From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


We are Atman All-Abiding: 108 Verses on the Atman, 1996

This poem was written for Lex Hixon, author of Great Swan: Meetings with Ramakrishna and Divine Mother of the Universe and founder of the National SRV Association, before he passed away in November, 1995. [1]

Hasta-Amalaka Stotram, 1996

An English rendition of Hastamalaka's, Adi Shankaracharya's disciple, hymn of advaitic nature. [2]

Twenty-Four Aspects of Mother Kali, 1996, ISBN  9781891893049

An 24-fold meditation on the Goddess Kali, the lynchpin of Non-Duality and Shakti. [3]

The Ten Divine Articles of Sri Durga: Insights and Meditations, 1996, ISBN  9781891893070

Devotional analysis of Mother Durga's iconography and the religious symbolism associated with her worship. [4]

Sri Sarada Vijnanagita: Her Teachings, Selected and Arranged in Verse Form, 1999, ISBN  9781891893063

Sri Sarada Devi, wife and spiritual consort of Sri Ramakrishna, is known widely as The Holy Mother. This book examines her teachings, selected and arranged in verse form. [5]

The Avadhut And His Twenty-Four Teachers in Nature, 1999, ISBN  9781891893056

Here, The Vedantic teachings are placed within the journeys of an ascetic traveling through the country of India, the Avadhut. [6]

An Extensive Anthology of Sri Ramakrishna’s Stories, 2004, ISBN  9781891893087

In this collection are found over 750 sayings, stories, anecdotes, parables, metaphors and allegories from the life of Sri Ramakrishna. [7]

Swami Vivekananda Vijnanagita: The Wisdom Song of Vivekananda, 2008, ISBN  9781891893063

Drawn solely from Swami Vivekananda's personal letters - this Vijnanagita or Song of Wisdom, represents the core of his thinking and message to the world. [8]

A Quintessential Yoga Vasishtha, 2010, ISBN  9781891893100

Yoga Vasistha details a lesser known period of Sri Ram's youth not discussed in the traditional Ramayana. [9]

Reclaiming Kundalini Yoga, 2011, ISBN  9781891893117

Concise book on the esoteric subject of Kundalini Yoga. [10]

Strike Off Thy Fetters! Commentary on the Song of the Sannyasin, 2014

Commentary based on Swami Vivekananda's poem, which he wrote while in the United States in the late 19th century. [11]

Dissolving the Mindstream: Withdrawing Name & Form in Meditation, 2014, ISBN  9781891893148

Dissolving the Mindstream is a traditional teaching of Vedanta and Yoga, where the reader is introduced to basic concepts pertaining to the nature of Objectivity phenomena, to more subtle points of philosophy. [12]

The Wisdom Particle: Jnana Matra, 2014, ISBN  9781891893162

A contemporary approach to the ancient Vedantic teachings, focused on the idea of the Wisdom Particle. [13]

Walking the Wisdom Path: Lectures in the Jnana Marga, 2014

Swami Aseshananda, Sri Sarada Devi's last living monastic disciple, lived and taught in America for forty years. He imbibed both the transcendent viewpoint of Advaita Vedanta and the practical teachings of Christianity in his life, for his message to Western culture and the world at large. [14]

Manasana: The Superlative Art of Mental Posture, 2015, ISBN  9781891893209

An handbook for mental balance of the contemporary practitioner of yoga and spirituality. [15]

Cosmic Quintuplications: The Secret of Panchakarana, 2016, ISBN  9781891893216

The Cosmic Quintuplication system describes the Vedic cosmological process by which manifesting consciousness takes on form or, put another way, how the embodying soul takes on matter by inserting itself into forms or vehicles of its choosing. [16]

Footfalls of the Indian Rishis: Charting the Timeless Wisdom of Mother India, 2020, ISBN  9781891893278

Comprehensive resource and study-book for students, practitioners, and teachers alike, which spans the spectrum of philosophical schools and religious Ideals. A work in progress for almost 15 years, presenting hundreds of charts on Yoga, Sankhya, Vedanta, Advaita Vedanta, Tantra, Yoga Vasistha, Buddhism, and the Ramakrishna lineage. An extensive glossary of Sanskrit terms is included. [17]

Nectar of Non-Dual Truth

SRV Associations publishes a yearly magazine named Nectar of Non-Dual Truth - A Journal of Universal Religious and Philosophical Teachings. The magazine contains articles from teachers and practitioners of the different world traditions [18], such as Lex Hixon, Swami Ranganathananda, Lama Surya Das, Kyogen Carlson and Rami M. Shapiro, along with interviews and transcriptions from the lectures of renowned figures like Swami Aseshananda, Michael Lerner and Kalu Rinpoche.

Nectar #1: A Journal of Universal Religious and Philosophical Teachings, 2000 [19]


  • The Evolutes of Maya - part one, by Babaji Bob Kindler
  • Vedanta and Its Ideals, by Purnoham/Rob Reno
  • Adhara, The System of the Five Koshas, by Annapurna/Leigh Anne Gurtov
  • Nondual Judaism and Spiritual Practice, by Rabbi Rami Shapiro
  • The Evolutes of Maya - part two, by Babaji Bob Kindler
  • Sufi Meditation on Light, by Sheikh Nur Al-Jerrahi/Lex Hixon
Nectar #2: A Journal of Universal Religious and Philosophical Teachings, 2001 [20]


  • India Pilgrimage in Oneness - Part 1, Prakriti Darshan, by Babaji Bob Kindler
  • The Essence is Love, Its Paths Are Love, by Shaykha Fariha Friedreich
  • Universalism and Nondualism, by Babaji Bob Kindler
  • Kaliadvaitavada, Lex Hixon's translations of Ramprasad Sen
  • Conversation with an Ancient Chinese Sage - Consulting the I Ching, by Lex Hixon
  • India Pilgrimage in Oneness - Part 2, Purusha Darshan, by Babaji Bob Kindler
Nectar #3: A Journal of Universal Religious and Philosophical Teachings, 2001 [21]

Special Issue on Sacred Scriptures:

  • Excerpts from the Prajnaparamita Sutra, by Lex Hixon
  • Introduction to the Upanishad, by Swami Sunirmalananda
  • Message of the Upanishads, by Swami Ranganathananda
  • Hearing Vedanta, by Annapurna Sarada
  • Torah Study, by Rabbi Ariel Stone-Halpern
  • Deeper Study of Scriptures, by Rabbi Rami Shapiro
  • Light on Light, by Llewekkyn Vaughn Lee
  • Stories as Scripture, by Babaji Bob Kindler
  1. ^ Kindler, Babaji Bob (1994). "We are Atman All-Abiding: 108 Verses on the Atman".
  2. ^ Kindler, Babaji Bob (1994). "Hasta-Amalaka Stotram".
  3. ^ Kindler, Babaji Bob (1996). "Twenty-Four Aspects of Mother Kali".
  4. ^ Kindler, Babaji Bob (1996). "The Ten Divine Articles of Sri Durga: Insights and Meditations".
  5. ^ Kindler, Babaji Bob (1999). "Sri Sarada Vijnanagita: Her Teachings, Selected and Arranged in Verse Form".
  6. ^ Kindler, Babaji Bob (1999). "The Avadhut And His Twenty-Four Teachers in Nature".
  7. ^ Kindler, Babaji Bob (2004). "An Extensive Anthology of Sri Ramakrishna's Stories".
  8. ^ Kindler, Babaji Bob (2008). "Swami Vivekananda Vijnanagita: The Wisdom Song of Vivekananda".
  9. ^ Kindler, Babaji Bob (2010). "A Quintessential Yoga Vasishtha".
  10. ^ Kindler, Babaji Bob (2011). "Reclaiming Kundalini Yoga".
  11. ^ Kindler, Babaji Bob (2014). "Strike Off Thy Fetters! Commentary on the Song of the Sannyasin".
  12. ^ Kindler, Babaji Bob (2014). "Dissolving the Mindstream: Withdrawing Name & Form in Meditation".
  13. ^ Kindler, Babaji Bob (2014). "The Wisdom Particle: Jnana Matra".
  14. ^ Kindler, Babaji Bob (2014). "Walking the Wisdom Path: Lectures in the Jnana Marga".
  15. ^ Kindler, Babaji Bob (2015). "Manasana: The Superlative Art of Mental Posture".
  16. ^ Kindler, Babaji Bob (2016). "Cosmic Quintuplications: The Secret of Panchakarana".
  17. ^ Kindler, Babaji Bob (2020). "Footfalls of the Indian Rishis: Charting the Timeless Wisdom of Mother India".
  18. ^ "Introductory text about Nectar of Non-Dual Truth on SRV website".
  19. ^ "Nectar #1: A Journal of Universal Religious and Philosophical Teachings, on Google Books". 2000.
  20. ^ "Nectar #2: A Journal of Universal Religious and Philosophical Teachings, on Google Books". 2001.
  21. ^ "Nectar #3: A Journal of Universal Religious and Philosophical Teachings, on Google Books". 2001.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


We are Atman All-Abiding: 108 Verses on the Atman, 1996

This poem was written for Lex Hixon, author of Great Swan: Meetings with Ramakrishna and Divine Mother of the Universe and founder of the National SRV Association, before he passed away in November, 1995. [1]

Hasta-Amalaka Stotram, 1996

An English rendition of Hastamalaka's, Adi Shankaracharya's disciple, hymn of advaitic nature. [2]

Twenty-Four Aspects of Mother Kali, 1996, ISBN  9781891893049

An 24-fold meditation on the Goddess Kali, the lynchpin of Non-Duality and Shakti. [3]

The Ten Divine Articles of Sri Durga: Insights and Meditations, 1996, ISBN  9781891893070

Devotional analysis of Mother Durga's iconography and the religious symbolism associated with her worship. [4]

Sri Sarada Vijnanagita: Her Teachings, Selected and Arranged in Verse Form, 1999, ISBN  9781891893063

Sri Sarada Devi, wife and spiritual consort of Sri Ramakrishna, is known widely as The Holy Mother. This book examines her teachings, selected and arranged in verse form. [5]

The Avadhut And His Twenty-Four Teachers in Nature, 1999, ISBN  9781891893056

Here, The Vedantic teachings are placed within the journeys of an ascetic traveling through the country of India, the Avadhut. [6]

An Extensive Anthology of Sri Ramakrishna’s Stories, 2004, ISBN  9781891893087

In this collection are found over 750 sayings, stories, anecdotes, parables, metaphors and allegories from the life of Sri Ramakrishna. [7]

Swami Vivekananda Vijnanagita: The Wisdom Song of Vivekananda, 2008, ISBN  9781891893063

Drawn solely from Swami Vivekananda's personal letters - this Vijnanagita or Song of Wisdom, represents the core of his thinking and message to the world. [8]

A Quintessential Yoga Vasishtha, 2010, ISBN  9781891893100

Yoga Vasistha details a lesser known period of Sri Ram's youth not discussed in the traditional Ramayana. [9]

Reclaiming Kundalini Yoga, 2011, ISBN  9781891893117

Concise book on the esoteric subject of Kundalini Yoga. [10]

Strike Off Thy Fetters! Commentary on the Song of the Sannyasin, 2014

Commentary based on Swami Vivekananda's poem, which he wrote while in the United States in the late 19th century. [11]

Dissolving the Mindstream: Withdrawing Name & Form in Meditation, 2014, ISBN  9781891893148

Dissolving the Mindstream is a traditional teaching of Vedanta and Yoga, where the reader is introduced to basic concepts pertaining to the nature of Objectivity phenomena, to more subtle points of philosophy. [12]

The Wisdom Particle: Jnana Matra, 2014, ISBN  9781891893162

A contemporary approach to the ancient Vedantic teachings, focused on the idea of the Wisdom Particle. [13]

Walking the Wisdom Path: Lectures in the Jnana Marga, 2014

Swami Aseshananda, Sri Sarada Devi's last living monastic disciple, lived and taught in America for forty years. He imbibed both the transcendent viewpoint of Advaita Vedanta and the practical teachings of Christianity in his life, for his message to Western culture and the world at large. [14]

Manasana: The Superlative Art of Mental Posture, 2015, ISBN  9781891893209

An handbook for mental balance of the contemporary practitioner of yoga and spirituality. [15]

Cosmic Quintuplications: The Secret of Panchakarana, 2016, ISBN  9781891893216

The Cosmic Quintuplication system describes the Vedic cosmological process by which manifesting consciousness takes on form or, put another way, how the embodying soul takes on matter by inserting itself into forms or vehicles of its choosing. [16]

Footfalls of the Indian Rishis: Charting the Timeless Wisdom of Mother India, 2020, ISBN  9781891893278

Comprehensive resource and study-book for students, practitioners, and teachers alike, which spans the spectrum of philosophical schools and religious Ideals. A work in progress for almost 15 years, presenting hundreds of charts on Yoga, Sankhya, Vedanta, Advaita Vedanta, Tantra, Yoga Vasistha, Buddhism, and the Ramakrishna lineage. An extensive glossary of Sanskrit terms is included. [17]

Nectar of Non-Dual Truth

SRV Associations publishes a yearly magazine named Nectar of Non-Dual Truth - A Journal of Universal Religious and Philosophical Teachings. The magazine contains articles from teachers and practitioners of the different world traditions [18], such as Lex Hixon, Swami Ranganathananda, Lama Surya Das, Kyogen Carlson and Rami M. Shapiro, along with interviews and transcriptions from the lectures of renowned figures like Swami Aseshananda, Michael Lerner and Kalu Rinpoche.

Nectar #1: A Journal of Universal Religious and Philosophical Teachings, 2000 [19]


  • The Evolutes of Maya - part one, by Babaji Bob Kindler
  • Vedanta and Its Ideals, by Purnoham/Rob Reno
  • Adhara, The System of the Five Koshas, by Annapurna/Leigh Anne Gurtov
  • Nondual Judaism and Spiritual Practice, by Rabbi Rami Shapiro
  • The Evolutes of Maya - part two, by Babaji Bob Kindler
  • Sufi Meditation on Light, by Sheikh Nur Al-Jerrahi/Lex Hixon
Nectar #2: A Journal of Universal Religious and Philosophical Teachings, 2001 [20]


  • India Pilgrimage in Oneness - Part 1, Prakriti Darshan, by Babaji Bob Kindler
  • The Essence is Love, Its Paths Are Love, by Shaykha Fariha Friedreich
  • Universalism and Nondualism, by Babaji Bob Kindler
  • Kaliadvaitavada, Lex Hixon's translations of Ramprasad Sen
  • Conversation with an Ancient Chinese Sage - Consulting the I Ching, by Lex Hixon
  • India Pilgrimage in Oneness - Part 2, Purusha Darshan, by Babaji Bob Kindler
Nectar #3: A Journal of Universal Religious and Philosophical Teachings, 2001 [21]

Special Issue on Sacred Scriptures:

  • Excerpts from the Prajnaparamita Sutra, by Lex Hixon
  • Introduction to the Upanishad, by Swami Sunirmalananda
  • Message of the Upanishads, by Swami Ranganathananda
  • Hearing Vedanta, by Annapurna Sarada
  • Torah Study, by Rabbi Ariel Stone-Halpern
  • Deeper Study of Scriptures, by Rabbi Rami Shapiro
  • Light on Light, by Llewekkyn Vaughn Lee
  • Stories as Scripture, by Babaji Bob Kindler
  1. ^ Kindler, Babaji Bob (1994). "We are Atman All-Abiding: 108 Verses on the Atman".
  2. ^ Kindler, Babaji Bob (1994). "Hasta-Amalaka Stotram".
  3. ^ Kindler, Babaji Bob (1996). "Twenty-Four Aspects of Mother Kali".
  4. ^ Kindler, Babaji Bob (1996). "The Ten Divine Articles of Sri Durga: Insights and Meditations".
  5. ^ Kindler, Babaji Bob (1999). "Sri Sarada Vijnanagita: Her Teachings, Selected and Arranged in Verse Form".
  6. ^ Kindler, Babaji Bob (1999). "The Avadhut And His Twenty-Four Teachers in Nature".
  7. ^ Kindler, Babaji Bob (2004). "An Extensive Anthology of Sri Ramakrishna's Stories".
  8. ^ Kindler, Babaji Bob (2008). "Swami Vivekananda Vijnanagita: The Wisdom Song of Vivekananda".
  9. ^ Kindler, Babaji Bob (2010). "A Quintessential Yoga Vasishtha".
  10. ^ Kindler, Babaji Bob (2011). "Reclaiming Kundalini Yoga".
  11. ^ Kindler, Babaji Bob (2014). "Strike Off Thy Fetters! Commentary on the Song of the Sannyasin".
  12. ^ Kindler, Babaji Bob (2014). "Dissolving the Mindstream: Withdrawing Name & Form in Meditation".
  13. ^ Kindler, Babaji Bob (2014). "The Wisdom Particle: Jnana Matra".
  14. ^ Kindler, Babaji Bob (2014). "Walking the Wisdom Path: Lectures in the Jnana Marga".
  15. ^ Kindler, Babaji Bob (2015). "Manasana: The Superlative Art of Mental Posture".
  16. ^ Kindler, Babaji Bob (2016). "Cosmic Quintuplications: The Secret of Panchakarana".
  17. ^ Kindler, Babaji Bob (2020). "Footfalls of the Indian Rishis: Charting the Timeless Wisdom of Mother India".
  18. ^ "Introductory text about Nectar of Non-Dual Truth on SRV website".
  19. ^ "Nectar #1: A Journal of Universal Religious and Philosophical Teachings, on Google Books". 2000.
  20. ^ "Nectar #2: A Journal of Universal Religious and Philosophical Teachings, on Google Books". 2001.
  21. ^ "Nectar #3: A Journal of Universal Religious and Philosophical Teachings, on Google Books". 2001.


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