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This is a list of townships in the Canadian province of Ontario. Townships are listed by census division.

Map of Townships in Ontario South of the French River c. 1950 - 1960

Northern Ontario

Northeastern Ontario

Algoma District

Algoma District in Ontario

Historical/Geographic Townships [1] [2]

  • Abbott
  • Aberdeen Additional
  • Abigo
  • Abotossaway
  • Abraham
  • Acton
  • Aguonie
  • Alanen
  • Alarie
  • Albanel
  • Albert
  • Alderson
  • Allenby
  • Allouez
  • Amik
  • Amundsen
  • Anderson
  • André
  • Archibald
  • Arnott
  • Ashley
  • Assad
  • Assef
  • Asselin
  • Atkinson
  • Avis
  • Awenge
  • Aweres
  • Bailloquet
  • Barager
  • Barnes
  • Bayfield
  • Beange
  • Beaton
  • Beaudin
  • Beaudry
  • Beauparlant
  • Beebe
  • Behmann
  • Bernst
  • Bird
  • Bolger
  • Boon
  • Bostwick
  • Bouck
  • Bourinot
  • Bracci
  • Bray
  • Breckenbridge
  • Bridgland
  • Bright Additional
  • Bright
  • Brimacombe
  • Broome
  • Broughton
  • Brule
  • Bruyere
  • Buchan
  • Buckles
  • Bullock
  • Butcher
  • Byng
  • Cadeau
  • Cannard
  • Carmody
  • Carney
  • Casson
  • Chabanel
  • Challener
  • Chapais
  • Charbonneau
  • Chelsea
  • Chenard
  • Chesley Additional
  • Chesley
  • Cholette
  • Clouston
  • Cobden
  • Coderre
  • Coffin Additional
  • Common
  • Concobar
  • Conking
  • Cooper
  • Copenace
  • Corbiere
  • Corboy
  • Cowie
  • Cromlech
  • Cross
  • Cudney
  • Curtis
  • Cuthbertson
  • Dablon
  • Dagle
  • Dahl
  • Dambrossio
  • Daumont
  • Davieaux
  • Davin
  • Day
  • Deagle
  • Debassige
  • Del Villano
  • Dennis
  • Deroche
  • Derry
  • Desbiens
  • Doherty
  • Dolson
  • Doucett
  • Downer
  • Dowsley
  • Drew
  • Dubreuilville
  • Dulhut
  • Dumas
  • Duncan
  • Dunphy
  • Eaket
  • Ebbs
  • Echum
  • Elgie
  • Emiry
  • Ericson
  • Ermine
  • Esquega
  • Esten
  • Ewen
  • Fabbro
  • Farquhar
  • Fenwick
  • Ferrier
  • Fiddler
  • Finan
  • Fisher
  • Flanders
  • Flanders
  • Foch
  • Fontaine
  • Foucault
  • Foulds
  • Frances
  • Franchère
  • Franz
  • Frost
  • Gaisahk
  • Galbraith
  • Gapp
  • Gaudette
  • Gaudry
  • Gaunt
  • Gerow
  • Gervais
  • Gilbertson
  • Giles
  • Gilmore
  • Gisborn
  • Gladstone
  • Glasgow
  • Goodwillie
  • Gould
  • Gourlay
  • Grasett
  • Greenwood
  • Grenoble
  • Grootenboer
  • Groseilliers
  • Grossman
  • Grzela
  • Guindon
  • Gunterman
  • Hadley
  • Haig
  • Hallett
  • Hambleton
  • Handleman
  • Haughton
  • Havilland
  • Havrot
  • Hawkins
  • Hayward
  • Hembruff
  • Herrick
  • Hiawatha
  • Hilton
  • Hodgins
  • Hoffman
  • Home
  • Hook
  • Hornepayne
  • Hotte
  • Hughes
  • Hughson
  • Hunt
  • Huotari
  • Hurlburt
  • Hynes
  • Irving
  • Isaac
  • Jackson
  • Jacobson
  • Jarvis
  • Jessiman
  • Jocelyn
  • Jogues
  • Johns
  • Johnson
  • Jollineau
  • Joubin
  • Juillette
  • Kamichisitit
  • Kane
  • Kapuskasing
  • Kars
  • Keating Additional
  • Keesickquayish
  • Kehoe
  • Kildare
  • Killins
  • Kincaid
  • Kirkwall
  • Kirkwood
  • Knicely
  • Korah
  • Labelle
  • Labonté
  • Laforme
  • Laird
  • Laliberté
  • Lamming
  • Landriault
  • Lane
  • Larkin
  • LaRonde
  • Larson
  • Lascelles
  • Lastheels
  • Laughren
  • LaVérendrye
  • Lawlor
  • LeCaron
  • Leclaire
  • Lefebvre
  • Lefroy
  • Legarde Additional
  • Legarde
  • Legge
  • Leguerrier
  • Lehman
  • Leluk
  • Lendrum
  • Lerwick
  • Lessard
  • Levesque
  • Lewis
  • Ley
  • Lipton
  • Lizar
  • Loach
  • Lockeyer
  • Long
  • Lougheed
  • Lunkie
  • Macaskill
  • Macdonald
  • Mack
  • Maeck
  • Magone
  • Makawa
  • Mandamin
  • Maness
  • Marjorie
  • Marne
  • Martel
  • Martin
  • Matthews
  • Maude
  • McAughey
  • McDowell
  • McEwing
  • McFarlan
  • McGiverin
  • McGowan
  • McIIveen
  • McKeough
  • McMahon
  • McMurray
  • McNie
  • McParland
  • Meath
  • Meen
  • Memaskwosh
  • Ménard
  • Menzies
  • Mercer
  • Meredith
  • Michano
  • Mildred
  • Minnipuka
  • Miskokomon
  • Monestime
  • Mons
  • Montgomery
  • Moorehouse
  • Morin
  • Morningstar
  • Mosambik
  • Musquash
  • Nadjiwon
  • Nagagami
  • Nahwegezhic
  • Nameigos
  • Naveau
  • Nebonaionquet
  • Nebotik
  • Newlands
  • Nicholas
  • Nicolet
  • Noganosh
  • Norberg
  • Nouvel
  • Nuttall
  • Odlum
  • Olinyk
  • Olsen
  • Oscar
  • Oshell
  • Otter
  • Ouellette
  • Palmer
  • Parke
  • Parkinson
  • Parrott
  • Patton
  • Pawis
  • Pearkes
  • Peever
  • Pelletier
  • Pennefather
  • Peterson
  • Piche
  • Pine
  • Plourde
  • Plummer Additional
  • Poncet
  • Poulin
  • Prescott
  • Prince
  • Proctor
  • Puskuta
  • Quill
  • Raaflaub
  • Rabazo
  • Radisson
  • Raimbault
  • Recollet
  • Redden
  • Redsky
  • Reilly
  • Renwick
  • Restoule
  • Riggs
  • Rioux
  • Rix
  • Rollins
  • Root
  • Rose
  • Rouche
  • Rowat
  • Royal
  • Roy
  • Runalls
  • Running
  • Ruston
  • Ryan
  • Sagard
  • St-Germain
  • St. Joseph
  • St. Julian
  • Sampson
  • Saunders
  • Sayer
  • Scarfe
  • Scholfield
  • Scrivener
  • Shanly
  • Shawkence
  • Shedden
  • Shields
  • Shingwaukonce
  • Shulman
  • Simons
  • Simpson
  • Slater
  • Slievert
  • Smilsky
  • Snow
  • Spragge
  • Stefansson
  • Stone
  • Stoney
  • Strain
  • Strickland
  • Striker
  • Sturgeon
  • Suganqueb
  • Tabobondung
  • Talbott
  • Tarbutt
  • Tarbutt Additional
  • Tarentorus
  • Teasdale
  • Tedder
  • Templeton
  • Tennyson
  • Thessalon
  • Thompson
  • Thorp
  • Tiernan
  • Tilley
  • Tilston
  • Timbrell
  • Timmermans
  • Tolmonen
  • Tronsen
  • Tupper
  • Tweedle
  • Usnac
  • Vance
  • VanKoughnet
  • Varley
  • Vasiloff
  • Vibert
  • Victoria
  • Viel
  • Villeneuve
  • Wagg
  • Walls
  • Wardle
  • Warpula
  • Waswa
  • Wawa
  • Wawia
  • Way-White
  • Wells
  • Welsh
  • West
  • White River
  • Whitman
  • Wicksteed
  • Winget
  • Winkler
  • Wiseman
  • Wishart
  • Wlasy
  • Woolrich
  • Worton
  • Yaremko

Current Municipalities

Unorganized Areas

Cochrane District

Cochrane District in Ontario

Historical/Geographic Townships [1] [2]

  • Abbotsford
  • Acres
  • Adair
  • Adams
  • Adanac
  • Agassiz
  • Agate
  • Aitken
  • Alexandra
  • Amery
  • Ardagh
  • Aubin
  • Auden
  • Aurora
  • Avon
  • Bannerman
  • Barker
  • Barlow
  • Barnet
  • Beatty
  • Beck
  • Belford
  • Ben Nevis
  • Beniah
  • Benoit
  • Berry
  • Bessborough
  • Bicknell
  • Birdsall
  • Bisley
  • Black
  • Black River
  • Blackstock
  • Blakelock
  • Blount
  • Bond
  • Bonis
  • Bourassa
  • Bowman
  • Bowyer
  • Boyce
  • Boyle
  • Bradburn
  • Bradette
  • Bradley
  • Bragg
  • Brain
  • Bristol
  • Brower
  • Burrell
  • Burritt
  • Burstall
  • Byers
  • Caithness
  • Calder
  • Calvert
  • Canfield
  • Cargill
  • Carman
  • Carmichael
  • Carnegie
  • Caron
  • Carr
  • Carroll
  • Carscallen
  • Carss
  • Case
  • Casgrain
  • Casselman
  • Challies
  • Chipman
  • Clavet
  • Clay
  • Clergue
  • Clifford
  • Clive
  • Clute
  • Cockshutt
  • Cody
  • Colquhoun
  • Cook
  • Cote
  • Coulson
  • Crawford
  • Cumming
  • Currie
  • Dargavel
  • Deloro
  • Dempsay
  • Denton
  • DePencier
  • Devitt
  • Dokis
  • Duff
  • Dundonald
  • Dunsmore
  • Dyer
  • Ebbitt
  • Ecclestone
  • Edwards
  • Egan
  • Eilber
  • Eldorado
  • Elliott
  • Emerson
  • Enid
  • Evelyn
  • Fauquier
  • Fenton
  • Fergus
  • Findlay
  • Fintry
  • Fleck
  • Ford
  • Fortune
  • Fournier
  • Fox
  • Frecheville
  • Freele
  • Fryatt
  • Fushimi
  • Gaby
  • Galna
  • Ganong
  • Garden
  • Gardiner
  • Garrison
  • Geary
  • Gentles
  • German
  • Gill
  • Glackmeyer
  • Godfrey
  • Goldwin
  • Goodwin
  • Gowan
  • Greer
  • Griffin
  • Guibord
  • Guilfoyle
  • Gurney
  • Habel
  • Haggart
  • Haight
  • Hambly
  • Hamlet
  • Haney
  • Hanlan
  • Hanna
  • Harewood
  • Harker
  • Harmon
  • Heath
  • Hecla
  • Heighington
  • Henderson
  • Henlay
  • Hepburn
  • Hicks
  • Hillmer
  • Hislop
  • Hoblitzell
  • Hobson
  • Hogg
  • Holloway
  • Homuth
  • Hopkins
  • Horden
  • Howells
  • Hoyle
  • Hurdman
  • Hurtubise
  • Idington
  • Inglis
  • Ireland
  • Irish
  • Jamieson
  • Jessop
  • Keefer
  • Kendall
  • Kendrey
  • Kennedy
  • Kenning
  • Kerrs
  • Kidd
  • Kilmer
  • Kineras
  • Kingsmill
  • Kipling
  • Kirkland
  • Knox
  • Kohler
  • Laidlaw
  • Lamarche
  • Lambert
  • Lamplugh
  • Landry
  • Langemarck
  • Langmuir
  • Laughton
  • Leitch
  • Lennox
  • Lewers
  • Lisgar
  • Little
  • Loveland
  • Lowther
  • Lucas
  • Mabee
  • Macdiarmid
  • Machin
  • Macklem
  • Macvicar
  • Magladery
  • Mahaffy
  • Maher
  • Mahoney
  • Mann
  • Marathon
  • Marceau
  • Marriott
  • Marven
  • Massey
  • Matheson
  • Maund
  • McAlpine
  • McBrien
  • McCann
  • McCart
  • McCausland
  • McCoig
  • McCool
  • McCowan
  • McCrea
  • McCuaig
  • McEvay
  • McKnight
  • McLeister
  • McMillan
  • McQuibban
  • Melba
  • Menapia
  • Mewhinney
  • Michaud
  • Milligan
  • Moberly
  • Montcalm
  • Moody
  • Moonbeam
  • Moose
  • Morrow
  • Mortimer
  • Mountjoy
  • Mowbray
  • Mullholland
  • Mulloy
  • Mulvey
  • Munro
  • Murphy
  • Nansen
  • Nassau
  • Neely
  • Nesbitt
  • Nettleton
  • Newman
  • Newmarket
  • Nixon
  • Noseworthy
  • Nova
  • O'Brien
  • Ogden
  • Oke
  • Opasatika
  • Ophir
  • Orkney
  • Ossin
  • Ottaway
  • Owens
  • Parliament
  • Parnell
  • Parr
  • Pearce
  • Pickett
  • Pinard
  • Pitt
  • Playfair
  • Pliny
  • Pontiac
  • Potter
  • Poulett
  • Price
  • Prosser
  • Purvis
  • Pyne
  • Rand
  • Rapley
  • Raven
  • Raynar
  • Réaume
  • Reid
  • Rickard
  • Ritchie
  • Robb
  • Roebuck
  • Rogers
  • Rowlandson
  • Rykert
  • St. John
  • St-Laurent
  • Sanborn
  • Sanderson
  • Sangster
  • Sankey
  • Sargeant
  • Scapa
  • Scovil
  • Seaton
  • Selwyn
  • Sequin
  • Shackleton
  • Shannon
  • Shaw
  • Shearer
  • Sheldon
  • Sheraton
  • Sherring
  • Shetland
  • Shuel
  • Singer
  • Slack
  • Stapells
  • Staples
  • Staunton
  • Steele
  • Stimson
  • Stock
  • Stoddart
  • Stoughton
  • Strachan
  • Strickland
  • Stringer
  • Studholme
  • Sulman
  • Sutcliffe
  • Swanson
  • Swartman
  • Sweatman
  • Sweet
  • Sydere
  • Syer
  • Tannahill
  • Taylor
  • Teefy
  • Teetzel
  • Thackeray
  • Thomas
  • Thorburn
  • Thorneloe
  • Thorning
  • Timmins
  • Tisdale
  • Tolmie
  • Tolstoi
  • Tomlinson
  • Torrance
  • Traill
  • Tucker
  • Tully
  • Turnbull
  • Tweed
  • Valentine
  • Verdun
  • Wacousta
  • Wadsworth
  • Walker
  • Warden
  • Wark
  • Watson
  • Way
  • Webster
  • Weichel
  • Wesley
  • Whitesides
  • Whitney
  • Wilhelmina
  • Wilkie
  • Williamson
  • Winnington
  • Wright

Current Municipalities

Unorganized Areas

Manitoulin District

Manitoulin District in Ontario

Historical/Geographic Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipalities

Unorganized Areas

Nipissing District

Nipissing District in Ontario

Historical/Geographic Townships [1] [2]

  • Airy
  • Anglin
  • Angus
  • Antoine
  • Askin
  • Aston
  • Badgerow
  • Ballantyne
  • Banting
  • Barron
  • Bastedo
  • Beaucage
  • Belfast
  • Bertram
  • Best
  • Biggar
  • Bishop
  • Blyth
  • Bonfield
  • Boulter
  • Bower
  • Boyd
  • Briggs
  • Bronson
  • Burnaby
  • Butler
  • Butt
  • Caldwell
  • Calvin
  • Cameron
  • Canisbay
  • Canton
  • Cassels
  • Chambers
  • Charlton
  • Chisholm
  • Clancy
  • Clarkson
  • Clement
  • Commanda
  • Crerar
  • Cynthia
  • Dana
  • Deacon
  • Devine
  • Dickens
  • Dickson
  • Eddy
  • Edgar
  • Eldridge
  • Falconer
  • Fell
  • East Ferris
  • West Ferris
  • Field
  • Finlayson
  • Fitzgerald
  • Flett
  • French
  • Freswick
  • Garrow
  • Gibbons
  • Gladman
  • Gooderham
  • Grant
  • Guthrie
  • Hammell
  • Hartle
  • Hébert
  • Hobbs
  • Hugel
  • Hunter
  • Joan
  • Jocko
  • Kenny
  • Kirkpatrick
  • La Salle
  • Latchford
  • Lauder
  • Law
  • Le Roche
  • Lister
  • Lockhart
  • Loudon
  • Lyell
  • Lyman
  • MacPherson
  • Master
  • Mattawan
  • McAuslan
  • McCallum
  • McCraney
  • McLaren
  • McLaughlin
  • McWilliams
  • Merrick
  • Milne
  • Mulock
  • Murchison
  • Niven
  • Notman
  • Olive
  • Olrig
  • Osborne
  • Osler
  • Papineau
  • Pardo
  • Parkman
  • Paxton
  • Peck
  • Pedley
  • Pentland
  • Phelps
  • Phyllis
  • Poitras
  • Preston
  • Riddell
  • Sabine
  • Scholes
  • Sisk
  • Springer
  • Sproule
  • Stewart
  • Strathcona
  • Strathy
  • Stratton
  • Thistle
  • Torrington
  • Vogt
  • White
  • Widdifield
  • Wilkes
  • Wyse
  • Yates

Current Municipalities

Unorganized Areas

Parry Sound District

Parry Sound District in Ontario

Historical/Geographic Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipalities

Unorganized Areas

Sudbury District

Sudbury District in Ontario
Greater Sudbury in Ontario

Historical/Geographic Townships [1] [3]

  • Abbey
  • Abney
  • Acadia
  • Acheson
  • Addison
  • Admiral
  • Afton
  • Alcona
  • Alcorn
  • Allen
  • Alton
  • Amyot
  • Antrim
  • Appleby
  • Arbutus
  • Arden
  • Armagh
  • Asquith
  • Athlone
  • Attlee
  • Awrey
  • Aylmer
  • Bader
  • Baldwin
  • Balfour
  • Baltic
  • Battersby
  • Baynes
  • Bazett
  • Beaumont
  • Beckett
  • Beemer
  • Beilhartz
  • Benneweis
  • Benton
  • Beresford
  • Berlin (changed to Kitchener)
  • Bernier
  • Beulah
  • Bevin
  • Bigelow
  • Biggs
  • Bigwood
  • Birch
  • Biscotasi
  • Blackburn
  • Blewett
  • Blezard
  • Bliss
  • Bonar
  • Bordeleau
  • Borden
  • Bounsall
  • Bowell
  • Brackin
  • Braithwaite
  • Breadner
  • Brébeuf
  • Broder
  • Browning
  • Brunswick
  • Brutus
  • Buckland
  • Bullbrook
  • Burr
  • Burrows
  • Burwash
  • Busby
  • Cabot
  • Caen
  • Calais
  • Caouette
  • Capreol
  • Carew
  • Carruthers
  • Carter
  • Cartier
  • Carton
  • Carty
  • Cascaden
  • Casimir
  • Cassidy
  • Cavana
  • Cavell
  • Caverley
  • Ceylon
  • Chalet
  • Champagne
  • Chapleau
  • Chaplin
  • Chappise
  • Cherriman
  • Chester
  • Chewett
  • Churchill
  • Clary
  • Clifton
  • Cochrane
  • Collins
  • Collishaw
  • Comox
  • Connaught
  • Coppell
  • Copperfield
  • Cortez
  • Cosby
  • Cosens
  • Cotton
  • Cox
  • Craig
  • Creelman
  • Creighton
  • Crepieul
  • Crockett
  • Crothers
  • Cull
  • Cunningham
  • Curtin
  • Dale
  • Dalmas
  • Daoust
  • D'Arcy
  • D'Avaugour
  • Davis
  • Deans
  • De Gaulle
  • Delamere
  • Delaney
  • Delhi
  • Delmage
  • Demorest
  • Denison
  • Dennie
  • Denyes
  • Desrosiers
  • Dieppe
  • Dill
  • Dore
  • Dowling
  • Drea
  • Druillettes
  • Drury
  • Dryden
  • Dublin
  • Dukszta
  • Dunbar
  • Dundee
  • Dunlop
  • Dunnet
  • Dupuis
  • Durban
  • Earl
  • Eaton
  • Eden
  • Edighoffer
  • Edinburgh
  • Edith
  • Eisenhower
  • Elizabeth
  • Ellis
  • Emerald
  • English
  • Engstrom
  • Eric
  • Ermatinger
  • Esther
  • Ethel
  • Evans
  • Fairbairn
  • Fairbank
  • Falconbridge
  • Faust
  • Fawcett
  • Fawn
  • Fingal
  • Fitzsimmons
  • Floranna
  • Foleyet
  • Foster
  • Foy
  • Fraleck
  • Frater
  • Fréchette
  • Frey
  • Fulton
  • Gallagher
  • Gamey
  • Gardhouse
  • Garibaldi
  • Garnet
  • Garson
  • Garvey
  • Genier
  • Genoa
  • Gilbert
  • Gilliland
  • Gladwin
  • Goschen
  • Gough
  • Gouin
  • Graham
  • Green
  • Greenlaw
  • Grigg
  • Groves
  • Haddo
  • Haentschel
  • Hagar
  • Halcrow
  • Halifax
  • Hall
  • Hallam
  • Halliday
  • Halsey
  • Hammond
  • Hancock
  • Hanmer
  • Hardiman
  • Harrow
  • Hart
  • Hassard
  • Hawley
  • Hazen
  • Heenan
  • Hellyer
  • Hendrie
  • Hennessy
  • Henry
  • Hess
  • Hill
  • Hodgetts
  • Hoey
  • Hollinger
  • Hong Kong
  • Hornell
  • Horwood
  • Hoskin
  • Howey
  • Hubbard
  • Huffman
  • Hutcheon
  • Hutt
  • Hutton
  • Hyman
  • Invergarry
  • Inverness
  • Iris
  • Ivanhoe
  • Ivy
  • Jack
  • Janes
  • Jasper
  • Jeffries
  • Jennings
  • Joffre
  • Kalen
  • Kaplan
  • Keith
  • Kelly
  • Kelsey
  • Kelso
  • Kelvin
  • Kemp
  • Kenogaming
  • Kilpatrick
  • Kitchener
  • Kosny
  • Lackner
  • Lafleche
  • Lampman
  • Lang
  • Langlois
  • Laura
  • Leask
  • Leeson
  • Leinster
  • Lemoine
  • Levack
  • Lillie
  • Lincoln
  • Lipsett
  • Lloyd
  • Londonderry
  • Lorne
  • Loughrin
  • Louise
  • Lynch
  • MacBeth
  • Mackelcan
  • Maclennan
  • MacMurchy
  • Mageau
  • Mallard
  • Manning
  • Marconi
  • Margaret
  • Marion
  • Marquette
  • Marsh
  • Marshall
  • Marshay
  • Martland
  • Mason
  • Mattagami
  • May
  • McBride
  • McCarthy
  • McConnell
  • McGee
  • McKim
  • McKinnon
  • McLeod
  • McNamara
  • McNaught
  • McNish
  • McOwen
  • McPhail
  • Melrose
  • Merritt
  • Middleton
  • Miramichi
  • Missinaibi
  • Moen
  • Moffat
  • Moggy
  • Moher
  • Mond
  • Moncrieff
  • Mongowin
  • Morgan
  • Morse
  • Moses
  • Mountbatten
  • Muldrew
  • Munster
  • Murdock
  • Muskego
  • Nairn
  • Natal
  • Neelands
  • Neill
  • Neville
  • Newton
  • Nimitz
  • Noble
  • Norman
  • Northrup
  • Nursey
  • Oates
  • Ogilvie
  • Onaping
  • Oswald
  • Osway
  • Panet
  • Parker
  • Parkin
  • Patenaude
  • Pattinson
  • Paudush
  • Paul
  • Penhorwood
  • Peters
  • Pinogrami
  • Porter
  • Potier
  • Racine
  • Ramsden
  • Raney
  • Rathbun
  • Ratter and Dunnet
  • Rayside
  • Reaney
  • Reeves
  • Regan
  • Rennie
  • Rhodes
  • Roberts
  • Roblin
  • Rollo
  • Roosevelt
  • Sadler
  • St-Louis
  • Sale
  • Salter
  • Sandy
  • Scadding
  • Schembri
  • Scollard
  • Scotia
  • Scriven
  • Seagram
  • Scord
  • Selby
  • Selkirk
  • Semple
  • Servos
  • Sewell
  • Shakespeare
  • Sheard
  • Shelburne
  • Shelley
  • Shenango
  • Sheppard
  • Sherlock
  • Sherratt
  • Shibananing
  • Shipley
  • Silk
  • Singapore
  • Sladen
  • Smuts
  • Snider
  • Solski
  • Somme
  • Sothman
  • Spanish River
  • Specht
  • Stalin
  • Stetham
  • Stobie
  • Stover
  • Stralak
  • Strathearn
  • Street
  • Strom
  • Struthers
  • Stull
  • Swayze
  • Sweeny
  • Symington
  • Teasdale
  • Telfer
  • Tilton
  • Tofflemire
  • Togo
  • Tooms
  • Topham
  • Totten
  • Travers
  • Trill
  • Triquet
  • Truman
  • Turner
  • Tyrone
  • Ulster
  • Unwin
  • Valley East
  • Valin
  • Venturi
  • Vernon
  • Victoria
  • Vondette
  • Vrooman
  • Wakami
  • Waldie
  • Warren
  • Waters
  • Weeks
  • Westbrook
  • Whalen
  • Wigham
  • Whitehead
  • Wigle
  • Windego
  • Wisner
  • Yeo
  • Zavitz

Current Municipalities

Unorganized Areas

Timiskaming District

Timiskaming District in Ontario

Historical/Geographic Townships [1] [2]

  • Alma
  • Argyle
  • Armstrong
  • Arnold
  • Auld
  • Baden
  • Banks
  • Bannockburn
  • Barber
  • Barr
  • Bartlett
  • Bayly
  • Beauchamp
  • Bernhardt
  • Blain
  • Bompas
  • Boston
  • Brethour
  • Brewster
  • Brigstocke
  • Bryce
  • Bucke
  • Burt
  • Cairo
  • Cane
  • Casey
  • Catharine
  • Chamberlain
  • Charters
  • Childerhose
  • Chown
  • Cleaver
  • Cole
  • Coleman
  • Corkill
  • Corley
  • Dack
  • Dane
  • Davidson
  • Donovan
  • Doon
  • Douglas
  • Doyle
  • Dufferin
  • Dunmore
  • Dymond
  • Eby
  • Evanturel
  • Fallon
  • Farr
  • Fasken
  • Firstbrook
  • Flavelle
  • Fripp
  • Gamble
  • Gauthier
  • Geikie
  • Gillies Limit
  • Grenfell
  • Gross
  • Harley
  • Harris
  • Haultain
  • Hearst
  • Henwood
  • Hillary
  • Hilliard
  • Hincks
  • Holmes
  • Hudson
  • Ingram
  • James
  • Katrine
  • Kerns
  • Kimberley
  • Kittson
  • Klock
  • Knight
  • Lawson
  • Lebel
  • Leckie
  • Lee
  • Leith
  • Leo
  • Leonard
  • Lorrain
  • South Lorrain
  • Lundy
  • Maisonville
  • Marquis
  • Marter
  • McArthur
  • McElroy
  • McFadden
  • McGarry
  • McGiffin
  • McKeown
  • McNeil
  • McVittie
  • Medina
  • Michie
  • Mickle
  • Midlothian
  • Milner
  • Montrose
  • Morel
  • Morrisette
  • Mulligan
  • Musgrove
  • Nicol
  • Nordica
  • Ossian
  • Otto
  • Pacaud
  • Pense
  • Pharand
  • Powell
  • Rankin
  • Rattray
  • Ray
  • Raymond
  • Reynolds
  • Roadhouse
  • Robertson
  • Robillard
  • Rorke
  • Savard
  • Sharpe
  • Sheba
  • Shillington
  • Skead
  • Smyth
  • Speight
  • Teck
  • Terry
  • Trethewey
  • Truax
  • Tudhope
  • Tyrrell
  • Van Hise
  • Van Nostrand
  • Wallis
  • Whitson
  • Willet
  • North Williams
  • Willison
  • Yarrow

Current Municipalities

Unorganized Areas

Muskoka District Municipality

Muskoka County in Ontario

Historical/Geographic Townships [1] [2]

  • Baxter
  • Brunel
  • Cardwell
  • Chaffey
  • Draper
  • Franklin
  • Freeman
  • Gibson
  • Macaulay
  • McLean
  • Medora
  • Monck
  • Morrison
  • Muskoka
  • Oakley
  • Ridout
  • Ryde
  • Sinclair
  • Stephenson
  • Stisted
  • Watt
  • Wood

Current Municipalities

Northwestern Ontario

Kenora District

Kenora District in Ontario

Historical/Geographic Townships [1] [2]

  • Agnes
  • Agnew
  • Aubrey
  • Avery
  • Baird
  • Ball
  • Balmer
  • Barclay
  • Barrett
  • Bateman
  • Belanger
  • Benedickson
  • Big Island
  • Birkett
  • Block No. 7
  • Block No. 8
  • Block No. 9
  • Block No. 10
  • Bowerman
  • Boys
  • Bradshaw
  • Breithaupt
  • Bridges
  • Britton
  • Broderick
  • Brownridge
  • Buller
  • Burk
  • Byshe
  • Cathcart
  • Cartrand
  • Code
  • Colenso
  • Connell
  • Corless
  • Corman
  • Costello
  • Coyle
  • Daniel
  • Dent
  • Desmond
  • Devonshire
  • Dewan
  • Docker
  • Dome
  • Drayton
  • Drope
  • Ear Falls
  • Earngey
  • Echo
  • Eton
  • Ewart
  • Factor
  • Fairlie
  • Forgie
  • Furniss
  • Gidley
  • Glass
  • Godson
  • Golden
  • Graves
  • Goodall
  • Gour
  • Grummett
  • Gundy
  • Hartman
  • Haycock
  • Heyson
  • Hodgson
  • Honeywell
  • Hyndman
  • Ignace
  • IIsley
  • Jackman
  • Jaffray
  • Jordon
  • Killala
  • Kirkup
  • Knot
  • Ladysmith
  • Langton
  • Laval
  • Lomond
  • Le May
  • MacFie
  • MacNichol
  • MacQuarrie
  • Mafeking
  • Malachi
  • Manross
  • McAree
  • McCullagh
  • McDonough
  • McGeorge
  • McIlraith
  • McMeekin
  • McNaughton
  • McNevin
  • Melgund
  • Melick
  • Mitchell
  • Mulcahy
  • Mutrie
  • Norman
  • Noyon
  • Osaquan
  • Pelican
  • Pellatt
  • Pettypiece
  • Phillips
  • Pickerel
  • Ponsford
  • Ranger
  • Reddit
  • Red Lake
  • Redvers
  • Revell
  • Rice
  • Rowell
  • Rudd
  • Rugby
  • Sanford
  • Satterly
  • Shaver
  • Sioux Lookout
  • Sioux Narrows
  • Skey
  • Skimmer
  • Slaight
  • Smellie
  • Southworth
  • Stokes
  • Temple
  • Todd
  • Tustin
  • Tweedsmuir
  • Umbach
  • Van Horne
  • Vermillion
  • Wabigoon
  • Wainwright
  • Wauchope
  • Webb
  • Willans
  • Willingdon
  • Work
  • Zealand

Current Municipalities

Unorganized Areas

Rainy River District

Rainy River District in Ontario

Historical/Geographic Townships [1] [2]

  • Alberton
  • Asmussen
  • Atikokan
  • Atwood
  • Alysworth
  • Baker
  • Barwick
  • Bennett
  • Blue
  • Burriss
  • Carpenter
  • Chapple
  • Claxton
  • Croome
  • Crozier
  • Curran
  • Dance
  • Devlin
  • Dewart
  • Dilke
  • Dobie
  • Emo
  • Farrington
  • Fleming
  • Fort Frances
  • Freeborn
  • Griesinger
  • Halkirk
  • Hutchinson
  • Kingsford
  • La Vallée
  • Lash
  • Mather
  • Mathieu
  • McCaul
  • McCrosson
  • McCrosson & Tovell
  • McIrvine
  • McLarty
  • Menary
  • Miscampbell
  • Morley
  • Morley Additional
  • Morson
  • Nelles
  • Pattullo
  • Potts
  • Pratt
  • Rainy River
  • Ramsay Wright
  • Richardson
  • Roddick
  • Roseberry
  • Rowe
  • Schwenger
  • Senn
  • Shenston
  • Sifton
  • Spohn
  • Sutherland
  • Tait
  • Tanner
  • Tovell
  • Trottier
  • Watten
  • Weaver
  • Wild Land Reserve
  • Woodyatt
  • Worthington

Current Municipalities

Unorganized Areas

Thunder Bay District

Thunder Bay District in Ontario

Historical/Geographic Townships [1] [2]

  • Abrey
  • Adamson
  • Adrian
  • Aldina
  • Alpha
  • Ames
  • Ashmore
  • Atikameg
  • Bain
  • Barbara
  • Beardmore
  • Bégin
  • Bell
  • Benner
  • Bertrand
  • Bickle
  • Blackwell
  • Blake
  • Block No. 1
  • Block No. 2
  • Block No. 3
  • Block No. 4
  • Block No. 5
  • Block No. 6
  • Block No. 7
  • Bomby
  • Booth
  • Boucher
  • Brothers
  • Bryant
  • Bulmer
  • Byron
  • Cecil
  • Cecile
  • Chevrier
  • Church
  • Cockeram
  • Coldwell
  • Colliver
  • Colter
  • Coltham
  • Conacher
  • Conant
  • Conmee
  • Corrigal
  • Cotte
  • Croll
  • Crooks
  • Daley
  • Danford
  • Davies
  • Devon
  • Dorion
  • Dorothea
  • Duckworth
  • Dye
  • Elmhirst
  • Errington
  • Esnagami
  • Eva
  • Exton
  • Fallis
  • Fauteux
  • Fernow
  • Fletcher
  • Flood
  • Foote
  • Forbes
  • Fowler
  • Fraleigh
  • Fulford
  • Furlonge
  • Gemmell
  • Gertrude
  • Gibbard
  • Gillies
  • Glen
  • Goldie
  • Golding
  • Goodfellow
  • Gorham
  • Goulet
  • Grain
  • Graydon
  • Grenville
  • Gzowski
  • Hagey
  • Haines
  • Hanniwell
  • Hardwick
  • Hartington
  • Heathcote
  • Hele
  • Herbert
  • Hipel
  • Hogarth
  • Homer
  • Horne
  • Houck
  • Innes
  • Inwood
  • Irwin
  • Jacques
  • Jean
  • Joynt
  • Jutten
  • Kilkenny
  • Killraine
  • Kirby
  • Kitto
  • Klots
  • Knowles
  • Kowkash
  • Laberge
  • Lahontan
  • Lamport
  • Langworthy
  • Lapierre
  • Laurie
  • Lecours
  • Ledger
  • Leduc
  • Legault
  • Leslie
  • Lett
  • Lindsley
  • Lismore
  • Longlac
  • Low
  • Lybster
  • Lyon
  • MacGregor
  • Manion
  • Manitouwadge
  • Mapledoram
  • Marks
  • McAllister
  • McComber
  • McCoy
  • McCron
  • McCubbin
  • McGill
  • McGillis
  • McIntyre
  • McIvor
  • McKelvie
  • McLaurin
  • McMaster
  • McQueston
  • McTavish
  • Meader
  • Meinsinger
  • Michener
  • Mikano
  • Moss
  • Nakina
  • Neebing
  • Nickle
  • Nipigon
  • O'Connor
  • O'Meara
  • O'Neill
  • Oakes
  • Oboshkegan
  • Oliver
  • Paipoonge
  • Pardee
  • Parent
  • Parry
  • Patience
  • Patrick
  • Pearson
  • Pic
  • Pifher
  • Poisson
  • Priske
  • Purdom
  • Pyramid
  • Red Rock
  • Rickaby
  • Robbins
  • Roberta
  • Robson
  • Rupert
  • Sackville
  • Salsberg
  • Sandra
  • Savanne
  • Savant
  • Schreiber
  • Scoble
  • Shabotik
  • Shibley
  • Shuniah
  • Sibley
  • Smye
  • Soper
  • Spooner
  • Stedham
  • Stirling
  • Strange
  • Strey
  • Summers
  • Suni
  • Syine
  • Terrace Bay
  • Trewartha
  • Tuuri
  • Upsala
  • Vincent
  • Vivian
  • Walsh
  • Walters
  • Wardrope
  • Ware
  • Wiggins
  • Yesno

Current Municipalities

Unorganized Areas

Southern Ontario

Central Ontario

Dufferin County

Dufferin County in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

  • Amaranth
  • East Garafraxa
  • East Luther
  • Melancthon
  • Mono
  • Mulmur

Current Municipalities

Haliburton County

Haliburton County in Ontario

Historical/Geographic Townships [1] [2]

  • Anson
  • Bruton
  • Cardiff
  • Clyde
  • Dudley
  • Dysart
  • Eyre
  • Glanmorgan
  • Guilford
  • Harburn
  • Harcourt
  • Havelock
  • Hindon
  • Lawrence
  • Livingstone
  • Lutterworth
  • McClintock
  • Minden
  • Monmouth
  • Nightingale
  • Sherborone
  • Snowdon
  • Stanhope

Current Municipalities

Hastings County

Hastings County in Ontario

Historical/Geographic Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipalities

Northumberland County

Northumberland County in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipalities

Peterborough County

Peterborough County in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

  • Anstruther
  • Asphodel
  • Belmont
  • Burleigh
  • Cavendish
  • Chandos
  • Dummer
  • Douro
  • Ennismore
  • Galway
  • Harvey
  • Methuen
  • North Monaghan
  • Otonabee
  • Smith

Current Municipalities

Simcoe County

Simcoe County in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipalities

City of Kawartha Lakes

Kawartha Lakes in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipality

Prince Edward County

Prince Edward County in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipality

Eastern Ontario

Frontenac County

Frontenac County in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

  • Barrie
  • Bedford
  • North Canonto
  • South Canonto
  • Clarendon
  • Kennebec
  • Hinchinbrooke
  • Howe Island
  • Kingston
  • Loughborough
  • Miller
  • Olden
  • Oso
  • Palmerston
  • Pittsburgh
  • Portland
  • Storrington
  • Wolfe Island

Current Municipalities

Lanark County

Lanark County in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipalities

Leeds and Grenville United Counties

Leeds and Grenville United Counties in Ontario

Historical townships [1] [2]

Current Municipalities

Lennox and Addington County

Lennox and Addington County in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipalities

Prescott and Russell United Counties

Prescott and Russell United Counties in Ontario

Historical Townships/Municipalities [1] [2]

Current Municipalities

Renfrew County

Renfrew County in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipalities

Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry United Counties

Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry United Counties in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipalities

City of Ottawa

City of Ottawa in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipality

Golden Horseshoe

Regional Municipality of Durham

Durham Region in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipalities

Regional Municipality of Halton

Halton Region in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipalities

Regional Municipality of Niagara

Niagara Region in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipalities

Regional Municipality of Peel

Peel Region in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipalities

Regional Municipality of York

York Region in Ontario

The section of York County north of Metro Toronto eventually became the Regional Municipality of York, and York County was dissolved.

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipalities

City of Hamilton

City of Hamilton in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipality

  • City of Hamilton (Single-tier municipality)

York County and Metropolitan Toronto

Historical Townships [1] [2]

In 1953, York Country was split. Metropolitan Toronto was formed by severing from York County:

  • East York Township
  • Etobicoke Township
  • North York Township
  • Scarborough Township
  • Toronto (pre- amalgamation)

and several small municipalities:

  • Forest Hill
  • Leaside
  • Long Branch
  • Mimico
  • New Toronto
  • Swansea
  • Weston

These were dissolved in 1967 into the townships, which became boroughs.

Metro Toronto was amalgamated in 1998 into:

Southwestern Ontario

Bruce County

Bruce County in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipalities

Elgin County

Elgin County in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipalities

Essex County

Essex County in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipalities

Grey County

Grey County in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

  • Artemesia
  • Bentinck
  • Collingwood
  • Derby
  • Egremont
  • Euphrasia
  • Glenelg
  • Keppel
  • Holland
  • Normanby
  • Osprey
  • Proton
  • St. Vincent
  • Sarawak
  • Sullivan
  • Sydenham

Current Municipalities

Huron County

Huron County in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

  • Ashfield
  • Colborne
  • Goderich
  • Grey
  • Hay
  • Howick
  • Hullett
  • McKillop
  • Morris
  • Stanley
  • Stephen
  • Tuckersmith
  • Turnberry
  • Usborne
  • East Wawanosh
  • West Wawanosh

Current Municipalities

Lambton County

Lambton County in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipalities

Middlesex County

Middlesex County in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipalities

Perth County

Perth County in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

  • Blanshard
  • Downie
  • North Easthope
  • South Easthope
  • Ellice
  • Elma
  • Fullarton
  • Hibbert
  • Logan
  • Mornington
  • Wallace

Current Municipalities

Wellington County

Wellington County in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipalities

Oxford County

Oxford County in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

  • Blandford
  • Blenheim
  • Dereham
  • East Nissouri
  • North Norwich
  • South Norwich
  • East Oxford
  • North Oxford
  • West Oxford
  • East Zorra
  • West Zorra

Current Municipalities

Regional Municipality of Waterloo

Waterloo Region in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipalities

Brant County

Brant County in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipality

Municipality of Chatham-Kent

Chatham-Kent in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipality

Haldimand County

Haldimand County in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipality

Norfolk County

Norfolk County in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipality

See also


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw "GeologyOntario - Geographic Townships of Northern Ontario". Ontario Ministry of Northern Development and Mines. 1993. Archived from the original on 2011-07-07. Retrieved 2013-04-01.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av "Ontario GenWeb - Search by Area". Ontario GenWeb ( 1999. Retrieved 2013-04-01.
  3. ^ "Sudbury District GenWeb". Ontario GenWeb ( 1999. Retrieved 2013-04-01.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from Parent, Ontario)

This is a list of townships in the Canadian province of Ontario. Townships are listed by census division.

Map of Townships in Ontario South of the French River c. 1950 - 1960

Northern Ontario

Northeastern Ontario

Algoma District

Algoma District in Ontario

Historical/Geographic Townships [1] [2]

  • Abbott
  • Aberdeen Additional
  • Abigo
  • Abotossaway
  • Abraham
  • Acton
  • Aguonie
  • Alanen
  • Alarie
  • Albanel
  • Albert
  • Alderson
  • Allenby
  • Allouez
  • Amik
  • Amundsen
  • Anderson
  • André
  • Archibald
  • Arnott
  • Ashley
  • Assad
  • Assef
  • Asselin
  • Atkinson
  • Avis
  • Awenge
  • Aweres
  • Bailloquet
  • Barager
  • Barnes
  • Bayfield
  • Beange
  • Beaton
  • Beaudin
  • Beaudry
  • Beauparlant
  • Beebe
  • Behmann
  • Bernst
  • Bird
  • Bolger
  • Boon
  • Bostwick
  • Bouck
  • Bourinot
  • Bracci
  • Bray
  • Breckenbridge
  • Bridgland
  • Bright Additional
  • Bright
  • Brimacombe
  • Broome
  • Broughton
  • Brule
  • Bruyere
  • Buchan
  • Buckles
  • Bullock
  • Butcher
  • Byng
  • Cadeau
  • Cannard
  • Carmody
  • Carney
  • Casson
  • Chabanel
  • Challener
  • Chapais
  • Charbonneau
  • Chelsea
  • Chenard
  • Chesley Additional
  • Chesley
  • Cholette
  • Clouston
  • Cobden
  • Coderre
  • Coffin Additional
  • Common
  • Concobar
  • Conking
  • Cooper
  • Copenace
  • Corbiere
  • Corboy
  • Cowie
  • Cromlech
  • Cross
  • Cudney
  • Curtis
  • Cuthbertson
  • Dablon
  • Dagle
  • Dahl
  • Dambrossio
  • Daumont
  • Davieaux
  • Davin
  • Day
  • Deagle
  • Debassige
  • Del Villano
  • Dennis
  • Deroche
  • Derry
  • Desbiens
  • Doherty
  • Dolson
  • Doucett
  • Downer
  • Dowsley
  • Drew
  • Dubreuilville
  • Dulhut
  • Dumas
  • Duncan
  • Dunphy
  • Eaket
  • Ebbs
  • Echum
  • Elgie
  • Emiry
  • Ericson
  • Ermine
  • Esquega
  • Esten
  • Ewen
  • Fabbro
  • Farquhar
  • Fenwick
  • Ferrier
  • Fiddler
  • Finan
  • Fisher
  • Flanders
  • Flanders
  • Foch
  • Fontaine
  • Foucault
  • Foulds
  • Frances
  • Franchère
  • Franz
  • Frost
  • Gaisahk
  • Galbraith
  • Gapp
  • Gaudette
  • Gaudry
  • Gaunt
  • Gerow
  • Gervais
  • Gilbertson
  • Giles
  • Gilmore
  • Gisborn
  • Gladstone
  • Glasgow
  • Goodwillie
  • Gould
  • Gourlay
  • Grasett
  • Greenwood
  • Grenoble
  • Grootenboer
  • Groseilliers
  • Grossman
  • Grzela
  • Guindon
  • Gunterman
  • Hadley
  • Haig
  • Hallett
  • Hambleton
  • Handleman
  • Haughton
  • Havilland
  • Havrot
  • Hawkins
  • Hayward
  • Hembruff
  • Herrick
  • Hiawatha
  • Hilton
  • Hodgins
  • Hoffman
  • Home
  • Hook
  • Hornepayne
  • Hotte
  • Hughes
  • Hughson
  • Hunt
  • Huotari
  • Hurlburt
  • Hynes
  • Irving
  • Isaac
  • Jackson
  • Jacobson
  • Jarvis
  • Jessiman
  • Jocelyn
  • Jogues
  • Johns
  • Johnson
  • Jollineau
  • Joubin
  • Juillette
  • Kamichisitit
  • Kane
  • Kapuskasing
  • Kars
  • Keating Additional
  • Keesickquayish
  • Kehoe
  • Kildare
  • Killins
  • Kincaid
  • Kirkwall
  • Kirkwood
  • Knicely
  • Korah
  • Labelle
  • Labonté
  • Laforme
  • Laird
  • Laliberté
  • Lamming
  • Landriault
  • Lane
  • Larkin
  • LaRonde
  • Larson
  • Lascelles
  • Lastheels
  • Laughren
  • LaVérendrye
  • Lawlor
  • LeCaron
  • Leclaire
  • Lefebvre
  • Lefroy
  • Legarde Additional
  • Legarde
  • Legge
  • Leguerrier
  • Lehman
  • Leluk
  • Lendrum
  • Lerwick
  • Lessard
  • Levesque
  • Lewis
  • Ley
  • Lipton
  • Lizar
  • Loach
  • Lockeyer
  • Long
  • Lougheed
  • Lunkie
  • Macaskill
  • Macdonald
  • Mack
  • Maeck
  • Magone
  • Makawa
  • Mandamin
  • Maness
  • Marjorie
  • Marne
  • Martel
  • Martin
  • Matthews
  • Maude
  • McAughey
  • McDowell
  • McEwing
  • McFarlan
  • McGiverin
  • McGowan
  • McIIveen
  • McKeough
  • McMahon
  • McMurray
  • McNie
  • McParland
  • Meath
  • Meen
  • Memaskwosh
  • Ménard
  • Menzies
  • Mercer
  • Meredith
  • Michano
  • Mildred
  • Minnipuka
  • Miskokomon
  • Monestime
  • Mons
  • Montgomery
  • Moorehouse
  • Morin
  • Morningstar
  • Mosambik
  • Musquash
  • Nadjiwon
  • Nagagami
  • Nahwegezhic
  • Nameigos
  • Naveau
  • Nebonaionquet
  • Nebotik
  • Newlands
  • Nicholas
  • Nicolet
  • Noganosh
  • Norberg
  • Nouvel
  • Nuttall
  • Odlum
  • Olinyk
  • Olsen
  • Oscar
  • Oshell
  • Otter
  • Ouellette
  • Palmer
  • Parke
  • Parkinson
  • Parrott
  • Patton
  • Pawis
  • Pearkes
  • Peever
  • Pelletier
  • Pennefather
  • Peterson
  • Piche
  • Pine
  • Plourde
  • Plummer Additional
  • Poncet
  • Poulin
  • Prescott
  • Prince
  • Proctor
  • Puskuta
  • Quill
  • Raaflaub
  • Rabazo
  • Radisson
  • Raimbault
  • Recollet
  • Redden
  • Redsky
  • Reilly
  • Renwick
  • Restoule
  • Riggs
  • Rioux
  • Rix
  • Rollins
  • Root
  • Rose
  • Rouche
  • Rowat
  • Royal
  • Roy
  • Runalls
  • Running
  • Ruston
  • Ryan
  • Sagard
  • St-Germain
  • St. Joseph
  • St. Julian
  • Sampson
  • Saunders
  • Sayer
  • Scarfe
  • Scholfield
  • Scrivener
  • Shanly
  • Shawkence
  • Shedden
  • Shields
  • Shingwaukonce
  • Shulman
  • Simons
  • Simpson
  • Slater
  • Slievert
  • Smilsky
  • Snow
  • Spragge
  • Stefansson
  • Stone
  • Stoney
  • Strain
  • Strickland
  • Striker
  • Sturgeon
  • Suganqueb
  • Tabobondung
  • Talbott
  • Tarbutt
  • Tarbutt Additional
  • Tarentorus
  • Teasdale
  • Tedder
  • Templeton
  • Tennyson
  • Thessalon
  • Thompson
  • Thorp
  • Tiernan
  • Tilley
  • Tilston
  • Timbrell
  • Timmermans
  • Tolmonen
  • Tronsen
  • Tupper
  • Tweedle
  • Usnac
  • Vance
  • VanKoughnet
  • Varley
  • Vasiloff
  • Vibert
  • Victoria
  • Viel
  • Villeneuve
  • Wagg
  • Walls
  • Wardle
  • Warpula
  • Waswa
  • Wawa
  • Wawia
  • Way-White
  • Wells
  • Welsh
  • West
  • White River
  • Whitman
  • Wicksteed
  • Winget
  • Winkler
  • Wiseman
  • Wishart
  • Wlasy
  • Woolrich
  • Worton
  • Yaremko

Current Municipalities

Unorganized Areas

Cochrane District

Cochrane District in Ontario

Historical/Geographic Townships [1] [2]

  • Abbotsford
  • Acres
  • Adair
  • Adams
  • Adanac
  • Agassiz
  • Agate
  • Aitken
  • Alexandra
  • Amery
  • Ardagh
  • Aubin
  • Auden
  • Aurora
  • Avon
  • Bannerman
  • Barker
  • Barlow
  • Barnet
  • Beatty
  • Beck
  • Belford
  • Ben Nevis
  • Beniah
  • Benoit
  • Berry
  • Bessborough
  • Bicknell
  • Birdsall
  • Bisley
  • Black
  • Black River
  • Blackstock
  • Blakelock
  • Blount
  • Bond
  • Bonis
  • Bourassa
  • Bowman
  • Bowyer
  • Boyce
  • Boyle
  • Bradburn
  • Bradette
  • Bradley
  • Bragg
  • Brain
  • Bristol
  • Brower
  • Burrell
  • Burritt
  • Burstall
  • Byers
  • Caithness
  • Calder
  • Calvert
  • Canfield
  • Cargill
  • Carman
  • Carmichael
  • Carnegie
  • Caron
  • Carr
  • Carroll
  • Carscallen
  • Carss
  • Case
  • Casgrain
  • Casselman
  • Challies
  • Chipman
  • Clavet
  • Clay
  • Clergue
  • Clifford
  • Clive
  • Clute
  • Cockshutt
  • Cody
  • Colquhoun
  • Cook
  • Cote
  • Coulson
  • Crawford
  • Cumming
  • Currie
  • Dargavel
  • Deloro
  • Dempsay
  • Denton
  • DePencier
  • Devitt
  • Dokis
  • Duff
  • Dundonald
  • Dunsmore
  • Dyer
  • Ebbitt
  • Ecclestone
  • Edwards
  • Egan
  • Eilber
  • Eldorado
  • Elliott
  • Emerson
  • Enid
  • Evelyn
  • Fauquier
  • Fenton
  • Fergus
  • Findlay
  • Fintry
  • Fleck
  • Ford
  • Fortune
  • Fournier
  • Fox
  • Frecheville
  • Freele
  • Fryatt
  • Fushimi
  • Gaby
  • Galna
  • Ganong
  • Garden
  • Gardiner
  • Garrison
  • Geary
  • Gentles
  • German
  • Gill
  • Glackmeyer
  • Godfrey
  • Goldwin
  • Goodwin
  • Gowan
  • Greer
  • Griffin
  • Guibord
  • Guilfoyle
  • Gurney
  • Habel
  • Haggart
  • Haight
  • Hambly
  • Hamlet
  • Haney
  • Hanlan
  • Hanna
  • Harewood
  • Harker
  • Harmon
  • Heath
  • Hecla
  • Heighington
  • Henderson
  • Henlay
  • Hepburn
  • Hicks
  • Hillmer
  • Hislop
  • Hoblitzell
  • Hobson
  • Hogg
  • Holloway
  • Homuth
  • Hopkins
  • Horden
  • Howells
  • Hoyle
  • Hurdman
  • Hurtubise
  • Idington
  • Inglis
  • Ireland
  • Irish
  • Jamieson
  • Jessop
  • Keefer
  • Kendall
  • Kendrey
  • Kennedy
  • Kenning
  • Kerrs
  • Kidd
  • Kilmer
  • Kineras
  • Kingsmill
  • Kipling
  • Kirkland
  • Knox
  • Kohler
  • Laidlaw
  • Lamarche
  • Lambert
  • Lamplugh
  • Landry
  • Langemarck
  • Langmuir
  • Laughton
  • Leitch
  • Lennox
  • Lewers
  • Lisgar
  • Little
  • Loveland
  • Lowther
  • Lucas
  • Mabee
  • Macdiarmid
  • Machin
  • Macklem
  • Macvicar
  • Magladery
  • Mahaffy
  • Maher
  • Mahoney
  • Mann
  • Marathon
  • Marceau
  • Marriott
  • Marven
  • Massey
  • Matheson
  • Maund
  • McAlpine
  • McBrien
  • McCann
  • McCart
  • McCausland
  • McCoig
  • McCool
  • McCowan
  • McCrea
  • McCuaig
  • McEvay
  • McKnight
  • McLeister
  • McMillan
  • McQuibban
  • Melba
  • Menapia
  • Mewhinney
  • Michaud
  • Milligan
  • Moberly
  • Montcalm
  • Moody
  • Moonbeam
  • Moose
  • Morrow
  • Mortimer
  • Mountjoy
  • Mowbray
  • Mullholland
  • Mulloy
  • Mulvey
  • Munro
  • Murphy
  • Nansen
  • Nassau
  • Neely
  • Nesbitt
  • Nettleton
  • Newman
  • Newmarket
  • Nixon
  • Noseworthy
  • Nova
  • O'Brien
  • Ogden
  • Oke
  • Opasatika
  • Ophir
  • Orkney
  • Ossin
  • Ottaway
  • Owens
  • Parliament
  • Parnell
  • Parr
  • Pearce
  • Pickett
  • Pinard
  • Pitt
  • Playfair
  • Pliny
  • Pontiac
  • Potter
  • Poulett
  • Price
  • Prosser
  • Purvis
  • Pyne
  • Rand
  • Rapley
  • Raven
  • Raynar
  • Réaume
  • Reid
  • Rickard
  • Ritchie
  • Robb
  • Roebuck
  • Rogers
  • Rowlandson
  • Rykert
  • St. John
  • St-Laurent
  • Sanborn
  • Sanderson
  • Sangster
  • Sankey
  • Sargeant
  • Scapa
  • Scovil
  • Seaton
  • Selwyn
  • Sequin
  • Shackleton
  • Shannon
  • Shaw
  • Shearer
  • Sheldon
  • Sheraton
  • Sherring
  • Shetland
  • Shuel
  • Singer
  • Slack
  • Stapells
  • Staples
  • Staunton
  • Steele
  • Stimson
  • Stock
  • Stoddart
  • Stoughton
  • Strachan
  • Strickland
  • Stringer
  • Studholme
  • Sulman
  • Sutcliffe
  • Swanson
  • Swartman
  • Sweatman
  • Sweet
  • Sydere
  • Syer
  • Tannahill
  • Taylor
  • Teefy
  • Teetzel
  • Thackeray
  • Thomas
  • Thorburn
  • Thorneloe
  • Thorning
  • Timmins
  • Tisdale
  • Tolmie
  • Tolstoi
  • Tomlinson
  • Torrance
  • Traill
  • Tucker
  • Tully
  • Turnbull
  • Tweed
  • Valentine
  • Verdun
  • Wacousta
  • Wadsworth
  • Walker
  • Warden
  • Wark
  • Watson
  • Way
  • Webster
  • Weichel
  • Wesley
  • Whitesides
  • Whitney
  • Wilhelmina
  • Wilkie
  • Williamson
  • Winnington
  • Wright

Current Municipalities

Unorganized Areas

Manitoulin District

Manitoulin District in Ontario

Historical/Geographic Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipalities

Unorganized Areas

Nipissing District

Nipissing District in Ontario

Historical/Geographic Townships [1] [2]

  • Airy
  • Anglin
  • Angus
  • Antoine
  • Askin
  • Aston
  • Badgerow
  • Ballantyne
  • Banting
  • Barron
  • Bastedo
  • Beaucage
  • Belfast
  • Bertram
  • Best
  • Biggar
  • Bishop
  • Blyth
  • Bonfield
  • Boulter
  • Bower
  • Boyd
  • Briggs
  • Bronson
  • Burnaby
  • Butler
  • Butt
  • Caldwell
  • Calvin
  • Cameron
  • Canisbay
  • Canton
  • Cassels
  • Chambers
  • Charlton
  • Chisholm
  • Clancy
  • Clarkson
  • Clement
  • Commanda
  • Crerar
  • Cynthia
  • Dana
  • Deacon
  • Devine
  • Dickens
  • Dickson
  • Eddy
  • Edgar
  • Eldridge
  • Falconer
  • Fell
  • East Ferris
  • West Ferris
  • Field
  • Finlayson
  • Fitzgerald
  • Flett
  • French
  • Freswick
  • Garrow
  • Gibbons
  • Gladman
  • Gooderham
  • Grant
  • Guthrie
  • Hammell
  • Hartle
  • Hébert
  • Hobbs
  • Hugel
  • Hunter
  • Joan
  • Jocko
  • Kenny
  • Kirkpatrick
  • La Salle
  • Latchford
  • Lauder
  • Law
  • Le Roche
  • Lister
  • Lockhart
  • Loudon
  • Lyell
  • Lyman
  • MacPherson
  • Master
  • Mattawan
  • McAuslan
  • McCallum
  • McCraney
  • McLaren
  • McLaughlin
  • McWilliams
  • Merrick
  • Milne
  • Mulock
  • Murchison
  • Niven
  • Notman
  • Olive
  • Olrig
  • Osborne
  • Osler
  • Papineau
  • Pardo
  • Parkman
  • Paxton
  • Peck
  • Pedley
  • Pentland
  • Phelps
  • Phyllis
  • Poitras
  • Preston
  • Riddell
  • Sabine
  • Scholes
  • Sisk
  • Springer
  • Sproule
  • Stewart
  • Strathcona
  • Strathy
  • Stratton
  • Thistle
  • Torrington
  • Vogt
  • White
  • Widdifield
  • Wilkes
  • Wyse
  • Yates

Current Municipalities

Unorganized Areas

Parry Sound District

Parry Sound District in Ontario

Historical/Geographic Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipalities

Unorganized Areas

Sudbury District

Sudbury District in Ontario
Greater Sudbury in Ontario

Historical/Geographic Townships [1] [3]

  • Abbey
  • Abney
  • Acadia
  • Acheson
  • Addison
  • Admiral
  • Afton
  • Alcona
  • Alcorn
  • Allen
  • Alton
  • Amyot
  • Antrim
  • Appleby
  • Arbutus
  • Arden
  • Armagh
  • Asquith
  • Athlone
  • Attlee
  • Awrey
  • Aylmer
  • Bader
  • Baldwin
  • Balfour
  • Baltic
  • Battersby
  • Baynes
  • Bazett
  • Beaumont
  • Beckett
  • Beemer
  • Beilhartz
  • Benneweis
  • Benton
  • Beresford
  • Berlin (changed to Kitchener)
  • Bernier
  • Beulah
  • Bevin
  • Bigelow
  • Biggs
  • Bigwood
  • Birch
  • Biscotasi
  • Blackburn
  • Blewett
  • Blezard
  • Bliss
  • Bonar
  • Bordeleau
  • Borden
  • Bounsall
  • Bowell
  • Brackin
  • Braithwaite
  • Breadner
  • Brébeuf
  • Broder
  • Browning
  • Brunswick
  • Brutus
  • Buckland
  • Bullbrook
  • Burr
  • Burrows
  • Burwash
  • Busby
  • Cabot
  • Caen
  • Calais
  • Caouette
  • Capreol
  • Carew
  • Carruthers
  • Carter
  • Cartier
  • Carton
  • Carty
  • Cascaden
  • Casimir
  • Cassidy
  • Cavana
  • Cavell
  • Caverley
  • Ceylon
  • Chalet
  • Champagne
  • Chapleau
  • Chaplin
  • Chappise
  • Cherriman
  • Chester
  • Chewett
  • Churchill
  • Clary
  • Clifton
  • Cochrane
  • Collins
  • Collishaw
  • Comox
  • Connaught
  • Coppell
  • Copperfield
  • Cortez
  • Cosby
  • Cosens
  • Cotton
  • Cox
  • Craig
  • Creelman
  • Creighton
  • Crepieul
  • Crockett
  • Crothers
  • Cull
  • Cunningham
  • Curtin
  • Dale
  • Dalmas
  • Daoust
  • D'Arcy
  • D'Avaugour
  • Davis
  • Deans
  • De Gaulle
  • Delamere
  • Delaney
  • Delhi
  • Delmage
  • Demorest
  • Denison
  • Dennie
  • Denyes
  • Desrosiers
  • Dieppe
  • Dill
  • Dore
  • Dowling
  • Drea
  • Druillettes
  • Drury
  • Dryden
  • Dublin
  • Dukszta
  • Dunbar
  • Dundee
  • Dunlop
  • Dunnet
  • Dupuis
  • Durban
  • Earl
  • Eaton
  • Eden
  • Edighoffer
  • Edinburgh
  • Edith
  • Eisenhower
  • Elizabeth
  • Ellis
  • Emerald
  • English
  • Engstrom
  • Eric
  • Ermatinger
  • Esther
  • Ethel
  • Evans
  • Fairbairn
  • Fairbank
  • Falconbridge
  • Faust
  • Fawcett
  • Fawn
  • Fingal
  • Fitzsimmons
  • Floranna
  • Foleyet
  • Foster
  • Foy
  • Fraleck
  • Frater
  • Fréchette
  • Frey
  • Fulton
  • Gallagher
  • Gamey
  • Gardhouse
  • Garibaldi
  • Garnet
  • Garson
  • Garvey
  • Genier
  • Genoa
  • Gilbert
  • Gilliland
  • Gladwin
  • Goschen
  • Gough
  • Gouin
  • Graham
  • Green
  • Greenlaw
  • Grigg
  • Groves
  • Haddo
  • Haentschel
  • Hagar
  • Halcrow
  • Halifax
  • Hall
  • Hallam
  • Halliday
  • Halsey
  • Hammond
  • Hancock
  • Hanmer
  • Hardiman
  • Harrow
  • Hart
  • Hassard
  • Hawley
  • Hazen
  • Heenan
  • Hellyer
  • Hendrie
  • Hennessy
  • Henry
  • Hess
  • Hill
  • Hodgetts
  • Hoey
  • Hollinger
  • Hong Kong
  • Hornell
  • Horwood
  • Hoskin
  • Howey
  • Hubbard
  • Huffman
  • Hutcheon
  • Hutt
  • Hutton
  • Hyman
  • Invergarry
  • Inverness
  • Iris
  • Ivanhoe
  • Ivy
  • Jack
  • Janes
  • Jasper
  • Jeffries
  • Jennings
  • Joffre
  • Kalen
  • Kaplan
  • Keith
  • Kelly
  • Kelsey
  • Kelso
  • Kelvin
  • Kemp
  • Kenogaming
  • Kilpatrick
  • Kitchener
  • Kosny
  • Lackner
  • Lafleche
  • Lampman
  • Lang
  • Langlois
  • Laura
  • Leask
  • Leeson
  • Leinster
  • Lemoine
  • Levack
  • Lillie
  • Lincoln
  • Lipsett
  • Lloyd
  • Londonderry
  • Lorne
  • Loughrin
  • Louise
  • Lynch
  • MacBeth
  • Mackelcan
  • Maclennan
  • MacMurchy
  • Mageau
  • Mallard
  • Manning
  • Marconi
  • Margaret
  • Marion
  • Marquette
  • Marsh
  • Marshall
  • Marshay
  • Martland
  • Mason
  • Mattagami
  • May
  • McBride
  • McCarthy
  • McConnell
  • McGee
  • McKim
  • McKinnon
  • McLeod
  • McNamara
  • McNaught
  • McNish
  • McOwen
  • McPhail
  • Melrose
  • Merritt
  • Middleton
  • Miramichi
  • Missinaibi
  • Moen
  • Moffat
  • Moggy
  • Moher
  • Mond
  • Moncrieff
  • Mongowin
  • Morgan
  • Morse
  • Moses
  • Mountbatten
  • Muldrew
  • Munster
  • Murdock
  • Muskego
  • Nairn
  • Natal
  • Neelands
  • Neill
  • Neville
  • Newton
  • Nimitz
  • Noble
  • Norman
  • Northrup
  • Nursey
  • Oates
  • Ogilvie
  • Onaping
  • Oswald
  • Osway
  • Panet
  • Parker
  • Parkin
  • Patenaude
  • Pattinson
  • Paudush
  • Paul
  • Penhorwood
  • Peters
  • Pinogrami
  • Porter
  • Potier
  • Racine
  • Ramsden
  • Raney
  • Rathbun
  • Ratter and Dunnet
  • Rayside
  • Reaney
  • Reeves
  • Regan
  • Rennie
  • Rhodes
  • Roberts
  • Roblin
  • Rollo
  • Roosevelt
  • Sadler
  • St-Louis
  • Sale
  • Salter
  • Sandy
  • Scadding
  • Schembri
  • Scollard
  • Scotia
  • Scriven
  • Seagram
  • Scord
  • Selby
  • Selkirk
  • Semple
  • Servos
  • Sewell
  • Shakespeare
  • Sheard
  • Shelburne
  • Shelley
  • Shenango
  • Sheppard
  • Sherlock
  • Sherratt
  • Shibananing
  • Shipley
  • Silk
  • Singapore
  • Sladen
  • Smuts
  • Snider
  • Solski
  • Somme
  • Sothman
  • Spanish River
  • Specht
  • Stalin
  • Stetham
  • Stobie
  • Stover
  • Stralak
  • Strathearn
  • Street
  • Strom
  • Struthers
  • Stull
  • Swayze
  • Sweeny
  • Symington
  • Teasdale
  • Telfer
  • Tilton
  • Tofflemire
  • Togo
  • Tooms
  • Topham
  • Totten
  • Travers
  • Trill
  • Triquet
  • Truman
  • Turner
  • Tyrone
  • Ulster
  • Unwin
  • Valley East
  • Valin
  • Venturi
  • Vernon
  • Victoria
  • Vondette
  • Vrooman
  • Wakami
  • Waldie
  • Warren
  • Waters
  • Weeks
  • Westbrook
  • Whalen
  • Wigham
  • Whitehead
  • Wigle
  • Windego
  • Wisner
  • Yeo
  • Zavitz

Current Municipalities

Unorganized Areas

Timiskaming District

Timiskaming District in Ontario

Historical/Geographic Townships [1] [2]

  • Alma
  • Argyle
  • Armstrong
  • Arnold
  • Auld
  • Baden
  • Banks
  • Bannockburn
  • Barber
  • Barr
  • Bartlett
  • Bayly
  • Beauchamp
  • Bernhardt
  • Blain
  • Bompas
  • Boston
  • Brethour
  • Brewster
  • Brigstocke
  • Bryce
  • Bucke
  • Burt
  • Cairo
  • Cane
  • Casey
  • Catharine
  • Chamberlain
  • Charters
  • Childerhose
  • Chown
  • Cleaver
  • Cole
  • Coleman
  • Corkill
  • Corley
  • Dack
  • Dane
  • Davidson
  • Donovan
  • Doon
  • Douglas
  • Doyle
  • Dufferin
  • Dunmore
  • Dymond
  • Eby
  • Evanturel
  • Fallon
  • Farr
  • Fasken
  • Firstbrook
  • Flavelle
  • Fripp
  • Gamble
  • Gauthier
  • Geikie
  • Gillies Limit
  • Grenfell
  • Gross
  • Harley
  • Harris
  • Haultain
  • Hearst
  • Henwood
  • Hillary
  • Hilliard
  • Hincks
  • Holmes
  • Hudson
  • Ingram
  • James
  • Katrine
  • Kerns
  • Kimberley
  • Kittson
  • Klock
  • Knight
  • Lawson
  • Lebel
  • Leckie
  • Lee
  • Leith
  • Leo
  • Leonard
  • Lorrain
  • South Lorrain
  • Lundy
  • Maisonville
  • Marquis
  • Marter
  • McArthur
  • McElroy
  • McFadden
  • McGarry
  • McGiffin
  • McKeown
  • McNeil
  • McVittie
  • Medina
  • Michie
  • Mickle
  • Midlothian
  • Milner
  • Montrose
  • Morel
  • Morrisette
  • Mulligan
  • Musgrove
  • Nicol
  • Nordica
  • Ossian
  • Otto
  • Pacaud
  • Pense
  • Pharand
  • Powell
  • Rankin
  • Rattray
  • Ray
  • Raymond
  • Reynolds
  • Roadhouse
  • Robertson
  • Robillard
  • Rorke
  • Savard
  • Sharpe
  • Sheba
  • Shillington
  • Skead
  • Smyth
  • Speight
  • Teck
  • Terry
  • Trethewey
  • Truax
  • Tudhope
  • Tyrrell
  • Van Hise
  • Van Nostrand
  • Wallis
  • Whitson
  • Willet
  • North Williams
  • Willison
  • Yarrow

Current Municipalities

Unorganized Areas

Muskoka District Municipality

Muskoka County in Ontario

Historical/Geographic Townships [1] [2]

  • Baxter
  • Brunel
  • Cardwell
  • Chaffey
  • Draper
  • Franklin
  • Freeman
  • Gibson
  • Macaulay
  • McLean
  • Medora
  • Monck
  • Morrison
  • Muskoka
  • Oakley
  • Ridout
  • Ryde
  • Sinclair
  • Stephenson
  • Stisted
  • Watt
  • Wood

Current Municipalities

Northwestern Ontario

Kenora District

Kenora District in Ontario

Historical/Geographic Townships [1] [2]

  • Agnes
  • Agnew
  • Aubrey
  • Avery
  • Baird
  • Ball
  • Balmer
  • Barclay
  • Barrett
  • Bateman
  • Belanger
  • Benedickson
  • Big Island
  • Birkett
  • Block No. 7
  • Block No. 8
  • Block No. 9
  • Block No. 10
  • Bowerman
  • Boys
  • Bradshaw
  • Breithaupt
  • Bridges
  • Britton
  • Broderick
  • Brownridge
  • Buller
  • Burk
  • Byshe
  • Cathcart
  • Cartrand
  • Code
  • Colenso
  • Connell
  • Corless
  • Corman
  • Costello
  • Coyle
  • Daniel
  • Dent
  • Desmond
  • Devonshire
  • Dewan
  • Docker
  • Dome
  • Drayton
  • Drope
  • Ear Falls
  • Earngey
  • Echo
  • Eton
  • Ewart
  • Factor
  • Fairlie
  • Forgie
  • Furniss
  • Gidley
  • Glass
  • Godson
  • Golden
  • Graves
  • Goodall
  • Gour
  • Grummett
  • Gundy
  • Hartman
  • Haycock
  • Heyson
  • Hodgson
  • Honeywell
  • Hyndman
  • Ignace
  • IIsley
  • Jackman
  • Jaffray
  • Jordon
  • Killala
  • Kirkup
  • Knot
  • Ladysmith
  • Langton
  • Laval
  • Lomond
  • Le May
  • MacFie
  • MacNichol
  • MacQuarrie
  • Mafeking
  • Malachi
  • Manross
  • McAree
  • McCullagh
  • McDonough
  • McGeorge
  • McIlraith
  • McMeekin
  • McNaughton
  • McNevin
  • Melgund
  • Melick
  • Mitchell
  • Mulcahy
  • Mutrie
  • Norman
  • Noyon
  • Osaquan
  • Pelican
  • Pellatt
  • Pettypiece
  • Phillips
  • Pickerel
  • Ponsford
  • Ranger
  • Reddit
  • Red Lake
  • Redvers
  • Revell
  • Rice
  • Rowell
  • Rudd
  • Rugby
  • Sanford
  • Satterly
  • Shaver
  • Sioux Lookout
  • Sioux Narrows
  • Skey
  • Skimmer
  • Slaight
  • Smellie
  • Southworth
  • Stokes
  • Temple
  • Todd
  • Tustin
  • Tweedsmuir
  • Umbach
  • Van Horne
  • Vermillion
  • Wabigoon
  • Wainwright
  • Wauchope
  • Webb
  • Willans
  • Willingdon
  • Work
  • Zealand

Current Municipalities

Unorganized Areas

Rainy River District

Rainy River District in Ontario

Historical/Geographic Townships [1] [2]

  • Alberton
  • Asmussen
  • Atikokan
  • Atwood
  • Alysworth
  • Baker
  • Barwick
  • Bennett
  • Blue
  • Burriss
  • Carpenter
  • Chapple
  • Claxton
  • Croome
  • Crozier
  • Curran
  • Dance
  • Devlin
  • Dewart
  • Dilke
  • Dobie
  • Emo
  • Farrington
  • Fleming
  • Fort Frances
  • Freeborn
  • Griesinger
  • Halkirk
  • Hutchinson
  • Kingsford
  • La Vallée
  • Lash
  • Mather
  • Mathieu
  • McCaul
  • McCrosson
  • McCrosson & Tovell
  • McIrvine
  • McLarty
  • Menary
  • Miscampbell
  • Morley
  • Morley Additional
  • Morson
  • Nelles
  • Pattullo
  • Potts
  • Pratt
  • Rainy River
  • Ramsay Wright
  • Richardson
  • Roddick
  • Roseberry
  • Rowe
  • Schwenger
  • Senn
  • Shenston
  • Sifton
  • Spohn
  • Sutherland
  • Tait
  • Tanner
  • Tovell
  • Trottier
  • Watten
  • Weaver
  • Wild Land Reserve
  • Woodyatt
  • Worthington

Current Municipalities

Unorganized Areas

Thunder Bay District

Thunder Bay District in Ontario

Historical/Geographic Townships [1] [2]

  • Abrey
  • Adamson
  • Adrian
  • Aldina
  • Alpha
  • Ames
  • Ashmore
  • Atikameg
  • Bain
  • Barbara
  • Beardmore
  • Bégin
  • Bell
  • Benner
  • Bertrand
  • Bickle
  • Blackwell
  • Blake
  • Block No. 1
  • Block No. 2
  • Block No. 3
  • Block No. 4
  • Block No. 5
  • Block No. 6
  • Block No. 7
  • Bomby
  • Booth
  • Boucher
  • Brothers
  • Bryant
  • Bulmer
  • Byron
  • Cecil
  • Cecile
  • Chevrier
  • Church
  • Cockeram
  • Coldwell
  • Colliver
  • Colter
  • Coltham
  • Conacher
  • Conant
  • Conmee
  • Corrigal
  • Cotte
  • Croll
  • Crooks
  • Daley
  • Danford
  • Davies
  • Devon
  • Dorion
  • Dorothea
  • Duckworth
  • Dye
  • Elmhirst
  • Errington
  • Esnagami
  • Eva
  • Exton
  • Fallis
  • Fauteux
  • Fernow
  • Fletcher
  • Flood
  • Foote
  • Forbes
  • Fowler
  • Fraleigh
  • Fulford
  • Furlonge
  • Gemmell
  • Gertrude
  • Gibbard
  • Gillies
  • Glen
  • Goldie
  • Golding
  • Goodfellow
  • Gorham
  • Goulet
  • Grain
  • Graydon
  • Grenville
  • Gzowski
  • Hagey
  • Haines
  • Hanniwell
  • Hardwick
  • Hartington
  • Heathcote
  • Hele
  • Herbert
  • Hipel
  • Hogarth
  • Homer
  • Horne
  • Houck
  • Innes
  • Inwood
  • Irwin
  • Jacques
  • Jean
  • Joynt
  • Jutten
  • Kilkenny
  • Killraine
  • Kirby
  • Kitto
  • Klots
  • Knowles
  • Kowkash
  • Laberge
  • Lahontan
  • Lamport
  • Langworthy
  • Lapierre
  • Laurie
  • Lecours
  • Ledger
  • Leduc
  • Legault
  • Leslie
  • Lett
  • Lindsley
  • Lismore
  • Longlac
  • Low
  • Lybster
  • Lyon
  • MacGregor
  • Manion
  • Manitouwadge
  • Mapledoram
  • Marks
  • McAllister
  • McComber
  • McCoy
  • McCron
  • McCubbin
  • McGill
  • McGillis
  • McIntyre
  • McIvor
  • McKelvie
  • McLaurin
  • McMaster
  • McQueston
  • McTavish
  • Meader
  • Meinsinger
  • Michener
  • Mikano
  • Moss
  • Nakina
  • Neebing
  • Nickle
  • Nipigon
  • O'Connor
  • O'Meara
  • O'Neill
  • Oakes
  • Oboshkegan
  • Oliver
  • Paipoonge
  • Pardee
  • Parent
  • Parry
  • Patience
  • Patrick
  • Pearson
  • Pic
  • Pifher
  • Poisson
  • Priske
  • Purdom
  • Pyramid
  • Red Rock
  • Rickaby
  • Robbins
  • Roberta
  • Robson
  • Rupert
  • Sackville
  • Salsberg
  • Sandra
  • Savanne
  • Savant
  • Schreiber
  • Scoble
  • Shabotik
  • Shibley
  • Shuniah
  • Sibley
  • Smye
  • Soper
  • Spooner
  • Stedham
  • Stirling
  • Strange
  • Strey
  • Summers
  • Suni
  • Syine
  • Terrace Bay
  • Trewartha
  • Tuuri
  • Upsala
  • Vincent
  • Vivian
  • Walsh
  • Walters
  • Wardrope
  • Ware
  • Wiggins
  • Yesno

Current Municipalities

Unorganized Areas

Southern Ontario

Central Ontario

Dufferin County

Dufferin County in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

  • Amaranth
  • East Garafraxa
  • East Luther
  • Melancthon
  • Mono
  • Mulmur

Current Municipalities

Haliburton County

Haliburton County in Ontario

Historical/Geographic Townships [1] [2]

  • Anson
  • Bruton
  • Cardiff
  • Clyde
  • Dudley
  • Dysart
  • Eyre
  • Glanmorgan
  • Guilford
  • Harburn
  • Harcourt
  • Havelock
  • Hindon
  • Lawrence
  • Livingstone
  • Lutterworth
  • McClintock
  • Minden
  • Monmouth
  • Nightingale
  • Sherborone
  • Snowdon
  • Stanhope

Current Municipalities

Hastings County

Hastings County in Ontario

Historical/Geographic Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipalities

Northumberland County

Northumberland County in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipalities

Peterborough County

Peterborough County in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

  • Anstruther
  • Asphodel
  • Belmont
  • Burleigh
  • Cavendish
  • Chandos
  • Dummer
  • Douro
  • Ennismore
  • Galway
  • Harvey
  • Methuen
  • North Monaghan
  • Otonabee
  • Smith

Current Municipalities

Simcoe County

Simcoe County in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipalities

City of Kawartha Lakes

Kawartha Lakes in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipality

Prince Edward County

Prince Edward County in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipality

Eastern Ontario

Frontenac County

Frontenac County in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

  • Barrie
  • Bedford
  • North Canonto
  • South Canonto
  • Clarendon
  • Kennebec
  • Hinchinbrooke
  • Howe Island
  • Kingston
  • Loughborough
  • Miller
  • Olden
  • Oso
  • Palmerston
  • Pittsburgh
  • Portland
  • Storrington
  • Wolfe Island

Current Municipalities

Lanark County

Lanark County in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipalities

Leeds and Grenville United Counties

Leeds and Grenville United Counties in Ontario

Historical townships [1] [2]

Current Municipalities

Lennox and Addington County

Lennox and Addington County in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipalities

Prescott and Russell United Counties

Prescott and Russell United Counties in Ontario

Historical Townships/Municipalities [1] [2]

Current Municipalities

Renfrew County

Renfrew County in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipalities

Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry United Counties

Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry United Counties in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipalities

City of Ottawa

City of Ottawa in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipality

Golden Horseshoe

Regional Municipality of Durham

Durham Region in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipalities

Regional Municipality of Halton

Halton Region in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipalities

Regional Municipality of Niagara

Niagara Region in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipalities

Regional Municipality of Peel

Peel Region in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipalities

Regional Municipality of York

York Region in Ontario

The section of York County north of Metro Toronto eventually became the Regional Municipality of York, and York County was dissolved.

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipalities

City of Hamilton

City of Hamilton in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipality

  • City of Hamilton (Single-tier municipality)

York County and Metropolitan Toronto

Historical Townships [1] [2]

In 1953, York Country was split. Metropolitan Toronto was formed by severing from York County:

  • East York Township
  • Etobicoke Township
  • North York Township
  • Scarborough Township
  • Toronto (pre- amalgamation)

and several small municipalities:

  • Forest Hill
  • Leaside
  • Long Branch
  • Mimico
  • New Toronto
  • Swansea
  • Weston

These were dissolved in 1967 into the townships, which became boroughs.

Metro Toronto was amalgamated in 1998 into:

Southwestern Ontario

Bruce County

Bruce County in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipalities

Elgin County

Elgin County in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipalities

Essex County

Essex County in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipalities

Grey County

Grey County in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

  • Artemesia
  • Bentinck
  • Collingwood
  • Derby
  • Egremont
  • Euphrasia
  • Glenelg
  • Keppel
  • Holland
  • Normanby
  • Osprey
  • Proton
  • St. Vincent
  • Sarawak
  • Sullivan
  • Sydenham

Current Municipalities

Huron County

Huron County in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

  • Ashfield
  • Colborne
  • Goderich
  • Grey
  • Hay
  • Howick
  • Hullett
  • McKillop
  • Morris
  • Stanley
  • Stephen
  • Tuckersmith
  • Turnberry
  • Usborne
  • East Wawanosh
  • West Wawanosh

Current Municipalities

Lambton County

Lambton County in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipalities

Middlesex County

Middlesex County in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipalities

Perth County

Perth County in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

  • Blanshard
  • Downie
  • North Easthope
  • South Easthope
  • Ellice
  • Elma
  • Fullarton
  • Hibbert
  • Logan
  • Mornington
  • Wallace

Current Municipalities

Wellington County

Wellington County in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipalities

Oxford County

Oxford County in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

  • Blandford
  • Blenheim
  • Dereham
  • East Nissouri
  • North Norwich
  • South Norwich
  • East Oxford
  • North Oxford
  • West Oxford
  • East Zorra
  • West Zorra

Current Municipalities

Regional Municipality of Waterloo

Waterloo Region in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipalities

Brant County

Brant County in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipality

Municipality of Chatham-Kent

Chatham-Kent in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipality

Haldimand County

Haldimand County in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipality

Norfolk County

Norfolk County in Ontario

Historical Townships [1] [2]

Current Municipality

See also


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw "GeologyOntario - Geographic Townships of Northern Ontario". Ontario Ministry of Northern Development and Mines. 1993. Archived from the original on 2011-07-07. Retrieved 2013-04-01.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av "Ontario GenWeb - Search by Area". Ontario GenWeb ( 1999. Retrieved 2013-04-01.
  3. ^ "Sudbury District GenWeb". Ontario GenWeb ( 1999. Retrieved 2013-04-01.


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