From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

NINAOHMAN is a self-taught art painter and environment activist, spiritual guide and shaman, her main imperative is to contribute 2 save Gaia and all its inhabitants not corrupted, nowadays with the lies of viruses and plandemics 2 murder at least 90% of humanity? well just let me tell you that actual genociders are losing the ultimate battle because we are a majority of awakening beings on earth and all corrupted institutions, governments, religions and science 4 death, have only one destiny, which is deletion of all asses and minds dedicated 2 murder, destruction and contamination of planet earth, if you eliminate money systems, fake religions and actual science 4 death, Gaia returns 2 be a paradise 4 free on earth, therefore, by the end of this year 2020, all genociders and criminals as Kill Gates, Zionist Banker, governments, religions and corrupted institution, will be destroyed 4ever along with the asses and minds that created and imposed the prison in which most of ignorant humans live, I NINAOHMAN, THE ABSOLUTE MONARCH ON GAIA, I DECREE TOTAL DELETION OF ALL EVIL CORRUPTED HUMANOIDS ON EARTH AND THE START OF A NEW FREE WORLD ON EARTH, IT'S A FACT IN FORM OF UBUNTUTATOINFINITO COOPERATIVES that will transformed all named above into a world without money systems or evil manifested in any disguises, sobeitsoitis.

Going back 2 NinaOhman's contribution 2 arts and deeds 2 save this planet from the programmed armageddon done by the Illuminati criminal murderers, Nina's paintings reach the heart of the goddess-mother sun and mother earth, in addition to aesthetic appeal, NINAOHMAN'S art is deep, reaching the essence of the human spirit. An obvious talent, a rich sensitivity, and a devoted commitment to painting characterize her artistic nature. NinaOhman’s Latin heritage of rich subtle color and textures combined with her interest in pre-Columbian art, different cultures, gives her work a universal and timeless appeal. An internal drive and intimate revelation, inspires her to express her zest for life and love of painting.

She became very involved with issues regarding the environment and fair living 4 all citizens in this planet, meeting important people worldwide, she is a Pipe Holder for native knowledge as BlueSky, muralist at the Akasaka Recreational Centre at Grande Cache, Alberta, please visit,, She worked and continues working 2 help preserve all eco-systems that according 2 her, are the primary source of life on the planet. Her skills and life experience brought her to acquire real knowledge from real learning throughout her 23 years of constant travels.

Dammebleu “Acts and Arts 4 Life"

Related websites:,,,,

This is an article written by NinaOhman about the lies on the plandemic and coronavirus 2 create a vaccine with the idea 2 fuck humanity with microchips, cancer, nanotechnology, etc., which nobody will take and the mandatory vaccine, orders 2 kill with 5G and all microwave weapons, all this shit, is being eliminated and destroyed 4ever but before these evil agendas are destroyed, we will inject them into the asses of those concerned so they disappear from all life forms, so be it, so it is:

I live a life without evil means, which means, I have been sovereign on this planet since the day I was born, let me tell you we don’t need governments, religions or science 4 death 2 maintain us slaves within a prison of fear, as the potential sovereign you can become, protected by the common universal law of justice in any country, what evil governments, science 4 death, money systems where you work 2 earn your living while the bankers criminals and all corrupted institutions are doing using 90% of ignorant robots so they murder, targeted individual, etc., they should be the ones 2 give death penalty 4ever right now 4 all the crimes committed on this planet till in the name of invented viruses, conflicts, religions and now the killing machine in hospitals, schools and public places throughout microwave radiation, vaccines, medication, chemtrails, transgenic, illegal 5G and cell phones that should be destroyed 4ever as well as all the military arsenal 2 kill and destroy life and of course this won’t be allowed anymore on Gaia, I decree the total deletion of all genociders along with their criminal tools 2 murder life, sobeitsoitis. You have 2 unite so you can leave the prison in which you live, become UBUNTU VEGETAL REVOLUTION or at least unite with dollar vigilante Jeff videos 4 free on youtube and set free from money fucking systems that made of you part of the herd, obeying lethal illegal orders from criminals that are not even real humans, I have more than 60 years living 4 free and setting my law of destroying evil in any form, I was born in Mexico but lived in Canada for 35 years now I'm back 2 Mexico since 5 years 2 see the destruction of this country by corruption and use of cell phones, contact me at, and teach in a few days how 2 become really free of the fucking prison in which you all live, it have been thousands of years that you all live within your mind prison and now via psychotronic warfare against humanity, etc., etc., the idea 2 murder at the time of the real Jesus Christ that was never poor and crucified, the Jewish Zionist wanted 2 get rid of him but he thrived and showed us the way by living in harmony with nature and not harming any single being on earth but your greed, ignorance and vanity, made of corrupted humanoids, a dump on earth, which we have 2 eliminate, nowadays, the illuminati Jewish Zionists bankers wanted 2 get rid of 90% of human and continue their reign of terror, well I have news 4 you, the world will become a free paradise without money systems, religion and science 4 death, I'm not a religious or ignorant ass and I'm the return Jesus Christ, Buddha, Viracocha, Pacal, all of them as one so this time the agendas 4 murder of Zionist criminal actual global banksters that corrupted at least 70% of humans, won't be a fact but still, we are cleansing the planet of fucking criminals and least 70% of corrupted asses along with the 8500 Illuminati monopolies, WILL GIVE THEMSELVES DEATH 4EVER IF THEY CONTINUE BEING WHORES DESTROYING LIFE ON PLANET EARTH, which by the way, mother earth is a flat paradise with a Merkaba or ether round atmosphere 2 protect us from lethal radiation from lethal radiation and if I want 2 go more precise of being able myself 2 travel with my ether body and see our earth from space, our planet is a huge space ship with the uniqueness that we have a physical body made of bone and flesh, therefore we have 2 be Vegetal Revolution and return 2 the times where evil didn't existed and we didn't eat death in form of tortured animals, all the lies regarding our earth, are FALSED, NASA are a bunch of criminals Jewish and Nazi that where brought 2 America 2 start the scientific genocide via atomic bombs, psychotronic and microwave warfare against humanity, the fucking university education, health science, religions, etc., are pure lies of our reality here on earth, WE DON'T NEED 2 PAY THE FUCKERS 2 FEED US WITH POISONED FOODS OR 2 EDUCATE US OR TORTURE US BY MEANS OF EXPERT PSYCHOPATHS IN CHARGE OF HOSPITALES, GOVERNMENTS AND RELIGION, all the invention of going 2 the moon, installation of satellites and the reign of terror and fear, IT IS BECAUSE NOWADAYS, THE FUCKERS HAVE NO POWER WHATSOEVER AND WE WILL DELETED THEM ONE BY ONE 4EVER, SO BE IT, SO IT IS.

To ALL CITIZENS OF PLANET GAIA, I want 2 make 3 things very clear before you judge me or believe the lies your religion, technology and governments are doing by all medias, medication, transgenic food, chemtrails, etc., I’m beyond all concepts and thinking processes, as a reall human beings being conscious of the imperatives 2 destroy evil in all its form, I know since the age of 3 years, all facts happening on planet earth and how all corrupted asses and minds, WILL END UP DESTROYED 4EVER AS IF THEY NEVER EXISTED but as a psychic and shaman, I can travel in time 2 the past or future 2 see the reality of this world as I write now 2 answer a TI about how 2 protect herself from electronic attacks, gangs stalking, being arrested by the fucking criminal police, NSA, CIA, etc., all because this situation without torture 4 me, I have been living it for now 23 years, of course I know how 2 fight this and reverse the agendas 2 the actual criminals responsible 4 the actual genocide going on for already a 100 years, all in different disguises, what I describe here about religions and the life of real Jesus Christ even if I don’t believe the lies told by the catholic church or any other sect because I’m the real Jesus and Mother Mary back that at his time had other names and were real revolutionaries 2 change the course of our world even 2000 years ago: If you are a targeted individual fighting in court 2 stop torture, crimes against humanity or 2 fight against illegal agendas about the lies of corona virus while they will kill you faster by using a mask with 5G, etc., stay by your integrity and you'll get justice done, all corrupted 8500 Illuminati, Free Masson Zionist banksters that corrupted humanity governments, religions, and science 4 death so 90% of humans live in fear and contribute 2 murder, torture and destruction of planet earth with your great contribution because you are the once that enlist in the military 2 go 2 invented wars and kill innocent people, you are the one that become part of government agendas 2 torture and murder targeted individuals that became 90% of humans, animals and nature, this massacre has 2 stop right now and all criminals implicated that corrupted the world, have already legal warrants 2 be arrested by the Supreme Court in Brussels 4 the crimes committed towards humanity and still done by the lies about the plandemic corona virus, vaccines and implementation of 5G illegal installation, I have the power 2 stop this microwave cooking effect of brains in cities, therefore, I decree the destruction of all microwave weapons as cell phones, psychotronic warfare towards humans, satellites fake warfare, they don’t exist, even NASA lies going 2 the moon or other planets is a lie, so you can see that they have 2 invente viruses and illnesses in laboratory, chemtrails, Geo engineering organic foods 2 be able 2 kill you but you are still here and I reverse all their shit 2 them so all their evil institution are transmuted into Flat earth paradise, a world UBUNTUTAOINFINITO without governments, religions and institutions 4 death, sobeitsoitis, 4 mor information, check this, all done by actual governments, religions and science 4 death by means of microwave technology, medical mafia, corrupted hospitals and doctors, Monsanto's criminal agriculture, if these lethal weapons won’t be existing on this world as money, banks, cell phones, and churches, we will be living a creative life and the actual genocide, won't be taking place, this is what I wrote 2 someone that is doing a great job 2 let know people about microwave tech as the greater danger worldwide, besides the fact that hospitals and vaccines are also lethal weapons, if you are wise and conscious, stay away from doctors, hospitals, media lies, stop eating dead tortured animals, take out your money from the bank and invest in land and freedom as the sovereign human being you really are, nobody can't force you 2 commit murder or be part of criminals genociders named above: I understand you follow the original bible and in the name of Jesus Christ you talk and are saved, this is why the criminals murderers didn't assassinate you yet because you are still making the promotion 2 follow a savior, which is a LIE, All bibles or sacred religion books, were real in their time but the Jews Zionist knew about the birth of the real Joshua of Nazareth and saw the danger at what they were exposed, they invented the bible and 80% of lies in it, starting with the fact that the Christ was poor and crucified and celibate 2 be able 2 reach heaven, in fact only the Pope, have license 2 rape children, make orgies and contribute 2 the actual genocide, you average catholic or any sect of believers in a fake religion that brainwashed your mind and made you slaves of all corrupted institutions, you have 2 make real wars, harm, destruction, etc., all in the name of god, science and money systems, 2 justify your criminal behavior, I repeat, all dogmatic religions were fabricated from A 2 Z by the fuckers of this world, having now death penalty 4 all the crimes committed now and in the paste, sobeitsoitis, I repeat Jesus of Nazareth, it is now back since about more than 60 years, in form of a vegetarian revolutionary female that is transmuting actual chaos and human robots into real beings made 2 create and not 2 destroy life, just realize that the illuminati, evil actual corrupted institutions bankers, are the once that plan all agendas 2 murder and destroy the planet but you have 2 contribute and executing these crimes, either you are the Pope, policeman, doctor or any asshole that 4 money and prestige sold his or her soul and deeds 4 murder, robots are the once that go 2 war and kill people, robots in form of police forces, CIA, NSA, Pentagon, Vatican and all the shit created in the name of god, kabala, Mohammed, Jesus, Jehovah, etc., all of them just follow orders as a herd directed control remote or brainwashed by propaganda, patriotism and all isms created 2 fuck the lives of innocent or guilty people? One thing I can say, it is you standing up and telling load 2 the whole world, all crimes committed towards you and the planet that have 2 stop and destroy all what is meant 2 kill, contaminate damage nature, wake up world and peacefully talk, write and sue governments, religions and science 4 death, genociders have never been able 2 fuck my life because I’M THE ABSOLUTE MONARCH OF PLANET EARTH, MY WILL IS DONE EVERYWHERE WITH THE POWER OF ONENESS, I’M GOD ITSELF AND ACTUAL CRIMINALS HAVE 2 PAY THEIR CRIMES WITH DEATH PENALTY 4EVER, Jesus of Nazareth, the only no crucified being that lives 4ever and is in your heart with no churches and evil agendas 2 fuck us all, her is in you in form of mother earth and mother sun 2 give 4 free the spiritual real organic vegetal food you need 2 continue being alive and save yourself from the actual genocide done now by microwave targeted individuals, so if you want 2 survive this massacre, destroy you cell phone, bank accounts, be your doctor, spiritual leader and send 2 hell all criminals that want 2 impose on you their fearful control, they are powerless but if you support them by being afraid, you also will be eliminated from planet earth 4ever, so be it, so it is, my targeted individual playlist,,

I sent you already an article on how you can protect you from radiation attacks, now this: about targeted individuals, the real story of Joshua or Jesus Christ, the bible as any sacred orthodox book, written or modified by the elite of criminals Zionist, Jesuits and Free Masson lodges 4 death, they have been manipulated, killing, torturing and destroying life on Gaia, in the actual bible that should be burnt along with the actual genociders, its value and truth, it is only 20%, the rest are lies so you continue being their slave and in prison via money systems and all the arsenal of death that their monopolies and illegal money printed can buy but as it was at the time of Jesus when printed money didn’t exist, the scene where Jesus took out the greedy criminals fucking people with their selling of goods and services or the taxes they have 2 pay at the time with gold and silver or products, Jesus was never crucified and he was an influential being by first showing the way on how we should live and be, first of all, he was and continue being vegetarian, he continues showing the way of manifesting real love, intelligence and will, A WORLD WITHOUT EVIL, he never created a doctrine, he came from a very educated and rich family, young, he studied in Egypt, Europe and India and came even 2 America, your history books, are written with blood, slavery and the mechanism of FEAR so you obey evil, Jesus mother Mary was in charge of his education and as rich people at the time, Jesus learned about Lemuria Amaru Mu Manco Pacac better known as Viracocha Christ in Andes culture of the Incas as well as the teaching of the real Buddha, a vegetarian that left the comfort and royal linage 2 live between animals and nature, Buddha came with the principle of intelligence but it was not enough 4 the corrupted criminals at the time so Jesus came 500 years later 2 stop the genocide at the time with the principle of Love, nowadays, I the return of all avatars on this civilization, I incarnate again Viracocha o Pacal, Buddha, Jesus Christ and Mohammed the prophet so you can escape real justice on earth, you will harvest what you seeded, so be it, so it is. There are facts of Jesus Christ living 2 a very old age and until his physical death in India, Egypt, and France, Jesus had 8 brothers and sisters, he united his life with companion Mary Magdalene, had a child called Sarah, she lived in India and the gypsies of France when they ended up in Europe and came originally from India, they worship until today a Saint called Sarah la Noire, Jesus was not white but from dark almost African black genes, Jesus really existed and came 2 connect us with the cosmic channels that humanity had lost long ago, Buddha did the same and Jesus studied the Buddha’s teachings and taught this 3 principles of real love, intelligence and will 2 all humanity, they all lived in the forest and learned from animals and nature how 2 live life, it is time now if you want 2 survive all your brainwashed mind 2 move 2 your heart and gut and from there, 2 make your decision and deeds so you become the master of the world or you decide 2 stay a robot where your days and nights are counted and put in the list of species in total extinction, so be it, so it is. after telling all this, you may think I'm nuts but because I'm a psychic shaman, I'm able 2 go 2 the past and witness what really happened in times of the real Christ, Buddha, Atlantis, and Lemuria continents, all that you learn from books, are pure lies, you have 2 live life, enjoy nature and learn from animals and plants, I don't give a shit if you believe or not and don't comment on this, get out or your robotic mind brainwashed and live life, have your own experience, I'm a fulfilled and happy person that doesn't want you 2 believe what I talk about here, this is with the only purpose 2 make you live from your own knowledge and stop being influence by books, control remote brainwashing your mind while you sleep via your cell phone if you knew what actual holographic technology is capable of making you believe, they are capable by holographical of showing you the god in which you believe and make him tell you what they want you so you believe in god, invented religions, governments and actual medical care 4 murder, don't vaccinate and recover your life by being sovereign on this planet, I do it, namaste.

Even this space Wikipedia where 80% of lies are fabricated by the CIA, NSA, KGB and all actual government, religion, and science 4 death, they are losing their battle against us and are desperate 2 save their asses and minds but it is obvious now they are filming scenarios of destruction that they do themselves disguised in civilians as they did in invented wars and conflicts, they filmed scenes of the second worldwide where they killed millions of Jews, being the Jews bankers the first 2 plan this war 2 be able 2 murder their own people and gain profits from the sale of weapons, made in the USA? 2 reduce humankind at the time? well, they didn't succeded and will never do, millions of idiots going 2 war and kill each other, it is the most stupid thing a real human won't do, even a real not corrupted 5-year-old intelligent kid can see throughout evil, don't you? stop being afraid and face the real enemy peacefully and with real acts of power as obligating corrupted judges 2 do their job or being arrested 4 crimes against humanity, etc., indeed the fucking president leaders as Trump, Obama, Bush’s, Queen Elizabeth, Soros’s, Rockefeller’s, Rothschild’s, Vatican’s, etc., are hiding in tunnels underground but we wil find and give death penalty 2 all of them and the others that hide their faces as the NSA, CIA, KGB and all criminals concerned, don’t use any medication, drugs provided by the Vatican, money systems and you’ll see all riches stolen by the fuckers named above that will come back 2 the people that created all infrastructure and real wealth 4 life, ALL 4 FREE AS MOTHER AND MOTHER SUN GIVE US, taking out your money from banks, the banksters criminals will go bank crafted, they use your money 2 get you sick, use you as a slave, etc., do trade of goods and services and get all 4 free as it should be, be part of UBUNTUVEGETAL REVOLUTION with ninaohman or Michael Tellinger and set free 4 good, sobeitsoitis.

By Dammebleu “Arts and Acts 4 Life"

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

NINAOHMAN is a self-taught art painter and environment activist, spiritual guide and shaman, her main imperative is to contribute 2 save Gaia and all its inhabitants not corrupted, nowadays with the lies of viruses and plandemics 2 murder at least 90% of humanity? well just let me tell you that actual genociders are losing the ultimate battle because we are a majority of awakening beings on earth and all corrupted institutions, governments, religions and science 4 death, have only one destiny, which is deletion of all asses and minds dedicated 2 murder, destruction and contamination of planet earth, if you eliminate money systems, fake religions and actual science 4 death, Gaia returns 2 be a paradise 4 free on earth, therefore, by the end of this year 2020, all genociders and criminals as Kill Gates, Zionist Banker, governments, religions and corrupted institution, will be destroyed 4ever along with the asses and minds that created and imposed the prison in which most of ignorant humans live, I NINAOHMAN, THE ABSOLUTE MONARCH ON GAIA, I DECREE TOTAL DELETION OF ALL EVIL CORRUPTED HUMANOIDS ON EARTH AND THE START OF A NEW FREE WORLD ON EARTH, IT'S A FACT IN FORM OF UBUNTUTATOINFINITO COOPERATIVES that will transformed all named above into a world without money systems or evil manifested in any disguises, sobeitsoitis.

Going back 2 NinaOhman's contribution 2 arts and deeds 2 save this planet from the programmed armageddon done by the Illuminati criminal murderers, Nina's paintings reach the heart of the goddess-mother sun and mother earth, in addition to aesthetic appeal, NINAOHMAN'S art is deep, reaching the essence of the human spirit. An obvious talent, a rich sensitivity, and a devoted commitment to painting characterize her artistic nature. NinaOhman’s Latin heritage of rich subtle color and textures combined with her interest in pre-Columbian art, different cultures, gives her work a universal and timeless appeal. An internal drive and intimate revelation, inspires her to express her zest for life and love of painting.

She became very involved with issues regarding the environment and fair living 4 all citizens in this planet, meeting important people worldwide, she is a Pipe Holder for native knowledge as BlueSky, muralist at the Akasaka Recreational Centre at Grande Cache, Alberta, please visit,, She worked and continues working 2 help preserve all eco-systems that according 2 her, are the primary source of life on the planet. Her skills and life experience brought her to acquire real knowledge from real learning throughout her 23 years of constant travels.

Dammebleu “Acts and Arts 4 Life"

Related websites:,,,,

This is an article written by NinaOhman about the lies on the plandemic and coronavirus 2 create a vaccine with the idea 2 fuck humanity with microchips, cancer, nanotechnology, etc., which nobody will take and the mandatory vaccine, orders 2 kill with 5G and all microwave weapons, all this shit, is being eliminated and destroyed 4ever but before these evil agendas are destroyed, we will inject them into the asses of those concerned so they disappear from all life forms, so be it, so it is:

I live a life without evil means, which means, I have been sovereign on this planet since the day I was born, let me tell you we don’t need governments, religions or science 4 death 2 maintain us slaves within a prison of fear, as the potential sovereign you can become, protected by the common universal law of justice in any country, what evil governments, science 4 death, money systems where you work 2 earn your living while the bankers criminals and all corrupted institutions are doing using 90% of ignorant robots so they murder, targeted individual, etc., they should be the ones 2 give death penalty 4ever right now 4 all the crimes committed on this planet till in the name of invented viruses, conflicts, religions and now the killing machine in hospitals, schools and public places throughout microwave radiation, vaccines, medication, chemtrails, transgenic, illegal 5G and cell phones that should be destroyed 4ever as well as all the military arsenal 2 kill and destroy life and of course this won’t be allowed anymore on Gaia, I decree the total deletion of all genociders along with their criminal tools 2 murder life, sobeitsoitis. You have 2 unite so you can leave the prison in which you live, become UBUNTU VEGETAL REVOLUTION or at least unite with dollar vigilante Jeff videos 4 free on youtube and set free from money fucking systems that made of you part of the herd, obeying lethal illegal orders from criminals that are not even real humans, I have more than 60 years living 4 free and setting my law of destroying evil in any form, I was born in Mexico but lived in Canada for 35 years now I'm back 2 Mexico since 5 years 2 see the destruction of this country by corruption and use of cell phones, contact me at, and teach in a few days how 2 become really free of the fucking prison in which you all live, it have been thousands of years that you all live within your mind prison and now via psychotronic warfare against humanity, etc., etc., the idea 2 murder at the time of the real Jesus Christ that was never poor and crucified, the Jewish Zionist wanted 2 get rid of him but he thrived and showed us the way by living in harmony with nature and not harming any single being on earth but your greed, ignorance and vanity, made of corrupted humanoids, a dump on earth, which we have 2 eliminate, nowadays, the illuminati Jewish Zionists bankers wanted 2 get rid of 90% of human and continue their reign of terror, well I have news 4 you, the world will become a free paradise without money systems, religion and science 4 death, I'm not a religious or ignorant ass and I'm the return Jesus Christ, Buddha, Viracocha, Pacal, all of them as one so this time the agendas 4 murder of Zionist criminal actual global banksters that corrupted at least 70% of humans, won't be a fact but still, we are cleansing the planet of fucking criminals and least 70% of corrupted asses along with the 8500 Illuminati monopolies, WILL GIVE THEMSELVES DEATH 4EVER IF THEY CONTINUE BEING WHORES DESTROYING LIFE ON PLANET EARTH, which by the way, mother earth is a flat paradise with a Merkaba or ether round atmosphere 2 protect us from lethal radiation from lethal radiation and if I want 2 go more precise of being able myself 2 travel with my ether body and see our earth from space, our planet is a huge space ship with the uniqueness that we have a physical body made of bone and flesh, therefore we have 2 be Vegetal Revolution and return 2 the times where evil didn't existed and we didn't eat death in form of tortured animals, all the lies regarding our earth, are FALSED, NASA are a bunch of criminals Jewish and Nazi that where brought 2 America 2 start the scientific genocide via atomic bombs, psychotronic and microwave warfare against humanity, the fucking university education, health science, religions, etc., are pure lies of our reality here on earth, WE DON'T NEED 2 PAY THE FUCKERS 2 FEED US WITH POISONED FOODS OR 2 EDUCATE US OR TORTURE US BY MEANS OF EXPERT PSYCHOPATHS IN CHARGE OF HOSPITALES, GOVERNMENTS AND RELIGION, all the invention of going 2 the moon, installation of satellites and the reign of terror and fear, IT IS BECAUSE NOWADAYS, THE FUCKERS HAVE NO POWER WHATSOEVER AND WE WILL DELETED THEM ONE BY ONE 4EVER, SO BE IT, SO IT IS.

To ALL CITIZENS OF PLANET GAIA, I want 2 make 3 things very clear before you judge me or believe the lies your religion, technology and governments are doing by all medias, medication, transgenic food, chemtrails, etc., I’m beyond all concepts and thinking processes, as a reall human beings being conscious of the imperatives 2 destroy evil in all its form, I know since the age of 3 years, all facts happening on planet earth and how all corrupted asses and minds, WILL END UP DESTROYED 4EVER AS IF THEY NEVER EXISTED but as a psychic and shaman, I can travel in time 2 the past or future 2 see the reality of this world as I write now 2 answer a TI about how 2 protect herself from electronic attacks, gangs stalking, being arrested by the fucking criminal police, NSA, CIA, etc., all because this situation without torture 4 me, I have been living it for now 23 years, of course I know how 2 fight this and reverse the agendas 2 the actual criminals responsible 4 the actual genocide going on for already a 100 years, all in different disguises, what I describe here about religions and the life of real Jesus Christ even if I don’t believe the lies told by the catholic church or any other sect because I’m the real Jesus and Mother Mary back that at his time had other names and were real revolutionaries 2 change the course of our world even 2000 years ago: If you are a targeted individual fighting in court 2 stop torture, crimes against humanity or 2 fight against illegal agendas about the lies of corona virus while they will kill you faster by using a mask with 5G, etc., stay by your integrity and you'll get justice done, all corrupted 8500 Illuminati, Free Masson Zionist banksters that corrupted humanity governments, religions, and science 4 death so 90% of humans live in fear and contribute 2 murder, torture and destruction of planet earth with your great contribution because you are the once that enlist in the military 2 go 2 invented wars and kill innocent people, you are the one that become part of government agendas 2 torture and murder targeted individuals that became 90% of humans, animals and nature, this massacre has 2 stop right now and all criminals implicated that corrupted the world, have already legal warrants 2 be arrested by the Supreme Court in Brussels 4 the crimes committed towards humanity and still done by the lies about the plandemic corona virus, vaccines and implementation of 5G illegal installation, I have the power 2 stop this microwave cooking effect of brains in cities, therefore, I decree the destruction of all microwave weapons as cell phones, psychotronic warfare towards humans, satellites fake warfare, they don’t exist, even NASA lies going 2 the moon or other planets is a lie, so you can see that they have 2 invente viruses and illnesses in laboratory, chemtrails, Geo engineering organic foods 2 be able 2 kill you but you are still here and I reverse all their shit 2 them so all their evil institution are transmuted into Flat earth paradise, a world UBUNTUTAOINFINITO without governments, religions and institutions 4 death, sobeitsoitis, 4 mor information, check this, all done by actual governments, religions and science 4 death by means of microwave technology, medical mafia, corrupted hospitals and doctors, Monsanto's criminal agriculture, if these lethal weapons won’t be existing on this world as money, banks, cell phones, and churches, we will be living a creative life and the actual genocide, won't be taking place, this is what I wrote 2 someone that is doing a great job 2 let know people about microwave tech as the greater danger worldwide, besides the fact that hospitals and vaccines are also lethal weapons, if you are wise and conscious, stay away from doctors, hospitals, media lies, stop eating dead tortured animals, take out your money from the bank and invest in land and freedom as the sovereign human being you really are, nobody can't force you 2 commit murder or be part of criminals genociders named above: I understand you follow the original bible and in the name of Jesus Christ you talk and are saved, this is why the criminals murderers didn't assassinate you yet because you are still making the promotion 2 follow a savior, which is a LIE, All bibles or sacred religion books, were real in their time but the Jews Zionist knew about the birth of the real Joshua of Nazareth and saw the danger at what they were exposed, they invented the bible and 80% of lies in it, starting with the fact that the Christ was poor and crucified and celibate 2 be able 2 reach heaven, in fact only the Pope, have license 2 rape children, make orgies and contribute 2 the actual genocide, you average catholic or any sect of believers in a fake religion that brainwashed your mind and made you slaves of all corrupted institutions, you have 2 make real wars, harm, destruction, etc., all in the name of god, science and money systems, 2 justify your criminal behavior, I repeat, all dogmatic religions were fabricated from A 2 Z by the fuckers of this world, having now death penalty 4 all the crimes committed now and in the paste, sobeitsoitis, I repeat Jesus of Nazareth, it is now back since about more than 60 years, in form of a vegetarian revolutionary female that is transmuting actual chaos and human robots into real beings made 2 create and not 2 destroy life, just realize that the illuminati, evil actual corrupted institutions bankers, are the once that plan all agendas 2 murder and destroy the planet but you have 2 contribute and executing these crimes, either you are the Pope, policeman, doctor or any asshole that 4 money and prestige sold his or her soul and deeds 4 murder, robots are the once that go 2 war and kill people, robots in form of police forces, CIA, NSA, Pentagon, Vatican and all the shit created in the name of god, kabala, Mohammed, Jesus, Jehovah, etc., all of them just follow orders as a herd directed control remote or brainwashed by propaganda, patriotism and all isms created 2 fuck the lives of innocent or guilty people? One thing I can say, it is you standing up and telling load 2 the whole world, all crimes committed towards you and the planet that have 2 stop and destroy all what is meant 2 kill, contaminate damage nature, wake up world and peacefully talk, write and sue governments, religions and science 4 death, genociders have never been able 2 fuck my life because I’M THE ABSOLUTE MONARCH OF PLANET EARTH, MY WILL IS DONE EVERYWHERE WITH THE POWER OF ONENESS, I’M GOD ITSELF AND ACTUAL CRIMINALS HAVE 2 PAY THEIR CRIMES WITH DEATH PENALTY 4EVER, Jesus of Nazareth, the only no crucified being that lives 4ever and is in your heart with no churches and evil agendas 2 fuck us all, her is in you in form of mother earth and mother sun 2 give 4 free the spiritual real organic vegetal food you need 2 continue being alive and save yourself from the actual genocide done now by microwave targeted individuals, so if you want 2 survive this massacre, destroy you cell phone, bank accounts, be your doctor, spiritual leader and send 2 hell all criminals that want 2 impose on you their fearful control, they are powerless but if you support them by being afraid, you also will be eliminated from planet earth 4ever, so be it, so it is, my targeted individual playlist,,

I sent you already an article on how you can protect you from radiation attacks, now this: about targeted individuals, the real story of Joshua or Jesus Christ, the bible as any sacred orthodox book, written or modified by the elite of criminals Zionist, Jesuits and Free Masson lodges 4 death, they have been manipulated, killing, torturing and destroying life on Gaia, in the actual bible that should be burnt along with the actual genociders, its value and truth, it is only 20%, the rest are lies so you continue being their slave and in prison via money systems and all the arsenal of death that their monopolies and illegal money printed can buy but as it was at the time of Jesus when printed money didn’t exist, the scene where Jesus took out the greedy criminals fucking people with their selling of goods and services or the taxes they have 2 pay at the time with gold and silver or products, Jesus was never crucified and he was an influential being by first showing the way on how we should live and be, first of all, he was and continue being vegetarian, he continues showing the way of manifesting real love, intelligence and will, A WORLD WITHOUT EVIL, he never created a doctrine, he came from a very educated and rich family, young, he studied in Egypt, Europe and India and came even 2 America, your history books, are written with blood, slavery and the mechanism of FEAR so you obey evil, Jesus mother Mary was in charge of his education and as rich people at the time, Jesus learned about Lemuria Amaru Mu Manco Pacac better known as Viracocha Christ in Andes culture of the Incas as well as the teaching of the real Buddha, a vegetarian that left the comfort and royal linage 2 live between animals and nature, Buddha came with the principle of intelligence but it was not enough 4 the corrupted criminals at the time so Jesus came 500 years later 2 stop the genocide at the time with the principle of Love, nowadays, I the return of all avatars on this civilization, I incarnate again Viracocha o Pacal, Buddha, Jesus Christ and Mohammed the prophet so you can escape real justice on earth, you will harvest what you seeded, so be it, so it is. There are facts of Jesus Christ living 2 a very old age and until his physical death in India, Egypt, and France, Jesus had 8 brothers and sisters, he united his life with companion Mary Magdalene, had a child called Sarah, she lived in India and the gypsies of France when they ended up in Europe and came originally from India, they worship until today a Saint called Sarah la Noire, Jesus was not white but from dark almost African black genes, Jesus really existed and came 2 connect us with the cosmic channels that humanity had lost long ago, Buddha did the same and Jesus studied the Buddha’s teachings and taught this 3 principles of real love, intelligence and will 2 all humanity, they all lived in the forest and learned from animals and nature how 2 live life, it is time now if you want 2 survive all your brainwashed mind 2 move 2 your heart and gut and from there, 2 make your decision and deeds so you become the master of the world or you decide 2 stay a robot where your days and nights are counted and put in the list of species in total extinction, so be it, so it is. after telling all this, you may think I'm nuts but because I'm a psychic shaman, I'm able 2 go 2 the past and witness what really happened in times of the real Christ, Buddha, Atlantis, and Lemuria continents, all that you learn from books, are pure lies, you have 2 live life, enjoy nature and learn from animals and plants, I don't give a shit if you believe or not and don't comment on this, get out or your robotic mind brainwashed and live life, have your own experience, I'm a fulfilled and happy person that doesn't want you 2 believe what I talk about here, this is with the only purpose 2 make you live from your own knowledge and stop being influence by books, control remote brainwashing your mind while you sleep via your cell phone if you knew what actual holographic technology is capable of making you believe, they are capable by holographical of showing you the god in which you believe and make him tell you what they want you so you believe in god, invented religions, governments and actual medical care 4 murder, don't vaccinate and recover your life by being sovereign on this planet, I do it, namaste.

Even this space Wikipedia where 80% of lies are fabricated by the CIA, NSA, KGB and all actual government, religion, and science 4 death, they are losing their battle against us and are desperate 2 save their asses and minds but it is obvious now they are filming scenarios of destruction that they do themselves disguised in civilians as they did in invented wars and conflicts, they filmed scenes of the second worldwide where they killed millions of Jews, being the Jews bankers the first 2 plan this war 2 be able 2 murder their own people and gain profits from the sale of weapons, made in the USA? 2 reduce humankind at the time? well, they didn't succeded and will never do, millions of idiots going 2 war and kill each other, it is the most stupid thing a real human won't do, even a real not corrupted 5-year-old intelligent kid can see throughout evil, don't you? stop being afraid and face the real enemy peacefully and with real acts of power as obligating corrupted judges 2 do their job or being arrested 4 crimes against humanity, etc., indeed the fucking president leaders as Trump, Obama, Bush’s, Queen Elizabeth, Soros’s, Rockefeller’s, Rothschild’s, Vatican’s, etc., are hiding in tunnels underground but we wil find and give death penalty 2 all of them and the others that hide their faces as the NSA, CIA, KGB and all criminals concerned, don’t use any medication, drugs provided by the Vatican, money systems and you’ll see all riches stolen by the fuckers named above that will come back 2 the people that created all infrastructure and real wealth 4 life, ALL 4 FREE AS MOTHER AND MOTHER SUN GIVE US, taking out your money from banks, the banksters criminals will go bank crafted, they use your money 2 get you sick, use you as a slave, etc., do trade of goods and services and get all 4 free as it should be, be part of UBUNTUVEGETAL REVOLUTION with ninaohman or Michael Tellinger and set free 4 good, sobeitsoitis.

By Dammebleu “Arts and Acts 4 Life"


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