From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I store these templates here for my convenience. Help with source citing can be found at WP:CITE.

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Hidden comment


Subscription required

{{subscription required}}
{{Dead link}}

Failed verification

{{Failed verification|date=}}<!--insert specific note about verification failure here-->





Master list is at Template:Citation_Style_documentation/cs1.

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{{cite news | last= | first= | coauthors= | title= | newspaper= | location= | pages= | language= | publisher= | date= | url= | access-date=}}
{{cite press release | title= | publisher= | date= | url= | access-date=}}


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Ancestry heading and ahnentafel chart

{{ahnentafel top|width=100%}}
|style=font-size: 90%; line-height: 110%;
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|boxstyle_4=background-color: #bfc;
|boxstyle_5=background-color: #9fe;
|1= '''article subject'''
|2= [[father]]
|3= [[mother]]
|4= [[paternal grandfather]]
|5= [[paternal grandmother]]
|6= [[maternal grandfather]]
|7= [[maternal grandmother]]
|8= [[paternal great grandfather #1]]
|9= [[paternal great grandmother #1]]
|10= [[paternal great grandfather #2]]
|11= [[paternal great grandmother #2]]
|12= [[maternal great grandfather #1]]
|13= [[maternal great grandmother #1]]
|14= [[maternal great grandfather #2]]
|15= [[maternal great grandmother #2]]
|16= [[paternal 2nd great grandfather #1]]
|17= [[paternal 2nd great grandmother #1]]
|18= [[paternal 2nd great grandfather #2]]
|19= [[paternal 2nd great grandmother #2]]
|20= [[paternal 2nd great grandfather #3]]
|21= [[paternal 2nd great grandmother #3]]
|22= [[paternal 2nd great grandfather #4]]
|23= [[paternal 2nd great grandmother #4]]
|24= [[maternal 2nd great grandfather #1]]
|25= [[maternal 2nd great grandmother #1]]
|26= [[maternal 2nd great grandfather #2]]
|27= [[maternal 2nd great grandmother #2]]
|28= [[maternal 2nd great grandfather #3]]
|29= [[maternal 2nd great grandmother #3]]
|30= [[maternal 2nd great grandfather #4]]
|31= [[maternal 2nd great grandmother #4]]
{{ahnentafel bottom}}
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I store these templates here for my convenience. Help with source citing can be found at WP:CITE.

Stored samples

No table of contents


Hidden comment


Subscription required

{{subscription required}}
{{Dead link}}

Failed verification

{{Failed verification|date=}}<!--insert specific note about verification failure here-->





Master list is at Template:Citation_Style_documentation/cs1.

{{cite AV media | people= | date= | title= | trans-title= | medium= | language= | url= | access-date= | archive-url= | archive-date= | format= | time= | location= | publisher= | id= | isbn= | oclc= | quote= | ref= }}
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{{cite episode | title= | episode-link= | url= | access-date= | series= | series-link= | first= | last= | network= | station= | date= | season= | series-number= | number= | minutes= | time= | transcript= | transcript-url= | language= | archive-url= | format= | lay-url=}}
{{cite journal | last1= | first1= | author-link1= | last2= | first2= | author-link2= | last3= | first3= | author-link3= | last4= | first4= | author-link4= | last5= | first5= | author-link5= | display-authors= | author-mask= | name-list-style= | date= | orig-date= | editor1-last= | editor1-first= | editor1-link= | editor2-last= | editor2-first= | editor2-link= | editor3-last= | editor3-first= | editor3-link= | editor4-last= | editor4-first= | editor4-link= | editor5-last= | editor5-first= | editor5-link= | display-editors= | others= | title= | script-title= | trans-title= | url= | access-date= | url-access= | format= | department= | journal= | type= | series= | language= | edition= | location= | publisher= | publication-place= | publication-date= | volume= | issue= | page= | pages= | at= | no-pp= | arxiv= | asin= | bibcode= | bibcode-access= | biorxiv= | citeseerx= | doi= | doi-access= | doi-broken-date= | isbn= | issn= | jfm= | jstor= | jstor-access= | lccn= | mr= | oclc= | ol= | ol-access= | osti= | osti-access= | pmc= | pmid= | rfc= | ssrn= | zbl= | id= | archive-url= | archive-date= | dead-url= | via= | lay-url= | lay-source= | lay-date= | quote= | postscript= | ref=}}
{{cite magazine | last1= | first1= | author-link1= | last2= | first2= | author-link2= | last3= | first3= | author-link3= | last4= | first4= | author-link4= | last5= | first5= | author-link5= | display-authors= | author-mask= | name-list-style= | date= | orig-date= | editor1-last= | editor1-first= | editor1-link= | editor2-last= | editor2-first= | editor2-link= | editor3-last= | editor3-first= | editor3-link= | editor4-last= | editor4-first= | editor4-link= | editor5-last= | editor5-first= | editor5-link= | display-editors= | others= | title= | script-title= | trans-title= | url= | url-access= | dead-url= | format= | department= | magazine= | type= | series= | language= | edition= | location= | publisher= | publication-date= | volume= | issue= | page= | pages= | at= | no-pp= | arxiv= | asin= | bibcode= | doi= | doi-broken-date= | isbn= | issn= | jfm= | jstor= | lccn= | mr= | oclc= | ol= | osti= | pmc= | pmid= | rfc= | ssrn= | zbl= | id= | archive-url= | archive-date= | access-date= | via= | lay-url= | lay-source= | lay-date= | quote= | postscript= | ref=}}
{{cite mailing list | last= | first= | author-link= | title= | mailing-list= | date= | url= | access-date=}}
{{cite news | last= | first= | coauthors= | title= | newspaper= | location= | pages= | language= | publisher= | date= | url= | access-date=}}
{{cite press release | title= | publisher= | date= | url= | access-date=}}


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Ancestry heading and ahnentafel chart

{{ahnentafel top|width=100%}}
|style=font-size: 90%; line-height: 110%;
|boxstyle=padding-top: 0; padding-bottom: 0;
|boxstyle_1=background-color: #fcc;
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|boxstyle_4=background-color: #bfc;
|boxstyle_5=background-color: #9fe;
|1= '''article subject'''
|2= [[father]]
|3= [[mother]]
|4= [[paternal grandfather]]
|5= [[paternal grandmother]]
|6= [[maternal grandfather]]
|7= [[maternal grandmother]]
|8= [[paternal great grandfather #1]]
|9= [[paternal great grandmother #1]]
|10= [[paternal great grandfather #2]]
|11= [[paternal great grandmother #2]]
|12= [[maternal great grandfather #1]]
|13= [[maternal great grandmother #1]]
|14= [[maternal great grandfather #2]]
|15= [[maternal great grandmother #2]]
|16= [[paternal 2nd great grandfather #1]]
|17= [[paternal 2nd great grandmother #1]]
|18= [[paternal 2nd great grandfather #2]]
|19= [[paternal 2nd great grandmother #2]]
|20= [[paternal 2nd great grandfather #3]]
|21= [[paternal 2nd great grandmother #3]]
|22= [[paternal 2nd great grandfather #4]]
|23= [[paternal 2nd great grandmother #4]]
|24= [[maternal 2nd great grandfather #1]]
|25= [[maternal 2nd great grandmother #1]]
|26= [[maternal 2nd great grandfather #2]]
|27= [[maternal 2nd great grandmother #2]]
|28= [[maternal 2nd great grandfather #3]]
|29= [[maternal 2nd great grandmother #3]]
|30= [[maternal 2nd great grandfather #4]]
|31= [[maternal 2nd great grandmother #4]]
{{ahnentafel bottom}}


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