From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Visser & Courtice (2011) states “A leader is someone who can create a vision and motivate others to work together to make it a reality, adapting to changes and challenges along the way”. However, according to Russell Reynolds Associates (2015) Sustainable leaders look beyond immediate, short-term gains to see the role their organization plays in a larger context. Strategies are set to ensure the delivery of results that meet the triple bottom line of social, environmental and financial performance. Table 1 in Appendix I shows the comparison of characteristics between leadership and sustainable leadership. The main characteristics that show sustainable leadership is different to leadership are multi-level systems thinking, stakeholder inclusion, disruptive innovation and long-term activation (Peiró et. al, 2021).

Table 2 in Appendix II shows the evolution of sustainable leadership according to Blu Sky (Princeton Advisors). Iqbal et. al., (2020) describes the benefits of sustainable leadership as a source of competitive advantage. McCann & Holt (2010) argues Sustainable leadership brings opportunities in the shape of innovation, continuous improvement, sustained competitive advantage, and long-term success and improves performance by reducing costs and raising potential revenue. Sustainable leaders take a proactive approach, scanning the environment constantly to detect external market changes (Gerard et al., 2017). The benefits of sustainable leadership to businesses ranges from new revenue (via product innovation, expansion in new markets) and intangible benefits such as employee engagement (Ali et al., 2020). Analysis


Sustainability leaders make the notion of sustainability personally relevant, grounding action in a personal ethic that reaches beyond self-interest (Elizaveta & Pashenkova, 2019). SL is based on an ethical leadership approach SL and ethical leadership are both directed to the construction and maintenance of a community through the correct ratios (Elizaveta & Pashenkova, 2019). SL relies on different assumptions than charismatic leadership. The latter is among the few ‘champions’ with their features that create a differential, make them stand out from the others (STU, 2018). SL is among the subjects that connect their actions to others to those who are with them, to those who have gone before them, and to those who will come. Research revealed the more evolved SLs are becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the construct of sustainability, and indicate the need for a profound cultural shift towards regenerative human system (United Nations, 2019).

Cambridge Model bridges the gap between the traditional models and what is needed from sustainable leadership. Sustainability Leadership is aimed at bringing about substantial change, takes accounts of all stakeholders in an organization. It promotes the effective integration of social, economic and environmental concerns within their organizations (Iqbal et. al, 2020; Visser & Courtice, 2011). As a result, the leadership paradigm built is implicitly about effecting change. The three components are: the external and internal context for leadership; the individual leader's traits, styles, capabilities, and knowledge; and leadership behaviors. None of these elements are unique to sustainability leaders, collectively they encapsulate a distinctive set of characteristics and actions in response to sustainability concerns (Visser & Courtice 2011). Appendix III shows the Cambridge Sustainability Leadership Model.

Characteristics Needed for Sustainable Leadership

Systems Thinking

The evidence from BC Campus (2021) suggests systems-thinking, known as holistic thinking, is a crucial skill for sustainability leaders. The ability to identify all impacted stakeholders over a lengthy period of time in relation to a choice or action, and then integrate sometimes conflicting needs, is what makes that decision or action sustainable. Therefore, systems thinking being a characteristic influence helps leaders understand the interconnectedness, so they are able to impact the organisation and to help the change to be sustainable and long-lasting.

Emotional Intelligence and Caring

SLI (2021) argues that sustainability leaders are people who are driven to make a difference by expanding their understanding of themselves in relation to the world around them. As a result, they adopt new ways of seeing, thinking, and engaging, resulting in inventive, long-term solutions thereby making them sustainable. Estrada et. al, (2021) EI is an important aspect to bear in mind in a person’s skills and capabilities, since it favours and facilitates their life’s achievements and is a good predictor of how they will adapt to the environment [by encouraging them to adopt innovative solutions. Values Orientation

Values Orientation

(Rogers, 2011) In order to become sustaining organizations, most companies will have to transform the way they do business. This requires cultural change to embed new core values. For companies to be more sustainable is the awareness of their organizational culture and to reach a fit between the culture and the sustainability activities (Rogers, 2011).

Embed Organizational learning

Iqbal et al. (2020) claimed that sustainable leaders can strengthen the learning environment by promoting knowledge sharing, open communication, and acceptance of mistakes because, sustainable leadership also spurs deep learning by promoting better problem-solving skills among employees (Wolff, 2020). Organizational learning mediates the relationship of knowledge management processes with innovation (Abdi et al., 2018), operational performance (Jaber & Caglar, 2017), and sustainable competitive advantage (Liao et al., 2017) Sustainable leadership indirectly influences sustainable performance under a psychologically safe working environment (Iqbal et al., 2020). Strong Vision for Making a Difference

Strong Vision for Making a Difference

(McKinsey 2020; United Nations 2015) A leader must have a purpose or intention to integrate priorities of planet, people, and profits when making decisions. Purpose is at the heart of sustainability. Leaders with far reaching sustainability strategies have visions that are clearer than most leaders. Top leaders who build a compelling vision for a sustainable future will capture the hearts and minds of those who must support and implement it which is key to getting things done (McKinsey 2020; United Nations 2015). So, they are more capable of inspiring others. Executive leaders act as the dynamic sponsored of the initiatives. They are usually personally committed to the values of sustainability and more willing than others to reach out to the stakeholders with their visions (McKinsey 2020; United Nations 2015). They are more likely to personally engage employees across the organization because the implementation of sustainability strategies takes a leader who can see across the organization and put the various pieces of the sustainability puzzle together (McKinsey 2020; United Nations 2015). Inclusive /Collaborative Style.

Inclusive /Collaborative Style.

Sustainability affects a lot of stake holders both internally and externally. Leaders collaborate across untraditional boundaries approaching the work from a holistic, systems perspective. Alliances are formed with unusual partners such as competitors and NGO's (Coca-Cola, 2019). People are encouraged within their organization to seek and learn from those who are outside of organizational boundaries. Courtice (2014) argues the scale of task facing companies requires building internal capacity to drive change and working in new collaborative ways that can unlock broader systemic change. Trust is quantifiable and its impacts on business performance are measurable. Its direct link with sustainability performance is clear as it delivers on both business value and for stakeholders (HBR, 2016; Deloitte, 2020). CEO taking these steps gives more valuable licenses to operate as well as a license to grow and enter new markets thereby promoting sustainability (Deloitte, 2020 ; Green Biz, 2011).

Having a Long-term Perspective

Sustainable leadership practices like valuing employees, shared vision, social responsibility, and amicable labor relations; significantly drive long-term firm performance (Avery & Bergsteiner, 2011). Sustainable leadership is promoted by sustainability values at the individual, organizational, and social level (Iqbal et. al, 2020; Peterlin et al., 2015). Furthermore, Hallinger & Suriyankietkaew (2018) argues sustainable leaders focus on capacity building, sustainable change and long-term results which make it imperative to pursue SDGs. The evidence by (Avery & Bergsteiner 2011) would suggest that sustainable leadership practices such as valuing employees, shared vision, social responsibility, and amicable labor relations; significantly drive long-term firm performance.


The following characteristics of a sustainable leader were discussed: Systems Thinking, Emotional Intelligence and Caring, Values Orientation, Embed Organizational learning, Strong Vision for Making a Difference, Inclusive /Collaborative Style and Having a Long-term Perspective.

In the final analysis, sustainability leaders realise that their task is, ultimately, about survival. Visser & Courtice (2011) Ogg says This is what Paul Polman has been very, very clear about. It’s not some aspirational dream to help us to try to recruit the best people in the world. This is a survival issue, not the right to grow, and even worse, no rights to be in business, if we create a large environmental disaster. The world won’t put up with it as there is much awareness and amplification. Think about a message being amplified through a blogger.


The three variables linked to the success of leadership development efforts are: Individual learner characteristics, Quality and nature of the leadership development program and Opportunities to practice new skills and receive feedback. Special training and workshops are required to develop managers' skills and behaviors in order to demonstrate exhibit more sustainable practices (Iqbal et. al., 2020). It could be argued that the learning climate is promoted by sharing ideas and communicating openly so there is need to monitor the performance of top management in relation to the SDGs. Furthermore, management should keep an eye on the employees that are underperforming in terms of their skills, competence, and capability (Iqbal et. al., 2020). As recommended by (W. Zhang et al. 2017; Iqbal et. al., 2020) there is need to plan training activities relevant to employee’s job descriptions, responsibilities and roles to enhance organizational learning. Practitioners should keep an eye on perceived the psychological empowerment to spur an optimum learning climate (Iqbal et. al., 2020). (Iqbal et. al., 2020; Rezapouraghdam et. al., 2018) argues that management should monitor different needs of diverse stakeholders who are reporting low empowerment to sharpen the relationship between organizational learning and sustainable performance. Sustainable Leaders should exhibit exemplary behaviors so that employees could behave religion sustainably. References


Courtice & Visser (2011) [Online] Available at: [Accessed 21 June 2021].

Russell Reynolds Associates (2015). Sustainable leadership Visser & Courtice (2011): Talent requirements for sustainable enterprises. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 June 2021].

Blu Sky (2021). [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 June 2021].

Zuperkiene & Šimanskienė (2014) SUSTAINABLE LEADERSHIP: THE NEW CHALLENGE FOR ORGANIZATIONS. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 June 2021].

BC Campus (2021). Ethical Decision-Making and Prioritizing Stakeholders. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 June 2021].

SLI (2021). Sustainability Leadership Institute. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 June 2021].

Iqbal et. al., (2020). How Does Sustainable Leadership Influence Sustainable Performance? Empirical Evidence From Selected ASEAN Countries. SAGE Open, 10(4), p.215824402096939.

McKinsey. 2020. Purpose: Shifting from why to how. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 June 2021].

McKinsey. 2021. Organizing for the future: Nine keys to becoming a future-ready company. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 June 2021]. Elizaveta & Pashenkova (2019). [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24 June 2021].

United Nations (2019). THE FUTURE IS NOW SCIENCE FOR ACHIEVING SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 21 June 2021].

Conviction, W., (2018). STU. [online] St. Thomas University Online. Available at: [Accessed 24 June 2021].

United Nations (2015) Impact Transforming business changing the world. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 June 2021] Coca-Cola, (2019) Business & Sustainability Report [Online] Available at: [20 Jun 2021] Deloitte (2020) The value of resilient leadership. Renewing our investment in trust. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Jun 2021]

GreenBiz (2011) 4 Steps to Build Trust into Sustainability [Online] [Accessed 20 Jun 2021]

Courtice (2014) Business leaders must prioritise sustainability to gain society's trust [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Jun 2021]

HBR (2016) The connection between employee trust and financial performance [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Jun 2021]

Rezapouraghdam et. al., (2018) Workplace spirituality and organization sustainability: a theoretical perspective on hospitality employees’ sustainable behavior. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 21(4), pp.1583-1601.

Estrada et. al, (2021). Does Emotional Intelligence Influence Academic Performance? The Role of Compassion and Engagement in Education for Sustainable Development. Sustainability, 13(4), p.1721.

Avery, G. C., Bergsteiner, H. (2011). Sustainable leadership practices for enhancing business resilience and performance. Strategy & Leadership, 39(3), 5–15.

Ali, S., Li, G., Yang, P., Hussain, K. and Latif, Y., 2020. Unpacking the importance of intangible skills in new product development and sustainable business performance; strategies for marketing managers. PLOS ONE, 15(9), p.e0238743.

Peiró, (2021). A Framework of Professional Transferable Competences for System Innovation: Enabling Leadership and Agency for Sustainable Development. Sustainability, 13(4), p.1737.

McCann, J. T., Holt, R. A. (2010). Servant and sustainable leadership: An analysis in the manufacturing environment. International Journal of Management Practice, 4(2), 134–148.

Gerard, L., McMillan, J., D’Annunzio-Green, N. (2017). Conceptualising sustainable leadership. Industrial and Commercial Training, 49(3), 116–126.

Zhang, W., Jex, S. M., Peng, Y., Wang, D. (2017). Exploring the effects of job autonomy on engagement and creativity: The moderating role of performance pressure and learning goal orientation. Journal of Business and Psychology, 32(3), 235–251. Biblography


Courtice & Visser (2011) [Online] Available at: [Accessed 21 June 2021].

Russell Reynolds Associates (2015). Sustainable leadership Visser & Courtice (2011): Talent requirements for sustainable enterprises. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 June 2021].

Blu Sky (2021). [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 June 2021].

Zuperkiene & Šimanskienė (2014) SUSTAINABLE LEADERSHIP: THE NEW CHALLENGE FOR ORGANIZATIONS. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 June 2021].

BC Campus (2021). Ethical Decision-Making and Prioritizing Stakeholders. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 June 2021].

SLI (2021). Sustainability Leadership Institute. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 June 2021].

Iqbal et. al., (2020). How Does Sustainable Leadership Influence Sustainable Performance? Empirical Evidence From Selected ASEAN Countries. SAGE Open, 10(4), p.215824402096939.

McKinsey. 2020. Purpose: Shifting from why to how. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 June 2021].

McKinsey. 2021. Organizing for the future: Nine keys to becoming a future-ready company. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 June 2021]. Elizaveta & Pashenkova (2019). [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24 June 2021].

United Nations (2019). THE FUTURE IS NOW SCIENCE FOR ACHIEVING SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 21 June 2021].

Conviction, W., (2018). STU. [online] St. Thomas University Online. Available at: [Accessed 24 June 2021].

United Nations (2015) Impact Transforming business changing the world. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 June 2021] Coca-Cola, (2019) Business & Sustainability Report [Online] Available at: [20 Jun 2021] Deloitte (2020) The value of resilient leadership. Renewing our investment in trust. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Jun 2021]

GreenBiz (2011) 4 Steps to Build Trust into Sustainability [Online] [Accessed 20 Jun 2021]

Courtice (2014) Business leaders must prioritise sustainability to gain society's trust [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Jun 2021]

HBR (2016) The connection between employee trust and financial performance [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Jun 2021]

McCann, J.T. and Holt, R.A. (2010) ‘Defining sustainable leadership’, Int. J. Sustainable Strategic Management, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp.204–210

Liu, N.,Tang, S.-Y., Zhan, X., Lo, C.W.-H. (2015) Political commitment, policy ambiguity, and corporate environmental practices. Policy Stud. J., 46, 190–214.

Fiaz, M. & Su, Q.; Saqib, (2017) A. Leadership styles and employees’ motivation: Perspective from an emerging economy. J. Dev. Areas, 51, 143–156.

Gholami, R. (2016) Information systems solutions for environmental sustainability: How can we do more? J. University of Illinois Springfield Assoc. Inf. Syst. 17, 521–536. Varra, L., Timolo, M., 2017. Sustainable Leadership Practices According to Internation Standards of Corporate Social Responsibility. Electronic Journal of Management, n. 3.

Haroon, A., Sami, A., Rehman, S., Fahad, H. and Irfan, A., 2019. Sustainable Leadership Enhance Innovation: A Systematic Review of Past Decade. Journal of Public Value and Administration Insights, 2(4), pp.1-5.

Strand, R., 2014. Strategic Leadership of Corporate Sustainability. J Bus Ethics, 123:687-706.

McCann, J., Sweet, M., 2013. The Preceptions of Ethical and Sustainable Leadership, J Bus Ethics, 121:373-383. Rezapouraghdam et. al., (2018) Workplace spirituality and organization sustainability: a theoretical perspective on hospitality employees’ sustainable behavior. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 21(4), pp.1583-1601.

Estrada et. al, (2021). Does Emotional Intelligence Influence Academic Performance? The Role of Compassion and Engagement in Education for Sustainable Development. Sustainability, 13(4), p.1721.

Avery, G. C., Bergsteiner, H. (2011). Sustainable leadership practices for enhancing business resilience and performance. Strategy & Leadership, 39(3), 5–15.

Ali, S., Li, G., Yang, P., Hussain, K. and Latif, Y., 2020. Unpacking the importance of intangible skills in new product development and sustainable business performance; strategies for marketing managers. PLOS ONE, 15(9), p.e0238743.

Peiró, (2021). A Framework of Professional Transferable Competences for System Innovation: Enabling Leadership and Agency for Sustainable Development. Sustainability, 13(4), p.1737.

McCann, J. T., Holt, R. A. (2010). Servant and sustainable leadership: An analysis in the manufacturing environment. International Journal of Management Practice, 4(2), 134–148.

Gerard, L., McMillan, J., D’Annunzio-Green, N. (2017). Conceptualising sustainable leadership. Industrial and Commercial Training, 49(3), 116–126.

Zhang, W., Jex, S. M., Peng, Y., Wang, D. (2017). Exploring the effects of job autonomy on engagement and creativity: The moderating role of performance pressure and learning goal orientation. Journal of Business and Psychology, 32(3), 235–251.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Visser & Courtice (2011) states “A leader is someone who can create a vision and motivate others to work together to make it a reality, adapting to changes and challenges along the way”. However, according to Russell Reynolds Associates (2015) Sustainable leaders look beyond immediate, short-term gains to see the role their organization plays in a larger context. Strategies are set to ensure the delivery of results that meet the triple bottom line of social, environmental and financial performance. Table 1 in Appendix I shows the comparison of characteristics between leadership and sustainable leadership. The main characteristics that show sustainable leadership is different to leadership are multi-level systems thinking, stakeholder inclusion, disruptive innovation and long-term activation (Peiró et. al, 2021).

Table 2 in Appendix II shows the evolution of sustainable leadership according to Blu Sky (Princeton Advisors). Iqbal et. al., (2020) describes the benefits of sustainable leadership as a source of competitive advantage. McCann & Holt (2010) argues Sustainable leadership brings opportunities in the shape of innovation, continuous improvement, sustained competitive advantage, and long-term success and improves performance by reducing costs and raising potential revenue. Sustainable leaders take a proactive approach, scanning the environment constantly to detect external market changes (Gerard et al., 2017). The benefits of sustainable leadership to businesses ranges from new revenue (via product innovation, expansion in new markets) and intangible benefits such as employee engagement (Ali et al., 2020). Analysis


Sustainability leaders make the notion of sustainability personally relevant, grounding action in a personal ethic that reaches beyond self-interest (Elizaveta & Pashenkova, 2019). SL is based on an ethical leadership approach SL and ethical leadership are both directed to the construction and maintenance of a community through the correct ratios (Elizaveta & Pashenkova, 2019). SL relies on different assumptions than charismatic leadership. The latter is among the few ‘champions’ with their features that create a differential, make them stand out from the others (STU, 2018). SL is among the subjects that connect their actions to others to those who are with them, to those who have gone before them, and to those who will come. Research revealed the more evolved SLs are becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the construct of sustainability, and indicate the need for a profound cultural shift towards regenerative human system (United Nations, 2019).

Cambridge Model bridges the gap between the traditional models and what is needed from sustainable leadership. Sustainability Leadership is aimed at bringing about substantial change, takes accounts of all stakeholders in an organization. It promotes the effective integration of social, economic and environmental concerns within their organizations (Iqbal et. al, 2020; Visser & Courtice, 2011). As a result, the leadership paradigm built is implicitly about effecting change. The three components are: the external and internal context for leadership; the individual leader's traits, styles, capabilities, and knowledge; and leadership behaviors. None of these elements are unique to sustainability leaders, collectively they encapsulate a distinctive set of characteristics and actions in response to sustainability concerns (Visser & Courtice 2011). Appendix III shows the Cambridge Sustainability Leadership Model.

Characteristics Needed for Sustainable Leadership

Systems Thinking

The evidence from BC Campus (2021) suggests systems-thinking, known as holistic thinking, is a crucial skill for sustainability leaders. The ability to identify all impacted stakeholders over a lengthy period of time in relation to a choice or action, and then integrate sometimes conflicting needs, is what makes that decision or action sustainable. Therefore, systems thinking being a characteristic influence helps leaders understand the interconnectedness, so they are able to impact the organisation and to help the change to be sustainable and long-lasting.

Emotional Intelligence and Caring

SLI (2021) argues that sustainability leaders are people who are driven to make a difference by expanding their understanding of themselves in relation to the world around them. As a result, they adopt new ways of seeing, thinking, and engaging, resulting in inventive, long-term solutions thereby making them sustainable. Estrada et. al, (2021) EI is an important aspect to bear in mind in a person’s skills and capabilities, since it favours and facilitates their life’s achievements and is a good predictor of how they will adapt to the environment [by encouraging them to adopt innovative solutions. Values Orientation

Values Orientation

(Rogers, 2011) In order to become sustaining organizations, most companies will have to transform the way they do business. This requires cultural change to embed new core values. For companies to be more sustainable is the awareness of their organizational culture and to reach a fit between the culture and the sustainability activities (Rogers, 2011).

Embed Organizational learning

Iqbal et al. (2020) claimed that sustainable leaders can strengthen the learning environment by promoting knowledge sharing, open communication, and acceptance of mistakes because, sustainable leadership also spurs deep learning by promoting better problem-solving skills among employees (Wolff, 2020). Organizational learning mediates the relationship of knowledge management processes with innovation (Abdi et al., 2018), operational performance (Jaber & Caglar, 2017), and sustainable competitive advantage (Liao et al., 2017) Sustainable leadership indirectly influences sustainable performance under a psychologically safe working environment (Iqbal et al., 2020). Strong Vision for Making a Difference

Strong Vision for Making a Difference

(McKinsey 2020; United Nations 2015) A leader must have a purpose or intention to integrate priorities of planet, people, and profits when making decisions. Purpose is at the heart of sustainability. Leaders with far reaching sustainability strategies have visions that are clearer than most leaders. Top leaders who build a compelling vision for a sustainable future will capture the hearts and minds of those who must support and implement it which is key to getting things done (McKinsey 2020; United Nations 2015). So, they are more capable of inspiring others. Executive leaders act as the dynamic sponsored of the initiatives. They are usually personally committed to the values of sustainability and more willing than others to reach out to the stakeholders with their visions (McKinsey 2020; United Nations 2015). They are more likely to personally engage employees across the organization because the implementation of sustainability strategies takes a leader who can see across the organization and put the various pieces of the sustainability puzzle together (McKinsey 2020; United Nations 2015). Inclusive /Collaborative Style.

Inclusive /Collaborative Style.

Sustainability affects a lot of stake holders both internally and externally. Leaders collaborate across untraditional boundaries approaching the work from a holistic, systems perspective. Alliances are formed with unusual partners such as competitors and NGO's (Coca-Cola, 2019). People are encouraged within their organization to seek and learn from those who are outside of organizational boundaries. Courtice (2014) argues the scale of task facing companies requires building internal capacity to drive change and working in new collaborative ways that can unlock broader systemic change. Trust is quantifiable and its impacts on business performance are measurable. Its direct link with sustainability performance is clear as it delivers on both business value and for stakeholders (HBR, 2016; Deloitte, 2020). CEO taking these steps gives more valuable licenses to operate as well as a license to grow and enter new markets thereby promoting sustainability (Deloitte, 2020 ; Green Biz, 2011).

Having a Long-term Perspective

Sustainable leadership practices like valuing employees, shared vision, social responsibility, and amicable labor relations; significantly drive long-term firm performance (Avery & Bergsteiner, 2011). Sustainable leadership is promoted by sustainability values at the individual, organizational, and social level (Iqbal et. al, 2020; Peterlin et al., 2015). Furthermore, Hallinger & Suriyankietkaew (2018) argues sustainable leaders focus on capacity building, sustainable change and long-term results which make it imperative to pursue SDGs. The evidence by (Avery & Bergsteiner 2011) would suggest that sustainable leadership practices such as valuing employees, shared vision, social responsibility, and amicable labor relations; significantly drive long-term firm performance.


The following characteristics of a sustainable leader were discussed: Systems Thinking, Emotional Intelligence and Caring, Values Orientation, Embed Organizational learning, Strong Vision for Making a Difference, Inclusive /Collaborative Style and Having a Long-term Perspective.

In the final analysis, sustainability leaders realise that their task is, ultimately, about survival. Visser & Courtice (2011) Ogg says This is what Paul Polman has been very, very clear about. It’s not some aspirational dream to help us to try to recruit the best people in the world. This is a survival issue, not the right to grow, and even worse, no rights to be in business, if we create a large environmental disaster. The world won’t put up with it as there is much awareness and amplification. Think about a message being amplified through a blogger.


The three variables linked to the success of leadership development efforts are: Individual learner characteristics, Quality and nature of the leadership development program and Opportunities to practice new skills and receive feedback. Special training and workshops are required to develop managers' skills and behaviors in order to demonstrate exhibit more sustainable practices (Iqbal et. al., 2020). It could be argued that the learning climate is promoted by sharing ideas and communicating openly so there is need to monitor the performance of top management in relation to the SDGs. Furthermore, management should keep an eye on the employees that are underperforming in terms of their skills, competence, and capability (Iqbal et. al., 2020). As recommended by (W. Zhang et al. 2017; Iqbal et. al., 2020) there is need to plan training activities relevant to employee’s job descriptions, responsibilities and roles to enhance organizational learning. Practitioners should keep an eye on perceived the psychological empowerment to spur an optimum learning climate (Iqbal et. al., 2020). (Iqbal et. al., 2020; Rezapouraghdam et. al., 2018) argues that management should monitor different needs of diverse stakeholders who are reporting low empowerment to sharpen the relationship between organizational learning and sustainable performance. Sustainable Leaders should exhibit exemplary behaviors so that employees could behave religion sustainably. References


Courtice & Visser (2011) [Online] Available at: [Accessed 21 June 2021].

Russell Reynolds Associates (2015). Sustainable leadership Visser & Courtice (2011): Talent requirements for sustainable enterprises. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 June 2021].

Blu Sky (2021). [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 June 2021].

Zuperkiene & Šimanskienė (2014) SUSTAINABLE LEADERSHIP: THE NEW CHALLENGE FOR ORGANIZATIONS. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 June 2021].

BC Campus (2021). Ethical Decision-Making and Prioritizing Stakeholders. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 June 2021].

SLI (2021). Sustainability Leadership Institute. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 June 2021].

Iqbal et. al., (2020). How Does Sustainable Leadership Influence Sustainable Performance? Empirical Evidence From Selected ASEAN Countries. SAGE Open, 10(4), p.215824402096939.

McKinsey. 2020. Purpose: Shifting from why to how. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 June 2021].

McKinsey. 2021. Organizing for the future: Nine keys to becoming a future-ready company. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 June 2021]. Elizaveta & Pashenkova (2019). [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24 June 2021].

United Nations (2019). THE FUTURE IS NOW SCIENCE FOR ACHIEVING SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 21 June 2021].

Conviction, W., (2018). STU. [online] St. Thomas University Online. Available at: [Accessed 24 June 2021].

United Nations (2015) Impact Transforming business changing the world. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 June 2021] Coca-Cola, (2019) Business & Sustainability Report [Online] Available at: [20 Jun 2021] Deloitte (2020) The value of resilient leadership. Renewing our investment in trust. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Jun 2021]

GreenBiz (2011) 4 Steps to Build Trust into Sustainability [Online] [Accessed 20 Jun 2021]

Courtice (2014) Business leaders must prioritise sustainability to gain society's trust [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Jun 2021]

HBR (2016) The connection between employee trust and financial performance [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Jun 2021]

Rezapouraghdam et. al., (2018) Workplace spirituality and organization sustainability: a theoretical perspective on hospitality employees’ sustainable behavior. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 21(4), pp.1583-1601.

Estrada et. al, (2021). Does Emotional Intelligence Influence Academic Performance? The Role of Compassion and Engagement in Education for Sustainable Development. Sustainability, 13(4), p.1721.

Avery, G. C., Bergsteiner, H. (2011). Sustainable leadership practices for enhancing business resilience and performance. Strategy & Leadership, 39(3), 5–15.

Ali, S., Li, G., Yang, P., Hussain, K. and Latif, Y., 2020. Unpacking the importance of intangible skills in new product development and sustainable business performance; strategies for marketing managers. PLOS ONE, 15(9), p.e0238743.

Peiró, (2021). A Framework of Professional Transferable Competences for System Innovation: Enabling Leadership and Agency for Sustainable Development. Sustainability, 13(4), p.1737.

McCann, J. T., Holt, R. A. (2010). Servant and sustainable leadership: An analysis in the manufacturing environment. International Journal of Management Practice, 4(2), 134–148.

Gerard, L., McMillan, J., D’Annunzio-Green, N. (2017). Conceptualising sustainable leadership. Industrial and Commercial Training, 49(3), 116–126.

Zhang, W., Jex, S. M., Peng, Y., Wang, D. (2017). Exploring the effects of job autonomy on engagement and creativity: The moderating role of performance pressure and learning goal orientation. Journal of Business and Psychology, 32(3), 235–251. Biblography


Courtice & Visser (2011) [Online] Available at: [Accessed 21 June 2021].

Russell Reynolds Associates (2015). Sustainable leadership Visser & Courtice (2011): Talent requirements for sustainable enterprises. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 June 2021].

Blu Sky (2021). [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 June 2021].

Zuperkiene & Šimanskienė (2014) SUSTAINABLE LEADERSHIP: THE NEW CHALLENGE FOR ORGANIZATIONS. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 June 2021].

BC Campus (2021). Ethical Decision-Making and Prioritizing Stakeholders. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 June 2021].

SLI (2021). Sustainability Leadership Institute. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 June 2021].

Iqbal et. al., (2020). How Does Sustainable Leadership Influence Sustainable Performance? Empirical Evidence From Selected ASEAN Countries. SAGE Open, 10(4), p.215824402096939.

McKinsey. 2020. Purpose: Shifting from why to how. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 June 2021].

McKinsey. 2021. Organizing for the future: Nine keys to becoming a future-ready company. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 June 2021]. Elizaveta & Pashenkova (2019). [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24 June 2021].

United Nations (2019). THE FUTURE IS NOW SCIENCE FOR ACHIEVING SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 21 June 2021].

Conviction, W., (2018). STU. [online] St. Thomas University Online. Available at: [Accessed 24 June 2021].

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