From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.


// This script counts and lists FAC !votes.  Modeled after the summarizeAfD.js script written for Graham87.


// To use this script, add "importScript('User:Proteins/summarizeFAC.js');" to your monobook.js subpage 

// under your user page, as you can see at User:Proteins/monobook.js


// The Main Function


function summarizeFAC() {

	var alert_string = "";

	var reported_string = "";

	var diagnostic_string = "";


	var indented;

	var top_node;

	var parent_node;


	var list_items;

	var temp_list_item;

	var num_list_items = 0;

	var list_item_index = 0;

	var num_unindented_list_items = 0;


	var boldface_elements;

	var boldface_text = "";

	var first_boldface_element;

	var num_boldface_elements = 0;

	var boldface_element_index = 0;


	var num_votes = 0;

	var num_notes = 0;

	var num_comments = 0;

	var num_questions = 0;

	var num_oppose_votes = 0;

	var num_support_votes = 0;

	var num_neutral_votes = 0;

	var num_ambiguous_votes = 0;

	var num_error_messages = 0;


	var note_index = 0;

	var comment_index = 0;

	var question_index = 0;

	var oppose_vote_index = 0;

	var support_vote_index = 0;

	var neutral_vote_index = 0;

	var ambiguous_vote_index = 0;

	var error_message_index = 0;


	var note_summary = "";

	var comment_summary = "";

	var question_summary = "";

	var oppose_vote_summary = "";

	var support_vote_summary = "";

	var neutral_vote_summary = "";

	var ambiguous_vote_summary = "";

	var error_message_summary = "";


	var notes = new Array();

	var comments = new Array();

	var questions = new Array();

	var oppose_votes = new Array();

	var support_votes = new Array();

	var neutral_votes = new Array();

	var ambiguous_votes = new Array();

	var error_messages = new Array();


	var user_name = "";

	var alias_name = "";

	var user_talk_name = "";

	var alias_talk_name = "";


	var list_item_links;

	var temp_list_item_link;

	var num_list_item_links = 0;

	var list_item_link_index = 0;

	var list_item_link_text = "";


	var possible_user_name = true;

	var num_enclosing_list_tags = 0;


// Initializations


// Get the top node

	top_node = document.getElementById('bodyContent');

	if (!top_node) { 

		window.alert("No bodyContent node in this document.");




// Get the list items

	list_items = top_node.getElementsByTagName("LI");

	if (!list_items) { 

		window.alert("This article has no list items.");



	num_list_items = list_items.length;



// Variable initializations


	num_notes = 0;

	num_comments = 0;

	num_questions = 0;

	num_oppose_votes = 0;

	num_support_votes = 0;

	num_neutral_votes = 0;

	num_ambiguous_votes = 0;


	notes0 = "NONE";

	comments0 = "NONE";

	questions0 = "NONE";

	oppose_votes0 = "NONE";

	support_votes0 = "NONE";

	neutral_votes0 = "NONE";

	ambiguous_votes0 = "NONE";


// Loop over the list items


	num_unindented_list_items = 0;

	for (list_item_index=1; list_item_index<=num_list_items; list_item_index++) { 

		temp_list_item = list_itemslist_item_index-1];

		if (!temp_list_item) {

			window.alert("List item " + list_item_index + " doesn't exist."); 


		} // shouldn't happen, but...


		// find the enclosing ordered or unordered list

		found_parent_list = false;

		parent_node = temp_list_item.parentNode;

		while ((parent_node) && (parent_node != top_node)) {

			if (parent_node.nodeType != 1) {

				parent_node = parent_node.parentNode;


			} // examine only Element nodes


			if ((parent_node.nodeName == "UL") || (parent_node.nodeName == "OL")) { 

				found_parent_list = true; 


			} // closes check for a parental list element

			parent_node = parent_node.parentNode;

		} // closes loop climbing up the document tree

		if (found_parent_list == false) {

			diagnostic_string = "List item " + list_item_index + " doesn't have an enclosing list:\n\n";

			diagnostic_string += temp_list_item.innerHTML.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,"") + "\n";





		// check that the list item is not indented

		indented = false;

		parent_node = parent_node.parentNode;

		while ((parent_node) && (parent_node != top_node)) {

			if (parent_node.nodeType != 1) {

				parent_node = parent_node.parentNode;


			} // examine only Element nodes


			if ((parent_node.nodeName == "DD") || (parent_node.nodeName == "DL")  || (parent_node.nodeName == "UL") || (parent_node.nodeName == "OL") || (parent_node.nodeName == "LI")) { 

				indented = true; 


			} // closes check for a parental list element

			parent_node = parent_node.parentNode;

		} // closes loop climbing up the document tree

		if (indented == true) { 

//			window.alert("List item " + list_item_index + " is indented."); 





		// get the first bold-faced item within this list item

		boldface_elements = temp_list_item.getElementsByTagName("B");

		if (!boldface_elements) {

			diagnostic_string = "List item " + list_item_index + " has no boldface elements:\n\n";

			diagnostic_string += temp_list_item.innerHTML.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,"") + "\n";




		num_boldface_elements = boldface_elements.length;

		if (num_boldface_elements == 0) { 

//			window.alert("List item " + list_item_index + " has no first boldface element.\n");


		} else if (num_boldface_elements == 1) {

//			window.alert("List item " + list_item_index + " has one boldface element.\n");

		} else { 

//			window.alert("List item " + list_item_index + " has " + num_boldface_elements + " boldface elements.\n");



		first_boldface_element = null;

		for (boldface_element_index = 0; boldface_element_index<num_boldface_elements; boldface_element_index++) { 

			first_boldface_element = boldface_elementsboldface_element_index];


			parent_node = parent_node.parentNode;

			while ((parent_node) && (parent_node != temp_list_item)) {

				if (parent_node.nodeName == "S") { 

					first_boldface_element = null;



				parent_node = parent_node.parentNode;


			if (first_boldface_element) { break; }

		} // closes loop identifying the first valid boldface element of this list item

		if (!first_boldface_element) {

			window.alert("List item " + list_item_index + " has no first boldface element.\n"); 




		// Find the user name 

		list_item_links = temp_list_item.getElementsByTagName("A");

		if (!list_item_links) {

			diagnostic_string = "List item " + list_item_index + " has no links:\n\n";

			diagnostic_string += temp_list_item.innerHTML.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,"") + "\n";




		num_list_item_links = list_item_links.length;

		if (num_list_item_links == 0) {

			diagnostic_string = "List item " + list_item_index + " has no links:\n\n";

			diagnostic_string += temp_list_item.innerHTML.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,"") + "\n";





		user_name = "";

		user_talk_name = "";

		for (list_item_link_index=num_list_item_links; list_item_link_index>0; list_item_link_index--) { 

			temp_list_item_link = list_item_linkslist_item_link_index-1]; 

			if (!temp_list_item_link) { 

				window.alert("The " + list_item_link_index + " link in the " + list_item_index + "list item doesn't exist.\n");




			possible_user_name = true;

			num_enclosing_list_tags = 0;


			parent_node = temp_list_item_link.parentNode; 

			while ((parent_node) && (parent_node != top_node)) {

				if (parent_node.nodeType != 1) {

					parent_node = parent_node.parentNode;


				} // examine only Element nodes


				if (parent_node.nodeName == "S") { 

					possible_user_name = false;



				if (parent_node.nodeName == "UL") { 

					possible_user_name = false;



				if (parent_node.nodeName == "OL") { 

					possible_user_name = false;



				if (parent_node.nodeName == "DL") { 

					possible_user_name = false;



				if (parent_node.nodeName == "DD") { 

					possible_user_name = false;



				if (parent_node.nodeName == "LI") { 


					if (num_enclosing_list_tags > 1) { 

						possible_user_name = false;



				} // closes check for a parental list element

				if (parent_node == temp_list_item) { 



				parent_node = parent_node.parentNode;

			} // closes loop climbing up the document tree

			if (possible_user_name == false) { continue; }

			if (num_enclosing_list_tags != 1) { continue; }

			if (parent_node != temp_list_item) { continue; }


			list_item_link_text = temp_list_item_link.title;

			list_item_link_text = list_item_link_text.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,""); // remove HTML tags

			if ((list_item_link_text.match(/^User:/)) && (!list_item_link_text.match(/\//))) { 

				user_name = list_item_link_text.replace(/^User:/, "");

				user_name = user_name.replace(/\s+\(page does not exist\)$/, "");

				user_name = user_name.replace(/&nbsp;/ig, " ");  // convert non-breaking spaces to spaces

				user_name = user_name.replace(/&#160;/ig, " ");  // convert non-breaking spaces to spaces

				user_name = user_name.replace(/\s+/ig, " "); // convert all whitespace to a single space

				alias_name = temp_list_item_link.innerHTML;

				alias_name = alias_name.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,""); // remove HTML tags

				alias_name = alias_name.replace(/&nbsp;/ig, " ");  // convert non-breaking spaces to spaces

				alias_name = alias_name.replace(/&#160;/ig, " ");  // convert non-breaking spaces to spaces

				alias_name = alias_name.replace(/\s+/ig, " "); // convert all whitespace to a single space

				if (alias_name.replace(/\s/g,"").toLowerCase() != user_name.replace(/\s/g,"").toLowerCase()) { 

					user_name += " (" + alias_name + ")";




			if ((list_item_link_text.match(/^User\stalk:/)) && (!list_item_link_text.match(/\//))) { 

				user_talk_name = list_item_link_text.replace(/^User\stalk:/, "");

				user_talk_name = user_talk_name.replace(/\s+\(page does not exist\)$/, "");

				user_talk_name = user_talk_name.replace(/&nbsp;/ig, " ");  // non-breaking spaces to spaces

				user_talk_name = user_talk_name.replace(/&#160;/ig, " ");  // non-breaking spaces to spaces

				user_talk_name = user_talk_name.replace(/\s+/ig, " "); // all whitespace to a single space

				alias_talk_name = temp_list_item_link.innerHTML;

				alias_talk_name = alias_talk_name.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,""); // remove HTML tags

				alias_talk_name = alias_talk_name.replace(/&nbsp;/ig, " ");  // non-breaking spaces to spaces

				alias_talk_name = alias_talk_name.replace(/&#160;/ig, " ");  // non-breaking spaces to spaces

				alias_talk_name = alias_talk_name.replace(/\s+/ig, " "); // all whitespace to a single space

				if (alias_talk_name.replace(/\s/g,"").toLowerCase() != user_talk_name.replace(/\s/g,"").toLowerCase()) { 

					user_talk_name += " (" + alias_talk_name + ")";



		} // closes loop over the list-item links 

		if (!user_name) {

			if (!user_talk_name) {

				diagnostic_string = "List item " + list_item_index + " has no user name.\n\n";

				diagnostic_string += temp_list_item.innerHTML.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,"") + "\n";



			} else { 

				user_name = user_talk_name;




		num_boldface_elements = boldface_elements.length;

		if (num_boldface_elements == 0) { 

//			window.alert("List item " + list_item_index + " has no first boldface element.\n");


		} else if (num_boldface_elements == 1) {

//			window.alert("List item " + list_item_index + " has one boldface element.\n");

		} else { 

//			window.alert("List item " + list_item_index + " has " + num_boldface_elements + " boldface elements.\n");




		// Analyze the votes

		boldface_text = first_boldface_element.innerHTML;

		if (!boldface_text) {

			 window.alert("List item " + list_item_index + " has no boldface text.\n");


		boldface_text = boldface_text.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,""); // remove HTML tags

//		window.alert("List item " + list_item_index + " has boldface text: " + boldface_text + "\n"); 



		if (boldface_text.match(/support/ig)) {


			reported_string = num_support_votes + ". " + boldface_text + " — " + user_name + "\n";

//			window.alert(reported_string);

			support_votesnum_support_votes-1 = reported_string;

		} else if (boldface_text.match(/neutral/ig)) { 


			reported_string = num_neutral_votes + ". " + boldface_text + " — " + user_name + "\n";

			neutral_votesnum_neutral_votes-1 = reported_string;

		} else if (boldface_text.match(/oppos/ig)) { 


			reported_string = num_oppose_votes + ". " + boldface_text + " — " + user_name + "\n";

			oppose_votesnum_oppose_votes-1 = reported_string;

		} else if (boldface_text.match(/comment/ig)) { 


			reported_string = num_comments + ". " + boldface_text + " — " + user_name + "\n";

			commentsnum_comments-1 = reported_string;

		} else if (boldface_text.match(/question/ig)) { 


			reported_string = num_questions + ". " + boldface_text + " — " + user_name + "\n";

			questionsnum_questions-1 = reported_string;

		} else if (boldface_text.match(/note/ig)) { 


			reported_string = num_notes + ". " + boldface_text + " — " + user_name + "\n";

			notesnum_notes-1 = reported_string;

		} else {


			reported_string = num_ambiguous_votes + ". " + boldface_text + " — " + user_name + "\n";

			ambiguous_votesnum_ambiguous_votes-1 = reported_string;


	} // closes loop over list items


	num_votes = num_support_votes + num_oppose_votes + num_neutral_votes + num_ambiguous_votes;

//	window.alert("There were " + num_votes + " !votes.\n\n");


// Print summary


	alert_string = "";


	if (num_votes == 1) { 

		alert_string += "One !vote was counted:\n";

	} else { 

		alert_string += num_votes + " !votes were counted:\n";


	if (num_oppose_votes == 1) { 

		alert_string += "\t one Oppose !vote\n"; 

		oppose_vote_summary = "There was one Oppose !vote:\n\n"; 

	} else if (num_oppose_votes>1) { 

		alert_string += "\t " + num_oppose_votes + " Oppose !votes\n";

		oppose_vote_summary = "There were " + num_oppose_votes + " Oppose !votes:\n\n"; 


	if (num_support_votes == 1) { 

		alert_string += "\t one Support !vote\n"; 

		support_vote_summary = "There was one Support !vote:\n\n"; 

	} else if (num_support_votes>1) { 

		alert_string += "\t " + num_support_votes + " Support !votes\n";

		support_vote_summary = "There were " + num_support_votes + " Support !votes:\n\n"; 


	if (num_neutral_votes == 1) { 

		alert_string += "\t one Neutral !vote\n"; 

		neutral_vote_summary = "There was one Neutral !vote:\n\n"; 

	} else if (num_neutral_votes>1) { 

		alert_string += "\t " + num_neutral_votes + " Neutral !votes\n"; 

		neutral_vote_summary = "There were " + num_neutral_votes + " Neutral !votes:\n\n"; 


	if (num_ambiguous_votes == 1) { 

		alert_string += "\t one ambiguous !vote\n"; 

		ambiguous_vote_summary = "There was one ambiguous !vote:\n\n"; 

	} else if (num_ambiguous_votes>1) { 

		alert_string += "\t " + num_ambiguous_votes + " ambiguous !votes\n";

		ambiguous_vote_summary = "There were " + num_ambiguous_votes + " ambiguous !votes:\n\n"; 


	if ((num_notes + num_comments + num_questions) == 1) { 

		alert_string += "\nIn addition, there was:\n";

	} else if ((num_notes + num_comments + num_questions)>1) { 

		alert_string += "\nIn addition, there were:\n";


	if (num_notes == 1) { 

		alert_string += "\t one Note\n";

		note_summary = "There was one Note:\n\n"; 

	} else if (num_notes>1) { 

		alert_string += "\t " + num_notes + " Notes\n";

		note_summary = "There were " + num_notes + " Notes:\n\n"; 


	if (num_comments == 1) {  

		alert_string += "\t one Comment\n";

		comment_summary = "There was one Comment:\n\n";  

	} else if (num_comments>1) { 

		alert_string += "\t " + num_comments + " Comments\n"; 

		comment_summary = "There were " + num_comments + " comments:\n\n"; 


	if (num_questions == 1) {  

		alert_string += "\t one Question\n";

		question_summary = "There was one Question:\n\n";  

	} else if (num_questions>1) { 

		alert_string += "\t " + num_questions + " Questions\n"; 

		question_summary = "There were " + num_questions + " Questions:\n\n"; 




// Report details on each type of !vote


	if (num_oppose_votes > 0) {

		alert_string = oppose_vote_summary;

		for (oppose_vote_index=0; oppose_vote_index<num_oppose_votes; oppose_vote_index++) {

			if ((oppose_vote_index%40 == 0) && (oppose_vote_index > 1)) {

				alert_string += "\nContinued on next screen..."; 


				alert_string = "Continued from previous screen...\n\n";


			alert_string += oppose_votesoppose_vote_index];




	if (num_support_votes > 0) { 

		alert_string = support_vote_summary;

		for (support_vote_index=0; support_vote_index<num_support_votes; support_vote_index++) {

			if ((support_vote_index%40 == 0) && (support_vote_index > 1)) {

				alert_string += "\nContinued on next screen..."; 


				alert_string = "Continued from previous screen...\n\n";


			alert_string += support_votessupport_vote_index];




	if (num_neutral_votes > 0) { 

		alert_string = neutral_vote_summary;

		for (neutral_vote_index=0; neutral_vote_index<num_neutral_votes; neutral_vote_index++) {

			if ((neutral_vote_index%40 == 0) && (neutral_vote_index > 1)) {

				alert_string += "\nContinued on next screen..."; 


				alert_string = "Continued from previous screen...\n\n";


			alert_string += neutral_votesneutral_vote_index];




	if (num_ambiguous_votes > 0) { 

		alert_string = ambiguous_vote_summary;

		for (ambiguous_vote_index=0; ambiguous_vote_index<num_ambiguous_votes; ambiguous_vote_index++) {

			if ((ambiguous_vote_index%40 == 0) && (ambiguous_vote_index > 1)) {

				alert_string += "\nContinued on next screen..."; 


				alert_string = "Continued from previous screen...\n\n";


			alert_string += ambiguous_votesambiguous_vote_index];




	if (num_comments > 0) { 

		alert_string = comment_summary;

		for (comment_index=0; comment_index<num_comments; comment_index++) {

			if ((comment_index%40 == 0) && (comment_index > 1)) {

				alert_string += "\nContinued on next screen..."; 


				alert_string = "Continued from previous screen...\n\n";


			alert_string += commentscomment_index];




	if (num_questions > 0) { 

		alert_string = question_summary;

		for (question_index=0; question_index<num_questions; question_index++) {

			if ((question_index%40 == 0) && (question_index > 1)) {

				alert_string += "\nContinued on next screen..."; 


				alert_string = "Continued from previous screen...\n\n";


			alert_string += questionsquestion_index];




	if (num_notes > 0) { 

		alert_string = note_summary;

		for (note_index=0; note_index<num_notes; note_index++) {

			if ((note_index%40 == 0) && (note_index > 1)) {

				alert_string += "\nContinued on next screen..."; 


				alert_string = "Continued from previous screen...\n\n";


			alert_string += notesnote_index];





} // closes function summarizeFAC() 


$(function () {

            mw.util.addPortletLink('p-cactions', 'javascript:summarizeFAC()', 'FAC', 'ca-fac', 'Summarize FAC votes', '!', '');



From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.


// This script counts and lists FAC !votes.  Modeled after the summarizeAfD.js script written for Graham87.


// To use this script, add "importScript('User:Proteins/summarizeFAC.js');" to your monobook.js subpage 

// under your user page, as you can see at User:Proteins/monobook.js


// The Main Function


function summarizeFAC() {

	var alert_string = "";

	var reported_string = "";

	var diagnostic_string = "";


	var indented;

	var top_node;

	var parent_node;


	var list_items;

	var temp_list_item;

	var num_list_items = 0;

	var list_item_index = 0;

	var num_unindented_list_items = 0;


	var boldface_elements;

	var boldface_text = "";

	var first_boldface_element;

	var num_boldface_elements = 0;

	var boldface_element_index = 0;


	var num_votes = 0;

	var num_notes = 0;

	var num_comments = 0;

	var num_questions = 0;

	var num_oppose_votes = 0;

	var num_support_votes = 0;

	var num_neutral_votes = 0;

	var num_ambiguous_votes = 0;

	var num_error_messages = 0;


	var note_index = 0;

	var comment_index = 0;

	var question_index = 0;

	var oppose_vote_index = 0;

	var support_vote_index = 0;

	var neutral_vote_index = 0;

	var ambiguous_vote_index = 0;

	var error_message_index = 0;


	var note_summary = "";

	var comment_summary = "";

	var question_summary = "";

	var oppose_vote_summary = "";

	var support_vote_summary = "";

	var neutral_vote_summary = "";

	var ambiguous_vote_summary = "";

	var error_message_summary = "";


	var notes = new Array();

	var comments = new Array();

	var questions = new Array();

	var oppose_votes = new Array();

	var support_votes = new Array();

	var neutral_votes = new Array();

	var ambiguous_votes = new Array();

	var error_messages = new Array();


	var user_name = "";

	var alias_name = "";

	var user_talk_name = "";

	var alias_talk_name = "";


	var list_item_links;

	var temp_list_item_link;

	var num_list_item_links = 0;

	var list_item_link_index = 0;

	var list_item_link_text = "";


	var possible_user_name = true;

	var num_enclosing_list_tags = 0;


// Initializations


// Get the top node

	top_node = document.getElementById('bodyContent');

	if (!top_node) { 

		window.alert("No bodyContent node in this document.");




// Get the list items

	list_items = top_node.getElementsByTagName("LI");

	if (!list_items) { 

		window.alert("This article has no list items.");



	num_list_items = list_items.length;



// Variable initializations


	num_notes = 0;

	num_comments = 0;

	num_questions = 0;

	num_oppose_votes = 0;

	num_support_votes = 0;

	num_neutral_votes = 0;

	num_ambiguous_votes = 0;


	notes0 = "NONE";

	comments0 = "NONE";

	questions0 = "NONE";

	oppose_votes0 = "NONE";

	support_votes0 = "NONE";

	neutral_votes0 = "NONE";

	ambiguous_votes0 = "NONE";


// Loop over the list items


	num_unindented_list_items = 0;

	for (list_item_index=1; list_item_index<=num_list_items; list_item_index++) { 

		temp_list_item = list_itemslist_item_index-1];

		if (!temp_list_item) {

			window.alert("List item " + list_item_index + " doesn't exist."); 


		} // shouldn't happen, but...


		// find the enclosing ordered or unordered list

		found_parent_list = false;

		parent_node = temp_list_item.parentNode;

		while ((parent_node) && (parent_node != top_node)) {

			if (parent_node.nodeType != 1) {

				parent_node = parent_node.parentNode;


			} // examine only Element nodes


			if ((parent_node.nodeName == "UL") || (parent_node.nodeName == "OL")) { 

				found_parent_list = true; 


			} // closes check for a parental list element

			parent_node = parent_node.parentNode;

		} // closes loop climbing up the document tree

		if (found_parent_list == false) {

			diagnostic_string = "List item " + list_item_index + " doesn't have an enclosing list:\n\n";

			diagnostic_string += temp_list_item.innerHTML.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,"") + "\n";





		// check that the list item is not indented

		indented = false;

		parent_node = parent_node.parentNode;

		while ((parent_node) && (parent_node != top_node)) {

			if (parent_node.nodeType != 1) {

				parent_node = parent_node.parentNode;


			} // examine only Element nodes


			if ((parent_node.nodeName == "DD") || (parent_node.nodeName == "DL")  || (parent_node.nodeName == "UL") || (parent_node.nodeName == "OL") || (parent_node.nodeName == "LI")) { 

				indented = true; 


			} // closes check for a parental list element

			parent_node = parent_node.parentNode;

		} // closes loop climbing up the document tree

		if (indented == true) { 

//			window.alert("List item " + list_item_index + " is indented."); 





		// get the first bold-faced item within this list item

		boldface_elements = temp_list_item.getElementsByTagName("B");

		if (!boldface_elements) {

			diagnostic_string = "List item " + list_item_index + " has no boldface elements:\n\n";

			diagnostic_string += temp_list_item.innerHTML.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,"") + "\n";




		num_boldface_elements = boldface_elements.length;

		if (num_boldface_elements == 0) { 

//			window.alert("List item " + list_item_index + " has no first boldface element.\n");


		} else if (num_boldface_elements == 1) {

//			window.alert("List item " + list_item_index + " has one boldface element.\n");

		} else { 

//			window.alert("List item " + list_item_index + " has " + num_boldface_elements + " boldface elements.\n");



		first_boldface_element = null;

		for (boldface_element_index = 0; boldface_element_index<num_boldface_elements; boldface_element_index++) { 

			first_boldface_element = boldface_elementsboldface_element_index];


			parent_node = parent_node.parentNode;

			while ((parent_node) && (parent_node != temp_list_item)) {

				if (parent_node.nodeName == "S") { 

					first_boldface_element = null;



				parent_node = parent_node.parentNode;


			if (first_boldface_element) { break; }

		} // closes loop identifying the first valid boldface element of this list item

		if (!first_boldface_element) {

			window.alert("List item " + list_item_index + " has no first boldface element.\n"); 




		// Find the user name 

		list_item_links = temp_list_item.getElementsByTagName("A");

		if (!list_item_links) {

			diagnostic_string = "List item " + list_item_index + " has no links:\n\n";

			diagnostic_string += temp_list_item.innerHTML.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,"") + "\n";




		num_list_item_links = list_item_links.length;

		if (num_list_item_links == 0) {

			diagnostic_string = "List item " + list_item_index + " has no links:\n\n";

			diagnostic_string += temp_list_item.innerHTML.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,"") + "\n";





		user_name = "";

		user_talk_name = "";

		for (list_item_link_index=num_list_item_links; list_item_link_index>0; list_item_link_index--) { 

			temp_list_item_link = list_item_linkslist_item_link_index-1]; 

			if (!temp_list_item_link) { 

				window.alert("The " + list_item_link_index + " link in the " + list_item_index + "list item doesn't exist.\n");




			possible_user_name = true;

			num_enclosing_list_tags = 0;


			parent_node = temp_list_item_link.parentNode; 

			while ((parent_node) && (parent_node != top_node)) {

				if (parent_node.nodeType != 1) {

					parent_node = parent_node.parentNode;


				} // examine only Element nodes


				if (parent_node.nodeName == "S") { 

					possible_user_name = false;



				if (parent_node.nodeName == "UL") { 

					possible_user_name = false;



				if (parent_node.nodeName == "OL") { 

					possible_user_name = false;



				if (parent_node.nodeName == "DL") { 

					possible_user_name = false;



				if (parent_node.nodeName == "DD") { 

					possible_user_name = false;



				if (parent_node.nodeName == "LI") { 


					if (num_enclosing_list_tags > 1) { 

						possible_user_name = false;



				} // closes check for a parental list element

				if (parent_node == temp_list_item) { 



				parent_node = parent_node.parentNode;

			} // closes loop climbing up the document tree

			if (possible_user_name == false) { continue; }

			if (num_enclosing_list_tags != 1) { continue; }

			if (parent_node != temp_list_item) { continue; }


			list_item_link_text = temp_list_item_link.title;

			list_item_link_text = list_item_link_text.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,""); // remove HTML tags

			if ((list_item_link_text.match(/^User:/)) && (!list_item_link_text.match(/\//))) { 

				user_name = list_item_link_text.replace(/^User:/, "");

				user_name = user_name.replace(/\s+\(page does not exist\)$/, "");

				user_name = user_name.replace(/&nbsp;/ig, " ");  // convert non-breaking spaces to spaces

				user_name = user_name.replace(/&#160;/ig, " ");  // convert non-breaking spaces to spaces

				user_name = user_name.replace(/\s+/ig, " "); // convert all whitespace to a single space

				alias_name = temp_list_item_link.innerHTML;

				alias_name = alias_name.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,""); // remove HTML tags

				alias_name = alias_name.replace(/&nbsp;/ig, " ");  // convert non-breaking spaces to spaces

				alias_name = alias_name.replace(/&#160;/ig, " ");  // convert non-breaking spaces to spaces

				alias_name = alias_name.replace(/\s+/ig, " "); // convert all whitespace to a single space

				if (alias_name.replace(/\s/g,"").toLowerCase() != user_name.replace(/\s/g,"").toLowerCase()) { 

					user_name += " (" + alias_name + ")";




			if ((list_item_link_text.match(/^User\stalk:/)) && (!list_item_link_text.match(/\//))) { 

				user_talk_name = list_item_link_text.replace(/^User\stalk:/, "");

				user_talk_name = user_talk_name.replace(/\s+\(page does not exist\)$/, "");

				user_talk_name = user_talk_name.replace(/&nbsp;/ig, " ");  // non-breaking spaces to spaces

				user_talk_name = user_talk_name.replace(/&#160;/ig, " ");  // non-breaking spaces to spaces

				user_talk_name = user_talk_name.replace(/\s+/ig, " "); // all whitespace to a single space

				alias_talk_name = temp_list_item_link.innerHTML;

				alias_talk_name = alias_talk_name.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,""); // remove HTML tags

				alias_talk_name = alias_talk_name.replace(/&nbsp;/ig, " ");  // non-breaking spaces to spaces

				alias_talk_name = alias_talk_name.replace(/&#160;/ig, " ");  // non-breaking spaces to spaces

				alias_talk_name = alias_talk_name.replace(/\s+/ig, " "); // all whitespace to a single space

				if (alias_talk_name.replace(/\s/g,"").toLowerCase() != user_talk_name.replace(/\s/g,"").toLowerCase()) { 

					user_talk_name += " (" + alias_talk_name + ")";



		} // closes loop over the list-item links 

		if (!user_name) {

			if (!user_talk_name) {

				diagnostic_string = "List item " + list_item_index + " has no user name.\n\n";

				diagnostic_string += temp_list_item.innerHTML.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,"") + "\n";



			} else { 

				user_name = user_talk_name;




		num_boldface_elements = boldface_elements.length;

		if (num_boldface_elements == 0) { 

//			window.alert("List item " + list_item_index + " has no first boldface element.\n");


		} else if (num_boldface_elements == 1) {

//			window.alert("List item " + list_item_index + " has one boldface element.\n");

		} else { 

//			window.alert("List item " + list_item_index + " has " + num_boldface_elements + " boldface elements.\n");




		// Analyze the votes

		boldface_text = first_boldface_element.innerHTML;

		if (!boldface_text) {

			 window.alert("List item " + list_item_index + " has no boldface text.\n");


		boldface_text = boldface_text.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,""); // remove HTML tags

//		window.alert("List item " + list_item_index + " has boldface text: " + boldface_text + "\n"); 



		if (boldface_text.match(/support/ig)) {


			reported_string = num_support_votes + ". " + boldface_text + " — " + user_name + "\n";

//			window.alert(reported_string);

			support_votesnum_support_votes-1 = reported_string;

		} else if (boldface_text.match(/neutral/ig)) { 


			reported_string = num_neutral_votes + ". " + boldface_text + " — " + user_name + "\n";

			neutral_votesnum_neutral_votes-1 = reported_string;

		} else if (boldface_text.match(/oppos/ig)) { 


			reported_string = num_oppose_votes + ". " + boldface_text + " — " + user_name + "\n";

			oppose_votesnum_oppose_votes-1 = reported_string;

		} else if (boldface_text.match(/comment/ig)) { 


			reported_string = num_comments + ". " + boldface_text + " — " + user_name + "\n";

			commentsnum_comments-1 = reported_string;

		} else if (boldface_text.match(/question/ig)) { 


			reported_string = num_questions + ". " + boldface_text + " — " + user_name + "\n";

			questionsnum_questions-1 = reported_string;

		} else if (boldface_text.match(/note/ig)) { 


			reported_string = num_notes + ". " + boldface_text + " — " + user_name + "\n";

			notesnum_notes-1 = reported_string;

		} else {


			reported_string = num_ambiguous_votes + ". " + boldface_text + " — " + user_name + "\n";

			ambiguous_votesnum_ambiguous_votes-1 = reported_string;


	} // closes loop over list items


	num_votes = num_support_votes + num_oppose_votes + num_neutral_votes + num_ambiguous_votes;

//	window.alert("There were " + num_votes + " !votes.\n\n");


// Print summary


	alert_string = "";


	if (num_votes == 1) { 

		alert_string += "One !vote was counted:\n";

	} else { 

		alert_string += num_votes + " !votes were counted:\n";


	if (num_oppose_votes == 1) { 

		alert_string += "\t one Oppose !vote\n"; 

		oppose_vote_summary = "There was one Oppose !vote:\n\n"; 

	} else if (num_oppose_votes>1) { 

		alert_string += "\t " + num_oppose_votes + " Oppose !votes\n";

		oppose_vote_summary = "There were " + num_oppose_votes + " Oppose !votes:\n\n"; 


	if (num_support_votes == 1) { 

		alert_string += "\t one Support !vote\n"; 

		support_vote_summary = "There was one Support !vote:\n\n"; 

	} else if (num_support_votes>1) { 

		alert_string += "\t " + num_support_votes + " Support !votes\n";

		support_vote_summary = "There were " + num_support_votes + " Support !votes:\n\n"; 


	if (num_neutral_votes == 1) { 

		alert_string += "\t one Neutral !vote\n"; 

		neutral_vote_summary = "There was one Neutral !vote:\n\n"; 

	} else if (num_neutral_votes>1) { 

		alert_string += "\t " + num_neutral_votes + " Neutral !votes\n"; 

		neutral_vote_summary = "There were " + num_neutral_votes + " Neutral !votes:\n\n"; 


	if (num_ambiguous_votes == 1) { 

		alert_string += "\t one ambiguous !vote\n"; 

		ambiguous_vote_summary = "There was one ambiguous !vote:\n\n"; 

	} else if (num_ambiguous_votes>1) { 

		alert_string += "\t " + num_ambiguous_votes + " ambiguous !votes\n";

		ambiguous_vote_summary = "There were " + num_ambiguous_votes + " ambiguous !votes:\n\n"; 


	if ((num_notes + num_comments + num_questions) == 1) { 

		alert_string += "\nIn addition, there was:\n";

	} else if ((num_notes + num_comments + num_questions)>1) { 

		alert_string += "\nIn addition, there were:\n";


	if (num_notes == 1) { 

		alert_string += "\t one Note\n";

		note_summary = "There was one Note:\n\n"; 

	} else if (num_notes>1) { 

		alert_string += "\t " + num_notes + " Notes\n";

		note_summary = "There were " + num_notes + " Notes:\n\n"; 


	if (num_comments == 1) {  

		alert_string += "\t one Comment\n";

		comment_summary = "There was one Comment:\n\n";  

	} else if (num_comments>1) { 

		alert_string += "\t " + num_comments + " Comments\n"; 

		comment_summary = "There were " + num_comments + " comments:\n\n"; 


	if (num_questions == 1) {  

		alert_string += "\t one Question\n";

		question_summary = "There was one Question:\n\n";  

	} else if (num_questions>1) { 

		alert_string += "\t " + num_questions + " Questions\n"; 

		question_summary = "There were " + num_questions + " Questions:\n\n"; 




// Report details on each type of !vote


	if (num_oppose_votes > 0) {

		alert_string = oppose_vote_summary;

		for (oppose_vote_index=0; oppose_vote_index<num_oppose_votes; oppose_vote_index++) {

			if ((oppose_vote_index%40 == 0) && (oppose_vote_index > 1)) {

				alert_string += "\nContinued on next screen..."; 


				alert_string = "Continued from previous screen...\n\n";


			alert_string += oppose_votesoppose_vote_index];




	if (num_support_votes > 0) { 

		alert_string = support_vote_summary;

		for (support_vote_index=0; support_vote_index<num_support_votes; support_vote_index++) {

			if ((support_vote_index%40 == 0) && (support_vote_index > 1)) {

				alert_string += "\nContinued on next screen..."; 


				alert_string = "Continued from previous screen...\n\n";


			alert_string += support_votessupport_vote_index];




	if (num_neutral_votes > 0) { 

		alert_string = neutral_vote_summary;

		for (neutral_vote_index=0; neutral_vote_index<num_neutral_votes; neutral_vote_index++) {

			if ((neutral_vote_index%40 == 0) && (neutral_vote_index > 1)) {

				alert_string += "\nContinued on next screen..."; 


				alert_string = "Continued from previous screen...\n\n";


			alert_string += neutral_votesneutral_vote_index];




	if (num_ambiguous_votes > 0) { 

		alert_string = ambiguous_vote_summary;

		for (ambiguous_vote_index=0; ambiguous_vote_index<num_ambiguous_votes; ambiguous_vote_index++) {

			if ((ambiguous_vote_index%40 == 0) && (ambiguous_vote_index > 1)) {

				alert_string += "\nContinued on next screen..."; 


				alert_string = "Continued from previous screen...\n\n";


			alert_string += ambiguous_votesambiguous_vote_index];




	if (num_comments > 0) { 

		alert_string = comment_summary;

		for (comment_index=0; comment_index<num_comments; comment_index++) {

			if ((comment_index%40 == 0) && (comment_index > 1)) {

				alert_string += "\nContinued on next screen..."; 


				alert_string = "Continued from previous screen...\n\n";


			alert_string += commentscomment_index];




	if (num_questions > 0) { 

		alert_string = question_summary;

		for (question_index=0; question_index<num_questions; question_index++) {

			if ((question_index%40 == 0) && (question_index > 1)) {

				alert_string += "\nContinued on next screen..."; 


				alert_string = "Continued from previous screen...\n\n";


			alert_string += questionsquestion_index];




	if (num_notes > 0) { 

		alert_string = note_summary;

		for (note_index=0; note_index<num_notes; note_index++) {

			if ((note_index%40 == 0) && (note_index > 1)) {

				alert_string += "\nContinued on next screen..."; 


				alert_string = "Continued from previous screen...\n\n";


			alert_string += notesnote_index];





} // closes function summarizeFAC() 


$(function () {

            mw.util.addPortletLink('p-cactions', 'javascript:summarizeFAC()', 'FAC', 'ca-fac', 'Summarize FAC votes', '!', '');





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