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Ward, Francois metaphysical student

About Francois Ward and his Spritual Background

I have been following a spiritual path for many years after visiting some spiritual centres, ashrams, in India in the early 1990's. The first holyman I met was Satya Sai Baba at his ashram in Puttaparti, one of the first experiences I had was during darshan, a meeting with a holyman, when he materialised some vibuti, indian sacred ash, into my hand. It quite literally materialised out of the palm of his hand straight into mine. It was not a trick or slight of hand and certainly it got my attention and this really set me of on my spiritual path during which the many experiences I have been graced with have opened me up to the fact that nothing in our perceived world is really as it seems. I have also been to Sri Ramana's Ashram in Tiruvanamalai, Swami Ramdas's Anandashram in South India and Sri Yukteswar's seaside ashram in Puri, Yogananda's teacher. I then learnt under Maha Mai, a self realised teacher who lives in Shropshire, for over 15 years, she transformed me greatly over the years and taught me a wealth of spirituality based on classic Spiritual teachings, incorporating Indian, Christian, Sufi and Buddhist teachings to name a few, as well as encouraging me to meet several other great masters such as Pir Vilayat Khan, and going on pilgrimages to some of the worlds great spiritual centres such as Lourdes, the Holyland, Taize and Assisi in Italy, I have also followed many spiritual practices for self-development and purification, these spiritual purification practices and techniques can be very simple things that we can do every day that cleanse our energy body and makes us feel better. These include yoga, meditating using silent meditation, a mantra and more recently a light meditation to connect you with our true oneness with God. As Jesus says in ACIM we are really sons of God and truly one with our Father.

In 2006 during a week long rebirthing breathing workshop taken by Leornard Orr I had a direct experience of Mary and Jesus, which was I can truly say a life changing experience, during the rebirthing session which the 2 people rebirthing me became Jesus and Mary I had some great releases from some life long blockages, and had some intense experiences and healing from Jesus. These types of experiences can be somewhat overwhelming and often take some time even years before they make sense, it rather like putting together a jigsaw puzzle where you may make up some parts of the picture but the whole picture is not revealed to you until a later time after more experiences. I can say that this experience coupled with the experience of my mother dying some 2 months later took me on a different spiritual path to more traditional path I had been following. I can say that the intense experience of loss you go through when losing a person closely linked to you can be very traumatic and I did touch some of the lowest points of my life. However my best friend and close members of my family stuck by me and I did eventually pull through, together with the faith I have developed from the spiritual studies from over the years.

I am currently studying A Course in Miracles and the Disappearance of the Universe, follow the link to God for more information. This path to God is on one hand similar to traditional spiritual paths which can lead you to God but it also a very radical path that dispels many fixed beliefs we may have, it is a path based on a form of forgiveness that releases the unconscious guilt that we all have buried in the depths of our being, an unconscious guilt that is born from our perceived separation and detachment from God, this colours our whole experience of life and when brought to the surface and dispelled through forgiveness can release us from this world of dreams, unreality and illusions. The main basis of ACIM is that God did not create the world as we see it because we are merely dreaming in a world of illusions and our true immortal reality is that we are all still in perfect oneness in our home with God in "heaven" By following the text and practicing the daily lessons in the workbook we all have to opportunity in this lifetime to forgive the illusions and achieve true ENLIGHTENMENT. For more information click on the link to GOD

In May 2006 I was happy to have met the author Gary Renard at a recent seminar he held in the UK. He is a very humble and sincere man who is doing a marvelous job of spreading the message of ACIM throughout the world. During this workshop Gary shared a true prayer light meditation with us.

In 2007 I was fortunate to go on a breathing workshop given By Sondra Ray in the mountains of Ecuador at Villacabama know as the Valley of the Immortals. This workshop was held at a wonderful spa resort and was represented by a large group from many places around the world. As well as meeting many true followers of re-birthing and ACIM, I had some interesting experiences of a being from another dimension. The area is known for UFO sightings and happenings and although I am not really a follower of UFO phenomena I was graced with this experience of a light being from a either a different dimension, each day during the breathing sessions I experienced this light being entering my body. He communicated with me telepathically, and was a being of pure light, he communicated that life forms are more than just solid bodies of atoms as we appear to be, that we too can be beings of light ourselves in other incarnations in other dimensions, he was a very peaceful being, a peace and ecstasy that he conveyed to me, I experienced a lightness and a pure light, and he also showed me his light ship! Since coming back from Ecuador I have only experienced him a couple of times but each time I experienced the beautiful peace, ecstasy and light.

ACIM tells us that all spiritual experiences are really the Holy Spirit coming to us to guide us and help us along the path back to God.

Summer 2008 was interesting, I attended the Global Inspiration Conference in Hay on Wye and experienced a great week and met many inspirational people from around the world, I attended Judith Kravitz Transformational Breathing workshop, spent a day in the Native American sweat lodge run by Tilly and Mike Chirobokow of Windspirit I met Dr Carl Shapley,Founding Secretary General of the New World Educational Foundation, who was giving talks about Science & Consciousness, the illusion of reality and channeled his guides Listen to his talk. As the Course in Miracles says Love and Forgiveness is always the answer NOTHING real can be threatened, and as we live in total unreality do not believe anything you see with the bodies eyes it is all an illusion, remember that we are all absolute spirit and one with God at all times, we are simply safe at home in heaven having a human experience. Read more about this on my GOD page. Remember we only appear to live in our little bodies here, expand your horizons and learn that you are not the physical form and realise your true nature.

A new year and the dream continues the illusion of life unfolds as we appear to proceed, but in reality we are safe at home in the oneness of God in heaven, and are simply reviewing a script written like characters in a film we play our parts, it is only the perception of how we see that film, from the perspective of the ego who will have us believe we are all separate bodies at the mercy of the variables of an unpredictable world that can be frightening or happy at the same time or we can view the scenes from the perspective of the Holy Spirit that part of the Son of God that reminds each and everyone of us of our true reality and our oneness in spirit. So the Happy Dream Caribbean cruise with Gary Renard in March 2009 for me demonstrated the power of the Holy Spirit, when we put him in charge of each day miracles really do happen...that miracle being the awakening to acceptance that inner peace and love is available to all of us we just need to change our minds about the world and practice the forgiveness that Jesus teaches us in ACIM.The experiences brought to us by the holy spirit are not always what we want but are always what we need, my experiences with meeting Jennifer were very mixed, and we shared some great times together in our brief 6 months together, but also experienced some hard lessons together, it all ended on a typical ego based separation experience, as it takes both sides in any relationship to achieve a holy relationship but often the other person is not at the same place to be able to accept this.

Examining how to undo the past by looking at our past lives, and thereby applying forgiveness to situations in this life bringing us closer to awakening. I have been investigating this lately after some further adventures in the US at the Congress of Evolutionaries in Boulder Colorado in July 2009 and re-visiting through past life regressions some recent past lives that seriously affected some behaviour patterns in this life. In a past life regression session I experienced a past life as a french nobleman, which ended up with me being hauled off to the guillotine, before losing my head I experienced my spirit leaving my body and hovering above the jeering crowd, the transformation and healing of this episode was that I had asked for the intention of seeing a past life that might be the cause of my losing my temper badly at times in this life, the overwhelming feeling I experienced in the past life was being so arrogant and angry that just because I had a big chateua I should have to lose my head (lose my temper!!!). This was a great release in this life as I was able to let go and forgive the reasons that caused the loss of temper in this life. Since then I have had further releases and forgiveness experiences through examining by regression my past lives. As time is holographic (ie not linear but all time is happening at one moment) the healing takes place in all your past lives simultaneously, and I have had the most experiences about my most recent past life as a woman living in Chicago in the 1930's. It is interesting how the experinces of having been a woman can also release the whole male female seperateness that the ego loves to play on so much...really we are of course neither male nor female, nor are we the body but pure spirit of oneness

So that is a brief spiritual history of me (in this incarnation}, so far!!

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ward, Francois metaphysical student

About Francois Ward and his Spritual Background

I have been following a spiritual path for many years after visiting some spiritual centres, ashrams, in India in the early 1990's. The first holyman I met was Satya Sai Baba at his ashram in Puttaparti, one of the first experiences I had was during darshan, a meeting with a holyman, when he materialised some vibuti, indian sacred ash, into my hand. It quite literally materialised out of the palm of his hand straight into mine. It was not a trick or slight of hand and certainly it got my attention and this really set me of on my spiritual path during which the many experiences I have been graced with have opened me up to the fact that nothing in our perceived world is really as it seems. I have also been to Sri Ramana's Ashram in Tiruvanamalai, Swami Ramdas's Anandashram in South India and Sri Yukteswar's seaside ashram in Puri, Yogananda's teacher. I then learnt under Maha Mai, a self realised teacher who lives in Shropshire, for over 15 years, she transformed me greatly over the years and taught me a wealth of spirituality based on classic Spiritual teachings, incorporating Indian, Christian, Sufi and Buddhist teachings to name a few, as well as encouraging me to meet several other great masters such as Pir Vilayat Khan, and going on pilgrimages to some of the worlds great spiritual centres such as Lourdes, the Holyland, Taize and Assisi in Italy, I have also followed many spiritual practices for self-development and purification, these spiritual purification practices and techniques can be very simple things that we can do every day that cleanse our energy body and makes us feel better. These include yoga, meditating using silent meditation, a mantra and more recently a light meditation to connect you with our true oneness with God. As Jesus says in ACIM we are really sons of God and truly one with our Father.

In 2006 during a week long rebirthing breathing workshop taken by Leornard Orr I had a direct experience of Mary and Jesus, which was I can truly say a life changing experience, during the rebirthing session which the 2 people rebirthing me became Jesus and Mary I had some great releases from some life long blockages, and had some intense experiences and healing from Jesus. These types of experiences can be somewhat overwhelming and often take some time even years before they make sense, it rather like putting together a jigsaw puzzle where you may make up some parts of the picture but the whole picture is not revealed to you until a later time after more experiences. I can say that this experience coupled with the experience of my mother dying some 2 months later took me on a different spiritual path to more traditional path I had been following. I can say that the intense experience of loss you go through when losing a person closely linked to you can be very traumatic and I did touch some of the lowest points of my life. However my best friend and close members of my family stuck by me and I did eventually pull through, together with the faith I have developed from the spiritual studies from over the years.

I am currently studying A Course in Miracles and the Disappearance of the Universe, follow the link to God for more information. This path to God is on one hand similar to traditional spiritual paths which can lead you to God but it also a very radical path that dispels many fixed beliefs we may have, it is a path based on a form of forgiveness that releases the unconscious guilt that we all have buried in the depths of our being, an unconscious guilt that is born from our perceived separation and detachment from God, this colours our whole experience of life and when brought to the surface and dispelled through forgiveness can release us from this world of dreams, unreality and illusions. The main basis of ACIM is that God did not create the world as we see it because we are merely dreaming in a world of illusions and our true immortal reality is that we are all still in perfect oneness in our home with God in "heaven" By following the text and practicing the daily lessons in the workbook we all have to opportunity in this lifetime to forgive the illusions and achieve true ENLIGHTENMENT. For more information click on the link to GOD

In May 2006 I was happy to have met the author Gary Renard at a recent seminar he held in the UK. He is a very humble and sincere man who is doing a marvelous job of spreading the message of ACIM throughout the world. During this workshop Gary shared a true prayer light meditation with us.

In 2007 I was fortunate to go on a breathing workshop given By Sondra Ray in the mountains of Ecuador at Villacabama know as the Valley of the Immortals. This workshop was held at a wonderful spa resort and was represented by a large group from many places around the world. As well as meeting many true followers of re-birthing and ACIM, I had some interesting experiences of a being from another dimension. The area is known for UFO sightings and happenings and although I am not really a follower of UFO phenomena I was graced with this experience of a light being from a either a different dimension, each day during the breathing sessions I experienced this light being entering my body. He communicated with me telepathically, and was a being of pure light, he communicated that life forms are more than just solid bodies of atoms as we appear to be, that we too can be beings of light ourselves in other incarnations in other dimensions, he was a very peaceful being, a peace and ecstasy that he conveyed to me, I experienced a lightness and a pure light, and he also showed me his light ship! Since coming back from Ecuador I have only experienced him a couple of times but each time I experienced the beautiful peace, ecstasy and light.

ACIM tells us that all spiritual experiences are really the Holy Spirit coming to us to guide us and help us along the path back to God.

Summer 2008 was interesting, I attended the Global Inspiration Conference in Hay on Wye and experienced a great week and met many inspirational people from around the world, I attended Judith Kravitz Transformational Breathing workshop, spent a day in the Native American sweat lodge run by Tilly and Mike Chirobokow of Windspirit I met Dr Carl Shapley,Founding Secretary General of the New World Educational Foundation, who was giving talks about Science & Consciousness, the illusion of reality and channeled his guides Listen to his talk. As the Course in Miracles says Love and Forgiveness is always the answer NOTHING real can be threatened, and as we live in total unreality do not believe anything you see with the bodies eyes it is all an illusion, remember that we are all absolute spirit and one with God at all times, we are simply safe at home in heaven having a human experience. Read more about this on my GOD page. Remember we only appear to live in our little bodies here, expand your horizons and learn that you are not the physical form and realise your true nature.

A new year and the dream continues the illusion of life unfolds as we appear to proceed, but in reality we are safe at home in the oneness of God in heaven, and are simply reviewing a script written like characters in a film we play our parts, it is only the perception of how we see that film, from the perspective of the ego who will have us believe we are all separate bodies at the mercy of the variables of an unpredictable world that can be frightening or happy at the same time or we can view the scenes from the perspective of the Holy Spirit that part of the Son of God that reminds each and everyone of us of our true reality and our oneness in spirit. So the Happy Dream Caribbean cruise with Gary Renard in March 2009 for me demonstrated the power of the Holy Spirit, when we put him in charge of each day miracles really do happen...that miracle being the awakening to acceptance that inner peace and love is available to all of us we just need to change our minds about the world and practice the forgiveness that Jesus teaches us in ACIM.The experiences brought to us by the holy spirit are not always what we want but are always what we need, my experiences with meeting Jennifer were very mixed, and we shared some great times together in our brief 6 months together, but also experienced some hard lessons together, it all ended on a typical ego based separation experience, as it takes both sides in any relationship to achieve a holy relationship but often the other person is not at the same place to be able to accept this.

Examining how to undo the past by looking at our past lives, and thereby applying forgiveness to situations in this life bringing us closer to awakening. I have been investigating this lately after some further adventures in the US at the Congress of Evolutionaries in Boulder Colorado in July 2009 and re-visiting through past life regressions some recent past lives that seriously affected some behaviour patterns in this life. In a past life regression session I experienced a past life as a french nobleman, which ended up with me being hauled off to the guillotine, before losing my head I experienced my spirit leaving my body and hovering above the jeering crowd, the transformation and healing of this episode was that I had asked for the intention of seeing a past life that might be the cause of my losing my temper badly at times in this life, the overwhelming feeling I experienced in the past life was being so arrogant and angry that just because I had a big chateua I should have to lose my head (lose my temper!!!). This was a great release in this life as I was able to let go and forgive the reasons that caused the loss of temper in this life. Since then I have had further releases and forgiveness experiences through examining by regression my past lives. As time is holographic (ie not linear but all time is happening at one moment) the healing takes place in all your past lives simultaneously, and I have had the most experiences about my most recent past life as a woman living in Chicago in the 1930's. It is interesting how the experinces of having been a woman can also release the whole male female seperateness that the ego loves to play on so much...really we are of course neither male nor female, nor are we the body but pure spirit of oneness

So that is a brief spiritual history of me (in this incarnation}, so far!!


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