From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- Львівське ( говорити) 15:53, 26 February 2014 (UTC)

Russian involvement

  • On December 14 two Russian IL-76 military transport aircraft were stationed in Hostomel, in Kiev region with unknown purposes. [1]
  • On January 22, former SBU chief Stanislav Rechinsky said the situation in the country was not a civil war, but a Russian invasion. "It is known from a number of sources that 'specialists' from the FSB work with the SBU, and that Russians are wearing the Berkut uniforms - and they kill [...] The sources also connect Lutsenko’s kidnapping and confirmed the murder of Verbytsky with Russia. [2]
  • "During the press conference, Bulatov has repeatedly stressed that he believed he was abducted by the Russian special forces. In addition, the activist alleged that leader of the Ukrainian Choice Viktor Medvedchuk might be involved in his abduction." ref
  • On January 24 MP Anatoliy Hrytsenko stated "Russian Special forces are present in Kiev, including Maidan, and they work with the Ukrainian special services." [3]
  • On January 26 it was reported and captured on video the involvement of Russian Special Operations forces operating in Mykolayiv. [4] The Russian embassy in Ukraine denied these reports as "provocative". [5]
  • sso: "They repeatedly evade questions as to who they are and why they aren’t wearing insignia – which is against the law – saying only that they “were called to patrol to ensure civil order”, and “came here to protect the eternal flame to Soviet heroes” (a monument in the city)." / "Russia’s army has a special operations division, whose official mission is to protect Russian interests abroad, that also uses the acronym “CCO”. However, there is currently no proof that the men in the video were Russian and not Ukrainian"
  • Putin advisor Glazev calls for force in ukraine, federalization, for south to join russia
  • russia threatens military intervention

"Russia refuses to admit that Ukraine is a sovereign state." and " refuses to acknowledge itself as foreign country in relation to Ukraine."
Russia has stated it is ready to intervene in Ukraine should the gov't ask it
"It is not a secret that Russian is trying to impose in Ukraine an idea of federalization."
"high-rank Russian officials and the official media find no other words for Ukrainians except terrorists and extremists" and protests as "mass disorders of the Ukrainian nationalists inspired by the overseas countries."
Russian Duma refers to the Euromaidan movement as "“the attempt to depose the legitimate government institutions by force”
"It’s more likely that limited contingent of Russian troops will be sent to Ukraine in pretense of provision of security of strategic locations (like pipeline system, nuclear power stations, port and air facilities, etc), which capture by terrorists could have harmful effect in Europe scale."
"with or without announcement of the state of emergency would apply to GASPROM for aid. As a result, private Russian militarized security formations would be brought at the territory of Ukraine and deployed along the gas pipelines."
  • death squads: military expert and psychologist Oleksiy Arestovych believes Russian security forces are on the ground here and assisting the government in its attempts to quell public dissent - “We are dealing not only with the FSB (Security Service of Russia) conspiracy, it is a mix of criminals, police and with the government,”; death squad tortures told Lutsenko they are adherents of a "Slavic Union" with Russia and Belarus;
  • snyder russian could stage internal coup


  • ref : "“the phase of active intervention in Ukrainian affairs,” and this time plans to use “’citizen volunteers,’” supposedly outraged by “’fascists’” in Ukraine to suppress the Maidan by force." - "The Kremlin has been doing things like this at least since the Spanish Civil War in the 1930s, “where the regular [Soviet] army acted under the guide of volunteers.” This time, in Ukraine, Shmulyevich says, Moscow will use “as internationalists” the state-organized (“registered”) Cossacks and “possibly” Russian criminal elements as well"
  • "January 28 declaration of Viktor Vodolatsky, a Duma deputy who is also Supreme Ataman of Cossack Forces of Russ and Abroad, who said he was ready to dispatch 15,000 Cossacks to restore order in Ukraine if Ukrainian Cossacks requested that." (ref above)
  • more on cossacks



[6] - separatists in crimea

ukr forces

west: 5 mechanized, 2 artillery, 1 airmobile, 1 rocket, 1 armored (chernihiv) south-east: 3 mechanized, 1 artillery, 1 airmobile, 0 rocket, 1 armored

  • Jan. 31, 8:40 p.m. -- After two months of unrest, Ukraine’s army got involved in the ongoing political crisis, when the Ministry of Defense unexpectedly issued a Jan. 31 statement, asking President Viktor Yanukovych to “apply measures for stabilizing of situation in the country.”

The commanders called protesters' occupation of government buildings “inadmissible" and said that “further escalation of confrontation threatens to integrity of the country.” The decision to send Yanukovych a special letter was made at a general meeting of the ministry’s office the day before and, according to Anatoliy Hrytsenko, an opposition lawmaker and former defense minister, the officers had been pressured to support Yanukovych. “I know for sure that officers, who were not agreeing to the 'common approval' are now being pressured by their commanders and chiefs,” Hrytsenko said on his Facebook page. In its separate statement, the Defense Ministry also denied the reports that army was allegedly involved in assisting the police during the ongoing political crisis. -- Oksana Grytsenko



civil war

lutsenko calls for police and military to defect

- also, tyahnybok did already, kirovohrad troops, and theres the SMS pic

lviv self defense units link also, anti-maidan self defense units / vigilantes in crimea link cossacks

this ref = < ref name=kolesvigil />

  • "Ihor Smehsko, who headed Ukraine's security service when Mr. Yanukovych was prime minister in 2003-2004, predicted Monday that in the event of mass repression the armed forces and security services will split along the country's East-West cultural divide." [7]

  • "The army and militia are unreliable, the internal troops are untested, and the special forces are too few. Do you really want to risk provoking a civil war that could destroy the country and that you will not be able to win?" ref motyl
  • "The riot police of Berkut can be counted on to beat protesters a few more times, but the behavior of the regular police, and the Ukrainian army, is far less predictable. Some reports have already indicated that policemen have supported the protesters, at least in the western part of the country. If Yanukovych tries force and fails, then Putin might claim that Russian military intervention is needed to restore order." - "Ukraine, for all of its visible political divisions, is a single country with a big army whose people generally believe in sovereignty. A Russian military intervention would bring bloodshed on a scale that people of the region know all too well." ref snyder
    • ref 10% of donbas supports secession, poll from 2012

Help: number of protesters in other Ukrainian cities

  • odessa - up to 1,000 ref not sure if it's 1000 over 3 days or in one event

dec 8 uzhhorod 3,000??? ref

Rus Khaganate stuff


K, this isn't a race, but I've dusted off 2 history textbooks, one from a russian, the other from a ukrainian perspective. I think we can get this settled soon. All's well.-- Львівське ( говорити) 23:59, 17 February 2013 (UTC)

Nicholas V. Riasanovsky & Mark D. Steinberg: [8]

  • page 23: "Under the year A.D. 839 a Western source, The Bertinian Annals, tells about the Rus ambassadors who came to Ingelheim through Constantinople and who were men of Khakan-Rus, but who turned out to be Swedes.Some scholars even concluded that the ambassadors must have come all the way from Sweden, and they readkhakan to mean Haakon. But the Russian khakanate was probably located in southern Russia, and the title of khakan suggests Khazar rather than Norman influence."
  • 23-24: "Certain Arabic authors also mention and sometimes discuss and describe the Rus, but their statements have also been variously interpreted by different scholars. In general the Rus of the Arabic writers are a numerous people rather than a viking detachment, "a tribe of the Slavs" according to Ibn-Khurdadhbih. The Rus had many small towns, and its ruler bore the title of khakan.

Paul Robert Magocsi: [9]

  • page 51: "For the longest time, however, the Slavs were not united, and no individual tribe had the strength to confront the Kazar Kaganate. Building up the necessary strength became a possibility only in the mid-ninth century, with a new development in the region of Kiev. This development combined local forces with a group of leaders from Scandinavia – the Varangians – and the result was the eventual consolidation of a new power known as Rus'."
  • 55 "Was Kievan Rus' the first state on East Slavic territory, or was it just a successor to earlier ones?"
  • 56-59 - I will add this later, the content overviews the Normanist, anti-Normanist, and Celtic origin theories of all scholarly viewpoints. No mention os a khaganate is made at all as a predecessor to Kievan Rus, though-lvivske
  • 59: "Despite the seemingly persuasive arguments of proponents of the various theories, there still is no definitive answer to the question of the origin of Rus'."
  • 62: "A violent civil war took place during the 820s, and although the [Khazar] kaganate's strength was restored a decade later, certain results of the conflict would have serious implications in the future. The losers of the internal political struggle, known as Kabars, fled northward to the Varangian Rus' in the upper Volga region, near Rostov, and southward to the Magyars, who formerly had been loyal vassals of the Khazars. The presence of Kabar political refugees from Khazaria among the Varangian traders in Rostov helped to raise the latter's prestige, with the consequence that by the 830s a new power center known as the Rus' Kaganatehad come into existence. The acceptance of the Kabar rebels by the Magyars, however, turned the latter into enemies of the new rulers of Khazaria."


  1. ^
  2. ^
  3. ^
  4. ^
  5. ^
  6. ^
  7. ^ Karatnycky, Adrian (22 January 2014). "Yanukovych Is Playing With Fire". Wall Street Journal.
  8. ^ Riasanovsky, Nicholas (2005). A History of Russia. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 23–24.
  9. ^ Magocsi, Paul Robert (2010). A History of Ukraine: A Land and Its Peoples. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. pp. 51–66.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- Львівське ( говорити) 15:53, 26 February 2014 (UTC)

Russian involvement

  • On December 14 two Russian IL-76 military transport aircraft were stationed in Hostomel, in Kiev region with unknown purposes. [1]
  • On January 22, former SBU chief Stanislav Rechinsky said the situation in the country was not a civil war, but a Russian invasion. "It is known from a number of sources that 'specialists' from the FSB work with the SBU, and that Russians are wearing the Berkut uniforms - and they kill [...] The sources also connect Lutsenko’s kidnapping and confirmed the murder of Verbytsky with Russia. [2]
  • "During the press conference, Bulatov has repeatedly stressed that he believed he was abducted by the Russian special forces. In addition, the activist alleged that leader of the Ukrainian Choice Viktor Medvedchuk might be involved in his abduction." ref
  • On January 24 MP Anatoliy Hrytsenko stated "Russian Special forces are present in Kiev, including Maidan, and they work with the Ukrainian special services." [3]
  • On January 26 it was reported and captured on video the involvement of Russian Special Operations forces operating in Mykolayiv. [4] The Russian embassy in Ukraine denied these reports as "provocative". [5]
  • sso: "They repeatedly evade questions as to who they are and why they aren’t wearing insignia – which is against the law – saying only that they “were called to patrol to ensure civil order”, and “came here to protect the eternal flame to Soviet heroes” (a monument in the city)." / "Russia’s army has a special operations division, whose official mission is to protect Russian interests abroad, that also uses the acronym “CCO”. However, there is currently no proof that the men in the video were Russian and not Ukrainian"
  • Putin advisor Glazev calls for force in ukraine, federalization, for south to join russia
  • russia threatens military intervention

"Russia refuses to admit that Ukraine is a sovereign state." and " refuses to acknowledge itself as foreign country in relation to Ukraine."
Russia has stated it is ready to intervene in Ukraine should the gov't ask it
"It is not a secret that Russian is trying to impose in Ukraine an idea of federalization."
"high-rank Russian officials and the official media find no other words for Ukrainians except terrorists and extremists" and protests as "mass disorders of the Ukrainian nationalists inspired by the overseas countries."
Russian Duma refers to the Euromaidan movement as "“the attempt to depose the legitimate government institutions by force”
"It’s more likely that limited contingent of Russian troops will be sent to Ukraine in pretense of provision of security of strategic locations (like pipeline system, nuclear power stations, port and air facilities, etc), which capture by terrorists could have harmful effect in Europe scale."
"with or without announcement of the state of emergency would apply to GASPROM for aid. As a result, private Russian militarized security formations would be brought at the territory of Ukraine and deployed along the gas pipelines."
  • death squads: military expert and psychologist Oleksiy Arestovych believes Russian security forces are on the ground here and assisting the government in its attempts to quell public dissent - “We are dealing not only with the FSB (Security Service of Russia) conspiracy, it is a mix of criminals, police and with the government,”; death squad tortures told Lutsenko they are adherents of a "Slavic Union" with Russia and Belarus;
  • snyder russian could stage internal coup


  • ref : "“the phase of active intervention in Ukrainian affairs,” and this time plans to use “’citizen volunteers,’” supposedly outraged by “’fascists’” in Ukraine to suppress the Maidan by force." - "The Kremlin has been doing things like this at least since the Spanish Civil War in the 1930s, “where the regular [Soviet] army acted under the guide of volunteers.” This time, in Ukraine, Shmulyevich says, Moscow will use “as internationalists” the state-organized (“registered”) Cossacks and “possibly” Russian criminal elements as well"
  • "January 28 declaration of Viktor Vodolatsky, a Duma deputy who is also Supreme Ataman of Cossack Forces of Russ and Abroad, who said he was ready to dispatch 15,000 Cossacks to restore order in Ukraine if Ukrainian Cossacks requested that." (ref above)
  • more on cossacks



[6] - separatists in crimea

ukr forces

west: 5 mechanized, 2 artillery, 1 airmobile, 1 rocket, 1 armored (chernihiv) south-east: 3 mechanized, 1 artillery, 1 airmobile, 0 rocket, 1 armored

  • Jan. 31, 8:40 p.m. -- After two months of unrest, Ukraine’s army got involved in the ongoing political crisis, when the Ministry of Defense unexpectedly issued a Jan. 31 statement, asking President Viktor Yanukovych to “apply measures for stabilizing of situation in the country.”

The commanders called protesters' occupation of government buildings “inadmissible" and said that “further escalation of confrontation threatens to integrity of the country.” The decision to send Yanukovych a special letter was made at a general meeting of the ministry’s office the day before and, according to Anatoliy Hrytsenko, an opposition lawmaker and former defense minister, the officers had been pressured to support Yanukovych. “I know for sure that officers, who were not agreeing to the 'common approval' are now being pressured by their commanders and chiefs,” Hrytsenko said on his Facebook page. In its separate statement, the Defense Ministry also denied the reports that army was allegedly involved in assisting the police during the ongoing political crisis. -- Oksana Grytsenko



civil war

lutsenko calls for police and military to defect

- also, tyahnybok did already, kirovohrad troops, and theres the SMS pic

lviv self defense units link also, anti-maidan self defense units / vigilantes in crimea link cossacks

this ref = < ref name=kolesvigil />

  • "Ihor Smehsko, who headed Ukraine's security service when Mr. Yanukovych was prime minister in 2003-2004, predicted Monday that in the event of mass repression the armed forces and security services will split along the country's East-West cultural divide." [7]

  • "The army and militia are unreliable, the internal troops are untested, and the special forces are too few. Do you really want to risk provoking a civil war that could destroy the country and that you will not be able to win?" ref motyl
  • "The riot police of Berkut can be counted on to beat protesters a few more times, but the behavior of the regular police, and the Ukrainian army, is far less predictable. Some reports have already indicated that policemen have supported the protesters, at least in the western part of the country. If Yanukovych tries force and fails, then Putin might claim that Russian military intervention is needed to restore order." - "Ukraine, for all of its visible political divisions, is a single country with a big army whose people generally believe in sovereignty. A Russian military intervention would bring bloodshed on a scale that people of the region know all too well." ref snyder
    • ref 10% of donbas supports secession, poll from 2012

Help: number of protesters in other Ukrainian cities

  • odessa - up to 1,000 ref not sure if it's 1000 over 3 days or in one event

dec 8 uzhhorod 3,000??? ref

Rus Khaganate stuff


K, this isn't a race, but I've dusted off 2 history textbooks, one from a russian, the other from a ukrainian perspective. I think we can get this settled soon. All's well.-- Львівське ( говорити) 23:59, 17 February 2013 (UTC)

Nicholas V. Riasanovsky & Mark D. Steinberg: [8]

  • page 23: "Under the year A.D. 839 a Western source, The Bertinian Annals, tells about the Rus ambassadors who came to Ingelheim through Constantinople and who were men of Khakan-Rus, but who turned out to be Swedes.Some scholars even concluded that the ambassadors must have come all the way from Sweden, and they readkhakan to mean Haakon. But the Russian khakanate was probably located in southern Russia, and the title of khakan suggests Khazar rather than Norman influence."
  • 23-24: "Certain Arabic authors also mention and sometimes discuss and describe the Rus, but their statements have also been variously interpreted by different scholars. In general the Rus of the Arabic writers are a numerous people rather than a viking detachment, "a tribe of the Slavs" according to Ibn-Khurdadhbih. The Rus had many small towns, and its ruler bore the title of khakan.

Paul Robert Magocsi: [9]

  • page 51: "For the longest time, however, the Slavs were not united, and no individual tribe had the strength to confront the Kazar Kaganate. Building up the necessary strength became a possibility only in the mid-ninth century, with a new development in the region of Kiev. This development combined local forces with a group of leaders from Scandinavia – the Varangians – and the result was the eventual consolidation of a new power known as Rus'."
  • 55 "Was Kievan Rus' the first state on East Slavic territory, or was it just a successor to earlier ones?"
  • 56-59 - I will add this later, the content overviews the Normanist, anti-Normanist, and Celtic origin theories of all scholarly viewpoints. No mention os a khaganate is made at all as a predecessor to Kievan Rus, though-lvivske
  • 59: "Despite the seemingly persuasive arguments of proponents of the various theories, there still is no definitive answer to the question of the origin of Rus'."
  • 62: "A violent civil war took place during the 820s, and although the [Khazar] kaganate's strength was restored a decade later, certain results of the conflict would have serious implications in the future. The losers of the internal political struggle, known as Kabars, fled northward to the Varangian Rus' in the upper Volga region, near Rostov, and southward to the Magyars, who formerly had been loyal vassals of the Khazars. The presence of Kabar political refugees from Khazaria among the Varangian traders in Rostov helped to raise the latter's prestige, with the consequence that by the 830s a new power center known as the Rus' Kaganatehad come into existence. The acceptance of the Kabar rebels by the Magyars, however, turned the latter into enemies of the new rulers of Khazaria."


  1. ^
  2. ^
  3. ^
  4. ^
  5. ^
  6. ^
  7. ^ Karatnycky, Adrian (22 January 2014). "Yanukovych Is Playing With Fire". Wall Street Journal.
  8. ^ Riasanovsky, Nicholas (2005). A History of Russia. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 23–24.
  9. ^ Magocsi, Paul Robert (2010). A History of Ukraine: A Land and Its Peoples. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. pp. 51–66.


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