From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Atlantic Partnership is an NGO, which seeks to continue the strong influence of America in the development of the European Union, through the agency of the United Kingdom as the spokesman for American interest. This strategy represents a continuation of the policy of America towards Europe established during the Second World War and the Cold War.

The Atlantic Partnership was founded immediately after the September 11 attacks in the United States. The founding of the organization was timed to ensure that America and Europe did not drift apart as the former pursued the “War on Terror” and the latter pursued monetary and political unification and expansion. Lord Powell of Bayswater (the Chairman of the Atlantic Partnership) opines this strategy clearly in the “Aims and Objectives” section of the organization’s website; when he says

“Partnership’s role is to argue the case for setting major policy decisions in the context of their impact on transatlantic relations. That should apply as much to the way America pursues the global war against terrorism as to the European Union’s ambition to build stronger, Europe-wide institutions.”

Until the time of writing of this article, the Atlantic Partnership and its work have been widely ignored by the media and the public, however its impact since inception in 2002 has been enormous.

Atlantic Partnership People

ChairmenLord Powell of Bayswater - Chairman • Ambassador Richard Burt - Managing Director, McLarty Associates • The Rt Honorable Michael Howard QC MP - President and Founding Chairman • The Honorable James P. Rubin - Vice Chairman, USA • Secretary William Cohen - Co-Chairman USA • Senator Sam Nunn - Co-Chairman USA • Pierre Lellouche - Vice Chairman, France • Ambassador Francois Bujon d’Estang - Vice Chairman, France

Patrons • The Honorable Dr. Henry Kissinger - Chairman of Kissinger Associates, Inc. • Senator John McCain - United States Senator for Arizona • General Colin L. Powell - Former United States Secretary of State • The Rt Honorable John Major CH - Former United Kingdom Prime Minister • The Rt Honorable Lord Robertson of Port Ellen - Former Secretary General of NATO • Alain Juppé • The Rt Honorable Lord Gilbert - Life Peer, House of Lords • Herr Karsten Voigt - Coordinator for German-American Cooperation • Sr. Eduardo Serra - Former Defense Minister of Spain • Senator Antonio Martino - Minister of Defense of Italy

Trustees • The Rt Honorable Michael Howard QC MP - President and Founding Chairman • Lord Marland of Odstock - Treasurer • Lord Powell of Bayswater - Chairman • Lord Chadlington of Dean - Life Peer, House of Lords • Meg Allen - Director of DRAMLA SA, Geneva • Sir Evelyn de Rothschild - Chairman, E.L. Rothschild Ltd • Sir David Manning GCMG, CVO • Ambassador Richard Burt - Managing Director, McLarty Associates • General Brent Scowcroft - President of The Scowcroft Group

Friends of Atlantic Partnership US • Ambassador Richard Burt - Managing Director, McLarty Associates • John R. Drexel IV - Chairman, Sage Advisors • James Lyle - Chief Investment Officer, Millgate Capital • James P. Rubin, Adjunct Professor, Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs • General Brent Scowcroft - President of The Scowcroft Group • Leo M. Tilman - President, L.M.Tilman & Co. • Daniel Yergin - Chairman, Cambridge Energy Research Associates

Panelists • Ed Heathcoat Amory - Political Commentator, The Daily Mail • Matthew d’Ancona - Editor, The Spectator • Ronald Asmus - Executive Director of the Transatlantic Center of the German Marshall Fund of the US in Brussels • Elle Beard - Project Manager, USA • Sr Boris Biancheri - President of ANSA (news services) • Doug Bereuter - President and CEO of The Asia Foundation • Dr. Christoph Bertram - Head of the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik • Ryan Carroll - Project Manager, USA • Professor Malcolm Chalmers - University of Bradford • Patrick Chamorel - Visiting Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University • Derek Chollet - Senior Fellow, The Center for a New American Security (CNAS) • Professor Michael Clarke - King’s College London, Director of the Council of the Royal United Services Institute • Amy Cohen - Former AP Project Manager, USA • Maggie Smith - Former Project Manager, USA • Laurent Cohen-Tanugi - Political Writer, Partner Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton • Jean de Courcel - Former Directeur-Adjoint to the Prime Minister • Jonathan Delaney - Former Project Manager, USA • Catherine Fall - Former Associate Director • Niall Ferguson - Professor of History at Harvard University • The Rt Honorable Frank Field MP - United Kingdom Member of Parliament, Labour • Klaus-Dieter Frankenberger - Foreign Editor , Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung • David Frum - Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute • Ulf Gartzke - Director of the Hanns-Seidel-Foundation in Washington • Dr. Jeffrey Gedmin - President, Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty • The Rt Hon Lord Gilbert - Life Peer, House of Lords • Renaud Girard - Foreign Affairs Correspondent, Le Figaro • Daniel Hamilton - Professor and Director of the Center for Transatlantic Relations at Johns Hopkins University • Lord Howell – Conservative Front Bench spokesman House of Lords • Field Marshal The Lord Inge - Former Chief of the Defence Staff • Dr. Josef Joffe - Editor, Die Zeit • Professor Sir John Keegan - Historian and Columnist, Daily Telegraph Defence • Thomas Kielinger - London Correspondent, Die Welt • Dr. Sophie Meunier - Research Scholar, Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University • Sir Christopher Meyer - Chairman, Press Complaints Commission. Former British Ambassador to Washington • Leo Michel - Senior Research Fellow, Institute for National Strategic Studies • John Micklethwait - United States Editor, The Economist • Eric Mittereder - Former AP Project Manager, USA • Dominique Moisi - Director, Institute of Foreign Relations (IFRI), Paris • Nicolas de la Moriniere - Chairman and Chief Executive of ODIOT • Jean-Pierre Mulot - Directeur Delegue de la Redaction, Le Figaro • Sophie Simonard-Norman - Former Associate Director • George Osborne MP - United Kingdom Member of Parliament for Tatton • John O’Sullivan - Editor, The National Interest • Dr. John Van Oudenaren - Chief, European Division, Library of CongressLord Owen - Crossbench Peer, former United Kingdom Foreign Secretary • Owen Pengelly - Former Associate Director • Senator Jean-Francois Poncet - Former French Foreign Secretary • Axel Poniatowski MP - Deputy, French National Assembly • Lord Renwick - Labour Peer, former Ambassador to the United States • Sir Malcolm Rifkind - Former Foreign Secretary, Former Defence Secretary • Andrew Roberts - Author and journalist • Douglas Seay - Senior Staff Member of the Committee on International Relations, United States House of Representatives • Dr. Simon Serfaty - Director, Europe CSIS, Washington, DC • Radek Sikorski - Minister of Foreign Affairs for Poland • Angela Stent - Director of the Center for Eurasian, Russian and East European Studies, Georgetown School of Foreign Service • Jean-Daniel Tordjman - Inspecteur General des Finances • Martin Walker - Editor in Chief - UPI (Washington DC) • Professor Dr. Norbert Walter - Chief Economist, Deutsche Bank Group • Professor Dr. Werner Weidenfeld - Director of the Centre for Applied Research • Sir John Weston - Former Ambassador to NATO and to the United Nations • Dr. David R. Young - Managing Director & Founder, Oxford Analytica

Controversies Surrounding the Atlantic Partnership

The Connection to Diligence LLC

Diligence LLC is a private intelligence company with a controversial history in Russia and Iraq.

The Advisory Board of Diligence LLC is chaired by Sir Michael Howard, the President and Founder of the Atlantic Partnership.

Lord Powell of Bayswater, Chairman of the Atlantic Partnership is also an advisory board member of Diligence LLC.

Ambassador Richard Burt, Chairman of the Atlantic Partnership, is also an advisory board member of Diligence LLC. Ambassador Burt is also a Managing Director of McLarty Associates. McLarty and Associates was founded by Thomas F. “Mack” McLarty, former Chief of Staff to President Clinton. McLarty Associates then became Kissinger McLarty Associates through partnership with Kissinger Associates. Thomas F. McLarty is an advisory board member of Diligence LLC.

The Connection to the Rothschild Family

Lord Jacob Rothschild and his son Nathaniel “Young Nate” Rothschild became major shareholders in Diligence LLC in 2006, through their vehicle JNR, which acquired Ambassador Richard Burt’s stake in the company.

Sir Evelyn de Rothschild is a Trustee of the Atlantic Partnership.

Involvement in the United States Presidential Election of 2008 and American Politics

Senator John McCain is a Patron of the Atlantic Partnership. In March of 2008, Senator McCain was supported in his bid for the United States Presidency by Lord Jacob and Nathaniel “Young Nate” Rothschild.

Lynn Forester de Rothschild, wife of Sir Evelyn de Rothschild (a Trustee of the Atlantic Partnership), changed her allegiance from the Democratic Party to the Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin after Hilary Clinton lost the Democratic Presidential nomination.

The Honorable James P. Rubin is an economic and political adviser to President Barrack Hussein Obama. Rubin is Vice Chairman of the Atlantic Partnership.

Involvement in the British Parliamentary Election of 2009 and British Politics

British Chancellor George Osborne, is a Panelist of the Atlantic Partnership. Osborne, was the subject of an event referred to as “Yachtgate” involving the Rothschild Family, Russian Oligarch Oleg Deripaska and Labour Minister Peter Mandelson in 2008.

Connections to personnel involved in Operation Desert Storm and Operation Iraqi Freedom

Former British Prime Minister John Major, the replacement for Margaret Thatcher, was the British Prime Minister who led the country at the time of Operation Desert Storm. Major is a Patron of the Atlantic Partnership.

General Colin Powell was the Chairman of the Joint Chief’s of Staff at the time of Operation Desert Storm. In 2003, Secretary of State Powell made the case for the invasion of Iraq, based on the presence of WMD’s, to the United Nations. Powell is a Patron of the Atlantic Partnership.

Former British Ambassador, Sir David Manning was the author of the famous “ Manning Memo” that outlined the details of a meeting between Tony Blair and George H. W. Bush in the run up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq. From 2001 to 2003, Manning was the political advisor to Prime Minister Tony Blair. Manning is a Trustee of the Atlantic Partnership.

Former British Ambassador Sir Christopher Meyer, who preceded Sir David Manning, is a Panelist of the Atlantic Partnership. Meyer was the Ambassador to the United States at the time of September 11 and was replaced with Sir David Manning when the policy to invade Iraq was executed.


Yachtgate I: Montenegro 2006

John McCain (a Patron of the Atlantic Partnership) received the hospitality of the Oligarch 
Oleg Deripaska aboard Deripaska’s yacht on his seventieth birthday. Present at this celebration was 
Nathaniel “Young Nate” Rothschild, who went on to host a 
dinner for McCain at Spencer House in London to garner British support for McCain’s Presidential bid in 2008.

“Yachtgate 2: Corfu 2008”

The Oligarch, Oleg Deripaska met Labour Minister Peter Mandelson and UK Chancellor George Osborne (Panelist of the Atlantic Partnership) at the Rothschild family villa in Corfu in the summer of 2008. At this gathering, it was reported in the press that Deripaska was pressed for funding of the Conservative Party by Osborne.

“Yachtgate 3: Alaska & San Diego 2008”

In the summer of 2008, the Republican Candidates McCain and Palin met with the Russian Oligarchs Suleiman Kerimov and Oleg Deripaska on board Kerimov’s yacht Ice at Ketchikan (Alaska) and San Diego.

Present at these meetings was Oscar Wyatt III. Wyatt was the former owner of Bayoil which partnered with Kerimov’s Nafta Moskva in the Iraq Oil for Food Scandal.

Connection to Henry Kissinger

Henry Kissinger has been associated with controversy since his time in the Nixon administration to the present day. Kissinger is a Patron of the Atlantic Partnership.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Atlantic Partnership is an NGO, which seeks to continue the strong influence of America in the development of the European Union, through the agency of the United Kingdom as the spokesman for American interest. This strategy represents a continuation of the policy of America towards Europe established during the Second World War and the Cold War.

The Atlantic Partnership was founded immediately after the September 11 attacks in the United States. The founding of the organization was timed to ensure that America and Europe did not drift apart as the former pursued the “War on Terror” and the latter pursued monetary and political unification and expansion. Lord Powell of Bayswater (the Chairman of the Atlantic Partnership) opines this strategy clearly in the “Aims and Objectives” section of the organization’s website; when he says

“Partnership’s role is to argue the case for setting major policy decisions in the context of their impact on transatlantic relations. That should apply as much to the way America pursues the global war against terrorism as to the European Union’s ambition to build stronger, Europe-wide institutions.”

Until the time of writing of this article, the Atlantic Partnership and its work have been widely ignored by the media and the public, however its impact since inception in 2002 has been enormous.

Atlantic Partnership People

ChairmenLord Powell of Bayswater - Chairman • Ambassador Richard Burt - Managing Director, McLarty Associates • The Rt Honorable Michael Howard QC MP - President and Founding Chairman • The Honorable James P. Rubin - Vice Chairman, USA • Secretary William Cohen - Co-Chairman USA • Senator Sam Nunn - Co-Chairman USA • Pierre Lellouche - Vice Chairman, France • Ambassador Francois Bujon d’Estang - Vice Chairman, France

Patrons • The Honorable Dr. Henry Kissinger - Chairman of Kissinger Associates, Inc. • Senator John McCain - United States Senator for Arizona • General Colin L. Powell - Former United States Secretary of State • The Rt Honorable John Major CH - Former United Kingdom Prime Minister • The Rt Honorable Lord Robertson of Port Ellen - Former Secretary General of NATO • Alain Juppé • The Rt Honorable Lord Gilbert - Life Peer, House of Lords • Herr Karsten Voigt - Coordinator for German-American Cooperation • Sr. Eduardo Serra - Former Defense Minister of Spain • Senator Antonio Martino - Minister of Defense of Italy

Trustees • The Rt Honorable Michael Howard QC MP - President and Founding Chairman • Lord Marland of Odstock - Treasurer • Lord Powell of Bayswater - Chairman • Lord Chadlington of Dean - Life Peer, House of Lords • Meg Allen - Director of DRAMLA SA, Geneva • Sir Evelyn de Rothschild - Chairman, E.L. Rothschild Ltd • Sir David Manning GCMG, CVO • Ambassador Richard Burt - Managing Director, McLarty Associates • General Brent Scowcroft - President of The Scowcroft Group

Friends of Atlantic Partnership US • Ambassador Richard Burt - Managing Director, McLarty Associates • John R. Drexel IV - Chairman, Sage Advisors • James Lyle - Chief Investment Officer, Millgate Capital • James P. Rubin, Adjunct Professor, Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs • General Brent Scowcroft - President of The Scowcroft Group • Leo M. Tilman - President, L.M.Tilman & Co. • Daniel Yergin - Chairman, Cambridge Energy Research Associates

Panelists • Ed Heathcoat Amory - Political Commentator, The Daily Mail • Matthew d’Ancona - Editor, The Spectator • Ronald Asmus - Executive Director of the Transatlantic Center of the German Marshall Fund of the US in Brussels • Elle Beard - Project Manager, USA • Sr Boris Biancheri - President of ANSA (news services) • Doug Bereuter - President and CEO of The Asia Foundation • Dr. Christoph Bertram - Head of the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik • Ryan Carroll - Project Manager, USA • Professor Malcolm Chalmers - University of Bradford • Patrick Chamorel - Visiting Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University • Derek Chollet - Senior Fellow, The Center for a New American Security (CNAS) • Professor Michael Clarke - King’s College London, Director of the Council of the Royal United Services Institute • Amy Cohen - Former AP Project Manager, USA • Maggie Smith - Former Project Manager, USA • Laurent Cohen-Tanugi - Political Writer, Partner Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton • Jean de Courcel - Former Directeur-Adjoint to the Prime Minister • Jonathan Delaney - Former Project Manager, USA • Catherine Fall - Former Associate Director • Niall Ferguson - Professor of History at Harvard University • The Rt Honorable Frank Field MP - United Kingdom Member of Parliament, Labour • Klaus-Dieter Frankenberger - Foreign Editor , Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung • David Frum - Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute • Ulf Gartzke - Director of the Hanns-Seidel-Foundation in Washington • Dr. Jeffrey Gedmin - President, Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty • The Rt Hon Lord Gilbert - Life Peer, House of Lords • Renaud Girard - Foreign Affairs Correspondent, Le Figaro • Daniel Hamilton - Professor and Director of the Center for Transatlantic Relations at Johns Hopkins University • Lord Howell – Conservative Front Bench spokesman House of Lords • Field Marshal The Lord Inge - Former Chief of the Defence Staff • Dr. Josef Joffe - Editor, Die Zeit • Professor Sir John Keegan - Historian and Columnist, Daily Telegraph Defence • Thomas Kielinger - London Correspondent, Die Welt • Dr. Sophie Meunier - Research Scholar, Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University • Sir Christopher Meyer - Chairman, Press Complaints Commission. Former British Ambassador to Washington • Leo Michel - Senior Research Fellow, Institute for National Strategic Studies • John Micklethwait - United States Editor, The Economist • Eric Mittereder - Former AP Project Manager, USA • Dominique Moisi - Director, Institute of Foreign Relations (IFRI), Paris • Nicolas de la Moriniere - Chairman and Chief Executive of ODIOT • Jean-Pierre Mulot - Directeur Delegue de la Redaction, Le Figaro • Sophie Simonard-Norman - Former Associate Director • George Osborne MP - United Kingdom Member of Parliament for Tatton • John O’Sullivan - Editor, The National Interest • Dr. John Van Oudenaren - Chief, European Division, Library of CongressLord Owen - Crossbench Peer, former United Kingdom Foreign Secretary • Owen Pengelly - Former Associate Director • Senator Jean-Francois Poncet - Former French Foreign Secretary • Axel Poniatowski MP - Deputy, French National Assembly • Lord Renwick - Labour Peer, former Ambassador to the United States • Sir Malcolm Rifkind - Former Foreign Secretary, Former Defence Secretary • Andrew Roberts - Author and journalist • Douglas Seay - Senior Staff Member of the Committee on International Relations, United States House of Representatives • Dr. Simon Serfaty - Director, Europe CSIS, Washington, DC • Radek Sikorski - Minister of Foreign Affairs for Poland • Angela Stent - Director of the Center for Eurasian, Russian and East European Studies, Georgetown School of Foreign Service • Jean-Daniel Tordjman - Inspecteur General des Finances • Martin Walker - Editor in Chief - UPI (Washington DC) • Professor Dr. Norbert Walter - Chief Economist, Deutsche Bank Group • Professor Dr. Werner Weidenfeld - Director of the Centre for Applied Research • Sir John Weston - Former Ambassador to NATO and to the United Nations • Dr. David R. Young - Managing Director & Founder, Oxford Analytica

Controversies Surrounding the Atlantic Partnership

The Connection to Diligence LLC

Diligence LLC is a private intelligence company with a controversial history in Russia and Iraq.

The Advisory Board of Diligence LLC is chaired by Sir Michael Howard, the President and Founder of the Atlantic Partnership.

Lord Powell of Bayswater, Chairman of the Atlantic Partnership is also an advisory board member of Diligence LLC.

Ambassador Richard Burt, Chairman of the Atlantic Partnership, is also an advisory board member of Diligence LLC. Ambassador Burt is also a Managing Director of McLarty Associates. McLarty and Associates was founded by Thomas F. “Mack” McLarty, former Chief of Staff to President Clinton. McLarty Associates then became Kissinger McLarty Associates through partnership with Kissinger Associates. Thomas F. McLarty is an advisory board member of Diligence LLC.

The Connection to the Rothschild Family

Lord Jacob Rothschild and his son Nathaniel “Young Nate” Rothschild became major shareholders in Diligence LLC in 2006, through their vehicle JNR, which acquired Ambassador Richard Burt’s stake in the company.

Sir Evelyn de Rothschild is a Trustee of the Atlantic Partnership.

Involvement in the United States Presidential Election of 2008 and American Politics

Senator John McCain is a Patron of the Atlantic Partnership. In March of 2008, Senator McCain was supported in his bid for the United States Presidency by Lord Jacob and Nathaniel “Young Nate” Rothschild.

Lynn Forester de Rothschild, wife of Sir Evelyn de Rothschild (a Trustee of the Atlantic Partnership), changed her allegiance from the Democratic Party to the Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin after Hilary Clinton lost the Democratic Presidential nomination.

The Honorable James P. Rubin is an economic and political adviser to President Barrack Hussein Obama. Rubin is Vice Chairman of the Atlantic Partnership.

Involvement in the British Parliamentary Election of 2009 and British Politics

British Chancellor George Osborne, is a Panelist of the Atlantic Partnership. Osborne, was the subject of an event referred to as “Yachtgate” involving the Rothschild Family, Russian Oligarch Oleg Deripaska and Labour Minister Peter Mandelson in 2008.

Connections to personnel involved in Operation Desert Storm and Operation Iraqi Freedom

Former British Prime Minister John Major, the replacement for Margaret Thatcher, was the British Prime Minister who led the country at the time of Operation Desert Storm. Major is a Patron of the Atlantic Partnership.

General Colin Powell was the Chairman of the Joint Chief’s of Staff at the time of Operation Desert Storm. In 2003, Secretary of State Powell made the case for the invasion of Iraq, based on the presence of WMD’s, to the United Nations. Powell is a Patron of the Atlantic Partnership.

Former British Ambassador, Sir David Manning was the author of the famous “ Manning Memo” that outlined the details of a meeting between Tony Blair and George H. W. Bush in the run up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq. From 2001 to 2003, Manning was the political advisor to Prime Minister Tony Blair. Manning is a Trustee of the Atlantic Partnership.

Former British Ambassador Sir Christopher Meyer, who preceded Sir David Manning, is a Panelist of the Atlantic Partnership. Meyer was the Ambassador to the United States at the time of September 11 and was replaced with Sir David Manning when the policy to invade Iraq was executed.


Yachtgate I: Montenegro 2006

John McCain (a Patron of the Atlantic Partnership) received the hospitality of the Oligarch 
Oleg Deripaska aboard Deripaska’s yacht on his seventieth birthday. Present at this celebration was 
Nathaniel “Young Nate” Rothschild, who went on to host a 
dinner for McCain at Spencer House in London to garner British support for McCain’s Presidential bid in 2008.

“Yachtgate 2: Corfu 2008”

The Oligarch, Oleg Deripaska met Labour Minister Peter Mandelson and UK Chancellor George Osborne (Panelist of the Atlantic Partnership) at the Rothschild family villa in Corfu in the summer of 2008. At this gathering, it was reported in the press that Deripaska was pressed for funding of the Conservative Party by Osborne.

“Yachtgate 3: Alaska & San Diego 2008”

In the summer of 2008, the Republican Candidates McCain and Palin met with the Russian Oligarchs Suleiman Kerimov and Oleg Deripaska on board Kerimov’s yacht Ice at Ketchikan (Alaska) and San Diego.

Present at these meetings was Oscar Wyatt III. Wyatt was the former owner of Bayoil which partnered with Kerimov’s Nafta Moskva in the Iraq Oil for Food Scandal.

Connection to Henry Kissinger

Henry Kissinger has been associated with controversy since his time in the Nixon administration to the present day. Kissinger is a Patron of the Atlantic Partnership.


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