From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Conduit Mythology is set up rarely through the storyline, but moreover through hidden messages in the game that refer to U.S History, many Doomsday theories and Mesopotamian Religion. Please note that most of this is rumored to be true.

Mesopotamian Religon

Prometheus, John Adams and an Unknown Alien seen in the game are Annunaki. John Adams is banished to Earth where he plans to take over Washington D.C. He used the D.N.A of Prometheus to create the Drudge. The Drudge, were originally though to have their own language because they were though to be alien. This language is the language the hidden messages are decoded in. The messages can be decoded using the A.S.E. A message talks about the Ducaz coming before the Drudge. The Ducaz are one of the two major forms of Annunaki. The Ducaz are a reptilian form as told by the Attas. The Ducaz are later again mentioned as one of the many slaves. The Attas are mentioned and it is said that they will pay for the imprisionment and exile of an unknown race or being. This unknown being is possibly John Adams due to his exile and imprisionment on Earth and his greed for Washington D.C. Another message refers to another unknown being watching over the Atu-Waa, in Mesopotamian religion this is a tool used to re-start time. A final message with a connection says Death to the Attas.

A message refers the Shuggurra Treaty, in Mesopotamian Religion the Shuggurra is a crown worn by Inanna. It is the crown of divinity and is made out of animal horns and shaped to look like a ziggurat. Another message refers to Eris, Eris is a dwarf planet and a goddess in Greek Mythology. Another message says,"Weep for long lost Nibiru." Nibiru is a planet that is supposed to collide into Earth on Armageddon.

A quote about Nibiru goes,"When Marduk fixed the locations (manzazu) of Nibiru, Enlil and Ea in the sky".

Enlil is the real name of John Adams, the antagonist of the first game. On a cuniform tablet, Nibiru is described as,"Nibiru, which is said to have occupied the passageways of heaven and earth, because everyone above and below asks Nibiru if they cannot find the passage. Nibiru is Marduk's star which the gods in heaven caused to be visible. Nibiru stands as a post at the turning point. The others say of Nibiru the post: 'The one who crosses the middle of the sea (Tiamat) without calm, may his name be Nibiru, for he takes up the center of it'. The path of the stars of the sky should be kept unchanged." This refers to Nibiru being a form of heavan. Possibly John Adams could have destroyed Nibiru in some way.

One message refers to the sacrilege of BayanKara-Ula, in real time this is a mountain range in China thought to hold aliens. The Dropa, also referenced in a message, are thought to be aliens crashed down to Earth.

Doomsday References

Many messsages have decoded to Roman Numerals which translate into: 1776, 23, 42, 2012 and 108.

U.S History

  • Message: "Colares was more successful than Roswell..." This is a reference to Colares in which the victims reported having burns where they had a light from a UFO shone on them.
  • Message: "There ought to be limits to freedom..."
  • Message: "Where is Virginia Dare" Virginia Dare is the first child born in the United States to English Parents. She was born in a colony that mysteriosly dissapeared.
  • Message: "The union of Ellinor and Ananias Dare was the catalyst!!" Virginia Dare's parents, the quote refers to how their marraige caused the birth of Virginia Dare leading to something important(possibly the next message).
  • Message: "Virginia Dare was the first Puppet of our Master!" This message relates to the previous message with Virginia Dare being the first Puppet. The Puppets are brainwashed humans that Michael Ford faces int the game.
  • Message: "Puppet error caused Roswell and Shag Harbor!" This message too relates to the previous three, inferencing that the puppet made out of Virginia Dare was faulted and it refers to a possible U.F.O sighting at Shag Harbor, a small community in Nova Scotia.
  • Message: "Operation Saucer lulled the sheep back to sleep!"
  • Message: "Is not an alien force already among us?" This message refers to how John Adams was secretly controlling the U.S over the ages and in Conduit 2 it refers to how aliens are actually already controlling the world.
  • Message: "The Condon Committee was ours!" The Condon Committee was a study of U.F.O's at the University of Colorado.
  • Message: "Fight and die for the NWO." The New World Order symbol is constantly seen in the Conduit as a puzzle that opens a gateway to weapons.
  • Message: "And from the Cat's Eye Nebula they came forth" The Cat's Eye Nebula was found by the Hubble Telescope and is possibly where Adam's came from.
  • Message: "Ad astra per aspera"
  • Message: "Darkness seems scarcely different from light..."
  • Message: "People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders!"
  • Message: "Novus ordo seclorum" The NWO, as seen on it's symbol.
  • Message: "We must join with the others to bring forth a new world order" Reference to the forming of the NWO.
  • Message: "Sapere aude"
  • Message: "I have seen the fnords!" A possible reference to Michael Fords ancestry, which could be Icelandic.
  • Message: "Annuit coeptis"
  • Message: "Bellum omnium contra omnes"
  • Message: "The world is in a constant conspiracy against the brave."

Possible Backstory

The ASE is really the atu-waa.The two Annunaki "families", the Vulturites and Annunaki Reptilian Elites (Ducaz), began fighting and created their own empires. Each one was trying to achieve supremacy. The Anunnaki Elites' homeworld is Nibiru and there they had the atu-waa, a device that can control turn back time whenever "things get too out of control" for the elites. They hid it on Earth because at this point earth was unimportant and the last place the Vulturites would look for the atu-waa. However, soon the Vulturites began searching for the atu-waa, so the Elite Annunaki have been moving it to different hiding places around the globe. Eventually, the Elites gave control of what would become the USA to the Vulturites, while the atu-waa was hidden.

However, the atu-waa cannot be activated unless one possesses the code to activate it and activates it in the "power spot," believed to be Iraq but not necessarily. The Elites and Vulturites know the codeword, but only the Elites know the power spot.

Some of the founding fathers, being freemasons, were either Vulturites or puppets of Adams, who is also a Vulturite. This would mean he knows the code to activate the atu-waa, or ASE. Prometheus is a member of the Elites, who possessed the ASE but turned it over to Mr. Ford because he was captured by Adams.

Prometheus was an Elite protecting the ASE, while Adams wants the ASE to restart time. While restarting time, he would also trigger the apocalypse and end life on Earth. Without the codeword or the power spot, the ASE has limited functions in Ford's hands.

Michael Ford
In-universe information

Michael Ford is the protagonist and character you control in The Conduit. He is a former Secret Service agent that was recruited by a mysterious secret organization known as The Trust, after he saved the President's life. [1]


Agent Michael Ford worked as part of the United States Secret Service, protecting people in office, such as the President, before being recruited into The Trust organization. High Voltage Software Producer Josh Olson described Ford as, "Clean cut, has a square jaw, and doesn't drink or smoke. He's idealistic and follows orders. He believes in honor, duty, service to country. [2]


Before The Conduit

On March 1, 2012, after saving President Charles Thompson from an assassination attempt, Ford was recruited by Trust Commander John Adams to the organization known as The Trust. [3]

The Conduit

With permission from the President, Adams sent him on a crucial mission to track down a supposed terrorist named Prometheus, and retrieve a stolen Trust prototype. Prometheus and his men were supposed to be heading towards Reagan National Airport. Adams sent Ford over there, along with U.S. Army Special Forces soldiers and Trust field agents to aid him. To Adams' surprise, his men started attacking Ford. Adams was surprised that Prometheus could turn his own men against him. Ford entered the subway, and boarded the train that Prometheus was supposed to be on. He met many of Prometheus' and Adams' men along the way, all of which attacked him. One of Prometheus' men, detonated an explosive that almost destroyed the train. Ford survived the explosion and found the All-Seeing Eye in the rubble. Adams informed him that Prometheus wasn't on board the train.

Michael Ford's next mission was to infiltrate Bunker 13, Prometheus' base. There, he found a neuro-toxin that controlled Adams' agents, and plans for an invasion. He also discovered an alien race codenamed The Drudge, and plans for an invasion. Adams realized that Prometheus was in league with the Drudge. When Ford exited Bunker 13, at the Jefferson Memorial, Adams congratulated him on his mission, but betrayed him by leaving him to die against many Drudge forces.

Prometheus contacted Ford, and told him that the Drudge weren't working for him. He then sent a helicopter to get Ford out of there. Next, Michael is sent to the library of congress to eliminate a large Drudge hive. After he did so, he went to the White House to protect The President from a Drudge attack. In the end, the President escaped in Marine One thanks to Michael. The President, after mistaking Ford for a Trust agent, thought that The Trust could take care of the alien invasion, so he gave John Adams full executive power of the United States. Afterwards, Michael headed to The Pentagon to retrieve the country's defense codes before the Drudge could. After succesfuly retrieving the codes and killing the first Invader, he headed to Georgetown, Washington, D.C. where Prometheus had narrowed down the location of The Drudge staging area. Michael than found the staging area, a large conduit. After killing all the Drudge forces in the area, Michael entered. He was then teleported to The Trust Base.

Later in the mission, deep in The Trust Base, it was revealed that Prometheus was in fact an alien whose DNA Adams was using to create all the Drudge. Michael found Prometheus' body in stasis. Prometheus than told Michael to destroy his body, which he did. Although Prometheus' body was destroyed, before he died, he uploaded his consciousness to the ASE. Adams then locked the doors in a room that Michael was in, activated the self-destruct sequence and sent waves of Drudge to kill Ford. After Michael killed all the incoming Drudge, the Conduits, his only way of escape, were deactivated. Prometheus suggested Michael should redirect power from other sources, namely the eight nearby capsules, which contained Scarabs in stasis. Everytime he obtained power from a capsule, a Scarab came out. After retrieving power from the capsules, Michael and Prometheus leave the Trust Base through a conduit they were able to restore power to they then teleported away.

Conduit 2

Michael ended up in an oil derrick where the men began to shoot at him. After defeating the men, Michael made it up to the surface where the derrick was attacked by a Leviathan. Michael managed to spear the Leviathan with a harpoon.

In-universe information

Prometheus is one of the protagonists of The Conduit. He was originally thought to be a terrorist that allied with the Drudge. During most of the Campaign, Prometheus speaks to Mr. Ford via the ASE.

Relation to John Adams and the Drudge

Prometheus is thought to be a former Trust scientist, who stole valuable technology from the Trust. Prometheus is labeled a terrorist and a threat to America, up until Michael Ford is betrayed by John Adams. After This pivotal moment in the game, Prometheus assumes the role of the player's hint system and contact. On the Eighth Mission, near the end of the campaign mode, at The Trust base, Prometheus is revealed to be an alien used as the genetic base model for all Drudge seen in game.

Role in The Conduit

Prometheus battles the Trust in an attempt to stop Mr. Adams' plans. Mr. Ford originally fights against him, and is lead to believe that Prometheus is a terrorist by Mr. Adams. After Adams reveals that he has been manipulating Ford, and abandons him to die, he is rescued from the burning Jefferson Memorial by Prometheus' helicopter. Without actually meeting Micheal, Prometheus then sends him on missions across Washington D.C. to combat the Trust and the Drudge. Prometheus later directs Ford to a giant conduit which leads to a secret Trust base. In that base, Ford finds Prometheus, who is imprisoned, and has been using the ASE to communicate with Ford. Prometheus is an unknown alien species who is the model for the Drudge. He asks Ford to kill him and destroy the base, in order to prevent the creation of Drudge in the future. He was thought to be dead, but actually transferred his consciousness to the A.S.E. immediately before death. Later dialogue between the Unknown alien and Adams/Enlil reveals that Prometheus was loyal to their alien species, but went against them.

The Drudge
In-universe information
SpeciesThe Drudge
WeaponMany Weapons

The Drudge was initially thought to be a race of insectoid extraterrestial beings that are invading Washington, D.C. for unknown reasons, in The Conduit. They are the main antagonists of The Conduit, and they are divided into different groups that you'll have to fight over the course of the game. They are: Drones, Scarabs, Skimmers, Mites, and Invaders.


At the beginning of the game, The Drudge were thought to be extraterrestrials. Near the end of the campaign mode, it is revealed that the Drudge are not aliens, but beings created by The Trust, using Prometheus as a genetic blueprint. The end of the game reveals that John Adams (real name "Enlil") was exiled to Earth roughly 240 years ago to found The Trust, an organization supposedly dedicated to eliminating alien threats. In reality, it acted as a sleeper organization that would infiltrate human society and eventually conquer the planet. Even with the The Trust supposedly destroyed, their plans for invasion still seem to be proceeding. As near the end of The Conduit, the city is ravaged and it will have more damage inflicted on it in Conduit 2.



Drones are the standard infantry of The Drudge. They always carry Strike Rifles, and sometimes throw radiation grenades. They usually attack in groups, copying the Roman Army.


They are smaller than Drones, but larger than Mites, and carry a Shrieker. They are always flying, and are never seen walking on the ground.


Mites are the smallest and weakest Drudge Faction, they are divided into legions.


Med-Mites are the only species in the game that are able to heal their allies by just being around them. They can even heal themselves, but cannot revive themselves or anyone else.


Para-Mites are worm-like creatures that are able to fly, and are never seen on ground. They only attack by poking the player and use no weapons, as they have no arms.


Tear-Mites are bipedal, have two arms with a large claw on each one, and large spikes on their back. They always try to slash the player with their claws. They don't carry any weapons.


Therm-Mites look very similar to Tear-Mites, except that these are orange-colored. They will try to approach the player by rolling to him/her and explode.


Scarabs are the strongest of the Drudge infantry. They are larger than Drones, and much stronger. Due to their powerful exo-skeletons, there are many shots needed to kill them. Also, they carry a Hive Cannon, which makes them even more powerful. A variation of the Scarabs are the Storm Scarabs, which look the same as normal Scarabs, except for the fact that they don't use weapons, and the ASE is needed to make them completely visible and tangible.


Invaders are giant quadrupedal creatures who are the most powerful Drudge form. They can create a small swarm of Para-Mites, and can fire shots similar to those of the Shrieker. They act as bosses. An invader's melee attack is one of the most damaging attacks of the game.

Use of Conduits

The Drudge are invading Washington D.C. by use of the conduits. Conduits are portals found on many missions, where Drudge forces come out of. If the player does not destroy these conduits, more Drudge will keep emerging. The largest Conduit found in the game is seen in the first level and the eighth level, where a major battle pursues.


Drudge alphabet is the written language of the Drudge. In The Conduit, it is found in the menus, and in the campaign mode it is found in Hidden Messages. Each letter is equivalent to a letter of the English alphabet. Messages in Drudge alphabet appear to have the same structure as the English alphabet, and even use signs such as periods, hyphens, and commas.

Near the end of the campaign mode, Prometheus tells Michael Ford that the Drudge were created using Prometheus as a genetic blueprint. This means that they are not an alien race, but genetically modified clones of an alien (Prometheus). It would seem odd for them to have their own alphabet if they are not an alien species.

If one takes a further look into the story, one will discover that Prometheus, and Adams (or Enlil, as the Annunaki Leader calls him) are Annunaki. The Annunaki are an evil alien race, but Prometheus has become good. Therefore the alien symbols are from the Annunaki, not the "Drudge", who aren't actually a species of their own, but genetically modified from Prometheus' DNA. They are servants (or drudge) of Enlil and the Annunaki Leader.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Conduit Mythology is set up rarely through the storyline, but moreover through hidden messages in the game that refer to U.S History, many Doomsday theories and Mesopotamian Religion. Please note that most of this is rumored to be true.

Mesopotamian Religon

Prometheus, John Adams and an Unknown Alien seen in the game are Annunaki. John Adams is banished to Earth where he plans to take over Washington D.C. He used the D.N.A of Prometheus to create the Drudge. The Drudge, were originally though to have their own language because they were though to be alien. This language is the language the hidden messages are decoded in. The messages can be decoded using the A.S.E. A message talks about the Ducaz coming before the Drudge. The Ducaz are one of the two major forms of Annunaki. The Ducaz are a reptilian form as told by the Attas. The Ducaz are later again mentioned as one of the many slaves. The Attas are mentioned and it is said that they will pay for the imprisionment and exile of an unknown race or being. This unknown being is possibly John Adams due to his exile and imprisionment on Earth and his greed for Washington D.C. Another message refers to another unknown being watching over the Atu-Waa, in Mesopotamian religion this is a tool used to re-start time. A final message with a connection says Death to the Attas.

A message refers the Shuggurra Treaty, in Mesopotamian Religion the Shuggurra is a crown worn by Inanna. It is the crown of divinity and is made out of animal horns and shaped to look like a ziggurat. Another message refers to Eris, Eris is a dwarf planet and a goddess in Greek Mythology. Another message says,"Weep for long lost Nibiru." Nibiru is a planet that is supposed to collide into Earth on Armageddon.

A quote about Nibiru goes,"When Marduk fixed the locations (manzazu) of Nibiru, Enlil and Ea in the sky".

Enlil is the real name of John Adams, the antagonist of the first game. On a cuniform tablet, Nibiru is described as,"Nibiru, which is said to have occupied the passageways of heaven and earth, because everyone above and below asks Nibiru if they cannot find the passage. Nibiru is Marduk's star which the gods in heaven caused to be visible. Nibiru stands as a post at the turning point. The others say of Nibiru the post: 'The one who crosses the middle of the sea (Tiamat) without calm, may his name be Nibiru, for he takes up the center of it'. The path of the stars of the sky should be kept unchanged." This refers to Nibiru being a form of heavan. Possibly John Adams could have destroyed Nibiru in some way.

One message refers to the sacrilege of BayanKara-Ula, in real time this is a mountain range in China thought to hold aliens. The Dropa, also referenced in a message, are thought to be aliens crashed down to Earth.

Doomsday References

Many messsages have decoded to Roman Numerals which translate into: 1776, 23, 42, 2012 and 108.

U.S History

  • Message: "Colares was more successful than Roswell..." This is a reference to Colares in which the victims reported having burns where they had a light from a UFO shone on them.
  • Message: "There ought to be limits to freedom..."
  • Message: "Where is Virginia Dare" Virginia Dare is the first child born in the United States to English Parents. She was born in a colony that mysteriosly dissapeared.
  • Message: "The union of Ellinor and Ananias Dare was the catalyst!!" Virginia Dare's parents, the quote refers to how their marraige caused the birth of Virginia Dare leading to something important(possibly the next message).
  • Message: "Virginia Dare was the first Puppet of our Master!" This message relates to the previous message with Virginia Dare being the first Puppet. The Puppets are brainwashed humans that Michael Ford faces int the game.
  • Message: "Puppet error caused Roswell and Shag Harbor!" This message too relates to the previous three, inferencing that the puppet made out of Virginia Dare was faulted and it refers to a possible U.F.O sighting at Shag Harbor, a small community in Nova Scotia.
  • Message: "Operation Saucer lulled the sheep back to sleep!"
  • Message: "Is not an alien force already among us?" This message refers to how John Adams was secretly controlling the U.S over the ages and in Conduit 2 it refers to how aliens are actually already controlling the world.
  • Message: "The Condon Committee was ours!" The Condon Committee was a study of U.F.O's at the University of Colorado.
  • Message: "Fight and die for the NWO." The New World Order symbol is constantly seen in the Conduit as a puzzle that opens a gateway to weapons.
  • Message: "And from the Cat's Eye Nebula they came forth" The Cat's Eye Nebula was found by the Hubble Telescope and is possibly where Adam's came from.
  • Message: "Ad astra per aspera"
  • Message: "Darkness seems scarcely different from light..."
  • Message: "People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders!"
  • Message: "Novus ordo seclorum" The NWO, as seen on it's symbol.
  • Message: "We must join with the others to bring forth a new world order" Reference to the forming of the NWO.
  • Message: "Sapere aude"
  • Message: "I have seen the fnords!" A possible reference to Michael Fords ancestry, which could be Icelandic.
  • Message: "Annuit coeptis"
  • Message: "Bellum omnium contra omnes"
  • Message: "The world is in a constant conspiracy against the brave."

Possible Backstory

The ASE is really the atu-waa.The two Annunaki "families", the Vulturites and Annunaki Reptilian Elites (Ducaz), began fighting and created their own empires. Each one was trying to achieve supremacy. The Anunnaki Elites' homeworld is Nibiru and there they had the atu-waa, a device that can control turn back time whenever "things get too out of control" for the elites. They hid it on Earth because at this point earth was unimportant and the last place the Vulturites would look for the atu-waa. However, soon the Vulturites began searching for the atu-waa, so the Elite Annunaki have been moving it to different hiding places around the globe. Eventually, the Elites gave control of what would become the USA to the Vulturites, while the atu-waa was hidden.

However, the atu-waa cannot be activated unless one possesses the code to activate it and activates it in the "power spot," believed to be Iraq but not necessarily. The Elites and Vulturites know the codeword, but only the Elites know the power spot.

Some of the founding fathers, being freemasons, were either Vulturites or puppets of Adams, who is also a Vulturite. This would mean he knows the code to activate the atu-waa, or ASE. Prometheus is a member of the Elites, who possessed the ASE but turned it over to Mr. Ford because he was captured by Adams.

Prometheus was an Elite protecting the ASE, while Adams wants the ASE to restart time. While restarting time, he would also trigger the apocalypse and end life on Earth. Without the codeword or the power spot, the ASE has limited functions in Ford's hands.

Michael Ford
In-universe information

Michael Ford is the protagonist and character you control in The Conduit. He is a former Secret Service agent that was recruited by a mysterious secret organization known as The Trust, after he saved the President's life. [1]


Agent Michael Ford worked as part of the United States Secret Service, protecting people in office, such as the President, before being recruited into The Trust organization. High Voltage Software Producer Josh Olson described Ford as, "Clean cut, has a square jaw, and doesn't drink or smoke. He's idealistic and follows orders. He believes in honor, duty, service to country. [2]


Before The Conduit

On March 1, 2012, after saving President Charles Thompson from an assassination attempt, Ford was recruited by Trust Commander John Adams to the organization known as The Trust. [3]

The Conduit

With permission from the President, Adams sent him on a crucial mission to track down a supposed terrorist named Prometheus, and retrieve a stolen Trust prototype. Prometheus and his men were supposed to be heading towards Reagan National Airport. Adams sent Ford over there, along with U.S. Army Special Forces soldiers and Trust field agents to aid him. To Adams' surprise, his men started attacking Ford. Adams was surprised that Prometheus could turn his own men against him. Ford entered the subway, and boarded the train that Prometheus was supposed to be on. He met many of Prometheus' and Adams' men along the way, all of which attacked him. One of Prometheus' men, detonated an explosive that almost destroyed the train. Ford survived the explosion and found the All-Seeing Eye in the rubble. Adams informed him that Prometheus wasn't on board the train.

Michael Ford's next mission was to infiltrate Bunker 13, Prometheus' base. There, he found a neuro-toxin that controlled Adams' agents, and plans for an invasion. He also discovered an alien race codenamed The Drudge, and plans for an invasion. Adams realized that Prometheus was in league with the Drudge. When Ford exited Bunker 13, at the Jefferson Memorial, Adams congratulated him on his mission, but betrayed him by leaving him to die against many Drudge forces.

Prometheus contacted Ford, and told him that the Drudge weren't working for him. He then sent a helicopter to get Ford out of there. Next, Michael is sent to the library of congress to eliminate a large Drudge hive. After he did so, he went to the White House to protect The President from a Drudge attack. In the end, the President escaped in Marine One thanks to Michael. The President, after mistaking Ford for a Trust agent, thought that The Trust could take care of the alien invasion, so he gave John Adams full executive power of the United States. Afterwards, Michael headed to The Pentagon to retrieve the country's defense codes before the Drudge could. After succesfuly retrieving the codes and killing the first Invader, he headed to Georgetown, Washington, D.C. where Prometheus had narrowed down the location of The Drudge staging area. Michael than found the staging area, a large conduit. After killing all the Drudge forces in the area, Michael entered. He was then teleported to The Trust Base.

Later in the mission, deep in The Trust Base, it was revealed that Prometheus was in fact an alien whose DNA Adams was using to create all the Drudge. Michael found Prometheus' body in stasis. Prometheus than told Michael to destroy his body, which he did. Although Prometheus' body was destroyed, before he died, he uploaded his consciousness to the ASE. Adams then locked the doors in a room that Michael was in, activated the self-destruct sequence and sent waves of Drudge to kill Ford. After Michael killed all the incoming Drudge, the Conduits, his only way of escape, were deactivated. Prometheus suggested Michael should redirect power from other sources, namely the eight nearby capsules, which contained Scarabs in stasis. Everytime he obtained power from a capsule, a Scarab came out. After retrieving power from the capsules, Michael and Prometheus leave the Trust Base through a conduit they were able to restore power to they then teleported away.

Conduit 2

Michael ended up in an oil derrick where the men began to shoot at him. After defeating the men, Michael made it up to the surface where the derrick was attacked by a Leviathan. Michael managed to spear the Leviathan with a harpoon.

In-universe information

Prometheus is one of the protagonists of The Conduit. He was originally thought to be a terrorist that allied with the Drudge. During most of the Campaign, Prometheus speaks to Mr. Ford via the ASE.

Relation to John Adams and the Drudge

Prometheus is thought to be a former Trust scientist, who stole valuable technology from the Trust. Prometheus is labeled a terrorist and a threat to America, up until Michael Ford is betrayed by John Adams. After This pivotal moment in the game, Prometheus assumes the role of the player's hint system and contact. On the Eighth Mission, near the end of the campaign mode, at The Trust base, Prometheus is revealed to be an alien used as the genetic base model for all Drudge seen in game.

Role in The Conduit

Prometheus battles the Trust in an attempt to stop Mr. Adams' plans. Mr. Ford originally fights against him, and is lead to believe that Prometheus is a terrorist by Mr. Adams. After Adams reveals that he has been manipulating Ford, and abandons him to die, he is rescued from the burning Jefferson Memorial by Prometheus' helicopter. Without actually meeting Micheal, Prometheus then sends him on missions across Washington D.C. to combat the Trust and the Drudge. Prometheus later directs Ford to a giant conduit which leads to a secret Trust base. In that base, Ford finds Prometheus, who is imprisoned, and has been using the ASE to communicate with Ford. Prometheus is an unknown alien species who is the model for the Drudge. He asks Ford to kill him and destroy the base, in order to prevent the creation of Drudge in the future. He was thought to be dead, but actually transferred his consciousness to the A.S.E. immediately before death. Later dialogue between the Unknown alien and Adams/Enlil reveals that Prometheus was loyal to their alien species, but went against them.

The Drudge
In-universe information
SpeciesThe Drudge
WeaponMany Weapons

The Drudge was initially thought to be a race of insectoid extraterrestial beings that are invading Washington, D.C. for unknown reasons, in The Conduit. They are the main antagonists of The Conduit, and they are divided into different groups that you'll have to fight over the course of the game. They are: Drones, Scarabs, Skimmers, Mites, and Invaders.


At the beginning of the game, The Drudge were thought to be extraterrestrials. Near the end of the campaign mode, it is revealed that the Drudge are not aliens, but beings created by The Trust, using Prometheus as a genetic blueprint. The end of the game reveals that John Adams (real name "Enlil") was exiled to Earth roughly 240 years ago to found The Trust, an organization supposedly dedicated to eliminating alien threats. In reality, it acted as a sleeper organization that would infiltrate human society and eventually conquer the planet. Even with the The Trust supposedly destroyed, their plans for invasion still seem to be proceeding. As near the end of The Conduit, the city is ravaged and it will have more damage inflicted on it in Conduit 2.



Drones are the standard infantry of The Drudge. They always carry Strike Rifles, and sometimes throw radiation grenades. They usually attack in groups, copying the Roman Army.


They are smaller than Drones, but larger than Mites, and carry a Shrieker. They are always flying, and are never seen walking on the ground.


Mites are the smallest and weakest Drudge Faction, they are divided into legions.


Med-Mites are the only species in the game that are able to heal their allies by just being around them. They can even heal themselves, but cannot revive themselves or anyone else.


Para-Mites are worm-like creatures that are able to fly, and are never seen on ground. They only attack by poking the player and use no weapons, as they have no arms.


Tear-Mites are bipedal, have two arms with a large claw on each one, and large spikes on their back. They always try to slash the player with their claws. They don't carry any weapons.


Therm-Mites look very similar to Tear-Mites, except that these are orange-colored. They will try to approach the player by rolling to him/her and explode.


Scarabs are the strongest of the Drudge infantry. They are larger than Drones, and much stronger. Due to their powerful exo-skeletons, there are many shots needed to kill them. Also, they carry a Hive Cannon, which makes them even more powerful. A variation of the Scarabs are the Storm Scarabs, which look the same as normal Scarabs, except for the fact that they don't use weapons, and the ASE is needed to make them completely visible and tangible.


Invaders are giant quadrupedal creatures who are the most powerful Drudge form. They can create a small swarm of Para-Mites, and can fire shots similar to those of the Shrieker. They act as bosses. An invader's melee attack is one of the most damaging attacks of the game.

Use of Conduits

The Drudge are invading Washington D.C. by use of the conduits. Conduits are portals found on many missions, where Drudge forces come out of. If the player does not destroy these conduits, more Drudge will keep emerging. The largest Conduit found in the game is seen in the first level and the eighth level, where a major battle pursues.


Drudge alphabet is the written language of the Drudge. In The Conduit, it is found in the menus, and in the campaign mode it is found in Hidden Messages. Each letter is equivalent to a letter of the English alphabet. Messages in Drudge alphabet appear to have the same structure as the English alphabet, and even use signs such as periods, hyphens, and commas.

Near the end of the campaign mode, Prometheus tells Michael Ford that the Drudge were created using Prometheus as a genetic blueprint. This means that they are not an alien race, but genetically modified clones of an alien (Prometheus). It would seem odd for them to have their own alphabet if they are not an alien species.

If one takes a further look into the story, one will discover that Prometheus, and Adams (or Enlil, as the Annunaki Leader calls him) are Annunaki. The Annunaki are an evil alien race, but Prometheus has become good. Therefore the alien symbols are from the Annunaki, not the "Drudge", who aren't actually a species of their own, but genetically modified from Prometheus' DNA. They are servants (or drudge) of Enlil and the Annunaki Leader.


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