From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.

//jshint maxerr:512

var massMoveTitle = "Mass-move tool (sandbox)";

/*Forked version of [[User:Plastikspork/massmove.js]] that adds a link to the left column

and allows adding and removing both prefixes and suffixes

Add the following line to [[Special:MyPage/common.js]] or [[:meta:Special:MyPage/global.js]] to install:

mw.loader.load( '//' ); //[[User:Ahecht/Scripts/massmove.js]] [[User:Plastikspork/massmove.js]]


Click on "Mass move" under "Tools" to use the script.*/

if (/sysop|extendedmover/.test(mw.config.get("wgUserGroups"))) {

	mw.util.addPortletLink("p-tb", "/wiki/Special:Massmove", "Mass move", "p-massmove", "Mass move");


// Adapted from [[User:Animum/massdelete.js]]

function massMoveGetValues() {

		return {reason: document.getElementById("wpMassMoveReason").value,

			oldPrefix: document.getElementById("wpMassMovePrefix1").value,

			newPrefix: document.getElementById("wpMassMovePrefix2").value,

			oldSuffix: document.getElementById("wpMassMoveSuffix1").value,

			newSuffix: document.getElementById("wpMassMoveSuffix2").value,

			watch: document.getElementById("wpMassMoveWatch").value,

			pipeTrick: document.getElementById("wpMassMovePipeTrick").checked,

			leaveRedirect: document.getElementById("wpMassMoveLeaveRedirect").checked,

			noRatelimit: document.getElementById("wpMassMoveNoRatelimit").checked,

			moveTalk: document.getElementById("wpMassMoveMoveTalk").checked,

			moveSubPages: document.getElementById("wpMassMoveMoveSubPages").checked



function massMoveReplace(s, values) {

	s = s.trim();

	if (values.pipeTrick) {

		s = s.replace(/^(?:\:)?(?:.*\:)?(.*?)(?:, .*)?$/,"$1").replace(/(.*?)(?: ?\(.*\))?$/, "$1");


	if (s.substring(0,values.oldPrefix.length) == values.oldPrefix) {

		s = s.substring(values.oldPrefix.length);


	if (s.substring(s.length - values.oldSuffix.length) == values.oldSuffix) {

		s = s.substring(0, s.length - values.oldSuffix.length);


	return (values.newPrefix + s + values.newSuffix).trim();


function massMoveGetArticles() {

	var articles = document.getElementById("wpMassMovePages").value.split("\n");

	var ret = [];

	var i, len;

	for (i = 0, len = articles.length; i < len; i++) {

		var s = articlesi];

		s = s.trim();

		if (s) {




	return ret;



function massMoveUpdatePreview() {

	var	articles = massMoveGetArticles();

	if (articles.length > 0) {

		var values = massMoveGetValues();

		var preview = articles0 + " → " + massMoveReplace(articles0], values)];

		for (var i = 1, len = articles.length; i < len; i++) {

			preview.push(articlesi + " → " + massMoveReplace(articlesi], values));


		document.getElementById("wpMassMovePreview").value = preview.join("\n");

		document.getElementById("wpMassMoveSubmit").disabled = false;

	} else {

		document.getElementById("wpMassMovePreview").value = '';

		document.getElementById("wpMassMoveSubmit").disabled = true;



jQuery(document).ready(function($) {

	var config = mw.config.get(['wgNamespaceNumber', 'wgTitle', 'wgUserGroups', 'skin']);


	function now() {

		return new Date().getTime();


	function doMassMove() {

		var articles = massMoveGetArticles();

		if (!articles.length) {




			api = new mw.Api(),

			values = massMoveGetValues(),

			moved = 0,

			failed = [],

			error = [],

			deferreds = [],

			lastMoved = 0,

			onSuccess = function () {


				console.log(now() + ": Moved " + moved);

				mw.notify("Success! " + moved + " pages moved.", {type: 'success', tag: 'status', autoHide: true});



		function delay(len) {

			return function() {

				return $.Deferred(function (deferred) {

					var interval = lastMoved + config.wait - now();

					if ( (len <= config.hits) || ((lastMoved + config.wait - now()) < 0) || values.noRatelimit ) {

						interval = 0;


					console.log(now() + ': Waiting ' + interval + 'ms...');

					setTimeout(function () {

						console.log(now() + ': Done waiting.');


					}, interval);





		function makeMoveFunc(article) {

			return function () {

				return $.Deferred(function (deferred) {

					var options = {

						format: 'json',

						action: 'move',


						from: article,

						to: massMoveReplace(article, values),

						reason: values.reason + ' ([[User:Ahecht/Scripts/massmove.js|' + massMoveTitle + ']])'


					if (!values.leaveRedirect) {

						options.noredirect = '';


					if (values.moveTalk) {

						options.movetalk = '';


					if (values.moveSubPages) {

						options.movesubpages = '';


					console.log(now() + ": Moving " + options.from + "→" +;

					mw.notify("Moving " + options.from + " → " +, {type: 'info', tag: 'status', autoHide: true});

					lastMoved = now();

					var promise = api.postWithEditToken(options);

					promise.done(onSuccess); (code, obj) {



						console.warn(now() + ": Move failed (" + + ").");

						mw.notify("Move failed:  " +, {type: 'error', autoHide: true});


					promise.always(function () {






		// Make a chain of deferred objects. We chain them rather than execute them in

		// parallel so that we don't make 1000 simultaneous move requests and bring the

		// site down. We use deferred objects rather than the promise objects returned

		// from the API request so that the chain continues even if some articles gave

		// errors.

		var deferred = makeMoveFunc(articles0])();

		for (var i = 1, len = articles.length; i < len; i++) {

			deferred = deferred.then(delay(len));

			deferred = deferred.then(makeMoveFunc(articlesi]));


		// Show the output and do cleanup once all the requests are done.

		$.when(deferred).then(function () {

			console.log(now() + ": Done! Moved " + moved);

			if (failed.length) {

				mw.notify("Done. " + moved + " pages moved, " + failed.length + " errors.", {type: 'warn', tag: 'mainNotify', autoHide: false});

				var $failedList = $('<ul>');

				for(var x = 0; x < failed.length; x++) {

					// Link the titles in the "failed" array

					var failedTitle = mw.Title.newFromText(failedx]);

					var $failedItem = $('<li>');

					if (failedTitle) {

						$failedItem.append( $('<a>')

							.attr('href', failedTitle.getUrl())



					} else {



					$failedItem.append(document.createTextNode(': ' + errorx]));




					.append($('<br />'))


						.text('Failed moves:')



			} else {

				mw.notify("Done. " + moved + " pages moved.", {type: 'success', tag: 'mainNotify', autoHide: false});


			document.getElementById("wpMassMoveSubmit").value = "Move";

			$("*", "#wpMassMove").not("#wpMassMovePreview").prop('disabled',false);




 	function getWait() {

 		config.hits=8; // default rate limit is 8/minute

 		config.seconds=60; // default rate limit is 8/minute

		config.wait = Math.ceil(config.seconds/config.hits) * 1000;

		new mw.Api().get({

    		meta: 'userinfo',

    		uiprop: 'ratelimits'

		}).fail(function(code, error) {



		}).done( function(d) {

			if (d && d.query && d.query.userinfo && d.query.userinfo.ratelimits

					&& d.query.userinfo.ratelimits.move)


				for (const property in d.query.userinfo.ratelimits.move) {

					var rlm = d.query.userinfo.ratelimits.moveproperty];

					if (rlm && rlm.hits && rlm.seconds) {

						console.log(property + " rate limit: " + rlm.hits + " moves every " + rlm.seconds + " seconds.");

						var thisWait = Math.ceil((rlm.seconds/rlm.hits) * 1000);

						if (thisWait < config.wait) {

							config.hits = rlm.hits;

							config.seconds = rlm.seconds;

							config.wait = thisWait;

							console.log("Calculated " + config.wait + "-millisecond wait between queries");





			mw.notify("Rate limit: " + config.hits + " moves every " + config.seconds + " seconds.", {type: 'info', tag: 'mainNotify', autoHide: false});





	function massMoveForm() {

		wpMassMoveStyle = document.createElement('style');

		wpMassMoveStyle.type = 'text/css';


		wpMassMoveStyle = document.styleSheetsdocument.styleSheets.length-1];

		if (typeof( === 'string') { //IE compatability

			wpMassMoveStyle.addRule('td.mincol', 'width:1%; white-space:nowrap;');

			wpMassMoveStyle.addRule('td.maxcol', 'width:auto');

		} else if (typeof( === 'object') { //Modern browsers

			wpMassMoveStyle.insertRule('td.mincol {width:1%; white-space:nowrap;}', wpMassMoveStyle.cssRules.length);

			wpMassMoveStyle.insertRule('td.maxcol {width:auto;}', wpMassMoveStyle.cssRules.length);



		document.getElementById(config.bodyContent).innerHTML = config.wpMassMoveIntro +

			'<form id="wpMassMove" name="wpMassMove">' +

			'<b>If you abuse this tool, it\'s <i>your</i> fault, not mine.</b>' +

			'<div id="wpMassMoveFailedContainer"></div>' +

			'<br /><br />' +

				'Pages to move (one on each line, please):<br />' +

					'<textarea tabindex="1" accesskey="," name="wpMassMovePages" id="wpMassMovePages" rows="10" cols="80" oninput="massMoveUpdatePreview()"></textarea>' +

				'<br /><br /><table style="background-color:transparent">' +

				'<tr><td>Apply <a href="' + (mw.config.get('wgServer')+mw.config.get('wgArticlePath')).replace('$1','Help:Pipe_trick') + '">"Pipe Trick"</a> to old name:</td>' +

					'<td colspan="5"><input type="checkbox" id="wpMassMovePipeTrick" name="wpMassMovePipeTrick"/ oninput="massMoveUpdatePreview()"></td></tr>' +

				'<tr><td class="mincol">Prefix to remove from the old name (e.g., Template:):</td>' +

					'<td class="mincol"><input type="text" id="wpMassMovePrefix1" name="wpMassMovePrefix1" maxlength="255"  oninput="massMoveUpdatePreview()"/></td>' +

					'<td class="maxcol">&nbsp;</td>' +

					'<td class="mincol">Prefix to add to the new name (e.g., User:Plastikspork/):</td>' +

					'<td class="mincol"><input type="text" id="wpMassMovePrefix2" name="wpMassMovePrefix2" maxlength="255"  oninput="massMoveUpdatePreview()"/></td>' +

					'<td class="maxcol">&nbsp;</td></tr>' +

				'<tr><td class="mincol">Suffix to remove from the old name (e.g., /sandbox):</td>' +

					'<td class="mincol"><input type="text" id="wpMassMoveSuffix1" name="wpMassMoveSuffix1" maxlength="255"  oninput="massMoveUpdatePreview()"/></td>' +

					'<td class="maxcol">&nbsp;</td>' +

					'<td class="mincol">Suffix to add to the new name (e.g., /Archive_1):</td>' +

					'<td class="mincol"><input type="text" id="wpMassMoveSuffix2" name="wpMassMoveSuffix2" maxlength="255"  oninput="massMoveUpdatePreview()"/></td>' +

					'<td class="maxcol">&nbsp;</td></tr>' +

				'<tr><td class="mincol">Move associated talk page:</td>' +

					'<td class="mincol"><input type="checkbox" id="wpMassMoveMoveTalk" name="wpMassMoveMoveTalk" checked/></td>' +

					'<td class="maxcol">&nbsp;</td>' +

					'<td class="mincol">Leave a redirect behind:</td>' +

					'<td class="mincol"><input type="checkbox" id="wpMassMoveLeaveRedirect" name="wpMassMoveLeaveRedirect" checked/></td></tr>' +

				'<tr><td class="mincol">Move subpages (up to 100):</td>' +

					'<td class="mincol"><input type="checkbox" id="wpMassMoveMoveSubPages" name="wpMassMoveMoveSubPages" checked/></td>' +	

					'<td class="maxcol">&nbsp;</td>' +

					'<td class="mincol">Ignore ratelimit (may cause errors):</td>' +

					'<td class="mincol"><input type="checkbox" id="wpMassMoveNoRatelimit" name="wpMassMoveNoRatelimit"/></td></tr>' +

				'<tr><td>Watch source page and target page:</td>' +

						'<td colspan="5"><select id="wpMassMoveWatch">' +

							'<option value="nochange">No change</option>' +

							'<option value="preferences">User preferences</option>' +

							'<option value="watch">Add to watch list</option>' +

							'<option value="unwatch">Remove from watch list</option>' +

						'</select></td></tr>' +

				'<tr><td>Edit summary:</td>' +

					'<td colspan="4"><input type="text" id="wpMassMoveReason" name="wpMassMoveReason" maxlength="500" style="width:100%;" /></td>' +

					'<td class="maxcol">&nbsp;</td></tr></table>' +

				'<br /><br />Preview:<br />' +

					'<textarea disabled name="wpMassMovePreview" id="wpMassMovePreview" rows="10" cols="80"></textarea>' +

				'<br /><br /><input disabled type="button" id="wpMassMoveSubmit" name="wpMassMoveSubmit" value="Move" />' +


		document.getElementById("wpMassMoveSubmit").addEventListener("click", function (e) {


			$("*", "#wpMassMove").prop('disabled',true);

			document.getElementById("wpMassMoveSubmit").value = "Moving...";





	function massMoveError() {

		document.getElementById(config.bodyContent).innerHTML = config.wpMassMoveIntro +

			'For more information, please feel free to contact the <a href="' + (mw.config.get('wgServer')+mw.config.get('wgArticlePath')).replace('$1','User:Ahecht') + '">script author</a>!';



	if(mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === -1 

		&& (mw.config.get('wgTitle') === "Massmove" || 

		mw.config.get('wgTitle') === "MassMove")

	) {

		document.getElementsByTagName("h1")[0].textContent = massMoveTitle;

		document.title = massMoveTitle + " - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia";


		config.wpMassMoveIntro = '<div id="siteSub">From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</div>' +

			'<p>Adapted from Plastikspork\'s mass-move tool, which is in turn adapted from Animum\'s mass-delete tool and Timotheus Canens\'s mass-edit tool</p>' +

			'<br />' + 'This tool is restricted to editors in the <code>sysop</code> or <code>extendedmover</code> groups.' +

			'<br />' + 'Your user groups are: ' + mw.config.get('wgUserGroups') + '<br /><br />';

		if ( == 'modern') {

			config.bodyContent = 'mw_contentholder';

		} else if ( == 'cologneblue') {

			config.bodyContent = 'article';

		} else {

			config.bodyContent = 'bodyContent';



		if (/sysop/.test(config.wgUserGroups) || /extendedmover/.test(config.wgUserGroups)) {

			$.when( $.ready, mw.loader.using(['mediawiki.util'])).done( massMoveForm );

		} else {

			$.when( $.ready, mw.loader.using(['mediawiki.util'])).done( massMoveError );



From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.

//jshint maxerr:512

var massMoveTitle = "Mass-move tool (sandbox)";

/*Forked version of [[User:Plastikspork/massmove.js]] that adds a link to the left column

and allows adding and removing both prefixes and suffixes

Add the following line to [[Special:MyPage/common.js]] or [[:meta:Special:MyPage/global.js]] to install:

mw.loader.load( '//' ); //[[User:Ahecht/Scripts/massmove.js]] [[User:Plastikspork/massmove.js]]


Click on "Mass move" under "Tools" to use the script.*/

if (/sysop|extendedmover/.test(mw.config.get("wgUserGroups"))) {

	mw.util.addPortletLink("p-tb", "/wiki/Special:Massmove", "Mass move", "p-massmove", "Mass move");


// Adapted from [[User:Animum/massdelete.js]]

function massMoveGetValues() {

		return {reason: document.getElementById("wpMassMoveReason").value,

			oldPrefix: document.getElementById("wpMassMovePrefix1").value,

			newPrefix: document.getElementById("wpMassMovePrefix2").value,

			oldSuffix: document.getElementById("wpMassMoveSuffix1").value,

			newSuffix: document.getElementById("wpMassMoveSuffix2").value,

			watch: document.getElementById("wpMassMoveWatch").value,

			pipeTrick: document.getElementById("wpMassMovePipeTrick").checked,

			leaveRedirect: document.getElementById("wpMassMoveLeaveRedirect").checked,

			noRatelimit: document.getElementById("wpMassMoveNoRatelimit").checked,

			moveTalk: document.getElementById("wpMassMoveMoveTalk").checked,

			moveSubPages: document.getElementById("wpMassMoveMoveSubPages").checked



function massMoveReplace(s, values) {

	s = s.trim();

	if (values.pipeTrick) {

		s = s.replace(/^(?:\:)?(?:.*\:)?(.*?)(?:, .*)?$/,"$1").replace(/(.*?)(?: ?\(.*\))?$/, "$1");


	if (s.substring(0,values.oldPrefix.length) == values.oldPrefix) {

		s = s.substring(values.oldPrefix.length);


	if (s.substring(s.length - values.oldSuffix.length) == values.oldSuffix) {

		s = s.substring(0, s.length - values.oldSuffix.length);


	return (values.newPrefix + s + values.newSuffix).trim();


function massMoveGetArticles() {

	var articles = document.getElementById("wpMassMovePages").value.split("\n");

	var ret = [];

	var i, len;

	for (i = 0, len = articles.length; i < len; i++) {

		var s = articlesi];

		s = s.trim();

		if (s) {




	return ret;



function massMoveUpdatePreview() {

	var	articles = massMoveGetArticles();

	if (articles.length > 0) {

		var values = massMoveGetValues();

		var preview = articles0 + " → " + massMoveReplace(articles0], values)];

		for (var i = 1, len = articles.length; i < len; i++) {

			preview.push(articlesi + " → " + massMoveReplace(articlesi], values));


		document.getElementById("wpMassMovePreview").value = preview.join("\n");

		document.getElementById("wpMassMoveSubmit").disabled = false;

	} else {

		document.getElementById("wpMassMovePreview").value = '';

		document.getElementById("wpMassMoveSubmit").disabled = true;



jQuery(document).ready(function($) {

	var config = mw.config.get(['wgNamespaceNumber', 'wgTitle', 'wgUserGroups', 'skin']);


	function now() {

		return new Date().getTime();


	function doMassMove() {

		var articles = massMoveGetArticles();

		if (!articles.length) {




			api = new mw.Api(),

			values = massMoveGetValues(),

			moved = 0,

			failed = [],

			error = [],

			deferreds = [],

			lastMoved = 0,

			onSuccess = function () {


				console.log(now() + ": Moved " + moved);

				mw.notify("Success! " + moved + " pages moved.", {type: 'success', tag: 'status', autoHide: true});



		function delay(len) {

			return function() {

				return $.Deferred(function (deferred) {

					var interval = lastMoved + config.wait - now();

					if ( (len <= config.hits) || ((lastMoved + config.wait - now()) < 0) || values.noRatelimit ) {

						interval = 0;


					console.log(now() + ': Waiting ' + interval + 'ms...');

					setTimeout(function () {

						console.log(now() + ': Done waiting.');


					}, interval);





		function makeMoveFunc(article) {

			return function () {

				return $.Deferred(function (deferred) {

					var options = {

						format: 'json',

						action: 'move',


						from: article,

						to: massMoveReplace(article, values),

						reason: values.reason + ' ([[User:Ahecht/Scripts/massmove.js|' + massMoveTitle + ']])'


					if (!values.leaveRedirect) {

						options.noredirect = '';


					if (values.moveTalk) {

						options.movetalk = '';


					if (values.moveSubPages) {

						options.movesubpages = '';


					console.log(now() + ": Moving " + options.from + "→" +;

					mw.notify("Moving " + options.from + " → " +, {type: 'info', tag: 'status', autoHide: true});

					lastMoved = now();

					var promise = api.postWithEditToken(options);

					promise.done(onSuccess); (code, obj) {



						console.warn(now() + ": Move failed (" + + ").");

						mw.notify("Move failed:  " +, {type: 'error', autoHide: true});


					promise.always(function () {






		// Make a chain of deferred objects. We chain them rather than execute them in

		// parallel so that we don't make 1000 simultaneous move requests and bring the

		// site down. We use deferred objects rather than the promise objects returned

		// from the API request so that the chain continues even if some articles gave

		// errors.

		var deferred = makeMoveFunc(articles0])();

		for (var i = 1, len = articles.length; i < len; i++) {

			deferred = deferred.then(delay(len));

			deferred = deferred.then(makeMoveFunc(articlesi]));


		// Show the output and do cleanup once all the requests are done.

		$.when(deferred).then(function () {

			console.log(now() + ": Done! Moved " + moved);

			if (failed.length) {

				mw.notify("Done. " + moved + " pages moved, " + failed.length + " errors.", {type: 'warn', tag: 'mainNotify', autoHide: false});

				var $failedList = $('<ul>');

				for(var x = 0; x < failed.length; x++) {

					// Link the titles in the "failed" array

					var failedTitle = mw.Title.newFromText(failedx]);

					var $failedItem = $('<li>');

					if (failedTitle) {

						$failedItem.append( $('<a>')

							.attr('href', failedTitle.getUrl())



					} else {



					$failedItem.append(document.createTextNode(': ' + errorx]));




					.append($('<br />'))


						.text('Failed moves:')



			} else {

				mw.notify("Done. " + moved + " pages moved.", {type: 'success', tag: 'mainNotify', autoHide: false});


			document.getElementById("wpMassMoveSubmit").value = "Move";

			$("*", "#wpMassMove").not("#wpMassMovePreview").prop('disabled',false);




 	function getWait() {

 		config.hits=8; // default rate limit is 8/minute

 		config.seconds=60; // default rate limit is 8/minute

		config.wait = Math.ceil(config.seconds/config.hits) * 1000;

		new mw.Api().get({

    		meta: 'userinfo',

    		uiprop: 'ratelimits'

		}).fail(function(code, error) {



		}).done( function(d) {

			if (d && d.query && d.query.userinfo && d.query.userinfo.ratelimits

					&& d.query.userinfo.ratelimits.move)


				for (const property in d.query.userinfo.ratelimits.move) {

					var rlm = d.query.userinfo.ratelimits.moveproperty];

					if (rlm && rlm.hits && rlm.seconds) {

						console.log(property + " rate limit: " + rlm.hits + " moves every " + rlm.seconds + " seconds.");

						var thisWait = Math.ceil((rlm.seconds/rlm.hits) * 1000);

						if (thisWait < config.wait) {

							config.hits = rlm.hits;

							config.seconds = rlm.seconds;

							config.wait = thisWait;

							console.log("Calculated " + config.wait + "-millisecond wait between queries");





			mw.notify("Rate limit: " + config.hits + " moves every " + config.seconds + " seconds.", {type: 'info', tag: 'mainNotify', autoHide: false});





	function massMoveForm() {

		wpMassMoveStyle = document.createElement('style');

		wpMassMoveStyle.type = 'text/css';


		wpMassMoveStyle = document.styleSheetsdocument.styleSheets.length-1];

		if (typeof( === 'string') { //IE compatability

			wpMassMoveStyle.addRule('td.mincol', 'width:1%; white-space:nowrap;');

			wpMassMoveStyle.addRule('td.maxcol', 'width:auto');

		} else if (typeof( === 'object') { //Modern browsers

			wpMassMoveStyle.insertRule('td.mincol {width:1%; white-space:nowrap;}', wpMassMoveStyle.cssRules.length);

			wpMassMoveStyle.insertRule('td.maxcol {width:auto;}', wpMassMoveStyle.cssRules.length);



		document.getElementById(config.bodyContent).innerHTML = config.wpMassMoveIntro +

			'<form id="wpMassMove" name="wpMassMove">' +

			'<b>If you abuse this tool, it\'s <i>your</i> fault, not mine.</b>' +

			'<div id="wpMassMoveFailedContainer"></div>' +

			'<br /><br />' +

				'Pages to move (one on each line, please):<br />' +

					'<textarea tabindex="1" accesskey="," name="wpMassMovePages" id="wpMassMovePages" rows="10" cols="80" oninput="massMoveUpdatePreview()"></textarea>' +

				'<br /><br /><table style="background-color:transparent">' +

				'<tr><td>Apply <a href="' + (mw.config.get('wgServer')+mw.config.get('wgArticlePath')).replace('$1','Help:Pipe_trick') + '">"Pipe Trick"</a> to old name:</td>' +

					'<td colspan="5"><input type="checkbox" id="wpMassMovePipeTrick" name="wpMassMovePipeTrick"/ oninput="massMoveUpdatePreview()"></td></tr>' +

				'<tr><td class="mincol">Prefix to remove from the old name (e.g., Template:):</td>' +

					'<td class="mincol"><input type="text" id="wpMassMovePrefix1" name="wpMassMovePrefix1" maxlength="255"  oninput="massMoveUpdatePreview()"/></td>' +

					'<td class="maxcol">&nbsp;</td>' +

					'<td class="mincol">Prefix to add to the new name (e.g., User:Plastikspork/):</td>' +

					'<td class="mincol"><input type="text" id="wpMassMovePrefix2" name="wpMassMovePrefix2" maxlength="255"  oninput="massMoveUpdatePreview()"/></td>' +

					'<td class="maxcol">&nbsp;</td></tr>' +

				'<tr><td class="mincol">Suffix to remove from the old name (e.g., /sandbox):</td>' +

					'<td class="mincol"><input type="text" id="wpMassMoveSuffix1" name="wpMassMoveSuffix1" maxlength="255"  oninput="massMoveUpdatePreview()"/></td>' +

					'<td class="maxcol">&nbsp;</td>' +

					'<td class="mincol">Suffix to add to the new name (e.g., /Archive_1):</td>' +

					'<td class="mincol"><input type="text" id="wpMassMoveSuffix2" name="wpMassMoveSuffix2" maxlength="255"  oninput="massMoveUpdatePreview()"/></td>' +

					'<td class="maxcol">&nbsp;</td></tr>' +

				'<tr><td class="mincol">Move associated talk page:</td>' +

					'<td class="mincol"><input type="checkbox" id="wpMassMoveMoveTalk" name="wpMassMoveMoveTalk" checked/></td>' +

					'<td class="maxcol">&nbsp;</td>' +

					'<td class="mincol">Leave a redirect behind:</td>' +

					'<td class="mincol"><input type="checkbox" id="wpMassMoveLeaveRedirect" name="wpMassMoveLeaveRedirect" checked/></td></tr>' +

				'<tr><td class="mincol">Move subpages (up to 100):</td>' +

					'<td class="mincol"><input type="checkbox" id="wpMassMoveMoveSubPages" name="wpMassMoveMoveSubPages" checked/></td>' +	

					'<td class="maxcol">&nbsp;</td>' +

					'<td class="mincol">Ignore ratelimit (may cause errors):</td>' +

					'<td class="mincol"><input type="checkbox" id="wpMassMoveNoRatelimit" name="wpMassMoveNoRatelimit"/></td></tr>' +

				'<tr><td>Watch source page and target page:</td>' +

						'<td colspan="5"><select id="wpMassMoveWatch">' +

							'<option value="nochange">No change</option>' +

							'<option value="preferences">User preferences</option>' +

							'<option value="watch">Add to watch list</option>' +

							'<option value="unwatch">Remove from watch list</option>' +

						'</select></td></tr>' +

				'<tr><td>Edit summary:</td>' +

					'<td colspan="4"><input type="text" id="wpMassMoveReason" name="wpMassMoveReason" maxlength="500" style="width:100%;" /></td>' +

					'<td class="maxcol">&nbsp;</td></tr></table>' +

				'<br /><br />Preview:<br />' +

					'<textarea disabled name="wpMassMovePreview" id="wpMassMovePreview" rows="10" cols="80"></textarea>' +

				'<br /><br /><input disabled type="button" id="wpMassMoveSubmit" name="wpMassMoveSubmit" value="Move" />' +


		document.getElementById("wpMassMoveSubmit").addEventListener("click", function (e) {


			$("*", "#wpMassMove").prop('disabled',true);

			document.getElementById("wpMassMoveSubmit").value = "Moving...";





	function massMoveError() {

		document.getElementById(config.bodyContent).innerHTML = config.wpMassMoveIntro +

			'For more information, please feel free to contact the <a href="' + (mw.config.get('wgServer')+mw.config.get('wgArticlePath')).replace('$1','User:Ahecht') + '">script author</a>!';



	if(mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === -1 

		&& (mw.config.get('wgTitle') === "Massmove" || 

		mw.config.get('wgTitle') === "MassMove")

	) {

		document.getElementsByTagName("h1")[0].textContent = massMoveTitle;

		document.title = massMoveTitle + " - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia";


		config.wpMassMoveIntro = '<div id="siteSub">From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</div>' +

			'<p>Adapted from Plastikspork\'s mass-move tool, which is in turn adapted from Animum\'s mass-delete tool and Timotheus Canens\'s mass-edit tool</p>' +

			'<br />' + 'This tool is restricted to editors in the <code>sysop</code> or <code>extendedmover</code> groups.' +

			'<br />' + 'Your user groups are: ' + mw.config.get('wgUserGroups') + '<br /><br />';

		if ( == 'modern') {

			config.bodyContent = 'mw_contentholder';

		} else if ( == 'cologneblue') {

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		} else {

			config.bodyContent = 'bodyContent';



		if (/sysop/.test(config.wgUserGroups) || /extendedmover/.test(config.wgUserGroups)) {

			$.when( $.ready, mw.loader.using(['mediawiki.util'])).done( massMoveForm );

		} else {

			$.when( $.ready, mw.loader.using(['mediawiki.util'])).done( massMoveError );





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