From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.

/*global mw:true */

/* This is my personal javascript library which I call Flash */

/* Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Kangaroopower under the MIT License */

/* It can: 

	a) gather virtually all tokens (save patrol and perhaps some WMF specific ones) 

	b) do virtually any action save WMF ones like pagetriage and articlefeedback

	c) Perform queries (limited for now, to be expanded in the next version)



$(function () {


	var QUERY = 1, ACTION = 2, SPECIAL = 3;


	var version = "0.94.4 Hydra";

	//Holds all the modules

	var modules = {};


	//This is called once, by the Flash variable at the bottom of this script

	//we could technically do everything in the Flash_main class

	//but I prefer to have new instances for each new request

	//we also process version calls in here because version is a static variable

	//and making a new module just for that would waste a bunch of unnecessary memory

	var Flash_main = function () {

		this.go = function (module) { 

			return (module === 'version' ? version : new door(module));



	//door is the class that actually executes the request

	//The reason that we cant do the code in Flash_main is because if we executed the queries

	//there then all the requests would go through one instance of the class because the Flash_main

	//object is only created once. Instead, in Flash_main, all we do is create a new door from which

	//all the code is executed, so there is a new instance of the door class for each request

	var door = function (module) {

		module = (module === 'delete' ? 'del' : module);


		this.token = '';

		this.module = module;

		this.reqType = modulesmodule].reqType;

		this.params = {};

		this.callback = function () {};

		this.failure = function () {};



	/* Logs stuff */

	var log = (window.console && function () {

		var args =;


		return window.console.log.apply(window.console, args);

	}) || $.noop;

	/* Does ajax call to API */

	var ajax = function (type, url, token, cb, onfail, extraInfo) {

		var realcb;

		type = type.toLowerCase();

		extraInfo = extraInfo || {};

		onfail = onfail || function () {};

		if (type === "get") {

			realcb = token;

		} else if (type === "post") {

			realcb =  cb;

			if (token !== false) {

				extraInfo.token = token;




			url: mw.util.wikiScript('api')+url+'&format=json',

			type: type.toUpperCase(),

			dataType: 'json',

			data: extraInfo

		}).done(function (data) {


		}).fail(function (data) {




	/* Checks for most modern type of storage */

	var storageCheck = function (sStorage) {

		var ret;

		sStorage = sStorage || false;

		if (sStorage) {

			if (typeof sessionStorage !== "undefined") {

				ret = 'sessionStorage';

			} else if (typeof globalStorage !== "undefined") {

				ret = 'globalStorage';

			} else {

				ret = false;


		} else {

			if (typeof localStorage !== "undefined") {

				ret = 'localStorage';

			} else if (typeof globalStorage !== "undefined") {

				ret = 'globalStorage';

			} else {

				ret = 'cookie';



		return ret;


	/* Start Token calls */

	/* This gets all tokens that are accessible from ?action=tokens */

	var getToken = function(module, targ, url, callback, failure, extra) {

		log("Module:", module);

		module = module.toLowerCase();

		module = module === 'del' ? 'delete' : module;

		module = module === 'preferences' ? 'options' : module;

		// verification

		if (module.match(/(rollback|userrights|undelete)/)) specialToken(module, targ, url, callback, failure, extra);

		if (!module.match(/(edit|delete|protect|move|block|options|unblock|email|import|watch)/)) return false;

		// go

		var tURL = '?action=tokens&type='+module;


		ajax("get", tURL, function (data) {

			var token = data.tokensmodule+"token"];

			ajax("post", url, token, callback, failure, extra);



	/* This gets tokens not accessible from ?action=tokens */

	var specialToken = function(module, targ, url, callback, failure, extra) {

		var token;


		extra = extra || {};

		// verify

		if (module.match(/(rollback|undelete|userrights)/i) === null) return false;



		switch (module) {

			case 'rollback':

				var rbtURL = '?action=query&prop=revisions&rvtoken=rollback&indexpageids=1&titles='+targ;

				ajax('get', rbtURL, function (data) {

					token = data.query.pagesdata.query.pageids0]].revisions0].rollbacktoken;

					ajax("post", url, token, callback, failure, extra);



			case 'undelete':

				var detURL = '?action=query&list=deletedrevs&titles='+targ+'&drprop=token';

				ajax('get', detURL, function (data) {

					token = data.query.deletedrevs0].token;

					ajax("post", url, token, callback, failure, extra);



			case 'userrights':

				var urURL = '?action=query&list=users&ustoken=userrights&indexpageids=1&ucusers='+targ;

				ajax('get', urURL, function (data) {

					token = data.query.users0].userrightstoken;

					ajax("post", url, token, callback, failure, extra);




				token = false;





	/* Load arguments */

	door.prototype.load = function (params) {

		this.params = params;

		return this;


	/* Load success callback */

	door.prototype.wait = function (cb) {

		var checkedCB = (typeof cb !== "undefined" && typeof cb === "function") ? cb : function () {};

		this.callback = checkedCB;

		return this;


	/* Load callback */ = function (cb) {

		var checkedCB = (typeof cb !== "undefined" && typeof cb === "function") ? cb : function () {};

		this.failure = checkedCB;

		return this;


	/* Runs query/action */ = function () {

		var targ = typeof this.params.targ !== "undefined" ? this.params.targ : '',

			rlmodule = this.module === 'delete' ? 'del' : this.module;

		if (this.reqType === ACTION) {

			modulesrlmodule].run(this.params, rlmodule, this.callback, this.failure, targ);

		} else if (this.reqType === QUERY || this.reqType === SPECIAL) {

			modulesthis.module].run(this.params, this.callback, this.failure);



	/*** MODULES BEGIN ***/

	/* Start Action modules */

	modules. = {

		reqType: ACTION,

		run: function (params, module, callback, failure, targ) {

			var minor = 'notminor=true', 

				twhere = 'text',

				command = params.command || '',

				extra = {};

			if (command !== '') command = '&' + command;

			if (typeof params.isMinor !== "undefined" && params.isMinor === true) minor = 'minor=true';

			if (typeof params.where !== "undefined" && (params.where === "appendtext" || params.where ===  "prependtext")) twhere = params.where;



			var eURL = '?action=edit&title='+params.targ+'&summary='+params.summary+'&'+minor+command;

			extratwhere = params.text;

			getToken(module, targ,  eURL, callback, failure, extra);



	modules.rollback = {

		reqType: ACTION,

		run: function (params, module, callback, failure, targ) {

			var rbURL = '?action=rollback&title='+params.targ+'&user='+params.user,

				command = params.command || '';

			if (command !== '') command = '&' + command;

			if (typeof params.summary !== "undefined" && params.summary !== false) rbURL += '&summary=' + params.summary;

			rbURL += command;


			getToken(module, targ, rbURL, callback, failure);



	modules.del = {

		reqType: ACTION,

		run: function (params, module, callback, failure, targ) {

			var deURL = '?action=delete&title='+params.targ+'&reason='+params.summary,

				command = params.command || '';

			if (command !== '') command = '&' + command;

			deURL += command;


			getToken(module, targ, deURL, callback, failure);



	modules.protect = {

		reqType: ACTION,

		run: function (params, module, callback, failure, targ) {

			var cascade = '',

				exp = 'never',

				command = params.command || '';

			if (command !== '') command = '&' + command;

			if (typeof params.cascading !== "undefined" && params.cascading === true) cascade = "&cascade";

			if (typeof params.expiry !== "undefined" && params.expiry !== false) exp = params.expiry;



			var prURL = '?action=protect&title='+params.targ+'&protections='+params.level+cascade+'&expiry='+exp+'&reason='+params.summary+command;

			getToken(module, targ, prURL, callback, failure);



	modules.move = {

		reqType: ACTION,

		run: function (params, module, callback, failure, targ) {

			// params

			var talk = '', 

				sub = '',

				command = params.command || '';

			if (command !== '') command = '&' + command;

			if (typeof params.mTalk !== "undefined" && params.mTalk === true) talk = '&movetalk';

			if (typeof params.mSub !== "undefined" && params.mSub === true) sub = '&movesubpages';



			var mURL = '?action=move&from='+params.targ+'&to=''&reason='+params.summary+sub+talk+command;

			getToken(module, targ, mURL, callback, failure);



	modules.userrights = {

		reqType: ACTION,

		run: function (params, module, callback, failure, targ) {

			// params

			var add = '',

				rm = '',

				command = params.command || '';

			if (command !== '') command = '&' + command;

			if (typeof params.adds !== "undefined" && params.adds !== false) add = '&add='+params.adds;

			if (typeof params.remove !== "undefined" && params.remove !== false) rm = '&remove'+params.remove;



			var urURL = '?action=userrights&user='+params.targ+add+rm+'&reason='+params.summary+command;

			getToken(module, targ, urURL, callback, failure);



	modules.block = {

		reqType: ACTION,

		run: function (params, module, callback, failure, targ) {


			var expiry = 'never',

				nemail = '',

				ablock = '',

				atalk = '',

				ncreate = '',

				anononly = '',

				command = params.command || '';

			if (command !== '') command = '&' + command;

			if (typeof params.expire !== "undefined" && params.expire !== false) expiry = params.expire;

			if (typeof params.noemail !== "undefined" && params.noemail === true) nemail = '&noemail';

			if (typeof params.autoblock !== "undefined" && params.autoblock === true) ablock = '&autoblock';

			if (typeof params.allowtalk !== "undefined" && params.allowtalk === true) atalk = '&allowusertalk';

			if (typeof params.nocreate !== "undefined" && params.nocreate === true) ncreate = '&nocreate';

			if (typeof params.onlyanon !== "undefined" && params.onlyanon === true) anononly = '&anononly';



			var blURL = '?action=block&user='+params.targ+'&expiry='+expiry+'&reason='+params.summary+nemail+ablock+atalk+ncreate+anononly+command;

			getToken(module, targ, blURL, callback, failure);


	}; = {

		reqType: ACTION,

		run: function (params, module, callback, failure, targ) {

			var emURL = '?action=emailuser&target='+params.targ+'&subject='+params.subject,

				command = params.command || '',

				extra = {};

			if (command !== '') command = '&' + command;

			if (typeof params.ccme !== "undefined" && params.ccme === true) emURL += '&ccme';

			emURL += command;



			extra.text = params.text;

			getToken(module, targ, emURL, callback, failure, extra);



	modules.unblock = {

		reqType: ACTION,

		run: function (params, module, callback, failure, targ) {

			var ubURL = '?action=unblock&user='+params.user+'&reason='+params.summary,

				command = params.command || '';

			if (command !== '') command = '&' + command;

			ubURL += command;


			getToken(module, targ, ubURL, callback, failure);



	modules.undelete = {

		reqType: ACTION,

		run: function (params, module, callback, failure, targ) {


			var timestamp = '',

				command = params.command || '';

			if (command !== '') command = '&' + command;

			if (typeof params.timestamps !== "undefined" && params.timestamps !== false) timestamp = '&timestamps='+params.timestamps;



			var udURL = '?action=undelete&title='+params.targ+'&reason='+params.summary+timestamp+command;

			getToken(module, targ, udURL, callback, failure);



	modules.preferences = {

		reqType: ACTION,

		run: function (params, module, callback, failure, targ) {


			var reset = '',

				keyValue = '',

				change = '',

				command = params.command || '';

			if (command !== '') command = '&' + command;

			if (typeof params.reset !== "undefined") {

				if (params.reset === true) reset = '&reset';

				else reset = '&resetkinds=' + params.reset;


			if (typeof params.change !== "undefined") change = '&change='+params.change;

			if (typeof params.key !== "undefined" && typeof params.value !== "undefined") keyValue = '&optionname='+params.key+'&optionvalue='+params.value;



			var opURL = '?action=options'+reset+keyValue+change+command;

			getToken(module, targ, opURL, callback, failure);



	modules.purge = {

		reqType: ACTION,

		run: function (params, module, callback, failure, targ) {

			var pURL = '?action=purge&titles='+ params.titles,

				command = params.command || '';

			if (command !== '') command = '&' + command;

			pURL += command;


			getToken(module, targ, pURL, callback, failure);


	}; = {

		reqType: ACTION,

		run: function (params, module, callback, failure, targ) {

			var wURL = '?action=watch&title='+ params.targ,

				command = params.command || '';

			if (params.unwatch !== "undefined" && params.unwatch === true) wURL += '&unwatch';

			if (command !== '') command = '&' + command;

			wURL += command;


			getToken(module, targ, wURL, callback, failure);



	modules.unwatch = {

		reqType: ACTION,

		run: function (params, module, callback, failure, targ) {

			params.unwatch = true;, 'watch', callback, failure, targ);



	modules.login = {

		reqType: ACTION,

		run: function (params) {


			//For script developers- Flash doesn't allow for a callback argument on this 

			ajax("post", '?action=login&lgname='+params.username+'&lgpassword='+params.password, false, function (data) {

				ajax("post", '?action=login&lgtoken='+data.login.token+'&lgname='+params.username+'&lgpassword='+params.password, false, document.location.reload());




	modules.logout = {

		reqType: ACTION,

		run: function (params, module, callback, failure) {

			ajax("post", '?action=logout', false, callback, failure);



	/* Start Special Modules */

	//Store data = {

		reqType: SPECIAL,

		run: function (params, callback) {

			var type, sStorage = params.sessionOnly || false, goodModes = 'get', 'set', 'remove'], res;

			type = storageCheck(sStorage);

			if ($.inArray(params.mode, goodModes) <= -1) {




			if (type === 'localStorage' || type === 'sessionStorage') {

				res = windowtype][params.mode + 'Item'](params.key, params.value);

				callback(res || true);

			} else if (type === 'globalStorage') {

				res = window.globalStoragewindow.location.hostname][params.mode + 'Item'](params.key, params.value);

				callback(res || true);

			} else if (type === 'cookie') {

				//Cookie stuff is from quirksmode

				if (params.mode === 'set') {

					var expires;

					if (typeof params.days !== undefined) {

						var date = new Date();


						date.setTime(date.getTime() + (params.days*24*60*60*1000));

						expires = "; expires=" + date.toGMTString();

					} else {

						expires = "";


					document.cookie = params.key + "=" + params.value + expires + "; path=/";


				} else if (params.mode === 'get') {

					var nameEQ = + "=", ca = document.cookie.split(';');

					for(var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) {

						var c = cai];

						while (c.charAt(0) === ' ') c = c.substring(1, c.length);

						if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) === 0) {

							callback(c.substring(nameEQ.length, c.length));





				} else if (params.mode !== 'remove') {

					var expires, date = new Date();



					expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString();

					document.cookie = params.key + "=" + params.value + expires + "; path=/";



			} else {



			if (params.server !== "undefined" && params.server === true) {

				modules.preferences({key: params.key, value: params.value}, 'preferences', function (res) {


				}, function () {});




	/* Start Query Modules */

	modules.exists = {

		reqType: QUERY,

		run: function (params, callback, failure) {

			ajax("get", '?action=query&prop=info&indexpageids=1&titles='+params.targ, function (data) {

				if (data.query.pagesdata.query.pageids].missing === '') callback(false);

				else callback(true);

			}, failure);



	modules.getCreator = {

		reqType: QUERY,

		run: function (params, callback, failure) {{targ: params.targ}, function (data) {

				if (data === false) {


				} else {

					ajax("get", '?action=query&prop=revisions&indexpageids=1&titles='+params.targ+'&rvlimit=1&rvprop=user&rvdir=newer', function (data) {

						var creator = data.query.pagesdata.query.pageids0]].revisions0].user;




			}, failure);



	modules.getUserContribs = {

		reqType: QUERY,

		run: function (params, callback, failure) {

			ajax("get", '?action=query&list=usercontribs&uclimit='+params.number+'&ucuser='+params.user+'&ucprop=ids|title|flags|timestamp|comment', callback, failure);



	modules.getUserGroups = {

		reqType: QUERY,

		run: function (params, callback, failure) {

			if (params.user === mw.config.get('wgUserName')) {

				if (typeof !== "undefined") {

					callback(($.inArray(, mw.config.get('wgUserGroups')) !== -1));

				} else {



			} else {

				ajax("get", '?action=query&list=users&usprop=groups&ususers=' + encodeURIComponent(params.user), function (data) {

					if (typeof !== "undefined") {

						callback(($.inArray(, data.query.users0].groups) !== -1));

					} else {



				}, failure);




	modules.getPage = {

		reqType: QUERY,

		run: function (params, callback, failure) {

			// verification

			params.revisions = params.revisions || 1;

			if (params.revisions > 500) params.revisions = 500;

			if (typeof === "undefined") = 'user|content|ids|timestamp|comment';


			// go

			ajax("get", '?action=query&prop=revisions&titles='+params.targ+'&rvprop=''&rvlimit='+params.revisions+'&indexpageids=1', function (data) {

				if (data.query.pageids0 === "-1") { 


				} else {

					var info = data.query.pagesdata.query.pageids0]], 

					res = {

						title: info.title



					for (var i = 0; i < info.revisions.length; i++) { // for each revision

						resi = {};

						// get user

						if ( !== null) {

							resi].user = info.revisionsi].user;


						// get content

						if ( !== null) {

							resi].content = info.revisionsi]['*'];


						// get timestamp

						if ( !== null) {

							resi].timestamp = info.revisionsi].timestamp;


						// get summary

						if ( !== null) {

							resi].summary = info.revisionsi].comment;


						// get size

						if ( !== null) {

							resi].size = info.revisionsi].size;


						// get ids

						if ( !== null) {

							resi].ids = {

								revid: info.revisionsi].revid,

								parentid: info.revisionsi].parentid






			}, failure);



	//Meta query. Accepts a url and spits out the output

	modules.question = {

		reqType: QUERY,

		run: function (params, callback, failure) {

			ajax("get", params, callback, failure);



	/*** RUN CODE ***/

	//init is the only instance of Flash_main

	//Then Flash becaomes the go function for init

	//When Flash is called it executes the code in Flash_main.prototype.go,

	//which creates a new door as explained earlier in the code

	var init = new Flash_main();

	window.Flash = init.go;

	log('loaded version ' + version);

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.

/*global mw:true */

/* This is my personal javascript library which I call Flash */

/* Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Kangaroopower under the MIT License */

/* It can: 

	a) gather virtually all tokens (save patrol and perhaps some WMF specific ones) 

	b) do virtually any action save WMF ones like pagetriage and articlefeedback

	c) Perform queries (limited for now, to be expanded in the next version)



$(function () {


	var QUERY = 1, ACTION = 2, SPECIAL = 3;


	var version = "0.94.4 Hydra";

	//Holds all the modules

	var modules = {};


	//This is called once, by the Flash variable at the bottom of this script

	//we could technically do everything in the Flash_main class

	//but I prefer to have new instances for each new request

	//we also process version calls in here because version is a static variable

	//and making a new module just for that would waste a bunch of unnecessary memory

	var Flash_main = function () {

		this.go = function (module) { 

			return (module === 'version' ? version : new door(module));



	//door is the class that actually executes the request

	//The reason that we cant do the code in Flash_main is because if we executed the queries

	//there then all the requests would go through one instance of the class because the Flash_main

	//object is only created once. Instead, in Flash_main, all we do is create a new door from which

	//all the code is executed, so there is a new instance of the door class for each request

	var door = function (module) {

		module = (module === 'delete' ? 'del' : module);


		this.token = '';

		this.module = module;

		this.reqType = modulesmodule].reqType;

		this.params = {};

		this.callback = function () {};

		this.failure = function () {};



	/* Logs stuff */

	var log = (window.console && function () {

		var args =;


		return window.console.log.apply(window.console, args);

	}) || $.noop;

	/* Does ajax call to API */

	var ajax = function (type, url, token, cb, onfail, extraInfo) {

		var realcb;

		type = type.toLowerCase();

		extraInfo = extraInfo || {};

		onfail = onfail || function () {};

		if (type === "get") {

			realcb = token;

		} else if (type === "post") {

			realcb =  cb;

			if (token !== false) {

				extraInfo.token = token;




			url: mw.util.wikiScript('api')+url+'&format=json',

			type: type.toUpperCase(),

			dataType: 'json',

			data: extraInfo

		}).done(function (data) {


		}).fail(function (data) {




	/* Checks for most modern type of storage */

	var storageCheck = function (sStorage) {

		var ret;

		sStorage = sStorage || false;

		if (sStorage) {

			if (typeof sessionStorage !== "undefined") {

				ret = 'sessionStorage';

			} else if (typeof globalStorage !== "undefined") {

				ret = 'globalStorage';

			} else {

				ret = false;


		} else {

			if (typeof localStorage !== "undefined") {

				ret = 'localStorage';

			} else if (typeof globalStorage !== "undefined") {

				ret = 'globalStorage';

			} else {

				ret = 'cookie';



		return ret;


	/* Start Token calls */

	/* This gets all tokens that are accessible from ?action=tokens */

	var getToken = function(module, targ, url, callback, failure, extra) {

		log("Module:", module);

		module = module.toLowerCase();

		module = module === 'del' ? 'delete' : module;

		module = module === 'preferences' ? 'options' : module;

		// verification

		if (module.match(/(rollback|userrights|undelete)/)) specialToken(module, targ, url, callback, failure, extra);

		if (!module.match(/(edit|delete|protect|move|block|options|unblock|email|import|watch)/)) return false;

		// go

		var tURL = '?action=tokens&type='+module;


		ajax("get", tURL, function (data) {

			var token = data.tokensmodule+"token"];

			ajax("post", url, token, callback, failure, extra);



	/* This gets tokens not accessible from ?action=tokens */

	var specialToken = function(module, targ, url, callback, failure, extra) {

		var token;


		extra = extra || {};

		// verify

		if (module.match(/(rollback|undelete|userrights)/i) === null) return false;



		switch (module) {

			case 'rollback':

				var rbtURL = '?action=query&prop=revisions&rvtoken=rollback&indexpageids=1&titles='+targ;

				ajax('get', rbtURL, function (data) {

					token = data.query.pagesdata.query.pageids0]].revisions0].rollbacktoken;

					ajax("post", url, token, callback, failure, extra);



			case 'undelete':

				var detURL = '?action=query&list=deletedrevs&titles='+targ+'&drprop=token';

				ajax('get', detURL, function (data) {

					token = data.query.deletedrevs0].token;

					ajax("post", url, token, callback, failure, extra);



			case 'userrights':

				var urURL = '?action=query&list=users&ustoken=userrights&indexpageids=1&ucusers='+targ;

				ajax('get', urURL, function (data) {

					token = data.query.users0].userrightstoken;

					ajax("post", url, token, callback, failure, extra);




				token = false;





	/* Load arguments */

	door.prototype.load = function (params) {

		this.params = params;

		return this;


	/* Load success callback */

	door.prototype.wait = function (cb) {

		var checkedCB = (typeof cb !== "undefined" && typeof cb === "function") ? cb : function () {};

		this.callback = checkedCB;

		return this;


	/* Load callback */ = function (cb) {

		var checkedCB = (typeof cb !== "undefined" && typeof cb === "function") ? cb : function () {};

		this.failure = checkedCB;

		return this;


	/* Runs query/action */ = function () {

		var targ = typeof this.params.targ !== "undefined" ? this.params.targ : '',

			rlmodule = this.module === 'delete' ? 'del' : this.module;

		if (this.reqType === ACTION) {

			modulesrlmodule].run(this.params, rlmodule, this.callback, this.failure, targ);

		} else if (this.reqType === QUERY || this.reqType === SPECIAL) {

			modulesthis.module].run(this.params, this.callback, this.failure);



	/*** MODULES BEGIN ***/

	/* Start Action modules */

	modules. = {

		reqType: ACTION,

		run: function (params, module, callback, failure, targ) {

			var minor = 'notminor=true', 

				twhere = 'text',

				command = params.command || '',

				extra = {};

			if (command !== '') command = '&' + command;

			if (typeof params.isMinor !== "undefined" && params.isMinor === true) minor = 'minor=true';

			if (typeof params.where !== "undefined" && (params.where === "appendtext" || params.where ===  "prependtext")) twhere = params.where;



			var eURL = '?action=edit&title='+params.targ+'&summary='+params.summary+'&'+minor+command;

			extratwhere = params.text;

			getToken(module, targ,  eURL, callback, failure, extra);



	modules.rollback = {

		reqType: ACTION,

		run: function (params, module, callback, failure, targ) {

			var rbURL = '?action=rollback&title='+params.targ+'&user='+params.user,

				command = params.command || '';

			if (command !== '') command = '&' + command;

			if (typeof params.summary !== "undefined" && params.summary !== false) rbURL += '&summary=' + params.summary;

			rbURL += command;


			getToken(module, targ, rbURL, callback, failure);



	modules.del = {

		reqType: ACTION,

		run: function (params, module, callback, failure, targ) {

			var deURL = '?action=delete&title='+params.targ+'&reason='+params.summary,

				command = params.command || '';

			if (command !== '') command = '&' + command;

			deURL += command;


			getToken(module, targ, deURL, callback, failure);



	modules.protect = {

		reqType: ACTION,

		run: function (params, module, callback, failure, targ) {

			var cascade = '',

				exp = 'never',

				command = params.command || '';

			if (command !== '') command = '&' + command;

			if (typeof params.cascading !== "undefined" && params.cascading === true) cascade = "&cascade";

			if (typeof params.expiry !== "undefined" && params.expiry !== false) exp = params.expiry;



			var prURL = '?action=protect&title='+params.targ+'&protections='+params.level+cascade+'&expiry='+exp+'&reason='+params.summary+command;

			getToken(module, targ, prURL, callback, failure);



	modules.move = {

		reqType: ACTION,

		run: function (params, module, callback, failure, targ) {

			// params

			var talk = '', 

				sub = '',

				command = params.command || '';

			if (command !== '') command = '&' + command;

			if (typeof params.mTalk !== "undefined" && params.mTalk === true) talk = '&movetalk';

			if (typeof params.mSub !== "undefined" && params.mSub === true) sub = '&movesubpages';



			var mURL = '?action=move&from='+params.targ+'&to=''&reason='+params.summary+sub+talk+command;

			getToken(module, targ, mURL, callback, failure);



	modules.userrights = {

		reqType: ACTION,

		run: function (params, module, callback, failure, targ) {

			// params

			var add = '',

				rm = '',

				command = params.command || '';

			if (command !== '') command = '&' + command;

			if (typeof params.adds !== "undefined" && params.adds !== false) add = '&add='+params.adds;

			if (typeof params.remove !== "undefined" && params.remove !== false) rm = '&remove'+params.remove;



			var urURL = '?action=userrights&user='+params.targ+add+rm+'&reason='+params.summary+command;

			getToken(module, targ, urURL, callback, failure);



	modules.block = {

		reqType: ACTION,

		run: function (params, module, callback, failure, targ) {


			var expiry = 'never',

				nemail = '',

				ablock = '',

				atalk = '',

				ncreate = '',

				anononly = '',

				command = params.command || '';

			if (command !== '') command = '&' + command;

			if (typeof params.expire !== "undefined" && params.expire !== false) expiry = params.expire;

			if (typeof params.noemail !== "undefined" && params.noemail === true) nemail = '&noemail';

			if (typeof params.autoblock !== "undefined" && params.autoblock === true) ablock = '&autoblock';

			if (typeof params.allowtalk !== "undefined" && params.allowtalk === true) atalk = '&allowusertalk';

			if (typeof params.nocreate !== "undefined" && params.nocreate === true) ncreate = '&nocreate';

			if (typeof params.onlyanon !== "undefined" && params.onlyanon === true) anononly = '&anononly';



			var blURL = '?action=block&user='+params.targ+'&expiry='+expiry+'&reason='+params.summary+nemail+ablock+atalk+ncreate+anononly+command;

			getToken(module, targ, blURL, callback, failure);


	}; = {

		reqType: ACTION,

		run: function (params, module, callback, failure, targ) {

			var emURL = '?action=emailuser&target='+params.targ+'&subject='+params.subject,

				command = params.command || '',

				extra = {};

			if (command !== '') command = '&' + command;

			if (typeof params.ccme !== "undefined" && params.ccme === true) emURL += '&ccme';

			emURL += command;



			extra.text = params.text;

			getToken(module, targ, emURL, callback, failure, extra);



	modules.unblock = {

		reqType: ACTION,

		run: function (params, module, callback, failure, targ) {

			var ubURL = '?action=unblock&user='+params.user+'&reason='+params.summary,

				command = params.command || '';

			if (command !== '') command = '&' + command;

			ubURL += command;


			getToken(module, targ, ubURL, callback, failure);



	modules.undelete = {

		reqType: ACTION,

		run: function (params, module, callback, failure, targ) {


			var timestamp = '',

				command = params.command || '';

			if (command !== '') command = '&' + command;

			if (typeof params.timestamps !== "undefined" && params.timestamps !== false) timestamp = '&timestamps='+params.timestamps;



			var udURL = '?action=undelete&title='+params.targ+'&reason='+params.summary+timestamp+command;

			getToken(module, targ, udURL, callback, failure);



	modules.preferences = {

		reqType: ACTION,

		run: function (params, module, callback, failure, targ) {


			var reset = '',

				keyValue = '',

				change = '',

				command = params.command || '';

			if (command !== '') command = '&' + command;

			if (typeof params.reset !== "undefined") {

				if (params.reset === true) reset = '&reset';

				else reset = '&resetkinds=' + params.reset;


			if (typeof params.change !== "undefined") change = '&change='+params.change;

			if (typeof params.key !== "undefined" && typeof params.value !== "undefined") keyValue = '&optionname='+params.key+'&optionvalue='+params.value;



			var opURL = '?action=options'+reset+keyValue+change+command;

			getToken(module, targ, opURL, callback, failure);



	modules.purge = {

		reqType: ACTION,

		run: function (params, module, callback, failure, targ) {

			var pURL = '?action=purge&titles='+ params.titles,

				command = params.command || '';

			if (command !== '') command = '&' + command;

			pURL += command;


			getToken(module, targ, pURL, callback, failure);


	}; = {

		reqType: ACTION,

		run: function (params, module, callback, failure, targ) {

			var wURL = '?action=watch&title='+ params.targ,

				command = params.command || '';

			if (params.unwatch !== "undefined" && params.unwatch === true) wURL += '&unwatch';

			if (command !== '') command = '&' + command;

			wURL += command;


			getToken(module, targ, wURL, callback, failure);



	modules.unwatch = {

		reqType: ACTION,

		run: function (params, module, callback, failure, targ) {

			params.unwatch = true;, 'watch', callback, failure, targ);



	modules.login = {

		reqType: ACTION,

		run: function (params) {


			//For script developers- Flash doesn't allow for a callback argument on this 

			ajax("post", '?action=login&lgname='+params.username+'&lgpassword='+params.password, false, function (data) {

				ajax("post", '?action=login&lgtoken='+data.login.token+'&lgname='+params.username+'&lgpassword='+params.password, false, document.location.reload());




	modules.logout = {

		reqType: ACTION,

		run: function (params, module, callback, failure) {

			ajax("post", '?action=logout', false, callback, failure);



	/* Start Special Modules */

	//Store data = {

		reqType: SPECIAL,

		run: function (params, callback) {

			var type, sStorage = params.sessionOnly || false, goodModes = 'get', 'set', 'remove'], res;

			type = storageCheck(sStorage);

			if ($.inArray(params.mode, goodModes) <= -1) {




			if (type === 'localStorage' || type === 'sessionStorage') {

				res = windowtype][params.mode + 'Item'](params.key, params.value);

				callback(res || true);

			} else if (type === 'globalStorage') {

				res = window.globalStoragewindow.location.hostname][params.mode + 'Item'](params.key, params.value);

				callback(res || true);

			} else if (type === 'cookie') {

				//Cookie stuff is from quirksmode

				if (params.mode === 'set') {

					var expires;

					if (typeof params.days !== undefined) {

						var date = new Date();


						date.setTime(date.getTime() + (params.days*24*60*60*1000));

						expires = "; expires=" + date.toGMTString();

					} else {

						expires = "";


					document.cookie = params.key + "=" + params.value + expires + "; path=/";


				} else if (params.mode === 'get') {

					var nameEQ = + "=", ca = document.cookie.split(';');

					for(var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) {

						var c = cai];

						while (c.charAt(0) === ' ') c = c.substring(1, c.length);

						if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) === 0) {

							callback(c.substring(nameEQ.length, c.length));





				} else if (params.mode !== 'remove') {

					var expires, date = new Date();



					expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString();

					document.cookie = params.key + "=" + params.value + expires + "; path=/";



			} else {



			if (params.server !== "undefined" && params.server === true) {

				modules.preferences({key: params.key, value: params.value}, 'preferences', function (res) {


				}, function () {});




	/* Start Query Modules */

	modules.exists = {

		reqType: QUERY,

		run: function (params, callback, failure) {

			ajax("get", '?action=query&prop=info&indexpageids=1&titles='+params.targ, function (data) {

				if (data.query.pagesdata.query.pageids].missing === '') callback(false);

				else callback(true);

			}, failure);



	modules.getCreator = {

		reqType: QUERY,

		run: function (params, callback, failure) {{targ: params.targ}, function (data) {

				if (data === false) {


				} else {

					ajax("get", '?action=query&prop=revisions&indexpageids=1&titles='+params.targ+'&rvlimit=1&rvprop=user&rvdir=newer', function (data) {

						var creator = data.query.pagesdata.query.pageids0]].revisions0].user;




			}, failure);



	modules.getUserContribs = {

		reqType: QUERY,

		run: function (params, callback, failure) {

			ajax("get", '?action=query&list=usercontribs&uclimit='+params.number+'&ucuser='+params.user+'&ucprop=ids|title|flags|timestamp|comment', callback, failure);



	modules.getUserGroups = {

		reqType: QUERY,

		run: function (params, callback, failure) {

			if (params.user === mw.config.get('wgUserName')) {

				if (typeof !== "undefined") {

					callback(($.inArray(, mw.config.get('wgUserGroups')) !== -1));

				} else {



			} else {

				ajax("get", '?action=query&list=users&usprop=groups&ususers=' + encodeURIComponent(params.user), function (data) {

					if (typeof !== "undefined") {

						callback(($.inArray(, data.query.users0].groups) !== -1));

					} else {



				}, failure);




	modules.getPage = {

		reqType: QUERY,

		run: function (params, callback, failure) {

			// verification

			params.revisions = params.revisions || 1;

			if (params.revisions > 500) params.revisions = 500;

			if (typeof === "undefined") = 'user|content|ids|timestamp|comment';


			// go

			ajax("get", '?action=query&prop=revisions&titles='+params.targ+'&rvprop=''&rvlimit='+params.revisions+'&indexpageids=1', function (data) {

				if (data.query.pageids0 === "-1") { 


				} else {

					var info = data.query.pagesdata.query.pageids0]], 

					res = {

						title: info.title



					for (var i = 0; i < info.revisions.length; i++) { // for each revision

						resi = {};

						// get user

						if ( !== null) {

							resi].user = info.revisionsi].user;


						// get content

						if ( !== null) {

							resi].content = info.revisionsi]['*'];


						// get timestamp

						if ( !== null) {

							resi].timestamp = info.revisionsi].timestamp;


						// get summary

						if ( !== null) {

							resi].summary = info.revisionsi].comment;


						// get size

						if ( !== null) {

							resi].size = info.revisionsi].size;


						// get ids

						if ( !== null) {

							resi].ids = {

								revid: info.revisionsi].revid,

								parentid: info.revisionsi].parentid






			}, failure);



	//Meta query. Accepts a url and spits out the output

	modules.question = {

		reqType: QUERY,

		run: function (params, callback, failure) {

			ajax("get", params, callback, failure);



	/*** RUN CODE ***/

	//init is the only instance of Flash_main

	//Then Flash becaomes the go function for init

	//When Flash is called it executes the code in Flash_main.prototype.go,

	//which creates a new door as explained earlier in the code

	var init = new Flash_main();

	window.Flash = init.go;

	log('loaded version ' + version);



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