From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.

var refcon = {


	 * This variable holds edit textbox text that is modified throughout the script


	 * @type {string}


	textBoxText: '',


	 * This array holds reference template groups in the order that they appear in article


	 * @type {array}


	templateGroups: [],


	 * This array holds reference templates in the order that they appear in article


	 * @type {array}


	refTemplates: [],


	 * This array holds article text parts that are between reference templates


	 * @type {array}


	textParts: [],


	 * Object for user selectable sort options


	 * @type {object}


	userOptions: {},


	 * Convenience method to get a RefCon option


	 * @param {string} option key without the "refcon-" prefix

	 * @return {string} option value


	getOption: function ( key ) {

		return mw.config.get( 'refcon-' + key );



	 * Convenience method to get a RefCon message


	 * @param {string} message key without the "refcon-" prefix

	 * @param {array} array of replacements

	 * @return {string} message value


	getMessage: function ( key, param ) {

		return new mw.Message( mw.messages, 'refcon-' + key, param ).text();



	 * Convenience method to get the edit textbox


	 * @return {jQuery} edit textbox


	getTextbox: function () {

		return $( '#wpTextbox1' );



	 * Initialization. Sets up script execution link. If the link is clicked, calls main function


	 * @return {void}


	init: function () {

		$([ refcon.getOption( 'image-yes' ),

			refcon.getOption( 'image-no' )

		]).each( function() {

				$('<img/>')[0].src = this;


		var linkname = refcon.getOption( 'linkname' ), 

			linkhover = refcon.getOption( 'linkhover' );

		// Add portlet link to the script

		if ( document.getElementById( 'ca-edit' ) ) {

			var url = mw.util.getUrl( mw.config.get ( 'wgPageName' ), { action: 'edit', RefCon: 'true' });

			var portletlink = $( mw.util.addPortletLink (







				document.getElementById( 'ca-move' )


			// If the portlet link is clicked while on edit page, run the function and do stuff, don't load new page

			if( typeof document.forms.editform !== 'undefined' ) {

				portletlink.on('click', function (e) {






		// Only load when editing

		var action = mw.config.get( 'wgAction' );

		if ( action === 'edit' || action === 'submit' ) {

			// Only if the portlet link was clicked

			if ( mw.util.getParamValue('RefCon') ) {

				 // Only if there is wpTextbox1 on the page

				if ( document.getElementById('wpTextbox1') ) {







	 * Main function. Calls specific subfunctions


	 * @return {void}


	main: function () {

		// This is a container function that calls subfunctions and passes their return values to other subfunctions

		// First, get indexes of reference templates in article, if there are any

		var indexes = refcon.parseIndexes(), i;

		if ( indexes.length > 0 ) {

			var templateDataList = [], templatesString = '';

			// Go through indexes array

			for ( i = 0; i < indexes.length; i++ ) {

				var refStartIndex = indexes i ];

				var nextRefStartIndex = indexes i + 1  ? indexes i + 1  : refcon.textBoxText.length;

				var templateData = refcon.getTemplateContent( refStartIndex, nextRefStartIndex, i );

				// don't do anything with the reference template if it is not closed

				if ( templateData'refEndIndex' !== null ) {

					templatesString += templateData'templateContent'];

					templateDataList.push( templateData );



			// Use mw.API to get reflist templates parameter pairs

			var paramPairsList = refcon.getTemplateParams( templatesString );

			for ( i = 0; i < templateDataList.length; i++ ) {

				var paramsPair = typeof paramPairsList i  !== 'undefined' ? paramPairsList i  : {};

				var refTemplate = refcon.getTemplateObject( templateDataList i ], paramsPair );

				refcon.parseTemplateRefs( refTemplate );


			// Go through refTemplates array (refTemplates determine the boundaries) and create an array of TextPart objects

			// These are text parts of an article that are located between reference templates


			// Process references in reference templates, remove duplicate keys and values

			for ( i = 0; i < refcon.refTemplates.length; i++ ) {

				refcon.refTemplates i ].processDuplicates();


			// Find and store references and citations in each textPart object

			for ( i = 0; i < refcon.textParts.length; i++ ) {

				refcon.parseTextParts( refcon.textParts i  );


			// Compare references to the ones in reference template(s). Add text part references into reference template.

			// Create citations to references.

			for ( i = 0; i < refcon.textParts.length; i++ ) {

				refcon.processTextPartRefs( refcon.textParts i  );


			// Link textPart citations to references

			for ( i = 0; i < refcon.textParts.length; i++ ) {

				refcon.linkCitations( refcon.textParts i  );


			// Show form with references


		} else {





	 * Continue processing after form. Commit changes and show the differences view


	 * @return {void}


	commit: function () {

			// Recreate indexes (because names could have been changed in the form)

			for ( i = 0; i < refcon.refTemplates.length; i++ ) {

				refcon.refTemplates i ].reIndex();


			// Replace references inside text part strings with citations

			for ( i = 0; i < refcon.textParts.length; i++ ) {

				refcon.replaceTextPartRefs( refcon.textParts i  );


			// Build reference templates

			for ( i = 0; i < refcon.refTemplates.length; i++ ) {

				refcon.buildRefTemplates( refcon.refTemplates i  );


			var newText = refcon.writeTextBoxText();

			var textbox = refcon.getTextbox();

			var oldText = textbox.val();

			if ( oldText != newText ) {

				// Update textbox

				textbox.val( newText );

				// Add summary






	 * Show form with references


	 * @return {void}


	showForm: function () {

		// Define basic elements

		var gui = $( '<div>' ).attr( 'id', 'refcon' ),

			container = $( '<div>' ).attr( 'id', 'refcon-container' ),

			header = $( '<div>' ).attr( 'id', 'refcon-header' ),

			title = $( '<span>' ).attr( 'id', 'refcon-title' ).text( refcon.getOption( 'gadgetname' ) ),

			closer = $( '<div>' ).attr( 'id', 'refcon-close' ).addClass( 'refcon-abort' ).html( '&times;' ).attr('title', refcon.getMessage( 'closetitle' )),

			content = $( '<div>' ).attr( 'id', 'refcon-content' ),

			form = $( '<form>' ).attr( 'id', 'refcon-form' ),

			table = $( '<table>' ).attr( 'id', 'refcon-table' );

		// Put everything together and add it to DOM

		header.append( title, closer );

		content.append( form ).append( table );

		container.append( header, content );

		gui.append( container );

		$( 'body' ).prepend( gui );

		// Make GUI draggable


			handle: header


		// Set GUI width and height to 80% of user's window size (fallback is CSS-predefined values, if this fails)

		var width = $(window).width();

		var height = $(window).height();

		if ( ( Number.isInteger( width ) && width > 0 ) && ( Number.isInteger( height ) && height > 0 ) ) {

			content.css("width", Math.floor( width * 0.8 ));

			content.css("height", Math.floor( height * 0.8 ));


		// Build table and fill it with reference data



					<th class="refcon-sortable refcon-asc"><span>#</span></th>\

					<th class="refcon-sortable"><span>'+refcon.getMessage( 'name' )+'</span></th>\

					<th class="refcon-sortable"><span>'+refcon.getMessage( 'reference' )+'</span></th>\

					<th class="refcon-sortable"><span>'+refcon.getMessage( 'referenceuses' )+'</span></th>\



		var i;

		for ( i = 0; i < refcon.refTemplates.length; i++ ) {

			var refTemplate = refcon.refTemplates i ];

			table.append('<tr id="templateheader'+i+'"><td class="refcon-templategroup" colspan="5" align="center">'

							+ refcon.getMessage( 'refstemplateno' ) + ' ' + ( i + 1 )

							+ (refcon.templateGroups i ].length > 0 ? ' (' + refcon.getMessage( 'referencegroup' ) + ': ' + refcon.templateGroups i  + ')' : '')

							+ '</td></tr>');

			var j, k = 0;

			for ( j = 0; j < refTemplate.references.length; j++ ) {

				var reference = refTemplate.references j ];

				if ( reference ) {


					var cssClass = k % 2 == 0 ? 'refcon-even' : 'refcon-odd';


					'<tr template="' + i + '">'

					+ '<td class="' + cssClass + '"><img src="' + refcon.getOption( 'image-yes' ) + '"></td>'

					+ '<td class="' + cssClass + '" align="center">' + k + '</td>'

					+ '<td class="' + cssClass + '"><input class="refcon-refname" type="text" template_id="' + i + '" name="' + j + '" value="' + + '"></td>'

					+ '<td class="' + cssClass + ' refcontent">' + reference.content + '</td>'

					+ '<td class="' + cssClass + '" align="center">' + reference.citations.length + '</td>'

					+ '<td class="' + cssClass + '"><input class="refcon-refplace" type="checkbox" name="' + j + '" value="' + reference.citations.length + '"' + ( reference.inRefTemplate === true ? 'checked' : '' ) + '></td>'

					+ '</tr>');




		table.append('<tr><td colspan="5"><table id="refcon-table-options">\

					<tr><td><span class="refcon-option-header">' + refcon.getMessage( 'optionsheaderreflocation' ) + '</span></td><td width="20"></td><td><span class="refcon-option-header">' + refcon.getMessage( 'optionsheaderother' ) + '</span></td></tr>\

					<tr><td><span class="refcon-option-point"><input class="refcon-refplacement" type="radio" name="reference-place" value="template"> ' + refcon.getMessage( 'optionlocation1' ) + '</span></td><td width="20"></td><td><span class="refcon-option-point"><input type="checkbox" id="refcon-savesorted" name="sort" value="yes">'+ refcon.getMessage( 'checkboxsortorder' ) +'</span></td></tr>\

					<tr><td><span class="refcon-option-point"><input class="refcon-refplacement" type="radio" name="reference-place" value="text"> ' + refcon.getMessage( 'optionlocation2' ) + '</span></td><td width="20"></td><td><span class="refcon-option-point"><input type="checkbox" id="refcon-keepnames" name="names" value="yes">'+ refcon.getMessage( 'checkboxkeepnames' ) +'</span></td></tr>\

					<tr><td><span class="refcon-option-point"><input class="refcon-refplacement" type="radio" name="reference-place" value="usage"> ' + refcon.getMessage( 'optionlocation3',  '<input id="refcon-table-options-uses" type="text" name="min_uses" size="2" value="2">' ]) + '</span></td><td width="20"></td><td></td></tr>\


		table.append('<tr id="refcon-buttons"><td colspan="5" align="center"><button type="button" id="refcon-abort-button" class="refcon-abort">'

						+ refcon.getMessage( 'buttonabort' ) + '</button><button type="button" id="refcon-continue-button">'

						+ refcon.getMessage( 'buttoncontinue' ) + '</button></td></tr>');

		container.css( 'display', 'block' );

		// Bind events

		// Close window when user clicks on 'x'

		$( '.refcon-abort' ).on( 'click', function() {




		// Activate 'Continue' button when user changes some reference name

		$( '#refcon-table .refcon-refname' ).on( 'input', function() {

			$( '#refcon-continue-button' ).removeAttr( 'disabled' );


		// Validate reference names when user clicks 'Continue'. If there are errors, disable 'Continue' button

		$( '#refcon-continue-button' ).on( 'click', function( event ) {


			if ( table.find('[data-invalid]').length === 0 ) {


			} else {

				$( '#refcon-continue-button' ).attr('disabled', true);



		// Sort table if user clicks on sortable table header

		$( ".refcon-sortable" ).on('click', function() {

			refcon.sortTable( $(this) );


		$( "#refcon-table .refcon-refplacement" ).on( 'change', function() {

			switch( $( this ).val() ) {

				case 'template':

					$( '#refcon-table .refcon-refplace' ).prop('checked', true);


				case 'text':

					$( '#refcon-table .refcon-refplace' ).prop('checked', false);


				case 'usage':





		// When user clicks on uses input field, select the third radio checkbox

		$( "#refcon-table-options-uses" ).on( 'focus', function() {

			$('#refcon-table-options input:radio[name=reference-place]:nth(2)').trigger( "click" );


		$( "#refcon-table-options-uses" ).on( 'input', function() {




	sortTable: function ( columnHeader ) {

		var order = $( columnHeader ).hasClass('refcon-asc') ? 'refcon-desc' : 'refcon-asc';


		$( columnHeader ).addClass( order );

		var colIndex = $( columnHeader ).prevAll().length;

		var tbod = $( columnHeader ).closest("table").find("tbody");

		var i;

		for ( i = 0; i < refcon.templateGroups.length; i++ ) {

			var rows = $( tbod ).children("tr[template='" + i + "']");

			rows.sort( function( a,b ) {

				var A = $(a).children("td").eq(colIndex).has("input").length ? $(a).children("td").eq(colIndex).children("input").val() : $(a).children("td").eq(colIndex).text();

				var B = $(b).children("td").eq(colIndex).has("input").length ? $(b).children("td").eq(colIndex).children("input").val() : $(b).children("td").eq(colIndex).text();

				if ( colIndex === 1 || colIndex === 4 ) {

					A = Number(A);

					B = Number(B);

					return order === 'refcon-asc' ? A - B : B - A;

				} else {

					if ( order === 'refcon-asc' ) {

						return A.localeCompare( B, mw.config.get( 'wgContentLanguage' ) );

					} else {

						return B.localeCompare( A, mw.config.get( 'wgContentLanguage' ) );




			$( rows ).each( function( index ) {

				$( this ).children("td").removeClass('refcon-even').removeClass('refcon-odd');

				$( this ).children("td").addClass( index % 2 == 0 ? 'refcon-odd' : 'refcon-even' );


			$( columnHeader ).closest("table").find("tbody").children("tr[template='" + i + "']").remove();

			$( columnHeader ).closest("table").find("#templateheader"+i).after( rows );


		// Activate 'Continue' button when user changes some reference name

		$( '#refcon-table .refcon-refname' ).on( 'input', function() {

			$( '#refcon-continue-button' ).removeAttr( 'disabled' );



	selectReferencesByUsage: function () {

		var usage = $( "#refcon-table-options-uses" ).val();

		if ( usage.length > 0 ) {

			var regex = /[^0-9]+/;

			if ( !usage.match( regex ) ) {

				usage = Number( usage );

				$( '#refcon-table .refcon-refplace' ).each(function() {

					if ( $(this).attr('value') >= usage )

						$(this).prop('checked', true);


						$(this).prop('checked', false);





	validateInput: function () {

		var names = {}, duplicateNames = {}, i;

		for ( i = 0; i < refcon.templateGroups.length; i++ ) {

			names i  = {};

			duplicateNames i  = {};


		$( '#refcon-table .refcon-refname' ).each(function() {

			if ( $(this).val() in names $(this).attr('template_id')  ) {

				duplicateNames $(this).attr('template_id') ][ $(this).val()  = 1;

			} else {

				names $(this).attr('template_id') ][ $(this).val()  = 1;



		$( '#refcon-table .refcon-refname' ).each(function() {

			if ( $(this).val() in duplicateNames $(this).attr('template_id')  ) {

				refcon.markFieldAsInvalid( $(this) );

			} else if ( $(this).val() === '' ) {

				refcon.markFieldAsInvalid( $(this) );

			} else if ( $(this).val().match(/[<>"]/) !== null ) {

				refcon.markFieldAsInvalid( $(this) );

			} else {

				refcon.markFieldAsValid( $(this) );




	markFieldAsValid: function ( inputField ) {

		$( inputField ).removeAttr( 'data-invalid' );

		$( inputField ).closest( 'tr' ).find( 'img' ).attr( 'src', refcon.getOption( 'image-yes' ));


	markFieldAsInvalid: function ( inputField ) {

		$( inputField ).attr( 'data-invalid', 1 );

		$( inputField ).closest( 'tr' ).find( 'img' ).attr( 'src', refcon.getOption( 'image-no' ));



	 * Process form after the Save button was pressed


	 * @return {void}


	afterScreenSave: function () {

		$( '#refcon-table tr[template]' ).each(function() {

			var refName = $( this ).find( '.refcon-refname' );

			var name = refName.val();

			var templateId = refName.attr( 'template_id' );

			var refId = refName.attr( 'name' );

			// change reference names to the ones from the form, in case some name was changed

			refcon.refTemplates templateId ].references refId ].changeName( name );

			// save reference location preference from the form into reference object

			var refPlace = $( this ).find( '.refcon-refplace' );

			refcon.refTemplates templateId ].references refId ].inRefTemplate = refPlace.prop('checked') ? true : false;


		// If user has checked "save sorted" checkbox, save sorting preferences

		if ( $('#refcon-savesorted').prop('checked') ) {

			var sortOptions = {};

			if ( $( '.refcon-asc' ).prevAll().length ) {

				sortOptions'column' = $( '.refcon-asc' ).prevAll().length;

				sortOptions'order' = 'asc';

			} else if ( $( '.refcon-desc' ).prevAll().length ) {

				sortOptions'column' = $( '.refcon-desc' ).prevAll().length;

				sortOptions'order' = 'desc';


			refcon.userOptions'sort' = sortOptions;


		// If user has checked "keep names" checkbox, save name keeping preferences

		if ( $('#refcon-keepnames').prop('checked') )

			refcon.userOptions'keepnames' = true;


			refcon.userOptions'keepnames' = false;




	 * Parse article text and find all reference templates indexes


	 * @return {array} Start indexes of all reference templates


	parseIndexes: function () {

		var refTemplateNames = refcon.getOption( 'reftemplatenames' );

		var wikitext = refcon.getTextbox().val(),

			i, name, re, refTemplateIndexes = [];

		// Make all appearances of the reference templates in article text uniform

		if ( Array.isArray( refTemplateNames ) ) {

			var refTemplateName = refTemplateNames0];

			for ( i = 0; i < refTemplateNames.length; i++ ) {

				name = refTemplateNames i ];

				re = new RegExp( '{{\s*' + name, 'gi' );

				wikitext = wikitext.replace( re, '{{' + refTemplateName );


			// Find all indexes of the reference template in the article and put them into array

			// Index is the place in article text where references template starts

			var pos = wikitext.indexOf( '{{' + refTemplateName );

			if (pos !== -1)

				refTemplateIndexes.push( pos );

			while (pos !== -1) {

				pos = wikitext.indexOf( '{{' + refTemplateName, pos + 1 );

				if (pos !== -1)

					refTemplateIndexes.push( pos );


		} else {

			// call some error handling function and halt


		// Set the refcon variable with modified wikitext

		refcon.textBoxText = wikitext;

		return ( refTemplateIndexes );



	 * Get reference template's content and end index


	 * @param {integer} reference template's index in article text

	 * @param {integer} next reference template's index in article text


	 * @return {object} reference template's content string, start and end indexes


	 getTemplateContent: function (templateIndex, nextTemplateIndex) {

		var	textPart = refcon.textBoxText.substring(templateIndex, nextTemplateIndex);

		var i, depth = 1, prevChar = '', templateEndIndex = 0, templateAbsEndIndex = null, templateContent = '';

		// Go through the textPart and find the template's end code '}}'

		// @todo: could use ProveIt's alternative code here

		for ( i = 2; i < nextTemplateIndex; i++ ) {

			if (textPart.charAt(i) === "{" && prevChar === "{")


			if (textPart.charAt(i) === "}" && prevChar === "}")


			if (depth === 0) {

				templateEndIndex = i + 1;



			prevChar = textPart.charAt(i);


		// If templateEndIndex is 0, reference template's ending '}}' is missing in the textPart

		if ( templateEndIndex > 0 ) {

			templateContent = textPart.substring(0, templateEndIndex);

			templateAbsEndIndex = templateIndex + templateEndIndex;


		return ({

			'templateContent': templateContent,

			'refStartIndex' : templateIndex,

			'refEndIndex': templateAbsEndIndex




	 * Get all reference templates' name and value pairs using a single mw.Api call


	 * @param {string} String that contains all article's reflist templates


	 * @return {array} List of reference template objects with parameter names and values


	 getTemplateParams: function ( templatesString ) {

		var paramPairsList = [];

		var refTemplateNames = refcon.getOption( 'reftemplatenames' );

		if ( Array.isArray( refTemplateNames ) ) {

			var mainRefTemplateName = refTemplateNames0];

		} else {

			// call some error handling function and halt


		// We will do a single API call to get all reflist templates parameter pairs

		new mw.Api().post({

			'action': 'expandtemplates',

			'text': templatesString,

			'prop': 'parsetree'

		}, { async: false }).done( function ( data ) {

			var parsetree = data.expandtemplates.parsetree;

			var result = xmlToJSON.parseString( parsetree );

			var i, templateRoot = result.root0].template;

			//@todo: could rewrite the code to use JSON.parse

			for ( i = 0; i < templateRoot.length; i++ ) {

				if ( templateRoot i ].title0]['_text' === mainRefTemplateName ) {

					var paramPairs = {};

					var part = templateRoot i ].part;

					if ( typeof part !== 'undefined' ) {

						var j, name, value, ext;

						for ( j = 0; j < part.length; j++ ) {

							if ( typeof part j ].equals !== 'undefined' ) {

								name = part j ].name0]['_text'];

							} else {

								name = part j ].name0]['_attr']['index']['_value'];


							name = typeof name === 'string' ? name.trim() : name;

							// By checking 'ext' first, '_text' second,

							// if the parameter value is a list of references that contains some text between the reference tags, the text is lost.

							// But at least we get the references and not the text instead

							if ( typeof part j ].value0]['ext' !== 'undefined' ) {

								ext = part j ].value0]['ext'];

								if ( Array.isArray( ext ) ) {

									var k, attr, inner;

									value = [];

									for ( k = 0; k < ext.length; k++ ) {

										if ( typeof ext k ]['name'][0]['_text' !== 'undefined' && ext k ]['name'][0]['_text'].toLowerCase() === 'ref'

											&& typeof ext k ]['close'][0]['_text' !== 'undefined' && ext k ]['close'][0]['_text'].toLowerCase() === '</ref>' ) {

											if ( typeof ext k ]['attr'][0]['_text' !== 'undefined' && typeof ext k ]['inner'][0]['_text' !== 'undefined' ) {


													'attr': ext k ]['attr'][0]['_text'],

													'inner': ext k ]['inner'][0]['_text'






							} else if ( typeof part j ].value0]['_text' !== 'undefined' ) {

								value = part j ].value0]['_text'];


							value = typeof value === 'string' ? value.trim() : value;

							paramPairs name  = value;


						paramPairsList.push( paramPairs );





		return ( paramPairsList );



	 * Get reference template object from paramPairs and templateData objects


	 * @param {object} reference template data object with indexes and template content

	 * @param {object} reference template parameter pairs object with param names and values


	 * @return {object} reference template object


	 getTemplateObject: function ( templateData, paramPairs ) {

		var name, i, groupName;

		var refGroupNames = refcon.getOption( 'reftemplategroupnames' );

		// Go through paramPairs and see if there is a configuration defined group name in parameter names. Get it's value

		if ( Array.isArray( refGroupNames ) ) {

			if ( typeof paramPairs === 'object' ) {

				for ( i = 0; i < refGroupNames.length; i++ ) {

					var name = refGroupNames i ];

					if ( typeof paramPairs name  !== 'undefined' ) {

						groupName = paramPairs name ];





		} else {

			// call some error handling function and halt


		if ( typeof groupName === 'undefined' ) {

			groupName = '';


		refcon.templateGroups.push( groupName );

		// Build basic reference template

		var refTemplate = new refcon.RefTemplate({

			'group': groupName,

			'string': templateData 'templateContent' ],

			'start': templateData 'refStartIndex' ],

			'end': templateData 'refEndIndex' ],

			'params': paramPairs


		return ( refTemplate );



	 * Parse references in reference template's refs field (using mw.Api)


	 * @param {object} refTemplate object


 	 * @return {void} 


	 parseTemplateRefs: function ( refTemplate ) {


		var refsNames = refcon.getOption( 'reftemplaterefsnames' );

		var refsArray, refsName, i;

		if ( Array.isArray( refsNames ) ) {

			if ( typeof refTemplate.params === 'object' ) {

				for ( i = 0; i < refsNames.length; i++ ) {

					refsName = refsNames i ];

					if ( typeof refTemplate.params refsName  !== 'undefined' ) {

						refsArray = refTemplate.params refsName ];





		} else {

			// call some error handling function and halt


		// Look for references inside the reference template's refs parameter

		if ( typeof refsArray !== 'undefined' && refsArray.length > 0) {

			for ( i = 0; i < refsArray.length; i++ ) {

				// Turn all matches into reference objects

				reference = refcon.parseReference(  '', refsArrayi].attr, refsArrayi].inner ], 'reference' );

				// Only add references that have name

				if ( reference'name'].length > 0 ) {

					refTemplate.addRef( reference );




		refcon.refTemplates.push( refTemplate );



	 * Make a reference object out of a reference string


	 * @param {array} match array produced by regexp

	 * @param {string} type. can be either "reference" or "citation"


	 * @return {object} returns either reference object or citation object based on type


	parseReference: function ( data, type ) {

		var params = {}, referenceName, referenceGroup,

			referenceString = data0], refParamString = data1],

			referenceContent = data2], referenceIndex = data.index;

		if (typeof refParamString !== 'undefined') {

			refParamString = refParamString.trim();

			if (refParamString.length > 0) {

				//Examples of strings to extract name and group from

				//group="arvuti" name="refname1"

				//name="refname2" group="arvuti str"


				//name="refname1 blah"

				var re = /(?:(name|group)\s*=\s*(?:"([^"]+)"|'([^']+)'|([^ ]+)))(?:\s+(name|group)\s*=\s*(?:"([^"]+)"|'([^']+)'|([^ ]+)))?/i;

				var match = refParamString.match(re);

				try {

					if ( typeof match1 !== 'undefined' && ( typeof match2 !== 'undefined' || typeof match3 !== 'undefined' || typeof match4 !== 'undefined' ) ) {

						if ( typeof match2 !== 'undefined' ) {

							params match1  = match2];

						} else if ( typeof match3 !== 'undefined' ) {

							params match1  = match3];

						} else {

							params match1  = match4];



					if ( typeof match5 !== 'undefined' && ( typeof match6 !== 'undefined' || typeof match7 !== 'undefined' || typeof match8 !== 'undefined' ) ) {

						if ( typeof match6 !== 'undefined' ) {

							params match5  = match6];

						} else if ( typeof match7 !== 'undefined' ) {

							params match5  = match7];

						} else {

							params match5  = match8];



				} catch ( e ) {

					refcon.throwReferenceError( referenceString, refcon.getMessage( 'parsereferror',  referenceString  ), e );


				referenceName = params'name' ? params'name' : '';

				referenceGroup = params'group' ? params'group' : '';



		if ( typeof referenceGroup === 'undefined' )

			referenceGroup = '';

		if ( typeof referenceName === 'undefined' )

			referenceName = '';

		var found = referenceName.match(/[<>"]/);

		if ( found !== null ) {

			refcon.throwReferenceError( referenceString, refcon.getMessage( 'parserefforbidden',  found0], referenceString  ));


		// Clean reference name and content of newlines, double spaces, leading or trailing whitespace and more

		referenceName = refcon.cleanString( referenceName, 'name' );

		if ( typeof referenceContent !== 'undefined' )

			referenceContent = refcon.cleanString( referenceContent, 'content' );

		if ( type === 'reference' ) {

			// Build the basic reference

			var reference = new refcon.Reference({

				'group': referenceGroup,

				'name': referenceName,

				'content': referenceContent,

				'index': referenceIndex,

				'string': referenceString


		} else if ( type === 'citation' ) {

			// Build the basic citation

			var reference = new refcon.Citation({

				'group': referenceGroup,

				'name': referenceName,

				'index': referenceIndex,

				'string': referenceString



		return reference;


	throwReferenceError: function ( referenceString, message, error ) {

		var found = refcon.getTextbox().val().match( refcon.escapeRegExp( referenceString ) );

		refcon.highlight( found.index, referenceString );

		window.alert( message );


		throw new Error( error );



	 * Clean reference name and content of newlines, double spaces, leading or trailing whitespace, etc


	 * @param {string} reference name or reference content string

	 * @param (string) whether the string is name or content


	 * @return {string} cleaned reference name and content


	cleanString: function ( str, type ) {

		// get rid of newlines and trailing/leading space

		str = str.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm,' ').trim();

		// get rid of double whitespace inside string

		str = str.replace(/\s\s+/g, ' ');

		// if the str is content, get rid of extra space before template closing / after template opening

		if ( type === 'content') {

			str = str.replace(/ }}/g, '}}');

			str = str.replace(/{{ /g, '{{');


		return (str);


	escapeRegExp: function ( str ) {

		return str.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&");



	 * Highlight string in the textbox and scroll it to view


	 * @return {void}


	highlight: function ( index, string ) {

		var textbox = refcon.getTextbox()[0],

			text = textbox.value;

		// Scroll to the string

		textbox.value = text.substring( 0, index );


		textbox.scrollTop = 99999999; // Larger than any real textarea (hopefully)

		var currentScrollTop = textbox.scrollTop;

		textbox.value += text.substring( index );

		if ( currentScrollTop > 0 ) {

			textbox.scrollTop = currentScrollTop + 300;


		// Highlight the string

		var start = index,

			end = start + string.length;

		$( textbox ).focus().textSelection( 'setSelection', { 'start': start, 'end': end } );



	 * Turn all article text parts – parts that are between reference templates – into objects and save into array


	 * @return {void}


	storeTextParts: function () {

		var i, text, refEnd, from, to, textPart;

		for ( i = 0; i < refcon.refTemplates.length; i++ ) {

			from = refEnd ? refEnd : 0;

			to = refcon.refTemplates i ]['start'];

			refEnd = refcon.refTemplates i ]['end'];

			if ( to === 0 ) {



			text = refcon.textBoxText.substring( from, to );

			// Textpart's references can only be in templates that come after the textpart in article text

			var j, groupName, groupNames = {};

			for ( j = i; j < refcon.refTemplates.length; j++ ) {

				groupName = refcon.templateGroups j ];

				// Only add the first instance of template group

				if ( typeof groupNames groupName  === 'undefined' ) {

					groupNames groupName  = j;



			// @todo: check what happens if a reference template follows another reference template without any space.

			// Does textpart still get correct inTemplate sequence?

			// Create new TextPart object and store it

			textPart = new refcon.TextPart({

				'start': from,

				'end': to,

				'string': text,

				'inTemplates': groupNames


			refcon.textParts.push( textPart );


		// Add the last text part after the last reference template

		if ( typeof refEnd === 'number' && refEnd > 0 ) {

			if ( refcon.textBoxText.length > refEnd ) {

				text = refcon.textBoxText.substring( refEnd, refcon.textBoxText.length );

				textPart = new refcon.TextPart({

					'start': refEnd,

					'end': refcon.textBoxText.length,

					'string': text


				refcon.textParts.push( textPart );





	 * Find all references and citations in a TextPart object and store them in the object.


	 * @param {object} TextPart object


	parseTextParts: function ( textPart ) {

		if ( typeof textPart.string !== 'undefined' && textPart.string.length > 0 ) {

			// Look for all citations

			// Citations come in two forms:

			// 1. <ref name="CV Kontrollikoda"/>

			// 2. <ref name="pm"></ref>

			// Ref label can have optional group parameter:

			// <ref group="blah" name="CV Kontrollikoda"/> or <ref name="CV Kontrollikoda" group="blah"/>

			// Group and name parameter values can be between '' or "", or bare (if value has no whitespaces)

			var citations = [],

				citationsRegExp = /<ref(\s+[^/>]+)(?:\/\s*>|><\/ref>)/ig,



			while ( ( match = citationsRegExp.exec( textPart.string ) ) ) {

				// Turn all the matches into citation objects

				citation = refcon.parseReference( match, 'citation' );

				if ( typeof citation === 'object' && typeof !== 'undefined' ) {

					citations.push( citation );



			textPart.citations = citations;

			// Look for all references

			var references = [],

				referencesRegExp = /<ref(\s+[^\/]+?)?>([\s\S]*?)<\/ref>/ig,



			while ( ( match = referencesRegExp.exec( textPart.string ) ) ) {

				// Avoid further processing of citations like <ref name="pm"></ref>

				if ( match2 === '' ) {



				// Turn all the matches into reference objects

				reference = refcon.parseReference( match, 'reference' );

				references.push( reference );


			textPart.references = references;




	 * Compare references in a TextPart object to the references in reference template (if there are any). Add references into

	 * reference template. Update indexes. For each reference create citation object and link it with reflist template reference.


	 * @param {object} TextPart object


	processTextPartRefs: function ( textPart ) {

		var i, reference, refTemplate, templateRef,

			createdCitations = [];

		for ( i = 0; i < textPart.references.length; i++ ) {

			reference = textPart.references i ];

			refTemplate = refcon.refTemplates textPart.inTemplates  ];

			// First add named references, because otherwise we could create new records (and names) 

			// for already existing text part defined references

			if ( reference.content.length > 0 && > 0 ) {

				// First check if this a complete duplicate reference (name and value are the same)

				templateRef = refcon.getRefByIndex( refTemplate, 'keyValues', + '_' + reference.content );

				if ( typeof templateRef === 'object' ) {

					if ( === && templateRef.content === reference.content ) {

						// found exact duplicate

						var citation = new refcon.Citation({



							'index': reference.index,

							'string': reference.string


						templateRef.citations.push( citation );

						createdCitations.push( citation );




				// Check if the reference has the same name but different content than template reference

				templateRef = refcon.getRefByIndex( refTemplate, 'keys', );

				if ( typeof templateRef === 'object' ) {

					if ( === && templateRef.content !== reference.content ) {

						// found reference with the same name but different content

						// add reference content to template references under new name

						var newName = refTemplate.getNewName( );

						var newRef = new refcon.Reference({


							'name': newName,

							'content': reference.content,

							'inRefTemplate': false


						var citation = new refcon.Citation({


							'name': newName,

							'index': reference.index,

							'string': reference.string


						newRef.citations.push( citation );

						refTemplate.addRef( newRef );

						createdCitations.push( citation );

						// add names into replacements object, so we can replace all citation names that use the old name

						refTemplate.replacements  = newName;




				// Check if the reference has the same content but different name than template reference

				templateRef = refcon.getRefByIndex( refTemplate, 'values', reference.content );

				if ( typeof templateRef === 'object' ) {

					if ( templateRef.content === reference.content && !== ) {

						// Found reference with the same content but different name.

						// Drop reference name, use reflist template reference name as citation name

						var citation = new refcon.Citation({



							'index': reference.index,

							'string': reference.string


						templateRef.citations.push( citation );

						createdCitations.push( citation );

						// add names into replacements object, so we can replace all citation names that use the old name

						refTemplate.replacements  =;




				// If we get here, it means we've got a named reference that has not yet been described in reflist template.

				// Add the reference to reflist references

				var newRef = new refcon.Reference({



					'content': reference.content,

					'inRefTemplate': false


				var citation = new refcon.Citation({



					'index': reference.index,

					'string': reference.string


				newRef.citations.push( citation );

				refTemplate.addRef( newRef );

				createdCitations.push( citation );



		// Now we go through unnamed references

		for ( i = 0; i < textPart.references.length; i++ ) {

			reference = textPart.references i ];

			refTemplate = refcon.refTemplates textPart.inTemplates  ];

			if ( reference.content.length > 0 && === 0 ) {

				templateRef = refcon.getRefByIndex( refTemplate, 'values', reference.content );

				if ( typeof templateRef === 'object' ) {

					if ( templateRef.content === reference.content ) {

						// found reference with the same content

						var citation = new refcon.Citation({



							'index': reference.index,

							'string': reference.string


						templateRef.citations.push( citation );

						createdCitations.push( citation );




				// If we get here, we have a completely new unnamed reference

				// add the reference to template references

				var newName = refTemplate.getNewName();

				var newRef = new refcon.Reference({


					'name': newName,

					'content': reference.content,

					'inRefTemplate': false


				var citation = new refcon.Citation({


					'name': newName,

					'index': reference.index,

					'string': reference.string


				newRef.citations.push( citation );

				refTemplate.addRef( newRef );

				createdCitations.push( citation );



		textPart.linkedCitations = createdCitations;



	 * Link citations to their reflist template references


	 * @param {object} TextPart object


	 * @return {void}


	linkCitations: function ( textPart ) {

		var citation, refTemplate, replaceName, templateRef,


		for ( i = 0; i < textPart.citations.length; i++ ) {

			citation = textPart.citations i ];

			refTemplate = refcon.refTemplates textPart.inTemplates  ];

			if ( > 0 ) {

				// If there is replacement name in replacements object, replace the citation name

				replaceName = refTemplate.replacements ];

				if ( typeof replaceName !== 'undefined' ) { = replaceName;


				// For each citation try to find its reference

				templateRef = refcon.getRefByIndex( refTemplate, 'keys', );

				if ( typeof templateRef === 'object' ) {

					if ( === ) {

						templateRef.citations.push( citation );

						textPart.linkedCitations.push( citation );







	 * Replace all references in TextPart object string with citations. Also replace citation names that were changed in previous steps


	 * @param {object} TextPart object


	 * @return {void}


	replaceTextPartRefs: function ( textPart ) {

		var i, citation, refTemplate, templateRef;

		for ( i = 0; i < textPart.linkedCitations.length; i++ ) {

			citation = textPart.linkedCitations i ];

			if ( > 0 ) {

				refTemplate = refcon.refTemplates textPart.inTemplates  ];

				templateRef = refcon.getRefByIndex( refTemplate, 'keys', );

				// For the references that are marked as "in reference list template" replace all instances with citation

				if ( templateRef.inRefTemplate === true ) {

					textPart.string = textPart.string.replace( citation.string, citation.toString() );

				// For the references that are marked as "in article text"...

				} else {

					// if the reference has just one use, output the reference string w/o name (unless user options "keep names" was selected)

					if ( templateRef.citations.length == 1 ) {

						textPart.string = textPart.string.replace( citation.string, templateRef.toStringText( refcon.userOptions.keepnames ) );

					// if the reference has more uses...

					} else {

						// if the reference has not been output yet, output named reference

						if ( templateRef.wasPrinted === false ) {

							textPart.string = textPart.string.replace( citation.string, templateRef.toStringText( true ) );

							// mark reference as printed

							templateRef.wasPrinted = true;

						// if the reference has already been printed, output citation

						} else {

							textPart.string = textPart.string.replace( citation.string, citation.toString() );








	 * Build reference templates


	 * @param {object} RefTemplate object


	 * @return {void}


	buildRefTemplates: function ( refTemplate ) {

		var i, reference, referencesString = '', refsAdded = false;

		// sort references if user has checked the checkbox

		if ( typeof refcon.userOptions.sort === 'object' && Object.keys( refcon.userOptions.sort ).length > 0 ) {

			refcon.sortReferences ( refTemplate );


		// turn reference data into reflist parameter value string

		for ( i = 0; i < refTemplate.references.length; i++ ) {

			reference = refTemplate.references i ];

			if ( typeof reference === 'object' && reference.inRefTemplate === true ) {

				referencesString += reference.toString() + "\n";



		// Cut the last newline

		referencesString = referencesString.substr( 0, referencesString.length - 1 );

		var refTemplateNames = refcon.getOption( 'reftemplatenames' );

		if ( Array.isArray( refTemplateNames ) ) {

			var refTemplateName = refTemplateNames0];

		} else {

			// call some error handling function and halt


		var refsNames = refcon.getOption( 'reftemplaterefsnames' );

		if ( Array.isArray( refsNames ) ) {

			var refsName = refsNames0];

		} else {

			// call some error handling function and halt


		var templateString = '{{' + refTemplateName;

		// Build references template string

		if ( Object.keys( refTemplate.params ).length > 0 ) {

			// Go through params object

			for ( var name in refTemplate.params ) {

				var value = refTemplate.params name ];

				// If param name matches with config name for reference list template refs param...

				if ( refsNames.indexOf( name ) > -1 ) {

					// ... only if there are references in reflist template

					if ( referencesString.length > 0 ) {

						// ... add refstring to reflist params

						templateString += '|' + refsName + '=' + "\n" + referencesString;

						refsAdded = true;



				} else if ( typeof value !== 'string' && typeof value !== 'number' ) {

					// If value is anything other than string or number, skip it. 

					// Value is array if, for example, references are incorrectly defined inside unnamed parameter.



				templateString += '|' + name + '=' + value;



		// if the reflist template was without any parameters, add parameter and references here

		if ( refsAdded === false && referencesString.length > 0 ) {

			templateString += '|' + refsName + "=\n" + referencesString;


		if ( referencesString.length > 0 )

			templateString += "\n}}";


			templateString += "}}";

		refTemplate.string = templateString;



	 * Sort references inside reflist template according to user preferences


	 * @param {object} Reftemplate object


	 * @return {void}


	sortReferences: function ( refTemplate ) {

		if ( refcon.userOptions.sort.column === 1 ) {

			refTemplate.references = refcon.userOptions.sort.order === 'desc' ? refTemplate.references.reverse() : refTemplate.references;

		} else {

			refTemplate.references.sort( function( a,b ) {

				// order by reference name

				if ( refcon.userOptions.sort.column === 2 ) {

					return refcon.userOptions.sort.order === 'asc' ?, mw.config.get( 'wgContentLanguage' ) ) :, mw.config.get( 'wgContentLanguage' ) );

				// order by reference content

				} else if ( refcon.userOptions.sort.column === 3 ) {

					return refcon.userOptions.sort.order === 'asc' ? a.content.localeCompare( b.content, mw.config.get( 'wgContentLanguage' ) ) : b.content.localeCompare( a.content, mw.config.get( 'wgContentLanguage' ) );

				// order by citations count

				} else if ( refcon.userOptions.sort.column === 4 ) {

					return refcon.userOptions.sort.order === 'asc' ? a.citations.length - b.citations.length : b.citations.length - a.citations.length;






	 * Verify if configuration option should be used. Return true or false

	 * @param {string} Refcon option as returned by refcon.getOption method

	 * @param {string} User configuration variable content


	 * @return {boolean} True of false


	useConfigOption: function ( configOptionValue, userConfigOptionName ) {

		var result = false;

		switch ( configOptionValue ) {

		  case 'yes':

			result = true;


		  case 'no':

			result = false;


		  case 'user':

			if ( typeof refConsolidateConfig === 'object' && typeof refConsolidateConfig userConfigOptionName  !== 'undefined' && refConsolidateConfig userConfigOptionName  === true ) {

				result = true;




			result = false;


		return ( result );



	 * Write text parts and reference templates into textbox variable


	 * @return {string} String that contains article text


	writeTextBoxText: function () {

		var textBoxString = '';

		for ( i = 0; i < refcon.textParts.length; i++ ) {

			textPart = refcon.textParts i ];

			textBoxString += textPart.string;

			if ( typeof refcon.refTemplates i  === 'object' ) {

				textBoxString += refcon.refTemplates i ].string;



		return ( textBoxString );



	 * Index into reference template template objects and return template object


	 * @param {object} reference template object

	 * @param {string} index name

	 * @param {integer} key to index into


	 * @return {object} reference template object 



	getRefByIndex: function ( refTemplate, dictname, key ) {

		var templateRef;

		var refDict = refTemplate dictname ];

		if ( key in refDict && Array.isArray( refDict key  ) ) {

			var refKey = refDict key ][0];

			var templateRef = refTemplate.getRef( refKey );


		return ( templateRef );



	 * Add the RefCon edit summary


	 * @return {void}


	addSummary: function () {

		var currentSummary = $( '#wpSummary' ).val();

		var	refconSummary = refcon.getOption( 'summary' );

		var summarySeparator = refcon.getOption( 'summaryseparator' );

		if ( !refconSummary ) {

			return; // No summary defined


		if ( currentSummary.indexOf( refconSummary ) > -1 ) {

			return; // Don't add it twice


		$( '#wpSummary' ).val( currentSummary ? currentSummary + summarySeparator + refconSummary : refconSummary );



	 * Set minor edit checkbox and click View Differences button


	 * @return {void}


	showDifferenceView: function () {

		document.forms.editform.wpMinoredit.checked = true;;



	 * Produces random string with a given length


	 * @param {integer} string length

	 * @param {string} charset (optional)


	 * @return {string} random string


	randomString: function ( len, charSet ) {

		charSet = charSet || '0123456789';

		var randomString = '';

		for ( var i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {

			var randomPoz = Math.floor( Math.random() * charSet.length );

			randomString += charSet.substring( randomPoz, randomPoz+1 );


		return randomString;



	 * Empty refcon arrays before script exit


	 * @return {void}


	cleanUp: function () {

		refcon.refTemplates = [];

		refcon.templateGroups = [];

		refcon.textParts = [];

		refcon.textBoxText = [];



	 * TextPart class


	 * @param {object} data for constructing the object


	TextPart: function ( data ) {


		 * Article text start index


		this.start =  typeof data.start === 'number' ? data.start : null;


		 * Article text end index


		this.end = typeof data.end === 'number' ? data.end : null;


		 * Article text content string


		this.string = data.string ? data.string : '';


		 * Array that has indexes of reference templates that apply to this text part


		this.inTemplates = data.inTemplates ? data.inTemplates : {};


		 * Temporary holding array for reference objects


		this.references = [];


		 * Temporary holding array for citation objects


		this.citations = [];


		 * Array that hold citation objects that are linked to reflist template references


		this.linkedCitations = [];



	 * Citation class


	 * @param {object} data for constructing the object


	Citation: function (data) {


		 * Citation group

		 */ = ? : '';


		 * Citation name

		 */ = ? : '';


		 * Citation location in the edit textbox


		this.index = data.index ? data.index : 0;


		 * Citation wikitext


		 * Example: <ref name="abc" />


		this.string = data.string ? data.string : '';


		 * Convert this citation to wikitext


		this.toString = function () {

			var useTemplateR = false;

			// check if we should use template {{R}} for shorter citation format

			useTemplateR = refcon.useConfigOption( refcon.getOption( 'usetemplateR' ), 'usetemplateR' );

			var startString = useTemplateR ? '{{r' : '<ref';

			var groupString = useTemplateR ? '|g=' + : ' group="' + + '"';

			var nameString = useTemplateR ? '|' + : ' name="' + + '"';

			var endString = useTemplateR ? '}}' : ' />';

			return ( startString + ( ? groupString : '' ) + ( ? nameString : '' ) + endString );




	 * Reference class


	 * @param {object} Data for constructing the object


	Reference: function ( data ) {


		 * Extend the Citation class

		 */ this, data );


		 * Reference content (without the <ref> tags)


		 * Example: Second chapter of {{Cite book |first=Charles |last=Darwin |title=On the Origin of Species}}


		this.content = data.content ? data.content : '';


		 * Array that contains citations to this reference


		this.citations = [];


		 * Boolean for reference location. True (the default) means in reference list template. False means in article text


		this.inRefTemplate = typeof data.inRefTemplate !== 'undefined' ? data.inRefTemplate : true;


		 * Boolean for reference output. False (the default) means the reference has not been printed yet. True means it has been printed.


		this.wasPrinted = false;


		 * Convert this reference to wikitext (inside reference list template)


		this.toString = function () {

			var string = '<ref name="' + + '">' + this.content + '</ref>';

			return string;



		 * Convert this reference to wikitext (in article text)


		this.toStringText = function ( named ) {

			var string = '<ref';

			if ( )

				string += ' group="' + + '"';

			if ( named )

				string += ' name="' + + '"';

			string += '>' + this.content + '</ref>';

			return string;



		 * Change reference's name and it's citations' names


		this.changeName = function ( newName ) { = newName;

			var i;

			for ( i = 0; i < this.citations.length; i++ ) {

				this.citations i ].name = newName;





	 * Reftemplate class


	 * @param {object} Data for constructing the object


	RefTemplate: function ( data ) {


		 * Template group

		 */ = ? : '';


		 * Template wikitext



		this.string = data.string ? data.string : '';


		 * Template start position in the edit textbox


		this.start = data.start ? data.start : 0;


		 * Template end position in the edit textbox


		this.end = data.end ? data.end : 0;


		 * Template parameters object that holds name-value pairs


		this.params = data.params ? data.params : {};


		 * Array of reference objects of this template


		this.references = [];


		 * Reference index dicts


		this.keys = {};

		this.values = {};

		this.keyValues = {};


		 * Helper dicts to keep track of duplicate reference keys, values key/values


		this.dupKeys = {};

		this.dupValues = {};

		this.dupKeyValues = {};


		 * Dict that holds citation name replacements


		this.replacements = {};


		 * Populate reference template's index dicts

		 * @param {string} reference name

		 * @param (string) reference content

		 * @param (integer) reference order number in template


		 * @return {void}


		this.createIndexes = function ( key, value, ix ) {

			if (key in this.keys) {


				this.dupKeyskey = this.keyskey];

			} else {

				this.keyskey = ix];


			if (value in this.values) {


				this.dupValuesvalue = this.valuesvalue];

			} else {

				this.valuesvalue = ix];


			if (key + '_' + value in this.keyValues) {

				this.keyValueskey + '_' + value].push(ix);

				this.dupKeyValueskey + '_' + value = this.keyValueskey + '_' + value];

			} else {

				this.keyValueskey + '_' + value = ix];




		 * Recreate reference list template indexes


		 * @return {void}


		this.reIndex = function () {

			var i, reference;

			this.keys = {};

			this.values = {};

			this.keyValues = {};

			for ( i = 0; i < this.references.length; i++ ) {

				reference = this.references i ];

				if ( typeof reference === 'object' ) {

					this.keys  =  i ];

					this.values reference.content  =  i ];

					this.keyValues + '_' + reference.content  =  i ];





		 * Process references indexes, remove duplicate 


		 * @return {void}


		this.processDuplicates = function () {

			this.processIndex( this.dupKeyValues, this.processDupKeyValues, this );

			this.processIndex( this.dupKeys, this.processDupKeys, this );

			this.processIndex( this.dupValues, this.processDupValues, this );


		this.processIndex = function ( indexObj, callBack, callbackObj ) {

			// returnObj and dataObj are a bit of a hack for dupValues index. We need to get back the refIndex of the first duplicate value

			// to add it into the replacements array with the duplicate values that were deleted

			var returnObj, dataObj;

			for (var key in indexObj) {

				if (indexObj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {

					indexObjkey].forEach(function ( refIndex, ix ) {

						returnObj = callbackObj, refIndex, ix, dataObj );

						if ( typeof returnObj === 'object' ) {

							dataObj = returnObj;






		this.processDupKeyValues = function ( refIndex, ix, dataObj ) {

			if (ix > 0) {

				var refData = this.delRef( refIndex );

				this.changeEveryIndex( refData 'name' ], refData 'content' ], refIndex);



		this.processDupKeys = function ( refIndex, ix, dataObj ) {

			if (ix > 0) {

				var refData = this.changeRefName( refIndex );

				this.changeIndex( refData 'oldName' ], refIndex, this.keys );

				this.addIndex( refData 'newName' ], refIndex, this.keys );

				this.removeIndex( refData 'oldName'  + '_' + refData 'content' ], this.keyValues );

				this.addIndex( refData 'newName'  + '_' + refData 'content' ], refIndex, this.keyValues );



		this.processDupValues = function ( refIndex, ix, dataObj ) {

			if (ix == 0) {

				// get TemplateReference object

				var refData = this.getRef( refIndex );

				return ( refData );

			} else {

				var delrefData = this.delRef( refIndex );

				this.removeIndex( delrefData 'name' ], this.keys );

				this.changeIndex( delrefData 'content' ], refIndex, this.values );

				this.removeIndex( delrefData 'name'  + '_' + delrefData 'content' ], this.keyValues );

				// add old and new reference name into replacements array

				this.replacementsdelrefData'name']] = dataObj'name'];



		this.delRef = function ( refIndex ) {

			var name = this.references refIndex ].name;

			var content = this.references refIndex ].content;

			this.references refIndex  = null;

			return ({

				'name': name,

				'content': content



		this.changeRefName = function ( refIndex ) {

			var oldName = this.references refIndex ].name;

			var content = this.references refIndex ].content;

			var newName = this.getNewName ( oldName );

			this.references refIndex ].name = newName;

			return ({

				'oldName': oldName,

				'content': content,

				'newName': newName



		// Creates new reference name while making sure it is unique per template

		this.getNewName = function ( oldName ) {

			var prefix, randomValue, newName;

			randomValue = refcon.randomString( 6 );

			prefix = typeof oldName !== 'undefined' ? oldName + '_' : ':';

			newName = prefix + randomValue;

			while ( newName in this.keys ) {

				randomValue = refcon.randomString( 6 );

				newName = prefix + randomValue;


			return ( newName );


		this.changeIndex = function ( key, refIndex, obj ) {

			var ix = objkey].indexOf( refIndex );

			if (ix > -1)

				objkey].splice( ix, 1 );


		this.addIndex = function ( key, value, obj ) {

			objkey = [];

			objkey].push( value );


		this.removeIndex = function ( key, obj ) {

			delete objkey];


		this.getRef = function ( refIndex ) {

			return this.references refIndex ];


		this.addRef = function ( reference ) {

			var count = this.references.push( reference );

			this.createIndexes( reference'name'], reference'content'], count - 1 );


		this.delRef = function ( refIndex ) {

			var name = this.references refIndex ].name;

			var content = this.references refIndex ].content;

			this.references refIndex  = null;

			return ({

				'name': name,

				'content': content



		this.changeEveryIndex = function ( key, value, refIndex ) {

			this.changeIndex( key, refIndex, this.keys );

			this.changeIndex( value, refIndex, this.values );

			this.changeIndex( key + '_' + value, refIndex, this.keyValues );

			// dupKeys, dupValues and dupKeyValues get changed by reference




$( refcon.init );
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.

var refcon = {


	 * This variable holds edit textbox text that is modified throughout the script


	 * @type {string}


	textBoxText: '',


	 * This array holds reference template groups in the order that they appear in article


	 * @type {array}


	templateGroups: [],


	 * This array holds reference templates in the order that they appear in article


	 * @type {array}


	refTemplates: [],


	 * This array holds article text parts that are between reference templates


	 * @type {array}


	textParts: [],


	 * Object for user selectable sort options


	 * @type {object}


	userOptions: {},


	 * Convenience method to get a RefCon option


	 * @param {string} option key without the "refcon-" prefix

	 * @return {string} option value


	getOption: function ( key ) {

		return mw.config.get( 'refcon-' + key );



	 * Convenience method to get a RefCon message


	 * @param {string} message key without the "refcon-" prefix

	 * @param {array} array of replacements

	 * @return {string} message value


	getMessage: function ( key, param ) {

		return new mw.Message( mw.messages, 'refcon-' + key, param ).text();



	 * Convenience method to get the edit textbox


	 * @return {jQuery} edit textbox


	getTextbox: function () {

		return $( '#wpTextbox1' );



	 * Initialization. Sets up script execution link. If the link is clicked, calls main function


	 * @return {void}


	init: function () {

		$([ refcon.getOption( 'image-yes' ),

			refcon.getOption( 'image-no' )

		]).each( function() {

				$('<img/>')[0].src = this;


		var linkname = refcon.getOption( 'linkname' ), 

			linkhover = refcon.getOption( 'linkhover' );

		// Add portlet link to the script

		if ( document.getElementById( 'ca-edit' ) ) {

			var url = mw.util.getUrl( mw.config.get ( 'wgPageName' ), { action: 'edit', RefCon: 'true' });

			var portletlink = $( mw.util.addPortletLink (







				document.getElementById( 'ca-move' )


			// If the portlet link is clicked while on edit page, run the function and do stuff, don't load new page

			if( typeof document.forms.editform !== 'undefined' ) {

				portletlink.on('click', function (e) {






		// Only load when editing

		var action = mw.config.get( 'wgAction' );

		if ( action === 'edit' || action === 'submit' ) {

			// Only if the portlet link was clicked

			if ( mw.util.getParamValue('RefCon') ) {

				 // Only if there is wpTextbox1 on the page

				if ( document.getElementById('wpTextbox1') ) {







	 * Main function. Calls specific subfunctions


	 * @return {void}


	main: function () {

		// This is a container function that calls subfunctions and passes their return values to other subfunctions

		// First, get indexes of reference templates in article, if there are any

		var indexes = refcon.parseIndexes(), i;

		if ( indexes.length > 0 ) {

			var templateDataList = [], templatesString = '';

			// Go through indexes array

			for ( i = 0; i < indexes.length; i++ ) {

				var refStartIndex = indexes i ];

				var nextRefStartIndex = indexes i + 1  ? indexes i + 1  : refcon.textBoxText.length;

				var templateData = refcon.getTemplateContent( refStartIndex, nextRefStartIndex, i );

				// don't do anything with the reference template if it is not closed

				if ( templateData'refEndIndex' !== null ) {

					templatesString += templateData'templateContent'];

					templateDataList.push( templateData );



			// Use mw.API to get reflist templates parameter pairs

			var paramPairsList = refcon.getTemplateParams( templatesString );

			for ( i = 0; i < templateDataList.length; i++ ) {

				var paramsPair = typeof paramPairsList i  !== 'undefined' ? paramPairsList i  : {};

				var refTemplate = refcon.getTemplateObject( templateDataList i ], paramsPair );

				refcon.parseTemplateRefs( refTemplate );


			// Go through refTemplates array (refTemplates determine the boundaries) and create an array of TextPart objects

			// These are text parts of an article that are located between reference templates


			// Process references in reference templates, remove duplicate keys and values

			for ( i = 0; i < refcon.refTemplates.length; i++ ) {

				refcon.refTemplates i ].processDuplicates();


			// Find and store references and citations in each textPart object

			for ( i = 0; i < refcon.textParts.length; i++ ) {

				refcon.parseTextParts( refcon.textParts i  );


			// Compare references to the ones in reference template(s). Add text part references into reference template.

			// Create citations to references.

			for ( i = 0; i < refcon.textParts.length; i++ ) {

				refcon.processTextPartRefs( refcon.textParts i  );


			// Link textPart citations to references

			for ( i = 0; i < refcon.textParts.length; i++ ) {

				refcon.linkCitations( refcon.textParts i  );


			// Show form with references


		} else {





	 * Continue processing after form. Commit changes and show the differences view


	 * @return {void}


	commit: function () {

			// Recreate indexes (because names could have been changed in the form)

			for ( i = 0; i < refcon.refTemplates.length; i++ ) {

				refcon.refTemplates i ].reIndex();


			// Replace references inside text part strings with citations

			for ( i = 0; i < refcon.textParts.length; i++ ) {

				refcon.replaceTextPartRefs( refcon.textParts i  );


			// Build reference templates

			for ( i = 0; i < refcon.refTemplates.length; i++ ) {

				refcon.buildRefTemplates( refcon.refTemplates i  );


			var newText = refcon.writeTextBoxText();

			var textbox = refcon.getTextbox();

			var oldText = textbox.val();

			if ( oldText != newText ) {

				// Update textbox

				textbox.val( newText );

				// Add summary






	 * Show form with references


	 * @return {void}


	showForm: function () {

		// Define basic elements

		var gui = $( '<div>' ).attr( 'id', 'refcon' ),

			container = $( '<div>' ).attr( 'id', 'refcon-container' ),

			header = $( '<div>' ).attr( 'id', 'refcon-header' ),

			title = $( '<span>' ).attr( 'id', 'refcon-title' ).text( refcon.getOption( 'gadgetname' ) ),

			closer = $( '<div>' ).attr( 'id', 'refcon-close' ).addClass( 'refcon-abort' ).html( '&times;' ).attr('title', refcon.getMessage( 'closetitle' )),

			content = $( '<div>' ).attr( 'id', 'refcon-content' ),

			form = $( '<form>' ).attr( 'id', 'refcon-form' ),

			table = $( '<table>' ).attr( 'id', 'refcon-table' );

		// Put everything together and add it to DOM

		header.append( title, closer );

		content.append( form ).append( table );

		container.append( header, content );

		gui.append( container );

		$( 'body' ).prepend( gui );

		// Make GUI draggable


			handle: header


		// Set GUI width and height to 80% of user's window size (fallback is CSS-predefined values, if this fails)

		var width = $(window).width();

		var height = $(window).height();

		if ( ( Number.isInteger( width ) && width > 0 ) && ( Number.isInteger( height ) && height > 0 ) ) {

			content.css("width", Math.floor( width * 0.8 ));

			content.css("height", Math.floor( height * 0.8 ));


		// Build table and fill it with reference data



					<th class="refcon-sortable refcon-asc"><span>#</span></th>\

					<th class="refcon-sortable"><span>'+refcon.getMessage( 'name' )+'</span></th>\

					<th class="refcon-sortable"><span>'+refcon.getMessage( 'reference' )+'</span></th>\

					<th class="refcon-sortable"><span>'+refcon.getMessage( 'referenceuses' )+'</span></th>\



		var i;

		for ( i = 0; i < refcon.refTemplates.length; i++ ) {

			var refTemplate = refcon.refTemplates i ];

			table.append('<tr id="templateheader'+i+'"><td class="refcon-templategroup" colspan="5" align="center">'

							+ refcon.getMessage( 'refstemplateno' ) + ' ' + ( i + 1 )

							+ (refcon.templateGroups i ].length > 0 ? ' (' + refcon.getMessage( 'referencegroup' ) + ': ' + refcon.templateGroups i  + ')' : '')

							+ '</td></tr>');

			var j, k = 0;

			for ( j = 0; j < refTemplate.references.length; j++ ) {

				var reference = refTemplate.references j ];

				if ( reference ) {


					var cssClass = k % 2 == 0 ? 'refcon-even' : 'refcon-odd';


					'<tr template="' + i + '">'

					+ '<td class="' + cssClass + '"><img src="' + refcon.getOption( 'image-yes' ) + '"></td>'

					+ '<td class="' + cssClass + '" align="center">' + k + '</td>'

					+ '<td class="' + cssClass + '"><input class="refcon-refname" type="text" template_id="' + i + '" name="' + j + '" value="' + + '"></td>'

					+ '<td class="' + cssClass + ' refcontent">' + reference.content + '</td>'

					+ '<td class="' + cssClass + '" align="center">' + reference.citations.length + '</td>'

					+ '<td class="' + cssClass + '"><input class="refcon-refplace" type="checkbox" name="' + j + '" value="' + reference.citations.length + '"' + ( reference.inRefTemplate === true ? 'checked' : '' ) + '></td>'

					+ '</tr>');




		table.append('<tr><td colspan="5"><table id="refcon-table-options">\

					<tr><td><span class="refcon-option-header">' + refcon.getMessage( 'optionsheaderreflocation' ) + '</span></td><td width="20"></td><td><span class="refcon-option-header">' + refcon.getMessage( 'optionsheaderother' ) + '</span></td></tr>\

					<tr><td><span class="refcon-option-point"><input class="refcon-refplacement" type="radio" name="reference-place" value="template"> ' + refcon.getMessage( 'optionlocation1' ) + '</span></td><td width="20"></td><td><span class="refcon-option-point"><input type="checkbox" id="refcon-savesorted" name="sort" value="yes">'+ refcon.getMessage( 'checkboxsortorder' ) +'</span></td></tr>\

					<tr><td><span class="refcon-option-point"><input class="refcon-refplacement" type="radio" name="reference-place" value="text"> ' + refcon.getMessage( 'optionlocation2' ) + '</span></td><td width="20"></td><td><span class="refcon-option-point"><input type="checkbox" id="refcon-keepnames" name="names" value="yes">'+ refcon.getMessage( 'checkboxkeepnames' ) +'</span></td></tr>\

					<tr><td><span class="refcon-option-point"><input class="refcon-refplacement" type="radio" name="reference-place" value="usage"> ' + refcon.getMessage( 'optionlocation3',  '<input id="refcon-table-options-uses" type="text" name="min_uses" size="2" value="2">' ]) + '</span></td><td width="20"></td><td></td></tr>\


		table.append('<tr id="refcon-buttons"><td colspan="5" align="center"><button type="button" id="refcon-abort-button" class="refcon-abort">'

						+ refcon.getMessage( 'buttonabort' ) + '</button><button type="button" id="refcon-continue-button">'

						+ refcon.getMessage( 'buttoncontinue' ) + '</button></td></tr>');

		container.css( 'display', 'block' );

		// Bind events

		// Close window when user clicks on 'x'

		$( '.refcon-abort' ).on( 'click', function() {




		// Activate 'Continue' button when user changes some reference name

		$( '#refcon-table .refcon-refname' ).on( 'input', function() {

			$( '#refcon-continue-button' ).removeAttr( 'disabled' );


		// Validate reference names when user clicks 'Continue'. If there are errors, disable 'Continue' button

		$( '#refcon-continue-button' ).on( 'click', function( event ) {


			if ( table.find('[data-invalid]').length === 0 ) {


			} else {

				$( '#refcon-continue-button' ).attr('disabled', true);



		// Sort table if user clicks on sortable table header

		$( ".refcon-sortable" ).on('click', function() {

			refcon.sortTable( $(this) );


		$( "#refcon-table .refcon-refplacement" ).on( 'change', function() {

			switch( $( this ).val() ) {

				case 'template':

					$( '#refcon-table .refcon-refplace' ).prop('checked', true);


				case 'text':

					$( '#refcon-table .refcon-refplace' ).prop('checked', false);


				case 'usage':





		// When user clicks on uses input field, select the third radio checkbox

		$( "#refcon-table-options-uses" ).on( 'focus', function() {

			$('#refcon-table-options input:radio[name=reference-place]:nth(2)').trigger( "click" );


		$( "#refcon-table-options-uses" ).on( 'input', function() {




	sortTable: function ( columnHeader ) {

		var order = $( columnHeader ).hasClass('refcon-asc') ? 'refcon-desc' : 'refcon-asc';


		$( columnHeader ).addClass( order );

		var colIndex = $( columnHeader ).prevAll().length;

		var tbod = $( columnHeader ).closest("table").find("tbody");

		var i;

		for ( i = 0; i < refcon.templateGroups.length; i++ ) {

			var rows = $( tbod ).children("tr[template='" + i + "']");

			rows.sort( function( a,b ) {

				var A = $(a).children("td").eq(colIndex).has("input").length ? $(a).children("td").eq(colIndex).children("input").val() : $(a).children("td").eq(colIndex).text();

				var B = $(b).children("td").eq(colIndex).has("input").length ? $(b).children("td").eq(colIndex).children("input").val() : $(b).children("td").eq(colIndex).text();

				if ( colIndex === 1 || colIndex === 4 ) {

					A = Number(A);

					B = Number(B);

					return order === 'refcon-asc' ? A - B : B - A;

				} else {

					if ( order === 'refcon-asc' ) {

						return A.localeCompare( B, mw.config.get( 'wgContentLanguage' ) );

					} else {

						return B.localeCompare( A, mw.config.get( 'wgContentLanguage' ) );




			$( rows ).each( function( index ) {

				$( this ).children("td").removeClass('refcon-even').removeClass('refcon-odd');

				$( this ).children("td").addClass( index % 2 == 0 ? 'refcon-odd' : 'refcon-even' );


			$( columnHeader ).closest("table").find("tbody").children("tr[template='" + i + "']").remove();

			$( columnHeader ).closest("table").find("#templateheader"+i).after( rows );


		// Activate 'Continue' button when user changes some reference name

		$( '#refcon-table .refcon-refname' ).on( 'input', function() {

			$( '#refcon-continue-button' ).removeAttr( 'disabled' );



	selectReferencesByUsage: function () {

		var usage = $( "#refcon-table-options-uses" ).val();

		if ( usage.length > 0 ) {

			var regex = /[^0-9]+/;

			if ( !usage.match( regex ) ) {

				usage = Number( usage );

				$( '#refcon-table .refcon-refplace' ).each(function() {

					if ( $(this).attr('value') >= usage )

						$(this).prop('checked', true);


						$(this).prop('checked', false);





	validateInput: function () {

		var names = {}, duplicateNames = {}, i;

		for ( i = 0; i < refcon.templateGroups.length; i++ ) {

			names i  = {};

			duplicateNames i  = {};


		$( '#refcon-table .refcon-refname' ).each(function() {

			if ( $(this).val() in names $(this).attr('template_id')  ) {

				duplicateNames $(this).attr('template_id') ][ $(this).val()  = 1;

			} else {

				names $(this).attr('template_id') ][ $(this).val()  = 1;



		$( '#refcon-table .refcon-refname' ).each(function() {

			if ( $(this).val() in duplicateNames $(this).attr('template_id')  ) {

				refcon.markFieldAsInvalid( $(this) );

			} else if ( $(this).val() === '' ) {

				refcon.markFieldAsInvalid( $(this) );

			} else if ( $(this).val().match(/[<>"]/) !== null ) {

				refcon.markFieldAsInvalid( $(this) );

			} else {

				refcon.markFieldAsValid( $(this) );




	markFieldAsValid: function ( inputField ) {

		$( inputField ).removeAttr( 'data-invalid' );

		$( inputField ).closest( 'tr' ).find( 'img' ).attr( 'src', refcon.getOption( 'image-yes' ));


	markFieldAsInvalid: function ( inputField ) {

		$( inputField ).attr( 'data-invalid', 1 );

		$( inputField ).closest( 'tr' ).find( 'img' ).attr( 'src', refcon.getOption( 'image-no' ));



	 * Process form after the Save button was pressed


	 * @return {void}


	afterScreenSave: function () {

		$( '#refcon-table tr[template]' ).each(function() {

			var refName = $( this ).find( '.refcon-refname' );

			var name = refName.val();

			var templateId = refName.attr( 'template_id' );

			var refId = refName.attr( 'name' );

			// change reference names to the ones from the form, in case some name was changed

			refcon.refTemplates templateId ].references refId ].changeName( name );

			// save reference location preference from the form into reference object

			var refPlace = $( this ).find( '.refcon-refplace' );

			refcon.refTemplates templateId ].references refId ].inRefTemplate = refPlace.prop('checked') ? true : false;


		// If user has checked "save sorted" checkbox, save sorting preferences

		if ( $('#refcon-savesorted').prop('checked') ) {

			var sortOptions = {};

			if ( $( '.refcon-asc' ).prevAll().length ) {

				sortOptions'column' = $( '.refcon-asc' ).prevAll().length;

				sortOptions'order' = 'asc';

			} else if ( $( '.refcon-desc' ).prevAll().length ) {

				sortOptions'column' = $( '.refcon-desc' ).prevAll().length;

				sortOptions'order' = 'desc';


			refcon.userOptions'sort' = sortOptions;


		// If user has checked "keep names" checkbox, save name keeping preferences

		if ( $('#refcon-keepnames').prop('checked') )

			refcon.userOptions'keepnames' = true;


			refcon.userOptions'keepnames' = false;




	 * Parse article text and find all reference templates indexes


	 * @return {array} Start indexes of all reference templates


	parseIndexes: function () {

		var refTemplateNames = refcon.getOption( 'reftemplatenames' );

		var wikitext = refcon.getTextbox().val(),

			i, name, re, refTemplateIndexes = [];

		// Make all appearances of the reference templates in article text uniform

		if ( Array.isArray( refTemplateNames ) ) {

			var refTemplateName = refTemplateNames0];

			for ( i = 0; i < refTemplateNames.length; i++ ) {

				name = refTemplateNames i ];

				re = new RegExp( '{{\s*' + name, 'gi' );

				wikitext = wikitext.replace( re, '{{' + refTemplateName );


			// Find all indexes of the reference template in the article and put them into array

			// Index is the place in article text where references template starts

			var pos = wikitext.indexOf( '{{' + refTemplateName );

			if (pos !== -1)

				refTemplateIndexes.push( pos );

			while (pos !== -1) {

				pos = wikitext.indexOf( '{{' + refTemplateName, pos + 1 );

				if (pos !== -1)

					refTemplateIndexes.push( pos );


		} else {

			// call some error handling function and halt


		// Set the refcon variable with modified wikitext

		refcon.textBoxText = wikitext;

		return ( refTemplateIndexes );



	 * Get reference template's content and end index


	 * @param {integer} reference template's index in article text

	 * @param {integer} next reference template's index in article text


	 * @return {object} reference template's content string, start and end indexes


	 getTemplateContent: function (templateIndex, nextTemplateIndex) {

		var	textPart = refcon.textBoxText.substring(templateIndex, nextTemplateIndex);

		var i, depth = 1, prevChar = '', templateEndIndex = 0, templateAbsEndIndex = null, templateContent = '';

		// Go through the textPart and find the template's end code '}}'

		// @todo: could use ProveIt's alternative code here

		for ( i = 2; i < nextTemplateIndex; i++ ) {

			if (textPart.charAt(i) === "{" && prevChar === "{")


			if (textPart.charAt(i) === "}" && prevChar === "}")


			if (depth === 0) {

				templateEndIndex = i + 1;



			prevChar = textPart.charAt(i);


		// If templateEndIndex is 0, reference template's ending '}}' is missing in the textPart

		if ( templateEndIndex > 0 ) {

			templateContent = textPart.substring(0, templateEndIndex);

			templateAbsEndIndex = templateIndex + templateEndIndex;


		return ({

			'templateContent': templateContent,

			'refStartIndex' : templateIndex,

			'refEndIndex': templateAbsEndIndex




	 * Get all reference templates' name and value pairs using a single mw.Api call


	 * @param {string} String that contains all article's reflist templates


	 * @return {array} List of reference template objects with parameter names and values


	 getTemplateParams: function ( templatesString ) {

		var paramPairsList = [];

		var refTemplateNames = refcon.getOption( 'reftemplatenames' );

		if ( Array.isArray( refTemplateNames ) ) {

			var mainRefTemplateName = refTemplateNames0];

		} else {

			// call some error handling function and halt


		// We will do a single API call to get all reflist templates parameter pairs

		new mw.Api().post({

			'action': 'expandtemplates',

			'text': templatesString,

			'prop': 'parsetree'

		}, { async: false }).done( function ( data ) {

			var parsetree = data.expandtemplates.parsetree;

			var result = xmlToJSON.parseString( parsetree );

			var i, templateRoot = result.root0].template;

			//@todo: could rewrite the code to use JSON.parse

			for ( i = 0; i < templateRoot.length; i++ ) {

				if ( templateRoot i ].title0]['_text' === mainRefTemplateName ) {

					var paramPairs = {};

					var part = templateRoot i ].part;

					if ( typeof part !== 'undefined' ) {

						var j, name, value, ext;

						for ( j = 0; j < part.length; j++ ) {

							if ( typeof part j ].equals !== 'undefined' ) {

								name = part j ].name0]['_text'];

							} else {

								name = part j ].name0]['_attr']['index']['_value'];


							name = typeof name === 'string' ? name.trim() : name;

							// By checking 'ext' first, '_text' second,

							// if the parameter value is a list of references that contains some text between the reference tags, the text is lost.

							// But at least we get the references and not the text instead

							if ( typeof part j ].value0]['ext' !== 'undefined' ) {

								ext = part j ].value0]['ext'];

								if ( Array.isArray( ext ) ) {

									var k, attr, inner;

									value = [];

									for ( k = 0; k < ext.length; k++ ) {

										if ( typeof ext k ]['name'][0]['_text' !== 'undefined' && ext k ]['name'][0]['_text'].toLowerCase() === 'ref'

											&& typeof ext k ]['close'][0]['_text' !== 'undefined' && ext k ]['close'][0]['_text'].toLowerCase() === '</ref>' ) {

											if ( typeof ext k ]['attr'][0]['_text' !== 'undefined' && typeof ext k ]['inner'][0]['_text' !== 'undefined' ) {


													'attr': ext k ]['attr'][0]['_text'],

													'inner': ext k ]['inner'][0]['_text'






							} else if ( typeof part j ].value0]['_text' !== 'undefined' ) {

								value = part j ].value0]['_text'];


							value = typeof value === 'string' ? value.trim() : value;

							paramPairs name  = value;


						paramPairsList.push( paramPairs );





		return ( paramPairsList );



	 * Get reference template object from paramPairs and templateData objects


	 * @param {object} reference template data object with indexes and template content

	 * @param {object} reference template parameter pairs object with param names and values


	 * @return {object} reference template object


	 getTemplateObject: function ( templateData, paramPairs ) {

		var name, i, groupName;

		var refGroupNames = refcon.getOption( 'reftemplategroupnames' );

		// Go through paramPairs and see if there is a configuration defined group name in parameter names. Get it's value

		if ( Array.isArray( refGroupNames ) ) {

			if ( typeof paramPairs === 'object' ) {

				for ( i = 0; i < refGroupNames.length; i++ ) {

					var name = refGroupNames i ];

					if ( typeof paramPairs name  !== 'undefined' ) {

						groupName = paramPairs name ];





		} else {

			// call some error handling function and halt


		if ( typeof groupName === 'undefined' ) {

			groupName = '';


		refcon.templateGroups.push( groupName );

		// Build basic reference template

		var refTemplate = new refcon.RefTemplate({

			'group': groupName,

			'string': templateData 'templateContent' ],

			'start': templateData 'refStartIndex' ],

			'end': templateData 'refEndIndex' ],

			'params': paramPairs


		return ( refTemplate );



	 * Parse references in reference template's refs field (using mw.Api)


	 * @param {object} refTemplate object


 	 * @return {void} 


	 parseTemplateRefs: function ( refTemplate ) {


		var refsNames = refcon.getOption( 'reftemplaterefsnames' );

		var refsArray, refsName, i;

		if ( Array.isArray( refsNames ) ) {

			if ( typeof refTemplate.params === 'object' ) {

				for ( i = 0; i < refsNames.length; i++ ) {

					refsName = refsNames i ];

					if ( typeof refTemplate.params refsName  !== 'undefined' ) {

						refsArray = refTemplate.params refsName ];





		} else {

			// call some error handling function and halt


		// Look for references inside the reference template's refs parameter

		if ( typeof refsArray !== 'undefined' && refsArray.length > 0) {

			for ( i = 0; i < refsArray.length; i++ ) {

				// Turn all matches into reference objects

				reference = refcon.parseReference(  '', refsArrayi].attr, refsArrayi].inner ], 'reference' );

				// Only add references that have name

				if ( reference'name'].length > 0 ) {

					refTemplate.addRef( reference );




		refcon.refTemplates.push( refTemplate );



	 * Make a reference object out of a reference string


	 * @param {array} match array produced by regexp

	 * @param {string} type. can be either "reference" or "citation"


	 * @return {object} returns either reference object or citation object based on type


	parseReference: function ( data, type ) {

		var params = {}, referenceName, referenceGroup,

			referenceString = data0], refParamString = data1],

			referenceContent = data2], referenceIndex = data.index;

		if (typeof refParamString !== 'undefined') {

			refParamString = refParamString.trim();

			if (refParamString.length > 0) {

				//Examples of strings to extract name and group from

				//group="arvuti" name="refname1"

				//name="refname2" group="arvuti str"


				//name="refname1 blah"

				var re = /(?:(name|group)\s*=\s*(?:"([^"]+)"|'([^']+)'|([^ ]+)))(?:\s+(name|group)\s*=\s*(?:"([^"]+)"|'([^']+)'|([^ ]+)))?/i;

				var match = refParamString.match(re);

				try {

					if ( typeof match1 !== 'undefined' && ( typeof match2 !== 'undefined' || typeof match3 !== 'undefined' || typeof match4 !== 'undefined' ) ) {

						if ( typeof match2 !== 'undefined' ) {

							params match1  = match2];

						} else if ( typeof match3 !== 'undefined' ) {

							params match1  = match3];

						} else {

							params match1  = match4];



					if ( typeof match5 !== 'undefined' && ( typeof match6 !== 'undefined' || typeof match7 !== 'undefined' || typeof match8 !== 'undefined' ) ) {

						if ( typeof match6 !== 'undefined' ) {

							params match5  = match6];

						} else if ( typeof match7 !== 'undefined' ) {

							params match5  = match7];

						} else {

							params match5  = match8];



				} catch ( e ) {

					refcon.throwReferenceError( referenceString, refcon.getMessage( 'parsereferror',  referenceString  ), e );


				referenceName = params'name' ? params'name' : '';

				referenceGroup = params'group' ? params'group' : '';



		if ( typeof referenceGroup === 'undefined' )

			referenceGroup = '';

		if ( typeof referenceName === 'undefined' )

			referenceName = '';

		var found = referenceName.match(/[<>"]/);

		if ( found !== null ) {

			refcon.throwReferenceError( referenceString, refcon.getMessage( 'parserefforbidden',  found0], referenceString  ));


		// Clean reference name and content of newlines, double spaces, leading or trailing whitespace and more

		referenceName = refcon.cleanString( referenceName, 'name' );

		if ( typeof referenceContent !== 'undefined' )

			referenceContent = refcon.cleanString( referenceContent, 'content' );

		if ( type === 'reference' ) {

			// Build the basic reference

			var reference = new refcon.Reference({

				'group': referenceGroup,

				'name': referenceName,

				'content': referenceContent,

				'index': referenceIndex,

				'string': referenceString


		} else if ( type === 'citation' ) {

			// Build the basic citation

			var reference = new refcon.Citation({

				'group': referenceGroup,

				'name': referenceName,

				'index': referenceIndex,

				'string': referenceString



		return reference;


	throwReferenceError: function ( referenceString, message, error ) {

		var found = refcon.getTextbox().val().match( refcon.escapeRegExp( referenceString ) );

		refcon.highlight( found.index, referenceString );

		window.alert( message );


		throw new Error( error );



	 * Clean reference name and content of newlines, double spaces, leading or trailing whitespace, etc


	 * @param {string} reference name or reference content string

	 * @param (string) whether the string is name or content


	 * @return {string} cleaned reference name and content


	cleanString: function ( str, type ) {

		// get rid of newlines and trailing/leading space

		str = str.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm,' ').trim();

		// get rid of double whitespace inside string

		str = str.replace(/\s\s+/g, ' ');

		// if the str is content, get rid of extra space before template closing / after template opening

		if ( type === 'content') {

			str = str.replace(/ }}/g, '}}');

			str = str.replace(/{{ /g, '{{');


		return (str);


	escapeRegExp: function ( str ) {

		return str.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&");



	 * Highlight string in the textbox and scroll it to view


	 * @return {void}


	highlight: function ( index, string ) {

		var textbox = refcon.getTextbox()[0],

			text = textbox.value;

		// Scroll to the string

		textbox.value = text.substring( 0, index );


		textbox.scrollTop = 99999999; // Larger than any real textarea (hopefully)

		var currentScrollTop = textbox.scrollTop;

		textbox.value += text.substring( index );

		if ( currentScrollTop > 0 ) {

			textbox.scrollTop = currentScrollTop + 300;


		// Highlight the string

		var start = index,

			end = start + string.length;

		$( textbox ).focus().textSelection( 'setSelection', { 'start': start, 'end': end } );



	 * Turn all article text parts – parts that are between reference templates – into objects and save into array


	 * @return {void}


	storeTextParts: function () {

		var i, text, refEnd, from, to, textPart;

		for ( i = 0; i < refcon.refTemplates.length; i++ ) {

			from = refEnd ? refEnd : 0;

			to = refcon.refTemplates i ]['start'];

			refEnd = refcon.refTemplates i ]['end'];

			if ( to === 0 ) {



			text = refcon.textBoxText.substring( from, to );

			// Textpart's references can only be in templates that come after the textpart in article text

			var j, groupName, groupNames = {};

			for ( j = i; j < refcon.refTemplates.length; j++ ) {

				groupName = refcon.templateGroups j ];

				// Only add the first instance of template group

				if ( typeof groupNames groupName  === 'undefined' ) {

					groupNames groupName  = j;



			// @todo: check what happens if a reference template follows another reference template without any space.

			// Does textpart still get correct inTemplate sequence?

			// Create new TextPart object and store it

			textPart = new refcon.TextPart({

				'start': from,

				'end': to,

				'string': text,

				'inTemplates': groupNames


			refcon.textParts.push( textPart );


		// Add the last text part after the last reference template

		if ( typeof refEnd === 'number' && refEnd > 0 ) {

			if ( refcon.textBoxText.length > refEnd ) {

				text = refcon.textBoxText.substring( refEnd, refcon.textBoxText.length );

				textPart = new refcon.TextPart({

					'start': refEnd,

					'end': refcon.textBoxText.length,

					'string': text


				refcon.textParts.push( textPart );





	 * Find all references and citations in a TextPart object and store them in the object.


	 * @param {object} TextPart object


	parseTextParts: function ( textPart ) {

		if ( typeof textPart.string !== 'undefined' && textPart.string.length > 0 ) {

			// Look for all citations

			// Citations come in two forms:

			// 1. <ref name="CV Kontrollikoda"/>

			// 2. <ref name="pm"></ref>

			// Ref label can have optional group parameter:

			// <ref group="blah" name="CV Kontrollikoda"/> or <ref name="CV Kontrollikoda" group="blah"/>

			// Group and name parameter values can be between '' or "", or bare (if value has no whitespaces)

			var citations = [],

				citationsRegExp = /<ref(\s+[^/>]+)(?:\/\s*>|><\/ref>)/ig,



			while ( ( match = citationsRegExp.exec( textPart.string ) ) ) {

				// Turn all the matches into citation objects

				citation = refcon.parseReference( match, 'citation' );

				if ( typeof citation === 'object' && typeof !== 'undefined' ) {

					citations.push( citation );



			textPart.citations = citations;

			// Look for all references

			var references = [],

				referencesRegExp = /<ref(\s+[^\/]+?)?>([\s\S]*?)<\/ref>/ig,



			while ( ( match = referencesRegExp.exec( textPart.string ) ) ) {

				// Avoid further processing of citations like <ref name="pm"></ref>

				if ( match2 === '' ) {



				// Turn all the matches into reference objects

				reference = refcon.parseReference( match, 'reference' );

				references.push( reference );


			textPart.references = references;




	 * Compare references in a TextPart object to the references in reference template (if there are any). Add references into

	 * reference template. Update indexes. For each reference create citation object and link it with reflist template reference.


	 * @param {object} TextPart object


	processTextPartRefs: function ( textPart ) {

		var i, reference, refTemplate, templateRef,

			createdCitations = [];

		for ( i = 0; i < textPart.references.length; i++ ) {

			reference = textPart.references i ];

			refTemplate = refcon.refTemplates textPart.inTemplates  ];

			// First add named references, because otherwise we could create new records (and names) 

			// for already existing text part defined references

			if ( reference.content.length > 0 && > 0 ) {

				// First check if this a complete duplicate reference (name and value are the same)

				templateRef = refcon.getRefByIndex( refTemplate, 'keyValues', + '_' + reference.content );

				if ( typeof templateRef === 'object' ) {

					if ( === && templateRef.content === reference.content ) {

						// found exact duplicate

						var citation = new refcon.Citation({



							'index': reference.index,

							'string': reference.string


						templateRef.citations.push( citation );

						createdCitations.push( citation );




				// Check if the reference has the same name but different content than template reference

				templateRef = refcon.getRefByIndex( refTemplate, 'keys', );

				if ( typeof templateRef === 'object' ) {

					if ( === && templateRef.content !== reference.content ) {

						// found reference with the same name but different content

						// add reference content to template references under new name

						var newName = refTemplate.getNewName( );

						var newRef = new refcon.Reference({


							'name': newName,

							'content': reference.content,

							'inRefTemplate': false


						var citation = new refcon.Citation({


							'name': newName,

							'index': reference.index,

							'string': reference.string


						newRef.citations.push( citation );

						refTemplate.addRef( newRef );

						createdCitations.push( citation );

						// add names into replacements object, so we can replace all citation names that use the old name

						refTemplate.replacements  = newName;




				// Check if the reference has the same content but different name than template reference

				templateRef = refcon.getRefByIndex( refTemplate, 'values', reference.content );

				if ( typeof templateRef === 'object' ) {

					if ( templateRef.content === reference.content && !== ) {

						// Found reference with the same content but different name.

						// Drop reference name, use reflist template reference name as citation name

						var citation = new refcon.Citation({



							'index': reference.index,

							'string': reference.string


						templateRef.citations.push( citation );

						createdCitations.push( citation );

						// add names into replacements object, so we can replace all citation names that use the old name

						refTemplate.replacements  =;




				// If we get here, it means we've got a named reference that has not yet been described in reflist template.

				// Add the reference to reflist references

				var newRef = new refcon.Reference({



					'content': reference.content,

					'inRefTemplate': false


				var citation = new refcon.Citation({



					'index': reference.index,

					'string': reference.string


				newRef.citations.push( citation );

				refTemplate.addRef( newRef );

				createdCitations.push( citation );



		// Now we go through unnamed references

		for ( i = 0; i < textPart.references.length; i++ ) {

			reference = textPart.references i ];

			refTemplate = refcon.refTemplates textPart.inTemplates  ];

			if ( reference.content.length > 0 && === 0 ) {

				templateRef = refcon.getRefByIndex( refTemplate, 'values', reference.content );

				if ( typeof templateRef === 'object' ) {

					if ( templateRef.content === reference.content ) {

						// found reference with the same content

						var citation = new refcon.Citation({



							'index': reference.index,

							'string': reference.string


						templateRef.citations.push( citation );

						createdCitations.push( citation );




				// If we get here, we have a completely new unnamed reference

				// add the reference to template references

				var newName = refTemplate.getNewName();

				var newRef = new refcon.Reference({


					'name': newName,

					'content': reference.content,

					'inRefTemplate': false


				var citation = new refcon.Citation({


					'name': newName,

					'index': reference.index,

					'string': reference.string


				newRef.citations.push( citation );

				refTemplate.addRef( newRef );

				createdCitations.push( citation );



		textPart.linkedCitations = createdCitations;



	 * Link citations to their reflist template references


	 * @param {object} TextPart object


	 * @return {void}


	linkCitations: function ( textPart ) {

		var citation, refTemplate, replaceName, templateRef,


		for ( i = 0; i < textPart.citations.length; i++ ) {

			citation = textPart.citations i ];

			refTemplate = refcon.refTemplates textPart.inTemplates  ];

			if ( > 0 ) {

				// If there is replacement name in replacements object, replace the citation name

				replaceName = refTemplate.replacements ];

				if ( typeof replaceName !== 'undefined' ) { = replaceName;


				// For each citation try to find its reference

				templateRef = refcon.getRefByIndex( refTemplate, 'keys', );

				if ( typeof templateRef === 'object' ) {

					if ( === ) {

						templateRef.citations.push( citation );

						textPart.linkedCitations.push( citation );







	 * Replace all references in TextPart object string with citations. Also replace citation names that were changed in previous steps


	 * @param {object} TextPart object


	 * @return {void}


	replaceTextPartRefs: function ( textPart ) {

		var i, citation, refTemplate, templateRef;

		for ( i = 0; i < textPart.linkedCitations.length; i++ ) {

			citation = textPart.linkedCitations i ];

			if ( > 0 ) {

				refTemplate = refcon.refTemplates textPart.inTemplates  ];

				templateRef = refcon.getRefByIndex( refTemplate, 'keys', );

				// For the references that are marked as "in reference list template" replace all instances with citation

				if ( templateRef.inRefTemplate === true ) {

					textPart.string = textPart.string.replace( citation.string, citation.toString() );

				// For the references that are marked as "in article text"...

				} else {

					// if the reference has just one use, output the reference string w/o name (unless user options "keep names" was selected)

					if ( templateRef.citations.length == 1 ) {

						textPart.string = textPart.string.replace( citation.string, templateRef.toStringText( refcon.userOptions.keepnames ) );

					// if the reference has more uses...

					} else {

						// if the reference has not been output yet, output named reference

						if ( templateRef.wasPrinted === false ) {

							textPart.string = textPart.string.replace( citation.string, templateRef.toStringText( true ) );

							// mark reference as printed

							templateRef.wasPrinted = true;

						// if the reference has already been printed, output citation

						} else {

							textPart.string = textPart.string.replace( citation.string, citation.toString() );








	 * Build reference templates


	 * @param {object} RefTemplate object


	 * @return {void}


	buildRefTemplates: function ( refTemplate ) {

		var i, reference, referencesString = '', refsAdded = false;

		// sort references if user has checked the checkbox

		if ( typeof refcon.userOptions.sort === 'object' && Object.keys( refcon.userOptions.sort ).length > 0 ) {

			refcon.sortReferences ( refTemplate );


		// turn reference data into reflist parameter value string

		for ( i = 0; i < refTemplate.references.length; i++ ) {

			reference = refTemplate.references i ];

			if ( typeof reference === 'object' && reference.inRefTemplate === true ) {

				referencesString += reference.toString() + "\n";



		// Cut the last newline

		referencesString = referencesString.substr( 0, referencesString.length - 1 );

		var refTemplateNames = refcon.getOption( 'reftemplatenames' );

		if ( Array.isArray( refTemplateNames ) ) {

			var refTemplateName = refTemplateNames0];

		} else {

			// call some error handling function and halt


		var refsNames = refcon.getOption( 'reftemplaterefsnames' );

		if ( Array.isArray( refsNames ) ) {

			var refsName = refsNames0];

		} else {

			// call some error handling function and halt


		var templateString = '{{' + refTemplateName;

		// Build references template string

		if ( Object.keys( refTemplate.params ).length > 0 ) {

			// Go through params object

			for ( var name in refTemplate.params ) {

				var value = refTemplate.params name ];

				// If param name matches with config name for reference list template refs param...

				if ( refsNames.indexOf( name ) > -1 ) {

					// ... only if there are references in reflist template

					if ( referencesString.length > 0 ) {

						// ... add refstring to reflist params

						templateString += '|' + refsName + '=' + "\n" + referencesString;

						refsAdded = true;



				} else if ( typeof value !== 'string' && typeof value !== 'number' ) {

					// If value is anything other than string or number, skip it. 

					// Value is array if, for example, references are incorrectly defined inside unnamed parameter.



				templateString += '|' + name + '=' + value;



		// if the reflist template was without any parameters, add parameter and references here

		if ( refsAdded === false && referencesString.length > 0 ) {

			templateString += '|' + refsName + "=\n" + referencesString;


		if ( referencesString.length > 0 )

			templateString += "\n}}";


			templateString += "}}";

		refTemplate.string = templateString;



	 * Sort references inside reflist template according to user preferences


	 * @param {object} Reftemplate object


	 * @return {void}


	sortReferences: function ( refTemplate ) {

		if ( refcon.userOptions.sort.column === 1 ) {

			refTemplate.references = refcon.userOptions.sort.order === 'desc' ? refTemplate.references.reverse() : refTemplate.references;

		} else {

			refTemplate.references.sort( function( a,b ) {

				// order by reference name

				if ( refcon.userOptions.sort.column === 2 ) {

					return refcon.userOptions.sort.order === 'asc' ?, mw.config.get( 'wgContentLanguage' ) ) :, mw.config.get( 'wgContentLanguage' ) );

				// order by reference content

				} else if ( refcon.userOptions.sort.column === 3 ) {

					return refcon.userOptions.sort.order === 'asc' ? a.content.localeCompare( b.content, mw.config.get( 'wgContentLanguage' ) ) : b.content.localeCompare( a.content, mw.config.get( 'wgContentLanguage' ) );

				// order by citations count

				} else if ( refcon.userOptions.sort.column === 4 ) {

					return refcon.userOptions.sort.order === 'asc' ? a.citations.length - b.citations.length : b.citations.length - a.citations.length;






	 * Verify if configuration option should be used. Return true or false

	 * @param {string} Refcon option as returned by refcon.getOption method

	 * @param {string} User configuration variable content


	 * @return {boolean} True of false


	useConfigOption: function ( configOptionValue, userConfigOptionName ) {

		var result = false;

		switch ( configOptionValue ) {

		  case 'yes':

			result = true;


		  case 'no':

			result = false;


		  case 'user':

			if ( typeof refConsolidateConfig === 'object' && typeof refConsolidateConfig userConfigOptionName  !== 'undefined' && refConsolidateConfig userConfigOptionName  === true ) {

				result = true;




			result = false;


		return ( result );



	 * Write text parts and reference templates into textbox variable


	 * @return {string} String that contains article text


	writeTextBoxText: function () {

		var textBoxString = '';

		for ( i = 0; i < refcon.textParts.length; i++ ) {

			textPart = refcon.textParts i ];

			textBoxString += textPart.string;

			if ( typeof refcon.refTemplates i  === 'object' ) {

				textBoxString += refcon.refTemplates i ].string;



		return ( textBoxString );



	 * Index into reference template template objects and return template object


	 * @param {object} reference template object

	 * @param {string} index name

	 * @param {integer} key to index into


	 * @return {object} reference template object 



	getRefByIndex: function ( refTemplate, dictname, key ) {

		var templateRef;

		var refDict = refTemplate dictname ];

		if ( key in refDict && Array.isArray( refDict key  ) ) {

			var refKey = refDict key ][0];

			var templateRef = refTemplate.getRef( refKey );


		return ( templateRef );



	 * Add the RefCon edit summary


	 * @return {void}


	addSummary: function () {

		var currentSummary = $( '#wpSummary' ).val();

		var	refconSummary = refcon.getOption( 'summary' );

		var summarySeparator = refcon.getOption( 'summaryseparator' );

		if ( !refconSummary ) {

			return; // No summary defined


		if ( currentSummary.indexOf( refconSummary ) > -1 ) {

			return; // Don't add it twice


		$( '#wpSummary' ).val( currentSummary ? currentSummary + summarySeparator + refconSummary : refconSummary );



	 * Set minor edit checkbox and click View Differences button


	 * @return {void}


	showDifferenceView: function () {

		document.forms.editform.wpMinoredit.checked = true;;



	 * Produces random string with a given length


	 * @param {integer} string length

	 * @param {string} charset (optional)


	 * @return {string} random string


	randomString: function ( len, charSet ) {

		charSet = charSet || '0123456789';

		var randomString = '';

		for ( var i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {

			var randomPoz = Math.floor( Math.random() * charSet.length );

			randomString += charSet.substring( randomPoz, randomPoz+1 );


		return randomString;



	 * Empty refcon arrays before script exit


	 * @return {void}


	cleanUp: function () {

		refcon.refTemplates = [];

		refcon.templateGroups = [];

		refcon.textParts = [];

		refcon.textBoxText = [];



	 * TextPart class


	 * @param {object} data for constructing the object


	TextPart: function ( data ) {


		 * Article text start index


		this.start =  typeof data.start === 'number' ? data.start : null;


		 * Article text end index


		this.end = typeof data.end === 'number' ? data.end : null;


		 * Article text content string


		this.string = data.string ? data.string : '';


		 * Array that has indexes of reference templates that apply to this text part


		this.inTemplates = data.inTemplates ? data.inTemplates : {};


		 * Temporary holding array for reference objects


		this.references = [];


		 * Temporary holding array for citation objects


		this.citations = [];


		 * Array that hold citation objects that are linked to reflist template references


		this.linkedCitations = [];



	 * Citation class


	 * @param {object} data for constructing the object


	Citation: function (data) {


		 * Citation group

		 */ = ? : '';


		 * Citation name

		 */ = ? : '';


		 * Citation location in the edit textbox


		this.index = data.index ? data.index : 0;


		 * Citation wikitext


		 * Example: <ref name="abc" />


		this.string = data.string ? data.string : '';


		 * Convert this citation to wikitext


		this.toString = function () {

			var useTemplateR = false;

			// check if we should use template {{R}} for shorter citation format

			useTemplateR = refcon.useConfigOption( refcon.getOption( 'usetemplateR' ), 'usetemplateR' );

			var startString = useTemplateR ? '{{r' : '<ref';

			var groupString = useTemplateR ? '|g=' + : ' group="' + + '"';

			var nameString = useTemplateR ? '|' + : ' name="' + + '"';

			var endString = useTemplateR ? '}}' : ' />';

			return ( startString + ( ? groupString : '' ) + ( ? nameString : '' ) + endString );




	 * Reference class


	 * @param {object} Data for constructing the object


	Reference: function ( data ) {


		 * Extend the Citation class

		 */ this, data );


		 * Reference content (without the <ref> tags)


		 * Example: Second chapter of {{Cite book |first=Charles |last=Darwin |title=On the Origin of Species}}


		this.content = data.content ? data.content : '';


		 * Array that contains citations to this reference


		this.citations = [];


		 * Boolean for reference location. True (the default) means in reference list template. False means in article text


		this.inRefTemplate = typeof data.inRefTemplate !== 'undefined' ? data.inRefTemplate : true;


		 * Boolean for reference output. False (the default) means the reference has not been printed yet. True means it has been printed.


		this.wasPrinted = false;


		 * Convert this reference to wikitext (inside reference list template)


		this.toString = function () {

			var string = '<ref name="' + + '">' + this.content + '</ref>';

			return string;



		 * Convert this reference to wikitext (in article text)


		this.toStringText = function ( named ) {

			var string = '<ref';

			if ( )

				string += ' group="' + + '"';

			if ( named )

				string += ' name="' + + '"';

			string += '>' + this.content + '</ref>';

			return string;



		 * Change reference's name and it's citations' names


		this.changeName = function ( newName ) { = newName;

			var i;

			for ( i = 0; i < this.citations.length; i++ ) {

				this.citations i ].name = newName;





	 * Reftemplate class


	 * @param {object} Data for constructing the object


	RefTemplate: function ( data ) {


		 * Template group

		 */ = ? : '';


		 * Template wikitext



		this.string = data.string ? data.string : '';


		 * Template start position in the edit textbox


		this.start = data.start ? data.start : 0;


		 * Template end position in the edit textbox


		this.end = data.end ? data.end : 0;


		 * Template parameters object that holds name-value pairs


		this.params = data.params ? data.params : {};


		 * Array of reference objects of this template


		this.references = [];


		 * Reference index dicts


		this.keys = {};

		this.values = {};

		this.keyValues = {};


		 * Helper dicts to keep track of duplicate reference keys, values key/values


		this.dupKeys = {};

		this.dupValues = {};

		this.dupKeyValues = {};


		 * Dict that holds citation name replacements


		this.replacements = {};


		 * Populate reference template's index dicts

		 * @param {string} reference name

		 * @param (string) reference content

		 * @param (integer) reference order number in template


		 * @return {void}


		this.createIndexes = function ( key, value, ix ) {

			if (key in this.keys) {


				this.dupKeyskey = this.keyskey];

			} else {

				this.keyskey = ix];


			if (value in this.values) {


				this.dupValuesvalue = this.valuesvalue];

			} else {

				this.valuesvalue = ix];


			if (key + '_' + value in this.keyValues) {

				this.keyValueskey + '_' + value].push(ix);

				this.dupKeyValueskey + '_' + value = this.keyValueskey + '_' + value];

			} else {

				this.keyValueskey + '_' + value = ix];




		 * Recreate reference list template indexes


		 * @return {void}


		this.reIndex = function () {

			var i, reference;

			this.keys = {};

			this.values = {};

			this.keyValues = {};

			for ( i = 0; i < this.references.length; i++ ) {

				reference = this.references i ];

				if ( typeof reference === 'object' ) {

					this.keys  =  i ];

					this.values reference.content  =  i ];

					this.keyValues + '_' + reference.content  =  i ];





		 * Process references indexes, remove duplicate 


		 * @return {void}


		this.processDuplicates = function () {

			this.processIndex( this.dupKeyValues, this.processDupKeyValues, this );

			this.processIndex( this.dupKeys, this.processDupKeys, this );

			this.processIndex( this.dupValues, this.processDupValues, this );


		this.processIndex = function ( indexObj, callBack, callbackObj ) {

			// returnObj and dataObj are a bit of a hack for dupValues index. We need to get back the refIndex of the first duplicate value

			// to add it into the replacements array with the duplicate values that were deleted

			var returnObj, dataObj;

			for (var key in indexObj) {

				if (indexObj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {

					indexObjkey].forEach(function ( refIndex, ix ) {

						returnObj = callbackObj, refIndex, ix, dataObj );

						if ( typeof returnObj === 'object' ) {

							dataObj = returnObj;






		this.processDupKeyValues = function ( refIndex, ix, dataObj ) {

			if (ix > 0) {

				var refData = this.delRef( refIndex );

				this.changeEveryIndex( refData 'name' ], refData 'content' ], refIndex);



		this.processDupKeys = function ( refIndex, ix, dataObj ) {

			if (ix > 0) {

				var refData = this.changeRefName( refIndex );

				this.changeIndex( refData 'oldName' ], refIndex, this.keys );

				this.addIndex( refData 'newName' ], refIndex, this.keys );

				this.removeIndex( refData 'oldName'  + '_' + refData 'content' ], this.keyValues );

				this.addIndex( refData 'newName'  + '_' + refData 'content' ], refIndex, this.keyValues );



		this.processDupValues = function ( refIndex, ix, dataObj ) {

			if (ix == 0) {

				// get TemplateReference object

				var refData = this.getRef( refIndex );

				return ( refData );

			} else {

				var delrefData = this.delRef( refIndex );

				this.removeIndex( delrefData 'name' ], this.keys );

				this.changeIndex( delrefData 'content' ], refIndex, this.values );

				this.removeIndex( delrefData 'name'  + '_' + delrefData 'content' ], this.keyValues );

				// add old and new reference name into replacements array

				this.replacementsdelrefData'name']] = dataObj'name'];



		this.delRef = function ( refIndex ) {

			var name = this.references refIndex ].name;

			var content = this.references refIndex ].content;

			this.references refIndex  = null;

			return ({

				'name': name,

				'content': content



		this.changeRefName = function ( refIndex ) {

			var oldName = this.references refIndex ].name;

			var content = this.references refIndex ].content;

			var newName = this.getNewName ( oldName );

			this.references refIndex ].name = newName;

			return ({

				'oldName': oldName,

				'content': content,

				'newName': newName



		// Creates new reference name while making sure it is unique per template

		this.getNewName = function ( oldName ) {

			var prefix, randomValue, newName;

			randomValue = refcon.randomString( 6 );

			prefix = typeof oldName !== 'undefined' ? oldName + '_' : ':';

			newName = prefix + randomValue;

			while ( newName in this.keys ) {

				randomValue = refcon.randomString( 6 );

				newName = prefix + randomValue;


			return ( newName );


		this.changeIndex = function ( key, refIndex, obj ) {

			var ix = objkey].indexOf( refIndex );

			if (ix > -1)

				objkey].splice( ix, 1 );


		this.addIndex = function ( key, value, obj ) {

			objkey = [];

			objkey].push( value );


		this.removeIndex = function ( key, obj ) {

			delete objkey];


		this.getRef = function ( refIndex ) {

			return this.references refIndex ];


		this.addRef = function ( reference ) {

			var count = this.references.push( reference );

			this.createIndexes( reference'name'], reference'content'], count - 1 );


		this.delRef = function ( refIndex ) {

			var name = this.references refIndex ].name;

			var content = this.references refIndex ].content;

			this.references refIndex  = null;

			return ({

				'name': name,

				'content': content



		this.changeEveryIndex = function ( key, value, refIndex ) {

			this.changeIndex( key, refIndex, this.keys );

			this.changeIndex( value, refIndex, this.values );

			this.changeIndex( key + '_' + value, refIndex, this.keyValues );

			// dupKeys, dupValues and dupKeyValues get changed by reference




$( refcon.init );


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