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Anthony Quinton - Alfred Adler - Alice Ambrose - Anaxagoras - Anne, Countess of Winchilsea - C. E. M. Anscombe - S. Baring-Gould - Albert C. Barnes - William Barrett - F. W. Bateson/ Frederick Noel Wilse Bateson 1901-1978 - Albert C. Baugh - Lewis White Beck - Daniel Bell - George A. Birmingham - Joseph Black - Brand Blanshard - Jacques Bouveresse - O. K. Bouwsma - Joseph Brennan - C. D. Broad - Vladimir Brusiloff - Jean Buridan - J. M. Cameron - David Cecil - R. M. Chisholm - Manuel Chrysoloras - Samuel Clarke - Morris Cohen - Edward Copleston - James Gould Cozzens - R. S. Crane - Mandell Creighton - Benedetto Croce - Dwight Culler - David Daiches - Maine de Biran - Denifle - Nigel Dennis - Mme D'Holbach - G. Lowes Dickinson - Stephen Duck - Edouard Dujardin - Egbert the Hairy - Engelmann - Arundel Esdaile - Dr Christopher Evans - A. C. Ewing - Herbert Feigl - Feydeau - Marsilio Ficino - Abraham Flexner - R. D. B. French - Peter Geach - Adam Gifford - Jonathan Glover - Goffman - Hugo Grotius - Peter Hacker - R. B. Haldane - Sir William Hamilton - Provost Hawkins - Erich Heller - Alexander Herzberg - J. A. Hobson - John Holloway - Anthony Hope - John Huss - Anthony Kenny - Clark Kerr - Pierre Klossowski - David Knowles - Leszek Kolakowski - T. S. Kuhn - R. D. Laing - John Laird - Morris Lazerowitz - Sheridan Le Fanu - Anton van Leeuwenhoeck - George Henry Lewes - C. I. Lewis - Peter Lombard - Robert Louth - James McCosh - Dwight Macdonald - John McTaggart - J. L. Mackie - Bryan Magee - Norman Malcolm - André Malraux - Dean Mansel - Thomas Masaryk - Marin Mersenne - James Mill - Pico della Mirandola - Walter Moberley - Michel Eyquem de Montaigne - Montherlant - George Mulliner - Ernest Nagel - Otto Neurath - Thomas Newcomen - J. H. Newman - Frank O'Gorman - S. H. Olsen - Nicholas Oresme - Ortega y Gasset - Owen-Smith - Mark Pattison - Friedrich Paulsen - Octavio Paz - F. B. Pinion - John Plamenatz - David Pole - H. H. Price - H. A. Prichard - Herbert Putnam - Barbara Pym - Rashdall - Thomas Reid - Dorothy Richardson - Riesman - Harold Robbins - William Robertson - W. W. Robson - Richard Rorty - Rougier - Ben-Ami Scharfstein - J. R. Seeley - F. A. Simpson - Dugald Stewart - Eric Stokes - Strabo - P. F. Strawson - Thomas Szasz - Terence - Keith Thomas - A. P. Thornton - Ben Travers - Bruce Truscot - Edward Tylor - Richard Usborne - S. S. Van Dine - Von Mises - Friedrich Waismann - Walkingame - Watford University Press - Mary Webb - Richard Whately - William Whewell - Wilamowitz - John Cook Wilson - John Wisdom - John Witherspoon - Christian Wolff - Anthony à Wood - Peregrine Worsthorne - G. H. von Wright - Willard Huntington Wright - Thomas Wyatt - Stefan Zweig

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anthony Quinton - Alfred Adler - Alice Ambrose - Anaxagoras - Anne, Countess of Winchilsea - C. E. M. Anscombe - S. Baring-Gould - Albert C. Barnes - William Barrett - F. W. Bateson/ Frederick Noel Wilse Bateson 1901-1978 - Albert C. Baugh - Lewis White Beck - Daniel Bell - George A. Birmingham - Joseph Black - Brand Blanshard - Jacques Bouveresse - O. K. Bouwsma - Joseph Brennan - C. D. Broad - Vladimir Brusiloff - Jean Buridan - J. M. Cameron - David Cecil - R. M. Chisholm - Manuel Chrysoloras - Samuel Clarke - Morris Cohen - Edward Copleston - James Gould Cozzens - R. S. Crane - Mandell Creighton - Benedetto Croce - Dwight Culler - David Daiches - Maine de Biran - Denifle - Nigel Dennis - Mme D'Holbach - G. Lowes Dickinson - Stephen Duck - Edouard Dujardin - Egbert the Hairy - Engelmann - Arundel Esdaile - Dr Christopher Evans - A. C. Ewing - Herbert Feigl - Feydeau - Marsilio Ficino - Abraham Flexner - R. D. B. French - Peter Geach - Adam Gifford - Jonathan Glover - Goffman - Hugo Grotius - Peter Hacker - R. B. Haldane - Sir William Hamilton - Provost Hawkins - Erich Heller - Alexander Herzberg - J. A. Hobson - John Holloway - Anthony Hope - John Huss - Anthony Kenny - Clark Kerr - Pierre Klossowski - David Knowles - Leszek Kolakowski - T. S. Kuhn - R. D. Laing - John Laird - Morris Lazerowitz - Sheridan Le Fanu - Anton van Leeuwenhoeck - George Henry Lewes - C. I. Lewis - Peter Lombard - Robert Louth - James McCosh - Dwight Macdonald - John McTaggart - J. L. Mackie - Bryan Magee - Norman Malcolm - André Malraux - Dean Mansel - Thomas Masaryk - Marin Mersenne - James Mill - Pico della Mirandola - Walter Moberley - Michel Eyquem de Montaigne - Montherlant - George Mulliner - Ernest Nagel - Otto Neurath - Thomas Newcomen - J. H. Newman - Frank O'Gorman - S. H. Olsen - Nicholas Oresme - Ortega y Gasset - Owen-Smith - Mark Pattison - Friedrich Paulsen - Octavio Paz - F. B. Pinion - John Plamenatz - David Pole - H. H. Price - H. A. Prichard - Herbert Putnam - Barbara Pym - Rashdall - Thomas Reid - Dorothy Richardson - Riesman - Harold Robbins - William Robertson - W. W. Robson - Richard Rorty - Rougier - Ben-Ami Scharfstein - J. R. Seeley - F. A. Simpson - Dugald Stewart - Eric Stokes - Strabo - P. F. Strawson - Thomas Szasz - Terence - Keith Thomas - A. P. Thornton - Ben Travers - Bruce Truscot - Edward Tylor - Richard Usborne - S. S. Van Dine - Von Mises - Friedrich Waismann - Walkingame - Watford University Press - Mary Webb - Richard Whately - William Whewell - Wilamowitz - John Cook Wilson - John Wisdom - John Witherspoon - Christian Wolff - Anthony à Wood - Peregrine Worsthorne - G. H. von Wright - Willard Huntington Wright - Thomas Wyatt - Stefan Zweig


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