From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

local p = {}

function p.board(frame)

	local args = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs(frame)


	local size = string.gsub(args91 or 30, '\n', '')

	local width = size * 9

	local height = size * 12

	local rows = args.rows

	local startrow = args.startrow

	local top = 0

	local bheight = height

	local cols = args.cols

	local startcol = args.startcol

	local left = 0

	local bwidth = width

	local bsize = size


	if cols == nil and startcol ~= nil then

		cols = 9 - startcol


	if cols ~= nil then

		width = width * cols / 9


	if cols ~= nil and startcol == nil then

		startcol = 1


	if startcol ~= nil then

		left = bwidth / 9 * (startcol - 1)



	if rows == nil and startrow ~= nil then

		rows = 12 - startrow


	if rows ~= nil then

		bheight = bheight / 12 * rows


	if rows ~= nil and startrow == nil then

		startrow = 1


	if startrow ~= nil then

		top = height / 12 * startrow



	local sizef1 = size / 15

	local sizef2 = size / 20

	local sizef3 = size / 5

	local margin = size / 2 - sizef3 / 2

	local sizeX = math.ceil(size / 2, 0)

	local marginX = size / 2 - sizeX / 2


	local qp = ''

	qp = qp .. '<div class="center" style="clear:right;">'

	qp = qp .. '<div style="position:relative;width:' .. width .. 'px;height:' .. bheight .. 'px;overflow:hidden;">'

	qp = qp .. '<div style="position:absolute;top:-' .. top .. 'px;left:-' .. left .. 'px;width:' .. width .. 'px;">'

	qp = qp .. '[[File:Xiangqi_board.svg|' .. bwidth .. 'px]]'

	qp = qp .. '</div>'

	qp = qp .. '<div style="position:absolute;top:-' .. top .. 'px;left:-' .. left .. 'px;width:' .. width .. 'px;">'

	for i = 0, 9 do

		for j = 0, 8 do

			local qz = string.gsub(argsi * 9 + j + 1 or '', '\n', '')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, ' ', '')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, ' ', '')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, '_', '')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, '车', 'rd')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, '車', 'rd')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, '伡', 'rl')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, '俥', 'rl')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, '马', 'hd')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, '馬', 'hd')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, '㐷', 'hl')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, '傌', 'hl')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, '相', 'el')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, '象', 'ed')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, '仕', 'al')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, '士', 'ad')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, '炮', 'cl')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, '砲', 'cd')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, '兵', 'sl')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, '卒', 'sd')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, '帅', 'gl')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, '帥', 'gl')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, '将', 'gd')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, '將', 'gd')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, '包', 'cd')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, '暗', 'rs')

			local sx = ((i + 1) * size)

			local sy = (j * size)

			local bj


			bj = string.find(qz, '%[')

			if bj ~= null then

				qp = qp .. '<div style="position:absolute;z-index:100;top:' .. sx .. 'px;left:' .. sy .. 'px;width:' ..

						 size .. 'px;height:' .. size .. 'px;">'

				qp =

					qp .. '<div style="position:absolute;width:15%;height:15%;top:0px;left:0px;border-top:' .. sizef1 ..

						'px solid #0f0;border-left:' .. sizef1 .. 'px solid #0f0;"></div>'

				qp =

					qp .. '<div style="position:absolute;width:15%;height:15%;top:0px;right:0px;border-top:' .. sizef1 ..

						'px solid #0f0;border-right:' .. sizef1 .. 'px solid #0f0;"></div>'

				qp = qp .. '<div style="position:absolute;width:15%;height:15%;bottom:0px;left:0px;border-bottom:' ..

						 sizef1 .. 'px solid #0f0;border-left:' .. sizef1 .. 'px solid #0f0;"></div>'

				qp = qp .. '<div style="position:absolute;width:15%;height:15%;bottom:0px;right:0px;border-bottom:' ..

						 sizef1 .. 'px solid #0f0;border-right:' .. sizef1 .. 'px solid #0f0;"></div>'

				qp = qp .. '</div>'


			qz = string.gsub(qz, '%[', '')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, '%]', '')


			bj = string.find(qz, '%.')

			if bj ~= null then

				qp = qp .. '<div style="position:absolute;z-index:99;top:' .. sx .. 'px;left:' .. sy .. 'px;width:' ..

						 size .. 'px;">'

				qp = qp .. '<div style="margin:' .. margin .. 'px;width:' .. sizef3 .. 'px;height:' .. sizef3 ..


				qp = qp .. '</div>'


			qz = string.gsub(qz, '%.', '')


			bj = string.find(qz, 'x')

			if bj ~= null then

				qp = qp .. '<div style="position:absolute;z-index:99;top:' .. sx .. 'px;left:' .. sy .. 'px;width:' ..

						 size .. 'px;text-align:center;">'

				qp = qp .. '[[File:red x.svg|' .. sizeX .. 'px]]'

				qp = qp .. '</div>'


			qz = string.gsub(qz, 'x', '')

			if qz ~= '' then

				qp = qp .. '<div style="position:absolute;z-index:98;top:' .. sx .. 'px;left:' .. sy .. 'px;width:' ..

						 size .. 'px;">'

				qp = qp .. '[[File:Xiangqi_' .. qz .. '1.svg|' .. size .. 'px]]'

				qp = qp .. '</div>'





	local arrow = args.arrow

	if arrow ~= nil then

		qp = qp .. drawArrow(arrow, size)


	local count = 2

	while args'arrow' .. count ~= nil do

		qp = qp .. drawArrow(args'arrow' .. count], size)

		count = count + 1


	qp = qp .. '</div></div></div>'

	return qp


function drawArrow(arrow, size)

	arrow = string.gsub(arrow, ' ', '')

	local start = 1

	local t = {}

	local str = ''

	while true do

		local pos = string.find(arrow, ',', start, true)

		if not pos then



		table.insert(t, string.sub(arrow, start, pos - 1))

		start = pos + string.len(',')


	table.insert(t, string.sub(arrow, start))

	t4 = t4 * 1

	while t4 < 0 do

		t4 = t4 + 360


	while t4 >= 360 do

		t4 = t4 - 360


	----箭頭的底盤 拿來旋轉方向使用

	str = str .. '<div style="z-index:108;position:absolute;'

	str = str .. 'left:' .. (t1 - 1) * size .. 'px;'

	str = str .. 'top:' .. t2 * size .. 'px;'

	str = str .. 'width:' .. t3 * size .. 'px;'

	str = str .. 'height:' .. size .. 'px;'

	str = str .. 'transform-origin:' .. size / 2 .. 'px ' .. size / 2 .. 'px;'

	str = str .. 'transform:rotate(' .. t4 .. 'deg);">'


	str = str .. '<div style="z-index:108;position:absolute;'

	str = str .. 'left:' .. size / 2 .. 'px;'

	str = str .. 'top:' .. size / 2 - size / 16 .. 'px;'

	str = str .. 'width:' .. (t3 - 0.4) * size .. 'px;'

	str = str .. 'height:' .. size / 8 .. 'px;'

	str = str .. 'background-color:#0f0;"></div>'


	str = str .. '<div style="z-index:108;position:absolute;'

	str = str .. 'left:' .. t3 * size .. 'px;'

	str = str .. 'top:' .. size / 2 - size / 4 .. 'px;'

	str = str .. 'width:0px;height:0px;'

	str = str .. 'border:' .. size / 4 .. 'px solid transparent;'

	str = str .. 'border-left-color:#0f0;'

	str = str .. 'border-left-width:' .. size / 2 .. 'px;"></div>'

	str = str .. '</div>'

	return str


return p
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

local p = {}

function p.board(frame)

	local args = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs(frame)


	local size = string.gsub(args91 or 30, '\n', '')

	local width = size * 9

	local height = size * 12

	local rows = args.rows

	local startrow = args.startrow

	local top = 0

	local bheight = height

	local cols = args.cols

	local startcol = args.startcol

	local left = 0

	local bwidth = width

	local bsize = size


	if cols == nil and startcol ~= nil then

		cols = 9 - startcol


	if cols ~= nil then

		width = width * cols / 9


	if cols ~= nil and startcol == nil then

		startcol = 1


	if startcol ~= nil then

		left = bwidth / 9 * (startcol - 1)



	if rows == nil and startrow ~= nil then

		rows = 12 - startrow


	if rows ~= nil then

		bheight = bheight / 12 * rows


	if rows ~= nil and startrow == nil then

		startrow = 1


	if startrow ~= nil then

		top = height / 12 * startrow



	local sizef1 = size / 15

	local sizef2 = size / 20

	local sizef3 = size / 5

	local margin = size / 2 - sizef3 / 2

	local sizeX = math.ceil(size / 2, 0)

	local marginX = size / 2 - sizeX / 2


	local qp = ''

	qp = qp .. '<div class="center" style="clear:right;">'

	qp = qp .. '<div style="position:relative;width:' .. width .. 'px;height:' .. bheight .. 'px;overflow:hidden;">'

	qp = qp .. '<div style="position:absolute;top:-' .. top .. 'px;left:-' .. left .. 'px;width:' .. width .. 'px;">'

	qp = qp .. '[[File:Xiangqi_board.svg|' .. bwidth .. 'px]]'

	qp = qp .. '</div>'

	qp = qp .. '<div style="position:absolute;top:-' .. top .. 'px;left:-' .. left .. 'px;width:' .. width .. 'px;">'

	for i = 0, 9 do

		for j = 0, 8 do

			local qz = string.gsub(argsi * 9 + j + 1 or '', '\n', '')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, ' ', '')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, ' ', '')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, '_', '')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, '车', 'rd')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, '車', 'rd')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, '伡', 'rl')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, '俥', 'rl')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, '马', 'hd')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, '馬', 'hd')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, '㐷', 'hl')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, '傌', 'hl')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, '相', 'el')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, '象', 'ed')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, '仕', 'al')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, '士', 'ad')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, '炮', 'cl')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, '砲', 'cd')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, '兵', 'sl')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, '卒', 'sd')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, '帅', 'gl')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, '帥', 'gl')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, '将', 'gd')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, '將', 'gd')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, '包', 'cd')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, '暗', 'rs')

			local sx = ((i + 1) * size)

			local sy = (j * size)

			local bj


			bj = string.find(qz, '%[')

			if bj ~= null then

				qp = qp .. '<div style="position:absolute;z-index:100;top:' .. sx .. 'px;left:' .. sy .. 'px;width:' ..

						 size .. 'px;height:' .. size .. 'px;">'

				qp =

					qp .. '<div style="position:absolute;width:15%;height:15%;top:0px;left:0px;border-top:' .. sizef1 ..

						'px solid #0f0;border-left:' .. sizef1 .. 'px solid #0f0;"></div>'

				qp =

					qp .. '<div style="position:absolute;width:15%;height:15%;top:0px;right:0px;border-top:' .. sizef1 ..

						'px solid #0f0;border-right:' .. sizef1 .. 'px solid #0f0;"></div>'

				qp = qp .. '<div style="position:absolute;width:15%;height:15%;bottom:0px;left:0px;border-bottom:' ..

						 sizef1 .. 'px solid #0f0;border-left:' .. sizef1 .. 'px solid #0f0;"></div>'

				qp = qp .. '<div style="position:absolute;width:15%;height:15%;bottom:0px;right:0px;border-bottom:' ..

						 sizef1 .. 'px solid #0f0;border-right:' .. sizef1 .. 'px solid #0f0;"></div>'

				qp = qp .. '</div>'


			qz = string.gsub(qz, '%[', '')

			qz = string.gsub(qz, '%]', '')


			bj = string.find(qz, '%.')

			if bj ~= null then

				qp = qp .. '<div style="position:absolute;z-index:99;top:' .. sx .. 'px;left:' .. sy .. 'px;width:' ..

						 size .. 'px;">'

				qp = qp .. '<div style="margin:' .. margin .. 'px;width:' .. sizef3 .. 'px;height:' .. sizef3 ..


				qp = qp .. '</div>'


			qz = string.gsub(qz, '%.', '')


			bj = string.find(qz, 'x')

			if bj ~= null then

				qp = qp .. '<div style="position:absolute;z-index:99;top:' .. sx .. 'px;left:' .. sy .. 'px;width:' ..

						 size .. 'px;text-align:center;">'

				qp = qp .. '[[File:red x.svg|' .. sizeX .. 'px]]'

				qp = qp .. '</div>'


			qz = string.gsub(qz, 'x', '')

			if qz ~= '' then

				qp = qp .. '<div style="position:absolute;z-index:98;top:' .. sx .. 'px;left:' .. sy .. 'px;width:' ..

						 size .. 'px;">'

				qp = qp .. '[[File:Xiangqi_' .. qz .. '1.svg|' .. size .. 'px]]'

				qp = qp .. '</div>'





	local arrow = args.arrow

	if arrow ~= nil then

		qp = qp .. drawArrow(arrow, size)


	local count = 2

	while args'arrow' .. count ~= nil do

		qp = qp .. drawArrow(args'arrow' .. count], size)

		count = count + 1


	qp = qp .. '</div></div></div>'

	return qp


function drawArrow(arrow, size)

	arrow = string.gsub(arrow, ' ', '')

	local start = 1

	local t = {}

	local str = ''

	while true do

		local pos = string.find(arrow, ',', start, true)

		if not pos then



		table.insert(t, string.sub(arrow, start, pos - 1))

		start = pos + string.len(',')


	table.insert(t, string.sub(arrow, start))

	t4 = t4 * 1

	while t4 < 0 do

		t4 = t4 + 360


	while t4 >= 360 do

		t4 = t4 - 360


	----箭頭的底盤 拿來旋轉方向使用

	str = str .. '<div style="z-index:108;position:absolute;'

	str = str .. 'left:' .. (t1 - 1) * size .. 'px;'

	str = str .. 'top:' .. t2 * size .. 'px;'

	str = str .. 'width:' .. t3 * size .. 'px;'

	str = str .. 'height:' .. size .. 'px;'

	str = str .. 'transform-origin:' .. size / 2 .. 'px ' .. size / 2 .. 'px;'

	str = str .. 'transform:rotate(' .. t4 .. 'deg);">'


	str = str .. '<div style="z-index:108;position:absolute;'

	str = str .. 'left:' .. size / 2 .. 'px;'

	str = str .. 'top:' .. size / 2 - size / 16 .. 'px;'

	str = str .. 'width:' .. (t3 - 0.4) * size .. 'px;'

	str = str .. 'height:' .. size / 8 .. 'px;'

	str = str .. 'background-color:#0f0;"></div>'


	str = str .. '<div style="z-index:108;position:absolute;'

	str = str .. 'left:' .. t3 * size .. 'px;'

	str = str .. 'top:' .. size / 2 - size / 4 .. 'px;'

	str = str .. 'width:0px;height:0px;'

	str = str .. 'border:' .. size / 4 .. 'px solid transparent;'

	str = str .. 'border-left-color:#0f0;'

	str = str .. 'border-left-width:' .. size / 2 .. 'px;"></div>'

	str = str .. '</div>'

	return str


return p


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