From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.

//<source lang="javascript">



    Support for quick handling of the [[Spam blacklist]] at meta. See [[:m:User:Erwin/SBHandler]] for

    more information.

    Author: [[:m:User:Erwin]], October 2008 - February 2009

    License: Quadruple licensed GFDL, GPL, LGPL and Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 (CC-BY-3.0)

    This tool uses code from DelReqHandler at Commons.

        [[:Commons:MediaWiki:Gadget-DelReqHandler.js]] (oldid=15093612)

        Author: [[:Commons:User:Lupo]], October 2007 - January 2008

        License: Quadruple licensed GFDL, GPL, LGPL and Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 (CC-BY-3.0)

    Tested only in Firefox.

    Imported and being adapted to work at English Wikipedia. Not gadgetified. -- [[m:user:billinghurst]] 2013-05-05


/**** Guard against double inclusions */


if (typeof (SBHandler) == 'undefined') {


    var SBUtils =


        // userIsInGroup (from Commons:MediaWiki:Utilities.js)

        userIsInGroup : function (group)


            if (wgUserGroups) {

                if (!group || group.length == 0) group = '*';

                for (var i=0; i < wgUserGroups.length; i++) {

                    if (wgUserGroupsi == group) return true;



            return false;



        // setEditSummary (from Commons:MediaWiki:Utilities.js)

        setEditSummary : function (text)


            if (document.editform == null || document.editform.wpSummary == null) return;

            var summary = document.editform.wpSummary.value;

            if (summary == null || summary.length == 0) {

                document.editform.wpSummary.value = text;

            } else if (summary.substr(-3) == '*/ ' || summary.substr(-2) == '*/' ) {

                document.editform.wpSummary.value += text

            } else {

                document.editform.wpSummary.value += '; ' + text;




        // makeRawLink (from Commons:MediaWiki:Utilities.js)

        makeRawLink : function (name, url, target)


            var link = document.createElement('a');

            link.setAttribute('href', url);

            if (target) link.setAttribute ('target', target);


            return link;


        // The following function is defined in several places, and unfortunately, it is defined

        // wrongly in some places. (For instance, in [[:en:User:Lupin/popups.js]]: it should use

        // decodeURIComponent, not decodeURI!!!) Make sure we've got the right version here:

        getParamValue : function (paramName)


            var cmdRe = RegExp ('[&?]' + paramName + '=([^&]*)');

            var h = document.location.href;

            var m = cmdRe.exec (document.location.href);

            if (m) {

                try {

                    return decodeURIComponent (m1]);

                } catch (someError) {}


            return null;



    } // End of SBUtils


    /**** Enable the whole shebang only for sysops and stewards. */

    if (SBUtils.userIsInGroup ('sysop') || SBUtils.userIsInGroup ('steward')) {


        var SBHandler =




            Spam blacklist requests closing: add "[add]", "[remove]", "[reverted]" and "[decline]" links to

            the left of the section edit links of a request.



            sb_close_add       : 'close_add',

            sb_close_rem       : 'close_rem',

            sb_close_na        : 'close_na',

            sb_close_rev       : 'close_rev',

            sb_close_dec       : 'close_dec',

            close_add_summary  : 'Added',

            close_rem_summary  : 'Removed',

            close_na_summary   : 'Closed',

            close_rev_summary  : 'Reverted',

            close_dec_summary  : 'Declined',

            sb_add             : 'add',

            sb_rem             : 'rem',


            closeRequestLinks : function ()


                function addRequestLinks (name, href, before, parent)


                    parent.insertBefore (document.createTextNode ('['), before);

                    parent.insertBefore (SBUtils.makeRawLink (name, href), before);

                    parent.insertBefore (document.createTextNode (']'), before);



                var param = SBUtils.getParamValue ('fakeaction');

                var wpAction = SBUtils.getParamValue ('action');

                if (param == null) {

                    if (wgPageName == 'MediaWiki_talk:Spam-blacklist') {

                        // We're on [[MediaWiki talk:Spam-blacklist]]

                        var edit_lks = getElementsByClassName(document, 'span', 'editsection'); // enWP doesn't use "mw-editsection" yet

                        if (edit_lks.length == 0) {



                        for (i = 0; i < edit_lks.length; i++) {

                            // Set to true if the addition or removal section is found

                            ignore = false;

                            // Find the A within:

                            var anchors = edit_lksi].getElementsByTagName('a');

                            if (anchors != null && anchors.length > 0) {

                                var anchor = anchors0];

                                var href = anchor.getAttribute('href');

                                var title = anchor.getAttribute('title');

                                if (title.indexOf('additions') > 0 && title.indexOf('Bot') < 0) {

                                    ignore = true;

                                    lk_name = 'add';

                                    lk_action = SBHandler.sb_close_add;

                                } else if (title.indexOf('additions') > 0 && title.indexOf('Bot') > 0) {

                                    lk_name = null;

                                    lk_action = null;

                                } else if (title.indexOf('removals') > 0 ) {

                                    ignore = true;

                                    lk_name = 'remove';

                                    lk_action = SBHandler.sb_close_rem;

                                } else if (title.indexOf('problems') > 0 ) {

                                    lk_name = null;

                                    lk_action = null;


                                if (href.indexOf ('MediaWiki_talk:Spam-blacklist') > 0 && href.indexOf ('&section=') > 0 && lk_name != null && !ignore) {

                                    var orig_bracket = edit_lksi].firstChild;

                                    addRequestLinks(lk_name, href + '&fakeaction=' + lk_action, orig_bracket, edit_lksi]);

                                    addRequestLinks('decline', href + '&fakeaction=' + SBHandler.sb_close_dec, orig_bracket, edit_lksi]);




                    } else if (wgPageName.substr(0, 18) == 'Wikipedia:WikiProject_Spam/Local') {

                        var edit_lks = getElementsByClassName (document, 'span', 'editsection');   // enWP doesn't use "mw-editsection" yet

                        if (edit_lks.length == 0) {



                        i = edit_lks.length - 1;

                        var anchors = edit_lksi].getElementsByTagName ('a');

                        if (anchors != null && anchors.length > 0) {

                            var anchor = anchors0];

                            var href   = anchor.getAttribute ('href');

                            if (href.indexOf ('&section=') > 0) {

                                var orig_bracket = edit_lksi].firstChild;

                                // [close]

                                addRequestLinks('close', href + '&fakeaction=' + SBHandler.sb_close_na, orig_bracket, edit_lksi]);

                                // [reverted]

                                addRequestLinks('reverted', href + '&fakeaction=' + SBHandler.sb_close_rev, orig_bracket, edit_lksi]);

                                // [add]

                                addRequestLinks('add', href + '&fakeaction=' + SBHandler.sb_close_add, orig_bracket, edit_lksi]);



 /*  Close out third component not needed at enWP

                     } else if (wgPageName.substr(0, 18) == 'User:COIBot/Local/') {

                        var edit_lks = getElementsByClassName (document, 'span', 'mw-editsection');

                        if (edit_lks.length == 0) {



                        i = edit_lks.length - 1;

                        var anchors = edit_lks[i].getElementsByTagName ('a');

                        if (anchors != null && anchors.length > 0) {

                            var anchor = anchors[0];

                            var href   = anchor.getAttribute ('href');

                            if (href.indexOf ('&section=') > 0) {

                                var orig_bracket = edit_lks[i].firstChild;

                                // [close]

                                addRequestLinks('close', href + '&fakeaction=' + SBHandler.sb_close_na, orig_bracket, edit_lks[i]);

                                // [reverted]

                                addRequestLinks('reverted', href + '&fakeaction=' + SBHandler.sb_close_rev, orig_bracket, edit_lks[i]);





                } else if (param != null) {

// We're on a request page

                    var summary = null;

                    action = null;

                    var text = document.editform.wpTextbox1;

                    urls = new Array();


                    //Only do anything if we're editing a section.

                    if (document.getElementsByName('wpSection') == null) {




                    // Get URLs

                    if (wgPageName == 'MediaWiki_talk:Spam-blacklist') {

                        var reurl = /\{\{([Ll]ink[Ss]ummary|[Ss]pam[Ll]ink)\|(.*?)\}\}/g;

                        m = text.value.match(reurl)

                        if (m != null) {

                            for (var i=0; i < m.length; i++) {

                                url = mi].substr(mi].indexOf('|') + 1, mi].length - mi].indexOf('|') - 3); // Can't simply refer to the group

                                urls.push('\\b' + url.replace(/\./g, '\\.') + '\\b');



                        SBrequest = text.value.match(/^\=\=\=.*?\=\=\=$/m);

                        if (SBrequest && SBrequest.length > 0) {

                            SBrequest = SBrequest0].substr(3, SBrequest0].length - 6);

                        } else {

                            SBrequest = '';



                        if (urls == '' && SBrequest != '') {

                            m = SBrequest.match(/(?:www\.|)[^\s]*?\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}/g)

                            for (var i=0; i < m.length; i++) {

                                if (mi].substr(0,4) == 'www.') {

                                    urls.push('\\b' + mi].substr(4).replace(/\./g, '\\.') + '\\b');

                                } else {

                                    urls.push('\\b' + mi].replace(/\./g, '\\.') + '\\b');




                    } else if (wgPageName.substr(0, 18) == 'Wikipedia:WikiProject_Spam/Local/') {

                        url = wgPageName.substr(18);

                        urls.push('\\b' + url.replace(/\./g, '\\.') + '\\b');

                        SBrequest = wgPageName;


                        // Close report

                        if (param == SBHandler.sb_close_add || param == SBHandler.sb_close_rev || param == SBHandler.sb_close_na) {

                            text.value = text.value.replace("{{LinkStatus|open}}", "{{LinkStatus|closed}}");


/* close out third component (as above)

                    } else if (wgPageName.substr(0, 18) == 'User:COIBot/Local/') {

                        SBrequest = wgPageName;


                        // Close report

                        if (param == SBHandler.sb_close_rev || param == SBHandler.sb_close_na) {

                            //FIXME: use regex?

                            text.value = text.value.replace("|open}}", "|closed}}");




                    var copyWarn = document.getElementById('editpage-copywarn');

                    copyWarn.innerHTML = copyWarn.innerHTML + '<div style=\"border: 1px solid; margin: 5px; padding: 5px;\"><h3>SBHandler</h3>\n<div id=\"SBdebug\"></div>';

                    SBdebug = document.getElementById('SBdebug');

                    if (param == SBHandler.sb_close_add) {

                        summary = SBHandler.close_add_summary;

                        append = (typeof(SBHandlerAddComment) != 'undefined' ? SBHandlerAddComment : ':{{Added}}. --~~~~')

                        action = SBHandler.sb_add;

                    } else if (param == SBHandler.sb_close_rem) {

                        summary = SBHandler.close_rem_summary;

                        append = (typeof(SBHandlerRemComment) != 'undefined' ? SBHandlerRemComment : ':{{Removed}}. --~~~~')

                        action = SBHandler.sb_rem;

                    } else if (param == SBHandler.sb_close_na) {

                        summary = SBHandler.close_na_summary;

                        append = (typeof(SBHandlerCloseComment) != 'undefined' ? SBHandlerCloseComment : ':Closed. --~~~~')

                    } else if (param == SBHandler.sb_close_rev) {

                        summary = SBHandler.close_rev_summary;

                        append = (typeof(SBHandlerRevComment) != 'undefined' ? SBHandlerRevComment : ':Reverted. --~~~~')

                    } else if (param == SBHandler.sb_close_dec) {

                        summary = SBHandler.close_dec_summary;

                        append = (typeof(SBHandlerDecComment) != 'undefined' ? SBHandlerDecComment : ':{{Declined}}. --~~~~')


                    if (summary != null) {

                        if (wpAction == 'edit') {

                            SBUtils.setEditSummary (summary);

                            text.value += '\n' + append;


                        if (action != null && urls != '') {

                            SBdebug.innerHTML += '<span style=\"font-weight:bold;\">Action: </span>' +action + ';<br />';

                            SBdebug.innerHTML += '<span style=\"font-weight:bold;\">Domains: </span>' + urls.join(', ') + ';<br />';

                            var editform = document.getElementById('editform');

                            editform.action += '&fakeaction=' + param;


                            // Remove save button

                            var wpSave = document.getElementById('wpSave');



                            //Add save link:

                            wpSave = document.createElement('span');

                            wpSave.setAttribute('id', 'wpSave');

                            wpSave.innerHTML = '<a href=\"javascript:SBHandler.saveRequest()\">Save and edit blacklist</a> ';


                            var wpPreview = document.getElementById('wpPreview');

                            wpPreview.parentNode.insertBefore(wpSave, wpPreview);


                        // Don't close the window to allow adding a comment.

                        if (text.scrollHeight > text.clientHeight) {

                            text.scrollTop = text.scrollHeight - text.clientHeight;


                        text.focus ();





            saveRequest : function ()


                SBdebug.innerHTML += '<span style=\"font-weight:bold;\">Saving request…</span><br />';

                var summary = document.getElementById('wpSummary').value;

                var text = document.getElementById('wpTextbox1').value;

                var section = document.getElementsByName('wpSection')[0].value;

                var minor = document.getElementById('wpMinoredit');

                if (minor.checked) {

                    minor = '&minor=1';

                } else {

                    minor = '&notminor=1';


                var watch = document.getElementById('wpWatchthis');

                if (watch.checked) {

                    watch = '&watchlist=watch';

                } else {

                    watch = '&watchlist=unwatch';


                if (section != '') {

                    section = '&section=' + encodeURIComponent(section)


                token = document.getElementsByName('wpEditToken')[0].value;

                query = 'format=xml';

                params = 'action=edit&title=' + encodeURIComponent(mw.config.get('wgPageName')) + '&summary=' + encodeURIComponent(summary) + '&text=' + encodeURIComponent(text) + section + minor + watch + '&token=' + encodeURIComponent(token);

                SBHandler.postRequest(query, SBHandler.setLocation, params, true);



            setLocation : function (request)


                var xml = request.responseXML;

                var location = mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php'

                                            + '?title=Special:SpamBlacklist'

                                            + '&action=' + action

                                            + '&urls=' + urls.join('|')

                                            + '&request=' + SBrequest;

                if (xml != null ) {

                    edits = xml.getElementsByTagName('edit');

                    if (edits.length == 0 ) {

                        SBdebug.innerHTML = '<div style=\"font-weight:bold;\">Saving might have failed. Please close the request yourself. '

                                                + 'Use <a href="' + location

                                                + '" title="Special:SpamBlacklist">Special:SpamBlacklist</a>'

                                                + ' to add/remove the domains to/from the blacklist.<br />Params:<br /><pre>' + params + '</pre><br />Response:<pre>' + request.responseText + '</pre></div>';



                    result = edits0].getAttribute('result');

                    SBHandler.oldid = edits0].getAttribute('newrevid');

                    if (result != 'Success') {

                        SBdebug.innerHTML = '<div style=\"font-weight:bold;\">Saving failed. Please close the request yourself. '

                                                + 'Use <a href="' + location

                                                + '" title="Special:SpamBlacklist">Special:SpamBlacklist</a>'

                                                + ' to add/remove the domains to/from the blacklist.<br />Params:<br /><pre>' + params + '</pre><br />Response:<pre>' + request.responseText + '</pre></div>';


                    } else {

                        window.location = location;                         


                } else {

                    SBdebug.innerHTML += '<div style=\"font-weight:bold;\">ERROR: ' + request.status + '<br /> Please close the request yourself. '

                                                + 'Use <a href="' + location

                                                + '" title="Special:SpamBlacklist">Special:SpamBlacklist</a>'

                                                + ' to add/remove the domains to/from the blacklist.<br />Params:<br /><pre>' + params + '</pre><br />Response:<pre>' + request.responseText + '</pre></div>';





            Add to blacklist.


            edittoken : '',

            text : '',

            request : '',

            urls : '',

            action : '',

            timestamp : '',

            oldid : '',

            custom : false,


            SBWrapper : function ()


                document.title = 'Spam blacklist';


                // Add CSS for viewing the differences



                // Set header

                header = document.getElementsByTagName('h1')[0];

                header.innerHTML = 'Spam blacklist';


                // Set content

                content = document.getElementById('bodyContent');

                content.innerHTML = '<h3 id=\"siteSub\">From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki</h3>'

                                    + '<p>Use this tool to add domains to the <a href=\"//\" title=\"MediaWiki:Spam-blacklist\">MediaWiki:Spam-blacklist</a>, or remove them, and log the change. Note that it does not escape paths. <span style=\"font-weight:bold;\">Do not use this tool unless you have a basic understanding of regex.</span> You still need to confirm the changes. Do not assume that the proposed edit is correct.</p>';

                SBHandler.action = SBUtils.getParamValue ('action');

                SBHandler.urls = SBUtils.getParamValue ('urls');

                SBHandler.request = SBUtils.getParamValue('request');


                if ((SBHandler.action == 'add' || SBHandler.action == 'rem') && SBHandler.urls != null && SBHandler.urls != '' && SBHandler.request != null) {

                    content.innerHTML += '<div id=\"SBstatus\" style=\"font-style: italic; border: 1px solid; padding: 5px; float:right;\">'

                                        + '<span id=\"Sthrobber\" style=\"text-align:center; font-weight:bold; float:right;\">'

                                        + '<img src=\"//\" alt=\"Loading\">'

                                        + 'Loading…</span>'

                                        + '<br clear=\"all\" />'

                                        + '<table><tr style=\"vertical-align:top;\"><td>'

                                        + '<h5>Blacklist</h5>'

                                        + '<ul><li id=\"SgetBL\" style=\"color:grey;\">Get blacklist text</li>'

                                        + '<li id=\"SaddBL\" style=\"color:grey;\">Add/remove domains</li>'

                                        + '<li id=\"SgetC\" style=\"color:grey;\">Get changes from server</li>'

                                        + '<li id=\"SparseBL\" style=\"color:grey;\">Parse and show changes</li>'

                                        + '<li id=\"SconfirmBL\" style=\"color:grey;\">Confirm changes</li>'

                                        + '<li id=\"SsaveBL\" style=\"color:grey;\">Save changes</li></ul></td><td>'

                                        + '<h5>Log</h5>'

                                        + '<ul><li id=\"SgetL\" style=\"color:grey;\">Get log text</li>'

                                        + '<li id=\"SaddL\" style=\"color:grey;\">Add/remove domains</li>'

                                        + '<li id=\"SsaveL\" style=\"color:grey;\">Save changes</li>'

                                        + '</ul></tr></table></div><br clear=\"all\" />'

                                        + '<h3>Blacklist</h3><div id=\"SBlist\"></div>'

                                         + '<h3>Log</h3><div id=\"SBlog\"></div>';

                    SBlist = document.getElementById("SBlist");

                    SBlog = document.getElementById("SBlog");

                    SBHandler.getRequest('action=query&prop=info&intoken=edit&titles=MediaWiki:Spam_blacklist', SBHandler.getBL, true);

                } else {

                    content.innerHTML += '<p style=\"font-style:italic\">This tool can only be used in conjunction with <a href=\"//\" title=\"MediaWiki_talk:Spam-blacklist\">MediaWiki_talk:Spam-blacklist</a> or <a href=\"//\" title=\"Wikipedia:WikiProject_Spam/Local\">COIBot\'s spam reports</a> to add or remove domains.</p>'




            // Get the current text and oldid of [[Spam blacklist]]

            getBL : function(request)


                var xml = request.responseXML;

                if ( xml != null ) {

                    pages = xml.getElementsByTagName('page');

                    SBHandler.edittoken = pages0].getAttribute('edittoken');

                    SBHandler.getRequest('action=query&prop=revisions&titles=MediaWiki:Spam-blacklist&rvprop=ids|timestamp|user|comment|content', SBHandler.parseBL, true);




            // Add/remove domains from the text

            parseBL : function(request)


                var xml = request.responseXML;

                if ( xml != null ) {

                    revs = xml.getElementsByTagName('rev') ;

                    user = revs0].getAttribute('user');

                    revid = revs0].getAttribute('revid');

                    SBHandler.timestamp = revs0].getAttribute('timestamp');

                    SBHandler.text = revs0].textContent;

                    oldlength = SBHandler.text.length;

                    document.getElementById('SgetBL').style.color = 'black';

                } else {

                    SBlist.innerHTML += '<div style=\"font-weight:bold;\">ERROR: ' + request.status + '<br />Aborting.</div>';




                if (SBHandler.action == SBHandler.sb_add) {

                    urls = SBHandler.urls.replace(/\|/g,'\n');

                    if (SBHandler.text.length > 1000 ) {

                        lastchars = SBHandler.text.substr(-1000);

                        SBHandler.text = SBHandler.text.substr(0, SBHandler.text.length - 1000);

                        if (lastchars.indexOf('## sbhandler_end') > 0) {

                            lastchars = lastchars.replace('## sbhandler_end', urls + '\n## sbhandler_end');

                        } else {

                            SBlist.innerHTML += '<div style=\"font-weight:bold;\">ERROR: Could not find marker. Aborting.</div>';



                        SBHandler.text += lastchars;

                    } else {

                        if (SBHandler.text.indexOf('## sbhandler_end') > 0) {

                            SBHandler.text = SBHandler.text.replace('## sbhandler_end', urls + '\n## sbhandler_end');

                        } else {

                            SBlist.innerHTML += '<div style=\"font-weight:bold;\">ERROR: Could not find marker. Please add \"## sbhandler_end\" on a single line below the blacklist\'s entry\'s and try again.</div>';




                } else if (SBHandler.action == SBHandler.sb_rem) {

                    urls = SBHandler.urls.split('|');

                    for (var i=0; i < urls.length; i++) {

                        SBHandler.text = SBHandler.text.replace(urlsi + '\n', '');



                //Check if the length changed, if not assume nothing changed.

                if (oldlength == SBHandler.text.length) {

                    SBlist.innerHTML += '<div style=\"font-weight:bold;\">ERROR: The length of the old and new text are the same. This shouldn\'t happen. Aborting.</div>';



                document.getElementById('SaddBL').style.color = 'black';

                params = 'action=query&prop=revisions&titles=Spam+blacklist&rvdifftotext=' + encodeURIComponent(SBHandler.text);

                SBHandler.postRequest('format=xml', SBHandler.parseDiff, params, true);



            // Parse and show the proposed edit

            parseDiff : function(request)


                var xml = request.responseXML;

                if ( xml != null ) {

                    document.getElementById('SgetC').style.color = 'black';

                    diffSource = xml.getElementsByTagName('diff');

                    if (diffSource0].childNodes0].nodeValue) {

                        urls = SBHandler.urls.split('|');


                        if (SBHandler.action == 'add') {

                            summary = 'Adding ';

                        } else {

                            summary = 'Removing ';



                        if (urls.length > 1 ) {

                            summary += urls.length + ' domains ';

                        } else {

                            summary += urls0 + ' ';



                        if (SBHandler.request.substr(0, 18) == 'Wikipedia:WikiProject_Spam/Local/') {

                            summary += 'per [[' + SBHandler.request + ']].';

                        } else {

                            summary += 'per [[MediaWiki_talk:Spam-blacklist]].';



                        SBlist.innerHTML += '<div id="wikiDiff"><table class="diff"><col class="diff-marker" /><col class="diff-content" /><col class="diff-marker" /><col class="diff-content" /><tr valign="top"><td colspan="2" class="diff-otitle">Current revision</td><td colspan="2" class="diff-ntitle">Your text</td></tr>'                       

                        + diffSource0].childNodes0].nodeValue + '</table></div>'

                                        + '<br /><div id=\"BLform\">'

                                        + '<input type=\"text\" value=\"' + summary + '\" id=\"summary\" maxlength=\"200\" size=\"60\" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<button onclick=\"SBHandler.submitBL()\">Confirm changes</button><button onclick=\"SBHandler.editBL()\">Edit changes</button></div>';

                        document.getElementById('SparseBL').style.color = 'black';

                    } else {

                        SBlist.innerHTML += '<div style=\"font-weight:bold;\">ERROR: Could not show diff.<br />Aborting.</div>';



                } else {

                    SBlist.innerHTML += '<div style=\"font-weight:bold;\">ERROR: ' + request.status + '<br />Aborting.</div>';





            // Add a text area to change the blacklist yourself


            editBL : function ()


                BLform = document.getElementById('BLform');

                BLform.innerHTML = '<textarea name=\"wpTextbox1\" id=\"wpTextbox1\" cols=\"80\" rows=\"25\" accesskey=\",\">'

                                    + SBHandler.text

                                    + '</textarea>'

                                    + BLform.innerHTML;



            // Submit the edit to [[Spam blacklist]]

            submitBL : function()


                wpTextbox = document.getElementById('wpTextbox1');

                if (wpTextbox != null) {

                    SBHandler.text = wpTextbox.value;

                    SBHandler.custom = true; //We can't simply log the change. User needs to do that.


                document.getElementById('SconfirmBL').style.color = 'black';

                summary = document.getElementById('summary').value;

                summary += ' Using SBHandler.';

                query = 'format=xml';

                params = 'action=edit&title=Spam blacklist&summary=' + encodeURIComponent(summary) + '&text=' + encodeURIComponent(SBHandler.text) + '&basetimestamp=' + SBHandler.timestamp  +  '&token=' + encodeURIComponent(SBHandler.edittoken);

                SBHandler.postRequest(query, SBHandler.LWrapper, params, true);



            // Start logging procedure

            LWrapper : function(request)


                var xml = request.responseXML;

                if (xml != null ) {

                    edits = xml.getElementsByTagName('edit');

                    if (edits.length == 0 ) {

                        SBlist.innerHTML = '<div style=\"font-weight:bold;\">Saving might have failed. Please check if it succeeded and log the edit yourself if necessary.</div>';



                    result = edits0].getAttribute('result');

                    SBHandler.oldid = edits0].getAttribute('newrevid');

                    if (result != 'Success') {

                        SBlist.innerHTML = '<div style=\"font-weight:bold;\">Saving failed. Please blacklist the domains yourself.</div>';


                    } else {

                        document.getElementById('SsaveBL').style.color = 'black';

                        SBlist.innerHTML = '<div>Blacklist has been updated, <a href=\"' + mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?oldid=' + SBHandler.oldid + '&diff=prev\" title=\"diff\">diff</a>.</div>';



                } else {

                    SBlist.innerHTML += '<div style=\"font-weight:bold;\">ERROR: ' + request.status + '<br />Aborting.</div>';




                d = new Date();

                m = d.getMonth() + 1;

                if (m < 10 ) {

                    m = '0' + m;


                y = d.getFullYear();

                logtitle = 'Mediawiki_talk:Spam blacklist/log/' + y + '/' + m;


                if (SBHandler.request.substr(0, 18) != 'Wikipedia:WikiProject_Spam/') {

                    SBHandler.getRequest('action=query&prop=revisions&titles=MediaWiki_talk:Spam-blacklist&rvprop=ids|timestamp|user|comment|content', SBHandler.parseTBL, true);

                } else {  

                    SBHandler.getRequest('action=query&prop=revisions&titles=' + logtitle + '&rvprop=ids|timestamp|user|comment|content', SBHandler.parseL, true);




            // Get current oldid of [[Mediawiki talk:Spam-blacklist]], because that's the location of the request.

            parseTBL : function(request)


                var xml = request.responseXML;

                if ( xml != null ) {

                    revs = xml.getElementsByTagName('rev') ;

                    tprevid = revs0].getAttribute('revid');

                } else {

                    SBlog.innerHTML += '<div style=\"font-weight:bold;\">ERROR: ' + request.status + '<br />. Please log the edit yourself.</div>';




                SBHandler.getRequest('action=query&prop=revisions&titles=' + logtitle + '&rvprop=ids|timestamp|user|comment|content', SBHandler.parseL, true);    



            // Add/remove domains to/from log

            parseL : function(request)


                var xml = request.responseXML;

                if ( xml != null ) {

                    document.getElementById('SgetL').style.color = 'black';

                    revs = xml.getElementsByTagName('rev') ;

                    if (revs.length == 0) {

                        SBlog.innerHTML += '<div style=\"font-weight:bold;\">ERROR: Could not get log.<br /> It probably does not exist yet. Please create <a href="//' + logtitle + '" title="' + logtitle + '">' + logtitle + '</a> and log the edit yourself.</div>';



                    SBHandler.timestamp = revs0].getAttribute('timestamp');

                    SBHandler.text = revs0].textContent;

                } else {

                    SBlog.innerHTML += '<div style=\"font-weight:bold;\">ERROR: ' + request.status + '<br /> Please log the edit yourself.</div>';




                if (SBHandler.action == SBHandler.sb_add) {

                    sbldiff = '{{sbl-diff|' + SBHandler.oldid + '}}';

                } else {

                    sbldiff = '{{sbl-diff|' + SBHandler.oldid + '|removal}}';



                urls = SBHandler.urls.split('|');

                r = SBHandler.request

                if (r.substr(0, 18) == 'Wikipedia:WikiProject_Spam/')


                    r = '[[' + r + ']]';

                } else {

                    r = '{{sbl-log|' + tprevid + '#{{subst:anchorencode:' + r + '}}}}';



                spaces = '                                        ';


                if (urls.length == 1) {

                    log_text = ' ' + urls0 + spaces.substr(0, 39 - urls0].length) + '# '

                                     + wgUserName + ' # ' + sbldiff + '; see ' + r

                } else {

                    log_text = ' #:                                     '

                                     + wgUserName + ' # ' + sbldiff + '; see ' + r

                    for (var i=0; i < urls.length; i++) {

                        log_text += '\n   ' + urlsi];




                // User needs to confirm log edit

                if (SBHandler.custom) {

                    SBlog.innerHTML += '<p>The following text will be added to the log. You need to update this to reflect the changes you made to the proposed edit.</p>'

                                    + '<textarea name=\"wpTextbox1\" id=\"wpTextbox1\" cols=\"80\" rows=\"10\" accesskey=\",\">'

                                    + log_text

                                    + '</textarea>'

                                    + '<button onclick=\"SBHandler.submitL()\">Confirm changes</button>';

                } else {





            submitL : function() {

                wpTextbox = document.getElementById('wpTextbox1');

                if (wpTextbox != null) {

                    SBHandler.text += '\n' + wpTextbox.value;

                } else {

                    SBHandler.text += '\n' + log_text;


                document.getElementById('SaddL').style.color = 'black';

                query = 'format=xml';

                params = 'action=edit&title=' + encodeURIComponent(logtitle) + '&summary=' + encodeURIComponent(summary) + '&text=' + encodeURIComponent(SBHandler.text) + '&token=' + encodeURIComponent(SBHandler.edittoken);

                SBHandler.postRequest(query, SBHandler.LEnd, params, true);                 



            // Confirm results

            LEnd : function(request)


                var xml = request.responseXML;


                if (xml != null ) {

                    edits = xml.getElementsByTagName('edit');

                    if (edits.length == 0 ) {

                        SBlist.innerHTML = '<div style=\"font-weight:bold;\">Saving might have failed. Please check if it succeeded and log the edit yourself if necessary.</div>';



                    result = edits0].getAttribute('result');

                    oldid = edits0].getAttribute('newrevid');

                    if (result != 'Success') {

                        SBlog.innerHTML = '<div>Saving failed. Please log the edit yourself.</div>';


                    } else {

                        document.getElementById('SsaveL').style.color = 'black';

                        document.getElementById('Sthrobber').innerHTML = '';

                        SBlog.innerHTML = '<div>Log has been updated, <a href=\"' + mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?oldid=' + oldid + '&diff=prev\" title=\"diff\">diff</a>.<p style=\"font-style:italic\">Thanks for helping with the Spam blacklist! Return to <a href=\"//\" title=\"MediaWiki talk:Spam-blacklist\">MediaWiki talk:Spam-blacklist</a>.</p></div>';





            getRequest : function(query, callback, api)


                if (api) {

                    var url = mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/api.php?format=xml&' + query;

                } else {

                    var url = mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?' + query;


                var request = sajax_init_object() ;

                if (request == null) {

                    return null;


      'GET', url, true);

                request.onreadystatechange = function () {

                    if(request.readyState==4) {




                request.setRequestHeader('Pragma', 'cache=yes');

                request.setRequestHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-transform');




            postRequest : function(query, callback, params, api)


                if (api) {

                    var url = mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/api.php?' + query;

                } else {

                    var url = mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?' + query;



                var request = sajax_init_object() ;

                if (request == null) {

                    return null;


      'POST', url, true);

                request.onreadystatechange = function () {

                    if(request.readyState==4) {





                request.setRequestHeader('Content-length', params.length);

                request.setRequestHeader("Pragma", "cache=yes");

                request.setRequestHeader("Cache-Control", "no-transform");




            setupHandler : function ()


                if (wgPageName == 'Special:SpamBlacklist') {


                } else {





        } // End of SBHandler


        addOnloadHook (SBHandler.setupHandler);


    } // End of sysop check


} // End of idempotency check



From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.

//<source lang="javascript">



    Support for quick handling of the [[Spam blacklist]] at meta. See [[:m:User:Erwin/SBHandler]] for

    more information.

    Author: [[:m:User:Erwin]], October 2008 - February 2009

    License: Quadruple licensed GFDL, GPL, LGPL and Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 (CC-BY-3.0)

    This tool uses code from DelReqHandler at Commons.

        [[:Commons:MediaWiki:Gadget-DelReqHandler.js]] (oldid=15093612)

        Author: [[:Commons:User:Lupo]], October 2007 - January 2008

        License: Quadruple licensed GFDL, GPL, LGPL and Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 (CC-BY-3.0)

    Tested only in Firefox.

    Imported and being adapted to work at English Wikipedia. Not gadgetified. -- [[m:user:billinghurst]] 2013-05-05


/**** Guard against double inclusions */


if (typeof (SBHandler) == 'undefined') {


    var SBUtils =


        // userIsInGroup (from Commons:MediaWiki:Utilities.js)

        userIsInGroup : function (group)


            if (wgUserGroups) {

                if (!group || group.length == 0) group = '*';

                for (var i=0; i < wgUserGroups.length; i++) {

                    if (wgUserGroupsi == group) return true;



            return false;



        // setEditSummary (from Commons:MediaWiki:Utilities.js)

        setEditSummary : function (text)


            if (document.editform == null || document.editform.wpSummary == null) return;

            var summary = document.editform.wpSummary.value;

            if (summary == null || summary.length == 0) {

                document.editform.wpSummary.value = text;

            } else if (summary.substr(-3) == '*/ ' || summary.substr(-2) == '*/' ) {

                document.editform.wpSummary.value += text

            } else {

                document.editform.wpSummary.value += '; ' + text;




        // makeRawLink (from Commons:MediaWiki:Utilities.js)

        makeRawLink : function (name, url, target)


            var link = document.createElement('a');

            link.setAttribute('href', url);

            if (target) link.setAttribute ('target', target);


            return link;


        // The following function is defined in several places, and unfortunately, it is defined

        // wrongly in some places. (For instance, in [[:en:User:Lupin/popups.js]]: it should use

        // decodeURIComponent, not decodeURI!!!) Make sure we've got the right version here:

        getParamValue : function (paramName)


            var cmdRe = RegExp ('[&?]' + paramName + '=([^&]*)');

            var h = document.location.href;

            var m = cmdRe.exec (document.location.href);

            if (m) {

                try {

                    return decodeURIComponent (m1]);

                } catch (someError) {}


            return null;



    } // End of SBUtils


    /**** Enable the whole shebang only for sysops and stewards. */

    if (SBUtils.userIsInGroup ('sysop') || SBUtils.userIsInGroup ('steward')) {


        var SBHandler =




            Spam blacklist requests closing: add "[add]", "[remove]", "[reverted]" and "[decline]" links to

            the left of the section edit links of a request.



            sb_close_add       : 'close_add',

            sb_close_rem       : 'close_rem',

            sb_close_na        : 'close_na',

            sb_close_rev       : 'close_rev',

            sb_close_dec       : 'close_dec',

            close_add_summary  : 'Added',

            close_rem_summary  : 'Removed',

            close_na_summary   : 'Closed',

            close_rev_summary  : 'Reverted',

            close_dec_summary  : 'Declined',

            sb_add             : 'add',

            sb_rem             : 'rem',


            closeRequestLinks : function ()


                function addRequestLinks (name, href, before, parent)


                    parent.insertBefore (document.createTextNode ('['), before);

                    parent.insertBefore (SBUtils.makeRawLink (name, href), before);

                    parent.insertBefore (document.createTextNode (']'), before);



                var param = SBUtils.getParamValue ('fakeaction');

                var wpAction = SBUtils.getParamValue ('action');

                if (param == null) {

                    if (wgPageName == 'MediaWiki_talk:Spam-blacklist') {

                        // We're on [[MediaWiki talk:Spam-blacklist]]

                        var edit_lks = getElementsByClassName(document, 'span', 'editsection'); // enWP doesn't use "mw-editsection" yet

                        if (edit_lks.length == 0) {



                        for (i = 0; i < edit_lks.length; i++) {

                            // Set to true if the addition or removal section is found

                            ignore = false;

                            // Find the A within:

                            var anchors = edit_lksi].getElementsByTagName('a');

                            if (anchors != null && anchors.length > 0) {

                                var anchor = anchors0];

                                var href = anchor.getAttribute('href');

                                var title = anchor.getAttribute('title');

                                if (title.indexOf('additions') > 0 && title.indexOf('Bot') < 0) {

                                    ignore = true;

                                    lk_name = 'add';

                                    lk_action = SBHandler.sb_close_add;

                                } else if (title.indexOf('additions') > 0 && title.indexOf('Bot') > 0) {

                                    lk_name = null;

                                    lk_action = null;

                                } else if (title.indexOf('removals') > 0 ) {

                                    ignore = true;

                                    lk_name = 'remove';

                                    lk_action = SBHandler.sb_close_rem;

                                } else if (title.indexOf('problems') > 0 ) {

                                    lk_name = null;

                                    lk_action = null;


                                if (href.indexOf ('MediaWiki_talk:Spam-blacklist') > 0 && href.indexOf ('&section=') > 0 && lk_name != null && !ignore) {

                                    var orig_bracket = edit_lksi].firstChild;

                                    addRequestLinks(lk_name, href + '&fakeaction=' + lk_action, orig_bracket, edit_lksi]);

                                    addRequestLinks('decline', href + '&fakeaction=' + SBHandler.sb_close_dec, orig_bracket, edit_lksi]);




                    } else if (wgPageName.substr(0, 18) == 'Wikipedia:WikiProject_Spam/Local') {

                        var edit_lks = getElementsByClassName (document, 'span', 'editsection');   // enWP doesn't use "mw-editsection" yet

                        if (edit_lks.length == 0) {



                        i = edit_lks.length - 1;

                        var anchors = edit_lksi].getElementsByTagName ('a');

                        if (anchors != null && anchors.length > 0) {

                            var anchor = anchors0];

                            var href   = anchor.getAttribute ('href');

                            if (href.indexOf ('&section=') > 0) {

                                var orig_bracket = edit_lksi].firstChild;

                                // [close]

                                addRequestLinks('close', href + '&fakeaction=' + SBHandler.sb_close_na, orig_bracket, edit_lksi]);

                                // [reverted]

                                addRequestLinks('reverted', href + '&fakeaction=' + SBHandler.sb_close_rev, orig_bracket, edit_lksi]);

                                // [add]

                                addRequestLinks('add', href + '&fakeaction=' + SBHandler.sb_close_add, orig_bracket, edit_lksi]);



 /*  Close out third component not needed at enWP

                     } else if (wgPageName.substr(0, 18) == 'User:COIBot/Local/') {

                        var edit_lks = getElementsByClassName (document, 'span', 'mw-editsection');

                        if (edit_lks.length == 0) {



                        i = edit_lks.length - 1;

                        var anchors = edit_lks[i].getElementsByTagName ('a');

                        if (anchors != null && anchors.length > 0) {

                            var anchor = anchors[0];

                            var href   = anchor.getAttribute ('href');

                            if (href.indexOf ('&section=') > 0) {

                                var orig_bracket = edit_lks[i].firstChild;

                                // [close]

                                addRequestLinks('close', href + '&fakeaction=' + SBHandler.sb_close_na, orig_bracket, edit_lks[i]);

                                // [reverted]

                                addRequestLinks('reverted', href + '&fakeaction=' + SBHandler.sb_close_rev, orig_bracket, edit_lks[i]);





                } else if (param != null) {

// We're on a request page

                    var summary = null;

                    action = null;

                    var text = document.editform.wpTextbox1;

                    urls = new Array();


                    //Only do anything if we're editing a section.

                    if (document.getElementsByName('wpSection') == null) {




                    // Get URLs

                    if (wgPageName == 'MediaWiki_talk:Spam-blacklist') {

                        var reurl = /\{\{([Ll]ink[Ss]ummary|[Ss]pam[Ll]ink)\|(.*?)\}\}/g;

                        m = text.value.match(reurl)

                        if (m != null) {

                            for (var i=0; i < m.length; i++) {

                                url = mi].substr(mi].indexOf('|') + 1, mi].length - mi].indexOf('|') - 3); // Can't simply refer to the group

                                urls.push('\\b' + url.replace(/\./g, '\\.') + '\\b');



                        SBrequest = text.value.match(/^\=\=\=.*?\=\=\=$/m);

                        if (SBrequest && SBrequest.length > 0) {

                            SBrequest = SBrequest0].substr(3, SBrequest0].length - 6);

                        } else {

                            SBrequest = '';



                        if (urls == '' && SBrequest != '') {

                            m = SBrequest.match(/(?:www\.|)[^\s]*?\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}/g)

                            for (var i=0; i < m.length; i++) {

                                if (mi].substr(0,4) == 'www.') {

                                    urls.push('\\b' + mi].substr(4).replace(/\./g, '\\.') + '\\b');

                                } else {

                                    urls.push('\\b' + mi].replace(/\./g, '\\.') + '\\b');




                    } else if (wgPageName.substr(0, 18) == 'Wikipedia:WikiProject_Spam/Local/') {

                        url = wgPageName.substr(18);

                        urls.push('\\b' + url.replace(/\./g, '\\.') + '\\b');

                        SBrequest = wgPageName;


                        // Close report

                        if (param == SBHandler.sb_close_add || param == SBHandler.sb_close_rev || param == SBHandler.sb_close_na) {

                            text.value = text.value.replace("{{LinkStatus|open}}", "{{LinkStatus|closed}}");


/* close out third component (as above)

                    } else if (wgPageName.substr(0, 18) == 'User:COIBot/Local/') {

                        SBrequest = wgPageName;


                        // Close report

                        if (param == SBHandler.sb_close_rev || param == SBHandler.sb_close_na) {

                            //FIXME: use regex?

                            text.value = text.value.replace("|open}}", "|closed}}");




                    var copyWarn = document.getElementById('editpage-copywarn');

                    copyWarn.innerHTML = copyWarn.innerHTML + '<div style=\"border: 1px solid; margin: 5px; padding: 5px;\"><h3>SBHandler</h3>\n<div id=\"SBdebug\"></div>';

                    SBdebug = document.getElementById('SBdebug');

                    if (param == SBHandler.sb_close_add) {

                        summary = SBHandler.close_add_summary;

                        append = (typeof(SBHandlerAddComment) != 'undefined' ? SBHandlerAddComment : ':{{Added}}. --~~~~')

                        action = SBHandler.sb_add;

                    } else if (param == SBHandler.sb_close_rem) {

                        summary = SBHandler.close_rem_summary;

                        append = (typeof(SBHandlerRemComment) != 'undefined' ? SBHandlerRemComment : ':{{Removed}}. --~~~~')

                        action = SBHandler.sb_rem;

                    } else if (param == SBHandler.sb_close_na) {

                        summary = SBHandler.close_na_summary;

                        append = (typeof(SBHandlerCloseComment) != 'undefined' ? SBHandlerCloseComment : ':Closed. --~~~~')

                    } else if (param == SBHandler.sb_close_rev) {

                        summary = SBHandler.close_rev_summary;

                        append = (typeof(SBHandlerRevComment) != 'undefined' ? SBHandlerRevComment : ':Reverted. --~~~~')

                    } else if (param == SBHandler.sb_close_dec) {

                        summary = SBHandler.close_dec_summary;

                        append = (typeof(SBHandlerDecComment) != 'undefined' ? SBHandlerDecComment : ':{{Declined}}. --~~~~')


                    if (summary != null) {

                        if (wpAction == 'edit') {

                            SBUtils.setEditSummary (summary);

                            text.value += '\n' + append;


                        if (action != null && urls != '') {

                            SBdebug.innerHTML += '<span style=\"font-weight:bold;\">Action: </span>' +action + ';<br />';

                            SBdebug.innerHTML += '<span style=\"font-weight:bold;\">Domains: </span>' + urls.join(', ') + ';<br />';

                            var editform = document.getElementById('editform');

                            editform.action += '&fakeaction=' + param;


                            // Remove save button

                            var wpSave = document.getElementById('wpSave');



                            //Add save link:

                            wpSave = document.createElement('span');

                            wpSave.setAttribute('id', 'wpSave');

                            wpSave.innerHTML = '<a href=\"javascript:SBHandler.saveRequest()\">Save and edit blacklist</a> ';


                            var wpPreview = document.getElementById('wpPreview');

                            wpPreview.parentNode.insertBefore(wpSave, wpPreview);


                        // Don't close the window to allow adding a comment.

                        if (text.scrollHeight > text.clientHeight) {

                            text.scrollTop = text.scrollHeight - text.clientHeight;


                        text.focus ();





            saveRequest : function ()


                SBdebug.innerHTML += '<span style=\"font-weight:bold;\">Saving request…</span><br />';

                var summary = document.getElementById('wpSummary').value;

                var text = document.getElementById('wpTextbox1').value;

                var section = document.getElementsByName('wpSection')[0].value;

                var minor = document.getElementById('wpMinoredit');

                if (minor.checked) {

                    minor = '&minor=1';

                } else {

                    minor = '&notminor=1';


                var watch = document.getElementById('wpWatchthis');

                if (watch.checked) {

                    watch = '&watchlist=watch';

                } else {

                    watch = '&watchlist=unwatch';


                if (section != '') {

                    section = '&section=' + encodeURIComponent(section)


                token = document.getElementsByName('wpEditToken')[0].value;

                query = 'format=xml';

                params = 'action=edit&title=' + encodeURIComponent(mw.config.get('wgPageName')) + '&summary=' + encodeURIComponent(summary) + '&text=' + encodeURIComponent(text) + section + minor + watch + '&token=' + encodeURIComponent(token);

                SBHandler.postRequest(query, SBHandler.setLocation, params, true);



            setLocation : function (request)


                var xml = request.responseXML;

                var location = mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php'

                                            + '?title=Special:SpamBlacklist'

                                            + '&action=' + action

                                            + '&urls=' + urls.join('|')

                                            + '&request=' + SBrequest;

                if (xml != null ) {

                    edits = xml.getElementsByTagName('edit');

                    if (edits.length == 0 ) {

                        SBdebug.innerHTML = '<div style=\"font-weight:bold;\">Saving might have failed. Please close the request yourself. '

                                                + 'Use <a href="' + location

                                                + '" title="Special:SpamBlacklist">Special:SpamBlacklist</a>'

                                                + ' to add/remove the domains to/from the blacklist.<br />Params:<br /><pre>' + params + '</pre><br />Response:<pre>' + request.responseText + '</pre></div>';



                    result = edits0].getAttribute('result');

                    SBHandler.oldid = edits0].getAttribute('newrevid');

                    if (result != 'Success') {

                        SBdebug.innerHTML = '<div style=\"font-weight:bold;\">Saving failed. Please close the request yourself. '

                                                + 'Use <a href="' + location

                                                + '" title="Special:SpamBlacklist">Special:SpamBlacklist</a>'

                                                + ' to add/remove the domains to/from the blacklist.<br />Params:<br /><pre>' + params + '</pre><br />Response:<pre>' + request.responseText + '</pre></div>';


                    } else {

                        window.location = location;                         


                } else {

                    SBdebug.innerHTML += '<div style=\"font-weight:bold;\">ERROR: ' + request.status + '<br /> Please close the request yourself. '

                                                + 'Use <a href="' + location

                                                + '" title="Special:SpamBlacklist">Special:SpamBlacklist</a>'

                                                + ' to add/remove the domains to/from the blacklist.<br />Params:<br /><pre>' + params + '</pre><br />Response:<pre>' + request.responseText + '</pre></div>';





            Add to blacklist.


            edittoken : '',

            text : '',

            request : '',

            urls : '',

            action : '',

            timestamp : '',

            oldid : '',

            custom : false,


            SBWrapper : function ()


                document.title = 'Spam blacklist';


                // Add CSS for viewing the differences



                // Set header

                header = document.getElementsByTagName('h1')[0];

                header.innerHTML = 'Spam blacklist';


                // Set content

                content = document.getElementById('bodyContent');

                content.innerHTML = '<h3 id=\"siteSub\">From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki</h3>'

                                    + '<p>Use this tool to add domains to the <a href=\"//\" title=\"MediaWiki:Spam-blacklist\">MediaWiki:Spam-blacklist</a>, or remove them, and log the change. Note that it does not escape paths. <span style=\"font-weight:bold;\">Do not use this tool unless you have a basic understanding of regex.</span> You still need to confirm the changes. Do not assume that the proposed edit is correct.</p>';

                SBHandler.action = SBUtils.getParamValue ('action');

                SBHandler.urls = SBUtils.getParamValue ('urls');

                SBHandler.request = SBUtils.getParamValue('request');


                if ((SBHandler.action == 'add' || SBHandler.action == 'rem') && SBHandler.urls != null && SBHandler.urls != '' && SBHandler.request != null) {

                    content.innerHTML += '<div id=\"SBstatus\" style=\"font-style: italic; border: 1px solid; padding: 5px; float:right;\">'

                                        + '<span id=\"Sthrobber\" style=\"text-align:center; font-weight:bold; float:right;\">'

                                        + '<img src=\"//\" alt=\"Loading\">'

                                        + 'Loading…</span>'

                                        + '<br clear=\"all\" />'

                                        + '<table><tr style=\"vertical-align:top;\"><td>'

                                        + '<h5>Blacklist</h5>'

                                        + '<ul><li id=\"SgetBL\" style=\"color:grey;\">Get blacklist text</li>'

                                        + '<li id=\"SaddBL\" style=\"color:grey;\">Add/remove domains</li>'

                                        + '<li id=\"SgetC\" style=\"color:grey;\">Get changes from server</li>'

                                        + '<li id=\"SparseBL\" style=\"color:grey;\">Parse and show changes</li>'

                                        + '<li id=\"SconfirmBL\" style=\"color:grey;\">Confirm changes</li>'

                                        + '<li id=\"SsaveBL\" style=\"color:grey;\">Save changes</li></ul></td><td>'

                                        + '<h5>Log</h5>'

                                        + '<ul><li id=\"SgetL\" style=\"color:grey;\">Get log text</li>'

                                        + '<li id=\"SaddL\" style=\"color:grey;\">Add/remove domains</li>'

                                        + '<li id=\"SsaveL\" style=\"color:grey;\">Save changes</li>'

                                        + '</ul></tr></table></div><br clear=\"all\" />'

                                        + '<h3>Blacklist</h3><div id=\"SBlist\"></div>'

                                         + '<h3>Log</h3><div id=\"SBlog\"></div>';

                    SBlist = document.getElementById("SBlist");

                    SBlog = document.getElementById("SBlog");

                    SBHandler.getRequest('action=query&prop=info&intoken=edit&titles=MediaWiki:Spam_blacklist', SBHandler.getBL, true);

                } else {

                    content.innerHTML += '<p style=\"font-style:italic\">This tool can only be used in conjunction with <a href=\"//\" title=\"MediaWiki_talk:Spam-blacklist\">MediaWiki_talk:Spam-blacklist</a> or <a href=\"//\" title=\"Wikipedia:WikiProject_Spam/Local\">COIBot\'s spam reports</a> to add or remove domains.</p>'




            // Get the current text and oldid of [[Spam blacklist]]

            getBL : function(request)


                var xml = request.responseXML;

                if ( xml != null ) {

                    pages = xml.getElementsByTagName('page');

                    SBHandler.edittoken = pages0].getAttribute('edittoken');

                    SBHandler.getRequest('action=query&prop=revisions&titles=MediaWiki:Spam-blacklist&rvprop=ids|timestamp|user|comment|content', SBHandler.parseBL, true);




            // Add/remove domains from the text

            parseBL : function(request)


                var xml = request.responseXML;

                if ( xml != null ) {

                    revs = xml.getElementsByTagName('rev') ;

                    user = revs0].getAttribute('user');

                    revid = revs0].getAttribute('revid');

                    SBHandler.timestamp = revs0].getAttribute('timestamp');

                    SBHandler.text = revs0].textContent;

                    oldlength = SBHandler.text.length;

                    document.getElementById('SgetBL').style.color = 'black';

                } else {

                    SBlist.innerHTML += '<div style=\"font-weight:bold;\">ERROR: ' + request.status + '<br />Aborting.</div>';




                if (SBHandler.action == SBHandler.sb_add) {

                    urls = SBHandler.urls.replace(/\|/g,'\n');

                    if (SBHandler.text.length > 1000 ) {

                        lastchars = SBHandler.text.substr(-1000);

                        SBHandler.text = SBHandler.text.substr(0, SBHandler.text.length - 1000);

                        if (lastchars.indexOf('## sbhandler_end') > 0) {

                            lastchars = lastchars.replace('## sbhandler_end', urls + '\n## sbhandler_end');

                        } else {

                            SBlist.innerHTML += '<div style=\"font-weight:bold;\">ERROR: Could not find marker. Aborting.</div>';



                        SBHandler.text += lastchars;

                    } else {

                        if (SBHandler.text.indexOf('## sbhandler_end') > 0) {

                            SBHandler.text = SBHandler.text.replace('## sbhandler_end', urls + '\n## sbhandler_end');

                        } else {

                            SBlist.innerHTML += '<div style=\"font-weight:bold;\">ERROR: Could not find marker. Please add \"## sbhandler_end\" on a single line below the blacklist\'s entry\'s and try again.</div>';




                } else if (SBHandler.action == SBHandler.sb_rem) {

                    urls = SBHandler.urls.split('|');

                    for (var i=0; i < urls.length; i++) {

                        SBHandler.text = SBHandler.text.replace(urlsi + '\n', '');



                //Check if the length changed, if not assume nothing changed.

                if (oldlength == SBHandler.text.length) {

                    SBlist.innerHTML += '<div style=\"font-weight:bold;\">ERROR: The length of the old and new text are the same. This shouldn\'t happen. Aborting.</div>';



                document.getElementById('SaddBL').style.color = 'black';

                params = 'action=query&prop=revisions&titles=Spam+blacklist&rvdifftotext=' + encodeURIComponent(SBHandler.text);

                SBHandler.postRequest('format=xml', SBHandler.parseDiff, params, true);



            // Parse and show the proposed edit

            parseDiff : function(request)


                var xml = request.responseXML;

                if ( xml != null ) {

                    document.getElementById('SgetC').style.color = 'black';

                    diffSource = xml.getElementsByTagName('diff');

                    if (diffSource0].childNodes0].nodeValue) {

                        urls = SBHandler.urls.split('|');


                        if (SBHandler.action == 'add') {

                            summary = 'Adding ';

                        } else {

                            summary = 'Removing ';



                        if (urls.length > 1 ) {

                            summary += urls.length + ' domains ';

                        } else {

                            summary += urls0 + ' ';



                        if (SBHandler.request.substr(0, 18) == 'Wikipedia:WikiProject_Spam/Local/') {

                            summary += 'per [[' + SBHandler.request + ']].';

                        } else {

                            summary += 'per [[MediaWiki_talk:Spam-blacklist]].';



                        SBlist.innerHTML += '<div id="wikiDiff"><table class="diff"><col class="diff-marker" /><col class="diff-content" /><col class="diff-marker" /><col class="diff-content" /><tr valign="top"><td colspan="2" class="diff-otitle">Current revision</td><td colspan="2" class="diff-ntitle">Your text</td></tr>'                       

                        + diffSource0].childNodes0].nodeValue + '</table></div>'

                                        + '<br /><div id=\"BLform\">'

                                        + '<input type=\"text\" value=\"' + summary + '\" id=\"summary\" maxlength=\"200\" size=\"60\" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<button onclick=\"SBHandler.submitBL()\">Confirm changes</button><button onclick=\"SBHandler.editBL()\">Edit changes</button></div>';

                        document.getElementById('SparseBL').style.color = 'black';

                    } else {

                        SBlist.innerHTML += '<div style=\"font-weight:bold;\">ERROR: Could not show diff.<br />Aborting.</div>';



                } else {

                    SBlist.innerHTML += '<div style=\"font-weight:bold;\">ERROR: ' + request.status + '<br />Aborting.</div>';





            // Add a text area to change the blacklist yourself


            editBL : function ()


                BLform = document.getElementById('BLform');

                BLform.innerHTML = '<textarea name=\"wpTextbox1\" id=\"wpTextbox1\" cols=\"80\" rows=\"25\" accesskey=\",\">'

                                    + SBHandler.text

                                    + '</textarea>'

                                    + BLform.innerHTML;



            // Submit the edit to [[Spam blacklist]]

            submitBL : function()


                wpTextbox = document.getElementById('wpTextbox1');

                if (wpTextbox != null) {

                    SBHandler.text = wpTextbox.value;

                    SBHandler.custom = true; //We can't simply log the change. User needs to do that.


                document.getElementById('SconfirmBL').style.color = 'black';

                summary = document.getElementById('summary').value;

                summary += ' Using SBHandler.';

                query = 'format=xml';

                params = 'action=edit&title=Spam blacklist&summary=' + encodeURIComponent(summary) + '&text=' + encodeURIComponent(SBHandler.text) + '&basetimestamp=' + SBHandler.timestamp  +  '&token=' + encodeURIComponent(SBHandler.edittoken);

                SBHandler.postRequest(query, SBHandler.LWrapper, params, true);



            // Start logging procedure

            LWrapper : function(request)


                var xml = request.responseXML;

                if (xml != null ) {

                    edits = xml.getElementsByTagName('edit');

                    if (edits.length == 0 ) {

                        SBlist.innerHTML = '<div style=\"font-weight:bold;\">Saving might have failed. Please check if it succeeded and log the edit yourself if necessary.</div>';



                    result = edits0].getAttribute('result');

                    SBHandler.oldid = edits0].getAttribute('newrevid');

                    if (result != 'Success') {

                        SBlist.innerHTML = '<div style=\"font-weight:bold;\">Saving failed. Please blacklist the domains yourself.</div>';


                    } else {

                        document.getElementById('SsaveBL').style.color = 'black';

                        SBlist.innerHTML = '<div>Blacklist has been updated, <a href=\"' + mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?oldid=' + SBHandler.oldid + '&diff=prev\" title=\"diff\">diff</a>.</div>';



                } else {

                    SBlist.innerHTML += '<div style=\"font-weight:bold;\">ERROR: ' + request.status + '<br />Aborting.</div>';




                d = new Date();

                m = d.getMonth() + 1;

                if (m < 10 ) {

                    m = '0' + m;


                y = d.getFullYear();

                logtitle = 'Mediawiki_talk:Spam blacklist/log/' + y + '/' + m;


                if (SBHandler.request.substr(0, 18) != 'Wikipedia:WikiProject_Spam/') {

                    SBHandler.getRequest('action=query&prop=revisions&titles=MediaWiki_talk:Spam-blacklist&rvprop=ids|timestamp|user|comment|content', SBHandler.parseTBL, true);

                } else {  

                    SBHandler.getRequest('action=query&prop=revisions&titles=' + logtitle + '&rvprop=ids|timestamp|user|comment|content', SBHandler.parseL, true);




            // Get current oldid of [[Mediawiki talk:Spam-blacklist]], because that's the location of the request.

            parseTBL : function(request)


                var xml = request.responseXML;

                if ( xml != null ) {

                    revs = xml.getElementsByTagName('rev') ;

                    tprevid = revs0].getAttribute('revid');

                } else {

                    SBlog.innerHTML += '<div style=\"font-weight:bold;\">ERROR: ' + request.status + '<br />. Please log the edit yourself.</div>';




                SBHandler.getRequest('action=query&prop=revisions&titles=' + logtitle + '&rvprop=ids|timestamp|user|comment|content', SBHandler.parseL, true);    



            // Add/remove domains to/from log

            parseL : function(request)


                var xml = request.responseXML;

                if ( xml != null ) {

                    document.getElementById('SgetL').style.color = 'black';

                    revs = xml.getElementsByTagName('rev') ;

                    if (revs.length == 0) {

                        SBlog.innerHTML += '<div style=\"font-weight:bold;\">ERROR: Could not get log.<br /> It probably does not exist yet. Please create <a href="//' + logtitle + '" title="' + logtitle + '">' + logtitle + '</a> and log the edit yourself.</div>';



                    SBHandler.timestamp = revs0].getAttribute('timestamp');

                    SBHandler.text = revs0].textContent;

                } else {

                    SBlog.innerHTML += '<div style=\"font-weight:bold;\">ERROR: ' + request.status + '<br /> Please log the edit yourself.</div>';




                if (SBHandler.action == SBHandler.sb_add) {

                    sbldiff = '{{sbl-diff|' + SBHandler.oldid + '}}';

                } else {

                    sbldiff = '{{sbl-diff|' + SBHandler.oldid + '|removal}}';



                urls = SBHandler.urls.split('|');

                r = SBHandler.request

                if (r.substr(0, 18) == 'Wikipedia:WikiProject_Spam/')


                    r = '[[' + r + ']]';

                } else {

                    r = '{{sbl-log|' + tprevid + '#{{subst:anchorencode:' + r + '}}}}';



                spaces = '                                        ';


                if (urls.length == 1) {

                    log_text = ' ' + urls0 + spaces.substr(0, 39 - urls0].length) + '# '

                                     + wgUserName + ' # ' + sbldiff + '; see ' + r

                } else {

                    log_text = ' #:                                     '

                                     + wgUserName + ' # ' + sbldiff + '; see ' + r

                    for (var i=0; i < urls.length; i++) {

                        log_text += '\n   ' + urlsi];




                // User needs to confirm log edit

                if (SBHandler.custom) {

                    SBlog.innerHTML += '<p>The following text will be added to the log. You need to update this to reflect the changes you made to the proposed edit.</p>'

                                    + '<textarea name=\"wpTextbox1\" id=\"wpTextbox1\" cols=\"80\" rows=\"10\" accesskey=\",\">'

                                    + log_text

                                    + '</textarea>'

                                    + '<button onclick=\"SBHandler.submitL()\">Confirm changes</button>';

                } else {





            submitL : function() {

                wpTextbox = document.getElementById('wpTextbox1');

                if (wpTextbox != null) {

                    SBHandler.text += '\n' + wpTextbox.value;

                } else {

                    SBHandler.text += '\n' + log_text;


                document.getElementById('SaddL').style.color = 'black';

                query = 'format=xml';

                params = 'action=edit&title=' + encodeURIComponent(logtitle) + '&summary=' + encodeURIComponent(summary) + '&text=' + encodeURIComponent(SBHandler.text) + '&token=' + encodeURIComponent(SBHandler.edittoken);

                SBHandler.postRequest(query, SBHandler.LEnd, params, true);                 



            // Confirm results

            LEnd : function(request)


                var xml = request.responseXML;


                if (xml != null ) {

                    edits = xml.getElementsByTagName('edit');

                    if (edits.length == 0 ) {

                        SBlist.innerHTML = '<div style=\"font-weight:bold;\">Saving might have failed. Please check if it succeeded and log the edit yourself if necessary.</div>';



                    result = edits0].getAttribute('result');

                    oldid = edits0].getAttribute('newrevid');

                    if (result != 'Success') {

                        SBlog.innerHTML = '<div>Saving failed. Please log the edit yourself.</div>';


                    } else {

                        document.getElementById('SsaveL').style.color = 'black';

                        document.getElementById('Sthrobber').innerHTML = '';

                        SBlog.innerHTML = '<div>Log has been updated, <a href=\"' + mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?oldid=' + oldid + '&diff=prev\" title=\"diff\">diff</a>.<p style=\"font-style:italic\">Thanks for helping with the Spam blacklist! Return to <a href=\"//\" title=\"MediaWiki talk:Spam-blacklist\">MediaWiki talk:Spam-blacklist</a>.</p></div>';





            getRequest : function(query, callback, api)


                if (api) {

                    var url = mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/api.php?format=xml&' + query;

                } else {

                    var url = mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?' + query;


                var request = sajax_init_object() ;

                if (request == null) {

                    return null;


      'GET', url, true);

                request.onreadystatechange = function () {

                    if(request.readyState==4) {




                request.setRequestHeader('Pragma', 'cache=yes');

                request.setRequestHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-transform');




            postRequest : function(query, callback, params, api)


                if (api) {

                    var url = mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/api.php?' + query;

                } else {

                    var url = mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?' + query;



                var request = sajax_init_object() ;

                if (request == null) {

                    return null;


      'POST', url, true);

                request.onreadystatechange = function () {

                    if(request.readyState==4) {





                request.setRequestHeader('Content-length', params.length);

                request.setRequestHeader("Pragma", "cache=yes");

                request.setRequestHeader("Cache-Control", "no-transform");




            setupHandler : function ()


                if (wgPageName == 'Special:SpamBlacklist') {


                } else {





        } // End of SBHandler


        addOnloadHook (SBHandler.setupHandler);


    } // End of sysop check


} // End of idempotency check





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