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-- Abdirashiid Mohumed Hassan ( talk) 19:03, 17 March 2013 (UTC)Zaad services i am happy to add some information about the zaad service in the somaliland telecommunication activities of Telesom. althought i have not seen any zaad service in Telesom Wikipedia i want to add zaad service in the activities that this company provies. Sep 30, 2009 - Uploaded by cabdalle240 QARAN EXPRESS AND ZAAD SERVICESby afaarah 824 views; 2:00 ... Telesom Zaad service ..this article from a youtoube that telesom managers are advertising the important of this kind of service

Telesom ZAAD Service

Telesom is pleased to become the Fifth company in the world after (Smart, MTN, Vodafone, Zain ) to provide Mobile Money

Telesom is the first African fully owned company in the world to announce Mobile money . ( MTN is a multinational company based in South Africa ) ZAAD SERVICE INFORMATION: Adeega cusub ee ZAAD ayaa soo afjaray baahidii loo qabay in lacag laguu soo dhigo Xawaalad adigoo jooga gudaha Somalia iyo Somaliland iyo sidoo kale inaad lacagtaada dhigatid Bank ama jeebka ku heeysid. Zaad Service waxaad ku keeydsan kartaa lacagtaa xitaa hal dollar,sidoo kalena qofka jooga Somalia iyo Somaliland waxaad ugu diri kartaa lacag . Horumarka bulshada koofurta Somalia jiitay ee Zaad Service Hormuud Telecom uu xambaarsan waxaa ka mida in Simcardka aad wadatid wax uga iibsan kartid hadba halka aad joogtid . Cabdi Rashiid Ceynaanshe oo ka mida hoowlwadeenada sare ee Hormuud Telecom iyo barnaamijka cusub ee Zaad ayaa sheegay in ZAAD loo adeegsan karo:-

  • In Aad Lacagtaa Ku Keeydsato

In Lacag Laguugu Soo Diro Acounkaaga Zaad

  • In Aad Lacag U Dirto Qof Kale.
  • in Lacagta Ku Jirta Acounkaag Zaad Aad ku Iibsan Karto Wax Walba Meel kastood Joogto.

Dad badan oo Xawaaladaha saf u geli jiray si ay lacago ugu diraan eheladooda joogo gobolada kala duwan ee dalka hada waxay jaanis u heleen inay acounkooda telefoonka gacanta ka dhex dirsadaan.iyagoo raacaa systemka lacag dirista. Qodobka xiisaha leh ee ZAAD Service wuxuu yahay adigoo lacagtaada ka maamulaya Simcardka Hormuud Telecom,guud ahaan geyiga Somalia oo ay gaarsiisay awoodeeda Network ,ilaa xaduudaha,Kenya,Ethiopia iyo Djibouti IYO SOMALI LAND.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- Abdirashiid Mohumed Hassan ( talk) 19:03, 17 March 2013 (UTC)Zaad services i am happy to add some information about the zaad service in the somaliland telecommunication activities of Telesom. althought i have not seen any zaad service in Telesom Wikipedia i want to add zaad service in the activities that this company provies. Sep 30, 2009 - Uploaded by cabdalle240 QARAN EXPRESS AND ZAAD SERVICESby afaarah 824 views; 2:00 ... Telesom Zaad service ..this article from a youtoube that telesom managers are advertising the important of this kind of service

Telesom ZAAD Service

Telesom is pleased to become the Fifth company in the world after (Smart, MTN, Vodafone, Zain ) to provide Mobile Money

Telesom is the first African fully owned company in the world to announce Mobile money . ( MTN is a multinational company based in South Africa ) ZAAD SERVICE INFORMATION: Adeega cusub ee ZAAD ayaa soo afjaray baahidii loo qabay in lacag laguu soo dhigo Xawaalad adigoo jooga gudaha Somalia iyo Somaliland iyo sidoo kale inaad lacagtaada dhigatid Bank ama jeebka ku heeysid. Zaad Service waxaad ku keeydsan kartaa lacagtaa xitaa hal dollar,sidoo kalena qofka jooga Somalia iyo Somaliland waxaad ugu diri kartaa lacag . Horumarka bulshada koofurta Somalia jiitay ee Zaad Service Hormuud Telecom uu xambaarsan waxaa ka mida in Simcardka aad wadatid wax uga iibsan kartid hadba halka aad joogtid . Cabdi Rashiid Ceynaanshe oo ka mida hoowlwadeenada sare ee Hormuud Telecom iyo barnaamijka cusub ee Zaad ayaa sheegay in ZAAD loo adeegsan karo:-

  • In Aad Lacagtaa Ku Keeydsato

In Lacag Laguugu Soo Diro Acounkaaga Zaad

  • In Aad Lacag U Dirto Qof Kale.
  • in Lacagta Ku Jirta Acounkaag Zaad Aad ku Iibsan Karto Wax Walba Meel kastood Joogto.

Dad badan oo Xawaaladaha saf u geli jiray si ay lacago ugu diraan eheladooda joogo gobolada kala duwan ee dalka hada waxay jaanis u heleen inay acounkooda telefoonka gacanta ka dhex dirsadaan.iyagoo raacaa systemka lacag dirista. Qodobka xiisaha leh ee ZAAD Service wuxuu yahay adigoo lacagtaada ka maamulaya Simcardka Hormuud Telecom,guud ahaan geyiga Somalia oo ay gaarsiisay awoodeeda Network ,ilaa xaduudaha,Kenya,Ethiopia iyo Djibouti IYO SOMALI LAND.


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