From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
package tasks::PageCreator;


=begin metadata

Bot:      AnomieBOT
Task:     PageCreator
BRFA:     Wikipedia:Bots/Requests for approval/AnomieBOT 32
Status:   Completed 2009-06-20
Created:  2009-06-19
OnDemand: true

Create redirects from isotopes for [[WP:WikiProject Elements]].

=end metadata


use utf8;
use strict;

use AnomieBOT::Task;
use Data::Dumper;
use vars qw/@ISA/;

my $req="[[User:AnomieBOT/req/WikiProject Elements 1|request]]";

my %elements=(
    'Scandium' =>  36, 60 ],
    'Titanium' =>  38, 63 ],
    'Vanadium' =>  40, 65 ],
    'Chromium' =>  42, 67 ],
    'Manganese' =>  44, 69 ],
    'Iron' =>  45, 72 ],
    'Cobalt' =>  47, 75 ],
    'Nickel' =>  48, 78 ],
    'Copper' =>  52, 80 ],
    'Zinc' =>  54, 83 ],
    'Gallium' =>  56, 86 ],
    'Germanium' =>  58, 89 ],
    'Arsenic' =>  60, 92 ],
    'Selenium' =>  65, 94 ],
    'Bromine' =>  67, 97 ],
    'Krypton' =>  69, 100 ],
    'Rubidium' =>  71, 102 ],
    'Strontium' =>  73, 105 ],
    'Yttrium' =>  76, 108 ],
    'Zirconium' =>  78, 110 ],
    'Niobium' =>  81, 113 ],
    'Molybdenum' =>  83, 115 ],
    'Technetium' =>  85, 118 ],
    'Ruthenium' =>  87, 120 ],
    'Rhodium' =>  89, 122 ],
    'Palladium' =>  91, 124 ],
    'Silver' =>  93, 130 ],
    'Cadmium' =>  95, 132 ],
    'Indium' =>  97, 135 ],
    'Tin' =>  99, 137 ],
    'Antimony' =>  103, 139 ],
    'Tellurium' =>  105, 142 ],
    'Iodine' =>  108, 144 ],
    'Xenon' =>  110, 147 ],
    'Caesium' =>  112, 151 ],
    'Barium' =>  114, 153 ],
    'Lanthanum' =>  117, 155 ],
    'Cerium' =>  119, 157 ],
    'Praseodymium' =>  121, 159 ],
    'Neodymium' =>  124, 161 ],
    'Promethium' =>  126, 163 ],
    'Samarium' =>  128, 165 ],
    'Europium' =>  130, 167 ],
    'Gadolinium' =>  134, 169 ],
    'Terbium' =>  135, 171 ],
    'Dysprosium' =>  138, 173 ],
    'Holmium' =>  140, 175 ],
    'Erbium' =>  143, 177 ],
    'Thulium' =>  145, 179 ],
    'Ytterbium' =>  148, 181 ],
    'Lutetium' =>  150, 184 ],
    'Hafnium' =>  153, 188 ],
    'Tantalum' =>  155, 190 ],
    'Tungsten' =>  158, 192 ],
    'Rhenium' =>  160, 194 ],
    'Osmium' =>  162, 197 ],
    'Iridium' =>  164, 199 ],
    'Platinum' =>  166, 202 ],
    'Gold' =>  169, 205 ],
    'Mercury' =>  171, 210 ],
    'Thallium' =>  176, 212 ],
    'Lead' =>  178, 215 ],
    'Bismuth' =>  184, 218 ],
    'Polonium' =>  188, 220 ],
    'Astatine' =>  191, 223 ],
    'Radon' =>  195, 228 ],
    'Francium' =>  199, 232 ],
    'Radium' =>  202, 234 ],
    'Actinium' =>  206, 236 ],
    'Thorium' =>  209, 238 ],
    'Protactinium' =>  212, 240 ],
    'Uranium' =>  217, 242 ],
    'Neptunium' =>  225, 244 ],
    'Plutonium' =>  228, 247 ],
    'Americium' =>  231, 249 ],
    'Curium' =>  232, 252 ],
    'Berkelium' =>  235, 254 ],
    'Californium' =>  237, 256 ],
    'Einsteinium' =>  240, 258 ],
    'Fermium' =>  242, 260 ],
    'Mendelevium' =>  245, 262 ],
    'Nobelium' =>  248, 264 ],
    'Lawrencium' =>  251, 266 ],
    'Rutherfordium' =>  253, 268 ],
    'Dubnium' =>  255, 270 ],
    'Seaborgium' =>  258, 273 ],
    'Bohrium' =>  260, 275 ],
    'Hassium' =>  263, 277 ],
    'Meitnerium' =>  265, 279 ],
    'Darmstadtium' =>  267, 281 ],
    'Roentgenium' =>  272, 283 ],
    'Ununbium' =>  277, 285 ],
    'Ununtrium' =>  278, 287 ],
    'Ununquadium' =>  285, 289 ],
    'Ununpentium' =>  287, 291 ],
    'Ununhexium' =>  289, 293 ],
    'Ununseptium' =>  291, 292 ],
    'Ununoctium' =>  293, 294 ],

sub new {
    my $class=shift;
    my $self=$class->SUPER::new();
    bless $self, $class;
    return $self;


=for info
Approved 2009-06-19, completed 2009-06-20<br />[[Wikipedia:Bots/Requests for approval/AnomieBOT 32]]


sub approved {
    return -1;

sub run {
    my ($self, $api)=@_;
    my $res;

    $api->task('PageCreator', 0, 10, qw//);

    # Spend a max of 5 minutes on this task before restarting
    my $endtime=time()+300;

    while(my ($element,$range)=each %elements){
        my $l=length($range->1]);
        for(my $iso=$range->0]; $iso<=$range->1]; $iso++){
            my $title="$element-$iso";
            next if exists($api->store->{$title});
            my $redir="Isotopes of ".lc($element)."#$element-$iso";
            my $page=sprintf("#REDIRECT [[Isotopes of %s#%s-%d]]\n\n[[Category:Isotopes of %s|%s-%0*d]]", lc($element), $element, $iso, lc($element), $element, $l, $iso);

            # Ok, check the page
            my $tok=$api->edittoken($title, EditRedir => 1);
            if($tok->{'code'} eq 'shutoff'){
                $api->warn("Task disabled: ".$tok->{'content'}."\n");
                return 300;
            if($tok->{'code'} ne 'success'){
                $api->warn("Failed to get edit token for $title: ".$tok->{'error'}."\n");
                $api->log("$title already exists, skipping");

            # Create page
            my $summary="Creating redirect per $req";
            $api->log("$summary in $title");
            my $r=$api->($tok, $page, $summary, 0, 1);
            if($r->{'code'} ne 'success'){
                $api->warn("Write failed on $title: ".$r->{'error'}."\n");

            # If we've been at it long enough, let another task have a go.
            return 0 if time()>=$endtime;

    return 600;

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
package tasks::PageCreator;


=begin metadata

Bot:      AnomieBOT
Task:     PageCreator
BRFA:     Wikipedia:Bots/Requests for approval/AnomieBOT 32
Status:   Completed 2009-06-20
Created:  2009-06-19
OnDemand: true

Create redirects from isotopes for [[WP:WikiProject Elements]].

=end metadata


use utf8;
use strict;

use AnomieBOT::Task;
use Data::Dumper;
use vars qw/@ISA/;

my $req="[[User:AnomieBOT/req/WikiProject Elements 1|request]]";

my %elements=(
    'Scandium' =>  36, 60 ],
    'Titanium' =>  38, 63 ],
    'Vanadium' =>  40, 65 ],
    'Chromium' =>  42, 67 ],
    'Manganese' =>  44, 69 ],
    'Iron' =>  45, 72 ],
    'Cobalt' =>  47, 75 ],
    'Nickel' =>  48, 78 ],
    'Copper' =>  52, 80 ],
    'Zinc' =>  54, 83 ],
    'Gallium' =>  56, 86 ],
    'Germanium' =>  58, 89 ],
    'Arsenic' =>  60, 92 ],
    'Selenium' =>  65, 94 ],
    'Bromine' =>  67, 97 ],
    'Krypton' =>  69, 100 ],
    'Rubidium' =>  71, 102 ],
    'Strontium' =>  73, 105 ],
    'Yttrium' =>  76, 108 ],
    'Zirconium' =>  78, 110 ],
    'Niobium' =>  81, 113 ],
    'Molybdenum' =>  83, 115 ],
    'Technetium' =>  85, 118 ],
    'Ruthenium' =>  87, 120 ],
    'Rhodium' =>  89, 122 ],
    'Palladium' =>  91, 124 ],
    'Silver' =>  93, 130 ],
    'Cadmium' =>  95, 132 ],
    'Indium' =>  97, 135 ],
    'Tin' =>  99, 137 ],
    'Antimony' =>  103, 139 ],
    'Tellurium' =>  105, 142 ],
    'Iodine' =>  108, 144 ],
    'Xenon' =>  110, 147 ],
    'Caesium' =>  112, 151 ],
    'Barium' =>  114, 153 ],
    'Lanthanum' =>  117, 155 ],
    'Cerium' =>  119, 157 ],
    'Praseodymium' =>  121, 159 ],
    'Neodymium' =>  124, 161 ],
    'Promethium' =>  126, 163 ],
    'Samarium' =>  128, 165 ],
    'Europium' =>  130, 167 ],
    'Gadolinium' =>  134, 169 ],
    'Terbium' =>  135, 171 ],
    'Dysprosium' =>  138, 173 ],
    'Holmium' =>  140, 175 ],
    'Erbium' =>  143, 177 ],
    'Thulium' =>  145, 179 ],
    'Ytterbium' =>  148, 181 ],
    'Lutetium' =>  150, 184 ],
    'Hafnium' =>  153, 188 ],
    'Tantalum' =>  155, 190 ],
    'Tungsten' =>  158, 192 ],
    'Rhenium' =>  160, 194 ],
    'Osmium' =>  162, 197 ],
    'Iridium' =>  164, 199 ],
    'Platinum' =>  166, 202 ],
    'Gold' =>  169, 205 ],
    'Mercury' =>  171, 210 ],
    'Thallium' =>  176, 212 ],
    'Lead' =>  178, 215 ],
    'Bismuth' =>  184, 218 ],
    'Polonium' =>  188, 220 ],
    'Astatine' =>  191, 223 ],
    'Radon' =>  195, 228 ],
    'Francium' =>  199, 232 ],
    'Radium' =>  202, 234 ],
    'Actinium' =>  206, 236 ],
    'Thorium' =>  209, 238 ],
    'Protactinium' =>  212, 240 ],
    'Uranium' =>  217, 242 ],
    'Neptunium' =>  225, 244 ],
    'Plutonium' =>  228, 247 ],
    'Americium' =>  231, 249 ],
    'Curium' =>  232, 252 ],
    'Berkelium' =>  235, 254 ],
    'Californium' =>  237, 256 ],
    'Einsteinium' =>  240, 258 ],
    'Fermium' =>  242, 260 ],
    'Mendelevium' =>  245, 262 ],
    'Nobelium' =>  248, 264 ],
    'Lawrencium' =>  251, 266 ],
    'Rutherfordium' =>  253, 268 ],
    'Dubnium' =>  255, 270 ],
    'Seaborgium' =>  258, 273 ],
    'Bohrium' =>  260, 275 ],
    'Hassium' =>  263, 277 ],
    'Meitnerium' =>  265, 279 ],
    'Darmstadtium' =>  267, 281 ],
    'Roentgenium' =>  272, 283 ],
    'Ununbium' =>  277, 285 ],
    'Ununtrium' =>  278, 287 ],
    'Ununquadium' =>  285, 289 ],
    'Ununpentium' =>  287, 291 ],
    'Ununhexium' =>  289, 293 ],
    'Ununseptium' =>  291, 292 ],
    'Ununoctium' =>  293, 294 ],

sub new {
    my $class=shift;
    my $self=$class->SUPER::new();
    bless $self, $class;
    return $self;


=for info
Approved 2009-06-19, completed 2009-06-20<br />[[Wikipedia:Bots/Requests for approval/AnomieBOT 32]]


sub approved {
    return -1;

sub run {
    my ($self, $api)=@_;
    my $res;

    $api->task('PageCreator', 0, 10, qw//);

    # Spend a max of 5 minutes on this task before restarting
    my $endtime=time()+300;

    while(my ($element,$range)=each %elements){
        my $l=length($range->1]);
        for(my $iso=$range->0]; $iso<=$range->1]; $iso++){
            my $title="$element-$iso";
            next if exists($api->store->{$title});
            my $redir="Isotopes of ".lc($element)."#$element-$iso";
            my $page=sprintf("#REDIRECT [[Isotopes of %s#%s-%d]]\n\n[[Category:Isotopes of %s|%s-%0*d]]", lc($element), $element, $iso, lc($element), $element, $l, $iso);

            # Ok, check the page
            my $tok=$api->edittoken($title, EditRedir => 1);
            if($tok->{'code'} eq 'shutoff'){
                $api->warn("Task disabled: ".$tok->{'content'}."\n");
                return 300;
            if($tok->{'code'} ne 'success'){
                $api->warn("Failed to get edit token for $title: ".$tok->{'error'}."\n");
                $api->log("$title already exists, skipping");

            # Create page
            my $summary="Creating redirect per $req";
            $api->log("$summary in $title");
            my $r=$api->($tok, $page, $summary, 0, 1);
            if($r->{'code'} ne 'success'){
                $api->warn("Write failed on $title: ".$r->{'error'}."\n");

            # If we've been at it long enough, let another task have a go.
            return 0 if time()>=$endtime;

    return 600;



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