From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.


// Analyze the article's structure

// with kind respects to Dr. pda, whose excellent prosesizebytes.js script was the inspiration


// To use this script, add "importScript('User:Proteins/articlestructure.js');" to your monobook.js subpage 

// under your user page, as you can see at User:Proteins/monobook.js

function articleStructure() {

	var alert_string = "";

	var diagnostic_string = "";

	var read_entire_article = true;

	var show_lead_diagnostics = true;

	var show_section_diagnostics = false;

	var display_individual_words = false;

	var using_Internet_Explorer = false;

	var spaced_text = "";

	var untagged_text = "";

	var stripped_text = "";

	var unescaped_text = "";

	var anchors;

	var temp_anchor;

	var section_name = "";

	var temp_anchor_name = "";

	var num_anchors = 0;

	var anchor_index = 0;

	var anchor_level = 0;

	var prev_anchor_level = 0;

	var num_H2_anchors = 0;

	var H2_anchor_index = 0;

	var cutoff_anchor_index = 0;

	var cutoff_H2_anchor_index = 0;

	var cutoff_child_node_index = 0;

	var last_P_child_node_index = 0;

	var cutoff_element_node_index = 0;

	var num_sections = 0;

	var section_index = 0;

	var element_node;

	var num_element_nodes = 0;

	var element_node_index = 0;

	var temp_node_name = "";

	var parent_node;

	var grandparent_node;

	var greatgrandparent_node;

	var sibling_node;

	var next_sibling_node;

	var child_node;

	var child_nodes;

	var prev_child_node;

	var num_child_nodes = 0;

	var child_node_index = 0;

	var child_node_name = "";

	var num_prose_counted_nodes = 0;

	var grandchild_node;

	var grandchild_nodes;

	var num_grandchild_nodes = 0;

	var grandchild_node_index = 0;

	var path_names;

	var file_name = "";

	var num_characters = 0;

	var del_num_characters = 0;

	var temp_num_characters = 0;

	var temp_word = "";

	var num_words = 0;

	var word_count = 0;

	var word_index = 0;

	var nonempty_word_index = 0;

	var tentative_num_words = 0;

	var num_spaces = 0;

	var paragraph_count = 0;

	var list_item_count = 0;

	var prose_size_bytes = 0;

	var total_word_count = 0;

	var total_paragraph_count = 0;

	var total_list_item_count = 0;

	var total_prose_size_bytes = 0;

	var section_word_count = new Array();

	var section_paragraph_count = new Array();

	var section_list_item_count = new Array();

	var section_prose_size_bytes = new Array();

	var word_count_string = "";

	var paragraph_count_string = "";

	var list_item_count_string = "";

	var prose_size_bytes_string = "";

	var temp_paragraph;

	var text_paragraphs;

	var num_paragraphs = 0;

	var paragraph_index = 0;

	var temp_list_item;

	var text_list_items;

	var num_list_items = 0;

	var list_item_index = 0;

	var temp_image;

	var num_pixels = 0;

	var image_index = 0;

	var image_counter = 0;

	var num_raw_images = 0;

	var num_nonicon_images = 0;

	var num_anchors = 0;

	var num_raw_links = 0;

	var num_raw_tables = 0;

	var num_raw_references = 0;

// check for Internet Explorer browser 

	using_Internet_Explorer = false;

	if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") > -1) { 

		using_Internet_Explorer = true;

//		alert_string = "This script works correctly in every browser — except Internet Explorer.  Please be patient!"

//		window.alert(alert_string);	


// Find the cutoff H2 anchor index, where we stop counting things

	alert_string = "";

	num_H2_anchors = 0;

	section_name = "lead section";

	prev_anchor_level = 1;  //begin at the H1 heading

	read_entire_article = true;

	anchors = document.anchors;

	num_anchors = anchors.length;

	for (anchor_index=1; anchor_index<num_anchors; anchor_index++) {

		temp_anchor = anchorsanchor_index];

		parent_node = temp_anchor.parentNode; 

		if (!parent_node) { continue; }

		sibling_node = parent_node.nextSibling;

		if (!sibling_node) { continue; }

// Check headings for jumps upwards in heading level

		anchor_level = 0;

		if (sibling_node.nodeName == "H1") {

			alert_string += "  WARNING: Illegal H1 heading in this section\n";

		} else if (sibling_node.nodeName == "H2") {

			anchor_level = 2;	

		} else if (sibling_node.nodeName == "H3") {

			anchor_level = 3;	

		} else if (sibling_node.nodeName == "H4") {

			anchor_level = 4;	

		} else if (sibling_node.nodeName == "H5") {

			anchor_level = 5;	

		}  else { 

			next_sibling_node = sibling_node.nextSibling;

			if (!next_sibling_node) { continue; }

// Check headings for jumps upwards in heading level

			if (next_sibling_node.nodeName == "H1") {

				alert_string += "  WARNING: Illegal H1 heading in this section\n";

			} else if (next_sibling_node.nodeName == "H2") {

				anchor_level = 2;	

			} else if (next_sibling_node.nodeName == "H3") {

				anchor_level = 3;	

			} else if (next_sibling_node.nodeName == "H4") {

				anchor_level = 4;	

			} else if (next_sibling_node.nodeName == "H5") {

				anchor_level = 5;	


		} // closes assignment of the anchor level, if any 


		if (((anchor_level - prev_anchor_level) > 1) && (prev_anchor_level != 0)) {

			if (num_H2_anchors == 0) {

				alert_string += "  WARNING: H" + prev_anchor_level + " to H" + anchor_level + " jump in the lead\n";

			} else { 

				alert_string += "  WARNING: H" + prev_anchor_level + " to H" + anchor_level + " jump in \"" + section_name.replace(/(_+)/ig, " ") + "\"\n";



		if (anchor_level > 0) { prev_anchor_level = anchor_level; }

//Check major section headings for closing sections

		if (anchor_level == 2) { 


			section_name =;

			temp_anchor_name =;

			alert_string += "Section " + num_H2_anchors + " : " + section_name.replace(/(_+)/ig, " ") + "\n";

//			alert_string += "Section " + num_H2_anchors + " : " + section_name.replace(/(_+)/ig, " ") + " " + temp_anchor.parentNode.nodeName + " " + sibling_node.nodeName + "\n";

			temp_anchor_name = temp_anchor_name.replace(/:$/ig,""); // eliminate colons at end

			temp_anchor_name = temp_anchor_name.replace(/s$/ig,""); // eliminate plurals at end

			temp_anchor_name = temp_anchor_name.replace(/See_also/ig,"");

			temp_anchor_name = temp_anchor_name.replace(/Related_topic/ig,"");

			temp_anchor_name = temp_anchor_name.replace(/Related_article/ig,"");

			temp_anchor_name = temp_anchor_name.replace(/Further_reading/ig,"");

			temp_anchor_name = temp_anchor_name.replace(/External_link/ig,"");

			temp_anchor_name = temp_anchor_name.replace(/Footnote/ig,"");

			temp_anchor_name = temp_anchor_name.replace(/Note/ig,"");

			temp_anchor_name = temp_anchor_name.replace(/Reference/ig,"");

			temp_anchor_name = temp_anchor_name.replace(/Citation/ig,"");

			temp_anchor_name = temp_anchor_name.replace(/Source/ig,"");

			temp_anchor_name = temp_anchor_name.replace(/Link/ig,"");

			temp_anchor_name = temp_anchor_name.replace(/s([_\s]+)and([_\s]+)/ig,"");

			temp_anchor_name = temp_anchor_name.replace(/([_\s]+)and([_\s]+)/ig,"");

			temp_anchor_name = temp_anchor_name.replace(/([_\s]+)/ig,"");

			if (temp_anchor_name == "") { break; }

//			diagnostic_string = "Section " + num_H2_anchors + " : " + temp_anchor_name + " L: " + temp_anchor_name.length;

//			window.alert(diagnostic_string);

		} // closes check for H2 anchor

	} // closes loop over the anchors

	cutoff_anchor_index = anchor_index;

	cutoff_H2_anchor_index = num_H2_anchors;

	if (cutoff_anchor_index < num_anchors) {

		read_entire_article = false;

		alert_string += "\nProse counting will stop before the \"" +, " ") + "\" section.\n";

	} else {

		read_entire_article = true;

		alert_string += "\nProse counting will cover the entire article.\n";



// Count child and element nodes 

	alert_string = "";

	num_element_nodes = 0;

	child_nodes = document.getElementById("bodyContent").childNodes;

	num_child_nodes = child_nodes.length;

//	if (num_child_nodes > 40) { num_child_nodes = 40;} // truncate loop for testing

	for (child_node_index=0; child_node_index < num_child_nodes; child_node_index++) {

		child_node = child_nodeschild_node_index];

		if (child_node.nodeType != 1) {

//			alert_string += "Child node " + child_node_index + " : " + child_node.nodeName + "\n"; 


		} // examine only Element nodes


//		alert_string += "Element node " + num_element_nodes + " : " + child_node.nodeName + "\n"; 

	} // closes loop counting the element nodes

//	window.alert(alert_string);

// Determine the corresponding childNode index cutoff

	alert_string = "";

	if (read_entire_article == true) {

		cutoff_child_node_index = num_child_nodes;

		cutoff_element_node_index = num_element_nodes;

	} else {

		H2_anchor_index = 0;

		element_node_index = 0;

		last_P_child_node_index = -1;

		last_P_element_node_index = -1;

		for (child_node_index=0; child_node_index < num_child_nodes; child_node_index++) {

			child_node = child_nodeschild_node_index];

			if (child_node.nodeType != 1) { continue; } // examine only Element nodes


			if (child_node.nodeName == "P") {

				last_P_child_node_index = child_node_index;

				last_P_element_node_index = num_element_nodes;

			} else if (child_node.nodeName == "H2") {


				if (H2_anchor_index == cutoff_H2_anchor_index) { 

					cutoff_child_node_index = last_P_child_node_index;

					cutoff_element_node_index = last_P_element_node_index;




//			alert_string += "Section " + H2_anchor_index + ", Element node " + num_element_nodes + " : " + child_node.nodeName + " " + child_node.childNodes.length + "\n";

//			if (num_element_nodes > 45) { break; } // for debugging

		} // closes loop over the childNodes of the Document

		if (last_P_child_node_index < 0) { // if no cutoff was discovered; should never happen

			cutoff_child_node_index = num_child_nodes;

			cutoff_element_node_index = num_element_nodes;


	} // closes check whether to read entire article

	alert_string = "\nThe child_node_index and element_node_index cutoffs are " + cutoff_child_node_index + " and " + cutoff_element_node_index + ", respectively.\n";

//	window.alert(alert_string);

// Count the words, paragraphs and prose size bytes by section

	word_count = 0;

	paragraph_count = 0;

	list_item_count = 0;

	prose_size_bytes = 0;

	num_prose_counted_nodes = 0;

	H2_anchor_index = 0;

	for (child_node_index=0; child_node_index < cutoff_child_node_index; child_node_index++) {

		child_node = child_nodeschild_node_index];

		if (child_node.nodeType != 1) { continue; } // examine only Element nodes


		if (child_node.nodeName == "H2") {






			word_count = 0;

			paragraph_count = 0;

			list_item_count = 0;

			prose_size_bytes = 0;


// if the child node meets the criteria, add to the prose size, word and paragraph counts

		if ((child_node.nodeName == "P") || (child_node.nodeName == "PRE")) {

			untagged_text = child_node.innerHTML;

			untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/<sup>/ig,""); // keep simple superscript text

			untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/(<sup([^>]+)>)(.*?<\/sup>)/ig,""); // remove superscript text

			untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,""); // remove remaining tags

			untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/&gt;/ig, ">"); // convert &gt; to a single character >

			untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/&lt;/ig, "<"); // convert &lt; to a single character <

			untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/&amp;/ig, "&"); // convert &amp; to a single character &

			untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/—/ig, ", "); // replace em-dashes with comma+space

			spaced_text = untagged_text.replace(/&nbsp;/ig, " ");  // convert non-breaking spaces to spaces

			spaced_text = spaced_text.replace(/&#160;/ig, " ");  // convert non-breaking spaces to spaces

			spaced_text = spaced_text.replace(/\s+/ig, " "); // convert all whitespace to a single space

//			spaced_text = filterStringForProseSizeCounting(untagged_text);

			words = spaced_text.split(' ');		

			tentative_num_words = words.length;

			if (tentative_num_words > 0) { // verify that the paragraph contributes text

				num_words = 0;

				num_characters = 0;

				for (word_index=0; word_index<tentative_num_words; word_index++) {

					temp_word = wordsword_index];

					del_num_characters = temp_word.length;

					if (del_num_characters > 0) {


						num_characters += del_num_characters; 



				if (num_words > 0) {



					word_count += num_words;

					prose_size_bytes += num_characters;

					num_spaces = num_words - 1;

					prose_size_bytes += num_spaces; // add spaces to character count = "background-color:yellow";


					// Code for testing output

					if ((!show_section_diagnostics) && ((!show_lead_diagnostics) || (H2_anchor_index != 0))) { 



					diagnostic_string = "";

					nonempty_word_index = 0;

					temp_num_characters = 0; 

					for (word_index=0; word_index<tentative_num_words; word_index++) {

						if ((word_index%45 == 1) && (word_index>45) && (display_individual_words)) {


							diagnostic_string = "Continued from previous screen:\n\n";


						temp_word = wordsword_index];

						del_num_characters = temp_word.length;

						if (del_num_characters > 0) {


							temp_num_characters += del_num_characters;  

							diagnostic_string += "Section " + H2_anchor_index + ", Paragraph " + paragraph_count + ", Word " + nonempty_word_index + " : " + temp_word + " " + del_num_characters + "  " + temp_num_characters + "\n";



					temp_num_characters += num_spaces;

					diagnostic_string += "Added " + num_spaces + " spaces to the byte count.\n\n";

					if (display_individual_words) {

						diagnostic_string += "\nEND of paragraph " + paragraph_count + " of Section " + H2_anchor_index + ": character count = " + temp_num_characters + " total= " + prose_size_bytes + "\n"; 



				} // closes check for non-empty paragraph

			} // tentative check for words

		} else if ((child_node.nodeName == "UL") || (child_node.nodeName == "OL")) { // unordered and ordered lists

			grandchild_nodes = child_node.childNodes; // not all LI elements because of possible nesting

			num_grandchild_nodes = grandchild_nodes.length;

			for (grandchild_node_index=0; grandchild_node_index<num_grandchild_nodes; grandchild_node_index++) {

				grandchild_node = grandchild_nodesgrandchild_node_index];

				if (grandchild_node.nodeName == "LI") {

					untagged_text = grandchild_node.innerHTML;

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/<sup>/ig,""); // keep simple superscript text

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/(<sup([^>]+)>)(.*?<\/sup>)/ig,""); // remove superscript text

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,""); // remove remaining tags

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/&gt;/ig, ">"); // convert &gt; to a single character >

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/&lt;/ig, "<"); // convert &lt; to a single character <

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/&amp;/ig, "&"); // convert &amp; to a single character &

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/—/ig, ", "); // replace em-dashes with comma+space

					spaced_text = untagged_text.replace(/&nbsp;/ig, " ");  // convert non-breaking spaces to spaces

					spaced_text = spaced_text.replace(/&#160;/ig, " ");  // convert non-breaking spaces to spaces

					spaced_text = spaced_text.replace(/\s+/ig, " "); // convert all whitespace to a single space

					words = spaced_text.split(' ');		

					tentative_num_words = words.length;

					if (tentative_num_words > 0) { // verify that the list item contributes text

						num_words = 0;

						num_characters = 0;

						for (word_index=0; word_index<tentative_num_words; word_index++) {

							temp_word = wordsword_index];

							del_num_characters = temp_word.length;

							if (del_num_characters > 0) {


								num_characters += del_num_characters; 



						if (num_words > 0) {



							word_count += num_words;

							prose_size_bytes += num_characters;

							num_spaces = num_words - 1;

							prose_size_bytes += num_spaces; // add spaces to character count = "background-color:yellow";

							// Code for testing output

							if ((!show_section_diagnostics) && ((!show_lead_diagnostics) || (H2_anchor_index != 0))) { 



							diagnostic_string = "";

							nonempty_word_index = 0; 

							temp_num_characters = 0; 

							for (word_index=0; word_index<tentative_num_words; word_index++) {

								if ((word_index%45 == 1) && (word_index>45) && (display_individual_words)) {


									diagnostic_string = "Continued from previous screen:\n\n";


								temp_word = wordsword_index];

								del_num_characters = temp_word.length;

								if (del_num_characters > 0) {


									temp_num_characters += del_num_characters;  

									diagnostic_string += "Section " + H2_anchor_index + ", Paragraph " + paragraph_count + ", List item " + list_item_count + ", Word " + nonempty_word_index + " : " + temp_word + " " + del_num_characters + "\n";



							temp_num_characters += num_spaces;

							diagnostic_string += "Added " + num_spaces + " spaces to the byte count.\n\n";

							if (display_individual_words) {

								diagnostic_string += "\nEND of list item " + list_item_count + " of Section " + H2_anchor_index + ": character count = " + temp_num_characters + " total= " + prose_size_bytes + "\n"; 



						} // closes check for non-empty list item

					} // tentative check for words

				} // closes check for a list item (LI) node

			} // closes loop over grandchild nodes of an ordered (OL) or unordered (UL) list

		} else if (child_node.nodeName == "DL") { // discursive lists

			grandchild_nodes = child_node.childNodes;			

			num_grandchild_nodes = grandchild_nodes.length;

			for (grandchild_node_index=0; grandchild_node_index<num_grandchild_nodes; grandchild_node_index++) {

				grandchild_node = grandchild_nodesgrandchild_node_index];

				if ((grandchild_node.nodeName == "DT") || (grandchild_node.nodeName == "DD")) {

					// Exceptions that shouldn't be counted

					if (grandchild_node.childNodes.length > 0) {

						temp_node_name = grandchild_node.childNodes0].nodeName;

						if ((temp_node_name == "DIV") || (temp_node_name == "SPAN")) { continue; }


					if (grandchild_node.childNodes.length > 1) {

						temp_node_name = grandchild_node.childNodes1].nodeName;

						if ((temp_node_name == "DIV") || (temp_node_name == "SPAN")) { continue; }


					untagged_text = grandchild_node.innerHTML;

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/<sup>/ig,""); // keep simple superscript text

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/(<sup([^>]+)>)(.*?<\/sup>)/ig,""); // remove superscript text

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,""); // remove remaining tags

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/&gt;/ig, ">"); // convert &gt; to a single character >

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/&lt;/ig, "<"); // convert &lt; to a single character <

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/&amp;/ig, "&"); // convert &amp; to a single character &

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/—/ig, ", "); // replace em-dashes with comma+space

					spaced_text = untagged_text.replace(/&nbsp;/ig, " ");  // convert non-breaking spaces to spaces

					spaced_text = spaced_text.replace(/&#160;/ig, " ");  // convert non-breaking spaces to spaces

					spaced_text = spaced_text.replace(/\s+/ig, " "); // convert all whitespace to a single space

					words = spaced_text.split(' ');		

					tentative_num_words = words.length;

					if (tentative_num_words > 0) { // verify that the list item contributes text

						num_words = 0;

						num_characters = 0;

						for (word_index=0; word_index<tentative_num_words; word_index++) {

							temp_word = wordsword_index];

							del_num_characters = temp_word.length;

							if (del_num_characters > 0) {


								num_characters += del_num_characters; 



						if (num_words > 0) {



							word_count += num_words;

							prose_size_bytes += num_characters;

							num_spaces = num_words - 1;

							prose_size_bytes += num_spaces; // add spaces to character count = "background-color:yellow";

							// Code for testing output

							if ((!show_section_diagnostics) && ((!show_lead_diagnostics) || (H2_anchor_index != 0))) { 



							diagnostic_string = "";

							nonempty_word_index = 0;

							temp_num_characters = 0;  

							for (word_index=0; word_index<tentative_num_words; word_index++) {

								if ((word_index%45 == 1) && (word_index>45) && (display_individual_words)) {


									diagnostic_string = "Continued from previous screen:\n\n";


								temp_word = wordsword_index];

								del_num_characters = temp_word.length;

								if (del_num_characters > 0) {


									temp_num_characters += del_num_characters;  

									diagnostic_string += "Section " + H2_anchor_index + ", Paragraph " + paragraph_count + ", List item " + list_item_count + ", Word " + nonempty_word_index + " : " + temp_word + " " + del_num_characters + "\n";								}


							temp_num_characters += num_spaces;

							diagnostic_string += "Added " + num_spaces + " spaces to the byte count.\n\n";

							if (display_individual_words) {

								diagnostic_string += "\nEND of discursive list item " + list_item_count + " of Section " + H2_anchor_index + ": character count = " + temp_num_characters + " total= " + prose_size_bytes + "\n"; 



						} // closes check for non-empty list item

					} // tentative check for words

				} // closes check for a discursive list item (DT or DD) node

			} // closes loop over grandchild nodes of a discursive list DL

		} else if (child_node.nodeName == "BLOCKQUOTE") {

			grandchild_nodes = child_node.getElementsByTagName("P");			

			num_grandchild_nodes = grandchild_nodes.length;

			for (grandchild_node_index=0; grandchild_node_index<num_grandchild_nodes; grandchild_node_index++) {

				grandchild_node = grandchild_nodesgrandchild_node_index];

				if (grandchild_node.nodeName == "P") {

					untagged_text = grandchild_node.innerHTML;

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/<sup>/ig,""); // keep simple superscript text

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/(<sup([^>]+)>)(.*?<\/sup>)/ig,""); // remove superscript text

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,""); // remove remaining tags

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/&gt;/ig, ">"); // convert &gt; to a single character >

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/&lt;/ig, "<"); // convert &lt; to a single character <

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/&amp;/ig, "&"); // convert &amp; to a single character &

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/—/ig, ", "); // replace em-dashes with comma+space

					spaced_text = untagged_text.replace(/&nbsp;/ig, " ");  // convert non-breaking spaces to spaces

					spaced_text = spaced_text.replace(/&#160;/ig, " ");  // convert non-breaking spaces to spaces

					spaced_text = spaced_text.replace(/\s+/ig, " "); // convert all whitespace to a single space

					words = spaced_text.split(' ');		

					tentative_num_words = words.length;

					if (tentative_num_words > 0) { // verify that the list item contributes text

						num_words = 0;

						num_characters = 0;

						for (word_index=0; word_index<tentative_num_words; word_index++) {

							temp_word = wordsword_index];

							del_num_characters = temp_word.length;

							if (del_num_characters > 0) {


								num_characters += del_num_characters; 



						if (num_words > 0) {

							// don't count blockquotes, for now


							word_count += num_words;

							prose_size_bytes += num_characters;

							num_spaces = num_words - 1;

							prose_size_bytes += num_spaces; // add spaces to character count = "background-color:yellow";

							// Code for testing output

							if ((!show_section_diagnostics) && ((!show_lead_diagnostics) || (H2_anchor_index != 0))) { 



							diagnostic_string = "";

							nonempty_word_index = 0;

							temp_num_characters = 0;  

							for (word_index=0; word_index<tentative_num_words; word_index++) {

								if ((word_index%45 == 1) && (word_index>45) && (display_individual_words)) {


									diagnostic_string = "Continued from previous screen:\n\n";


								temp_word = wordsword_index];

								del_num_characters = temp_word.length;

								if (del_num_characters > 0) {


									temp_num_characters += del_num_characters;  

									diagnostic_string += "Section " + H2_anchor_index + ", Paragraph " + paragraph_count + ", Word " + nonempty_word_index + " : " + temp_word + " " + del_num_characters + "\n";



							temp_num_characters += num_spaces;

							diagnostic_string += "Added " + num_spaces + " spaces to the byte count.\n\n";

							if (display_individual_words) {

								diagnostic_string += "\nEND of BLOCKQUOTE in Section " + H2_anchor_index + ": character count = " + temp_num_characters + " total= " + prose_size_bytes + "\n"; 



						} // closes check for non-empty list item

					} // tentative check for words

				} // closes check for a paragraph (P) node in a BLOCKQUOTE

			} // closes loop over grandchild nodes in a BLOCKQUOTE

		} else if (child_node.nodeName == "TABLE") {

			if (child_node.className != "cquote") { continue; } // count only tables that are cquotes

			grandchild_nodes = child_node.getElementsByTagName("TD");			

			num_grandchild_nodes = grandchild_nodes.length;

			for (grandchild_node_index=0; grandchild_node_index<num_grandchild_nodes; grandchild_node_index++) {

				grandchild_node = grandchild_nodesgrandchild_node_index];

				if (grandchild_node.nodeName == "TD") {

					untagged_text = grandchild_node.innerHTML;

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/<sup>/ig,""); // keep simple superscript text

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/(<sup([^>]+)>)(.*?<\/sup>)/ig,""); // remove superscript text

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,""); // remove remaining tags

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/&gt;/ig, ">"); // convert &gt; to a single character >

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/&lt;/ig, "<"); // convert &lt; to a single character <

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/&amp;/ig, "&"); // convert &amp; to a single character &

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/—/ig, ", "); // replace em-dashes with comma+space

					spaced_text = untagged_text.replace(/&nbsp;/ig, " ");  // convert non-breaking spaces to spaces

					spaced_text = spaced_text.replace(/&#160;/ig, " ");  // convert non-breaking spaces to spaces

					spaced_text = spaced_text.replace(/\s+/ig, " "); // convert all whitespace to a single space

					words = spaced_text.split(' ');		

					tentative_num_words = words.length;

					if (tentative_num_words > 0) { // verify that the list item contributes text

						num_words = 0;

						num_characters = 0;

						for (word_index=0; word_index<tentative_num_words; word_index++) {

							temp_word = wordsword_index];

							del_num_characters = temp_word.length;

							if (del_num_characters > 0) {


								num_characters += del_num_characters; 



						if (num_words > 0) {

							// don't count cquotes, for now


							word_count += num_words;

							prose_size_bytes += num_characters;

							num_spaces = num_words - 1;

							prose_size_bytes += num_spaces; // add spaces to character count = "background-color:yellow";

							// Code for testing output

							if ((!show_section_diagnostics) && ((!show_lead_diagnostics) || (H2_anchor_index != 0))) { 



							diagnostic_string = "";

							nonempty_word_index = 0; 

							temp_num_characters = 0; 

							for (word_index=0; word_index<tentative_num_words; word_index++) {

								if ((word_index%45 == 1) && (word_index>45) && (display_individual_words)) {


									diagnostic_string = "Continued from previous screen:\n\n";


								temp_word = wordsword_index];

								del_num_characters = temp_word.length;

								if (del_num_characters > 0) {


									temp_num_characters += del_num_characters;  

									diagnostic_string += "Section " + H2_anchor_index + ", Paragraph " + paragraph_count + ", Word " + nonempty_word_index + " : " + temp_word + " " + del_num_characters + "\n";



							temp_num_characters += num_spaces;

							diagnostic_string += "Added " + num_spaces + " spaces to the byte count.\n\n";

							if (display_individual_words) {

								diagnostic_string += "\nEND of CQUOTE paragraph in Section " + H2_anchor_index + ": character count = " + temp_num_characters + " total= " + prose_size_bytes + "\n"; 



						} // closes check for non-empty list item

					} // tentative check for words

				} // closes check for a paragraph (P) node in a CQUOTE

			} // closes loop over grandchild nodes in a CQUOTE

		} else if (child_node.nodeName == "DIV") { // Poems

			if (child_node.className != "poem") { continue; } // allow only poem DIV's

			grandchild_nodes = child_node.getElementsByTagName("P");			

			num_grandchild_nodes = grandchild_nodes.length;

			for (grandchild_node_index=0; grandchild_node_index<num_grandchild_nodes; grandchild_node_index++) {

				grandchild_node = grandchild_nodesgrandchild_node_index];

				if (grandchild_node.nodeName == "P") {

					untagged_text = grandchild_node.innerHTML;

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/<sup>/ig,""); // keep simple superscript text

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/(<sup([^>]+)>)(.*?<\/sup>)/ig,""); // remove superscript text

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,""); // remove remaining tags

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/&gt;/ig, ">"); // convert &gt; to a single character >

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/&lt;/ig, "<"); // convert &lt; to a single character <

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/&amp;/ig, "&"); // convert &amp; to a single character &

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/—/ig, ", "); // replace em-dashes with comma+space

					spaced_text = untagged_text.replace(/&nbsp;/ig, " ");  // convert non-breaking spaces to spaces

					spaced_text = spaced_text.replace(/&#160;/ig, " ");  // convert non-breaking spaces to spaces

					spaced_text = spaced_text.replace(/\s+/ig, " "); // convert all whitespace to a single space

					words = spaced_text.split(' ');		

					tentative_num_words = words.length;

					if (tentative_num_words > 0) { // verify that the list item contributes text

						num_words = 0;

						num_characters = 0;

						for (word_index=0; word_index<tentative_num_words; word_index++) {

							temp_word = wordsword_index];

							del_num_characters = temp_word.length;

							if (del_num_characters > 0) {


								num_characters += del_num_characters; 



						if (num_words > 0) {

							// don't count blockquotes, for now


							word_count += num_words;

							prose_size_bytes += num_characters;

							num_spaces = num_words - 1;

							prose_size_bytes += num_spaces; // add spaces to character count = "background-color:yellow";

							// Code for testing output

							if ((!show_section_diagnostics) && ((!show_lead_diagnostics) || (H2_anchor_index != 0))) { 



							diagnostic_string = "";

							nonempty_word_index = 0; 

							temp_num_characters = 0; 

							for (word_index=0; word_index<tentative_num_words; word_index++) {

								if ((word_index%45 == 1) && (word_index>45) && (display_individual_words)) {


									diagnostic_string = "Continued from previous screen:\n\n";


								temp_word = wordsword_index];

								del_num_characters = temp_word.length;

								if (del_num_characters > 0) {


									temp_num_characters += del_num_characters;  

									diagnostic_string += "Section " + H2_anchor_index + ", Paragraph " + paragraph_count + ", Word " + nonempty_word_index + " : " + temp_word + " " + del_num_characters + "\n";



							temp_num_characters += num_spaces;

							diagnostic_string += "Added " + num_spaces + " spaces to the byte count.\n\n";

							if (display_individual_words) {

								diagnostic_string += "\nEND of <poem> in Section " + H2_anchor_index + ": character count = " + temp_num_characters + " total= " + prose_size_bytes + "\n"; 



						} // closes check for non-empty list item

					} // tentative check for words

				} // closes check for a paragraph (P) node in a poem

			} // closes loop over grandchild nodes in a poem

		} // closes check for appropriate elements

	} // closes loop over the child nodes





// Output the various counts

	word_count_string = " word";

	paragraph_count_string = " paragraph";

	list_item_count_string = " list item";

	prose_size_bytes_string = " byte";

	if (section_word_count0 != 1) { word_count_string += "s";}

	if (section_paragraph_count0 != 1) { paragraph_count_string += "s";}

	if (section_list_item_count0 != 1) { list_item_count_string += "s";}

	if (section_prose_size_bytes0 != 1) { prose_size_bytes_string += "s";}

	alert_string = "Lead section: " + section_paragraph_count0 + paragraph_count_string + ", " + section_list_item_count0 + list_item_count_string + ", " + section_word_count0 + word_count_string + ", " + section_prose_size_bytes0 + prose_size_bytes_string + "\n\n";

	total_word_count = section_word_count0];

	total_paragraph_count = section_paragraph_count0];

	total_list_item_count = section_list_item_count0];

	total_prose_size_bytes = section_prose_size_bytes0];

	num_sections = section_word_count.length;

	for (section_index=1; section_index<num_sections; section_index++) {

		total_word_count += section_word_countsection_index];

		total_paragraph_count += section_paragraph_countsection_index];

		total_list_item_count += section_list_item_countsection_index];

		total_prose_size_bytes += section_prose_size_bytessection_index];


		word_count_string = " word";

		paragraph_count_string = " paragraph";

		list_item_count_string = " list item";

		prose_size_bytes_string = " byte";

		if (section_word_countsection_index != 1) { word_count_string += "s";}

		if (section_paragraph_countsection_index != 1) { paragraph_count_string += "s";}

		if (section_list_item_countsection_index != 1) { list_item_count_string += "s";}

		if (section_prose_size_bytessection_index != 1) { prose_size_bytes_string += "s";}

		alert_string += "Section " + section_index + " : " + section_paragraph_countsection_index + paragraph_count_string + ", " + section_list_item_countsection_index + list_item_count_string + ", " + section_word_countsection_index + word_count_string + ", " + section_prose_size_bytessection_index + prose_size_bytes_string + "\n";


	if (num_sections>1) {alert_string += "\n";} // Make space for the totals

	word_count_string = " word";

	paragraph_count_string = " paragraph";

	list_item_count_string = " list item";

	prose_size_bytes_string = " byte";

	if (total_word_count != 1) { word_count_string += "s";}

	if (total_paragraph_count != 1) { paragraph_count_string += "s";}

	if (total_list_item_count != 1) { list_item_count_string += "s";}

	if (total_prose_size_bytes != 1) { prose_size_bytes_string += "s";}

	alert_string += "Totals: " + total_paragraph_count + paragraph_count_string + ", " + total_list_item_count + list_item_count_string + ", " + total_word_count + word_count_string + ", " + total_prose_size_bytes + prose_size_bytes_string + "\n";


// Count the article images

	num_nonicon_images = 0;

	num_raw_images = document.images.length;

	alert_string = "This document has " + num_raw_images + " images.\n";

	for (image_index=0; image_index<num_raw_images; image_index++) {

		temp_image = document.imagesimage_index];

		parent_node = temp_image.parentNode;

		grandparent_node = parent_node.parentNode;

		greatgrandparent_node = grandparent_node.parentNode;

		num_pixels = temp_image.width * temp_image.height;

		if (temp_image.src.match(/Replace_this_image_male\.svg/)) { continue; }

		if (temp_image.src.match(/Replace_this_image_female\.svg/)) { continue; }

		if (num_pixels > 5000) { num_nonicon_images++; }


	if (num_nonicon_images == 1) {

		alert_string = "This document has 1 image with more than 5000 pixels.\n\n";

	} else {

		alert_string = "This document has " + num_nonicon_images + " images with more than 5000 pixels.\n\n";


	image_counter = 0;

	for (image_index=0; image_index<num_raw_images; image_index++) {

		temp_image = document.imagesimage_index];

		parent_node = temp_image.parentNode;

		grandparent_node = parent_node.parentNode;

		greatgrandparent_node = grandparent_node.parentNode;

		num_pixels = temp_image.width * temp_image.height;

		if (temp_image.src.match(/Replace_this_image_male\.svg/)) { continue; }

		if (temp_image.src.match(/Replace_this_image_female\.svg/)) { continue; }

		if (num_pixels < 5001) { continue; }


		alert_string += image_counter + " " + temp_image.width + "x" + temp_image.height + " " + num_pixels + " ";

		path_names = temp_image.src.split("/");

		file_name = path_names.pop();

		file_name = file_name.replace(/^(\d+)px-/, "");

		alert_string += file_name + "\n";




// Count the article tables and check for infoboxes and navigation templates 

	num_raw_tables = document.getElementsByTagName("table").length;

	// Check for className = "infobox vcard" or "navbox-group" 

	alert_string = "This document has " + num_raw_tables + " tables.\n";


// Count the article references

	num_raw_references = document.getElementsByTagName("li").length;

// Count the article interwikis

	num_raw_interwikis = document.getElementsByTagName("li").length;

// Count the article categories

	num_raw_categories = document.getElementsByTagName("table").length;

// Count the article anchors; for each anchor...

	alert_string = "This document has " + document.anchors.length + " anchors:\n";

	for (anchor_index=0; anchor_index<document.anchors.length; anchor_index++) {

		temp_anchor = document.anchorsanchor_index];

		alert_string += "Name " + anchor_index + ": " + + "\n";



} // closes function articleStructure() 

addOnloadHook(function () {

            mw.util.addPortletLink('p-cactions', 'javascript:articleStructure()', 'structure', 'ca-structure', 'Structure of the article', 'g', '');


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.


// Analyze the article's structure

// with kind respects to Dr. pda, whose excellent prosesizebytes.js script was the inspiration


// To use this script, add "importScript('User:Proteins/articlestructure.js');" to your monobook.js subpage 

// under your user page, as you can see at User:Proteins/monobook.js

function articleStructure() {

	var alert_string = "";

	var diagnostic_string = "";

	var read_entire_article = true;

	var show_lead_diagnostics = true;

	var show_section_diagnostics = false;

	var display_individual_words = false;

	var using_Internet_Explorer = false;

	var spaced_text = "";

	var untagged_text = "";

	var stripped_text = "";

	var unescaped_text = "";

	var anchors;

	var temp_anchor;

	var section_name = "";

	var temp_anchor_name = "";

	var num_anchors = 0;

	var anchor_index = 0;

	var anchor_level = 0;

	var prev_anchor_level = 0;

	var num_H2_anchors = 0;

	var H2_anchor_index = 0;

	var cutoff_anchor_index = 0;

	var cutoff_H2_anchor_index = 0;

	var cutoff_child_node_index = 0;

	var last_P_child_node_index = 0;

	var cutoff_element_node_index = 0;

	var num_sections = 0;

	var section_index = 0;

	var element_node;

	var num_element_nodes = 0;

	var element_node_index = 0;

	var temp_node_name = "";

	var parent_node;

	var grandparent_node;

	var greatgrandparent_node;

	var sibling_node;

	var next_sibling_node;

	var child_node;

	var child_nodes;

	var prev_child_node;

	var num_child_nodes = 0;

	var child_node_index = 0;

	var child_node_name = "";

	var num_prose_counted_nodes = 0;

	var grandchild_node;

	var grandchild_nodes;

	var num_grandchild_nodes = 0;

	var grandchild_node_index = 0;

	var path_names;

	var file_name = "";

	var num_characters = 0;

	var del_num_characters = 0;

	var temp_num_characters = 0;

	var temp_word = "";

	var num_words = 0;

	var word_count = 0;

	var word_index = 0;

	var nonempty_word_index = 0;

	var tentative_num_words = 0;

	var num_spaces = 0;

	var paragraph_count = 0;

	var list_item_count = 0;

	var prose_size_bytes = 0;

	var total_word_count = 0;

	var total_paragraph_count = 0;

	var total_list_item_count = 0;

	var total_prose_size_bytes = 0;

	var section_word_count = new Array();

	var section_paragraph_count = new Array();

	var section_list_item_count = new Array();

	var section_prose_size_bytes = new Array();

	var word_count_string = "";

	var paragraph_count_string = "";

	var list_item_count_string = "";

	var prose_size_bytes_string = "";

	var temp_paragraph;

	var text_paragraphs;

	var num_paragraphs = 0;

	var paragraph_index = 0;

	var temp_list_item;

	var text_list_items;

	var num_list_items = 0;

	var list_item_index = 0;

	var temp_image;

	var num_pixels = 0;

	var image_index = 0;

	var image_counter = 0;

	var num_raw_images = 0;

	var num_nonicon_images = 0;

	var num_anchors = 0;

	var num_raw_links = 0;

	var num_raw_tables = 0;

	var num_raw_references = 0;

// check for Internet Explorer browser 

	using_Internet_Explorer = false;

	if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") > -1) { 

		using_Internet_Explorer = true;

//		alert_string = "This script works correctly in every browser — except Internet Explorer.  Please be patient!"

//		window.alert(alert_string);	


// Find the cutoff H2 anchor index, where we stop counting things

	alert_string = "";

	num_H2_anchors = 0;

	section_name = "lead section";

	prev_anchor_level = 1;  //begin at the H1 heading

	read_entire_article = true;

	anchors = document.anchors;

	num_anchors = anchors.length;

	for (anchor_index=1; anchor_index<num_anchors; anchor_index++) {

		temp_anchor = anchorsanchor_index];

		parent_node = temp_anchor.parentNode; 

		if (!parent_node) { continue; }

		sibling_node = parent_node.nextSibling;

		if (!sibling_node) { continue; }

// Check headings for jumps upwards in heading level

		anchor_level = 0;

		if (sibling_node.nodeName == "H1") {

			alert_string += "  WARNING: Illegal H1 heading in this section\n";

		} else if (sibling_node.nodeName == "H2") {

			anchor_level = 2;	

		} else if (sibling_node.nodeName == "H3") {

			anchor_level = 3;	

		} else if (sibling_node.nodeName == "H4") {

			anchor_level = 4;	

		} else if (sibling_node.nodeName == "H5") {

			anchor_level = 5;	

		}  else { 

			next_sibling_node = sibling_node.nextSibling;

			if (!next_sibling_node) { continue; }

// Check headings for jumps upwards in heading level

			if (next_sibling_node.nodeName == "H1") {

				alert_string += "  WARNING: Illegal H1 heading in this section\n";

			} else if (next_sibling_node.nodeName == "H2") {

				anchor_level = 2;	

			} else if (next_sibling_node.nodeName == "H3") {

				anchor_level = 3;	

			} else if (next_sibling_node.nodeName == "H4") {

				anchor_level = 4;	

			} else if (next_sibling_node.nodeName == "H5") {

				anchor_level = 5;	


		} // closes assignment of the anchor level, if any 


		if (((anchor_level - prev_anchor_level) > 1) && (prev_anchor_level != 0)) {

			if (num_H2_anchors == 0) {

				alert_string += "  WARNING: H" + prev_anchor_level + " to H" + anchor_level + " jump in the lead\n";

			} else { 

				alert_string += "  WARNING: H" + prev_anchor_level + " to H" + anchor_level + " jump in \"" + section_name.replace(/(_+)/ig, " ") + "\"\n";



		if (anchor_level > 0) { prev_anchor_level = anchor_level; }

//Check major section headings for closing sections

		if (anchor_level == 2) { 


			section_name =;

			temp_anchor_name =;

			alert_string += "Section " + num_H2_anchors + " : " + section_name.replace(/(_+)/ig, " ") + "\n";

//			alert_string += "Section " + num_H2_anchors + " : " + section_name.replace(/(_+)/ig, " ") + " " + temp_anchor.parentNode.nodeName + " " + sibling_node.nodeName + "\n";

			temp_anchor_name = temp_anchor_name.replace(/:$/ig,""); // eliminate colons at end

			temp_anchor_name = temp_anchor_name.replace(/s$/ig,""); // eliminate plurals at end

			temp_anchor_name = temp_anchor_name.replace(/See_also/ig,"");

			temp_anchor_name = temp_anchor_name.replace(/Related_topic/ig,"");

			temp_anchor_name = temp_anchor_name.replace(/Related_article/ig,"");

			temp_anchor_name = temp_anchor_name.replace(/Further_reading/ig,"");

			temp_anchor_name = temp_anchor_name.replace(/External_link/ig,"");

			temp_anchor_name = temp_anchor_name.replace(/Footnote/ig,"");

			temp_anchor_name = temp_anchor_name.replace(/Note/ig,"");

			temp_anchor_name = temp_anchor_name.replace(/Reference/ig,"");

			temp_anchor_name = temp_anchor_name.replace(/Citation/ig,"");

			temp_anchor_name = temp_anchor_name.replace(/Source/ig,"");

			temp_anchor_name = temp_anchor_name.replace(/Link/ig,"");

			temp_anchor_name = temp_anchor_name.replace(/s([_\s]+)and([_\s]+)/ig,"");

			temp_anchor_name = temp_anchor_name.replace(/([_\s]+)and([_\s]+)/ig,"");

			temp_anchor_name = temp_anchor_name.replace(/([_\s]+)/ig,"");

			if (temp_anchor_name == "") { break; }

//			diagnostic_string = "Section " + num_H2_anchors + " : " + temp_anchor_name + " L: " + temp_anchor_name.length;

//			window.alert(diagnostic_string);

		} // closes check for H2 anchor

	} // closes loop over the anchors

	cutoff_anchor_index = anchor_index;

	cutoff_H2_anchor_index = num_H2_anchors;

	if (cutoff_anchor_index < num_anchors) {

		read_entire_article = false;

		alert_string += "\nProse counting will stop before the \"" +, " ") + "\" section.\n";

	} else {

		read_entire_article = true;

		alert_string += "\nProse counting will cover the entire article.\n";



// Count child and element nodes 

	alert_string = "";

	num_element_nodes = 0;

	child_nodes = document.getElementById("bodyContent").childNodes;

	num_child_nodes = child_nodes.length;

//	if (num_child_nodes > 40) { num_child_nodes = 40;} // truncate loop for testing

	for (child_node_index=0; child_node_index < num_child_nodes; child_node_index++) {

		child_node = child_nodeschild_node_index];

		if (child_node.nodeType != 1) {

//			alert_string += "Child node " + child_node_index + " : " + child_node.nodeName + "\n"; 


		} // examine only Element nodes


//		alert_string += "Element node " + num_element_nodes + " : " + child_node.nodeName + "\n"; 

	} // closes loop counting the element nodes

//	window.alert(alert_string);

// Determine the corresponding childNode index cutoff

	alert_string = "";

	if (read_entire_article == true) {

		cutoff_child_node_index = num_child_nodes;

		cutoff_element_node_index = num_element_nodes;

	} else {

		H2_anchor_index = 0;

		element_node_index = 0;

		last_P_child_node_index = -1;

		last_P_element_node_index = -1;

		for (child_node_index=0; child_node_index < num_child_nodes; child_node_index++) {

			child_node = child_nodeschild_node_index];

			if (child_node.nodeType != 1) { continue; } // examine only Element nodes


			if (child_node.nodeName == "P") {

				last_P_child_node_index = child_node_index;

				last_P_element_node_index = num_element_nodes;

			} else if (child_node.nodeName == "H2") {


				if (H2_anchor_index == cutoff_H2_anchor_index) { 

					cutoff_child_node_index = last_P_child_node_index;

					cutoff_element_node_index = last_P_element_node_index;




//			alert_string += "Section " + H2_anchor_index + ", Element node " + num_element_nodes + " : " + child_node.nodeName + " " + child_node.childNodes.length + "\n";

//			if (num_element_nodes > 45) { break; } // for debugging

		} // closes loop over the childNodes of the Document

		if (last_P_child_node_index < 0) { // if no cutoff was discovered; should never happen

			cutoff_child_node_index = num_child_nodes;

			cutoff_element_node_index = num_element_nodes;


	} // closes check whether to read entire article

	alert_string = "\nThe child_node_index and element_node_index cutoffs are " + cutoff_child_node_index + " and " + cutoff_element_node_index + ", respectively.\n";

//	window.alert(alert_string);

// Count the words, paragraphs and prose size bytes by section

	word_count = 0;

	paragraph_count = 0;

	list_item_count = 0;

	prose_size_bytes = 0;

	num_prose_counted_nodes = 0;

	H2_anchor_index = 0;

	for (child_node_index=0; child_node_index < cutoff_child_node_index; child_node_index++) {

		child_node = child_nodeschild_node_index];

		if (child_node.nodeType != 1) { continue; } // examine only Element nodes


		if (child_node.nodeName == "H2") {






			word_count = 0;

			paragraph_count = 0;

			list_item_count = 0;

			prose_size_bytes = 0;


// if the child node meets the criteria, add to the prose size, word and paragraph counts

		if ((child_node.nodeName == "P") || (child_node.nodeName == "PRE")) {

			untagged_text = child_node.innerHTML;

			untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/<sup>/ig,""); // keep simple superscript text

			untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/(<sup([^>]+)>)(.*?<\/sup>)/ig,""); // remove superscript text

			untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,""); // remove remaining tags

			untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/&gt;/ig, ">"); // convert &gt; to a single character >

			untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/&lt;/ig, "<"); // convert &lt; to a single character <

			untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/&amp;/ig, "&"); // convert &amp; to a single character &

			untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/—/ig, ", "); // replace em-dashes with comma+space

			spaced_text = untagged_text.replace(/&nbsp;/ig, " ");  // convert non-breaking spaces to spaces

			spaced_text = spaced_text.replace(/&#160;/ig, " ");  // convert non-breaking spaces to spaces

			spaced_text = spaced_text.replace(/\s+/ig, " "); // convert all whitespace to a single space

//			spaced_text = filterStringForProseSizeCounting(untagged_text);

			words = spaced_text.split(' ');		

			tentative_num_words = words.length;

			if (tentative_num_words > 0) { // verify that the paragraph contributes text

				num_words = 0;

				num_characters = 0;

				for (word_index=0; word_index<tentative_num_words; word_index++) {

					temp_word = wordsword_index];

					del_num_characters = temp_word.length;

					if (del_num_characters > 0) {


						num_characters += del_num_characters; 



				if (num_words > 0) {



					word_count += num_words;

					prose_size_bytes += num_characters;

					num_spaces = num_words - 1;

					prose_size_bytes += num_spaces; // add spaces to character count = "background-color:yellow";


					// Code for testing output

					if ((!show_section_diagnostics) && ((!show_lead_diagnostics) || (H2_anchor_index != 0))) { 



					diagnostic_string = "";

					nonempty_word_index = 0;

					temp_num_characters = 0; 

					for (word_index=0; word_index<tentative_num_words; word_index++) {

						if ((word_index%45 == 1) && (word_index>45) && (display_individual_words)) {


							diagnostic_string = "Continued from previous screen:\n\n";


						temp_word = wordsword_index];

						del_num_characters = temp_word.length;

						if (del_num_characters > 0) {


							temp_num_characters += del_num_characters;  

							diagnostic_string += "Section " + H2_anchor_index + ", Paragraph " + paragraph_count + ", Word " + nonempty_word_index + " : " + temp_word + " " + del_num_characters + "  " + temp_num_characters + "\n";



					temp_num_characters += num_spaces;

					diagnostic_string += "Added " + num_spaces + " spaces to the byte count.\n\n";

					if (display_individual_words) {

						diagnostic_string += "\nEND of paragraph " + paragraph_count + " of Section " + H2_anchor_index + ": character count = " + temp_num_characters + " total= " + prose_size_bytes + "\n"; 



				} // closes check for non-empty paragraph

			} // tentative check for words

		} else if ((child_node.nodeName == "UL") || (child_node.nodeName == "OL")) { // unordered and ordered lists

			grandchild_nodes = child_node.childNodes; // not all LI elements because of possible nesting

			num_grandchild_nodes = grandchild_nodes.length;

			for (grandchild_node_index=0; grandchild_node_index<num_grandchild_nodes; grandchild_node_index++) {

				grandchild_node = grandchild_nodesgrandchild_node_index];

				if (grandchild_node.nodeName == "LI") {

					untagged_text = grandchild_node.innerHTML;

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/<sup>/ig,""); // keep simple superscript text

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/(<sup([^>]+)>)(.*?<\/sup>)/ig,""); // remove superscript text

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,""); // remove remaining tags

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/&gt;/ig, ">"); // convert &gt; to a single character >

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/&lt;/ig, "<"); // convert &lt; to a single character <

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/&amp;/ig, "&"); // convert &amp; to a single character &

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/—/ig, ", "); // replace em-dashes with comma+space

					spaced_text = untagged_text.replace(/&nbsp;/ig, " ");  // convert non-breaking spaces to spaces

					spaced_text = spaced_text.replace(/&#160;/ig, " ");  // convert non-breaking spaces to spaces

					spaced_text = spaced_text.replace(/\s+/ig, " "); // convert all whitespace to a single space

					words = spaced_text.split(' ');		

					tentative_num_words = words.length;

					if (tentative_num_words > 0) { // verify that the list item contributes text

						num_words = 0;

						num_characters = 0;

						for (word_index=0; word_index<tentative_num_words; word_index++) {

							temp_word = wordsword_index];

							del_num_characters = temp_word.length;

							if (del_num_characters > 0) {


								num_characters += del_num_characters; 



						if (num_words > 0) {



							word_count += num_words;

							prose_size_bytes += num_characters;

							num_spaces = num_words - 1;

							prose_size_bytes += num_spaces; // add spaces to character count = "background-color:yellow";

							// Code for testing output

							if ((!show_section_diagnostics) && ((!show_lead_diagnostics) || (H2_anchor_index != 0))) { 



							diagnostic_string = "";

							nonempty_word_index = 0; 

							temp_num_characters = 0; 

							for (word_index=0; word_index<tentative_num_words; word_index++) {

								if ((word_index%45 == 1) && (word_index>45) && (display_individual_words)) {


									diagnostic_string = "Continued from previous screen:\n\n";


								temp_word = wordsword_index];

								del_num_characters = temp_word.length;

								if (del_num_characters > 0) {


									temp_num_characters += del_num_characters;  

									diagnostic_string += "Section " + H2_anchor_index + ", Paragraph " + paragraph_count + ", List item " + list_item_count + ", Word " + nonempty_word_index + " : " + temp_word + " " + del_num_characters + "\n";



							temp_num_characters += num_spaces;

							diagnostic_string += "Added " + num_spaces + " spaces to the byte count.\n\n";

							if (display_individual_words) {

								diagnostic_string += "\nEND of list item " + list_item_count + " of Section " + H2_anchor_index + ": character count = " + temp_num_characters + " total= " + prose_size_bytes + "\n"; 



						} // closes check for non-empty list item

					} // tentative check for words

				} // closes check for a list item (LI) node

			} // closes loop over grandchild nodes of an ordered (OL) or unordered (UL) list

		} else if (child_node.nodeName == "DL") { // discursive lists

			grandchild_nodes = child_node.childNodes;			

			num_grandchild_nodes = grandchild_nodes.length;

			for (grandchild_node_index=0; grandchild_node_index<num_grandchild_nodes; grandchild_node_index++) {

				grandchild_node = grandchild_nodesgrandchild_node_index];

				if ((grandchild_node.nodeName == "DT") || (grandchild_node.nodeName == "DD")) {

					// Exceptions that shouldn't be counted

					if (grandchild_node.childNodes.length > 0) {

						temp_node_name = grandchild_node.childNodes0].nodeName;

						if ((temp_node_name == "DIV") || (temp_node_name == "SPAN")) { continue; }


					if (grandchild_node.childNodes.length > 1) {

						temp_node_name = grandchild_node.childNodes1].nodeName;

						if ((temp_node_name == "DIV") || (temp_node_name == "SPAN")) { continue; }


					untagged_text = grandchild_node.innerHTML;

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/<sup>/ig,""); // keep simple superscript text

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/(<sup([^>]+)>)(.*?<\/sup>)/ig,""); // remove superscript text

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,""); // remove remaining tags

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/&gt;/ig, ">"); // convert &gt; to a single character >

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/&lt;/ig, "<"); // convert &lt; to a single character <

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/&amp;/ig, "&"); // convert &amp; to a single character &

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/—/ig, ", "); // replace em-dashes with comma+space

					spaced_text = untagged_text.replace(/&nbsp;/ig, " ");  // convert non-breaking spaces to spaces

					spaced_text = spaced_text.replace(/&#160;/ig, " ");  // convert non-breaking spaces to spaces

					spaced_text = spaced_text.replace(/\s+/ig, " "); // convert all whitespace to a single space

					words = spaced_text.split(' ');		

					tentative_num_words = words.length;

					if (tentative_num_words > 0) { // verify that the list item contributes text

						num_words = 0;

						num_characters = 0;

						for (word_index=0; word_index<tentative_num_words; word_index++) {

							temp_word = wordsword_index];

							del_num_characters = temp_word.length;

							if (del_num_characters > 0) {


								num_characters += del_num_characters; 



						if (num_words > 0) {



							word_count += num_words;

							prose_size_bytes += num_characters;

							num_spaces = num_words - 1;

							prose_size_bytes += num_spaces; // add spaces to character count = "background-color:yellow";

							// Code for testing output

							if ((!show_section_diagnostics) && ((!show_lead_diagnostics) || (H2_anchor_index != 0))) { 



							diagnostic_string = "";

							nonempty_word_index = 0;

							temp_num_characters = 0;  

							for (word_index=0; word_index<tentative_num_words; word_index++) {

								if ((word_index%45 == 1) && (word_index>45) && (display_individual_words)) {


									diagnostic_string = "Continued from previous screen:\n\n";


								temp_word = wordsword_index];

								del_num_characters = temp_word.length;

								if (del_num_characters > 0) {


									temp_num_characters += del_num_characters;  

									diagnostic_string += "Section " + H2_anchor_index + ", Paragraph " + paragraph_count + ", List item " + list_item_count + ", Word " + nonempty_word_index + " : " + temp_word + " " + del_num_characters + "\n";								}


							temp_num_characters += num_spaces;

							diagnostic_string += "Added " + num_spaces + " spaces to the byte count.\n\n";

							if (display_individual_words) {

								diagnostic_string += "\nEND of discursive list item " + list_item_count + " of Section " + H2_anchor_index + ": character count = " + temp_num_characters + " total= " + prose_size_bytes + "\n"; 



						} // closes check for non-empty list item

					} // tentative check for words

				} // closes check for a discursive list item (DT or DD) node

			} // closes loop over grandchild nodes of a discursive list DL

		} else if (child_node.nodeName == "BLOCKQUOTE") {

			grandchild_nodes = child_node.getElementsByTagName("P");			

			num_grandchild_nodes = grandchild_nodes.length;

			for (grandchild_node_index=0; grandchild_node_index<num_grandchild_nodes; grandchild_node_index++) {

				grandchild_node = grandchild_nodesgrandchild_node_index];

				if (grandchild_node.nodeName == "P") {

					untagged_text = grandchild_node.innerHTML;

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/<sup>/ig,""); // keep simple superscript text

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/(<sup([^>]+)>)(.*?<\/sup>)/ig,""); // remove superscript text

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,""); // remove remaining tags

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/&gt;/ig, ">"); // convert &gt; to a single character >

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/&lt;/ig, "<"); // convert &lt; to a single character <

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/&amp;/ig, "&"); // convert &amp; to a single character &

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/—/ig, ", "); // replace em-dashes with comma+space

					spaced_text = untagged_text.replace(/&nbsp;/ig, " ");  // convert non-breaking spaces to spaces

					spaced_text = spaced_text.replace(/&#160;/ig, " ");  // convert non-breaking spaces to spaces

					spaced_text = spaced_text.replace(/\s+/ig, " "); // convert all whitespace to a single space

					words = spaced_text.split(' ');		

					tentative_num_words = words.length;

					if (tentative_num_words > 0) { // verify that the list item contributes text

						num_words = 0;

						num_characters = 0;

						for (word_index=0; word_index<tentative_num_words; word_index++) {

							temp_word = wordsword_index];

							del_num_characters = temp_word.length;

							if (del_num_characters > 0) {


								num_characters += del_num_characters; 



						if (num_words > 0) {

							// don't count blockquotes, for now


							word_count += num_words;

							prose_size_bytes += num_characters;

							num_spaces = num_words - 1;

							prose_size_bytes += num_spaces; // add spaces to character count = "background-color:yellow";

							// Code for testing output

							if ((!show_section_diagnostics) && ((!show_lead_diagnostics) || (H2_anchor_index != 0))) { 



							diagnostic_string = "";

							nonempty_word_index = 0;

							temp_num_characters = 0;  

							for (word_index=0; word_index<tentative_num_words; word_index++) {

								if ((word_index%45 == 1) && (word_index>45) && (display_individual_words)) {


									diagnostic_string = "Continued from previous screen:\n\n";


								temp_word = wordsword_index];

								del_num_characters = temp_word.length;

								if (del_num_characters > 0) {


									temp_num_characters += del_num_characters;  

									diagnostic_string += "Section " + H2_anchor_index + ", Paragraph " + paragraph_count + ", Word " + nonempty_word_index + " : " + temp_word + " " + del_num_characters + "\n";



							temp_num_characters += num_spaces;

							diagnostic_string += "Added " + num_spaces + " spaces to the byte count.\n\n";

							if (display_individual_words) {

								diagnostic_string += "\nEND of BLOCKQUOTE in Section " + H2_anchor_index + ": character count = " + temp_num_characters + " total= " + prose_size_bytes + "\n"; 



						} // closes check for non-empty list item

					} // tentative check for words

				} // closes check for a paragraph (P) node in a BLOCKQUOTE

			} // closes loop over grandchild nodes in a BLOCKQUOTE

		} else if (child_node.nodeName == "TABLE") {

			if (child_node.className != "cquote") { continue; } // count only tables that are cquotes

			grandchild_nodes = child_node.getElementsByTagName("TD");			

			num_grandchild_nodes = grandchild_nodes.length;

			for (grandchild_node_index=0; grandchild_node_index<num_grandchild_nodes; grandchild_node_index++) {

				grandchild_node = grandchild_nodesgrandchild_node_index];

				if (grandchild_node.nodeName == "TD") {

					untagged_text = grandchild_node.innerHTML;

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/<sup>/ig,""); // keep simple superscript text

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/(<sup([^>]+)>)(.*?<\/sup>)/ig,""); // remove superscript text

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,""); // remove remaining tags

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/&gt;/ig, ">"); // convert &gt; to a single character >

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/&lt;/ig, "<"); // convert &lt; to a single character <

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/&amp;/ig, "&"); // convert &amp; to a single character &

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/—/ig, ", "); // replace em-dashes with comma+space

					spaced_text = untagged_text.replace(/&nbsp;/ig, " ");  // convert non-breaking spaces to spaces

					spaced_text = spaced_text.replace(/&#160;/ig, " ");  // convert non-breaking spaces to spaces

					spaced_text = spaced_text.replace(/\s+/ig, " "); // convert all whitespace to a single space

					words = spaced_text.split(' ');		

					tentative_num_words = words.length;

					if (tentative_num_words > 0) { // verify that the list item contributes text

						num_words = 0;

						num_characters = 0;

						for (word_index=0; word_index<tentative_num_words; word_index++) {

							temp_word = wordsword_index];

							del_num_characters = temp_word.length;

							if (del_num_characters > 0) {


								num_characters += del_num_characters; 



						if (num_words > 0) {

							// don't count cquotes, for now


							word_count += num_words;

							prose_size_bytes += num_characters;

							num_spaces = num_words - 1;

							prose_size_bytes += num_spaces; // add spaces to character count = "background-color:yellow";

							// Code for testing output

							if ((!show_section_diagnostics) && ((!show_lead_diagnostics) || (H2_anchor_index != 0))) { 



							diagnostic_string = "";

							nonempty_word_index = 0; 

							temp_num_characters = 0; 

							for (word_index=0; word_index<tentative_num_words; word_index++) {

								if ((word_index%45 == 1) && (word_index>45) && (display_individual_words)) {


									diagnostic_string = "Continued from previous screen:\n\n";


								temp_word = wordsword_index];

								del_num_characters = temp_word.length;

								if (del_num_characters > 0) {


									temp_num_characters += del_num_characters;  

									diagnostic_string += "Section " + H2_anchor_index + ", Paragraph " + paragraph_count + ", Word " + nonempty_word_index + " : " + temp_word + " " + del_num_characters + "\n";



							temp_num_characters += num_spaces;

							diagnostic_string += "Added " + num_spaces + " spaces to the byte count.\n\n";

							if (display_individual_words) {

								diagnostic_string += "\nEND of CQUOTE paragraph in Section " + H2_anchor_index + ": character count = " + temp_num_characters + " total= " + prose_size_bytes + "\n"; 



						} // closes check for non-empty list item

					} // tentative check for words

				} // closes check for a paragraph (P) node in a CQUOTE

			} // closes loop over grandchild nodes in a CQUOTE

		} else if (child_node.nodeName == "DIV") { // Poems

			if (child_node.className != "poem") { continue; } // allow only poem DIV's

			grandchild_nodes = child_node.getElementsByTagName("P");			

			num_grandchild_nodes = grandchild_nodes.length;

			for (grandchild_node_index=0; grandchild_node_index<num_grandchild_nodes; grandchild_node_index++) {

				grandchild_node = grandchild_nodesgrandchild_node_index];

				if (grandchild_node.nodeName == "P") {

					untagged_text = grandchild_node.innerHTML;

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/<sup>/ig,""); // keep simple superscript text

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/(<sup([^>]+)>)(.*?<\/sup>)/ig,""); // remove superscript text

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,""); // remove remaining tags

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/&gt;/ig, ">"); // convert &gt; to a single character >

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/&lt;/ig, "<"); // convert &lt; to a single character <

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/&amp;/ig, "&"); // convert &amp; to a single character &

					untagged_text = untagged_text.replace(/—/ig, ", "); // replace em-dashes with comma+space

					spaced_text = untagged_text.replace(/&nbsp;/ig, " ");  // convert non-breaking spaces to spaces

					spaced_text = spaced_text.replace(/&#160;/ig, " ");  // convert non-breaking spaces to spaces

					spaced_text = spaced_text.replace(/\s+/ig, " "); // convert all whitespace to a single space

					words = spaced_text.split(' ');		

					tentative_num_words = words.length;

					if (tentative_num_words > 0) { // verify that the list item contributes text

						num_words = 0;

						num_characters = 0;

						for (word_index=0; word_index<tentative_num_words; word_index++) {

							temp_word = wordsword_index];

							del_num_characters = temp_word.length;

							if (del_num_characters > 0) {


								num_characters += del_num_characters; 



						if (num_words > 0) {

							// don't count blockquotes, for now


							word_count += num_words;

							prose_size_bytes += num_characters;

							num_spaces = num_words - 1;

							prose_size_bytes += num_spaces; // add spaces to character count = "background-color:yellow";

							// Code for testing output

							if ((!show_section_diagnostics) && ((!show_lead_diagnostics) || (H2_anchor_index != 0))) { 



							diagnostic_string = "";

							nonempty_word_index = 0; 

							temp_num_characters = 0; 

							for (word_index=0; word_index<tentative_num_words; word_index++) {

								if ((word_index%45 == 1) && (word_index>45) && (display_individual_words)) {


									diagnostic_string = "Continued from previous screen:\n\n";


								temp_word = wordsword_index];

								del_num_characters = temp_word.length;

								if (del_num_characters > 0) {


									temp_num_characters += del_num_characters;  

									diagnostic_string += "Section " + H2_anchor_index + ", Paragraph " + paragraph_count + ", Word " + nonempty_word_index + " : " + temp_word + " " + del_num_characters + "\n";



							temp_num_characters += num_spaces;

							diagnostic_string += "Added " + num_spaces + " spaces to the byte count.\n\n";

							if (display_individual_words) {

								diagnostic_string += "\nEND of <poem> in Section " + H2_anchor_index + ": character count = " + temp_num_characters + " total= " + prose_size_bytes + "\n"; 



						} // closes check for non-empty list item

					} // tentative check for words

				} // closes check for a paragraph (P) node in a poem

			} // closes loop over grandchild nodes in a poem

		} // closes check for appropriate elements

	} // closes loop over the child nodes





// Output the various counts

	word_count_string = " word";

	paragraph_count_string = " paragraph";

	list_item_count_string = " list item";

	prose_size_bytes_string = " byte";

	if (section_word_count0 != 1) { word_count_string += "s";}

	if (section_paragraph_count0 != 1) { paragraph_count_string += "s";}

	if (section_list_item_count0 != 1) { list_item_count_string += "s";}

	if (section_prose_size_bytes0 != 1) { prose_size_bytes_string += "s";}

	alert_string = "Lead section: " + section_paragraph_count0 + paragraph_count_string + ", " + section_list_item_count0 + list_item_count_string + ", " + section_word_count0 + word_count_string + ", " + section_prose_size_bytes0 + prose_size_bytes_string + "\n\n";

	total_word_count = section_word_count0];

	total_paragraph_count = section_paragraph_count0];

	total_list_item_count = section_list_item_count0];

	total_prose_size_bytes = section_prose_size_bytes0];

	num_sections = section_word_count.length;

	for (section_index=1; section_index<num_sections; section_index++) {

		total_word_count += section_word_countsection_index];

		total_paragraph_count += section_paragraph_countsection_index];

		total_list_item_count += section_list_item_countsection_index];

		total_prose_size_bytes += section_prose_size_bytessection_index];


		word_count_string = " word";

		paragraph_count_string = " paragraph";

		list_item_count_string = " list item";

		prose_size_bytes_string = " byte";

		if (section_word_countsection_index != 1) { word_count_string += "s";}

		if (section_paragraph_countsection_index != 1) { paragraph_count_string += "s";}

		if (section_list_item_countsection_index != 1) { list_item_count_string += "s";}

		if (section_prose_size_bytessection_index != 1) { prose_size_bytes_string += "s";}

		alert_string += "Section " + section_index + " : " + section_paragraph_countsection_index + paragraph_count_string + ", " + section_list_item_countsection_index + list_item_count_string + ", " + section_word_countsection_index + word_count_string + ", " + section_prose_size_bytessection_index + prose_size_bytes_string + "\n";


	if (num_sections>1) {alert_string += "\n";} // Make space for the totals

	word_count_string = " word";

	paragraph_count_string = " paragraph";

	list_item_count_string = " list item";

	prose_size_bytes_string = " byte";

	if (total_word_count != 1) { word_count_string += "s";}

	if (total_paragraph_count != 1) { paragraph_count_string += "s";}

	if (total_list_item_count != 1) { list_item_count_string += "s";}

	if (total_prose_size_bytes != 1) { prose_size_bytes_string += "s";}

	alert_string += "Totals: " + total_paragraph_count + paragraph_count_string + ", " + total_list_item_count + list_item_count_string + ", " + total_word_count + word_count_string + ", " + total_prose_size_bytes + prose_size_bytes_string + "\n";


// Count the article images

	num_nonicon_images = 0;

	num_raw_images = document.images.length;

	alert_string = "This document has " + num_raw_images + " images.\n";

	for (image_index=0; image_index<num_raw_images; image_index++) {

		temp_image = document.imagesimage_index];

		parent_node = temp_image.parentNode;

		grandparent_node = parent_node.parentNode;

		greatgrandparent_node = grandparent_node.parentNode;

		num_pixels = temp_image.width * temp_image.height;

		if (temp_image.src.match(/Replace_this_image_male\.svg/)) { continue; }

		if (temp_image.src.match(/Replace_this_image_female\.svg/)) { continue; }

		if (num_pixels > 5000) { num_nonicon_images++; }


	if (num_nonicon_images == 1) {

		alert_string = "This document has 1 image with more than 5000 pixels.\n\n";

	} else {

		alert_string = "This document has " + num_nonicon_images + " images with more than 5000 pixels.\n\n";


	image_counter = 0;

	for (image_index=0; image_index<num_raw_images; image_index++) {

		temp_image = document.imagesimage_index];

		parent_node = temp_image.parentNode;

		grandparent_node = parent_node.parentNode;

		greatgrandparent_node = grandparent_node.parentNode;

		num_pixels = temp_image.width * temp_image.height;

		if (temp_image.src.match(/Replace_this_image_male\.svg/)) { continue; }

		if (temp_image.src.match(/Replace_this_image_female\.svg/)) { continue; }

		if (num_pixels < 5001) { continue; }


		alert_string += image_counter + " " + temp_image.width + "x" + temp_image.height + " " + num_pixels + " ";

		path_names = temp_image.src.split("/");

		file_name = path_names.pop();

		file_name = file_name.replace(/^(\d+)px-/, "");

		alert_string += file_name + "\n";




// Count the article tables and check for infoboxes and navigation templates 

	num_raw_tables = document.getElementsByTagName("table").length;

	// Check for className = "infobox vcard" or "navbox-group" 

	alert_string = "This document has " + num_raw_tables + " tables.\n";


// Count the article references

	num_raw_references = document.getElementsByTagName("li").length;

// Count the article interwikis

	num_raw_interwikis = document.getElementsByTagName("li").length;

// Count the article categories

	num_raw_categories = document.getElementsByTagName("table").length;

// Count the article anchors; for each anchor...

	alert_string = "This document has " + document.anchors.length + " anchors:\n";

	for (anchor_index=0; anchor_index<document.anchors.length; anchor_index++) {

		temp_anchor = document.anchorsanchor_index];

		alert_string += "Name " + anchor_index + ": " + + "\n";



} // closes function articleStructure() 

addOnloadHook(function () {

            mw.util.addPortletLink('p-cactions', 'javascript:articleStructure()', 'structure', 'ca-structure', 'Structure of the article', 'g', '');




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