From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.


 * Internationalisation file for AutoWikiBrowser script

 * See /info/en/?search=User:Joeytje50/JWB.js for the full script, as well as licensing.

 * Licensed under GNU GPL 2.



 * If you would like to contribute or submit a correction to an existing file, please either

 ** submit a pull request on, or

 ** post a message on User talk:Joeytje50/JWB.js/i18n.js, or

 ** post a message on an existing i18n page, and *include a link to my userpage* to notify me.

 * I will not read talk pages for each individual i18n page, unless mentioned.


if (!window.JWB || JWB === false) {

	//Make JWB an object again to prevent errors later on. The onload function will re-delete this again.

	window.JWB = {

		messages: {},

		imports: {i18n: {}},

		allowed: false


} else if (!JWB.imports || !JWB.imports.i18n) {

	JWB.imports = JWB.imports || {};

	JWB.imports.i18n = {};


/*** Register i18n languages ***/

(function(langs) {

	for (let lang of langs) {

		let file = lang.split('=')[1 || lang; // for multiple languages using the same files; useful for cases like Chinese (e.g. 'zh=zh_hans')

		lang = lang.split('=')[0];

		JWB.imports.i18nlang = '//'+file+'.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript';


})([ // List all languages here:

	'nl', 'gl', 'ru', 'uk', 'be', 'he', 'it', 'fa', 'zh_hans', 'zh_hant',

	'zh=zh_hans', 'zh_cn=zh_hans', 'zh_my=zh_hans', 'zh_sg=zh_hans', // zh_hans redirects

	'zh_hk=zh_hant', 'zh_mo=zh_hant', 'zh_tw=zh_hant', // zh_hant redirects


// English messages will *always* be loaded as a fallback (messages are guaranteed to exist in English). Other languages are loaded from other i18n pages.

/** English

 * @author Joeytje50


JWB.messages.en = {

	// General interface

	'tab-setup':			'Setup',

	'tab-editing':			'Editing',

	'tab-skip':				'Skip',

	'tab-other':			'Other',

	'tab-log':				'Log',

	'pagelist-caption':		'Enter list of pages:',

	'editbox-caption':		'Editing area',

	'editbox-currentpage':	'You are editing: <a href="/wiki/$2" target="_blank" title="$1">$1</a>',

	'no-changes-made':		'No changes made. Press skip to go to the next page in the list.',

	'page-not-exists':		'Page doesn\'t exist, diff can not be made.',


	// Stats

	'stat-pages':			'Pages listed:',

	'stat-save':			'Pages saved:',

	'stat-null':			'Null-edits:',

	'stat-skip':			'Pages skipped:',

	'stat-other':			'Other:',


	// Tab 1

	'label-pagelist':		'Page list',

	'button-remove-dupes':	'Remove duplicates',

	'button-sort':			'Sort',

	'preparse':				'Use pre-parse mode',

	'tip-preparse':			'Go through listed pages, filtering it down to just the ones that would not be skipped by the current Skip rules.',

	'preparse-reset':		'reset',

	'tip-preparse-reset':	'Clear the #PRE-PARSE-STOP tag in the pagelist, to pre-parse the whole page list again',

	'pagelist-generate':	'Generate',

	'label-settings':		'Settings',

	'store-setup':			'Store setup',

	'tip-store-setup':		'Store the current settings in the dropdown menu, for later access.\n'+

							'To be able to access this in a later session, you need to save it to the wiki, or download it.',

	'load-settings':		'Load:',

	'blank-setup':			'Blank setup',

	'delete-setup':			'Delete',

	'tip-delete-setup':		'Delete the setup that is currently selected.',

	'save-setup':			'Save to wiki',

	'download-setup':		'Download',

	'import-setup':			'Import',

	'tip-import-setup':		'Upload settings files (JSON file format) from your computer.',

	'update-setup':			'Refresh',

	'tip-update-setup':		'Refresh the settings stored on your /$1 page',

	'label-limits':			'Limits',

	'tip-time-limit':		'The time limit for any given (RegEx) match rule is allowed to run; applies to both replacing AND skip rules.',

	'time-limit':			'RegEx time limit',

	'tip-diff-size-limit':	'The maximum amount of characters added and/or removed. Set to 0 for no limit. This can be used as a sanity check to prevent unexpectedly large additions or removals in a bot task.',

	'diff-size-limit':		'Diff size limit',

	'size-limit-exceeded':	'The size difference of your change ($1 characters) exceeds the limit set in the "setup" tab. Set the limit to 0 to ignore this.',

	// Tab 2

	'edit-summary':			'Summary:',

	'minor-edit':			'Minor edit',

	'tip-via-JWB':			'Add (via JWB script) to the end of your summary',

	'watch-add':			'add now',

	'watch-remove':			'remove now',

	'watch-nochange':		'Don\'t modify watchlist',

	'watch-preferences':	'Watch based on preferences',

	'watch-watch':			'Add pages to watchlist',

	'watch-unwatch':		'Remove pages from watchlist',

	'auto-save':			'Save automatically',

	'save-interval':		'every $1 sec', //$1 represents the throttle/interval input element

	'tip-save-interval':	'Amount of seconds to pause between each edit',

	'editbutton-stop':		'Stop',

	'editbutton-start':		'Start',

	'editbutton-save':		'Save',

	'editbutton-preview':	'Preview',

	'editbutton-skip':		'Skip', // This message is also used in tab 4

	'editbutton-diff':		'Diff',

	'button-open-popup':	'More replace fields',

	'button-more-fields':	'Add more fields',

	'label-replace':		'Replace:',

	'label-rwith':			'With:',

	'label-useregex':		'Regular Expression',

	'label-regex-flags':	'flags:',

	'tip-regex-flags':		'Any flags for regular expressions, for example i for ignorecase or g for global replace.\n'+

							'In this JWB script, the _ flag treats underscores and spaces as the same entity. Use with caution.',

	'label-ignore-comment':	'Ignore unparsed content',

	'tip-ignore-comment':	'Ignore comments and text within nowiki, source, math, or pre tags.',

	'label-enable-RETF':	'Enable $1',

	'label-RETF':			'RegEx Typo Fixing',

	'tip-refresh-RETF':		'Refresh the typos list for new modifications.',

	'skip-RETF':			'Disable RETF here',

	'tip-skip-RETF':		'Reload the page content without RegEx Typo Fixing enabled for just this page.',


	// Tab 3

	'label-redirects':		'Redirects:',

	'redirects-follow':		'Follow',

	'tip-redirects-follow':	'Edit the page the redirect leads to',

	'redirects-skip':		'Skip',

	'tip-redirects-skip':	'Skip redirects',

	'redirects-edit':		'Edit',

	'tip-redirects-edit':	'Edit the redirect itself instead of the page it redirects to',

	'label-skip-when':		'Skip when:',

	'skip-no-change':		'No changes were made',

	'skip-exists-yes':		'exists',

	'skip-exists-no':		'doesn\'t exist',

	'skip-exists-neither':	'neither',

	'skip-after-action':	'Skip editing after move/protect',

	'skip-contains':		'When page contains:',

	'skip-not-contains':	'When page doesn\'t contain:',

	'skip-category':		'When member of any category:',

	'skip-cg-prefix':		'Namespace prefix not required; separate entries with vertical bar `|` or a comma.',


	// Tab 4

	'editbutton-move':		'Move',

	'editbutton-delete':	'Delete',

	'editbutton-protect':	'Protect',

	'move-header':			'Move options',

	'move-redir-suppress':	'Suppress redirects',

	'move-also':			'Also move:',

	'move-talk-page':		'talk page',

	'move-subpage':			'subpages',

	'move-new-name':		'New pagename:',

	'protect-header':		'Protect options',

	'protect-edit':			'Edit:',

	'protect-move':			'Move:',

	'protect-upload':		'Upload:',

	'protect-like-edit':	'Same as Edit',

	'protect-none':			'No protection', // This is the default label. It should indicate that the dropdown menu is used for selecting protection levels

	'protect-autoconf':		'Autoconfirmed',

	'protect-sysop':		'Sysop only',

	'protect-expiry':		'Expiry:',

	//Dialog boxes

	'confirm-leave':		'Closing this tab will cause you to lose all progress.',

	'alert-no-move':		'Please enter the new pagename before clicking move.',

	'not-on-list':			'Your username was not found on the JWB checklist. Please request access by contacting an administrator.',

	'verify-error':			'An error occurred while loading the AutoWikiBrowser checkpage:',

	'new-message':			'You have new messages. See the status bar for links to view them.',

	'no-pages-listed':		'Please enter some articles to browse before clicking start.',

	'infinite-skip-notice':	"No replacement rules were specified, with JWB set to automatically skip when no changes are made.\n"+

							"Please review these settings in the 'Content' and 'Skip' tabs.",

	'autosave-error':		"There was a problem while submitting the previous page. Please check the '$1' tab and verify if the previous edits went through correctly.",

	'csp-error':			'Unable to perform previous action: violated Content Security Policy "$1".',

	'confirm-continue':		'Continue?',



	'status-alt':			'loading...',

	'status-done':			'Done',

	'status-newmsg':		'You have $1 ($2)',

	'status-talklink':		'new messages',

	'status-difflink':		'last change',

	'status-load-page':		'Getting page contents',

	'status-replacing':		'Applying replace rules',

	'status-check-skips':	'Testing skip rules',

	'status-submit':		'Submitting edit',

	'status-preview':		'Getting preview',

	'status-diff':			'Getting edit diff',

	'status-move':			'Moving page',

	'status-delete':		'Deleting page',

	'status-undelete':		'Undeleting page',

	'status-protect':		'Protecting page',

	'status-watch':			'Modifying watchlist',

	'status-watch-added':	'$1 has been added to your watchlist',

	'status-watch-removed':	'$1 has been removed from your watchlist',

	'status-regex-err':		'Regex error. Please change the entered <i>replace</i> regular expression',

	'status-setup-load':	'Loading JWB settings',

	'status-setup-submit':	'Submitting settings to wiki',

	'status-setup-dload':	'Downloading settings',

	'status-old-browser':	'Please use $1 for importing.',

	'status-del-setup':		"'$1' has been deleted. $2.",

	'status-del-default':	'Your default settings have been reset. $1.',

	'status-del-undo':		'Undo',

	'status-pl-over-lim':	'Server request limit reached.',

	'status-unexpected':	'Unexpected error. See the developers console for technical details.',


	'setup-prompt':			'Under what name do you want to $1 your current setup?',

	'setup-prompt-store':	'store',

	'setup-prompt-save':	'save',

	'setup-summary':		'Updating JWB settings /*semi-automatic*/', //this is based on wgContentLanguage, not wgUserLanguage.

	'old-browser':			'Your browser does not support importing files. Please upgrade to a newer browser, or upload the contents of the file to the wiki. See the status bar for links.',

	'not-json':				'Only JSON files can be imported. Please ensure your file uses the extension .json, or modify the file extension if necessary.',

	'json-err':				'An error was found in your JWB settings:\n$1\nPlease review your settings $2.',

	'json-err-upload':		'file',

	'json-err-page':		"by going to 'Special:MyPage/$1'",

	'setup-delete-blank':	'You can\'t delete the blank setup.',

	'duplicate-settings':	'Conflicting settings pages exist. Please move all settings from "$1" to "$2" and turn it into a redirect (see $3 for more information on JavaScript redirects).',

	'setup-move-summary':	'Moving JWB settings page to new location /*automatic on JWB startup*/', // this is based on wgContentLanguage, not wgUserLanguage.

	'moved-settings':		'Your settings page has been automatically moved from "$1" to the more appropriate "$2" as a new JWB feature. This action has been logged in the "$3" tab.\n'+ // receives JWB message 'tab-log' as $3.

							'Please request the page\'s content model to be updated to JSON by an administrator.',


	//Pagelist generating

	'namespace-main':		'main',

	'label-ns-select':		'Namespace:',

	'tip-ns-select':		'Ctrl+click to select multiple namespaces.',

	'legend-cm':			'Category',

	'label-cm':				'Category:',

	'tip-cm':				'Namespace prefix not required; list one category name.',

	'cm-include':			'Include:',

	'cm-include-pages':		'pages',

	'cm-include-subcgs':	'subcategories',

	'cm-include-files':		'files',

	'legend-linksto':		'Links to page',

	'label-linksto':		'Links to:',

	'links-include':		'Include:',

	'links-include-links':	'wikilinks',

	'links-include-templ':	'transclusions',

	'links-include-files':	'file usage',

	'links-redir':			'Redirects:',

	'links-redir-redirs':	'redirects',

	'links-redir-noredirs':	'non-redirects',

	'links-redir-all':		'both',

	'label-link-redir':		'Include links to redirects',

	'tip-link-redir':		'Include links directed towards one of this page\'s redirects',

	'legend-ps':			'Pages with prefix',

	'label-ps':				'Prefix:',

	'label-ps-strict':		'Strict prefix search',

	'tip-ps-strict':		'Enable to perform strict prefix search; disable to perform fuzzy prefix search.',

	'legend-wr':			'Watchlist',

	'label-wr':				'Include watchlist contents',

	'legend-pl':			'Links on page',

	'label-pl':				'On page:',

	'tip-pl':				'Fetch a list of links on the page(s).\nSeperate values with vertical bar `|`.',

	'legend-sr':			'Wiki search',

	'tip-sr':				'Search using the standard search function.',

	'label-sr':				'Search term:',

	'placeholder-sr':		'Recommended: $1/example/ or $2/example/',

	'legend-smw':			'Semantic MediaWiki query (<i>$1</i>)', // $1 == 'smw-slow'

	'smw-slow':				'slow',

	'label-smw':			"Enter Semantic MediaWiki query here. Don't forget to specify a query limit, e.g.:$1", // $1 == "\n|limit=500"

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.


 * Internationalisation file for AutoWikiBrowser script

 * See /info/en/?search=User:Joeytje50/JWB.js for the full script, as well as licensing.

 * Licensed under GNU GPL 2.



 * If you would like to contribute or submit a correction to an existing file, please either

 ** submit a pull request on, or

 ** post a message on User talk:Joeytje50/JWB.js/i18n.js, or

 ** post a message on an existing i18n page, and *include a link to my userpage* to notify me.

 * I will not read talk pages for each individual i18n page, unless mentioned.


if (!window.JWB || JWB === false) {

	//Make JWB an object again to prevent errors later on. The onload function will re-delete this again.

	window.JWB = {

		messages: {},

		imports: {i18n: {}},

		allowed: false


} else if (!JWB.imports || !JWB.imports.i18n) {

	JWB.imports = JWB.imports || {};

	JWB.imports.i18n = {};


/*** Register i18n languages ***/

(function(langs) {

	for (let lang of langs) {

		let file = lang.split('=')[1 || lang; // for multiple languages using the same files; useful for cases like Chinese (e.g. 'zh=zh_hans')

		lang = lang.split('=')[0];

		JWB.imports.i18nlang = '//'+file+'.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript';


})([ // List all languages here:

	'nl', 'gl', 'ru', 'uk', 'be', 'he', 'it', 'fa', 'zh_hans', 'zh_hant',

	'zh=zh_hans', 'zh_cn=zh_hans', 'zh_my=zh_hans', 'zh_sg=zh_hans', // zh_hans redirects

	'zh_hk=zh_hant', 'zh_mo=zh_hant', 'zh_tw=zh_hant', // zh_hant redirects


// English messages will *always* be loaded as a fallback (messages are guaranteed to exist in English). Other languages are loaded from other i18n pages.

/** English

 * @author Joeytje50


JWB.messages.en = {

	// General interface

	'tab-setup':			'Setup',

	'tab-editing':			'Editing',

	'tab-skip':				'Skip',

	'tab-other':			'Other',

	'tab-log':				'Log',

	'pagelist-caption':		'Enter list of pages:',

	'editbox-caption':		'Editing area',

	'editbox-currentpage':	'You are editing: <a href="/wiki/$2" target="_blank" title="$1">$1</a>',

	'no-changes-made':		'No changes made. Press skip to go to the next page in the list.',

	'page-not-exists':		'Page doesn\'t exist, diff can not be made.',


	// Stats

	'stat-pages':			'Pages listed:',

	'stat-save':			'Pages saved:',

	'stat-null':			'Null-edits:',

	'stat-skip':			'Pages skipped:',

	'stat-other':			'Other:',


	// Tab 1

	'label-pagelist':		'Page list',

	'button-remove-dupes':	'Remove duplicates',

	'button-sort':			'Sort',

	'preparse':				'Use pre-parse mode',

	'tip-preparse':			'Go through listed pages, filtering it down to just the ones that would not be skipped by the current Skip rules.',

	'preparse-reset':		'reset',

	'tip-preparse-reset':	'Clear the #PRE-PARSE-STOP tag in the pagelist, to pre-parse the whole page list again',

	'pagelist-generate':	'Generate',

	'label-settings':		'Settings',

	'store-setup':			'Store setup',

	'tip-store-setup':		'Store the current settings in the dropdown menu, for later access.\n'+

							'To be able to access this in a later session, you need to save it to the wiki, or download it.',

	'load-settings':		'Load:',

	'blank-setup':			'Blank setup',

	'delete-setup':			'Delete',

	'tip-delete-setup':		'Delete the setup that is currently selected.',

	'save-setup':			'Save to wiki',

	'download-setup':		'Download',

	'import-setup':			'Import',

	'tip-import-setup':		'Upload settings files (JSON file format) from your computer.',

	'update-setup':			'Refresh',

	'tip-update-setup':		'Refresh the settings stored on your /$1 page',

	'label-limits':			'Limits',

	'tip-time-limit':		'The time limit for any given (RegEx) match rule is allowed to run; applies to both replacing AND skip rules.',

	'time-limit':			'RegEx time limit',

	'tip-diff-size-limit':	'The maximum amount of characters added and/or removed. Set to 0 for no limit. This can be used as a sanity check to prevent unexpectedly large additions or removals in a bot task.',

	'diff-size-limit':		'Diff size limit',

	'size-limit-exceeded':	'The size difference of your change ($1 characters) exceeds the limit set in the "setup" tab. Set the limit to 0 to ignore this.',

	// Tab 2

	'edit-summary':			'Summary:',

	'minor-edit':			'Minor edit',

	'tip-via-JWB':			'Add (via JWB script) to the end of your summary',

	'watch-add':			'add now',

	'watch-remove':			'remove now',

	'watch-nochange':		'Don\'t modify watchlist',

	'watch-preferences':	'Watch based on preferences',

	'watch-watch':			'Add pages to watchlist',

	'watch-unwatch':		'Remove pages from watchlist',

	'auto-save':			'Save automatically',

	'save-interval':		'every $1 sec', //$1 represents the throttle/interval input element

	'tip-save-interval':	'Amount of seconds to pause between each edit',

	'editbutton-stop':		'Stop',

	'editbutton-start':		'Start',

	'editbutton-save':		'Save',

	'editbutton-preview':	'Preview',

	'editbutton-skip':		'Skip', // This message is also used in tab 4

	'editbutton-diff':		'Diff',

	'button-open-popup':	'More replace fields',

	'button-more-fields':	'Add more fields',

	'label-replace':		'Replace:',

	'label-rwith':			'With:',

	'label-useregex':		'Regular Expression',

	'label-regex-flags':	'flags:',

	'tip-regex-flags':		'Any flags for regular expressions, for example i for ignorecase or g for global replace.\n'+

							'In this JWB script, the _ flag treats underscores and spaces as the same entity. Use with caution.',

	'label-ignore-comment':	'Ignore unparsed content',

	'tip-ignore-comment':	'Ignore comments and text within nowiki, source, math, or pre tags.',

	'label-enable-RETF':	'Enable $1',

	'label-RETF':			'RegEx Typo Fixing',

	'tip-refresh-RETF':		'Refresh the typos list for new modifications.',

	'skip-RETF':			'Disable RETF here',

	'tip-skip-RETF':		'Reload the page content without RegEx Typo Fixing enabled for just this page.',


	// Tab 3

	'label-redirects':		'Redirects:',

	'redirects-follow':		'Follow',

	'tip-redirects-follow':	'Edit the page the redirect leads to',

	'redirects-skip':		'Skip',

	'tip-redirects-skip':	'Skip redirects',

	'redirects-edit':		'Edit',

	'tip-redirects-edit':	'Edit the redirect itself instead of the page it redirects to',

	'label-skip-when':		'Skip when:',

	'skip-no-change':		'No changes were made',

	'skip-exists-yes':		'exists',

	'skip-exists-no':		'doesn\'t exist',

	'skip-exists-neither':	'neither',

	'skip-after-action':	'Skip editing after move/protect',

	'skip-contains':		'When page contains:',

	'skip-not-contains':	'When page doesn\'t contain:',

	'skip-category':		'When member of any category:',

	'skip-cg-prefix':		'Namespace prefix not required; separate entries with vertical bar `|` or a comma.',


	// Tab 4

	'editbutton-move':		'Move',

	'editbutton-delete':	'Delete',

	'editbutton-protect':	'Protect',

	'move-header':			'Move options',

	'move-redir-suppress':	'Suppress redirects',

	'move-also':			'Also move:',

	'move-talk-page':		'talk page',

	'move-subpage':			'subpages',

	'move-new-name':		'New pagename:',

	'protect-header':		'Protect options',

	'protect-edit':			'Edit:',

	'protect-move':			'Move:',

	'protect-upload':		'Upload:',

	'protect-like-edit':	'Same as Edit',

	'protect-none':			'No protection', // This is the default label. It should indicate that the dropdown menu is used for selecting protection levels

	'protect-autoconf':		'Autoconfirmed',

	'protect-sysop':		'Sysop only',

	'protect-expiry':		'Expiry:',

	//Dialog boxes

	'confirm-leave':		'Closing this tab will cause you to lose all progress.',

	'alert-no-move':		'Please enter the new pagename before clicking move.',

	'not-on-list':			'Your username was not found on the JWB checklist. Please request access by contacting an administrator.',

	'verify-error':			'An error occurred while loading the AutoWikiBrowser checkpage:',

	'new-message':			'You have new messages. See the status bar for links to view them.',

	'no-pages-listed':		'Please enter some articles to browse before clicking start.',

	'infinite-skip-notice':	"No replacement rules were specified, with JWB set to automatically skip when no changes are made.\n"+

							"Please review these settings in the 'Content' and 'Skip' tabs.",

	'autosave-error':		"There was a problem while submitting the previous page. Please check the '$1' tab and verify if the previous edits went through correctly.",

	'csp-error':			'Unable to perform previous action: violated Content Security Policy "$1".',

	'confirm-continue':		'Continue?',



	'status-alt':			'loading...',

	'status-done':			'Done',

	'status-newmsg':		'You have $1 ($2)',

	'status-talklink':		'new messages',

	'status-difflink':		'last change',

	'status-load-page':		'Getting page contents',

	'status-replacing':		'Applying replace rules',

	'status-check-skips':	'Testing skip rules',

	'status-submit':		'Submitting edit',

	'status-preview':		'Getting preview',

	'status-diff':			'Getting edit diff',

	'status-move':			'Moving page',

	'status-delete':		'Deleting page',

	'status-undelete':		'Undeleting page',

	'status-protect':		'Protecting page',

	'status-watch':			'Modifying watchlist',

	'status-watch-added':	'$1 has been added to your watchlist',

	'status-watch-removed':	'$1 has been removed from your watchlist',

	'status-regex-err':		'Regex error. Please change the entered <i>replace</i> regular expression',

	'status-setup-load':	'Loading JWB settings',

	'status-setup-submit':	'Submitting settings to wiki',

	'status-setup-dload':	'Downloading settings',

	'status-old-browser':	'Please use $1 for importing.',

	'status-del-setup':		"'$1' has been deleted. $2.",

	'status-del-default':	'Your default settings have been reset. $1.',

	'status-del-undo':		'Undo',

	'status-pl-over-lim':	'Server request limit reached.',

	'status-unexpected':	'Unexpected error. See the developers console for technical details.',


	'setup-prompt':			'Under what name do you want to $1 your current setup?',

	'setup-prompt-store':	'store',

	'setup-prompt-save':	'save',

	'setup-summary':		'Updating JWB settings /*semi-automatic*/', //this is based on wgContentLanguage, not wgUserLanguage.

	'old-browser':			'Your browser does not support importing files. Please upgrade to a newer browser, or upload the contents of the file to the wiki. See the status bar for links.',

	'not-json':				'Only JSON files can be imported. Please ensure your file uses the extension .json, or modify the file extension if necessary.',

	'json-err':				'An error was found in your JWB settings:\n$1\nPlease review your settings $2.',

	'json-err-upload':		'file',

	'json-err-page':		"by going to 'Special:MyPage/$1'",

	'setup-delete-blank':	'You can\'t delete the blank setup.',

	'duplicate-settings':	'Conflicting settings pages exist. Please move all settings from "$1" to "$2" and turn it into a redirect (see $3 for more information on JavaScript redirects).',

	'setup-move-summary':	'Moving JWB settings page to new location /*automatic on JWB startup*/', // this is based on wgContentLanguage, not wgUserLanguage.

	'moved-settings':		'Your settings page has been automatically moved from "$1" to the more appropriate "$2" as a new JWB feature. This action has been logged in the "$3" tab.\n'+ // receives JWB message 'tab-log' as $3.

							'Please request the page\'s content model to be updated to JSON by an administrator.',


	//Pagelist generating

	'namespace-main':		'main',

	'label-ns-select':		'Namespace:',

	'tip-ns-select':		'Ctrl+click to select multiple namespaces.',

	'legend-cm':			'Category',

	'label-cm':				'Category:',

	'tip-cm':				'Namespace prefix not required; list one category name.',

	'cm-include':			'Include:',

	'cm-include-pages':		'pages',

	'cm-include-subcgs':	'subcategories',

	'cm-include-files':		'files',

	'legend-linksto':		'Links to page',

	'label-linksto':		'Links to:',

	'links-include':		'Include:',

	'links-include-links':	'wikilinks',

	'links-include-templ':	'transclusions',

	'links-include-files':	'file usage',

	'links-redir':			'Redirects:',

	'links-redir-redirs':	'redirects',

	'links-redir-noredirs':	'non-redirects',

	'links-redir-all':		'both',

	'label-link-redir':		'Include links to redirects',

	'tip-link-redir':		'Include links directed towards one of this page\'s redirects',

	'legend-ps':			'Pages with prefix',

	'label-ps':				'Prefix:',

	'label-ps-strict':		'Strict prefix search',

	'tip-ps-strict':		'Enable to perform strict prefix search; disable to perform fuzzy prefix search.',

	'legend-wr':			'Watchlist',

	'label-wr':				'Include watchlist contents',

	'legend-pl':			'Links on page',

	'label-pl':				'On page:',

	'tip-pl':				'Fetch a list of links on the page(s).\nSeperate values with vertical bar `|`.',

	'legend-sr':			'Wiki search',

	'tip-sr':				'Search using the standard search function.',

	'label-sr':				'Search term:',

	'placeholder-sr':		'Recommended: $1/example/ or $2/example/',

	'legend-smw':			'Semantic MediaWiki query (<i>$1</i>)', // $1 == 'smw-slow'

	'smw-slow':				'slow',

	'label-smw':			"Enter Semantic MediaWiki query here. Don't forget to specify a query limit, e.g.:$1", // $1 == "\n|limit=500"



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