustomEditButtonsmwCustomEditButtons.length = {

    "imageFile": "",

    "speedTip": "Insert hidden Comment",

    "tagOpen": "<!-- ",

    "tagClose": " -->",

    "sampleText": "Comment"}


mwCustomEditButtonsmwCustomEditButtons.length = {

    "imageFile": "",

    "speedTip": "Insert a picture gallery",

    "tagOpen": "\n<gallery>\n",

    "tagClose": "\n</gallery>",

    "sampleText": "Image:FileName.jpg|Caption1\\Image:FileName2.jpg|Caption2"}

//Secondary Headline

mwCustomEditButtonsmwCustomEditButtons.length = {

    "imageFile": "",

    "speedTip": "Secondary headline",

    "tagOpen": "\n===",

    "tagClose": "===",

    "sampleText": "Secondary headline"}


mwCustomEditButtonsmwCustomEditButtons.length = {

    "imageFile": "",

    "speedTip": "Insert tab(s)",

    "tagOpen": ":",

    "tagClose": "",

    "sampleText": ":"}

//Block Quote

mwCustomEditButtonsmwCustomEditButtons.length = {

    "imageFile": "",

    "speedTip": "Insert block of quoted text",

    "tagOpen": "<blockquote style='border: 1px solid blue; padding: 2em;'>\n",

    "tagClose": "\n</blockquote>",

    "sampleText": "Block quote"}


mwCustomEditButtonsmwCustomEditButtons.length = {

    "imageFile": "",

    "speedTip": "Insert colored text",

    "tagOpen": "<span style='color: ColorName'>",

    "tagClose": "</span>",

    "sampleText": "Span of text"}


mwCustomEditButtonsmwCustomEditButtons.length = {

    "imageFile": "",

    "speedTip": "Insert code",

    "tagOpen": "<code>",

    "tagClose": "</code>",

    "sampleText": "Code"}


mwCustomEditButtonsmwCustomEditButtons.length = {

    "imageFile": "",

    "speedTip": "Insert link to sub-page",

    "tagOpen": "[[Page#",

    "tagClose": "]]",

    "sampleText": "Sub_page"}

//Definition List

mwCustomEditButtonsmwCustomEditButtons.length = {

    "imageFile": "",

    "speedTip": "Insert definition list",

    "tagOpen": "\n; ",

    "tagClose": " : ",

    "sampleText": "Insert text"}

//Template button

mwCustomEditButtonsmwCustomEditButtons.length = {

    "imageFile": "",

    "speedTip": "Template",

    "tagOpen": "{{",

    "tagClose": "}}",

    "sampleText": "Template name"}

//Category button

mwCustomEditButtonsmwCustomEditButtons.length = {

    "imageFile": "",

    "speedTip": "Category",

    "tagOpen": "[[Category:",

    "tagClose": "]]",

    "sampleText": "Category title"}

//Reference link button

mwCustomEditButtonsmwCustomEditButtons.length = {

    "imageFile": "",

    "speedTip": "<ref>",

    "tagOpen": "<ref>",

    "tagClose": "</ref>",

    "sampleText": "Insert reference material"}

//Reference button

mwCustomEditButtonsmwCustomEditButtons.length = {

    "imageFile": "",

    "speedTip": "Reference footer",

    "tagOpen": "<references/>",

    "tagClose": "",

    "sampleText": ""}


addOnloadHook( InsertButtonsToToolBar );



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