From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.

/* Automate purge confirmation dialog */

if ( mw.config.get( 'wgAction' ) === 'purge' ) {



// See [[mw:Reference Tooltips]]

// Source /info/en/?search=MediaWiki:Gadget-ReferenceTooltips.js

$( function () {

	var settings, settingsString, $footer, enabled, delay, isTouchscreen, settingsMenu;

	if ( ) {



	function toggleRT( enable ) {

		mw.loader.using( 'mediawiki.cookie', function () {

			mw.cookie.set( 'RTsettings', ( enable ? '1' : '0' ) + '|' + settings 1  + '|' + settings 2 ], { path: '/', expires: 90 } );


		} );


	// Make sure we are in article, project, or help namespace

	if (  'Template', 'User' ].indexOf( mw.config.get( 'wgCanonicalNamespace' ) ) > -1 ) {

		mw.messages.set( {

			'RT-enable': 'Enable Reference Tooltips',

			'RT-disable': 'Disable Reference Tooltips',

			'RT-disablenote': 'Once disabled, Reference Tooltips can be re-enabled using a link in the footer of the page.',

			'RT-delay': 'Delay before the tooltip appears (in milliseconds): ',

			'RT-activationmethod': 'Tooltip is activated by:',

			'RT-hovering': 'hovering',

			'RT-clicking': 'clicking',

			'RT-options': 'Reference Tooltips options',

			'RT-options-save': 'Save settings',

			'RT-settings': 'Tooltip settings'

		} );

		settingsString = document.cookie.split( 'RTsettings=' )[ 1 ];

		if ( settingsString ) {

			settings = settingsString.split( ';' )[ 0 ].split( '%7C' );

			enabled = !!+settings 0 ];

			delay = +settings 1 ];

			isTouchscreen = !!+settings 2 ];

		} else {

			enabled = true;

			delay = 200;

			isTouchscreen = 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement;

			settings =  +enabled, delay, +isTouchscreen ];


		if ( !enabled ) {

			$footer = $( '#footer-places, #f-list' );

			if ( !$footer.length ) {

				$footer = $( '#footer li' ).parent();


			$footer.append( $( '<li>' ).append(

				$( '<a>' )

					.text( mw.msg( 'RT-enable' ) )

					.attr( 'href', '' )

					.on( 'click', function ( e ) {


						toggleRT( true );

					} )

			) );



		$( '.reference' ).each( function () {

			var tooltipNode, hideTimer, showTimer, checkFlip = false;

			function findRef( h ) {

				h = h.firstChild; h = h && h.getAttribute && h.getAttribute( 'href' ); h = h && h.split( '#' ); h = h && h 1 ];

				h = h && document.getElementById( h );

				h = h && h.nodeName === 'LI' && h;

				return h;


			function hide( refLink ) {

				if ( tooltipNode && tooltipNode.parentNode === document.body ) {

					hideTimer = setTimeout( function () {

						$( tooltipNode ).animate( { opacity: 0 }, 100, function () { document.body.removeChild( tooltipNode ); } );

					}, isTouchscreen ? 16 : 100 );

				} else {

					$( findRef( refLink ) ).removeClass( 'RTTarget' );



			function show() {

				if ( !tooltipNode.parentNode || tooltipNode.parentNode.nodeType === 11 ) {

					document.body.appendChild( tooltipNode );

					checkFlip = true;


				$( tooltipNode ).stop().animate( { opacity: 1 }, 100 );

				clearTimeout( hideTimer );


			function openSettingsMenu() {

				if ( settingsMenu ) {

					settingsMenu.dialog( 'open' );

				} else {

					settingsMenu = $( '<form>' )


							$( '<button>' )

								.css( 'width', '100%' )

								.text( mw.msg( 'RT-disable', mw.user ) )


								.on( 'click', function ( e ) {


									toggleRT( false );

								} ),

							$( '<br>' ),

							$( '<small>' ).text( mw.msg( 'RT-disablenote' ) ),

							$( '<hr>' ),

							$( '<label>' ).text( mw.msg( 'RT-delay' ) ).append( $( '<input>' ).attr( {

								type: 'number',

								value: delay,

								step: 50,

								min: 0,

								max: 5000

							} ) ),

							$( '<br>' ),

							$( '<span>' ).text( mw.msg( 'RT-activationmethod', mw.user ) ),

							$( '<label>' ).append(

								$( '<input>' ).attr( {

									type: 'radio',

									name: 'RTActivate',

									checked: !isTouchscreen ? 'checked' : undefined,

									disabled: 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement ? 'disabled' : undefined

								} ),

								mw.msg( 'RT-hovering', mw.user )


							$( '<label>' ).append(

								$( '<input>' ).attr( {

									type: 'radio',

									name: 'RTActivate',

									checked: isTouchscreen ? 'checked' : undefined

								} ),

								mw.msg( 'RT-clicking', mw.user )



						.submit( function ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); } )

						.dialog( {

							modal: true,

							width: 500,

							title: mw.msg( 'RT-options' ),

							buttons:  {

								text: mw.msg( 'RT-options-save', mw.user ),

								click: function () {

									var inputs = this.getElementsByTagName( 'input' ),

										newDelay = +inputs 0 ].value;

									mw.cookie.set( 'RTsettings',

										'1|' +

										( newDelay > -1 && newDelay < 5001 ? newDelay : delay ) +

										'|' +

										// hover/click

										( inputs 1 ].checked ? '0' : '1' ),

										{ path: '/', expires: 90 }





						} );



			function onStartEvent( e ) {

				var onBodyClick, self = this;

				if ( ) {



				if ( isTouchscreen ) {


					if ( !( tooltipNode && tooltipNode.parentNode === document.body ) ) {

						onBodyClick = function ( e ) {

							e =;

							for ( ; e && !$( e ).hasClass( 'referencetooltip' ); ) { e = e.parentNode; }

							if ( !e ) {

								clearTimeout( showTimer );

								hide( self );

								$( document.body ).off( 'click touchstart', onBodyClick );



						setTimeout( function () {

							$( document.body ).on( 'click touchstart', onBodyClick );

						} );



				if ( hideTimer ) { clearTimeout( hideTimer ); }

				if ( showTimer ) { clearTimeout( showTimer ); }

				showTimer = setTimeout( function () {

					var windowTop, hOffsetTop, c, o, oH,

						h = findRef( self );

					if ( !h ) { return; }

					windowTop = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop;

					hOffsetTop = $( h ).offset().top;

					if ( !isTouchscreen && windowTop < hOffsetTop && windowTop + $( window ).height() > hOffsetTop + h.offsetHeight ) {

						$( h ).addClass( 'RTTarget' );



					if ( !tooltipNode ) {

						tooltipNode = document.createElement( 'ul' );

						tooltipNode.className = 'referencetooltip';

						c = tooltipNode.appendChild( $( h ).clone( true )[ 0  );

						try {

							if ( c.firstChild.nodeName !== 'A' ) {

								while ( c.childNodes 1 ].nodeName === 'A' && c.childNodes 1 ].getAttribute( 'href' ).indexOf( '#cite_ref-' ) !== -1 ) {

									do { c.removeChild( c.childNodes 1  ); } while ( c.childNodes 1 ].nodeValue === ' ' );



						} catch ( err ) { mw.log( err ); }

						c.removeChild( c.firstChild );

						$( tooltipNode.firstChild.insertBefore( document.createElement( 'span' ), tooltipNode.firstChild.firstChild ) ).addClass( 'RTsettings' )

							.attr( 'title', mw.msg( 'RT-settings' ) )

							.on( 'click', function () {

								mw.loader.using(  'mediawiki.cookie', 'jquery.ui' ], openSettingsMenu );

							} );

						tooltipNode.appendChild( document.createElement( 'li' ) );

						if ( !isTouchscreen ) {

							$( tooltipNode ).on( { mouseenter: show, mouseleave: hide } );




					o = $( self ).offset();

					oH = tooltipNode.offsetHeight;

					$( tooltipNode ).css( { top: - oH, left: o.left - 7 } );

					if ( tooltipNode.offsetHeight > oH ) { // is it squished against the right side of the page?

						$( tooltipNode ).css( { left: 'auto', right: 0 } ); = ( o.left - tooltipNode.offsetLeft ) + 'px';


					if ( checkFlip ) {

						if ( < tooltipNode.offsetHeight + ( window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop ) ) { // is part of it above the top of the screen?

							$( tooltipNode ).addClass( 'RTflipped' ).css( { top: + 12 } );

						} else if ( tooltipNode.className === 'referencetooltip RTflipped' ) { // cancel previous

							$( tooltipNode ).removeClass( 'RTflipped' );


						checkFlip = false;


				}, isTouchscreen ? 0 : delay );


			function onEndEvent() {

				clearTimeout( showTimer ); hide( this );


			$( this ).on( isTouchscreen ? { click: onStartEvent } : { mouseenter: onStartEvent, mouseleave: onEndEvent } );

		} );


} );
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.

/* Automate purge confirmation dialog */

if ( mw.config.get( 'wgAction' ) === 'purge' ) {



// See [[mw:Reference Tooltips]]

// Source /info/en/?search=MediaWiki:Gadget-ReferenceTooltips.js

$( function () {

	var settings, settingsString, $footer, enabled, delay, isTouchscreen, settingsMenu;

	if ( ) {



	function toggleRT( enable ) {

		mw.loader.using( 'mediawiki.cookie', function () {

			mw.cookie.set( 'RTsettings', ( enable ? '1' : '0' ) + '|' + settings 1  + '|' + settings 2 ], { path: '/', expires: 90 } );


		} );


	// Make sure we are in article, project, or help namespace

	if (  'Template', 'User' ].indexOf( mw.config.get( 'wgCanonicalNamespace' ) ) > -1 ) {

		mw.messages.set( {

			'RT-enable': 'Enable Reference Tooltips',

			'RT-disable': 'Disable Reference Tooltips',

			'RT-disablenote': 'Once disabled, Reference Tooltips can be re-enabled using a link in the footer of the page.',

			'RT-delay': 'Delay before the tooltip appears (in milliseconds): ',

			'RT-activationmethod': 'Tooltip is activated by:',

			'RT-hovering': 'hovering',

			'RT-clicking': 'clicking',

			'RT-options': 'Reference Tooltips options',

			'RT-options-save': 'Save settings',

			'RT-settings': 'Tooltip settings'

		} );

		settingsString = document.cookie.split( 'RTsettings=' )[ 1 ];

		if ( settingsString ) {

			settings = settingsString.split( ';' )[ 0 ].split( '%7C' );

			enabled = !!+settings 0 ];

			delay = +settings 1 ];

			isTouchscreen = !!+settings 2 ];

		} else {

			enabled = true;

			delay = 200;

			isTouchscreen = 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement;

			settings =  +enabled, delay, +isTouchscreen ];


		if ( !enabled ) {

			$footer = $( '#footer-places, #f-list' );

			if ( !$footer.length ) {

				$footer = $( '#footer li' ).parent();


			$footer.append( $( '<li>' ).append(

				$( '<a>' )

					.text( mw.msg( 'RT-enable' ) )

					.attr( 'href', '' )

					.on( 'click', function ( e ) {


						toggleRT( true );

					} )

			) );



		$( '.reference' ).each( function () {

			var tooltipNode, hideTimer, showTimer, checkFlip = false;

			function findRef( h ) {

				h = h.firstChild; h = h && h.getAttribute && h.getAttribute( 'href' ); h = h && h.split( '#' ); h = h && h 1 ];

				h = h && document.getElementById( h );

				h = h && h.nodeName === 'LI' && h;

				return h;


			function hide( refLink ) {

				if ( tooltipNode && tooltipNode.parentNode === document.body ) {

					hideTimer = setTimeout( function () {

						$( tooltipNode ).animate( { opacity: 0 }, 100, function () { document.body.removeChild( tooltipNode ); } );

					}, isTouchscreen ? 16 : 100 );

				} else {

					$( findRef( refLink ) ).removeClass( 'RTTarget' );



			function show() {

				if ( !tooltipNode.parentNode || tooltipNode.parentNode.nodeType === 11 ) {

					document.body.appendChild( tooltipNode );

					checkFlip = true;


				$( tooltipNode ).stop().animate( { opacity: 1 }, 100 );

				clearTimeout( hideTimer );


			function openSettingsMenu() {

				if ( settingsMenu ) {

					settingsMenu.dialog( 'open' );

				} else {

					settingsMenu = $( '<form>' )


							$( '<button>' )

								.css( 'width', '100%' )

								.text( mw.msg( 'RT-disable', mw.user ) )


								.on( 'click', function ( e ) {


									toggleRT( false );

								} ),

							$( '<br>' ),

							$( '<small>' ).text( mw.msg( 'RT-disablenote' ) ),

							$( '<hr>' ),

							$( '<label>' ).text( mw.msg( 'RT-delay' ) ).append( $( '<input>' ).attr( {

								type: 'number',

								value: delay,

								step: 50,

								min: 0,

								max: 5000

							} ) ),

							$( '<br>' ),

							$( '<span>' ).text( mw.msg( 'RT-activationmethod', mw.user ) ),

							$( '<label>' ).append(

								$( '<input>' ).attr( {

									type: 'radio',

									name: 'RTActivate',

									checked: !isTouchscreen ? 'checked' : undefined,

									disabled: 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement ? 'disabled' : undefined

								} ),

								mw.msg( 'RT-hovering', mw.user )


							$( '<label>' ).append(

								$( '<input>' ).attr( {

									type: 'radio',

									name: 'RTActivate',

									checked: isTouchscreen ? 'checked' : undefined

								} ),

								mw.msg( 'RT-clicking', mw.user )



						.submit( function ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); } )

						.dialog( {

							modal: true,

							width: 500,

							title: mw.msg( 'RT-options' ),

							buttons:  {

								text: mw.msg( 'RT-options-save', mw.user ),

								click: function () {

									var inputs = this.getElementsByTagName( 'input' ),

										newDelay = +inputs 0 ].value;

									mw.cookie.set( 'RTsettings',

										'1|' +

										( newDelay > -1 && newDelay < 5001 ? newDelay : delay ) +

										'|' +

										// hover/click

										( inputs 1 ].checked ? '0' : '1' ),

										{ path: '/', expires: 90 }





						} );



			function onStartEvent( e ) {

				var onBodyClick, self = this;

				if ( ) {



				if ( isTouchscreen ) {


					if ( !( tooltipNode && tooltipNode.parentNode === document.body ) ) {

						onBodyClick = function ( e ) {

							e =;

							for ( ; e && !$( e ).hasClass( 'referencetooltip' ); ) { e = e.parentNode; }

							if ( !e ) {

								clearTimeout( showTimer );

								hide( self );

								$( document.body ).off( 'click touchstart', onBodyClick );



						setTimeout( function () {

							$( document.body ).on( 'click touchstart', onBodyClick );

						} );



				if ( hideTimer ) { clearTimeout( hideTimer ); }

				if ( showTimer ) { clearTimeout( showTimer ); }

				showTimer = setTimeout( function () {

					var windowTop, hOffsetTop, c, o, oH,

						h = findRef( self );

					if ( !h ) { return; }

					windowTop = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop;

					hOffsetTop = $( h ).offset().top;

					if ( !isTouchscreen && windowTop < hOffsetTop && windowTop + $( window ).height() > hOffsetTop + h.offsetHeight ) {

						$( h ).addClass( 'RTTarget' );



					if ( !tooltipNode ) {

						tooltipNode = document.createElement( 'ul' );

						tooltipNode.className = 'referencetooltip';

						c = tooltipNode.appendChild( $( h ).clone( true )[ 0  );

						try {

							if ( c.firstChild.nodeName !== 'A' ) {

								while ( c.childNodes 1 ].nodeName === 'A' && c.childNodes 1 ].getAttribute( 'href' ).indexOf( '#cite_ref-' ) !== -1 ) {

									do { c.removeChild( c.childNodes 1  ); } while ( c.childNodes 1 ].nodeValue === ' ' );



						} catch ( err ) { mw.log( err ); }

						c.removeChild( c.firstChild );

						$( tooltipNode.firstChild.insertBefore( document.createElement( 'span' ), tooltipNode.firstChild.firstChild ) ).addClass( 'RTsettings' )

							.attr( 'title', mw.msg( 'RT-settings' ) )

							.on( 'click', function () {

								mw.loader.using(  'mediawiki.cookie', 'jquery.ui' ], openSettingsMenu );

							} );

						tooltipNode.appendChild( document.createElement( 'li' ) );

						if ( !isTouchscreen ) {

							$( tooltipNode ).on( { mouseenter: show, mouseleave: hide } );




					o = $( self ).offset();

					oH = tooltipNode.offsetHeight;

					$( tooltipNode ).css( { top: - oH, left: o.left - 7 } );

					if ( tooltipNode.offsetHeight > oH ) { // is it squished against the right side of the page?

						$( tooltipNode ).css( { left: 'auto', right: 0 } ); = ( o.left - tooltipNode.offsetLeft ) + 'px';


					if ( checkFlip ) {

						if ( < tooltipNode.offsetHeight + ( window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop ) ) { // is part of it above the top of the screen?

							$( tooltipNode ).addClass( 'RTflipped' ).css( { top: + 12 } );

						} else if ( tooltipNode.className === 'referencetooltip RTflipped' ) { // cancel previous

							$( tooltipNode ).removeClass( 'RTflipped' );


						checkFlip = false;


				}, isTouchscreen ? 0 : delay );


			function onEndEvent() {

				clearTimeout( showTimer ); hide( this );


			$( this ).on( isTouchscreen ? { click: onStartEvent } : { mouseenter: onStartEvent, mouseleave: onEndEvent } );

		} );


} );


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