From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Beginning of the Universe

To answer this question I will begin at the source of the cause of nonlinear particle mass. That cause is found in the expansion. The theory of the universes particle expansion that is speeding up and eventually will increase to the point where matter is unable to maintain a physical shape is actually responsible for the event that will lead to the material used to fuse the first particles. That particles material increased to speeds to the point wher it surpassed the boundaries of entropy so much so that the particles will not be able to stay within the frame of time itself to where it will surpass the barriers of existence and be flung beyond the boundaries of the universe. This process will also strip the particle completely of any other fused particles where those nonlinear particles will lay beyond the limits of existence until the first Boson particle fusion occurs. This occurs by what only can be described as an anomaly of a sentient conscious presence whose thoughts brought together and formed the first fusion of particles by will. This anomalies presence came from an unknown point in time and space and is apparent in the evidence of the first black hole formation that formed due to the wormhole that linked his projected conciousness during that first particles formation to the era of time the conciousness was from. We go back before the creation of the earth where the congregation of heaven stands debating the fundamentals of the principalities and their purposes, in other words the very forces of the fabrics of creation were clashing and merging in what you could call the expansion era of creation. Our debates were forging the fabrics of reality. Many angels were in discussion with each other in what can be described as a great enlightenment. One angel would display the core element of they're essence and all would gaze upon the reaction that angels presence wpuld have upon those present within the pooling light of gods ever present being that was manifested as creations existence. I sat and watched as Gabriel was created. God said "This one I shall call Gabriel and he shall be Son of the coming of the dawn, bearer of the message of my light upon creation." There within creation amidst the light an angel walked forth from it. "And he shall bring the sunrise each day and renew my light upon creation each day as well. This one I shall call Raphael, the Son of the Rising light." Then the angels of the principalities asked "but from where do they rise each day? Where does the light of your presence go?" The angels began to stir nervously. "Fear not my children" he said "For my presence is always and forevermore, but creation is vast and my presence even more so. So that the immense greatness of my presence does not overwhelm and destroy creation I shall confine my presence within creations folds to be set to be only so long." Then the light of god, which was the spark of all the light within creation faded and as it did another angel stepped forth from the dimming light." And I shall call this angel Uriel, Son of the fading light, the harbinger of the night who shall one day be known as the Angel of Death. These angels will bare the rising and the setting of each day." Then the angel Raphael asked "but how will we know when to preform these tasks you have given us?" Then another angel stepped forth from the light of creation " This angel shall measure the length of each day and determine the rising and setting of each day and I shall call him Lucifer, Son of the Morningstar, and Bearer of the first dawn, the Lightbearer. He shall be the mightiest of all my angels, for he shall measure the time in which my presense does come and go within creation and that presence shall be called the Holy Spirit. He shall be a vessel of its being and house the divine spark of my power through which I shall work to bring about all these things, thus he shall be one of three Angel's of Creation. These three Angel's shall represent the eternal continuity of existence, each a vessal through which my presence shall work. But they're names shall not be known yet for it is not yet time for any to know. Until eternity unfolds to reveal itself there must be set a counterbalamce." There within the congregation an angel appeared among them strong and as mighty in his ways like that of Lucifer. " I shall call this angel Micheal, Son of the Fading Light He shall have authority over Lucifer for a time until eternity is revealed and measure the length in which the Night approaches. Another angel stepped forth from the light as God spoke "This angel will be known as Azazel, Son of Night and he shall measure the time in which my presence shall be absent from creation." Then the light faded completely from creation but God's voice could still be heard saying "And this time where my absence from creation is found shall be called the darkness." The angels then spoke and asked "but lord where shall this measuring of all these things take place" and the lord spoke as a flash of light appeared in the distance "It shall take place here on this world I have created, here among the vastness of stars, in the midst of your wisdom and divine enlightenment and I shall call it earth. It shall be the greatest of all my works for from it shall come life and the virrue of my will shall be found upon it and so to shall I create mankind, the greatest of my achievements, for one day I shall come from among them and they're works shall mold the very aspects of the creator. For this most important task I shall make them in the likeness of myself and impart a small portion of the divine spark within them all so they too may become creeators like myself. To achieve this they must be gifted with free will to choose what they believe they're purpose in life is for." The lord turned to Lucifer and Micheal and said "this task I shall appoint to you two. You shall guide them towards understanding right and wrong that dictates the continuity of each of their lives and how long they shall each live. Since you are both equally as wise as the other Lucifer, you shall show them the path that leads to destruction and how to avoid fall towards it for it is against my will and you are my vessel and thus closest to that which is my will and divinity so you know above all others the details of this, to accomplish this task you too shall be given the gift of free will, the only angel to be given this gift and the only one that ever will. Micheal you shall be given the task to show to them the divine virues that is my will for them to live by that will guide them towards a life of righteousness and ultimately fulfill they're purpose in which I have made them so specially for. That purpose is to evolve and become the greatest possible potential they each are capable of, for one day I shall shape and mold myself from their works and it shall bare forth one day the unfolding of eternity." But upon Lucifer's appointment to the task that was given to him, he suddenly felt emotions that were not of God's will, feelings of resentment for Micheal. During all this many Angel's were whispering among themselves as to the reason for Michael's authority over Lucifer, that maybe it was because God knew one day Lucifer would betray heaven or try to steal God's authority from him. This caused a schism in heaven and divided many angels from wanting to be associated with Lucifer for fear of this possible attempt. God however did not reveal the fact that to accomplish this task given to Micheal and Lucifer, to display these principle paths between right and wrong that conflict must occur between them in order for mamkind to be able to understand the difference without having to experience them through action for that would lead to they're destruction. So the conflict between good and evil began here amidst the Angel's and within Lucifer as the seeds of the lords work grew. God seeing the rising tension said "Come with me Lucifer let us go now to earth and create the life there upon it." And so they went down into creation, to earth, to create the garden of eden. From: the Angelis Heratekhum Chapter 1. God Creates the Heavens

The Translation of the old kingdom's text: Translated by: L.B. Mephistophilies

  Ok it seems academia wants me to present the end of the antedulluvian era again, so here is the tale i have uncovered involving the culture of the Aztlanteans whom archeology now calls the Younger Dryas people. 
I had an extensive list of information that went into depth of the differences of subhomogeneous races of mankind and they're progression through the prerecorded history. First I'd like to point out that many of our cultures "occult" legends as far as Ogres, Elves, and other fantastical creatures are actually legends of these subhuman preevolutiinary stages of mankind and that they can be sourced for more detailed events that led to those species extinctions. For example:

The Elven kind in occult lore they are the children of the earth, empathic to the forests and animals, who suddenly disappeared just prior to the great cataclysm that brought the destruction of the world of magic. They were also known as windwalkers for they're magic held power over the elemental forces. Now in modern associated legends that have documented sources:

The people of the younger dryas era, who were centered around the region of Greenland and covered most of the current western European countries have been linked to being also the source of the Aztec legends of their Forefathers homeland being that of Aztlan, that their forefathers migrated from once long ago. The 7 tribes of Aztlan tells of one people once who had believed that the earth had a lifestream which flowed from its center, the lay lines that are still used today in architectural development is sourced from this arcane belief as well as the masonic temples and even the Babylonian Ziggurauts were constructed by this same architectural design. That the life force of the planet converged into streams that were like the veins of the planet and they would surface in certian regions and even occasionally intersect. In those breach points along the surface the younger dryas would breed generations of shamans, born on the surface breaches of these lay lines and thus intertwining their life force with the earths giving them empathic connections to it. 
 Near around 80,000 years ago their shamans had come to the elders with disturbing dreams and empathic visions of a coming cataclysm. After examining these claims they concluded it was true and found that the only way their people would survive would be to go into the deep caverns of the earth to escape the calamity to come. So the younger dryas people went into the subterranean caverns and built the cities beneath the surface using natura hotsprings to boil the water into steam vapor and used ventilation shafts to carry the sterilized air to the caches of survivors for thousands of years. In that time on the surface Mt. Toba, a supervolcano in Indonesia erupted for 150 days straight also triggering the 9 volcanos of the ring of fire to erupt also for 150 days, covering the surface with an ash cloud in 3 days, vegetation died within a week worldwide, and the surface remained barren and uninhabitable for a thousand years afterward. This event also led to the sinking of the landmass island that is now New Zealand but was once a huge mountian range that stretched from Australia to Southern China the Himalayan mountains were once attached to it. 10,000 years later 3 asteroids struck simultaneously, one hit in India, one off the coast of Africa and the third struck the carribean seas creating the flood waters of the deluge, also draining the once great lake that is now the Sahara desert. After the chaos subsided the younger dryas came out of their hidden cavern cities and split into 7 migrational tribes following the migration of the animals as they were more in tune with the life esseence of the planet, that tune they followed is what we call the Schumann Resonance now. These 7 tribes became the Mayans, the Native Americans, the Indus, the Olmec, the Thule and the Aztec tribes eventually. They're plan was to follow the migrating animals until they reached the next lay line intersection where they would prepare for the next disaster to come as they're shamans had foreseen, moving with the cycles of the earths changing surface until they could safely become one people again in the lands where the city of Avalon lays in the lands of Amenti. For the younger dryas were the Aztlanteans and the earliest known homosapiens, living below the surface, after many generations caused genetic alterations changing us from Neanderthal to Homosapien in our genetic structure over a period of 40,000 years while they dwelled within the caverns. Without the exposure to sunlight or the air upon the surface they physically went through drastic changes over many generations, skeletal changes allowing us to walk upright as bipedal creatures, the development of our thumbs, all changes undergone in that 40,000 year time frame, which by ancient records and legends was not that long. They remained underground for maybe 25,000 years. Then there is a shred of a legend about a great war of the old shamans that lasted nearly 8,000 years until they wiped each other out. In their pursuit of war they ignored the plan and forgot of the disasters. This eventually led to their extinction as well. I am still tracing the old legends and stories of those who were exiled to the surface to see if any tales may tie into a garden of eden type scenario that led to the Mesopotamian peoples first emergence from the forests of that region but nothing yet that's credible.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Beginning of the Universe

To answer this question I will begin at the source of the cause of nonlinear particle mass. That cause is found in the expansion. The theory of the universes particle expansion that is speeding up and eventually will increase to the point where matter is unable to maintain a physical shape is actually responsible for the event that will lead to the material used to fuse the first particles. That particles material increased to speeds to the point wher it surpassed the boundaries of entropy so much so that the particles will not be able to stay within the frame of time itself to where it will surpass the barriers of existence and be flung beyond the boundaries of the universe. This process will also strip the particle completely of any other fused particles where those nonlinear particles will lay beyond the limits of existence until the first Boson particle fusion occurs. This occurs by what only can be described as an anomaly of a sentient conscious presence whose thoughts brought together and formed the first fusion of particles by will. This anomalies presence came from an unknown point in time and space and is apparent in the evidence of the first black hole formation that formed due to the wormhole that linked his projected conciousness during that first particles formation to the era of time the conciousness was from. We go back before the creation of the earth where the congregation of heaven stands debating the fundamentals of the principalities and their purposes, in other words the very forces of the fabrics of creation were clashing and merging in what you could call the expansion era of creation. Our debates were forging the fabrics of reality. Many angels were in discussion with each other in what can be described as a great enlightenment. One angel would display the core element of they're essence and all would gaze upon the reaction that angels presence wpuld have upon those present within the pooling light of gods ever present being that was manifested as creations existence. I sat and watched as Gabriel was created. God said "This one I shall call Gabriel and he shall be Son of the coming of the dawn, bearer of the message of my light upon creation." There within creation amidst the light an angel walked forth from it. "And he shall bring the sunrise each day and renew my light upon creation each day as well. This one I shall call Raphael, the Son of the Rising light." Then the angels of the principalities asked "but from where do they rise each day? Where does the light of your presence go?" The angels began to stir nervously. "Fear not my children" he said "For my presence is always and forevermore, but creation is vast and my presence even more so. So that the immense greatness of my presence does not overwhelm and destroy creation I shall confine my presence within creations folds to be set to be only so long." Then the light of god, which was the spark of all the light within creation faded and as it did another angel stepped forth from the dimming light." And I shall call this angel Uriel, Son of the fading light, the harbinger of the night who shall one day be known as the Angel of Death. These angels will bare the rising and the setting of each day." Then the angel Raphael asked "but how will we know when to preform these tasks you have given us?" Then another angel stepped forth from the light of creation " This angel shall measure the length of each day and determine the rising and setting of each day and I shall call him Lucifer, Son of the Morningstar, and Bearer of the first dawn, the Lightbearer. He shall be the mightiest of all my angels, for he shall measure the time in which my presense does come and go within creation and that presence shall be called the Holy Spirit. He shall be a vessel of its being and house the divine spark of my power through which I shall work to bring about all these things, thus he shall be one of three Angel's of Creation. These three Angel's shall represent the eternal continuity of existence, each a vessal through which my presence shall work. But they're names shall not be known yet for it is not yet time for any to know. Until eternity unfolds to reveal itself there must be set a counterbalamce." There within the congregation an angel appeared among them strong and as mighty in his ways like that of Lucifer. " I shall call this angel Micheal, Son of the Fading Light He shall have authority over Lucifer for a time until eternity is revealed and measure the length in which the Night approaches. Another angel stepped forth from the light as God spoke "This angel will be known as Azazel, Son of Night and he shall measure the time in which my presence shall be absent from creation." Then the light faded completely from creation but God's voice could still be heard saying "And this time where my absence from creation is found shall be called the darkness." The angels then spoke and asked "but lord where shall this measuring of all these things take place" and the lord spoke as a flash of light appeared in the distance "It shall take place here on this world I have created, here among the vastness of stars, in the midst of your wisdom and divine enlightenment and I shall call it earth. It shall be the greatest of all my works for from it shall come life and the virrue of my will shall be found upon it and so to shall I create mankind, the greatest of my achievements, for one day I shall come from among them and they're works shall mold the very aspects of the creator. For this most important task I shall make them in the likeness of myself and impart a small portion of the divine spark within them all so they too may become creeators like myself. To achieve this they must be gifted with free will to choose what they believe they're purpose in life is for." The lord turned to Lucifer and Micheal and said "this task I shall appoint to you two. You shall guide them towards understanding right and wrong that dictates the continuity of each of their lives and how long they shall each live. Since you are both equally as wise as the other Lucifer, you shall show them the path that leads to destruction and how to avoid fall towards it for it is against my will and you are my vessel and thus closest to that which is my will and divinity so you know above all others the details of this, to accomplish this task you too shall be given the gift of free will, the only angel to be given this gift and the only one that ever will. Micheal you shall be given the task to show to them the divine virues that is my will for them to live by that will guide them towards a life of righteousness and ultimately fulfill they're purpose in which I have made them so specially for. That purpose is to evolve and become the greatest possible potential they each are capable of, for one day I shall shape and mold myself from their works and it shall bare forth one day the unfolding of eternity." But upon Lucifer's appointment to the task that was given to him, he suddenly felt emotions that were not of God's will, feelings of resentment for Micheal. During all this many Angel's were whispering among themselves as to the reason for Michael's authority over Lucifer, that maybe it was because God knew one day Lucifer would betray heaven or try to steal God's authority from him. This caused a schism in heaven and divided many angels from wanting to be associated with Lucifer for fear of this possible attempt. God however did not reveal the fact that to accomplish this task given to Micheal and Lucifer, to display these principle paths between right and wrong that conflict must occur between them in order for mamkind to be able to understand the difference without having to experience them through action for that would lead to they're destruction. So the conflict between good and evil began here amidst the Angel's and within Lucifer as the seeds of the lords work grew. God seeing the rising tension said "Come with me Lucifer let us go now to earth and create the life there upon it." And so they went down into creation, to earth, to create the garden of eden. From: the Angelis Heratekhum Chapter 1. God Creates the Heavens

The Translation of the old kingdom's text: Translated by: L.B. Mephistophilies

  Ok it seems academia wants me to present the end of the antedulluvian era again, so here is the tale i have uncovered involving the culture of the Aztlanteans whom archeology now calls the Younger Dryas people. 
I had an extensive list of information that went into depth of the differences of subhomogeneous races of mankind and they're progression through the prerecorded history. First I'd like to point out that many of our cultures "occult" legends as far as Ogres, Elves, and other fantastical creatures are actually legends of these subhuman preevolutiinary stages of mankind and that they can be sourced for more detailed events that led to those species extinctions. For example:

The Elven kind in occult lore they are the children of the earth, empathic to the forests and animals, who suddenly disappeared just prior to the great cataclysm that brought the destruction of the world of magic. They were also known as windwalkers for they're magic held power over the elemental forces. Now in modern associated legends that have documented sources:

The people of the younger dryas era, who were centered around the region of Greenland and covered most of the current western European countries have been linked to being also the source of the Aztec legends of their Forefathers homeland being that of Aztlan, that their forefathers migrated from once long ago. The 7 tribes of Aztlan tells of one people once who had believed that the earth had a lifestream which flowed from its center, the lay lines that are still used today in architectural development is sourced from this arcane belief as well as the masonic temples and even the Babylonian Ziggurauts were constructed by this same architectural design. That the life force of the planet converged into streams that were like the veins of the planet and they would surface in certian regions and even occasionally intersect. In those breach points along the surface the younger dryas would breed generations of shamans, born on the surface breaches of these lay lines and thus intertwining their life force with the earths giving them empathic connections to it. 
 Near around 80,000 years ago their shamans had come to the elders with disturbing dreams and empathic visions of a coming cataclysm. After examining these claims they concluded it was true and found that the only way their people would survive would be to go into the deep caverns of the earth to escape the calamity to come. So the younger dryas people went into the subterranean caverns and built the cities beneath the surface using natura hotsprings to boil the water into steam vapor and used ventilation shafts to carry the sterilized air to the caches of survivors for thousands of years. In that time on the surface Mt. Toba, a supervolcano in Indonesia erupted for 150 days straight also triggering the 9 volcanos of the ring of fire to erupt also for 150 days, covering the surface with an ash cloud in 3 days, vegetation died within a week worldwide, and the surface remained barren and uninhabitable for a thousand years afterward. This event also led to the sinking of the landmass island that is now New Zealand but was once a huge mountian range that stretched from Australia to Southern China the Himalayan mountains were once attached to it. 10,000 years later 3 asteroids struck simultaneously, one hit in India, one off the coast of Africa and the third struck the carribean seas creating the flood waters of the deluge, also draining the once great lake that is now the Sahara desert. After the chaos subsided the younger dryas came out of their hidden cavern cities and split into 7 migrational tribes following the migration of the animals as they were more in tune with the life esseence of the planet, that tune they followed is what we call the Schumann Resonance now. These 7 tribes became the Mayans, the Native Americans, the Indus, the Olmec, the Thule and the Aztec tribes eventually. They're plan was to follow the migrating animals until they reached the next lay line intersection where they would prepare for the next disaster to come as they're shamans had foreseen, moving with the cycles of the earths changing surface until they could safely become one people again in the lands where the city of Avalon lays in the lands of Amenti. For the younger dryas were the Aztlanteans and the earliest known homosapiens, living below the surface, after many generations caused genetic alterations changing us from Neanderthal to Homosapien in our genetic structure over a period of 40,000 years while they dwelled within the caverns. Without the exposure to sunlight or the air upon the surface they physically went through drastic changes over many generations, skeletal changes allowing us to walk upright as bipedal creatures, the development of our thumbs, all changes undergone in that 40,000 year time frame, which by ancient records and legends was not that long. They remained underground for maybe 25,000 years. Then there is a shred of a legend about a great war of the old shamans that lasted nearly 8,000 years until they wiped each other out. In their pursuit of war they ignored the plan and forgot of the disasters. This eventually led to their extinction as well. I am still tracing the old legends and stories of those who were exiled to the surface to see if any tales may tie into a garden of eden type scenario that led to the Mesopotamian peoples first emergence from the forests of that region but nothing yet that's credible.


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