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The National Movement of Catholic Students (NMCS) Zambia is a chapter of the International Movement of Catholic Students (IMCS). Thus it’s also called International Movement of Catholic Students – Zambia (IMCS- Zambia).

NMCS Zambia is a student body of Catholic Students in Zambia. It was established on 27th March, 1999 and was approved by the Zambia Episcopal Conference (ZEC) in February 2010 after about a decade and a year of existence. Its national motto is “Stand together for what you believe.”

Each year, NMCS - Zambia organizes three (3) main events and any other seen fit for that particular year. These are meant to allow students share experiences, knowledge and give them a platform for social interaction and reflection on their faith. These events are;

  1. Annual Convention
  2. Sports (Social) Day
  3. Annual Renewal Conference
  4. Any other seen fit e.g. retreats, training workshops, community outreach etc

As can clearly be seen, these events meet the Students' physical, social and spiritual needs. This is in conformity with the World Health Organisation (WHO) definition of health; that “Health is NOT merely the absence of disease but also spiritual, mental, physical and social well being.”


To promote, organise, strengthen and coordinate various activities in order to bring unity and build the Catholic faith among Catholic Students


The objectives of NMCS include;

  1. To facilitate deeper understanding and full practice of the Catholic faith among its members
  2. To co-ordinate the students' activities in the struggle for social justice, to be the critical loud voice of the voiceless and to empower the voiceless to voice
  3. To take responsibility of the student milieu in a way that is in solidarity with the transformation of the whole society
  4. To take the decisive option for the poor and marginalized in society (i.e. promote Catholic social teaching)
  5. To evangelize the political, social, cultural and economic dimension of life and to actively participate in the transformation through the exercise of liberating moral pressure in a peaceful and effective way
  6. To implement resolutions passed at the International and National Assemblies and Meetings
  7. To organize Catholic students' interaction avenues
  8. To promote integrity among Catholic students in their professional and vocational achievements
  9. To promote ecumenical and inter religious dialogue


NMCS Zambia

The renewal conference was previously known as the Ridgeway Campus Renewal Conference. It developed out of the occasional talks given to the medical students, at University of Zambia - Ridgeway Campus (UNZA - RWC) School of Medicine, by the Jesuit Fathers. These talks were initially focusing on the ethical issues in medical profession. The first of these talks was given by Fr Desmond O'Loghlen of St. Ignatius Parish in 1995 on the Catholic teaching on abortion and conscience. With time, however, the topics for these sessions broadened to include articles of the catholic faith that were being challenged by students of other faiths.

Upon reflection and evaluation it was decided that the students from other colleges be invited to attend. In 1996 the conference participation expanded: students from Lusaka Business and Technology College (LBTC), Lusaka School of Nursing (LSN), and the youth from St. Ignatius and Kabwata Parishes were invited. In 1997 Evelyn Hone College (EHC), University of ZambiaGreat East Road Campus (UNZA-GERC) and Chainama College of Health Sciences (CCHS) also became party to the conference. Having seen the blessings of such gatherings it was resolved that the conference would become an annual event for all tertiary institution in Lusaka and vicinity.

In addition to the enlarged conference participation there was a parallel development in the organization of Catholic Student in Lusaka. In 1998 UNZA Chaplains began to call regular meetings of the representatives from all Lusaka Colleges, including the two (2) Schools of Theology, St. Dominic’s and St. Bonaventure Major Seminaries. The aim of these meetings was to reorganize Catholic Students at a Provincial level in Lusaka and eventually at National level. A year of preparatory meetings finally bore good results: NMCS Zambia was finally founded on March 27th, 1999, in the presence of Cardinal Medardo Joseph Mazombwe, then the Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Lusaka (ADL).

IMCS - Pax Romana

IMCS is a worldwide organisation, recognized by the Holy See, for students in the tertiary learning institutions. Its international headquarters are in Paris, France and the African region headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya. It was started in Europe after the World War I (WWI) in 1921 in Fribourg, Switzerland. It was formed in order to promote global solidarity, justice and peace especially among the university students world-over. Originally it was called “ Pax Romana” meaning "Roman Peace". The motto of the International Movement is “Preferential Option for the Poor.”

In 1947, Pax Romana officially divided itself into two autonomous branches, the International Movement of Catholic Students (IMCS) and the International Catholic Movement for Intellectual and Cultural Affairs (ICMICA), the Zambian chapter being the Zambia Association of Catholic Professionals (ZACP). The two branches continued to work together and share a common secretariat until 1977 when the IMCS moved to Paris, to share a common office with International Young Catholic (Christian) Students (IYCS). IYCS & IMCS have been working in collaboration since 1946.


NMCS Zambia

The map of Zambia means that the NMCS is nation wide and the green colour is for hope, a sign of life, and magnificent nature we have to preserve. The cross reminds us of our Christian Faith and salvation and red colour represents the blood of Jesus Christ which washes our sins away. The open book invites students to be faithful to their intellectual mission and the motto calls us to stand together for our Catholic faith and what is right.

IMCS – Pax Romana

The circle with open circumference means the global world, the new reality we have to live in at the beginning of the new millennium. The rounded form gives the feeling of movement and dynamism that characterize youth. Midden in the circle, the cross reminds us that we are Christians, following Jesus Christ who died on the cross but has risen alive. On the left side, the open book invites students to be faithful to their intellectual mission. At the top of the right side, a white half globe recalls God's presence, the light of the Holy Spirit who enlights us and guides us. The colour of the right sight is the light blue of peace (PAX) and the yellow colour of the left side is the one of the Papal flag (ROMANA).

Regions (Dioceses)

Zambia is divided into nine (9) provinces, which are Lusaka, Copperbelt, Central, Southern, Northern, North - Western, Eastern, Western and Luapula. The Church has two (2) Archdioceses and eight (8) Dioceses.


  1. Archdiocese of Lusaka (ADL)
  2. Archdiocese of Kasama


  1. Diocese of Chipata
  2. Diocese of Kabwe
  3. Diocese of Livingstone
  4. Diocese of Mansa
  5. Diocese of Mongu
  6. Diocese of Monze
  7. Diocese of Ndola
  8. Diocese of Mpika
  9. Diocese of Solwezi

Diocesan NMCS

NMCS was first established in Archdiocese of Lusaka (as NMCS Lusaka) and Ndola Diocese (as Catholic Students Federation of Ndola Diocese - CASFEND). Following its approval, NMCS is now in all the dioceses of Zambia.

NMCS is thus in 11 regions and is particularly very active in Lusaka, Ndola, Chipata and Livingstone. The other regions/dioceses are still in their establishment phase. The regions are;

  1. Chipata (covering Eastern Province)
  2. Kabwe (covering Central province)
  3. Kasama (covering part of Northern Province)
  4. Livingstone (covering part of Southern and Western Provinces)
  5. Lusaka (covering Lusaka Province)
  6. Mansa (covering Luapula Province)
  7. Mongu (covering Western Province)
  8. Monze (covering part of Southern Province)
  9. Ndola (covering Copperbelt Province)
  10. Mpika (covering part of Central and Northern Provinces)
  11. Solwezi (covering Northwestern Province)

Each region is lead by a Regional Council which reports to the National Council and Chaplain. The National Council is formed by 3 regional leaders ( Coordinator, Secretary General and Treasurer) from which the National Executive is elected. NMCS Lusaka Regional Council is currently acting as the National Council until all regions are fully established.


  • International Movement of Catholic Students (IMCS) Pax - Romana
  • International Catholic Movement for Intellectual and Cultural Affairs (ICMICA) Pax - Romana
  • International Young Catholic (Christian) Students (IYCS)
  • Zambia Association of Catholic Professionals (ZACP)
  • Zambia Young Catholic (Christian) Students (ZYCS)
  • Zambia Episcopal Conference (ZEC)


  1. NMCS Zambia
  2. IMCS Africa - Pax Romana
  3. IMCS - MIEC Pax Romana
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The National Movement of Catholic Students (NMCS) Zambia is a chapter of the International Movement of Catholic Students (IMCS). Thus it’s also called International Movement of Catholic Students – Zambia (IMCS- Zambia).

NMCS Zambia is a student body of Catholic Students in Zambia. It was established on 27th March, 1999 and was approved by the Zambia Episcopal Conference (ZEC) in February 2010 after about a decade and a year of existence. Its national motto is “Stand together for what you believe.”

Each year, NMCS - Zambia organizes three (3) main events and any other seen fit for that particular year. These are meant to allow students share experiences, knowledge and give them a platform for social interaction and reflection on their faith. These events are;

  1. Annual Convention
  2. Sports (Social) Day
  3. Annual Renewal Conference
  4. Any other seen fit e.g. retreats, training workshops, community outreach etc

As can clearly be seen, these events meet the Students' physical, social and spiritual needs. This is in conformity with the World Health Organisation (WHO) definition of health; that “Health is NOT merely the absence of disease but also spiritual, mental, physical and social well being.”


To promote, organise, strengthen and coordinate various activities in order to bring unity and build the Catholic faith among Catholic Students


The objectives of NMCS include;

  1. To facilitate deeper understanding and full practice of the Catholic faith among its members
  2. To co-ordinate the students' activities in the struggle for social justice, to be the critical loud voice of the voiceless and to empower the voiceless to voice
  3. To take responsibility of the student milieu in a way that is in solidarity with the transformation of the whole society
  4. To take the decisive option for the poor and marginalized in society (i.e. promote Catholic social teaching)
  5. To evangelize the political, social, cultural and economic dimension of life and to actively participate in the transformation through the exercise of liberating moral pressure in a peaceful and effective way
  6. To implement resolutions passed at the International and National Assemblies and Meetings
  7. To organize Catholic students' interaction avenues
  8. To promote integrity among Catholic students in their professional and vocational achievements
  9. To promote ecumenical and inter religious dialogue


NMCS Zambia

The renewal conference was previously known as the Ridgeway Campus Renewal Conference. It developed out of the occasional talks given to the medical students, at University of Zambia - Ridgeway Campus (UNZA - RWC) School of Medicine, by the Jesuit Fathers. These talks were initially focusing on the ethical issues in medical profession. The first of these talks was given by Fr Desmond O'Loghlen of St. Ignatius Parish in 1995 on the Catholic teaching on abortion and conscience. With time, however, the topics for these sessions broadened to include articles of the catholic faith that were being challenged by students of other faiths.

Upon reflection and evaluation it was decided that the students from other colleges be invited to attend. In 1996 the conference participation expanded: students from Lusaka Business and Technology College (LBTC), Lusaka School of Nursing (LSN), and the youth from St. Ignatius and Kabwata Parishes were invited. In 1997 Evelyn Hone College (EHC), University of ZambiaGreat East Road Campus (UNZA-GERC) and Chainama College of Health Sciences (CCHS) also became party to the conference. Having seen the blessings of such gatherings it was resolved that the conference would become an annual event for all tertiary institution in Lusaka and vicinity.

In addition to the enlarged conference participation there was a parallel development in the organization of Catholic Student in Lusaka. In 1998 UNZA Chaplains began to call regular meetings of the representatives from all Lusaka Colleges, including the two (2) Schools of Theology, St. Dominic’s and St. Bonaventure Major Seminaries. The aim of these meetings was to reorganize Catholic Students at a Provincial level in Lusaka and eventually at National level. A year of preparatory meetings finally bore good results: NMCS Zambia was finally founded on March 27th, 1999, in the presence of Cardinal Medardo Joseph Mazombwe, then the Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Lusaka (ADL).

IMCS - Pax Romana

IMCS is a worldwide organisation, recognized by the Holy See, for students in the tertiary learning institutions. Its international headquarters are in Paris, France and the African region headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya. It was started in Europe after the World War I (WWI) in 1921 in Fribourg, Switzerland. It was formed in order to promote global solidarity, justice and peace especially among the university students world-over. Originally it was called “ Pax Romana” meaning "Roman Peace". The motto of the International Movement is “Preferential Option for the Poor.”

In 1947, Pax Romana officially divided itself into two autonomous branches, the International Movement of Catholic Students (IMCS) and the International Catholic Movement for Intellectual and Cultural Affairs (ICMICA), the Zambian chapter being the Zambia Association of Catholic Professionals (ZACP). The two branches continued to work together and share a common secretariat until 1977 when the IMCS moved to Paris, to share a common office with International Young Catholic (Christian) Students (IYCS). IYCS & IMCS have been working in collaboration since 1946.


NMCS Zambia

The map of Zambia means that the NMCS is nation wide and the green colour is for hope, a sign of life, and magnificent nature we have to preserve. The cross reminds us of our Christian Faith and salvation and red colour represents the blood of Jesus Christ which washes our sins away. The open book invites students to be faithful to their intellectual mission and the motto calls us to stand together for our Catholic faith and what is right.

IMCS – Pax Romana

The circle with open circumference means the global world, the new reality we have to live in at the beginning of the new millennium. The rounded form gives the feeling of movement and dynamism that characterize youth. Midden in the circle, the cross reminds us that we are Christians, following Jesus Christ who died on the cross but has risen alive. On the left side, the open book invites students to be faithful to their intellectual mission. At the top of the right side, a white half globe recalls God's presence, the light of the Holy Spirit who enlights us and guides us. The colour of the right sight is the light blue of peace (PAX) and the yellow colour of the left side is the one of the Papal flag (ROMANA).

Regions (Dioceses)

Zambia is divided into nine (9) provinces, which are Lusaka, Copperbelt, Central, Southern, Northern, North - Western, Eastern, Western and Luapula. The Church has two (2) Archdioceses and eight (8) Dioceses.


  1. Archdiocese of Lusaka (ADL)
  2. Archdiocese of Kasama


  1. Diocese of Chipata
  2. Diocese of Kabwe
  3. Diocese of Livingstone
  4. Diocese of Mansa
  5. Diocese of Mongu
  6. Diocese of Monze
  7. Diocese of Ndola
  8. Diocese of Mpika
  9. Diocese of Solwezi

Diocesan NMCS

NMCS was first established in Archdiocese of Lusaka (as NMCS Lusaka) and Ndola Diocese (as Catholic Students Federation of Ndola Diocese - CASFEND). Following its approval, NMCS is now in all the dioceses of Zambia.

NMCS is thus in 11 regions and is particularly very active in Lusaka, Ndola, Chipata and Livingstone. The other regions/dioceses are still in their establishment phase. The regions are;

  1. Chipata (covering Eastern Province)
  2. Kabwe (covering Central province)
  3. Kasama (covering part of Northern Province)
  4. Livingstone (covering part of Southern and Western Provinces)
  5. Lusaka (covering Lusaka Province)
  6. Mansa (covering Luapula Province)
  7. Mongu (covering Western Province)
  8. Monze (covering part of Southern Province)
  9. Ndola (covering Copperbelt Province)
  10. Mpika (covering part of Central and Northern Provinces)
  11. Solwezi (covering Northwestern Province)

Each region is lead by a Regional Council which reports to the National Council and Chaplain. The National Council is formed by 3 regional leaders ( Coordinator, Secretary General and Treasurer) from which the National Executive is elected. NMCS Lusaka Regional Council is currently acting as the National Council until all regions are fully established.


  • International Movement of Catholic Students (IMCS) Pax - Romana
  • International Catholic Movement for Intellectual and Cultural Affairs (ICMICA) Pax - Romana
  • International Young Catholic (Christian) Students (IYCS)
  • Zambia Association of Catholic Professionals (ZACP)
  • Zambia Young Catholic (Christian) Students (ZYCS)
  • Zambia Episcopal Conference (ZEC)


  1. NMCS Zambia
  2. IMCS Africa - Pax Romana
  3. IMCS - MIEC Pax Romana


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