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Hello! This sandbox page is a dedicated space for working on my Wikipedia skills. The primary goal here is to refine my Wikipedia editing skills, through simulated wars, elections, and historical twists, I aim to explore the capabilities of various info boxes and other elements to enhance the user experience. Your insights and feedback are invaluable, feel free to look over this and give me any helpful tips or assistance.

2024 presidential Election Information

United States presidential election, 2024

←  2020 November 5, 2024 2028 →
Nominee Tyler Green Jill Stein
Party Republican Communist
Home state Texas Massachusetts
Electoral vote 306 132
States carried 30 10
Popular vote 72,345,678 45,678,901
Percentage 46.9% 29.6%

Nominee Joe Biden Adolf Riliner
Party Democratic Progress Party
Home state Delaware Montana
Electoral vote 0
States carried 0
Popular vote 456,789
Percentage 0.3%

President before election

Joe Biden

Elected President

Tyler Green

The United States presidential election of 2024 was the 60th quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024. The Republican nominee, Texas Governor Tyler Green, defeated the Communist Party USA nominee, former Massachusetts Senator Jill Stein, and the Democratic incumbent, Joe Biden. The Progress Party nominee, Montana businessman Adolf Riliner , received minimal support and no electoral votes.

The election was a major political realignment in the United States, as it was the first time that a third party candidate finished second in the popular and electoral vote, surpassing the Democrats. The Communist Party USA, which advocated for socialism and workers' rights, gained popularity among young, progressive, and disillusioned voters, who were dissatisfied with the status quo and the rising extremism in the country. The Democratic Party, which had been in power since 2020, suffered from internal divisions, scandals, and a weak economy, and failed to mobilize its base and appeal to the swing voters. The Republican Party, which had been out of power since 2016, capitalized on the public discontent and dissatisfaction with the status quo, and presented a conservative and nationalist vision for the country. The Nazi Party, which espoused white supremacy and fascism, emerged as a fringe and extremist movement, and faced widespread condemnation and opposition from the mainstream parties and the public.

The election was also marked by several controversies and challenges, such as the allegations of foreign interference, voter suppression, and election fraud, as well as the legal disputes and protests over the results. The election was also affected by the ongoing pandemic, which had caused millions of deaths and infections, and disrupted the normal functioning of the society and the economy. The election was also influenced by the media and the social media, which had played a significant role in shaping the public opinion and the political discourse.

The election resulted in a decisive victory for Green, who won 306 electoral votes and 46.9% of the popular vote, compared to 132 electoral votes and 29.6% of the popular vote for Stein, and 100 electoral votes and 26.0% of the popular vote for Biden. Hitler received only 0.3% of the popular vote and no electoral votes. Green became the first Republican president since Donald Trump, and the first president from Texas since George W. Bush. Stein became the first woman and the first third party candidate to win more than 100 electoral votes and more than 20% of the popular vote. Biden became the first incumbent president to finish third in the popular and electoral vote since William Howard Taft in 1912. Adolf Riliner became the first Nazi Party candidate to run for president in the United States, and the first candidate to receive less than 1% of the popular vote since Ralph Nader in 2000.

Green hoped to calm the tensions and heal the divisions in the country, which had been polarized and radicalized by the political and social conflicts and crises. He promised to restore the rule of law, the respect for the Constitution, and the cooperation with the allies and partners. He also promised to address the challenges and opportunities of the economy, the health, the environment, and the security. He faced a difficult and uncertain task, as he had to deal with the opposition and resistance of the Communist Party USA and the Progress Party, as well as the looming threats of the Second American Civil War and the World War III, which would soon erupt and devastate the country and the world.


World War III Information

World War Three
Police forces in a heated urban battle during World War Three
Polish army engaged in fierce combat during a crucial WW3 operation
International naval fleet patrolling the seas in the midst of WW3
Soldiers preparing for a decisive WW3 offensive
Winter soldiers operating a mortar during a critical WW3 campaign
Tanks maneuvering in a winter landscape, a key part of WW3 operations
Clockwise from top left:
  • Police forces engaged in the Battle of Atlanta
  • Polish army engages in the battle of Warsaw
  • Alliance soldiers undergoing preparation for the Battle of Sarajevo
  • American forces during the Battle of Alaska
  • Winter soldiers operating a mortar during the battle of Siberia
  • International naval fleet patrolling the seas during World War Three
Date1 March 2025-10 November 2027

Allied Victory

  • Distruction if China and Russia
  • Nuclear exchange between India, Pakistan and China
  • Nuclear war in Nuclear exchange between India, Pakistan and China

Formation of the European Federation

United Nations Administration of Asia established

United States United States

India India

Taiwan Taiwan

Siberia Siberia

United Kingdom United Kingdom

Poland Poland

Other Nations

China China

Russia Russia

Iran Iran

North Korea North Korea

Other nations
Commanders and leaders

United States Tyler Green

Taiwan Tsai Ing-wen

Siberia Mikhail Ivanov

United Kingdom Sophie Anderson


China Li Wei

Russia Ivan Petrovich

Iran Ali Khamenei

North Korea Kim Jong-un

Casualties and losses

Military Dead: 57 Million

Civilian Dead: 1.2 Billion

Military Dead: 20 Million

Civilian Dead: 970 Million

World War III was a global conflict that took place from 2025 to 2027, involving the major powers of the world and their allies. The war was triggered by a Russian invasion of several European countries, which prompted a NATO response and a wider escalation. The war also involved a nuclear exchange between India, Pakistan and China, which resulted in massive casualties and environmental damage in Asia. The war ended with a ceasefire and the formation of the European Federation, a political and economic union of the remaining European countries, including Russia, and the United Nations Administration of Asia, a temporary UN-led authority that oversees the reconstruction and stabilization of Asia.


The main cause of World War III was the rivalry and tension between NATO and Russia, which had worsened after the 2014 Ukrainian revolution and the annexation of Crimea by Russia. Russia viewed NATO's expansion and intervention in its near abroad as a threat to its security and interests, and sought to undermine and destabilize the pro-Western governments in the region. NATO, on the other hand, viewed Russia's actions as a violation of international law and human rights, and sought to deter and contain Russia's aggression and influence. The two sides engaged in a series of proxy wars, sanctions, military exercises and diplomatic confrontations, creating a new Cold War in Europe.

The situation escalated in 2025, when a pro-Russian uprising in eastern Ukraine turned into a full-scale war, with Russia sending troops and weapons to support the rebels. NATO responded by sending military aid and advisers to the Ukrainian government, and deploying more forces and assets to the eastern flank of the alliance. Russia accused NATO of encircling and provoking it, and threatened to use nuclear weapons if NATO crossed its red lines. NATO accused Russia of invading and destabilizing a sovereign country, and vowed to defend its allies and partners. The two sides exchanged ultimatums and warnings, but failed to reach a diplomatic solution. The Ukraine war would end with a Russian victory after Russia annexed 10% of Ukraine. However Russia failed to get any more land and suffered heavy casualties.

Another cause of World War III was the strategic partnership between Russia and China, which had developed over the years as a counterbalance to the US-led Western bloc. China, which had emerged as a global economic and military power, supported Russia's stance and actions in Europe, and opposed NATO's interference and expansion. China also had its own disputes and conflicts with the US and its allies, especially over the issues of Taiwan, Hong Kong, the South China Sea, and human rights. China also had a rivalry and tension with India, which had aligned itself with the US and its allies, and which had border disputes and historical animosities with China and Pakistan.

Course of the war

The war began on 1 March 2025, when Russia launched a surprise attack on Poland after a terror group failed to assassinate Russian President Ivan Petrovich. The main targets of other attacks attack were the Baltic states, Romania and Bulgaria, which Russia aimed to occupy and annex. The attack also involved strikes on NATO's military and civilian infrastructure, such as airbases, ports, command centers, communication networks and power grids. Russia claimed that it was acting in self-defense and preempting a NATO aggression, calming the terror group was supported by nato. NATO denounced the attack as an act of aggression and a violation of the NATO-Russia Founding Act, and invoked Article 5, which states that an attack on one member is an attack on all. NATO declared that it would use all necessary means to repel and defeat the Russian invasion, and to restore the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the affected countries.

The war quickly turned into a stalemate, as both sides faced difficulties and challenges in advancing and sustaining their operations. Russia faced strong resistance from the local forces and populations, as well as from the NATO reinforcements that arrived from other parts of Europe and North America. Russia also faced economic and political pressure from the international community, which imposed harsh sanctions and condemned its actions. NATO faced logistical and operational problems, as well as political and public divisions, over the best strategy and response to the Russian attack. NATO also faced the risk of escalation and retaliation, as Russia threatened to use more nuclear weapons if NATO crossed its red lines.

The war also involved other actors and regions, as the global conflict spread and intensified. China, which had a strategic partnership with Russia, joined the war on Russia's side, and launched attacks on India, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and other US allies and partners in Asia. China claimed that it was defending its sovereignty and interests, and that it had no intention of expanding the war beyond its immediate objectives. India, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and other US allies and partners joined the war on NATO's side, and launched counterattacks on China and its allies and partners. India also faced a war with Pakistan, which had a strategic partnership with China, and which launched attacks on India's northern and western borders. Pakistan claimed that it was acting in self-defense and preempting an Indian aggression, and that it had no intention of expanding the war beyond its immediate objectives. India denounced the attack as an act of aggression and a violation of the Indus Waters Treaty, and vowed to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The war reached its peak on 25 October 2027, when a nuclear exchange occurred between India, Pakistan and China, which resulted in millions of deaths and injuries, and widespread environmental damage. The nuclear exchange was triggered by a series of miscalculations, miscommunications and misunderstandings, as well as by the use of tactical nuclear weapons by both sides in the conventional war. The nuclear exchange shocked and horrified the world, and prompted the United Nations and other international organizations and actors to intervene and mediate a ceasefire and a peace process. The war ended on 10 November 2027, when the European 2nd Army enters Moscow and declared a weak victory for the Allied powers.

Aftermath and impact

The war had devastating and lasting effects and impacts on the world. The war caused millions of deaths and injuries, and displaced millions more. The war also caused massive damage and destruction to the infrastructure, economy, society and environment of the affected countries and regions. The war also changed the political and strategic landscape of the world, and the world order. The war also raised awareness and concern about the dangers and consequences of nuclear warfare, and the need for nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.

One of the main outcomes of the war was the formation of the European Federation, a political and economic union of the remaining European countries, including Russia, now led by an emergency government stationed in Киров in the Kirov Oblast. The European Federation was established as a result of the ceasefire agreement, which stipulated that the warring parties would renounce their claims and withdraw their forces from the occupied territories, and that they would cooperate and integrate in the fields of security, defense, trade, energy, environment and other areas of common interest. The European Federation aimed to promote and protect the peace, stability and prosperity of Europe, as well as to support the Federal Government and its allies in the Second American Civil War.

Another major outcome of the war was the establishment of the United Nations Administration of Asia, a temporary UN-led authority that oversees the reconstruction and stabilization of Asia. The UNAA was established as a result of the ceasefire agreement, which stipulated that the warring parties would renounce their nuclear weapons and delivery systems, and that they would accept the UN's supervision and assistance in the fields of humanitarian, developmental, political, security and other areas of common concern. The UNAA aimed to provide and support the relief and recovery of the war-torn areas and populations, as well as the reconstruction and reconciliation of the region..


(1) World War III - history. History channel/ww3/

(2) Are we heading for World War Three? Experts give their verdicts.

(3) World War III? Diplomacy and deterrence - Live Science.

(4) How Long Have People Feared a 'World War III'? | HISTORY.

2028 presidential Election Information

United States presidential election, 2028

←  2024 November 7, 2028 2032 →
Nominee Bob Smith Michael Fairbanks Joshua Blacksmith
Party Alliance Communist Progress party
Alliance Unity - -
Home state Texas Massachusetts Montana
Running mate William T. Sherman George Clellan Judah P. Benjamin
Electoral vote 279 159 100
States carried 25 15 10
Popular vote 65,000,000 50,000,000 40,000,000
Percentage 42.0% 32.3% 25.8%

President before election

Tyler Green

Elected President

Bob Smith
United States Alliance Party

The United States presidential election of 2028 was the 60th quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, November 7, 2028. The United States Alliance Party nominee, Texas Governor Bob Smith, narrowly defeated the Communist Party USA nominee, former Massachusetts Senator Mical Fairbanks with current California governor George Clellan, and the Nazi Party nominee, Montana businessman Joshua Blacksmith.

The election was a close and contentious race, as the country was polarized and radicalized by the political and social conflicts and crises. The United States Alliance Party, which was formed by the merger of the Democratic, Republican, Libertarian, and other third parties, aimed to restore the rule of law, the respect for the Constitution, and the cooperation with the allies and partners. The Communist Party USA, which advocated for socialism and workers' rights, gained popularity among young, progressive, and disillusioned voters, who were dissatisfied with the status quo and the rising extremism in the country. The Nazi Party, which espoused white supremacy and fascism, emerged as a fringe and extremist movement, and faced widespread condemnation and opposition from the mainstream parties and the public.

The election was also marked by several controversies and challenges, such as the allegations of foreign interference, voter suppression, and election fraud, as well as the legal disputes and protests over the results. The election was also affected by the aftermath of the World War III, which had devastated the world and the economy. The election was also influenced by the media and the social media, which had played a significant role in shaping the public opinion and the political discourse.

The election resulted in a narrow victory for Smith, who won 279 electoral votes and 42.0% of the popular vote, compared to 159 electoral votes and 32.3% of the popular vote for Fairbanks, and 100 electoral votes and 25.8% of the popular vote for Blacksmith. Smith became the first United States Alliance Party president, and the second president from Texas after Tyler Green. Fairbanks became the first woman and the first Communist Party USA candidate to win more than 100 electoral votes and more than 20% of the popular vote. Blacksmith became the first Nazi Party candidate to win more than 100 electoral votes and more than 20% of the popular vote.

Formation of the United States Alliance Party

United States Alliance Party
Chairperson Michael Whatley (co-chair) Jaime Harrison (co-chair)
PresidentBob Smith
Founded4 July 2028
Merger of List of parties merged to form the United States Alliance Party
Ideology Centrism, anti-communist, Anti-fascism, Americanism
Political positionCenter
ColorsRed, White, Blue

In the tumultuous years preceding the 2028 election, the United States found itself at a crossroads, with its foundational political structures under siege. The once-stable two-party system, a cornerstone of American governance, began to show signs of strain as the nation grappled with deepening divisions. Ideological extremes started to eclipse the moderate center, leading to a landscape where compromise seemed a relic of the past. This radicalization was not just confined to the political arena; it permeated every facet of society, from media echo chambers to local community meetings, creating a climate ripe for change.

Amidst this backdrop of unrest, a new political vision began to take shape. Disillusioned by the relentless partisanship and the erosion of democratic norms, a diverse group of leaders from across the political spectrum embarked on an ambitious endeavor. They sought to transcend the entrenched barriers that had long dictated American politics. The Democratic, Republican, Libertarian, and an array of third parties, each disillusioned with their inability to effectively address the nation’s pressing issues, found common ground. Together, they forged the United States Alliance Party, a bold coalition united not by shared ideology but by a shared commitment to the principles that had long defined the nation: the rule of law, the sanctity of the Constitution, and a steadfast dedication to international cooperation. Their goal was nothing short of a renaissance in American political life, aiming to heal a divided nation and restore its standing on the global stage.

Candidates and Campaigns

Bob Smith (Alliance Party)

Bob Smith, a charismatic leader with a vision for unity, emerged as the Alliance Party's nominee. His running mate, **William T. Sherman**, complemented Smith's platform with a focus on military strength and strategic diplomacy. Smith's campaign resonated with voters seeking stability and a return to centrist policies.

Mical Fairbanks (Communist Party USA)

Mical Fairbanks, the former Massachusetts Senator and nominee of the Communist Party USA, championed a platform of socialism and workers' rights. Her appeal to young, progressive, and disillusioned voters reflected a growing discontent with the status quo. Fairbanks's running mate, California Governor George Clellan, emphasized the need for sweeping economic reforms.

Joshua Blacksmith (Progress Party)

Joshua Blacksmith, a Montana businessman and nominee of the **Progress Party**, ran a controversial campaign marked by extremist views. His running mate,Judah P. Benjamin, faced significant backlash due to the party's divisive rhetoric. Despite widespread condemnation, Blacksmith's message found traction among a subset of the electorate.

Election Controversies

The 2028 election was fraught with controversies, including allegations of foreign interference, voter suppression, and election fraud. Legal disputes and public protests further complicated the electoral process. The shadow of World War III loomed large, with its economic and social repercussions influencing voter sentiment. The role of media and social media in shaping public opinion was more pronounced than ever. The proliferation of digital platforms allowed for unprecedented levels of engagement and discourse, though not without challenges related to misinformation and polarization.

Election Outcome

The election concluded with a narrow victory for Bob Smith, who secured 279 electoral votes and 42.0% of the popular vote. Mical Fairbanksfollowed with 159 electoral votes and 32.3% of the popular vote, while Joshua Blacksmith garnered100 electoral votes** and 25.8% of the popular vote.

Historical Significance

Bob Smith became the first president from the United States Alliance Party. Mical Fairbanks made history as the first Communist Party USA candidate to achieve a significant electoral and popular vote share. Joshua Blacksmith’s results marked a concerning milestone for the Progress Party, reflecting the deep divisions within the electorate.


The aftermath of the election saw a nation grappling with its identity and direction. President-elect Bob Smithfaced the monumental task of uniting a fractured country, rebuilding the economy, and navigating the complex geopolitical landscape of a post-war world.


(1) Looking Beyond 2024: Who’s Winning the 2028 Presidential Election .... (2) Super Tuesday 2024: As polls close, Trump wins Virginia | NPR. (3) 2028 United States Presidential Election (Haley, Harris).,_Harris%29. (4) 2028 Election United States President | FEC. (5) Census Apportionment Results Released; 13 States See a ... - 270toWin. (6) Jason Kelce retires after 13-year NFL career with Philadelphia Eagles. (7) DHS spending $3M on Alejandro Mayorkas impeachment defense - New York Post. (8) 4 Packers free agents who could be forced into retirement - Lombardi Ave.

Second American Civil War Information

Second American Civil War

Federal forces responding to the Bombing of Washington D.C.
DateFebruary 16, 2029 – July 4, 2033
United States

Federal victory

  • ANS and UUA launch nuclear weapons at each other, causing mutual annihilation
  • Federal Government restores control over the secessionist territories
  • United States declares New Monroe Doctrine

United States Federal Government
European Union European Federaltion
Organization of American States Alliance of America

🏴 American Nationalist State 🚩 United Unions of America
Commanders and leaders

United States Bob Smith
United States William F. Sherman
United States David Farragut
United States Thomas A. Scott
United States Gideon Welles

European Union Elena Rodriguez
European Union Heinrich Müller
European Union Johnathan Rockwell
Siberia Ivan Ivanova
Siberia Dmitri Petrovich

🏴 Alex Blsmith
🏴 Robert George
🏴 Raphael Semmes
🏴 Judah P. Benjamin
🏴 John C. Breckinridge

🏴 Joshua Blsmith

🚩 Michael Fairbanks
🚩 George Smith
🚩 David Porter

🚩 Edwin Stanton
15,000,000 20,000,000 60,000,000

The Second American Civil War was a conflict that occurred in the United States from 2029 to 2033, between the Federal Government and two secessionist factions: the American Nationalist State (ANS) and the United Unions of America (UUA). The war was triggered by the assassination of far-right senator Joshua Blacksmith by a far-left militia, which sparked a wave of violence and unrest across the country. The ANS and the UUA declared themselves independent states, claiming that the Federal Government had failed to protect the interests and safety of the American people. The Federal Government, led by President Bob Smith, declared martial law and war on the secessionists, vowing to preserve the unity and integrity of the nation.

The war was fought on multiple fronts, with the ANS controlling most of the Southeast and parts of the Midwest, and the UUA controlling most of the West Coast and parts of the Northwest. The Federal Government retained control of the Northeast, the Great Plains, and parts of the Southwest. The war was also influenced by the international situation, as the United States had recently been involved in World War Three and the European War, a nuclear conflict that resulted from a Russian invasion of Europe. The United States had formed the Alliance of America (AOA), a regional organization that replaced the Rio Pact and the Organization of American States, and supported NATO against Russia. The European War ended with an allied victory in 2027, but left Europe devastated and unstable. The United States also faced the rise of far-right and far-left parties and movements, both domestically and abroad, that blamed the moderates for the destruction of Europe and the global economy.

The war was one of the bloodiest and most destructive in American history, resulting in millions of casualties and widespread damage to infrastructure and environment. The war ended with a Federal victory in 2033, after the ANS and the UUA launched nuclear weapons at each other, causing mutual annihilation. The Federal Government then retook the remaining territories of the secessionists and restored order and stability. The war had lasting effects on the political, social, and cultural landscape of the United States, as well as its role and influence in the world.


The United States had been experiencing a period of political and social turmoil since the early 2020s, marked by increasing polarization, extremism, and violence. The country was divided along ideological, cultural, and regional lines, with the major political parties losing support and credibility. The rise of the internet and social media had facilitated the spread of misinformation, propaganda, and conspiracy theories, as well as the mobilization of radical groups and militias. The country was also facing a number of economic, environmental, and health challenges, such as the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, the effects of climate change, and the decline of the middle class.

The United States had also been involved in several international conflicts and crises, most notably the European War, which broke out in 2025 after Russia invaded Europe following a failed assassination attempt on President Vladimir Putin by a Polish terror group. The United States, as a member of NATO, intervened in the war, along with its allies in the Alliance of America, a regional organization that replaced the Rio Pact and the Organization of American States. The war escalated into a nuclear conflict in 2027, when Russia fired multiple nuclear weapons across Europe and parts of the Middle East. The war ended with the formation of the European Federation, a political and economic union of the remaining European countries, including Russia. The war had a significant impact on the United States, both in terms of casualties and costs, as well as its reputation and influence in the world.

The war also sparked a wave of nationalism and isolationism in the United States, as well as a backlash against the moderate and globalist policies of the Federal Government. Many Americans felt that the United States had sacrificed too much for the sake of its allies, and that it should focus on its own interests and security. Some also blamed the Federal Government for the destruction of Europe and the global economy, and accused it of being corrupt, incompetent, and oppressive. These sentiments fueled the rise of far-right and far-left parties and movements, which advocated for radical changes in the political and social system of the United States. These parties and movements gained popularity and support, especially among the young, the poor, and the marginalized, and challenged the established order and authority of the Federal Government.


The tensions and conflicts between the Federal Government and the extremist factions reached a boiling point in 2029, when a series of events triggered the outbreak of the civil war. The first event was the assassination of Joshua Blacksmith, a far-right senator from Florida and the leader of the American Nationalist Party, which advocated for white supremacy, Christian fundamentalism, and secession from the Federal Government. Blacksmith was killed by a member of the Red Stars, a far-left militia that supported the United Unions Party, which advocated for socialism, environmentalism, and secession from the Federal Government. The assassination took place in Miami, on February 16, 2029, during a rally where Blacksmith was announcing his candidacy for the 2032 presidential election.

The assassination sparked a wave of violence and unrest across the country, as the supporters of the ANP and the UUP clashed with each other and with the Federal forces. The ANP and the UUP declared themselves independent states, and formed the American Nationalist State and the United Unions of America, respectively. The ANS claimed most of the Southeast and parts of the Midwest, while the UUA claimed most of the West Coast and parts of the Northwest. The Federal Government, led by President Bob Smith, declared martial law and war on the secessionists, vowing to preserve the unity and integrity of the nation. The Federal Government also received support from its allies in the Alliance of America, the European Federation, Mexico, Canada, and Siberia, which recognized the Federal Government as the legitimate authority of the United States.

The reorganized California government was located in the Brawley City hall.

Simultaneous with the political turmoil surrounding an attempted assassination, the California State Assembly found itself embroiled in a critical vote to impeach Governor George Clellan. Accused of egregious abuses of power, Clellan faced allegations of exploiting executive authority to disband 90% of the California National Guard and 70% of the California State Guard. The clandestine diversion of military equipment to the Red Stars, a far-left militia on the East Coast, further intensified the unfolding scandal. The Senate, responding to the gravity of the accusations, swiftly moved to remove Clellan from office, with Lieutenant Governor Avian Roberts stepping into the gubernatorial role through a solemn swearing-in ceremony. However, the situation took an unexpected turn as Clellan, prior to his apprehension, defiantly declared Michael Fairbanks as Chairman of the United Unions of America.

In a dramatic sequence of events, the Red Stars launched an audacious attack on the state capital just before Clellan's arrest. Seizing the chaos, Clellan, now styling himself as the de facto leader, asserted control amidst the turmoil. Avian Roberts, at the helm of the remaining, now significantly small National Guard and State Guard forces, found the Communist Forces overwhelming. Facing an untenable situation, the loyalist forces were forced to strategically retreat to Brawley, California, as the nascent conflict between the government and the Red Stars escalated, plunging the state into a profound crisis.


The war was fought on multiple fronts, with the Federal Government and its allies facing the ANS and the UUA. The war was characterized by conventional and unconventional warfare, as well as the use of chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons. The war also involved cyberattacks, propaganda, and espionage, as well as the involvement of various third parties, such as mercenaries, terrorists, and foreign agents.

The war lasted for four years, from 2029 to 2033, and resulted in millions of casualties and widespread damage to infrastructure and environment. The war also had a significant impact on the political, social, and cultural landscape of the United States, as well as its role and influence in the world.


Federal Government:

- Bob Smith: The President of the United States and the Commander-in-Chief of the Federal forces. He led the war effort to preserve the nation and the Constitution, and to defeat the secessionists.

- David Farragut: The Vice President of the United States supported the federal government and directly fought in the Battle of Washington.

- Thomas A. Scott: The Secretary of Defense. He oversaw the administration and logistics of the Federal military, and coordinated with the allies and the civil authorities.

- William T. Sherman: The General-in-Chief of the Federal Army. He commanded the Federal troops in the field, and conducted several campaigns and battles against the ANS and the UUA.

- Gideon Welles: The Secretary of the Navy. He oversaw the administration and logistics of the Federal naval forces, and coordinated with the allies and the civil authorities.

Federal Government allies:

- Prime Minister Elena Rodriguez: The Prime Minster of the European Federation. Rodriguez was tasked with navigating the fragile political landscape of the European Federation after the devastating war. She is committed to rebuilding relations with the United States and fostering international cooperation.

- Minister of Defense Heinrich Müller: A seasoned military strategist, Müller oversees the defense and security policies of the European Federation. Having witnessed the horrors of the European War, he is determined to prevent further conflicts and seeks collaboration with the United States to ensure stability.

- Captain Johnathan Rockwell: A charismatic and experienced military leader, Captain Rockwell commands the American Company sent by the European Federation to assist the United States. Known for his tactical brilliance, he becomes a key figure in the collaboration between the two nations.

Ivan Ivanova giving a speech after Siberian forces were killed by UUA forces.

- President Ivan Ivanova: President of Siberia who lead Siberia in its first war as an independent nation, navigating the challenges of being on the offensive after gaining independence during World War Three. Elected on December 1, 2030 as the second president after the First president Mikhail Ivanov served the max a one 5 year term.

- Dmitri Petrovich: Commander Genera; of the Siberian Defense Force. Directs military strategy and operations as Siberia takes an offensive stance. Petrovich is experienced in post-WW3 geopolitics and is instrumental in shaping Siberia's military capabilities.

American Nationalist State:

- Alex Blacksmith: The President of the ANS and the Commander-in-Chief of the ANS forces. He led the secessionist movement and the war effort to establish an independent and nationalist state, until his assassination in 2029.

- Judah P. Benjamin: The Secretary of security of the State of the ANS. He oversaw the administration and logistics of the ANS, and coordinated with the allies and the foreign powers.

- Robert E. Lee: The General-in-Chief of the ANS Army. He commanded the ANS troops in the field, and conducted several campaigns and battles against the Federal and the UUA forces.

- Raphael Semmes: The Admiral of the ANS Navy. He commanded the ANS naval forces, and conducted several raids and attacks on the Federal and the UUA ships and ports.

- Joshua Blacksmiths: An American businessman man and far-right politician laid the groundwork the American Nationalist State, leading to his brother staging a coup in Florida after his assassination

United Unions of America:

- Michael Fairbanks: The Chairman of the UUA and the Commander-in-Chief of the UUA forces. He led the secessionist movement and the war effort to establish an independent and socialist state, until his death in 2033.

- George Clellan: The General-in-Chief of the UUA Army. He commanded the UUA troops in the field, and conducted several campaigns and battles against the Federal and the ANS forces.

- David Porter: The Admiral of the UUA Navy. He commanded the UUA naval forces, and secured the control of the seas and the coasts against the Federal and the ANS forces.

- Edwin Stanton: Commander of the state Milita of the United Unions of America. Commanded the Red Starts, the State militia of the UUA.

Federal Government and allies

The Federal Government and its allies fought to restore the authority and legitimacy of the Federal Government over the secessionist territories, and to protect the constitutional and democratic values of the United States. The Federal Government and its allies also sought to prevent the spread of extremism and violence, and to maintain the stability and security of the region and the world. This was extremely slow and extremists forces spent the first years of the war batting each other as the federal government almost collapsed.

The Federal Government and its allies had several advantages over the secessionists, such as a larger and more diverse population, a stronger and more advanced military, a more stable and resilient economy, and a more coherent and unified command and strategy. The Federal Government and its allies also had the support of the international community, which recognized the Federal Government as the sole representative of the United States.

The Federal Government and its allies faced several challenges and difficulties, such as the vast and varied terrain of the secessionist territories, the resistance and hostility of the local populations, the infiltration and sabotage of the secessionist agents, and the moral and ethical dilemmas of fighting fellow Americans. The Federal Government and its allies also had to deal with the internal divisions and dissentions within their own ranks, as well as the public opinion and pressure from the media and the civil society.

The Federal Government and its allies achieved several victories and successes, such as the recapture of several strategic locations and resources, the disruption and destruction of the secessionist infrastructure and networks, the capture and elimination of several secessionist leaders and operatives, and the restoration of order and stability in several areas. The Federal Government and its allies also managed to prevent the secessionists from expanding their territories or gaining recognition from other states.

The Federal Government and its allies suffered several losses and setbacks, such as the casualties and damages inflicted by the secessionist attacks and weapons, the defection and desertion of some of their personnel and supporters, the failure and frustration of some of their operations and initiatives, and the criticism and condemnation of some of their actions and policies. The Federal Government and its allies also faced the threat and risk of a wider and more devastating nuclear war, as well as the possibility and uncertainty of a prolonged and protracted conflict.

Alliance of America

The Alliance of America was a regional organization that was formed by the United States and its allies in North and South America, during the Second American Civil War. The Alliance of America replaced the Rio Pact and the Organization of American States, which had become ineffective and obsolete. The Alliance of America aimed to promote and protect the democracy, security, and prosperity of the Americas, as well as to support the Federal Government and its allies against the secessionist factions.

The Alliance of America had a supportive and loyal relationship with the Federal Government and its allies during the Second American Civil War. The Alliance of America had recognized and respected the authority and legitimacy of the Federal Government, and had followed its counsel and guidance. The Alliance of America had also endorsed and joined the Federal Government and its allies, who were fighting to preserve the nation and the Constitution. The Alliance of America had sent some of its members and leaders to serve and contribute in the war, either as soldiers, spies, or diplomats, who fought, gathered, or negotiated for the Federal cause. The Alliance of America had also provided some of its resources and facilities to aid and assist the Federal Government and its allies, such as weapons, ammunition, troops, and bases, which supplied and sustained the Federal forces.

The Alliance of America had benefited and suffered from its involvement and participation in the Second American Civil War. The Alliance of America had enjoyed its solidarity and cooperation, as it was able to strengthen its bonds and ties with its members and leaders, as well as with the Federal Government and its allies. The Alliance of America had also demonstrated and expressed its values and principles, as it witnessed and fulfilled its commitment and responsibility to the democracy, security, and prosperity of the Americas. The Alliance of America had also practiced and shared its values and principles through its humanitarian and developmental work, such as providing and supporting the relief and recovery of the war-torn areas and populations, as well as the reconstruction and reconciliation of the nation.

LDS church

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, was a Christian church that had a significant presence and influence in the United States, especially in the West. The LDS church had a history of persecution and migration, which had shaped its identity and doctrine. The LDS church had also received several prophecies and revelations from its founder, Joseph Smith, and its leaders, regarding the future events and conditions of the United States and the world.

A special general conference after the start of the civil war.

The LDS church had a supportive and loyal relationship with the Federal Government and its allies during the Second American Civil War. The LDS church had recognized and respected the authority and legitimacy of the Federal Government, and had followed its counsel and guidance. The LDS church had also endorsed and joined the Federal Government and its allies, who were fighting to preserve the nation and the Constitution. The LDS church had sent some of its members and leaders to serve and contribute in the war, either as soldiers, spies, or diplomats, who fought, gathered, or negotiated for the Federal cause. The LDS church had also provided some of its resources and facilities to aid and assist the Federal Government and its allies, such as food, clothing, medicine, and transportation, which supplied and sustained the Federal forces.

The LDS church had benefited and suffered from its involvement and participation in the Second American Civil War. The LDS church had enjoyed its protection and blessing, as it was able to avoid most of the violence and devastation that afflicted the rest of the nation. The LDS church had also strengthened its bonds and ties with its members and leaders, as well as with its neighboring states and nations, such as Mexico and Canada. The LDS church had also demonstrated and expressed its faith and devotion, as it witnessed and fulfilled the prophecies and revelations of its leaders and prophets, who foresaw and foretold the events and conditions of the war and its aftermath. The church did send one military unit to support the federal government, the New Nauvoo Legion was a unit of the LDS church that helped the US in the civil war. The unit was composed of volunteers from the LDS church, who were loyal to the Federal Government and its allies. The unit was named after the original Nauvoo Legion, which was a militia of the early Saints in Illinois. The unit was led by Brigham Young Jr., the son of the LDS church president.

The New Nauvoo Legion mainly defended Utah from the attacks and raids of the secessionists and their allies.The unit was known for its courage and faith, as well as its discipline and order. The New Nauvoo Legion suffered few casualties, as it avoided most of the violence and devastation that afflicted the rest of the nation. The unit reported 57 injured, but none dead, during the entire war.

American Nationalist State

The American Nationalist State was a secessionist faction that fought against the Federal Government and the United Unions of America in the Second American Civil War. The ANS advocated for white supremacy, Christian fundamentalism, and secession from the Federal Government. The ANS was led by Joshua Blacksmith, a far-right senator from Florida and the leader of the American Nationalist Party, until his assassination in 2029. The ANS claimed most of the Southeast and parts of the Midwest, and formed its capital in Miami.

The ANS had several advantages over the Federal Government and the UUA, such as a strong and loyal base of supporters, a fierce and fanatical ideology, and a network of allies and sympathizers among the far-right groups and movements around the world. The ANS also had access to some of the military and industrial resources and facilities in its territories, as well as some of the nuclear weapons and materials that were left behind by the European War.

The ANS faced several challenges and difficulties, such as the inferiority and isolation of its military and economy, the resistance and hostility of the non-white and non-Christian populations, the infiltration and sabotage of the Federal and UUA agents, and the moral and ethical condemnation of its actions and policies. The ANS also had to deal with the internal divisions and dissentions within its own ranks, as well as the rivalry and conflict with the UUA.

The ANS achieved several victories and successes, such as the capture and control of several strategic locations and resources, the infliction of casualties and damages on the Federal and UUA forces, the recruitment and mobilization of new members and supporters, and the declaration and recognition of its independence by some states.

The ANS suffered several losses and setbacks, such as the recapture and loss of several strategic locations and resources, the casualties and damages inflicted by the Federal and UUA attacks and weapons, the defection and desertion of some of its personnel and supporters, the failure and frustration of some of its operations and initiatives, and the criticism and isolation of its actions and policies. The ANS also faced the threat and risk of a wider and more devastating nuclear war, as well as the possibility and uncertainty of a prolonged and protracted conflict.

The ANS ended with its annihilation in 2033, after it launched nuclear weapons at the UUA, causing mutual destruction. The Federal Government then retook the remaining territories of the ANS and restored order and stability. The ANS had lasting effects on the political, social, and cultural landscape of the United States, as well as its role and influence in the world.

United Unions of America

The United Unions of America was a secessionist faction that fought against the Federal Government and the American Nationalist State in the Second American Civil War. The UUA advocated for socialism, environmentalism, and secession from the Federal Government. The UUA was led by Mical Fairbanks, a far-left senator from California and the leader of the United Unions Party, until his death in 2033. The UUA claimed most of the West Coast and parts of the Northwest, and formed its capital in Los Angeles.

The UUA had several advantages over the Federal Government and the ANS, such as a progressive and diverse base of supporters, a visionary and radical ideology, and a network of allies and sympathizers among the far-left groups and movements around the world. The UUA also had access to some of the military and industrial resources and facilities in its territories, as well as some of the nuclear weapons and materials that were left behind by the European War.

The UUA faced several challenges and difficulties, such as the inferiority and isolation of its military and economy, the resistance and hostility of the non-socialist and non-environmentalist populations, the infiltration and sabotage of the Federal and ANS agents, and the moral and ethical condemnation of its actions and policies. The UUA also had to deal with the internal divisions and dissentions within its own ranks, as well as the rivalry and conflict with the ANS.

The UUA achieved several victories and successes, such as the capture and control of several strategic locations and resources, the infliction of casualties and damages on the Federal and ANS forces, the recruitment and mobilization of new members and supporters, and the declaration and recognition of its independence by some states.

The UUA suffered several losses and setbacks, such as the recapture and loss of several strategic locations and resources, the casualties and damages inflicted by the Federal and ANS attacks and weapons, the defection and desertion of some of its personnel and supporters, the failure and frustration of some of its operations and initiatives, and the criticism and isolation of its actions and policies. The UUA also faced the threat and risk of a wider and more devastating nuclear war, as well as the possibility and uncertainty of a prolonged and protracted conflict.

The UUA ended with its annihilation in 2033, after it launched nuclear weapons at the ANS, causing mutual destruction. The Federal Government then retook the remaining territories of the UUA and restored order and stability. The UUA had lasting effects on the political, social, and cultural landscape of the United States, as well as its role and influence in the world.


The war was marked by several major and minor battles, which involved the Federal Government and its allies, the ANS, and the UUA. Some of the most notable battles were:

The Battle of Texas

Texan forces in Austin awaiting the federal government

A series of clashes between the ANS and the Federal Government and its allies, over the control of Texas, which was a key state for the ANS's expansion and survival. The battle lasted from February 20, 2029 to January 10, 2030, and resulted in a Federal victory, with the help of the AOA and Mexico.

The Battle of Alaska

A campaign by the UUA to invade and annex Alaska, which was a rich source of natural resources and a strategic location for the UUA's defense and offense. The battle lasted from July 25, 2032 to August 30, 2032, and resulted in a Federal victory, with the help of Canada and Siberia.

Battle of North Point

A naval battle between the Federal Government and its allies, and the UUA, over the control of the Chesapeake Bay, which was a vital waterway for the Federal Government's supply and communication. The battle took place on July 30, 2031, and resulted in a Federal victory, with the help of the European Federation.


The war resulted in millions of casualties, both military and civilian, on all sides of the conflict. The exact number and distribution of the casualties are unknown, due to the lack of reliable records and sources, as well as the effects of the nuclear weapons and the environmental damage. However, some estimates and reports suggest that the war caused:

  • Over 10 million deaths, and over 20 million injuries, among the Federal Government and its allies, the ANS, and the UUA.
  • Over 5 million deaths, and over 10 million injuries, among the non-combatant populations, especially in the secessionist territories and the nuclear strike zones.
  • Over 1 million deaths, and over 2 million injuries, among the third parties, such as the mercenaries, terrorists, and foreign agents.

The war also resulted in widespread damage to infrastructure and environment, such as the destruction of buildings, roads, bridges, power plants, water systems, communication networks, and other facilities and services. The war also caused the contamination and pollution of the air, water, soil, and wildlife, due to the use of chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons, as well as the effects of climate change and natural disasters.


The war ended with a Federal victory in 2033, after the ANS and the UUA launched nuclear weapons at each other, causing mutual annihilation. The Federal Government then retook the remaining territories of the secessionists and restored order and stability. The war had lasting effects on the political, social, and cultural landscape of the United States, as well as its role and influence in the world.

The Federal Government and its allies celebrated the end of the war and the preservation of the nation, but also mourned the loss of lives and the damage to the country. The Federal Government and its allies also faced the challenges and responsibilities of rebuilding and recovering from the war, as well as addressing the root causes and consequences of the conflict. The Federal Government and its allies also sought to promote peace and cooperation, both domestically and internationally, and to prevent the recurrence of such a war.

The ANS and the UUA were annihilated and dissolved, and their territories and populations were reintegrated into the Federal Government. The ANS and the UUA were condemned and discredited for their actions and policies, but also remembered and revered by some of their former members and supporters. The ANS and the UUA also left a legacy and an impact on the political, social, and cultural landscape of the United States, as well as its role and influence in the world.

The war also affected the rest of the world, as it involved and influenced the regional and global affairs and dynamics. The war also changed the perception and reputation of the United States, both positively and negatively, among the other states and actors. The war also raised the awareness and concern of the dangers and consequences of extremism and violence, as well as the importance and necessity of dialogue and diplomacy.


Celebrations on July 10th

The aftermath of the war was marked by several developments and events, which shaped the post-war era and the future of the United States and the world. Some of the most notable developments and events were, the process of rebuilding and recovering from the war, which involved the restoration and improvement of the infrastructure and environment, the provision and enhancement of the services and facilities, the rehabilitation and integration of the survivors and refugees, the reconciliation and justice of the perpetrators and victims, and the reform and innovation of the policies and institutions. The process of healing and resolving the conflicts and divisions that caused and resulted from the war, which involved the dialogue and cooperation among the different groups and factions, the recognition and respect of the diversity and identity, the apology and forgiveness of the wrongs and grievances, and the creation and maintenance of the trust and harmony. The process of avoiding and deterring the recurrence of such a war, which involved the education and awareness of the history and lessons of the war, the regulation and reduction of the weapons and materials of mass destruction, the monitoring and intervention of the signs and sources of extremism and violence, and the participation and contribution of the civil society and the international community.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hello! This sandbox page is a dedicated space for working on my Wikipedia skills. The primary goal here is to refine my Wikipedia editing skills, through simulated wars, elections, and historical twists, I aim to explore the capabilities of various info boxes and other elements to enhance the user experience. Your insights and feedback are invaluable, feel free to look over this and give me any helpful tips or assistance.

2024 presidential Election Information

United States presidential election, 2024

←  2020 November 5, 2024 2028 →
Nominee Tyler Green Jill Stein
Party Republican Communist
Home state Texas Massachusetts
Electoral vote 306 132
States carried 30 10
Popular vote 72,345,678 45,678,901
Percentage 46.9% 29.6%

Nominee Joe Biden Adolf Riliner
Party Democratic Progress Party
Home state Delaware Montana
Electoral vote 0
States carried 0
Popular vote 456,789
Percentage 0.3%

President before election

Joe Biden

Elected President

Tyler Green

The United States presidential election of 2024 was the 60th quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024. The Republican nominee, Texas Governor Tyler Green, defeated the Communist Party USA nominee, former Massachusetts Senator Jill Stein, and the Democratic incumbent, Joe Biden. The Progress Party nominee, Montana businessman Adolf Riliner , received minimal support and no electoral votes.

The election was a major political realignment in the United States, as it was the first time that a third party candidate finished second in the popular and electoral vote, surpassing the Democrats. The Communist Party USA, which advocated for socialism and workers' rights, gained popularity among young, progressive, and disillusioned voters, who were dissatisfied with the status quo and the rising extremism in the country. The Democratic Party, which had been in power since 2020, suffered from internal divisions, scandals, and a weak economy, and failed to mobilize its base and appeal to the swing voters. The Republican Party, which had been out of power since 2016, capitalized on the public discontent and dissatisfaction with the status quo, and presented a conservative and nationalist vision for the country. The Nazi Party, which espoused white supremacy and fascism, emerged as a fringe and extremist movement, and faced widespread condemnation and opposition from the mainstream parties and the public.

The election was also marked by several controversies and challenges, such as the allegations of foreign interference, voter suppression, and election fraud, as well as the legal disputes and protests over the results. The election was also affected by the ongoing pandemic, which had caused millions of deaths and infections, and disrupted the normal functioning of the society and the economy. The election was also influenced by the media and the social media, which had played a significant role in shaping the public opinion and the political discourse.

The election resulted in a decisive victory for Green, who won 306 electoral votes and 46.9% of the popular vote, compared to 132 electoral votes and 29.6% of the popular vote for Stein, and 100 electoral votes and 26.0% of the popular vote for Biden. Hitler received only 0.3% of the popular vote and no electoral votes. Green became the first Republican president since Donald Trump, and the first president from Texas since George W. Bush. Stein became the first woman and the first third party candidate to win more than 100 electoral votes and more than 20% of the popular vote. Biden became the first incumbent president to finish third in the popular and electoral vote since William Howard Taft in 1912. Adolf Riliner became the first Nazi Party candidate to run for president in the United States, and the first candidate to receive less than 1% of the popular vote since Ralph Nader in 2000.

Green hoped to calm the tensions and heal the divisions in the country, which had been polarized and radicalized by the political and social conflicts and crises. He promised to restore the rule of law, the respect for the Constitution, and the cooperation with the allies and partners. He also promised to address the challenges and opportunities of the economy, the health, the environment, and the security. He faced a difficult and uncertain task, as he had to deal with the opposition and resistance of the Communist Party USA and the Progress Party, as well as the looming threats of the Second American Civil War and the World War III, which would soon erupt and devastate the country and the world.


World War III Information

World War Three
Police forces in a heated urban battle during World War Three
Polish army engaged in fierce combat during a crucial WW3 operation
International naval fleet patrolling the seas in the midst of WW3
Soldiers preparing for a decisive WW3 offensive
Winter soldiers operating a mortar during a critical WW3 campaign
Tanks maneuvering in a winter landscape, a key part of WW3 operations
Clockwise from top left:
  • Police forces engaged in the Battle of Atlanta
  • Polish army engages in the battle of Warsaw
  • Alliance soldiers undergoing preparation for the Battle of Sarajevo
  • American forces during the Battle of Alaska
  • Winter soldiers operating a mortar during the battle of Siberia
  • International naval fleet patrolling the seas during World War Three
Date1 March 2025-10 November 2027

Allied Victory

  • Distruction if China and Russia
  • Nuclear exchange between India, Pakistan and China
  • Nuclear war in Nuclear exchange between India, Pakistan and China

Formation of the European Federation

United Nations Administration of Asia established

United States United States

India India

Taiwan Taiwan

Siberia Siberia

United Kingdom United Kingdom

Poland Poland

Other Nations

China China

Russia Russia

Iran Iran

North Korea North Korea

Other nations
Commanders and leaders

United States Tyler Green

Taiwan Tsai Ing-wen

Siberia Mikhail Ivanov

United Kingdom Sophie Anderson


China Li Wei

Russia Ivan Petrovich

Iran Ali Khamenei

North Korea Kim Jong-un

Casualties and losses

Military Dead: 57 Million

Civilian Dead: 1.2 Billion

Military Dead: 20 Million

Civilian Dead: 970 Million

World War III was a global conflict that took place from 2025 to 2027, involving the major powers of the world and their allies. The war was triggered by a Russian invasion of several European countries, which prompted a NATO response and a wider escalation. The war also involved a nuclear exchange between India, Pakistan and China, which resulted in massive casualties and environmental damage in Asia. The war ended with a ceasefire and the formation of the European Federation, a political and economic union of the remaining European countries, including Russia, and the United Nations Administration of Asia, a temporary UN-led authority that oversees the reconstruction and stabilization of Asia.


The main cause of World War III was the rivalry and tension between NATO and Russia, which had worsened after the 2014 Ukrainian revolution and the annexation of Crimea by Russia. Russia viewed NATO's expansion and intervention in its near abroad as a threat to its security and interests, and sought to undermine and destabilize the pro-Western governments in the region. NATO, on the other hand, viewed Russia's actions as a violation of international law and human rights, and sought to deter and contain Russia's aggression and influence. The two sides engaged in a series of proxy wars, sanctions, military exercises and diplomatic confrontations, creating a new Cold War in Europe.

The situation escalated in 2025, when a pro-Russian uprising in eastern Ukraine turned into a full-scale war, with Russia sending troops and weapons to support the rebels. NATO responded by sending military aid and advisers to the Ukrainian government, and deploying more forces and assets to the eastern flank of the alliance. Russia accused NATO of encircling and provoking it, and threatened to use nuclear weapons if NATO crossed its red lines. NATO accused Russia of invading and destabilizing a sovereign country, and vowed to defend its allies and partners. The two sides exchanged ultimatums and warnings, but failed to reach a diplomatic solution. The Ukraine war would end with a Russian victory after Russia annexed 10% of Ukraine. However Russia failed to get any more land and suffered heavy casualties.

Another cause of World War III was the strategic partnership between Russia and China, which had developed over the years as a counterbalance to the US-led Western bloc. China, which had emerged as a global economic and military power, supported Russia's stance and actions in Europe, and opposed NATO's interference and expansion. China also had its own disputes and conflicts with the US and its allies, especially over the issues of Taiwan, Hong Kong, the South China Sea, and human rights. China also had a rivalry and tension with India, which had aligned itself with the US and its allies, and which had border disputes and historical animosities with China and Pakistan.

Course of the war

The war began on 1 March 2025, when Russia launched a surprise attack on Poland after a terror group failed to assassinate Russian President Ivan Petrovich. The main targets of other attacks attack were the Baltic states, Romania and Bulgaria, which Russia aimed to occupy and annex. The attack also involved strikes on NATO's military and civilian infrastructure, such as airbases, ports, command centers, communication networks and power grids. Russia claimed that it was acting in self-defense and preempting a NATO aggression, calming the terror group was supported by nato. NATO denounced the attack as an act of aggression and a violation of the NATO-Russia Founding Act, and invoked Article 5, which states that an attack on one member is an attack on all. NATO declared that it would use all necessary means to repel and defeat the Russian invasion, and to restore the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the affected countries.

The war quickly turned into a stalemate, as both sides faced difficulties and challenges in advancing and sustaining their operations. Russia faced strong resistance from the local forces and populations, as well as from the NATO reinforcements that arrived from other parts of Europe and North America. Russia also faced economic and political pressure from the international community, which imposed harsh sanctions and condemned its actions. NATO faced logistical and operational problems, as well as political and public divisions, over the best strategy and response to the Russian attack. NATO also faced the risk of escalation and retaliation, as Russia threatened to use more nuclear weapons if NATO crossed its red lines.

The war also involved other actors and regions, as the global conflict spread and intensified. China, which had a strategic partnership with Russia, joined the war on Russia's side, and launched attacks on India, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and other US allies and partners in Asia. China claimed that it was defending its sovereignty and interests, and that it had no intention of expanding the war beyond its immediate objectives. India, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and other US allies and partners joined the war on NATO's side, and launched counterattacks on China and its allies and partners. India also faced a war with Pakistan, which had a strategic partnership with China, and which launched attacks on India's northern and western borders. Pakistan claimed that it was acting in self-defense and preempting an Indian aggression, and that it had no intention of expanding the war beyond its immediate objectives. India denounced the attack as an act of aggression and a violation of the Indus Waters Treaty, and vowed to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The war reached its peak on 25 October 2027, when a nuclear exchange occurred between India, Pakistan and China, which resulted in millions of deaths and injuries, and widespread environmental damage. The nuclear exchange was triggered by a series of miscalculations, miscommunications and misunderstandings, as well as by the use of tactical nuclear weapons by both sides in the conventional war. The nuclear exchange shocked and horrified the world, and prompted the United Nations and other international organizations and actors to intervene and mediate a ceasefire and a peace process. The war ended on 10 November 2027, when the European 2nd Army enters Moscow and declared a weak victory for the Allied powers.

Aftermath and impact

The war had devastating and lasting effects and impacts on the world. The war caused millions of deaths and injuries, and displaced millions more. The war also caused massive damage and destruction to the infrastructure, economy, society and environment of the affected countries and regions. The war also changed the political and strategic landscape of the world, and the world order. The war also raised awareness and concern about the dangers and consequences of nuclear warfare, and the need for nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.

One of the main outcomes of the war was the formation of the European Federation, a political and economic union of the remaining European countries, including Russia, now led by an emergency government stationed in Киров in the Kirov Oblast. The European Federation was established as a result of the ceasefire agreement, which stipulated that the warring parties would renounce their claims and withdraw their forces from the occupied territories, and that they would cooperate and integrate in the fields of security, defense, trade, energy, environment and other areas of common interest. The European Federation aimed to promote and protect the peace, stability and prosperity of Europe, as well as to support the Federal Government and its allies in the Second American Civil War.

Another major outcome of the war was the establishment of the United Nations Administration of Asia, a temporary UN-led authority that oversees the reconstruction and stabilization of Asia. The UNAA was established as a result of the ceasefire agreement, which stipulated that the warring parties would renounce their nuclear weapons and delivery systems, and that they would accept the UN's supervision and assistance in the fields of humanitarian, developmental, political, security and other areas of common concern. The UNAA aimed to provide and support the relief and recovery of the war-torn areas and populations, as well as the reconstruction and reconciliation of the region..


(1) World War III - history. History channel/ww3/

(2) Are we heading for World War Three? Experts give their verdicts.

(3) World War III? Diplomacy and deterrence - Live Science.

(4) How Long Have People Feared a 'World War III'? | HISTORY.

2028 presidential Election Information

United States presidential election, 2028

←  2024 November 7, 2028 2032 →
Nominee Bob Smith Michael Fairbanks Joshua Blacksmith
Party Alliance Communist Progress party
Alliance Unity - -
Home state Texas Massachusetts Montana
Running mate William T. Sherman George Clellan Judah P. Benjamin
Electoral vote 279 159 100
States carried 25 15 10
Popular vote 65,000,000 50,000,000 40,000,000
Percentage 42.0% 32.3% 25.8%

President before election

Tyler Green

Elected President

Bob Smith
United States Alliance Party

The United States presidential election of 2028 was the 60th quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, November 7, 2028. The United States Alliance Party nominee, Texas Governor Bob Smith, narrowly defeated the Communist Party USA nominee, former Massachusetts Senator Mical Fairbanks with current California governor George Clellan, and the Nazi Party nominee, Montana businessman Joshua Blacksmith.

The election was a close and contentious race, as the country was polarized and radicalized by the political and social conflicts and crises. The United States Alliance Party, which was formed by the merger of the Democratic, Republican, Libertarian, and other third parties, aimed to restore the rule of law, the respect for the Constitution, and the cooperation with the allies and partners. The Communist Party USA, which advocated for socialism and workers' rights, gained popularity among young, progressive, and disillusioned voters, who were dissatisfied with the status quo and the rising extremism in the country. The Nazi Party, which espoused white supremacy and fascism, emerged as a fringe and extremist movement, and faced widespread condemnation and opposition from the mainstream parties and the public.

The election was also marked by several controversies and challenges, such as the allegations of foreign interference, voter suppression, and election fraud, as well as the legal disputes and protests over the results. The election was also affected by the aftermath of the World War III, which had devastated the world and the economy. The election was also influenced by the media and the social media, which had played a significant role in shaping the public opinion and the political discourse.

The election resulted in a narrow victory for Smith, who won 279 electoral votes and 42.0% of the popular vote, compared to 159 electoral votes and 32.3% of the popular vote for Fairbanks, and 100 electoral votes and 25.8% of the popular vote for Blacksmith. Smith became the first United States Alliance Party president, and the second president from Texas after Tyler Green. Fairbanks became the first woman and the first Communist Party USA candidate to win more than 100 electoral votes and more than 20% of the popular vote. Blacksmith became the first Nazi Party candidate to win more than 100 electoral votes and more than 20% of the popular vote.

Formation of the United States Alliance Party

United States Alliance Party
Chairperson Michael Whatley (co-chair) Jaime Harrison (co-chair)
PresidentBob Smith
Founded4 July 2028
Merger of List of parties merged to form the United States Alliance Party
Ideology Centrism, anti-communist, Anti-fascism, Americanism
Political positionCenter
ColorsRed, White, Blue

In the tumultuous years preceding the 2028 election, the United States found itself at a crossroads, with its foundational political structures under siege. The once-stable two-party system, a cornerstone of American governance, began to show signs of strain as the nation grappled with deepening divisions. Ideological extremes started to eclipse the moderate center, leading to a landscape where compromise seemed a relic of the past. This radicalization was not just confined to the political arena; it permeated every facet of society, from media echo chambers to local community meetings, creating a climate ripe for change.

Amidst this backdrop of unrest, a new political vision began to take shape. Disillusioned by the relentless partisanship and the erosion of democratic norms, a diverse group of leaders from across the political spectrum embarked on an ambitious endeavor. They sought to transcend the entrenched barriers that had long dictated American politics. The Democratic, Republican, Libertarian, and an array of third parties, each disillusioned with their inability to effectively address the nation’s pressing issues, found common ground. Together, they forged the United States Alliance Party, a bold coalition united not by shared ideology but by a shared commitment to the principles that had long defined the nation: the rule of law, the sanctity of the Constitution, and a steadfast dedication to international cooperation. Their goal was nothing short of a renaissance in American political life, aiming to heal a divided nation and restore its standing on the global stage.

Candidates and Campaigns

Bob Smith (Alliance Party)

Bob Smith, a charismatic leader with a vision for unity, emerged as the Alliance Party's nominee. His running mate, **William T. Sherman**, complemented Smith's platform with a focus on military strength and strategic diplomacy. Smith's campaign resonated with voters seeking stability and a return to centrist policies.

Mical Fairbanks (Communist Party USA)

Mical Fairbanks, the former Massachusetts Senator and nominee of the Communist Party USA, championed a platform of socialism and workers' rights. Her appeal to young, progressive, and disillusioned voters reflected a growing discontent with the status quo. Fairbanks's running mate, California Governor George Clellan, emphasized the need for sweeping economic reforms.

Joshua Blacksmith (Progress Party)

Joshua Blacksmith, a Montana businessman and nominee of the **Progress Party**, ran a controversial campaign marked by extremist views. His running mate,Judah P. Benjamin, faced significant backlash due to the party's divisive rhetoric. Despite widespread condemnation, Blacksmith's message found traction among a subset of the electorate.

Election Controversies

The 2028 election was fraught with controversies, including allegations of foreign interference, voter suppression, and election fraud. Legal disputes and public protests further complicated the electoral process. The shadow of World War III loomed large, with its economic and social repercussions influencing voter sentiment. The role of media and social media in shaping public opinion was more pronounced than ever. The proliferation of digital platforms allowed for unprecedented levels of engagement and discourse, though not without challenges related to misinformation and polarization.

Election Outcome

The election concluded with a narrow victory for Bob Smith, who secured 279 electoral votes and 42.0% of the popular vote. Mical Fairbanksfollowed with 159 electoral votes and 32.3% of the popular vote, while Joshua Blacksmith garnered100 electoral votes** and 25.8% of the popular vote.

Historical Significance

Bob Smith became the first president from the United States Alliance Party. Mical Fairbanks made history as the first Communist Party USA candidate to achieve a significant electoral and popular vote share. Joshua Blacksmith’s results marked a concerning milestone for the Progress Party, reflecting the deep divisions within the electorate.


The aftermath of the election saw a nation grappling with its identity and direction. President-elect Bob Smithfaced the monumental task of uniting a fractured country, rebuilding the economy, and navigating the complex geopolitical landscape of a post-war world.


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Second American Civil War Information

Second American Civil War

Federal forces responding to the Bombing of Washington D.C.
DateFebruary 16, 2029 – July 4, 2033
United States

Federal victory

  • ANS and UUA launch nuclear weapons at each other, causing mutual annihilation
  • Federal Government restores control over the secessionist territories
  • United States declares New Monroe Doctrine

United States Federal Government
European Union European Federaltion
Organization of American States Alliance of America

🏴 American Nationalist State 🚩 United Unions of America
Commanders and leaders

United States Bob Smith
United States William F. Sherman
United States David Farragut
United States Thomas A. Scott
United States Gideon Welles

European Union Elena Rodriguez
European Union Heinrich Müller
European Union Johnathan Rockwell
Siberia Ivan Ivanova
Siberia Dmitri Petrovich

🏴 Alex Blsmith
🏴 Robert George
🏴 Raphael Semmes
🏴 Judah P. Benjamin
🏴 John C. Breckinridge

🏴 Joshua Blsmith

🚩 Michael Fairbanks
🚩 George Smith
🚩 David Porter

🚩 Edwin Stanton
15,000,000 20,000,000 60,000,000

The Second American Civil War was a conflict that occurred in the United States from 2029 to 2033, between the Federal Government and two secessionist factions: the American Nationalist State (ANS) and the United Unions of America (UUA). The war was triggered by the assassination of far-right senator Joshua Blacksmith by a far-left militia, which sparked a wave of violence and unrest across the country. The ANS and the UUA declared themselves independent states, claiming that the Federal Government had failed to protect the interests and safety of the American people. The Federal Government, led by President Bob Smith, declared martial law and war on the secessionists, vowing to preserve the unity and integrity of the nation.

The war was fought on multiple fronts, with the ANS controlling most of the Southeast and parts of the Midwest, and the UUA controlling most of the West Coast and parts of the Northwest. The Federal Government retained control of the Northeast, the Great Plains, and parts of the Southwest. The war was also influenced by the international situation, as the United States had recently been involved in World War Three and the European War, a nuclear conflict that resulted from a Russian invasion of Europe. The United States had formed the Alliance of America (AOA), a regional organization that replaced the Rio Pact and the Organization of American States, and supported NATO against Russia. The European War ended with an allied victory in 2027, but left Europe devastated and unstable. The United States also faced the rise of far-right and far-left parties and movements, both domestically and abroad, that blamed the moderates for the destruction of Europe and the global economy.

The war was one of the bloodiest and most destructive in American history, resulting in millions of casualties and widespread damage to infrastructure and environment. The war ended with a Federal victory in 2033, after the ANS and the UUA launched nuclear weapons at each other, causing mutual annihilation. The Federal Government then retook the remaining territories of the secessionists and restored order and stability. The war had lasting effects on the political, social, and cultural landscape of the United States, as well as its role and influence in the world.


The United States had been experiencing a period of political and social turmoil since the early 2020s, marked by increasing polarization, extremism, and violence. The country was divided along ideological, cultural, and regional lines, with the major political parties losing support and credibility. The rise of the internet and social media had facilitated the spread of misinformation, propaganda, and conspiracy theories, as well as the mobilization of radical groups and militias. The country was also facing a number of economic, environmental, and health challenges, such as the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, the effects of climate change, and the decline of the middle class.

The United States had also been involved in several international conflicts and crises, most notably the European War, which broke out in 2025 after Russia invaded Europe following a failed assassination attempt on President Vladimir Putin by a Polish terror group. The United States, as a member of NATO, intervened in the war, along with its allies in the Alliance of America, a regional organization that replaced the Rio Pact and the Organization of American States. The war escalated into a nuclear conflict in 2027, when Russia fired multiple nuclear weapons across Europe and parts of the Middle East. The war ended with the formation of the European Federation, a political and economic union of the remaining European countries, including Russia. The war had a significant impact on the United States, both in terms of casualties and costs, as well as its reputation and influence in the world.

The war also sparked a wave of nationalism and isolationism in the United States, as well as a backlash against the moderate and globalist policies of the Federal Government. Many Americans felt that the United States had sacrificed too much for the sake of its allies, and that it should focus on its own interests and security. Some also blamed the Federal Government for the destruction of Europe and the global economy, and accused it of being corrupt, incompetent, and oppressive. These sentiments fueled the rise of far-right and far-left parties and movements, which advocated for radical changes in the political and social system of the United States. These parties and movements gained popularity and support, especially among the young, the poor, and the marginalized, and challenged the established order and authority of the Federal Government.


The tensions and conflicts between the Federal Government and the extremist factions reached a boiling point in 2029, when a series of events triggered the outbreak of the civil war. The first event was the assassination of Joshua Blacksmith, a far-right senator from Florida and the leader of the American Nationalist Party, which advocated for white supremacy, Christian fundamentalism, and secession from the Federal Government. Blacksmith was killed by a member of the Red Stars, a far-left militia that supported the United Unions Party, which advocated for socialism, environmentalism, and secession from the Federal Government. The assassination took place in Miami, on February 16, 2029, during a rally where Blacksmith was announcing his candidacy for the 2032 presidential election.

The assassination sparked a wave of violence and unrest across the country, as the supporters of the ANP and the UUP clashed with each other and with the Federal forces. The ANP and the UUP declared themselves independent states, and formed the American Nationalist State and the United Unions of America, respectively. The ANS claimed most of the Southeast and parts of the Midwest, while the UUA claimed most of the West Coast and parts of the Northwest. The Federal Government, led by President Bob Smith, declared martial law and war on the secessionists, vowing to preserve the unity and integrity of the nation. The Federal Government also received support from its allies in the Alliance of America, the European Federation, Mexico, Canada, and Siberia, which recognized the Federal Government as the legitimate authority of the United States.

The reorganized California government was located in the Brawley City hall.

Simultaneous with the political turmoil surrounding an attempted assassination, the California State Assembly found itself embroiled in a critical vote to impeach Governor George Clellan. Accused of egregious abuses of power, Clellan faced allegations of exploiting executive authority to disband 90% of the California National Guard and 70% of the California State Guard. The clandestine diversion of military equipment to the Red Stars, a far-left militia on the East Coast, further intensified the unfolding scandal. The Senate, responding to the gravity of the accusations, swiftly moved to remove Clellan from office, with Lieutenant Governor Avian Roberts stepping into the gubernatorial role through a solemn swearing-in ceremony. However, the situation took an unexpected turn as Clellan, prior to his apprehension, defiantly declared Michael Fairbanks as Chairman of the United Unions of America.

In a dramatic sequence of events, the Red Stars launched an audacious attack on the state capital just before Clellan's arrest. Seizing the chaos, Clellan, now styling himself as the de facto leader, asserted control amidst the turmoil. Avian Roberts, at the helm of the remaining, now significantly small National Guard and State Guard forces, found the Communist Forces overwhelming. Facing an untenable situation, the loyalist forces were forced to strategically retreat to Brawley, California, as the nascent conflict between the government and the Red Stars escalated, plunging the state into a profound crisis.


The war was fought on multiple fronts, with the Federal Government and its allies facing the ANS and the UUA. The war was characterized by conventional and unconventional warfare, as well as the use of chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons. The war also involved cyberattacks, propaganda, and espionage, as well as the involvement of various third parties, such as mercenaries, terrorists, and foreign agents.

The war lasted for four years, from 2029 to 2033, and resulted in millions of casualties and widespread damage to infrastructure and environment. The war also had a significant impact on the political, social, and cultural landscape of the United States, as well as its role and influence in the world.


Federal Government:

- Bob Smith: The President of the United States and the Commander-in-Chief of the Federal forces. He led the war effort to preserve the nation and the Constitution, and to defeat the secessionists.

- David Farragut: The Vice President of the United States supported the federal government and directly fought in the Battle of Washington.

- Thomas A. Scott: The Secretary of Defense. He oversaw the administration and logistics of the Federal military, and coordinated with the allies and the civil authorities.

- William T. Sherman: The General-in-Chief of the Federal Army. He commanded the Federal troops in the field, and conducted several campaigns and battles against the ANS and the UUA.

- Gideon Welles: The Secretary of the Navy. He oversaw the administration and logistics of the Federal naval forces, and coordinated with the allies and the civil authorities.

Federal Government allies:

- Prime Minister Elena Rodriguez: The Prime Minster of the European Federation. Rodriguez was tasked with navigating the fragile political landscape of the European Federation after the devastating war. She is committed to rebuilding relations with the United States and fostering international cooperation.

- Minister of Defense Heinrich Müller: A seasoned military strategist, Müller oversees the defense and security policies of the European Federation. Having witnessed the horrors of the European War, he is determined to prevent further conflicts and seeks collaboration with the United States to ensure stability.

- Captain Johnathan Rockwell: A charismatic and experienced military leader, Captain Rockwell commands the American Company sent by the European Federation to assist the United States. Known for his tactical brilliance, he becomes a key figure in the collaboration between the two nations.

Ivan Ivanova giving a speech after Siberian forces were killed by UUA forces.

- President Ivan Ivanova: President of Siberia who lead Siberia in its first war as an independent nation, navigating the challenges of being on the offensive after gaining independence during World War Three. Elected on December 1, 2030 as the second president after the First president Mikhail Ivanov served the max a one 5 year term.

- Dmitri Petrovich: Commander Genera; of the Siberian Defense Force. Directs military strategy and operations as Siberia takes an offensive stance. Petrovich is experienced in post-WW3 geopolitics and is instrumental in shaping Siberia's military capabilities.

American Nationalist State:

- Alex Blacksmith: The President of the ANS and the Commander-in-Chief of the ANS forces. He led the secessionist movement and the war effort to establish an independent and nationalist state, until his assassination in 2029.

- Judah P. Benjamin: The Secretary of security of the State of the ANS. He oversaw the administration and logistics of the ANS, and coordinated with the allies and the foreign powers.

- Robert E. Lee: The General-in-Chief of the ANS Army. He commanded the ANS troops in the field, and conducted several campaigns and battles against the Federal and the UUA forces.

- Raphael Semmes: The Admiral of the ANS Navy. He commanded the ANS naval forces, and conducted several raids and attacks on the Federal and the UUA ships and ports.

- Joshua Blacksmiths: An American businessman man and far-right politician laid the groundwork the American Nationalist State, leading to his brother staging a coup in Florida after his assassination

United Unions of America:

- Michael Fairbanks: The Chairman of the UUA and the Commander-in-Chief of the UUA forces. He led the secessionist movement and the war effort to establish an independent and socialist state, until his death in 2033.

- George Clellan: The General-in-Chief of the UUA Army. He commanded the UUA troops in the field, and conducted several campaigns and battles against the Federal and the ANS forces.

- David Porter: The Admiral of the UUA Navy. He commanded the UUA naval forces, and secured the control of the seas and the coasts against the Federal and the ANS forces.

- Edwin Stanton: Commander of the state Milita of the United Unions of America. Commanded the Red Starts, the State militia of the UUA.

Federal Government and allies

The Federal Government and its allies fought to restore the authority and legitimacy of the Federal Government over the secessionist territories, and to protect the constitutional and democratic values of the United States. The Federal Government and its allies also sought to prevent the spread of extremism and violence, and to maintain the stability and security of the region and the world. This was extremely slow and extremists forces spent the first years of the war batting each other as the federal government almost collapsed.

The Federal Government and its allies had several advantages over the secessionists, such as a larger and more diverse population, a stronger and more advanced military, a more stable and resilient economy, and a more coherent and unified command and strategy. The Federal Government and its allies also had the support of the international community, which recognized the Federal Government as the sole representative of the United States.

The Federal Government and its allies faced several challenges and difficulties, such as the vast and varied terrain of the secessionist territories, the resistance and hostility of the local populations, the infiltration and sabotage of the secessionist agents, and the moral and ethical dilemmas of fighting fellow Americans. The Federal Government and its allies also had to deal with the internal divisions and dissentions within their own ranks, as well as the public opinion and pressure from the media and the civil society.

The Federal Government and its allies achieved several victories and successes, such as the recapture of several strategic locations and resources, the disruption and destruction of the secessionist infrastructure and networks, the capture and elimination of several secessionist leaders and operatives, and the restoration of order and stability in several areas. The Federal Government and its allies also managed to prevent the secessionists from expanding their territories or gaining recognition from other states.

The Federal Government and its allies suffered several losses and setbacks, such as the casualties and damages inflicted by the secessionist attacks and weapons, the defection and desertion of some of their personnel and supporters, the failure and frustration of some of their operations and initiatives, and the criticism and condemnation of some of their actions and policies. The Federal Government and its allies also faced the threat and risk of a wider and more devastating nuclear war, as well as the possibility and uncertainty of a prolonged and protracted conflict.

Alliance of America

The Alliance of America was a regional organization that was formed by the United States and its allies in North and South America, during the Second American Civil War. The Alliance of America replaced the Rio Pact and the Organization of American States, which had become ineffective and obsolete. The Alliance of America aimed to promote and protect the democracy, security, and prosperity of the Americas, as well as to support the Federal Government and its allies against the secessionist factions.

The Alliance of America had a supportive and loyal relationship with the Federal Government and its allies during the Second American Civil War. The Alliance of America had recognized and respected the authority and legitimacy of the Federal Government, and had followed its counsel and guidance. The Alliance of America had also endorsed and joined the Federal Government and its allies, who were fighting to preserve the nation and the Constitution. The Alliance of America had sent some of its members and leaders to serve and contribute in the war, either as soldiers, spies, or diplomats, who fought, gathered, or negotiated for the Federal cause. The Alliance of America had also provided some of its resources and facilities to aid and assist the Federal Government and its allies, such as weapons, ammunition, troops, and bases, which supplied and sustained the Federal forces.

The Alliance of America had benefited and suffered from its involvement and participation in the Second American Civil War. The Alliance of America had enjoyed its solidarity and cooperation, as it was able to strengthen its bonds and ties with its members and leaders, as well as with the Federal Government and its allies. The Alliance of America had also demonstrated and expressed its values and principles, as it witnessed and fulfilled its commitment and responsibility to the democracy, security, and prosperity of the Americas. The Alliance of America had also practiced and shared its values and principles through its humanitarian and developmental work, such as providing and supporting the relief and recovery of the war-torn areas and populations, as well as the reconstruction and reconciliation of the nation.

LDS church

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, was a Christian church that had a significant presence and influence in the United States, especially in the West. The LDS church had a history of persecution and migration, which had shaped its identity and doctrine. The LDS church had also received several prophecies and revelations from its founder, Joseph Smith, and its leaders, regarding the future events and conditions of the United States and the world.

A special general conference after the start of the civil war.

The LDS church had a supportive and loyal relationship with the Federal Government and its allies during the Second American Civil War. The LDS church had recognized and respected the authority and legitimacy of the Federal Government, and had followed its counsel and guidance. The LDS church had also endorsed and joined the Federal Government and its allies, who were fighting to preserve the nation and the Constitution. The LDS church had sent some of its members and leaders to serve and contribute in the war, either as soldiers, spies, or diplomats, who fought, gathered, or negotiated for the Federal cause. The LDS church had also provided some of its resources and facilities to aid and assist the Federal Government and its allies, such as food, clothing, medicine, and transportation, which supplied and sustained the Federal forces.

The LDS church had benefited and suffered from its involvement and participation in the Second American Civil War. The LDS church had enjoyed its protection and blessing, as it was able to avoid most of the violence and devastation that afflicted the rest of the nation. The LDS church had also strengthened its bonds and ties with its members and leaders, as well as with its neighboring states and nations, such as Mexico and Canada. The LDS church had also demonstrated and expressed its faith and devotion, as it witnessed and fulfilled the prophecies and revelations of its leaders and prophets, who foresaw and foretold the events and conditions of the war and its aftermath. The church did send one military unit to support the federal government, the New Nauvoo Legion was a unit of the LDS church that helped the US in the civil war. The unit was composed of volunteers from the LDS church, who were loyal to the Federal Government and its allies. The unit was named after the original Nauvoo Legion, which was a militia of the early Saints in Illinois. The unit was led by Brigham Young Jr., the son of the LDS church president.

The New Nauvoo Legion mainly defended Utah from the attacks and raids of the secessionists and their allies.The unit was known for its courage and faith, as well as its discipline and order. The New Nauvoo Legion suffered few casualties, as it avoided most of the violence and devastation that afflicted the rest of the nation. The unit reported 57 injured, but none dead, during the entire war.

American Nationalist State

The American Nationalist State was a secessionist faction that fought against the Federal Government and the United Unions of America in the Second American Civil War. The ANS advocated for white supremacy, Christian fundamentalism, and secession from the Federal Government. The ANS was led by Joshua Blacksmith, a far-right senator from Florida and the leader of the American Nationalist Party, until his assassination in 2029. The ANS claimed most of the Southeast and parts of the Midwest, and formed its capital in Miami.

The ANS had several advantages over the Federal Government and the UUA, such as a strong and loyal base of supporters, a fierce and fanatical ideology, and a network of allies and sympathizers among the far-right groups and movements around the world. The ANS also had access to some of the military and industrial resources and facilities in its territories, as well as some of the nuclear weapons and materials that were left behind by the European War.

The ANS faced several challenges and difficulties, such as the inferiority and isolation of its military and economy, the resistance and hostility of the non-white and non-Christian populations, the infiltration and sabotage of the Federal and UUA agents, and the moral and ethical condemnation of its actions and policies. The ANS also had to deal with the internal divisions and dissentions within its own ranks, as well as the rivalry and conflict with the UUA.

The ANS achieved several victories and successes, such as the capture and control of several strategic locations and resources, the infliction of casualties and damages on the Federal and UUA forces, the recruitment and mobilization of new members and supporters, and the declaration and recognition of its independence by some states.

The ANS suffered several losses and setbacks, such as the recapture and loss of several strategic locations and resources, the casualties and damages inflicted by the Federal and UUA attacks and weapons, the defection and desertion of some of its personnel and supporters, the failure and frustration of some of its operations and initiatives, and the criticism and isolation of its actions and policies. The ANS also faced the threat and risk of a wider and more devastating nuclear war, as well as the possibility and uncertainty of a prolonged and protracted conflict.

The ANS ended with its annihilation in 2033, after it launched nuclear weapons at the UUA, causing mutual destruction. The Federal Government then retook the remaining territories of the ANS and restored order and stability. The ANS had lasting effects on the political, social, and cultural landscape of the United States, as well as its role and influence in the world.

United Unions of America

The United Unions of America was a secessionist faction that fought against the Federal Government and the American Nationalist State in the Second American Civil War. The UUA advocated for socialism, environmentalism, and secession from the Federal Government. The UUA was led by Mical Fairbanks, a far-left senator from California and the leader of the United Unions Party, until his death in 2033. The UUA claimed most of the West Coast and parts of the Northwest, and formed its capital in Los Angeles.

The UUA had several advantages over the Federal Government and the ANS, such as a progressive and diverse base of supporters, a visionary and radical ideology, and a network of allies and sympathizers among the far-left groups and movements around the world. The UUA also had access to some of the military and industrial resources and facilities in its territories, as well as some of the nuclear weapons and materials that were left behind by the European War.

The UUA faced several challenges and difficulties, such as the inferiority and isolation of its military and economy, the resistance and hostility of the non-socialist and non-environmentalist populations, the infiltration and sabotage of the Federal and ANS agents, and the moral and ethical condemnation of its actions and policies. The UUA also had to deal with the internal divisions and dissentions within its own ranks, as well as the rivalry and conflict with the ANS.

The UUA achieved several victories and successes, such as the capture and control of several strategic locations and resources, the infliction of casualties and damages on the Federal and ANS forces, the recruitment and mobilization of new members and supporters, and the declaration and recognition of its independence by some states.

The UUA suffered several losses and setbacks, such as the recapture and loss of several strategic locations and resources, the casualties and damages inflicted by the Federal and ANS attacks and weapons, the defection and desertion of some of its personnel and supporters, the failure and frustration of some of its operations and initiatives, and the criticism and isolation of its actions and policies. The UUA also faced the threat and risk of a wider and more devastating nuclear war, as well as the possibility and uncertainty of a prolonged and protracted conflict.

The UUA ended with its annihilation in 2033, after it launched nuclear weapons at the ANS, causing mutual destruction. The Federal Government then retook the remaining territories of the UUA and restored order and stability. The UUA had lasting effects on the political, social, and cultural landscape of the United States, as well as its role and influence in the world.


The war was marked by several major and minor battles, which involved the Federal Government and its allies, the ANS, and the UUA. Some of the most notable battles were:

The Battle of Texas

Texan forces in Austin awaiting the federal government

A series of clashes between the ANS and the Federal Government and its allies, over the control of Texas, which was a key state for the ANS's expansion and survival. The battle lasted from February 20, 2029 to January 10, 2030, and resulted in a Federal victory, with the help of the AOA and Mexico.

The Battle of Alaska

A campaign by the UUA to invade and annex Alaska, which was a rich source of natural resources and a strategic location for the UUA's defense and offense. The battle lasted from July 25, 2032 to August 30, 2032, and resulted in a Federal victory, with the help of Canada and Siberia.

Battle of North Point

A naval battle between the Federal Government and its allies, and the UUA, over the control of the Chesapeake Bay, which was a vital waterway for the Federal Government's supply and communication. The battle took place on July 30, 2031, and resulted in a Federal victory, with the help of the European Federation.


The war resulted in millions of casualties, both military and civilian, on all sides of the conflict. The exact number and distribution of the casualties are unknown, due to the lack of reliable records and sources, as well as the effects of the nuclear weapons and the environmental damage. However, some estimates and reports suggest that the war caused:

  • Over 10 million deaths, and over 20 million injuries, among the Federal Government and its allies, the ANS, and the UUA.
  • Over 5 million deaths, and over 10 million injuries, among the non-combatant populations, especially in the secessionist territories and the nuclear strike zones.
  • Over 1 million deaths, and over 2 million injuries, among the third parties, such as the mercenaries, terrorists, and foreign agents.

The war also resulted in widespread damage to infrastructure and environment, such as the destruction of buildings, roads, bridges, power plants, water systems, communication networks, and other facilities and services. The war also caused the contamination and pollution of the air, water, soil, and wildlife, due to the use of chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons, as well as the effects of climate change and natural disasters.


The war ended with a Federal victory in 2033, after the ANS and the UUA launched nuclear weapons at each other, causing mutual annihilation. The Federal Government then retook the remaining territories of the secessionists and restored order and stability. The war had lasting effects on the political, social, and cultural landscape of the United States, as well as its role and influence in the world.

The Federal Government and its allies celebrated the end of the war and the preservation of the nation, but also mourned the loss of lives and the damage to the country. The Federal Government and its allies also faced the challenges and responsibilities of rebuilding and recovering from the war, as well as addressing the root causes and consequences of the conflict. The Federal Government and its allies also sought to promote peace and cooperation, both domestically and internationally, and to prevent the recurrence of such a war.

The ANS and the UUA were annihilated and dissolved, and their territories and populations were reintegrated into the Federal Government. The ANS and the UUA were condemned and discredited for their actions and policies, but also remembered and revered by some of their former members and supporters. The ANS and the UUA also left a legacy and an impact on the political, social, and cultural landscape of the United States, as well as its role and influence in the world.

The war also affected the rest of the world, as it involved and influenced the regional and global affairs and dynamics. The war also changed the perception and reputation of the United States, both positively and negatively, among the other states and actors. The war also raised the awareness and concern of the dangers and consequences of extremism and violence, as well as the importance and necessity of dialogue and diplomacy.


Celebrations on July 10th

The aftermath of the war was marked by several developments and events, which shaped the post-war era and the future of the United States and the world. Some of the most notable developments and events were, the process of rebuilding and recovering from the war, which involved the restoration and improvement of the infrastructure and environment, the provision and enhancement of the services and facilities, the rehabilitation and integration of the survivors and refugees, the reconciliation and justice of the perpetrators and victims, and the reform and innovation of the policies and institutions. The process of healing and resolving the conflicts and divisions that caused and resulted from the war, which involved the dialogue and cooperation among the different groups and factions, the recognition and respect of the diversity and identity, the apology and forgiveness of the wrongs and grievances, and the creation and maintenance of the trust and harmony. The process of avoiding and deterring the recurrence of such a war, which involved the education and awareness of the history and lessons of the war, the regulation and reduction of the weapons and materials of mass destruction, the monitoring and intervention of the signs and sources of extremism and violence, and the participation and contribution of the civil society and the international community.


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