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Mechanical 515, CIA opertive, Assassin
Portrayed byChristopher John Masnica
In-universe information
Gender Male
Occupation CIA operative/ Assassin/ Interogation
Affiliation Small Boys Unit ( Liberian Civil War) Medusa Blackstone 515
WeaponDual Glock 7

The Mechanical_515 is the primary antagonist, created and portrayed by Christopher John Masnica. Mechanical_515 is a career foreign service officer and a specialist in interogations, and Far Eastern affairs. Mechanical is an arrogant yet extremely effective enforcer. Known by his code name Mechanical, he is also known as Foxglove, (a poisonous and fatal plant to all humans) and Shalashaska (Russian slang word for prison). Mechanical has Machiavellian ambitions, including goals to leave his mark in history. He also sees his tactics as a means to an end.


Mechanical has a mysterious past, not much is revealed about him. Before he was recruided into the service Chris had a family. His father served as a Marine Corps pilot, and transferred often to other bases during Chris's childhood. Since he spend his childhood touring the world, he presumably picked up his affinity for languages during this period, and shows a level of understanding Spanish, French, Portuguese, Russian, Italian, Japanese and Hindi. By the time when Chris turned 17, he and his father were stationed in Liberian, during the Liberian Civil War, an aircraft strayed into the Liberian air field and dropped two bombs and strafed a spot near the military base, unintentionally killing Chris's father and nearly killing him in the process. Owing to Liberian's neutrality in the war, every nation disclaimed the plane, since no one wanted to be responsible for the incident. Having nothing left, Chris was now orphaned and forced to become a child soldier of the leader of Small Boys Unit. While attending the war, his post trama expierence on killing have forged him into a weapon of hatred. Which now earned him rank of leader of the unit. After the war ended he escaped to live on his own, but went to Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) and trained for a special unit called Medusa.


The top-secret and government-funded project codenamed 'Medusa' is a vital part of Chris Masnica's life. Chris was recruited into Medusa by friend and CIA officer, Alexander Gurlukavich. At the time, Chris was furious and wanted revenge in any possible capacity. By joining Medusa, he felt he was seeking revenge against the people who presumably killed his father and forced him to join The Liberian War. The reason Medusa was a special unit is the fact that many of the members of Medusa were criminals and former members of the KGB, whom the American government developed during the war to infiltrate parts of Western borders and kill suspected GRU and double agents. In addition, they also killed village chiefs that were suspected to be in collaboration with the GRU's and aided in rescuing POWs wherever they could. They were considered an assassination team or a death squad. Each member would be compensated by the United States for doing this. Chris earned the code name The End. Specificlly for expiring his victims to the end. He saw it "as a means to an end." Most of the members were murderers, fugitives, smugglers, arms dealers, or drug lords being led by The End. Soon became well known as a ruthless person, with little regard for orders, but succeeding in all his missions. But the fact that The End had became the new leader of Medusa. His tactics became more ruthless and became a priority concern to the US government. To put a stop to The End's tactics, the Government issued a search and destroy team to eliminate The End and all afilliated to his team. With the S.A.D team sucessfully acomplishing the elimination of The End and the Medusa project, the American government not wanting to acknowledge the existence of Medusa or The End, it never reported the death of The End, but rather listed his status as MIA.

Medusa-The Aftermath

The US Government had not knew that Masnica had faked his death. In order to cover his tracks and persume dead, Masnica had to live in the shadows for a number of years. He managed to funnel procedes out of the late Medusa project to have travel expense and numerous forged documents. Until he was then spotted and captured by the Israli Government. Speculation was that the Israli's were keeping close opservation on his location. He was then handed over to the US Government.

Blackstone 515

Since Masnica was imprisoned by the US Government, they decided he could be of use to perform special missions and sneaking, as well as kill jobs. A black ops arm of the CIA was formed called Blackstone 515, and Masnica was personaly selected by the creator of Blackstone and the creator of Medusa, James Madison, who was nicknamed The Father, short for The Father of Covert Operations. At this point, Masnica takes the codename to be known as Shalashaska. Due to his status as MIA in the war and the fact that Masnica was in reality a ruthless assassin with a long killing record. The point of all this was to turn Chris Masnica into something more than he really was, a contract assassin who would be known all over the world for terminating the lives of just about anyone. The assassin's alias was Chris Michaels. The reasoning for creating such a fallacy was to create a competition for a well known assassin named Carlos, or Carlos the Jackal, real name Ilich Ramírez Sánchez, who at that time was considered the world's best and most famous assassin. The myth of Michaels was created by having Michaels take credit for any well publicized killings that took place in Asia, and later Europe, regardless of the circumstances. By creating this myth, Michaels was to drive Carlos out in the open and capture him. To add insult to Carlos's name, Michaels stole the credit for Carlos's kills, even if had no part. Later in the story, Michaels learns of a contract Carlos accepted on an Ambassador Leland, Operation: Mad Jackyl, which he attempted to prevent. However, Michaels was unsuccessful and ended up being shot several times, once in the head, and left for dead in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea. He would later be recovered by a SEALS team, and awake as an amnesiac, presumably a side effect of the gunshot wound to his head. Weeks later, mission Mad Jackyl had backfired on the CIA, as well as the US Government. Ambassador Leiland demanded proof that the CIA wasn't involved in the conspiracy, so they offered Michaels as proof he was acting alone in the assassination attempt. Leiland also demanded Micheals to be executed for his treachury, and Carlos would have to do it. Chris Michaels was put into a corner and had no clue of his long term memory, the CIA activates three operatives to take down the agent: Kesser, Miller and the Carlos. In the meantime, Micheals finds records and means to recover his memory, and learns he is very proficient in hand-to-hand combat and has a strong knowledge of firearms when he subdues the agents Kesser and Miller without no remorse. A few moments later, Carlos blasts through a window and engages Michaels in hand-to-hand combat. After Michaels subdues him he attempts to interrogate him, by breaking his arms. Carlos eventually tells Michaels who he is and what he was trained to do. Michaels then throws Carlos out the window. He then finds pictures of himself in Carlos bag. After knowing his idenity he contacts Blackstone and communicates with John Madison, who informs him he is the only survivor of Blackstone 515, which earned him the name, Mechanical 515.

Crimes and Assassinations

Mechanical has commited numerous acts of crimes and assassinations, as well as tortering his targets, for his agency. Here are the known facts of Mechanical commiting for the agency.

  • After a war between two rival drug lords escalated in South America, Mechanical kidnapped one of the dealers and handed him over to the other to get them together. But he placed a C4 charge in the dealer to have him blown up along with the other dealer.
  • Mechanical murdered FBI special agent, Billiam Griffin, who had been ordered to find information regarding Blackstone, Griffin had been getting clowser to obtaining the information, Mechanical deliberately leaked information of an informant's name to Griffin, who broke into the informant's house in order to obtain it. Instead he found only Mechanical. After Griffin dropped his gun and surrendered, Mechanical shot him 6 times and rigged the crime scene to look like a set up from the informant.
  • Mechanical kidnapped, brutally tortured, Korean diplomat Chung Kanishi, for information. Who was believed to be selling biological weapons.
  • Mechanical infiltrated a nuclear weapons disposal facility (in Russia) to obtain a sample of a viral weapon, and to neutralize the terrorist threat from Deathshell, a renegade special forces unit. Mechanical seizes control of the virus and elminates Deathshell, and anyone who's affliated.
  • Mechanical also handed over two Iraqian soldiers who had carried out a bomb threat on an American Embassy to his agency. Both men weren't seen afterwards.
  • Mechanical tied a Double Agent to a chair wired with C-4 plastic explosives as a scare tactic for information about the murder of a CIA operative. However, this caused the terrified agent to panic and tip himself over, thereby detonating the explosives and blowing himself to pieces.
  • Mechanical helped Assistant CIA director, Arnold McCalaster kidnap the son of The Leone Family. This individual had participated in a drug trade where McCalaster lost his partner during the trade. McCalaster murdered the son (to Mechanical's great surprise) and then insisted that Mechanical dispose of the body. He dumped the body in a Leone territory in the hope it would be interpreted as a message for revenge.
  • Mechanical assisted John Madison, in a cover up. There were files that linked Madison to a murder, and needed Mechanical to obtain the files and kill VIP Donald Van Nelson and his wife. Mechanical infiltrated they're hotel room and killed both parties. And made it look like a murder/suicide.
  • When working under the Medusa, he delibertly killed 2 of his team members due to not following orders.
  • Mechanical kidnapped a Russian Mafia boss to prevent him from firebombing a building full of Mexican immigrants.
  • Mechanical has been linked to over 4 dozen murders in foriegn countries.
  • Mechanical physically attacked Secret Service Henry Jacobs, beating him up with a combistick and severely burning him with a molotov cocktail.
  • After kidnapping a VIP Officer, Mechanical stacked Semtex explosive around a his body and threatened to kill him on if not paid $350,000 plus an additional $70,000 for, "ruining my day." speculation showed the VIP, had been importing firearms into the United States.
  • To get a confession, he nearly drowned a man in a barrel of used crude oil.
  • Mechanical killed Russian President Mikhail Nikolitrovoski, using a sniper rifle to achieve a head shot from over 6 km away.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mechanical 515, CIA opertive, Assassin
Portrayed byChristopher John Masnica
In-universe information
Gender Male
Occupation CIA operative/ Assassin/ Interogation
Affiliation Small Boys Unit ( Liberian Civil War) Medusa Blackstone 515
WeaponDual Glock 7

The Mechanical_515 is the primary antagonist, created and portrayed by Christopher John Masnica. Mechanical_515 is a career foreign service officer and a specialist in interogations, and Far Eastern affairs. Mechanical is an arrogant yet extremely effective enforcer. Known by his code name Mechanical, he is also known as Foxglove, (a poisonous and fatal plant to all humans) and Shalashaska (Russian slang word for prison). Mechanical has Machiavellian ambitions, including goals to leave his mark in history. He also sees his tactics as a means to an end.


Mechanical has a mysterious past, not much is revealed about him. Before he was recruided into the service Chris had a family. His father served as a Marine Corps pilot, and transferred often to other bases during Chris's childhood. Since he spend his childhood touring the world, he presumably picked up his affinity for languages during this period, and shows a level of understanding Spanish, French, Portuguese, Russian, Italian, Japanese and Hindi. By the time when Chris turned 17, he and his father were stationed in Liberian, during the Liberian Civil War, an aircraft strayed into the Liberian air field and dropped two bombs and strafed a spot near the military base, unintentionally killing Chris's father and nearly killing him in the process. Owing to Liberian's neutrality in the war, every nation disclaimed the plane, since no one wanted to be responsible for the incident. Having nothing left, Chris was now orphaned and forced to become a child soldier of the leader of Small Boys Unit. While attending the war, his post trama expierence on killing have forged him into a weapon of hatred. Which now earned him rank of leader of the unit. After the war ended he escaped to live on his own, but went to Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) and trained for a special unit called Medusa.


The top-secret and government-funded project codenamed 'Medusa' is a vital part of Chris Masnica's life. Chris was recruited into Medusa by friend and CIA officer, Alexander Gurlukavich. At the time, Chris was furious and wanted revenge in any possible capacity. By joining Medusa, he felt he was seeking revenge against the people who presumably killed his father and forced him to join The Liberian War. The reason Medusa was a special unit is the fact that many of the members of Medusa were criminals and former members of the KGB, whom the American government developed during the war to infiltrate parts of Western borders and kill suspected GRU and double agents. In addition, they also killed village chiefs that were suspected to be in collaboration with the GRU's and aided in rescuing POWs wherever they could. They were considered an assassination team or a death squad. Each member would be compensated by the United States for doing this. Chris earned the code name The End. Specificlly for expiring his victims to the end. He saw it "as a means to an end." Most of the members were murderers, fugitives, smugglers, arms dealers, or drug lords being led by The End. Soon became well known as a ruthless person, with little regard for orders, but succeeding in all his missions. But the fact that The End had became the new leader of Medusa. His tactics became more ruthless and became a priority concern to the US government. To put a stop to The End's tactics, the Government issued a search and destroy team to eliminate The End and all afilliated to his team. With the S.A.D team sucessfully acomplishing the elimination of The End and the Medusa project, the American government not wanting to acknowledge the existence of Medusa or The End, it never reported the death of The End, but rather listed his status as MIA.

Medusa-The Aftermath

The US Government had not knew that Masnica had faked his death. In order to cover his tracks and persume dead, Masnica had to live in the shadows for a number of years. He managed to funnel procedes out of the late Medusa project to have travel expense and numerous forged documents. Until he was then spotted and captured by the Israli Government. Speculation was that the Israli's were keeping close opservation on his location. He was then handed over to the US Government.

Blackstone 515

Since Masnica was imprisoned by the US Government, they decided he could be of use to perform special missions and sneaking, as well as kill jobs. A black ops arm of the CIA was formed called Blackstone 515, and Masnica was personaly selected by the creator of Blackstone and the creator of Medusa, James Madison, who was nicknamed The Father, short for The Father of Covert Operations. At this point, Masnica takes the codename to be known as Shalashaska. Due to his status as MIA in the war and the fact that Masnica was in reality a ruthless assassin with a long killing record. The point of all this was to turn Chris Masnica into something more than he really was, a contract assassin who would be known all over the world for terminating the lives of just about anyone. The assassin's alias was Chris Michaels. The reasoning for creating such a fallacy was to create a competition for a well known assassin named Carlos, or Carlos the Jackal, real name Ilich Ramírez Sánchez, who at that time was considered the world's best and most famous assassin. The myth of Michaels was created by having Michaels take credit for any well publicized killings that took place in Asia, and later Europe, regardless of the circumstances. By creating this myth, Michaels was to drive Carlos out in the open and capture him. To add insult to Carlos's name, Michaels stole the credit for Carlos's kills, even if had no part. Later in the story, Michaels learns of a contract Carlos accepted on an Ambassador Leland, Operation: Mad Jackyl, which he attempted to prevent. However, Michaels was unsuccessful and ended up being shot several times, once in the head, and left for dead in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea. He would later be recovered by a SEALS team, and awake as an amnesiac, presumably a side effect of the gunshot wound to his head. Weeks later, mission Mad Jackyl had backfired on the CIA, as well as the US Government. Ambassador Leiland demanded proof that the CIA wasn't involved in the conspiracy, so they offered Michaels as proof he was acting alone in the assassination attempt. Leiland also demanded Micheals to be executed for his treachury, and Carlos would have to do it. Chris Michaels was put into a corner and had no clue of his long term memory, the CIA activates three operatives to take down the agent: Kesser, Miller and the Carlos. In the meantime, Micheals finds records and means to recover his memory, and learns he is very proficient in hand-to-hand combat and has a strong knowledge of firearms when he subdues the agents Kesser and Miller without no remorse. A few moments later, Carlos blasts through a window and engages Michaels in hand-to-hand combat. After Michaels subdues him he attempts to interrogate him, by breaking his arms. Carlos eventually tells Michaels who he is and what he was trained to do. Michaels then throws Carlos out the window. He then finds pictures of himself in Carlos bag. After knowing his idenity he contacts Blackstone and communicates with John Madison, who informs him he is the only survivor of Blackstone 515, which earned him the name, Mechanical 515.

Crimes and Assassinations

Mechanical has commited numerous acts of crimes and assassinations, as well as tortering his targets, for his agency. Here are the known facts of Mechanical commiting for the agency.

  • After a war between two rival drug lords escalated in South America, Mechanical kidnapped one of the dealers and handed him over to the other to get them together. But he placed a C4 charge in the dealer to have him blown up along with the other dealer.
  • Mechanical murdered FBI special agent, Billiam Griffin, who had been ordered to find information regarding Blackstone, Griffin had been getting clowser to obtaining the information, Mechanical deliberately leaked information of an informant's name to Griffin, who broke into the informant's house in order to obtain it. Instead he found only Mechanical. After Griffin dropped his gun and surrendered, Mechanical shot him 6 times and rigged the crime scene to look like a set up from the informant.
  • Mechanical kidnapped, brutally tortured, Korean diplomat Chung Kanishi, for information. Who was believed to be selling biological weapons.
  • Mechanical infiltrated a nuclear weapons disposal facility (in Russia) to obtain a sample of a viral weapon, and to neutralize the terrorist threat from Deathshell, a renegade special forces unit. Mechanical seizes control of the virus and elminates Deathshell, and anyone who's affliated.
  • Mechanical also handed over two Iraqian soldiers who had carried out a bomb threat on an American Embassy to his agency. Both men weren't seen afterwards.
  • Mechanical tied a Double Agent to a chair wired with C-4 plastic explosives as a scare tactic for information about the murder of a CIA operative. However, this caused the terrified agent to panic and tip himself over, thereby detonating the explosives and blowing himself to pieces.
  • Mechanical helped Assistant CIA director, Arnold McCalaster kidnap the son of The Leone Family. This individual had participated in a drug trade where McCalaster lost his partner during the trade. McCalaster murdered the son (to Mechanical's great surprise) and then insisted that Mechanical dispose of the body. He dumped the body in a Leone territory in the hope it would be interpreted as a message for revenge.
  • Mechanical assisted John Madison, in a cover up. There were files that linked Madison to a murder, and needed Mechanical to obtain the files and kill VIP Donald Van Nelson and his wife. Mechanical infiltrated they're hotel room and killed both parties. And made it look like a murder/suicide.
  • When working under the Medusa, he delibertly killed 2 of his team members due to not following orders.
  • Mechanical kidnapped a Russian Mafia boss to prevent him from firebombing a building full of Mexican immigrants.
  • Mechanical has been linked to over 4 dozen murders in foriegn countries.
  • Mechanical physically attacked Secret Service Henry Jacobs, beating him up with a combistick and severely burning him with a molotov cocktail.
  • After kidnapping a VIP Officer, Mechanical stacked Semtex explosive around a his body and threatened to kill him on if not paid $350,000 plus an additional $70,000 for, "ruining my day." speculation showed the VIP, had been importing firearms into the United States.
  • To get a confession, he nearly drowned a man in a barrel of used crude oil.
  • Mechanical killed Russian President Mikhail Nikolitrovoski, using a sniper rifle to achieve a head shot from over 6 km away.


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