Permanently protected module
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

local p = {}

local Userbox = require('Module:Userbox')

local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs

local function urlencode(text)

	-- Return equivalent of {{urlencode:text}}.

	local function byte(char)

		return string.format('%%%02X', string.byte(char))


	return text:gsub('[^ %w%-._]', byte):gsub(' ', '+')


local function formatNumber(number)

	number = number:gsub(',', '') 

	return  mw.getContentLanguage():formatNum( tonumber(number) )



function p.contrib(frame, args)

	if not args then

		args = getArgs(frame)


	-- in the current template there is an {{#iferror: {{#expr: {{{1}}} }}. So I need to do a check to make sure the argument supplied is actually a number.

	local id_fc, id_c, info_fc, info_c

	local formated_count 

	local count = args1 or '1'

	local plural = 's'


	if count:match('^[%d,]*$') then

		count = count:gsub(',', '') 

		count = tonumber(count)

		formated_count = mw.getContentLanguage():formatNum( count )

		if count == 1 then plural = '' end

    	-- 0-9,999 is shades of green

		if	   count < 1000  then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#dddddd'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#eeeeee'

		elseif count < 2000  then id_fc = '#FFFFFF'; id_c = '#347235'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#728C00'	

		elseif count < 3000  then id_fc = '#FFFFFF'; id_c = '#6AA121'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#52D017'	

		elseif count < 4000  then id_fc = '#FFFFFF'; id_c = '#41A317'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#B2C248'	

		elseif count < 5000  then id_fc = '#FFFFFF'; id_c = '#4CC417'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#59E817'

		elseif count < 7500  then id_fc = '#FFFFFF'; id_c = '#54C571'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#239B56'

		elseif count < 10000 then id_fc = '#FFFFFF'; id_c = '#7FE817'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#387C44'


		-- 10,000-24,999 is shades of blue

		elseif count < 12500 then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#33FFFF'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#99FFFF'

		elseif count < 15000 then id_fc = '#FFFFFF'; id_c = '#000080'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#157DEC'

		elseif count < 17500 then id_fc = '#FFFFFF'; id_c = '#15317E'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#1589FF'

		elseif count < 20000 then id_fc = '#FFFFFF'; id_c = '#0020C2'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#5CB3FF'

		elseif count < 25000 then id_fc = '#FFFFFF'; id_c = '#1569C7'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#C2DFFF'


		-- 25,000-49,999 is shades of red

		elseif count < 30000 then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#FF0000'; info_fc = '#FFFFFF'; info_c = '#8C001A'

		elseif count < 35000 then id_fc = '#FFFFFF'; id_c = '#DC381F'; info_fc = '#FFFFFF'; info_c = '#800517'

		elseif count < 40000 then id_fc = '#FFFFFF'; id_c = '#F62817'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#C11B17'

		elseif count < 45000 then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#C11B17'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#C04000'

		elseif count < 50000 then id_fc = '#FFFFFF'; id_c = '#8C001A'; info_fc = '#FFFFFF'; info_c = '#FF2400'

		-- 50,000-74,999 is shades of purple

		elseif count < 55000 then id_fc = '#FFFFFF'; id_c = '#4A235A'; info_fc = '#FFFFFF'; info_c = '#B048B5'

		elseif count < 60000 then id_fc = '#FFFFFF'; id_c = '#6C3483'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#7F38EC'

		elseif count < 65000 then id_fc = '#FFFFFF'; id_c = '#8E44AD'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#BB8FCE'

		elseif count < 70000 then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#BB8FCE'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#E8DAEF'

		elseif count < 75000 then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#E8DAEF'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#E0B0FF'


		-- 50,000-74,999 is shades of orange	

		elseif count < 80000  then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#E66C2C'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#F87431'

		elseif count < 85000  then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#FF8040'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#F70D1A'

		elseif count < 90000  then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#F9966B'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#FFA62F'

		elseif count < 95000  then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#F75D59'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#E78A61'

		elseif count < 100000 then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#E55B3C'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#E67451'


		-- 100,000-124,999 is shades of yellow

		elseif count < 105000 then id_fc = '#FFD700'; id_c = '#000000'; info_fc = '#EDDA74'; info_c = '#000000'

		elseif count < 110000 then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#FFF380'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#FFDB58'

		elseif count < 115000 then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#FFFFC2'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#FDD017'

		elseif count < 120000 then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#FFF8DC'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#EAC117'

		elseif count < 125000 then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#FFFF00'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#EDE275'


		-- 125,000-149,999 is blue and red combos

		elseif count < 130000 then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#F62817'; info_fc = '#FFFFFF'; info_c = '#571B7E'

		elseif count < 135000 then id_fc = '#FFFFFF'; id_c = '#15317E'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#DC381F'

		elseif count < 140000 then id_fc = '#FFFFFF'; id_c = '#0020C2'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#E42217'

		elseif count < 145000 then id_fc = '#FFFFFF'; id_c = '#571B7E'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#DC381F'

		elseif count < 150000 then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#C11B17'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#43C6DB'


		-- 150,000-174,999 is green and orange combos

		elseif count < 155000 then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#59E817'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#E9AB17'

		elseif count < 160000 then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#E8A317'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#64E986'

		elseif count < 165000 then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#5FFB17'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#D4A017'

		elseif count < 170000 then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#D4A017'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#8AFB17'

		elseif count < 175000 then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#98FF98'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#FFA62F'


		-- 150,000-174,999 is yellow and purple combos

		elseif count < 180000 then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#FFFF00'; info_fc = '#FFFFFF'; info_c = '#4B0082'

		elseif count < 185000 then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#8E35EF'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#C38EC7'

		elseif count < 190000 then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#FBB917'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#C45AEC'

		elseif count < 195000 then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#E238EC'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#FFA62F'

		elseif count < 200000 then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#E8A317'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#C38EC7'


		-- 200,000+ is gold on black

		else                       id_fc = '#FDD017'; id_c = '#000000'; info_fc = '#FDD017'; info_c = '#000000'



		-- If you don't provide an actual number, then you don't get the color formatting. 

		 id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#dddddd'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#eeeeee'

		 formated_count = count



	local user_args = {}


	local language = ''

	if args'lang' then language = 'the '.. args'lang' ..' ' end

	local project = args'project' or 'Wikipedia'

	local project_site = args'projsite' or ''

	local user = 'user'

	local username = args2 or mw.title.getCurrentTitle().baseText

	local url = args'url' or args'link' or ''.. project_site .. '?username=' ..urlencode(username)


	local deleted, articles, automated, distinct, unique, images, insane = '','','', '', '', '', ''

	if args'deleted' then deleted 	= ', over <b>' ..formatNumber(args'deleted'])..'</b> of which were to pages that are now deleted' end

	if args'articles' then articles	= ', over <b>' ..formatNumber(args'articles'])..'</b> of which were to articles' end

	if args'automated' then automated = ', over <b>' ..formatNumber(args'automated'])..'</b> of which were automated' end

	if args'distinct' then distinct	= ', on over <b>' ..formatNumber(args'distinct'])..'</b> distinct pages' end

	if args'unique' then unique		= ', on over <b>' ..formatNumber(args'unique'])..'</b> unique pages' end

	if args'images' then images		= ', including over <b>' ..formatNumber(args'images'])..'</b> uploaded images' end

	if args'insane' then insane		= ' and, as a result, may be slightly insane' end

	if args'bot'    then user         = 'bot' end


	user_args'id-s'      = 12

	user_args'info-c'	   = args'info-bg' or info_c

	user_args'id-c'      = args'id-bg' or id_c

	user_args'info-fc'   = args'info-font' or info_fc

	user_args'id-fc'	   = args'id-font' or id_fc

	user_args'border-c' = args'border'

	user_args'id' = formated_count .. '+'


	if args'log' == 'yes' then

		url = ''..urlencode(username)

		user_args'info' = '<span class="plainlinks neverexpand">This user has logged ['..url..' more than '.. '<b>'..formated_count..'</b>'..

		' move' .. plural .. ' or other log action' .. plural .. '] on '.. language.. project

		.. automated

		.. deleted

		.. articles

		.. distinct

		.. unique

		.. images

		.. insane

		.. '.</span>'


		user_args'info' = '<span class="plainlinks neverexpand">This '

	    .. user .. ' has made ['


		..' <span style="color: '..user_args'info-fc'

		..'"> more than ' 

		.. '<b>'..formated_count..'</b>'

		.. ' contribution' .. plural .. '</span>] to '.. language.. project

		.. automated

		.. deleted

		.. articles

		.. distinct

		.. unique

		.. images

		.. insane

		.. '.</span>'



	return Userbox.main('_userbox', user_args)


return p
Permanently protected module
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

local p = {}

local Userbox = require('Module:Userbox')

local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs

local function urlencode(text)

	-- Return equivalent of {{urlencode:text}}.

	local function byte(char)

		return string.format('%%%02X', string.byte(char))


	return text:gsub('[^ %w%-._]', byte):gsub(' ', '+')


local function formatNumber(number)

	number = number:gsub(',', '') 

	return  mw.getContentLanguage():formatNum( tonumber(number) )



function p.contrib(frame, args)

	if not args then

		args = getArgs(frame)


	-- in the current template there is an {{#iferror: {{#expr: {{{1}}} }}. So I need to do a check to make sure the argument supplied is actually a number.

	local id_fc, id_c, info_fc, info_c

	local formated_count 

	local count = args1 or '1'

	local plural = 's'


	if count:match('^[%d,]*$') then

		count = count:gsub(',', '') 

		count = tonumber(count)

		formated_count = mw.getContentLanguage():formatNum( count )

		if count == 1 then plural = '' end

    	-- 0-9,999 is shades of green

		if	   count < 1000  then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#dddddd'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#eeeeee'

		elseif count < 2000  then id_fc = '#FFFFFF'; id_c = '#347235'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#728C00'	

		elseif count < 3000  then id_fc = '#FFFFFF'; id_c = '#6AA121'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#52D017'	

		elseif count < 4000  then id_fc = '#FFFFFF'; id_c = '#41A317'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#B2C248'	

		elseif count < 5000  then id_fc = '#FFFFFF'; id_c = '#4CC417'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#59E817'

		elseif count < 7500  then id_fc = '#FFFFFF'; id_c = '#54C571'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#239B56'

		elseif count < 10000 then id_fc = '#FFFFFF'; id_c = '#7FE817'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#387C44'


		-- 10,000-24,999 is shades of blue

		elseif count < 12500 then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#33FFFF'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#99FFFF'

		elseif count < 15000 then id_fc = '#FFFFFF'; id_c = '#000080'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#157DEC'

		elseif count < 17500 then id_fc = '#FFFFFF'; id_c = '#15317E'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#1589FF'

		elseif count < 20000 then id_fc = '#FFFFFF'; id_c = '#0020C2'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#5CB3FF'

		elseif count < 25000 then id_fc = '#FFFFFF'; id_c = '#1569C7'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#C2DFFF'


		-- 25,000-49,999 is shades of red

		elseif count < 30000 then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#FF0000'; info_fc = '#FFFFFF'; info_c = '#8C001A'

		elseif count < 35000 then id_fc = '#FFFFFF'; id_c = '#DC381F'; info_fc = '#FFFFFF'; info_c = '#800517'

		elseif count < 40000 then id_fc = '#FFFFFF'; id_c = '#F62817'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#C11B17'

		elseif count < 45000 then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#C11B17'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#C04000'

		elseif count < 50000 then id_fc = '#FFFFFF'; id_c = '#8C001A'; info_fc = '#FFFFFF'; info_c = '#FF2400'

		-- 50,000-74,999 is shades of purple

		elseif count < 55000 then id_fc = '#FFFFFF'; id_c = '#4A235A'; info_fc = '#FFFFFF'; info_c = '#B048B5'

		elseif count < 60000 then id_fc = '#FFFFFF'; id_c = '#6C3483'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#7F38EC'

		elseif count < 65000 then id_fc = '#FFFFFF'; id_c = '#8E44AD'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#BB8FCE'

		elseif count < 70000 then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#BB8FCE'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#E8DAEF'

		elseif count < 75000 then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#E8DAEF'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#E0B0FF'


		-- 50,000-74,999 is shades of orange	

		elseif count < 80000  then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#E66C2C'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#F87431'

		elseif count < 85000  then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#FF8040'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#F70D1A'

		elseif count < 90000  then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#F9966B'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#FFA62F'

		elseif count < 95000  then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#F75D59'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#E78A61'

		elseif count < 100000 then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#E55B3C'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#E67451'


		-- 100,000-124,999 is shades of yellow

		elseif count < 105000 then id_fc = '#FFD700'; id_c = '#000000'; info_fc = '#EDDA74'; info_c = '#000000'

		elseif count < 110000 then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#FFF380'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#FFDB58'

		elseif count < 115000 then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#FFFFC2'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#FDD017'

		elseif count < 120000 then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#FFF8DC'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#EAC117'

		elseif count < 125000 then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#FFFF00'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#EDE275'


		-- 125,000-149,999 is blue and red combos

		elseif count < 130000 then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#F62817'; info_fc = '#FFFFFF'; info_c = '#571B7E'

		elseif count < 135000 then id_fc = '#FFFFFF'; id_c = '#15317E'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#DC381F'

		elseif count < 140000 then id_fc = '#FFFFFF'; id_c = '#0020C2'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#E42217'

		elseif count < 145000 then id_fc = '#FFFFFF'; id_c = '#571B7E'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#DC381F'

		elseif count < 150000 then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#C11B17'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#43C6DB'


		-- 150,000-174,999 is green and orange combos

		elseif count < 155000 then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#59E817'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#E9AB17'

		elseif count < 160000 then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#E8A317'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#64E986'

		elseif count < 165000 then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#5FFB17'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#D4A017'

		elseif count < 170000 then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#D4A017'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#8AFB17'

		elseif count < 175000 then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#98FF98'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#FFA62F'


		-- 150,000-174,999 is yellow and purple combos

		elseif count < 180000 then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#FFFF00'; info_fc = '#FFFFFF'; info_c = '#4B0082'

		elseif count < 185000 then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#8E35EF'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#C38EC7'

		elseif count < 190000 then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#FBB917'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#C45AEC'

		elseif count < 195000 then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#E238EC'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#FFA62F'

		elseif count < 200000 then id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#E8A317'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#C38EC7'


		-- 200,000+ is gold on black

		else                       id_fc = '#FDD017'; id_c = '#000000'; info_fc = '#FDD017'; info_c = '#000000'



		-- If you don't provide an actual number, then you don't get the color formatting. 

		 id_fc = '#000000'; id_c = '#dddddd'; info_fc = '#000000'; info_c = '#eeeeee'

		 formated_count = count



	local user_args = {}


	local language = ''

	if args'lang' then language = 'the '.. args'lang' ..' ' end

	local project = args'project' or 'Wikipedia'

	local project_site = args'projsite' or ''

	local user = 'user'

	local username = args2 or mw.title.getCurrentTitle().baseText

	local url = args'url' or args'link' or ''.. project_site .. '?username=' ..urlencode(username)


	local deleted, articles, automated, distinct, unique, images, insane = '','','', '', '', '', ''

	if args'deleted' then deleted 	= ', over <b>' ..formatNumber(args'deleted'])..'</b> of which were to pages that are now deleted' end

	if args'articles' then articles	= ', over <b>' ..formatNumber(args'articles'])..'</b> of which were to articles' end

	if args'automated' then automated = ', over <b>' ..formatNumber(args'automated'])..'</b> of which were automated' end

	if args'distinct' then distinct	= ', on over <b>' ..formatNumber(args'distinct'])..'</b> distinct pages' end

	if args'unique' then unique		= ', on over <b>' ..formatNumber(args'unique'])..'</b> unique pages' end

	if args'images' then images		= ', including over <b>' ..formatNumber(args'images'])..'</b> uploaded images' end

	if args'insane' then insane		= ' and, as a result, may be slightly insane' end

	if args'bot'    then user         = 'bot' end


	user_args'id-s'      = 12

	user_args'info-c'	   = args'info-bg' or info_c

	user_args'id-c'      = args'id-bg' or id_c

	user_args'info-fc'   = args'info-font' or info_fc

	user_args'id-fc'	   = args'id-font' or id_fc

	user_args'border-c' = args'border'

	user_args'id' = formated_count .. '+'


	if args'log' == 'yes' then

		url = ''..urlencode(username)

		user_args'info' = '<span class="plainlinks neverexpand">This user has logged ['..url..' more than '.. '<b>'..formated_count..'</b>'..

		' move' .. plural .. ' or other log action' .. plural .. '] on '.. language.. project

		.. automated

		.. deleted

		.. articles

		.. distinct

		.. unique

		.. images

		.. insane

		.. '.</span>'


		user_args'info' = '<span class="plainlinks neverexpand">This '

	    .. user .. ' has made ['


		..' <span style="color: '..user_args'info-fc'

		..'"> more than ' 

		.. '<b>'..formated_count..'</b>'

		.. ' contribution' .. plural .. '</span>] to '.. language.. project

		.. automated

		.. deleted

		.. articles

		.. distinct

		.. unique

		.. images

		.. insane

		.. '.</span>'



	return Userbox.main('_userbox', user_args)


return p


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